PARENT’S HANDBOOK Issued February 2015 v5 A NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION CLASSES Children will be placed in classes appropriate for their age from 3 to 5 years old. After that they will be placed in badge appropriate classes. FEES Registration Fee $40/school year 45 Min. Moms & Tots Class $200/session 45 Min. Kindergym (3-5 Yrs) $200/session 1 Hour Class (6 Yrs & Up) $225/session Conditioning (9 Yrs & Up)* $ 75/session Cash or cheque only. Cheques made payable to Whitecourt Gymnastics Club. NSF Fee $25. * If a student is registered in a gymnastics class and a conditioning class the Registration Fee for the conditioning class will be waived. The club requires all Kindergym children to be fully potty trained. Please approach the Parent Liaison if you have any questions or concerns. We will try to make classes available for most of the students. Please let us know if a certain day does not work for your family. Makeup classes will only occur in the case of Stat Holidays and will take place at the end of the session. It will be posted on the Info Board at the gym entrance and on the Schedules web page. We do not have makeup classes for no school days or bad weather days. WITHDRAWAL / CANCELLATION Parents may withdraw the gymnast from classes upon notification of the class day and time if they wish to do so. Parent’s must notify Whitecourt Gymnastics Club prior to the start of the session (first week of classes) to receive a full refund Registration Fee plus Session Fee. If the request to withdraw occurs after the start of the session, a prorated amount minus the Registration Fee will be issued up to the 3rd class. PICK-UP TIMES Parents/Guardians must come inside to pick-up their children. Gymnasts will not be released from class until their parent/guardian arrives. BULLYING Bullying will not be tolerated in Gymnastics. 1st Incident the Gymnast will receive a verbal warning and not be allowed to participate for the remainder of class time. 2nd Incident the Gymnast will receive a verbal warning and a written warning will be sent to the parents, the gymnast will also not be allowed to participate for the remainder of class time. 3rd Incident the Gymnast will be removed from the program for 1 full year commencing on the date of expulsion. PARENT CONCERNS RULES FOR GYMNASTS 1. When a parent has a concern/complaint please wait 24 hours and then contact our Parent Liaison by email. The 24 hours will allow for everyone to deal with the issue in an appropriate manner. No Swearing 2. No Jewelry Please Note: We cannot help parents if they do not let us know there is an issue. Complaining amongst each other will do no one any good so please let us know what your concerns are. Thank you. 3. ABOLUTELY No Cleavage or Revealing Clothing 4. No Food or Drink in the Gym 5. No Outside Footwear in Gym 6. No Running 7. No Front/Back Flips 8. No Long Pants or Zippers 9. No Decorative Headbands Coaches are not to be approached by parents at any time for complaints. If a coach is approached in this manner, it could be used to remove your child from gymnastics as it will be viewed as a 3rd Incident Bullying Infraction. 10. No Loose Shorts 11. Long Hair Must Be Pulled Back 12. Please Report All Injuries Failure to adhere to these rules will require the Gymnast to sit out the entire class. Please note that we will accept taping on newly pierced ears. If gymnasts are not in proper attire they will not participate for that class. Respect all equipment and do not use equipment if a coach is not present. If a gymnast is caught on equipment without a coach they will be given a warning, if they do it again they will sit out the remainder of class. BOARD MEMBER CONTACTS President | Cindy Jocksch Vice President | Hayley Short Registrar | Tanya McDonald Assistant Registrar | vacant Treasurer | Deena Trischuk Secretary | Jessica Bezushko Public Relations/Media | Tammy Moffat Parent Liaison | Jammie Rollheiser HAVE FUN!! PLEASE REMEMBER The Board of Whitecourt Gymnastics is made up entirely by volunteers. We want the best for all of our children. We have lives of our own you may have to wait a day or two for one of us to get back to you. CONTACT US Box 2516 Whitecourt, Alberta T7S 2A1 Whitecourt Gymnastics Parents Handbook | February 2015 v5 Email. whitecourt gymnastics club
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