RED ALERT - CITRUS STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIE RED ALERT - CITRUS STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIE This recipe makes 2 large smoothies or 4 small ones. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Put all the ingredients, except the ice cubes and the strawberries and orange slices for decoration, into the blender. NTS er ones: INGREDIE s or 4 small ie th o o sm For 2 large ies ezed err 500g strawb removed and juice sque st e 1 orange - z hurt - chilled g 200g plain yo ear honey cl n 1 tablespoo onal ti p o to decorate ice cubes range slices o 4 d n a s ie 4 strawberr T oon, EQUIPMEN lemon squeezer, tablesp r, te ss blender, gra knife , board, serving gla scraper, sharp 2. Whizz the ingredients in the blender until smooth, then pour into glasses. 3. With a sharp knife, slit the strawberry and orange slices so that they sit on the rim of each glass. 4. Add the ice cubes, if using, and serve immediately. Photograph by Richard Moran For more recipes go to BERRY LIME REFRESHER BERRY LIME REFRESHER This is a simple taste-tingling drink made from a variety of fruit juices - a good way to top up your daily servings of fresh fruit. Enjoy it at breakfast or include it in a packed lunch. This recipe serves 2. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Place the crushed ice cubes in the tumblers. TS uits EDIEN- crushed R G mer fr N I m s u e s b cu en 12 ice 0g pack froz 0 5 es 1x ice f 3 lim juice o pineapple ju honey l 300m spoon clear le b a 1t er, squeez n o T m N jug, le PME EQUI , measuring ing tray, r blende oon, ice-mak r beakers o tablesp ic tumblers t 6 plas 2. Place all the remaining ingredients in the blender and whizz until smooth. 3. Pour the mixture over the ice cubes and serve immediately. h HOT T I 1 tables P p may be oon clear hone y added if Refresh er taste the s sour. Photograph by Richard Moran For more recipes go to SUPER SANDWICH SUPER SANDWICH This recipe serves 1. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. With the table knife, spread both of the bread slices with the cream cheese. INGR E 2 slice DIENTS ( s whole per sa 15ml (1 tab meal/whole ndwich) lespoo 2 - 3 le -grain n t b 2 table tuce leaves ) cream che read e s se p o ons tu draine na (ca d nned in 1 tom a spring cucum to - thinly s water) liced ber sli ces (o ptiona l) EQUI P c hopp MENT in tablesp g board, ta ble kn oon ife , sha rp knif e, 2. Arrange the lettuce leaves on one slice. Spoon the drained tuna evenly on to the lettuce. Add the sliced tomato. 3. Place the second slice of bread on top and press down lightly. 4. Cut the sandwich into two and serve with sliced cucumber (optional). Photograph by Richard Moran For more recipes go to BIG SNACK BRUSCHETTA BIG SNACK BRUSCHETTA Bruschetta is a toasted bread snack originating from Tuscany in Italy. In this recipe, in addition to the traditional tomato-topped garlic-flavoured toasts, a range of optional extra ingredients have been included. Each slice of ciabatta serves one person. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Lightly toast the bread on both sides. Rub both sides of the bread with the garlic clove, then place the slices on the baking tray. 2. Heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. With a teaspoon, drizzle a little olive oil on to the bread. person NTS - per INGREDIE tta or French bread ba 1 slice of cia ic rl a g f o e oil 1 clove ertspoon) oliv pped ss e d 10ml (1 cho toes - finely 1 or 2 toma nely grated - fi ptional 25g cheese to garnish - o l si a b sh e fr a little tional o of the op e tw r o e n o Choose dd to th below to a ingredients ing: p pepper tomato top ely chopped green or red fin tcorn 1 tablespoon canned swee finely chopped n o o sp 1 table m cooked ha 1 tablespoon iced pitted olives sl pped 1 tablespoon - trimmed and finely cho n 1 spring onio T: , EQUIPMEN arp knife , chopping board sh y , a e tr if g n k in bread on, bak oon, tablespo grater, teasp 3. Arrange the chopped tomato and one or two of the optional ingredients on top of bread. Sprinkle with cheese. 4. Bake in the oven for 5-10 minutes until the bruschetta is hot and the cheese is bubbling. Garnish with torn basil and serve warm. Photograph by Richard Moran For more recipes go to MILK ROLLS MILK ROLLS The recipe makes sufficient dough for 6-8 rolls. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Put the flour and yeast into the mixing bowl. Stir to combine the ingredients. ING 225 REDIE 1 x g strong NTS 150 7g sac h white p 1 ta ml warmet ‘easy lain flou extra blespoon (NOT bake’ m r oil - flour - olive o HOT) m icrofine d il for g ilk o f r wa ried yea reas or knea ding ing ter st EQU and mixi IPME s pr in kling table ng bowl NT , s t e p baki oon, w aspoo ng t ray ooden n, meas spoo u n, flo ring jug , ur d redg er, 2. Make a ‘well’ in the centre of the dry ingredients and add all the warm liquid with the olive oil. With a wooden spoon, mix the ingredients to a soft dough. 3. On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough until it develops a soft, elastic and smooth texture. Photograph by Richard Moran 4. Heat the oven to 220°C/425°F/Gas 7. 5. Divide the dough into 6 or 8 even-sized pieces. Knead each portion to form a round bread roll. Place the rolls on a greased and floured baking tray. Set aside in a warm place to rise to twice their size. Depending on the room temperature, this will vary from 20-45 minutes 6. Bake the rolls for 15 minutes until golden-brown and hollow-sounding when tapped underneath. [ HOT T I Do not P ad Althoug d salt to the fl h salt is o tradition ur. added to ally b re a d to impro flavour an ve its suitable d texture, it is not for this age ran ge. For more recipes go to HERBY CHEESE SCONES HERBY CHEESE SCONES This recipe makes 6- 8 scones. NTS INGREDIE g flour in 200g self-rais aking powder 1 /2 teaspoon b ptional 50g butter sh thyme - o e fr ) n o o sp 1 a 2.5ml ( /2 te oon) fresh basil - torn sp 5ml (1 table ted r cheese - gra 75g Chedda - to mix scones 150ml milk ening out the tt a fl r fo r u flo zed egg 1 medium si HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Heat the oven to 220°C/425°F/Gas 7. Sieve the flour and baking powder into the mixing bowl and add the butter. T asuring jug, EQUIPMEN e, table knife, grater, me siev er, mixing bowl, r dredger, 6cm plain cutt u o fl rolling pin, - greased , baking tray e if n k e tt le a p 2. With the table knife, ‘cut’ the butter into the flour. Rub the butter in with your fingertips until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. 3. Add the herbs and the cheese and mix. Make a ‘well’ in the centre of the mixture. 4. Pour the egg and milk mixture into the ‘well’.With a tablespoon, mix to a soft, but not sticky, dough. Photograph by Richard Moran 5. Put the dough on a lightly floured work surface.With the flat of your hand, press the dough to an even 3cm thickness. 6. Stamp the scones out with the cutter and place them slightly apart on the greased tray. ! TIP ser ve HOT nch box, d. lu la For a d with sa e r e butt For more recipes go to FRIENDSHIP PIZZA FRIENDSHIP PIZZA This recipe makes 1 large pizza for 4-6 people. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Put the flour and yeast into the mixing bowl. Add the water and oil and mix to a soft dough, using a wooden spoon. 2. Knead the dough until smooth. Roll it out to a 20-25 cm round, then place the round on the baking tray. Heat the oven to 220°C/425°F/Gas 7. DIENTS INGRE ase: b yeast e) dried For the ng plain flour in -f o r ic m o 225g str chet easy-bake ( a s g 7 1x e oil poon oliv 1 tables rm water a 150ml w in a g: o a pulp t in p d e p k o o t o For the rr y tomatoes - c e 300g ch oil crushed e little oliv love - peeled and c es 1 garlic ach leav steamed in p s g 0 250 - 30 oved and lightly , chopped d m stalks re pper - de-seede il e p e liv o 1 /2 red ked in o - sliced o o c ly t h arella and lig 0g Mozz sliced 5 1 g 0 0 ly 1 oes - thin 2 tomat s - torn ve basil lea oon, g, tablesp , MENT EQUIP wl, measuring ju ard, sharp knife o o b t b g g g in in in mixin n, chopp ur dredger, bak o o p s n e o wood pin, fl n, rolling saucepa 3. Spread the cooked cherry tomatoes (pick out the skins, if you wish) over the dough. Scatter the garlic over the tomatoes. Photograph by Richard Moran 4. Place a circle of Mozzarella slices in the centre of the pizza. Around it, place a ‘ring’ of spinach, followed by another ring of cooked red pepper. Add the sliced tomatoes. 5. Leave the pizza to stand for 5 minutes. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the cheese has melted and the pizza base has cooked. 6. Serve warm, cut into slices. For more recipes go to TOMATO AND BASIL SALAD TOMATO AND BASIL SALAD This recipe serves 4-6. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Place all the salad ingredients in the mixing bowl and stir gently with a tablespoon to combine them. 2. Put the basil, garlic, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, lemon juice and black pepper in the small bowl and mix well. INGREDIEN TS 6 tomatoes - cu t 8 -10 black oliv into wedges es - pitted 25g sun-dried to 1 medium-sized matoes in oil - drained red onion - pee led and thinly sl iced For the dress ing: 60ml (4 tables poons) basil to 1 large garlic clove - crushed rn 2 tablespoons Pa 4 tablespoons rmesan cheese - finely grat ed olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice freshly ground black pepper EQUIPMEN T sharp knife , ch op tablespoon, mix ping board, garlic crusher, gr ater, ing bowl, smal l bowl, serving bowl 3. Pour the dressing over the salad ingredients and mix them gently with the tablespoon. 4. Transfer the salad to a serving dish. Serve immediately. Photograph by Richard Moran For more recipes go to MIXED LEAF SALAD MIXED LEAF SALAD This recipe serves 4. atted dry NTS INGREDIE d leaves - washed and p la 200 -300g sa - peeled and diced r e b 1 /2 cucum edges s - cut into w 3 -4 tomatoe ion - sliced n 1 small red o HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Place the prepared salad ingredients in the salad bowl. 2. Prepare the dressing by mixing all the ingredients thoroughly in the small bowl or by shaking them in a tightly lidded jam jar. ssing: For the dre d or white wine vinegar re 1 tablespoon corn oil or sunflower oil s n o o 2 tablesp ear honey 1 teaspoon cl rd powder a rs a pinch must finely chopped into slive ve o cl 1 garlic T eeler, EQUIPMEN ing board, sharp knife , p ll bowl a pp colander, cho lespoon, garlic crusher, sm b ta l, w o salad b ith lid), fork (or jam jar w 3. Just before serving the salad, pour the dressing over it. Photograph by Richard Moran For more recipes go to CARNIVAL SALAD CARNIVAL SALAD This recipe serves 3-4. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Prepare the mangoes by cutting the flesh away from the stone and ‘hedgehogging’ each of the four ‘cheeks’. 2. Cut the watermelon wedges into 1 -2cm thick slices (see picture opposite). INGRE D For the IENTS s 2 ripe m alad: a ngo 1/4 (approxim es - sliced and ‘h ed ately) sm cut into all water gehogged’ w melon 1 red on edges ion - pee 1/4 le d , halve (appr peeled a oximately) cucum d and thinly slic ed n ber 200g ha d diced r (e .g. Che d cheese ddar or W ensleyda le) - cub For the ed d 2 tables ressing: poons ve getable 1 desser oil t 1 tables spoon clear hon poon lim ey e 1 tables poon fla juice t-leaf pa rsley - ch EQUIP opped MENT sharp kn ife , chop ping boa desser ts p r ser ving b oon, mixing bow d, peeler, tablesp l, small b oon, owl or p o lastic lun ch conta wl, fork, iner 3. Combine the cucumber, red onion and watermelon in the mixing bowl. With a dessertspoon, scoop the cubes of mango from their skins. 4. Add the mango and cheese cubes to the bowl. Photograph by Richard Moran 5. Make the dressing by combining all the ingredients in a small bowl and mixing with a fork. 6. Pour the dressing over the salad.Very gently mix the ingredients. Spoon the salad into a serving dish or plastic lunch container. For more recipes go to HARVEST VEGETABLE SOUP HARVEST VEGETABLE SOUP This recipe serves 4-6. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Put all the prepared vegetables, except the canned tomatoes, in the pan with the water and bouillon powder. ed nd dic ed a d le NTS tato - pee finely slic hopped EDIE c o d INGR ium-sized p washed an and finely , d d d e le me pee 1m s - trim nion 2 leek ium-sized o d oes 1 med gettes - slice ped tomat p 2 cour 0g can c ho er 3 2 s 1x pea uillon powd n e z o al) 50g fr er tspoon bo er option ( s p h s p e is e d n p 1 r gar black ley - fo s r ground water a p af l 750m spoon flat-le ve , le 1 tab esh sie m e s r NT der or coa ring jug, oard, IPME EQU r, ‘mouli’ grin h lid, measu , chopping b dle blende aucepan wit etable knife ed spoon, la t large s n spoon, veg opener, slot e n d a woo peeler, c potato 2. Heat the mixture to boiling point, then reduce it to a simmer. Put the lid on and cook for approximately 20 minutes until all the vegetables are tender. 3. Put the blender on the work surface.With a slotted spoon, remove the vegetables from the pan and place them in the blender cup. Reserve the cooking liquid. Photograph by Richard Moran 4. Add the peas and canned tomatoes. Place the lid on the blender cup and ‘seat’ it on the blender base.Whizz the soup to a smooth purée. 5. Place the purée in a clean pan and add the reserved cooking liquid. Heat until almost boiling. 6. Pour into serving dishes. Allow to cool a little. Serve with warm crusty bread or Herby Cheese Scones. For more recipes go to GREEN PEA PÂTÉ GREEN PEA PÂTÉ This can be served as a dip or used as a spread for sandwiches. This recipe serves 8-10. NTS INGREDIE eas - de-frosted led) p 450g frozen - shelled, cooked and coo s d (or fresh pea nion - very finely choppe d 1 /2 small red o e crush - peeled and chopped 1 garlic clove illi - de-seeded and finely ch 1 /2 fresh red round cumin 1 teaspoon g - finely chopped s 10 mint leave Greek yoghurt s 2 tablespoon live oil o 1 tablespoon black pepper d freshly groun HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Put the de-frosted (or cooked and cold fresh) peas into the blender. Whizz until fairly smooth. T g board, EQUIPMEN oking the peas), choppin crusher, co , garlic saucepan (if l, tablespoon w o b g in ix m scraper sharp knife , tato masher, o p r o r e d n ble 2. Transfer the pea purée to the mixing bowl and add the remaining ingredients. Stir well. 3. Place the mixture in the serving dish and chill at -5°C until ready to serve. N.B.: Use a potato masher to crush the peas if a blender is unavailable. However, a ‘mashed’ Green Pea Pâté will take longer to prepare and will be coarser in texture. HOT T I Photograph by Richard Moran ^ If you d P o process not have a foo or or ble d n potato masher der, use a to crush peas . A th m be coar ashed version e ser in te will xtu the blen ded one re than . For more recipes go to HONEYED VEGETABLE KEBABS HONEYED VEGETABLE KEBABS This recipe makes 6 kebabs. S INGREDIENT toes - cooked and cooled ta po w ne l 12 smal t into 1cm slices cu es tt 2 courge er d 1 yellow pepp 1 red pepper an into 2cm squares t de-seeded and cu , quar tered and split ed el pe n io 1 red on into layers ade: For the marin ive oil 2 tablespoons ol r honey ea 2 tablespoons cl ed and crushed el pe e ov cl c 1 garli 1 lemon juice and zest of le-grain mustard pepper ho 2 tablespoons w HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. Prepare the vegetables as set out in the Ingredients list. 2. In a mixing bowl, combine the marinade ingredients. Place the prepared vegetables in the bowl and, with a tablespoon, coat the vegetables in the marinade. Set aside for 20-30 minutes. g: For the dressin s) herbs on 75ml (5 tablespo d chives) - freshly chopped an (mint, coriander ed) aîche (fat-reduc 150ml crème fr EQUIPMENT arp knife , tablespoon, sh bowl, chopping board, squeezer, mixing on m le r, he us cr garlic tray, ry brush, baking 2 hours small bowl, past r fo d ke ewers (soa wooden kebab sk in cold water) 3. Prepare the dressing by mixing the herbs and crème fraîche in a small bowl. Refrigerate until ready to use. Photograph by Richard Moran 4. Thread the marinated vegetables on to the skewers. Place the kebabs on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 15-20 minutes until lightly browned. 5. Serve with the dressing and warm wholemeal pitta bread. For more recipes go to ROASTED VEGETABLE COUSCOUS SALAD WITH FETA CHEESE ROASTED VEGETABLE COUSCOUS SALAD WITH FETA CHEESE This salad can be served as a vegetarian main course or as a side dish. It is great to take on picnics. Serves 6-8. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Heat the oven to 220°C/425°F/Gas 7. Place all the vegetables in the plastic bag. Add the oil and garlic, then shake the bag to coat the vegetables in the oil. NTS INGREDIE us o 250g cousc live oil o n 1 tablespoo uillon powder o b s 1 teaspoon water 2 -3cm chunk g 250ml boilin llow and 1 red) - cut into ye 2 peppers (1 t into 2 -3cm chunks cu sliced 1 red onion trimmed and e tt e rg u co 1 s olive oil 2 tablespoon crushed 1 garlic clove r e black pepp ese - cubed e 200g Feta ch s basil leave T easuring jug, EQUIPMEN ag, mixing bowl, kettle , m arlic crusher, ,g b clean plastic opping board, tablespoon ch , e sharp knif rving dish baking tray, se 2. Place the oiled vegetables on the baking tray and roast them for 30 minutes until they are crisp at the edges and softened. 3. Put the couscous and bouillon powder into the mixing bowl. Add the boiling water, stir and cover the bowl to allow the couscous to steam for 20 minutes. Photograph by Richard Moran 4. Fork the couscous through gently to separate the grains. Add the roasted vegetables and season with pepper. 5. Pile the Roasted Vegetable Couscous into a serving dish. Sprinkle both the Feta cheese and the torn basil on top. Serve warm. ! c IP HOT T tables and e ed The veg can be prepar s u cousco e . nc in adva HOT T I Use a v P ar vegetab ied selection o f les , inclu din tomatoe s , auber g c herr y g and ora nge pep ine , fennel per. For more recipes go to VEGETABLE SAMOSAS VEGETABLE SAMOSAS These spicy vegetable samosas are traditionally deep-fat-fried. In this recipe, the triangle-shaped parcels are baked in the oven. This recipe makes 12-14 samosas. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Gently fry the onions in the pan with the oil until they are golden. Add the spices (and chilli, if using) and continue to cook gently for 2-3 minutes. INGREDIE NTS 1 pack filo pastry (tha wed, if froz 1 medium-s en iz 1 level teasp ed onion - peeled an ) d finely cho o o n c urr y powde pped 1 level teasp r o o n tu rmeric 2.5ml ( 1/2 le 1 green ch vel teaspoon) cumin illi (optiona l) 4 tablespoo n 1 medium-s s vegetable oil iz 300g froze ed potato - diced an d part-boile n mixed ve getables d extra oil - fo r brushing EQUIPME N sharp knife T , chopping board, teasp wooden sp oo oo pastry brush n, large saucepan wit n, h , dessertspo a lid, tablesp on, baking oon, tray 2. Add the part-boiled potato and frozen mixed vegetables. Stir, then place the lid on the pan and continue to cook slowly for 5-6 minutes. Allow to cool. 3. Heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. Cut or fold a filo pastry sheet into a rectangle 8- 10cm wide. Brush the pastry with a little oil. Photograph by Richard Moran 4. Place a dessertspoon of the cooled vegetable filling at the end of the pastry strip closest to you. Fold the pastry over in triangles, encasing in the filling. 5. Seal the ends of the parcel with a brush of oil. Place each samosa on the baking sheet and brush them lightly with oil all over. Bake for 10-20 minutes until golden-brown. For more recipes go to VEGETABLE SPRING ROLLS (CHINESE STYLE) VEGETABLE SPRING ROLLS (CHINESE STYLE) This recipe makes 12-14 spring rolls. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. Drain the mushrooms and slice them finely, discarding the tough stalks. 2. Prepare all the other vegetables by cutting and slicing them thinly for quick cooking. Heat 30ml (2 tablespoons) of oil in the pan. Add all the vegetables, except the bean sprouts, and stir-fry them for 68 minutes, ensuring that they do not brown. Add the bean sprouts and soy sauce. NTS INGREDIE nflower oil d sliced su n o o s - soaked an m 1 tablesp o ro sh u m d drie 5 -6 Chinese crushed ve o cl d grated 1 garlic r - peeled an t into strips ge in g t o ro 1 -2cm and cu rrot - peeled 1 medium ca ut - sliced to 100g mange ns - sliced nio o g n ri d 2 -3 sp routs - washe sp n a e 100g b on soy sauce 1 dessertspo black pepper ) d freshly groun ry - de-frosted (if frozen st a p lo fi 1 pack il s vegetable o 4 tablespoon , T , sharp knife EQUIPMEN or wok, chopping board n, an oo large saucep wl, tablespoon, dessertsp o b ll a d sm , plate - grease , baking tray pastry brush Photograph by Richard Moran 3. Place a rectangular sheet of filo pastry on the table or work surface, short side towards you. Brush the pastry lightly with oil. 4. Place a heaped dessertspoon of filling 2cm in from the pastry edge nearest you. Fold the long sides in to cover the centre of the filling and overlap them. Then roll up the pastry, encasing the filling completely. 5. Brush each Spring Roll with oil. Bake for 10-15 minutes until golden and crisp. For more recipes go to DINNER JACKETS DINNER JACKETS ashed n-w o s r e TS per p DIEN d potato E R ING ium-size sil: d d ba n a 1 me ato : llings eese , tom iced i f e This recipe is for one jacket l h For t arella ch cheese - s z a z l potato per person. l o e M ozzar - sliced 75g Me tomato - whole 1 larg asil leaves : ater) cress spring w d 5-6 b n in na o n i o n a ( c a n n e d (optional) d e r d , u m tuna espoons t alad crea thinly slice l s d b 2 ta er tspoon eeled an cress s 1 des d onion - p stard and e r mu 1 /4 d, poon s e l b rot: alved, core a r a 1t c -h and ler y ting apple e c , e appl skinned ea inly sliced h d e r and t inely sliced d 1 d e r e quar t r y stick - f and grate ife , 1 cele ot - peeled rp kn th r r a a h c s , 1 oard n c lo NT hopping b rater, clea E M IP ,c ,g For the apple, HOW TO MAKE IT EQU tray, fork lon baller e g n i m celery and carrot 1. Heat the oven to bak tspoon, r desse 200°C/400°F/Gas 6.To cook the filling: mix the potato, prick it with a fork, place it on a baking tray and bake it for 1-11/4 hours until soft throughout. ingredients and fill the potato. Serve immediately. 2. Prepare the filling of your choice from the Ingredients list. (Use the ‘bridge’ and ‘claw’ techniques to slice and cut the ingredients; use a box grater to grate the carrot .) 3. Hold the hot potato in a thick pad of a clean cloth. With a sharp knife, slit the top of each cooked potato and gently press the sides to open the potato. Photograph by Richard Moran For the Mozzarella tomato and basil filling: arrange the ingredients alternately and overlapping slightly in the potato. For the tuna, red onion and cress filling: mix the tuna with the salad cream and onion. Fill the potato with the mixture and top with the cress. For more recipes go to THE OSLO MEAL THE OSLO MEAL The ‘Oslo’ meal, comprising salad, cheese, brown bread and butter and a glass of milk, was given to Wartime school children as a health experiment. The improvement in their personal health was remarkable. Salad vegetables were a good source of vitamin C and fibre; cheese provided calcium, fat, protein and vitamins A and D; the bread and butter provided carbohydrate and fat; and the milk provided additional calcium for strong bones and teeth. n - per perso Ingredients s of your choice ble salad vegeta prepared or grated washed and eese - sliced tly buttered ch r a d d e h C h 25g eal bread - lig m le o h w s e ic 2 sl cold milk 250ml fresh HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Prepare the salad ingredients and arrange them on a plate. 2. Place the cheese on the salad and arrange the bread and butter on the side of the plate. Equipment: , sharp knife , grater, rd chopping boa ing plate , glass rv se table knife , 3. Pour the very cold milk into a glass. Serve the meal straight away. sted wa TIP ing was ve the T h HO not , lea ! as me Just g War ti bread! n i r h du s on t e t crus Photograph by Richard Moran For more recipes go to ^ HO T For W TIP do n ar time o or d t add m authent i ress ing. ayonna city, ise FRUIT MUFFINS FRUIT MUFFINS This mixture makes 6 large muffins, 12 medium-sized ones or 24 mini-muffins. INGRED 75g who IENTS le 75g whit meal self-raising e self-rais flour 75g gold in en caster g flour 80g berr sugar ie or a mix s (e .g. raspberrie tu s , bluebe rries 75ml mil re of both) k 4 tablesp o 1 egg - b ons sunflower oil eaten EQUIPM mixing b ENT ow fork, table l, measuring jug , silicone m spoon, scraper, m small bowl, uffin case ould, coo s or ling tray HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. 2. Put all the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl with the fruit. 3. Place the milk, oil and egg in the measuring jug and beat them together with a fork. 4. Pour all the liquid on to the flour and fruit and combine the mixture quickly and lightly to a lumpy consistency. 5. Spoon the mixture into the muffin cases or moulds and bake for 15 minutes until well risen and golden-brown. + HOT TIP mixed spice, Tr y adding nnamon to nutmeg or ci hance the en the fruit to e muffins. flavour of th o HOT T I Grated P ze or lemo st of an orang e n with a pp banana are a d le or eli alternati ve to th cious e berrie s. Photograph by Richard Moran For more recipes go to CARROT AND PINEAPPLE PICNIC SQUARES CARROT AND PINEAPPLE PICNIC SQUARES This recipe makes 12 squares. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Heat the oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas 5. Place the flour, butter, sugar, spice and zest in the mixing bowl. NTS INGREDIE al self-raising flour e m le r 100g who lf-raising flou se e it 100g wh 100g butter ar g 75g caster su oon mixed spice sp a te 1 /2 level and grated rrot - cooked ined and finely ca d e iz -s m gs - dra 1 mediu pineapple rin 1 x 227g can chopped rge orange zest of 1 la eaten b 1 large egg T , tablespoon, EQUIPMEN all bowl, fork, table knife sm mixing bowl, r, chopping board, te ra g , n ased teaspoo aking tin - gre b cm 7 26 x 1 2. With the table knife, cut the fat into the flour. With your fingertips, rub the fat into the flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. 3. Add the grated carrot and chopped pineapple to the bowl. Make a ‘well’ in the mixture and add all the beaten egg.With the table knife, mix the ingredients thoroughly. 4. Spoon the mixture into the greased tin and smooth it level with the back of the tablespoon. Photograph by Richard Moran 5. Bake for 30-35 minutes until well risen and golden-brown. When cold, cut into 12 squares. For more recipes go to BERRIED TREASURE BERRIED TREASURE This recipe serves 2-3. HOW TO MAKE IT 1. Place the raspberries in the saucepan with 1 tablespoon of water. Put the lid on and heat gently until the raspberries are very soft and cooked. Allow to cool. IENTS INGRED oulis: c For the berries - rinsed p 200g ras blespoon) water ta 1 5ml (1 ced e’: - fat redu ‘treasur For the ons fromage frais blueberries , o ly 4 tablesp ons approximate redcurrants d o n p s a le s b rie 4 ta strawber cream , s ie r r e b ble rasp oons dou 2 tablesp ladle , ENT on, sieve , spoon, M o P p I s U le b Q ta E with lid, tes , table saucepan jug, 2 ser ving pla g measurin on, teaspoon o p ts desser 2. Sieve the cooked raspberries and juice into the measuring jug. With the back of a ladle, push as much raspberry pulp as possible through the sieve mesh. Discard the seeds. 3. Spoon 15-30ml (1-2 tablespoons) fromage frais into the centre of each serving plate. Arrange some of the berries over the top. Photograph by Richard Moran 4. Pour some of the coulis carefully round the fruit mound in the centre of the plate. 5. Serve the Berried Treasure either as it is or, additionally, add drops of double cream from a teaspoon at intervals on to the coulis. Drag the tip of a sharp knife through the cream to create a decorative effect. Serve immediately. For more recipes go to
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