1 Get connected! The Crusader Connection March 2015 Elmira, New York Volume 10 Issue 7 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT — Preparation for special events is an important part of living. Birthday parties, a family reunion, a wedding – all are carefully and lovingly prepared. Actors and actresses spend months rehearsing, athletes and coaches spend long hours practicing and Christians spend Lent preparing for Easter. When we reflect on important events in our lives, sometimes we spend more time preparing for special events than on the event itself. President John F. Kennedy noted this phenomenon in his inaugural address when he said, “our work will not be finished in the first hundred days, not in the first thousand days, not in the lifetime of this planet, but let us begin.” And so it is in preparation – the yearning and the quest for an event are important. So it is with Lent. None of us will arrive at Easter as perfect persons. Sometime we are urged to give up something during Lent, and other times we are encouraged to do something positive for Lent. Whatever we decide to do, let us begin. Guidance Dept. 2 Faculty Forum 2 Music Happenings —Sister Mary Walter Hickey, RSM—President FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK — 3 4 Service Learning 4 Campus Ministry 4 Junior High 5 6 Advancement Our prayer for you is that you take time to prepare during Lent for the glorious resurrection of our Lord on Easter. 7 8 As we begin the month of March, we have a change of activities at Notre Dame, now we begin spring sports—time flies when you have a good time! We hope that all of the snow will soon be behind us and that warm weather will come so all of our athletes can get outside. While the athletes are practicing, so too is the drama department. We look forward to the school play, “Murder by the Book”, on March 20 & 21 at 7:30 p.m. The cast and crew are working hard on this play and we hope you will come and enjoy it. This is a reminder for all who wish to apply for Financial Aid. You must apply to FACTS by March 6 at www.online.factsmgt.com . It is important that you do this, even if you received aid last year. You mustre-apply every year. As you continue to read the “Crusader Connection” you will find all kinds of news and information, so be sure to read it from cover to cover. THINK SPRING and thanks for all you do to support Notre Dame! Have a great day! —Sister Nancy Kelly, RSM—Principal March at a Glance March 4 7th and 8th Grade Soup Kitchen - After School April 3 Spring Recess Ends March 11 Magazine Drive Ends April 8 Junior Parent College Information Night - 6p.m. March 13 No School—Conference Day April 10 3rd Quarter Ends March 14 Big Band Dance 7-10p.m. - ND Gym April 17 8th Grade Retreat March 20-21 High School Play - Murder by the Book April 22 Senior Retreat March 30 Start of Spring Recess (through 4/3/15) Page 2—March 2015 2 The Crusader Connection FROM THE GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT— Junior Parents College Information Night A college information night will be held on Wednesday, April 8th at 6 p.m. in the Notre Dame Library. Parents should expect to hear information on the following topics: the college search process, the college application process, SAT/ACT exams, and an introduction to financial aid. Scheduling Ms. McKinery and Mrs. Barron have been into all of the grade levels discussing next year’s courses, and have taken initial requests from students. Students will have individual meetings with their counselor in the coming months to solidify these requests. At these meetings, students will receive a copy of their course request, which they must return to the guidance office with a parental signature. ACT Updates The long anticipated ACT Aspire results have come into the guidance office. Ms. McKinery and Mrs. Barron will be into the Freshman and Sophomore classes in the next couple of weeks to go over the results with students. Following these in class sessions, copies of the results will be mailed home to the families. The Notre Dame Guidance Department operates on a Open Door Policy, stop by anytime with any questions or concerns. FACULTY FORUM— FITNESS 2015 - WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT Andrea Morrison, Physical Education Teacher and Department Chair So what are people these days doing to stay fit? Out are the hour long workouts on the treadmill and elliptical, marathon strength training sessions on machines, and static stretching. In are functional training, HIIT workouts, yoga, dynamic stretching, personal trainers, and technology. The good news is that short and sweet is the new trend in making exercise part of our busy lives. Simply put, it’s back to basics in classes at gym or at home. Athletes, as they’re called by trainers regardless of age/ability, are using “old –school” push-ups, sit-ups, planks, and burpees to get fit. Mastering one’s own bodyweight is usually followed by a progression to using weights or resistance (kettles/dynabands/medicine balls) while performing multi-dimensional movements involving the total body. Movements that are “functional” - that is they mirror everyday life’s activities and requirements. This type of training can be done at one’s own pace with rest as needed and can be adjusted as fitness increases. High intensity interval training (HIIT) involves mixing low and high intensity exercise such as fast running followed by walking, and is used mostly by those with high-level training goals. Yoga is more popular than ever, appealing to mind/body believers and those who like yoga “recover” from other types of training. Personal trainers in individual or group settings, if social interaction is your need, are more popular than ever. If you’re a selfmotivated type, exercising at home online or with one of the many new fitness apps might be for you. Remember, your stairway and two cans of your favorite veggies or half-gallon jugs of H20 can provide a cardio workout and build strength for practically free. It must be noted that exercise choices, while based on one’s fitness goals, should be guided by an individual’s current level of fitness and preceded by a doctor’s exam or personal trainer assessment. Technology also provides safety measures with telemetry that monitors heart rate, etc. while exercising. This is a 21st century gadget well worth the investment. Lastly, don’t forget that fitness doesn’t discriminate. It can happen to anybody regardless of age. Go for a walk, ride your bike, or play your favorite sport. Just get out there. Life’s all about choices, right? “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” - President John F. Kennedy Page 3—March 2015 3 Notre Dame to Bring in International Students We are excited to announce that for the 2015-2016 school year, we will be accepting up to 15 new students from China. Notre Dame has been working with ThreeW, an International Student Organization, to market Notre Dame to students in China who are looking to study abroad. The process of marketing, interviewing and selecting students is extensive and will ensure a successful year for new students, current students, and faculty and staff. On March 2, two Notre Dame faculty members, Robert Stanley, Network Administrator, and Jessica Kneaskern, Director of Public Relations and Marketing, will be traveling to Beijing, China to meet with prospective students and their families. The purpose of this trip is to market Notre Dame and ultimately show them all that ND has to offer. It is our hope that the presentations Robert and Jessica will give during their time there, will leave a great impression on these students and their families, making them want to choose Notre Dame. On March 12 we will hold an informational meeting for all parents. This meeting will help explain the program and the process of bringing students over. It will be held in the library at 7 p.m. Members of the Board of Trustees and a ThreeW representative will speak. Robert and Jessica will also report on their experience in China. MUSIC HAPPENING — Notre Dame Drama Department Presents March 20 & 21 7:00 p.m. in ND Auditorium Tickets $8 for students/Seniors; $10 for adults High School Chorus to Perform at Jackals Game On March 16th our High School Chorus will be performing the National Anthem at the Elmira Jackals Game. Come support the students and stay for the game! The Crusader Connection SANDY WILLIAMS, WETM OUTSTANDING TEACHER OF THE WEEK Congratulations to Mrs. Sandy Williams for recently being selected as WETM’s Outstanding Teacher of the Week. Your work has not gone unnoticed and we congratulate and thank you for all of your hard work and commitment. SAVE THE DATE THE FIFTH ANNUAL BREAK FOR LIFE A Student Oriented Pro-Life Conference Saturday, April 18, 2015 - 1p.m. McQuaid Jesuit For more information please contact Mrs. Marie McCaig at mccaigm@notredamehighschool.com Page 4—March 2015 4 The Crusader Connection PROMOTING LITERACY SERVICE LEARNING On March 2, our Service Learning students will be enhancing literacy efforts in two local elementary schools. The students will begin their day at Diven Elementary where they will unveil the Birthday Bookshelf (pictured below). This bookshelf was constructed by Thomas Smith ‘14 and painted by two Service Learning and Advanced Art students, Brooke Harvey and Marlene Makowski. During the final construction stages, a book drive was held to collect new or gently used children’s books to stock the shelf. Many of the children who attend Diven Elementary do not benefit from literacy support in the home, so on their birthday each child will be allowed to select a book from the shelf to keep and share with their family. As part of the kick-off , the Service Learning students will be reading aloud a Dr. Seuss book to a class of students grades preK-2, in honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Following the unveiling and reading at Diven, the students will head to Beecher Elementary where they will host a lunch for the faculty, as a thank you for the many times they have allowed them to disrupt their day, and the many ND students they have supported. After lunch, they will be working with Mr. Bill Maloney’s (ND alum,‘98) class in preparing and performing social reader’s theater selection. To do this they will be utilizing props and costumes to bring to life The Children and the Leprechaun’s Gold. This is an exciting day for both the elementary students and our ND students. Be sure to check out the April Crusader Connection for a recap of the day. As we continue our Lenten theme: “to be islands of mercy in the seas of indifference,” may we be encouraged by Catherine McAuley’s wisdom. In one of Catherine’s letters to her colleague, she counsels her to be practical in her Lenten practices. “You will be far more disciplined in taking that which you do not like to take, than from abstaining from it.” In that same letter Catherine speaks of mindfulness: “The simplest and most practical lesson I know… is to resolve to be good today, but better tomorrow… thus we may hope to get on taking short, careful steps, not great strides.” For Catherine, “hope to get on” translates to growing daily in the love of God and love of neighbor. In her Retreat Instructions she asserts quite simply, “If you really love God, you will thus prove your love, for the proof is the deed.. love of God… and love of neighbor … are cause and effect” (Praying with Catherine McAuley by Helen Marie Burns and Sheila Carney). Let us pray, for our students as they go out to serve at the Community Kitchen, Food Bank, Woodbrook Assisted Living, Holy Family Primary and other elementary schools that they go forth performing the ordinary extraordinarily well. Lord help us to be your islands of mercy. Amen In Mercy, Mrs. Nancy Roy Campus Minister SAVE THE DATE: MAYFEST & MAYFEST MILE May 9, 2015 MayFEST Mile— 9:30 am PROJECT GRADUATION PROM DRESS SALE Avoid paying high prices for prom dresses, get a great look without the big cost, all while supporting the senior class project graduation. March 7, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. @NDHS Joining in the MayFEST fun? Well join us in the MayFEST mile to really get your day up and running. Compete in one of two heats: In it to Win it or In it for Fun & Fitness. Each heat will start at 9:30a.m. The cost to participate is $7 for ND students and alumni and $10 for all others. This event will be held on the ND athletic fields. MayFEST—10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Save the date for our annual MayFEST! Join us for a day filled with vendors, food, children's games and activities, raffles, auctions, fun and so much more! Page 5—March 2015 5 The Crusader Connection NDHS TEAM PUERTO RICO By Abigail Fell-DeWalt, Class of 2016 Notre Dame High School has been blessed by God with a wonderful opportunity. This summer, a team of 36 students, parents, and educators from Notre Dame will travel to Puerto Rico on a mission trip from July 11-18. The objective of this trip is to minister to the people of Ponce, Puerto Rico, who suffer from extreme poverty and various other hardships on a daily basis. This trip was initiated by our new Spanish Teacher, Senora Tunison, and would not have been possible without her and without the help of others such as Ms. McKinery and Ms. Kneaskern. Over the past couple of months, Team Puerto 2015 has been meeting periodically to discuss the steps necessary to prepare for the mission trip and what we should expect to experience on the trip. Our team is very aware that preparing for this trip and actually going through with it will be no cake walk. We are willing to give up our time and energy to help the people of Ponce. Our mission is to serve. In order to do this, though, we are going to need help and support from our community. Much of this will be achieved through fundraising efforts. Fundraising is a key component to this trip, it not only helps us raise money to make the trip possible, but it also helps us learn how to work as a team, which is crucial on the work site. There are many ways that you can help support Team Puerto Rico and ultimately change the lives of many. You can do this by attending one of our upcoming fundraisers listed below, or donate online at: http://www.gofundme.com/NDHSTeamPuertoRico Lastly, we want to ask for your prayers. Prayer is going to be a vital part of every aspect of this trip. It will be needed for preparations and travel, for those going and for those who will be affected by this ministry. Your prayers will be very much appreciated! Upcoming Team Puerto Rico 2015 Events: Team Puerto Rico International Dinner, featuring meals from around the globe. April 10 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in ND Cafeteria MayFEST - Join Team Puerto Rico at MayFEST! Kids activities, gifts, sponsorship opportunities and more! Mother’s Day Brunch - May 10 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Be sure to keep a look out for future events. We look forward to seeing you there and, as always, thank you for your support! 7th & 8th Grade News Sunlight until 6PM—I’m grasping any sign that spring really is on its way. As we experience more light, our students are sharing Jesus’s light as they participate in many service opportunities. Mrs. McCaig and Mrs. Drake take a group of students to the Elmira Soup Kitchen every month. We have many 7th and 8th graders working hard at Youth Court and in their communities as scouts, hospital volunteers and more. Many 7th and 8th graders also participated in a variety of winter sports including skiing, varsity track, basketball, bowling, and swimming—congratulations to each and every one of them for a season well done—good athletics and good sportsmanship! Even more students have signed up for spring sports—high school spring sports start practice on Monday, March 2 and Modified Track will start on March 23. Three of our 8th graders, John Hunter Booth, Aylish McCloe, and Derek Tsang, were accepted into the Junior Scientist Program at the Corning Museum of Glass where they will participate in a semester of experiences in real science and research. We receive notices of opportunities for summer camps and other enrichment activities in all areas of interest. I will pass these on to you as we get them. We hope to experience March as a strong academic time, while we eagerly await the sunshine and new life of spring. We also hope to experience the Lenten March as a time of renewal as we aspire to Pope Francis’s challenge to “make ourselves islands of mercy in a sea of indifference.” Peace and light, Karen Jennings Page 6—March 2015 6 The Crusader Connection CHINESE NEW YEAR This past February our Mandarin Chinese class, with teacher, Mrs. Penny Chung, engaged in a variety of activities to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Students decorated our school bulletin board, made dumplings and “hot and sour” soup. What a great way to experience the culture! The board looked great and the food was fantastic—nice job to all! MAGAZINE SALE Our Magazine Sale is going on now! From now until March 11, our students will be working hard to sell/renew magazine subscriptions to reach our goal of $33,000. If this goal is achieved the whole school gets a day off! Students are asked to sell at least 7 magazines each. Think about it! If every student sells at least 7, our goal is easily within reach, and we get a day off! KUDOS TO…. Notre Dame High School’s Class of 2015 Valedictorian and Salutatorian Students are making their way to this goal, and are taking advantage of the ever-popular participation incentive of a dress down day (please see prizes and incentives below). It is important to know, however, that students may not dress down until the day after they bring in their 7 orders (or 12 for families) or their buyouts ($100 or $150 for families). So far our students have raised over $9,000, but we need your help to reach our goal! This is our main whole-school fundraiser. Proceeds from this event help pay for student activities. Please help spread the word about this sale. Ask family and friends to either renew an existing subscription, buy a new print or digital magazine or buy one for a soldier. Orders can be made in person through the materials given in the students packets, or online. To buy online go to the following website: www.gaschoolstore.com and use the ND Code 2511418. All orders and money are due by March 13th. If you have any questions please contact Susanna Kappanadze at kappanadzes@notredamehighschool.com Prizes Sell 7, get a dress-down day! (12 for families) This can also be achieved through the $100 buyout option ($150 for families) Sell 10, win a cookie dough selection and an invite to a pizza party Sell 15, win a $20 gift card Sell 20, win a $30 gift card Sell 40, win a $50 gift card Zachary Brand (Valedictorian) and Ryan Bayne (Salutatorian) Congratulations! What an incredible achievement! New students, Derek and Victor Tsang have been nothing but busy since their arrival at ND in December . On February 7, Derek and Victor participated in the Mathcounts Chapter Competition, representing ND. After receiving high scores, Derek was selected to participate in the NYS Mathcounts Competition on March 28 in RPI. Derek and Victor have also been busy with music. They recently competed in the Northeast Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association Annual Carnegie Hall Piano Completion. Hundreds of students participated, selecting pieces to perform for judging. Derek scored 102%, a perfect score, and the highest score in his age group. Victor scored 99%, the highest score in his age group. Based on their scores, the two were selected to perform in Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall on April 4. *Prizes are cumulative to when you sell amounts above 7, you get the prizes below as well. Derek Tsang, 8th Grade Victor Tsang, 7th Grade Page 7—March 2015 7 The Crusader Connection Mrs. Jennifer Roberts-O’Brian to Attend International Playmakers Training During the weekend of March 6, Jennifer Roberts-O’Brian, Assistant Principal for Academic Life and Director of Admissions at Notre Dame will attend the Life is Good Playmakers training in Boston, Massachusetts. The Life is Good Playmakers began in 1989 as a Project Joy—a non-profit organization founded to help homeless children in the Greater Boston area. Within its fist year of operation, the organization expanded their mission to include all children living in poverty. Project Joy founder, Steve Gross, quickly grew this Bostoninitiative into an international program which seeks to partner, “...with frontline professionals—such as teachers, social workers and child life specialists—who dedicate their lives to helping children overcome poverty, violence and illness. These Playmakers use the power of play to build healing, life-changing relationships with the children in their care” (http://content.lifeisgood.com/playmakers/aboutus ). In addition to her administrative duties at Notre Dame, Jennifer serves as the Service Learning instructor where she strives to educate her students on pressing community need and issues such as hunger, poverty, bullying, literacy, incarceration and educational inequities. In covering this material, Jennifer seeks to motivate her students to utilize their classroom learning to address these needs. With her passion to bring attention and change to the struggles faced by many children in the city of Elmira, it is her hope that she can bring the work of the Playmakers to Chemung County. To begin this process, she will travel to Boston where she will be trained to be a Playmaker herself. Through this experience Jennifer hopes to return and turn-key the training to those who work with young children, but more specifically her very own Service Learning students. She is excited to embed playmaking into her Service Learning course, further empowering her students in their work with our area’s children. Be sure to check out the April Crusader Connection where we will feature Jennifer’s experience! FROM THE ADVANCEMENT OFFICE— ND’s SCRIP PROGRAM—NEW ADDITION! The Notre Dame Scrip Program has recently added Trinity Therapeutics to its buying options. Trinity Therapeutics is a Holistic Massage Practice in which the owner and LMT, April R. Roush-Stanley (wife of ND Employee, Robert Stanley), provides detailed specific work for each client she encounters. April is donating 5% of each gift card purchased to Notre Dame. Below are the various gift cards available to purchase in the ND front office. Trinity Therapeutics is located at 9 E. Pulteney St in Corning. For more information call 607-542-9809 or visit their website at: www.trinitytherapeutics.massageplanet.com TOP TEN SCRIP CARD PURCHASERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Barkley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaVelle Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacBlane Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan Ms. Marge McKinery 6. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Diehr 7. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Volino 8. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Czank 9. Mr. & Mrs. Mathew D’Ortona 10. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Keefer CRUSADER CLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENT—SAVE THE DATE! The annual Crusader Golf Tournament will take place on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at the Elmira Country Club. The Tournament will begin at 1:30 PM. If you would like to participate in the tournament, please fill out the form located on the ND website, under the quick links section and return it the Advancement Office. For more information call Sue LaVelle at 607-734-2267 ext. 317 JOEL STEPHENS MEMORIAL PARK There are cobblestone blocks available to purchase in the beautiful Joel Stephens Memorial Park. Blocks are $500 each, which includes the inscription of your choice. What a great way to honor or memorialize a loved one. For more information, contact Sue LaVelle at ext. 317 Page 8—March 2015 8 The Crusader Connection First Marking Period Honor Roll/High Honor Roll Listing— 7th Grade High Honors Kevin Ayers, Elyse Bell, Katherine Bukowinski, Karissa Collins, Evalynn Dean, Zachary Donovan, Ryan Eller, Patrick Finnerty, Scott Herlan, Grace Maloney, Payton Maloney, Olivia Murray, Max Odum, Zachary Odum, Caroline Rogers, Caroline Ronsivalle, Kiran Sharma, Stephanie Smith, Caitlin Steed, Chole Stemerman, Lauren Sullivan, Victor Tsang, Taylor VanDine, Nicholas Viselli, Madeline Wirth 7th Grade Honors Joel Costello, Alexander Curione, Anthony Curione, Colin Erickson, Austin Gleason, Gwendolyn Harrington, Patrick O’Toole, Zachary Ringer, Emma Qualey, Adam Sheets, Benjamin Webster 8th Grade High Honors John Bernatavitz, Emily Bissel, John Booth, Jacqueline Chen, Nicholas Clark, Caleb Colucci, Abigail Connolly, Catherine Craig, Jordyn Fargo, Andrew Finnerty, Laurel Karee, Madeline Meier, Joseph Milazzo, Tiyah Moffe, Isaac Scarselletta, Rebecca Shannon, Declan Sharma, Kalpana Sharma, Daniel Stearns, Derek Tsang, Cassandra Uy, Emma Vakiener, Laura Vargas, Alexa Wagner, Emma Westcott, Christina Willsey 8th Grade Honors Jacob Baker, Daniel Betancourt-Trompa, Kinlee Collins, Peter Czank, Kyreese Fisher, Isabella Harvey, Lindsay McCarthy, Nicholas Murray, Daniel Mustico, Kristen Oplinger, Victoria Raven, Sofia Riccio, Gabriela Robinson, Payton Yoder, Mary Zwirko 9th Grade High Honors Kaitlin Barkley, Justin Bauco, Bridget Bennett, Mara Bennett, Skyler Cicora, Hayley Cronin, Joseph DeLeone, Amanda Diehr, Matthew D’Ortona, Adeline Dygert, Collin Edger, Ryan Edwards, Daniel French, Emily Green, Katherine Hallinan, Claudia Hatef, Elizabeth Hazelton, James Kaffenbarger, Claire Kubinski, Ethan Leonard, Michael MacBlane, Dustin Patton, Jillian Perrault, Johanna Raven, Alyssa Ruland, Nathaniel Snavely, Nicholas Steed, Nico Tripeny, Camille VanderMeer, Mitchell Vargas 9th Grade Honors Macie Barone, Derek Bennett, Julianna Bunnell, Casey Carson, Matthew Connolly, Mary Foster, Ishmael Gravatt, Taylor Gray, Gavin Harrington, Richard Heyward, Madison Kravitz, Hannah Mahon, Madalyn Mallow, Kurt Martone, Anna Morretti, Megan Niles, Brooke Rorie, Anna Saginario, Matthew Smith, Jack Sobel, Blake Stermer, Jake VanSchoick, Frank Vassallo 10th Grade High Honors Kathryn Ally, Connor Bayne, Gwenaelle Bienvenue, Katie Bohart, Katie Bohart, Patrick Brown, Molly Craig, Claire Czank, Maura Glovins, Samuel Godfrey, Matthew Karee, Titus Koening, Mackenzie Mahajan, Mackenzie Maloney, Julia Mustico, Lucianne Olthof, Francisco Rilloraza, Mary Kathryn Ronsivalle, Taylor Rorie, Ali Saeed, Leo Scarselletta, Aidan Sharma, Kayle Watson, Allyson Wichtowski, Andrew Wichtowski, Kara Woglom, Michael Woglom, Chase Yoder 10th Grade Honors Brian Anderson, Tyler Baxter, Ariana Bulkley, Victoria Canali, Reginia George, Chase Leonard, Margaret MacBlane, Camryn O’Dell, Katherine Kieli, Spence Rayne, Emily Schmidt, Nicholas Velasquez, Sarah Watts, Mackenzie Webster, Cheyene White 11th Grade High Honors Emma Booth, Charlene Burns, Alivia Clark, Ana Coulibaly, Junior Coulibaly, Rocco Coulibaly, Morgan Cox, Abigail Fell -DeWalt, Emilie Guermeur, Noah Kravitz, Ty Kunzman, Anna Lacker, Amy Laird, Dillan Leonard, Yvie Molingou, Lauren Musso, Phineas Pambianchi, Victoria Schutrum, Frances VanderMeer, Samuel Westcott 11th Grade Honors Stefanie Bunnell, Alec Cutler, Reilly Edger, Brooks Glovins, Sofia Harris, Mia Herlan, Dawson Hilfiger, Ryan Lanning, Maris Malanoski, Kyle Minchin, Jordynn Naylor, John O’Connell, Elizabeth Sarta, Ilana Sobel, Michael Stearns, Ryan Steed, Michaela Volino, Brendan Webster, Madeline White, Gianina Wicaksono, Thomas Wirth, Trevor Works, Xinglue Zheng 12th Grade High Honors Matthew Barlow, Ryan Bayne, Connor Bense, Zachary Brand, Garrett Butters, Alexandra Cook, Allegra Dawes, Kassra Eshraghi, Darius Garvin, John Haskell, Colton Hillman, Lige Jin, Samantha Johnston, Julia Muuse, Megan O’Dell, Joseph Prunier, Alexander Sabia, Bryan Stewart, Teresa Stutts, Gwendolyn Zwirko 12th Grade Honors Joseph Barkley, Samuel Bruner, Kaylyn Curran, Matthew Dieg, Quinn George, Harrison Gregg, Faith Gublo, Brooke Harvey, Michael Hitchcock, Mary Landy, Jason Lawes, Marlene Makowski, Parker May, Mitchell Nielsen, Noah Peregrim, Connor Perrault, Alexandra Raupers, Joseph Rickard, Christopher Saginario, Christine Schmidt, Lindsay Squires, Olivia Stanley, Catherine Talenti, Rebekah West Congratulations to all and keep up the good work!
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