Community Newsletter Destination LaFayette— “Getting Connected”! Inside this issue: Message from the Town Supervisor 1-2 Town Board Clips 3 Message from the Town Clerk 4 Message from the Highway Dept. 5 LaFayette Library News 6 LaFayette Community Council 7 Southern Hills Garden Club 8 Earth Day Town Cleanup 9 Columbian Presbyterian Church 10 LaFayette Alliance Church 11 Upcoming Events 12 O ver time we have worked to develop a better system of communication to you that is timely, comprehensive, and keeps everyone in tune with what is “happening in LaFayette.” Many of you have offered ideas over the years with input on the content that can be delivered along with how timely it can be done. With the vision and help from our Information Officer, Sue Marzo, we are launching. DESTINATION LAFAYETTE— ”GETTING CONNECTED” First and foremost, we are building a variety of platforms that will provide you with the opportunity to choose what the best method(s) for you to become connected with the news and events of LaFayette. Secondly, our goal is to also reduce cost over the long term from the printing and mailing of the Town newsletter. Our vision is to continue with delivering a newsletter as the foundation of our pyramid of communication. Sue will continue to publish our newsletter every two months and you will now be offered three methods to receive it. 1. You may continue to receive it by mail. However, it will only be in black and white thus saving cost. 2. You may receive the newsletter today via email or your smart phone in “Full and Living Color”! Simply visit the town website at: and provide your email address in the contact form on the homepage entitled “E-Subscribe”. 3. Visit the website and you can click on the pdf of the newsletter and view and/or print in full color at your convenience. Our Goal is to provide you with a newsletter that you have a variety of ways to access, read and contribute to. Our focus is to provide you news at your fingertips wherever you may be in your busy life. PAGE 2 DESTINATION LAFAYETTE- “GETTING CONNECTED” CONT’D We know how important a “paper in hand” is to many of you of all ages, we will continue to mail it The second layer in our communication pyramid is the Town’s website. Our website will now take on the role of building our Town’s brand too; identifying who we are and what we have to offer to anyone living in our community or visiting our area. Sue has taken on the role of our content manager for the website. You may have noticed the updates already; events and photos of the town; links to news that may affect you and many other noteworthy events and happenings in the town. We ask that you submit any events, photographs, and news that you may view as relevant at this email address: Feel free to continue to send us your favorite photo’s and news throughout the year, from near and far! The Town Clerk and the Deputy Town Clerk will also continue to publish late breaking news, cancellations, and events as they develop on our web site too. Jackie Roorda and Kristin Colburn will also be content managers for the web site along with managing the content that revolves around living in LaFayette and with doing business in the Town. You may have already noticed our tip of the pyramid with the development of a Town Facebook and Twitter site. We envision this to be an active social media source of information for those who may use a “Smart Phone” to keep connected with your community. Our approach is to offer a variety of opportunities to “broadcast” the happening’s in Our Town and to build a strong community identity! I would like to offer a special thanks to longtime resident Jim Moltion for continually working hard to advocate for a means to Build Community through Communication. I believe that we have captured Jim’s hope to communicate frequently with the news and events of our Town. Thanks Jim! Through a combination of the Town’s newsletter, website and social media venues we are inviting you to join us at: DESTINATION LAFAYETTE— ”GETTING CONNECTED”! Thank you! We encourage you to submit items of interest and photos too. Sue will handle all of our content management within both of these social media sites. —Bill McConnell Town Superintendent T he benefits to reading your newsletter online are plentiful. You will note that there are hyperlinks to the various venues of communication throughout the newsletter where you may find more news on the articles presented. These hyperlinks are identified in blue text and by clicking will link you directly to our website, facebook, and other websites of organizations with and affecting our town. The power of social networking is at your fingertips and you will be able to view and/or print it in color. Make sure that you follow us on facebook and twitter to get “Real Time” news instead of waiting for the publish of our bi-monthly newsletter. Don’t miss out. We hope you will take advantage of the communication methods available to you. “Get Connected” LaFayette!!!! Sue Marzo PAGE 3 TOWN MEETING CLIPS— BYRNE DAIRY SOLAR ENERGY We are scheduling a public hearing on March 9th at 6:30 pm at the Town Commons. This public hearing will pick up from where we left off with the consideration to create a Commercial Planned Business District for this store. In February 2015, NYS DOT Region Three in Syracuse placed a final approval on the proposed second driveway to the site and had forwarded this to Albany for final review and consideration. Hopefully the review will be completed in time for the March Town Board Meeting and public hearing. Please keep up with the status of the public hearing by visiting our website or feel free to call me. Still under consideration for our town properties and parks. Initial review of our electrical cost have proven that they are low enough that it may not be prudent to install a solar system. We are still working this concept and we will update you as information becomes available. TOWN PURCHASE OF SNOWPLOW TRUCKS The Town Board Approved at the January meeting to move forward with the purchase of two new dual-use trucks for use in year 2016. These trucks will replace two 1999 snow plowing vehicles and one seasonal ten wheel heavy truck that was utilized only for hauling material and not for plowing. Thus, the Highway Department will reduce its fleet size by one heavy truck but will gain by having the new vehicles being “put to work” year round. The sales of the three current trucks (two 1999’s and the ten wheeler) will be used to pay down the cost. HIGHWAY BUILDING PROJECT March 18th is the contractual completion date of the new highway department building! Dedication is still slated for Saturday, May 30th. Stay tuned in the May Newsletter and Facebook for dedication details. We are extremely pleased with the execution of the building plan by our General Contractor, Diamond & Thiel. This job is being led by former LaFayette resident Scott Chrysler. All of the Contractors and their employees have persevered though some harsh weather conditions and we truly appreciate it. This project has been overseen by our Jeff Palin and Mark Chambers of C&S Engineering; both of whom are also LaFayette residents. It is extremely nice to have our Community involved in many ways to bring this project to reality. PAGE 4 From theClerk—Getting Town Clerk—Getting Connected – From the Town Connected & Clean Up our Town A s spring arrives, it is time to take advantage of all of the activities and opportunities available to LaFayette town residents to reduce, reuse and recycle. On page 8 of this newsletter you will see all the details of the upcoming clean up activities. Please take advantage and let’s make LaFayette’s appearance something we can take pride in. Dog Licensing—Just a reminder “ALL DOGS MUST BE LICENSED”. You can have your dog licensed for one or three years now. The cost is $8.00/per year for spayed and neutered dogs and $20.00 for unsprayed and unneutered dogs. When doing a multi year license, the expiration date must be before the expiration of the rabies vaccination. Replacement tag fee is $3.00 and Impoundment fee is $150.00. Please be responsible for your pets. Your dog control officers Ken and Mike Johnson are available if you have situations involving strays; Ken @315-263-1000 and Mike @315663-6378. Questions about wild-life animals, call 607-7533095. If you see strange behavior and suspect rabies contact the Department of Environmental Conservation Police at 315-4267431. Handicap Parking Permits are available at your Physician’s office and The Town Clerk’s office. A copy of your license is required. Marriage Licenses are available at the Town Clerk’s Office. You will need Birth Certificate, Picture ID, and certified copies of past divorce or annulment, if applicable. Fee is $40.00. Forms are available at or my emailing the clerk’s office at Facility Rentals—If interested in using the Community Center or Pavilions at Stafford Park, please make your reservations early. There is a $50 deposit for Stafford Park and $60 for the Community Center. The fees to rent are $100.0 for residents and $250.00 for nonresidents and businesses, excluding non-profit. Passport Requirements—Application forms can be obtained online at or may be picked up at the Town Clerk’s Office. Please call to make an appointment to process a passport application. You will need Proof of US Citizenship ( i.e. birth certificate), Proof of Identity (i.e. drivers license) and one recent 2” x 2” passport photo (can be done at most stores & pharmacies that develop pictures). The fee is $135.00 if 16 or older; $105.00 if under 16. Special requirements for children: To submit an application for a child under age 16 both parents or the child’s legal guardian(s) must appear and present evidence of the child’s US citizenship and evidence of the child’s relationship to parent(s)/guardian(s), and parental/guardian identification. Questions?? - Answers to most questions, forms or information can be found on our website at, or email me; or my deputy Kristen Colburn at or call 315677-3674. We are happy to assist you in any way. Don’t forget the many activities and festivities that take place in the warmer weather. The fishing derby, Memorial Day parade, call 677-9282 to enter a float and win a prize, Community Day, Highway Garage Open House, Pancake Breakfasts, Chicken Barbecues, etc. Mark your calendars and please be safe, happy healthy and kind. -Jackie Bush Roorda Town Clerk PAGE 5 The Highway Department—”Getting Connected” T he Highway Department always welcomes the March Newsletter as it means that Spring is just around the corner. We have plenty of work scheduled for the spring and summer months. Here are some important dates to remember as we head into spring. The Bi-annual brush pick-up will begin April 1st and will continue throughout the month. Because of the heavy wet snow this year, there is a significant amount of brush to be picked up. Please have all your brush out at the roadside by April 20. (Brush should be put out in 6’ lengths, butt end first). Contractors that cut up homeowners trees are responsible for their removal. All brush will be ground up and used for Free Mulch for residents. The annual Town Clean up Days will begin May 2 through May 9 Saturdays 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and Noon to 6:00 pm Monday—Friday; Closed Sundays. See the adjoining do’s and don’ts. The new Highway building is moving along as scheduled. Despite the frigid winter temperatures, the contractors are making great progress. We at the Highway Garage love to “Stay Connected”, so make sure you like our Facebook page for updates and real time weather-school closings and lots of pics from the Highway Department. Speaking of “GETTING CONNECTED” —Did you know that the LaFayette Highway Garage is planning to embed a 4’ time capsule inside one of the walls of the new Highway Garage. The time capsule will include pertinent local news of the time including a copy of this newsletter. YES WE WILL ACCEPT NO WE WILL NOT ACCEPT E-WASTE (COMPUTERS, SMALLER SERVERS, TV’S, MONITORS, KEYBOARDS, MICE, FAX MACHINES, PRINTERS/SCANNERS, PHONES, VCR’S, DVR’S, DVD PLAYERS, GAME CONSOLES, DIGITAL CONVERTER BOXES, CABLE/SATELLITE RECEIVERS BATTERIES ANY KIND OF GLASS TO INCLUDE WINDOWS ANY KIND OF WOOD FENCING INSULATION CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (I.E. SHEETROCK) PAINT CANS—(EMPTY WITH LIDS OFF) FUEL TANKS (EMPTY, 1 FOOT HOLE IN THEM PLASTIC PIPE, WIRE OR CABLE UNDER 8 FEET LONG REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, HUMIDIFIERS MICROWAVES, STOVES MATTRESSES, COUCHES, RECLINERS CARPETING, LINOLEUM ALL METALS, NAILS AND SCREWS IF CONTAINED RECYCLABLES TIRES ARE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOLLOWING FEES: SMALL TIRES $3 EACH LARGE TIRES $4 EACH TRUCK TIRES $8 EACH EXTRA LARGE TIRES $.45/LB. This month, as your Vice President of the Onondaga County Highway Association, I will be heading back to Albany advocating for more money for our local roads. Last year was a huge success as we were able to secure extra funding to help pave routes 11 and 20. With the help of County Legislator Dave Knapp and our State Senators Valesky and DeFrancisco we were able to secure more “CHIPS” funding for LaFayette Town Roads also. #localroadsmatter. Enjoy your spring and on behalf of the Highway Department, thank you for allowing us to serve. LaFayette Highway Dept —John Greeley Highway Superintendent PAGE 6 LaFayette Public Library— I n January our youth services librarian Kyra Nay started an “Imagination Lab” for elementary school students (K-6 basically) on Wednesday afternoons, 3:30—4:30. Registration is not required but appreciated so we know how many to prepare for. This can be done via email to Kyra Nay: or via phone 677-3782. A reminder that we have a children’s computer that has over 60 educational programs on it. It is very popular and we encourage everyone to come and use it. Video Game Making Hour of Code and other coding activities Engineering Projects Improv Comedy Some of these activities will be utilizing Lego Mindstorms Robotics as well as our 3D printer. This is open to grades 7-12 in the LaFayette School District. As always, we are constantly updating our collection, whether it is print, audio, or video, come on in and “check out” the collection (pun intended). We have an ongoing teen book club that meets at 6:00 on Tuesdays. For further information, please call We have also been collaborating the library at 677-3782. Here are with the Big Picture School in some examples of what’s being running some programs by their read: students in the library. Here are some of the things we are doing “Glass Sentence” by S.E. Grove “Greenglass House” by Kate or have done. Milford SPRING AHEAD SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 2015 DON’T FORGET CHECK YOUR SMOKE DETECTOR BATTERIES TOO “Running out of Time” by Margaret Peterson Haddix We continue to offer computer training for our patrons to help you “Get Connected”. This is a one on one session by appointment only. Please call 677-3782 and ask for Scott to make arrangements. Connect with us at: —Scott Kuschner Wednesday 10:30 am– 11:30 am Thursday 6:30—7:30 PEACE, Inc. County South Family Resource Center has a medical transportation program that serves LaFayette and Tully. It is called FISH for “Friends in Service Here” and has been operating for over 10 years. We are looking for volunteer drivers in LaFayette who might be available to drive people to medical appointments once a month. It is a great opportunity for retired individuals who are looking for things to do and it also provides a wonderful service in our communities. If interested, please call Barb at PEACE, Inc. @ 315-696-8203. PEACE, Inc. is also doing taxes for free at Shoppingtown Mall near Sears. The EITC program can be reached at 315-634-3756 for an appointment. PAGE 7 From the Community Council— about recreational activities may be directed to Regina Reinschmidt, Recreation Coordinator Q uestions at or 677-7272. Additional information, including current list of the LCC board members and contact info can be found at In keeping with the theme of this publication, we will share how you can Get Connected! We urge you to visit the town website for information on our programs, both in general and for the current details. Go to Dept.'s and click on Community Council. We will post some happenings on Facebook as well. Not everyone is connected all the time, so we do not rely on this for program changes or coaches info. For weather related cancellations or closings, use your regular source and realize that “No School Afterschool” equals “No LCC programs”. With regard to specific program info, we leave that up to individual coaches or instructors. Your team/class may or may not do group emails, calls, texts, etc. Please remember to stay connected in person by walking your child to and from practices thus giving the coach a chance to update you. Feel free to offer your assistance in helping with team/class communication as our coaches/instructors usually have lots to do. And lastly, don’t’ forget the most important connection—real time with each other. Put down the devices (yes, put them out so sight and sound) and play catch, or a board game, go for a jog, do something leisurely, together and totally in the moment...try it, each day. Coming up…. Baseball/lacrosse—Registration dates have been set. Saturday, March 14th, 9:00 –10:30 am and Monday, March 16, 6:00—7:30 pm, both in or near Grimshaw cafeteria. Watch for notices from school with ages, prices, etc. Call if your child does not attend Grimshaw or ONS. CPR/First Aid - is offered free of charge to our coaches. Class will be March 28th, 9am-1pm at the LaFayette Fire House on Route 11S. Please make every attempt to make this class to become certified or renew. This is for all of our coaches/ sports for the whole year. You must register so we know how many are coming. Sign up on the 14th or 16th or call 677-7272 by March 16th and leave name and phone. Coaches—All coaches for LCC throughout the year need to have completed and turned in their packets, stay current with CPR and NAYS coaching certifications. Plan on attending CPR if needed. The NAYS certification is completed online. Call if you have questions. Baseball and Lacrosse Coaches Plan on signing up at registration and filling out the packet. Beach—We hope to have open swim at the beach, depending on the water situation. Watch for info. As far as lessons, to be sure they happen, we are set to attend American Red Cross youth swim lessons at Cazenovia College pool, through Town of Pompey Recreation. Mark your calendars for weekdays 11:15—12:00 pm, July 6th through 24th. Transportation is on your own. Start talking and planning now. Lessons will be offered free of charge to LaFayette residents. Adults… Yoga—Offered Mondays and Thursdays, 6:30—7:45 pm at Grimshaw. You may take one or both nights. Session ends Monday, June 22nd. Space is limited. Zumba! - Monday class will continue through March 30th. The Wednesday session runs through June 24. You can always pay $4 walk-in anytime! Daytime/senior exercise Meets Tuesday – Wednesday-Thursday, 8:30—9:30 am at the Community Center. All levels welcome. Join anytime with $4 walk-in. Tabata—Great Workout! Tabata inspired interval workout (20 seconds high, 10 seconds break), opens with full body strengthening. Thursdays, 6:30— 7:30 pm, Grimshaw café, through June 18th. $4 walk-in Hall walking—Stay active and warm walking the halls of Grimshaw, Monday—Friday 5:00—7:00 pm through March. Enter by cafeteria and sign in book on table. Have dry shoes with you! Please call for pricing info on any of the above classes PAGE 8 Get Connected with the Southern Hills Garden Club G et connected with us at the Southern Hills Garden Club. We are a great organization for gardeners of all levels of experience as we learn from each other and provide opportunities for spreading the word about important horticultural issues affecting our communities. Contact Club President Eunice Tompkins at 696-4650 for more information. Please join us for upcoming programs. DATE TIME LOCATION TOPIC Tuesday, February 17 7:00 pm Community Center What you need to know about Lyme Disease presented by Jim Smith Tuesday, March 17 7:00 pm Watson Greenhouses What’s exciting and new in Horticulture presented by Carol Tuesday, April 21 7:00 pm Community Center Herbs for every season presented by Town Website Town Facebook Town Twitter Highway Dept Facebook PAGE 9 Earth Day is April 22—Reduce Reuse Recycle— Shredding— May 9, 2015 9:00 am—1:00 pm Need W ith all the services available in LaFayette; dump days, shredding, brush pickup, we are reaching out to everyone residents and businesses alike to get excited about cleaning up their properties and assisting others who may not be able to. Taking pride in the appearance of our Town means everyone needs to do their part. If we can be of assistance in helping you beautify, please give us a call or email and we will be glad to try to find some assistance for you. Trash/Recycling—Trucks break down, employees get sick, etc. Feher Rubbish Removal does a great job, so please have patience. For missed pick-ups, please contact Feher directly at 315-422-0715. The hours of pick up may vary between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm. Holidays that interrupt trash service Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. If the holiday falls on or before your pick up day within that week pick-up is delayed one day. Any new customers or change in grade of service level must be done by calling Minnie Dancks at 683-5679 and she will advise the Assessor to change it on your next year’s tax bill. to get rid of paperwork, business files, tax returns, statements bills—Feel free to bring any of these to the upper parking lot of the town hall . You can literally watch your papers be shredded on site, via a video camera attached to the shredding truck. It is then locked and taken to a waste management site for recycling. This saves you time and money and most importantly, saves our environment. Last year the event was a huge success and therefore has now become an annual event. Dump Days—May 2—9, 2015, Groth Road Landfill (must have valid LaFayette Resident id) Hours : Saturdays 9:00 am—4:00 pm Monday—Friday 12:00 noon—6:00 pm Closed Sunday See list of do’s and don’ts on page 4 (includes ewaste) Bi-annual Brush Pickup—April 1—April 20 (6’ lengths, butt end first please). All this brush will be ground up for free mulch for town residents. Sign up to receive this newsletter delivered to your personal email. Go to and sign up today. . PAGE 10 Pastor Shawn Reyburn Corner of Route 11 & Route 20 LaFayette, N.Y. 13084 (315) 677-3293 Sunday School 9:30am Worship Service 11:00am Get Connected with our Annual Lenten Series in March. Amber Congregational, Apple Valley Presbyterian, Columbian Presbyterian, Onatavia United Methodist, and Otisco Presbyterian churches will participate in this annual event. Join us for homemade soups and breads at 6:30 pm with Bible study at 7:00 pm. All are welcome. Check out website for locations. March Men’s Breakfast, Monday March 2, 6:00 am in the Session Building Close to my heart scrapbooking workshop, Saturday, March 7, 10:00 am—10:00pm in the Session Building God’s Girlz, Tuesday March 10, 2:30—4:45 pm in the Session Building Ides of March Dinner, Sunday, March 15, noon—2:00 pm in the Session Building Chicken-n-Biscuit Dinner, Tuesday, March 17, 4:00—7:00 pm in the Session Building Contemporary Worship Service, Sunday, March 15, 6:30 pm God’s Girlz, Tuesday, March 24, 2:30—4:45 pm in the Session Building Youth Breakfast, Friday, March 27, 7:00 am in the Session Building Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, March 28 11:00 am Palm Sunday Service, Sunday, March 29, 11:00 am April Stone Soup Supper to benefit LaFayette Outreach, Thursday, April 2, 6:00 pm Maundy Thursday Worship Service, 7:00 pm Good Friday Tennebrea Service, Friday, April 3, 7:00 pm Easter Sunrise Service, Sunday, April 5, 7:00 am Easter Sunday Service, Sunday, April 5, 10:00 am Close to my Heat Scrapbooking Workshop, Saturday, April 10, 10:00 am—10:00 pm in the Session Building Chicken BBQ, Saturday, April 19, 11:00 am in the Session Building Contemporary Workshop Service, Sunday, April 19, 6:30 pm Gods Girlz, Tuesday, April 21, 2:30—4:45 pm in the Session Building Youth Breakfast, Friday, April 24, 7:00 am in the Session Building Thank you-to everyone who helped make a Taste of Chocolate a big success. 50% of the proceeds will go to LaFayette Outreach and are part of the Feinstein Challenge. We begin the annual collection of breakfast related items for LaFayette Outreach ’s Easter food distribution. Suggested items are: pancake and biscuit mixes, syrup, quick bread mixes, cereal/oatmeal, peanut butter, jelly, etc. The deadline to drop off food at the Outreach office or Columbian Presbyterian Church is March 22. The Feinstein Challenge will match every dollar and food item donated in March and April. PAGE 11 LAFAYETTE ALLIANCE CHURCH SCHEDULE OF SERVICES WORSHIP SERVICES SUNDAY 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY 9:30 AM—10:30 AM YOUTH GROUP SUNDAY 6:00 PM INTERACTIVE BIBLE STUDY SUNDAY 6:00 PM PRAYER MEETING WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM A A Christ-centered family church” Robert Gates, Senior Pastor Brian Mandigo, Associate Pastor of Discipleship David Booher, Youth Pastor ~ Awana ~ t LaFayette Alliance Church we worship, serve, learn, enjoy fellowship with one another and reach out to our world with the lifetransforming truth of God’s Word. As part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, we are a missions’ minded church. In the spring we have a missions weekend and in the fall a week-long mission conference with missionaries serving in various parts of the world and many opportunities to hear about their ministries. We are a Christ-centered church and care about you and your family. If you are looking for a place to belong, to grow, and to serve, come check us out. ~ Youth Group ~ This is a program for boys and girls, age 3 through 12th grade. Awana is back and in full swing and meets every Thursday from 6:30 – 8:10 pm. The children enjoy Bible lessons, Scripture memorization, and game time. New clubbers are always welcome. Note that Awana will not meet when the LaFayette School District is closed for vacation or due to weather. Our Youth Group (7th – 12th grade) meets on Sunday evenings in our church from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. For more information on our youth group or any of its activities, contact the church. ~ Clothing Exchange/Give-away ~ For Children… Sunday School Nursery Children’s Church ~ Battalion ~ This is a ministry for boys in 7th – 12th grade that meets every Monday night at 6:30 pm. Battalion emphasizes character building, Bible study, indoor and outdoor activities, service and leadership skills. Come check us out! We hold this event four times each year. We are planning the next Clothing Exchange/Give-away in March. Contact the church or visit our website for more details as they become available. For Youth… Vacation Bible School Sunday School Bible Quizzing Bible Quizzing Youth Group (7-12th gr) Outreach Events Awana (age 3-6th gr) Youth Retreats Tween Chill Battalion (boys 7–12th gr) (4th-6th grade) For Adults… Sunday School Home Groups Bible Studies Mission Trips Discipleship Retreats If you would like further information concerning our church or any of its programs, please contact the church office at 677-9810. We are located at the corner of Route 20 and LaFayette Road in LaFayette. The church is handicap accessible. Check us out on the web! You can listen to Pastor Rob’s messages and find out even more details about our various programs. Town of LaFayette 2577 Route 11 P.O. Box 193 LaFayette, NY 13084 Presorted Standard US Postage Paid LaFayette, NY Permit No. 5 Current Resident Rural Route/Box Holder LaFayette, NY 13084 Upcoming Events DATE EVENT MARCH 2015 LOCATION TAX COLLECTOR HOURS MARCH 7, 2015 RABIES CLINIC LAFAYETTE COMMONS ADD'L INFO MONDAY 1:00 - 4:00 PM TUESDAY 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM SPCA MOLLOY ROAD 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM TOWN BOARD MEETING & BYRNE DAIRY INFORMATIONAL MARCH 9, 2015 MEETING LAFAYETTE COMMONS APRIL 1-20, 2015 BRUSH PICKUP APRIL 2, 2015 RABIES CLINIC MEACHEM RING COLUMBIAN PRESBYTERIAN APRIL 19, 2015 CHICKEN BARBECUE CHURCH GROTH RD. LANDFILL (OFF MAY 2-9 2015 TOWN CLEAN UP DAYS WEBB RD.) 6:30 PM 6' LENGHS BUTT END FIRST 5:00 - 7:00 PM 11:00 AM SAT 9:00 AM—4:00 PM MON-FRI 12:00 NOON—6:00 PM LaFayette Town Offices — PO Box 193, 2577 Route 11, LaFayette, NY 13084 Ph.: 677-3674 Fax: 677-7806 LaFayette Info Officer: Town website — Facebook—Town of LaFayette – Facebook—LaFayette Highway Dept. — Twitter- DEADLINE FOR MAY NEWSLETTER APRIL 6 COVERS MAY-JUNE CONTACT LAFAYETTE INFO OFFICER @ LAFAYETTEINFOOFFICER@CNYMAIL.COM
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