Installer Pg 01 The Installer February 205 Cover_Pg 00 Front Cover July 06.qxd 18/02/2015 08:24 Page 1 February 2015 the THE AL LL NEW ALU UMINIUM DOOR D R COLLECTION HALLLMARK A L U M I N I U M PA N E L S & D O O R S Introducing the ARCHITECT collection of With over 40 exciting new designs to select from, from the Halllmark Collection of Aluminium luminium Doors ORDER YOUR ARCHITECT ALUMINIUM BROCHURES TODAY HALLMARK GRO OUP PRODUCTS CELEBRATING 20 YEARS CALL HALLMARK CUSTOMER SERVICE ON OF MANUFACTUR RING EXCELLENCE 01482 703222 Stick with the best Speak to a member of the Carl F Groupco team to see how we can help with your window and door hardware requirements. | 01733 393330 12824 CAF Football A4 Advert (2) SS.indd 3 14/08/2014 10:20 Pg 03 Contents The Installer January 2015:Certass December 09 Forward Features March 2015 • Energy Efficiency • Packers & Sealants • Recycling April 2015 • Orangeries/Exterior Buildings • Bi-fold & Sliding Doors May 2015 • Aluminium Systems • Structural Glazing • Glass & IGUs June 2015 • Vertical Sliders & Heritage • Roofs & Roofline • Steel Windows July 2015 • Conservatories & Conservatory Accessories • Doors • Timber Products 18/02/2015 10:04 Page 1 Contents 4 Comment 7 News 12 Certass Column News from Certass 17 Feature Doors Conventional front doors for domestic properties; bi-folding doors and lift and slides; and a range of commercial property options all take centre stage in the continuation of the feature we stated last month...if you missed it, find it online at 22 Feature – Hardware From the conventional to the sublime – we take a look at hardware for windows and doors, taking in the latest mechanical developments whilst not ignoring the opportunities to go electronic. 33 Products A round-up of all the being put to good use in the window, door, conservatory and home improvement market. 38 Classified Pg 04 Comment The Installer January 2015:Pg 03 Comment July-Aug 2008.qxd 18/02/2015 09:44 Page 1 Read TheInstaller online – Comment TheInstaller February 2015 Profinder Limited Editor Brian Shillibeer Assistant Editor Cathryn Ellis Editorial Office The Studio, 47 Hillside Avenue, Elstree & Borehamwood, Herts WD6 1HQ T.020 8381 5511 F.020 8386 4725 Publisher: John Roper E. Advertisement Sales: Steve Anthony T.07967 585475 Advertisement Sales: Tony Bond T.07767 626786 Email: Advertisement Sales, Classified & Special Projects: Mehreen Haroon T. 07814 209789 Head Office and Advertisement Production: T.01255 673311 F.01255 678364 TheInstaller Vol 19 No 2 Published Janaury 2015 Copyright © Profinder Ltd 2015 The Installer is the official journal of: Opinions expressed in TheInstaller are those of the contributors and do not represent editorial policy. The publisher charges for the use of editorial pictures. 4 | Editor’s Comment | The Installer OK – it’s February and it seems like the year is really starting. There’s so much house building going on and just from talking to friends and family, I know more and more people are thinking about ‘getting things done’ on the house. So let’s start off with a conversation. What do you think of the following statement by Paul Lewis, Moneybox presenter on BBC’s Today programme? “There is nothing wrong in paying in cash. Tradesmen have to be registered and keep a record. If you know you are getting a discount because you pay in cash... that is colluding in tax evasion.” Let us know via Twitter or email. One area where paying cash can also cause a problem for you and your customers is health & safety. And now the Construction Design and Management regulations look to include projects that will take less than 30 days, you may have more duties – and if you accept undeclared cash and there is an accident, it could be taken as an indicator that you put profit over safety...and that can lead to doing time. There is potentially some good news but not exactly clarity. The UK’s interpretation of the CDM regulations previously exempted domestic clients, but the HSE’s new proposal brings the UK into line with the underlying EU directive. The Chartered Institute of Building and the Association of Project Safety is claiming that to say that the full regs would only apply to ‘footballers’ mansions’ and millionaires digging out basements in London. This is at odds with the consultation document that indicates that the updated version of the CDM Regs will now apply to all projects with more than one contractor, whether domestic or non-domestic. James Ritchie of the Association of Project Safety says: “Limiting the obligation to notify to complex domestic projects with 20 people on site simultaneously should avoid the prospect of Middle England having to notify the HSE of their loft and kitchen extensions. Some domestic projects can be worth several million pounds and had previously been completely exempted. But we’ve already seen that excavating millionaires’ basements in London can involve significant safety problems.” Clear as mud then! Brian J. Shillibeer, Editor @theinstallermagazine or The UK’s Best uPVC Vertical Slider Just Got Better! 1U V.5 alue Toughened Any Size* One Price Glass FREE As Standard FREE As Standard Any Size 9 9 1 £ One Price ECOSlide Specification U Value 1.5 FREE AS STANDARD Toughened Glass in Both Panes FREE AS STANDARD Sash Horns FREE AS STANDARD Travel Restrictors FREE AS STANDARD Fast UK Delivery Service 5 DAY LEAD TIMES Any Size* ONE PRICE £199 Call Our Sales Team: 0845 1700 810 ECOSlide Putting the style back into British homes Victorian Sliders, Victorian House, Hendy Industrial Estate, Swansea. SA4 0XP Email: *Up to 1300mm Width & 2400mm Height. All prices exclude VAT. E&OE Victorian_Sliders_Advert.indd 1 17/01/2013 15:57 Join Us For a fresh approach to Self Assessment and Auditing and where TrustMark ® comes as standard* Certification Building Regulations Glazing - External and Internal Wall Insulation Green Deal/ECO Glazing - Draught Proofing - Wall - Loft - Floor 01292 292095 Certification Body Reg. No. 7574 7574 Certass is authorised by the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG).* TrustMark® membership is subject to a successful company audit and where a company meets TrustMark® scheme requirements. Pg 07, 08, 10 News February 2015_Pg 05, 06, 08 & 09 News April 2008.qxd 16/02/2015 19:06 Page 1 News TOP FIVE TIPS FOR AUTO ENROLMENT From 1 March this year, businesses will start having to comply with the new auto enrolment pensions legislation. In total more than 46,000 companies will have to begin providing their employees with a workplace pension this year, with 512,000 will be affected in 2016. Each company will be sent a ‘staging date’ – the plans will be phased-in but ovdr a relatively brief period of time. What is auto enrolment? Auto enrolment is the UK’s new workplace pensions initiative. Designed to get a larger proportion of the population saving for retirement, the policy makes it a legal requirement for all employers to automatically enrol any employee (between the age of 22 and 65 and earning more than £10,000 a year*) into a workplace pension schme and make contributions to that pension. How much will it cost? The minimum employer contributions are 1% of each employees’ qualifying earnings, increasing to 3% over time. Employees will also contribute with a minimum of 1% of their qualifying earnings, increasing to 5% over time. Tip 1. A little planning goes a long way The Pensions Regulator recommends firms begin their planning 18 months in advance of their staging date. Morten Nilsson, CEO of NOW: Pensions said: “Last year, of the 4,279 companies that signed up with us, nearly one in five completed their application either very close to their staging date or after the deadline had passed. A NOW survey found 44% of companies affected haven’t given any thought to how they’ll go about finding a provider for auto enrolment while over a fifth intend to rely on their existing provider. Tip 2. Don’t make any assumptions Companies planning to rely on their existing provider for auto enrolment should speak to them early on to ensure that the scheme qualifies for auto enrolment and to confirm that they are willing to extend it to all employees on the same terms. Tip 3. Seek help For small firms introducing a workplace pension for the first time, it would be worth seeking guidance from an adviser who can help identify a value for money scheme that is suited to the workforce. While selecting an appropriate scheme is imperative, payroll providers also have a very important role to play. Companies with outsourced payroll arrangements should contact their payroll provider as soon as possible to find out what auto enrolment support they offer and which pension providers they work with. By selecting a pension provider that is already integrated with their payroll provider, firms can avoid hassle and expense. Tip 4. Cleanse your data One of the biggest stumbling blocks in the auto enrolment process is inaccurate or incomplete payroll data. Taking the time to ensure that payroll data is complete and entirely up to date, will help avoid problems during the implementation process and beyond. Where possible, companies should try and obtain e-mail addresses or mobile numbers for all staff to make issuing communications more efficient. Tip 5. Contribute more than the minimum Nearly one in five small and medium sized companies surveyed said they plan to contribute more than the legislative minimum with more than half saying this will help with the recruitment and retention of employees. This approach makes sense as high levels of staff turnover can act as a hidden drain on an employer’s profitability. Just fine Auto enrolment is a legal obligation and at the end of January, The Pensions Regulator issued 166 businesses with fixed penalties of £400 for non-compliance. i Swisspacer has appointed John Cooper as Market Development Manager to support the company's Swisspacer’s growing share of a growing market in the UK and Ireland. Starting his career as Sales Administrator at Alcan Aluminium, Cooper moved to Cotswold Architectural Products as Sales Representative and then back to Alcan as a Field Sales Manager before moving to Schuco Interntational where he became National Commercial Manager. He says: “I was with Schuco for 24 years and had every sales management job possible. I guess I needed a fresh challenge and I was obviously aware of Swisspacer from my market experience. “I am really excited about this new opportunity.” Peter Appel, Swisspacer Marketing and Sales Director, adds: “I’m very pleased that John is now a part of Swisspacer. He has valued experience in business development and sales, and I’m confident he will bring fresh ideas into his new role. i The Installer | News | 7 Pg 07, 08, 10 News February 2015_Pg 05, 06, 08 & 09 News April 2008.qxd 16/02/2015 19:07 Page 2 News SAINT-GOBAIN CELEBRATES ITS 350TH ANNIVERSARY Saint-Gobain is celebrating its 350th anniversary this year with a global strategy focused around meeting some of the fundamental challenges faced by the world today: reducing energy consumption; limiting impact on the environment; and creating a new generation of buildings which are safe, comfortable and energy efficient. With 2013 sales of €42 billion, SaintGobain is present in 64 countries and 190,000 people employs over worldwide, including over 17,000 in the UK & Ireland. It was founded in 1665 to deliver a world first – the production of glass on an industrial scale – and has continued to grow its business via the ongoing development of new services, products and ways of working with customers. As one of the world’s top 100 innovators, Saint-Gobain spends €400m a year on R&D globally, tackling some of the biggest challenges of our time. One in five products manufactured by SaintGobain did not exist 5 years ago. SaintGobain in the UK and Ireland is committed to investing in training for the next generation of contractors and professionals, as well as supporting existing professionals looking to upskill. The company’s Training Academy Network, including Greenworks, has delivered more than 70,000 hours of training since 2011. In the UK and Ireland, some of the best known and respected companies in the construction sector are part of the Group, including British Gypsum, Isover, Glassolutions, Saint-Gobain Weber, Saint-Gobain Glass, Saint-Gobain PAM, Pasquill, Celotex and Ecophon. Together they offer a range of high performance energy-saving products and solutions to help create a more sustainable built environment. i Network VEKA has addressed changes in the regulation of consumer finance, helping its member companies to continue winning the larger contracts typically associated with such funding. MD John Ogilvie (pictured) explains: “The FCA’s regulatory changes make greater demands of companies that wish to offer consumer finance – so much so that many businesses have been dissuaded from doing so. “Knowing that the ability to offer consumer finance often allows companies to command orders of greater value – homeowners opting to re-glaze their whole house rather than, say, just the front or back, for example – we recognised the need to put mechanisms in place that would preclude our members from missing those opportunities.” Realising that not all Network VEKA 8 | News | The Installer Network VEKA is making preparations for its AGM and Awards Evening on Saturday 21st March. Specialist hardware company ERA is the Main Sponsor. From 12 noon, attendees will be able to visit exhibitors at the ‘Network VEKA Business Centre’ and talk to suppliers such as finance and marketing specialists, affiliate companies, training partners and more, to learn how their services can help enhance their business. This part of the day will be rounded off by the official AGM programme, with Network VEKA MD John Ogilvie and The VEKA UK Group’s MD Dave Jones. The Gala Dinner and Awards Evening will kick off at 6pm with a champagne reception sponsored by Renolit. Visitors – wearing their best black-tie attire – will be welcomed once again, by Brand i Ambassador Steve Davis. To secure your place contact member companies were interested in actively promoting consumer finance, the organisation has introduced two kinds of support, as John describes: “Besides the offer of assistance with applying for consumer credit licences, members could instead opt to add a Network VEKA banner to their website, directing homeowners to finance providers who can potentially offer personal loans for home improvement expenses. “Customers benefit from very competitive rates compared to other sources of finance, making this a mutually advantageous offering for both them and our member companies. “It’s this kind of forethought and provision that has kept Network VEKA at the vanguard of the industry for so many years and resulted in the unprecedented membership renewal figures we've reported recently.” i DON’T BE LEFT BEHIND, THIS IS ONE OF THE INDUSTRY’S FASTEST GROWING PRODUCTS WITH OVER 800,000 POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS SAVE ENERGY... CONSERVE HEAT gives an incredible u-value of 0.18W/n2K. This meets current England and Wales building regulations, but can achieve a 0.15W/n2K to meet with current Scottish building regulations of Part L which is 0.16W/2K came into effect in October 2013. THE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS • gives Fullan incredible u-value System approved • SupaLite of 0.18, that meets total building regulations. • Lightweight structural frame with frame connector system for when new • SupaLite gives an incredible u-value of 0.18, thatfully meets total building regulations. • gives Aaluminium CHOICE of five tileof colours and natural effect • SupaLite an incredible u-value 0.18, that meets total building regulations. or doors are to be fitted to a new or existing building. slate available in connector four colours. • Lightweight aluminium fully structural frame with frame system for when new windows Lightweight aluminium fully structural frame with frame connector system for when new ••• SupaLite gives an incredible u-value of 0.18, that meets total building regulations. 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TILES TRIED AND TESTED for many years in •anLightweight aluminium fullythat structural frame with frame connector system for when new w • aluminium fully structural with frame connector system for when new Lightweight aluminium fully structural frame with frame connector system forfor when nen • Choice of tile slate colours, all tiles are tried and tested forframe many years in USA, Canada and •Lightweight Lightweight aluminium structural frame with frame connector system when • and gives anof incredible u-value of 0.18, that meets total building regulations. ••or Choice tile slate colours, all tiles are tried and tested for many years in USA, Cana doors are toand be fitted to afully new existing building. •SupaLite Lightweight aluminium fully structural frame with frame system for when new windo • Lightweight aluminium fully structural frame frame connector system for when new windows • or 25 year guarantee on tiles with aor life expectancy ofconnector overtotal 40 years. USA, Canada Australia, giving peace doors are totobe fitted toto awith new or existing building. or doors are be fitted aand new or existing building. Australia, giving you total peace of mind in extreme weather conditions. or doors are to be fitted to a new or existing building. Australia, giving you total peace of mind in extreme weather conditions. or are be fitted tostructural a new or existing building. or doors to•doors beChoice fitted toto atile new or slate existing building. • are Lightweight aluminium fully frame with frame foryears when in new windows of and colours, allallow tiles are tried connector and light. testedsystem for many USA, Canad •• SupaLite Large roof vents are available to inare maximum of mind in extreme weather conditions. 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Full range ofgiving colour matching fascias, soffits and gutters to suit your choice of windows •• Lightweight aluminium fully structural frame with frame connector system for when new windows Australia, you total peace of mind in extreme weather conditions. • LargeAustralia, roof vents are available to allow in maximum light. • FULLY STRUCTURAL FRAME CONNECTOR Australia, giving you total peace of mind intried extreme weather conditions. giving total peace of mind in extreme weather conditions. • Choice of tile and slate colours, all tiles are and tested for many years in USA, Canada and Large roof vents are available to allow in maximum light. •• you 25 year guarantee on tiles with a life expectancy of over 40 years. doors are to be fittedon to atiles newwith or existing building. ••• •or 25 year guarantee tiles aalife expectancy ofofover 40 years. 25 year guarantee onon with expectancy 4040 years. Choice of internal ceiling finishes (plaster or choice tongue & groove timber effects). 25 year guarantee with alife life expectancy ofover over years. giving you total peace oftiles mind in extreme weather conditions. • Full of guarantee colour fascias, soffits and to suit your of windows. SYSTEM for when new windows and doors are •Australia, 25•matching year guarantee on tiles with agutters life expectancy of over years. • range 25 year on tiles acolour life of over 40 years. •• Large Full range of matching fascias, and 40 gutters to suitinyour choice of windows. roof areexpectancy available to allow insoffits maximum light. Choice of with tilevents and slate colours, all tiles are tried and tested for many years USA, Canada and • Large roof vents are available to allow in maximum light. • Large roof vents are available to allow in maximum light. • Easy to install to existing conservatory frames. Australia, giving you total peace of mind in extreme weather conditions. • Large roof vents are available to allow in maximum light. • 25 year guarantee on tiles with a life expectancy of over 40 years. • Choice of internal ceiling finishes (plaster &fascias, timber effects). to be or fitted to agroove new or existing building work. • vents Large roof vents are available tofinishes allow inlight. maximum light. • Large roof available to allow intongue maximum Choice of of internal ceiling (plaster orand tongue & groove effects). •• are Full range colour matching soffits gutters to suittimber your choice of windows. ••roof Full range matching fascias, soffits and gutters totosuit your choice • •25 Full range ofcolour colour matching fascias, soffits and gutters your choiceofofwindows. year guarantee on tiles with a lifein expectancy ofsoffits over 40 years. Full range of colour matching fascias, and gutters tosuit suit your ofwindows window • •to Large vents areof available to allow maximum light. • Easy install conservatory frames. Full oftoof colour matching fascias, soffits and gutters to your choice of choice windows. • to Full range ofexisting colour matching fascias, soffits and gutters to suit your choice of windows. Easy to existing conservatory frames. •••range Choice internal ceiling finishes or tongue & suit groove timber effects). • install LARGE ROOF VENTS available to allow Large roof vents are available tofinishes allow in(plaster maximum light. • Choice of internal ceiling (plaster or tongue & groove timber effects). • Choice of internal ceiling finishes (plaster or tongue & groove timber effects). MANCHESTER • Choice of internal ceiling finishes (plaster or tongue & groove timber effects). • Full range of colour matching fascias, soffits and gutters to suit your choice of windows. Choice of internal ceiling finishes (plaster tongue &togroove timber ceiling finishes or tongue & or groove timber effects). Absolute Window•Co.Choice of•internal • • Easy to install to(plaster existing conservatory frames. maximum light. range of colour matching fascias, soffits and gutters suit your choiceeffects). of windows. •• •Full Easy totoinstall toto existing conservatory frames. Easy conservatory frames. 0161 793 1166 Easy toinstall install toexisting existing conservatory frames. internal ceiling finishes (plaster or tongue & groove timber effects). •Choice Easy toChoice install to existing conservatory frames. • Easy to• install to• of existing frames. ofconservatory internal ceiling finishes (plaster or tongue & groove timber effects). Lightweight Metrotile • existing COLOUR MATCHING range of fascias, soffits and • Easy to• install conservatory frames. Easy toto install to existing conservatory frames. or Tapco slate roof tiles CHOOSE YOUR SUPALITE ROOF FROMTHE BENEFITS ONE OF OUR APPROVED FABRICATORS FOR NORTHERN & SCOTTISH ENQUIRIES 0131 6000 110 or 0843 557 2976 PRESTON D m aluminium orLightweight Tapco slate roof tiles or Tapco slate roof tiles Damp proof ridge beam & tanalised D Lightweightmembrane Metrotile timber batons m Lightweight aluminium Metrotile Lightweight Metrotile Lightweight aluminium orLightweight Tapco slate roof tiles Lightweight Metrotile Da ridge beam & tanalised oror Tapco slate roof tiles Tapco slate roof tiles Lightweight Metrotile Lightweight Metrotile Lightweight aluminium rafters with ridge beam & tanalised D or Tapco slate roof tiles Lightweight Metrotile me ortiles Tapco slate Tapco slate roof Solarframe Limited. tanalised timbertimber batonsbatons timberorbatons or Tapco slate roof tilesroof tiles Damp proof Lightweight aluminium m Lightweight Metrotile Damp proof Damp pro Lightweight Lightweight aluminium 01709 Lightweight 915050 aluminium rafters with ridge beam &aluminium tanalised or Tapco slate roof tiles membran Lightweight aluminium membrane membrane Lightweight aluminium rafters with aluminium Damp proof ridge beam & tanalised ridge beam & tanalised Lightweight aluminium Lightweight aluminium Lightweight timber batons ridge beam & tanalised tanalised timber batons 65mm insulated tanalised timber batons ridge beam & tanalised ridge beam beam &&tanalised membrane timber batons timber batons ridge tanalised Lightweight aluminium timber batons plasterboard & timber batons Lightweight aluminium rafters timber batons timberwith batons skimming Lightweight aluminium rafters Lightweight aluminium rafterswith withridge beam & tanalised 65mm insulated tanalised timber batons Lightweight aluminium rafters with Lightweight aluminium rafters with 65mm insulated timber batons tanalised timber batons tanalised timber batons Lightweight aluminium rafters with Lightweight aluminium rafters with tanalised timber batons plasterboard & tanalised timber batons & 100mm tanalised timber batons tanalised timber batons plasterboard skimming Lightweight aluminium rafters with skimming 65mm insulated Insulation 65mm insulated 65mm insulated 65mm insulated tanalised timber batons plasterboard & 65mm insulated plasterboard &&& 100mm plasterboard plasterboard 65mm skimming insulated 65mm insulated 100mm Direct Roof Systems Ltd. plasterboard & skimming Insulation skimming skimming plasterboard & plasterboard & 12mm exterior Insulation 65mm insulatedskimming 01953 451888 skimming skimming plasterboard ply boards 100mm 100mm & 100mm 100mm Insulation 100mm skimmingInsulation 12mm 100mm exterior 12mm exterior Insulation 100mm Insulation Insulation ply boards ply boards Insulation Insulation 100mm 12mm exterior exterior ply boards Insulation 12mm 12mm exterior 12mm exterior ply boards 12mm ply plyboards boardsexterior 12mm exterior 12mm exterior ply boards ply boards ply boards 12mm exterior ply boards Guttering available in white, caramel, brown Guttering Guttering Guttering or black finish available in white, available ininwhite, available white, caramel, brown caramel, brown caramel, brown Guttering or black finish or black finish Guttering orGuttering black available infinish white, Guttering available inin white, available white, Guttering Guttering caramel, brown available in white, brown caramel, brown available inblack white, available in white, orcaramel, finish Guttering caramel, brown or orblack blackfinish finish caramel, brown caramel, brown available in white,or black finish or black finish or black finish caramel, brown Unique fascia or black finish Uniquecan fascia detail house detail can LED house external Unique fascia externalfascia LED Unique downlights detail can house downlights detail can house L Lightweight external LED external LED Unique fascia a aluminium eaves downlights Unique Unique fascia downlights detailUnique canfascia house ring beam r fascia Lightweight detail detailcan canhouse house fascia Unique fascia Uniqueexternal L LED 0203 011 5322 detail can house aluminium eaves external LED external LED detailfascia can house detail can house a downlights Unique external LED ring beam downlights downlights external LED external LEDdetail ri Lig can house downlights L downlights downlights external alu LED a Lightweig Lightweight rin downlights ri aluminium aluminium eaves Lightweight ring beam ring beam aluminium ea ring beam gutters to suit your choice of window frames. Lightweight Metrotile Lightweight Metrotile Celtic Vista Limited. 01772 828060 ROTHERHAM NORTHERN IRELAND Envirohome. 07713 686811 • EASY TO INSTALL on to existing window frames. NORFOLK ORMSKIRK North West RoofTech. 01704 222 707 NOTTINGHAM Creative Roofing Systems. 0845 299 3604 STAFFORD Stafford Upvc Windows Ltd. 01785 246516 DEVON Spectra Conservatory Roofs Ltd. 01626 334 550 The amazing LEICESTER Premier Frames. 0116 253 7297 LONDON & HOME COUNTIES Contact us on 01772 828060 LIGHTWEIGHT TILED CONSERVATORY ROOFS LIGHTWEIGHT TILED for a FREE SAMPLE 9 LIGHTWEIGHT TILED CONSERVATORYLIGHTWEIGHT ROOFS TILED AND INFORMATION PACK LIGHTWEIGHT TILED C LIGHTWEIGHT TILED LIGHTWEIGHT TILE LIGHTWEIGHT T LIGHTWEIGHT TILEDROOFS CONSER LIGHTWEIGHT TILED CONSERVATORY LIGHTWEIGHT TILED CONSERVATO Pg 07, 08, 10 News February 2015_Pg 05, 06, 08 & 09 News April 2008.qxd 16/02/2015 19:07 Page 3 News OUTSTRIPPING MARKET GROWTH Network Veka says it has experienced growth at more than double the rate of the rest of the market in 2014. Its successes are reflected in the Network’s unprecedented membership renewal rates. The VEKA UK Group’s Sales and Marketing Director Colin Torley says: “We’re delighted to start the year spurred on by such an encouraging set of figures. Network VEKA pioneered standards organisations in the PVC-U glazing industry and stats like these affirm that the package we’ve honed over the past 19 years really delivers. “Membership renewals stand at 99.2% for the past year – an unprecedented uptake that confirms how well our offering fits the bill. “We continuously consult our members to ensure that we provide everything they need – from customisable marketing materials to supplementary products from carefully selected affiliate suppliers and of course, with the benefits that come from being part of The VEKA UK Group. i GEZE UK has continued its expansion programme with the appointment of Spencer Allen, who rejoins the company as National Sales Manager for Window Technology Systems. Allen first joined Geze in 2006, before leaving in February 2014 for a brief stint with Delta Ventilation. During his eight years’ with Geze, Allen worked across the technical support, project management and sales divisions, building up a wealth of product knowledge and experience of the industry and its customers. In his new role he will be responsible for growing sales of window technology systems across the UK and will work with architects, contractors and other specifiers to ensure that they select the right window solution for each project. He comments: “I am pleased to have re-joined Geze UK as National Sales Manager for Window Technology Systems. The company has always offered an excellent product range and I’m looking forward to developing our market share of window technology still further.” i 10 | News | The Installer Commercial specialist Solar Windows has won REHAU’s first ever Installation of the Year competition. The Caerphilly based fabricator’s installation for Crest Nicholson at Rosewood Park in Colchester was chosen as the winner in an independent online vote. The contemporary project features a mix of tilt and turn windows in Rehau Total70 profile and French doors in the fibre composite Rehau Geneo system, all finished externally in light grey foil. Dean Read, the Solar Windows Business Development Manager responsible for the project said: “This is a huge new build development with more than 1000 Rehau frames installed on two phases. Our team were on site here for much of 2014, so it’s great that all of our hard work has been recognised.” Gareth Jones, Rehau’s Marketing and Technical Director, presented Dean with the winner’s trophy and a personalised iPad. He says: “We’d like to thank all of the companies who submitted projects this year and encourage even more of our customers to start thinking about the projects which they could maybe enter into the competition for 2015.” i Window and door fabricator Quickslide has been accepted as a member of the prestigious Guild of Master Craftsmen after thorough and rigorous examination of its standards and procedures. The company will not only have the right to display the Guild emblem as proof of its quality but it will also gain a listing on its national consumer lead generation site, along with other benefits. Chairman Adrian Barraclough says the accreditation will stand as further visible proof of the standards the company has always upheld: “Our existing customers don’t need convincing of the quality of products and service we offer but it is always reassuring to have such independent acclamation to show the rest of the world. The Guild is a highly respected body and we know from the application procedure that it doesn’t take its standards lightly so we know the emblem will mean a lot to our customers. “This industry is all about quality companies standing apart from the rest and making that difference clear to their customers. This has always been at the heart of our own philosophy so we are delighted to have been accepted as members.” i RDER BY 8PM GET IT NEXT DAY UK’s Biggest Range FREE Delivery over £45 Minimum 5 Year Guarantee FREE Returns CALL TODAY FOR YOU CATALOR FREE GUE! Text: ZY 88 (add your FULL RANGE AVAILABLE ONLINE Download our FREE App! CALL 7am-8pm 7 days a week 0808 168 28 28 22Z to 8 name, ad ONLINE Shop 24/7! 0800 FR dress an EE! d email) Pg 12 The Installer February 2015 Certass_Certass December 09 18/02/2015 08:47 Page 1 The Certass Column Certass is the UK’s leading Competent Person Scheme TRR – is the easiest way to comply with Part L of the Building Regulations Certass – Delivering More to You I n our Christmas articles you may remember that we highlighted that our Managing Director, Mr Jason Clemmit was looking at ways to give more back to our members by providing you with additional benefits and we asked you for your input in what these should be. Spring is fast approaching and so is a range of new benefits to our registered member companies. Starting in the next couple of months and following throughout the year Certass is bringing on board a range of membership benefits to enhance what we deliver to you. We will be announcing these new membership benefits through both the trade press and our website. On the subject of our website, keep a close eye on it over the next few weeks. We have fully reviewed our websites content and working with a leading web design consultancy have merged and fully redesigned our web content from both these websites. The new design is up to date and it is quicker and easier than ever to find the information you our customers and consumers what. We currently have the main Certass website and the Thermal Rating Register website at As with all websites over time, content is added on an ad hoc basis and there can be a tendency towards information overload and/or a confused link flow. These websites have done 12 | Certass Column | The Installer their job very well but it’s now time to move on. Certass Improved Joining Process In line with the launch of our new website we are also redesigning the Certass offering. We are no longer simply a glazing Competent Person Scheme (CPS), we are a multi-trade installer and product certification scheme. To this end, our application documents are currently been re-designed to make clearer what you get from Certass and what you must do for each aspect of our certification products. We are cutting the form-filling process down to a minimum. We have also launched an online application platform for those companies that ‘just want to get it done’. You are able to provide us with your company details as well as submit the required application documents. But don’t worry the personal touch is still very much central to our philosophy. If you want to talk to our sales team they are available to help. They even work on untill 7.30pm every Wednesday to try to ensure they are available when it’s convenient for you. Certass Moving forward As we all know it’s a fast-paced business world today. Certass is a forward facing company who is always looking to respond to our customers’ needs. Is your current certification provider adapting to meet your business needs? If not give us a try. If we haven’t persuaded you to join Certass yet, keep an eye on the benefits we have coming. We believe you will find we will be offering more than any other Certification Body, Competent Person Scheme or indeed trade body. We are the only scheme you will need moving forward, go on give us a go. i If you want to join Certass you can call the dedicated Sales Team on 01292 292095 or email ‘ We are no longer simply a glazing Competent Person Scheme, we are a multi-trade installer and product certification scheme. If you want to talk to our sales team they even work on untill 7.30pm every Wednesday to try to ensure they are available when it’s convenient for you ’ I sy ours uppl i erl et t i ngy oudown? 15% OFF C o n s e r v a t o r yRo o f s YOURFI RST ROOF* L owes tPr i c esAny wher e 3m x2m LeanTo 25mm Opal 2. 5m x1. 5m Lant er n Ac t i v eBl ueGl as s £828 £315 +v at +v at FREE NATI ONWI DE SI TEDEL I VERY 2. 8m x2. 9m Edwar di an Ac t i v eBl ueGl as s Getapr i c e c ompar i s on now! £921 +v at Over99% ofor der sont i me& compl et e Qui ckquot et ur nar ound Ver ycompet i t i ver oofgl ass Tel :01642610799 Fax:01642615854 / madef or t r ade @madef or t r ade1 *Of f eri sonl yav ai l abl et onew c us t omer sandex c l udesgl as suni t s St i c k er edpr i c esi nc l ude15% new c us t omerdi s c ount . madef ort r ade www. madef or t r ade. c o Pg 14 The Installer February 2015 Cover Story_Certass December 09 18/02/2015 09:16 Page 1 Cover Story 20 Years of Excellence H allmark Group Products, a UK market leader in the manufacture and supply of it’s flagship collection of Elite Entrance and Elite Modern Composite Doors as well as it's PVC-U and Aluminium Panel and GRP Construction Products, celebrates it’s ‘20th Year of Manufacturing Excellence’ this year. The start of 2015 sees the Group’s growth continuing. Group Director, Paul Spencer is engaging with trade customers across the UK and Europe to focus on the launch of a new and eagerly anticipated Aluminium Door and Panel Collection being launched in early February, 2015. At the same time Hallmark Panels welcomes the arrival of Nick Holloway as it’s new Sales Director. Nick will bring an enthusiastic amount of industry expertise and knowledge to Hallmark with a focus on strong business and trade partner sales and development across the Group’s product range. Originally formed from three current Group companies, Fortrace, Laminated Supplies and Hallmark Panels, Hallmark Group Products has gone from strength to strength in recent years, continually developing it’s UK manufacturing operations and product innovation so as to ensure a service that exceeds customer expectation for quality, performance and affordability – every time. 14| Cover Story|The Installer 2014 saw the addition of a fourth company under the Group umbrella – Toughened Glass Solutions Ltd. delivering an efficient, self sustained glass toughening and sealed unit manufacturing operation that supports and supplies the Group’s core door production processes as well as organically growing it's own list of glazing customers. In the last quarter of 2014, Hallmark enhanced its already highly successful range of Elite Composite Doors with the introduction of the Elite Modern Collection. An offering of modern design and aesthetic appeal, delivering a high quality, affordable composite door product set into the marketplace that offers customer focused product innovation. Gary MaddockGreene, group marketing manager says: “On the back of everything we have built, 2015 will be a year of outstanding opportunity for the Group. With UK manufacturing currently seeing real, positive growth indications in the market, it’s an ideal opportunity to really engage with our trade partners, installers and fabricators to help them grow and drive the industry forward with us.” Paul Spencer, Group Director concludes: “As one of the UK’s market leaders in PVCu, Composite and Aluminium Door and Panel manufacture, we are viewing our 20th Anniversary Year as a very exciting time for both ourselves, our loyal customer base and dedicated team of staff.” i For more information please contact the author: Gary Maddock-Greene Group Marketing Manager Email: Advance The world’s best mid-range warm edge spacer bar Advance is BEST in class... • BEST energy efficiency • BEST aesthetics • BEST value • BEST long-lasting performance Call 0845 601 1265 Engineered in Switzerland @Ultimate_Spacer advance spacer bar concept 2 .indd 1 11/18/2014 12:31:10 PM HORIZOPNTAL page horiz-02:Layout 1 18/02/2015 17:42 Page 1 Advertisement SUBJECT: URGENT PLEASE READ. Important warning for safety reasons. Dear Customers & potential customers. It has recently been brought to our attention that a person is attempting to set up a similar business to ourselves in the same town and with a similar name. This person is known to my employees and we believe has cloned Advanced Welding Technology’s website by copying and pasting copyrighted pictures of our products. Although we appreciate competition on an equal footing this person / persons have neither invested in product development or the understanding of the window & glass industries. I write to you as I am concerned about health and safety. AWT products are manufactured to a high specification. Any imitation may not be produced to the same standard and could put your employees at risk. We do not have any association with this new business whatsoever. This matter has been passed to our legal team and will be dealt with as a matter of urgency however, in the meantime if you should be contacted by Advanced Glass Handling Equipment please DO NOT think this business is anything to do with ourselves it is not. Thanking you in advance for your co-operation, Kind Regards, Gary Booth. Director of AWT. (Advanced Welding Technologies Ltd) Advanced Welding Technologies Ltd Unit 3 Lodge Road, Radcliffe, Bury, Lancashire M26 1AL Tel: 0161 723 1551 Fax: 0161 723 5115 VAT NO: 170356029 Company No. 8692127 Specialist Manufacturers of Standard & Bespoke Glass & Profile Handling Equipment Refurbishment Service Available Glass Handling Equipmmeen nt For more information and to see the latest special offers visit the website A.W.T. Limited, Unit 3, Lodge Road, Radcliffe, Bury, Lancs M26 1AL Telephone: (0161) 723 1551 )D[ ZZZJODVVKDQGOLQJFRXN ZZZJODVVKDQGOLQJFRXN Pg 17, 18, 20_The Installer Doors 2 Feature February 2015_Certass December 09 16/02/2015 15:25 Page 1 Doors Glass Art for Arts Sake O rders for Apeer’s bespoke glass artwork service are booming according to the company, which has its own in-house glass studio and employs a team of 13 decorative glass technicians. The firm points to the improving economy along with growing awareness of the service bringing a surge of orders. Apeer is also one of the very few UK based door manufacturers that hand crafts its standard glazing designs to order and offers a completely bespoke glass design service thus providing retailers with yet another point of difference for their customers. Says Lisa McClean, head of the in-house studio for Apeer: “Our bespoke work is becoming increasingly popular with people who want to give their homes an individual look. They do that in all sorts of ways – from pictures of their pets or a favourite landmark to one we did recently with the couple’s names on it. “We’re even fairly flexible about small changes to our standard designs – something we are able to do because each one is made to order. "Bespoke designs can add extra time onto the process, so we cost these according to the complexity of the design.” Bespoke designs for glass panels, sidelights and windows are individually drawn up in consultation with the homeowner but its standard glass designs are all featured on the company’s ‘Doorbuilder’ software system which is available to all Apeer stockists. i Door-Stop International has won its 5th Construction Marketing Award for Best Digital Campaign, in a joint entry with construction PR agency MRA Marketing. “It’s fantastic news,” said Martin Dickie, Business Unit Director of Door-Stop. “Our strategy is to make it easier for customers to order, market and sell Door-Stop doors, building their own businesses. A two year, multi-channel, integrated campaign with MRA Marketing did just that – and the award recognises just how successful this has been.” i Pictured: Steve Bissett of Door-Stop (left) collects the CMA for Best Digital Campaign The Installer| Doors|17 Pg 17, 18, 20_The Installer Doors 2 Feature February 2015_Certass December 09 16/02/2015 15:26 Page 2 Doors Contemporary Glazing Demand M atrix and Modena door glass options from Decorative Door Products (DDP) by RegaLead only launched six months ago after and yet the company reports high demand for their contemporary styles. Modena combines handmade fused glass tiles with a traditional manufactured zinc art to create an attractive fusion of heritage appeal and modern style, while Matrix provides a contemporary feel with its laser-cut stainless steel elements in a modern, polished zinc, linear design. Paul Edwards, Sales Manager for the DDP division comments: “It’s clear that the appetite for glass designs in composite doors is not slowing down – quite the opposite. What we have seen however is a shift in popularity of style. Some 10 years ago designs such as Abstract, Clarity and Elegance were launched and quickly became the height of fashion for doors. While there is certainly still a market for these styles, there has been a move away from glue chip glass de- signs in favour of the sleek, modern effects achieved by products such as Modena and Matrix." Matrix and Modena are now included in the DoorGlass Collection catalogue, along with technical and ordering information. Download the PDF. i Designer and manufacturer, Senior Architectural Systems, continues to develop its product portfolio following the launch of the brand new SPW501 door system. SPW501 offers many of the thermal benefits of the highly successful SPW500 door, including the availability of painted cut lengths for many of the stiles and rails. As with the proven SD door range, all joints are square cut for ease of fabrication. As this is a development of the SPW500 system, fabricators can use their existing tool set up with the SPW501 system.The SPW501 is available in a range of options, with both square and anti-finger trap doors still available. Using the same suite of framing sections as Senior’s SPW500 commercial doors, the SPW501 has been enhanced with the addition of a wide clip and plate flush glazed mullion section. To provide additional design options the new system will be offered with a narrower 58mm clip and flush mullion in the near future. The new SPW501 suite is available on Senior’s LogiKal software package. i 18 | Doors|The Installer No call-backs For any business, call-backs can impose a heavy cost. In time, in money, in administration, in lost customer goodwill. But the superb quality and engineering excellence found in Schueco’s range of sliding and folding doors, entrance doors, windows, conservatories and façades mean call-backs just aren’t going to happen. So maximise customer satisfaction and business profitability with systems from the Schueco Contemporary Living Collection. Sch-NoCall A4.indd 1 05/01/2015 11:28 Pg 17, 18, 20_The Installer Doors 2 Feature February 2015_Certass December 09 16/02/2015 15:26 Page 3 Doors Rocal’s Endurance Campaign R kehau is backing Rocal’s high profile campaign promoting its Endurance Solid and Secure range of composite doors. Having been a supply partner to Rocal for more than 10 years, Rehau is already supplying outer frames for the Endurance range in its energy efficient Rehau Total70C five chamber profile in a wide choice of colours and finishes. It will also shortly begin supplying outer frames in its sculptured Rehau Total70S profile, to give customers an even wider choice. As Rocal introduces new branding for Endurance, a dedicated website and a new full colour 64 page brochure for customers, Rehau is preparing for an increase in associated profile sales. Katrina Earl, the Rehau area sales manager responsible for Rocal, says: “We’re really excited about the new 2015 campaign to promote the benefits of Endurance. It has huge potential in the retail market with 21 different door styles and 10 glass designs – one of which is even named the Katrina after me! The new branding and marketing support campaign is really exciting because now the product will have the backing it needs to take it to the next level.” Rocal’s Managing Director Stephen Nadin (pictured) is equally enthusiastic. He says: “Endurance is a quality product backed by great suppliers including. We’re investing in this high profile new marketing campaign to raise awareness of the range amongst trade customers and to give them the tools they need to promote it to consumers.” i t. 01989 762600 Tradelink has been manufacturing aluminium windows and bi-fold doors for four years and in that time has seen demand increase greatly. MD Jim Moody says: “Tradelink is helping installation companies large and small take advantage of the growing aluminium sector. We set up our own manufacturing division, through the acquisition of an established aluminium fabricator four years ago. Aluminium isn’t the easiest material to add to your range as a PVC-U fabricator, in fact several companies have tried and failed because the differences between the two materials are so vast. “Bi-fold doors are the stand out performer for our customers. Manufactured using the Smarts profile, Tradelink’s customers and end-users enjoy the material benefits of aluminium including slimmer, cleaner sightlines, strength, longevity and durability, with the additional benefit of colour and finish choice offered by powder coating and anodisation. i 20 | Doors|The Installer IG The Installer Feb15 Ad AW.indd 1 28/01/2015 12:16 Pg 22, 23, 24, 26_The Installer Hardware Feature February 2015_Certass December 09 16/02/2015 15:21 Page 1 Hardware Open Sesame! Command Your Door First there were digital locks for domestic doors which allowed the home owner to click a button, key in a code or even scan their fingerprints. Now Roto-Frank has gone one stage further...allowing users to click and enter via a door that opens and closes itself T he Roto door drive, with an integrated automatic lock – Roto Eneo CC – will enable a householder to enter the house without touching the door. Roto claims that the function is very simple. The Eneo CC, controlled by a remote device, such as a smart phone with a Bluetooth system or by a device such as a keypad with a PIN code or a finger/palm print scanner, unlocks the door. Next the E-Tec door drive opens the door completely automatically. Push-push function Push to open and push to close functions allow internal doors to open or close with a gentle touch. The drive will work on all types of door including wood and aluminium, up to a maximum weight of 120kg. The mechanism is invisible, hidden in the door leaf so the aesthetics of the door are not affected by the device. and the lock is compatible. It affords the simple and smooth connection of all types of cables using a new, connected 8-input shielding of the cables with a special motherboard. i Safe to service Roto says that servicing doors fitted with an electric Roto door drive is completely safe. The drive is equipped with the integrated system of protection from collision and does not require any additional safety elements. Fully tested The Roto door drive has been succefully tested to 200,000 cycles along with the lock Eneo CC. Programming of the drive 22| Hardware|The Installer Pg 22, 23, 24, 26_The Installer Hardware Feature February 2015_Certass December 09 16/02/2015 15:22 Page 2 Hardware Zen’s Teachings – Marco on Hardware Marco Zen, UK and Ireland Sales Manager for Italian hardware manufacturer AGB, talks about elegance, style and philosophy I talian hardware company AGB has brought Imago Lift & Slide to the UK. It’s a luxury timber door that oozes elegance. It’s everything anyone wants from a door, more glass, slim and stylish frames and a smoothness that even George Clooney will find hard to beat. The luxury of the wood is combined with the componentry from Italian hardware specialists AGB whose philosophy is 'technology must be beautiful'. Nowhere in its range is that more apt than with Imago Lift & Slide doors which are stylish, and energy efficient. They feature te AGB Uni-V Central Point to ensure a consistent weatherseal and thermal break between the interlocking timber door sash and frame. It’s tested to extreme levels of water, air, wind and impact. To make it even more efficient, Imago has the Climatech flush threshold made from reinforced fibre glass. It not only guarantees thermal performance but sits at the same level as the floor, so it looks amazing. As with any door, security has to be a top priority. AGB’s Poseidon high security locking system is a real innovation in keeping homes safe. Its low profile twin hook, central bolt lock secures to a concealed security striker, providing the highest protection. Imago is about paring the frame back to give the emphasis on what’s beyond the door. Whether it’s a garden or an exceptional view. Lakes and moun- tains, parks and trees, cliffs and in October 2014. sea views require something These centres include extra special. The engineering of a full sized door Imago means frames are just 2 showing the design whilst allowing cuscentimetres slim. Italians create luxury in every- tomers to experience day things. A coffee cup or a the smooth opening shoe, Italian design stands apart operation. AGB is looking for from others. And it’s no different with Imago. It’s wood at its most top installation and joinery specialists elegant. with showrooms to add more Imago Viewing Often wide span glazed doors Points throughout the are the focal point of a project, UK. Training to create so it’s no surprise people want to advisors to help customers is also check them out. Imago Points are part of the ongoing backing for selected areas within top show- distributors. AGB is actively prorooms of installation companies moting Imago Lift & Slide to and joinery specialists where the homeowners and is working with doors can be seen and touched. designers and architects to build The first Imago Points have al- awareness of the brand. i ready been created following the UK launch of Imago Lift & Slide The Installer| Hardware|23 Pg 22, 23, 24, 26_The Installer Hardware Feature February 2015_Certass December 09 16/02/2015 15:22 Page 3 Hardware Astra Helps Close Deal for London Flats H undreds of Astra 3000 Series door closers have helped make newly refurbished homes safe and practical for tenants. New flat entrance doors, supplied by PDS Ltd are part of a major facelift and improvements at Fore Street Estate in Edmonton, London by ALMO Enfield Homes. The closers were selected for their ability to close these firerated doors efficiently while at the same time being unobtrusive, hard wearing and reliable. In addition, there is a closer in the 3000 Series for any size of door – no matter how narrow – making the doors eminently usable for tenants, no matter how able. The upgrade of the flats on the Fore Street Estate has included the installation of new gas boilers, double glazed windows and a new insulated roof and walls. Enfield Homes also took the opportunity to re-decorate the block internally and externally, including fitting Secured by Design Accredited flat entrance doors from PDS featuring the Astra 3000 Series concealed closers. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the FSO) came into force in October 2006 and brought the common parts of blocks of flats within the scope of mainstream fire safety legislation for the first time. Since flat entrance doors are critical to the safety of the common parts in the event of a fire within a flat, the FSO requires them to be fireresisting and self-closing. The 3000 series is available in four different power sizes with adjustable closing speed and latching action for different size and weights of doors. In the case of the Fore Street Estate, 3001 (Size 1) and 3002 (size 2) closers were specified to give a combination of ease of use by residents with reliable closing and latching on narrow entrance doors where a Size 3 closer would have made the door too ‘heavy’. i Geze UK claims to have seen a growing trend for the specification of concealed closers in order to maintain the aesthetics of design while ensuring compliance with all relevant legislation. The company’s range is called Boxer which is installed within the door leaf leaving only the guide rail visible when the door is open. There are a number of versions. The Boxer 3-6 accommodates doors up to 180kg in weight with a maximum leaf width of up to 1400mm in a single action configuration, whilst the lighter duty Boxer 2-4 offers single and double action functionality. In a single action configuration it will accommodate doors up to 130kg in weight and a maximum leaf width of up to 1100mm. When used in a double action configuration the Boxer 2-4 will accommodate doors up to 80kg in weight and a maximum leaf width of up to 1000mm. The closing speed, closing force, hydraulic latching action and hydraulic backcheck can all be easily adjusted once the closer is installed. An electro free swing mechanism is available on the single action versions. Alternatively, the Invers range of cam action door closers are fitted within the door transom and are ideal where an anti-ligature product is required. The spindle connects neatly to the top of the door, replacing guide rails. i 24| Hardware|The Installer Folding Sliding door system No EXTRA COST SAME 10 DAY LEADTIME WarmCore, an innovative aluminium folding sliding door HIGH QUality system with ‘warm aluminium’ technology, combines QUality, affordable energy efficiency superior thermal performance with flawless aesthetics. Innovative energy efficienT Doors are available now, fully manufactured and CE Marked by Synseal. Call for more information. 01623 444389 WarmCore 1.4W advert.indd 3 12/02/2015 12:30 Pg 22, 23, 24, 26_The Installer Hardware Feature February 2015_Certass December 09 16/02/2015 15:23 Page 4 Hardware Modern Hardware to the Four N ew year saw DoorStop launch four new contemporary hardware suites for its composite doors. The new furniture includes Classic round central doorknobs, Long Bar and Bow handles as well as a striking Square option. Matching door knockers and letterplates are available for each suite. All the furniture is made from brushed stainless steel - but to complete the look, a smooth Satin Glass option is also now available, at no extra cost. “It’s a very comprehensive offering,” explains Patrick Dean from the company. “The Long Bar and Bow handles are perfect for modern houses, while the Classic central knob works just as well on period properties. The new hardware allows our customers to offer homeowners something that will really make their property stand out.” i Specialist international friction-stay manufacturer and hardware supplier Cotswold Architectural Products recently had its products specified in a very highprofile project in Turkey’s capital, Istanbul. A large quantity of Cotswold’s HD26-180 hinge and HD102 friction arm were specified in Metropol Istanbul – a mixed development that combines one of the largest shopping malls in Turkey, offices, residences, educational institutions and a recreational area. A focal point of the project is the grand tower, which is designed as one of the tallest buildings in Europe and is expected to attract 23 million visitors per year. Luz Seminario, Export Sales Executive at Cotswold comments: “We’ve built up an impressive portfolio of projects where our stays and hardware have been specified. Our products use galvanised steel which is designed to offer maximum longevity, even in the most corrosive of environments and as such is ideal for large scale commercial projects such as Metropol Istanbul.” i 26 | Hardware|The Installer SINGLE Page layout33207:Layout 1 15/07/2014 11:47 Page 1 Choosing the “Ultimate” Bi-fold? It’s as easy as 1-2-3 The Ultimate Aluminium m Bi-folding g Door The ((Original) g ) Ultimate te Bi-folding g Door Give your customers omers the choice off three thr ree high quality lity bi-folding doors from with The Ultimate ate range fr rom Sliders ers UK. UPVC, aluminium, minium, colours, finishes ishes and security measures measur res – we e have options to suit it everyone. The Ultimate Aluminium m Bi-folding Door can be powder wder coated in any RAL colour colour.. Our two UPVC bi-foldss ar are e also available in a variety of colours, fr from om standar standard d White hite and Cr Cream eam to woodgrain ain effects efffects in Mahogany, Mahogany, Golden en Oak and Rosewood, as well ell as Gr Grey, ey, Chartwell Green, Green, en, Antique Oak and much more. mor ore. All ar are e accredited accredited by Secur Secured ecured by Design. In fact, ourr original UPVC and aluminium m bi-folds wer were e the first to o achieve this coveted mark of the official Police security initiative. So our bi-folding doorss don’ don’tt just look good, they ar are e the most secur secure re on the market rket too. That’ss why we calll them The Ultimate Ultimate!! T : 01772 698222 222 W : www Sliders (UK) Limited Unit 232 232, 2, Oldfield Road, W Walton alton Summit, Bamberr Bridge, Lancashire Lancashire PR5 8BG The The Ultimate Aspect ct Bi-folding Door s s s s s s s s s $URAmEX %UR OCE ELL !,5+ PROlLES PROlLES %UROCELL #HOICE OF COLOUR RS AND lNISHES COLOURS 3ECUR RED E BY $ES SIGN ACCRE EDITED 3ECURED $ESIGN ACCREDITED YEAR Y SECURITYY G GUARANTEE &AST TUR NAROUNDSS TURNAROUNDS .ATIONWIDE DELIV VERY DELIVERY (IGHLY COMPETITIV VE TRADE PRICES COMPETITIVE &RE EE #% COMPLIANCE COMPLIA ANCE SUPPORT &REE &RE EE INSTALLATION ADVICE &REE I sy ours uppl i erl et t i ngy oudown? No w2 Fr om onl y £365 perl eaf l ea d w t i m e e*e k Al u mi n i u mBi F o l dDo o r s &P a t i oDo o r s L owes tPr i c esAny wher e Over99% ofor der sont i me& compl et e NATI ONWI DE SI TE DEL I VERY 2hourquot et ur nar ound Ver ycompet i t i vegl assopt i ons Getapr i c e c ompar i s on now! Avai l abl ei nanycol our ,al ongsi dest ock col our s;Whi t e,Bl ack,Gr ey,Gr eyonWhi t e Tel :01642610798 Fax:01642671026 /madef or t r ade @madef or t r ade1 *L eadt i mesbas edons t andar dc ol ourr ange madef ort r ade www. madef or t r ade. c o Pg 29, 30_The Installer Ecobuild February 2015_Certass December 09 16/02/2015 13:54 Page 3 Ecobuild Senior to reveal new developments at Ecobuild which runs between 3-5 march at London’s Excel Exhibition Centre Fenestration systems designer and manufacturer Senior Architectural Systems is gearing up to launch two brand new products at Ecobuild – the SF52 and Pure systems. The SF52 system, which is fully compatible with Senior’s portfolio of windows and doors, is capable of holding double or triple glazed units ranging from 24mm to 50mm in thickness via the use of various gaskets and thermal breaks. Suitable for ground floor or high rise projects, full Scott Bader (stand N4038) is promoting FixRcryl 10, a new ‘damp weather’ roof repair and refurbishment GRP coating system design support and technical back-up is available, while there are future plans for Building Information Modelling (BIM) compatibility. Pure,meanwhile,is a brand new range of aluminium windows with an enhanced thermal barrier manufactured from expanded polyurethane, which gives superb thermal performance. The thermal barrier’s inherent insulation properties ensure that heat loss is minimal The FIX-Rcryl 10 GRP roof coating system comes ready to use, with no need for the addition of a separate catalyst or mixing. It is a single, cold applied, liquid resin product, used in combination with standard chopped strand glass matting, easily applied by hand with a brush, roller or squeegee. This new repair system has been developed to suit the UK climate, providing an instant waterproof repair seal against rain. FIX-Rcryl 10 can be used in dry or damp weather conditions and ambient temperatures ranging from 5 °C up to 25 °C. It can be used to make repairs to most commonly used roofing materials including bituminous surfaces, guttering, brickwork, asbestos, and overall U-Values are significantly reduced.When specified correctly, the Pure range can give U-Values as low as 0.8 W/m2K uw for CEN Standard windows. The fully-tested system meets current (and anticipated future) legislation and can be used for commercial, domestic, education, healthcare, new build, refurbishment or retro fit. i concrete, felt, metal, timber and fibreglass. The system uses a low odour, low VOC, solvent based acrylic resin, with a high solid content, formulated to give optimal flexibility and long durability. The Installer| Ecobuild – 3-5 March, Excel|29 Pg 29, 30_The Installer Ecobuild February 2015_Certass December 09 16/02/2015 13:55 Page 4 Ecobuild Ecobuild which runs between 3-5 march at London’s Excel Exhibition Centre Synseal anticipates another successful show at Ecobuild Synseal will be exhibiting for the third year in succession. Its objective will be to demonstrate the diversity of window and door product solutions within the Synseal Group - the company recently acquired Sheerframe and Masterdor. A feature of stand N3000 will be Synseal’s latest WarmCore folding sliding door which incorporates ‘warm aluminium’ to create a high performance fenestration framing solution. WarmCore gets its efficiency from thermal breaks - the sections are carefully dimensioned to provide an optimised 70mm front-to-back overall depth for UK applications, while ensuring performance thanks to the multi-chambered insulating core, offering U-values as low as 1.4 W/m2K using standard 28mm double glass or 1.0 W/m2K using 44m triple glass. Also on display will be a Sheerframe 8000 fully reversible window manufactured from organic stabilised leadfree PVC-U profiles; a high specification Masterdor composite door; and thermally-efficient Celsius performance glass.. i ‘Successful Sealing Has A System’ will be the theme of foam sealant tape producer ISO-Chemie’s stand (S2070) at Ecobuild. ISO-Chemie will also be showcasing its new ISOTop Winframer, a structurally solid, pre-fabricated installation frame which can be quickly cut to length on site and secured in position using a single component adhesive and if necessary, fixing screws. The six sealing systems on display, covering different building types and functions, will include ISO3 Window system (which Winframer is a part of), the ISOE EWI (External Wall Insulation) system, the ISOF Flame fire protection/fire rated product system (passive protection) and the ISOµ tim- ber building system for a wide variety of timber frame buildings. With TRADA introducing a new test/certificate and logo for acoustic insulation of windows, based on the A-E energy system, Ecobuild will be opportune for showcasing sealing solutions for the sustainable design, construction and built environment.s many other related products. i 30 | Ecobuild – 3-5 March, Excel|The Installer Keyframe-feb14.qxp 17/02/2014 13:59 Page 1 Is your Window supplier causing you Then it is time to move to At Keyframe UK we ensure that you will not end up with your head in your hands worrying about the quality of your next delivery, whether it going to arrive on time, or if anybody will be able to help you if there is a problem and you need assistance. One call will solve it all ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ISO 9001 registered company Rehau Total 70 system Spectus Elite 70 system BFRC Energy rated frames Nationwide delivery service Dedicated pricing department On line pricing package Dedicated technical support Brochures, Samples, Showroom support packages Sales Hotline 01204 705718 Fax Hotline 01204 604050 Pg 33, 34, 36 Products February 2014_Pg 40.qxd 16/02/2015 19:29 Page 1 Products & Projects New Showroom As part of a continuing programme of investment, Bowater Doors will soon open a brand new showroom at its Midlands HQ. Situated in Minworth near Birmingham, the showroom has been designed to showcase Bowater's broad and varied range of composite doors while echoing the look of The VEKA UK Group’s new flagship showroom in Burnley. Bowater Doors’ National Sales Manager, Alan Hague explains: “The whole team are delighted with the new showroom. It will be a huge asset going forward, giving current and prospective customers the opportunity to get to know these stylish, high quality products in much greater detail. “Our doors are handmade-to-order and, besides the showroom examples, visitors will be able to see them during construction, on our factory tour. For those who can't get to Minworth there's a great selection of Bowater Doors on display at The VEKA UK Group's Burnley showroom, too.” There will be a three-day event to celebrate the opening, starting with an official 'ribbon-cutting' ceremony with VEKA UK Group MD, Dave Jones on Monday 2nd March 2015. i Wicona is Europe’s first aluminium systems company to use insulbar RE from Ensinger. The thermal insulation bars are used for the thermal separation of profiles for windows, facades and door constructions, and are made of 100% recycled material. This marks a decisive improvement to the life cycle assessment of the overall systems – without compromising quality and without any added cost for Wicona customers. The unmixed recycled polyamide used undergoes an upcycling process which places its properties on a par with those of new material. Polymer blends or mixed recyclates are not used. Use of the product, which was developed by plastics specialist Ensinger, means an 89% reduction in the consumption of fossil resources, an 84% reduction of carbon emissions and 32% less water consumption. ‘insulbar R E’ is now set to be put to widespread use at Wicona for the first time. Wicona CEO Arnd Brinkmann: “Keeping a company at the cutting edge of innovation is first and foremost about the concrete implementation of new developments which represent a tangible improvement and which make a sustainable mark on the industry. With these insulating bars made of recycled polyamide, Wicona and Ensinger are working together to create an established position for this meaningful innovation in the marketplace.” “Sustainability is playing an ever greater role in construction – the world over”, adds Dr. Roland Reber, CEO at Ensinger. “Thanks to this partnership we are now making available windows, doors and facade systems which will equip clients, architects, planners and processors to meet current and future requirem ents.” i The VEKA UK Group, has created a new showroom more than three times the size of the previous display space. The new showroom sits alongside the new customer meeting room and the two brand new spaces are linked by the new Imagine Bi-Fold and Imagine French Door Systems. Colin Torley, Sales and Marketing Director at The VEKA UK Group, says: “The showroom has been designed to offer a light-filled modern space that fits with our branding. Windows have been installed with a 'floating' effect and there are corner samples on display to see the various details of different systems. “As well as showing off our products, the showroom has also allowed us to tell more of our ‘story’ with graphics that detail The VEKA UK Group and VEKA Worldwide, Network VEKA, VEKA Recycling and the NEW Approved Installer Scheme.” i The Installer | Products & Projects | 33 Pg 33, 34, 36 Products February 2014_Pg 40.qxd 16/02/2015 19:29 Page 2 Products & Projects Kenrick Launches New Wwebsite Visitors to Kenrick’s new website will be just three clicks away from where they want to be thanks to a streamlined design and added functionality. “This is a really positive step in making our website as widely available as possible, whilst bringing greater convenience to our growing customer base”, says Steve Williams, Kenrick’s Sales and Marketing Director. “It brings a great benefit for the fabricator by enabling them to reach where they need to be in just three clicks. And thanks to our comprehensive product referencing, it is now easier than ever for customers to identify parts. “We were very mindful of our customers’ needs when developing the site. Having listened to them, we knew they wanted a website that’s easy to use and provides the flexibility to access it on tablets and Smart phones whilst they’re on the move. This website does just that and we’ve had some very positive comments from our customers about it.” i Deceuninck’s customers can now sell A* Certass [A+ BFRC equivalent] energy rated windows easily and cost effectively. A re-design of the internal chambers for its popular 2800 system means the PVC-U Systems company can now offer top energy ratings without the need for complicated glass specifications. And it’s not just Deceuninck’s white profile that benefits. Uniquely, the A* ratings are achieved for Deceuninck’s Colour Express woodgrain foils too. It’s yet another benefit Deceuninck is cascading down to its fabricators and their installer customers. Energy efficiency is one of the first things homeowners look for when they are replacing their windows, so Deceuninck’s new A* energy rating will be a great selling tool for Deceuninck installers. Sales Director Rob McGlennon comments: “Being able to off er a top energy rating using simple and affordable glazing components, makes this a very powerful selling tool for our customers. A lot of work and investment from us saves time and cuts their costs without lowering quality. “Through Deceuninck’s InstallerPro scheme,” continues Rob, “our larger fabricators and installers will have easy access to the Certass certification, and our smaller customers will be able to get A* rating for free! “There are lots of good windows in the market, so our products need to be outstanding in order to help our customers do better. In addition to great energy performance, our windows are also PAS 24 accredited, making it easy to get Secured by Design. And our wide range of foils are available from stock, on time and in full. Our fabricators say our great products plus unmatched service and support is a winning formula for them!” i Exploiting the strength and slim proportions of steel, bespoke internal glazed partitions, screens and shower enclosures are increasingly being designed and manufactured by Steel Window Association members for commercial and residential projects. Traditional W20 steel window sections are frequently used to form screens. These may be configured to create three quarter height and full height panels with 90 degree returns or curves and to take large or small glass panes. Screens can include windows or doors up to a height of 2.4m with fixed glazing above where extra height is required. Most screens are single glazed but when needed for acoustic reasons, for example when creating corporate boardrooms, double glazing with acoustic glass may be employed. A fixed screen with no doors or other opening sections can be designed to achieve a 30 minute fire rating. i 34 | Products & Projects | The Installer Top agency design but not the cost Creative website design from £400 We supply cost effective solutions, for both large organisations and smaller enterprises, whether consumer based or business to business. In partnership with our clients we deliver successful solutions, working on an individual project basis or as a regular support service. Whether you are looking to launch a new website, revamp an existing site, manage your website content, start selling on the internet or are looking at email marketing. We are here to help. With over 30 years experience supplying design and advertising solutions for the web and print, we are ideally suited to provide you with the competitive edge. To be a winner in your marketplace. For more information telephone 07784 268685 or cotact us by email at Pg 33, 34, 36 Products February 2014_Pg 40.qxd 16/02/2015 19:30 Page 3 Products & Projects Thermoseal Raising the Bar Thermobar Interbar is a plastic alternative to replace existing internal aluminium systems that simulate multi-pane windows. It helps to improve energy efficiency and minimise the potential for condensation on an insulated glass (IG) unit around the surface mounted system. This new bar is designed specifically to complement Thermobar Warm Edge Spacer (although it can be used with other warm edge spacer systems). Thermobar Interbar can be supplied with compatible centre and edge keys in 11.5mmx18mm and 15.5mmx18mm. It is currently in stock in black, but grey and white alternatives will be available in the New Year. Mark Hickox, Sales Director at Thermoseal Group, says: “We are currently asking our customers to speak to our area sales managers so we can demonstrate how cost-effective our warm edge solutions are when replacing aluminium alternatives and helping to improve the energy efficiency of their units.” i Extended reach and increased overhang of installed windows is provided following the addition of new components to ISO-Chemie’s thermal insulating and load bearing bracket system, ISO-Top Winframer. The system is based around a 1,200mm length pre-fabricated composite installation frame, which can be cut to size on-site and secured in position using an adhesive. This enables installers to quickly fit windows into the insulation area between the inner and outer walls, avoiding the need to use metal brackets which can cause non-repeating thermal bridging and give extensive problems when the windows need replacing. Now, a selection of new system brackets have been introduced to provide increased overhang whenever necessary. These are available in three sizes: a 80mm wide x 80mm high bracket to fit the majority of UK window sizes and a 140mm wide x 90mm high option for deeper window profiles, or for use with combination products such as roller shutters. A third bracket size (200mm wide x 110mm high) is ideal for reaches from 160mm to a maximum of 200mm, providing a robust, strong and high performance support frame with a high load-bearing capacity that’s capable of supporting heavier window loads as well as bi-fold doors. ISO-Top Winframer can be used with a range of ISO-Chemie foam tape sealant systems to provide effective and high performance window sealing. These include ISO-Bloco One, ISO-Bloco One Control, ISOBloco 300 and 600, the ISO-Connect Vario range of self-adhesive foils and fleeces, and ISO-TOP Flex Adhesive WF for bonding and sealing to masonry and joint/corner sealing A major end-user benefit of the new system is that when a window needs to be replaced at a later date it is not necessary to remove the internal plaster finish of the reveal wall to remove the old metal brackets and fit new ones, saving further disruption, refurbishment time and costs. i Avocet Hardware has lauched a brand new 116-page product catalogue which features a mix of tried, tested and trusted ranges plus a selection of new products. Director Rythm Jain Saigal says: “2014 was a big year for Avocet. We started off being named Hardware Company of the Year at the National Fenestration Awards and continued on in that vein – signing a series of major distribution deals, strengthening our team, and investing heavily in stock levels and product development. “Each of these successes we look at as building blocks, and with them all now in place we have a strong foundation and the capacity to build upon sales of our existing products, make significant in-roads with our new ones and cement our position at the forefront of the market. ”Amongst the new products included in the catalogue are: Pioneer TS007 1-star rated lock; Affinity composite door lock and the Affinity Ultra stainless steel door furniture. i 36 | Products & Projects | The Installer new house ad page.qxp 20/02/2014 17:24 Page 1 Read The Fabricator on-line at: www. With over 30 years’ experience in publishing magazines for manufacturing and business, Profinder offers up-to-date specialist publications on paper and on-line. 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