1 Colts IMPORTANT: PARCC TESTING SCHEDULE FOR 2014-15 February 25, 2015 Dear Parents and Guardians of Colts Neck Township Schools, For the spring of the 2014-15 school year, PARCC assessments will replace the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJASK) for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, as required by law. Students in grades 4 and 8 will still take the paper-pencil NJASK science assessment in May. PARCC assessments will be delivered online via a computer and will consist of two parts: Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) will be administered after approximately 75% of the school year. For students in Colts Neck, this will take place during the month of March. The ELA PBA will focus on writing effectively when analyzing text. The mathematics PBA will focus on expressing mathematical reasoning and modeling realworld problems. End-of-Year Assessment (EOY) will be administered after approximately 90% of the school year. For students in Colts Neck, this will take place during the month of May. The ELA EOY will focus on reading comprehension. The mathematics EOY will call on students to demonstrate further conceptual understanding of major and supporting content. In order to provide school districts with the flexibility to administer PARCC assessments as effectively and efficiently as possible, New Jersey’s Department of Education has established windows of time during which local school districts are to assess students. Colts Neck’s PBA testing schedule is as follows: March 2-6, 2015: Grades 5 and 6 (click here or see page 2) March 9-13, 2015: Grades 4 and 7 (click here or see page 3) March 16-20, 2015: Grades 3 and 8 (click here or see page 4) If you have any further questions regarding your child’s PARCC PBA schedule, please contact your child’s school. For additional information about PARCC, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 732.946.0055 ext. 4107 or garibay@coltsneckschools.org. Sincerely, MaryJane Garibay Director of Curriculum and Instruction Please see page 5 for additional important information for parents and families about PARCC testing in Colts Neck. 2 Colts COLTS NECK TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS MARCH 2015 PARCC PERFORMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT (PBA) SCHEDULE March 2-6, 2015: Grades 5 and 6 March 2-6 Schedule - 5th Grade 9:00-9:50 10:00:12:05 12:15-1:05 1:10-3:15 Related Arts PARCC TESTING LUNCH/RECESS PARCC TESTING Unit Testing Times*: Note: A student will participate in no more than one unit, daily. ELA Day 1: ELA Day 2: ELA Day 3: Math Day 1: Math Day 2: March 2 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6 75 min 90 min 60 min 80 min 70 min March 2-6 Schedule - 6th Grade PARCC TESTING START TIME WILL BEGIN AT 8:00AM **-10:34 Period 3 10:37-11:29 Period 4 11:30-12:00 Lunch 12:01-12:43 Period 5 12:46-1:28 Period 6 ELO 1:31-2:23 Period 7 Unit Testing Times*: *: Note: A student will participate in no more than one unit, daily. ELA Day 1: ELA Day 2: ELA Day 3: Math Day 1: Math Day 2: 75 min 90 min 60 min 80 min 70 min *Unit testing time does not include 30 minutes needed for logging on students, reading directions, and closing-out students. Click HERE to read about allowable vs. prohibited materials during testing, student breaks, attendance and make-ups, and resources to help with understanding PARCC. 3 Colts COLTS NECK TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS MARCH 2015 PARCC PERFORMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT (PBA) SCHEDULE March 9-13, 2015: Grades 4 and 7 March 9-13 Schedule- 4th Grade 9:15-11:20 11:25-12:10 12:20-2:25 2:35-3:15 PARCC TESTING LUNCH/RECESS PARCC TESTING Related Arts Unit Testing Times*: Note: A student will participate in no more than one unit, daily. ELA Day 1: ELA Day 2: ELA Day 3: Math Day 1: Math Day 2: March 9 March 10 March 11 March 12 March 13 75 min 90 min 60 min 80 min 70 min. March 9-13 Schedule- 7thGrade PARCC TESTING START TIME WILL BEGIN AT 8:00AM **-10:34 Period 3 10:35-11:05 Lunch 11:06-11:48 Period 4 ELO 11:51-12:43 Period 5 12:46-1:38 Period 6 1:41-2:23 Period 7 Unit Testing Times*: Note: A student will participate in no more than one unit, daily. ELA Day 1: ELA Day 2: ELA Day 3: Math Day 1: Math Day 2: March 9 March 10 March 11 March 13 March 14 75 min 90 min 60 min 80 min 70 min *Unit testing time does not include 30 minutes needed for logging on students, reading directions, and closing-out students. Click HERE to read about allowable vs. prohibited materials, student breaks, attendance and make-ups, and resources to help with understanding PARCC. 4 Colts COLTS NECK TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS MARCH 2015 PARCC PERFORMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT (PBA) SCHEDULE March 16-20, 2015: Grades 3 and 8 March 16-20- 3rd Grade 9:15-11:20 11:25-12:10 12:20-2:25 2:35-3:15 PARCC TESTING LUNCH/RECESS PARCC TESTING Related Arts Unit Testing Times*: Note: A student will participate in no more than one unit, daily. ELA Day 1: ELA Day 2: ELA Day 3: Math Day 1: Math Day 2: 75 min 75 min 60 min 75 min 75 min March 16-20- 8th Grade PARCC TESTING START TIME WILL BEGIN AT 8:00AM **-10:34 Period 3 ELO 10:37-11:19 Period 4 11:22-12:14 Period 5 12:15-12:45 Lunch 12:46-1:28 Period 6 1:31-2:23 Period 7 Unit Testing Times*: Note: A student will participate in no more than one unit, daily. ELA Day 1: ELA Day 2: ELA Day 3: Math Day 1: Math Day 2: March 16 March 17 March 18 March 19 March 20 75 Min. 90 Min. 60 Min. 80 Min.-Grade 8 70 Min.-Grade 8 Math Math **Alg. I-90 Min. **Alg. I-75 Min. *Unit testing time does not include 30 minutes needed for logging on students, reading directions, and closing-out students. **Students in these sessions have unique instructional settings for 2014-2015 Click HERE to read about allowable vs. prohibited materials, student breaks, attendance and make-ups, and resources to help with understanding PARCC. 5 Colts For our PARCC Parents and Families: Materials Prohibited in the Testing Environment: According to PARCC’s “Spring 2015 Test Administrator Manual”: Prohibited materials can compromise test security and violate the construct being measured by the assessment, thus producing invalid results. Prohibited materials include materials that must be covered or removed from the testing room. The following lists are materials that may not be used at any time during a unit, including after a student has completed testing or during a break. Materials Prohibited By Students During All Units: All cellular phones (including camera phones and smartphones) Food Drinks / liquids Instructional aids related to the content being assessed Reference books Any resource (e.g., books, posters, models, displays, teaching aids) that defines, explains, or illustrates terminology or concepts or otherwise provides unauthorized assistance during testing Mathematical formulas and conversion tables other than the grade-specific, PARCC approved Mathematics Reference Sheets NOTE: Backpacks and coats will not be permitted into testing environments, so please have your child dress appropriately and with comfort in mind. Materials Allowed after Test Sessions are Complete and Secure Items Collected: Recreational books (subject matter of recreational books must be unrelated to content being assessed). Testing Breaks: The following are permitted during test administration at the discretion of the Test Administrator: One stretch break of up to three minutes for the entire classroom during testing for each unit. The stopping time should be adjusted by no more than three minutes if there is a stretch break. Individual restroom breaks during testing. Attendance and Make-Ups: Please understand that testing will begin on time, each day. For this reason, if a student is not present for the start of testing, he or she will not be permitted into the testing environment and will be scheduled for a make-up. If a student is absent for an entire day(s) of testing, the district will do its best to have a student progress through sessions/units as planned with makeups scheduled for only sessions/units missed as a result of absence(s). For specific details about make-up sessions, please contact your child’s guidance counselor. 6 Colts No Visitors, Please! Visitors not authorized to serve as Test Administrators or Proctors are prohibited from entering the testing environment. Tools of the Test: The following are a list of materials and “tools” your child will be using during PARCC. PARCC – supplied material – printed and maintained (before and after) by your child’s testing staff: Student Testing Ticket Seal Code School-supplied materials Wooden No. 2 pencil(s) with eraser(s) Blank scratch paper Calculators* Rulers and Protractors** Headphones*** * For grades 3–5, calculators are allowed for accommodation use only. There are grade and course specific guidelines for the use of calculators, grades 6-8. For grades 6-7, students may only use a four-function calculator with square root and percentage functions. For grade 8, students may use only scientific calculators. **There are grade specific guidelines pertaining to these tools. Please contact your child’s school for specific information. *** Headphones are needed for ELA/Literacy PBA units, (with the exception of grade 8 in the Spring 2015 administration only). Let’s Get Them Ready….. Here are some suggestions for students and families to consideration before, during, and after PARCC Testing: Ask your child to tell you what they know about PARCC; A good night’s rest is beneficial to student performance on any given day of the school year; Encourage hydration; After a day of testing, talk with your child about the experience; and Diffuse anxieties or fears of “failure”. In this first year, we are excited to learn from this process as well as the outcomes. Communicate with your child how great an opportunity it is to be part of a group of students doing something like this for the first time, nation-wide. Sample Questions and Grade Specific Rubrics: http://www.parcconline.org/samples/item-task-prototypes In the first year of full implementation, PARCC staff has worked very hard to share information about the new assessment. By clicking on the link above, you may access sample questions as 7 Colts well as performance rubrics, by subject and grade level. Please keep in mind that as PARCC staff analyzes assessment results from students in thirteen states, they will provide state education agencies and local districts with more specific information about performance levels and outcomes. Parent Academy for Student Success (PASS): Toolkits for Critical Academic Communications between Home and School http://www.state.nj.us/education/sca/toolkit/pass1/ PASS #1 Student Learning with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Click HERE to access the document titled “Overview: Common Core State Standards for Parents and Families” from the New Jersey Department of Education” “PARCC: Take the Test: A Very Different Type of Test” http://www.parcconline.org/take-the-test/a-different-kind-of-test “PARCC tests reflect what students must know each year as they build toward the knowledge and skills needed for college and careers. By letting students know they are on track long before they graduate, PARCC opens the door to college and careers and gives them a ticket to entry directly into credit-bearing courses. This can save students and families money and help ensure that they have access to college. In English language arts/literacy, students at every grade (3–11) must read one or more texts (and sometimes watch a video), write about what they read and/or viewed, and provide evidence drawn from the reading — skills that are critically important for students in college and in the workplace. In the past, students have typically been asked to write only once in each grade span in elementary, middle, and high school. PARCC measures writing at every grade because it is key to college and career readiness. In elementary school, students develop critical skills in using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown academic words and build the vocabulary needed for both reading complex texts and developing their own ideas in writing. In mathematics, students must reason mathematically, make sense of quantities and their relationships to solve realworld problems, and show their understanding. Many previous assessments focused mostly on rote procedure only. In elementary school, students develop procedural skills, conceptual understanding, and modeling and application skills with a particular focus on number sense, place value, fractions, and properties of operations.” Note for CRES Parents: Depending upon your child’s homeroom, your child may be scheduled for an AM or PM PARCC testing session. Please contact Mrs. Lauren Hums (CRES) for details. If you would like specific information regarding your child’s PARCC testing experience, please do not hesitate to contact our building-based testing coordinators, Mrs. Lauren Hums (CRES) and Mrs. Merri Milano (CDMS). Click HERE to access the district’s PARCC webpage. FEEDBACK: Your feedback is important, so please do not hesitate to share information about your child’s PARCC experience with us. To provide feedback, please email MaryJane Garibay, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, at garibay@coltsneckschools.org.
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