24th Homerange Training on Rearing of KARI Improved Kienyeji chicken Dear friends, Thank you for our keen interest in improved kienyeji / indigenous chicken. The idea to train people on the rearing of improved kienyeji chicken came after our own experiences and hurdles in setting up our improved Kienyeji farms. We came to the realization that there is no central place one can get reliable information on rearing of indigenous chicken, and in the event that one gets the literature, one lacks the opportunity to seek further clarification on various issues that he/she might have after going over the information provided. We thought it beneficial to hold such training and create a forum for farmers engaged in or interested specifically in the rearing of indigenous chicken to interact, learn and build networks through which everyone can get support, advice and information whenever they need it. To this end, we are delighted to invite you to our 24th Homerange Training on rearing of Improved Kienyeji chicken (Valentine Edition). Date: Saturday, 28th February 2015 Time: 9.30 am – 5.30 pm Venue: South Muchatha Junior Academy, Ruaka Town. (Kindly refer to the attached map for directions) The training shall focus on the following topics:- 1. Introduction to poultry farming: indigenous / kienyeji chicken. 2. Incubation and hatching of indigenous / kienyeji chicken eggs. 3. Brooding management. 4. Indigenous / kienyeji chicken housing. 5. Feeding of indigenous / Kienyeji chicken. Kamutaro, along Ruaka – Raini Road (Ruaka) P.O. Box 641 – 00508, Nairobi – Kenya. Mobile: +254 786 942 052, +254 727 200 116, Email: homerangepoultrykenya@gmail.com ; info@homerangepoultry.com Website: www.homrangepoultry.com 6. Poultry health & disease management in indigenous / Kienyeji chicken. 7. Records keeping and Farm management. The training will comprise of both theory and also practical training that will involve a visit to our poultry farm at Ruaka along Banana Raini road to learn hands-on how to rear the improved kienyeji kuku. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. For lunch, you are however advised to make private arrangements or perhaps carry a light packed lunch. We shall offer all the training materials on soft copy for your take-away so KINDLY BRING ALONG A FLASH DISK WITH A CAPACITY OF ATLEAST 1 GB. Also, please do bring a writing pad and a pen for your own use. Feel free to bring along your laptops or tablets if you so wish as well. Please feel free to take photos both at the training and the farm. We shall also have on sale our KARI IMPROVED KIENYEJI CHICKEN COMPREHENSIVE REARING GUIDE booklet at Kshs. 500. For those with private transportation, there is sufficient parking space available and for those who will be using public means, you will be dropped right at the gate to the venue so not to worry about having to walk too far. Charges & Payment: Charges are Kshs. 1,500 per person. All payments should be remitted not later than Thursday, 26th February 2015 to allow us make arrangements for the training. Kindly remit the payment through usual MPESA No. 0727 200 116 Name: IAN MUTWIRI. For those who remit payment with a number different from the one they have made a booking with kindly send an sms to 0727 200 116 or 0786 942 052 and indicate your name and MPESA transaction code so we are able to know for whom the payment is for. For any clarifications or more information you may require please feel free to contact us on:Homerange Poultry Kenya, Kamutaro, along Ruaka – Raini Road (Ruaka) P.O. Box 641 – 00508, Nairobi – Kenya. Mobile: +254 786 942 052, +254 727 200 116, Email: homerangepoultrykenya@gmail.com ; info@homerangepoultry.com Website: www.homrangepoultry.com P.O. Box 641 – 00518, Nairobi – Kenya. Mobile: 0786 942 052 0727 200 116 Email: info@homerangepoultry.com homerangepoultrykenya@gmail.com homerangepoultry.farm@facebook.com Website: www.homerangepoultry.com https://www.facebook.com/homerangepoultry.farm Kamutaro, along Ruaka – Raini Road (Ruaka) P.O. Box 641 – 00508, Nairobi – Kenya. Mobile: +254 786 942 052, +254 727 200 116, Email: homerangepoultrykenya@gmail.com ; info@homerangepoultry.com Website: www.homrangepoultry.com
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