Tamborine Tales February 2015 - Tamborine Mountain State School

Tamborine Mountain
State School
2015 Student Leaders - Chloe (Vice Captain), Ben (Captain), Lyric (Captain), Eliza (Vice Captain)
Tamborine Mountain
State School
Curtis Rd
Nth Tamborine
QLD 4272
Ph 5545 5333
Fax 5545 5300
Sun 22nd
Thu 26th
Prep ‘P’ Party 9-11am
Advertising Space
Ring Gwen for details
Fri 6th
Fri 6th
Fri 13th
International Women’s Day
Clean up Australia Day 3-4pm
Colour for a Cure
Shave for a Cure
Wed 18th Somerset Excursion Year 5
Wed 18th Historical Village Excursion Yr 2
Fri 20th
Anti Bullying Day
Lunch on the Lawn
Fri 27th
Interschool Sport Yr4-6
Mon 30th Health & Wellbeing Week
Issue 1: 24th February 2015
Dear Parents & Carers
Welcome to this year’s first edition of TMSS’s “Tamborine Tales”.
This monthly magazine is produced to showcase some of the works and thoughts
of our students around the school. This bumper issue is also filled with information
from my school leaders about programs that are happening at TMSS including Clubs, Reading
Eggs, Mathletics, Music, Choir, Band, Dance and Drama expositions and a whole lot more!
The next few pages are dedicated to outlining TMSS’s Behaviour and Reward programs. Our
School-wide Positive Behaviour program aims to shine a light on positive behaviour and correct
poor behaviour choices by re-educating students about more appropriate actions or behaviour options. The program is underpinned by our 3 school rules - Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Learner.
Our ‘Gotcha’ tickets are an immediate recognition of a student’s positive behavior choice ie: helping others, working quietly and on task, speaking politely etc. All Gotcha tickets go into a cohort
box (except Prep who have class boxes) and are randomly selected on assembly each week - 2
students will win an icy-pole each and 2 students will be selected for a second chance draw (they
go back in the box for next week’s draw). Not every child will win a prize. Some junior classroom
teachers have reward boxes in their classrooms to recognise and reward positive classroom behaviours which they fund themselves.
‘Student of the Week’ is awarded to a student in each class who has shown exceptional
improvement or aptitude in a particular area of school life. Student of the Week is presented to
students on assembly. Every recipient is photographed for the front office wall and invited to
attend a Principal’s Lunch with me on Friday that week. Our lunch consists of healthy fresh
sandwiches, popcorn or pretzels and a drink (small slushie, water or juice). It is the highlight of
my week to celebrate the students’ excellence and we also love watching the sport on the oval
from our towering position on the Hub veranda.
I am very passionate about giving every student at TMSS
the opportunity to succeed to their true potential individualising a student’s learning. Our differentiated
learning programs allow for multiple learning pathways
to be explored and a student’s multiple intelligences
(ways of learning) to be recognised and accommodated for.
Try a multiple intelligence test at this website:
Congratulations to our District swimmers for representing our school so proudly last week.
Hannah Stewart, Connor Melvin and Noah Duncan were superstars. Well done!
A vacancy exists at TMSS for a Temporary Prep Teacher Aide (13 hrs + ADO) 20/4/15 11/12/15. Minimum qualification: Certificate III in Education Support or equivalent. Contact the
office 55455333 or gpate3@eq.edu.au for the ad and role description to be emailed or posted to
you. Applications close Fri 13 March 2015.
A successful student...
Mr Smith
BRONZE Certificate Awarded on assembly after earning
all 18 points this term. 1st
week is exempt.
SILVER certificate Awarded on assembly after earning
a further 20 points.
Term 1 Celebrations
1. See celebration plan on next page.
Thursday and Friday in week 5 for those
who have earned all 8 classroom and
playground points in weeks 2 - 5. 1st
week is exempt.
2. See celebration plan on next page.
Thursday and Friday in week 10 for
those who have earned all 10 classroom
and playground points in weeks 6 -10.
Term 2 Celebrations
1. See celebration plan on next page.
Thursday and Friday in week 5 for those
who have earned all 10 classroom and
playground points in weeks 1 – 5.
2. See celebration plan on next page.
Thursday and Friday in week 10 for those
who have earned all 10 classroom and
playground points in weeks 6 -10.
GOLD Certificate Awarded
on assembly after earning a
further 20 points
DIAMOND Certificate
Awarded on assembly after
earning a further 18 points
PLATINUM Certificate
Morning tea with parents invited to those students who have demonstrated exemplary behaviour throughout the entire year without any
blemishes on their record ie: red slip / RTR.
Term 3 Celebrations
1. See celebration plan on next page.
Thursday and Friday in week 5 for those
who have earned all 10 classroom and
playground points in weeks 1 – 5.
2. See celebration plan on next page.
Thursday and Friday in week 10 for those
who have earned all 10 classroom and
playground points in weeks 6 -10.
Term 4 Celebrations
1. See celebration plan on next page.
Thursday and Friday in week 5 for those
who have earned all 10 classroom and
playground points in weeks 1 – 5.
2. See celebration plan on next page.
Thursday and Friday in week 10 for
those who have earned all 10 classroom
and playground points in weeks 6 -10.
Water Skirmish
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Ten Pin Bowling
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Catered morning tea with parents invited and the Principal’s Platinum Certificates of Excellence awarded.
Water Skirmish
Water Skirmish
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Ten Pin Bowling
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Prep students will
be rewarded
throughout the year
at various milestone
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Ten Pin Bowling
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Rotational Activities –
child’s choice
Running on concrete or around buildings
Playing in toilets
No shoes/hat
Not walking bike in school grounds
Playing outside own area/zone
Incorrect use of equipment
Not playing school approved games
Minor physical contact (eg: rough play)
Not completing set tasks that are at an appropriate level
Refusing to work
Not being punctual (eg: lateness after breaks)
Not in the right place at the right time.
Low intensity failure to respond to adult request
Non compliance
Unco-operative behaviour
Minor dishonesty
Inappropriate language- not directed at others
Calling out
Out of Bounds
Poor attitude
Disrespectful tone
Minor defiance
Lack of care for the environment
Not playing fairly
Minor disruption to class
Minor bullying / harassment
Other as determined by Executive team
Inappropriate behaviour in toilets
Moderate level disobedience/ defiance
Inappropriate physical gestures
Hair pulling
Repeatedly ignoring instructions
Being repeatedly out of seat
Being repeatedly disruptive to teaching
and learning
Offensive or abusive language including
references to age, gender, race or
ethnic background
Dangerous use or misuse of items/
Encouraging others to cause disruption/
interfere with teaching and learning
Leaving the classroom without permission
Possession of banned objects including
trading cards
Deliberate harming of others and/or property
Encouraging others to fight or bully
Mobile phone switched on in any part of
the school at any time without authorisation (written permission from
an authorised staff member)
Using recording devices without direct
teacher permission
Inappropriate use of ICT equipment.
Other as determined by Executive team
Responsibility - All Staff
Behaviour tracking sheet entry
Red slip (playground) 2 in a week =
playground sticker not earned
One School entry (if repetitive behaviour)
Possible Consequences
Make up time
Litter Duty
In class detention
Buddy classroom
Parental contact
Throwing objects with intent to harm
Leaving school grounds without permission
Possession of weapons
Using items as weapons including sticks
with intent to harm others
Serious physical aggression
Possession or selling of drugs/alcohol or
other banned substances
Major dishonesty
Use of a mobile phone or other recording
devices in any part of the school for
voicemail, email, text messaging or
filming purposes without direct authorisation
Offensive language directed at another
Aggressive language
Verbal abuse / directed profanity
Stealing / major theft
Wilful property damage
Major bullying / harassment
Major disruption to class
Blatant disrespect
Major defiance
Persistent misbehaviour over a period of
days (3-4) despite interventions and
Cyber bullying : Posting offensive material on social network sites or video
sharing sites and/or sending inappropriate / offensive emails.
Inappropriate physical gestures with
Other as determined by Executive team
Responsibility- Teachers
Responsibility- Executive Team
Parent contact (RTR letter)
One School entry
Possible Consequences
Guidance Officer
Police Contact
Playground Monitoring Card
(after 2 RTRs in a fortnight)
Community service
In class detention
After school detention
Parent contact (phone call/meeting)
One School entry
Monitoring card
Possible Consequences
Community service
Subject withdrawal
Office withdrawal
Police Contact
One of the unique co-curricular opportunities offered to students in Years 4-6 at
Tamborine Mt State School, is Friday Afternoon Clubs. These Clubs are interest based and
offer a variety of different activities that can include cooking, thinking strategy games,
rocket science ,craft, sports and games, film, hair and skin care and problem solving
games. The list is long and varied.
Clubs traditionally take place between 2 and 3 pm on a Friday afternoon and run for 5
weeks. These usually occur twice a year. While they involve thought and preparation by
the teacher, the children thrive in these sessions. A testament to their popularity is always
evident when the club note is given out, children race to the car get their parents to sign it
and return it to the office by 3.10pm. It is not unheard of to have up to 60 returned by
3.30pm on the day they are given out. Children know that first in gets their choice and
they do not want to take any chances on missing out. There will be a change to this when
clubs are offered again in 2nd semester. In order to give all child a more equitable opportunity to get their first preference for Clubs the office will not be accepting club forms on
the day they are handed out. The office will accept forms the next morning from 8am.
Clubs also provide the opportunity for children to learn new skills and mix with children
form across different cohorts. It also gives them the opportunity to experience different
teachers in different contexts gaining important social skills.
Just look how quickly we
have settled into
imaginative play, hands on
learning, friendships and
The students are using
singing to memorise
numbers, days of the week,
months, listening rules,
shapes and so much
school has begun.
Time for work.
Time for fun.
I use my hands for fun and play
School has started just today.
Home Corner
Puzzles and Books
Friends and Mobilo
Mobilo and Outside Play
Cutting Out and Trucks
Library and Fort
Lining Up
Skipping and Friends
Learning letters
Friends and Home Corner
Puzzles and Play Dough
Friends and Home Corner
e ‘L
When asked what their favourite
things about coming to school
were, here is what Prep C had to
Pictures and Mobilo
Making things
Playing and Play Dough
Mobilo and Friends
Eating and Outside Play
We have been having so much fun this term learning all our new Jolly
phonics sounds and creating art pieces to go with them. We also had such
a great time with our year 5 buddies; they have been reading with us and
working with us in the classroom. It was so much fun!
What does Maths in 1 / 2 S look like?
It looks like, counting, calculating, sorting, ordering, comparing,
adding, subtracting, dividing, grouping and a whole lot more!
Welcome to Year 2,
The year has taken off with a leap and a bound,
The children are smiling, not a tear is around.
Teachers are wondering where the holidays went,
And parents sigh happily that vacation is spent!
Learning is happening all over the place,
If you have a question, please remember, touch base!
We are learning about living
things, our families and we
know that learning can
happen anywhere!
In our class we have been enjoying the adventures of
Flat Stanley. We are looking forward to following
Stanley’s journeys around the world including China,
Canada, Mexico and many other places.
In our class we use class dojo to
help track our behaviour
choices. We earn dojo points for
being on task, following
directions and helping others.
4D in February
On Friday we all enjoyed our first club activities. We were involved in rocket
science, film making, tree hugging, sports and games, sewing, cooking, theatre
sport and music.
Cooking Club.
We made chocolate balls. Ingredients; sweet
biscuits, cocoa powder, condensed milk, coconut.
Method; crush the biscuits into a bowl, add cocoa and mix well.
Pour in half the condensed milk and mix. Next put the coconut in
a separate bowl and finally roll into coconut balls.
By Jocelyn
Sewing Club
Film makers club
We get to use video
cameras and our teacher
is Mr Bagley. By Max
In sewing club we sewed
sequins onto pieces of
coloured felt. By Bella
We filmed different angles of each other,
then we went onto the computers and
plugged in our USBs and looked at the
videos. By Luke
Sports and games
This week we
played soccer and
now I have and idea
of how to play it. By
Theatre sports
In this club we were
doing a pretend TV ad
in groups of 3. We had to make a
new invention and show how to
use it. By Chloe
We recently interviewed students to see how they felt about their Year 4
experience so far this year. We share their responses with you.
How do you feel about your being Year 4?
We feel amazing, excited, older, awesome, playful, nervous and fantastic.
What about Year 4 are you looking forward to?
We are excited about the Term rewards, Clubs, the excursions, the (virtual) trip
around Australia, Art and Craft, the (play) money and the Swimming Carnival.
What are you most excited to be learning about?
Natural Disasters, Lifecycles in Science, Travelling Around Australia, Maths,
Money, Art and ‘stuff.’
What do you like about the 4H classroom?
How you get money; the amazing bright colours around the room; the jobs; it’s
a good learning environment with posters and lots of books.
How would you describe your teacher?
She is super smart, awesome, lovely and amazing.
It was fun
and messy
using the oil
pastels to
We have
learned that
colours are
shades and
tints of the
same colour.
We can count to 10 in Japanese
and have learnt a great
Japanese song which teaches us
Good stories give you pictures in your head
and make you feel something.
I love to read with my buddy.
We have so much fun with our Prep Buddies.
We help our buddies with their learning.
We get to play with our Buddies when they finish
their work.
We help our buddies with their learning.
They all have different personalities.
Our life islands showed just how different we all
Nail Bi(ng
This term, 5D are investigating what it takes to write a great narrative. We have
been practising using figurative language to hook in the reader. After we are
shown an image we then write the orientation to our narrative… Enjoy!
As I walk into the decayed, misty, rotten
grave yard. I see an abandoned house and
can hear terrible screams from the haunting mansion. My palms get sweaty and
the hairs on the back of my neck stand on
end. I’m frightened but curious so I walk
into the house. My nose is filled with the
terrible scent of mouldy walls around me
and then I saw them… the terrifying zombies were coming straight for me and I
screamed with fear! - Gigi Wellnitz
The wind howled, the house was illuminated only by flashes of lightening. I was
in a graveyard when I saw the house. It
was as black as coal with only one window. The air carried the scent of death, it
was so bad I could taste it. It was as if
the mossy stones want to trip me. I nearly shouted with fright that I wanted to go
home…. but I had to save my brother! –
Luuk Kreijkamp
The Haunted Mansion
The Stadium
As I entered the blue and red stadium, I
could hear the crowd booing and cheering.
I had butterflies in my tummy because I
was so excited. I felt like touching the
players. My heart was pounding with excitement. I felt as good as I ever have. It
smelled like sweat and hot dogs sizzling.
As I walked in and sat down I could taste
everyone’s excitement and hot dogs. As I
looked up I saw the beautiful pink, blue,
purple and yellow sky. It was amazing.
– Tia Jakubenko
Surf’s up!
I was surfing at the beach, I went really far
from the shore. I saw a grey, wet and thick
fin, it looked like a shark! My heart was beating, I could smell the salt water from the
ocean, I felt the wet water covering my
hands. I heard the splashing in the water and
I’m sure it wasn’t not me. I could taste the
salt water from that strong smell. I was really
worried! I just hoped I could make it back to
shore in time….
– Shanti Galea
Film Club
Term Goals
Our School Year So Far
Our School year so far
When I got to school I ran as fast as I could
to the hall looking for the number 5! I saw
my friends and then I saw the grade 5 notice
on the wall. I ran over I looked 5F no, 5B yes!
So I looked on the map and walked with my
friends down to class put my bag down and
lined up.
We had five new students. Lindsey and I introduced ourselves to Ebony and Olivia. The
other three were Jake, Jack and Tor (all
boys). I was happy then as there were a lot
of students, twentytwenty-eight in fact, and now
I’m even happier, doing Science, Art, Technology, Japanese, and a whole lot more.
Serenity Bason
A note from the
MUSIC department
February 2015
for music
☺ Thunderbird
Choir rehearses in
the Music
Room at
8:30am on
☺ Senior Band
is held in the
Hall at 8:00
am on
☺ Lyrebird
Chorale rehearses in
the Music
Room at 8:00
am on FRIDAY
Why Study Music?
In 2005, the federally-funded
National Review of School
Music Education (NRSME)
recapped long-known research - and highlighted
compelling new studies which show that learning
music offers significant flow
-on benefits to kids which go
beyond the value of learning
music for its own sake.
These benefits include:
• helping develop the
neural pathways in
young children’s brains,
better equipping them
for higher function tasks
associated with things
like maths and science;
• improving students’
literacy and numeracy outcomes;
• helping to develop children’s confidence, self-
esteem and team skills,
• helping underperforming students improve,
• reducing truancy and
helping kids make healthy
life choices about things such
as drugs and alcohol
There is a strong correlation between music
and maths!
Why is music in schools
The evidence is overwhelming. Music in schools helps
the development of students’
self-discipline, confidence,
self-esteem, team skills and
even helps them make positive life choices. Plus there
are established links between
learning music and academic
achievement, including the
development of children’s
literacy and numeracy skills.
Music education uniquely
contributes to the emotional,
physical, social and cognitive
growth of all students.
There is a strong correlation
between music and maths.
Contact details for music staff
Meredith Plant
Kerrie Gambley
Stephen Broxton
Senior Music Teacher
Performing Arts
Lyrebird Chorale Director
O7 5545 5333
At school on Thursday
and Friday
Junior Music Teacher
Thunderbirds Director
O7 5545 5333
At school on Monday and
Instrumental Music Teacher
Senior Band Director
Junior Band Director
O7 5545 5333
At school on Monday and
Meredith Plant, Steve Broxton and Kerrie Gambley
Music makes you smarter!
Students celebrated
Japanese Ogre festival
in February. Japanese
people throw roasted
soy beans at ogres to
keep all the bad sprits
away and to bring
good luck into their
Interviewing & writing names in Japanese script.
Interview activities in 5B.
Speaking game.
Dance & Drama
Dance Groups
Everybody wants to know;
when are we starting?
2015 Dance Groups are;
We will start next week—
Week 5
TMSS is proud to announce the
Dance Captains for 2015 are;
Dance Captain - Kiana Biddle
Dance Vice Captain - Phoebe
We wish them all the best as
leaders of a large enthusiastic
group of dancers.
Tiny Tots Tappers (Prep & year 1)
Tap Group (Year 2 to Year 6)
Advanced Tap (Year 4 to 6)
Your child will receive a let-
Dance Excellence (Year 6)
ter with the day and time of
their class.
Wow! What an overwhelming response to Dance groups sign on this
year. Approx. 100 students signed
up to extend their dance skills and
To accommodate such large numbers I will be splitting up Tap
Group, forming the Tiny Tots Tappers from Prep and year 1.
I apologize for the delay; this
has been due to a foot injury I
am resting as well as the logistics of so many students and
timetables. Thank you for your
patience. I look forward to an
amazing year working with
your children.
Every Tuesday this year I am
lucky have a student from TMSHS
doing work experience as a Dance
Teacher. She is a passionate dancer herself and looks forward to the
opportunity to share her skills.
Prep to Year 5 — Drama in class
Due to my foot injury, we are doing Drama in class
emotional space to create characters, situations and imag-
First term.
ined feelings. They use various stimulus to create their own
The students are exploring and extending on there
knowledge and understanding of the elements of
drama. Students explore physical, fictional and
piece of artwork.
Below is a brief description of what each year are doing in
class this term.
• Prep Unit—Introduction to Drama:
Expressing myself (Using our voice and movement to communicate ideas and feeling)
• Year 1 Unit—Drama Responding Unit:
looking at the elements (Both using and talking about how the elements of drama are organized in drama)
• Year 2 Unit—Drama Devised Unit:
Journey though time (Exploring role and changing settings through a time machine)
• Year 2/3 & 3 Unit—Drama Student Devised
Poetry (Using visual imagery, language and the elements to communicate ideas and feelings)
• Year 4 Unit—Drama Performance unit:
From page to stage (Develop a short scripted drama with a sense of role, situation, dramatic tension and focus
• Year 5 Unit—Drama Student Devised Unit:
We have a message (Students shape character, voice and movement to play build a social drama with a message)
Brooke Fuzzard — Dance & Drama Teacher TMSS
Students in the SEPC had a
mysterious message—cut into 28 pieces—to piece together in an art ac(vity.
They had to think carefully
about which le4er/s they
had (not easy, as the le4ers
had been chopped in half!)
while colouring.
We then had fun guessing
what the secret message
might say. Three of the students guessed the message
before it was pieced together!
The huge jigsaw was carefully
pieced together and the secret
message revealed.
Counselling Conversations
Jingery Jingery Unya jimbelungmang
(many greetings my friends)
Our mural is
completed and
Watch this space for the
date/time of the official
Introducing our
2015 Learning Hub Captains
Cleah Sullivan and Manny Alroy
Your child will have received their Mathletics user names and passwords in class.
Please contact your child’s teacher or Rosemary Wolff
if you require further information.