Tel: 01 8621611. Vol.19. No.8 25 Feb - 3 Mar ‘15 WeST Reaching 370,000 ReadeRs Weekly acRoss 3 titles* if you Want to talk to dublin - talk to us! Community staff in fear of jobs and service cuts Tears for Thomas teaRs flowed in finglas last friday as the remains of local man thomas kennedy were finally laid to rest. Jack Gleeson coMMunity workers across the northside fear for their jobs and local services due to a new programme that could see funding slashed by almost €750,000. The Ballymun/Whitehall and Tolka Area Partnerships, which provide a range of services to local disadvantaged groups, are expected to be merged when the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is introduced. SICAP, due to be rolled out in April, will be funded through the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government and a public procurement process is being used to choose who’ll run local partnerships, also known as Local Development Companies (LDCs). The current partnerships have submitted tenders to continue operating but funding for Dublin partnerships is expected to be cut by an estimated €742,000. continued on page 2 * target group index 2014 ▪ The remains of Finglas man Thomas Kennedy leave the Church of the Annunciation. PHOTO BY DARREN KINSELLA. Friday, 27th February NEW The 81-year-old was given an emotional send off at the and the funeral cortege was flanked by a garda escort as it left the Church of the Annunciation in Finglas West. The church itself was packed to overflowing as locals paid their respects to the much loved grandfather. Thomas, formerly of Kilkieran Road, Cabra and late of CIE Broadstone and Inchicore, was previously Leader and Assistant Regional Commissioner of Scouting Ireland. His death notice read: “Tommy will be sadly missed and remembered with love by his wife, sons, grandchildren Ross, Craig, Jack, Scott, Jenna, Sean, Bella, Aoife and Josh, daughters-in-law, sister Bernie, brother Michael, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and the vast number of friends who rallied to Tommy’s cause.” The family also used Facebook to thank the hundreds of locals who joined in the search for Thomas after he went missing on July 29 last. Full Time Course Starts Dublin, Wednesday, 13th May 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West ESB protest planned THE Retired Staff Association of the ESB will hold a demonstration outside the company’s Fitzwilliam Street head office on Tuesday, March 3, 12 noon. Organisers of the protest said they were looking for better rights, recognition and representation for ESB pensioners. All retired staff - members and non-members - are invited to attend. Further details at ▪ HE’S GRAND: Finglas funnyman Brendan O’Carroll will be Grand Marshell at this year’s St Patrick’s Day Parade. He already leads the way in comedy so he’ll be right at home marching at the head of the parade on March 17 next. Community workers fear for future Continued from page 1 An announcement on tendering was expected to be made last week but community workers heard nothing and are still in the dark over what SICAP will mean to their jobs or the local communities. Last week hundreds of workers took part in a protest outside the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government at the Custom House to voice their concern over the change. They were supported by SIPTU and IMPACT unions who claim that the change effectively privatises community social inclusion programmes. The workers were also protesting over the refusal of the department to negotiate with union representatives following a Labour Court recommendation last December to establish a forum to discuss concerns regarding the introduction of SICAP. IMPACT assistant general secretary, Geraldine O’Brien, said workers in the sector are very concerned about the move. “There will not be enough contracts awarded to ensure all LDCs will receive future funding,” she PUBLIC N OTICE Registration of Residents and Tenants Associations for the Agency Election THE COMPLETE BATHROOM RENOVATION SPECIALISTS • We offer the option of complete bathroom renovations or supply of equipment only • We refurbish all types of bathrooms • Extensive range of tiles, sanitary ware, furniture and bathroom accessories 4000sq.ft Showrooms with extensive bathroom displays Stair liftS • Stairlifts straight and curved • Full product demonstration available in our showrooms Local: 1890 911 910 tel: 01 4568000 Showrooms: 6 Western Parkway Business Centre Lower Ballymount Rd, D12 (Exit 10 M50) Open Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm Closed Sat & Sun Pursuant to the Provisions of Schedule 4 of the Grangegorman Development Agency Act 2005 the Grangegorman Development Agency (GDA) invites Residents Associations and Tenants Associations with an address in the Grangegorman neighbourhood* to register as an interested “registered group” to elect one person for appointment by the Minister for Education and Skills to be a member of the GDA. Application forms may be obtained from the GDA by calling LQWRRXURɝFHDWGrangegorman Lower, Dublin 7, by telephoning us at 01 4024140, by e-mailing communications@, or can be downloaded from our website All registration forms must be completed in full and returned to the GDA at the above address not later than 5pm on Friday 13th March 2015. The Agency reserves the right to: (i) decline to register an entity, or to remove an entity from the register, in circumstances where there is a risk of duplication of representation, duplication of voting rights or duplication of votes; or (ii) take any other action which it believes is necessary to secure and protect the integrity of the electoral process. Michael Hand &KLHI([HFXWLYH2ɝFHU * N.B. The Grangegorman neighbourhood consists of the electoral divisions (wards) of Arran Quay A, Arran Quay B, Arran Quay C, Arran Quay D, Arran Quay E, Inns Quay B, Inns Quay C and Cabra East C (as at 18 May 2005) which are delineated with a continuous blue verge line on the Dublin City Council map which can be inspected at the above address by appointment or can be viewed on our website said. “This will ultimately lead to a reduction in services and the probability of job losses. These LDCs facilitate crucial work in the communities they serve, from drug addiction services, upskilling early school leavers and homelessness services. “No transition process has been put in place by the Department to ensure this work will continue. Private companies, obviously more interested in profit than service provision, could end up providing these services.” IMPACT says it’s now in the process of preparing a ballot of community sector members for industrial action against possible redundancies and job losses. SIPTU is also balloting its members and warned that companies that end up operating programmes under SICAP could face strike action. “Workers across the country are being placed on protective notice with some having already been made redundant,” said SIPTU community sector activist, Donnie O’Leary. “If this ballot is successful it will mean that community workers across the country will defend their colleagues’ right to maintain their employment with its existing terms and conditions. This right will be defended by industrial action, up to and including strike action.” Cllr Paul McAuliffe (FF) warned that the community sector could face a “brain drain” of talented workers fed up with uncertainty around their futures. “The tendering process is a farce and was designed to introduce significant cutbacks through the back door,” he claimed. Cllr McAulliffe, who is a director of the Ballymun Whitehall Partnership, warned that community organisations will struggle to stay afloat following funding cuts. “In my own locality there are two partnership companies, Tolka Area Partnership and Ballymun Whitehall Partnership, that have been forced to tender for the same contract,” he said. “One of these organisations will have serious issues to consider including redundancies and the closure of programmes. “As a director, it remains unclear to me what will happen to the staff and community programmes that currently operate in areas like Finglas and Ballymun.” Cllr Noeleen Reilly (SF) also expressed her dismay at the introduction of SICAP. “As a member of the Ballymun Whitehall Partnership it is shocking to consider we may not exist after next week,” she said. “Before SICAP there were two partnerships operating within Dublin North West. The results of the tender process means only one of those partnerships can exist and will exist on a much smaller budget but will also have to cover a greater geographical area. “The people involved in providing services for years; the dedication and commitment they have given to areas like Ballymun, Finglas, Cabra and Whitehall has been so easily forgotten by this Government.” SITES WANTED Housebuilder Requires ‘Ready To Go’ Sites in DUBLIN Own Funds in place to Commence Immediately. To Discuss Please contact 087 3373361 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE wEST • 25 FEb 2015 Write man for Bohs ‘Exessive force’ used in stabbing By Jack Gleeson A MAN has avoided jail for using “excessive force” when stabbing another man in self defence. THERE’S no guarantee that Bohemian FC will pick up any silverware this upcoming season but they’re bound to beat their League of Ireland rivals in any war of words. That’s because the Northside club has become the first ever Irish soccer team to appoint a Poet in Residence, and Cabra student, Lewis Kenny, will be bringing a touch of culture to the Gypsies in this, their 125th anniversary year. For better or verse, the 21year-old will compose poems about the club, Dalymount Park, football in general and the local community, which will be published in he club’s match-day programme. And while he’s always wanted to represent the Bohs, Lewis never thought he be writing down lines for the club, rather than playing down them. “My reaction to this appointment is pure joy,” he said. “My boyhood dream was to play for Bohemians, and I have been a fan all my life. I never thought I would represent the club as a poet.” Lewis has several pieces “in the works” and hopes to unveil ▪ Bohs poet Lewis Kenny pictured at Dalymount Park with the season ticket he received in payment for his poetry one of these at the start of the new league season next month. And he’s no novice when it comes to words. In fact Lewis is a regular performer on the Dublin festival circuit and even headlined his own show, ‘OutStraight’, at Electric Picnic. He’s also the founder of the Inter-Varsity Poetry Slam, a college competition that starts next month and aims to become an all-Ireland event next year. Lewis has appeared on RTE’s The Works and is also Chairperson of the Poetry Society at the Institute of Art Design and Technology (IADT) in Dun Laoghaire, where he studies audio-visual media technology. Lewis Kenny’s appointment is part of a series of measures to help celebrate and commemorate the historic Northside club’s 125th anniversary. The programme of events over the coming months includes an exhibition, a drama reading, a family day, historical talks and other cultural initiatives. Already known as ‘the people’s club, Bohs are increasingly becoming recognised as an earthy club of culture. Declan Christie (44), of North Circular Road, Dublin, pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to assault causing harm at Infirmary Road on June 16, 2011. Garda Jennifer Woods said that “words were exchanged” when Christie met his friend Daniel Doyle and the victim, Ian Dunne, by arrangement on the night of the assault. Mr Doyle head-butted Christie and the three men began fighting. Christie then stabbed Dunne in the lower back with a knife that he found at the scene. Dunne required surgery for a 1.5 cm stab wound. Christie has 19 previous convictions. He had not come to the at- tention of gardai since 2004 until this incident. Gda Woods told Anne-Marie Lawlor BL, defending, that Christie voluntarily came to the gardaí when he learned they were looking for him and admitted his involvement. She agreed with counsel that Christie had been acting in selfdefence and had not brought the knife to the scene. Sentencing Christie to two years in jail, suspended for three years, Judge James O’Donohoe said Christie’s admission of using “excessive force” was a valuable plea that prevented a jury trial. Christie paid a bond of €100 and agreed to be of good behaviour. %6#-*/1&01-&(3061 /0 '03"--%6#-*/ 3&"%&34)*1 Brighten up your Home this Spring Just arrived Brand New Range of Blackout Roller Fabrics Special price - on commercial & rented properties Irish owned family business Make a positive difference Help children feel safe and secure Enable children to achieve their full potential Develop children’s self esteem and sense of pride Support children to face their futures with confidence 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West opinion >> ‘Jake’s Law’ has concentrated minds on speed Tony McCullagh THERE was a lot of talk of speed last week. The National Roads Authority is proposing a rush hour speed reduction on the M50 to 60km/h in a bid to ease what it calls the “accordion effect”, where vehicles braking on a heavily trafficked route cause a ripple reaction behind them. Most of us would love to be able to travel at 60km/h on the motorway at peak times instead of moving at a brisk walking pace, so it will be interesting to see if there is any merit to the NRA’s proposal. But traffic congestion on the capital’s busiest route was the last thing on the minds of the parents of little Jake Brennan (6), who was tragically killed by a car outside his home. They held a three- In my experience, local authorities are slow to act on calls for speed reduction measures unless there is a broad consensus among residents. night vigil outside the Dáil to promote their campaign for a speed reduction to 20km/h in residential areas. The initiative, which has become known as ‘Jake’s Law’, was the subject of a Sinn Féin bill and was met with widespread political support, despite fears from the Minister for Transport that it could be problematic to implement. But like everything else in this country, a law is only as good as its enforcement. Reduced speed limits in housing estates will do little for the safety of our children if the detection vans are not moved from our motorways and major roads and into residential areas. One of the most notorious speed traps is regularly located on the N4, just as you exit the M50 near Liffey Valley Shopping Centre. This is not an area where children play football on the green or even where pedestrians cross the road. It always strikes me as a revenue raising exercise rather than a safety measure. I would like to see the accident statistics for this particular spot because I can’t help but think that communities would be far better served if this van was located in nearby housing estates. Residents’ associations also need to play a stronger role in reducing the risk ▪ Speeding in residential areas puts children’s lives at risk. PHOTO POSED to children’s lives. Attempts by parents to have speed reduction measures introduced in their areas are often thwarted by a minority of people who are afraid that ramps or excessive signage will lower the tone of the area or - God forbid - affect property prices. In my experience, local authorities are slow to act on calls for speed reduction measures unless there is a broad consensus among residents. On a related note, have you noticed the reduction in the numbers of socalled boy racers on our roads? I’m not just talking about the ‘skangers in bang- ers’, but also the young men who spend a fortune modifying their cars. There was a time when boy racers plagued my community; now they are reduced to just one or two brain dead idiots. You’d almost miss the obnoxious roar of their souped-up back boxes in the middle of the night. So where have they all gone? My guess is that a large section of the boy racer demographic have either been forced to emigrate or have lost their jobs and can no longer afford to pimp their rides. Whoever said there was nothing good about the recession? ONE BRAND 3 EASY WAYS to read all your local news & sports... 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L lll#cac#^Z Egd\gVbbZhVgZhjeedgiZYWn i]Z>g^h]:mX]ZfjZgVcY[jcYZY jcYZgi]ZCVi^dcVa9ZkZadebZci EaVc'%%%"'%%+ 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West Great day for Sister Eileen THE Congregation of Dominican Sisters in Cabra celebrated the first profession of Sr Eileen O’Connelon on Sunday February 15. Originally from Ballincollig, Co Cork, Sr Eileen was joined in the celebration by her parents Mary and John, her brother Tim and his wife Eilish and their two sons, Sam and Joe. Speaking at the celebration, Sr Helen Mary Harmey, OP Congregation Prioress, described it as a privilege and a delight to be welcoming everyone to the profession ceremony. Sr Eileen’s cousin, Rev Derry Murphy, a priest with the Pallotine Order was chief celebrant on the day. As part of the ceremony Sr Eileen made profession into the hands of the Congregation Prioress, Sr Helen Mary Harmey OP. “You will notice that Eileen will only vow obedience, according to our Dominican tradition,” explained Sr Helen Mary. “This is because for us obedi- ▪ The talented St Philip’s SNS Choir put on a great performance at the RDS. ▪ Pictured at the First Profession of Sister Eileen O’Connell at the Dominican Convent Chapel, Cabra, are (l-r): Sister Martina Phelan, Irish Mission Area Prioress; Sister Eileen O’Connell; Sister Marie Redmond, Director of Novices; and Sister Helen Mary Harmey, Congregation Prioress of Dominican Sisters, Cabra. ence refers not just to one of the vows, and not even to all three vows at once. It refers to the call of being a Dominican, inclusive of all elements of our life - community, prayer, study and preaching. “This is our Obedience and it is marked by the value of freedom, freedom to listen to God, self and community. Our freedom is not license but has within it the demands and choice of personal and communal responsibility.” The celebration was a beautiful day, marked with a choir made up of Dominican sisters whose singing held the beauty of the Dominican tradition of liturgical prayer. Sr Eileen felt the joy and prayer of so many sisters, family members and others who journeyed with her to the day and who will continue to be of support to her along her journey. Dublin 15 school choir hits all the right notes THE choir from St Philip’s SNS in Mountview, Clonsilla, sung their hearts out recently when they took part in the massive Peace Proms concert at the RDS. Up to 1,000 children took part in the concert and they sang with a full symphony orchestra. Principal of St Philip’s, Paula Dargan, said she was very proud of the school’s choir. “They have worked hard under the guidance of Aideen Hughes and Mary Keane,” she added. “We know that the children re- ally enjoy the whole experience of singing in front of a large audience and with a full orchestra.” The Peace Proms is organised by the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland (CBOI). It’s a unique and ambitious musical education programme in which 7,000 children from 250 schools throughout Ireland participate annually. The project culminates in a series of concerts held at premier venues throughout Ireland in February and March. It aims to engage school children in music and enrich their lives through exceptional musical experiences and to make the Arts more accessible to young people, their school, families and the wider community. NORTHSIDE PEOPLE wEST • 25 FEb 2015 New Hansfield school due to open next year TánaisTe and Labour TD for Dublin West, Joan Burton, was in Hansfield recently to turn the sod on a new educate Together secondary school. She was joined by school principal Bernie Judge and Secretary General of the Department of Education, Seán Ó Foghlu, among others at the ceremony to mark the occasion. The school opened in interim accommodation in September 2014, and work commenced on a new three storey school building last November. “This is a really exciting and ambitious project for the local school community,” The Tánaiste said. “We will see the construction ▪ The new Hansfield Educate Together secondary school building will be ready in 2016 of a new three storey school building to cater for a thousand pupils. “The new building will involve a Special Needs Unit, and the works will include new car parking, drainage, site lighting, play areas and ball courts. “The school is just four months in existence, so it’s very encouraging that so much work has already been completed on the new building. “Hansfield is one of many schools benefiting from an investment by this Government of €2 billion in school building projects, between 2012 and 2016. “I really look forward to coming back in just over a year for the official opening of the school.” The project is due to be completed in April or May 2016. Hansfield’s first Educate Together school opened in 2011. ▪ Pupils from St Gabriel’s NS in Cowper Street, Dublin 7 pictured enjoying tea and cupcakes at their annual Art Exhibition earlier this month Creative students display their talent THeRe was great fun and some super creativity on display at st Gabriel’s ns in Cowper street, Dublin 7, during the school’s recent annual art exhibition. Every child from Junior Infants to Sixth Class had a number of pieces of work on display and the excitement around the school was palpable. For the last few weeks invitations were sent to families, friends and neighbours and all the people in the local community were welcomed into the school. The PE Hall was alive with different fabulous creations, from clay monsters and fruit, to the Three Little Pigs and an alien invasion. There were paintings inspired by famous artists Van Gogh and Munch, and some impressive robot constructions. The children from Dunard and Rainbows playgroups particularly enjoyed the Teddy Bears picnic when they arrived. The school would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to all the people who visited the exhibition and who were guided warmly and knowledgeably by curators from 5th and 6th classes. ▪ St Gabriel’s pupils were inspired by Andy Warhol and came up with their own version of one of his iconic classics. :06$"/3&"$) 3&"%&34 &"$)8&&, $POUBDUPVS4BMFT5FBNBU 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West Alarming 20 per cent surge in burglaries of local homes A CALL has been made for Garda resources to be urgently beefed up after new statistics show that there was a 20 per cent increase in burglaries across four Northside Garda Districts in 2014. While property crime was down slightly at two per cent in the Ballymun, Coolock, Raheny and Balbriggan Garda districts, the burglary figure is a cause for major concern. Also worrying is that the current detection rate for property crime across these areas is averaging at only 19 per cent. The statistics, provided in a report to the North Central Area Joint Policing Committee on February 9, show that: ▪ Property crime for the Dublin Metropolitan Region (DMR) North Division is down by approximately two per cent in 2014 compared with 2013. ▪ There were 8,998 reported incidents in 2013 compared to 8,795 reported incidents in 2014. ▪ The current detection rate is 19 per cent. ▪ All categories of crime have decreased with the exception of burglary and trespass. ▪ Burglaries have increased across the divisions by 20 per cent. This represents 2,000 reported incidents in 2013 compared to 2,393 reported incidents in 2014. End of year totals for property crime per district were: ▪ Ballymun: 2013 (2,431); 2014 (2,305); detection rate (22 per cent) ▪ Coolock: 2013 (3,216); 2014 (3,019); detection rate (21 per cent) ▪ Raheny: 2013 (2,053); 2014 (2,066); detection rate (15 per cent) ▪ Balbriggan: 2013 (1,298); 2014 (1,405); detection rate (15 per cent) In his report to the North Central Area Joint Policing Com- mittee, Francis Clerkin, chief superintendent of the DMR North Division, said he would continue to implement crime prevention strategies. These involve high visibility patrols in specified areas coupled with good communications and crime prevention advice through community policing. “All reported crimes will be vigorously investigated; the victim fully appraised of the progress of the investigation and provided with security advice through our call back initiative,” he said. “(The) Divisional Community Police Office, located at Santry ▪ There was a 20 per cent increase in burglaries across four Northside Garda Districts last year Garda Station, and local community gardai provide this service to crime victims.” Minister for Justice, Frances Fitzgerald, said gardai were responding to the increase in Dublin burglaries through Opera- tion Acer, which was launched throughout the Dublin Metropolitan Region in 2012. The operation includes a particular focus on identifying and targeting criminal groups who have played a large part in the recent increase. “Burglary Response Units attached to each Division take the lead in Operation Acer and are assisted by other units as required,” the minister added. “In addition, a further and related operation, Operation Creeper, assists in the surveillance of Acer targets by monitoring their movements. “This Operation has been tasked solely with targeting burglary suspects which has resulted in the successful arrests of Acer targets. These Operations are all coordinated under Operation Fiacla, which is the national operation targeting burglary using an intelligence and analysis-led approach.” Since Operation Acer commenced, there has been 5,389 arrests, 2,746 charges and 1,087 convictions for burglary in the Dublin area, up to February 3. Minister Fitzgerald said an urgent review of the justice system’s response to burglaries was being carried out. NORTHSIDE PEOPLE wEST • 25 FEb 2015 Phibsboro local plan under wraps THE much-anticipated draft Phibsboro Local Area Plan (LAP) is expected to be ready at the end of the month – but locals will have to wait a little longer to see it. Local councillors heard at a recent area committee meeting that preparation of the plan is on-going but its publication is being postponed until discussions on the future of Dalymount Park are finalised. The 2008 LAP took into ac- count the relocation of Bohemian FC and complete redevelopment of Dalymount. However, delays caused by a dispute over ownership of a section of the ground and the collapse of the property market scuppered the deal. Dalymount is now set to be re- tained and developed as a cutting edge soccer stadium, which will impact the new LAP. The public consultation period on the plan has also been deferred and will now commence in April 2015. Councillors will be invited to information sessions hosted by the council’s planning department and area office to discuss key objectives of the draft Plan. ▪ Pictured at an event to launch the Bumbleance scheme at Hickey’s were Finglas-based employees Grace Dunne (Main Street Finglas), David Nugent (Cappagh) Michelle McCormack (Finglas West) and John Michael Dela Cruz (Supervalu SC). Also pictured is Bumbleance founder Tony Heffernan and Hickey’s Pharmacies managing director, Paddy Hickey. PHOTO BY MAC INNES PHOTOGRAPHY Registration of Organisations for the Consultative Group Election Pursuant to the Provisions of Schedule 4 of the Grangegorman Development Agency Act 2005 the Grangegorman Development Agency (GDA) invites Community Groups and Associations including Residents and Tenants Associations, Parish and District Groups, Youth and Sports Clubs and similar non-commercial groups in the Grangegorman neighbourhood* to register as an interested “registered group” to elect two persons to be appointed by the Agency as members of the Consultative Group. Application forms may be obtained from the GDA by calling LQWRRXURɝFHDWGrangegorman Lower, Dublin 7, by telephoning us at 01 4024140, by e-mailing communications@, or can be downloaded from our website All registration forms must be completed in full and returned to the GDA at the above address not later than 5pm on Friday 13th March 2015. The Agency reserves the right to: (i) decline to register an entity, or to remove an entity from the register, in circumstances where there is a risk of duplication of representation, duplication of voting rights or duplication of votes; or (ii) take any other action which it believes is necessary to secure and protect the integrity of the electoral process. Michael Hand &KLHI([HFXWLYH2ɝFHU * N.B. The Grangegorman neighbourhood consists of the electoral divisions (wards) of Arran Quay A, Arran Quay B, Arran Quay C, Arran Quay D, Arran Quay E, Inns Quay B, Inns Quay C and Cabra East C (as at 18 May 2005) which are delineated with a continuous blue verge line on the Dublin City Council map which can be inspected at the above address by appointment or can be viewed on our website Finglas pharmacy staff back Bumbleance STAFF at Hickey’s Pharmacies’ five outlets in Finglas are getting behind Bumbleance, the children’s ambulance service, and plans to increase its fleet from two to five units. In celebration of their 20th year in business, local staff and colleagues in Hickey’s 29 branches across the country will undertake activities to help fund the additional units that Bumbleance needs. The money will also be used to fit the units out with the décor and interactive features needed to entertain and reduce stress on sick children when travelling to and from treatment centres. The local staff were thanked last week by Bumbleance founder Tony Heffernan. “The role that our ‘child-friendly’ ambulances play in easing the stress on sick children when being brought for treatment is something we want to make available more widely,” he said. 10 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West Finding the plot in Powerstown Ritamary Bolton SOMETHING is stirring up on Powerstown allotments. In the dark and icy grip of a cold February, there have been first sightings of the early 2015 plot holders. Red nosed and wrapped like onions, these doughty forerunners of spring have ventured out to pull the last of the winter leeks and cabbages, tidy a bit here and there, hurl abuse at the local wood pigeons, then scurry back home to nurse frost bitten toes. Still, to all intents and purposes, Powerstown still slumbers in the grip of winter. But not ,for long. Already seed catalogues are being leafed through, spades and boots cleaned, resolutions are being made. It looks like 2015 is going to be the most organized, most productive, most weed free. Yes, 2015 is going to be the best year ever. In a few weeks, plot cultivation will be in full swing. Organised plot holders, who dug and weeded last autumn, will have a good head start on the season. The rest of us (who didn’t) will have to dig and weed before we plant. But no matter, the air will be crisp and clean, and the exercise just what the doc- tor ordered. Everyone works at their own pace here. Mine is - dig a bit and plant a bit. It’s lovely to arrive on your plot, and see a blackcurrant bush in a clean patch of earth, with a ring of strawberry plants around its roots. Instant gratification. It’s encouraging too, when you have just started, to see a quick proof of your labours, and the promise of a fruity summer harvest. A couple of desserts, some pots of jam. I harvested over six kilos from my two redcurrant and one blackcurrant bush last year. Felt pretty smug about it too. Little and often suits me, but some have a more robust approach, and like to dig and weed a whole bed, or even two, at a time. Some like to clear the whole plot before starting to plant. For a really quick start, you can have your plot rotovated, so that you can go in and plant straight away. It’s a great way to start off a new plot, but you do need to stay on top of the weeding. What I most like about Powerstown, is that when you are on your plot, you could be out in the ▪ Allotments provide a great way to grow your own food country. The approach road is like a country road, and there is wildlife all around. When I sit in my shed door, munching a sandwich, there is the sound of birdsong all around. Pheasants in the next field sound like milk-bottles jarring together – if anyone remembers that sound! The boundary trees are home to beautiful cooing wood pigeons, and cheeky crows (cover your cabbages!). Last year, my plot was adopted by a robin. He/she usually appears when I am digging, but sometimes arrives at lunch break, perching hopefully on a spade handle, fluffing, flitting and fussing around as robins do. I harbour secret thoughts of making a little sanctuary for the small songbirds in a corner of the site. A hazel or hawthorn copse with nest boxes. I wonder if the allotment holders would agree. Songbirds do eat pests – all sorts of grubs and flies, but some of them (bullfinches) are partial to flower buds, and we have a newly planted communal orchard. Last summer, the highlights of my allotment were some black Russian plum tomatoes which did very well, a couple of pumpkins, litres of raspberries and currants, and the frogs I found in my covered compost heap. I didn’t eat the frogs of course! I was just surprised to see them so far from water. This year, I may make a little shallow pond by the shed for them to splash in maybe? With some crow netting! Do my DIY skills extend that far? Probably not, never mind – I’ll Google it! One thing I can and must do for 2015 is grow over-wintering vegetables, and more early salad crops under cloches. I didn’t do that last year, and it was a big mistake. It made the season far too short. I’ll be aiming for a longer productive period, and more diversity for 2015. There are plans afoot at Powerstown this year. A new committee (with some experienced members) in co-operation with Fingal, hope to improve communications with plot holders, and introduce some new events. There are still some plots available, so if you are interested in growing your own fresh vegetables or fruit, contact Fingal at 018905623 or 01-8905625, or email them at and say you are interested in a plot at Powerstown. We are a diverse lot up here, so if you want to grow the biggest marrow and take the prize, or build a DIY greenhouse and excite jealousy all round, you will fit right in. If like me, you want to grow some good stuff to eat, watch the birds and the frogs, and that great big hairy caterpillar that just appeared out of nowhere, you will fit right in here too. We are arranging a Meet and Greet at the lecture room in Blanchardstown Library, on March 7, from 2-4.30pm. Come along and see what it’s all about. Our new website is at where you’ll find planting advice, recipes and links to Twitter and Facebook. ▪ Something is stirring up on Powerstown allotments 5"-,50 %6#-*/ 5"-,5064 $POUBDUPVS4BMFT5FBNBU PS&NBJM TBMFT!EVCMJOQFPQMFDPN ClONSillA BliNdS ClONSillA SHOWROOM Coolmine ind. Est. Clonsilla, d15. Tel: 01 6408888 01 8243613 NAVAN SHOWROOM Walkinstown SHOWROOM Cannon row, Navan, Co. Meath. Tel: 046 9029002 01 8243613 unit 3, Greenhills ind. Est. Walkinstown , dublin 12. Tel: 01 465 9082 TOp QuAliTy Blinds @ uNBEATABlE pRiCES! pHONE: 01 6408888 / 01 8243613 ANGE R L L FU KOUT C A L OF B BLE AND HA WAS E PvC L B A WIPE INDS BL €20 M O R F If you r blin ds €400 cost you p a … now y only €16 0 that For a ’s VALUE obliga free, no tion q CAll uotation NOW Huge Range of Blinds Available.. Rollers • Venetians • Wood Venetians • Verticals • Wood Weave from Paris • Velux • Fakro RoMAN BLINDS AND cURtAINS NoW AVAILABLE … with colours and styles to suit all!! VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS FOR MORE GREAT OFFERS ANd THE LATEST TRENdS IN WINdOW dRESSINGS Just 3 Simple Steps… STEp 1: Bring your old rollers to our showrooms STEp 2: pick from our large range of fabrics STEp 3: pick your new shape or bar and tassle …yes It’s that Easy! • up to 60% OFF own Roller Blinds Replace your old worn roller blinds with BRAND NEW BLINDS and SAVE €€€€’s BEST BLINDS @ BEST PRICES REPLAcEMENt VERtIcL StRIPS FRoM €2 EAcH FULL PAtIo VERtIcAL REPLAcEMENt VANES FRoM €40 • up to 50% OFF Irish Made Wood Venetians WE WILL BEAT ANY GENUINE QUOTE WITH A LIKE FOR LIKE OFFER FREE MEASURING & FITTING SERVICE AVAILABLE T&C’S Apply 12 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West entertainment • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 musical not to be missed MEMBERS of the cast of ‘Jersey Boys: The Musical’ were in Dublin last week to announce details of the production which will run at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre from April 1 to 18. ▪ Members of the cast of ‘Jersey Boys: The Musical’ in Dublin. PHOTO BY BRIAN MCEVOY 4PDJBM#VUUFSnZ &NBJMZPVSQIPUPTPG ZPVS#JH/JHIU0VU UP OFXT!EVCMJOQFPQMFDPN ‘Jersey Boys’ is the remarkable true story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons and their rise to stardom from the wrong side of the tracks. These four boys from New Jersey became one of the most successful bands in pop history. They were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and sold 175 million records worldwide, all before they turned 30. The show is packed with their hits, including ‘Beggin’, ‘Sherry’, ‘Walk Like A Man’, ‘December, 1963 (Oh What a Night)’, ‘Big Girls Don’t Cry’, ‘My Eyes Adored You’, To enter this competition, simply answer the following question: ‘Let’s Hang On (To What We’ve Got)’ and ‘Who Loves You?’. The producers of the tour have announced that West End star Tim Driesen will be heading the cast as Frankie Valli. Driesen is currently playing the role in the Dutch production of ‘Jersey Boys’ and previously played Frankie Valli for a short season at the Prince Edward Theatre in the West End. He also played Joey Primo in ‘Rock of Ages’ in the West End and created the role of Adrian Banks (the character based on Mark Owen) in ‘Never Forget’, both on tour and in the West End. Winner of Broadway’s Tony, London’s Olivier and Australia’s Helpmann Awards for Best New Musical, ‘Jersey Boys’ is the winner of 55 major awards worldwide As well as still running on Broadway and in the West End, ‘Jersey Boys’ can be seen in Las Vegas, across the United States on its US national tour and in the Netherlands. Not to be missed! Irish legends launch new single A NEW single entitled ‘Somewhere In Heaven’, a collaboration between Francie Conway, Christy Dignam and Finbar Furey, has been released. Written by acclaimed singersongwriter Conway, ‘Somewhere In Heaven’ is a song with a simple message that holds a great meaning. Francie has been a long-time collaborator with an Irish icon of music, Finbar Furey. Finbar was so impressed that not only does he play banjo, whistle and uillean pipes on the recording himself, but he also suggested that Aslan lead vocalist Christy Dignam perform the vocals. Dignam said: “As soon as I heard the song it moved me.” in association with Celeb Spy Xtra with Rebecca Lee Demi Moore has bagged another toyboy. It’s reported she’s dating Orlando Bloom. A picture of them together with Demi’s daughter has surfaced. The couple were apparently set up by mutual friend Jennifer Aniston and have bonded over their love of yoga. Good work, Jen! Hollywood A-lister Benedict Cumberbatch married his pregnant fiancé Sophie Hunter in a private ceremony on the Isle of Wight. Guests at the star-studded ceremony included Sherlock costar Martin Freeman, who’s said to have been best man. The couple reportedly chose Frank Sinatra’s ‘My Funny Valentine’ to play during their service. Kodaline have just finished off a nine date tour of the UK. The Irish rockers are busy promoting their new album, ‘Coming up for Air’. They’re also playing hits from their debut album, ‘In a Perfect World’. Lead singer of Kodaline, Steve Garrigan, said he really enjoys returning to cities that have supported them from the beginning. I’d say nothing beats performing in Ireland so. Despite it receiving rather mixed reviews, ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ author EL James says she’s pleased with the movie adaptation of her best-selling erotic novel. She admits it wasn’t an easy process getting the raunchy story to the big screen. Considering how much she’s made from the movie already I’d say she has no regrets! Liv Tyler has given birth to her second child six weeks early. The actress welcomed her son into the world just over a week ago. It’s her first child with Dave Gardner who was by her side for the birth in New York. That’s it from me. Until next week Rebecca 13 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE wEST • 25 FEb 2015 Dublin Gunpowder Disaster devastated medieval capital Daithí Ó Riain ON March 11 1597, a fire broke out on Dublin’s quayside, which caused widespread damage in the medieval city and killed 126 people. This event is remembered as the ‘Dublin Gunpowder Disaster’ or the ‘Great Fire of Dublin.’ In 1597 Ireland was in the midst of the Nine Year War. It was a war that saw the Gaelic Irish, led by Hugh O’Neill and Hugh O’Donnell, wage a protracted campaign against English control. As a result of the war, vast quantities of gunpowder were imported into Ireland to arm the English army. The majority of these shipments arrived at Dublin. This gunpowder would play a devastating role in the disaster. On March 11 the carters at the quays were on strike. The workers were protesting against their treatment at the hands of John Allen, a Dublin Castle official, who had been harassing and exploiting them. In the lead up to the disaster, Allen had been using violence and intimidation against the porters and carters on the quays in an attempt to force them to work for little or no pay. As a result of the strike, the workers were refusing to move cargo from the quayside. However, the wooden crane that unloaded the ships at Wood Quay was still in operation and the gunpowder continued to pile up beside the crane house. It was estimated that by the morning of the disaster, up to 140 barrels of gunpowder were lying on the quays. It was an accident waiting to happen. Just after 1pm there was a blinding flash and a deafening explosion from the quays. Panic quickly spread across Dublin. The 140 barrels of gun powder had gone up in flames. The wooden crane, crane house and much of Wood Quay itself had been completely destroyed in the explosion. Only a massive crater remained to mark the spot of the disaster. Forty nearby homes of prominent local merchants were completely destroyed, while hundreds more buildings were damaged. Those drawn to the scene of the explosion were met with the harrowing sight of dismembered body parts strewn across the area. A total of 126 people had perished in the disaster, including men, women and children. Due to the nature of the injuries many of the bodies could not be identified. Of the 126 people killed, 76 were citizens of Dublin and 50 were visiting the city, perhaps on the ships that were unloading at the dock. Just after 1pm there was a blinding flash and a deafening explosion from the quays. Panic quickly spread across Dublin. The 140 barrels of gun powder had gone up in flames. The cause of the fire has never been discovered. Some believed that, as it was a very dry day, a stray spark from the busy quays had accidently ignited the growing hoard of gunpowder. Others speculated that it might have been an act of sabotage by those opposed to English ▪ The fire and explosion had the greatest impact in and around the area of Wood Quay. rule. Whatever the cause of the spark, the explosion and fire that followed had a devastating effect on Dublin, which in 1597 was a much smaller city then it is today with a population of less than 10,000. While the fire and explosion had the greatest impact in and around the area of Wood Quay, Winetavern Street, Fishamble Street and Cook Street the shockwaves were felt across the city and beyond. The scale of this disaster in modern terms would be the equivalent of 10,000 Dubliners being killed in a tragedy today. Despite the heavy losses, the accident became the motivation for the rebuilding and expansion of Dublin city throughout the 1600s. Timber was replaced with brick and the foundations for much of the modern city we know today grew out of the Great Fire of 1597. 14 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West travel • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 Spring into France WITH the arrival of spring, now is the time to start planning some exciting getaways to get you through those last few weeks of chilly weather. And when it comes to spring destinations, it doesn’t get much better than France. From scenic mountain resorts to charming seaside retreats, France is a destination that has something to suit everyone. With so many wonderful places to choose from, it can be hard to decide where to go. To help, we’ve selected our top five favourite French springtime destinations. 1: Lake annecy Lake Annecy is considered the cleanest and purest lake in Europe and is a wonderful place to visit for outdoor activities. From windsurfing and diving to cycling and skiing, there’s always plenty to do in and around the lake. The town of Annecy is referred to as the ‘Venice of the Alps’ due to the pretty canals that wind their way through it. These canals are a sight to behold during spring. 2: VaL THorens Although many may think that skiing is primarily a winter activity, it’s also a great activity to do during the spring. this time of year, such as the Tulip festival, which takes place during April in the grounds of the beautiful Château de Vendeuvre. Europe’s oldest international magic festival in held from April 11-26 in Seine Maritime. ▪ Lake Annecy During spring, the days are getting longer meaning the ski lifts are open later. It’s also a great time to teach young children to ski as the snow is softer thanks to the warmer temperatures. Val Thorens is one of France’s most popular ski resorts and has plenty of great après ski activities for all of the family to enjoy. 3: normandy This region has pleasant weather allyear-round but visiting in spring means you’ll miss the busy summer crowds. There are also a number of exciting festivals taking place in Normandy during 4: saInTe maxIme This charming coastal city benefits from beautiful weather during every season but spring is a great time to visit as the area is far less busy. This means you can enjoy the 6km of sandy beaches in peace. As well as beaches, visitors will also discover numerous biking and hiking trails that overlook the picturesque bay of Saint Tropez. 5: LoIre VaLLey Known as the garden of France, the Loire Valley is an ideal place to visit during late spring as this is when the gardens of the region’s impressive Chateaus begin to bloom. History lovers will also adore this region as it’s home to over 100 of the biggest castles in France which date back to the 15th and 17th centuries. During spring, there is an average high temperature of 20C - perfect for exploring all that the Loire Valley has to offer. For more information on France, visit ▪ The stunning Loire valley is home to over 100 castles Visit Rome for a perfect mix of romance and culture Q I want to treat my wife to a short break abroad this year. I’d love to bring her somewhere romantic but that also has great culture and food, where we can relax and take in the sights and atmosphere. Is there anywhere in particular that comes to mind? A When it comes to romance, there’s no place quite like Rome. Steeped in ancient history while simultaneously pulsating with vibrancy, this captivating city will seduce you with its theatricality and lust for life. And there is no better way to explore the Italian capital’s awesome sights and indulge in the Roman lifestyle than with someone you love. The best way to discover Rome and soak up the city’s landscape is on foot and luckily with the Mediterranean climate, the days will be getting longer which means you’ll have hours of fantastic sunshine to wander around this wonderful city. Begin your journey in the bustling hub of the Piazza Navona where you will find the spectacular Fountain of Four Rivers. This is the ideal place to enjoy a morning coffee and sweet pastry in the sundrenched piazza and take in the ornate Lizann Peppard fountains, colourful street performers and bask in the baroque brilliance of Rome’s most celebrated square. In Rome, history reverberates all around and a trip to the city wouldn’t be complete without visiting the site where Rome began. Palatine Hill is the centre of ancient Rome and the legendary birthplace of Romulus and Remus, according to Roman mythology. Dating back as far as the 10th century BC and still standing today, it’s easy to see why Rome is known as the Eternal City in this enchanting place. The Flavian Amphitheatre, better known as the Colosseum, is a must during your stay in Rome. Inaugurated in 80AD, this construct is still a blueprint for stadiums built today, two millennia later. The inspiring Colosseum is breathtaking for its history, scale and ingenuity and is best experienced from inside the theatre where you can re-imagine the legends of notorious gladiator battles and bloodthirsty spectators. Take a guided tour of the top tier where you will be privy to an extraordinary overview of the Colosseum and brief but magnificent panoramic views of Rome. With so much to see and do it can be difficult to whittle away your wish list in Rome. But it is imperative to remember that experiencing the Italian capital fully is just as much about lapping up the authentic Roman way of life as it is about seeing the famous sights. With food and wine at the very heart of Roman culture, you must ensure to taste all the delicious dishes the city has to offer during your romantic stay. Begin your evening in the Italian tradition with an apperitvo in an intimate bar before dinner. If the weather permits, dine al fresco on a city centre piazza and indulge in a HoTeL IndIgo rome - sT. george (*****) Hotel Indigo is a boutique five star hotel located in the heart of the historic centre of Rome. The hotel has been designed in a contemporary style and is equipped with a full service spa. There is a rooftop terrace for a bird’s eye view of the city. From €139 per room, per night. Roman feast while soaking up the timeless grandeur Rome has to offer. Spaghetti alla Carbonara, Gnocchi Alfredo, Carciofi alla Romana - Rome is the perfect place to taste these mouth-watering dishes at their best. For desert, make sure to try maritozzi. Widely thought of as the most romantic pastry in all of Italy, these Roman sugar buns will not disappoint. During a busy day of sightseeing, stop for a coffee like the Romans do. Fast, strong and hot - drink and go! Barrosati Café in La Piazza del Popolo is a favourite spot of mine. WHere To sTay: The following hotels can be booked on All prices are subject to availability at time of booking. Berg Luxury HoTeL (****) The Berg Luxury Hotel is ideally located just minutes walking distance to Rome’s most popular attractions. The spacious guestrooms have been designed in muted colours and plush furnishings for ultimate relaxation and comfort. Breakfast is available to guests daily. From €92 per room, per night. InfInITy HoTeL roma (***) The Infinity Hotel Roma can be found in the heart of Rome’s city centre, just minutes from the famous Spanish Steps. The elegantly styled hotel offers room service to guests and there is tea and coffee available in the lobby. From €79 per room, per night. For more information visit com or call 1800-553338 15 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE WEST • 25 FEb 2015 pets • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 protect your pet from flash floods do YoU know what to do if you’re caught out by a flood? even if you do, chances are you haven’t put much thought into what to do with your pets. ▪ Protect your pets during a flood With the weather likely to provide us with a few downpours over the coming weeks, the DSPCA has come up with some timely advice for animal owners to help prepare for the worst. It’s important to think ahead before it floods, especially if you live in an area that’s been affected before. Don’t wait for a disaster to decide what to do. Floodwater rises rapidly so if there is a flood warning don’t hope for the best - act early. Plan your escape route. Make sure you can be contacted in an emergency and keep phone numbers of people who can help you move your animals. Here are a few tHings to keep in mind: • Make sure you have suitable carriers for small animals. • Keep a supply of food for evacuation. • Bring all small animals inside and, if possible, upstairs. • Move food, bedding and fresh water somewhere dry. • Keep favourite toys dry - these may comfort your pet if you have to take them somewhere else he t f o Dog week Copper Dublin People Newspaper Group has teamed up with Dogs Trust to help find homes for unwanted and abandoned dogs. The Dog of the Week is gorgeous golden oldie, Copper. She is an eight-year-old Husky cross and her story is a sad one. She arrived at Dogs Trust back in 2011 and was soon adopted. Sadly, though, after three years in her loving home, her sight began to deteriorate and her family decided they could no longer care for her. Copper is so upset and confused as she has had to adapt to losing her sight and now she’s trying to adapt to strange surroundings. Copper is a wonderfully loving lady who needs stability in her life. Can you open up your heart and home to her? She would do best in an adult only home, possibly with another dog. Please call 01-8791000 or pop in to the Dogs Trust centre if you can help. Dogs Trust are happy to accept any old bedding, towels or duvets that you may be looking to get rid of. Treats and toys are always welcome too! Give a Dog a Home Today! Phone us on 01 8791000 Dogs Trust is based in Finglas, just off Exit 5 on the M50. Map and directions can be found on their website at www. You can also pop up for a visit. Dogs Trust is open six days a week from 12-4pm. The centre is closed all day Tuesday. You can also find Dogs Trust on Facebook at or Twitter @DogsTrust_IE • Put important documents such as microchip numbers, vets and vaccination details, along with a photo of your pet, in a sealed bag in case they get lost. • Cats, rabbits and other small animals must be transported in suitable carriers: birds in a secure cage and dogs using sturdy leashes. Remember to take your animals’ food, water, bowls and bedding with you. • If you have no choice but to leave your animals behind, leave them shut inside an upstairs room with ample supplies of food and water. Leave notices on the outside doors to say there are animals inside and your contact number. "'% & "$#$ #! 16 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West BOOKs • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 BOOK OF THE WEEK: ‘The Other Irish’ About The Author KAreN F McCarthy is a published author and journalist based in Dublin and New York. She was an embedded reporter in Iraq, contributing to The Irish Times and US newspapers. She covered US politics for the Irish Examiner, was a broadcast journalist for Al Jazeera in DC and her work for RTE was nominated for an IFTA. She has appeared on the BBC and NPR and in The Huffington Post and was named one of Ireland’s most impactful female broadcasters. Her book ‘The Other Irish’ was supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs as a Reconciliation and Anti-Sectarian project. WHAT do Mark Twain, Neil Armstrong and John McCain all have in common? They’re descendants of Scots-Irish braggarts that crossed the Atlantic from the north of Ireland in the early 1700s and settled in America’s south, giving rise to NASCAR, at least 14 presidents, decisive victories in the Revolutionary War, a third of today’s US military, the NRA, country music, the horror story, American-style democracy, the religious right and victory in the space race. ‘The Other Irish’ shines a light on this fascinating topic, illuminating the extent to which the Scots-Irish helped weave the fabric of a nation. It begins with the ancestors of the other Irish emerging in Scotland a millennium ago where the Roman Empire, unable to fend them off, built Hadrian’s Wall to keep them at bay. After 700 years warring with the English over trade, land, laws and religion, these lowland Scots transplanted themselves to Northern Ireland. There they faced another 150 years of war with the Irish Catholics, but by the 1700s many of them decided to migrate to the New World where they hoped for a warm welcome from their Quaker and Puritan Calvinist cousins. Unfortunately, they were shunned as hedonistic and unruly. They paddled down the Delaware River to settle the frontier territory of Virginia and the Carolinas. They went where no colonist had gone before, fought off the natives, farmed scrappy land and planted their own culture on the blank canvas of the Deep South. By hunting with the descendents of Davy Crockett, we learn that by settling the frontier, gun culture became entrenched in American culture. From there, we learn about America’s religious fervour by attending services from televangelists to backcountry snake handlers. This leads to the emergence of the right-wing politics of the American heartland, and shows us why they voted presidents like Ronald Regan and George Bush to power. Chapter 4 does a tour of Iraq, marrying modern warfare to the origins of militaristic culture as it emerged from the Scots-Irish defence of the frontier against the Indians and French before the Revolutionary War. Chapter 6 carries us into the Civil War and explores the role of the Scots-Irish in slavery and race issues in America. Then, moving away from religion, war and politics, the rest of the book explores their highspirited ways by meeting country stars to learn how the Irish fiddle and African drum combined to create country music. Meeting moonshiners and NASCAR heroes, the book traces the illegal moonshine trade of the backcountry and how trying to outrun the law gave birth to NASCAR, the biggest spectator sport in America. Finally, 200 years after they took one step into the West, we follow the story of the ScotsIrishman who ran NASA to make another ScotsIrishman the first man on the moon. BOOK Of THE WEEK New book asks: what has happened to Irish childhood? ‘COTTON Wool Kids: What’s making Irish parents paranoid?’ was recently published by Mercier Press. It focuses on the media-fuelled madness of paranoid parenting and describes how a more relaxed attitude to raising children can lead to happier, healthier families. The book asks: what has happened to Irish childhood? Parents are keeping their children indoors for fear of predators lurking around every corner and children are spending their days in front of screens or in supervised activities, over-controlled and growing steadily fatter and more unhappy. But it doesn’t have to be like this. Commercial interests ensure that parents feel anxious and filled with fear, simply to sell them more stuff, when in fact childhood has never been safer. The rates of child mortality, injury and sexual abuse are lower today than at any time since records began. ‘Cotton Wool Kids’ exposes the truth behind the scary stories and gives parents the information and the confidence to free themselves from the treadmill of after-school activities and oversupervision that has become commonplace today. The author provides parents with strategies to learn how to handle the relentless pressure from society and the media to provide a ‘perfect’ childhood, and instead to raise their children with a more relaxed and joyful approach; more in touch with the outdoors and the community around them. It is written by Stella O’Malley, an accredited psychotherapist with over 10 years’ experience as a mental health professional. Much of her counselling and teaching work is with parents and young people seand she has written a se ries of articles on over-pro over-protective parenting for the Sunday Independent. ‘Cotton Wool Kids: What’s makmak ing Irish parents paranoid?’ is published in paperback, priced €14.99, and is avail available in eBook format from usual sources. ▪ Book will provide some relief for paranoid parents Want to feature on our books page? ARE you an author? Published, unpublished or self-published? Send Neil a 500-word synopsis of your book, a 100-word author biog, a scan of the cover of the book and an author photo (both MUST be jpegs) to this email address - - and we will feature your book in an upcoming edition. Cartoonist’s eye draws a line under Dublin humour ‘DUBLIN Daze of a Mankey Monday Morning’ is a newly published book of cartoons that was brought to life by the author’s lifelong fascination with Dublin’s Northside and its inhabitants. From its crumbling buildings to its diverse cross section of characters - and from inner city to outer Pale and the lands beyond the Avoca Café on the N7 - the book features quirky cartoons and colourful characters. ‘Dublin Daze of a Mankey Monday Morning’ is the first in a series of seven books focusing on life in the capital. Its mission is to keep you focused on enjoying those funny little moments we all witness along the way. The author, Tom Cassidy, was born and bred in the coastal village of Malahide. After 15 years in Zurich, where he was a regular contributor to the cartoon and comic scene, he answered the call and returned to his Northside roots. Signed copies are available directly from Tom on for €8.99 (plus P&P) or on Amazon. 17 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE WEST • 25 FEb 2015 puzzles PANEL ONE • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 CrossworD The shaded squares spell out an area of Dublin By Robin Blackmore ▪ Email: eAsy MeDiuM hArD Across 1. List of items for discussion at a meeting., (6) 5. No dram is haphazard. (6) 10. Type of tangerine. (7) 11. Blessed with better fortune than another. (7) 12. Molten rock. (4) 13. Sub-divisions of an Irish clan. (5) 15. Metallic chemical element, useful for plants. (4) 17. Soluble substance for colouring fabrics. (3) 19. An experienced and trusted adviser/ (6) 21. Won through one’s efforts. (6) 22. Tens of years. (7) 23. The arch of the foot. (6) 25. An overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety. (6) 28. Term of address for a man. (3) 30. Old and new form of public transport. (4) 31. Brought to a conclusion. (5) 32. A young cow. (4) 35. Style of cooking, national food. (7) 36. Saying again, imitating. (7) 37. Occupy militarily for the purpose of conquest. (6) 38. Popular tastes are slyest. (6) suDoku Down 2. Pay back trouble or harm. (3,4) 3. Vital part of speech. (4) 4. Surprised, astonished. (6) 5. Give an account of. (6) 6. Pleasant part of France. (4) 7. A vague idea in which some confidence is placed. (7) 8. Shelter for people with mental problems. (6) 9. Positioned to be ready for danger. (6) 14. Ancient Egyptian memorial. (7) 16. Someone worthy of imitation. (5) 18. Ornamental jars. (5) 20. Short holiday helper. (3) 21. Come after and bring back. (3) 23. All in one piece. (6) 24. Maritime king? (3-4) 26. Convert goods or property into cash. (7) 27. A shelter from danger or hardship. (6) 28. Involuntary expulsion of air from the nose. (6) 29. Sends or directs for treatment, information, or a decision. (6) 33. Capital of Peru. (4) 34. Maritime greeting. (4) worDseArCh Find the words hidden in the puzzle below ANswers oCtober 1 eAsy MeDiuM ANSWER (February 18): MABESTOWN hArD 18 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West fashion • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 5IJTXFFLT #FBVUZ%JBM 4UBS#VZT By Edel Cox of The Beauty Dial ( )FBUPOT )BJSUSFOETGPS4QSJOH4VNNFS For spring 2015, think safari tones, monochrome and vintage florals in soft pastel in fabrics such as cottons with lace detailing, chiffon and soft denim, which are new and improved this season. Taking inspiration from the catwalk, Heatons has created three staple stories within the latest range with bright feminine pieces that demand attention. Freshening the fashion palette this season is Heatons’ Forgotten Glamour story, which mixes vintage floral with soft pastel colours with a focus on fine knits and embellished pieces. Create a statement look by matching this lace shoulder vest (€13) with this textured A line skirt (€15) and almond toe high heel shoes (€18), all extremely good value and on trend. As we approach the spring/summer season, thoughts turn from dark, cold days to a fresher brighter season. Taking inspiration from the hottest catwalk trends and celebrity influences, Stephen Kelly, artistic director at Zeba Hairdressing, outlines they key influences for new season. The main colour trends for spring/summer feature a move away from the dramatic darkness we saw last season, towards much softer tones including warm browns with base colours such as chocolate browns, golden honey and dark blondes. Accenting these are toffee caramels and subtle golden blondes. Musthave products to create this season’s looks include Babyliss wands and tongs, which help achieve larger barrel curls, creating bigger and looser waves for a true relaxed feel. 3PHFS(BMMFU'MFVSEF'JHVJFS NMUVCF331å They say you can always tell a woman’s age by looking at her hands. Hands are shamelessly exposed to daily environmental aggressors and fluctuations in temperature, which affects the hydro-lipid film and barrier function of the skin, causing premature ageing. With just a little help from a reliable hand treatment, hands can remain hydrated, protected and more youthful looking for longer. Roger & Gallet handbag sized Hand & Nail Balm will help cocoon hands and protect them from the elements. With a higher percentage of glycerine, for more moisturising clout and longer lasting hydration, the balm is quickly absorbed and non-sticky with a wonderful mattifying finish on skin. 1BSGPJT The Spring/Summer ‘15 collection is highlighted by the ethnic combination shown in the main trends, which led Parfois to choose Morocco as the perfect location for the new SS’15 campaign. Future Tribal trend finds its essence in the ‘sporty-chic’ spirit, where the combination of fringes, perforated details and patterns bring elegance to the sporty look, which is very present in the catwalks. Knitting techniques and materials such as nylon and leather are combined with bright primary colours in geometric patterns. The most sophisticated side of SS’15 collection is represented in this trend through the use of modern and rich materials. Parfois has stores in Blanchardstown Shopping Centre, Pavilions Shopping Centre and Mary Street. Also available at -BODÓNF-B#BTF1SP)ZESB (MPX331å A rich yet incredibly light cream which instantly nurtures the skin with moisture and comfort, this is a highly nourishing complex of rose, apricot kernel and musk rose oils, alongside beeswax and Shea Butter. The texture’s white pearl pigments bathe skin in natural luminosity whilst creating a soft focus effect to minimalise the appearance of imperfections. The pink pearl pigments create a subtle blush effect for an instant healthy glow. A woman’s complexion is left looking fresh and radiant. Skin feels supple whilst complexion is left looking colourtrue the entire day. Upon application before foundation, the skin feels enveloped in pure comfort - instantly! 19 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE WEST • 25 FEb 2015 HealtH • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 More research into Hypnotherapy treatment has alzheimer’s needed worked for us A CALL has been made for research to be carried out into the high rates of Alzheimer’s and dementia among Irish women. The Alzheimer Society of Ireland’s call follows the publication of a study by Alzheimer’s Research UK. The study revealed that the condition has not only become the leading cause of death among British women but that women are far more likely to end up as carers of people with dementia than men – experiencing physical and emotional stress and job losses in the process. Women over 60 in the UK are now twice as likely to get dementia as breast cancer. Women are also more than two-and-a-half times more likely than men to be carers of people with dementia. In Ireland the rate of women developing dementia far outweighs that of men. Latest figures reveal there are 30,359 Irish women living with dementia in Ireland as opposed to 17,385 men. The Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland is now calling on the Government to continue its funding of dementia research and for an improved investment in care. STEPHEN Travers has personally trained and worked with Paul McKenna so you can be assured you are getting the best treatments that are available in the field of hypnotherapy. Chief executive of the Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Gerry Martin, said the prevalence figures in Ireland were startling with much higher rates of dementia among women. “We desperately need further research and increased analysis on the gendered nature of dementia so we can plan targeted campaigns for women to Groups are urged to apply for health grants COMMUNITY groups and organisations across Dublin are being urged to consider applying for the 2015 National Lottery Health grants. The grants are allocated each year to health groups who provide an important local service for people with specific needs, in addition to giving funding to community groups and voluntary organisations who offer vital health, support and information services. Fine Gael TD for Dublin Fingal, Alan Farrell, has called on groups in his constituency to apply for the grants. “Local health related services are essential to our communities and there are many groups who provide such services throughout the north county,” he said. “Thanks to their work and their dedication to assisting those who need a helping hand, our communities are better places in which to live. Organisations from Portmarnock, Swords, Donabate, Rush and Balbriggan have previously received National Lottery grants from the Department of Health and I am sure there are many more worthwhile recipients across Dublin Fingal. “After all, these groups and organisations play a pivotal role in improving the quality of life in our localities and I am pleased that the Department of Health is again looking to invest in such groups and recognise the valuable work they do.” The grants will be awarded on two separate dates this year in June and November. The closing date for applications is 12 noon on May 1. increase their understanding of risk, assessment and available resources,” said Mr Martin. “We already know that far more Irish women than men provide care for people with dementia who are in desperate need of more interventions and supports, both financial and psychosocial.” Dementia has become increasingly common, partly because more people, particularly women, are living longer. Age is a major risk factor for the condition so it’s now more prevalent, especially among women. “While age is certainly a major risk factor, investment in research is imperative to fully understand this significant public health issue,” added Mr Martin. Large annual drop in smoking reported Stephen is Ireland’s best-known clinical hypnotherapist for the excellent results he quickly achieves for his clients. Would you like to ‘Stop Smoking in One Session’ that comes with a 100 per cent lifetime guarantee? Would you like to achieve your ideal weight and regain optimum health? Would you like to overcome your anxieties, panic attacks, addictions, insomnia, depression, stress or phobias? Would you like to feel more confident and happier within yourself? Here are some of Stephen’s success stories: “I went for the hypnotherapy because I was smoking over 50 cigarettes a day and was having problems breathing. I completely quit smoking after the one session and that was over two years ago now. My breathing has dramatically improved and overall I have a much better quality of life. “I have referred several of my family members to the clinic and they have had the same success too. I highly recommend doing this quit smoking session as it changed my life.” - Noel McNamee, Dorset Street, Dublin 1 “Before I came to see Stephen I was getting panic attacks every day and my life was a battleground trying to control anxious feelings. “After the first session a big change happened and I never had an attack since. I am feeling a great sense of freedom. I highly recommend you go and see Stephen as the results are amazing”. - Rory Brady, Drogheda. “Thanks to Stephen’s Think Yourself Thin’ programnme I easily lost five stone, two pounds. I am so delighted. Thank you so much.” - Rosie Bingham Higgins, Dublin Visit www.stravershypnosis. com for further information and more clients’ video success stories. For a free consultation call 014847834 or 086-1786809. 8&)*5:0635"3(&5 THE Health Service Executive’s (HSE) National Tobacco Control Office has announced the largest annual drop in smoking prevalence in Ireland since 2009. The proportion of the population who are smokers reduced by two percentage points, or an estimated 70,000 smokers, during the 12 months of 2014. Smoking prevalence in people aged over 15 in Ireland for 2014 was 19.5 per cent, compared to 21.5 per cent for 2013. Dave Molloy, National Tobacco Lead for the HSE, said: “The HSE’s National Tobacco Control Office has monitored national smoking prevalence (15-year-olds plus) every calendar month since 2003, allowing for a robust and consistent trend in that data to be tracked. “Smoking prevalence has reduced from 28 per cent in 2003, to just 19.5 per cent at the end of 2014.” Mr Molloy added that the drop of two percentage points in 2014 shows that the comprehensive range of tobacco control $POUBDUPVS4BMFT5FBNBU PS&NBJM TBMFT!EVCMJOQFPQMFDPN ▪ The proportion of the population smoking reduced significantly in 2014. PIC POSED measures implemented in Ireland are working. 20 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West Motoring • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 gerrard Finn joins Canavan Ford Gerrard Finn brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to Canavan Ford, with over 30 years’ service in the motor industry and 10 years working with Blanchardstown Ford. Gerrard’s finest attributes are his communication skills, his diligent after-sales service and his overall ability to give customer satisfaction and fantastic deals! He also holds a professional certificate in consumer credit, and has won many sales awards over the years from the nationwide dealer and finance companies. Gerrard would be delighted to welcome old and new customers to Canavan Ford. Give him a call on 0872232671. ▪ Gerrard Finn of Canavan Ford on the East Wall. ▪ (Right) Canavan Ford on the East Wall. New online booking search engine makes choosing a garage easy autoserviCinG.Com uses the latest search engine technology to make your search for a garage as easy as a few clicks on your keyboard, ipad or mobile phone. Finding a garage couldn’t be easier. With just a few steps gives you access to offers from a wide range of garages in your locality. Simply enter your car registration and the system immediately finds your car and gives you a list of offers from garages in your local area, for the dates you select. Choose your garage based on the price and on the different service offerings from each garage. You then book your service online and secure your slot by paying a small deposit. Your booking details are then emailed to you and you also receive your confirmation by text. The balance of the payment is paid directly to the garage when the service has been completed. The site is of great benefit to garages, giving them access to ▪ Choose your garage based on the price and on the different service offerings from each one. a new source of local customers who can use the service to book directly with them. The booking process gives them great control over their in-house scheduling. They have a clear picture of what their bookings are and can adjust their offerings in real time to give greater savings to motorists on slots that may not yet have been filled. The site provides complete transparency to consumers as all of the garage offerings are listed in a comprehensive way, allowing users to search and compare with all of the information they need. offers a completely unbiased service as they have no affiliation with any particular group of garages or car parts manufacturer. SCRAPPAGE IS BACK AT LINDERS UP TO €4,000 SCRAPPAGE AVAILABLE† 0% FINANCE AVAILABLE 5-YEAR WARRANTY* AA COVER** OFFER ENDS 28 FEBRUARY 2015 Minimum scrappage allowance available on all trade-ins† LINDERS RENAULT CHAPELIZOD CHAPELIZOD ROAD, DUBLIN 20 TEL: 01 6299600 WWW.LINDERSRENAULT.IE LINDERS RENAULT FINGLAS BESIDE TESCO CLEARWATER, FINGLAS, DUBLIN 11 TEL: 01 8648212 5-year/200,000km Renault manufacturer warranty. Models shown: Mégane GT Line RRP €25,740. Prices exclude metallic paint and dealer-related charges, recommended dealer delivery charge €700. Offer available on selected vehicles only, while stocks last. Offer cannot be combined with any other promotional offer run by either the Manufacturer or Linders Renault. Offer cannot be made retrospectively on any deal previously agreed. Further T&Cs may apply, visit for details. †The Scrappage offer is available on the Mégane, Fluence, and Scénic models. Scrappage amounts available vary by model and are up to a maximum of €4,000 on Mégane, Fluence and Scénic. Model shown is for illustrative purposes only, please check the exact vehicle specification with Linders Renault. This offer ends on 28 February 2015 and all deals must be completed by this date. **AA Cover includes 1 year breakdown assist. Terms and conditions apply please contact dealer for full details. * 21 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE WEST • 25 FEb 2015 Motoring Nissan seeks tomorrow’s motor technicians • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 NISSAN Ireland has announced details of the company’s Generation Next Apprenticeship Scheme that’s now open for applications. The innovative new apprenticeship scheme aims to find the ‘technicians of tomorrow’ and it’ll create an estimated 100 jobs in the motor industry over the next four years. Applications will be accepted until March 9 and are open to anyone over the age of 16 focused on a career in cars with industry leading training. Successful candidates will be enrolled in the seven phase SOLAS Motor Apprenticeship programme, attend three off-site training phases and work on placement in a Nissan Network Dealer. In addition, throughout their apprenticeship they will be supported by the Nissan Ireland Training Academy ensuring they reach the highest standards possible. “We are introducing this scheme to tackle the identified short to medium-term, skilled labour shortage in our industry,” says Nissan Ireland chief executive, James McCarthy. “With the increase of car buyers choosing new cars for their value, industry is reliant on educated, capable technicians,” he explains. “Technicians infused with the ability to both understand and master existing and future technology associated with an inno▪ Pictured at the launch of the new Nissan Generation Next Apprenticeship scheme are (from left) Michael O’Connell, Technical Trainer and Technical Support, Nissan Ireland; DIT Student, Alex Reck; James McCarthy, CEO Nissan Ireland; Thelma O’Toole, Aaron Coyle-Delaney, Rebecca Hutton; and Ken Ward, Nissan Training and Technical Manager, Nissan Ireland. PHOTO by PAul SHARP/SHARPPIX economy, safety and environmental merits, the days of the gifted amateur are over; we need to future-proof Nissan Ireland’s technical staff to have technicians as highly trained as our cars technology demands. Over the next four years we see opportunities for up to 100 full-time jobs for trained technicians.” What makes this scheme less ordinary is Nissan Ireland’s constant encouragement of trainees throughout the familiar apprenticeship model to succeed. Top scoring graduates will be given an opportunity to further their career through scholarships on DIT Automotive third level degree courses while they’re employed full-time with Nissan. They can also advance into the Nissan Generation Next Academy, where they’ll receive Nissan Master Technician training (including entry into NISTEC, Nissan’s prestigious world-wide skills competition). Nissan Ireland training and technical manager, Ken Ward, trained as an apprentice himself and sees the value of offering young apprentices a career plan and job security alongside a higher level of technical ability and qualification. “My experience in the motor industry has given me a clear understanding that the future of the vative brand like Nissan and the automotive industry in general.” SOLAS director Ray Kelly is delighted with Nissan Ireland’s Generation Next initiative and says it’s a great example of great train- ing for the future. Applications by post to Nissan Generation Next Apprentice Academy, Nissan Ireland, Cedar House, Parkwest Business Park, Dublin 12 or by email to Dublin People Place your Motoring Ads in Print/On-Line and Reach 370,000 Print Readers, 30,000 On-Line Readers Phone Louise 01-8162951 Canavan Motors, East Wall Road, Dublin 3 email: 22 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West House & Home • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 Simple DIY projects for a new look you don’t have to spend a fortune giving your home a new look – a little change can go a long way to bringing life to ageing furnishings and décor. There’s a number of little projects you can do in an hour or a day that can really make a difference and give a fresh look to your home. Have a go at one or more of our easy-to-do home improvement projects and you’ll be amazed what a lift you’ll feel by making just a small change in your home. cover a chair cushion: If you have a tired looking din- ing chair or desk chair, it’s no trouble at all to put a new cover on it. Turn the chair upside down. It’s easy if you put a pad down on the top of a table and use that to hold the chair. Remove the screws that hold the pad to the chair frame and lift off the pad. For a special touch-up, carefully clean the chair frame. If there are scratches on the wood, lightly wipe the wood with furni- ture touch-up polish or stain. You can use a bit of paint for a fresh look. Let it dry for a few minutes, then carefully buff it off. Be careful not to get stain on the fabric. Turn the chair pad upside down on a piece of new fabric, being sure to centre any pattern or stripe. Carefully fold the edges of the fabric onto the underside of the chair pad and staple it down. Be careful not to cover the screw holes. Place the chair frame upside down on top of the pad and reattach the pad to the frame with the screws. add cushions to a chair or sofa: A boring or dull sofa or chair can really come alive with a splash of colour or pattern that a cushion (or a few) can add. Look around the room to see what it needs. Is it colour? Or a bold pattern? Or a subtle pattern? Or some colourful trim? Visit your local DIY store or home centre. ▪ Cushions and throws can change the look of a room Most of the large stores have a wide assortment of decorative items. Find a pair of cushions that will add WOW to your room. Then look for two un-matched cushions with the same colours, but different pattern. Look for cushions with tassels, fringe, beads or maybe made of an interesting plush fabric. Remember, these cushions are going to be an accent to your room. Go wild! Place the new cushions on the furniture. Try different combinations until you hit the jackpot. You’ll see an instant change in the look of your room. Paint one wall If your room needs a pick-meup, think about painting just one wall a contrasting colour to draw attention and add interest. You can paint any wall, but think about what you’re trying to accomplish. You could create a backdrop for your bed by painting the wall behind it a different colour. Or why not frame your bathtub with a soothing shade? You might think about the wall behind the dining room table or a long hallway wall. How about the wall at the end of a long kitchen? Whatever you paint will be the focus of the room. Choose wisely, as that’s where the eye will be drawn. This is a place where you can be bold. Since you won’t be using a lot of the colour, don’t be afraid to choose a colour you wouldn’t choose for a whole room. Make sure the colour blends and harmonises with the other things in the room. Use blue painter’s tape to mark off the wall you’re going to paint. Apply the tape carefully and it will make the job much easier. A small paint roller may be all you need to put the paint on. Follow the directions on the paint can. Let it dry and then rearrange your furniture along the wall. Make a siMPle canoPy over your bed You can add drama or serenity by constructing a simple canopy over your bed. Screw chrome, iron or porcelain towel rings into the ceiling over your bed and pull a long width of fabric through them, forming a swag over your bed. Hem four sides of a wide panel of fabric, cut the width of your bed and long enough to go from the floor to ceiling and half way back again. Apply fringe or tassels to one of the short ends. Cut two wooden dowels (pegs) the width of your bed. 23 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE WEST • 25 FEb 2015 House & Home Have a go at one or more of our easy-to-do home improvement projects and you’ll be amazed what a lift you’ll feel by making just a small change in your home. Hang the dowels from the ceiling across the top of the bed, about 12 inches apart. Swag the fabric panel over both dowels and pull the fabric down to the floor behind your bed. The other end will hang over your bed like a valance. Cut a 12” wide board the width of the bed. Cover it with fabric. Staple fabric cut and finished about 18” wide along the two short ends and one long side. Screw the wood board to the wall above your bed, using Lbrackets. Screw a large chrome, wood or iron ring into the ceiling above your bed, near the wall. Pull a long length of sheer fabric through the ring, spreading the fabric out to the sides of the bed. You might attach the fabric to the side of your bed to hold it in place. Clean up an old pieCe of furniture If you have a sad, worn dresser or shelf, paint it a fresh colour for your room. It will look new and you won’t have to spend a lot of money. Remove the handles and lightly sand down the wood, smoothing out snags or bumps. Wipe off the sanding dust carefully with a damp rag. Dry with a clean, dry rag. Paint the piece, starting with the frame, ending with the shelves or drawer fronts. Let the piece dry for several days. Think about painting the back of a shelving unit a contrast colour from the shelves and frame. Books and objects will stand out with a contrasting background. Replace the shelves, drawers, and handles trim up a lamp or lamp shade. Give a boring lamp a fresh, up-to-date look with trims coordinated to your décor. Using a glue gun, carefully attach braid, ribbon, fringe or beaded cording to the top and bottom edges of a lamp shade. If the base of your lamp looks tired, remove the shade and cords. In a protected area, spray paint the base. Use either a colour coordinated to your room or theme, or choose a metallic spray finish in copper, brass, or brushed steel. Reattach the cord and replace the shade. Try wrapping the base of your lamp in ribbon or cording. Do just the base or go all the way up. This will give a totally new look with little work. rearrange a shelf or mantelpieCe Remove everything from the mantel and clean it off. Look around the house for themed or colour-coordinated items. Lay a garland of greens along the mantel. ▪ A new look doesn’t have to cost a fortune Tuck the collected items into the leaves, clustering like items and balancing the look. Remove all the books and items from a bookshelf and clean off. Collect books that have the same theme - decorating, travel, literature etc. Arrange the books neatly on the shelves, creating an interesting collection. Add personal items or photos for dimension and interest. Move items from one shelf to another, just for the sake of changing the look. Clear out a Cupboard or Closet Take everything out of a cupboard, or do one shelf or area at a time. Organise items by colour, style or use - cooking, tableware, decorative pieces. Choose items that have been hidden away that might find a place out in the open. Discard things that you know you won’t use again. Collect them for a charity. Replace things on a shelf according to use. Resist the temptation to keep anything you haven’t used for over two years, except for sentimental items. Remove items from a closet that you haven’t used for a while or that no longer fit. Clean off the closet poles and shelves. Replace the items, grouped by garment type - pants, blouses and shirts, dresses, jackets. • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 24 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West employment/business Jobbridge has its good points too Join our Winning Team Dublin People Group is hiring Advertising Sales Executives Dublin People Group of Newspapers, based in Santry, is Dublin’s longest running and most successful free local newspaper group – reaching over 370,000 readers every week with the Northside People East, Northside People West and Southside People. Successful Advertising Sales Executive candidates will have: Ideally two years’ experience in advertising sales Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Strong work ethic and ability to meet and exceed sales targets Up-to-date IT Skills Ability to work on their own initiative and as part of the team A full driving licence and own transport • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 Cormac Spencer THE JobBridge scheme, the Government sponsored internship programme which started in 2011, will be familiar to most people. Most of what you will have heard, outside of Government pronouncements, will likely have been highly critical of the venture. However, critics are unfair in condemning the scheme as totally without merit. It has its flaws and it has been corrupted and abused by a few. But JobBridge has its good points too and should not be so quickly discredited. There is no doubt that JobBridge has been abused by some employers. In certain cases employers have taken on interns for jobs previously advertised as paid employment, or worse, have made people redundant only to then advertise the position as an internship (thus saving themselves a wage and costing taxpayers in terms of welfare payments). The system has been subverted, but the actions of the unscrupulous few who have sought to take advantage should not discredit the scheme in its entirety. JobBridge was started at a time when jobs were quite difficult to come by. They were particularly scarce if you were a graduate or an unskilled worker. Thankfully, the economic situation has improved, but there are still thousands more looking for experience who can’t get it in paid employment. JobBridge provides this experience. It allows interns to gain new skills and confidence and to build a network of contacts which they can leverage to find paid employment in the future. The results are encouraging. A report in late 2012 by INDECON showed that 36.3 per cent of interns progressed to paid employment directly after finishing their scheme with 61 per cent gaining employment within five months of finishing. The scheme was also good for Irish business, a fact that is often overlooked. Many businesses didn’t have the financial capacity to hire during the recession, but wanted to compete and grow despite the temporary constraints. The JobBridge scheme allowed them to take on an intern who could contribute to the business as well as learning themselves. This was and is a win-win-win situation. Interns gained experience and skills, businesses were able to weather the economic storm the recession brought and the country gained by keeping people in work and maintaining a properly skilled workforce. The country also benefited by avoiding an even larger number of people becoming long-term unemployed. In many instances (28.6 per cent of interns), the host organisation employed the intern on a paid basis, underlining the successes of the scheme which are often downplayed. I am no apologist for the current Government or its policies in general, nor do I seek to suggest that the JobBridge scheme is a perfect tool, but the naysayers are ignoring the benefits. I have personally seen what a proper internship can do for the employment prospects of the intern and for their confidence. For anyone who is finding it very difficult to get paid work, they would be well served by at least investigating the possibilities that the scheme has to offer. •Cormac Spencer is a Recruitment Consultant/Director at Link Personnel Services. Visit or call 018456312. Excellent commission over and above base salary. Rathgar Kindergar Montessori ten Crèche & Mo ntessori Sch ool 37 Keni 5&- XXXEV &"45 edicates Local group d te friend la foundation to 'FC'FCA N7PM/P CMJOQFPQMFDP XXXEV 5&- /P JOQFPQMFDPN7PM 5&-XXXEVCM 1BU03PVSLF JDBUFEUPUIF GPVOEBUJPOEFE EFIBWFTFUVQB PNUIF/PSUITJ 4*9 ZPVOHQFPQMFGS GSPNDBODFS GSJFOEXIPEJFE NFNPSZPGUIFJS BOE TTFE PSZw SPVQTNFNCFST +BDL%BMUPOQB 0SMBHITBJEUIFH HSPXJOH *O'FCSVBSZ JUI&X BMM WFSZ DMPTF XIJMF BGUFSBCBUUMFX XFSF FEKVTU +BDL i8F XFOU BXBZBH 1PSUNBSOPDL BSFB JOHT4BSDPNB SJTFT VQ JO UIF QSJNBSZ TDIPPM 4U )FMFOT IUT$BODFSDPNQ TDIPPM 1PSUNBSOPDL'JH ,BUF UP UIF TBNF BOE TFDPOEBSZ BO "JEFFO 8BMTI /BUJPOBM 4DIPPM w TIF 0SMBHI (FPHIFH 8BSE 4DIPPM JUZ 8BSE $BNFSPO 1PSUNBSOPDL $PNNVO 0)BHBO .FHHBO TBJE BOE+BDL$PNFZ UIPVHI UIBU IFME BO B TQPLFTQFSTPO i+BDL XBT UIF HMVF 0SMBHI (FPHIFH JU XBT TVDI 1FPQMF 8IFO IF EJFE UPME /PSUITJEF B VT UPHFUIFS GPS UIF HSPVQ GBNJMZ BOE FE XJUI IJT JMMOFTT UJOH MPTT GPS IJT i+BDL XBT EJBHOPT FIFME B EFWBTUB CFGPSFIFEJFE8 MJUUMFPWFSBZFBS IFXBT GSJFOETw CJH GVOESBJTJOH FWFOU PG UIF TJOHFWFOUXIJMF mSTU 5IF GVOESBJ PVSmSTU E CZ 1PSUNBSOPDL ZFBS CFJOH PSHBOJTF BMJWFBOESBJTFEô MBDFBSPVOEUIF UIF NPOFZ JMMUBLFQ DPVOUJOH BODFSX i* XBT MJUFSBMMZ DBNF 'JHIUT$ POEBOOJWFSTBSZ XIFO UIF OFXT UJNFPG+BDLTTFD JOWPMWFT UIF GPMMPXJOH EBZ XIJDI IBEQBTTFE " A#BTLFUCBMMBUIPO BMM XJMM UISPVHIUIBUIF XF UPPL B ZFBST IPVST DPOUJOVPVT CBTLFUC i"GUFS +BDLT EFBUI XFSF OPDL 4QPSUT BOE HSPVQ CFDBVTF XF CF IFME BU UIF 1PSUNBS 'FCSV CSFBL GSPN UIF BOE UIBU XBT PVS -FJTVSF $MVC14-$ PO4BUVSEBZ CZ B BMM TUBSUJOH DPMMFHF GPMMPXFE 5IJT FWFOU XJMM CF NBJOGPDVT UIF BSZ DUJWBUFE WFOJOH FOUMZSFB J[UIBUF i)PXFWFSXFSFD SFHVMBS UBCMFRV BJN JT UP IPME $POUJOVFEPOQBHF HSPVQ /PX PVS BT XF BT NVDI NPOFZ FWFOUT BOE SBJTF JO +BDLT NFN SFTFBSDI DBO GPS DBODFS in” in Pa “I’m Help Me? Chiropractic Can We are often asked: way of “What’s the best more For a limited lworth Squa • ECCE Place re, Rathgar, • Established s Available D.6. 1987 • All Staff Montessor • Low Child i Qualified • Full Time, Staff Ratios • All Weat Part Time & Sessi • Rugby, her Outdoor Play on Options Availa French Ballet Area ble • Food Includ and Crick ed et CMJOQFPQMF DPN7PM Tackling esrswi thn ug Campaig ll s rila defendbFeinpg or testity /P 'FC'FCA 8&45 'FC' FCA Tel: 01 497 8107 steenmichelle1 www.rathgarm ontessori.i e school pro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i*MFGUNZE BMQSJWBUF XIP UPPL QBSU JO UIF DIPPM*BQQSF FCSPLFO MT BOEFPOUIF UPJNQJOH UHFUCBDL UPNFBOE DPNNVOJUZ JGUIFZDBO JOUFOUJPO -0$"- DBNQBJHOFST XBTIJHIMJH i5IFJS UBLJO SFXBTOP FTBJEUIF DFOUS IUFE HT PWFSMGw FT JOTX CZ%FQVUZ JMIFSNZTF UIF GPVS BU$PMÇJTUF&PJOJO'JOHMBTIBW SBUJPOT -BC CVU*MMFNB FSFôCVU 1BU 3BCC DJBUFUIBU TBSZDFMFC JT B CSFBL UIFE JUUF TDIPP 1SFTJEFOU UIF BNBH TDIPPMTUIBOOJWFS CFMJFWF FEPO 4QFBLJOH 1SPUFTUPST MXBTPGBOJNN FUPUIF QMBDF EVSJO UPPL NPOTUSB UIFO H B SHFUGPSEFFOTF BMUFSDBUJPO VF 5PQJDBM *TTVFMFHJUJNBUF CBUF MZHSF QPMJUJDBMUB 5IFZ IBWF " IFBUFE MBTUXFFL XBT WJTJUJOH TGSPN CSPLFO JOUP %F FOUTPO BUFSWBM %FQV FQSPUFTUFS OJUZ& ÒGPSDFETPN 1SFTJEFOU )JHHJOT XIP NJOJT UJOHUPIJTQVCMJDDPNN UIF UFS IPX BOUJ UZ3BCCJUUFUPMEUJPOTQPJO BSZXBT BGUFSHBSEB UIF EBNB OUFSQSJTF$ FOUSFBOE NBEFB$PNNV TPDJBM CFIB DPVMEIBWF PGUIFSPBE iFBUJ UIFTDIPPMUPNBSLUIFBOOJWFST PNQSP OEGFFMIF EPOFTFSJP UIFNJEEMF HFUPTPN OH BXBZ WJPVSBVTUFSJUZB VT FPGUIFTP XBT VOJUT CJMM BEMJOFTMBT UIF IFBSUXFFL UIJUUIFIFBU PVSDPNN TVCKFDUFEUPBUJSBEF PGBCVTFGS DJBMFOUFSQ OTUUIFXB 5IFQSPUFT UIFSF UFSDIBSHFT U PG TPNFTUBOEBHBJ VOJUJFDJEFOUXBT SJTF UIBU IF TJHOFE PG TBOEDBVTQPTUFE GBNJMHFPGUIFJO UFTUFST XIP XFSF BOHSZ i5IFQVSQPTFPGUIFQSPUFTUXBT JOHNJTFSZ i5IFXIPMF JFT USBQQFE UIF DPOUSPWFSTJBM XIFOGPPUB GPS FSUZ ZIBWFBUUB EJTTBUJT DLFE VCFTQBSL IPX JO DFSUBJOHDSJUJ UIFQ IPPELBOE:PV5 UIF CJMM JOUP MBX GPS PGTPNFQLOPX JO OFJHICPVS SJWBUFQSPQ PO'BDFCPP Tw UPMFU UIF 1SFTJEFOU T FPQMF IFT JUJDBMmHVSF BUUFOEJOH JOUIF TFWFSBMQPM DIBSHFT PQMFBSFw i5IF BSFB TUBUFE)VH NFF UIVHT UBSHF mFEUIFQF 1FP IPPMQSPUFTUFST DJTNGSPN TQFBLJOH ODFSGSPNM UP /PSUITJEF BOHVBHFPSBOZ UJOHT U QFPQMF ļ %SZSVO5 0OIJTXBZJOUPUIFTD WVMOFSBCMF i*IBWFTF EPOFCBEM )PXFWFS BSOPDL'JHIUT$B i*EPOUDPO XIP OE UIPTF XIP BOE DIBOU FOWFSZTB IF*SJ SE1)050 FNCFSTPG1PSUN FNC VHIFTEFGF EIPXJU JTU#FSOJF) 3BCCIBUCVU*EP EDBT 3VOVSCBODIB TI)FBSU'PVOEBUJP PMEFSQFPQ BSF MJWJOH BSF TUPPE PO UIF SPBE TIPVUJOH SFE.FHHBO8B DL%BMUPOBOEN JUUFBEEFE VOEFSTUBO FTw %FQV QMFMPDBMBDUJW UIJOHMJLFU UVBUJPO MFXP 8BSE/PUQJDUV BMPOF ETPGUIFMBUF+B TDIPPM w5I UZ OJTP MMFOHFPO SWFEUIFTJ EPXBT BNFSPO BNF NFO BSFGSJFO TDSJCFEUIF FSFB XIP "MMQFPQMFXBOUFEUP OBOE$ BOETPNFU QVTIDPN NJHSBUFTUBOEEF SFTPNFQ JOHXIJMFHBSEBÒPCTF 'FCSVBSZ4V GGFSJOHUPQG +"$,1JDUVSFE FEUIFQSP OUTw%FQV PU QFBD TI,BUF0)BHB JNFT IBQQFOFEDBOO GPSU[POFT FPQMF CFDBNF BHJ VOESBJTFS ļ 3&.&.#&3*/( QQPSUFEC UIFBSFBw HBO"JEFFO8BM UFTUSFTP IPNFTJSBOHFSw FGVMMZ FOKPZ UIFJS CCJUUFTUBUFE JNUPWFOUUIF XJMMFNCB UIFCFTUJOUZ3B TUIFDIBO )PXFWFS TPNF QSPUFTUFST QVTI CBDL BTiPOFPG i*O NZ Z"*(*OTV 0SMBHI(FPHIF VSDFGVMOF SLPO DPOTUJUVFO OUPJNQJOH PXO DFUPDPN FPO UP SBOD S +BDL$PNFZ TTEFUFSN SJUJDTIBWFNBEF QFUFJOUI QPTTJCMF#PUI BDPEFDSBDLJOHNJT UBUFE XIFO HBSEBÒ CFHBO -" i5IFSFXBTOPJOUFOUJPDZ SFDFOUMZ JOBUJPOBOE FBOE%VCMJOT'. 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(Ind ) If you have what it takes to succeed and are eager to work in a busy and dynamic environment apply with current CV to CLONSILLA Dublin 15 5 Weavers Row, Clonsilla, ▪ The economic situation has improved, but there are still thousands more looking for experience who can’t get it in paid employment. 25 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE WEST • 25 FEb 2015 employment/business Chill Insurance is recruiting for staff across various sections of their business. In particular, we have a number of entry level vacancies in the Sales and Customer Services Departments. We are looking for people with some sales and customer services experience who: • have a can-do attitude • will act with honesty and integrity • are keen to learn • are customer focussed • will work hard and contribute to the success of Chill So please email your CV to Chill Insurance Ltd t/a Chill Insurance is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. ▪ BOOST Pictured at the announcement were Deirdre Collins, Dee’s Wholefoods; Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton; Aoife Ni Mhuiri, Salaso; and Julie Sinnamon, chief executive of Enterprise Ireland. PHOTO: SHANE O’NEILL/FENNELL PHOTOGRAPHY Employment boost at start-up companies THERE was further good news on the employment front last week when it was announced that 1,500 jobs are be created over the next three years by 102 High Potential Start-Up companies supported by the Department of Jobs and Enterprise. Speaking at the announcement, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, said the announcement was a great boost and further evidence of what is possible in this area. “At the heart of the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs is creating a powerful engine of Irish enterprise that will accelerate jobs growth in towns and villages right across the country,” he said. “We are constantly reviewing the needs of entrepreneurs and businesses and developing new initiatives to assist new startups, including extra resources to support companies in overseas markets; a new network of Local Enterprise Offices to support more start-ups; and the recently launched Action Plan for Jobs “The companies supported by Enterprise Ireland under its High Potential Start-Ups programme and Competitive Start Funds are key to our plans.” Minister Bruton added: “These are the new ambitious promoters that will go on to become part of the growing number of internationally trading Irish companies that each year are increasing exports and creating new Irish jobs.” :06$"/3&"$) 3&"%&34 %6#-*/1&01-&(3061 /0 '03"--%6#-*/ 3&"%&34)*1 %JTUSJCVUPST 3FRVJSFE &"$)8&&, Distributors are wanted to deliver Newspapers through letterboxes in the Dublin Area on a weekly basis. You must be available to work Monday - Thursday. $POUBDUPVS4BMFT5FBNBU No transport is necessary. 1MFBTFBQQMZCZFNBJMUP CPY!EVCMJOQFPQMFDPN 0SQPTUUP %JTUSJCVUPST10#PY /PSUITJEF1FPQMF0NOJ1BSL4$ 4BOUSZ%VCMJO 26 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West education • To sponsor or advertise on this page call 01 8621611 new academy for tY students REPRESENTATIVES from,, Irish Second Level Students’ Union (ISSU) and the Digital Youth Council came together recently to launch a new approach to education and careers for transition year students. HOST FAMILIES REQUIRED Host families with teenaged children required for home stay French students aged 13-17 for two or three weeks stays: July and August RATES PER STAY: 2 WEEKS - €450 3 WEEKS - €650 The Student Slingshot Academy was launched earlier this month at its future home in Filmbase, Temple Bar. The new initiative has been developed to change how transition year students approach education and career prospects. Once a month, beginning on March 15, some of Ireland’s leading third level students will work alongside industry professionals to create immersive and interactive sessions for transition year students. It has garnered support from some of the most prominent institutions for Irish second level students, including,, ISSU and the Digital Youth Council The first Student Slingshot Academy takes place on Sunday, March 15 in Filmbase, located in Temple Bar. Transition Year Students will have an opportunity to learn from and meet college stu- dents from computer programming, medicine, law, journalism, finance, language and art, among further areas to be announced later. A selection of industry professionals in these fields will also support the students to develop new and inspiring sessions. Student Slingshot is a studentrun organisation focused on maximising prospects for Ireland’s students. On November 18, they held the first Student Slingshot event in Dublin Castle where 150 of Ireland’s best students met for an evening of networking, panel discussions and keynote speakers. The students from this event are those who will teach at Student Slingshot Academy. Applications for transition year students close at 5pm on March 7. Further details can be found at Somatics - pain & tension release through gentle exercise Morning Classes starting Wed 11th of March, Evening Classes starting Mon 9th & Tue 10th March For further information contact: Jean 086 3233222 ▪ Patrick Guiney, Student Slingshot; Fiona Farrell,; Oisin McKenna,; Harry McCann, Digital Youth Council; and Rebecca Dempsey, Student Engagement and Development Officer at Irish Second-Level Students’ Union Dorset College “Excellence through Life Long Learning” • T: 01 - 8309677 The ICT industry needs people like you.. Are you currently unemployed? Interested in working in IT but need to upskill? Sign up for one of our free ICT Courses and qualify with an internationally recognised City & Guilds Diploma ICT Courses: • • • Systems & Networks Web Development Social Media for Business Course Duration: 32 weeks including 13 weeks work experience Starting soon in Killester, Ringsend, North Strand. For further information, contact us: By phone: 1890 815 704 / 01 882 5570 By e-mail: Eligibility Be in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance/Benefit or on the Live Register for 12 out of the last 18 months (signing on for the Social Insurance Contribution Credits) and be actively seeking work. Your Career Starts Here…….. Full & Part-Time Courses Computers & multimedia • BSc Computing & Multimedia Level 7 (3 Years) • Higher Certificate in Science in Computing & Multimedia Level 7 (2 Years) •Certificate in Science in Computing & Multimedia Level 7 (1 Year) • CompTIA A+/Cisco IT Essentials 5.0 • CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate (Routing & Switching) •MCSA - Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (Windows Server 2012) • JAVA Programmer Foundation & Professional • Game Analysis Design • 3D Modelling & Animation • European Computer Driving Licence •E-Learning (Wide range of IT Courses) Business & aCCounting •Bachelor of Business Level 7 (3 Years) •Higher Certificate in Business Level 6 (2 Years) • CIPD Certificate in HR Practice •Lean Six Sigma (Green Belt) •Leadership Level 6 (Supervisory Management & Leadership) •Manual & Computerised Accounts ChildCare & montessori studies •Early Childhood Care & Education Level 5 •Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE & Montessori) Level 6 • Early Childhood Care & Education (Supervision) Level 6 •Special Needs Assisting Level 5 & 6 • Maternity Care Support Level 5 healthCare eduCation (major awards level 5) •Nursing Studies (Pre-Nursing Course) •Healthcare Support •Gerontology Level 6 (Minor Award) •Diploma Counselling & Psychotherapy (Equivalent to first 2 Years of Degree ) Visit: for full range of full & Part-time courses 27 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE WEST • 25 FEb 2015 classifieds northside 3 EASY WAYS TO PLACE AN AD ...Tel: 01 8621611 ...Fax: 01 8621625 ...Email: * target group index 2014 Polish Contractor • INTERNAL WALLS INSULATION DRY LINING • COVING INSTALLATION • INTERNAL PLASTERING • ALL ASPECTS OF PAINTING & DECORATING COVERED • TILING & BATHROOM RENOVATIONS RefeRences fRom satisfied customeRs available TOP qUALITY WORk Free Quatation Contact Ph: Albert 087 146 4428 february Quality Drives & Patios Est. 1985 fully registered and insured “ our prices won’t be beaten” Huge discounts on imprint concrete, cobblelock, gravel,landscaping & tarmacadam Driveways from €899 February A-Z TREES AND GARDEN SERVICES • 24 HR CALL OUT WITH HEAVY WINDS • OVER GROWN GARDENS • TREES FELLED AND PROOMED • SPECIALITY BRICK WORK • BLOCK PAVING • DRIVEWAYS AND WALLS • OLD SHEDS REMOVED • NRE SHED SUPPLIED AND ERECT • HEDGES TRIMMED • GUTTERS CLEANED AND SEALED • TURFING • PAINTING • GARAGE & HOUSE CLEARANCE 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE CALL TEL: 01 867 8791 • MOB: 085 1474 725 40% oFF this 30% DISCOUNT all work guaranteed for 10 years “ No payment until Job is complete” Phone sean: 087 700 2442 Northside office: 01 685 6545 southside office: 01 902 3545 Free estimates '&."-&3&"%&34 &7&3:8&&, Chris Dowling Roofing Roofing Specialists, Contractors for PVC Membrane, Torch On Felt, Roof & Gutter Repairs, Roof & Wall Cladding, Asbestos Removal PL & EL Insured. Nationwide Service Domestic & Commercial Office: 044 92 26558 / Chris 086 0356567 Email: 0''XJUIUIJTBEWFSU Reaching 370,000 ReadeRs Weekly acRoss 3 titles* PLASTERER Interior & Exterior Skimming, Drylining, Insulation & Heat Board No job to big or small • Free Quotes 35 years experience 5FMPS 4 SEASONS GARDEN CARE Your complete Garden & Paving Service Call for a free estimate on Private /Commercial 087 2843244 or 01 4599606 • Garden Design & Construction • Low Maintenance Gardens • Garden Clearance • Instant Lawns/Fencing • Trees & Hedges trimmed & pruned • Paving/Patios/Driveways • Patios & Driveways Cleaned & Sealed Professional & Friendly Service Check out our work on Fully Insured 28 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West Qualified Carpenter at very Competitive rates 10% disCount with this ad • Internal Doors & Garage doors • Laminate & Solid floors • Kitchens & wardrobes • Stairs • Porches & conservatories in timber or uPVC • Windows in timber or uPVC • Fascia & soffit repaired & repaired • Attic insulation, internal wall dryling insulation • Ber Certs • Wall Panelling All maintanence work on domestic and commercial properties Free quotes and friendly reliable service as standard All general carpentary work NORTHSIDE DRIVEWAYS 40% off for January & February • Specialising in all types of Paving, Asphalt, Tarmacadam etc. • 10 years & still going strong! • Won’t be beaten on price or quality • All work fully guaranteed for 7 years • Prices for all budgets & no payment accepted until the job is complete All areas covered, No job too big or small Email: Web: Malahide Road, Dublin 5. Contact Miles: 087 338 3300 • Office: 01 836 4611 Tel Fintan: 087 9059 408 CutteRs gARdeNiNg & lANdsCAPiNg seRviCes All AReAs CoveRed Patios & paths. All types of Driveways & Patios Broken Walls Demolished, Rebuilt Brick Work, Garden Sheds Built, Sheds cleared out, Powerwashing 25% DIScOunT FOR OAP’S 40% OFF FOR FeBRuARy All types of Fencing supplied & fitted Roll Out Lawns Supplied & Laid Instant Turf Lawns / Seeded Lawns Bark & Mulch Supplied & Laid All Hedges trimmed • Shrubs & Trees Planted All Types of Trees, Big & Small • Pruning & Felling • All WAste Removed • No PAymeNt uNtil Job is ComPlete • 20yRs exPeRieNCe • Fully iNsuRed • FRee estimAtes • All WoRk guARANteed • FRieNdly seRviCe. :06$"/3&"$) 3&"%&34 Call 01 8481810 or 085 1192546 &"$)8&&, $POUBDUPVS4BMFT5FBNBU TBMFT!EVCMJOQFPQMFDPN TBMFT!EVCMJOQFPQMFDPN local services Tel: 01 862 1611 Fax: 01 862 1625 $POUBDUPVS4BMFT5FBNBU PS&NBJM 5P"EWFSUJTF$POUBDU DUBLIN - MEATH - KILDARE - WICKLOW A&B Roofing seRvices A complete Roofing Service from a Professional Family Business Slating & tiling • new & Old ROOfS and all RepaiR wORk cOveRed 10% off Est 23 yrs Estimates Free • Written guarantee with this Recommendations available advert CoNtaCt 087 6209446 Northside 087 1911516 southside 29 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE WEST • 25 FEb 2015 BOSS ALARM SPECIALISTS AAL ANGEL ALARMS LTD 20 Years personal experience in the industry. * Alarm your home from only * €20 per week * 2 Panic buttons (Hall/Upstairs) * 1 Day Installation * Easy to use key fob * Fully guaranteed * Service man on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week * All equipment complies to highest EU standards * Fully insured, licensed & PSA Approved Wireless system also available. Tel: 8458205 Mob: 086 8558281 email: ALARM IT ALARM SYSTEMS: *Full service on any home or commercial alarm system only "68* (No contract needed) All makes serviced & repaired Over 20yrs experience *Wireless or wired alarm systems fitted from "500* All systems meet the current standards We cover Dublin & surrounding areas Check out our website Fully insured and licensed PSA NO.00972 Tel: 01 857 6962 Mob: 087 233 8885 DOOR & WINDOW SECURITY & REPAIR ALL WINDOW & DOOR REPAIRS Specialising in Aluminium PVC Repairs including: LOCKS, HANDLES, HINGES, FOGGED GLASS UNIT REPLACEMENT AND Sliding patio door wheels For all you window and door fix needs call: 087 958 6203 01 862 0817 BRENNANS WINDOW AND DOOR REPAIR SERVICE Repairs of aluminium and upvc frames, locks, hinges, handles, patio door wheels, tracks, glass draught proofing. Over 20 years experience. Contact Ken Brennan 01 2544723 or 0867354801 e: w: DRIVING LESSONS B.LEARNING DRIVING SCHOOL Friendly Professional Qualified Driving Instructor Nervous Pupils a Speciality Free Collection All Area One to One Lesson Pre-test over Test Routes RSA/ADI Approved Road Safety Authority Driving Instructor €30 per 1 Hour Lesson €50 per 2 Hour Lesson Contact Patricia Byrne 085 786 0890 TEL. 085 786 0890 Planning Dublin PAVING & LANDSCAPING * Driveways * Patios * Fencing * Decorative Walling * Asphalt * Imprint * Gravel Quality Paving at affordable prices just a phone call away Client’s Recommend us, we can give you testimonials Contact: John Maloney: 087 3591000 - 01 6972087 Web: Dundrum Bus Pk, Dublin 14 • T: 01 697 1896 Pearse St, Dublin 2 • T: 01 697 2087 DRIVING LESSONS EURO DRIVING SCHOOL 19yrs Experience. Fully Qualified & Certified by (RSA) 90% Pass Rate. Pre-Test Specialists. All Northside Test Centres Covered. Clients Recommend us. Lessons From €25 Tel: 086 2422895 No Canvassers please. GATES QUALITY WROUGHT IRON GATES & RAILINGS FROM €450.00 Fourteen years in the people newspaper supplying quality gates and railings to all areas of Dublin, primed/gloss painted and installed from €450.00. We also repair and rehang damaged gates. WE NOW OFFER BOTH PLAIN AND DECORATIVE SAFETY HANDRAILS. Wrought iron products you can trust with confidence. For a brochure and free no hassle estimate please call David on 087-4170895 or office 8477317. Visit our website: Houses For sale HOUSES WANTED Hibernian Estates Wherever you reside our company Hibernian Estates with our unrivalled experience and market knowledge will achieve the best price for your home. At present our demand outstrips our supply, we are urgently seeking homes for buyers. Many are cash buyers and loan approved clients eager to purchase. So if you are thinking of selling your home please contact us for a complimentary appraisal. Contact: 01 4783000 or 0860786797, e-mail:hibernianestates@gmail. com website: MAN WITH A VAN REMOVALS & TRANSPORT (IRL - UK-EUROPE) MAN WITH A VAN Are you moving home? Your new low cost method of moving at a fraction of the price larger removal companies charge. Fully professional white glove service at all times. Single items to full loads including Full House moves. 2 men available on request, call John 086-3341713 PAINTING & DECORATING DB DECORATORS All types of domestic interior and exterior work carried out. 30 years experience. Honest, reliable & trust worthy. Competitive rates. Free estimates. Phone 086 8833246. Plastering Plastering, Coving & Damp Proofing Specialist Room Offer: Full Room Plastered, Walls & Ceilings €250, supplied & fitted. All forms of interior and exterior plaster work. All Internal & External wall insulation. 25yrs experience No job to big or small. Excellent rates Free Estimates Call Steve 0874631100 PLUMBING & HEATING INSURED AND QUALIFIED PLUMBER Boiler & Gas Repairs from €60 by former Bord Gais Services Engineer. All Plumbing & Heating problems solved. Taps/Toilets/Electric Showers & Hot Water Cylinders. Senior Card Discount. Check out my website for more info. or call Johnny - 087 4004552 JMCC PLUMBING ATTENTION HOME OWNERS!!!! For all your plumbing needs: Specialising in Gas Central Heating, Gas Appliance Installation, New Bathrooms Fitted, Electric Showers Installation, Tank Replacement, Garden Tap Installation etc etc. All Plumbing requirements met. Free estimates. Very competitive rates. RGII registered. Fully insured. Ph: Joe on 087 9536779. PLUMBING AND HEATING Qualified Tradesman. 24 hr service No call out charges Free advice given. No job too big or small. Phone: 086-1631472 / 01-8077117 Specialist in • Granite • Permeable Paving • Brick paving • Kerbs • Cobbles • Drainage and Landscaping Free garden design and quote Fully Insured and Registered Tel: 085 1735014 or 01 8498395 Private aDS ARTICLES WANTED KRUPS (Comet) Hairdryer on stand. Phone 0868909780, Contact after 4:30 ARTICLES WANTED Violins, Violas, cellos wanted any condition. Seen anywhere. Top international prices paid. Wanted by Collector 0872416723 Cooker, fridge freezer, washing machine, table & chairs and 3 piece suite. Must be in good condition. Ph 087 6565659. ARTICLES FOR SALE Sofa chocolate brown 3 seater italian leather €150:00. Dyson DC05 Vacuum cleaner €80:00. Great firefront etc 16 inch €25:00. Phone 01 8335839 at anytime PROPERTY ABROAD For Sale Investment Opportunity/Bulgaria 2 bed apartment in the wellestablished luxury Sunset Holiday Resort. Bought Euro 145.000 Sell Euro 69.000. Annual rental return 5 per cent plus and owners yearly vacations option. For resort details visit U-tube and/ or For other information contact the owners at 00353 863591510. FRIENDSHIP Elderly Lady would like a male friend Northside Area. Can you pls send replies to PO Box ML200, Nothside People, 80-83 Omni Park, S.C., Santry, Dublin 9. PRAYERS Dear heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours I ask you for this special one. Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart where your holy father sees it then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days, promise publication and favours will be granted, never known to fail.IB REMOVALS DKM REMOVALS & COLLECTIONS Moving House / Premises Furniture Collection All Areas Covered - Excellent Rates Tel. David 087 2272841 Dear heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours I ask you for this special one. Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart where your holy father sees it then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days, promise publication and favours will be granted, never known to fail. MW Dear sacred heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours I ask you for this very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your Holy Father sees it then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days promise publication and favours will be granted never known to fail. FH Dear sacred heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours I ask you for this very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your Holy Father sees it then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days promise publication and favours will be granted never known to fail. JE Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours I ask you for this very special one. Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart where your Holy Father sees it then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days promise publication and favours will be granted, never known to fail. Promise to publish many thanks for favours received and about to be received. Publication promised. Susan ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our Working girls ladies hostel handbury lane 35 Fitzwillian Square. Seeking leisure information for the formal residents of the hostel in the 1920’s Dublin City Council I, Valerie Mc Donagh, intend to apply for planning permission for development at this site : 50 Hampton Green, Navan Road, Dublin 7. The development will consist/consists of : Planning permission is sought for attic conversion with raising of gable end with Dutch hip roof and dormer projection to rear, and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Dublin City Council, Planning Department, Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 during its public opening hours (9.00a.m.4.30p.m.). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Planning Dublin Dublin City Council I, Hazel Quinn, intend to apply for permission for construction at 517 Griffith Avenue, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, to consist of a Bedroom extension to rear, [area 8.0 sq. m.], at first floor level over the existing GFL kitchen, with a matching house eaves height, and a hipped tiled roof over. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Dublin City Council, during its public opening hours, and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. !"# ! " " !! !! !! # $" ! " !# $"% &' ( ! $ $ !! )$ ( * * + ! ! , - ! . / ! 0 .1 ! # $" 0 ! ! !$!!!( $ ! " 2 "" $3 4 &' / ! 3 05 %3&&666&&& )$ ( ! %6#-*/1&01-&(3061 /0 '03"--%6#-*/ 3&"%&34)*1 30 25 Feb 2015 • Northside PeoPle West You’ve just proved that advertising works! Thank you for being one of our 370,000 Dublin People Group newspaper readers every week. 2014 31 NORTHSIDE PEOPLE WEST • 25 FEb 2015 From the Archives We take a look back at extracts from old newspapers to see what was in the news this month from years gone by Photo and caption from ‘Images of Ireland’, North Dublin, by Derek Stanley. Published by Gill & Macmillan/The History Press Freeman’s Journal 7th February 1829 Irish Independent 2nd February 1917 Freeman’s Journal 24th February 1827 Freeman’s Journal 10th February 1840 Photo and caption from ‘Images of Ireland’, South Dublin, by Derek Stanley. Published by Gill & Macmillan/The History Press You’ve just proved that advertising works! Thank you for being one of our 370,000 Dublin People Group newspaper readers every week. 2014
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