February 2015
6101 Ramsey Road Coeur d’Alene ID 83815-8407
Phone (208)769-0769
Attendance Office Phone
Counseling Office Phone (208)769-2942
FAX (208)769-2944
Skyward Family Access:
Principal’s Message……..
On January 22nd we completed the first
semester of the 2014-2015 school year. I am
genuinely proud of Lake City High School and
would like to commend and praise our student
body, our ASB officers, and the faculty at Lake
City High School for an excellent first semester.
These past five months have been exciting
ones! Our talented teachers are spending time
working on improving teaching and learning in a
number of ways. Teachers spend Monday
morning collaboration time pouring over
assessment data and adjustments to their
lessons to answer the specific educational needs
of our students. Because LCHS has such an
experienced, energetic and veteran staff, and
because our cross-district collaboration and
curriculum efforts have been so successful, we
are confident that our students are benefiting
educationally. I would like to thank our teachers
for all their efforts!
This winter has been equally successful with
our winter sports and performing arts
events. Fight for the Fish was a huge
success. Held here at Lake City High School on
sportsmanship promoting basketball game
included performances by our STOMP group, our
Den Men, our cheerleaders, and our Pep
Band. We can all be very proud of the entire
student body for their sportsmanship and
incredible display of school spirit. Special thanks
to our activities director, Jim Winger; our
student council advisor, Mallory Cook; our band
director, Tim Sandford; and our cheerleading
advisor, Christa Bradbury. I also want to take
this opportunity to thank our clerical staff! Our
secretaries are the best in the business…and our
kids know it especially during
fight for the fish week. Because of the efforts
of these amazing women and an awesome
student body we, for the fifth consecutive year,
In addition to all of the work students are
putting into our numerous academic clubs,
sports and activities, they are also hard at work
in the classroom. PSAT exams were taken by all
of our 9th, 10th and 11th graders in October. After
informational class meetings with students and a
parent meeting to assist in interpretation of
results, PSAT testing results were sent home
with students. If you have any questions about
these results, do not hesitate to contact your
child’s counselor. Also, please mark your
calendar for the following informational
meetings: Every third Tuesday of the month in
the library at 5:30 pm: Parent Advisory
Committee (PAC) … open to all parents to meet
with me over various topics; and parent teacher
conferences are March 11th from 4-7:30pm.
As we begin the second semester if any
parent has concerns about the academic
progress of their son or daughter, please contact
our Counseling Office to make an appointment
with your child’s counselor. You can also contact
individual staff members to review your son or
daughter’s academic progress via email. The best
way to track the academic progress of your
student is through Family Access. You can find
instructions on accessing these records by
visiting If I can
be of any further assistance you can reach me at
the main office at Lake City High School (7690769) or via my email address:
First semester ended on January 23rd. Report
cards were posted to Skyward FAMILY ACCESS
on Thursday, 1/29 and mailed on Friday, 1/30.
Please look over report cards carefully to make
sure all grades were received in all classes for this
semester. Students should see their teacher
immediately if any classes are missing or if
there are any errors. Any grade change should
be identified as soon as possible so your
permanent record/transcript will be correct.
Any student who received an “I” (“Incomplete”) on
his/her report card for the semester is reminded that
all make-up work must be completed
and a grade correction submitted by the teacher to
the Registrar by Monday, February 9th.
Any incompletes remaining past this date will be
changed to an “F” on the student’s permanent record.
Every semester our Honor Roll students are
listed alphabetically in the local newspapers.
If you DO NOT wish to have your student’s
name listed, please contact the registrar – IMMEDIATELY.
Senior transcripts are scheduled for
completion Monday, February 9th. Any
senior who has not yet requested a 7th
semester transcript to be sent to a college
should see the Counseling Secretary - Mrs.
Ballard as soon as possible to fill out a release
form so college deadlines can be met.
Idaho code 33-603--Payment of fees or returning of
property--The board of trustees of each school district
shall have the power and the ability to require as a
condition of graduation, as a condition of issuance of a
diploma or certificate, or as a condition for issuance of a
transcript, that any or all indebtedness incurred by the
person when he/she was a student be satisfied, or that all
books or other instructional material, uniforms, athletic
equipment, advances on loans, or other personal
property of the school district borrowed by the person
when he/she was a student of the district be returned.
SPECIAL NOTE: Transcripts cannot be
released if a student has fines owing.
Please see the bookkeeper as soon as possible to
clear accounts so transcripts can be released. If you
have any classroom textbooks that need to be
returned, please return them to the bookkeeper
(Mrs. Woodall) – DO NOT turn them in to your
Emergency Closure Information
Please contact our District Hot Line Number for emergency
school closure information. *667-0784*
This number will be updated by 6:00 a.m. if there is to be a
school closure.
This information is also broadcast on local radio and television
KVNI Radio – AM 1080
KREM TV Channel 2
KXLY TV Channel 4
Spring Sports Begin Friday
February 27, 2015!!
Baseball, Lacrosse, Golf, Softball, Tennis, and
Any student planning to try-out must have the
following on file in the activities office:
 Proof of Medical Insurance
 Signed Athletic Contract
 Current Physical or Interim Health History
 Emergency Card
 Purchased ASB Card
 $25extracurricular Travel Fee (per activity
up to $75 per student/$150 per
The paperwork listed above must be
turned in prior to tryouts!
Listen to the daily announcements for the times
25th Annual Leprechaun Scurry
Sunday, February 22, 2015 – 9:00am
A wintery adventure, 3-mile walk, jog, or run for
LCHS – Ramsey & Hanley
Coeur d’ Alene, ID
Entry Fee - $20, including T-Shirt - $10 w/o T-Shirt.
Registration forms can be picked up in main office or
Fleet Feet in CDA.
Varsity Basketball Den
Theme Nights
Tuesday 2/3
Stop Light
(Red, Yellow, Green)
places try-outs will be held
Tuesday 2/17
Duck Den
Be sure to stay up to date on important dates,
scholarship deadlines and upcoming events by
visiting the Counseling Center Website! Check
out the Class Newsletters from your
Are you interested in GOLF?
Boys and Girls of all ages and
experience levels are invited to attend
an informational meeting on Tuesday,
February 24th - Room B2 promptly at
If you have any questions please email
Coach Thiel
Coach Owen
Important Information Regarding the
March 10th Maintenance & Operations Levy
On March 10th the Coeur d’Alene School District will ask voters to consider approving a two-year
Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Levy of $15M. The current M&O levy expires in June 2015.
Local taxpayer support of public schools has become essential. One out of five dollars the district spends
on educating our students comes from the local levy. Levy dollars fund the day-to-day operations of the
district’s educational programs, bridging the gap between the funding provided by the state and the cost
of meeting the educational needs of our students.
This spring’s request will include a multi-year plan to reduce class sizes and hire more teachers. The levy
request will also include purchasing curriculum materials and textbooks for students.
Want to learn more about the upcoming March 10th Maintenance & Operations levy? Additional facts and
voter information may be found on the school district's website at
Environmental Systems and Societies
students are getting excited for their
annual Snow Science and Water Resources field trip! This February 13th our class will embark to the
cold, snowy mountains of Lookout Pass to
investigate how the region’s winter snow pack affects freshwater resource availability and uses here in
North Idaho. By digging snow pits and measuring snow-water equivalency, students will use their own
field data to help them determine how the snowpack of the Northwest Rockies has changed over the last
65 years, and, make
predictions for how our community may need to adapt to these changes in the future.
Each year, we have a handful of students in need
of appropriate winter coats, pants, boots, gloves, and hats to make it through our day of science in the
snow. Our class would greatly appreciate donations of new or gently used “snow gear” to help make sure
each and every student in class is ready for a safe and fun day of science in the field:
-snow boots (we need these most!)
-snow coats and jackets
-snow pants
-snow gloves or mittens
Thank you!
Jamie Esler
IB Environmental Systems and Societies
Class of 2015,
The all night Grad Party will be June 6th at the KROC Center from 9pm to 5am . The
Senior Class all night Graduation Party tickets are on sale in the office for $50, please get
your ticket now. The tickets will go up to $60 each after April 30th. Buy them before
March 1, 2015 and receive 20 raffle tickets as a bonus to apply towards prizes at the Grad
Party. Raffle tickets can be earned from now to graduation. The more tickets you have the
better chances of winning some great prizes.
We need bake sale items for the craft fair. Please deliver to the school Friday, March 20th.
All baked items need student name on them and we will award 10 raffle tickets out to each
student that donates that they can use toward prizes on Grad night. We also need 20+
seniors to assist at the craft fair on March 21, 2015 to help vendors in setting up/tearing
down . You can earn 20 raffle tickets for helping that day, all to use grad night toward
prizes. Please see Amy Kerns to sign up to help and to purchase Senior Graduation Party
Thank you,
The senior parent committee
Congratulations Lake City High School for their victory at Fight for the Fish!
We Came. We Fought. We Conquered!
Thank you to Student Council, Den Men, Students, LCHS Staff, Boosters, and Parents
for your help at Fight for the Fish! Go Twolves!
Thank you to our sponsors for the 2015 Fight for the Fish:
 Lake City High School Boosters
 Marcello Conigliaro-Northwest Realty Group
 Coeur d’Alene Tribe
 Sargents Restaurant and Lounge
 Road House Coffee Stand
 George Gee Collision Center
 George Gee Service Department
 Etch, etc…
 Harley Davidson
 Knudtsen Chevrolet
 Unlimited Health Chiropractic
 LCHS Student Council
 Suzanna L. Graham, P.C.
 Ideal Legal Services LLC
 Northern State Security & Investigation, Inc.
 Yochum Landscape
 Intermax Networks
 Mark A. Jackson Attorney At Law
 The Henning Family
 Palouse Play
Thank you to Lake City High School Boosters for donating $1,000 for the Fight
for the Fish Spirit Packs!
Coeur d Alene, ID—Lake City High School Theatre Department will present Brian Friel’s “Dancing at
Lughnasa,” winner of three Tony Awards. Performances will be held at 7:00 p.m. on February 19, 20, 21, 26, 27 and 28.
All performances will be held in the Lake City High School Auditorium.
Tickets range in price from $5.00 to $8.00 and can be purchased in the Lake City High School activities office or
at the door one hour before the performance. Group discounts are available.
Set in the 1930s, “Dancing at Lughnasa” focuses on five unmarried sisters living together in the Irish countryside.
The household is made up of the imperious teacher Kate, the irreverent Maggie, the serene and steady Agnes, the sweetly
eccentric Rose, and the romantic Chris, who has given birth to an illegitimate son, Michael. The women cling to their
knitting needles and the radio, from which music enters the house to distract them from the inevitable change that has
begun to overwhelm the simple pleasures and traditions of their village life. Young Michael cleaves to his kite, as his
absentee father, Gerry, unexpectedly arrives on his motorcycle to stir the sisters’ fires of passion. Meanwhile, the sisters’
older brother, Jack, returns home from 25 years of missionary work, ill and disoriented, forgetting his sisters’ names and
further layering the play’s themes of memory and forgetting.
The Lughnasa festival of light and rebirth provides the play’s offstage backdrop and stirs up the conflict of pagan
and Christian cultures. One by one, the sisters submit to the lure of the earth, dancing like dervishes, remembering
pilgrimages to past dances and their lost innocence. Michael is the silent witness who will tell their story in its context of
personal, cultural, emotional, and economic change.
“Dancing at Lughnasa” achieved critical acclaim and commercial success on Broadway in 1992. Friel has also
authored “Philadelphia, Here I Come!” and “Translations.” In his plays, Friel examines the issue of memory on both a
cultural and personal level. Another common theme in Friel’s writing is that of language and the loss of language, as
Gaelic culture was eventually lost through the colonization by the British.
The director of “Dancing at Lughnasa” is Sandra Seaton, Lake City High School theatre teacher and director. The
stage manager is Brittney Ellenbecker. The sisters are played by Grace Warnick (Kate), Sydney Bell (Maggie), Rachel
Kircher (Agnes), Cassidy Tidwell (Rose), and Piper Glover (Chris). The male members of the cast are Apollo Rose as
Gerry, Oskar Owens as Michael, and Daniel Bell as Jack.
The design team includes scenic designers Ryan Hamm and Riley Hess; costume designer Grace Warnick; light
designer Brandon Miller; sound designer Quang Ngo; and assistant stage manager Kyto Katori.
In Other News....AUDITIONS
Auditions for William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Auditions will be held Tuesday, February 24th and Wednesday, February 25th for callbacks at 3pm
Auditions will be held in room B-11.
Students who wish to audition for and participate in this production must currently attend Lake City and be in
grades 9-12
Only students available every day after school until 6:00 pm from March 2 through April 25 should audition for a
role. If you are unable to make a full commitment to the production, there might be other opportunities for
students to help with backstage elements. Please see Mrs. Seaton if interested.
1. A completed Audition Form or complete resume, which is attached to this packet, plus an 8 x 10 headshot.
2. To choose one of the six options of a “side”, a selection from the play, to memorize and perform at the audition
(scene selection are in the back of this packet)
Please note that students are not guaranteed a role because they have written it on their audition sheet, or because
they had read for that particular role.
Rehearsals for this production will begin on Monday, March 2 and will take place in the B-11 and the auditorium.
Rehearsals will occur after school until 6:00pm, on Monday-Friday.
The performance dates are April 1`6-18 and 23-25 at 7:00pm.
The play takes place in Athens, Greece -- where everything is going wrong. The play starts in the court room of
Duke Theseus. A man named Egeus is having trouble with his daughter, so he brings her to the Duke for help.
Egeus’s daughter, Hermia doesn’t want to marry Demetrius- the man her father has promised to her. Instead,
Hermia wants to marry Lysander, the poet. So, the two decide to run away against her father’s wishes.
The audience is then introduced to Helena, a plain but clever girl, who is in love with Demetrius -- the suitor to
Hermia. This love story is unfortunately one-sided until the troublemaking trickster Puck intervenes and turns the
lives of Hermia, Helena, Demetrius and Lysander topsy-turvy.
The audience also follows Oberon, King of the Fairies and Titania, Queen of the fairies. Titania has taken a boy into
her care as a favor to a friend. Oberon doesn’t like losing any attention from his beloved, and his jealousy gets the
best of him. He calls on the troublemaking Puck to do his bidding and seek revenge. But, to his dismay and our
entertainment, his plans to not go quite as planned. A group of actors who are rehearsing a play for Theseus on his
wedding day are also caught in the crosshairs (especially Nick Bottom, whose head is transformed into that of a
The play ends happily, each couple reunited and very much in love. The fairy kingdom is also back to normal, as
Oberon reverses the magical mischief put upon Titania, and Nick Bottom, and Puck apologizes for his many
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare
Character Description Size of Role Gender (17 total—could be more depending on auditions)
Hippolyta Queen of the Amazons/Titania Queen of the Fairies F
Theseus Duke of Athens/ Oberon King of the Fairies M
Egeus Hermia’s Father / Snout A tinker (Wall) M
Philostrate The Duke’s Master of Revels /Snug the joiner (Lion) M or F
Demetrius In Love with Hermia M
Hermia In Love with Lysander F
Helena In Love with Demetrius F
Lysander In Love with Hermia M
Bottom A Weaver (Pyramus) M
Flute, A Bellows Mender/ Wood Sprite (Thisbe) M
Quince, A Carpenter / (Prologue) M or F
Starveling- A Tailor, (Moonshine) Woodsprite M or F
Puck Oberon’s Lieutenant- M or F
Auditions for “Blue Room Improv” Team
1. Bring your creative ideas to B-11 on Monday,
February 23 at 3:00 pm.
2. Be prepared to create ideas on the spot.
3. Callbacks for the team will be held at 7-9pm on
February 23.
4. Dress comfortably!
5. New team recruits will go through further
training and final team will be announced at
the end of March.
Blue Room Improv will celebrate
This is our annual Valentine’s Day Show!
February 14th at 7 pm in the LCHS Auditorium
Tickets may be purchased in advance, by February 13 from
Improv Team Members for $2.
Tickets at the door are $4 general and $3 with a Lake City ASB
Pops and Pastry!!
Friday, Feb. 6th at 6:00pm
Come enjoy a music filled evening
and some delicious Pastry’s.
26 A
27 B
Sem 2 begins
Official Schedule Distribution
in the Commons @ 8:15 am
Drama Rehearsal 3-6p
Schedule Changes 2:30p-7p
28 A
29 B
Homework Tutoring 2:45 –
3:45 Library
Homework Tutoring 2:45 –
3:45 Library
30 A
2:30 Girls Rule Game Design
2:30 Weight Training
2:30 TSA Meeting
2:40 Wolfpack Rehearsal
2:40 Hope Club
5:00 Girls/Boys Frosh BBall
2:30 Weight Training
2:30 French Club
2:30 Book Club
2:45 Homework Help
3:00 Dress Mid Play
3:00 Bowling Club
3:00 Trap & Skeet Club
4:45 Softball Open Gym
DECA Blood Drive
Drama Rehearsal 3-6p
Homework Tutoring 2:45 –
3:45 Library
DECA Blood Drive
Thomas S. Foley Debate
Tournament @ U High
Drama Rehearsal 3-6p
6pm Girls BB Districts
ACT Test @ LCHS – 7:30 am
Happy Ground Hog Day!!
2:30- Lake City Game
2:30 Weight Training
2:30 BPA Meeting
2:30 GSA Meeting
2:35 Key Club
2:40 Eco Action Tea m
2:45 Homework Help
3:00 Mid Play Rehearsals
2:30 Girls Rule Game Design
2:30 Weight Training
2:30 TSA Meeting
2:40 Wolfpack Rehearsal
2:40 Hope Club
5:00 Girls/Boys Frosh BBall
2:30- Lake City Game
2:30 Weight Training
2:30 BPA Meeting
2:30 GSA Meeting
2:35 Key Club
2:40 Eco Action Tea m
2:45 Homework Help
3:00 Mid Play Rehearsals
BPA Week
Drama Rehearsal 3-6p
Homework Tutoring 2:45 –
3:45 Library
6pm Girls BB Districts
7pm Senior Parents/Grad
Party Meeting (A11)
2:30 Weight Training
2:30 Art Club
2:45 Chess Club
2:45 Homework Help
3:00 Mid Play Rehearsals
No School P-12/PD Flex Day
5:30pm PAC Meeting Library
2:30- Lake City Game
2:30 Weight Training
2:30 BPA Meeting
2:30 GSA Meeting
2:35 Key Club
2:40 Eco Action Tea m
2:45 Homework Help
3:00 Mid Play Rehearsals
2:30 Weight Training
2:30 French Club
2:30 Book Club
2:45 Homework Help
3:00 Dress Mid Play
3:00 Bowling Club
3:00 Trap & Skeet Club
4:45 Softball Open Gym
“Dancing at Lughnasa”
7pm – Auditorium
19th – 21st
11:00-1:00pm Senior
Class Ice Cream Sales
2:30 Anime & Manga Club
2:30 Weight Training
6:00 Mid Play Performance
Homework Tutoring 2:45 –
3:45 Library
Start of Spring Sports – After
School/Various Locations
State Student Council
7pm – Mid Play Performance
5:00 Girls/Boys Frosh BBall
No School – President’s
6am - Leprechaun Scurry
2:30 Girls Rule Game Design
2:30 Weight Training
2:30 TSA Meeting
2:40 Wolfpack Rehearsal
2:40 Hope Club
5:00 Girls/Boys Frosh BBall
3:00 – Auditions for A
Midsummer Night’s
3:00 Callbacks for A
Midsummer Night’s
6:00pm Choir Pops and
Dessert Bar
“Dancing at Lughnasa”
7pm- Auditorium
26th- 28th
Improv Show –
7pmValentine’s Day Show.
7pm – Mid Play Performance
State Student Council
State Student Council
Mark your Calendars’ for these Upcoming
13th Annual Spring Craft & Garden Show
January Students of the
March 21 9:00am -4:00pm
Registration forms and fees for returning vendors
are due by February 27th.
Deadline for all vendors is March 13th or when the
show is full.
Kiwanis – Sam Slusser
Rotary – Katie Carter
February Students of the
The Senior Ball is
Saturday, May 2nd.
Kiwanis – Ryan Swallow
Rotary – Boone Benson