SUPERVISOR William A. Smith, Jr. COUNCIL MEMBERS Jared C. Lusk, Deputy Supervisor Mary Gehl Doyle Karen W. Green Matthew J. O’ Connor TOWN BOARD AGENDA Working Session Monday, March 03, 2014 6:00 PM TENTATIVE Call to Order Public Hearing Sewer District Extension SWBC-48 (1733 Calkins Road) Minutes February 19, 2015 General Legal Matters Financial Matters Network Security/Privacy Liability Discussion Operational Matters NYS-DOT Snow and Ice Agreement Personnel Matters Conference Attendance Recreational Matters Community Events Discussion Other Business Discussion – CSX Adjournment Public Comment Executive Session MEMORANDUM To: Town Board Members From: Robert B. Koegel Date: February 24, 2015 Regarding: Sewer District Extension (SWBC-48) For Meeting On: March 3, 2015 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Town Board has previously received a Petition for the establishment of an Extension to the Pittsford Sewer District, to be known as “SWBC-48.” A Public Hearing on the Petition has been scheduled, as indicated above. Attached is the proposed “Resolution and Order” approving the establishment of this Extension to the Sewer District. Recommendation is hereby made that the Town Board approve the proposed Extension. In the event that the Board determines that action should take place on the proposed Sewer District Extension, I suggest the following Resolution motion: I move that Extension SWBC-48 to the Pittsford Sewer District, on lands located on the 1733 Calkins Road Subdivision, be approved, as set forth in the proposed written Resolution and Order. At a regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pittsford, New York held at the Town Hall, in the Town of Pittsford, New York, on the 3rd day of March, 2015. PRESENT: William A. Smith, Jr., Supervisor Mary Gehl Doyle, Councilwoman Karen W. Green, Councilwoman Jared C. Lusk, Councilman Matthew J. O’Connor, Councilman ABSENT: None TOWN BOARD STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF PITTSFORD COUNTY OF MONROE _______________________________________________________________ In the Matter of Extension SWBC- 48, 1733 Calkins Road Subdivision, to the RESOLUTION AND ORDER EXTENDING DISTRICT PITTSFORD SEWER DISTRICT Tax Account #177.01-2-2 _______________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, a Petition having been duly presented to the Town Board of the Town of Pittsford, Monroe County, New York, together with the necessary maps and information which requests an Extension to the Pittsford Sewer District, to be known as “SWBC-48”; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Petition was signed by the sole owner of the property within the proposed Extension to the District; and WHEREAS, an Order was duly adopted by the Town Board on the 3rd day of February, 2015, for the hearing of all persons interested in the matter to be held on the 3rd day of March, 2015, at 6:00 o’clock P.M., Local Time, at the Pittsford Town Hall, 11 South Main Street, Town of Pittsford, New York; and WHEREAS, due proof of publication and posting of the said Order has been duly filed with the Clerk of the said Town Board; and WHEREAS, the hearing required by the said Order has been duly held, and it appears from the said Petition that the proposed Extension to the District does not require any expenditure of money for the construction or acquisition of the improvement therein, and does not require the financing of the cost thereof by the issuance of any bonds, notes, certificates of any indebtedness of said Town; and WHEREAS, the within action is a Type II action, pursuant to SEQRA Section 617.5 (c)(11), requiring no further review by the Town Board; and WHEREAS, the permission of the Comptroller of the State of New York is not required for the Extension to the District; 1 NOW, ON MOTION duly made and seconded, it is unanimously RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The Petition is signed and acknowledged or approved as required by law and is otherwise sufficient; All the property and the sole property owners within the Extension to the District are benefited thereby; All the property and the sole property owners benefited are included within the limits of the Extension to the District; The expenses of Maintenance of the Extension to the District are to be paid by the sole property owners annually on a benefit basis; and It is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought; and it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that Extension “SWBC-48” to the Pittsford Sewer District, be and the same hereby is created, and that the boundaries of the Extension, as hereby created, are as set forth in “Schedule A” annexed hereto, and as further set forth on the map annexed hereto as “Schedule B”; and it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that all improvements to the sewer system required for the Extension will be constructed or caused to be constructed by the Petitioner, at the expense of the Petitioner; and it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the Town Clerk is hereby directed to record in the Monroe County Clerk’s Office and file with the New York state Office of Audit and Control certified copies of the within Resolution, as required by law. Said matter having been put to a vote, the following votes were recorded: William A. Smith, Jr. Mary Gehl Doyle Karen W. Green Jared C. Lusk Matthew J. O’Connor VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING The Resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. Dated: March 3, 2015 TOWN CLERK CERTIFICATION I, Linda M. Dillon, Town Clerk of the Town of Pittsford, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared a copy of the Resolution as herein specified with the original in the minutes of the meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pittsford, and that the same is a correct transcript thereof and the whole of the said original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____ day of March, 2015. _____________________________________ Linda M. Dillon, Pittsford Town Clerk 2 Minutes of the Town Board for February 19, 2015 DRAFT TOWN OF PITTSFORD TOWN BOARD – LEGISLATIVE SESSION FEBRUARY 19, 2015 Proceedings of a regular meeting of the Pittsford Town Board held on Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. local time in Pittsford Town Hall. PRESENT: Supervisor William A. Smith, Jr.; Councilpersons Mary Gehl Doyle, Karen W. Green and Matthew J. O’Connor. ABSENT: Deputy Supervisor Jared C. Lusk. ALSO PRESENT: Staff Members: Paul J. Schenkel, Commissioner of Public Works; Gregory J. Duane, Finance Director; Robert Koegel, Town Attorney; Linda M. Dillon, Town Clerk. Also in attendance to present a report to Town Board: Kelly Cline, Code Enforcement ATTENDANCE: There were four (4) members of the public in attendance. Supervisor Smith called the Town Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Roll Call was taken by the Town Clerk, followed by Councilwoman Doyle leading in the pledge of allegiance. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 3 AND FEBRUARY 9, 2015 MEETINGS APPROVED A Resolution to approve the Minutes of the February 3, 2015 Town Board meeting and the Minutes of the February 9, 2015 Special Town Board meeting was offered by Councilwoman Doyle, seconded by Councilwoman Green, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green; Green abstaining from the February 9 meeting, and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the February 3, 2015 Town Board meeting and the Minutes of the February 9, 2015 Special Town Board meeting are approved as written. GENERAL MEETING DATE CHANGE FOR SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 TO SEPTEMBER 16, 2015 Due to calendar conflicts, a Resolution to reschedule the September 15, 2015 Town Board meeting was offered by Supervisor Smith, seconded by Councilman O’Connor, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Town Board meeting of Tuesday, September 15, 2015 be rescheduled for Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. in the Lower Level Meeting Room of Pittsford Town Hall. FINANCIAL MATTERS FEBRUARY 2015 VOUCHERS APPROVED A Resolution to approve the February 2015 vouchers was moved by Councilman O’Connor, seconded by Councilwoman Doyle, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that February 2015 vouchers No. 118320 through No. 118749 in the amount of $2,980,680.71 are approved for payment. 1 Minutes of the Town Board for February 19, 2015 BUDGET TRANSFERS APPROVED A Resolution to approve the proposed Budget Transfers was offered by Councilwoman Green, seconded by Councilwoman Doyle, and voted on by members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the following Budget Transfers are approved: • • That $550.00 be transferred from 1.1490.4101.6.6 (GIS – Office Supplies) to 1.1490.2002.6.6 (GIS – Office Equipment) to cover additional expenses associated with the purchase of a GPS Receiver. That $1,600.00 be transferred from 1.7550.4019.11.1 (Celebrations – Memorial Day Parade) to 1.7270.4000.11.21 (Concert Series – Expense) to cover costs of band concerts. OPERATIONAL MATTERS EXTEND CONTRACT FOR THE 2015 BAGGED, BUNDLED AND CONTAINERIZED YARD DEBRIS PICKUP APPROVED A Resolution to extend the Town’s contract with Lakeside Rolloff Services, LLC, was offered by Councilwoman Green, seconded by Councilman O’Connor, and voted on by members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Town Board extends our contract with Lakeside Rolloff Services, LLC, for the Bagged, Bundled and Containerized Yard Debris Pickup for 2015, at the cost of $132.57 per ton as stated in the original 2013 bid specifications. EXTENSION OF JANITORIAL CLEANING CONTRACT APPROVED A Resolution to authorize a one year extension of the contract with Diamond Janitorial Services, for cleaning services for Kings Bend Park Lodges was offered by Councilwoman Green, seconded by Councilwoman Doyle, and voted on by members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a one year contract extension with Diamond Janitorial Services, for cleaning services for Kings Bend Park Lodges to expire on April 30, 2016. UPDATE ON REMEDIATION OF DERELICT PROPERTIES Code Enforcement Officer and Fire Marshal, Kelly Cline, presented a report to the Town Board on the various properties throughout the Town that are or have been identified as vacant and are considered derelict in light of new law the Town enacted in 2014 to address the problem and diligent enforcement. Reviewing and discussing each of the properties listed on the inventory, Mrs. Cline noted progress on maintenance of all of the properties and substantial progress on many. Several cases identified last year as among the worst now have been fully renovated or are at the stage where renovations are substantially complete. Mrs. Cline discussed three additional properties recently identified as requiring attention under the Town law addressing derelict properties. Supervisor Smith added that since the Town Board adopted the new code last year, the success rate in obtaining cooperation from the banks and/or homeowners in maintaining these properties has increased considerably. The Board thanked Mrs. Cline for her diligence and success in addressing this problem and in enforcing our laws. 2 Minutes of the Town Board for February 19, 2015 PERSONNEL MATTERS NEW HIRE OF EMPLOYEE APPROVED A Resolution to approve a new hire, as recommended by the Functional Coordinator and following the completed review and background check, was offered by Councilman O’Connor, and seconded by Supervisor Smith, and voted on by members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the following employee be hired effective the date indicated below: Name Department Position Rate Effective Date Francis, Marc Parks Grounds Equipment Operator FT $12.00 02/04/2015 CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE AUTHORIZED A Resolution to authorize the Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk to attend the 2015 Annual New York State Town Clerks Association Conference in Rochester, New York in April was offered by Councilwoman Green, seconded by Councilman O’Connor, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk, Linda Dillon and the Deputy Town Clerk, Karen Ward be approved to attend the th 2015 New York State Town Clerks Association Conference on April 27-29 in Rochester, New York, at a total cost of $420.00. PUBLIC COMMENTS A member of the public commented, thanking the Town for its diligence in pursuing the problem of derelict properties, indicating that one such property stood near a family member’s home and the Town remediated particular problem complained of the next day. No other comments were offered. Having no other matters to discuss, the Supervisor adjourned the meeting at 6:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Linda M. Dillon Town Clerk OFFICIAL BOARD MINUTES ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 3 MEMORANDUM To: Pittsford Town Board From: Paul Schenkel - Commissioner of Public Works Date: February 26, 2015 Regarding: Snow and Ice Agreement with New York State Department of Transportation For Meeting On: March 3, 2015 Ladies and Gentlemen, The Town of Pittsford currently provides snow and ice control for 70.88 lane miles of road that fall under the jurisdiction of the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). The NYSDOT would like the Town Board of Pittsford to approve an extension of this contract to June 30, 2016 and amend the contract amount for the 2014/2015 season to $181,427.43. The contract amount is based on the last three years average. I recommend that this contract renewal extension be approved. In the event the Town Board determines that the proposed action should be taken, the following oral Resolution language is suggested: Resolved, that based on the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, that the Town Supervisor be authorized to execute a one-year extension to the Snow and Ice Agreement between the Town of Pittsford, and New York State Department of Transportation for the 2014/2015 Snow & Ice Season. Contract Reconciliation Worksheet Conventional Snow & Ice Agreement Snow & Ice Season: 2014/2015 Municipality: Pittsford County: Monroe Contract # D139725 Region: 4 Residency: Monroe East Previous 3 Years Expenditures Snow & Ice Season Final Payment 2011/12 $106,681.42 2012/13 $182,653.53 2013/14 $254,947.33 $544,282.28 Total 3 Year Average $181,427.43 Estimated Expenditure $181,427.43 $LMs = 70.88 Cost/LM $2,559.6421 Interim Payment $121,556.38 Signatures ___________________________________ Municipality’s Representative ___________________________________ Commissioner’s Representative _______________ Date _______________ Date Contract # Municipality Ext. Season Region # D139725 Town of Pittsford/Monroe East 2016/17 Reg 4 AGREEMENT TO EXTEND CONVENTIONAL MUNICIPAL SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT This Agreement made this ______ day of ____________, ______ and between THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (hereinafter referred to as "STATE"), acting by and through the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of New York (hereinafter referred to as "COMMISSIONER"), and the ___________________ of the Town of Pittsford of Monroe East (hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY") as follows: WHEREAS, the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY have entered into an Agreement No. D139725 entitled "Snow and Ice Agreement between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Municipality of Monroe East ""dated June 27, 1978; and WHEREAS, the term of the said Agreement is for a period of three years commencing July 1, , and the said Agreement provides that the parties may at the end of each year of the term of the Agreement extend such term for an additional year; and WHEREAS, the present term of the Agreement, as extended, expires June 30, 2016; and WHEREAS, Section 7 of the said Agreement provides that the COMMISSIONER shall furnish the MUNICIPALITY with a suitable map for each term of the Agreement, or for any extended term thereof, modified to show the changes, if any, to the State Highways affected by this Agreement. WHEREAS, Section 10 of the said Agreement provides for an annual update of the estimated expenditure to be determined by the COMMISSIONER subject to the provisions of Section 10 at the time for extension of the Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and benefits between the parties, WITNESSETH: 1. The aforementioned "Snow and Ice Agreement Between New York State Department of Transportation and the MUNICIPALITY" is hereby extended for a period of one year; now to expire on June 30, 2017, unless further extended. 2. The State Highways or parts thereof affected by this Agreement are as delineated on the attached map, agreed upon by the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY, which shall be effective for the remainder of the term of the Agreement commencing July 1, 2014, unless changed by future agreement between the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY. 3. All the terms and conditions of the original contract remain in effect except as follows. The estimated expenditure as specified in Section 10 of the aforementioned Agreement shall be $2,559.6421 per lane mile for 70.88 lane miles for a total of $181,427.43 or the 2014/15 season and for the remainder of the term of the Agreement commencing July 1, 2014, unless changed by future update. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, This Agreement has been executed by the State, acting by and through the duly authorized representative of the COMMISSIONER, and the MUNICIPALITY, which has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer on the date and year first above written. over Agency Certification Contract No. D139725 "In addition to the acceptance of this contract, I also certify that original copies of this signature page will be attached to all other exact copies of this contract." THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MUNICIPALITY BY_______________________________________________ for Commissioner of Transportation BY__________________________________________ ATTORNEY GENERAL'S SIGNATURE COMPTROLLER=S SIGNATURE _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Dated ___________________________________________ Dated ______________________________________ STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OF ) On the ____________day of _______________________________ in the year _____ before me personally came _________________________________________________ to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in ______________________________________________, New York; that he is the _______________________ of __________________________ the municipality described in and which executed the above instrument; that he executed said instrument by order of the Governing Body of said municipality pursuant to a resolution which was duly adopted on ______________________ ________; a certified copy of such resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof. ______________________________________ Notary Public MEMORANDUM To: Pittsford Town Board From: Paul Schenkel - Commissioner of Public Works Date: February 25, 2015 Regarding: 2015 Engineering Symposium in Rochester For Meeting On: March 17, 2015 Ladies and Gentlemen: I would like to send Rob Fromberger, Town Engineer to the 2015 Engineering Symposium in Rochester. The all-day symposium will be held on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at the Radisson Hotel Riverside. The cost to attend is $130.00, which Rob will pay for and we would reimburse him. Attached is a short overview outlining the symposium. 12-Jan-15 Sponsored by Rochester's Technical and Engineering Societies April 29, 201 5 8:15 7:30 to to 8:30 8:15 PDH hours will be acceptable in New York State. Schedule subject to change. Registration and Continental Breakfast Civil Engineering Sponsored by ASCE Civil Engineering Sponsored by ASCE Mechanical Engineering Sponsored by ASME Electrical Sponsored by IEEE Mechanical, Plumbing, & Fire Protection Sponsored by ASHRAE and ASPE Lighting and Power Sponsored by Elect. Assoc. of W N Y Host Riverview Jim Baker Douglas Kip Finley Fitzhugh Ron Salzman Eastman Dave Krispinsky Silver Jennifer Wengender Gleason Joe Dombrowski 8:30 to 9:30 Welcoming Remarks: Chris Devries, Chair of the 2015 ESR Committee Lago Casino Site Analysis and Design Peter Vars Geotechnical - Piles Wendel Armstrong Engineering Disasters: A Hazardous Materials Management Perspective Richard Cartwright GE diesel locomotives 1. Dr. Shola Olabisi NYS Building Codes and the use of Referenced Standards Andy Taylor RESTRAINING AND ISOLATING ROOF TOP EQUIPMENT-PER NEW YORK STATE BUILDING CODE AND ASCE 705 DICK SHERREN Coordination of Building Storm water discharge with on-site Disposal Regulations David Johnson ZONE SELECTIVE INTERLOCKING BRENT VILD Case Study: East Irondequoit CSD Cogeneration system Dave Hart, PE READING TIME CURRENT CURVES JOHN KOWAL Mechanical, Plumbing, & Fire Protection Sponsored by ASHRAE and ASPE Lighting and Power Sponsored by IES Rochester Break Planning Around Critical Water System Component Downtime Clem Chung THM Removal – Small System Applications Tom Clark Science and Technology at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics Steven Ivancic RIT’s Micro Grid system in the Golisano Sustainability Building 2. Mr. Christopher Piggot Break Civic Center Green Roof Jim Krapf Particle Control with Holographic Optical Air Transport Engineering foundations of Vehicular Collision Avoidance System 3. Dr. Tweezers Joseph Clark Hochgraf operational Safety Fred White L. Lindley Lunch and Keynote Program Ethics for Engineers Peter DeMarco -Priority Thinking 12:00 to 1:30 11:00 to 12:00 10:4 5 to 11:0 9:45 to 10:45 9:30 to 9:45 Room Civil Engineering Sponsored by NYSATE Mechanical Engineering Sponsored by ASME Electrical Sponsored by IEEE Riverview Douglas Fitzhugh Eastman Silver Gleason Host Erin McCormick Paul Presutti Bill Bishop Dave Krispinsky Michelle Sommerman Joe Dombrowski TBA Access 390 Structural Lifting Howard Ressel, Chris Bayer Additive Manufacturing Denis Cormier Audio Engineering 4. Dr. Sung Young Kim Natatorium Design Jordan Daniow SCADA SYSTEMS MIKE MCGRATH Software Defined Radio Dr. Miguel Bazdresch Energy Modeling and Analysis (for existing buildings) Erik Durka TBA Electrical/Mechanical Product Safety Compliance (Speaker TBA) VRF Applications Marty Brinton TBA Break Geotechnical Analysis and Construction of New Maid of the Mist Drydocks in the Niagara River Gorge Mike Mann TBA 5:00 to 7:00 4:00 to 5:00 3:45 to 4:00 2:45 to 3:45 2:30 to 2:45 Room 1:30 to 2:30 Civil Engineering Sponsored by ASCE Human Contributions to Global Warming Part 1 Bill Bishop Break Design Build Roundtable Lessons Learned Various Presenters Cost Effective Engineering Techniques for Environmental Benefits Sarah Piecuch Human Contributions to Global Warming Part 2 Bill Bishop Cocktails and Conversation in the Lounge MEMORANDUM To: Pittsford Town Board CC: From: Jessie R. Hollenbeck, Recreation Director Date: February 23, 2015 Regarding: 2015 Community Events Ladies and Gentlemen: The community events committee and recreation department have been working diligently to prepare our 2015 events schedule. In the upcoming weeks I will be submitting event contracts to Mr. Koegel for review. I hope to have them completed for your authorization by the second meeting in March. Below you will find our 2015 community events schedule. Event Name Paddle and Pour Date May 23, 12-9PM Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony May 25 at 10:00AM Pittsford Triathlon June 7 at 7:00AM Concert - Gap Mangione Big Band June 12 at 6:30PM Concert - John Bolger Band (Blues) June 19 at 6:30PM Concert - Eastman Faculty Jazz Quintet June 26 at 6:30PM Kids Concert - The Dady Brothers July 8 at 6:30PM Concert - Eastside Swingtet (Big Band) July 10 at 6:30PM Concert - That Party Band and PYS Duck Drop July 17 at 6:30PM Concert - Panloco (Steel Drum Band) July 24 at 6:30PM Movie Night - How to Train Your Dragon July 30 at Dark Concert - Jocelyn Mesiti Band (Soul, Blues) July 31 at 6:30PM Kids Concert - Mike Kornrich August 5 at 6:30PM Concert - Frank’s Rat Pack August 7 at 6:30PM Movie Night - Big Hero 6 August 13 at Dark Concert - Pittsford Fire Department Band August 14 at 6:30PM Movie Night - Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day August 27 at Dark Food Truck and Music Fest September 12, 12-9PM / Fireworks at 9PM Family Halloween Fest October 25, 2-5PM Veteran’s Day Ceremony November 11 at 11:00AM Candlelight Night December 1, 4-9PM
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