May 16-17, 2015 Back to Back Newfoundland and Non

May 16-17, 2015
Back to Back Newfoundland and
Non-Sanctioned All-Breed Draft Tests
Camp Concordia
Gowen, Michigan
Back-To-Back Tests, Saturday, May 16 and Sunday May 17, 2015
7:00 A.M. To 6:00 P.M. (Eastern Daylight Time)
The entry fee is $35.00 for individual dogs or for a team of dogs. A complete entry form (for
each dog), along with a copy of the dog’s American Kennel Club/Canadian Kennel Club registration and signed Agreement page and the applicable fees (checks payable to Great Lakes
Newfoundland Club) should be sent to:
Marie Acosta, Draft Test Secretary
2225 Hunt Club Dr.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
No entries will be accepted if postmarked prior to WEDNESDAY, April 1, 2015. In accordance with the governing regulations, post-entries will not be accepted. Entries
close WEDNESDAY, April 15, 2015 at 5:00 P.M.
Saturday: Lynda Dunn, 10425 22 Mile Rd., Marshall, MI 49068-9771
Andre Lapeyre, 3231 County View Ct. SW, Rochester, MN 55902-6657
Sunday: Lynda Dunn, 10425 22 Mile Rd., Marshall, MI 49068-9771
Andre Lapeyre, 3231 County View Ct. SW, Rochester, MN 55902-6657
Each exhibitor is responsible for providing his/her own draft equipment and proper freight load.
In addition, each exhibitor is responsible for knowledge of the official NCA Draft Test Regulations, revised October 30, 1999, effective January 1, 2000, updated June 30, 2013. A complete copy of the Draft Test Regulations is available on the NCA Website at:
A copy of the Draft Test Regulations may be obtained for $5.00 (check payable to The Newfoundland Club of America) by writing to the Publications Secretary of the Working Dog Committee (WDC) of the Newfoundland Club of America:
Dwight Gorsuch
6282 Burris Road
Rock Hall, MD 21661
Hosted by the
Great Lakes Newfoundland Club
Camp Concordia, Gowen, Michigan
Back-To-Back Tests, Saturday, May 16 and Sunday May 17, 2015
7:00 A.M. To 6:00 P.M. (Eastern Daylight Time)
Limited Entries
Entries in this test will be limited to 12 entries, either single or team, for each test day. Entries will be
accepted by mail only and must be postmarked Wednesday, April 1, 2015, or after. Any entries received with a postmark prior to April 1, 2015 will be returned to the sender. The available entry slots
will be filled according to the postmark date. If the number of entries with the same date exceeds
the number of slots available, a drawing will take place to fill the vacancies and determine the alternates.
All additional entries received after the entries fill will be placed on an alternate list by order of postmarks. If an opening should occur after entries fill, an alternate will be notified immediately.
Entries will be prioritized per the following order until the limit is reached each day.
1st. Untitled Newfoundlands
2nd. Titled Newfoundlands *
3rd. Untitled other breeds
4th. Titled other breeds
Note that “titled” means titled in the entered class.
If more than 12 entries are received for any day they will be put on an Alternate list and will be prioritized
in the same way as listed above.
The responsibility for verifying that an entry is RECEIVED by the test secretary rests solely
on the entrant. An entrant may request confirmation of receipt of an entry by furnishing an
email address for verification. Confirmation letters and exhibitor numbers will be emailed to
entrants that include an email address.
More Than One Entry
If you wish to enter more than one dog, please copy the entry form in this premium and mail to the
Test Secretary.
Close of Entries
Entries close at 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday, April 15, 2015, or before, if the entry limit of 12 is reached
prior to the closing date. Send entries to:
Marie Acosta, Draft Test Secretary
2225 Hunt Club Dr., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
NCA Draft test regulations: Chapter 1, Section 10, Number 10:
10. Entries must be made on an official NCA entry form, which includes the Agreement, and includes the notice that a copy of the entered dog’s AKC, ILP, PAL, or foreign registration paper
must be attached.
Make sure your entry has a valid DATE on the stamp. Entries received without a date WILL BE
The Great Lakes Newfoundland Club has been granted permission to hold this Draft Test by
the Working Dog Committee of the Newfoundland Club of America.
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Pam Saunders
Pat Randall
Lynne Anderson-Powell
Mary L. Price
Mary Lou Cuddy
Pam Rubio
John Cornell, Roger Frey, Steve Britton, Sue Marino
Donna Thibault, Steve McAdams
AKC Delegate
David Helming
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Dawn Staffen
Jenny Zablotny
Nan Edwards
Sabrina Moore
Derek Fritz
Ann Halatek, Terry Fuller, Sue Putt
Dawn Staffen
Marie Acosta
248-594-3346 or 248-760-2550 (cell)
Committee Member
Sue Putt
Emergency Animal Hospital
3260 Plainfield Ave. NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Dogs in Designated Test Areas
Site Familiarization
Spectators are encouraged to leave un-entered dogs at home. Un-entered dogs and those
that are not being tested at the time are not permitted in the official Draft Test Areas. As
specified in the Draft Test Regulations, 90 minutes before the start of judging handlers and
dogs (except bitches in season) are allowed a 30-minute period to familiarize themselves
with the test areas. They may walk the course with their dogs on lead, but not hitched to an
apparatus. Handlers will not be permitted to walk the Maneuvering or Distance Freight Haul
Courses with their dogs except during this time period. When not being tested, bitches in
season must be contained in a designated area away from the official test areas.
Trophies and Exhibitor Gifts
Each exhibitor will receive theme-related ring favors. In addition, each qualifier will receive a
theme-related trophy.
Donations for this test will be gratefully accepted and acknowledged in the catalog if received
by the Test Secretary by the test closing date, Wednesday, April 15, 2015.
Catalog Advertising
Page Size: 8 1/2" X 11"
Page Size: 8 1/2" X 5 1/2"
Cost: $10.00
Cost: $ 6.00
Send camera-ready ads and payment to the Test Secretary by Wednesday, April 15, 2015,
test closing date.
Camp Concordia is located on a lake populated by year-round residents who value the
peacefulness of their environment. With this in mind, please:
Control the barking of your dogs. Leave all un-entered ―potential barkers at home,
and monitor the dogs that you bring with you.
Clean up after your dogs.
Observe all posted camp rules and leave the facilities in as good as, or better, condition
than you find them.
Please be sure to dispose of litter, including cigarette butts, properly. There is a large
dumpster near the pavilion.
Important Reminder
The beachfront, the playscapes, and the grounds make Camp Concordia a wonderful place
to spend the weekend. The beachfront, the playscapes, and the grounds can also be a safety threat to children. Parents are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children and
are expected to keep an eye on them at all times.
Draft Test Weekend
Schedule may be modified depending upon the number of test entries.
7:00-8:00 AM
Full Breakfast (Pavilion)
(Reservations Required)
7:15-7:45 AM:
Exhibitor Check-In at the Pavilion
7:30-8:00 AM
Site Familiarization per Draft Test Regulations
9:00 AM
The Draft Test begins with Basic Control Exercises at the
tennis court.
Noonish at Judges’ Discretion: Potluck—bring a dish to pass.
Draft Test concludes following lunch
6:00 PM:
Cookout (Reservations Required) - Grilled burgers and
dogs (not Newfs), and all of the usual yummy sides.
An auction will follow dinner.
7:00 - 8:00 AM:
Pancake Breakfast (pavilion).
(Reservations required)
7:15 - 7:45 AM:
Exhibitor Check-In at the Pavilion.
7:30 - 8:00 AM:
Site Familiarization per Draft Test Regulations.
9:00 AM:
The Draft Test begins with Basic Control Exercises at the
tennis court.
12:00 Noon:
Lunch At Judges’ Discretion, box lunch by reservation only
The Draft Test continues. Awards are presented at the conclusion of the
There are 9 cabins (each accommodates 6-8 persons), and campsites available on site at
Camp Concordia by advance reservation. The cabins are rustic with beds and electricity;
there are modern restrooms and water nearby. The cabins are usually in demand and will be
assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. A refundable cleaning deposit will be required
with cabin reservations. A dumping station is available in the campground for RVs.
The nearest motel is located in Greenville, 7 miles from the test site.
AmericInn, 2525 W. Washington St. (616) 754-4500 (on M-57 across from Wal-Mart)
This is a newer motel and allows dogs in their standard rooms.
Other motels located on the north side of Grand Rapids, about 30 minutes away, allowed
dogs in the room at the time of this printing. Confirming the dog policy when reserving rooms
is advisable.
Amerihost Inn – Grand Rapids North, 2171 Holton Ct. NW (616) 791-8500
Baymont Inn & Suites, 2151 Holton Ct., NW (616) 735-9595
Motel 6, 777 3 Mile Rd. NW, (616) 784-9375
Radisson Hotel Riverfront, 270 Ann St. NW (616) 363-9001
Saturday Breakfast – (Reservations Required)– Loaded eggs with tasty accompani- m nts,
beverages (coffee, juice etc.), and fruit.
Saturday Lunch – Potluck – Bring a favorite dish to pass.
Saturday Evening – Cookout (Reservations Required)
Sunday Morning—Pancake Breakfast (Reservations Required)
Pancakes, sausage, beverages (juice, coffee, etc.)
Sunday Lunch – Sandwich makings and sides ABOUT THE TEST SITE
Camp Concordia is a private camp which we rent for GLNC use during the Draft Test Weekend. The Basic Control Exercises will be held on a paved tennis court. The Harnessing/
Hitching and Equipment Check Exercises will take place in a grassy field. The Maneuvering Course and Basic Commands Exercises will begin where the Equipment Check ends
and continue into an adjacent wooded area, incorporating narrows, curves, and natural obstacles. The Three-Minute Out-of-Sight Stay (a group exercise), the Freight Load and the
Distance Freight Haul begin by the parking area near the grassy field. The mile-long
Freight Haul Course is fairly level for most of its way, with a few gentle uphill and downhill
sections, and one short, steep downhill section of only a few feet. The course begins on a
sand and gravel road, which often includes loose sand, and changes into a woodland trail
that parallels the lake and traverses a side-less wooden foot bridge (with a small dam and
waterfall beneath it). The bridge is approximately 6 feet wide and 20 feet long. In addition to
the proximity of water, natural-occurring distractions on the trail could include deer, ducks,
turkeys, swans, geese, herons, squirrels, rabbits, and snakes (perfectly harmless!).
The GLNC is offering Non-Newfs (dogs of any size or breed, including mixes) an opportunity to participate; neither t h e GLNC nor the Newfoundland Club of America
awards titles. Non-Newfs successfully completing all exercises at a level are issued
a certificate of completion by the GLNC that the owners can then submit to their parent
clubs for recognition. The Non-Newf test will be under NCA regulations EXCEPT that
the freight haul load will be 20% of a dog's weight up to a maximum of 25 lbs. Please
indicate clearly the "Breed of Dog" in a prominent location on the entry form. The
Non-Newf Judges will be Andre Lapeyre and Lynda Dunn.
Camp Concordia is located in Kent County, northeast of Grand Rapids. From I-96, get off at
Exit 52 (Lowell exit) and go North; drive about 24.5 miles north (through Lowell, past the intersections of M-44 and M-57). Turn right on Pinewood Drive and go 0.7 miles until the road
dead ends at the Camp Concordia entrance.
From US-131, exit at M-57 (14 Mile Road). Go east about 10 miles to Lincoln Lake Road,
then north on Lincoln Lake Road about 2.8 miles to Pinewood Drive, turn right and go to the
NCA Working Test Entry Form
Entries Close At 5 pm, On Wed. April 15, 2015. Entries must be received by the test secretary, by mail, by the closing date and time.
Entries not received by the closing date and time will not be accepted even if postmarked before this date.
Send entries with $35.00 entry fee payable to GLNC.
Return entries to the Test Secretary: Marie Acosta, 2225 Hunt Club Dr., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
________ May 16th Test
_________ May 17th Test
_________Single Entry __________Single Requalifier ___________Team Entry _______________Team Re-qualifier
For Team Entries complete a form for each dog
**Attach a current copy of this dog’s AKC/Canadian Kennel Club Registration and the Agreement**
Please print CLEARLY. Information on this form will be used for record keeping and to generate a certificate
of qualification should the dog and handler pass.
Full Name of Dog ___________________________________________________________________
Call Name of Dog ___________________________________________________________________
AKC# (or ILP/PAL) __________________________Sex____________ Date of Birth______________
Handler’s Name ____________________________________________________________________
Sire ______________________________________________________________________________
Dam ______________________________________________________________________________
Breeder ___________________________________________________________________________
Registered Owner ___________________________________________________________________
Owner’s Address ____________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________State__________ Zip ____________
Entry form must be signed to be a Valid Entry
I understand that I enter my dog in this NCA Working Test at my own risk. I have read the Test Regulations and understand them. I agree to abide by the Test Regulations, the NCA Constitution and By-Laws, and furtheragree to be bound
by the Agreement printed on this entry form.
Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________
(Signature of Owner/Agent duly authorized to make this entry)
Date ________________ Phone # _______________________Email_____________________________________
I (we) acknowledge that the NCA test regulations have been made available to me (us) and that I am (we are) familiar with their con- tents. I (we)
agree that the club holding this event has the right to refuse this entry for cause which the club shall deem to be sufficient. In consideration of the
acceptance of this entry and of the holding of this event and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prize money, ribbons or trophies, I
(we) agree to hold this club, its members, directors, governors, officers, agents, superintendents, or test secretary and the owner or lessor of the
premises or grounds and the employees of the aforementioned parties, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been
caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or upon the test premises or grounds or near any ent4rance thereto,
and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim; and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless
from any claim or loss of this dog by disappearance, theft, damage or injury, be caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence of the club or
any of the parties aforementioned, or by the negligence of any other person or any other causes.
I (We) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify and save the aforementioned parties harmless from and all loss and
expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily
injuries, including deathatany time, resulting there from, sustained by any person or persons including myself (ourselves) or on account of
damage to property, arising out of or in consequence to my (our) participation in this test, howsoever such injuries, death or damage to property may
be caused, and whether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by negligence of the aforementioned parties
or any of their employees or agents or other persons.
Address __________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________________Email ____________________________________
FOOD RESERVATIONS (Kids – age 12 and younger)
Weekend Meal Package………………………………………….
(includes Saturday breakfast & dinner, Sunday breakfast, and Sunday lunch)
_______# of adults @ $30
_________# of kids @ $20
Saturday Breakfast Only …………………………………………
_______# of adults @ $5
_________# of kids @ $4
Saturday Cook Out Only …………………………………………..
_______# of adults @ $15
_________# of kids @ $10
Sunday Breakfast Only ……………………………………….......
_______# of adults @ $5
_________ # of kids @ $4
Sunday Box Lunch ………………………………………………….
______# of lunches @$10 ea
Ham#____ Turkey#____ Beef#_____
______Campsites $25/night
_______Thursday________Friday _______Saturday
______Cabin (6-8 persons)
1 night $50 2 nights $75 3 nights $100
______Thursday ______Friday _____Saturday
**$50 refundable cleaning fee must be included with each cabin reservation. Each cabin must be swept
clean & sprayed with 20% bleach mixture that will be furnished, and trash dumped. If the cabin is not clean
when inspected by the show chair and camp director your cabin fee will NOT be refunded. Please
include this fee on a separate check so it can be returned to you after inspection.
Amount enclosed: $______________ $50.00 Cabin Cleaning Deposit __________
(Checks payable to GLNC)
Return by WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 to
Sue Putt
46360 33rd St.
Paw Paw, MI 49079-9509
Please check below if you are willing to help with the Draft Test Weekend in any of the
following ways:
____Work as a Test Steward
____Help with set up
Saturday _____ Sunday_____
Friday pm _____ Sat. am ______ Sat. pm _____ Sun. am _____
____Help with clean up (Sunday afternoon)
____Help with breakfast (Saturday morning)
____Help with breakfast (Sunday morning)
____Bring food to the Potluck Lunch (Saturday noon)
____General “help where needed most”
Sat.____ Sun.____
____Donate an item for the auction
Requests, ideas, suggestions, etc. for the Draft Test Committee
Name _________________________________________________________
Street Address __________________________________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________________________________
Phone _____________________ E-Mail _____________________________
Please return by Wed., April 15th, 2015 to:
Jenny Zablotny
6410 East Allen Rd
Fenton, MI 48430-9220