Cypress Senior Center March 2015 The Best Place for Recreation, Resources, Education & Fun! Cypress Recreation & Community Services SENIOR SPELLING BEE Friday, March 6th 10:00 - 11:30 am If you enjoy a challenge and want to exercise your brain, enter the Senior Spelling Bee! Anyone who is 50 years of age or older is welcome to participate. There is no fee to enter, and trophies will be awarded to the top three contestants. Registration will be open until 9:30 am on the day of the event. Pre-register at the Reception Desk. There will be a designated table for check-in and registration on the day of the event. Cake provided by Visiting Angels Home Care, Garden Grove. CALENDAR OF IMPORTANT DATES March 6 - Senior Spelling Bee March 13 - Bunco March 17 - St. Patrick’s Day Lunch March 27 - Ice Cream Social Mardi Gras 2015 BUNCO Friday, March 13th 6:00 - 9:00 pm The ever-popular Friday Night Bunco is the place to be! This funfilled evening of Bunco, dinner, and prizes is a great way to meet new people and have a great time. Register by the Thursday before the Friday Night Bunco to ensure dinner. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm and Bunco play will begin at 6:30 pm. Hope to see you there! March course: #10130. ST. PATRICK’S DAY LUNCH WHAT’S INSIDE Tuesday, March 17th 12:00 pm Celebrate this special day by wearing green and join in the fun at lunch. There will be music and a traditional Irish menu of corned beef and cabbage. The check-in desk for lunch will open at 10:15 am. No ticket is required; 100 lunches will be available on a firstcome, first-served basis. Super Bowl Week Photo............... 2 Special Topics & Screenings......... 2 Special Topics & Screenings......... 3 Free Services................................ 4 Computer Lab............................... 4 Support Groups............................ 5 Transportation Alternatives........... 5 Meet Our New Staff Member........ 5 Let’s Do Lunch Menu................... 6 Entertainment............................... 7 February Birthdays........................ 7 Billiards......................................... 7 Exercise Equipment..................... 7 Cribbage & Bridge........................ 7 Wii & Games................................. 7 8 & 9 Calendar of Classes & Events...... Classes......................................... 10 - 14 Technology Classes...................... 13 - 14 iLearn Classes.............................. 14 Movies........................................... 14 Club Information............................ 14 Event Highlights............................ 15 Subscription to Along the Way...... 16 Thank You To Our Sponsors......... 16 ICE CREAM SOCIAL Friday, March 27th 12:30 pm Join us for lunch, then stay and enjoy the Ice Cream Social for lunch participants. This free event is sponsored by CareMore. SENIOR PROM KING & QUEEN Page 2 Cypress City Council Rob Johnson, Mayor Mariellen Yarc, Mayor Pro Tem Stacy Berry, Council Member Paulo Morales, Council Member Jon Peat, Council Member City Manager Peter Grant Cypress Senior Commission Judy Wagner, Chair Marie Chance, Vice Chair Eileen Litchfield, Commissioner Ken Lynch, Commissioner Pam McKeon, Commissioner Charles Mealey, Commissioner The Cypress Senior Commission meets the second Wednesday of every month at 3:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Senior Center. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Cypress Recreation & Community Services Department Senior Center June Liu, Director of Recreation & Community Services Dena Diggins, Recreation Superintendent Jenni Worsham, Recreation Supervisor Joan Bardin, Recreation Coordinator Candice Cheung, Recreation Coordinator Teena Tomlinson, Recreation Specialist Natalie Clark, Office Assistant Marie Crawford, Recreation Leader SUPER BOWL WEEK SPECIAL TOPICS & SCREENINGS BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS Glenda Papa, R.N. Fridays - March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th 10:00 - 11:30 am Free. Walk-in. LIVING HEALTHY WITH ONGOING HEALTH CONDITIONS Six-Week Series Mondays, March 2nd through April 6th 9:00 - 11:30 am Reservations Required! Adult Public Health Nursing Services Don’t let fatigue, frustration, pain, sleep loss, depression or anxieties keep you from enjoying your life! Self-management is the key! This free six-week course was developed by Stanford Patient Education Research Center. The topics which will be covered during the program are: sNutrition and physical activity sCommunication skills sRelaxation technique sMedication usage sCommunity resources sSelf-management and the individual sGoal setting and problem solving Registration is required. You are encouraged to attend all six sessions. ARCH MADNESS Tuesday, March 10th 10:30 - 11:30 am Dr. Will Rogers Seacrest Health & Wellness Center Poor arches in your feet may sometimes lead to pain, weakness and imbalance. Restoring and supporting existing arches in your feet can therefore improve your balance. Learn more about fall prevention and your arches from Dr. Rogers. . HEALTHY PASTA! Thursday, March 12th 10:00 - 11:30 am Chef Tony - Emerald Court Senior Living Think you've got to give up yummy pasta favorites in favor of a healthy lifestyle? Think again! Chef Tony will demonstrate delicious and nutritious pasta recipes, so you can enjoy the taste without the guilt. Reservations required! Enjoying the excitement of Super Bowl XLIX in the dining center are (left to right): Teena Tomlinson, Recreation Specialist; Char Dickison; Sara Hall; Pam MacNeil with Brookdale Valley View; Lupe Aguilar; and Howard Phelps. Brookdale sponsored snacks and prizes for the week. Reservations are recommended for all programs unless otherwise specified. Late arrivals surrender their reservations. Page 3 SPECIAL TOPICS & SCREENINGS PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT NOTICE. . ESTATE PLANNING Thursday, March 19th 10:30 - 11:30 am David Smart, Attorney Society for Financial Awareness Don’t let lawyers, the government or the courts decide what to do with your money and your assets! Learn from this presentation about changes in estate law, the purpose of estate planning, distribution of estate, wills, trusts, avoiding probate, specific estate planning strategies. HOW TO REACH THE CREATIVE SIDE OF YOUR BRAIN Tuesday, March 24th 10:00 - 11:30 am Ruth Arthur, Artist and Instructor Ruth Arthur will be offering an overview of Dr. Betty Edwards’ groundbreaking book “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.” She will talk about the characteristics of the “left brain” and the “right brain,” and basic perceptual skills of drawing. Even if you have no artistic training, participate in this fun event to experience freeing the creative side of your brain. GLUCOSE SCREENING Wednesday, March 25th 9:00 - 11:00 am Marilyn Geller, PHN Adult Public Health Nursing Services Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy. The glucose test is used to evaluate blood sugar levels, which can indicate your diabetes risk. Fasting (water only) provides a more accurate reading. Supplies provided by Walgreens Walk-in; first-come, first-served. in Cypress. Limited availability. ASK THE PHARMACIST Wednesday, March 25th 9:00 - 11:00 am Pharmacist, Walgreens Cypress This is your opportunity to talk to the pharmacist with any questions about your medications. A blood pressure screening will also be available. YOUR THYROID AND HOW TO KEEP IT HEALTHY Thursday, March 26th 10:30 - 11:30 am Dr. Kathleen Trivich Pioneer Medical Group Nearly 6% of the U.S. population, or 12.2 million people, have thyroid disease. Your thyroid is essential for each cell in your body to work right. When your thyroid isn't working correctly, it can cause body functions to slow down. Some thyroid conditions are hard to detect because it mimics other diseases, such as dementia or depression. Join Dr. Trivich for an informative lecture on common thyroid conditions and current treatments. CAREGIVER RESOURCE CENTER Thursday, March 26th 10:00 - 11:30 am Caregiver Resource Center will be available to provide information about their services which include family consultation, assessment, care planning, counseling, referrals for resources, psycho-educational seminars, respite planning, and community education. Walk-in. HEARING SCREENING AND HEARING AID CLINIC Monday, March 30th 10:00 - 11:30 am Hearing Screening Provided by Sam Moghadam - Ascent Hearing Hearing Instrument Specialist, Sam Moghadam, will offer a hearing screening. If you have any questions about your hearing, now is the time to get a hearing check-up with this free service. If you have a hearing aid, Mr. Moghadam will check and clean it for you. KIDNEY WISE Tuesday, March 31st 10:30 - 11:30 am Harry Verni, Health Educator Heritage California ACO The kidneys play key roles in body function, not only by filtering the blood and getting rid of waste products, but also by balancing the electrolyte levels in the body, controlling blood pressure, and stimulating the production of red blood cells. Topics included in this informative session include: Learning how your kidneys work, ways to keep them healthy, testing for problems, and what dialysis involves. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE ACCESS PROGRAM - CTAP Thursday, April 2nd 10:30 am - 12:00 pm CA Communications Access Foundation Californians who are deaf, hard of hearing, speech disabled, blind, have low vision, cognitive impairments or restricted mobility are eligible to receive equipment from CTAP. Eligible customers can receive equipment absolutely free. Find out if you qualify and how to apply. Free. Walk-in. Page 4 FREE SERVICES FOOD DISTRIBUTION Wednesday, March 11th 9:00 - 11:00 am (while supplies last) Second Harvest Food Bank tCypress residents welcome tBe prepared to transport your food tNew qualifications are in Kiosk at the Center Third Friday - March 20th 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Community Action Partnership Please note this is located at the Cypress Community Center 5700 Orange Avenue tNew applicants will be placed on waiting list tCall (714) 897-6670 to find out how to apply SENIOR CITIZENS LEGAL ADVOCACY PROGRAM Thursday, March 19th 9:00 - 11:00 am The legal advocacy program provides seniors 60 years or older, residing in Orange County, with free counseling, referrals, and representation in administrative and civil cases. The program helps with: tGovernment Benefits; Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) tHealth: Medicare, MediCal, HMO’s and Nursing Home Issues tHousing: Landlord-Tenant, Eviction Defense, Mobile Home, and Board and Care Issues tConsumer Problems: Contracts and Debt Collection Defense tElder Abuse: Financial and Personal Advice and referrals are also made by paralegals (under the direction of an attorney) in areas such as bankruptcy, small claims, wills, powers of attorney, conservatorships, personal injury workers’ comp., family law and real estate. By appointment; in person only. COMPUTER LAB The Computer Lab is open for use from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except during computer classes (see schedule). Internet access is available and there are programs for word processing, spreadsheets, and graphics. Purchase paper for the printer at the Reception Desk for $.10 per sheet. On Wednesdays, Jim, a volunteer, will be available from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm for assistance in using the internet and Microsoft Word. HEALTH INSURANCE COUNSELING & ADVOCACY PROGRAM (HICAP) Through the Council on Aging Monday, March 9th 10:00 am - 12:15 pm Appointment Required Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) is a volunteer supported program that provides free counseling and educational services for older adults and their families. You will receive unbiased information to help you make the best choices for your individual health care needs, including information on: tYour rights as a health care consumer tMedicare benefits and rights, including information on Medicare Part D, Prescription Drug Coverage tPrivate Medicare supplemental health insurance policy benefits and exclusions tHMOs and how they work tLong-term care insurance ADULT PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICES Free Health Assessments Monday, April 13th 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Marilyn Geller, PHN - OC Health Care Agency Adult Public Health Nursing Services (APHNS) is a community health assessment program. Basic health screenings and follow-up for clients with special needs and health problems are provided for adults 18 years or older. No medical treatment is provided. All APHNS services are free. Medi-Cal information is also available from APHNS. By appointment only. MEDICATION BROWN BAG Monday, April 20th 9:00 - 10:30 am Marilyn Geller, PHN - OC Health Care Agency Bill Liu, Pharmacist - OC Health Care Agency A “brown bag check-up” is the best thing you can do to avoid medication mistakes, especially if you are taking several medications. Bring all of your medications, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and nutritional supplements for the pharmacist to review. By appointment only. Page 5 CY SUPPORT GROUPS TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP March 11th, 18th and 25th 1:00 - 2:30 pm Linda McMahon, MS, MA, Bereavement Mgr. VITAS Innovative Hospice Care of O.C. Anyone who has lost a loved one is welcome to attend this group to have an opportunity to safely share your grief experiences. This program includes discussion on the grief process, life after loss, depression, loneliness, and positive transitions. Free. Walk-in. TAXI VOUCHER PROGRAM The Taxi Voucher Program is a curb-to-curb taxi service provided by the City of Cypress for qualifying Cypress seniors for medical and medically-related appointments, grocery shopping, banking, visiting the Cypress Senior Center, visiting a relative in a hospital, etc. Each qualified participant may receive up to six vouchers per month. Individuals must meet the following criteria: tCypress resident tAge 60 or older tIncome maximum per month of $2,712 for an individual To qualify, you must first register in person at the Cypress Senior Center. You will need to bring proof of Cypress residency, United States government-issued photo identification that shows your birth date, plus income verification. For more information please call (714) 229-2005. Appointment required. NUTRITION TRANSPORTATION If you are 60 years or older, a Cypress resident, and participate in the “Let’s Do Lunch” nutrition program, there is transportation available to and from the Cypress Senior Center. There is no charge for the transportation, but you must participate in the lunch program. Transportation is by taxi and at fixed times for both pick-up and return rides. Space is limited. For more information call (714) 229-2005. ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVER SUPPORT Third Wednesday of Every Month March 18th 1:30 - 3:00 pm and 7:00 - 8:30 pm These support groups are free and open to caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s and related memory disorders. The groups provide a safe environment where confidentiality of shared information is respected. They offer support in understanding, coping with, and managing Alzheimer’s disease, as well as assistance in locating and utilizing community resources. SENIOR SUPPORT GROUP Fridays, Ongoing 1:00 - 2:15 pm Are you looking for a support group to help you through a difficult time or issue? This group provides individuals the opportunity to join together with others to discuss and listen to various life issues. Led by: R. Bush. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT MEET OUR NEW STAFF MEMBER! Our new staff member at the Cypress Senior Center is Marie Crawford, Recreation Leader. Marie is a “baby boomer,” a native Californian, and wife to the same man for 37 years, John. She is a mom of four creative and fun children (Joshua, Joel, Tabitha, and Rebekah), grand-mom to four boys and two girls and proud owner of a Goldendoodle dog. Marie earned her bachelor’s degree in Gerontology from Mount St. Mary’s College in 2008. Her jobs have ranged from escrow technician, secretary at a luxury hotel on the Big Island of Hawaii, deputy clerk, issuing marriage licenses and passports in Utah, and caretaker. From 1993 to 2000, Marie was the office assistant here at the Cypress Senior Center. Marie retired from the City of Signal Hill after seven years as Administrative Assistant to the Community Services Director. Things that make Marie happy are people, music keeping in touch with friends, Disneyland, books (particularly sci-fi/fantasy) Snoopy, and Starbucks coffee. She loves learning new things, decorating for any celebration, and baking cookies. She is totally thrilled to be working again at the Cypress Senior Center. Besides being Recreation Leader, Marie is enjoying participating in some of the wonderful classes that are available. She has been learning Mahjong, Bunco, and participating in the Balance and Mobility Class. Page 6 Page 7 DINING CENTER BILLIARDS LET’S DO LUNCH Lunch at the Senior Center can be the highlight of your day. Enjoy live music, play games with others or watch movies after your meal. A delicious lunch is served at 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday. Adults 60 years and older are requested to make a suggested donation of $3.00 for lunch. If you are under 60 years of age, there is a charge of $5.00 per meal. Check-in table opens at 10:15 am; lunch is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Menu is subject to change. One billiard table is located in the Exercise Room and is open for play Monday through Friday on the following schedule: Monday 8:00 am - 8:45 am Bobble Ball 10:45 am - 12:45 pm 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm Tuesday 11:30 am - 5:00 pm Wednesday 9:45 am - 5:00 pm Thursday 11:45 am -12:45 pm 2:45 pm - 5:00 pm Friday 12:15 pm - 2:45 pm Schedule is subject to change without notice. Check out equipment at the Reception Desk. **1-hour time limit if someone is waiting to play** DINING DINING CENTER CENTER ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT March 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th Rosemary Carda, Pianist March 6th DJ Max, Karaoke March 18th Joyful Melodies - Sing Along ComforCare Senior Care FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Page 7 EXERCISE EQUIPMENT Exercise equipment is available for use at no charge in the Exercise Equipment Room. Available equipment includes: Treadmills, bikes, and weight set. If you would like to use a treadmill, please stop at the Reception Desk to complete the required forms, and receive training on the machine. Sign in and out at the Reception Desk each time you use a treadmill. The time limit on a treadmill is 30 minutes if there is someone waiting. CRIBBAGE AND BRIDGE February birthday celebrants enjoyed lunch at the center, followed by birthday cupcakes provided by Vernon Atwood with Right at Home. SENIORSERV SeniorServ is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving seniors and their families. They offer a variety of supportive services designed to promote well-being and independence, including: tHome Delivered Meals tSenior Lunch Program tCase Management tHomemaking tFriendly Visitors tHome Safety For more information, call (714) 220-0224. A r e y o u interested in playing cards? Cribbage is ongoing at the Cypress Senior Center. Play on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:30 pm in the Galleria of the Cypress Senior Center. All levels are welcome. Any number of people can play! You can be a part of this fun activity, If bridge is your game, join the bridge group. Knowledge of how to play is required. This free group is on-going and meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 4:30 pm. WII AND OTHER GAMES Would you like to bowl without having to lift that heavy ball? Play tennis without chasing the ball? Experience the Wii interactive gaming system. Open play for Wii games is every Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Table games such as Scrabble and Dominoes are also available for you to play. Check out games at the Reception Desk. Page 8 Calendar for March 2015 Posted Separately Please Click On Page 9 Calendar for March 2015 Posted Separately Please Click On Page 10 CLASSES EXERCISE CLASSES OPEN EXERCISE Are you looking for an exercise routine that you can do at your own pace? Open Exercise is for you! Follow the video provided and do the exercise at your own pace and skill level. Instructor: C. Wesling. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing M-F 8-9:30am Free MORNING FLOW YOGA Begin your day and awaken your body with Flow Yoga. This practice seamlessly blends movement and posture with breath, to strengthen the body, relax the mind, and develop inner peace. Use this ancient art to improve flexibility and concentration, renew energy and regulate stress. Please bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing. Instructor: D. Aithal. *Pay as you go. No class March 2nd & 9th. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing M 8:45-9:45am $5* BALANCE AND MOBILITY Class will include various activities to help yourself to health through physical fitness strategies, discussion on healthy lifestyle, and how to maintain good health, including exercises to gain or maintain good balance and increase mobility. Instructor: K. Yu, NOCCCD-OAP. No class March 30th & April 3rd. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing M 8:30-10:30am Free Ongoing F 3-5pm Free PHYSICAL FITNESS Class will include various activities to help yourself to health through physical fitness activities, discussion on healthy lifestyle, and how to maintain good physical health. Instructors: Monday class - B. Brayshaw; Thursday class S. Rothery, NOCCCD -OAP. No class Monday, March 30th & April 2nd. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing M 10am-12pm Free Ongoing TH 10am-12pm Free YOGA MEDITATION The meditation teachings in this class are based upon ancient Buddhist Teachings. The class includes active and passive stretching movements and meditation. Please bring yoga mat, towel or blanket, and a bandana to class. Instructor: S. Haque. CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE 11165 3/30-5/4 M 1-3pm $48 11166 4/3-5/8 F 10am-12pm $40 11167 3/30-5/8 M & 1-3pm $77 F 10am-12pm CHAIR EXERCISE Class will include activities to help yourself to health through physical fitness activities, discussion on healthy lifestyle, and how to maintain good health. This class combines strengthening, cardio, and a chair for balance to create a dynamic workout with the use of light hand weights, theraband resistance, and light-weight balls. Instructor: K. Mastin, NOCCCD-OAP. *$4 pay as you go March 30th & April 1st . DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing M 2-4pm Free * Ongoing W 9:30-11:20am Free * TAI CHI The art of Tai Chi is beneficial to people of all ages, especially older adults. Join this Tai Chi class to learn and enhance your knowledge of these slow, harmonious, routine movements designed to promote health and longevity. Beginners to advanced are all welcome. Instructor: Volunteer. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing T 9-10am Free EXERCISE WITH MARY JO This is an exercise program designed to maintain and improve joint mobility, tone muscles, improve posture and relaxation through gentle voluntary exercises in a fun group setting. These exercises are conducted with participants sitting and/or standing. Through the program, people with arthritis and other disabilities will learn to improve their physical fitness and overall health. Instructor: M. Hesketh, Certified Arthritis Foundation for Exercise Instructor. *Pay as you go. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing T 10-11:15am $3* YOGA CLUB Do you enjoy Yoga? Join the Yoga Club to become more physically fit and flexible, meet new friends, and most of all to HAVE FUN! No yoga experience is needed. During each meeting Yoga will be followed by relaxation. Each Yoga session begins with the Yoga Club chant, “I’M ALIVE, I’M WELL, I FEEL GREAT!” Instructor: J. Rice. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing W 8:30 - 10am Free Page 11 Page 5 CLASSES EXERCISE CLASSES EXERCISE CLASSES ZUMBA GOLD 6 Weeks/Session Zumba Gold is a fun and effective workout that combines fitness and dance to achieve results. It's designed for the active older adult or anyone who would like a slower-paced class. Dance your way to better fitness while having fun to the Latin rhythms of Salsa, Merengue, Cha Cha, Mambo, Cumbia, and more. No partner required! Instructor: L. Morris. CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE 11157 4/2-5/7 TH 8:15-9:15am $30 LITE AEROBICS This health and wellness class includes light aerobic movement, weight training, core development, and stretching. Participants will sit, stand, and move around. Along with exercise, we will also have a discussion on health topics. This is a moderate level class. Instructor: L. Gallagher, NOCCCD-OAP. No class April 3rd. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing F 9:30-11:30am Free RELAXATION & MEDITATION Calming the mind and body are important aspects of living a healthy life. Meditation and/or relaxation helps balance out our hectic lives. Learn these nonreligious relaxation techniques and share the friendship of others, gaining a better mind-body connection. No experience needed. Bring a mat and cushion for sitting. Instructor: J. Rice. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing TH 9-10am Free MELT METHOD In just 60 minutes, you can ease tension in your back, hips, neck, and shoulders! Learn simple selfcare techniques you can use every day to make your body feel better and function more efficiently. The MELT Method is an innovative science-based self-treatment program. Instructor: N. Parker. *5 weeks. HANDS & FACE LIFT CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE 11148 3/19 TH 9:45-10:30am $5 11152 4/16 TH 9:45-10:30am $5 HANDS, FEET & ROLLER COMBO CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE 11145 3/5-3/26 TH 10:30-11:30am $32 11149 4/2-4/30* TH 10:30-11:30am $40 TAI CHI CHUAN Class includes various activities to help yourself to health through physical fitness, discussion on healthy lifestyles, and how to maintain good health. Learn the art of Tai Chi Chuan to strengthen muscles and relax the mind and body. Instructor: D. Layne, NOCCCD - OAP. No class April 2nd. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing TH 1-2:30pm Free DANCE CLASSES BEGINNING COUNTRY LINE DANCE Join this beginner’s class to learn the basic steps to country line dancing. Instructor: Gustavo. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing T 1-2pm Free BEGINNING TO INTERMEDIATE COUNTRY LINE DANCE This class is for those who are getting ready to transition into the intermediate line dance class. You will review the basic steps and start to learn some intermediate steps as well. Instructor: M. Velasco. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing T 2-3pm Free Ongoing F 12:15-2:15pm Free COUNTRY LINE DANCING Work on your dancing skills in this split level class. The first hour of class is advanced country line dance and the second hour is intermediate country line dance. Instructors: M. Baligad and A. Lim. CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE Advanced Ongoing T 12-1pm Free Intermediate Ongoing T 1-2pm Free HULA Learn the richness of the Hawaiian culture through the Art of Hula Auana (modern style). You will learn basic technique, self-expression and hula dances. It is a great form of overall exercise that provides opportunities to be socially and mentally engaged. Join our adult hula class for beginners. Instructor: R. Reese. CLASS DAY TIME FEE Ongoing M 10:45am-12pm Free Page 12 CLASSES DANCE CLASSES CREATIVE ARTS CLASSES ADVANCED ROUND DANCE Advanced round dance is a choreographed ballroom dance. We will have beautiful music with routines cued for you as you dance. Advanced round dance is for those with some previous dancing experience. Workshop includes new routines and technique clinics during an evening of dancing. Instructor: D & S Finch. DATE DAY TIME FEE Ongoing T 6:20-9:30pm $7 Ongoing TH 7:00-9:30pm $7 PAINTING This painting class offers students an individualized approach to learn painting and artistic expression at their own pace, within their interest and style. Techniques include drawing, brush strokes, color mixing and application. Instructor: M. Bacon, NOCCCD - OAP. No class March 31st. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing T 9-11am Free CERAMICS This course includes lecture, demonstration and application of ceramic art work. Students will learn mold selection, glazing, decorating techniques, and proper firing procedures. Individual artistic creativity is encouraged. Instructor: C. Reynolds, NOCCCDOAP. No class March 31st. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing T 12:30-2:30pm Free Ongoing T 2:30-4:30pm Free CREATIVE ARTS CLASSES QUILT & SEW This course offers the essentials of quilting, which includes fabric selection, cutting and sewing methods, along with the history and vocabulary of the craft. Special techniques are covered, such as patchwork, appliqué, hand and machine methods, and finishing techniques. Instructor: L. Smith, NOCCCD-OAP. No class March 30th. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing M 9:45am - 12:15pm Free ART ACADEMY (6 Weeks) Hands-on art lessons including oil, acrylic, pastels, watercolor techniques and much more! We will also touch upon art history and more! Instructor will discuss materials needed after the first class. Instructor: M. Oropeza. CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE 11187 4/6-5/11 M 1:30-4:30pm $40 ONE STROKE PAINTING (1 Day) One stroke painting creates beautiful shadows, color changes, and designs in just one stroke. It is easy and fun to learn! We will make beautiful hand-painted gifts on different surfaces, ranging from canvas boards, greeting cards, gift bags, and candles. Materials are included in the course fee. Instructor: J. Kenan. Must register by 5:00 pm the day before the class. CLASS PROJECT DATE TIME FEE 11173 Flowers/Butterflies -Bag/Card 3/11 10am-12pm $15 11178 Silhouette Egret Canvas 4/8 10am-12pm $15 CREATIVE WRITING Join prize-winning and published author Barbara French as she teaches both beginning and experienced writers. She will teach how to create and shape autobiographies, fiction and non-fiction writing, and poetry into readable and publishable forms. Instructor: B. French, NOCCCD-OAP. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing T 1:00-3:00pm Free CALLIGRAPHY Learn the unique, beautiful and historical art of calligraphy. Instruction is provided to learn both letters and numbers. Instructor: M. Callanan. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing F 9am-12pm Free Page 13 CLASSES MUSIC CLASSES PIANO FOR YOU! Learn to play the piano at your own pace in a group setting. Keyboards will be provided during class time; however, participants must have access to keyboard or piano to practice on outside of class. $10.00 cash material fee, payable to the instructor, will provide you with your instructional book and you'll be on your way. Instructor: Music Academy Staff. CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE 11876 4/2-4/30 TH 9:00 - 9:50am $45 11211 4/2-4/30 TH 10:00-10:50am $45 11212 4/2-4/30 TH 11:00-11:50am $45 11877 5/14-6/11 TH 9:00-9:50am $45 11213 5/14-6/11 TH 10:00-10:50am $45 11214 5/14-6/11 TH 11:00-11:50am $45 SENIOR CHORUS Have fun while you learn the basics of singing, breath support, tone production, vowel formation, enunciation and singing in parts. No previous experience is necessary. Instructor: L. Lassetter, NOCCCD - OAP. No class April 3rd. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing F 9:30-11:30am Free SPECIAL INTEREST CLASSES KEEP YOUR BRAIN BUFF We all work to keep our bodies in shape, but what about our brains? The good news is that you don't have to work up a sweat to exercise your brain. This free and fun class will work out your brain through socializing, playing, exercising, challenging your mind, and learning something new. Every week is different. Instructor: G. Heins. No class March 31st. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing T 10:30-11:30am Free MATURE DRIVING A DMV Certificate of Completion of this 8-hour classroom setting course will be provided as evidence of attendance to potentially obtain reduced insurance rates. We will review how age may affect your ability to drive along with a refresher on traffic laws and safety techniques. Pre-registration is required. Space is limited. There are no refunds or transfers. Instructor: R. Clifton. CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE 11112 5/6 & 5/7 W & TH 1-5PM $5 SPECIAL INTEREST CLASSES MAHJONG Play a fun and exciting game of mahjong and meet new friends! Similar to the Western card game rummy, mahjong is a game of skill, strategy and calculation and involves a certain degree of chance. This mahjong class is for people of all skill levels from beginning to advanced. Instructor: Volunteer. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing W&F 12-4:30pm Free “LET’S REVIEW” BOOK CLUB If you like to read, join the Let’s Review Book Club. Share your opinions about books you have recently read. No specific reading is assigned; come and tell us what you’ve read, and why you would or would not recommend a book. Instructor: N. Gonzales. DATES DAY TIME FEE Ongoing F 1:00 - 2:00pm Free TECHNOLOGY CLASSES COMPUTER BASICS (2 Weeks) This class is for those students who might have little or NO experience with a computer. Lessons include: How to use a mouse, and get to know the keyboard. This class is a preparatory class for the “Beginning Computers.” Instructor: K. Wagner. CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE 11196 3/2-3/9 M 10-11:30am $15 11198 3/30-4/6 M 10-11:30am $15 BEGINNING COMPUTERS (4 Weeks) Students will use Windows Explorer to learn basic file management skills which consist of creating folders, subfolders and managing files (documents and pictures). Other subjects include Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Instructor: K. Wagner. CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE 11204 3/31-4/21 T 10-11:30am $25 $2.00 non-resident fee applies to all fee based classes with a fee higher than $10. Page 14 Page 10Page CLASSES TECHNOLOGY CLASSES MOVIES FOR MARCH Enjoy a Free Movie & Popcorn Wednesdays at 12:45 pm Movies are scheduled based on their announced DVD release dates; subject to change without notice. Assistive listening devices are available 4 - The Judge [R] 2hr/12min Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Vera Farmiga 11 - Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day [PG] 1hr/20min Steve Carell, Jennifer Garner ONE-ON-ONE COMPUTER LESSON Spend one hour of one-on-one time with the instructor learning more on how to email, surf the web, basic computer functions, emailing and saving pictures. Held only at the Cypress Senior Center Computer Lab during business hours. Coupons are not replaceable if lost or stolen. Purchase coupons at the Reception Desk. Fee: $18.00/hour. iLEARN CLASSES iLEARN BASICS OF iPAD/iPHONE/iPOD This is a beginner level class designed to introduce you to the basics of using an iPad, iPhone, or iPod. Yo u w i l l b e learning how to sync your device to a computer, daily use, and special built-in shortcuts. Please bring device for a more hands-on experience, but not necessary. Instructor: H. Ying. Free stylus pen with every registration. CLASS DATES DAY TIME FEE 11191 3/25 W 10-11:30am $15 11192 4/29 W 10-11:30am $15 ONE-ON-ONE iLEARN LESSON Join instructor, Howard Ying for a one-on-one hour of hands-on learning to use your iPad, iPhone or iPod. He will assist you from the most basic to the most detailed functions. Held only at the Cypress Senior Center during Business Hours. Coupons are not replaceable if lost or stolen. Purchase coupons at the Reception Desk. Fee: $25/hour. 18 - The Maze Runner [PG-13] 1hr/54min Dylan O’Brien, Thomas Brodie-Sangst 25 - The Best of Me [PG-13] 1hr/58min Michelle Monaghan, James Marsden POPCORN PROVIDED BY HUMANA BATTERY RECYCLING Help keep our city green. Batteries contain toxic elements. DO NOT dispose of them in the trash. If you have batteries to dispose of, please bring your batteries to the Reception Desk. We cannot handle sharps or medication for recycling. SUGGESTION BOX Suggestions or compliments for the Cypress Senior Center? The Cypress Senior Citizens Commission has a suggestion box located in the Galleria, outside of the Conference Room. Everyone is welcome to add their comments. Suggestions will be reviewed by the Commission at their monthly meeting on the second Wednesday of each month. CLUB INFORMATION PLUS 40’S DANCE Swing & Sway with a Live Band! Wednesday Nights 7:00 - 10:00 pm $5.00 per person Offered by the Cypress Senior Citizens Club at the Cypress Senior Center FUN! REFRESHMENTS! BINGO! SPECIAL EVENTS! CYPRESS SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB Meets every Monday from 7:00 - 9:00 pm CYPRESS SUNSHINE CLUB Meets every Thursday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm Page 15 You’re Invited to Bunco March 13th 6:00 - 9:00 pm Fee: $10 March Birthday Celebration! Monday, March 16th Lunch at 12:00 pm Dessert served after lunch For Cypress residents 60 years or older, your lunch is on us on March 16th only if you show your birthday is in March Dinner at 6:00 pm Bunco play starts at 6:30 pm March Course #10130 For details please see Page 1 St. Patrick’s Day Lunch Tuesday, March 17th 12:00 Noon Fun! Music! Traditional Irish Lunch! in Cypress Hats Off to You! Wear a hat and Join in the fun at lunch on Friday, April 10th Karaoke Music by DJ Max Don’t forget to wear green! Lunch Check-in Desk Opens at 10:15 am 100 Lunches Available First-Come/First Served Dessert Sponsored by Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! Lunch check-in desk opens at 10:15 am First-come, first-served Lunch served at 12:00 Noon Subscription to “Along the Way” A one year subscription to the Cypress Senior Center’s Newsletter, “Along the Way” delivered to your home for only $7.50 a year! __YES! Send me my one year subscription for “Along the Way.” Please send check only, payable to the City of Cypress. You may also pay cash at the Reception Desk. __RENEW my subscription for one year. NAME _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________ Street/Apartment # ____________________________________________________________ City State Zip PHONE NUMBER__________________________ DATE:_____________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________ Mail your completed form and check to: Cypress Senior Center, 9031 Grindlay Street, Cypress, CA 90630 Cypress Senior Center 9031 Grindlay Street Cypress, CA 90630 Phone: (714) 229-2005 Fax: (714) 229-2008 Website: The Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm THANK YOU! To the following for their donations or sponsorship of special events Associated Student Body of Oxford Academy CareMore Humana Nurse Next Door Optum Medical Partners Right at Home - Cypress
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