Mar 01, 2015 - St. Catherine of Sienna Church

Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, New York 11010-3692
Parish Social Ministry
Interim Coordinator
Maureen Miedreich
Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi
Faith Formation
Debbie Hurley
Associate Pastors
Rev. Allan Arneaud
Rev. Johnny Mendonca
Rev. Charles N. Srion
Music Director
Jennifer Wells
Priest in Residence
Rev. Jose Luis Tenas
Dennis Canese
Marion G. Dreyfus
Joseph Benincasa
Frank Gonzalez
Parish office: (516) 352-0146
Parish FAX: (516) 326-7427
Faith Formation: (516) 354-4554
Social / Outreach: (516) 775-0840
Sunday Masses
Parish Membership
Saturday: Saint Catherine Chapel-Sienna Center 5:00PM
Sunday: Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center
7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, 1:00PM
& 5:00PM (Spanish)
ALL are welcome to join our parish family; please REGISTER
on the First Sunday of the Month at the Pastoral Table after
Mass or anytime at the Parish Office. We invite you to be part
of our Parish Ministry through various groups and activities.
Weekday Masses
Adoration: Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center
Every Friday after 8:00AM Mass to 9:00PM
and 24 Hour Exposition every First Friday
Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after 8:00AM Mass
Monday through Saturday: 8:00AM
Parish Office Hours (990 Holzheimer St.)
Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM—8:00PM
Friday: 9:00AM—7:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM—4:00PM
Sunday: 10:00AM—1:00PM
Parish Social Ministry Outreach Hours
(995 Lutz Street)
Monday through Friday, 11:00AM-1:00PM
Thursday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Additional hours by appointment only.
Anointing of the Sick
Communal Anointing of the Sick on Thursdays during the
8:00AM Mass. Please notify priest if family member is sick
at home. Emergency Sick Calls: Call 352-0146
Celebrate Baptism
We welcome Children & Adults to Catholicism through
Baptism. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Children: Baptism Celebrated First & Third Saturdays of
each month at 12:30PM.
Baptism Preparation Class: 2nd Tuesday of each month at
7:30PM (pre-registration is required).
Adults: Adults to be Baptized (or Confirmed) are
invited to call the Parish Office for assistance.
Parish Prayer Life
Parishioners with Special Needs
The Church, Saint Catherine Chapel and Sienna Center are
accessible through doors on right side of the Church where
buildings meet. The Sienna Center is also accessible through
its front doors and has an elevator at ground level for upper
and lower levels (left side of staircase) allowing access to
Church as well.
Assisted Listening Devices are available for the hearing
impaired. Please ask an usher if you need one.
Special Needs Advocacy: Dr. Priscilla O’Connell may
be reached by calling the Parish Social Ministry Office at
775-0840; contact if you have other needs to be addressed.
Mass For Those with Special Needs is celebrated on the
3rd Saturday of each month at 3:00PM in Saint Catherine
Chapel-Sienna Center.
Professional Therapy & Counseling
Family, marriage, and individual therapies, provided by
New York licensed therapists, are available to our parish.
Call Dr. Giuliani, Catholic Counseling Ctr., 631-243-2503.
Celebrate Marriage
Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon
before making your social arrangements.
Reconciliation (Confession/Penance)
Every Saturday: 4:00PM-5:00PM
March 1, 2015
5:00 PM
Feb. 28
Kelly Covello, Mary Elizabeth Grugan For The Intention of Alberto Laquer Melvin McLeod - Krystyna, Michal, &
Helena Tyszkiewicz
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
Mar. 1 - The Second Sunday of Lent
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Mar. 2
Marie Ceraolo
Jacques Thomas
8:00 AM
Mar. 3– St. Katharine Drexel
Remmert & Perunko Families
Felicia Negron
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Mar. 4– St. Casimir
James & Helen Wren
Richard Merced
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Mar. 5
Glenn M. Blandino
Vincent Persico
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Mar. 6
Antonio Silva
Kevin Brown
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Mar. 7 - Sts. Perpetua and Felicity
Leigion Of Mary/Pilgrim Statue
Alejandro Laquer - Giuseppe Mauceri Natalina Luca & Pasquale Squillaci Annunziata Scolie - Michal & Zofia Watslav
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
Mar. 8– 3rd Sunday of Lent
For The People of the Parish
Joseph Tetro - Patrick James Herrity
Ignatius Byrne
Paul Brito & Ignazio Sanfratello
Mass in Spanish
During Week of March 1
will burn
In Loving Memory of Rolt R. Nause
with the love & prayers of: Mary Nause and Family
will be used at all Masses
In Loving Memory of Mark Cuomo
With the love and prayers of: Aunt Lucy Mirro
Work We Do To Help Others This Week Is
In Memory of: Antoinette Bexard
and Verdine Gabb
with love and prayers of: her Kids
Host Family/Individual:
William Hale
The Sanon Family
PRAY for those serving in MILITARY
For The People of the Parish
Msgr. Thomas Groenewold
Mary Frances Smith
Nicolina Tegliotti
Fatima Ochoa
Sgt. Patrick Brady
Maj. Thomas Babbitt
PFC Erik Jacobsen
Maj. Catherine Babbitt
LCpl. Michael P. Kelly
Capt. Shaun R. Cullen A.N.G.
Cpl. Thomas R. Kroez, Jr.
M. Sgt. Peter Jacobsen
Sgt. Michael Salemi
Lt. Col. Christopher Congalise
Cpl. Christopher Montes
Lt. Col. Andrew Phillips
Cpl. Joseph Blaikie
Robert Vitale
Esn. Anthony Patrick Huskisson
ET3 Peter J. King
A1C Phil Gautiere
E3 Thomas Mannle
Lt. John DeBonis
Chaplain Col. Msgr. Mark Rowan
Sgt. Robert Thornton
PRAY for the SICK:
PRAY for DECEASED and their Families:
Antonina L. Sancetta
Linda PeDaolo, Michael Reddington,
Arlene Milano, Susan Thornton,
Joseph Pecora, Theresa DePalo,
Niki Zisel, Fran Sall, Gilbert Lozada,
Debbie Klein Balderama, Catherine Rojas
As members of Saint Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Parish, we are committed by our Baptism to spread the
teachings of Jesus Christ by living our faith in loving service to all people. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and through
worship and prayer, we use our time, talent and treasure, to nourish the soul, care for the needy, minister to
the alienated, nurture the children and WELCOME all people into our community of faith.
Scriptural Reflection for the Week
“God put Abraham to the test.” (see Genesis 22:1-2) And it
was quite a severe and difficult one! Would Abraham lead
his son to be the sacrifice offered to God? Abraham,
having full faith in God, made all the preparations to do so.
When God saw Abraham’s fidelity, He intervened to spare
Isaac. Abraham proved himself to be “our father in faith”.
There would come another Son who was led to sacrifice,
Jesus. But this time the obedience that was necessary
was to include the actual deed. God the Father did not intervene in the ways of men though. Instead He allowed
His Son to suffer the full brunt of man’s cruelty to man. So
Jesus died on the Cross. But because of such obedience
on the part of Jesus-an obedience born out of love-death,
sin, is now overcome. What men wanted to make a
disgrace becomes the means of pure grace - the Cross
leads to the Resurrection. Death is defeated by Life - that
is, by obedience, by love, true love! And what about us
when we are put to the test? Is there such obedience,
such love, as shown by Abraham, by Jesus? In the face of
such life tests, they trusted God’s plan. Do we give God’s
plan a chance to happen by being as faithful, as obedient
and as loving? It is in dying to ourselves that we are born
to eternal life. Don’t be afraid to die to self-interest, selfcenteredness, selfishness, to sin. Don’t be afraid. Because
God always brings life, a new and better life to the one
who is willing to be faithful, obedient, and full of true love!
Parish Retreat Night
This TUESDAY, March 3rd.
6:30pm Mass
7:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30pm Meditation by Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski
8:15pm Confession
9:00pm Benediction
Resumption of 8pm Saturday Mass
will be on March 21st due to the need to have
additional Masses while the Church building is
unavailable. Spread the word!
Joint Pastoral Council and Finance Committee
Meeting Regarding Church Repairs
will be held on Wednesday, March 4th to discuss
funding for our Church repair project which is
expected to be in the six figure range. Also, there is
the need to integrate this funding with the annual
Catholic Ministries Appeal. Both consultative bodies
will consider the best methods to accomplish our
goal. I especially want to thank those few parishioners who have already made donations to the Church
repair project of four figures. Your support and
understanding is very much appreciated.
Charity Begins At Home!
This winter has taken a toll on the weekly collection
offering. Yet, there are ADDED expenses due to
heating, snow removal, repairs due to extreme
weather, etc. If you missed a Sunday due to the
weather, please try to make up your offering during
this month of March. Your understanding and generosity is greatly appreciated!
One Final Thought
“Let’s focus more on the things we ought to do in
serving our husband, our wife, our children, our siblings - rather than on their shortcomings.”
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Lenten Examination of Conscience
 Do I keep Sundays and feast days holy by taking a full
part, with attention and devotion, in the liturgy of the
Mass? Have I fulfilled the precept of annual confession
and of communion during the Easter Season?
or “speaking about Parish funding & finance”...
We demonstrate being good stewards of our Parish by
sharing our blessings through our weekly offertory gift,
and as donors of special funding for others in need.
Are there false gods that I worship by giving them
greater attention and deeper trust than I give to God:
money, work, superstition and occult practices, pleasure, one’s self?
Do I share my possessions with the less fortunate? Do
I do my best to help the victims of oppression, misfortune, and poverty? Or do I look down on my neighbor,
especially the poor, the sick, the elderly, newcomers
and refugees, and people of other races?
An Act of Contrition
“Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
Stations of the Cross
Every FRIDAY of Lent after the 7pm Mass.
Sat. 5:00PM SC
Sun. 7:30AM SC
9:30AM SC (Family)
11:00AM SC
1:00PM SC
5:00PM SC (Spanish)
Received by Mail
Received thru Faith Direct
Last Week’s Offertory
Last Week’s Collection Total:
Average Weekly Parish Expenditures: $32,000
lit · ur · gy
a form of public worship;
a collection of formularies for public worship;
the celebration
Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish
March 2015
(Month of Saint Joseph)
3 Parish Lenten Retreat
6 Stations of the Cross
8 Third Sunday of Lent
8 Family Mass - 9:30AM
13 Stations of the Cross
15 Fourth Sunday of Lent
15 Family Mass - 9:30AM
Scripture Readings for
the NEXT SUNDAY. . .
Third Sunday of Lent
Reading I - Exodus 20: 1-17
Reading II - 1 Corinthians 1: 22-25
Gospel John 2: 13-25
For weekday readings visit our diocesan website at and go to THE DAILY READINGS
Why is Eucharistic Adoration Important ?
By Rev. Johnny R. Mendonca
With participation in the liturgy and the emphasis on the Mass as
community worship, a new problem has arisen, an unfortunate
side effect. Some Catholics now have the idea that there is no
longer any need for personal, private prayer. Even at non-liturgical
devotions such as the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Novenas,
and Benediction, that all these are now obsolete. Some even go
so far as to say that such devotions are discouraged and even
forbidden by Vatican II and that's not true.
There is nothing in Vatican II that supports any of these ideas. In
fact, the Council said just the opposite. In the Constitution on the
Liturgy, the Council says: "The spiritual life is not limited solely to
participation in the liturgy. The Christian is indeed called to pray
with his brethren but he must also pray to the Father in private".
Long before Vatican II, we had the words and example of Jesus
himself attesting to this need. Jesus constantly exhorted his followers to pray. He often went off by Himself in the desert or up on the
mountain to pray. We always have a need for personal communication with God.
No matter how much community prayer we have, no matter how good the
participation is, we all still need personal communication with God, which can
be achieved only through personal prayer. Personal prayer is needed for its
own sake as well as for the sake of liturgical community worship. Community
worship depends on personal prayer. Proper participation of liturgical
worship- community prayer - can be achieved only by a soul prepared and
energized by personal devotion and private prayer. It is so sad, that too often
today, participation in the sacrifice of the Mass is just concentration on externals – music, banners, symbols, and novelties with no apparent realization of
the great mystery and sacrifice being re-lived at the altar. That realization
only comes with personal prayer and meditation. External worship, no
matter how beautiful, is hollow, if not animated by internal worship. That's
why community prayer needs and depends on personal prayer.
Personal prayer is needed for its own sake, also. It is true that man is a
social being. He must live and worship as a member of the community, but
first, as an individual. There are certain activities of his life that man must do
himself, for himself. There is a close connection between the physical life of
man and his spiritual life, between the needs of his body and the needs of
his soul. The human body needs food, air and rest to remain alive. Each
human being, to maintain normal human life has to supply these needs himself. No one can eat, breathe or sleep for you. You've got to do it yourself!
The same thing applies to the spiritual life. The soul needs the spiritual food
of the Eucharist, the spiritual rest of meditation and the spiritual air of prayer.
Without this proper spiritual nourishment the human soul cannot mature and
flourish spiritually as an individual and consequently cannot fulfill his role in
worshipping God as a member of the community. The individual can go
through the motions of public prayers, singing, standing and kneeling, but it
is only external worship. Missing is internal worship which results only from
personal communication with God. Just as air is essential to physical life, so
prayer is essential to spiritual life. When you stop breathing, you are dead
physically. When you stop praying, you are dead spiritually.
Some may be wondering why I'm making such a big issue of this, why I think
it is so important to be talking on this subject now. After all, the doctrine
of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist has been the heart of our
Catholic faith, devotion and worship from the very beginning of Christianity.
Because of the present situation in the church regarding the farewell gift that
Jesus gave to us. A few years ago a survey was conducted that concluded
that greater percentage of Catholics did not believe in the Real Presence as
the Church teaches it.
One final area must be considered. Spending time with Jesus in adoration
should not strike us as unusual. It is really a very natural human activity.
When two people love each other, they want to spend time together to visit,
to get to know each other better. You cannot love someone you do not know.
Adoration of our Lord in the Eucharist is your chance to know Jesus better.
One of the best aspects of Eucharistic adoration is this: how you spend your
time with Jesus is entirely up to you. Talk to Jesus; tell Him your problems or
your concerns. Tell Him about your joys, too. But most important, is to stop
and listen, let Jesus do some of the talking. He's been waiting for a chance
to visit with you, but your life is so busy with work, family and school. Jesus
can't get through to you.
This is why thousands of people who spend time in adoration will testify that
one hour each week with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the most peaceful, the most satisfying hour of their whole week, and because of the peace
they have received, they now spend many hours in adoration of the Blessed
sacrament. So finally we go back to our title: "Why is Eucharistic Adoration
important"? Why should you spend time visiting with Jesus in the Eucharist,
simply because Jesus himself, invites you. He said it so warmly, "Come to
me, all you who are weary and burdened. Come to me and I will give you
rest". Who could refuse such an invitation? God Bless You.
I Domingo de Cuaresma
Edición n° 1
Todos los domingo a las 5:00 PM, por favor no faltes e invita a otros a asistir a la
Santa Misa
Charla pre bautismal: Todos los terceros viernes de cada mes, a las 7:00 PM. Lugar: Mt. Carmel
(pequeño salón ubicado dentro de la misma parroquia). Por favor, hacer una cita previa a la charla
durante la semana en la oficina parroquial con el P. José Luis Tenas. No olvides traer contigo el registro
de nacimiento del niño/a
Celebración del bautismo: Todos los cuartos domingos de cada mes a las 6:00 PM, o inmediatamente
después de misa, por favor quedarse a escuchar misa
Fechas en que nos reuniremos durante este año (2015)
Marzo: 7 y 21
Abril: 4 y 18
Mayo: 2,16 y 3
Junio: 13 y 27
Julio: 11 y 25
Todas las reuniones serán los días sábados a las 11:00 AM
There are still many
current dates available
Sanctuary Lamp,
Bread & Wine,
Please consider this special way to
honor a loved one, living or deceased.
Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his only son,
Isaac. St. Paul reminds us that God Himself “did not
spare his own Son.” Are my gifts to the Lord - of my
resources, of my time, of myself - also sacrificial?
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our
parish who, through fasting, become more conscious
of their faith and its interaction in daily lif e!
The Immaculate Heart of Mary will be meeting on Wednesday, March 4th, at 7:00pm for
Rosary in the Saint Catherine Chapel. It will be in Italian and English. Come all, we will
pray for the priests and the Souls in Purgatory.
Also please join the parish for our Lenten Retreat with Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski on
Tuesday, March 3rd @ 6:30pm. Let’s support our Parish!!!
We welcome the newly Baptized
into our Christian Community
for the Month of January 2015:
Skyler Grace Darnell
Noah Logan Diaz
Angelo Biagio FicaLora
Christopher Joseph Gerrato
Adriana Marcella Mignano
Erica Giovanna Mignano
Patrick David Nugent
Karina Nicole Procida
Natalie Lucianna Wallace
to our newly married couples
for the Month
of January 2015:
Richard & Karen (Taylor) Militello, Jr.
… to our
Faith Community & Parish!
encouraging families and individuals
to pray daily in the home
This program promotes daily praying of the Rosary. Started in 1987 by a parishioner devoted to Our
Lady of Fatima and praying of the Rosary, it has touched hundreds of families and individuals over the
years. A ‘pilgrim’ statue of Our Lady of Fatima travels to a home, delivered by a member of the parish, and displayed to
inspire praying the Rosary and other prayers DAILY. There are specific prayers led by the person that delivers and picks
up the ‘pilgrim’ statue and a booklet with prayers for use by those that gather in the home to pray throughout the week.
The CUP OF PRAYER reminds us that daily prayer is important. The CUP has traveled throughout the
community to the home of families and individuals. This program was initiated in 2010 by a group on a
pilgrimage hosted by our parish that visited Ars, the home of Saint John Marie Vianney, the Patron of Parish
Priests. The cup was presented to the parish to encourage increased daily prayer in the home. Through this
prayer program intentions are presented for needed vocations to the priesthood, for our parish priests and
their intentions, for our parish family, and for the intentions of those that pray in the presence of the cup. The CUP
is presented at weekend Mass of your choice; the family or individual receives a blessing witnessed by those in the assembly. A Cup of Prayer booklet provides suggested prayers.
Parish Lenten Retreat
Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015
6:30PM - 9:30PM
Featuring a Lenten Meditation
By Bishop Andrzej
The Retreat begins with
Mass at 6:30,
followed by
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
Lenten Meditation and Confession.
24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration
March 6, 2015
Including a Special
Night of Prayer
11PM - 6AM
Led by Father Johnny
Stations of the Cross
Led by Faith Formation
“Evenings of Respite”
We welcome all parents /guardians with special needs
children/young adults to take a couple of hours to
themselves while we enjoy your special needs
children and their siblings. We invite your children
to spend time with our trained and enthusiastic
volunteers. They can play ball in the gym, enjoy
games, painting, puzzles and arts and crafts. We will
also have pizza and chicken fingers for dinner. Our
next evenings are:
March 13, 2015
May 29, 2015
Saint Catherine of Sienna
Our pantry is always in need of peanut butter,
jelly, tuna fish, canned meats,
fruit, prepared jarred spaghetti sauce, juice,
cereal, coffee, soap, toothpaste, toilet paper,
deodorant, razors. Please keep in mind that
regular size items are most needed by
those we serve in our community.
This week we are especially in need of:
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Remember, if you are in need of assistance, we
are here for you. All information is kept strictly confidential. Call us at 775-0840 EXT 412.
Thank you to our generous parishioners for being
the hands of Christ to those who are in need!
“When I was hungry, you fed Me.”
Matt 25:35
Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women …
Endow is a Catholic educational program that brings women together to discover their
God-given dignity and to understand their role in humanizing and transforming society.
An Endow study group at Saint Catherine of Sienna parish consists of approximately 14
women with two trained facilitators; group size is limited. Our study group meets for about 12—14 weeks to cultivate
faith, fellowship and formation. No homework is required.
The next study group will be on an encyclical written by Saint John Paul II about Mary and her exalted role in salvation history. “Mother of the Redeemer (Redemptoris Mater)” will meet every
Thursday night, 7:00PM—9:00PM, in our Sienna Center beginning Thursday, March 19th.
Pre-registration is required. Register directly on the Endow website at or
through Parish Office. Cost is $19.95 (plus shipping–Approx. $6.00).
For additional information contact us at 516-352-0146 or email us at
Faith Formation
This is an opportunity to participate in the Sacrament
of Reconciliation as part of your Lenten observance:
Sharing faith
through the eyes of
our Catechists:
I started teaching in 2002 when
the 1st grade class was in the
home. Then I taught 2nd grade
and I am still teaching that grade.
Why do I teach? That is a loaded
question with only one (good)
answer. For our (the Church's)
future. I believe so strongly that
the home is the first place to teach
our children about God and his
great love for us, but without
Catechists (teachers), our youth, our future, will
not prosper. I would often ask my family
“should I return to teaching”, each year I was
asked to come back. The response would be divided. Of course, they wanted me home making
dinner and attending to their every need. I learned
to prep for them and still do what I truly loved to
do. That's it. I teach because I truly love it. Each
year returning, saying this is my last year, but
seeing the children's faces each week, I feel this
is where I should be. The children have so many
questions that I get upset that I am not able
to address every one of them each week. They
are so full of curiosity, love and the need to know.
I am so privileged to be able to help them
understand God’s love and hope that they get it
and are able to spread and share it. So many of
the children that I've taught in the past have come
up to me and said thank you for being the best
teacher ever. That's another reason I keep
coming back. I really feel that I am making a
difference. I love to explain and teach them the
right way to receive Jesus and that they will
always have him with them forever.
Josephine Catapano
2nd Grade Catechist
Levels 5 & 6 - March 7th
1:30 pm in the Sienna Center
Level 7 - Thursday, March 19th
Level 8 - Thursday, March 12th
7:30 pm in the Sienna Center
Level 5 Mass
Fifth grade students and their families are invited to
attend Mass on:
Sunday, March 8, 2015
9:30 am
Saint Catherine Chapel - Sienna Center
Level 8 Confirmation Retreat
Level 8 Second Year Confirmation Preparation
students are required to go on Retreat. We have two
retreat dates- Saturdays, March 14th and 21st. The
schedule has been mailed home.
Let Us Pray For Our Confirmation
For our young people
preparing for Confirmation,
that they may be encouraged
by the living faith of this parish.
God, our loving Father,
these young people come before you
as your children. They belong to you.
Send the Holy Spirit upon them
as they begin this time of preparation
so that they may come to know
your presence in all they do.
Faith Formation Students, please take this page to class
Name_________________________ Grade Level___________ March 1, 2015
Use the numbers to find out what it was.
The code will reveal the answer.
Lord, lead me to freedom on this
Lenten journey. To you, Lord, we lift
up our souls!#GodIsLove
What are some acts of
kindness you can do for…..
Brother or Sister
A friend
A Neighbor
Give Peter, James, and John puzzled expressions!
Register for bus transportation only, drop off the completed for m below along with check payable to “Office of Faith
Formation DRVC.” at Saint Catherine of Sienna, Parish Office, Welcome Desk. (write on envelope “World Meeting of
Families 2015”) If there are enough registrations a bus will leave from St. Catherine’s.
990 Holtzheimer Street
3-6 yrs
11-14 yrs
7-10 yrs
SUMMER FUN for Everyone!
“At Camp Sienna we recognize that each child is a unique gift
from God. We create a safe, supportive, and fun summer
environment where every child can make memories
and build lasting friendships.”
June 29th—August 7th
(Closed July 3rd in observance of Independence Day)
Regular Day:9:00am-3:00pm
Extended Day: 9:00am-6:00pm
(DON’T MISS OUT!!! We’re filling up fast!)
Summer is a time to enjoy …
have fun, experience something new, make new
friends in a faith based atmosphere!
Come for the entire season of 6 weeks OR
select the weeks that work for you
OR join us for the day.
Rates: Special All Season, Weekly, Daily
For information regarding Camp Sienna’s prices, enrollment
and deposit policy please call:
Phone (516) 352-0146 ext. 403
Game Truck
Camp Sienna is inspected by the Nassau County Department of Health twice
yearly. Inspection reports concerning such camps are filed at 200 County Seat
Drive, Mineola, NY.
This spring, couples that have been
married fifty years or more will be
honored at liturgies on Sunday, April 19th
at the Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr in
Sayville and on Sunday, April 26th at the
Church of Maria Regina in Seaford. Both
liturgies will begin at 2:30pm. Couples may
register for ONE liturgy. Registration forms
and complete instructions can be obtained
at the Parish Activities Complex. Registration must be received in the Office by
March 20th for the April 19 liturgy and by
March 27th for the April 26th liturgy. There
will be additional celebrations in the fall for
those who may find that more convenient.
If you have any questions please call the
parish office at 516-352-0146 ext. 404.
Saint Catherine of Sienna Church built ninety
years ago is temporarily
closed due to ceiling needing
critical renovation. The renovation requires step-by-step
coordinated plan to ensure
efficient, safe and quality construction. In the meantime
many have asked “What can
we do?” We are grateful to
those who provided unsolicited financial support
such as members of Rise Above Fitness Zumba
class with Nicole Neeman. Just as the construction will take coordination so must the funding.
This is our time to come together and unite in
our efforts with patience as a parish-wide funding
plan is developed to secure the additional funds
and not impact the continued good work of our
parish ministry. Msgr. Rick will be providing an
update on construction and funding plans in the
near future. Thank you.
Pope Francis: Never use God as a cover for injustice
(Vatican Radio) Saying we must never use God as a cover for
injustice, Pope Francis warned on Friday (February 20th) against
those who follow all the outward signs of piety but then exploit or
mistreat their employees or dependents. The Pope’s words came
during his homily at morning Mass celebrated in the Santa Marta
Listen to this report by Susy Hodges (including clips of the
Pope's voice):
Pope Francis used his homily to reflect on how Christians, especially during Lent, should not confine themselves to outside signs
of piety like fasting and charity and instead must reach out to
those in need.
He said Jesus wants from us a fasting that breaks the evil chains,
frees those who are oppressed, clothes those who are naked and
carries out justice. This, he explained, is a true fasting, a fasting which is not just an outward appearance or observance but a fasting which comes from the heart.
Love of God and neighbour are one and the same
“And in the tablets of the law, there’s the law towards God and the law towards our neighbour and both of these go together. I
can’t say: ‘But no, I follow the three commandments first and the others more or less.’ No, if you don’t follow one, you can’t follow the other and if you follow one you must follow the other. They are united: Love of God and love of our neighbour is one and
the same thing and if you want to show genuine and not just formal penance, you must show it before God and also towards your
brothers and towards your neighbour.”
Grave sin to use God as a cover for injustice
Pope Francis highlighted the example of somebody who goes to Mass every Sunday and receives communion but then asked: does
that person pay his or her employees in cash under the table, maybe a salary below the going rate and without making the necessary
social security contributions?
“So many men and women of faith, have faith but then divide the tablets of the law. ‘Yes, I do this’ – ‘But do you practice charity?’ – Yes of course, I always send a cheque to the Church’ – ‘Ok, that’s good. But at your home, within your own Church, are you
generous and are you fair with those who are your dependents - be they your children, your grandparents, your employees?’ You
cannot make offerings to the Church on the shoulders of the injustice that you practice towards your dependents. This is a very
serious sin: using God as a cover for injustice.”
At Lent make room in our hearts for those who have erred
The pope went on to explain how during Lent Christians should be reaching out to those who are less fortunate, be they children,
old people without private health insurance who may have to wait eight hours to be seen by a doctor and those who have erred and
who are now in prison.
“No, with those types of people I don’t (associate) ….’ He’s in prison: if you’re not in prison it’s because our Lord has helped you
not to sin. Do you have room in your heart for prisoners in jail? Do you pray for them so that the Lord can help them to change
their life?’ May the Lord accompany us on our Lenten journey so that our external observance becomes a profound renewal of the
Spirit. That’s what we prayed for. That the Lord may give us this grace.”
Hunger for God
Fasting is more than a means of developing self-control. It is often an aid to
prayer, as the pangs of hunger remind us of our hunger for God.
— from Fast, Pray, Give
Saint Catherine of Sienna
Lenten Soup Supper
An evening of prayer and of praise
March 26, 2015
Parish Auditorium
Passion Of The Lord
Departure: 6:30am @ St. Catherine of Sienna,
Franklin Square
Departure: 6:45am @ Our Lady of Lourdes,
Queens Village
FARE: $42.00 pp
For more information please call
Ester Breheny or Joe Lomangino @ 516-214-6130
Part-Time Job Opportunity at Catholic Charities –
Diocese of Rockville Centre
Part-time Driver – Meals on Wheels Program, Freeport, LI
(19 hrs./wk. – Need flexible availability
from 9 am – 2 pm, Mon. – Fri.)
We are seeking an experienced delivery driver who is familiar with South
Nassau routes to deliver meals to homebound seniors while monitoring
and reporting any changes in their physical, emotional or mental
status. HS/GED and a valid NYS Driver’s License required. Our ideal
candidate will have at least 2 years’ experience as a delivery driver and
demonstrated knowledge of vehicle maintenance. Solid communication,
organizational and client service skills are needed.
Email resume and cover letter of interest
to: or fax to: 516.733.7038.
Please include “MOW Driver” in the subject line of your email or fax.
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Rockville Centre
“Care With Dignity; Life With Hope”
Continuing the Marian Healing Ministry of Fr. Dennis Kelleher CSsR
Healing Mass at St. Anastasia’s Church, 45-14. 245th Street, Douglaston
Little Neck, NY 11362
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
7:00PM—Rosary, Mass & Healing Service
Celebrant: Fr. Augustine Fernando
Assisted by: Deacons Joseph Mercolino, John Dennehy and
Michael Vicinanza
Music : Tony Owen
For more info contact St. Anastasia’s Church at
718-631– 4454
Good Friday (April 3rd)
“Do This In Memory of Me
Parish Auditorium
March 8, 2015
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Our Lady of the Snows Church
259th Street and 80th Avenue
Floral Park, Queens NY
For more detail call
March 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015
“Dancing on the Head of a Pin:
The Angelic Doctor on Angelic Natures.”
A Workshop on Angels
The Seminary of the Immaculate Conception
440 West Neck Road, Huntington
For more details call
516-352-0146 ext. 147
March 19, 2015
American Legion Malverne Post 44
AC Trip Bally’s Casino
Tickets $40.00
For more information call
Bob Guarneri @516-483-5631
John Hassett @ 516-887-7473
April 18 and April 25
Myers - Briggs Workshop
Christ the King Parish
2 Indian Head Road, Commack,
NY 11725
9:00AM to 4:00PM
For more details call
Friday & Saturday
Date: April 17th – 18th, 2015
“Funny Girl” at the
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre
Angels on the Road is proud to present
“Funny Girl” at the Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre.
Enjoy a fabulous 2 day trip in Lancaster, PA
with a sit down luncheon at the homestead of the
Stolzfus Family as they share their stories of the
Amish Life.
Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation ,1 Night Hotel
Accommodations at the Heritage Hills Golf Resort
1 Breakfast, 1 Amish Home Cooked Luncheon,
1 Dinner at Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre,
1 All You Can Eat Dinner Buffet
See the show “Funny Girl” at Dutch Apple Dinner
Theatre, Visit the Biblical Tabernacle, Visit Kitchen
Kettle Village
Visit the Bird – N – Hand Farmers Market
All Taxes and Meal Gratuities
Price: Quad $269.00pp Triple $279.00pp Double
$299.00pp Single $359.00pp
Make checks payable to:
For More Information Call Maryann
(516) 352-0082 or (516) 209-2256.
Don’t Wait - Call Today.
This show will sell out fast!
Lenten Day of Prayer
at the Seminary
Rev. Patrick J. Griffin CM, will present a
Lenten day of Prayer at the Seminary of the
Immaculate Conception, 440 West Neck
Road, Huntington, on Sunday, March 22,
2015, from 9:30 am to 3:00pm. The theme
is “Walking with God”. Program includes
conference, lunch, opportunity for confession, and Mass. Donation - $30. Sponsored
by Friends of the Seminary.
Reservations required : 631-423-0483x102,
Knights of Columbus
Twelve Apostles # 5001
Please see below details for our Dinner Dance on March
21st . Please try to support this function as it is our main
fundraiser for our council. Without this we will not be able
to donate to those in need both in our Church and community. Hope to see you at this event.
Next Officers Meeting March 2nd 2015 @ 7:30pm
Next Council Meeting will be on March 18th 2015
@ 7:30pm