FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Eng Mat Sci Tel Hin ERA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Total Bellary Road, Rachanapalli (V), Anantapur - 515004 Andhra Pradesh, India Ph: +91 70953 99992 / 93 / 94 / 95 Entrance Test Marks List of documents attached Accepted 1. Original D.O.B. Certificate Admitted into class 2. T.C of the previous School Admission No 3. Photographs Date of Admission Rejected 4. Any other Student’s Recent Passport Size Photograph APPLICATION FORM CEO/Principal RULES & REGULATIONS FOR ADMISSIONS USE BLOCK LETTERS ONLY 1. Name of the Student : Parents / Guardians who desire to take this application form for registration of their child’s admission, are requested to note the following important rules and regulations. S U R N A M E F 1. Application forms along with prospectus are available at our office on payment of Rs. 750/-. Duly filled in application forms shall be submitted in our office to begin the procedure for admission test, as per grade. 2. Gender : 2. Please attach recent passport size photographs of parents (Mother and Father) and the person who will pick-up the child from the school bus. 3. Date of Birth : 3. Admissions for Pre KG are open for children who are at least two years plus. For the purpose of calculation, a child's age as on 31st March would be considered. 4. Identification Marks : 4. The fee is supposed to be paid strictly on time. I Male D D R S M I D D L E T Female M M Y Y Y Y Age : 1 2 5. All fees are to be paid by Demand Draft in favour of ERA EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY, payable at Anantapur 6. Application, Admission, and Annual fee once paid are non refundable. 7. The school reserves the absolute right, at its discretion, to withdraw the admission of any child for reasons such as below: a) On the grounds of indiscipline or serious breach of conduct. b) Failure to pay the school dues. 5. Entry Class : 6. Nationality : 7. Address (Home) : c) Failure to observe the rules and regulations of the school. 8. The school would take utmost care in respect of safety of the children. However, it is not liable for any damage or accident due to any reasons whatsoever. Pincode : 9. Conveyance facility provided by the school will only cover the town of Anantapur. 10. Parents are not allowed to consult any teachers directly. They should meet the In-charge/ Principal/ CEO, who in turn if required, would direct them to the concerned teachers. Phone : 11. All the above rules and regulations are subject to change without any prior notice. 8. Father's Name : UNDERTAKING BY THE PARENT / GUARDIAN 9. Father's Qualification : Occupation / Job title : Address (Office ) : I declare that I have carefully gone through the rules and regulations for admission and I agree to abide by the same. I also declare that the date of birth of my Son/Daughter as entered in this application form is correct and I will not apply for any alternation of the date of birth and/or any change in the name of my ward. 10. Age : Place: Date: Signature of Parent / Guardian Phone : Email: Mobile : 11. Mother's Name : 12. Mother's Qualification : Occupation / Job title : Address (Office) : 13. 20. Age : Phone : 14. If yes, please indicate below Mobile : Name of Brothers / Sisters Name Birth Date Are you aware of any learning support that your child will need ? Sex Class 21. What are your long-term goals for your child ? 22. What type of environment do you think is required for your child to fulfill his / her potential ? 23. As a parent, what role do you play in your child's education ? 24. Transport Facility Yes No Maybe 25. Hostel Facility Yes No Maybe 26. Two areas which you would like to participate in Counseling Yes No Maybe Guest lecture in your area of expertise Yes No Maybe Field trips Yes No Maybe Science fares Yes No Maybe Educational tours Yes No Maybe School 1. 2. 3. 4. 15. Languages spoken at home : 16. Proficiency in English : Writing 17. 19. Fluent Speaking Moderate Fluent Reading Moderate Fluent Previous Education : Name of the School 18. Moderate Period of Study Class Reason for Change Achievements in co-curricular activities If your child ever received any learning support, please indicate the areas below Speech and Language : Reading and Writing : Mathematics : Social Skills : Motor Skills (e.g. Handwriting or Physical Education) :
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