SELL THE SIZZLE A COMPLETE GUIDE TO SELLING TRAEGER WOOD PELLET GRILLS. TABLE OF CONTENTS I) Introduction page 1 II) Traeger Core Concept pages 2-3 III) Demonstrations pages 5-10 IV) In-Store Displays page 12 V) FAQ’s pages 13-14 VI) Marketing Strategies pages 15-19 Page 1 INTRODUCTION The first step to SUCCESSFULLY SELLING A TRAEGER GRILL is to become a TRAEGER BELIEVER. Unless you actually own one of our grills and cook on it regularly, there is no way you can be equipped with the knowledge you need to become successful in selling our grills to your customers. Traeger Wood Pellet Grills are totally unique in their design and function. There is NO OTHER GRILL like them in the world. We don’t want to be just another product line for your business. We want TRAEGER GRILL FANATICS introducing their customers to our grills. Within the pages of this manual are tried and proven selling techniques. We didn’t just make them up; we developed them after trial, error and talking with Traeger dealers and customers. We know what works. Follow our advice and you’ll find that Traeger Wood Pellet Grills will become one of the most profitable product lines your business carries. You must be committed to REGULARLY DEMONSTRATING TRAEGER GRILLS. Your customers need to “TASTE THE DIFFERENCE” of food cooked on a Traeger Wood Pellet Grill. Once they do, you can be sure that your closing rate will be like adding gasoline to a hot burning fire! The MOST SUCCESSFUL Traeger dealers are the ones who daily or weekly provide their customers with samples of food cooked on our grills. Your customers are looking for the unique flavor found only when food is cooked on a Traeger. You have a vast opportunity that is unduplicated. Traeger Grills are not sold in chain stores like Wal-Mart or K Mart or Home Depot. There is NO competition in the wood pellet grill category. It is an ADVANTAGE you alone can enjoy in your market area. You must be willing to become your area’s BARBECUE EXPERT! Anyone can become a barbecue expert when they own a Traeger Wood Pellet Grill. The fact of the matter is: it’s the equipment that produces the extraordinary flavor, not the chef. You must be willing to EDUCATE THE CUSTOMER about the uniqueness, versatility and why the Traeger IS THE BEST GRILL, SMOKER, and BARBECUE on the market today! When consumers “get it”, they will purchase a Traeger. This requires knowing exactly how the Traeger works, what each of the grill components is and does, the dangers inherent in gas and charcoal grills and why the Traeger solves those problems! If you are willing to put forth the effort outlined above, you can have the confidence of knowing that your Traeger Grill sales can double each and every year. Read on, and let’s get those Traeger sales SIZZLIN’! II) Page 2 THE TRAEGER CORE CONCEPT A) What Are You Selling? Traeger Wood Pellet Grills. A REAL BARBECUE that produces food that tastes better than food cooked on any other grill in the world. The Traeger is the MOST VERSATILE grill anyone can own. It GRILLS, SMOKES, BARBECUES, and BAKES. B) Benefits of Traeger Grill Ownership: (listed in order of importance) 1) Taste. That campfire, cook-out, wood smoke flavor. Once customers begin cooking on a Traeger, their taste buds will be SPOILED! They won’t be able to go out-even to the finest restaurant in the land- and get a steak, piece of prime rib, chicken or fish that tastes as good as those cooked on a Traeger. Let the customer TASTE FOOD COOKED ON THE TRAEGER-this is proof in the pudding that our grills back up your claim. Once you’ve established TASTE as an important consideration in owning a grill, ask your customer about their present grill and its deficiencies. After all, they are shopping for a NEW grill. As it applies, give them additional benefits of becoming a Traeger owner. 2) Safety. Traeger Pellet Grills are safer than gas or charcoal fueled grills. No explosions from gas leaks, no hot coals to start the deck or house fires. No open flame to worry about. The Traeger uses 100% all natural, non-toxic wood pellets. Fire Safety officials LOVE OUR GRILL. 3) Membership. When your customer makes the step and becomes a Traeger owner, they’re joining an elite group of outdoor cooking enthusiasts who “get it!” There is REAL SATISFACTION in becoming a Traeger owner. They can’t help themselves in sharing their love for their Traeger with friends, family, and coworkers. 4) Recognition. When your customer begins serving food cooked on their Traeger Wood Pellet Grill, they’ll receive nothing but praise and admiration from the people they are cooking for. They’ll receive a big pat on the back every time they cook food on their Traeger. 5) Convenience. No babysitting needed when cooking on a Traeger. Start the grill, put on the food and the Traeger does all the rest. Your customer can accomplish more important tasks while their Traeger cooks for themautomatically. 6) Healthier. Cooking on a Traeger adds NO cholesterol, fat or calories. The indirect cooking system produces less benzo (a) pyrene than gas or charcoal grills. The National Cancer Institute recommends cooking meat in-directly, just like the Traeger does. And, new studies from Chalmers University in Sweden document that wood smoke contains many of the SAME anti-oxidant (cancer fighting) properties as Vitamin E. (we have the study on file at our office). Core Concept Continued: Page 3 7) Smoking. For those customers looking for REAL WOOD SMOKING ABILITY, the Traeger delivers! You are selling the BEST SMOKER IN THE WORLD. The Traeger provides a consistent level of smoke and temperature and requires NO BABYSITTING. 8) No Flare-Ups. With no open flame to worry about, your customer doesn’t have to worry about standing guard to knock-out grill flare-ups. It is almost impossible to burn food when cooking on a Traeger. This also means it’s safer to use around families with small children. 9) Environmentally Sound. Wood pellets in the Traeger burn 98.7% efficiently. Plus, our hardwood barbecue pellets are a renewable resource. We’re using hardwood sawdust in the manufacture of our barbecue pellets, helping to eliminate what would be wood waste and using it in a constructive, healthy manner. No fossil fuels are used in the operation of the Traeger. 10) Versatility. The Traeger is 4 appliances in one. Grill, Smoker, Barbecue, Wood pellet-fired oven. If you can cook it on the stove or in an oven, you can cook it on the Traeger. 11) Economical. Traeger Pellet Grills cost less to operate than most charcoal grills. A ten pound bag of Traeger Barbecue Pellets will last an average of five (5) grill uses. 12) Handcrafted Construction. The Traeger is handcrafted and built to last. Our long-time production crew takes immense pride in the construction of every Traeger that rolls off the assembly line. The Traeger Wood Pellet Grill is a TOP QUALITY PRODUCT. It has NO EQUAL in the versatility it provides your customers. The # 1 benefit to owning a Traeger is TASTE! Food TASTES BETTER WHEN COOKED ON A TRAEGER. C) Page 4 TRAEGER’S CORE CUSTOMER PROFILE We can tell you exactly who is the most likely person to purchase a Traeger Wood Pellet Grill. This information is based on our own extensive research of Traeger Grill owners. It is a snapshot that has remained consistent for the past 19 years. The most typical Traeger Customer is: 1) Male, 35-55 years old. 2) Self employed or is a white collar professional. 3) Lives in a household of 3-4 people. 4) Has an income over $60,000.00. 5) Currently owns a gas grill, for which they paid more than $300 for it. 6) 95% of Traeger owners have tasted food cooked on a Traeger-which is what triggered their interest in our grill in the first place. 7) The top reason they purchased the grill FOOD TASTES BETTER. 8) The second most important reason they purchased the Traeger-SMOKING ABILITY. 9) Cooks for family and friends year ‘round and enjoys entertaining. 10) Will become one of your best referral sources. III) Page 5 DEMONSTRATIONS This is where the rubber meets the road. You want to sell Traeger grills? Then demo them non-stop. The smell of smoke lures in the curious and gets their mouths watering. They begin to envision the food cooking on the grill IN THEIR BACKYARD! You’re more than halfway to closing the sale! A) Formulate a demonstration calendar. Use it to schedule consistent demos, tie them into special store or community events. Post it so people will know when that Traeger is getting fired-up! Be consistent! Get people accustomed to the fact that you’re cooking every Wednesday and Saturday. Or twice a week on such and such a weekday. Then STICK TO IT! Nothing is more frustrating than a customer coming into a store with certain expectations, only to have them unrealized. That creates bad will and you can flush the sale goodbye. B) Make sure the person doing the cooking/demo is intimately familiar with the set-up and operation of the grill. They don’t need to be a certified gourmet chef, but they should have some level of competency and passion for cooking on the Traeger. Develop a pool of demonstrators you can draw upon to help demo for you. If possible, set up a rotating schedule with your employees. That way everyone on staff will know firsthand how to cook on the Traeger. Your Traeger customers could also be a good pool of enthusiastic demonstrators for you. Ask them! 1) When to Hold Demonstrations: People all across the country are grilling and barbecuing ALL 12 MONTHS of the year. Barbecue Industry Association studies show that 63% of all grill owners use their grills year ‘round. Our own experience has shown that January and February are probably the only months when there’s less grilling activity. People are using their grills year round and you should be too. 2) Where to Demo: Contact your local Convention & Visitors Association, Chamber of Commerce, State Tourism Department or City Hall to obtain information as to when and where community-wide events are being held in and around your area. Find out when the local fraternal organizations hold their annual barbecues, pancake breakfasts, etc. Volunteer to be there and cook food on your Traeger (s). There are literally THOUSANDS OF OPPORTUNITIES to get that Traeger Grill in front of thousands of prospective buyers, oftentimes for little or NO COST TO YOU! From hamburger feeds to help raise funds for the High School Cheerleaders to your County Fair, become a part of each and every one of these barbecue events. Better yet, hire and train someone to become your community outreach coordinator-who will contact these groups and volunteer to cook the food. Demonstrations Continued: Page 6 Here are some demonstration opportunity idea starters for you A) County & State Fairs: Purchase a 10x10 booth space at the fair and set up your display. Cook up and give out food samples. You might want to get involved with a number of county fairs in and around your area. Contact your statewide Chicken or Pork Producer Council or organization. Find out if they are going to be represented at the county or state fairs. Offer to loan them grills and fuel at no charge in exchange for signage and/or catalog display space, or their agreement to give your card to people interested in the Traeger Pellet Grill. B) Home & Garden Shows: Before you make a commitment for one of these shows, find out how many years the show has been held. Get references so that you can get reliable, third party information about traffic and sales at the show. These shows usually attract a high percentage of homeowners who want to improve his/her residence. We recommend getting an outdoor booth to demonstrate your grills. However, if this isn’t possible, make it contingent that you be allowed to operate at least one grill outside in order to cook up samples to giveaway. If this isn’t allowed, pass on the show, it won’t be worth your time, effort or expense. You might want to consider providing a grill as a random drawing giveaway in exchange for free exhibit space AND inclusion in ALL of the show’s advertising. C) Sportsman Shows: Hunters and fishermen love to smoke their game and fish. What better place to exhibit America’s BEST Smoker, than at such a show. Again, you’ll want to be able to set up operating grills outside, or at least be able to have a working grill at the event so you can provide smoked samples of food from the Traeger Grill. D) Community Events: Every year, thousands of these events take place in every community in the country. Many of these events are not set up for outdoor commercial space. Use your imagination! Many organizations will be glad to provide you with display space in exchange for use of your grills to cook for their events. Perhaps the Jaycees need a grill to cook Teriyaki Beef Sticks for their food booth. Perhaps the Rotary Club needs a barbecue for their chicken feed to help raise scholarship money. BE THE SOLUTION TO THEIR NEEDS! In exchange ask that they display your signage, hand out catalogs and business cards. Many of these organizations will think you’ve given them a gift of gold and will easily accommodate your request. Demonstrations continued: Page 7 E) Grocery Stores: Next to your retail location-there is no better place to reach people who have food on the mind! Approach the store owner/manager-ask them to let you set up a working grill to cook and sample chicken, meat, fish. Grocery stores constantly have food demonstrations, why not one using a Traeger? Arrange to set up close to the outside entrance of the store. Then cook up a storm! Find out when the store celebrates its anniversary. Work out a joint promotion where the store allows you to display a barbecue inside for a month and then they get one to giveaway in a random drawing-provided that YOU get all of the entry forms to do telephone or mail follow-up with. The store can surround your grill with mustard, hot dog buns, relish, pickles, napkins, paper plates-everything to help cook outdoors. ASK TRAEGER ABOUT OUR SMOKEHOUSE PROGRAM. F) Barbecue Party: Here’s a great way to create some excitement! Hold a party at your store! Send out invitations to the most influential people in your community or area—the mayor, governor, police chief, fire chief, state senators, restaurant owners. Get the local beer or soda distributing company to demo their newest beverages. Have some door prizes to give away. Then hold this event after-hours on a weeknight. You feed the guests a great barbecued dinner and create some great word of mouth advertising. Don’t forget to contact the local paper and have them swing by with a photographer. Use this same idea for a “LADIES NIGHT” prior to Father’s Day and Christmas. Hold a short thirty-minute course on “What every husband wishes his wife knew about grills” and be sure to make the Traeger the grill star of the show. Make up and send out special invitations. Be sure to have them RSVP so you can plan on having enough food to meet the need. Be sure to have each person bring a friend along too. This will help to increase your exposure. G) Business Lunches. Get a list of the largest businesses from your local Chamber of Commerce or area Economic Development entity. Now, choose the businesses which employ the most amount of people. Contact the business owner or manager and tell them you want to cook lunch for their company free of charge. Offer to cook chicken or hamburgers-with the employees bringing salads and desserts. Use the “This Food Cooked On” napkins, wet wipes and toothpicks available to you from Traeger as part of your package. Make sure that each person coming through your serving line is given a current catalog, stamped with your business name, address and phone number. Use this same approach for area Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs. Ask them to let you do a short talk about the Traeger and how you cooked the food. You’ll be the hit of the meeting! The “Business Lunch” is a great way to develop immediate sales. You’ll also find that it provides you with a tremendous number of business to business referrals. Remember, the CORE Traeger customer is self-employed or white collar professional-so you’ll want to target these types of businesses first. Demonstrations continued: Page 8 H) Saturday Store Front Barbecues: Out in front of your store-right there on the sidewalk. Talk about STOPPING TRAFFIC! Do this EVERY Saturday like clockwork and you’ll soon have a wonderful reputation as “the” place to put on the “must visit” list each Saturday. Send out a mailer to your best customers and area business people. Let them know about your “Saturday Smoker!” You’ll be surprised at the foot traffic this idea can generate for you. And foot traffic=more potential sales! Demonstrations are one of the MOST IMPORTANT MARKETING STRATEGIES you can use to boost awareness of Traeger Grills, generate interest in the grills and get in front of hundreds, if not thousands of potential grill buyers. If your sales are slow, it’s because you didn’t DEM-OH! 3) Demonstration supplies, set-up and equipment: Here’s a list of what we recommend you have on hand as part of your “Demo Kit” 1- 10x10 pop-up canopy 2- Traeger Grills (BBQ 075 ) 1- Folding table-6’ in length 2- Traeger Banners-bungee cords and/or suction cups and duct tape to secure 1- Company sign for your business. A 2 sided “A” frame is a good choice. 1- Today’s Special Sign (from Traeger) Use as a Welcome Sign or Write Out the menu of what you are offering. 1-large ice chest with ice for meat 1-large poly cutting board 1-slicing knife 1-boning knife Plenty of paper towels Garbage bags Anti-bacterial soap to wash up LOTS of business cards Toothpicks for food samples 2-barbecue tongs 2-cloth towels 3-buckets for bleach, rinse, sanitize Re-sealable bags for meat Food platters for meat samples Extension cords (at least 150’) Plastic tablecloths for prep/serving tables 409 or similar spray cleaner Most of these items will easily fit into a clamshell type carrying box, which you can purchase at any discount department store. It helps keep everything in one place and ready to go on a moment’s notice. Label the top and sides using a permanent markerDEMO BOX. Demonstrations continued: Page 9 4) What To Cook: We have conducted THOUSANDS of cooking demonstrations. There’s no need to experiment with what to cook. Follow these easy recipes and you’ll be the BIG HIT every time! Chicken Legs Boneless Pork Chops Whole Turkeys We have found that the these three choices provide the best flavor, ease of preparation and least amount of expense to you. Purchase your meat fresh each morning. Season the meat, then bag it and transport to the cooking site. Don’t take chances! Make sure you keep the meat properly cooled. If you suspect it’s turned bad, throw it away! It’s easier and less expensive to replace the meat than try and salvage a ruined business reputation! You will notice that we NEVER smother the meat with heavy red barbecue sauce. That is not real barbecue! Use Traeger Rubs or Shakes for flavor. Provide the sauce for “dipping” after the meat is cooked. Traeger Barbecue Pellets are what give the meat flavor. Don’t hide the flavor by smothering it with sauce or over seasoning it. CHICKEN LEGS: Wash chicken legs in cold, running water. Towel pat dry. Pour Traeger Chicken rub into a bowl. Get hands wet, and then put them into the bowl of rub. Now that your hands are coated with the rub, wipe the uncooked pieces of chicken down with a light coating of rub. You will need to replenish the amount of rub on your hands after every few chicken legs. (NOTE: Traeger Rub is NOT to be used like Shake N Bake!). Place seasoned chicken legs into a re-sealable plastic bag and put into the cooler or ice chest. Each bag should hold approximately 15 legs. At the demonstration site, remove from the re-sealable bag and place on the grill. Cook for approximately 30 minutes, or until the meat begins to separate from the leg bone. The internal meat temperature should be 180 degrees F. (Use an instant reading pocket thermometer to test internal meat temperature. DO NOT LEAVE IN THE MEAT!) The wood smoke from the pellets will turn the meat just under the skin pink. As long as the juices run CLEAR, the meat is properly cooked. Wrap a napkin around the leg and serve it hot. BONELESS PORK CHOPS: You’ll start out smoking these, then finishing them on high. You may use either boneless pork chops or purchase pork tenderloin and cut into chops. We recommend cutting the chops about (1) one inch thick. Season the pork meat just like you seasoned the chicken legs above. Figure (6) six chops per resealable bag. Be sure to keep them refrigerated or on ice until you’re ready to cook them. At the demonstration site, remove from bag. Place approximately (14) fourteen chops on one grill and set on SMOKE. Let the chops “smoke” for about (45) thirty minutes, and then move over to your second grill, which is running on “High”. Cook the chops on this grill for approximately 15-20 minutes. Keep the “smoking” grill going-allowing customers to see the smoking chops-what a display! To serve: remove chops from 2nd grill, place on cutting board and cut into ½ inch cubes. Serve hot with a toothpick. Cook chops until they reach an internal temperature of 170 degrees F. What to Cook continued: Page 10 WHOLE TURKEY: The whole turkey is more display than it is for feeding the masses. There is just something about a turkey on the grill that gets people salivating! A whole turkey can be put on a Traeger set at “Smoke” and cooked for an entire day. Use either a fresh or frozen turkey-approximately (15) fifteen pounds. Allow to thawif frozen Wash the turkey thoroughly in cold water and towel pat dry. Using Traeger Pork & Poultry Shake or Chicken Rub, season the inside and outside of the turkey with rub. Be a bit more liberal with the seasoning since the turkey is much larger than a whole chicken. Place seasoned turkey into a re-sealable bag and place into cooler or ice chest. At the demonstration site, remove the turkey from the bag, place a meat thermometer into the breast-making sure the thermometer probe does not touch any bone. Place turkey on your grill, breast side up. Switch the grill to “smoke” and let ‘er smoke for (4) four hours. Then, switch to “high” and cook ole Mr. Turkey until the internal meat temperature hits 175 degrees F., which should take (2) two or (3) three more hours. While the turkey is smoking, open the lid and let people see just how beautiful Mr. Turkey becomes while being bathed in real wood smoke. Many of your customers will ask you when the turkey will be done. Tell them, and you’ll be surprised at how many of them will return for a “taste”. Serve the turkey slices on Traeger napkins. Remember, the wood smoke will turn the turkey meat pink. As long as you’ve hit the internal temperature listed above and the juices run clear, the turkey is done. NOTE: A common mistake made by many dealers is assuming that the more samples they hand out, the more grill sales they’ll realize. NOT TRUE! It is QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY you are after. In fact, we recommend that you qualify people BEFORE you hand them a food sample. Why feed the vultures who are only out for something free? You are not selling food; you are selling Traeger Wood Pellet Grills. The food sample is one way to turn a “suspect” into a qualified “prospect and ultimately a grill sale. F) MAKING THE SALE Page 11 The most common mistake made by salespeople is they forget to “ASK FOR THE ORDER”. It’s a proven fact that salespeople who ask for the order from EVERY PROSPECT increase their sales by 33%! While demonstrating Traeger Grills, the GOAL is to SELL THE GRILL! Often times, the salesperson is so focused at passing out food samples, that they forget to “CLOSE THE SALE!” When a “suspect” exclaims, “Wow! That’s the best chicken I’ve ever had!” you should immediately ask them “Would you like to be able to cook like this in your backyard? We can make that happen” Once someone has expressed a positive, it’s a signal to CLOSE THE SALE! We have used this technique many times and it works! Remember! NO SALE. NO MONEY! For many dealers, demonstrating with food samples may involve a learning curve. “Practice makes perfect!” The more often you demonstrate, prepare food samples, ask for the order, the easier each new opportunity will get. You will eventually work out a routine that becomes second nature to you and your staff. However, in order for this routine to become a reality, you have to put it into practice first. Make photocopies of the enclosed DEMONSTRATION CHECK-LIST and use it to plan out EVERY demonstration you do. You’ll find it’s a valuable worksheet and reminder list. G) DEMONSTRATION PRICING Your demonstration is a special event. As such, your stock of Traeger Grills should reflect special limited-time-only pricing, good only during the demonstration. This creates urgency and shortens the decision cycle on the part of the consumer. Pre-make up invoices with the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price and the “Demonstration Special” pricing. Then, all you have to do is fill out the order, collect a check or credit card number and…YOU’VE MADE A SALE! Be consistent with the time-frame of your offer, whether it’s good for one day, one week or one month. Obviously, the shorter the time the offer is valid, the quicker the consumer will have to make up their mind. We have found that throwing in a couple of bags of pellets, a sauce and spice sampler kit is a good way to cement the close-IF THEY BUY TODAY! Whenever possible, take a credit card imprinter with you or make space on the order form to record the credit card number and expiration date. This makes closing the sale as easy as cooking on a Traeger! Page 12 H) DEALER VALUE ADDED KITS One of the pieces of ammunition you can use to lessen price resistance is by using Traeger’s Dealer Value Added Kit, containing, New Owner Starter Kit, Extended Warranty, Service Contract, Smoke Signals Newsletter and Birthday Club sign-up forms. The dollar value of each of these items is of far greater value to the consumer than simply discounting the price of the grill. Use the Value Added Kit as a means of closing the sale before you cave in to lowering the price. IV) IN-STORE DISPLAYS Grills, Accessories, Barbecue Pellets, Sauces and Seasonings ALL need to be properly and prominently displayed in your retail showroom. Show potential customers that you’re seriously involved in selling barbecues and accessories! Grills should be regularly dusted and cleaned of fingerprints. Sauce bottles should be Lined up with the labels facing out from the shelf. Same thing with jars of Traeger Rubs and Shakes. We highly recommend purchasing a Traeger Merchandising Unit to help better display in one place all of your Traeger add-on items. Neat and orderly displays sell more grills! Look at your displays through the eyes of the customer. Does your display appear to be attractive, well stocked and give the impression that you’re REALLY IN THE BARBECUE SELLING BUSINESS? If not, change the way you are currently merchandising your Traeger Grills and products. Regularly change your display. Take Polaroid photos of customers you’ve sold Traeger Grills to, and post them on a bulletin board with their names and city below their photograph. This one display will help you sell more grills as the customer recognizes friends and family members shown cooking on their Traeger. It shows your customer that indeed, real people buy, cook and LOVE their Traeger Grills. You might want to place realistic looking meat and food products on your displays. They can be purchased through Hubert Corporation, by calling their toll free number, 1-800-543-7374. They provide a wide array of display cabinets, tables and replica food items, at fairly reasonable prices. V) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Page 13 The following are some of the most typical questions you’ll get from prospective buyers. Q: “What are the barbecue pellets made from?” A: Traeger Barbecue Pellets are made from 100% all hardwood sawdust. The raw material is ground, heated and fed through a die at enormous pressure-which forms the pellet. There is no glue or other binding agent used in forming the pellet. They are a bio-mass, 100% renewable resource product. Q: “Barbecue pellets are the same as heating pellets, right?” A: Wrong! Fuel pellets are made from resinous soft wood, scrap wood with glues, paints, varnish. It doesn’t matter what the heating pellet is made from, its job is to create heat-not cook food. Substituting fuel pellets for barbecue pellets is DANGEROUS and UNHEALTHY! If heating pellets are used in a Traeger grill, they can coat the food with resins and creosote which produces a NASTY taste in the food! Using any other type of pellet will VOID OUR WARRANTY. The warning, ’NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION’ is printed on every heating pellet bag. Q: “How does the Traeger work?” A: Pellets from the hopper are automatically delivered to the firepot by an auger. Air is added by a blower fan, which makes the pellets burn like a miniature forge. The heat and smoke produced from the fire comes up and around the baffle pan and angled drip pan and surrounds the food like a convection oven. Q: “How does the smoker control work?” A: The smoker control is a solid-state timer. On HIGH, the auger runs all the time, delivering the maximum amount of fuel to the firepot. This creates a temperature between 400-425 degrees F. On MEDIUM, the auger runs for 2 minutes and then stops for 2 minutes. A temperature of approximately 300 degrees F. is produced when cooking on MEDIUM. On SMOKE, the auger runs for one minute and is off for 3 minutes. The auger comes back on for 1 minute. The pellets have burned down so far that there isn’t enough heat to generate a flame, but there is just enough heat to produce SMOKE. If you watch the grill in the smoke mode, every 3 minutes you’ll see the smoke being produced.. Q: “How long with a ten (10) pound bag of barbecue pellets last?” A: On average, a 10 pound bag of Traeger Barbecue Pellets should last for at least 5 uses of the grill. On HIGH, the grill uses 2 pounds of pellets per hour. On MEDIUM it is 1 pound per hour and on SMOKE it is one-half pound per hour. FAQ continued: Page 14 Q: “What flavors of Barbecue Pellet go with which kinds of food?” A: There’s a handy chart contained in the mini-cookbook that comes with every new Traeger Grill. (It might be best to photocopy the chart and put it in a page protector to use as an aide in answering this question.) Q: “How long have Traeger Pellet Grills been around?” A: Traeger began manufacturing the Wood Pellet Grill in 1986. Today, there are Traeger grill owners all across America and around the world. As a company, Traeger has been going strong since 1939. Q: “Is there a cookbook available with the Traeger Grill?” A: Most definitely! Every Traeger grill comes with a mini-cookbook which is filled with delicious recipes, many developed by Traeger owners from across the country. There is also a three-ring binder style cookbook available that has over 150 different recipes. There is also a cookbook update with an additional 50 recipes available-it fits right in the binder with the rest of the recipes. Q: “Where do I get more barbecue pellets?” A: You can buy them from us. To guarantee availability, Traeger has a toll-free order line and on-line store where you can order pellets directly from the factory. No matter where you live, you will be able to have a ready supply of Traeger Barbecue Pellets. Q: “Why isn’t there a rotisserie unit for these grills?” A: The patented cooking system built into every Traeger means you don’t need a rotisserie. Those devices were designed for grills that cannot cook food evenly, so the meat had to be placed on a spit and mechanically turned in order to have the food cook evenly. With Traeger’s revolutionary in-direct cooking system, food cooks evenly and therefore doesn’t need a rotisserie. VI) ADDITIONAL MARKETING STRATEGIES Page 15 Demonstrations are certainly the #1 key to selling Traeger Wood Pellet Grills. There are however additional means inexpensively marketing our grills within your area. A) Customer Referrals: The best source of new customers is the person who already owns a Traeger. When your Traeger owners invite their family and friends over to enjoy the remarkable flavor of food cooked on a Traeger, the seed for a sale is being planted. How can you tap into this potential pool of new customers? One method is by handing out Traeger Courtesy Cards. Each card is individually numbered to help you keep track of which customer is acting as your best source for potential new customers. We recommend that you order a supply of these Courtesy Cards, available at no charge to you, and then keep a log book of the beginning and ending “source code” numbers on the cards and the name of the customer who was given that series of cards. The front (top) and back (left) of the Traeger Courtesy Card. The source code numbers allow you to keep track of which of your customers is handing out the cards. Customers who generate a large number of returned Courtesy Cards should be rewarded for their efforts. Mail or give these cards out to your customers. Ask them to pass the cards out to family and friends. When you get a referral card from a new potential customer, look up the “source code” and send that customer a thank you. Customers who do an exceptionally good job of providing you with referrals should be rewarded with an appropriate gift in the way of Traeger BBQ pellets, sauces or seasonings. Before you know it, word will get out and you’ll have many “salespeople” referring potential customers to you. B) Supplier Networking: Conduct a mailing to all of your suppliers. Stress the fact that you’re in business together-partners, and that supporting each other by purchasing products from one another is what makes the world go round. Be sure to suggest that they purchase Traeger Grills from you as employee incentives or as a tangible way to say “Thank You!” to some of their other good customers just like you. Marketing Strategies continued: Page 16 C) Birthday Club: Everyone likes to have their birthday remembered. Have a special birthday card designed with your logo, address and special offer-good for a dollar discount, free ten pound bag of barbecue pellets, etc. Collect your customer’s birthdays into your database, then mail out cards the month prior to that customer’s birthday. Use this unique idea as a “closing tool”, which can separate you from any other specialty grill retailer or chain store in your area. You can bet that customer will be a long-term customer with your business. D) Personal Letter/Newsletter: Use your customer database to its fullest potential for repeat and new customers. If you don’t already have a customer database, start one immediately. Then use it regularly to keep in contact with your customers. Start out by mailing to them a “newsy” letter. Let them know what’s new, when your next sale is going to be, dates and times of special demonstrations. Honk your horn some! Eventually you may want to step-up to a simple newsletter, which you can mail out 26 times per year. By keeping in touch with your customers, you are showing them that your company hasn’t forgotten them-and they shouldn’t forget you! Its Guerrilla Marketing at it’s finest. E) Telephone Follow-Up: Once you’ve made the contact, handed out information, DON’T LET THE SALE FALL TO SOMEONE ELSE! Follow-up your inquiries with a phone call. Make sure that prospect understands the value of owning a Traeger. Inquire if they have any questions about the information you provided them with. You’ll easily increase your sales by 33% simply by asking for the order! Someone in your organization needs to be the designated follow-up person. F) Newspaper Ads: We’ve found that SMALL ONE COLUMN INCH ADS are just as effective as large ones. The name of the game is consistency! You have to be consistent with all of your advertising. If it is affordable for you, run classified ads in your local paper and shoppers. Running smaller, consistent advertising is far better for your business than running a large ad every once in a while. G) Magazine Ads: The best thing about magazine advertising is its longetivity. Think of all those back issues of magazines sitting in your doctor’s or dentist’s office! You can also more effectively target the desired audience with magazine advertising. Be sure to ask for the publisher’s Audit Bureau of Circulation information-which shows you how many people subscribe, what their average age is and where those readers live in relation to your business. Marketing Strategies continued: Page 17 H) Radio Ads: Like magazines, radio advertising can be targeted to a specific audience. Traeger Industries has found that News/Talk and Classic Rock radio formats generate a steady rate of inquiries about our grills. Radio is one of the few advertising mediums that you can use to set yourself up as a local “barbecue personality.” Once the on-air people taste the great barbecue you’ve cooked on your Traeger, you can be assured they’ll welcome you back most any time. In order to work effectively, radio advertising must be targeted to the right audience. Compare the radio station’s demographics against Traeger’s “CORE CUSTOMER” If they match, great. If not, don’t purchase time on that station. Radio advertising is a frequency medium, meaning that it is better to run 10 ads over 2 days rather than one ad for 20 days. Many radio stations will trade out part of your schedule for a grill, which they can giveaway on the air. Explore this possibility when talking with the representative from the radio station you’ve selected to work with. Remember, consistency in any form of advertising is the most important rule you can follow. I) Yellow Pages Advertising: Don’t fall for the “club your neighbor” sales tactics employed by yellow page representatives to trick you into buying a big ad. Save your money for ACTIVE advertising, which allows you to change your message to match the season or event you want to promote. We recommend purchasing a SMALL listing in the Barbecue section of the yellow pages. J) Community Bulletin Boards: Make up some 8-1/2 x 11 posters and have them professionally printed. For best results the poster style should look something like a newspaper article that has been torn out of the newspaper. The headline should proclaim you as the local area’s barbecue expert. Don’t be shy! Strut your stuff. Get a professionally done black and white photograph of yourself and place this in the copy of the poster. Make sure your company name and address appear in the last paragraph of your “article”-and in bold type. Post the flyers anywhere you find a community bulletin board-in stores, churches, schools, The public library, anyplace you legally post your flyer. In no time, YOU will be recognized as THE local authority on barbecue. K) Charitable Loaner Program: Purchase one of Traeger’s commercial size or Pink Pig units. The investment you make in loaner units will more than pay off in the “free” exposure you will receive. Compose a letter about your free loaner program and mail it to EVERY non-profit or community organization in your area. Tell them that your business is willing to loan them a commercial sized Wood Pellet Grill for use at their next barbecue or function. In exchange for the use of the grill and providing the fuel for it, they should agree to put up a “Taste the Difference” banner and catalog stand filled with catalogs and your business cards. We recommend purchasing a month-at-a-glance calendar so that you can log in the dates when local charities have “booked” your loaner grill. Have them schedule use of your grill in advance-not at the last minute. Give them a quick lesson on how the grill operates. Have them sign a user agreement (copy available from our office), take the grill, feed the masses and return it CLEAN on Monday morning. Tell the group that you usually charge $150 a day for use of the grill, however in lieu of the rental fee; you’re willing to allow them to use the grill in exchange for in promoting Traeger Grills available from your Marketing Strategies continued: Page 18 We recommend purchasing a Month-At-A-Glance calendar so that you can log in the dates when local charities have “booked” your loaner grill. Have them schedule use of your grill in advance-not at the last minute. Give them a quick lesson on how the grill operates. Have them sign a user agreement (copy available from our office), take the grill, feed the masses and return it CLEAN on Monday morning. Tell the group that you usually charge $150 a day for use of the grill, however in lieu of the rental fee; you’re willing to allow them to use the grill in exchange for in promoting Traeger Grills available from your business. Have them agree to talk about the grill to their patrons and pass out your customized courtesy cards. The referral cards are proof that they have indeed really promoted Traeger Grills and your business. If you don’t get any referral cards back from that event, you may not want to loan them your grill next time. L) Seminars and Classes: Contact your local community college continuing education office and let them know that you are the LOCAL BARBECUE EXPERT and are interested in conducting a barbecue cooking class on their campus. If they need proof that you are an expert, have them contact Traeger Industries for a recommendation. Each of the course attendees will be looking to you for advice on what type of grill to purchase and why. It’s only a coincidence that you do all of your cooking on a Traeger, and that you know where the students can purchase one. Be prepared, you may need to supply the Continuing Education office with a course outline or notes for the course. M) Foodservice Relationships: Do some research and determine if there is a restaurant or foodservice operation that is cooking food on a Traeger commercial unit. If there is such an operation, contact them and establish a relationship with them. Scratch each other’s back. Perhaps you can display their menu or cards in your store, for their agreement to do the same for you. Send potential Traeger Grill customers to their operation to taste food actually cooked on a Traeger. In exchange, they should be willing to send people interested in a residential model to your business. It’s a win-win relationship for both of your businesses. ASK TRAEGER ABOUT THE SMOKEHOUSE PROGRAM. N) Direct Mail: Purchase some “qualified” prospect mailing lists and develop a direct mail postcard or flyer to mail out to the list. You might be able to purchase subscriber lists from local or regional magazines whose demographics closely match the Traeger “Core Customer.” Perhaps your church or the community organizations you belong to will allow you to “rent” their mailing lists. And, don’t forget about developing direct mailings to people in your store’s database. You may want to “trade” lists with local pool or deck contractors, since both of you sell products to people who enjoy being in their backyards. O) Pig or Steer Display Loaner: Surely from time to time your local grocery store has a “GIANT MEAT SALE” or a “PORK O RAMA” sale or a “BIG BEEF” sale. What better a place to display a Pink Pig or Long Horn Steer! Get the store to agree to displaying a “Today’s Special” sign with catalogs during the sale. Be sure to replenish the catalog holder regularly during the sale. If possible, get them to agree to allow you to place a “Display barbecue courtesy of….” sign or banner on or near the barbecue. Perhaps they’ll let you cook up some of their featured meat on a weekend and then sample it for them. It’s additional free visibility for your business. Marketing Strategies continued: Page 19 This is by no means an all inclusive list of marketing strategies you can employ in reaching the masses. You should know your retail trade area better than anyone from the outside. The best marketing methods are those generated by your own creativity. Whatever type of strategy you decide upon, remember that DEMONSTRATING THE TRAEGER should be the #1 Priority. Conclusion: There’s some food for thought on ways to get your Traeger sales SIZZLIN’! Be patient, stick to your plan. Continue what works and discontinue what doesn’t work. It is after all, better to try and fail than not to try anything! You’ll find that in the beginning, selling Traeger Wood Pellet Grills is an educational process; it may take some time for the “light bulb”. to go on in your customers heads. When it does, they’ll most likely turn out to be one of your best salespeople. TRAEGER All rights reserved. © 2005 Traeger Industries, Inc. ®
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