A WORD FROM OUR STAFF I Corinthians 10:31, Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatso- ever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Mr. Trent Dibell Camp Director This is the Bible verse that will echo the grounds of Camp CHOF for 7 straight weeks before every meal. Through the constant prayers and sacrificial giving of the people of CBT, we do not only have great meals for every child, we also have incredible activities for children of every age and size. Going from battle ball to go-karts, to the climbing tower/ zip line and to the pool, is just what every child enjoys and needs. Even though it is cold outside, preparation for the 2015 Camp CHOF Children’s Summer Camping Program is underway as we look forward to opening the grounds once again for summer camp. Mission ISpossible: Ninjas vs. Spies, is our theme for this summer. The Ninja and Spy teams will battle every week to win the “lost medallion” through big games, Bible quizzes, cabin challenges, and much more. Please do not miss out on the Early Bird discount which runs through March 29. The Camp Desk in the North Hall officially opens TODAY and will be open every Sunday morning for you to stop by and register your children for camp. With all the excitement ahead, please be in prayer about the following: • for the grounds of Camp CHOF, that the Lord will continue to bless us with a great area where we can have camp every summer • for the staff, that the Lord will continue to piece it together • for the boys and girls, who will attend Camp CHOF this summer •that the Lord will begin working on the hearts of those attending camp, even now and softening them to hear the Gospel Through these prayers and the power of the Gospel, we are excited to see what God has planned for another great season at Camp CHOF! LEADERSHIP ON CALL: March 1 - 7 DR. MIKE FRAZIER will be on call this week. He will be available to respond to any emergency that requires Pastoral Care by calling the church at 330.477.6267 during office hours (8 am - 4:30 pm) or by calling 330.353.3332 after hours. FOR YOUR INFORMATION THE PEOPLE CAME... FOR REDEDICATION FOR BAPTISM Gary Kiser Jeffrey Caygill Kaitlyn Vick ABF, 9 AM MARCH 8 GENESIS 13 FUNERAL & SYMPATHY NOTES Slouching Toward Sodom Funeral services were conducted for: Russell Hogue, Thursday, February 26, 2:00 pm at the Reed Funeral Home. Our sincere prayers and sympathy go out to: Bruce Taylor in the loss of his daughter, Nicole Taylor, on February 19. The G Team is scheduled for this Tuesday and Saturday’s outreach. If you would like to be a part of this outreach ministry, please contact Rev. Ben Jennings at ext. 156. No Cost the Sign up at ll a H South esk. Women’s D This Friday,March 6, 7-9:30 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room 130 EVENTS Don’t forget to turn your clocks AHEAD 1 HOUR this Saturday, March 7, for Daylight Savings Time. Welcome! We’re glad you’re here! This card is designed for everyone who attends Canton Baptist Temple. It’s a way for us to know whom we are serving and how we’re doing. Please fill out both sides where appropriate, tear off and drop in the offering plate or at the Welcome Center. Today’s Date_____________________ Camp Desk open Sunday Mornings! CHILDREN'S SUMMER CAMP “Early Bird” Discount ends March 29! Register online @ www.campchof.org or complete a registration packet from the Camp Desk. Questions? Contact Brenda at ext. 126. RESIDENT CAMP: $225 (discounts apply) CAMP IGNITE 1: June 7-12 (grades 6-8) DISCOVERY CAMP 1: June 14-19 (grades 3-5) COLLISION CAMP: June 21-26 (grades 9-12) DISCOVERY CAMP 2: June 28-July 3 (grades 3-5) CAMP IGNITE 2: July 5-10 (grades 6-8) DISCOVERY CAMP 3: July 12-17 (grades 3-5) I am a: f First-time Visitor f Return Visitor f CBT Member f Regular Attender Worship Service Attended: f 9 am f 10:15 am f 5:00 pm f Other: _________________________ fMr. fMrs. fMiss Name(s)_______________________ Address_______________________ City__________________________ State___________ Zip___________ f (Check if new address) (grades K-2) runs Monday thru Friday, 9:00 am4:00 pm, same weeks as Resident Camp. Home Phone____________________ Work Phone____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ E-Mail_________________________ Birthdate ______/_______/_______ Anniversary ______/______/______ Children? How many?_____________ MILITARY INVITATION (restrictions apply) Military families' children (ages 5-18) can attend one week FREE. Your Age: f Under 18 f 18-24 f 25-34 f 35-44 f 45-54 f 55-64 f 65+ BIBLE CONFERENCE: July 19-22 Cabin/Camper/Tent Rental Info Flyers available at the Camp Desk or visit the camp website: www.campchof.org. Are You: f Spouse also present f Married_____________________ DAY CAMP: $125 (discounts apply) “We exist for the purpose of leading people to Christ, helping them mature in Christ, and involving them in ministry for Christ.” (Spouse’s Name) f Single f Single Again f Widowed CONNECTION CARD I would like information on: f How to become a Christian f How to join the church f Baptism f New Member Classes f Please issue me Tithing Envelopes f Other:______________________ Ministries that I might want to serve in: f Children’s Ministries f Middle/High School Ministries f College & Career Ministries f Adult Bible Fellowships f Adult Elective Classes f Senior Adult Ministries f Women’s Ministries f Reformers Addiction Program f Music Ministries f Camp/Family Life Ministries f Deaf Ministry f Life Groups f Support Groups f Mentally/Physically Challenged Ministry f Other:______________________ Other Requests: I would like a pastor to: f Visit me f Call me f Other:______________________ Prayer Requests:________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Comments:_____________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ FOCUS ON MISSIONS JON & BECKY LILES (Italy) Italy is such a beautiful country with wonderful people, yet the statistics don’t lie: only about 1.1% have responded to the Gospel. There are still over 30,000 communities out of 35,000 that don’t have a Gospel witness. Italy is also the entry point into Europe for a large percentage of Africa and Middle Eastern refugees and illegal immigrants. This year the Red Cross in Sicily is reporting a record number of immigrants seeking asylum. Many of these people are from countries where missionaries can’t go. The government of Italy is seeking help. Jon will be taking a survey trip to Sicily in April to further discover the possibilities of working with displaced people from 10/40 window countries. Please pray with us as we seek God’s will for this ministry! READING THE BIBLE THROUGH calendar taken from...the ONE YEAR bible, copyright by tyndale house publishers, inc. wheaton, il. all rights reserved. printed by permission MAR. 2: Lev. 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:32-52; Psalm 45:1-17; Prov. 10:22 MAR. 3: Lev. 27:14-Num. 1:54; Mark 11:126; Psalm 46:1-11; Prov. 10:23 MAR. 4: Num. 2:1-3:51; Mark 11:27-12:17; Psalm 47:1-9; Prov. 10:24-25 MAR. 5: Num. 4:1-5:31; Mark 12:18-37; Psalm 48:1-14; Prov. 10:26 MAR. 6: Num. 6:1-7:89; Mark 12:38-13:13; Psalm 49:1-20; Prov. 10:27-28 MAR. 7: Num. 8:1-9:23; Mark 13:14-37; Psalm 50:1-23; Prov. 10:29-30 MAR. 8: Num. 10:1-11:23; Mark 14:1-21; Psalm 51:1-19; Prov. 10:31-32 A LITTLE ABOUT US LEADERSHIP STAFF Senior Pastor Dr. Mike Frazier Camp Co-Director Mr. Steve Lytle Mike & Rachel Camp Director Mr. Trent Dibell Children’s Ministries Director Mrs. Rachel Frazier College Director Mr. Jeremy DiBartolo Director of Operations Mr. Robert Hagy Education Pastor Rev. Ben Jennings High School/Sports Director Mr. Mike Schulze Outreach/Public Relations Pastor Rev. Neal Wheeler Pastoral Care Pastor Rev. Jake Tovissi BROADCAST SCHEDULES TV ON SUNDAYS: 10:30-11:00 am on WUAB-MyTV: ~ Direct TV Channel 43 ~ Dish Network Channel 43 ~ AT&T U-Verse Channel 43 ~ Massillon Cable Channel 6 ~ Time Warner Cable Channel 6 RADIO SUNDAYS, 8:30 am on WHBC-1480 AM SUNDAYS on WNPQ-95.9 FM ~ 10:15-11:30 am & 5:00-6:15 pm MONDAY-FRIDAY on WNPQ-95.9 FM ~ 11:30 am - 12:00 noon INTERNET ON SUNDAYS: 10:15 am & 5 pm - live streaming of entire service - www.cantonbaptist.org Home of the CANTON BAPTIST TEMPLE Home of the Christian Hall of Fame Saturday Service: 6 pm - henniger ministry center (enter at door j) Sunday Services: 9 am - Children’s Sunday School & Adult Bible Fellowships 10:15 am & 5 pm - Worship Service & Children’s Program Wednesday Events: 6:45 pm - Children’s Awana Program Choir Rehearsal 7 pm - Student Bible Studies Adult Elective Classes Contact Information: Website.............www.cantonbaptist.org E-Mail.........offices@cantonbaptist.org Phone..............................330.477.6267 Fax..................................330.477.2389 Mailing Address.......515 whipple ave nw canton, oh 44708-3699 Download the FREE App for Canton Baptist Temple on your iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch or Android. Search for Canton Baptist Temple in the Android Market or App Store. Please be aware that all public worship services and functions at Canton Baptist Temple may be photographed, video-taped and/or audio recorded for possible broadcast on television, radio, internet or other media. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated. CHRISTIAN HALL OF FAME Sunday, March 1, 2015 How did you learn about us? _____________________________ CANTON BAPTIST TEMPLE CONNECTION CARD
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