WINTON WETLANDS COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT Memorandum Date: 20/02/2015 File Ref.: 2015-01 A2 To: All Tenderers From: Julie flack Re: Contract No. 2015-01, Construction of a Pedestrian Bridge In response to enquiries raised in relation to the above contract, I wish to clarify the following issues. 1 Preparation of steelwork for painting with zinc-in-silicate paint system? The steelwork shall be prepared for painting or galvanizing in accordance with the specification – Section 3.4 Steelwork. The specification requires that the steelwork is to be dry abrasive blasted to remove all mill scale, rust, existing paint coating and foreign matter in order to meet the requirements of VicRoads - ‘Standard Specifications for Roadworks and Bridgeworks’-Section 631 Protective Treatment of Steelwork. 2 Do the Upper and Lower rails require punching for welding the balustrade dowels? The rails were designed with the upper and lower rails punched to allow for the dowels to be plug welded to the railing; for the contractors convenience. The dowels may be welded directly to the upper and lower rail without punching if desired. 3 How are the tops of piles to be prepared for painting? The tops of piles extending above the ground were nominated for painting primarily to prevent the crosshead galvanizing from being consumed by the corrosion of the pile. The specification required that the tops of the piles to be painted were to be dry abrasive blasted to remove surface defects. As the site is a sensitive environmental area, the contractor may prepare the piles by wire brushing surface defects rather than using abrasive blasting. 4 How are the crossheads to be affixed if the piles are out of location? The design allows for some deviation from the setout point. It was assumed that the contractor would drill the bolt holes for the crosshead-pile connection on site which would allow the connection to be located accurately on the pile flange. The crosshead was also extended to allow for some deviation from the setout point. A shim would be permissible to ensure that the crosshead was installed level. 5 Can a copy of the Geotechnical Information be supplied? Attached is the geotechnical investigation for the site. The geotechnical report is attached on a ‘for information only’ basis as there are some differences between the report and the plans/specifications. For instance, the report investigates the use of various piles which were not used in the final design. Julie Flack Site Development Manager Consulting Geotechnical Engineers ACN 005 777 060 RURAL WORKS PTY LTD WINTON WETLANDS COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT WINTON WETLANDS BOARDWALK LAKE MOKOAN ROAD, WINTON NORTH GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT NO V1638RD JUNE 2014 Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd 258 Hyde Street, Yarraville, Victoria, Australia 3013 Ph: 03 9689 0200 Fax: 03 9689 0155 web site: Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Report No V1638RD, June 2014 2 DOCUMENT INFORMATION Document Version version date reviewed RD 02/06/2014 reviewed by NS Distribution of Copies version electronic or hard copy RD Electronic Last Saved: Project Number: Author: Name of Client: Name / Address of Project: Document Version: date issued 02/06/2014 date issued 02/06/2014 version description First draft issued to Steven Cobden – Rural Works Pty Ltd (,.u) Jim Grant – Winton Wetlands CEO 2 June 2014 V1638 George Black Rural Works Pty Ltd Winton Wetlands Boardwalk RD Note that report version is issued as a draft for client comments. Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd continued... Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Report No V1638RD, June 2014 3 CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Purpose of investigation .......................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Proposed development ............................................................................................................................ 5 1.3 Existing conditions & access ................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 SUB-SURFACE CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Reported geology .................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Fieldwork ................................................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 Sub-surface profile .................................................................................................................................. 6 3.0 DISCUSSION & RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................ 7 3.1 Earthquake site sub-soil class ................................................................................................................. 7 3.2 Footing recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Footing settlement ................................................................................................................................... 8 3.4 Footing testing ......................................................................................................................................... 8 3.5 Construction............................................................................................................................................. 8 3.6 Additional testing ..................................................................................................................................... 8 3.7 Validity ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 1C CPT explanation sheet ............................................................................................................ 10 Plots CPT01, CPT02 & CPT03 ............................................................................................................. 10 Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd continued... Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Report No V1638RD, June 2014 4 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Purpose of investigation This report presents the results of a geotechnical investigation performed for the proposed Winton Wetland Boardwalk, off Lake Mokoan Road, Winton North. An approximate locality plan is shown below. SITE Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd continued... Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Report No V1638RD, June 2014 5 GENERAL Purpose of investigation continued…. The purpose of the investigation was to: Determine the sub-surface conditions at the site. Provide an earthquake Site Sub-Soil Class in accordance with AS 1170.4 – 2007. Provide recommendations for footing (pile) types, stiffness, founding depth & capacity (axial & lateral). Provide settlement estimates. Discuss construction. 1.2 Proposed development It is understood it is proposed to construct an elevated long span boardwalk over a distance of about 600 m. The proposed elevated boardwalk is in an area where there are large bodies of low lying ground to the north and south separated by narrow section between sand ridges to the east and west. It is understood that the boardwalk on either side of the elevated section will be a short span low level structure taking advantage of sand ridges. It is understood that the elevated section of boardwalk will in places have a concrete deck and in places have a timber deck. A single support is proposed at the abutment and pier positions leading to differing axial loads (highest for the concrete deck) and differing moments (highest for the timber deck). The maximum advised limit state loads are as follows: Vertical load - 375 kN. Maximum moment applied at pile head – 280 kNm. Lateral load – 167 kNm. It is understood that a UC pile is preferred because of the pile connection to the deck. It is understood that it is proposed to use a local contractor to install the piles using a 30 tonne tracked excavator that can drive a 10.5 m long section. It is understood that the underside of deck is 1.8 m above the waterway invert level and the maximum length of pile in the ground that can be installed without splicing is about 8 m. 1.3 Existing conditions & access The site is within the area occupied by the decommissioned Lake Mokoan water storage. Previously, when Lake Mokoan was at full supply level, it is understood that the proposed elevated boardwalk area was under 5-6 m of water. Currently, the land on either side of the elevated boardwalk section is above the wetland water level. It is understood that the water level has not, since the drought of the 2000s, reached the storage level that could be attained with the level of the breach in the dam wall. When there is sufficient inflow into the wetland, it is understood that the minimum water level in the wetland will be about 600 mm. As noted above, the maximum depth of water at the elevated boardwalk site is about 1.8 m. The site was inspected on 3 & 4 May 2014 and it was judged that the site would be accessible to a 4WD ute and the proposed small track mounted investigation rig. The route of the elevated boardwalk was mostly dry. The fieldwork was programed for 12 May and the proposed access route was via the existing boat ramp and across the flats that skirt the existing water body. There was heavy rain on 10 May and an inspection on 12 May indicated that the proposed access route was no longer suitable for a 4WD ute and possibly not for the investigation rig. An alternative access route was found for the investigation rig via a previously cleared route through a stand of dead trees that runs directly from the shore line to the proposed elevated boardwalk. This is the route that will be taken by the low level section of the boardwalk. Once at the site of the elevated boardwalk, the site was observed to be under up to 200 mm of water and the investigation rig operator was unwilling to track the rig across the area on the basis that if the rig became bogged it would be a major operation to recover the rig. The investigation was therefore confined to the west side of the elevated boardwalk section. As discussed in Section 2.1, it is considered that the investigation sites will be representative of the conditions along the route of the elevated boardwalk and that this should be confirmed at the time of construction when there will be better access. Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd continued... Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Report No V1638RD, June 2014 6 2.0 SUB-SURFACE CONDITIONS 2.1 Reported geology The Geological Survey of Victoria, 1:250,000 Series, Wangaratta Sheet, suggests the site surface geology is early Quaternary Period alluvium (Shepparton Formation). The Shepparton Formation is a deep deposit of over-consolidated clay, with some sand, that has high strength. The geological map shows the old Lake Mokoan water body with no interpretation of the geology below the water but the image of the lake is surrounded by mostly Shepparton Formation. The map shows Silurian Period granite further to the north and west of the lake and Ordovician Period sedimentary rock further to the east. 2.2 Fieldwork As discussed in Section 1.3, due to access the investigation was limited to the west end of the site where three cone penetration tests (CPTs) were conducted to depths of 9.1 m to 12.8 m. CPT01 was terminated at 11.6 m due to high end bearing resistance. CPT 02 and CPT 03 were terminated at depths of due 9.1 m and 12.8 m due to the rods flexing due to mostly to very high friction. Plots of the CPTs are included in Appendix A. The plots show cone resistance, friction resistance, pore pressures and friction resistance. The test locations were recorded by GPS and are shown below. CPT01 was located close to a silt marker (a 100 mm x 100 mm timber post) that is believed to be at about CH 650. 2.3 Sub-surface profile The CPTs encountered relatively uniform sub-surface conditions consistent with the reported Shepparton Formation alluvial deposits. The CPTs encountered firm clay becoming stiff at about 1.5 m becoming very stiff to hard at about 5 m. There is a change to probable sandy clay between 5 m and 7.5 m. CPT01 & CPT03 encountered a 0.5 m to 1 m thick layer of dense sand at about 9 m. CPT02 may have encountered refusal in this layer. Below the sand layer, CPT 01 and CPT 03 encountered hard clay to the termination depths of 11.4 m in CPT 01 due to high end bearing and 12.8 m in CPT 03 due to accumulated friction. No weak clay, except for the top 0.5 m, or so, was encountered in the cone penetration tests. The topography of the site is relatively flat. It is considered the site of the proposed elevated boardwalk is within the Shepparton Formation and that the strength of the sub-surface along the route of the elevated section of the proposed boardwalk is unlikely to be less than the strength encountered in three CPTs. This is discussed in Section 3.6. Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd continued... Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Report No V1638RD, June 2014 7 3.0 DISCUSSION & RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Earthquake site sub-soil class The Earthquake Site Sub-Soil Class in accordance with AS 1170.4-2007, Structural design actions, Part 4: Earthquake actions in Australia, Section 4, is judged to be Class De due to the deep deposit of alluvial sediments. The Hazard Factor (Z) in accordance with AS 1170.4 – 2007 is 0.9. 3.2 Footing recommendations Driven piles will achieve their capacity from mostly shaft adhesion with some contribution from end bearing. The sand layer at about 9 m is not thick enough to be a pile end bearing layer. Driven steel UC piles and CHS piles have been considered. With a CHS pile, shaft adhesion can be applied over the external surface area of the section and end bearing can be applied to the full area of the base. With a UC pile, shaft adhesion can only be applied over the external flange area. End bearing can be applied to the full area of the base. The reason for this is that as the section is driven, a plug will generally form over the lower part of the pile and above this plug the soil adjacent to the inside flange and the web is disturbed and cannot be relied upon. Over the length of the plug, shaft adhesion is contributed by the external flange and the sides of the soil plug between the flanges. The length of the plug is not known and cannot be physically measured. However, the effect of the plug can be determined by pile testing (PDA tests). Three driven steel pile sections have been considered. These are a 310 UC, a 337 CHS and a 424 CHS. The design geotechnical strength capacities for a pile section with an 8 m embedment are shown in Table 3.2.1. The top 1 m of the pile is assumed not to contribute to pile capacity. There is a second row for the 310 UC, which assumes a plug develops over the lower 3 m of the pile. Table 3.2.1 also shows the ratio of moments resisting and causing overturning and the maximum moment in the pile due to the applied moment and the lateral load. The table also shows the pile length required to achieve the design limit state vertical load. Moment capacity has been assessed using the Brinch-Hansen method. Table 3.2.1. Pile capacities and lengths DGS capacity of pile with 8 m embedment, kN Pile section Shaft End Total adhesion bearing 310 UC no 115 110 225 plug 310 UC 3 m 165 110 275 plug at base 337 CHs 195 100 295 424 CHS 245 155 400 Moment capacity of pile with 8 m embedment Max moment Moment ratio in pile, kNm embedment for 375 kN, m 5.5 700 16.5* 5.5 700 11 6.25 7.7 700 685 9 7 Table 3.2.1 indicates that the only pile that will achieve the required design geotechnical strength capacity of 375 kN, based on static soil mechanics, with an embedment of 8 m, is a 424 mm CHS section. Actual pile capacity is often greater than that predicted by static soil mechanics. It is very likely that, on test, a 337 CHS section will achieve the required capacity. *It is considered likely that the 310 UC (no plug) will achieve the design limit load at about 12 m due to increasing strength at depth indicated by CPT01 and CPT03. The two best options appear to be: A 310 UC with 12 m embedment and with a splice (the first pile should be PDA tested at the time of driving to determine if the splice is required). A 337 CHS with an 8 m embedment (also PDA tested while driving). Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd continued... Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Report No V1638RD, June 2014 DISCUSSION & RECOMMENDATIONS 8 continued… 3.3 Footing settlement The theoretical maximum post construction settlement of any of the proposed driven piles due to ground compression is less than 5 mm. 3.4 Footing testing PDA tests should be performed on at least of 15% of the piles. The remaining pile capacities should be confirmed by driving to a minimum set and energy determined by CAPWAP analysis. If piles are adopted that require a higher capacity than that predicted by static soil mechanics, the piles should be PDA tested while driving. If the piles initially fail, they should be re-tested after 24 hours when they will most likely pass due to set-up caused by the dissipation of excess pore pressures generated by the driving. The design geotechnical pile capacity should be determined using the reduction factors contained in VicRoads BTN 1996/001. The geotechnical strength reduction factors for the testing of ‘representative’ and ‘represented’ piles are indicated below in Table 3.4.1 (assuming the ‘representative’ piles are PDA tested and analysed using CAPWAP). Table 3.4.1. Geotechnical Reduction Factors for Pile Testing pile type geotechnical strength reduction factor, ɸg Representative (tested) 0.8 Represented (not tested) 0.7 The approximate pile capacity can be assessed by the Hiley Formula as installation proceeds. Details can be provide when pile capacity, hammer size and drop are known. 3.5 Construction Unless the subgrade significantly dries out it will be necessary to construct a road to and along the route of the elevated boardwalk section to provide access for the pile driving rig and equipment trucks. As a minimum, it is considered that in the elevated boardwalk area this will require a 750 mm, or so, of gravel layer placed in a single layer to bridge the weak surface soil. The surface of the single layer should be compacted to about 95 % standard. 3.6 Additional testing As noted previously, it was only possible to access the west end of the proposed elevated boardwalk route. Whilst, it is considered likely that the strength of the sub-surface along the route of the elevated boardwalk will be similar to that encountered in the three cone penetration tests, this should be confirmed by additional cone penetration tests along the route. When the access road recommended in Section 3.5 is constructed, it is recommended that additional CPTs are conducted along the route of the elevated boardwalk to confirm the findings of this investigation. 3.7 Validity If sub-surface conditions different from those described above are encountered during construction the recommendations contained in this report may not be valid and the company should be contacted. The report recommendations should not be applied to any development other than that described in Section 1.2 without reference to the company. Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd continued... Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Report No V1638RD, June 2014 9 BLACK GEOTECHNICAL PTY LTD Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd continued... Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Report No V1638RD, June 2014 10 APPENDIX A Figure 1C Plots Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd CPT explanation sheet CPT01, CPT02 & CPT03 continued... FIG. 1C Consulting Geotechnical Engineers ACN 005 777 060 DESCRIPTION OF CONE PENETRATION TEST A Cone Penetration Test involves using hydraulic rams to push 36mm diameter rods into the soil from within a ballasted truck or drill rig. Attached to the end of the rods is a cone containing various strain gauges which measure the geotechnical properties of the soil as the cone is pushed into the ground. Measurements are taken every centimetre. In general, three different cones can be used in a CPT investigation. Standard Friction Cones provide qc (tip resistance), fs (sleeve friction) and inclination. The qc is used to determine the strength of the soil. Using qc and fs together allows the determination of the friction ratio, Rf (= fs/ qc x 100%), which helps identify soil type. Measuring inclination allows the operator to determine if the cone is being bent in the soil, and therefore prevents damage. Plots are also corrected for deviation from vertical. A 15cm cone can be used where adverse soil conditions are expected. Piezocones incorporate a pore-pressure sensor (u2), along with qc, fs and inclination, allowing highly accurate identification of very thin soil layers and differentiation between similar soil types; qc is corrected for pore-pressure effects to provide qt. Piezocones also enable dissipation testing, where the dissipation of excess pore pressures is measured to estimate parameters for coefficient of consolidation and rough estimates of permeability. qt fs u2 Rf Example of a piezocone and how the data obtained is presented. qc u2 fs data connection Mechanical Cones provide qc only, however, Example of a mechanical cone. they are very robust and are useful for testing in adverse conditions such as detecting voids within cemented sands, probing extremely weathered rock profiles or for use in areas of CPT Soil Behaviour Type chart. fill of unknown composition. Whichever type of cone is used, all data is logged electronically via on board computer systems within each truck. Interpreting the soil type in the field is possible using this soil behaviour type chart from Robertson et al., 1986, by comparing cone resistance (qc) against friction ratio (Rf = fs/qc x 100). More accurate determination of soil type is possible by using normalized data after the fieldwork is complete. BIT’s 6x6 DAF CPT rig. Black Geotechnical Pty Ltd 258 Hyde Street, Yarraville, Victoria, Australia 3013 Ph: 03 9689 0200 Fax: - 03 9689 0155 - Email: web site: qt in MPa 0 0 5 Sleeve f riction (f s) in MPa 10 15 20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 u2 in MPa 0.4 -0.2 0 Friction ratio (Rf ) in % 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 2 4 6 8 -0.5 <- Depth in m to reference level / corrected for inclination -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 -5 -5.5 -6 -6.5 -7 -7.5 -8 -8.5 -9 -9.5 -10 -10.5 -11 u2 CPTask V1.33 150 10 Client: Black Geotechnical cm² cm² G.L. 0 W.L.: 0 Project: Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Location: Winton North Position: Predrill : 0 Date: 5/12/2014 Cone no.: C10CFIIP.C11073 Project no.: D127 CPT no.: CPT_01 1/2 qt in MPa -11 0 5 Sleeve f riction (f s) in MPa 10 15 20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 u2 in MPa 0.4 -0.2 0 Friction ratio (Rf ) in % 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 2 4 6 8 -11.5 <- Depth in m to reference level / corrected for inclination -12 -12.5 -13 -13.5 -14 -14.5 -15 -15.5 -16 -16.5 -17 -17.5 -18 -18.5 -19 -19.5 -20 -20.5 -21 -21.5 -22 Test Complete at 11.64m qc > 20MPa Pushing 12 ton Hole closed at 0.3m u2 CPTask V1.33 150 10 Client: Black Geotechnical cm² cm² G.L. 0 W.L.: 0 Project: Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Location: Winton North Position: Predrill : 0 Date: 5/12/2014 Cone no.: C10CFIIP.C11073 Project no.: D127 CPT no.: CPT_01 2/2 qt in MPa 0 0 5 Sleeve f riction (f s) in MPa 10 15 20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 u2 in MPa 0.4 -0.2 0 Friction ratio (Rf ) in % 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 2 4 6 8 -0.5 <- Depth in m to reference level / corrected for inclination -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 -5 -5.5 -6 -6.5 -7 -7.5 -8 -8.5 -9 -9.5 -10 -10.5 -11 Ref usal at 9.1m Rods f lexing Hole closed at 9.1m dry u2 CPTask V1.33 150 10 Client: Black Geotechnical cm² cm² G.L. 0 W.L.: 0 Project: Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Location: Lake Mokoan Road Winton North Position: Predrill : 0 Date: 5/13/2014 Cone no.: C10CFIIP.C11073 Project no.: D127 CPT no.: CPT_02 1/1 qt in MPa 0 0 5 Sleeve f riction (f s) in MPa 10 15 20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 u2 in MPa 0.4 -0.2 0 Friction ratio (Rf ) in % 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 2 4 6 8 -0.5 <- Depth in m to reference level / corrected for inclination -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 -5 -5.5 -6 -6.5 -7 -7.5 -8 -8.5 -9 -9.5 -10 -10.5 -11 u2 CPTask V1.33 150 10 Client: Black Geotechnical cm² cm² G.L. 0 W.L.: -9.4 Project: Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Location: Lake Mokoan Road Winton North Position: Predrill : 0 Date: 5/13/2014 Cone no.: C10CFIIP.C11073 Project no.: D127 CPT no.: CPT_03 1/2 qt in MPa -11 0 5 Sleeve f riction (f s) in MPa 10 15 20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 u2 in MPa 0.4 -0.2 0 Friction ratio (Rf ) in % 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 2 4 6 8 -11.5 <- Depth in m to reference level / corrected for inclination -12 1.6754 -> 1.5255 -> -12.5 1.7238 -> -13 -13.5 -14 -14.5 -15 -15.5 -16 -16.5 -17 -17.5 -18 -18.5 -19 -19.5 -20 -20.5 -21 -21.5 -22 Ref usal at 12.81m Rods f lexing Hole closed at 12.4m w et at 9.4m u2 CPTask V1.33 150 10 Client: Black Geotechnical cm² cm² G.L. 0 W.L.: -9.4 Project: Winton Wetlands Boardwalk Location: Lake Mokoan Road Winton North Position: Predrill : 0 Date: 5/13/2014 Cone no.: C10CFIIP.C11073 Project no.: D127 CPT no.: CPT_03 2/2
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