CAMPUS VOICE NORTHWESTERN CONNECTICUT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Inside this week’s issue ~ FEBRUARY 23, 2015 Climbing Wall and Ropes Course Ballroom Dance (p 2) Campus Events Calendar (p 6) Career Training for SNAP Recipients (p 4) Center for Workforce Development (p 6) Disney Program Internship Opportunity (p 2) e-Portfolio Help (p 2) Improv Workshops (p 6) Lost & Found (p 2) Mad River Literary Festival (p 4) Penguin Plunge (p 2) Scholarship Info (p 5) Student Club Meeting/ Event Information (p 3) Transfer Representative Visit Schedule (p 4) On Wednesday, February 18th, instructors Melissa Bettigole and Christa Whitten and trained spotters worked with students to safely traverse the climbing walls and the ropes course. Have YOU ever wanted to try this? Here’s your chance!! Join us on Wednesday, February 25th in GW 128, 3:00-4:30pm. Sign-up is not required; 1st come, 1st served. And it’s FREE!! You CAN do this. Come and try it!! Sponsored by your Student Senate RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE THURSDAY, February 26th Greenwoods Hall Room 128 — 11:00am-4:00pm We need your help! Please consider being a blood donor or a volunteer! Blood donors: Plan about an hour for the procedure. The appointments are every 15 minutes. Be sure to bring a photo ID with you. Eat well and drink plenty of water the day before and the day of the drive. If you have never given blood before, let us know. We have helpful information that will make your experience a positive one. Volunteers: We also need folks to help with registration, the canteen, and as escorts for the donors. For more information, to volunteer, or to make an appointment, contact the Student Activities Office, GW110, 860-738-6344, Sponsored by your Student Senate. CAMPUS VOICE PAGE 2 THE DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM — NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FALL OF 2015! It's now time to apply for a Fall or Fall Advantage Internship! Disney is now on a nationwide search for bright, talented students seeking an internship opportunity of a lifetime as a Disney College Program participant at the Walt Disney World Resort or Disneyland Resort. They are currently looking for students to participate in the following program sessions for 2015: Walt Disney World Resort (near Orlando, FL) *2015 Fall – approximately mid/late August - early January *2015 Fall Advantage – approximately mid/late May - early January They do not have a summer-only program session available. Disneyland Resort (in Anaheim, CA) *2015 Fall - approximately August - early January (August - January participants must reside in Disney Company-Sponsored Housing) *2015 Fall - approximately May - early January (May - January participants must be able to provide their own housing) Rescheduled!!! Saturday, March 7th NCCC’s Student Nurses' Association has once again formed a Penguin Plunge team to raise funds for Special Olympics Connecticut's year-round programs of sports training and athletic competition for people with intellectual disabilities. The team is diving into the icy cold water of Highland Lake on March 7th at noon. Come cheer on the team! If you can make a financial contribution please click on this link: ways-give/penguin-plunge/ Select Winsted, then search for our team: NCCC Student Nurses. FEBRUARY 23, 2015 How to apply: • Explore to learn more about this unique program. • Click “Apply Now” and follow the instructions to submit an application. Professor Royals has supervised many interns that have successfully completed this worthwhile internship program. Students interested in participating in a Disney College Program Internship and earning college credit by enrolling in the NCCC Business Internship class should schedule an appointment to meet with Professor Royals ASAP. Please refer to the College catalog for the Business Internship course prerequisites and requirements. Lost and Found… Lost and Found services are maintained in the Information Center (FH 104) and the Student Activities Office (GW 110). If you have lost an item while on campus, please check with Darlene at the Information Center (FH 104) or by phone at 860-738-6300 or the Office of Student Activities at 860-738-6343 (Susan) or 860-738-6344 (Kathy) as soon as possible. Positive ID is required when collecting your lost item. Any items not claimed soon will be donated to Goodwill. Ballroom Dance Classes This popular dance series returns!! If you haven’t tried it, come join us and have some fun! Singles and couples are welcome. Classes will be held on the following Fridays from 7:00-9:00pm in GW 128: March 13, April 10, May 8 and May 29. If you don't specifically select our team we won't get credit for your donation. For questions please contact team captain Jessica Phillips FREE for registered NCCC credit students. at . Thanks in advance for your support!! Non-students: $10 per person payable at the door on the night of class. Do you need help with ePortfolio? Help is now available in the Founders Hall Computer Lab (FX 111) on: Tuesdays—3:30-7:00pm Thursdays—10:30am—2:00pm OPEN GYM NCCC’s Men’s Basketball Team Schedule Monday—Thursday 10am-4:30pm Spring 2015 (Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:30-4:00pm reserved for basketball only) March 1 at 11:00am March 8 at 10:00am The NCCC Gym (GW 128) is open to all registered students for basketball, ping pong and, with advanced requests, volleyball and dodge ball. March 15 at 9:00am Playoffs begin March 22 Equipment is provided. Stop by Student Activities (GW 110) to sign in. If you have ideas or suggestions, please let us know. All games held Sundays at Pearson School in Winsted. PAGE 3 CAMPUS VOICE FEBRUARY 23, 2015 STUDENT CLUB MEETING & EVENT INFORMATION Club Meeting Calendar: CJ Association—Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15pm, FH Conference Room Dungeons and Dragons Club—Tuesdays, 1-4pm, FH 301 Early Childhood Education Association— Meeting Monday, March 2, 4-4:50pm, FH207 Film Club—Thursdays, 11:45am-1:00pm, Library (ask at main desk for room number); advisor Lois Scozzari History Association—Wednesdays at 4:15, FH 306 NW Deaf Club—Tuesdays, 3:45-4:45pm, GW 304 NCCC Student Nurses Association—Monday, February 23, 2:30-3:30pm, FH Conference Room REAL Club—Thursday, February 26th, 11:45am12:45pm, ASB 205. Bring your lunch; snacks will be provided. Open-minded people welcome! Student Senate—Tuesdays, 11:45-1:00pm, GW 110; all meetings are open to all registered students. Contact advisor Kathy Chapman Writer’s Club—Fridays, 2:30pm, The Oasis (behind Founders Hall) Join the Spanish Club! We are meeting Tuesdays, February 24th and March 9th, at 12 noon in FH room 207. Help us plan the semester's activities (April 11 trip to NYC; trip to Hartford Stage; Fiesta de Mayo campus dance party), practice our Spanish, play games and eat Spanish-style snacks! Join us! All welcome, regardless of Spanish level. For more information, contact Jessica Treat, Business Club Organizational Meeting REAL Club Meeting Thursday, February 26, 12noon-1:00 pm, Founders Hall Conference Room Thursday, February 26, 11:45am-12:45pm, ASB Rm 205 Students interested in joining the NCCC Business Club are encouraged to attend this very important organizational meeting. For more information contact Professor Valerie Royals at or Dr. David Rodgers at History Association 9th Annual Jeopardy Challenge Friday, March 13, 6:00-10:00pm, FH Auditorium Please join REAL Club Advisor Karen Hunter to discuss current events surrounding human rights including the following recent news events: ABC News reports: Alabama Minister Arrested for Disorderly Conduct After Trying to Officiate Gay Marriage New York Times reports: Federal Judge Sets Hearing in Alabama on Same-Sex Marriage The HUFFPOST GAY VOICES reports: In Some Alabama Counties, Same-Sex Marriage Licenses Denied Despite Court Order The Challenge is a tournament for members of on-campus student groups who come together to compete in a “Jeopardy” style contest. Please contact Professor Todd Bryda at, or call (860) 738-6302 for further information on how to donate to this very worthwhile fundraiser and about the Jeopardy Club Challenge. Come bowling with the Criminal Justice Club to support MS!! 2 Bowling Frames and Shoe Rental Proceeds go to support the fight against Multiple Sclerosis!! Northwestern’s Christian Students’ Association For more information contact or call 860-738-6388 4pm- 10pm CAMPUS VOICE PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 23, 2015 TRANSFER REPRESENTATIVES SCHEDULE SPRING 2015 Day & Date Time Institution Website Representative Location Visit Doug Benoit ASB General MARCH Tuesday, 3/3 10:00am-1:00pm Central CT State University APRIL Tuesday, 4/7 10:00am-1:00pm University of Saint Joseph Beverly Schott FH 1st Fl General Monday, 4/20 10:00am-1:00pm Bay Path Carolyn Freer ASB General 10:00am-1:00pm Central CT State University University of Bridgeport Doug Benoit FH 1st Fl General Brittney Fandel ASB General Tuesday, 4/21 10:00am-1:00pm Additional transfer representative visits will be scheduled this semester; please check back for updates!! Mad River Literary Festival Creative Writers! The 19th annual Mad River Literary Festival will be held April 14th and 15th in the FH Auditorium (6:30 pm). Submit your work to NCCC's annual literary journal, the Mad River Anthology. Please send submissions of poetry, stories, or essays (as Word Document attachments) to Professor Treat at: by March 1. On Tuesday, April 14th, there will be a reading by students, staff and community members followed by a presentation and reading by novelist Karen Shepard (The Celestials, a Book Circle pick). The presentation will include a slide presentation and a talk about the origin of the novel. Wednesday, April 15th will be given over to two dynamic poets, Kate Rushin and Doug Anderson. Photographers! Please put 'Mad River Anthology' in the subject line and be sure to state your name and contact info. Photographers: submit photographs you would like to be considered, either digitally or in hard copy. Author websites: Free Career Training for SNAP recipients at Northwestern CT Community College Persons receiving SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) assistance may now be eligible to take one of NCCC’s 6 in-demand workforce training programs for free. These programs include Certified Nurse Aide, CT Security Officer, Emergency Medical Technician, Pharmacy Technician, Microsoft Office Suite with Bookkeeping QuickBooks Certificate, and Introduction to Manufacturing Certificate. NCCC’s Center for Workforce Development has recently been accepted as the latest partner in the SNAP E&T Program, a federally-funded initiative that provides scholarships for SNAP recipients to receive the training needed to obtain jobs, with high growth prospects. These scholarships are administered at the State level via the Department of Social Services. Note: SNAP recipients receiving TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families) funds are not eligible for the NCCC scholarship. For more information call (860) 738-6419 or e-mail: PAGE 5 CAMPUS VOICE SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Attention all Continuing and Graduating Students! Are you in need of financial assistance to pay for tuition, books, supplies, etc. for the fall 2015 semester? Then you should know that the following scholarships are available for continuing and graduating students in the following academic programs: Art: Mildred M. Murdock - $500 Robert C. White – $500 Business: Phoenix Scholars - $500 Professor Gautam K. Shah Memorial - $500 CEDHH (Collegiate Education for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing) Sarino & Marguerite DiMauro - $500 John G. Groppo—$500 Lions Club Zones (TBD) Winsted Lions Club (TBD) Criminal Justice: John A. Albani - $500 Early Childhood Education: Dr. Elaine Stewart McKirdy – up to full time tuition and fees English/Literature: Marion William Edwards - $1,000 History: Professor John F. Ferguson Memorial - $500 George L. Sherwood - $200 Math/Science: George J. Atcheson - $500 Raymond W. Atcheson - $500 Regina M. Duffy #2 – $2,500 Medical Assisting: Lucy B. LaMere Memorial - $500 Many additional scholarships that are not program-specific are also available. The deadline for submission of all scholarship application documents is Friday, March 27, 2015. For more information, contact Susan Widmer, 860-738-6423 or email at FEBRUARY 23, 2015 OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE: Applications for the following scholarships are available in the Financial Aid Office (GW 224): 2014-15 Greenwoods Scholarship Foundation—for students from the towns of Barkhamsted, Colebrook, Hartland, New Hartford, Norfolk, and Winsted, as well as students at Northwestern Connecticut Community College. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Deadline: February 27, 2015. Twelve $1,000 Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Auxiliary Scholarships are available students who plan to enter a health-related field. The application is available now in the Financial Aid Office. Be certain to follow the specific instructions for this scholarship including the necessity of providing two letters of recommendation, and carefully typing the application. The deadline is March 11, 2015 to have completed and returned the application form with official academic transcript and letters of recommendation. MassMutual Scholars Program Scholarships Are you a high achiever? Have you entered your sophomore year at NCCC? Do you have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA? Are you interested in pursuing a career in the insurance or financial services industry? If you can answer “yes” to all of the above, then you may qualify for a $5,000 scholarship from the MassMutual Scholars Program. Application and further information is available at Deadline: March 31, 2015 The Connecticut Association of Latin Americans in Higher Education (CALAHE) will award several $1,000 scholarships for the 2015-16 academic year. Scholarship applications are available in the NCCC Financial Aid Office or may be downloaded from the CALAHE homepage Deadline: April 18, 2015 Finch College Alumni Association Foundation Trust Scholarships are available for Community College students transferring to a four-year college. Information and forms are available in the Financial Aid Office Greenwoods Hall Room 224 and at . Deadline: May 15, 2015 Additional scholarship information is available in the NCCC Financial Aid Office, Greenwoods Hall, Room 224. Scholarships are awarded annually by Northwestern Connecticut Community College (NCCC) to currently enrolled students who will be continuing at NCCC in the fall 2015 semester and currently enrolled students who will be graduating from NCCC in May 2015 and transferring to a four-year college or university in the fall 2015 semester. To be eligible to apply for NCCC and NCCF Scholarships, applicants: **must be a matriculated student at NCCC (enrolled in an associate degree program) **must have completed at least six (6) credits in college-level courses (100-level or above) **full-time student scholarship recipients must enroll for at least twelve (12) credits **part-time student scholarship recipients must enroll for at least six (6) credits To apply, applicants: **must complete the on-line scholarship application (including essay) by Friday, March 27, 2015. **must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 1, 2015 (applicants must file the 2015-16 Free Application for Federal Student Aid [FAFSA] to be considered for any scholarship that requires demonstrated financial need; detailed instructions for completing the FAFSA are contained in the Financial Aid section of the College’s webpage.) **must be a matriculated student at NCCC (enrolled in an associate degree program) **must submit a letter of recommendation from a NCCC faculty or staff member FEBRUARY 23, 2015 CAMPUS VOICE CAMPUS EVENTS CALENDAR Improv for Everyone February 25 February 26 March 1 March 6 March 8 March 13 Ever watch “Who’s Line Is It Anyway?” and thought you would have fun doing that? March 15 March 15-22 March 27 March 31 April 9 April 10 April 11 April 15-16 April 22 Join us on Thursday Nights Open, Drop-in IMPROV Workshops Jan 22 – May 21 6:30pm in ASB 205 PAGE 6 FREE No registration required. Join us at any point. April 23 Learn about improvisation by actually playing in an informal setting with improvers of all skills. Try it out and have fun doing it. Open to all ages from high school to senior citizens. This one-hour intro to improv is open to all ages. This is an opportunity to find out about improv theater and try it for yourself without any obligation. Climbing Wall/Ropes Course, 3-4:30pm, GW 128 Blood Drive, 10am-3pm, GW 128 Men’s Basketball Game*, 11am CJ Club—Bowling Tournament Men’s Basketball Game*, 10am Ballroom Dance, 7-9pm, GW 128 Jeopardy Challenge, 6-9pm, FH Aud. Men’s Basketball Game*, 9am Spring Break—No Classes DANCE—Save the date; info TBA May Graduation Applications Due Art Festival—Save the date; info TBA PTK Induction Ceremony NYC Bus Trip Mad River Literary Festival Faculty/Staff vs Students Volleyball Tournament (rain date April 23) Spring 2015 Book Circle *All Men’s Basketball League games will be held at Pearson School in Winsted. For more information, check out the online Campus Events Calendar log on the College’s homepage at Contact Jack Bourque, for more information or Student Activities, GW 110, 860-738-6344 or Sponsored by your Student Senate. Call 860-738-6444 or 860-738-6484 to register or stop by the CWD offices at the Goulet Building, 56 Park Place. BASIC LIFE SUPPORT (BLS) for HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS and RENEWALS This American Heart Association course teaches CPR, use of an automated external defibrillator (AED), barrier devices, bag-valve masks and foreign-body airway obstruction relief. This 5-hour course is intended for the health care professional. Cost includes text and AHA certification fee. CRN: 1158, Saturday, March 14, 8:00am-1:00pm, $76 COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM CERT is a training program that prepares you to help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in the event of a disaster. During an incident, emergency personnel may not be able to reach everyone right away. By getting trained in CERT, you will have the skills to help emergency responders save lives and protect property. MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID (YOUTH) Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. CRN:1431, 3-Mondays, March 2 – March16, 6:30pm-9:30pm, $70 CRN: 1426, 8 Wednesdays, March 11 – April 29, 6:30pm-9:30pm This program is offered FREE of charge, however pre-registration is required. Instructor: Thomas Vannini, Emergency Preparedness Program Specialist for the Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, State of CT. For more information on non-credit course offerings for Spring 2015, pick up a copy of the NCCC Spring 2015 Schedule of Credit and Non-Credit Courses today.
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