Weaker Distribution r Today tm&t; km ta OK Sfc. Skew«v tanwrmr, Hgb, » . See 14,150 An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership VOLUME 82, NO. 205 limed Duly. Monity inrough Friday, enured u Beeond c m s r at the Post Oltlce at Bed Bank. K. J., under the Act ol Marc)] 3,1679. Since 1878 7c PER COPY RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1960 PER WEEK PAGE ONE Industrialists Taken On Tour of County MIDDLETOWN Potential buyers by the bus-load toured Visiting Rand Gets Monmouth County's available inMotorcade Welcome dustrial sites yesterday. The group of about 200 spent RED BANK-Wondering what the whole day on the county-wide all the blowing of horns and tour, sponsored by the Monmouth sounding of sirens w a s Uu>t County Planning Board, Jersey night? Central Light and Power Company, N. J . Natural Gas Com- It was the Red Bank High pany, Monmouth County Bankers School Band motorcade which Association, N. J . Bell Telephone welcomed the Ml. Pleasant Company and 13 municipalities. (Del.) High School Band. ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) Harold Fink, plant manager of The band will stay here for — Turkey's armed forces the Irvington Division of Minnesota, Mingni and Manufacturing a three-day visit. today took over control of Company, told the group in an The bands will give a joint he nation in a bloodless after-lunch speech, of his firm's concert tonight at 8:30 In the coup d'etat sparked by satisfaction with Monmouth Coun- high school gymnasium. mounting public dissatisty as a plant site. Red Bank's high school band faction with the strongman He praised Freehold and coun visited Mt. Pleasant two weeks ty officials for excellent co- ago. ule of P r e m i e r Adnan MenLOADING UP — Industrial leaders, real estate brokers and county officials prepare operation when the firm built leres. to board buses at the start of the Monmo uth County industrial site tour yesterday. here two and a half years ago. The military rebels promised "The best way to illustrate the ) hold free elections and then The tour started at Monmouth Park race track and covered 12 county municipalities. company's pleasure over our and over the government to the Freehold experience is by pointdinners. ing out that when w e needed The a r m y move, followed a additional productive capacity for month of unrest which began magnetic tape, we selected Free vith s t u d e n t demonstrations hold for t h e site," Mr. Fink said. igainst Menderes and his gov"We found that the kind of ernment's oppressive measures co-operative attitude which in gainst the Premier's chief podustry hopes t o find w a s stronger POINT PLEASANT B E A C H itical opposition, t h e Republican in Monmouth County than in A 27-year-old Freehold Regional 'eople's P a r t y of former PresiHigh School teacher, who beThe nation's 91st Memorial Day be a t borough monuments or headquarters. Mayor George A . many other sections of the state," lent Ismet Inonu. came separated from his friends will be observed at solemn serv- parks, with the public invited. Gray will deliver the principal he said. " I t is the kind of enices in m a n y municipalities Municipalities in the Red Bank address. Capt. Geoffrey Clay of thusiasm and co-operation which while skindivins yesterday, was Ankara Radio announced that found dead in the ocean a short throughout the county. area with services a r e as fol- the Salvation Army will offer many people today try to tell 'resident Celal Bayar and memtime later. Memorial D a y first was ob-'lows: the invocation. Morris Miller will us exists only in the southern bers of Menderes' Cabinet had RED BANK served May 30, 1869, on order of be toastmaster. Besides the vet-states, which have gained a great A doctor, called to t h e scene, seen taken into a r m y custody. Gen. John A. Logan, commander Combined observance at l l e r a n s ' organizations and auxil- deal of attention with their ef- listed the cause of death a s apThe broadcast made no menof the Grand Army of the Re-'a.m. by the American Legion and iaries, the fire department, serv- orts to build a n industrial econo- parent drowning. However, an TWO DOWN, ONE LEFT—The second of three bottleion of the Premier, who has nosed dolphins which cavorted in the Navesink River my." utopsy will be performed today. public. I Veterans of Foreign Wars at thel j c e organizations and labor unions seen on a speaking tour of cities Other speakers were Commis- The victim was identified as during the winter met death this week. Chief Warrant in western Turkey and w a s not Most of Monday's services will monument adjacent to p o l i c e ! a r e participating. sioner Salvatore Bontempo, N. J . ilen L. Martin, Jerseyville, a Officer John Blaiich and his son, Joey Mike, 3, look at due back in Ankara until tomor~~ ~Z IT FAIR HAVEN 1 row. A parade will form at 8:45 Department of Conservation and ihysics teacher at the Freehold remains of * dolphin which was found under a dock on a.m. a t the Willow Street School. economic Development; Joseph school. Official reports reaching the The service will be at 9 a.m. C. Irwin, director, Board of Free- He was found floating face Normandy PI., Sea Bright, yesterday. The Coast Guard British government from Ankholders; Charles M. Pike, direcat the park on River Rd. Varidown by one of his four com- at Sandy Hook dispatched a truck to remove the six- ara said a r m y leaders of the ious organizations will place or, County Planning Board, and panions, police said. coup had seized Menderes himE. Donald Sterner, tour chair- His oxygen tank and breathing foot, 90 pound mammal. Chief Blaiich said the dolphin wreaths at the monument. self, as well a s all members man and chairman of the County apparatus were missing. apparently had been struck by the propeller of a fishing SANDY HOOK of his government. Planning Board. MARLBORO — Chances ap- lined plans for a potential 8,000boat. pear remote that the New York house development, with three The R e d Bank Veterans of For- Participating One of his friends, Marvin E m The broadcast from the Turkmunicipalities eign Wars Post and color guard realty firm of Webb and Knapp to an acre. ish canltal also said the chief presented exhibits and literature mons, of 1518 Northstream Pky., will hold its annual memorial will ever build their much- Committeeman Joseph Lanzaro of staff and the commander of at The Oaks, McGuire's Grove, Point Pleasant, told police the discussed 2,000 to 8,000 house de- was t h e only committeeman who service for the British war dead group had been in the w a t e r only land forces were among those at Fort Hancock a t 1:30 p . m Middletown. . velopment in this township. about 15 minutes when the body would not commit himself on the taken into custody, indicating SEA BRIGHT While some of the munidpali was found. This became apparent at last question of downgrading. the leaders of the coup were The Highlands VFW will holdties greeted arriving tour mem night's Township Committee To Obtain M a p lesscr-rnnkinp; and probably its annual service at the honor bers with well-manned booths and He said h e and another man meeting when four of the five Another indication of the com roll monument at 11 a.m. younger officers. "i othe found Martin and towed him t quantities of material, committeemen said when polled mittee's position came when shore but attempts tn revive t b The rebels were quick to as(See TOUR, P g . 2) on the question that they would Committeeman Millard B. Lam Freehold teacher failed. sure the West that Menderes' never consider downgrading from berson called for t h e Planning overthrow meant no change in KEANSBURG — The status of I Union Beach officials favor Norrlstown Native The Register the present half acre lots. Board t o submit a m a p of areas Turkey's staunch alliance with Mr. Martin and his wife hav a regional high school study in- four-year plnn but indicated they the West, against Soviet ComIn March, t h e developers out- to be upgraded to one acre. volving Keansburg, Keyport and have not closed the door on a Will Not Be a child. The committee supported him munism. An Ankara broadcast Union Beach remains up in the six-year plan. in his request for t h e map, which H e began teaching in Freehoh air today after talks between the The issue is further complica- said Turkey, Middle Eastern Published they worked on with the Planning three school districts last night. ted by the fact that Union Beach anchor of the Weslem defense April, 1959. Board earlier this ^year. This question m a y be resolved " " " I know by June 22 in which line, would remain loval to its Monday Originally, he was from NorMr, Lamberson listed the areas June 22 when the three groups direction the study will proceed. membership in the North Atristown, P a . He was graduated agreed upon for upgrading as the lantic and Central Treaty (CENBuilding Plans Memorial Day SEA BRIGHT - This borougl from East Stroudsburg (Pa. get together to review cost fig- j In the process of planning on TO) Alliances. following: All of t h e township ures and curriculum data on a Teachers College. this morning joined the growing east of Rt. 79, and the area j a new I2-room elementary school, junior-senior high school. In broadcasts over Ankara number of municipalities whose south of Big Brook and WynnAs it "stands now,' the Keyport » " i o n Beach officials flatly sta- radio, Turkey's new military ' EATONTOWN police cars have been involved ' UNION BEACH — Borough crest Rd., west of Rt. 79. The lcd Board of Education favors the ' ? « «|'SM that the issue r u l e r s Council last night set June 16 as rest of t h e township will remain The American Legion Post and in accidents. six-year school plan. Im u s t b.e s n ,ve^ s o o n , s o tll(> y c a n Called on all persons to stay the date for public hearing of at one half acre, although there its auxiliary will hold services a t Patrolman Gerald Cranmer r e Memorial P a r k at 10:30 a.m. The ported the I960 patrol c a r he was * , . . . . . . . [proceed with their plans. at home and to obev the In18 departmental charges against are certain areas under discus, invocation will be led by Rev.driving was struck on the righ Keansburgp also ikes the ju-,| E a rn, dae n tG a rof risoni cmmly sup. Patrolman Andrew Kubiak. sion for upgrading. schools finally structions of the military. Robert Scott of the Church of nior-semor proposal,either provided a :| ee rr iinmt ee n d e n t o f , s c h o o | S | , f j n a | l y Pledged that all Turkish cllidoor in the beach parking lot at 'Abuse From Residents' The vote was 4-0, with Council new school housing grades s a i n e d a p p r n v a from a| thrco RUMSON — An organization Christ, with benediction bv Rev. 7:05 a. m. man William J . Langan abstain known for its speed of opera- seven t o n i n e or 10 to 12 is built.. grovlps> t 0 w o r k u p f i f , i m . s n n a | *ens would be treated accordHe said he was driving out of tion lived up to its reputation ing. . six-year plan, answering three; '""•t0 ' h e l m v s nf l n e country, He said, " I am passing my maybe justly s o , " said Mr. Lam-lain Donald E . Belor, who is as- the parking lot to Ocean Ave last night. basic questions: | ' romlsed to insure (he safevote because I have a feeling I berson, "about what we a r e doing signed temporarily to Fort Mon- when a c a r driven south in the 1. How will the existing Key-! l y n n d security of all forelgnBorough Council convened at parking lot b y Edgar J . Welch 8:30 p. m., and by 8:37 had finwill be called a s a witness for on upgrading." ' port High School fit the desired! c " l n T u r k p y mouth, will speak. one side or t h e other." The township residents ap- Others participating in the pro 50, of 8 Surf St., collided with ished its public business. curriculum? T™ military group said it had He did not elaborate on the proved b y a 3-2 vote in Novem- gram will be William Smith, bu- the police vehicle. What additional facilities athrough , clccl "because of the crisis 2. The public portion consisted which democracy in would have to be added to the ber^ a referendum calling for up-gler from t h e Connecticut Yan- Patrolman Cranmer said Welch statement. of approving three members Turkey is passing" and " t o avoid high school? Anthony Montanaro, Republl grading certain portions of the kees Drum Corps of New Brit was driving out of a parking 3. What new facilities would national fratricide." can council candidate, speaking township to one acre. The com-ain, Conn., a n d a Fort Monmouth aisle when the accident occured of the Rumson Fire Co. and payment of the bills. It said it would stay in power be required? from t h e audience, asked how a mittee a n d the Planning Board firing squad. No summons was issued pend UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) The fate of t h e study hinges until "free and honest elections" Then the council retired t o hearing could b e called "when have m e t o n several occasions ing investigation. LITTLE SILVER —Memo to U. S. Ambassadors: on another factor — cost of the could be held, then would hand the investigation has not been since t h e referendum to discuss Services will be held at (he Patrolman Cranmer said he the mayor's chambers. Always look a gift eagle in the Keyport High School if purchased over the nation's administration which a r e a s a r e to b e upgraded, borough monument, Church St. notified Councilman John A. Carlcompleted." The new firemen a r e Gilbert beak. to the winners of the election. by the regional board. but have never come to a com- and Prospect Ave., at 10 a.m.son, police committee chairman, W. Boyer, Jr., Geralo P . KelSufficiently Complete Otherwise the great bird might Keansburg officials last night A State Department spokesman plete agreement. ly and Nicola J . Vinci. (See MEMORIAL, page 2) of the accident. turn out to be a spy, like the in Washington said the depart"The'investigation will be suf- The committee is calling for (See REGIONAL, page 2) eagle on a copy of the Great Seal ment had been informed that all ficiently completed by the time the m a p of the areas already of the United States which Ambranches of the Turkish military of the hearing," Councilman Wil(See MARLBORO, Pg. 2) bassador Henry Cnbot Lodge disparticipated in the revolt, liam F . Rodgers, a member of played to the U. N. Security The British Foreign Office said the police committee, replied. Council yesterday a s " a concrete its reports from Turkey indicated Mr. Montanaro charged that example of Soviet espionage." that the country was quiet. the police department " i s being Telephone communications with Lodge, speaking in the council run by Mayor (Harvey C.) ErikIstanbul worn out. Operators debate on Soviet charges against sen rather than the police comwere unable to get calls through American spy flights, said the missioner" (Councilman Matthew from Rome, Belgrade o r Athens. wooden plaque was given the J. Hanas, chairman of the police U. S. Ambassador in Moscow by ,f f ' A J R i l A V I - N - lh« Chamber Pan American Airways ordered committee). a group of Russians. " ^ ' " n i e r c e plans tn make,Us planes to overfly the coun"Have you guys found this , ' ,. . ,, , Organization Day an annual event 'try. man guilty before he even has RED BANK - The job of billLater, he continued, the plaque | l c r 0 had a hearing?" Mr. Montanaro ing sign owners, in the borough was four.d to be hollow. § j So says R a y m o n d JanneHi prcs. may be completed early in July, shouted angrily. "More is the clandestine listen- ident of Ihe trade group, Two or three councilmen r e John Bryan, borough clerk, reing device with the aerial, right "Our program last Saturday plied " n o " and Mr. Rodgers ported yesterday. under the eagle's beak," said was so successful that we have Amusements KJ.19 started to reply further to Mr. An ordinance was passed by Lodge, taking the plaque apart decided to hold it yearly," he Births ." 2 Montanaro when Mayor Erikscn the. Borough Council May 17 setand explaining that persons out-'said yesterday, Jim Ilishop 6 Interrupted, s a y i n g , "That's ting a $4 license fee for all signs. side with a receive could pick Youth Organization Day an anHal Boyle ZZZ. 7 enough on the subject until the Mr. Bryan said h e h a s surup conversations the eagle over-]nual event hero, veyed t h e fronts of most of the 20 & 21 hearing." heard. ' sisted of a parade, exhibits, andj stores in the business area on 3IS-29 Through Fence Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei a Little League all-stnr baseball Broad St. and has sent bills to 20 &24 The charges against Patrolman the stores. Because it is near Gromyko asked derisively what game. Editorials 6 Kubiak a r e a result of a police the mid-year point, Mr. Bryan Many residents lined River Rd. Herblock play the " p r o p " came from. 6 car accident May 13 when the said, the bill is for $2 instead "It's not nut or n play," I.nd,;o Saturday morning tn wnlch the Kitly Kelly 12 car crashed through a cyclone of tho yearly figure of $4 set replied. " I t ' s out of the Sovint!P i > rntl « w ! l i c » «™sist«l of local Obituaries 2 fence between t h e water works in the ordinance. lyouth groups and service organ- Sylvia Porter Union." 25 and the Jersey Central Power Enclosed with each bill is a I i/iiti:mi. Lodge did not say to which am Rnillo-Tclcvlslon 18-19 and Light Co. power station. copy of the sign ordinance. bas.sador the plaque was given or Frank J. P o n y was general Religious Services M15 The patrolman hqs neither con- Mr. Bryan said the billing will „ when it was discovered. Hut W. «•• Kiirmnn of Ihr event while Coun. Social 12-13 c l l m i l n llm v llllntln firmed nor denied responsibility, be done on a gradual basis, with Aven-'ll llarriman told n e w s m e n i - '-• K w a s pa- CleorRO Sokolsky . 6 rn(ll! saying only that "If 1 did it, 1 certain areas being chocked for the plfique had been given In h i m , chairmen Snorts 21-23 A m o n R Mr [vr llirr as must have been asleep." signs each week. Mr. Bryan is in !<M5 when he was nmbnssndor '^ " ' Stock Market 2 Along with several related spotting the signs himself on to Moscow and he understood the s i s t i l " l s w m ' Knvinond Miller. W. S. White 6 1 1 1 S l 1 n r a l | i : u ( n c A d a m s charges, he has been chnrgd walking tours of the areas, listening device was discovered H " ' " " "' « ' with drlnkinj; intoxicating bever (ins Li(j!il Revue LEST WE FORGET—Members of tho Catholic War Veterans havn placod flags on in I!)M, when George V. Kenruin fnrlinpntils were Ihe Mayur ages while on duty, dnmnging Notice jnrnl Council, police department, June R. 'I, 10 fur tickets cnll held the post, the graves of tho w.r.r-dcad at Mt. Olivot Comotory, Middlotown, in obsnrvnnco of the police car a s a result of Little Silver Borough Offices will "I liuni: it up over Ihe fire- civil defense, first aid squad, lire CA 2-2IM. Admission $1.50. All careless operation of (ho vehicle, nnt bo open on May .10th, July Memorial Day. Knooling, loft to right, aro Jamos A. Santnnollo, officnr of tho day, place in my study," .'aid Ilii department nnd ils ladies auxil- seats reserved..—Advertisement. reporting to work two hours late, 4lh nnd September 5th, 1DG0,Mt. Carmol Post, Asbury Park; Alfred J . Targoniky, commondor, St. Jflmos Post, niiin, "II was nnt biigi'rd when iary, Linns ('lull, Hoard <>f F.duMayer's Inn failure to report involvement in Ki'ijular office, hours a n ; from rut inn, Kiimsnn I ai r Haven ReI hud It." the accident, damage In private !:0() A. M. to 4:00 P . M., Monday Rod Bank, and Raymond R. Russomano, commander, Long Branch Post. Standing, llai liinaii mldeil that the listen- i;imial llir.h Hand. Fair Haven Presents fur your weekend property, mul falsification of his to Friday, inclusive. Offices a r c loft to right, aro George A. Bontloy, St. Mary'i Post, Doal; frank P. Orilici, com- nil1, ,'ippnmlus could have hern schtiok, Dad';. Inc., Hoys Scouts. dancing pleasure Ihe Johnny daily report and the radio and 1 dosed on all bank holidays. mander, Mt. Cnrmol Post, Asbury Pnrk; Anthony Guzii, commandnr, St. Argnnt Poit, iii!;lnlln\ In the senl sometime nil- Cuh Scmits, Ciirl Scouts, llrnwn- .lolutsim T i m . Dinner served police; log. FRFJ) L. AYKKS, Atlantic Highlands, and Frank L. Innaco'li, county commandnr, from St. Jamns Post, er his departure, when the iciiin ies, Sea Si'niils, Mariners. Art from 5 to II A la carle 'til I:.TO. 'Hie liparini; will st.'irl nt 8 p.m. WJIS heinj; reih'rorated, for CA-(irdiip, River Kats, Inc., Youth Your liosl, (iroii'.e Reidy.—-AdHnrmifjh Clerk Rod Bank. in Cottage I'arlc School. | —Advertisement niiipli1. veilisemenl Oilier and Little League. ?nd Mendercs Strongman' Rule in Coup Teacher, 27, Skindiver, Ocean Victim Red Bank Area Municipalities List Memorial Day Programs Webb^ Kwapp Development Appears to Be Dead Issue Status of Regional Study Left Unsettled Sea Bright Police Car In Accident Union Beach Cop Hearing Set Jane 16 They're Fast In Rumson Soviet Gift e Had A 'Bug' in It Sign Bills Going Out In Red Bank Fair Haven Youth Day Successful W U U U l - l l | M U I J U I * > l l 3 fclVCII l i l t , _ . „ l l A t / r - M -7M r x U I / > LI I U I 1 . 1 . INDEX , M«y 27, 1960 RED BANK REGISTER Regional OBITUARIES Nine Bayshore Municipalities Slate Memorial Day Parades (Continued) . reversed «n earlier tiand taken on the study when they announced they' would b e interested in a six-year plan which included the use of the high school. Reverses Stand The group originally favored Memorial Day services and.ial a t Center and Railroad Aves.j Leonardo drill team and the Fort construction of new facilities, parades will be conducted in nine|for services. 'Monmouth Band will participate; When presented, the six-year municipalities in the Bayshore Harry Murtha is chairman of in the march. '.proposal will be based on proMonday. ; the parade. ' HIGHLANDS i viding class space for 2,000 stuThere will be seven parades': Members of the post will place; A p a r a d e u n d e r t n e j o i n t s p o n . ; d e n t s at a cost of $2,500,000. starting in the morning and wreaths at the graves of voter-j s o r s i l i p o f t h e veterans of For-i T n e enrollment figure is based three in the afternoon. • ans at Bayview Cemetery, Leon-. e i f , n W a r s a n d t h e American j o n student figures for the 19G3In Middletown Township there ardo. at 9:30 a.m. Legion is scheduled to start a t 1 ' 3 6 4 v c a r — earliest date new will be two parades. T"110 F i r e Department, Scout- 2 p , m at Ihe Veteran's monu- facilities could be completed. The schedules by towns: ing group, high school band, m e n t n c a r t h e S e a Bright bridge. 1 . A l s o included in the study will , The parade will proceed up be the cost to each district, of MIDDLETOWN j ANDREW KKULL JOSEPH J. NELSON ' LONG BRANCH — Joseph 3. LINCROFT—Andrew Kniti.U, Nelson, -35, of 95 South Broad- 0/ Newman Springs M., died yesterday in Monmouth Medical -Cenway, died Wednesday in Monter. . .. mouth "Medical Center. He was a lifelong resident here, He was born in Slovakia ion of Harry Nelson of Middle- and was a,retired coal miner. awn, and Mrs. Victor Decelis of Mr. Krull had lived here six years, formerly living in Perth his city. Mr. Nelson was a veteran of Amboy. Vorld War II and the Korean He was a member of St. Leo Var, and was a member of Star;The Great Catholic Church here and the St. Joseph Jednote Lodge, f the Sea Catholic Church. Surviving, besides his parents, Perth Amboy. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. ire a daughter, Sharon Nelson of Rhode Island, and a brother, Hen- Mary Perzel Krull; a son, AniBay Ave. to the monument at n c w facilities, cost of operating drew Krull, Jr., of Newark; three ry R. Nelson of this city. Ilurdy Park, where memorial t n e regional school, based on by both the Veterans of Foreign daughters, Mrs. John Kanyock of A requiem mass will be offer: services will be held at 2:30 p.m. each district's student population, Wars and the Leonardo Post, anc a s u m m a r «d Tuesday at 9 a. m. in Star of Newark, Mrs. Chester Humisnki, (Continued) KEYPORT ' yy °f ' n e curricula KEYPORT American Legion. | the Sea Church by Rev. John with whom he lived and Mrs, Parade lines will form at 9 to «« offered W the regional NEW SHREWSBURY ] n £ VI' rV D31 3QC Will Ol«I I d l Horan. Burial will be in Mt.John Romanelh or Hackensack; district. front of the Hook and 9:30'; a.m. at the township hall.i C o l . Ralph W White from Fort a m . in front of the Hook and . . Hi,cu,,ion Sarmel Cemetery under' the di-two sisters, Mrs. Anna Mehalow P cr C B Kirigs my., and will proceed to M o n m o u t h w i | | s ive the dedica- Udder fire house, East Front' s t * d " ' " Jft f t a T a t e r ' ection of the Woolley Funeral of Freeland, Pa., and Mrs. Mary Jamrog of Manchester, N. H., . the'Belford monument and then t •' a d d r c s s a n d l a c e a w r c a l h St. on the nurchase of the NEW OPERATOR — Joseph Romeo, Jr., left, who oper- Home. y and five grandchildren. • to the Nike Missile base at ChaThe parade will start at 9:30. ( h e n e w nlon'umenl at thc ated a service station at Memorial Pkwy. and Firjt Ave., 'A requiem mass will be offerPd " " I . Sycamore School at 10:30 a.m. » will terminate at Veterans Me-; E r o U PD S aweed that y g . Mayor John T. Lawley. Jr., C o u n c i l r nn a nn D o n a l d Cole will mortal Park, where the Veterans,, ed Monday at 9 a. m. in Nay Td haV e t 0 be oar Atlantic Highlands, for 35 years, congratulates Andrew' h ff a n dd marshal hl F i Wars W Post P t will ill con-: be the tivity Catholic Church, Fair Ha,, j jv ve e ,, hhe e w c l c o m c R e v . DDaanni iccl l off Foreign Winzler, right, who will operate the station under a The Legions a memoriall service. • used to the best advanLegion's parade willl start R e i n h e i r n e r , p a s t o r o ( Luther duct ven, by Rev. Arthur J . St. Laud b possible lease with Texaco. Councilman John Byrnes supervises us t 0 l h e Best sslble advan 10 a.m. at Ihe Leonardo First M c m o r i a | c h u ' r' c hh w i M fiive Thehigh high school school band band will be ™ at 10 P° rent, pastor of St. Leo's. Burial i l h c | The ba t0 MonmoutM Medical Center ; t h h e b a t 0 Aid Viola Ave " dd participate participate this; this; ^ and Mayor Karl Karl K K:. ' will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery Aid Squad Squad Building, Building Viola Ave jinvocation ""'X " t i d Mayo agreed upon was the nec- the change of operation. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Coles, and proceed first to the w a r Baron will introduce Col. White, year. under the direction of the John cesity for Keansburg and Union 90 Bath Ave., Long Branch, morial monument at the railroad Frederick Child, pastor of: .Postmaster Henry T. Hopkins E. Day Funeral Home, Red Bank. o on, yesterday. wlil b e tthe h c grand-marshal. •tation, and then to the Legion. £ ' ^ 0 = " c S i c " churciv wil. be R r a " d m a r s h a l EEl-| ' f » ™ ^ c ™ its gTundTiind nas Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ev•post home for ceremonies at the' E a l o n t o w n , w « , give the bcnc.;»*rt Van Charldorp is parade! £' . ^ },'« f ° q ™ D0M1NICK FLOR1DIA ; Miairman ms, 1275 Riverside Rd., NepAmerican Legion monument. diction. •.H v • * * tion couldbe resolved chairman MATAWAN — Dominick Florig . J diction une, son, yesterday. John Panaccione, post com-, T | l e war Memorial Monument The affair is sponsored by the.The Keyport board has its own Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jennings, dia, 23, of Rt. 18, died yesterday DENVILLE—A series of sales Mavesink River Rd., Middletown, in Middlesex General Hospital, mander, will be grand marshal. w a s d c s i j , n e d by the Woman's C|VIC A f f a l r s Committee. [appraisal of the facilities but New Brunswick. Pr department promotions has been son, yesterday. KEANSBURG ; Club. The landscaping was done ' ° r W * parade, the Amer-. . . d j d n o (r e | e a s e f s f| s Memorial Day services ll !by the Garden Club. : . Born in Brooklyn, he had lived lcan L on st w l announced by Charles E. KohlMr. and. Mrs. George W. Vol Memorial Day services will be-!by the Garden Club. : . <^> P° " conductj , ,, gin at 9:15 a.m. with wreath-: The committee for the service services at various cemeteriesheld T h ein J u nUnion e 2 Beach s e s s j o n at w i8 fae p.m.hepp, president of Jersey Central NEW YORK (AP) - Space age here six years. ttllllee aa rr cc aa and, 35 Calt Dr., Hazlet, son 5 th i s; Adm. Andrewf G. h Shepard i services at various cemeteries in Memorial School. laying ceremonies byi h the Veter-: '" issues and other trading favorHe was the son of George and Power & Light Co. and New g Wars at the fire-11 (USN-Retired) ( ) MATAWAN ites were snagged by late profit- yesterday. ans of Foreign honoraryy chair-1 Rosario Caruso Floridia of this Jersey Power & Light Co. Rlvervlew Hospital men's taking yesterday and the stock men's monument, monument Center Center Ave.; Ave.; {man; {man; Mr. Mr Cole, Cole chairman; chairman; Coun- The Veterans of Foreign Wars place. Mr. Floridia was a KorWorld War 1 monument at bor- cilman Robert McCall, Mrs. Wai-Post will hold a service ar Rosemarket posted an irregular de- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wefel ean War veteran. meyer, 75 Franklin Ave., West ough hall., and the World War tor Govinsky, Edmond .1. Nor- Hill Cemetery at 0 a.m. cline. Keansburg, daughter, yesterday. Besides his parents, he is sur(Continued) II monument at Carr Ave. ' r j S p Anthony Monzo and Edward1 Parade lines will form at Main By the close, 555 stocks were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kachin- vived by his wife Mrs. Dorothy •St. and Sutphin Ave., Freneau, agreed upon by the committee A parade sponsored by the Carroll. j losers, and 457 were gainers of :ky, 40 Twilight Ave., Keans- Matheson Floridia; a daughter, VFW will „.„ start at 11:15 a.m. -at -, m t,,,,™, |at 3:30 and the parade will start for upgrading. OCEANPORT the 1,229 issues traded. Miss Paula Floridia, at home; a iurg, son, yesterday. Palmer Ave. and Lorraine P t . | A n e w n a j , p,,),, a n d memorial' a t 10 o'clock. Barkalow Ruling brother, George Floridia, and a Eleven of the 15 most active The march will end at the VFW s [ o n e win -bc dedicated at 111 Mayor Ralph E . Dennis and Township Attorney Clifton T. sister, Miss Virginia Floridia, 'locks advanced and four deHall, Park and Carr Avcs. -,'am h y the First Aid Squad , n . members of Borough Council will Barkalow explained that the comboth of this place, clined. George Thornton. Sr.. World t h e p a r k a t W o | fH i | | A v e i a n d , b e in thc lead, followed by the mittee may approve rezoning A high requiem mass will be Yesterday's closing stocks: War 1 veteran, will be grand: E a t o n t o w n Blvd A parade w i H ' G o I d S l a r Mothers. without the approval of the Planoffered at 9 a. m. Monday in St. ! ACF Tntl I-T-E CM Brk 24» hl leave the fire house at 10:30 a.m.1 T n c American Legion Post will ning Board, but it must be by Adams Ex •Iolin.1 Man 59'Air P.cclue RED BANK—A physiotherapy Joseph's Catholic Church by Rev. RARITAN TOP. i ,.0NG BRANCH j?° nd . llcl , j ? ™ " * a t M e m O r l a l a two thirds vote. Alice Cp Joy Mrc Iark a t oclock lepartment was established by John J. Hendricks. Burial will be AHPB hnrl Mrs. Walter Hills questioned A parade and two memorial; T h e m a y o r a n d c i l y C o m m i s - l " ' 37'.4 Kaiser Al Allied Ch Kennecoll the Riverview Hospital Board of in St. Joseph's Cemetery. the committee about what had 77 services here will be sponsored] s j o n ( ; r s W JH R a ther at a memorial! UNION BEACH Allied Sirs K oppers 8" Ma r arve C 42 jovernors at its meeting WednesAllij Chal Kreage, SS by the Veterans of Foreign s e r v i c e i n f r o n t of City Hall at y° " y ' Eriksen will been done on a master plan. 30 JAMES J. HORTON Alcoa Lehlgh C4.V 10',-i day night. Wars post. Ill a m : b c r °at"rcd speaker at the dedi Mayor Charles T. McCue exAm Alrlln Leh Port C 58 »i NEW MONMOUTH - James J. Am lirk Sh J. Raymond DeRidder, board Leh Val Inci cation service at 1 p.m. at Me-plained that work on a master Lines will form in West Keans-j WEST LONG BRANCH 2'. Am Can I Leh Val RR. O'x resident, said the new depart- Horton, 77, of 50 Frost Cir., died Am Cyan burg, a t Eighth St. and Laurel A s e r v i c e w i | | bo conducted a t ; " 1 0 ™ 1 P a r k - Edward J . Scullion plan would not be started, until .14% LOF Glass 82»i Am MAFily 71U I Lib McN&L, ment will operate independently yesterday in Ivy House Nursing Ave., at 8:30 a.m. The first serv- t h e community Center Locust w i " b e master of ceremonies, after the rezoning was settled. Am Motors 7nr of the rest of the hospital on aHome after a short illness. Am Smelt ice. will be hold there at!) o'clock, ! A v C | a t n a m . j The parade will start at 2 p.m. In other business, the commitSO 1 l.ukpns. fill 671 Am Std Born in New York, he had 38 "three months basis." Am TeltTel 13% I Mack Trk Just before the parade starts. i ' AjBURY PARK Parade lines will be formed at tee passed on first reading an 8S«i, Martin Co Am Tob Mrs. Martha Hyland and Frank been a resident here two and iV, Merck P4 William O. McManus is parade; s , x m e m o r i a l s e r v i w s a r e p , ™ - ' ' : 3 0 a t W n s l l i n e t o n a n d U n i o n ordinance for $6,284 for a truck Am Viscose 35 Melro GM 26' L. Monteforte will head the de-a half years, formerly living Amp Inc Aves. chairman. for the road department. 63'4 Minn M&M 2U?ii Anaconda in Ozone Park, L. I. t S ' , I Mo P a c A 40>i partment. -Thorewi,, be two bands H ^ ^ f ^ t ^ " ^ ' & * » * ' ' Schechterle will be the The committee accepted the Armco Stl 01-H I Monter Oil 3Q» Mr. Horton was a member of Armour&Co Dr. Andrew P. Dedick was app eluding the new 52-piccc Rari-| a n ( | p m A , lt ,,1(, h n n o r parade grand marshal, 33 I .Vont Ward « » , audit from the township auditor, Armst Ck Norman Foy pointed radiation safety officer St. Mary's Catholic Church and 43ni j Nat BIsC 61 Ashl Oil tan lilemcntary School band and|r o | 1 Q t ( [ ) c p o s t o f ( j c C | Rangs! LAURENCE HARBOR Joseph P. Seaman, Perth Amboy. 16»i Nat Dairy M» at the hospital. Atchlson the Holy Name Society of St. a no-piece band from Neptune IA y f i a n ( J t h ( , r a i | r o a d " S | ; U j n n j Some 25 units will participate 23'i I Nat Dljtlll , 2!) Norman Foy, 115 Lake Ave., All nclln Mary Gate of Heaven Catholic 32«, | Nat Gyps 55 >i The second service will OK held,, M 5 a m . DMUBi,tiTs of thei n t l l e Memorial Day parade! Fair Haven, sales manager of 13'. Nal Steel 72 Church, Ozone Park. m 33'i NY Central 23N, WEATHER Jersey Central Power & Light's at thc close of the pparade at A m c r ican Revolution park, Grand ^ l.Hii Nla M Pw 35' He was the husband of the late ft Bay Division, has been appointed Township Hall, North Centcrville. Ave and Cookman Avc., 10:M Assembly will b e at 8:30 a.m. 32 i No Am Av 36?s Mostly fair today with highest Lydia Sweeney-Horton. 6f)'i Nor P a c 40 (Continued) sales manager of the two com-Beth Steel ranging from about 70 near the Some 20 organizations will par- a.m.; dedication of tho new l , o n > " ''"blic School 9, Laurence H'i Nwst Alrlln 19" Surviving are two sons, James roll at Congregation Sons n f ' p k w y . T h e parade will start at I booths .were vacant when the panics. BoelnK Air 27S Ohio Oil 31* ocean to 80 inland. Becoming ticipate. W. Horton of this place, and John 47', Oliver Cp 18' potential customers arrived, and, F r c d T S m i t h M o u n t a i n L a k e S i Itortlen ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Borft Warn Israel. 408 Asbury Avc, at 11 37'; Outn Mar 2.1* cloudy tonight with chance for J. Horton of Huntington, L. I.; The march will proceed to thewere hastily arranged while tour has been named vice president Buckeyn PI 3Hi | Owens III 01 10.V showers late tonight and SaturSunset Memorial Park The • American Legion-sponsor- a.m.: a brother Walter Horton of Long Bucy Eric 16'i I Pan A W Air 17U ifn01 o f Budil Co Shorcland Ctr., where a members looked on. 17 | Param Plct 42'i day. Lowest tonight in the 50's.Island, and six grandchildren. ed parade «ill start at 12:30 p.m.service, Fifth Ave., at noon. anil of sales for both companies. IB'; I Prnnpy. JC 12(\ Highest Saturday in the 70's. will be placed in a boat, The tour started at 10 a.m. at Edward L. Jones, industrial Bulova ni the Yacht Harbor and will dedication of a 60-fout, 7fl-yrar- twreath Burl Ind The Pfleger Funeral Home is IS", Pa Pw4Lt 26U i l k r n o u l illul MARINE Cnse. j r cast into the ocean. Monmouth Park Jockey Club. sales representative in JCP&L's Cater I I S Pa RR 13 proceed tn the Veteran's Memor- old flag pole on the Boardwalk, in charge of arrangements. Trac 27>S Pnll El 50?i Block Island to Cape May: north of the Casino, at 1 p.m. i There will he another service, After taking a roughly circular Central Division, Morristown, has 24 Phlll P t t 43 63 Pit Stesl Wi Variable winds less than 10 knots MARLBORO conducted by the American Le- route through the county, it end-been named to succeed Mr. FoyChrysler THOMAS J. SAPP 4.5% | Pub Sv E*G 36«i today and tonight. Increasing The Red Hank Community Kinn P" s '. a t the park on Laur- ed at the Sea Girt National as Bay Division sales manager. Cities Svo 40'i I Pnnllck Ind in cnce RED BANK — Thomas J. Sapp, K Palm Guard Encampment, where a 3.5 Pullman 73'i cloudiness with showers and YMCA will dedicate the new Pkwy. He lives in Morris Plains. Colum Oas 19H I Pure Oil 2S'i 51, of 212 West Bergen PI., died shore dinner was served. swimming pool and bath house Cnml Rolv n » i | P.CA 75'i scattered thunderstorms beginUnion Beach Transfer Con Etits 62"; Reading Co 12»i ning in the southern portion this yesterday in Monmouth Medical Sites for industry were shown at Camp Arrowhead at II a.m. | - v | ^ « rsn 42% I Repub Stl 60"; Center. Hugh V. Alcssandroni, Rumson, \* \ \ \ \ \\ in the boroughs of Eatontown, Mr. Smith and Mr. Foy will £™[ Mot 5"i | Reyn Met B6S afternoon and spreading northCorn Prl 53% I Rey Tob 61H ward tonight and over all por- Surviving are his wive, Mrs. president of thc Y's board of. •*«•*»- A Freehold and New Shrewsbury, be located at the utilities new Crown Zell 4V'« i Itoli Fulton fliu directors, will make on olficuil t\\ . Af and in the townships of Holmdel, general headquarters in Morris- Crnc Sll W't 1 St Joa L^ad 28-1; tions Saturday. Visibility less Vinie Sapp; a stepson, Charles Wr ;n | St Itcg Pap 3S>i than 1 mile in fog some areas, Heard, at home; three sisters, llowell Freehold, Manalapan, town, due for occupancy in mid-Curtlss nel&Hml Spars Roeb 51% statement J lH'Cclt O l M r s 3uha Dol L i W Shell Oil 3314 otherwise 3-5 miles hazy lower- - Johnson, Mrs. RebecMarlboro, Matawan, Middletown, June. Mr. Jones will be trans- Dentists Kite flying and fishing contests Sup 2Pi | Sinclair 37U ferred to Union Beach. Barker and Mrs. Katie Smith, Ocean and Wall. Sites in Upper ng to about 1 mile in precipita! * K Alrc .10% Smith. AO 36'i will be held from 12:30 to 2 Chem all of San Francisco, and a brothPi | Socony ' 35',2 tion. Freehold and Millstone were not The new vice president joined nnw dedicated to Du Pont p.m., and contests in Ihe swim207'i I Sou Pac IDS e.\ touched by the tour, but were JCP&L in 1046 as a power en| Lt 23' 4 iSou rty 46'i ming pool will follow. A fireworks I N T E C It I T Y The F. Leon Harris Funeral 119«; | Sperry Rd 23:i East Koil CHICAGO (AP) - Thc threat NEW YORK (AP) — Weather display will conclude the program of Ihe firsl system-wide strike shown in colored slides presented gineer, coming from the PenEnd John 32 Std Brand 42 by Mr. Sterner. To terve rovorontly . . . at 9 p.m. nsylvania Electric Co. F.rle RR 8'i std Oil Ca! 40'i forcast for the Middle Atlantic Home, Red Bank, is in charge y Firestone .Wi I Std Oil NJ 40% 1! f ! . iince 1!)22 RUMSON states, toworrow through Wed- of arrangements. Acreage zoned for industry in Mr. Foy joined JCP&L in 1947I-*ord .Mot with dignity and beauty faces the huge Penn 6S», I Stud Pack 10'i Orn Accept l i A p a r a d e from l-orestdale sylvania Railroad loday. as a power engineer. He was IS I T p x a o 877i nesday: p y the municipalities, according to Ril G Cl DEATH NOTICE always, and offering the S.VS I Tex a Prod 24 Gen ClRar School to Victory Park, ''resident Michael .1. Quill of the County Planning Board, is promoted to Bay Division sales Oen Temperatures will average PrtYOR—On Mav 25, I960. Dorothy 2O'i Dynam I4U [ Textron utmost in consideration. Rd will open the Memorial Day " " ' 'v'rnnsporl W <m' iTMiswat Oil IH.i E. Pryor of 16 May PI., Red Rank, Workers Union of :listributed as follows: llowell manager in 1957. He is a graduate)^" k normal to 4 degrees above l*i'i | Tran.iampr 27 formerly of South Orange. Beloved !Am( nca s a l ( l lh c " i s a "strong Township, 4,800 acres, Marlboro of Western Maryland College andjriei At no tirno doos croed or service Rabbi Gilbert R<i.sciithall -' 4<i.i ' I'n r.irbld« 133 normal. Normal high and lowdauKhter of the late Thomas F, and Cella Walsh Pryor, sister of Robert N., S.I i I'll Pac 2(i'l of Congregation linai Israel uf likelihood" 2.1.000 members of his3,000; Wall, 2,'180; New Shrews- is married to the former Ridgely[" prico make any difforenco 31% ! 1 "nit Alrc 3SS, for New York City are 73 andHelen c and the late Thomas pryor. Greater Red liank, will give tlie l " " " n l n 'K l n c a l s Wl11 •">« conPollitt, Allentown, Pa. They have n AM 19 1 I'nltod Cp 7'i 56. Scattered showers at Inter- Relatives nnri friends are Invited to attend the funeral from the Burns FuOoixtrlcli in the high itandardi wo invocntion. Wrraths will be pluc-, l r a r - v l n l l i s advice and quit work bury, 2,200; Ocean Township, two children. 71 1 1'S U n e j 26\ 1,4!)8; Manalapan, 1,308; Eaton rtnodyenr 40 I I'S Plywd 45'i, vals throughout period. Total neral Home, 462 Sanford Ave., near 8 South Orange. Ave.. Newark, on Saturfit AAP have upheld and shall con- I'd at the foot (if tin: monument. ' .''• " ' 37 I I'S null 5<i'i Mr. Jones joined JCP&L in town, 1,044; Freehold Township, Ot No Ry 41'1 I US Smelt 29'4 precipitation about '/2 Inch In day mornlnE, Mav 28 at 8:1.% a. m., fo y m negotiations oovrr unl " ^said K I negotiations 1949 at Lakewood. In 1955 he was(Ircyhound the church of the Sacred Heart, VallsS9G; Millstone, 700; Middletown, tinue to uphold in our by the First Aid Squad and the:l ( ) Quill 23 | I'S Stfel 79«i Virginia and up to about one n hurg. where at 9:15 a. m. A lolemn OH 2R% I Van Al Sll 34 i-'ir.. rvnnrim..ni Mavnr ivii-r demands* for a 20-cent-i-art-hour promoted to industrial sales rep- Oulr Here Pdr tervico and responsibility I'ire Department. Mayor Peter pay increase and improved work- T>32; Upper Freehold, 405; Holm88% Walworth 10'4 Inch Eastern New York and hlfth mass of requiem will he offered for the renose of her loul. interment Holy resentative and transferred to 111 Cent Cartmell will deliver a short 35»i I Warn B Pic 4414 del, 400; Neptune, 138, and Connecticut. Sepulchre Cemetery, East Orange. Int Bun MchI>1 | W Penn El 38(4 to fh» community. Morristown. address. The service is sponsor- ing conditions are completely bog- Shrewsbury, 72. Int Hnrv 4? I Went Vr\ Tel 48>4 Inl Nick ged down. ed by the Girl Scouts. l lit'.I Weits El Int Paper White Mot 49 'A "We are as far apart with the Int TeliTel OFFICE TO CLOSE 457, Woolworth railroad as the Western powers Ynitst ShftT 102 BREAKS LEG RED BANK — The New JerFREEHOLD - William Vnt.i, arc with Khrushchev," he said. sey State Employment Service, I Union leaders worked fur into Marlboro, n student at Freuholtl 48 East Front St., will be. closed yeslcrday. Q Quill said, Regional High School, .suffered a U u ' 60 E. FRONT STREET RED BANK Monday in observance of Mebrokrn lr K vestcnlny when n n o , ;"" ; »'P""H " ' dissnadn tho locals 85 Riversido Avenue r()ln morial Day, Harry Shapiro, manlor scooter he was op.'ralinc col-1lnL ^"^H" " 1 . he said, thc i lls Keyport Branch ager, said yesterday. Claimants l " H ,;,"'(' "'"-coining very imluled with a car driven bv annlh- l" IU "bi SHadyside 7-0557 HOWELL TOWNSHIP - A twoSSI Maplo PI. because negotiations TOKYO (AP) - Communis scheduled to receive their uncr studrnt. Carl N. Appl. T air. >,,.,i,,..,i ipallont Tclcnhono 7-1352 employment compensation checks story chicken house was destroyJl. 1-nRlishlnwH, In Ihe schnol-s parkChina announced today tha that day have been given a newed by fire early this morning on Phono SH 7-0332 Monmouth County's new, modern, non-sectarian funeral inn lot. Tin. Vnla voulh is i,, i Workers members three of its Alpinists have con reporting date and time, Mr. Sha-Farmingdale-Adelphia Rd. It is Non-Scctnrlan * i1 1 1 Va lmi n c l l 1 nc (air nnnlilion in l-itkin ll.ispital. I "" '" '', • ',' '',' " 1 ? (liiered Mt. Everest from th owned by Mucray Karp. piro said. If they remain jobless 1 home, with a home-like atmosphere and memorial chapel. . 'men who do not actually operate •'beer north face, the first tim and are entitled to further bene- No damage estimate was availtrains. in history that tho world's high- fits, they will resume their regu- able. Cause of the blaze has been Conslructed to assure greater comfort and privacy for Hilt Quill said any picket lines est peak has hecn successfully lar Monday reporting date for undetermined. thrown up hy the ' locals would scaled from that side. subsequent benefit checks, he Adelphia and Farmingdale fire you during a trying period. mni'ilctcly halt traffic on Ihe men answered the call. IVmisylvniiia's lines between The three previous ascents ol added. PlBtew bc sponsorcd " XI Memorial • Births Foy Named Sales Manager Profit-Taking Causes Slight Stock Decline Marlboro Physiotherapy Unit Set 4 1 Tour Strike Today John E. Day Reds Claim New Conquest |Of Everest Funeral Home '. ;, ii your assurance of Retting a beautiful, enduring monument in keeping with your tno'A cherrjhed thoughts. Visit our display H call in, without obligation. •*W^in»«.^^^ _ To live m hraru w< Itave hrhlnJ. It not to dlt." CAMPDIU JOHN VAN KIRK & SON ( . > <J»..|.»r r«., HIKfdlrlonn nil t l . M .< I BAH RE KM I II.lit Ml rtnnl [GUILD The Adams Memorial Home Succenor to Mount Momorifll Homo LOCAL SECURITIES OB KIM' A. mi A i) N IOK i UNKHAI.S" One (if till.1 KllllltV'.'i most modern funeral FUNERAL DIRECTORS homes with n c(iiii|)letely liome-liko atniosphcre. llHi IIHOAI) M i l l ;i:r Rod Bank N. J. Fire Destroys Chicken House Everest were mnde from th New York nnd Si. l.nuis. On May 20, President Kisen- south face, by n British team rtinver sij:ncrl an emergency or- in 105:1 nnd twice by Swiss team der creating a fact-finding board in IMC. The climb is expected to be The following bid and asked quotations, from the National Assoto investigate llw dispulr. Und the railway Labor Act this post- used by Peiping to hack up itsciation of Securities Dealers, Inc., do not represent actual transacpones any legal walkout for (iOdaini to the north slope and thetions. They are a guide to the range within which these securities ieak of Everest, and its demam. could hnvc been sold (indicated by the "bid") or bought (indicated days. by thc "asked") at the time of compilation. Quill said lie telephoned warn- iliat tlie Ncpnlcse government BANKS U\fi In the locals Hint any strike nnsult Red Chinese authoritiC5 Asked Dlv. lefore authorizing attempts on Bid before July 20 will be illc|;nl. 1.25 Asbury Pk.-Manasquan Nat'l 33 Railroad headquarters in I'hil- •hr '2fl,028-toot mountain. Ashury Pk., Ocean Grove 2.50 40 1 iuli-lphin disptitfcl (Juill's stiite- The announcement hy the ncw Allenhurst Nnt'l .50 50 1 , incnl Ihiil the union i s attempt- bina News Agency came almost Atlantic IliRhlnnds Nat'l 7.00 160 2.00 ini: In prevent a strike, A spokes- •.imultaneously with news that Bclmar-Wnll Nat'l 55 m Indian party, racing the Com- Central Jersey Hank 15 .50 (X) 161/4 man 'Mid: 1.00 48 "I his is « clehheiale anil mit- imnist team from the southern Farmers & Merchants "irst Nat'l, Bradley Beach 1.25 <I5 ( N c w ) iii"i-oie, ll.iiiniini: of the Inw. If:lr>pi\ hnd been forced tn turn First Nnt'l, Freehold (XX) 1214 anyniii- believes these walkouts sick by a sudden and violent KcansburR-Middlctown 37,1 12.(10 »li/v.artl but was making a ncw p arc not planned by the itniun he .ong Branch Trust 18.00 525 UlMlipt. ii <'ia/v." Merchnnts Trust .70 21-1J vlnlnwnn Bnnk .10 0 iionmoiith"County Nnt'l .10 •''!» 'copies N a t ' l , K e y p o r t 3.00 70 I! so • IIOMK 310 Drond Strocf Worden Funeral Home i DAioisrrowN 1 IKJft ' 2-0.18.1 I'liiineily nl I- ii.'.t Oiniigo New J e r s e y T r u s t Sea Bright Nnt'l l.no .75 INDUSTRIAL Corp. (xxx) •14 45 Klectninics Assistance I'.lccti'iiiiics A s s o c i a t e s 27 Hanson VW-M llnydii I n d u s t r i e s ; l.nird & C o . Monmouth P a r k .4."> 8 N. .1. N.i f u in I ( i n s N ,1. Niitunil ( i n s Uights , .30 II. S llciines iind Di'veliipilli'ill ('orp. CO im-luilini: .10 e M r n : ( v s l (i.7 p c r r r n t .stock (liv * I "Ins sluck divuleiid, (\\\) 2 p e r c e n t s l i n k iliv. 111,'iR; " " I n c l u d e s extiii d i v i d e n d . 28 / Completely Air-Conditioned HARRY C. F. for Your Comfort JAMES A. ROBERT F. ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS DISTINCTIVE Perfection of Material and Workmanship In Beautiful Ncw Designs Our memorials are manufactured by skilled artisans In our well equipped plant at West Long Branch. LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO., Inc. Wall St., CApilal 2-0300, West Long Branch BRANCH OFFICE and DISPLAY MONMOUTH MONUMENT CO. IlKAODKN'S COItNIlK MIDDI.inoWN, N. .1. Slladysldo 7-.18I0 |; Friday, M»r 27, RED BANK REGISTER Linda Ruck, Seventh Grader, Gets Top Prize at Show ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — John Condon, John McNee, DoroLinda Ruck, a seventh grade stu- thea Joslin and Georaleen Jonas, dent of St. Agnes Parochial third prize; Linda Fisher, RobSchool, was awarded "best of ert Netzel, Judith Ruck, Keith show" for her tricolor arrange' Martin, James Clancy and Peter ment, "Gift from Mikado," at Gibson, honorable mention. the St. Agnes flower show held In the fifth grade, Joseph Chambers, Patricia Caruso, Phillast week. Runner up was Judy Miles, ip Simonetti and Carol Chaney, eighth grade, for hher "Fourth h first prize; Linda Eck, Peter Wilson, Peter Joslin and Dennis of July" display. Linda Demko, fourth grade, Celly, second prize; Joan Mayo, won the most original vegetable Donna Lee, Laureen Borges and corsage prize; Virginia Cooper, Karen Fisher, third prize; Richsixth grade, most unusual; Laura ard Cassone, Gerald Snyder. JoDale Belke, third grade, best for Ann Murphy, Patricia Brent, animals, and Mary Theresa Wil- Jane Sheehan and Eric Korpon, son, second grade, best floral ar- honorable mention. rangement. In the sixth grade, Virginia Other winners included kinder- Cooper, Gregory Petach, Marie garten students Paula Caruso Hillmann, Jack Ahearn and Joand Bilry Connell, first prize for seph McNee, first prize; Joan "Humpty Dumpty"; James Mor Young, Martin Mihok, Rogert risy, Kathleen Fitzgerald and McBurnie, Kathryn Rumph, DonJames Kelley, second prize; Kev- na Simonetti and Elizabeth Kam in Beime, Diane Halse, Ann mers, second prize; Joseph BullCONGRATULATIONS are extended to Ra bbi Joel N. Smilchensky, second from right, Hillmann, Albert W. Bullwinkel winkle, Patricia Garrison, Robby Victor Geller, director of community service at Yeshiva University, at testimonial and Mary Lynn Reilly, third ert Congelt,- Elaine Egidio, Dandinner for rabbi in Congregation Beth Shalom's Synagogue, 186 Maple Ave., Redprize, and Kathleen Stryker ielle Mahnken, Kahleen , Macon, Nancy Mika and Franklin Ruck, third prize; Camille Jacobetti, Bank, last night. Roy Sager, center, president of synagogue, was toastmaster. honorable mention. Mary Di Fazio, Gretchen KopWith them are Miss Mtna Breslow, vice chairman, left, and Mrs. Sager, chairman. First grade winners were Rob- pon, Diane Chaney, Robert Cur- INSTALL OFFICERS—New officers of the Atlantic Highlands Civic Association ert Brown, Linda Fisher, Mildred tis and Robert Collins, honor- were installed last night at meeting in the Harbor Administration Building. New Caizzo and Stephen Chaney able mention. first prize; George Brown, Karen In the seventh grade, Rcgina officers are, left to right, standing, Vito A. Predale, president; Mrs. J . R. Sundin, Christensen and Gordon Cas Billero, Michael Murray, Louis first vice president; Martin J . Finan, second vice president; seated, Mrs. Frederick sone, second prize; Gary Pace Mandia, Michael Totaro, Jac Hope De Giglimo, . Christopher queline Barba, Eileen Kelly, A. Walsh, recording secretary; Mrs. Vito Predale, corresponding secretary, and Mr$. Rumph and Florence Elmer Kathleen Linzmayer, Betsy Shee James Elmo, treasurer. WEST LONG BRANCH - Mon- third prize; Gloria Kronshage han and Linda Ruck, firs prize; John Kochon, Beverly new summer study program tailDato, Leone Peck, Joyce Kozak ored to the needs of school teach- and Stephen Fina, honorable Gregory Joslin, Richard McMilmention. ers. In the second grade, Ronald lan, Regina Curtis and Donn; Five courses for teachers will Carhart, Kathy Osborn. Theresa Dinkelberg, second prize; Geral meet July 7-28, following a two-Wilson and Joseph Simonetti, dine Flynn, Anna Mae Smith Dolores Halse, Allen Letts, Kathday registration period. first prize; Jane Finnegan, LinMIDDLETOWN — Mrs. FredThey are "Audio-Visual Meth- da De Genito and nancy cur- leen Eck, Patricia Kennedy, Roberick Schcaffer was installed as ods of Instruction," "Fundamen- tis, second prize; Mark Mihok, ert Fisher, Joseph Mocik and NEPTUNE — Storyland Villpresident of the Middletown Viltals of Classroom Guidance," Patrick Hartman and Laura Lar- John Collins, third prize; Joanne age, selected by the United States! Supienski, Robert Brown, Alice lage Parent-Teacher Association 'Literature for Children," "Test•|son, third prize; Bill Danowitz, Murray, Thomas Jennings, Rog- Information Agency as a TV last week at the last meeting of ing and Evaluating in the Class-:William Allen, Gregory Dickin- er Husker, Denise Schmidt, Don- film subject to be sent abroad, the season. room," and "Historical and Phil-json, Angelo Petraglia and Carol ald Buchanan, James Calandri- will open tomorrow under new Mrs. Jack Preston, vice presiosophica! Foundations of Educa- Wilson, honorable mention. ello, Daniel Monahan, Kathleen management. Merrill Braverdent of Monmouth County Countio n." In the third grade, Janet McNee, Daniel McCabe and man is general manager. cil of Parents and Teachers, also Another course, "Education in Russe, Joanne DiFazio, Eileen According to Mr. Braverman, RUMSON — Rabbi Gilbert S. Russia" will meet July 7-14. |Monaghan, Laura Kelly, LauraIThomas McCabe, honorable men- Storyland has been completely Rosenthal, spiritual leader of Con- installed Mrs. Robert Newlands, principal, as honorary vice presJohn H. Kinncy refurbished and many new at-gregation Bnai Israel of Greater UU William R. Kelley Chairman John H. Gilbert of the Belke and Gregory Eldridge, lion. ident; Mrs. Frederick Hall, first . " ° ' " - U | : U " , " • ' '•-:" V1 Red Bank, here, will receive • ' Teacher Education Department first prize; Donna Ann Betz, In the eighth grade, Sandra racdons added. I h e magic fa-, vice president; Mrs. Jean NutFARRAGUT GRADUATES —Cadets William R. Kelley, has described the program as be-^, o d n e y H u s k e r a n d . E d w a r d , Grodeska. Marie Mason, Robert Robert| bic village where fairytale char and the jun- jeraturc at the commencemont ofjlal, second vice president; Mrs. Rumson, and John H. Kinney, Jr., Holmdel, will graduate ing primarilv for people who a r e i £ h a m b e r s - s e c , o n d P nz , 0; BlM G a f f e ^ J u d y M l ! c s - V e r o n l c a M c ithe Jewish Theological Seminary Harold Copeland, Jr., corresponGarrison '.., S t a n l c > r / I . ^ o z a k ' J e r ; Burnie, Paul Anderson, James from Admiral Farragut Academy June 5. Cadet Kelley, teaching during the year and whoi ding secretary; Mrs. Edward Ru00 Michael McGovern and Susan Harnichar, dolph, recording secretary, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Kelley, 122 Rumson Rd., wish to obtain four credits that!™". . ,. ,,,_"'_ Marie first prize; Wayne Kerrigan, boys riding down Main St. they may need in order to upMr. Herbert Halvorsen, treasmaucher, Allen Patrasek, and Fred Bellottie, Robin Husker, Under the new management, will receive an academic diploma. Cadet Kinney, son grade their certifications. urer. Joseph Caruso, third prize; Mark j Patricia Monahan, Phyllis MmTeachers going to their first: of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kinney, will receive a general "| the playground and picnic area Mrs. Joseph Tindall was given Marchetti t e o McNoe Janet Byrne. George Bull P^ y ' has been enlarged and the childiploma. Cadet Kelley entered the academy in 1957. jobs next fall also will enter t h e ! a round of applause for her leadGaughran, Allyn Tracy, Paula-winkle. Donna Cook, Corinne program. Dr. Gilbert said. dren-sized Storyland railroad ex-j Gaughran ership in the Spring Time FesHallan and Allyn RobertTracy O'Connor and Kathleen Sidwa, He was a second class petty officer of the first comh d Other courses for teachers are: tended. Storvland Village is loival. arable mention. second prize; Maureen Beirne, pany of the Corps of Cadets. Cadet Kinney entered in offered during pre-summer sescated on a 55-acre site on Rt. 66 In the fourth grade, Denise Daniel Abel, Michael Roma and Refreshments were supplied by sion, June 9-July 1, and s Circle. It will car t t l e 1958 and was a member of the band company of the Mrs. Trenski's first grade. Mrs. Linda Carol Wilson, third prize; Thom-I" , Patricia -August from noon until e pQn Doughty's fourth grade mothers, and Carolyn Rumph, first as Sheehan and Barbara Apancl,l" ° Corps. sessions include courses from all jrize; Denise Allan, Patricia;honorable dusk. mention. hostesses for the evening, were departments of the college. Mrs. Arthur Matey, Mrs. KenMika, Thomas Andrews, Barbara Mrs. Joseph O'Connor and Koehler and Thomas Petraglia, Mrs. Philip Gaughran were neth Meinken and Mrs. George second prize; John Farringtcn, chairmen of the show. Durar. Atlantic Highlands A film was shown by Gil BarThe fifth annual girls' playday leaux, "Tulip Time in Holland." Members were invited to a LAURENCE HARBOR - Me will be held this afternoon at RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The morial services for deceased 3:30 o'cock oil the public school "Teachers Treat" June 7 at 7:1)0 HIGHLANDS - The School of history of the Republican party members of'the auxiliary of the playground. Girls of the sixth p.m. in Old Union House. Red Instruction provided by the New was presented by Mrs. Ann Mro American Legion post were held through the eighth grades of Bank. Mrs. Harold Copeland, Jr., Jersey Congress of Parents and lord, vice chairman of the Mon- at a meeting Monday in the post Highlands, Our Lady of Perpet is chairman. Interested members Teachers and the Monmouth mouth Colinty Executive Commit- home on Summerfield Ave. Mrs. ual Help, St. Agnes and Atlantic may contact her at her home, County PTA Council, with Mrs. tee, at a meeting of the Wo-Jack Olsen ana Mrs. Rollm Rath- Highlands schools will partici- TRENTON (AP) — Two Perth G8 Keyport Rd., New Monmouth. Harry Fornoratto, council presipate, under the direction of Amboy brothers, convicted of men's Republican Club in the The executive board held a bun were in charge. dent presiding, will be held at George H. Wuesthoff, grade taking part in the murder of an American Legion hall, Keansluncheon Saturday in ShadowMiss Mary Reiher, community school principal here. the Highlands School on Navesink Rabbi Gilbert S. Rosenthal burg, Wednesday. elderly watchman in 1956 will be brook in honor of Mrs. Harrv chairman, said the auxiliary has Ave. Wednesday fromfl:<15a.m. eligible for parole next month. Plans were made for an out-sent 45 pairs of glasses to Eyes The degree has been awarded Holland, who served as president !to 3 p.m. door barbecue at the home of for Needy, and more than 500 The eighth grade class took a The state Parole Board yesterIn Rabbi Kosenthal in recognition for two consecutive years. She Mrs. George Weber June 18, fol- pairs of used nylon stockings to trip to New York Mondav. They day announced that Bland and . HIGHLANDS — Memorial serv- The instruction is given to aid edition ar lces received a set of crystal jewelry Us lowing a meeting of the execu- Greystone Hospital. The nylon visited the United Nations, the: Eugene Williams might get out ">r departed members of the each association and memof Ihe "Eternal Life" by from the group. tive committee. Also discussed is reprocessed and sold by hos-Museum of Natural History and " '-"'" Auxiliary ' " " learn ' hearing June Ladies of the Veterans 'hers to and' "" use the best i Yehiel Nissim da Pisa. | Mrs. Scheaffer was chairman. was the "Recruit for 60" pro- pital officials. The money raised Hayden Planetarium. Mrs. Doris 2fi nr 27 of Foreign Wars were held at the P T A P o I i c i c s a n dl 0 '""ease the Rabbi Yehiel was a leading Attending were Mr. and Mrs. gram, soon to be undertaken to is used to purchase television Ergas, Mrs. Rosemary Brzychcy The announcement came Just post home Tuesday. - - " confidence of officers and chairmen by helping them to un- j'anker, philosopher and econom- Harry Holland, Mrs. Jack Presregister eligible voters. and Robert Horn, teachers, ac- a few hours after Gov. Robert: sets for patients. ist in Italy in the Renaissance. ton, Mrs. Tindall, Mr. and Mrs. ' Mrs. John Woskey was wel1 Mrs. Jean A. Wharton of Long derstand their job. companied the class. B. Meyner canceled next Tues- Branch was welcomed as a mem- Mrs Clarence Woods of Somer- " ^Ueai<™ "Eternal Life" Karl Meyer, Mrs, Newlands, comed as new recording secre- Miss Reiher, who has been electrocution ofb D r a f l c r transferring from Ihe Ilc t r c a s u r P r , a n d Mrs. Cor.- was written in I5S9 and is aMrs. Jean Nuttal. Mr. and Mrs. tary to fill tho une.vpired terms e r v i n g as chairman of the The seventh grade class will; : Butler of Carteret, anothRranch auxiliary where Clark of South River, vice ",u '!» Hi* hanking in accordance Scheaffer, Mrs. Rudolph, Mrs. of Mrs. Arlene Peterson, who has dances which tho unit sponsored visit the Monmouth County His-!!Cr participant in the crime. HissLi,o nc R for young people of Ihe area, the Biblical and rabbinic]David Given and Mrs. Frcderwas serving as secretary, president, of the New Jersey Conmoved out of the township. said these have been cancelled, torical Sociely Museum in Free- sentence was cut to life imprisonVictor Rossptli, Seadrift f,rcss w j ' | | D c the inslructors. concerning usury. ]jck Hall. A report was made on the re-because a remodeling program hold Thursday, Thcy will be ac- ment. Ave., was reinstated as a mem- M r s , George King of Highlands Rabbi Rosenthal edited the Hc-J cent food and electrical appliance is in progress at the post home companied by Miss Ann Malke- -«..~ out of her. Butler, <10, was ., moved« — ... „!... | a n c | [yjrs F r a n k Hayden of Long hrew text on the basis of three T demonstration held in Crown Kit- where the events were held. mas, mas, Mrs. Mrs. Lois Lois Wep WeRal nnd_ Ailrn ,-r e g u l a r | ' Three JLllIlCiieOll (no ' t h• •ed ,e .a t h .h.o.l l•s e i l,l•l 0 t a , « ' " « ' names I l d l l l f . i wore WUI e proposed |JIU|HI»KU for. IUr Branch 131 UllUIIWill w i l l serve .1U1 vu as « S consultants, LUUIUIUIIU. manuscripts found at the seminchens, Middletown. J. Tracy, grammar tCa ceI1 H e WI b e e l Mrs. William Foster will "l ' " ' S ' b l e , f o r Pa"i membership. Tentative plans for A model meeting will be devel- ary in New York, the State LiMrs. Weber and Mrs. Charles chairman of a foori ••-'• ' r o l e i n a b o u t I 5 ear s ' y . ^ 1)llt d c -,a bus trip early in the summer'oped by a skit with participants brary in Parma, Italy, and the Lube were appointed to attend Ininnir {'tin o n i i n c t him Mini nn h. .. . i. . ~, . tainers filedA against on n toth Gunzberg collection in Moscow. Laurence Harbor. She will from several. « .Parent-Teacher the national convention of the "The Frog Prince," an operetta er crimes could result in a long- were discussed. The book is scheduled to be be assisted by Mrs. Olsen u A donation was made to the units. Federation of Republican Women Cliffwood Beach section. in two acts, will be presented er sentence. NF.W SHREWSBURY - The Cancer Fund drive. Members are *Luncheon will be served by the I pub ,shed ,his.itsummer . , | \*«ti*-\-i i u u u U l j v f , 1V1UJIIUUI5 U I U "*"—" ** r » i I ' r> i . J in Atlantic City in September. by the St. Agnes kindergarten _ , League of Women Voters, Red Officers will be elected at the iwomen of St. Andrews Episcopal: Rat™ Roscnlhal was graduated Bank Region, will have a covMrs. Weber and Mrs. Harry P. class Sunday, at 2 p.m. in the There are no detainers against a l s 0 m a k i n B c a n c c r dressings June 13 meeting. i I t w a 5 announced by Mrs Kath 'Church and Ihe Highlands Meth-' fr()m Columbia University, where ered dish luncheon Tuesday as Seamen attended the state conchurch hall. Mrs. Mary Brewin the Williams brothers. They were once under death erine Johnson, patriotic instruct-1 odist Church. :''c received his master of arts de- its final general membership vention recently held in Newark. will direct. To Dine Tomorrow sentence along with Butler. But1 or and Americanism chairman,' Publicity record books of the 1 8™: >. "Behind the secret door" will be Mrs. Dorothy Vikos was' naHe '" was'•'•'< ordained at the Jewish, meeting of t h e season. 8:l l o c a l u r l i l s w i h c hr(1 lu tQ " "R " """' " ' 'Seminary in 1!I57 and! " w i " be in the home of Mrs. the theme of the story hmir the state Supreme Court order- that she contacted the Grammar t l l i s med to assist in the preparation In Sfitulowhrook Tiiei:';iir<';il ed a new trial during which they School and Our Lady nf Perpetual meeting for accreditation, and printing of the "Tale of the RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Mrs.sponsored by the Atlantic Highreceived the degree of master nf Milton Mausner, <1-1 Knollwood Elephant." a Republican Club Bernard K i c r n a n , ways and lands Civic Association Saturdayy pleaded no defense. Butler was Help School for the name of the Hebrew literature. : Dr.. at 12:15 p . m. ,7 ,i'h M M ° ;convicted the second time, mainboy and girl in each school who r, M r newsletter. means chairman, has announced Hi- has been with Congregation s . Richard Newman, West r] ly on the ttestimony submitted in the public library. Mrs. Mar-,. „ ., ,!,„ \™, best "°1 essay on " p , , i m n n v nof f .af cfeeblec h | c .- s ,,Li t l n,i the : that arrangements have beenltin Finan "will be in charge, Bnai Israel since September, Grange, a vice president of the :minded accomplice," John Cole--Americanism. completed for the Woman's Club The Memorial Day parade will |m a n n f Carteret. 1958. I.WV of New Jersey, and the Farewell Parly The winner in each school will,1 I ) T P A ¥ * - m f « i l | annual spring luncheon-fashion assemble at 12:30 p.m. at the mu-i _ , , , ., Rabhi Rosenlbal lives on Rut- slate league economic nolicy a Givon for (liulars show to be held in Shadowbrook, nicipal vacht harbor. Marchers B l l l l c r a w a y , s d c " ' ^ . . . , be presented an American flag. ~ H- -B- i i l I l o l c H J Igcrs Dr., Fair Haven. chairman, will give a talk on art l n h c b r t a C bbl nB ! S c v c r a l RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Mr. Shrewsbury, tomorrow at 12:30 will proceed In the park on Ccn- j "? ' , !' il! f r ? members plans lo at- M I D D I r T 0 W N _ M r s Ilarrv U.S. economic policy, and a rennd Mrs. Alexander Cudar of p.m. ter and Railroad for the port from the recent national Statcn Island were given a fare- Members of the club selected honor roll services. leamic convention. dcnt n f t h c Ml(Ullelown beaten to death during a safe 7 -30 p p m The church is is also also well party by their son-in-law as models for the affair are Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd Peskno, local i c h Schr)nl l t e robbery at the Koppers Co. plant its 75(1, anniversary " ^ As C elcbralin R and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don-A, C. Albretscn, Mrs. Earnest J CORPS TAG DAYS ... nPort _ . . . „__.„.... ... r •' snciation at Ihe annual meeting league president, will introduce I in Reading. this month. ald Ross, 19 Tallen Dr., Hazlet, Fred Foster, Mrs. Lloyd Keleher, UNION BEACH — The 10 n l n v n C( rs Silver!" ^'' ' and committee The Williams brothers started The nuxiliarv will join the post I Mondayy in the school. Mrs. Hur- CLIFFWOOD HKACI Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cudar are Mrs. James Barr, Mrs. Edward | , c i r io-J5 terms on h mmij Mon- crosses, marking Kill hours ofj c t i a i r n i i ; n c r v i nnil R ttheir ry uiriMiu, Christie, rupiusuuuriK representing Iuif .......... ~ « . . , . . . . j . .^t,,, u l u Department L^V.|/«I iiiii-nL Junior JUIIIUI Drum u/iuu! & K.Bu-. L>U- ,scpry lu-lj year vcar lorms on - ., . . , ' ry moving to Texas to establish a Mrs p , g p s %, - "• - Sutrliffe, Red Bank, A. Courier, J r . , Mrs. A. F, Bal- gle Corps will conduct its annual FF cc ll)) %, m s But they received l!"[hS, Memorial IDay nt; , m m l h C ( ) l l n t C o u n c i | o f , . a r u n t s rehearsal and performance, were: w i business. and services World War , T ( , ! l c , K , r ' S i W i l s i n s t a | i i n ) , of. presented to three choir mem-| " "'port on important pending insky, Mrs. Frank Lanzara, Mrs. tag day drive Memorial Day c r e c , i t f o r m d a y s i n j a i | a f t p r le World insky Mrs Frank Lanzara Mrs tag day drive Memorial Day j | ^ a r I and World War , , ' i | i i f i i f T t m nllmon( Attending were Mr. and Mrs. David parade. I fi( . 1 |. avid M Miller i l l r and Mrs. Kicrnan. j week-end, weekend, starting tomorrow. their Hrst conviction plus <T>fi " . nn<1 m p bers of the Hayview Presbyterian '*'':"sirstion in Congress. f i ( ((1| William Hughes and son, Wilived tthe; h ; O l l u , r s i n d u c | u | w ( ,,,, M , , s Fashions will b e by Clothes Tree 11 Proceeds will bo used to de- d d y s h e f o r e t h e i r original sen- Mrs lohn Dedrick received Church Sunday. ; '<lrs. William Miller and Mrs. . , , " ---.•>II ..... others nducto; were Mrs. liam, Levittoivn; Mr. and Mrs.of Shrewsbury. I fray expenses of equipment for ; toncinii They are, Harhara Thomas,! Arthur Harris, both New Shrewsspecial award. Mrs. Stephen I. Kc(| h M r s ,,nu,s[ Jerald Cutlar, Ozone Park, Long corps members. Corps activity A first offender can be paroled ^ ' l ' ' • P r c S l d e n l m n d c l w l l h 0 Ka M27 Woodmere Dr., and Mnr-| l)ur y. arc in charge of the luncorps activity L'l'l? " Kaviilck and Mrs. I-mil Pctnch. jorie. Tniinpnre, R'2 Woodland I3r., i clioon arrangements, nK m • . Island, nnd Frank Cudar, Stntcn is carried on 12months nf the aafter one-third i f(c|. sserving ervi,1R one-third of of his his " Kvii-i' presidents; Mrs. George GilIsland. srt;r»rn"i~"»niViinjiw maximum sentence, less credits Mrs. Alice Vogcl, president nf ,„„,_ i r , . n s l l r e r ; Laurence Sturm- members of Ihe Junior Choir,!: ^ , the Red Ilank Ladies Auxiliary r,,|«i_ i-,,rr(.-spoiidinR st-crctnry. nnd and David Gillian, 3B3 Ocean I INN S - , i for good behavior. lhescvenlh was a finest. ^ r s | (1() ^ . , | , n c , r | recording see- Blvd., II member of the Youth , • , ° . ; , Set Courses For Teachers Storyland To Open Tomorrow Mrs. Sclieaffer Installed Village PTA President Get Degree At Seminary L . / C 4 I ! I \_ I Mrs. Morford War Dead Addresses Club Memorialized J I U \^ I f | J 1 1 \ « 1 flU W < J \ \J I I I U U1 1 U g it— PTA School 2 May Get Paroles; Butler Wednesday Death Sentence Canceled Auxiliary Holds Memorial Rites By League Township s .5 in (Ihoirs (Jel (i Alpha Delta Pi Sorority Meets Refreshments were served aft- rotary, or the meeling by Mrs. Katherine Joseph MIDDI.ETOWN - - T h e Hayshore Alumnae, Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, held its May meeting in Morris (,'iiunly Knster Seal Rethe home nf Mrs. Kenneth Klels- hnhllil.'ilinn Center. net*, and discussed plans for next Alti'mling hmchoon (rum year's meetings, llhe llnyslinie croup were Mrs. Several of the local alumnae Kenneth Kleisner and Mrs. Waiattended a Founders Day lunch- lace Van Siclrn, I-air Haven; eon in Walcliung May 14 which |Mrs. Hay/iar.l Sinilh, Miitw.'an; celebrated the 10!)th anniversary Mrs. .lames Kiild, IC«tst lllliMKof the sorority's founding. Mrs. wick; Mrs. fii'orr.i' (liffin, AtA CUSTOM HOUSE — M r . i n d Mrs. Rich,ird D. Bry.in, 18 Blossom Lfl., Rumson, ro- Lloyd Hanscn of Morris Plains, liuilic llli'hliiuils, mid Mrs. Hobcil l.i'c, Navesink. contly bought this custom house in Hartshornc Woods, Nnvosink. It is on n I ' / j .w h o I s t h e p a s t c i l i l o r o f s o r o r i t y ' . ' ; n i lt i o n n I i i i n c a z i n e , I h e uliov ncro lot facing Hiirfshorno Rd. with a right-of-way t6 tho river. It has tlirno bod- ' T h e A t l e l p l i c i i i i , " w n s I h e . ' ; | i r . ' i l ( - j p l u s \ | | . . K i i h a n l S c l m c n h i i i k ; rooms; largo foynr <ind center h.ill; living room wiih fireplace; rocrontion room; A c h e c k wii'i p r e s e n t e d l i y i a n i l M r s . A i l h u r ( i a l l i . bulli n l "• representini; p p r o - M i i l i l l i - l n v . - n , alli'n-.li'il Mic ' (iiirorlly nii-cl kitchen and dinotto; two baths; bnsomont, and attached two-car garage. Thn house 1 •"'(•iln nl I h e r e c e n t bri<l)',e licnc- iii|; il lioim Tin , is ono of a rjroup being built by Eugone F. Miltenborgcr, Jr., Fair Haven. il |;ivcn b y (In1 iiliiiiinac lo Iliejday. Cl1(lj|. Colt Mnry Meinort. I'.xhibils wen 1 pie- mertmnlcnl dr.'iwint; croup; Kmil Pelnch, metal shop work, and (icoriie Lane, arts and crafts , birthday of Michael Brendel, son ' All 'three had received wooden 1 '" M r 'a m lM r s ' • was celebrated 1-:tlw ard Bren(M ' at a party last Hark from birch trees was used |)y |n(|imis jn m.lk|,|(, nnrbara (,.lnm,s Fyre. Ni:W I'llAHMACIST TKI-NTON • Michael llukari I'ii, !l() I.eoimnlvilli 1 l t d . , l . r n n a r iln, y e ' l e n l a v r e c e i v e d his r e r l i liciitc. n ( ve|',i:.trillion from I h e M a l e l l o a n l nf l'haiiiiiii:y. T h e IIOIIIII llii'ir.i'il 2H new p h a n u a MIDDLETOWN'S QUALITY MEhSS SHOP 7OUTE 35 at NEW MONMOUTH ROAD Old Villain- l'l'ods lliilldiug KIIIIKVIIII', T e m i . , H'HN Ilillned for ( i e n . 111 • 111 y K u n \ , 11. !i. S e c l e l i i i y <il W a i ill IV'll. MIDDLETOWN, N.J. '•' you very sick. So-Mock for diem. If a,tick is found, it make y LEFT IT BUXNg HEALTH k • • ' i should be'removed with tweezers that tick!: ROCKY FORD. Colo. (AP) - j EVEt HAPTB4 TO YOU? and the skin area thoroughly and1 I. Ktmj^a, KD. T.E. Davenport tat calmly by antisepticaUy cleansed. It'* a Residents of New Jersey have while flame* consumed .bit car. good idea to wear protective Cindanati hopeful, Cliff Cock, UUtOWT SELECTION OF beea waned by the Sute De- boots and clothing moving Firemen, summoned by p u s - MIDDLETOWN - The followpartment of Health thst this is in tick-infested locations. It's'af- playing third base tor Hashvfflt ersby, hurried to the scene. ing are the names of 242 high "Tick Time," The phrase is more so.desirable to keep domestic in the' Southern A s a . , hit aevea Davenport tent them away, ex school students who are on the pleasant in sound than in signifi- animals tick-tree.. A, tick can home runs the first month of tk* season. plaining he always Kts fire to ahonor roll for the fourth marking cance. It means that now that car when he wants to sell it forperiod. [ MONMOUTH CARPET warm days are here and grasses WCHWAV 3S, OAKHL'RKT iunk. The list v/as announced by, and foliage are plentiful again, Paul F . Lefever, superintendent; the outdoors walker should be of schools, i wary lest he fall victim to some The honor roll is broken down; slick tick. into two sections—those with anj Ticks are blood-sucking little j academic average of 90 per cent I animals equipped with a barbed j or better ;and Oiose with an' sucker which they bury in the average of 85 per cent or better. skin of their animal or human High honor roll—average of 90 victims. They take blood but or better: they can give Rocky Mountain Grade 12; Carolee Birch, Philip Spotted Fever and other serious Bleibdrey, Connie Boeckel, Jon diseases. They are, therefore,j Ericson, Ronald Fiala, Eugene! dangerous and sometimes deadly. Fox, Muriel Frederick, Charles I IAIRIHAVEN; fRED BANK It's wise, after field trips, to Furst, Lesley Hylas, June Kedsearch arms, legs, and hairlines ersha, David Koenig, Patricia l.aine, Ann McDowell, Shirley McElwain, Ronald Michalowski, rank Rega, Elaine Sonnenberg, Laurien Segall, Maija Students and Paula Wagner. Grade 11; Gordon Behn, Roberi ta Cheney, Frances Coblens, Pat 1050, Kini Features Syndicate, Inc., World right* reserved. ' Ebersole, Carlos Fraticelli, Margaret Frederick, Pat Goekmeyer, Carol Greenip, Joyce Greig, Inge Habeck, Beverly Hallman, John Ilarman, Gilbert Henyon, William Horvath, Dennis Jascott, Karen Kruger, Joanne Lott, William .... $200 Saslaw, David Tindall, Thelma "I did it once but don't suppose Refrigerator I could do it again," says a re-Stove, second hand 75 Werner and Gail Wiggett. Grade 10; Robert Barth, Rob- cently wed homemaker. "How Wooden kitchen table, second hand 18 ert Collins, Carol Collis, Joann lucky can you get?" Cuchural, Merle Flenner, Gilda Luck—and some skill, in this Natural maple dinette HO Forgione, Marilyn Kalkhnf, Ju- case—refers to the feat of one table, four chairs dith Pistor, Margaret Quivey, young couple in furnishing a six-Walnut bed headboard, room house, complete with rugs furniture sale 15 F.d Rosen, David Schwartz, WiBox spring and mattress 120 liam Tuffiash and Jill Whitney. and curtains, for under $1,000. Grade nine; Andrea Atkinson, Neither one is a skilled do-it- Damaged plastic lounge Cheryl Bagwell, Janet Binder, yourselfer. However, husband chair, on sale Ken Bullivant, Donna Burger, Bob did cover a footstool with Upholstered occasional chair and ottoman 55 Stephen Carwile, Ronald Clark, foam rubber and plastic, and Charles Clericuzie, David Craver, they combined efforts to refinish Two wool hooked style rugs 160 Ann Creed, Claire Herold, Susan a desk. 30 Husband, Nancy Knpasz, Judith "We had some good luck at One cotton shag rug furniture warehouse sales and Executive size desk, second Krill, Roberta MacGregor, Wilsecondhand stores," says househand 5 liam McKlnnon, Jon Miller, KarSwivel chair, second hand .. 2 en Mohair, Cathryn Moon, Phyl- wife Jean. lis Munch, William Schmicdcr, Mahogany chest with Old House Helps Stephen Smith, Amelia Tooke, "Another thing—our house was mirror : 20 Henry Wallace, Jeremy Wells, old, so older furniture fitted in Walnut end table 20 Wayne Wescman and Catherine all right. It would have looked Mahogany drum table, Weinheimer. 15 ghastly in a modern, brand new second hand Curtains, cotton hand Honor roll—average of 85 orranch home." 55 better: Jean and Bob began with what hemmed cafe style Grade 12: Judith Avery, Bar-they had in their own apart- Rocking chair, second 5 bara Bcndick, Joan Bennett, Bev- ments. Each had a studio couch; hand erly Brrke, Karen Brownlce, Ka- he had an unpainted record cabTotal ...$915 trine Camcnzind, Elizabeth Can- inet, she had a leather covered tleman, Nancy Cook, Evelyn Dla- desk, chest of drawers and PRISONERS' HOPES bac, Margaret Hoalcy, Al Kir.k bookcase. Kenneth Kurz, Vivian Marmul- The house included a 30-foot CHICAGO (AP) - Prisoners in stcin, Patricia McCyer, Paul Mo- living and dining room; a first the Cook County Jail answered a roney, Ann Martin, Nancy Mel- floor study; and on the second quiz by the jail's newspaper on vin, Helen Morris, Suzan Mount, floor, one large and one small Alteration* at what three things they hoped for Mary Jane O'Grady, Olive bedroom. no extra Powell, Tom Rinchart. I.ynn One studio couch did duty as most out of life. charge Some answers: Search, Arlenc Stoll, I roll yVan- a living room couch; the other "A wife, . a home and Dnren, Daphne Wood and Tom went into the small bedroom. happiness — because those are Wharton. Cool, fine-tailored tropicals in rayon Family Hand-Me-Downs i t h e t n r e e essentials of life." Grade 11: Carl Amato, Linda An appeal to their families for! "Money, a good foundation rind acetate blends... famous wash Andersen, French Ball, William u n d e r me a n d a «ood Sirl — b ° n' wear Arnol" triacetate and Campbell, Vincent Cilli, Doris contributions brought a m a h o g - !c a u s e t h a> t i s w h a t i l w i t a k e ft)1 any secretary-bookcase; a smok-1 " HWY 35 AT HEDDONS CORNER SH 1-4444 MIDDLETOWN rayon blends! Pleated-front or Ivy (' o n n v e r, Warren DcBrown, ing stand that served as an endme to survive through my life •Iranne Ditzel, Barbara Evans, table and a cherry veneer com- "Freedom, forgiveness from models in the season's newest shadesi I.ynn Rscandon, Rita Ginness, mode. Hurry—these will sell FASTI I have hurt in the past, and the Joan Fj'sc-le, Margaret Freeman, Jean used her office wedding all my loved ones and all those Sizes 28-42. Sandra Hirst, Richard Joslin, gift of money for two lamps and stri'iv.ht ti> live a Christian life Valerie Kneale, Karen Kosakoff, a f t e r a m frec a s I h a v e a long bench "serve "as "l'-v| '. : . Iearncd t 0 Joan Kelly, Joseph Laurito, Ruth stand and lamp table. here through the help of Christ." 15 SO. BRIDGE AVE. SH 1-2121 RED BANK Ann Lcary, Joan Long, Michael Then came the bargain hunt-' "Get out of Jail, get back to my WHILE THEY LAST Luftman, Gerald Macintosh, Maing. Their cash went like this: | k l d s a n d b e a « r e a t C a s a n o v a ry Mahan, Duanc Opclykc, Barbara Myers, Nancy Naphols, AniAcUon! Tlial'a wlut The Register ta Rocht'lle, Barbara Richie, Mi- Brown, Diane Burr, James classified Aril navn been getting lor their for over thrce-quarchael Soper, Linda Schreihofer, Creut7., Frank DeMaria, Michael ers ofadvertisers a centurv — Advertisement. SYCAMORE AVE. SH 1-7800 LITTLE SILVER John Thnrne, Michael Trinidad, Dempsey, Douglas Ege, ElizaKcvan Tmcx, Dennis Vaspory, beth Glogovcson, John Greenip, Shirley Van Brunt, Barbara Vin- Ruth Ann Hart, Karen Lee HildeYOUR CHOICE brand, Neil Johnson, Christine cent and Kathryn Warneker. Holder, John Houlihan, Your choice of insurLouis Ciratlp 10: Maureen Allan, Car-' in I- "'.""''"'•".'".'.""'.^'".jJahn, Judy Langevin, Judy Lane, k cl Allen, l-rank Bamcclh. Mar.-! • £ Mallon*Lynne ance agent is just us yn Batter, .lames Bennett, Hrad* CENTRAL AVE. SH 7-2060 RED BANK important ns y o u r ley liergh, Fred Bopp, Martin. M c A | U , ] i y | J o n n M c M a n u S i T h c . BED BANK REGISTER 4—Fn«fey, May 27, 1960 Vliddietorvn Lists Honor Students ACRILAN CARPET of INTEREST ON YOUR | SATURDAY c THE LUMBER YARDS LISTED WILL BE Including ARNEL & RAYON WASH 'N WEARS Clever Couple Keeps Costs Down In Choosing Home Furnishings ALL DAY SATURDAY MAY 28th Place your order nowfor Saturday delivery Buy Saturday for Weekend Needs LUMBER & BUIUDSNG SUPPLY BLA9SDELL LUMBER COMPANY Limit: 2 pairs to a customer! LITTLE SILVER LUMBER & SUPPLY CO., Inc. MONMOUTM LUMBER COMPANY ii resa Mot1, Madeline Murawski, choice of doctor or F.ileen Pictro, Barbara Schreiber, lawyer. !l Gloria Senitch, Patricia Sheets, '.Sharon Sheppard, Diane Sherry, Your entire financial strucPauline Smejkal, Keith Thomp- ture may some day depend son, Gtorge Toop, Ann Soltis, on how well he has performed Dinne VanBlarcom, Lynn Wal- his Job. CARPET & LINOLEUM lace, Gerald Wilson and Robert 428 BROAD STREET Diaz. SHREWSBURY Grade 9: Judy Adams, MauSH 1-1610 reen Andrews, Ninfa Apcnel, Wil- Broud & Mechanic Sts. liam Barnard, Roger Blauvelt, Featuring Russell Blauvelt, Robert Darby, K«l Bank, N. J. ALEXANDER SMITH Nicholas Doroschcnko, Thomas Rastmond, Victor Fnx, Edward SHudyside 1-2100 Fox, Mnrion GerstcnleHI, Mary Lee llemhauser, John Johnson, By Du Pont Robert Howcrtcr, Frank Huhn, SHOP AT HOME Marsha Lopez, Susnn Main, SuOur decorator service is as san Marvin, Donald Massell, close as your plume Call now Elaine Matthews, Louis MontaNo Obligation naro, Barbara McAllister, Jean Metcalfe, Babette Moore, PatriCall SH 1-1610 cia Mount, Cynthia Nixon, Carole Noreen. Patricia O'Keefe. Kathleen Osnge, F.lalne Ostock, Mnr'•arrt Patrick, F.lli'n Phillips, Linda I'oslor, Patricia Plant. John Po.sten, William Pratt, Richard Rabotirdin, Lynn Rand, Lynda Rathburn, hyllis Rinkowskl. Susan Schcnck, Jeanne Sieh, Joan Stcnpe, Jov Socolchik, Patricia Tollman, Christine Trittenbarb, Jeffrey VnnDorcn. William Wallace. William Zagorski and 51 MACHINES Daniel Zafhring. Grossinger & Heller Men's short sleeve wash 'ii wear white shirts $ with convertible collars for dress or leisure! .., 5 REG. 2.89 EACH • All 100% wash 'n wear fine combed cotton. © Fully sanforlzodl Slnfjle-noodlo stitched! Coo), (lisp and cninfoiLible for the hottest days! Sunnily s t s l n l with pcaili/ed hi it tons and permanent (oll.u slays. H m r y - t h e y ' l l sell fust! Sizes 1-1-17. HIKE'S WHY PRICK ARE LOW AT ROBERT HALL • Wo soil for cash onlyl • No fancy fixtures! No high rents! • No ihow wlndowil ASBURY PARK—ROUTE 35 (Asbury Park Traffic Circle) PERTH AMDOY. 365 Smith Street ISELIN, U, S. Highway 1 at Green St. Traffic Clrc't I'i'illi A m l i o y , Iscllii ( l o u d SuniLi\ Ample Parkirg af All Stores ft Pays to Advertise in The RED BANK SATTER LUMBER COMPANY 205 W. FRONT ST. SH 7-0177 RED BANK DONALD'S COIN-0-MATIC • No Waiting Guess Who... on the premises Uur offices will be closed on Monday, May 30 in honor of Memorial Day.However, we will provide service in on emergency, in which case please telephone AT 1-0101 or WX SI00 AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT! Open Mfimlii.v H i m .Siilurdiiy 9 A. M , 'III !) I ' . M . SH 1-5500 ORLON Immediate Free Parking OPCN KVURY NIOHT TILL O P.M. RED BANK LUMBER & SUPPLY COMPANY PEARL & WALL STS. DONALD'S New Jersey Natural Gaa Company COIN-0-MATIC Open 24 Hours 7 Days per Week 54 N. BRIDGE AVE. and RECTOR PL., RED DANK cough) tho fish. MEDICAL net It If worth temporary freeRED BANK dom from ptia at the expense of tkehetlth of the joint Is (onethtoj which oust be decided In GINGER e a c h case. '.': •:' ,' -' •, REGISTER Friday. M«jr 27, 1960—S T K » does not mean that Joint destruction will- necessarily occur of Miami Itadi, RarMa Smart Apparel and Sportswear Painli* your best friend. Don't jibe in a hurry to get rid of ;t. It is «»e alarm which protects | your health and life by telling Opening Our Summer Shop With a large selection of Dresses — Sportswear — Bathing Suits, designed by America's outstanding designers. o Grenelle • Adele Simpson • Jonathan Logan • Herbert Sondhelm • Evan-PIcone • Edward Abbott • Rose Marie Reid • Mollie Parnis • Cole of California TRAVEL AGENCY 10 RECKLESS PL. "^'J'" 314 COOKMAN AVL RED BANK 4$fflS$fa ASBURY PARK PR 5-5080 SH 1-5080 Seek Recommendations For Wage Changes 642 Ocean Avenue, West End • Paul Parties when the hip is treated in this manner. It if' just a warning that such a condition .! K] ^ tjent gbouW n o t reasonable demands on a doctor to get relief of pain' regardles of the complications which can occur. It may not be worth it. You can reserve and pick up airline, steamship, NEWARK—Members of the recently appointed Wage Board for Beauty Culture Occupations were urged yesterday to submit recomyou something is wrong and that mendations for wage changes in you should do something about it. the law governing beauty workTo get rid of pain without in- ers. vestigating the cause is like turn- Raymond F. Male, commising off a fire alarm and not sioner ot Labor and Industry, bothering to find the fire. made the plea at an organiza"Lost time we went to a drive-in movie, the popcorn Even when the cause is known, tion meeting here. man didn't hear me!" it may be better to endure some Among the seven board mempain. An interesting case has bers attending were Miss Mary been reported of an elderly wom- Bacher, 9 Columbia Ave., High- Approve Pupil an who had arthritis of the hip.lands, representing the emThe arthritis was so painful she ployers. Switch to Neptune had difficulty walking. She was TRENTON (AP) - Bradley treated by injections of a cortiTo Size 48 Beach has received state apsone drug into the hip about once proval to send up to 30 pupils a month. These injections were to Neptune High School next fall, followed by great relief of pain. instead of to Asbury Park High About a year and a half later ichool. the pain had completely gone and the hip could be moved without Frederick M. Raubinger, state any trouble. education commissioner, said he wants the Bradley Beach students However, because the pain disto have the advantages of Nepappeared, the woman walked and tune's single session in place of put considerable weight on that he crowded double-session facilhip joint which is not what naties at Asbury Park. ture wanted. As a result, the The Bradley Beach board of joint was considerably damaged education usually sends 93 per as shown by X-rays. Whether or cent of its high school pupils to Asbury Park and 7 per cent to Neptune. it asked to send 20 extra students to Neptune in the fall but the Asbury Park board refused he request on grounds the status quo should be maintained and changes would cloud the projections for future school expansion. bus and tour tickets, hotel end resort area reservations at our offices. IT COSTS NO MORE TO BOOK THROUGH YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT Printed Pattern and several others It Pays toAdvertise in The Register Mary Carter says: "TO PAY LESS IS DANGEROUS; TO PAY MORE IS FOOLISH" "GO SHOPPING FOR PAINT, and you'll find all kindi of 'bargain basement' dealt In discontinued colors, factory reject lots and labels no one's ever heard of for less money than the cost of Mary Carter paints. You will also, without having to look very far, find other paints costing a dollar to four dollars a gallon more than my most expensive product. "DON'T TAKE A CHANCE O N EITHER EXTREME! "Every paint manufacturer knows the worth of his product. If he prices his paint at a ridiculously low level, it reflects hit own opinion of what's in the c a n — an{J n o one should know better than he whether the paint he makes is really as cheap as its price tag. It's DANGEROUS to risk your money on such 'bargains.' On the other hand, "THERE ARE ONLY SO MANY INGREDIENTS in oven the very best grade of paint, and everything you pay beyond their cost can only be chalked up to the manufacturer's operating overhead. The maker of high priced paint is asking you to help support his archaic manufacturing methods, his outmoded distribution set-up and his antiquated merchandising system. It's FOOLISH to spend your money for his mistakes! "PAY MORE FOR MARY CARTER PAINT than you'd spend on a 'bargain basement1 deal . . . PAY LESS FOR MARY CARTER PAINT than you would for expensive paints, and you'll be spending your money wisely and well. My unique, streamlined manufacturing and merchanEvery 2nd Can dising techniques, modern production equipment, my own fleet of Diesel semi-trailers, direet shipment from Mary Carter Paint Factories •© Mary Carter retail outlets — all mean you spend less of your paint dollar for overhead . . . more) of your paint dollar for paint. In addition, you get Of Extra Cost." FREE HOW IS THE FREE GALLON POSSIBLE? WHY NOT JUST CHARGE HALF PRICE? "Bacause of my unique operational tconomles, 1 can manufacture high quality paints, enamtlt and varnishes at I t u eoit and. In addition, I'm satisfied with a profit of pennies per gallon! -Elimination of middlemen's profits with company and dealer-owned retail ttoret . . . modern paint factories . . . streamlined merchandising methods . . . my own fleet of Diesel trucki to cut eoitt of obtaining raw materials and of shipping paint . . . All of t h « e effect savings, which 1 traditionally pass on to you with every 2nd can of paint absolutely free of extra eoit!" "My points are quality priced because they are quality paints! I t would be easy to cut the price per gallon In half, Instead of giving a 2nd can free with every one 1 sell, but 1 refuse to 'second rate' my paints by giving them an unrealistic, low price t a g , I'll never classify Mary Carter paltts with any of the cheap imitations being offered, nor will 1 ever downgrade my products by resorting to price reductions, discounts or special sales. 1 manufacture the same high quality paint for all my customers, at the same fair price for everyone." GOING INTO BUSINESS MIAMI, Fla. (AP) A midnight safari into the display window of a Miami pet shop may have put a would-be zoo operator in business. Thieves took c rare Australian white cockatoo, a deodorized skunk and a monkey. Parrots were flying loose in the tore next morning and the owner theorized the birdss bit the bursars as their cages were opened. Buffalo, International League defending champion, won 10 of its first 11 games this season under Manager Kerby Farrell. Potted Cool, slimming as a lettuce leaf — softly accented by seal loped collar and pockets! Extraeasy to sew in iron-free fabrics, • Florabunda you'll .reach for this casual four • Climbers days out of seven. Send thirty-five cents (coins) • Tea Roses for this pattern — add 10 cents FROM for each, pattern for first-class $1.75 mailing. Send to Marian Martin, The Red Bank Register, Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York II, N. Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, size THE and style number. JUST OUT! Big, new 1960 Village Garden Spring and Summer Pattern Center Catalog in vivid, full-color. Over 24 Cherry Tree Farm Rd\, 100 smart styles . . . all sizes, all occasions. Send now! Only 25 New Monmouth, N. J. cents. ROSES NEW! POPOVER STRAWS! To take off weight for summer, take off In ottr strews. Popover-light, sodapop-eool garnished with mouth-watering details. We have styles for everything, from sunworshipping to star-gazing. Fop in fast and see them all. Sizes 4Vi to 10. JOQQ HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN New Young Men's Shop, just opened on the second floor, and filled to its open beam rafters FREE CUSTOM TINTING! Factory-trained Mary Carter paint specialists will be pleated to custom-tint any shade you may require to harmoniie with the color scheme of your home. There's no charge for this persenallied tinting service, and you can be sure of professional ramlts every tlmel As Advertised In The Saturday Evening Post with your kind of clothes, big selections, all in your size. Pointed-tail checkerboard boatneck, 3.95. Continental sheen cotton chinos, 5.95. Dacron-and-cotton Continental suit, 39.95. Shawl-collar sailcloth jacket, 5.95. ACRYLIC ROL-LATEX MARY CARTER OUTSIDE WHITE ALKYD FLAT WALL PAINT W u h a b l t , lighttr and brighter colon for Interior or exterior uie. No "painty" odor; dries in 20 minuteil An oil paint with ixcillent hiding ability end glon. Contains thrae mildaw Inhibitors. Durability and wathability in e valvaty, ona-coat finish. Hundreds of exciting shadas. $2.25 qt. $6.98 gal. W.2B qt. Every 2nd Can Free World'! Largait Operation' Of Us Kind $6.98 gal. Ivory 2nd Can Free $2.00 qt. $5.98 gal. Deck pants, bottom slits, 3.98 to 4.98. John L. striped swim trunks, 5.98. Genuine India madras sport coat, 27.95. •very 2nd Can Free MARY CARTER Paint Factories Route 34, Matawan — LOwell 6-3884 819 Hwy. 35. Wanamassa Stato Hwy. 35, Eatontown Rt. 36 at Union A v c , Union Beac Slato Hwy. 35, South Amboy ALSO Perth Amboy, Ncwnrk, Plnlnlleld, Knuclle I'nrk, Cllffslclo Park, West Unwise, Hurlington, Linden, Point I'lennnnt, Toms Wvcr (nrndiwnnd), Trenton, Vlnclnnd, West Atlantic City, West Ornnfjc, Woodbury. ' Beltless wash-wear tropical slacks, 7.95. Drop by, browsing encouraged. i/omifUiikp «O*D AMD MONT STtllTS ' 'VXD IAKK, HJ, *1M MI0»< Kcd Kqister CHANCE TO PROFIT BY ANOTHER'S EXPERIENCE Reporter SttU Mffcny as, MUtUmm, M. I. H.S. JIM BISHOP: W» by M B K. Cook and Htarjr Clay One of the most contagious diseases is mass hysteria. Almost always, it is based on unfounded JAMES / . HOGAN, Editor M. HAROLD KELLY, Business Manager fear and, before it dies, it sweeps the intelligent and W. HARRY PENNINGTON, Production Manager unintelligent with it. The day the Brooklyn Bridge Member of (he Associated Press opened, 12 people were trampled to death- because Th» Associated Press Is entitled exclusive.T to the ufle lor republlcatlon of ali th» locaj new! printed In Ihli newipaper as well aj all AP news dlcpatcnes. one man shrieked: "The bridge is falling!" In the face of that senseless cry, Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Th* Red Bank Register wiumei no financial responsibility lor typographical errori In advertiseonly the unthinking bridge remained menu, but will reprint without cliarge, that part o\ an advertisement In which the typographical error occuTft Advertisers will please nrtrlfy the minnKement Immediately of fcnv error wlurri may occur. firm. Toll newspaper aasumei no responsibilities for statements of opinions In letters from Its reader!. The 17th and 18th centuries were On* yo&r J15.00: Subscription Prices In Advance Blx months (8.00 Single copy at counter. 7 cent* copy by mull. 9 cents the time of the witches. The history of these poor wretches is so clouded FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1960 today that it is difficult to find the truth. Many history books still claim, BISHOP f o r e x a m p ] e ) that witches were burned A Day to Remember in Salem, Massachusetts. They were not. Be thoughtful enough to re- off from work, time set aside for About 150 persons were arrested on the charge. merry-making and recreation. Al member. Thirteen men and six women were found guilty and were hanged. Giles Corey, over 80 and inarticulate, Memorial Day is for the exercise should know that the holidays themwas pressed to death between heavy stones because of memory. Its basic purpose is to selves probably would not exist had he could not tell a jury whether he was a witch or not. it not been for the acts of those give Americans a time to think back The courts were less than honorable in equity. upon contributions others before brave and true men and women of The judges condoned third-degree methods, delivered them made in blood and with their the past who traveled to the end of inflammatory charges to the juries and, when witlives in order that this nation might life's span determined that our counnesses testified for the defense, held those witnesses remain honor bright and free. With- try and the gateway to its future on charges of being witches, sparing their lives only out the sacrifices paid on fields of would remain protected. if they confessed publicly and testified for the state. So as this Memorial Day of 1960 battle during our country's years its William Blackstone, an Englishman who wrote an authoritative commentary on law, penned these proud history may never have been dawns, be man or woman or child words: "To deny the possibility, nay, actual existence enough to stand up and be counted written. of witchcraft and sorcery is flatly to contradict the among those who do remember those Memorial Day to many also is revealed word of ,God." Mr. Blackstone was one of of our forbears who made today'j the most intelligent and best informed men in Europe. known as Decoration Day. Patriotic happiness possible. Let past experigroups and individual citizens, in He, like others, based his belief in witchcraft on ences of the honored dead serve to By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY Exodus 22:18. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." deep respect for the heroes of inspire fresh fortitude among our Here, the student runs into theological arguments in. yesteryear, place bouquets and people who today are faced by the Six months from Khrushchev's threats will be semantics. Another translation of the same passage wreathes of flowers on the graves continual pressures of international November; eight months therefrom will be January. WASHINGTON - There an two difficulties about that states reads: "Wizards thou shalt not suffer to live." There of the dead. Or they gather in sim- tension. Because those who went be- Khrushchev believes that in six or eight months he manlike nonpartisan and non is a strong possibility that what was intended was foreign policy debate now ple but reverend ceremonies beside fore us carried the courage of their might be able to hold another Summit Meeting with divisive that the people should put to death the fakers of anan American President to his liking. being so solemnly promised. the monuments and honor roll convictions on to the end, surely we, cient times who performed simple feats of magic and Six months from Khrushchev's It is about as easy to conduc so large-minded a discussion in proclaimed themselves to be gods. plaques as evidence that gratitude today, can recall what they did, why talkfest will be November when the an election year as it would be However, the contagion against witchcraft spread still exists for those who shared in they did it and be grateful enough presidential election will be held; eight to get Vice President Richard across Europe to America and, in England alone, 40,000 Nixon to join the Democratic efforts to carry our standards suc- to go forward from here in their months marks the presidential in- National Committee or Adla: witches were put to death between the years 1599 and cessfully across the tides of war. stead. auguration. Stevenson to praise the adminis. 1687. Unless all of these people could put a curse on tration. In a word, the dates set by the Many, far too many, have forEnjoy the holiday for all it is Russian are Election Day and the In- And even if such a debate could a neighbor, and, because of it, make him fall on evil be carried on in this splendid days or death, they were not witches. gotten the real reasons for U.S. na- worth. But keep in memory the auguration. He must have looked at fashion, it would never reall George Stimpson, in his "A Book About American tional holidays. They have come to knowledge that it is, indeed, Me- SOKOLSKY h i s c a i e n d a r a n d shouted, "Bog, I've touch the one true issue. Our History" (Premier: 50 cents) devotes a few pages to famous "spy plane" is not and regard them merely as extra days morial Day. sot it!" And Adlai Stevenson picked up the cue and never was the issue. Nor is the the subject and says that the first execution for witchssued an attack on Eisenhower. What is national unity air alert which Defense Secretary craft in Boston occurred in 1646. Later, two were Thomas Gates quite rightly pu n an election year! Senator Lyndon Johnson, wiser 'The Fate of Reason' Khrushchev was speak hanged in Connecticut for hexing neighbors. The fever in the ways of the American people, made no sounds on'when ing with brutal menace amid the spread. Only the legislature of Rhode Island held out "The path of reason and com- warm and willing to grasp his own similar to those of Adlai Stevenson. wreckage of the Paris summi against it. The gentlemen passed a law in 1647 outmon sense is still open," said Presi- in a move toward mutual underIn a struggle for survival, there is little time for conference. lawing trials for witchcraft. dent Eisenhower in notifying the standing. party divisions. There are still many in this country The "spy plane" was simply Khrushchev's excuse for breaking Five years later, the General Court of Massachunation, its allies and adversaries that The President certainly made who do not grasp what happened in Paris. The rea- up the conference. That we nan setts Bay convicted a widow named Ann Hibben of the initial failure at the summit did abundantly clear that in the aerial son is that they do not recognize the President of died it poorly is wholly secon dary; so is the fact that the air being a witch. This finding was endorsed by Governor the United States as a symbol of the entire American not result in the United States clos- photography of today, little that any alert was ham-handed in its Endicott, who had the lady hanged. As an afterthought, ing the door upon future efforts to one power has can be kept out of leople and also of each individual citizen when he execution. he forced a neighbor to write a public apology for faces a foreign country. Politics goes to the water's arrive upon agreements with the sight from another. With tensions edge and beyond is representation. This does not The heart of the matter is testifying in behalf of Mrs. Hibben. whether we should have gone to Soviet Union. It required forty years more before the mass hysbeing what they are, he also empha- mean that errors should not be criticized and faults the summit at all in the circumstances we did. The real question teria began to die. Judge Nathaniel Saltonstall resigned bund in the proper place, at the proper time. sized a continuing need for internaIt is along that path that man s this: Was summitry wise? In this instance, a man stood before the world The answer is that obviously it from the bench rather than participate in witchcraft must walk if there is to be future tional intelligence. But in further abtrials. Judge Sam Sewell, who convicted witches and was not. security anywhere on earth. With- solute proof of America's honorable and in language befitting a guttersnipe, toned down But this real question won't watched them hang, publicly accepted the "shame and in translation, vilified the President of the United out reason and common sense, intentions, he let the world know States and our country. It does not matter who the really be debated. For both par- blame" for his errors in 1687. Some of the jurymen ties had long been so deeply combrought into play by East as well of the U.S. willingness to put the President is, or what his name is, or what party he mitted to "going to the summit" began to look ashamed. The State of Massachusetts atoned like a repentent as West, all that appears to exist, task of information gathering into belongs to. At that moment, all decent Americans — never mind how or in what power relationship to the Soviet at the end of the trail is the abyss the hands of the United Nations, of stand shoulder to shoulder. At that moment there can Union — that neither party can Judas. In 1711, the Commonwealth paid $2,300 to the of oblivion. President Eisenhower which the Soviet Union is a primary be no thought of such small matters as private safety now fairly cry out, "I told you heirs of those who had been hanged. Later, the British Parliament repealed the law of witchcraft and the or political advancement: it is the symbol of our na- o." knows this. So, too, must Soviet member. Indeed, one reason for the ex- colonies followed. tionality that has been assaulted. Gromyko, in his President Eisenhower, who long cessive waspishness now being Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev who United Nations speech, emphasized national sovereign- shown toward the Eisenhower This, of course, was a judicial admission that has advocated an "open skies" plan ty. Are we a lesser people? personally sabotaged the summit. administration is vested interest there was no such thing as a witch. Such enlightenfor international security, went so n a policy now shown to have ment, however, came a little late for the million men If Nikita Khrushchev continues to display his It was a sign of the dire weaka dangerous illusion. Some far as to offer to turn over to the hatred for Richard Nixon, he will elect him the next been devil must be found by the new and women who were hanged and burned in Europe ness and intimate fears of Mr. K U.N. "part of the aircraft and equip- President. Is it hatred for Nixon or is it fear of him? critics — the "spy plane" or the in the preceding century. that instead of letting the Russians air alert — simply because the ment required" for aerial reconnai- Khrushchev has probably met all the candidates now only It was so with the lynch mobs in the old West alternative would be to admit listen to and digest just what Mr. sance, including the U2 planes. Noth- available. The one he has set out to defeat is Nixon. hat the whole policy was wrong and South. Someone made a wild accusation, and men Eisenhower had in mind the Soviets the first place. of normally good conscience took up the cry and felt ing could bo more open than that. Does he believe that the American people will vote nOnce you open, in a time of the fever to see someone die in pain. Afterward, the jammed the air to prevent radio for or against a candidate to please him? Does he world tension, a partisan row And, again, he placed himself in communications. over foreign policy in the name good men felt sick in their souls and didn't want to readiness to journey anywhere in think that he can, by fiat, select the next President of of the United States? Would he permit President Eisen- free speech, nobody can con discuss the deed. Ultimately, Mr. K must take in-1 the interest of peace. rol a form of speech that be Beware when the mob tells you that someone is hower to select the next premier of Soviet Russia? to bold account just what offers the "The path of reason and coin- He might choose the Armenian, Mikoyan, or the Stalin- comes very free indeed, through altogether bad. Or altogether good. You will remain the top politicians in both parties West is making toward world peace. mon sense is still open," said the ist, Malenkov. Certainly no decent American would are trying hard to do so. Here immune to the contagion of hysteria if you bear in mind that no one has fit either of those descriptions in Already he has seen the hand he so President. The world well may hope c v c r w a n t t 0 b r e a k b r e a d w i t h K n r u s n c h e v o r s i t a t is where we stand now: 1. The Democratic Advisory a rudely slapped stretched forth again, history will procede along it conference with him. His vulgarity is too boorish. Council's general denunciation of, the past 19 centuries . . . Does he believe that he can choose a President who the Eisenhower administration, though far too extreme, was withnrcorclinj: (fi U.S. lludj;pl Director will dine with him? "Come On, Conic On Hurry It Up" in the rules. But the council's I Maurice Sinn.1!. KNOW YOUR Some say: Do you prefer war? It is like asking: specific attempt to criticize the "Mow we denl with iiur feilernl GOVERNMENT Do you prefer cancer? The answer is, of course, that no President for even going to the revenues and rxpe.mlilurr-s in an as he did Is hypocritical Prepared by N. J. Taxpayers election year Is Ihe rrurinl tivst one wants war, disease, evils, murrains, earthquakes, summit nonsense. For Its most influAssociation, H.I E. Slate SI., of fiscal responsibility." declares poverty, the death of one's children. But realistically ential members have been howlTrentnn 8, N. J. Dr. French. "If we say the these events do occur. And philosophically, it becomes ing for years for just such a = = . rinl test of fiscal res|Kinsiliilily," necessary to ask something about dignity and honor. meeting. j declares Or. French. "If we say '"fhr crisis in fiscnl resnon-|lhe lime has come to call a hail Surely, no one in ancient Greece wanted to be a slave, Two of its members are Democratic presidential candidates. libility nt nil levels of }:<ivcni ! ' " "ncnntrnlled spcnclinj: and in but those became slaves who were seized in conquest. One, Sen. John F. Kennedy, has mem has cmnr: If. (ecus in ii,,.;' 1 '"'"""™ ( M i n i s , if we insist mi Surely, Jan Masaryk of Czechoslovakia did not want publicly refused to go along with L , i , ,, „ , , , ! " siioM.inliiil .surplus for debt rebudRet the I'rcMdent p r e s e n t s ; , , , , r l j n n m , ( , ( n x ^ . . ^ ^ ^ to be pushed out of a window nor did he wish to that bit of hypocrisy. A second, BECAUSE OUR BOYS Sen. Stuart Symington, tins said to the r.OMKfrvs in .Inmmrv," say.s t;,ke the Irinj: delave.l first Mep commit suicide—whichever it was, it occurred and nothing nf the point. A third GET ALONG WITH Dr. Robert W. French, president i» ineciini: the crisis of fiscal KHRUSHCHEV his country went into bondage. Cardinal Mindszenty Democratic candidate, Sen. Lyn of Tax Foundation, wriluij; m 'r'">P"nsil>ilily." don R. .Johnson, simply ignores had no ambition to become a martyr for his church '"flic Tax Review." Finally urgent is the necessityy Hit- Liiiincil, as hp alwnys has, and his country but that became his fate when he nnd While, ree p i e s e n t i n j ! t h e p o l i c yi"' i " ' " ' " " " ' " « '""Un-tnrv cintiols privately congratulates him. , .... , . ' '<" r e s t o r e to ( ' o n e r e M its Irachose not to bend his knee to an atheistic conqueror. self for having always boycotted of bulletin,: s u r p l u s e s ,n t i m e s of , M i o m , | l,nl<l <m t h . m , m , V , m ^ Men must make choices. It is possible to say in it. e c o n o m i c e x p a n s i o n , ( t h e r e h a v e . s t r i n g s , .says t h e N e w Jersey . Most nf Ihe G.O.P. defense this year of direful history that those nations which b e e n o n l y five i u ; p l u s e s in trie ' T a x p a y e r s Association. It h a s Hie President hns been fair do not accept. Soviet dictation will suffer distress dur- of prif.t t h i r t y year.',J t h e $M) billion " ' ' ' e s t i m a t e d that I w o - t l i i r d s of and mnturc Already, however, bucket .ecrm.mendnlif.ns n u , n , l ' " " " " ' ' " " "" "' ' ""' ing the next decade. It will be asked, "Shall we mnke that well-known word "nppense, , . , .ifinnev.iiimil ointrm thioiieh t h e ly b-inj: wr,rke,| ever „, Ton,.,,.,, .„„,„.,, n , , , ) r ( ) | ) , | , , , m l s , , „ „ , . , , another war over Germany?" "Shall we fight over ment" In being henrtl here nnd a r e definitely rml of tin- • ' . n i M u to describe the complnlnMerlin?" Those arc really silly questions to one who there ) t y " V f i r i e l y . J W I - I I .'.o, O r . F r e w h i Democrats. It is, of course, has .studied the Leninist theory of Russia's destiny. n wholly unfair word; and It d e c l a r e s , I h e p r o p o s a l $-1 b i l l i o n ' :;,. er,il r a t e A m e r i c a n m i i i m i K nurr.lu... nt t h e e n d of f i s c a l l % ] »iit!v have hre en bv the What Khrushchev .said in Paris, Marx wrote before will hnrdly contribute to Ibis .". . • ' l i o u M y t h r e a l m c l ! , v m v. / . » i , | n i M i l f i n t d e n nf W n - . h i n j ' t r . n him; Lenin wrote before Khrushchev existed. The next great debate. i p e n d i i , ; : p , , , | - , . . , , h |,, f o r - , , , „ . , , , • ,,„. . . . ; Adlni •Stnvcnsnn'.'i nlt.irli on .•it;i|',e In the social runl political development of man, 3.e mlmlni.itrnlion, >'""*• '""' '"'' I " " ' " " < I ' l ' l n r h i d n l ; u r p o l l , a i r ,i l u i l r |nM nliend nf A b o u t V.V, b i l l i o n i n Hi., n e x t f i v e v u l b i r r a n d a t a n - yu\,Wn IM,"IIthey hold, is the Communist stale—universal, without tin Kutsinii i-'forl In tl\f United vear«, iirn) i O ' J M a r i d m. ; n i n |, ;,., nationality, without religion, without racial differences, Nation ! to h r n m l \n n s ' • ' 0 b i l l i o n o r *M) b i l l i o n or, M I L .I'll ':, w;n wholly irn".|H>ii5il)lr, even with ;;overntiuMil withered away. ••'.mJal h a : ; , if n i l v , i | e enar I M I , ! (/ l n . l . u . \\,r. ;•',', \'n,h In II . Innin;: imiM nf nil. THOMAS IRVING BROWN, Publisher 1928-1951 THESE DAYS :l t M t v: t:l1 WILLIAM S. WHITE n h l l ll>r 1 l l) n |;IV 1 V r M r Ui lf r Wl %| |)r| ||N /ui 1 1 1 1 1 1 RED BANK REGISTER Friday, VIMJ 27, 1960-7 wedding at tiie Mine time aa4 Judith Cameras, of Bali CyaMorgKBiftte jwfli raUly hive your wott or) •jrd, Pa., a frethmaa in the law « r t for y o u . ;. ^ •_;.;;•. > • _ / . • * idwol here, was married to Kent tod guest* Mn. Robert Vis Former North CfcroiiM State Mr* Victor W m d , Jr., of P * Mn. Mtrtfs SaJih. J r , bn*ffHin alar George Stepaao> That w n the aitaatim faced E. WWttaktr, aon. of Ataodate Remarks that busineu secretaries j e t tired of B r a n S I , a t e t e l M d t u t m t k M»> Hinjr KOMMIOW, Mn. vicfc tried out with Vancouveron retenflybyaUiiivenftjrotKk* J. S. Supreme Court Justice to introduce her luter-in-Itw, Robert Sefcer, Jr., Mr*. Louis the Pacfie Coast League *•» igan couple who were married Varies E. WWttaker. Kent is; a hearing: , Mr*. Edward Domu, who recent' Becker, M n . Edward Becker, ANN ARBOR, Mich. - Taking just three days after winding uj *w sdfeot senior. '.; Estnu Tougher "Oh, I don't have to worry about my secretary 1/ moved Into her new home on Mrs, John Wilson and Miss Aud- spring. He's a pitcher. final t u m i intowschool is tough a long grind with the books art "I'll tell you one thing," say* ver leaving me. She's wedded to her work." Brown Rd. Present were Mrs, rey Van Pelt, enough. But try planning your a batch of rugged exam*/ Kent, "Prepansg for this marRichard Farr, Mr*. James Mc"Take a letter, please, Miss Tiggly." riage was easier than preparing Cormlck, Mrs. William Meyer for exams." "Is it true the boss has bony and Mrs. John McCormlck. "Still, there's a lot of work to knees, Eloise?" vojved in planning your own wed"If you don't hurry back from your Mrs. Jack Hickey and daugb ding, even if it's a small one CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE like ours," Judy says. "Because coffee break, you'll be late going to ter Christine of Rosella were the there were only a few days beweek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. lunch." tween finals and the start of the Fred Weh of Marlboro Gardens. "You know, for a girl your age second semester, we couldn't hold PER ANNUM the wedding at home where my Miss Tiggly, your figure isn't half bad." Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeSiparents could have done most of "I guess she really does deserve a mone and children, Diane and the planning." were Sunday guests of Accounts Insured up to $10,000 by the Most of the wedding arrange raise, but now that she's joined the of- Michael Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leander of ments were handled during Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp. BOYLE fice pension plan do you think it's real- Orchard Parkway. Christams vacation, which help ed take some of the pressure off y necessary? She isn't likely to leave now." MORTGAGE LOANS as exams drew closer. "If my wife calls, tell her I'm in an important con- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence YoungDated at Library man of Lloyd Rd., and Mr. and HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS Kent and Judy first met when 'erence and can't be disturbed." ATS. Edward Cross of Scotch "What is a pretty girl like you doing working in Plains spent Saturday in New she started a class he taught las semester. They became better a great dismal swamp like this?" York City where they saw the acquainted a few days later when "If you can get me in to see your boss In the next show "Basin Street East." they met accidentally in the law 15 minutes, there'll be a couple of tickets waiting for library. "What better place for a coupli rau tomorrow night at the boxoffice of the best show Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LaMura of to meet, especially when they're MIDDLETOWN OFFICE town." Tennent Rd., were Mrs. Ruth both studying for a law ca874 HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN reer?" Kent asked. "Are you going to spend all your life being a type- Errickson and Mrs. Irene Heitkamp of Manasquan and Mr. and Judy is a magna cum laudi writer jockey? Why don't you wake up and live?" OS 1-2400 (Five Corners) Mrs. Reinhold Dexhelmer of graduate who majored in Ameri' "Hey, Eloise, the next time the boss is out of town South Amboy. can civilization at Pembroke College in Brown University. George how about letting me have a peek at my personnel Atlantic Highlands Office did his undergraduate work a ile? I'd like to see what the old goat has on the record Mr. and Mrs. John McCorDartmouth College. 33 FIRST AVE., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS mlck of Reid's Hill Rd., enterabout me." CALL SH 7-2800 tained Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacAT 1-0100 The 1961 American Bowlin "I don't know how they taught you to spell 'ac- Millan and son Scott of New Congress tournament will bi commodate' where you went to school, Miss Tiggly, Only $3.00 Minimum Charge up to $100.00 Value. Providence, and Mr. and Mrs. held in Detroit. Des Moines ha: Thomas Craig and son Tommy of • Cleaning "Glazing •Remodeling •Repairing the 1962 event and in 1963 But but at Cornell I am sure we spelled it with only a sinMorristown Sunday. falo will be host. 'k'." Students v Manage Exams And Wedding HAL BOYLE RED BANK'S ONLY MARINE VIEW SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION LEON'S Custom-Made CANVAS AWNINGS O Keep the Inside of your house up to 15' cooler. • •too, • Our awnings arc custom, made in our own modern shop to fit your house and ' needs. • Protect your furnishings from the sun; prevents fading. • Our long experience enables us to help you select a style to go with your house. • Adds that touch of beauty to the outside of your home. • Made of the finest quality materials sewn with orlon thread for longest life. • Patio canopies add a iummer outdoor living ' area. 9 Installed by personally trained and experienced men. CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE "With this new electronic typewriter, you should Fifteen members of tho Ladles' Auxiliary of tha fire company )e able to double your putput and last week in the fire house "We're taking up a collection fo rthe bookkeeper's met to discuss a trip to New York in aunt's wife's cousin, who just had a baby. We put tho fall. At a previous meeting, you down for $2, but if you think that's too much, just Mrs. Florence Farrell was elected president; Mrs. H. R. Bowne, ;ay vice president; Mrs. Fred Eckel, "I was just wondering—why Is it, do you suppose,secretary; Mrs. Edward Powney, that cats get mentioned In more wills than secre- treasurer, and Mrs. Charles Far rell, financial secretary. taries?" "You know if you were married you wouldn't The Ladies' Auxliary of Indebe taking orders all day from a man—you'd be giving pendent Fire Company will hold a rummage sale June 10 and 11 him orders." at the fire house. Mrs. Frank "Isn't it funny, Miss Tiggly, how everything seems Ratcliffe is chairman. ;o pile up on Friday night? I hope you didn't have anyThe annual spring recital of thing special planned." Berna Dean's Music Studio, 176 "You were good enough to work late iast night Main St., Matawan, was presentand I insist on paying for your dinner. Will a dollar ed Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Matawan Presbyterian Church. cover it?" Several pupils from the Morgan"All right, be loyal to the bum. But remember oneville area participated. Among thing: The lights go off for an office wife at 5:30 those were Charles Ainsworth of Union Hill Rd., and Irene Cobb of sharp." Rt. 79, accordion; Charles Lean"I hate to ask you to do a five-page letter all over der of Orchard Pkwy., piano, and again, Miss Tiggly, but I've had a couple of after Billy Ulbrlck of Marlboro Gardens, guitar. thoughts." "No, I wouldn't exactly say he was hard to work The Social Club met at the for. The 12 secretaries he had before you were proba- home of Mrs. Garrett Denise of Morganville Rd., last week. Atbly just temperamental." tending w e r e Mrs. Joseph "Would you mind ordering a dozen roses for myLaniaro, Sr., Mrs. Martin Smith, wife during your lunch hour, Miss Tiggly? It's our Sr., Mrs. Robert Owens, Mrs. anniversary. And, by the way, get a flower for your- Donald Miller, Mrs. August Bold self, too. It'll help brighten up the office." "Yes, I do like your new dress, Miss Tiggly. But don't you think black makes a mature blonde look a bit haggard in the daytime?" "Hey, Eloise, I hear the boss Is hiring you an assistant. You two should be real chummy. They say she comes from a fine old family, graduated summa cum laude from Vassar, and loves to play basketball.1' "I don't care what my husband said for you to tell me. You put him on the phone—and I'll tell him." "You really think Miss Tiggly Is attractive? That's odd. She's been with me 10 years, and I never thought of her in that light." ". . . And, of course, if you stay with the firm 40 years, instead of 30, the benefits are even greater." PLEASURE POOL CO. BUILDERS OF ALL TYPES OF SWIMMING POOLS, OFFERS A $ 615 River Rd. ESTABLISHED 1927 SH 1-0696 Fair Haven Closed All Day Monday, Memorial Day Here's.the Answer By ANDY LANG AP Newsfeatures alf Idea and we also recomlend three coats for extra jughness. Sand between coats dth extra fine sandpaper of the wet" variety. This special sandaper Is applied when it has een soaked with ordinary water household oil. To smooth the inal coat and slightly cut the loss, rub It down with pumice owder and water or oil. QUESTION: I keep reading conflicting things about the application of lacquer with a brash. Once I read that the lacquer should be applied just as it comes from the can. Another time I read that it should be mixed with one-third lacquer thinner. And still another time the advice was that it should be mixed half and half with lacquer thinner. Please set me straight on this. ANSWER: If you plan to put on CUSTOM only a single coat of lacquer, it probably is best to use the • SLIPCOVERS lacquer without mixing it with • DRAPERIES thinner. But lacquer that is not • BEDSPREADS thinned is difficult to apply properly. You will be able to smooth CALL out the lacquer more evenly and SH 7-2306 get a far better job if you put on at least two and preferably THE three coats. In that event, the lacquer very definitely should be mixed with lacquer thinner. Some authorities recommend a SHOP one-third quantity of thinner, 428 BROAD STREET others a half-and-half mixture. Wo'ro partial to the half-and' SHREWSBURY L! All Tires Mounted INTERIOR and Torrific Savings on Firestone Safely Champions • 670-1S BLACK RAYON, TUBE-TYPE •A- iho tires with the same tread design as the Firestone tiros on NEW 1960 CARS. PRE-SEASON INTRODUCTION AUTHORIZED BUSTER CRABBE DEALER SH 7-5700 1000 Asbury Ave., Asbury Porl( —PR 5-8700 CAstle 3-0218 OUT OF TOWNERS CALL COLLECT PS3 Double-knee Jeans Sport Shirts Knit Shirts reduced from *1.98 '1.69 ea. Bond'* lanforind dungareci, 6 to 1 3 Heavyweight 10 ox. blue cotton denlmi; tip fly, 6 packets, rivets and bsr-Ueks. Doubte-knte guarantee: Pair F R E E If knees wear out before rest of the J e a n . Short tlt»v» iport thlrti, 6 to I I Cottons, cotton and Cuploni r a y o n , m*dder-tone plaids. Ivy and Continental. All wash and wear. Cotton knit boiqu* ihlrti, 6 to 16 Fashion collars, crew necks, Stripes, patterns,i solids with emblem trim. All till favorite colors plus new gold »nd laden. OR CA 2-2101 B-6O le Ave. at White St., Red Bank FOR INFORMATION CALL CA 2-2100 Complclo lacllilies tot designing ana printing quality advertising liters (uro nt reasonable prlcci . . . fist icrvlccl VFm, *ALL PRICES PLUS TAX AND RECAPPABLE TIRE OFFSET Priori* SAVINGS ON A STANDARD AWNING CO. C. MORALLER, Prop. 200 oo Printing Service, Inc. 904 BROADWAY WEST LONG BRANCH BOND'S - Monmouth Shopping ppg Center EATONTQWN &RCLE. EATONTOWN OPEN: Won., Wad,, Thurs. & Frl. 'til 9:30 P.M., Tuos. & Sar. 'til 6:00 P.M DISCOUNT CENTERS -, TOT'S ADORABLE COTTON S & BOY'S COMPARMU VALUE COMPARABIE V A l U E f . 6 9 EA. • Colorful novelty print cotton swim trunks! Boxer waist, cool mesh ilning! • Matching print beseh jacket, ferry lined! • Sizes 3 4 ! 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COMPARABLE VALUE 1.27-1.47 • Cool short sleeves! • Washable and wash n' wear cottons! • Colorful patterns! • Sizes 6-16! GRAiiD UNION • SELECTED QUALITY For Broiling or Frying — Heady to Cook COMPARABLE VALUE • 11.9J SIH 8 i 30 1195 SIZl 7 x 3 5 79.95 mi 7 x 50 34.95 SIZE IC x 50 DISCOUNT PRICE 14.97' 16.97' 19.97" . 24.97' •plus m% no. m Young Tender Kernels processing! i. nULLo run HOLIDAY COLOR 3 5 M M FILM COMP m • 70 hpoiuni wilk iluecl 2 ROLLS <"<' P'«"»l»i! FOR $4 COMPARABLE VALUE 3.80 4.80 EA. EET OPEN MON. THRU THUR. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M., FRI. 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M., SAT. & SUN. 9 A.M. TO r.rs c r n x n v L iHRoiK.ii SATURDAY, MAY 28th. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, WHILF OUANTITIES IASTI * DEP ARf M I N T . . . COME I N . . . 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HUGE FOLDING COMPARABLE VALUE * PORTABLE STEREO PICNIC TABLES COMPARABLE VALUE 5.98 * 30"x72" STEEL FOLDING TABLE ALUMINUM CLAD FOLDING TABLE .—— LITTLE LEAGUE SENSATIONAL NEW * Full-vtnturi baffle! Chrome safety grills! Rasitiint rubber feet! Powerful 6 pole motor! Quite operation! Maximum air movement! FOLDING STEEL t Sturdy steel construction! 7 * 9 7 ^ s 7 9.95 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r^ • t . • • » Easy to care fort • Floral print in blue or pink! * • Delightfully cool end comfortable! • Sizes S, M, U 6-FOOT REDWOOD • Weather resistant rustic redwood! • Complete with 2 benches! • Extra sturdy construction! 33.95 2.29 • Completely washable, no iron drip-dry cottons! • Button front or lip vp front ;iy!ss! • Matching button front skrrts! • Stripes, polka dots, paisley prints, others! • 12-20, • Housedresses, brunch coats, back wraps! , • Wide variety of styles! • Tremendous assortment of prints, solids!' • Washable cotton! • 12-20, COMPARABLE aluminum tubing;! , v Thick & thirsty, large 22" 144'! • Luscious solids to choose from! 4" x4" x 4 " Sar«n webbing! Non tip legs, folds for storage! HOLLAND HALL Assorted Flavors CE CREA V* GAL. Campbell's 16 oz. can PORK & BEANS 7'FLORAL VINYL LAWN UMBRELLA SAWBUCK & UMBRELLA TABLECLOTHS • Pull cord for easy opening or closing! • Aluminum polished pole, push button tilt! • Formulated vinyl, 4" fringe! C O m M B U VAIUE 4.77 60" » W J.77 M" ROUNO COMPARABLE VALUE 3 9 . 9 5 42" ROUND UMBRELLA TABLE.. 1 0 . 8 8 1.77 6BINCH(0V« . .... • Red, yellow or arson! • Wipe clean heavy flsnntl backed plastic! DtlCOUMT rftlCl i.W 1-W 4.77 60" UMOTEUA TASlt COMFAimi VMUI M.M J-W COMPARABLE VALUE 3 . 7 7 OPEN MQN. THRU THUR. 9 A.M. TO 9 P H , FRI. 9 JLNL TO 10 M , SAT. & SHU. 9 M L TO 6 P A PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MAY 28th. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! , M»y 27. I960 RED BANK REGISTER WORLD TODAY Wf JAMES MA1L0V Aoodated PTCM N m tcweJap. Tfet Nnr Yart ( n r . enwr rattdtd Us r h i r i M hctag M M fcjr Ik* K i p * t e n emmmOm mm M y laths This seems to be his only chance; •' If something goes bad' ly wrong for the Eisenhower administration between now and July, such as a foreign crisis. Then the professional Republican politicians might give up on Nixon, so long a prominent part of the administration, and turn to Rockefeller. There is nothing '.o indicate this will happen. EVR HAITBI TO YOU? IF YOU WANTTo PRACTICE |NSlP£ AGAIN! Mrs. Me Kee Entertain* Club HanBo, club president, I H COtaateai v ' / Stanley McbtMh m *uest j> pastels for a *«a His toBle:w»r"*ow tetuiat ptnalei aad «EW SHREWSBURY - The Gardes Out) met W< the home of Mr*, lames McKee, Koolhrood Dr, Mr*. William Hoae-Its brbogbt pictures of ~~ ~ their home* and f r a u d s for dis- cosiion. Hotjy Cannktoel wrott "Star Dost" to 1927- WASHWOTOW (AP)-Gov. Nei out insurance—just in case son ^ Rockefeller was taking miracles can happen—when he finally said Wednesday he would accept the Republican presidenCOMPLETE tial nomination if it is offered. BAnERY SERVICE It was nothing for his friends New—-Rtntat*--Recharge to throw their hats in the air about. At this moment Vice PrcsiI I EAST FRONT STREET But, 'since it is a possibility, •HID BANK Ttl. SH 7-0128 1 dent Richard M. Nixon still it was probably Rockefeller's MONDAY, MAY 30th only reason for putting in his come • and - get - me - if you - want • me bid now. That this might be in his mind could be read into his otherwise enigmatic statement: "T h e s e are fast-changing times." No longer ago than the beginning of May it made sense for Rockefeller to stick to his Dec. 26 decision not to be a candidate. Technically, he still isn't. He says now he'll accept the nomination if drafted. At the beginning of this Smith, Joseph Smith, James month all signs pointed to Stiles, Mickey Whitfield, Robert President Elsenhower's finishWieczoreck, James Wolcott and ing out his term in a burst of Lester Wolrott. glory which, of course, would Also, Joyre Andoulonis, Sandra be reflected beneficially on his Leeser, Maria Martinez, Sharon administration and Nixon. Maxson, Patricia Nelson, Sylvia There was to be a summit con Robertson, Robert Dale, William ference which, if it didn't solve anything, at least would melt the HIGHLANDS - The seventh Fahrer, Joseph Gherardi, Henry Hartsgrove, Albert Kurtanick, cold war a little more; then, grade of the grammar school re hero's welcome on his visit to cently visited Philadelphia. They Sam Parker, Ronald Tarnow and | Russia; then thunderous ovations were accompanied by their teach- Alan Lynch. on his trip to the Orient. ers, Vincent J. Gorman and Al Republicans in the campaign len Johnson, and the class-mothcould point to all this and say:ers, Mrs. George Johrjs, Mrs Two Lutheran Churches Look, we kept the peace. Robert Robertson and Mrs. Irv-Admitted to Synod But it didn't turn out that ing Plant. way. OCEAN CITY (AP) - The Instead, there was the admin- After lunch in the cafeteria o Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the Franklin Institute, the class istration's bungling of the Ui New Jersey Wednesday admitted spy-plane episode and the insult- took an imaginary trip to the the King of Kings Lutheran moon at the Fels Planetarium ing roiiRhhouse inflicted on the Church, Middletown, and Grace President by Premier Nikita Then for two hours they viewed Lutheran Church, Freehold, HRYSLER exhibits. Khrushchev when he blew up the membership, at the synod's 11th AIRTEMP summit conference and called After Franklin Institute, they annual meeting her*. visited Independence Hall, and off Eisenhower's trip to Russia. Rev. Robert Burkins is pastor It was the greatest humiliation viewed the National Shrine. They of the Middletown congregation, ever suffered by an American also made a visit at the Betsy and Rev. Robert Oberkehr, Freey Only Ross House. President in modern times. hold. temperature and As lime as Making the trip were Janice Now, instead of a triumphal humidity Rev. Robert Z. Wuchter, Holy last eight months in office, Bertha, Margie Bodnar, Donna Trinity Lutheran Church, ManaSJ» Keeps you fresher •»• «nd cooler on hot, Eisenhower will be lucky if in- Chiger, Eileen Corrigan, Patricia squan, was elected to the execumuggy days ternational problems, partic- Greene, Kathy Griffith, Barbara tive board for the Northern Con$ ularly with Russia, don't get "ohns, Shirley Knight, Diane erence. More than a room air con* VTonprode, Patricia Moore, Cathy worse. ditionerl More than a d o humidifier. New Chrysler All of these things—the plane Walstrom, Lena Worth, James Full name of Lafayette was (Slender automatically incident, the summit wreckage, Adams, Craig Bahrs, Leo Colton, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch creates perfect temperaBruce Davies, Michael Ellis, the humiliation—have given the c o m p l e t e with: ture-humidity balance. Gilbert du Motier. * Democratic campaign ammuni- Charles Feil, Matthew FernanAutomatically creates per• Vent ami eihautt blower dez, Dennis Guiney, Philip Harts tion and none of them has helpfect climate for living when • Two-speed fan Nature doesn't. Models ed the Republicans or other rove, Maurice Henderson, Ed live from 7000 to 12000 BTU • Slumber-silent operation gar Johnson, John Leeser, Dinnie chances. capacity. e Finger tip air-flow control In view of all this, Rockefel- Light, Kenneth Lake, John Meon statement yesterday and hisGowan, Dennis Plant, Arthur Don't- be misled! This is a heavy duty ler's emergence from the coy cavern FRIDAY, MAY 27th in which he has been staying deluxe, 2-speed air conditioner . . . since last December, can be con3 to 4:30 sidered simply a s a piece of Ho Money Down—Three Years to Pay political insurance, just in case. 7:30 to 8:30 This belief seems borne out by Silt Rockefeller's own statement last April 8 when ho was asked if he SATURDAY, MAY 28th would reconsider heading the 3 to 4:30 Republican ticket. He said: "We will cross that bridge when we come io It. I do not fashion parade of Ihlnk the opportunity is apt to come." Until now he had made only Your Air Conditioning Specialists BATHING SUITS one thing clear: He would not accept Ihe Republican vice presMIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER on our 2d floor idential nomination. He still says that. And ho has been absolutely HWr. 35 OS 1-2090 MIDDLETOWN consistent on this: He has steadfastly refused to endorse Nixon The center will be closed on this legal holiday for the presidential nomination. When he said last December he was withdrawing as a candidate Open Tuesday evening, May 3 1 , ' t i l 9:30 p. m. for your shopping convenience Broad Street in a race with Nixon, he put will volunteer for the ^ " " WHAT'S DIFFERENT *" N> V N RED BANK Ihe reason on the "great majorkissing booth. / about Jacobsen Rotary Mowers? \ ly of those (professional Repubt Wo'»« Men 'cm nil, from ntcm to nUirn, and bclicvo uo there's V lican politicians) who will con' a tig difTcronco in Jncobeon. For toll grana or wcctin, trol" the convention. Meaning: for every typo of Inwn or terrain, Jncobocn He had found out they were for RoUiry Mowcni nro mntlc for lop Nixon. But four dnys later, Dec. 30, It was learned that the large personal staff which was ready to push a presidential campaign for him would be kept on. I One conclusion could be drawn i WE HAVE A HUNCH THAT THIS SOLID PLYMOUTH IS THE CAR from this: That he hadn't stopped' wnntinj: the Republican nomin-' THAT GOES LIKE YOU WANT IT TO GO, LOOKS LIKE YOU WANT, ntion and would start looking forj it again if he thought he had IT TO LOOK, MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE YOU WANT. TO FEEL. any chance at all. DOUGLAS ELECTRIC CO. SUN Presents... The Thinking Han's Air Conditioner First Room Air Conditioner that THINKS! Class Takes Trip To Philadelphia SLE 219 .00 "In Peace and Honor Rest You Here Guess Who . . . APPLIANCE monmouth shopping center J. YANKO JN'cw Slirrwsbiirv Prices Start at S ,10-50 1K« Jotobltfl'bvlll Hl-lorqu* [nglne, risilgntd «>cluilv«lr lor Jncnljun Powtr Mowcri. Qulcf, • a t / tturimy Bftd d«ptftdobl«, wilh ovlomotic r«<o'l •firttr ond mod«m finy'" 1 control f>un»l. Pwifc button «l«<lrlc llorllnu ovoilubll. IripU btarlng crnfibihaft h ihotV r»•hfont. O Juiobmn Sutlion lid Bo. p" lull gran and w»«di— dimoothl/ Thi fuur raioriMKlul.ln b l o d . i ii/l l . l o oi ordinury "bar" l y p . i , cul cl.imony olli«f rotary on tht> rnmUt. U o l mulihor IndoJtd ol l » oJd.Muf.ul toil. S!5 IT l i O W - w t c n i p l i l n liru "f .IINOIHM'TI I'awct Mowcr/i. Grnisroua trmlrvin nllownri"-n, ivi'iiii'iit tirmn or Inyawny plan. Cnll UxJny for n 1n-r (IcmniiHlr/iliitn tur own Inwn. as advertlsod in and POST LAWNMOWERS—Service - Sales KE 1-3885 HIGHWAY 35 OAKHURST The Tinton Kills I-ire Company will conduct its monthly newspaper drive Sunday, starting at '•> a.m. Tied hundk's should be It'ft at the 'curb. Areas to be canvassed are .Shrewsbury Park 1 nnd 2, Fairlicld, Slnnchavcn, Tinlon Falls, Mope Rd., Syca-I more Ave. and Water St. This Plymouth's got everything-and that's the beauty of if. A' V-8 engine that really goes when you tell it to. Sleek good looks that suit your modern taste. And, inside, a new one-piece welded Unibody that's tight and solid. It's the Plymouth Fury and it's waiting right now to take you for a spin. Make arrangements to give it a good whirl at your Plymouth dealer's soon. Francine Orlando, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Orlando, '12 Willow Rd., celebrated her l l t h birthday Saturday ni|;ht at a pa-1; jama parly. Guests were her' sister, Ana Mario Orlando, Sittvn Thome, I ' n ^ y Spcndiff, June Warren, Carol Wilkio, Susan Waiers and Hetty .lean Campbell. Tin- Community Clul» will hold Us annual "end of the season" dance tiinj|;hi in Mc(juirp <i (inivi 1 , MiddlWown, from !l o'dork In 2 a.m. Mrs. Cicorj;(> nrennan and Mrs. Hal Sherman aro chairmen. Paul Roadie, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Vincent Rnachc, , / r , Rive r <•<!):<• M<|., cHchrnlnl his tllih biilhday lit a pnrly Satiiriluv uir.lil. liucM', wcii' Susan I'opc ( i n l i h c n Mi'Cli'll.in, Susan l o i n-'il, liiiiniic I «nrl• -. Miircjc Ham iii'iiid, Kathy Suhr, I j i c a ,M(] cm, .liininy Wilde, Handy Hny i, David (iiililc 1 ,, Mail'. 1'inu | ram1, Richard I, HI.. r,l. Hill .lackii, I'JIIII r:<ldiivvi' mill Jimmy Slubinvskl. A Cliry:ila-c>wi>iccral product, built a new solid ua\) to givo you solid nalitfaclion. AliniiM inn' IIIIMI I,| ihi. entire |ii'|iiil,ili(iii of (he Kniled Males I'M-, ivilliin nr iii'.u- ||,e IKHIIKI. •'Hi', nl llie ii.itinn'': IS lai;'.c:,l Sett "TIIB STBVB' AIXEN PLYMOUTH Snow? Monday nighlD, NBC-TV. Solidl rowsrs. Mfosfft ictlvlly. wfl) be i t h e c a B . " •'••. .••-.•• ."• Summer Playground Program UNGER RED BANK REGISTER Friday, Hay 27. 1 9 6 0 - 1 1 Oa Memorial Day « • * more d e e m in tOnettirm torn M i n i Hum V% mOUM anerkaaa will Utivenity tad it taking counts W. Han, taa of Mr. _ in Anericas Seating at Butfert. He ii copfcqrtd durtad Mrs. Kurid Haas, M linCo. iMtaUationt u r n ike toad, tte school year as physical BySAMIDAWSOti to t u t coopafly,-Thi# education instructor in the New den Dr., recently scored fourth Vvt threenUy MetnorUl Day for example, believes that at includei such places as Aqueduct in the McKirmey prize contest Shrewsbury Schools. week-end — first of the three some time over the Memorial Race Track, Indlinapolii Motor NEW SHREWSBURY — The Since this will be the first year for sophomore! in English at long fummer holiday* — will tee Day holiday almost every one of Speedway, Major American Lea recreation commission announc- fn which a summer program has Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, it great outpouring of dollars as the nation's 71 million motor cars gue ball parks, and hundreds of ed today a summer playground been conducted, it will be of a Troy, N. Y. The thesis and distheaters. ll as of gadding leisure lovers. will be on the road. program for the youth of the lexible nature. Included, how- cussion contest was on "The Whatever qualms some indus> This pleases not only the On the home front it is estiiver, will be team games, arts Organization Man Versus the Inborough. tries and stock market traders makers of autos, tires and batter- mated ^hat W/2 million power ind crafts, hobbywork, folk dan- dividual." Haas's prize was a Following the appointment ot :ing, story telling, dramatics copy of Andre Malrauss' book. may have about the 1960 outlook ies, but also the producers and mowers will be buzzing on SatNicholas G. Costa as director of ind musical games. and whatever alarms on the inter- sellers of oil and gasoline, who urday, Sunday or Monday. One Voices of Silence." recreation, the commission, in national front may send shivers have been disturbed by their if the makers, Toro Manufacturco-operation with the Shrewsbury ing Corp. of Minneapolis, estimore than ample supplies. through some economic planners, Township Board of Education, the businessmen who cater to Travel agents estimate thai mates that industry wide sales formulated the program. recreation activities of Americans domestic gadding this year will grow by 50 per cent by 1965. Sessions will be held at the should see 18 billion dollars Where is all the spending com lay they are sitting pretty. ycamore Avenue School Moning from? Well, the total of perchanging hands. Most of the They look for record sates this ay, Tuesday and Wednesday o sonal incomes is at a record year for one of the nation's fast- actual movement will be in SUPHIMARKET and SHOPPING CENTER ach week from 10 a.m. to noon high, and beyond that consumers family car. est growing industries — leisure. ;roup covered will be six years are showing more confidence in LOCATIONS AVAILABLE And many business firms benefit New High md 1 to 4 p.m., beginning July heir ability to( meet Installment by this strong trend in American A brokerage firm, Frances I. payments. and ending Aug. 26. The age and locks so I can 90 out "I'm just drying my glovsi CALL FRIGIDAIRE—MU 1-4423 life. 15. There will be no program Du Pont and Co., estimates thai But one thing that no one and play again!" The National Safety Council spending in the leisure and reo seems to have estimated in pre or write >n days or mornings preceded >y heavy rains followed by thunreation field will set a high of 4i viewing the Memorial Day week feld said the board's decision er and lightning. FRIGIDAIRE COIN-OP billion dollars this year, up twi end is how much will be speni would be appealed to the Court Mr. Costa, a graduate of the billion dollars from last year. on sunburn lotion, aspirin and of Common Pleas. BOX 511 RED BANK :ed Bank High School, has bicarb by Monday night. Some of the things it lists: Sales in the fishing field. billion bollars, swimming V/2 bilNEW CANAAN, Conn. ( A P ) lion, hunting 1. billion, bowling A German shepherd dog named billion, golf 800 million dollarsDuke, branded "a nuisance by Universal C.I.T. Credit Corp., reason of its vicious disposition," RED BANK — Rev. Edward a leader in financing of autos, has been banished from this town V, Ktison-Walters, vicar of St. pleasure boats, home improveThomas' Episcopal Church, anby the Board .of Selectmen. ments, swimming pools and mo The board held a hearing nounced that nine members wll bile homes, takes a look at acWednesday night on petitions be inducted into the Brotherhood tivities that all the family enjoy, SEASONAL MEMBERSHIP! It estimates consumers will FAIR-HAVEN—The Lions Club signed by some 350 residents re- of St. Andrew Sunday at 9:30 spend 2% billion dollars on rec will sponsor a bicycle inspection questing that the five-year-old, a.m. LOCKERS The Brotherhood,' at its lasl reational boating, a gain of 300 safety program, it was announc- 70-pound animal be destroyed. CABANAS meeting, received a letter from million dallars over last year; ed today. The board then ruled that Duke homeowners will put one billio The inspection will be hel be removed from town and con- Rev. Alfred N. Banyard, bishop SWIMMING POOL dollars into swimming pools, 1! June 4 from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m fined in a licensed commercial of New Jersey, and Henry Clapp, PRIVATE OCEAN BEACH national president, congratulating billion dollars on do-it-yoursell at the Willow Street School am kennel. RESTAURANT items and garden supplies, an the same hours June 11 at th One complaint against Duke Rev. Mr .Kitson-Walters on forEATONTOWN 3% billion on TV sets, radios, Knollwood School. COCKTAIL LOUNGE came from Mrs. John P. Gran1 mation of the chapter. phonographs, records and musical Louis Connors is serving a: of New Canaan, who told the Final plans were made for thi BOATING instruments. chairman of the program. Hi board that she was attacked and annual barbecue Memorial Da; WATER SKIING said he has received the co-op injured by Duke last April on at 6 p.m. st 91 Cherry St., New eration of the police departmen a visit to the home of the dog's Shrewsbury. American Way DOCKING FACILITIES Since installment financing — and the Board of Education i owner, Miss Freida Weisenfeld. Peter L. Jones was named MIDDLETOWN chairman of the sick committee. An attorney for Miss Weisenrunning at a record high of 4 carrying out the inspection. billion dollars — is "now accept- In many cases, Mr. Connors ed as the normal American way' said, bicycles will be reinspeetaccording to C.I.T., much of th' ed in line with a continuing program here. But he also urged bicycle owners who have never had their bicycles inspected to bring them BEN AIDEKIMAN, MANAGER to the schools on the two dates. Tags will be issued indicating We Service and Supply Batteries and Cords for the bicycles are safe to operate, ALL TYPES—UNDER ONE ROOF he added. ' ' , Business Mirror ruasrouwm FSIIGIDAIISE COIN-OPERATED LAUNDRY Dog Banned From Town KNOW? Fair Haven Bike Safety Program Set There's a Group to Induct Nine Members SHORE HILLS Motel & Cabana Club to serve you in Make Your Reservations Now SE 2-0324 344 Ocean Avenue Sea Bright Monmouth Shopping Center Route 35 and Middletown Rd. Grand Opening Saturday, May 28th ACOUSTICON HEARINu AID CENTER of Hearlnr Analyiu By Trained Expert! Complete Audiometer • Acousticon 0 Majco > Sonotone FREE: nrlni Aid Gliuiei Secretly Framed In Beauty • Beltone • Dahlberg • Audivox HOME OR OFFICE DEMONSTRATION Frecrlptlos Fitted Hrarlng Aids For Every Hearing Problem • Zenith • Unex • Radio Ear Buying or nclllnp. Always look to The Register elaanlfleii (or quick results.—Advertisement. Favorite Crochet 711 Your New DODGE Dealer F&H MOTORS, INC. Easy Payment Plan PRospect 4-2208 Route 35 & Clinton Ave., Eatontown Eves., Sundays, Holidays Call KEIIogg 1-3260 341 COOKMAN AVE. ASBURY PARK, N. J . Our New Dodge Sales and Service Headquarters is out to meet ail your transportation needs PLAY CASHWORD This Sunday in lha Journal-American ALL-NEW DODGE DART Caahword fa the fan-packed word game, both entertaining and educational, that pays We cash prizes to winners. Only last week Mr. Francis J. Brolley, Bridgeport* Conn., won $5,500. Just a few weeks ago Mrs. Nora Jensen, Stone Ridge, N. Y., collected $3,500 and Mrs. Agnes PotockL Trenton, N. J., reaped $3,000 for her winntag entry* And remember: if there is no big winner.the consolation prize of $250 U GUARANTEED each week. Get In line for big cash winnings. FlayCasbword this Sunday; SUNDAY THE TRUTH ABOUT PLASTIC SURGERY Learn of the modern miracles of plastic surgery... what it can mean to your face, figure, personality and future. A detailed and informative report. There'* more for you, and your family, too, IN SUNDAY'S erican Ask Your Ntw*&*Tir !• RtMiv* Your Copy Add a touch of luxury to your home with these lacy squares in pineapple design ,shell-stitch. One square makes a doily or luncheon mat, 3 a scarf. Shellstitch sets off pineapples. Pattern 711: crochet directions for 12-inch square In No. 30 cotton. Send thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern — add 5 cents for each pattern for lst-class mailing. Send to The Red Bank Register, Needlecraft Dept., P.O. Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New York II, N. Y. Print plainly pattern number, name, address and zone. New! New! New! Our 1960 Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book is ready NOW! Crammed with exciting, unusual, popular designs to crochet, knit, sew, em braider, quilt weave—fashions, home furnishings, toys, gifts, bazar hits. In the book F R E E — 3 quilt patterns. Hurry, send 25 cents for your copy. 3ftW3S8f^^^ GRAND OPENING 'pi I SUPPLIES LUXURIOUS NEW '60 DODGE Naturally we're proud of our appointment as your newest Dodge Dealership. We offer you, not one, but two full lines of cars. We're sure we have the buy for you! Let our salesmen show you—the all-new headline-making Dodge Dart, a complete new line of economy cars in the low-price field— the luxurious new '60 Dodge, more comfort and quality than ever before at such moderate cost. We can't help but be. enthusiastic about the important new engineering advances, the fresh distinctive styling of these new Dodge lines, You get features like the revolutionary new room and comfort of one-piece Unibody construction; like the new Economy Slant "6", most modern 6-cylinder engine in the industry; like the new D-600 Ram Induction V-8 with super-charged responsiveness; like famed Torsion-Aire Ride and Total-Contact Brakes. There's so much that's new for you in Dodge! Visit us and let us show you! Cone in today! FACTORYAUTHORIZED SERVICE Thin Dodgo Sorvice Seal asmiret you that wo will attend to your motoring needR promptly, efficiently, economically I Our wsa«onod mechanic.! are supervised iiy special factory-trained experta. All am the Wnd of pcopb you liko to deal with. You can count on courteous treatment from every memher of our Service organization. DEALERS DISTRIBUTORS SUPPLY CO. MARLIN POOL EQUIPMENT — FILTERS, LADDERS, ETC. PERRY OSTEN — TORLON PAINTS, POOL CAULKING, ETC. CHEMICALS: CHLORINE, PH, ALUM ALGEATE, ETC. GIFTS AND REFRESHMENTS Highway 35 & Woston Plato e 400 yds South of Earontown Circlo Liberty 2-1727 EVERYTHING FOR THE TOOL! Routo 35 & Clinton Avo., Eatontown, N. J . - Liberty 2-1 I I ni 12—FruUy, M«y 27, 1960 RED BANK REGISTER ' Around Monmouth - K' By M M . Albert J . Hru»k« It finally got around to rain, en'* Club of Red Bink for 'the ing in the late afternoon Tues-j benefit of mentally retarded childay, but it did not dull the en-dren. Ella Wiltshire Digg'le of thusiasm of the wome/i who need-jSea Bright, president of the club, ed the time until 6 p. m. to was honorary chairman. Bess complete their tour of the homes Burns of Red Bank was chair :hat were open to the public that man. day. The Maytime Tour of Homes, conducted for the benefit; Gene and Katie Bush of Teleof the Marlboro Hospital Auxi- ;raph Hill Rd., Holmdel, celeliary, was one of the most pleas brated their second wedding anurable events of the year. niversary Wednesday with SylOf the six homes on view, it via and Laurence Taylor of Holm1 is impossible to choose one asdel, who were their wedding at tendants. Katie, who is a guitarbeing best. Each had beauty, charm and distinction of its own. ist and folk singer, is opening a1 If one were to choose the Henry three weeks' singing engagemen D. Mercer residence on Rumson at the "Gate of Horn" in Chi' Rd. in Rumson as best, your re- cago June 6, and after that wil! action would probably be that it appear at the Newport Folk Fes was chosen because it is the big tival in Rhode Island. Katie has AT ITS TENTH anniversary mother-daughter banquet last night in Joseph's West est and most expensive. This is made several albums with the Long Branch, the Junior Woman'i Club of Little Silver gave the senior club a check very unfair description of thestrange and intriqulng titles of house. This house would be first 'Songs of Couch and Consulta for $1,000 for the senior unit's building fund. Pictured at presentation, left to right, on my list not because it is thetion" and Life is Just a Bed of are M n . Oliver Bennett, president when the club was founded; Mrs. Marshall R. most expensive and the biggest— Neuroses," etc. Stoecker, president of the senior Woman's Club; Mrs. Jack S. Skakandy, president although I readily admit no woman likes money more than I If you haven't got an FM ra of the junior club, and Mrs. E. Richard Weaver, Sr., adviser to the juniors. SiENIOR HIGH WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP mombert at Shrewsbury Presbyterian do). I would choose the Mercer dio, hurry out and buy one. Red Church will present two plays, "The Sausage Maker's Interlude" and "The Neigh- house because of its panoramic Bank will have its own radio staview of the river and the Mon- tion for the first time in 20 years bors," Saturday night. Pictured are some committee members, left to right, Susan mouth Beach-Sea Bright strip. when Station WFHA-FM makes Hager, Barbara Newman, Glenn Applcyard, Bob Lascaro and Mary Oarnall. Because standing there on what its debut Sunday, May 29, at s really the rear terrace and 10:30 a. m. The first Red Bank looking across the lovely garden station—WBRB—was destroyed and across the river toward the by fire that long ago and was RUMSON — Holy Cross Par- Cuje will sell balloons, and games ocean one is filled with a deep never rebuilt. Station WFHA-FM ent-Teacher Association will hold are in charge of Mrs. Robert primeval pleasure unrelated to will be on the air from 2 to its annual auction and bazar next Sanders, Mrs. Elaine Currier, the beauty and luxury of the 9 p. m. Monday through Friday TINTON FALLS - Frank J. Friday night and all day next Mrs. Donald Thompson, Mrs. Wilhouse. I would choose the Mer- and 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. Satur- Reilly of the Art Students Saturday, June 3 and 4, at thebur Symington, Mrs. Walter Spitcer house again—without the day and Sunday. The network League, New York, will speak school. lane, Mrs. John McCauley, Mrs. SHREWSBURY - Members ol view—because upon entering it programming policy will includi tonight at 8:30 o'clock and give Warren West and Mrs. Charles the Senior High Westminster Felone has a feeling of being wel- "good" popular music (no rock a painting demonstration in the Mrs. Andrew Patey and Mrs.Snyder. lowship of the Presbyterian Sarkis Kavookjian are the chaircomed into a very private cir- and roll), drama, news and stage Old Mill Gallery. Church will present two plays, cle, and into a family who love screen and TV personalities Mr. Reilly, an internationally men. "The Sau.s;ific Maker's Interlife, and living, and beauty, and Frank Hamilton, formerly with known painter, illustrator and Although members say they are lude" ami "The Neighbors," Satwho love and take pride in theWKAX at Birmingham, Ala., and lecturer, has been connected with not rushing the season, there will urday night in Blair Hall. work and the business that is the one of the original members ol be a booth selling Christmas Proceeds will be used for aj source of the money that makes the Armed Forces Radio and the League for 25 years.He is angifts. "Santa's Helpers" will be .church memorial honoring the! all this comfort and beauty and Television Services, is a memauthority on teaching methods Mrs. Thomas Wheeler, Mrs. AnFAIR HAVEN — Members o!l a l e B i l i ciccone, n former prcsiluxury possible, which, by theber of the staff, along with Ray and an originator of many theo- thony Mellaci, Mrs. John GifH o l y Communion Episcopal (]ent o f t h e group. way, is shipbuilding or a related Boyce, top-rated dee-jay from ries on art. His paintings have ford, Mrs. Edward McSorley and Church will staff 12 booths at the --rhe Sausage Maker's Interbranch of the marine business, WDAK at Columbus, Ga. John appeared in national magazines Mrs. Ralph Lawrence, who are parish fair. "Fun For The En- | t d e » i s a f a r c e w i t h a r c | i g i o u s fs anything more satisfying than Glenn former member of th and on covers of magazines and in charge of this booth. tire Family," slated for tomor- th(.mn W r j l t c n b y ( h r , French liking the work you must%set out NBC news staff at WQAM, Chi in art exhibitions. row from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. in playwright, Hrnri Gheon, it proBorn in New York City, the There will be other things on to do every day? I did not seecago, and several other interest the fire house on River Rd. , h e p r o h | c m n f l h cm a . sents Curtains artist studied with George Bridg sale, including cakes, in charge one piece of furniture or an ac-ing and talented people. Those in charge nf booths or c n i n p a ( , c i n w h i c h , h e s a u s a g e man, Frank Vincent, Du Mond of Mrs. Lester Foley, Mrs. Percessory that looked as if it might pamps are as follows: William inker's greed to make a profit Draperies and Dean Cornwall. He recently ry Campanella, Mrs. William La-' have been bought to display Rormer and Mrs. Frank Wildey; |,,, a(Is | , i m (f) w a n t t o n | n C V P r y . wealth. Everything looked as The Red Bank Auxiliary of Riv- completed a mural in mosaic 62 Grotteria and Mrs. Paul Busch. erview Hospital is having its an Howard Gage and Otis Thorn- thing in sight through his maSlipcovers by 22 feet for the Bronx High Books and records will be sold though its only purpose for being dike, tackle shop; Mrs. Berkeley] | n c | u 7 | j n g his wife. A mirathere was to please the beholder nual luncheon and fashion show School of Science. He also paint by Mrs. James Nolan, Mrs. Tho-| Carter and Mrs. Noel I.arlaiid,i df; s a V f . s t k . d a y a n d Bedspreads Miss Evelyn Wlnkoff or to contribute to his comfort. at Crystal Brook Inn next Thurs ed large murals in New York mas Dowd and Mrs. Leonard day. Fashions will be by Ethe and Tennessee. plants: Mrs. Fdgar Denise and!t(if, r | ( . v j| Carlbon; the "nearly new" booth NEWARK — Miss Evelyn WinMrs. Howard Gage, trash and The cast fur "The Sausage is to be manned by Mrs. An- Linens I must say, too, that each of Krauss, Sea Bright. Mrs. Rich Mr. Reilly is a member of the treasure; Mrs. Howard Poduska, Maker's Interlude" includes Liz koff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the six houses seemed to have ard Sause of Fair Haven and Academy of Design, National So drew Gill and Mrs. George CranCharles Winkoff of Hamilton Mrs. Frederick Eldridge of Micfnnvelty g i f t s ; Mrs. George Belt, Jim riillett, Glenn Applewell, and, of course, there will Venetian Blinds this quality above any other. ciety of Mural Painters, Society be a trash and treasure corner, • Wander and Mrs. Donald Apple- yard, liill Dcckert, Susan Phifcr, Ave., Leonardo, was graduated The Ruthrauff (Mrs. Wilbur B.) dletown are chairmen. of illustrators, Salmagundi, Artsen-Ice pale; Charles Alias, parcel post; Dudley Hager, liill Schwecrs, from the Harrison S. Martland house on McCIees Rd. in Middirected by Mrs. John Sammon, <bnp np stllomo se Fb 12H46 ist's Fellowship, the Century As- Mrs. William Burkimshire, Mrs. Fbone SII 1-2H46 Medical Center's School of NursMrs. Thomas Blair, religious Tom Clark, Tom Dunlnp and Dick ing at ceremonies in the hospi- dletown was nearly equal to the sociation and numerous others. Jeremiah O'Neill and Mrs. John Sherman's Items; Girls of Young People's Mercer house. tal auditorium last night. Fellowship, candy; Mrs. Freder- Kraybill. The Old Mill Association has O'Brien. Homo Decorators! The (Mrs. Mildred Newton' "The Neighbors," by the well ick Wegel. silhouettes; Tony Miss Winkoff will join the nurs Norton house—it's an apartment been presenting monthly distin- There will be things to enter45 Broad St. known American writer Zona Waters, William Hopkins, Jack ing staff at Marlboro State Hos really—on the fabulous Cobble guished painters featuring var- ain children, too. Mrs. Albert RED BANK 7.inpa, Jr., and John Hopkins, Gale, is a light play, the setting pital. She is a Micldletown 'town Close Farm in Middletown is ious art mediums and techniques. anStappen, Mrs. Elmer Blume! Broad St. games; Otto Meyer, Hoynrri Pn- of which Is a typical American | ship High School graduate. Mr glamorous as well as charming Mr. Reilly's lecture will be the nd Mrs. James Gormally are in 468 Shrewsbury SH 1-8345 small town. The piny turns on and Mrs. Winkoff and several ninth in the series of presentat- :harge of hayrides; Mrs. George d t i ' k a a n d Maurire Tardiff, and beautiful with a touch of the Hie concern for one of the mem- relatives and family friends at RED BANK — Mrs. Richard 1 tions. wheh 1 P Im vn w h c h bbring r l n s cn exciting. And how could this be! H^Moyle'was chaYrmanTMhe " a r r n K poMrd to Fair H a v e n !bers ' " ' " 'of " "the ' own « " - i tended the ceremonies, lnln lhf: n k otherwise when all four a d j c c - l d c s s c r t . c a r d p a r t y h e , d t h i s w e e k frnm points throughout the r m , n - l l r n " " " s vl]U>lm ^ r lives would be needed if onej b y m c m b e r s of the Red Bank try will bo auctioned off. Fish- tionship ot . eal neighbors. were to attempt to describe Mrs. Woman's Club in the clubhouse. The cast includes Barbara ing equipment will be sold at a Norton? That leopard skin rug Assisting hostesses were Mrs. discount, and free insecticide will Newman, Jim Cunliffe Joyce Keion the floor nf the formal living William Held, Mrs. Joseph E. be presented early purchaser of per, Carol Van Brunt, Hob I.asroom is not only exciting to look Carroll, Mrs. Philip H. Walton, cam, Susan Hager, Betsy Boyd garden plants. at with its magnificent head, Mrs. Goerge H. Pruter, Mrs. At 2 p. m., n half-hour film and Mary Diirniill. jewelled eyes and savage ex- John E. Kcilt. Mrs. Nnrris WoodJudy Pope is in charge of ticket for baseball fans will he shown. pression, but it has a tantaliz- ruff, Mrs. Richard J. Morris, In it, Stan Musial, one of base- sales, assisted by Judy Lambert, SHREWSBURY-The Mid-Mi hall's great hitlers will explain Merilee Hose. Margaret Pries FAIR HAVEN - The Nava ing history. Among other things, Mrs. Harold S. Pennington, Mrs. ,,, nuAinurj of the Fami- it is really only a cousin to theCharles eToop, Mrs. Edwin Sa- mouth Auxiliary of the Family 1,,.1,,,,1 Auxiliary how to bat. Other Cardinal stars and Susan Matches. nimsunk and Children's Service of Monwill give tips on how to play in- Hill Trahman and Tom Pfrom- |y and Children's Service ofMnn- one that will lie there eventual- vidge and Mrs. Frank A. Higgins. mouth County will hold a midfield, outfield and run bases. iner nre stage managers for Ihe nioulli County. meeting yester ly. Joe Garagiola, broadcaster and productions. day in the home of Mrs. Rich- T h e Sarah Ackroyd-Moore Guests included Mrs. Robert summer dance Aug. 20 in Old Sinclair, Mrs. Walter A. Sours, Orchard Country Club, Eatonformer Cardinal catcher, also on ard Dahlman on Cambridge Avc, apartment—adjoining Mrs. Norfilm, will explain baseball signs You'll need two cups of medi- voted to contribute $500 to theton's on Cobble Close is lovely, Mrs. Michael Burke, Mrs. John town. colorful and spacious. Her Dietmeir.Mrs. Henry C.. Tilton, Plans for this were announced and signals, strategy and behind- um white sauce for half a pound agency for its building fund. the-scenes moves big leaguers of* dried beef. Nice over crisp The agency's new building is mulled green and silver and gold Mrs. Melvin J. Berdahl, Mrs. when the unit met this week in buttered Innsl for hrunch or [under construction in Long French antique dining table with Helga Thome, Mrs. Robert H. the home of Mrs. Charles March - to win ball games. its graceful matching chairs was Dlsbrow, Mrs. Maver J. Camp- on Sycamore Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harkenj'" ncn - Garnish with minced'Branch. Guest speaker at the meeting set for dinner with fine linen, bell, Mrs. Cecil C. Crawford, Mrs. Mrs. William Cozens, ways and 'parsley. chairmen nf Ihe affair. was Mrs. John H. Watson, 3D, delicate plates with lush crim- Pavson W. I.yman, Mrs. Edward means chairman, is in charge. Irs. George Weir, Mrs. of Rumson. who is chairman of son borders, cranberry and CryShe also said that as another fund thebnnrd of directors of the Mnn-i slal Ihumbprint glassware and Irving Krakowitz, Mrs. Reuben raising project, members will sell slcrlin silver w i t h a lrul ele mouth County Homcmnkers SerR . y " Taylor, Mrs. Charles A. Kuppler, homemade gourmet specialities at She explained the group's fcan' Rol(l a n t l cranberry center Mrs. Walter McDougal, Mrs. Ly-a booth at the. New Shrewsbury d tho th services i itit MI^ce filled with red roses oses and d man C. Vanlnwegen. Mrs. Gran- Fair in September. !program and white flowers. This table setting din J . Chapman, Mrs. Herbert ' Resignations of two members, fcrs the community. ji The resignations of Mrs,,7. and flower arrangement won Lindner. Mrs. Charles Kraay and Mrs. i Raymond Moore and Mrs. Wil-"Best-of-the-Tour" prize. It was Mrs. Lester C. Stork, Mrs. Martin Carbone, were accepted. liam Abernathy were accepted. done by Sula (Mrs. Clarke P.) Charles Reed, Mrs. Howard De- Both are moving from the area. THE BIG QUESTION "Were you horn yesterday? Mrs. Moore is moving to Call- Johnson of Highlands, a member Vesty, Mrs. Ashton Cook, Mrs. Joining the unit are Mrs. Fred of the Atlantic Highlands Gar- William Turner, Mrs. James Mc- Barton, Mrs. Frank Sisk and The hip question for Junc.lhen .spoke. "You got off in ( Cabe, Mrs. Joseph Standler, Mrs. brides this year seems to he, iforeipn country and things! "'<• auxiliary's final meeting den Club. Mrs. Thomas Edwards, all of marry or wait? Most of those'change—you change too. Maybe)will be a picnic June 9. Others The Parke J. Logan house on A. J. Albrecht, Mrs. Louise New Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Wil 1811 1 Mohr, Mrs. Kenneth R. Smith, who write me arc engaged lo]ynu'll love the same girl when ™' "'*! were Mrs. William Ry- Navesink River Rd. in Middleliam Troy, Jr., West L o n g boys either already in the serv-iymi come hack, maybe you an, M r s . Philip Coan and Mrs.town is a magnificent Japanese Mrs. Henry Braun, Mrs. Thomas Branch. Sonnichcn, Mrs. George Buchler, ire, or aUMii lo enter ii. Many,won't. Maybe it'll he tho same, Robert Bernard, Fair Haven; modern, constructed of rough maYesterday, several members of these boys are destined for:with her. And there you'll bo. Mrs. Wallace Barrett and Mrs.hogany bnttcn boards and stone. Mrs. Edward Schofield, Mrs. Edmade a field trip to the State traininj:. This can mean Chances are, il we don't iiiarryjl'-dwaril Cirudin, Red Hank; Mrs. The structure follows Ihe natur- win 0. Lomerson, Ms. Dale B. Ion;: e n f o r c e d separations for now we'll spend all our \nne J. II. Bnmvmoester, Mrs. F. Don| al contour of the land. The en-Otto, Mrs. Gertrude B. Combs, Home for Boys at Jamcsburg. m•iilVM.eds Tho girls a s k . "Would writing o n e a n o l h c r — l i v i n g fnr|Chapin, Mrs. Patterson Iluni- trance is at ground level and Mrs. Lyman C. Lockwood, Mrs. A white elephant sale also was II b e h o t t e r t o m a r r y now or t h e d a y I j;el b a c k . " . phrey, Mrs. Gcnrue Tamblyn. Jr., the rear of Ihe house is two sto- Robert A. Cherry, Mrs. P. J. held at the meeting, and $55 was McGuiness, Mrs. Albert Wedg- cleared. The June meeting will wait till Ihe hnv friend c o m - W a s lliis philosophy ihe result and Mrs. William I!e.ily. Rum-|i cs high-the master bedroom bury, Mrs. William P. Rogers be held at Mrs. Cozen's home In p U t e s Ins tnur cit duly'.'" ol life in t h e Armv'. 1 sen; Mrs. Kdimnul _.!._ Sickels,! living room and dining room at and Ms. Joseph Serpico. New Shrewsbury. A r h a n r r i-nnmntcr I had the " I ' v e done a lot "f thinking N''w Shrewsbury, and Mrs. John Artist's Talk Holy Cross Auction, Bazar Is Tonight Next Friday and Saturday in OldMill To Present Two Plays Tomorrow in Blair Hall Fun for Family Fair Scheduled For Tomorrow SHERMAN'S Mrs. Moyle Is Chairman Of Party Navarumsunk Auxiliary Gives $500 to Agency Unit Schedules Dance Aug. 20 Kitty Kelly: The Big Question: Marry . . . Or Waif ? the rear of Ihe house have floor diiy on n New Kngland since I joined u p , " he c oniedecl. horpe, l.ittli? Silver. In ceiling windows thai ripen nn t r a m m a y help them lo make ,,'"Hei,n; in Hie infant,y isn't ex to a "moon-walk" that overlooks derision. With their queries arlly a n easy life. You c:,in'l he a deep gully brook and small fresh i,i mind, 1 happened lo sil soft physically or mentally, if pools and a secluded woodland next to a somber e y e d young you waul lo survive. Hut i t ' s garden. The "mnon-walk" is narAmerican infantryman in a rail been |;ocul tor me, 1 lost ?.l) row otitsido Ihe bedroom and wiUTTI.IC SII.VKR - Mr. and! road lounge c a r . pounds a n d (Mined a s much | dons into n veranda outside the 'Ihe you'll! soldier w a s headed again in muscle and c h a r a c t e r , ills. Samuel I.ihovsky. .'iS!) Harddining room. The simplicity and for Springfield, Mas.';., an,I o b Before, I was content with a ing Rd.. have announced the enviouMy h a d something ,t,i \\\y tnicli rade. Now I want a profession."j gagi'menl »f Hieir daughter Miss elcpancri of the Jnpnnese decor m i n d . ' " l ' m going to see my girl," Ibis' was w a s in n nj-luanila Realizing lhal Ibis j .luanit.- Libovsky, t o I r a Caplnn^ is carried through a major porhe explained. " I ' v e licoironlered sense- a dress rehearsal lor w h a t ! 5 " " " ' Lewis L. Caplan of New! tion of the house. The master to Korea. We w e , r lo have- been lie intended tellinj' his | ' i r l | York, i bedroom is papered in oriental Miss Libovsky Is Engaged nwr,,, „,' this , n i , n , , , , Now U's , ,.,,, , , , „ w h a t ' s v . o r r v i n r ,n, I'm t h e on* w h o ' s r a l l m ; . ,1 o i l " "Wl,v'"' ' " W i t h h e r h e , e a n d , „ , • in K n , e a . ,1 won't v.,,,1. W e d he tied t o g e t h e r vet .,•,,-,,,-,!,,! " He nl.iied out the t r a i n wmdew "Swnir or laic . , , « ' ,, j ^ it ' ^ tilrqunho grass cloth and fur- ^ In d C i c a t , F r e n c h p r o v i , .-. rlnl ,,„ M v furniture finished in p a r c h - i h a ! I ' m c m out fur that nrnfi-s- t h e S t a l e U n i v c r s i l v of N e w Y o r k , ! K l a m " ™ IS1 " P , .!". ' " ?"n si,,,, m u n i s You s e e . I w a n t to! I.,.,,,; Island. A l a l e A u g u s t wr-d-j 1 "' 1 ,".' f ^ ( l a m a ' k W . " h . a ' " ' wltllh IK IS r r n n < 1 t m l n m l he a d,..-tor That'll l a k e n lot!ding is p l a n n e d . ! . b"'' of d o i n g h u t - s o I,,,,,; a s I've- g o t ; M i s s I . i b o v s k y ' s f a t h e r ,s o w n - fr™A , o t " 1 Cs n m o " l a l t ' r l « l - l h ( < (he innt-i conviction thai t h i s i . w r nf ' m e A n n e F u r n i t u r e C o m - h n u ' w l s , ' ' T " ' 1 C ° 0 1 ? " il, I'll m a k , . lhc , ; , a , l e . " j p a n v in K e , | H a n k . ' ' " V n t h o , " l l » » a l ( > "»<' " P P ™ " " l l c m ' d o c s vin.r f i l l (it in this ' _ In h e a b r e e z e t o k e e p h o u s e I ' d l u o a k pic l u n ' " ' I mi|iiiied. : O l d F a s h i o n e d I'";,, ! b o n n d s o , v | , e v.c,i,|cl, , „ . , ! I , , . l i e I ' l a n c e i l a l I n - , w i i l c - l i . " I ' l l A ,. • M l T c a u - e v , e .-.houlcln't " k n o w iii | c - . s i l i a n t w i i h i m i . s . " A u c t i o n I N C X T I U O S d a y , "f/irlr, t e a e i c h i l i • l e i n l v . " I | n o T h e n a i n w a s |,ullinp. i n t o ilie K U M S O N ••- M e m b e r s « f ( i o n d - j tested. ' I t s easier ( o ,them toslalio,, ' (,c«iil l i v e a n d g o o d w i l l M e t h o d , ' . ! C h u r c h w i l l h o l d i b - faithful " In. I," I called an n h l fashidiied cciunliy style '"Ihiiffi for t h e h i , d he i.| The V i h l i e , i;ci| In hi', f r e l look ;II,I:IICI,I 'luesd.iv .',! V:.'!0 p n i . in "It 1 ', just on Ihe girl. , . ,..., "Hi,I if • , , ! , , k,. r IOOI'.KJ ,il MIC ill*1 '. ,' if .,'.),HI;1, hi, in i ,iii Id; III ll.ev '. hall June 2.;i IT HI lie and LAUNDRY Monmouth Shopping Center Eaton totcn Circle, Eaton town • DECORATION WEEK • SPECIAL! ANY PLAIN SKIRT OR PANTS .. 'iho« W , T . |;,ve,l by t h e i Hii:;inr;.s and I'l'Dfusslonal Worn- tm 3 to 6x 3 7 to 14 'OtanFie T.M. workrnomr. ,if a very successful interior decorator. c h i l l , IT f . i s l n n n Bond's Gingham Play-Dress with panties to match 98 098 Tennis anyone ? - o r any game under the sun! She's set to phiy in this Arnel* triacetate and cotton KlMtfh/ir, dress with racquet embroidery on its pocket. Love Pink or Win lilue Ihe-loan A n nf lulton residence in S l i i e w s h u r y is a chiirniing cninhinalinn ofa personal apartlrMl u s ll " P' "' showrooms a n d 1 i;t t (I, mavUe I t a i d e i ui) 1 v e i v voun, 1 and \ e i v m m l i t h e i l i u r i h o;i Washington S t . li:. fe l w . s have the in ln'.e " I ' m e m u ; ' In die bar. Kenneth Mm tun u i l l be Ihe anc- (i.iil Ilishnp, wlio is s w e e t sixr>.' , t ' ,n'-,il of p''Mi • j c w f,l;n , , In, ,i Miff c h i n k , " he .'ntid " I tin,ire, 1 . teen iind t h e d . i u g l i l e r nf .Mm (((•''ill? •.li;irigc f;n * Jut- I'.-ih. • me need it I,', i.iu|..|. is clmir- Ili'.lu>|i of Sen l l i i g l i t , iiiiiili" h r r f) I e Mil* 1; ,il h'jini' r ,11,111 of Hurm111 M r ui; i n i i v i K .'ilcliul a s ii fashion m o d e l Weclnrsto ll).",ke I !|( II o.'. j : in-. '.' III! l l !•• " I ' N I n th- pi i lic1. ' I h e d;iv e v e n i n j ; ;i| l h c DrilUvciocI J dnn'l hi.line liiei I ,ic l o • e l f ; , e \ ! fuml , 1'ilt 1)1 | H M Ijl 'I v.ill lie, Fli'.icli Club in Sen llrichl. I helie EATON CLEANERS Jutt say "CHARGE IT" - i f you like BONu'S-monmouth Shopping Center (May .list In June 3rd) WITH ANY SUIT OR DRESS DRY CLEANED AND PRESSED Eatontown Circle, Eatontown OPEN: Mon., Wed., Thurs. & Frl. "til V:30 p M Tues. & Sat. ' t i l 6:00 P. M. ' ' RED BAXK REGISTER ;Mrs. Albert Newman 1$ President Of Baptist Church Women's Fellowship Friday, May 27, 1960-13 officeri. State deputy William ScMechtweg aMftfed The ladie* of the "home economics committee auisted Mn. tonne Janssen, hostess. They RED BANK — M n . Chrirtua served a covered dish supper to jtebwartz of Frehold, president welcome the new members and of the Monmouth Awbciation of guests. the Women's Society of the . . „ . ~~~ -™_ Mrs. Joseph Junsa, assisted by t American Baptist Convention, in MARLBORO - These are busy, MJSS Ucy ^ ^ ^ presented the italled officers of the Women's times at Liberty Grange. Eightj tableaux "The Harvest Queen," Fellowship of the Red Bank Bapnew members were initiated l a s t . . M i s s Liberty," and "The Hartist Church in services held in week into the order by grange v e s t F e a s t / . M r s Njc holas Salthe chapel Monday. vette represented the queen. Miss Fellowship members also made Nancy Loichle was vocalist and their annual contributions lo ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Mr. NEPTUNE — Miss Eleanor Mrs. Elma Boyce assisted at the projects of the women of the and Mrs. Steven Demko of 12 Thompson, a June bride-elect, piano. Wesley Ave. will present their w»s honored yesterday at a briConvention. Mrs. Edward Joisy, home ecodal shower given by Mrs. Dick daughter Linda in her first piano : Taking office were Mrs. Alnomics chairman, reported that Charlins and Miss Sandy Hamrecital at a concert in their home jeft Newman of Red Bank, presiMrs. Alyce C. Lathrop of Pleaernick of Colt's Neck. The party dent; Mrs. Dewey Williams, iunday afternoon. sant Valley and Miss Helen Einwas held at Mrs. Charlins' home, Middletown, vice president; Mrs. Linda, who is nine years oW siedler, Colt's Neck, won the sew795 Wayside Rd. in William Morgan, Lincroft, pro- studies piano with Constance GorRUMSON- A brunch and ral-! & contest Miss Thompson, 'daughter of 3 gram chairman; Miss Ruth H. don Brown of Red Bank. ly for the workers serving with! Miss Loichle was elected to rep' Scattergood, River Plaza, litera- Linda's program will consist of Mr. and Mrs. William Thompthe women's division of t h e ; r e s e n t L l b e r t v G r a n 8 e m t h e son of Heyer's Mill Rd., Holmture chairman; Mrs. Howard compositions by Robert WhitUnited Jewish Appeal drive j n ; grange queen contest. _ Young, Red Bank, house party ford. The composer was graduat- del, will become the bride of Wilthe Red Bank area will be held! Robert Lorenz reported that 1 uth chairman; Mrs. Elmer C. Cot- ed from New York State Teach- liam Schlectweg, son of Mr. and Tuesday at II a.m. in the home:' * y ° committee wM enter trell. Red Bank, vice president ers College and is holder of a Mrs. William Schlectweg of Freeof Mrs. Marvin Brodcr on Ridge 3 f l o a t l n t h e Memorial Day parade in charge of Christian training; permanent teacher certificate of hold June 4 in the Colt's Neck Rd i Miss Alma P. Thompson, River the State University of New York. Reformed Church. i s s E d n a Neltcr Mrs. Broder and Mrs. Bertram jt h M . reported that Plaza, spiritual life chairman; He is now living and working in Guests were Mrs. Schlectweg e Feinswogof New Shrewsbury are communityservice committee and Miss Patricia Thomas, FreeMrs. Frederick Warwick, Middle- Miami, Fla. chairmen ' " working in co-operation with tovm, leadership training and Linda's program will include hold; Mrs. Thompson, Miss Helen Drive plans will be outlined, j t n e community service committee circle co-ordinator and Mrs. "Daybreak," "Silhouette," "Twi- Eiseidler and Miss Elizabeth and work sheets distributed a t : t a i n s ' B n s t 0 m a r k b °"na a r y Walter Canfield, New Shrews- light," "Romance," "Safari' and Thompson, Colt's Neck; Miss Sue the meeting. Plans also will be'roads. Cantor, Asbury Park; Mrs. Jene bury, corresponding secretary. "Chinete Maiden.' At the concompleted for a tea June 15 at1 The g r a n ?e will place flowers Each will serve lor a two-year cert, Billy Ptak of Highlands will Finneran and Mrs. Robert S. the home of Mrs. Clarence Un-;° n t h e Marlboro Township Megive Linda an advanced solo re- Boykin, Red Bank; Mrs. William term. y Emanual LONG BRANCH — The fourl Harvey Miner, Mrs. Olaf Ravn- terberg on Tinton Ave., New ' i l statue Monday. Also Mrs. Henry Pascale, Rum- cital certificate. Paulette Mur- Russell, Fair Haven; Mrs. Frank d Joseph Jh DiDonato, Mrs. Joseph Wood and LaPerriere, master, and men pictured were among the dahl, Mrs. Neil Smith, Mrs. Mary Shrewsbury. Mrs. Jack Goodphy, Belford, will give her her son, vice president in charge of Mrs. Warren Wolf, Eatontown, Compoly, past master, of the RED BANK—Weekly Wednes59 of more than 250 senior volun-jSmith and Mrs. Robert C. Winman, Indianapolis, Ind., national prize for accumulation of 10,000 Christian service; Mrs. Fred L. Conover, Middletown, love gift points in her music bank book. and Mrs. Arthur Prichard and day sessions of the Red Bankjteers serving Monmouth Medical field, Little Silver; Mrs. John chairman of the Women's Divi- grange, will assist in the American Legion preparations. Duplicate Bridge Association, op-Center who received awards at! A, Dunigan, Mrs. Thomas B. Gar- slon of UJA, will speak, chairman; Mrs. Henry Chadwick, Stanley E. Morrissey of Leo- Miss Gwtn Pyle, Elberon. en to serious bridge players, will annual volunteer awards lunch-|\in and Mrs. Edward Swikart,! Mrs. HcrmanCohen of Red The home economics commitRed Bank, Christian social re- nardo will be guest artist. A gradlocal beheld beginning next week, in eon at the hospital's Auxiliary ; Rumson; Mrs. Donald Davis,'Bank is division treasurer. tee held a Chinese auction. lations chairmsn a n d Mrs. uate of Red. Bank Catholic High the Woman's Club. 164 Broad'Hall. j Monmouth Hills; Mrs. Nathan N. Others assisting are Mrs. Paul Miss Marie Costto, lecturer, Claude Denny, Little Silver, School, he it a student at Minor St. Regular sessions have been! For the period from April l.JFrankel, Mrs. Jack Pcrlmutter,' Bragar, Little Silver, contacting was presented a corsage, a gift recording secretary. Each will Seminary in Boston. Accordion held for the past three months 1959, to April 1, 1960, the 59 Interlaken; Mrs. Byron C. Hen- co mmittee; Mrs. Benjamin Ashin, of a handbag and gloves anu a music is his specialty and hobby, serve a one-year term. in the Community YMCA, River-!served a total of 14,474 hours, dcrson, Mrs. John Malley, Mrs.i an d Mrs. Lester Swartz, Little j birthday caKe. The following will serve as but he is planning to enter the side Ave. From left to right a r e Max Alt- Joseph Kennedy and Mrs. Rob-I silvcr ^ M r s - A l a n Avchen, Holm-j LARQEST SELECTION OF circle leaders and co-leaders: priesthood. hoursi ert Rose, Monmouth Beach; Mrs d e l : M r s - Delbert Mammen, Fair At Wednesday's concluding ses- man. Long Branr Mrs. Canfield, Mrs. Cottrell, Mrs. He appeared in the Red Bank 400 sion there, E. Grant Scheck of | William Whitney, Harold Reinhart and Mrs, Thorn Catholic High School production Charles Herman, Eatontown; i " " v e n : M r »- E d w i n , Li( L ht ! g ' 't 104'Mrs. Benedict Lubell Asbury R u r n s o n ; a n d M r s ' M l l l o n S o l ° ' Allenhurst, director of the ses- hours; J. C. Gross, as Maloney, Shrewsbury; Mrs. of "Call Me Madam," and ha» SHREWSBURY Mr. am hours, and William F. v.. o jn, Lit- Park; Mrs. David Kaplan, Mrs. rnon, Lincroft. Francis Swartz, Mrs. Warren participated in several enttrtainSpencer Pitts and Mrs Joseph M r s - B e r n a r d R o s s of N e w Elliott and Mrs. Frank Kaepp- ments and minstrels in Mon- Mrs. Robert H. Disbrow were in t i v J t i e s w i u i n c l u d e s e r i e s t o u r . tie Silver, 104 hours., The ,latter MONMOUTH CARPET „., T ^ ^ Shrewsbury R d B k Shrewsbury is is in in charge charge of of pubpublein. Fair Haven; Mrs. Robert mouth County, Playing under the t ,J"8« / C0JeTld «? h su{?per'naments and a master point three men are members of Red Tomaso, Red innnwAY M. Bank's Old Guard. held Monday by the Shrewsburyj Fiedler, Little Silver, and Mrs. name of "Busy Fingers." ert Wilcox, Oceanport; Mrs. Stanley will play a series of Community Club in Christ Epis- North-South winners were Josh Mrs. Wellington W. Wilkins, d i - ' r y Kass and Mrs. Maurice ZuckJames Bennett, Red Bank. parish house. Stern, Locust, and Frank John- rector of volunteer services at e r, West End; Mrs. Abe Linky, The fellowship has given i n o v e l t y accordion numbers, copal They were assisted by Mrs. ENROLL YOUR CHILD IN THE f i r s t ; the hospital, was chairman of m r s . Joseph Stein, Mrs. A. A. campership to the Newark Chris^ "Keyboard Hug," "Sharpshootson of Middletown, Fair Ha- the luncheon which was-held asjweinstcin, Mrs. Edith Slonk and tian Center, which will pro- er's March" and "In th» Mood." Mrs. AREA'S MOST COMPLETE CAMP vide the financial means to send Ushers will be Barbara Koeh- Valentine. ven, second; Mr. and Mrs. Rob-part of the hospital's observance Mrs. Aaron Melniker, Deal; Mrs of National Hospital Week. Pins • Dorothy a child to the Baptist camp cen- ler, Bobby Morrissey and Susan Mrs. Mabel Colemen, vice pres- ert E. Guest, Navesink, third. Nelson, Keyport, and ident, conducted the meeting in ters at Lebanon this summer. and Connie Forrest, East-West winners were Will- and emblems were presented by 'Mrs. William Russell, Shrewsthe absence of Melvin Ford, presThey also contributed to the iam Horlacher, Little Silver, and retired Justice Henry E. Acker- bury. ident. Monmouth Association, and to George Macomber, Fair Haven son, Jr., Keyport, second viceAdeline Awards for 50 hours' service a fund for furnishing a room in i w ™ r-n^v „ . , . m \ t r A^SV. Mrs. Oscar Brandow and | president of the hospital's board the association's national head?1Zy %L2fJ^..™ Mrs. Edward Rumrill, both ofU governors: Mr. Bernard were presented to Mrs. Harry Abquarters at Valley Forge, Pa. games followed the meeting. Lincroft, second; Vincent Malon-, White, Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Ju ott, Mrs. Esther Epstein and At McGuire's Grove, Middletown, N. J. : Z ™mbers of JJ™. *- C Covet.. Asbury Park; Mrs. Newman gave the retirColeman, M Register Now for 2, 4, 6 or 8-week session*. , h j d i the board; George J .Bartel, hos-;*.'«• , C a r a B™™. Mrs. Minnie s, ing president, Mrs. Pascale, an LONG BRANCH - Dr. James Mr. Miss AbbieMrs. Strickland, Mr. and Edgar La.arus appreciation gift from the fel- M. Long, executive director of Mrs. i play. JUNE 2 7 T H — A U G . 19TH Herbert Lindner, Mr. and Mlss Jacqueline Shaheen and lowship. She also said Mrs. the Family and Children's ServWednesday's session in the club- se Goldberg, Long Branch, c o PROGRAM INCLUDES: Athletics, Music and Drama, Mrs. Thomas Sonnichsen, Mr. chairman of volunteers. I Mrs. L. C. White, Long Branch; Thomas Wilson, River Plaza, ice of Monmouth County, spoke house will begin at S p. m. Mr. Altman was the top award J? rs ' RJchard Ashley, Mrs. Nature Lore, Creative Arts, Swimming, Trips and has been elected as the fellow- at a recent meeting of the Se- and Mrs. John Cook, Mr. and winner, followed by Mrs. Joseph George Ferguson, Mrs. Edward ship's representative to the pul- cond Auxiliary of the agency at Mrs. Lyman C. Vantnwegan, Mrs. many more. Maver J. Campbell, Mr. and . . Miller of Deal, with 1,003 F e i s s a n d M r s - Charles Weigle, F. pit committee. the home of Mrs. Richard Smith Mrs. Thomas McClintock, Mrs. L l t t l e Silve Mr TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED hours of volunteer service in t h e ] r; s . John Gilliland The fellowship will hold a on Norwood Ave. Melvin Ford, Mrs. Payson W. Additional: Individual tutoring In school subjects hospital's medical records depart-'? nd Mrs. Joseph Rudman, Freestrawberry festival Saturday, He told of the agency'i proLyman and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. by experienced teachers. ment. Mrs. Elsie Bailey of West h o l d : M r s - Norman Layton, Mrs. June 11. in Fellowship Hall. Mrs. gram and its growth in the past Cruwford. Point Pleasant was third with l R o D e r t Decker, Adelphia; Mrs. Newman is the chairman. 1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL few years, and outlined how an The next meeting will be the! NEW YORK CITY — Five 745 volunteer hours in the de- M arja Brown, Englishtown; Mrs Members of circle one. of auxiliary could help. i annual strawberry festival June:tinguished, of..the , ,. , partment of rehabilitation thera-' D a v i d Burnon and Mrs. George - , . . . women . , SH 7-2241 - SH 1-9007 - LI 2-1183 which Mrs. William Schanck, Chairmen were named for sevworld judged the national Iinals i e s Hemp, Red Bank, and Mrs. Rosa Little Silver, is the leader, were eral activitits. Mrs. Eugene Wa- 20 at the parish house. "Let Your Child Diicover a Summer of Fun." of the General Federation of Wo^ cinelli, Deal, Award$ f meeting hostesses, with Mrs. ver of Long Branch will be chairmen's Clubs fashion sewing c o n - s e n ( e d (Q M r g . A b l e B e r m H a n ) June Belcher, Red Bank, in man of a candy tale. Mrs, Wiltest in co-operation with Vogue West Long Branch; Mrs. Jesse charge of refreshments. liam Van Winkle, Little Silver, Pattern Service. Goldberg, Mrs. Rose Carfora and it chalrrpan of the committee They picked the "Ideal Costume Miss Gabriella Cotnoir, Long that will tell Christmas gift-wrapfor the Clubwoman's Wardrobe" Branch, and Mrs. F. P. Shiro, ^ pings. FAIR HAVEN - Misi Karen Tuesday from among 50 costumes L j t t | e s ' j l v e r Planj also were made to hold Lindsley, daughter of Mr. and representing state winners from; n ho d ; n ho d , 2Q0 , a jewelry party for members and Mrs. Andrew J. Lindsley, 77 OUR 9 0 t h YEAR guests Thursday, June 9, at 8:30 Hance Rd,, is among the 368 can- the District of Columbia. i ! i K fHawaii t I Z I 1!oi service were Miss Cyri.le Goldstein, John Lehman, Mrs. Pa p.m. in the Oceanport Commun- didates for the degree of bache- had no entry. . ' tricia Martin, Miss Pat Torchia, ity Center. lor of arts at Wellesley College, The judges were Miss and Mrs. Charles Schwartz, Long Mrs. Frederick Acerra, Long Wellesley, Mass. Boucher, buyer of fashion fabrics, LAURENCE HARBOR - Mem- Branch, served refreshments. The 82d annual graduation ex- Lord and Taylor; Miss Shirley Branch; Mrs. H. K. Golenbach, bers of the Little Women's Club, erciiej will take place June 6. Goodman, secretary of the Fash- Mrs. Robert M. Klein, Mrs. Wal which is sponsored by the WomThe baccalaureate service Sun- ion Institute of Technology; Mrs. ter Kohn and Mrs. A. J. Newman, Deal; Mrs. Charles Schock, an's Club of Laurence Harbor, day, June 5, will include a ser Sally Kirkland, fashion editor, were hostesses this week to their mon by Rev. Dr. Carter David sponsoring group at a meeting son of Schenectady, N. Y., presi In Webster Hall of the Laurence dent of Union College and chan- j department, Pratt Institute, and Harbor Community Church. ; LINCROFT-Two new depart-; cellor of Union University. His Miss Eugenia Sheppard, worn--•_" tainmenf 5 sPonc and danc W > e n t t o f th * L i n C r o f l w°m»n's daughter daughte is a member of t h e > ; s page editor, NewYork Her--™£ ta aid Waldorf rrl 0 / (in S0 "fJ n T d . n d B n w'n, £ lub .""». « « « * meeting Class of 1960 at Wellesley. 100-liour awards in t h e Presbyterian Miss Lindsley. an English ma- [was the scene of the judging. were Mrs. Bernard Burrow, Mrs. Theresa Rathbun, Nancy Martin, The top winner, Mrs. Philip D. Church, closing th« season's actijor, has worked with BarnswalJudith Samolyk, Barbara Striker, lows, the college dramatic asso- Mclnnis of Concord, N. H., was Gruber, Mrs. Samuel Jacobs, Mrs. Patricia Parks, Barbara Holmes, vities. Mrs. William O'Brien, presiciation, serving as assistant pro- awarded a three-week trip to Dominick Miraglia and Mrs. Or Carol Wallis, Gail Rogerton, Beth Europe for two and will have an Geran, Kathy McLaughlin, Bar- dent, named Mrs. James Hickey duction manager this year. She opportunity to meet famous coutbara Bushman, Dallas Rutan, chairman 6f the new public wel- also has participated in Experi- uriers in London, Paris and Mrs. Norman Baldino, Elberon Elizabeth Samolyk, Allison Wat- fare department, and Mrs. Finn mental Theater, a division of Rome. Formal awarding will be Park; Mrs. Theodore Fine, El son, Sandra Wang, Carol Me- Dahlen, chairman of music. This Bamswallows which specializes made at the 69th annual con- beron; Mrs. Arnold Benson, Mrs. Guire, Diane Martin, Susan Wos- brings the total departments in in new and unusual playi. Miss vention of the General Federa- George Engle and Mrs. Fred Gil Lindsley has been a campus tka, Patricia McGuire and Jac- the club up to six. Oakhurst; Mrs. William Bu. Mrs. Harry DeSemper reported guide, official escort for visitors tion June U in Washington, D.C.,mman, queline Weeks. Mrs. Kenneth C. Burger of n a n d M " - M a ) c ^ e d e r - „ on a fund-raising project under to the college. River Plaza, president of thei<-°nS Branch; Mrs. George Carway wherein advertising space Red Bank Woman's Club, repre II tli Birthday is being sought for club tables to sented the New Jersey be purchased. For Nancy Houghton entry. I Among the activities planned NEW SHREWSBURY - Nan- for next year, Mrs. V«l Tomaino cy Houghton, daughter of Mr.'was named chairman of a Mardi and Mrs. John Houghton, 47 HopeJGras .which will be held in FebUNION BEACH - Cub Pack Rd., celebrated her 14th birth- ruary. 56 will meet tomorrow at 2 p. day Saturday night at a party at The first fall meeting will be RED BANK —More than 80 m. in the home of committceman her home. guests attended the social meet- j Thomas Perno, Broadway, to re were Susan Banner, Karen Delatush, Eileen Cressy.j founded this year, has a charter from the Marlboro Hospital Aux- ing which the auxiliary of Liber- hearse for "Cub Fantnsia" to be Vicky Clifford, Honey Baer, Nan-'membership of 47. New mem- iliary for * floral arrangement ty Hose Company held Wednes- held in Monmouth Park June 4. cy Bailly, Carol Nolan, Connie,bers will be admitted in October. she did at the home of Mis« day night In the fire house on Practice will be under the diWohgelrnoth, Betsy Madsen, Con-jThe board will meet Monday, Sarah Ackroyd Moore on Cobble White St. Mrs. Frank Cannavo was chairman, assisted by Mrs.! Dlugosz. nie Cawood, i-auy Patty juiuau, Jordan, Pamjune 13, K at f.W 8:30 p. p. m. m. in in the me t-awooa, r n m j u n e w, the Close Farm Cnnnrr RH Mirfrtln Peter DeFazio and Mrs. Angelo Tickets for the affair may be. Wickberg, Judy Hull, Tommy|home ol Mn. O'Brien. Orchardl[IZ wh™' Mis?Mare's anart apart' Dibble, Bob -TM. Thome, Kieth x^rtef Mast, ,Hill obtained from any of the scouts. n : u k i , ¥>„!. ^ T^.-ntk , i n Dr. T\_ IUWII, wiicn m i s s i v iTuesday o o r c s a p Rfor n - Migliara. ment was opened M a r t y Meyers, Bunky Baer, Mrs. Charles Knolls and Mrs. Final plans for the Memorial the Marlboro unit's annual MayGordon Bartle, Micky Meyers, William Figaro were prize win- Day parade also will be made. time Tour of Homes. Carl Miller, Wayne Pollack, Ro To Hold Reunion ners. The entire membership Cubs will meet at Aumack Ave. Mrs. Johnson's arrangement Ker Banner, Butch Cressy, .. Tom . FREEHOLD - Class of 1930. was in the living room of the served at the coffee hour m. to line up for the Leonard, Mike Stedenko, JohnjFreehold High School, will hold Moore apartment. It was de- followed. nnd Doug Page, Jimmy Hard-iiis fourth reunion Jun« 25 in the designed for the formal dinner Auxiliary members and suests Ing, Glen Mueller, Judy Wilde,'American Hotel, 18 Eait Main to the scouts alter thft pparade at w e r e in ^! tcd l0. a. socJn!, lvhJ.ch! tll(! h o m e of Linda DeAngelis, Joe Hochreitcr, St. Dr. Frederick Saker, 8 Broad- table, which was set at one end'the "auxiliary of the" Relief Encommitteeman Robof the spacious room. c rl Paul Graves and Billy Woolley. way, ii chairman. "nril(LlL Mrs. Johnson used a mass ar- gine Company will hold in the On the committee are Mn. rangement of pale yellow snip- Drummond PI. fire home DANCE TOMORROW Robert Atkinson (Helen Clayton), dragoni, roses, canatlons and Tuesday. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The Wanamassa; Mrs. Rollin Preston greens in a ruby and gold footed j Lil) erty auxiliary will have, its Jersey Cyclones Junior Drum (Helen Dugan), Marlboro; Mn. container placed on a silver tray, | next meeting June 8. and BURIO Corps will sponsor a Jane Freemaa Durie, Mrs. /Mon- The table was set with formal _ . -—-- ^ tficn-nge dance tomorrow start- roe Taylor (Aletta Cox), Albert roue rimmod service places, ruby K l V e m e w A u x i l i a r y Ing at 8 p. m. in the Matawin Quackenbush and Stanley Kehi, and crystal glass, and table mats To Close Season Township Hnse nnd Chemical all of Freehold, arid Charles Stru- of gold and silver lace. Company fire house on Lower blc, Sea Girt. The Atlantic Highlands winner; SHREWSBURY — The j Main St., Matnwan. Feature* will The committee requests that used the ruby red accessoriei auxiliary of Rlverview Hospital he selection of a king and queen, rciervations he in by June 1, lo pick up the colors of the Ori- will,hold its clnsinR luncheon wlin in turn will pick the winental rugs that covered tha floors meetlnft June X at Shadowhronk. WEEK-END DANCE ners of the dnnce contest to be Mrs. Daniel Domli, Mrs. Nathan of the Mnore living room. FAIR HAVEN - The social Mrs, Robert Klrman of Fair Mnrx and Mrj. Elmer C. Wnlnheld at the party. with im«rt' jumrnar froatmenh—frothy veiling— season for members of the Shrews- Haven wai in charRe of obtain- rlght, auxiliary president, arc in > v bury River Yacht club officially ing flower arrangements for the charge. SPRING CARD PARTY crisp ribboni, meih crowns—summer will bo « brooio in those cool FAIR HAVKN-More than 150 opens Saturday, when the club six houses Included on tha tour. At Its meeting this week nt its annual Memorial Day They were done by members of j Mrs, Wainrlght's home on PntRiiests attended the annual spring banutici. card parly which the auxiliary week-end dance Saturday in the the Atlantic Highlands, Ave.., the auxillnry votril' of the Fair Haven Fire Company clubhouse for members and Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury and, 1 " contribute $500 to River -view. Iwld rerrnlly in the fire house on guests. Vilo Marascio't orches- Navesink Garden Clubs nnd Ciar-jThey also made plans lo hold River Rd. Mrs. Luke Prvnr wn* tra will play for dancing. Ed- rien Club RFD of llnlmdel. The|the annual fall card with meinRed Dank genenil rhnirmnn assisted by the ward A. Kerbs, club rntertnin- prlze winner was selected by. pop-1 bam of their evening fjroiip in 15 Whlto St. .f</>»n r«risrrixnicirs \uw\ntv »,»,„/ /••/» SH 1-5916 ment chairman, is in chargn. cnllre membership. I September. ulnr vote. Liberty Grange Initiates Eight New Members 9-Year-Old's Bridal Shower Piano Recital Is Given For This Sunday Miss Thompson Women's UJA Brunch, Rally Set for Tuesday Bridge Club Senior Volunteers Serve Changes Its At Monmouth Medical Quarters Disbrows In Charge Of Club Supper «iih\«i i n n v i i , i ' i i j , u j r i u u \ s , l i e n * . * ' • • • • - • j— • . ACRiLAN CARPET at ism 2d Auxiliary Has Meeting EXPLORER DAY CAMP Top Judges For Contest Karen Lindsley To Graduate Little Women's Club Has Party For Its Sponsors 5 Two Departments Added to Club Purchase! Mrs. Johnson Wins Top Prize 80 A+tend Auxiliary Social White Straws Cub Fantasia Rehearsal Set 4 * FLO JOY'S HAT BAR 14—Friday. M«y 27, I960 Schedule of Religious MfwM BED BANK REGISTER CONGREGATION BNAI ISRAEL;ST. GEORGE'S-BY-THE-RIVEE WIHER MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN REFORMED YTERIAN METHODIST BAPTIST EPISCOPAL Rumson New Shrewsbury Red Bank Bed Bulc Shrewibury MuMletown Red Bank Rumson "A Mighty Fortress" will be At • meeting of the congrega- "Highlights of General Astern- Rev. John R. Collin*, pastor, "The Peril of Conformity" will Rev. Daniel V, Reinheimer, Services tonight will be at 8:30, Hie sermon subject of Rev, Iver- tion, it has been voted to hold Wy" will be the sermon topic of will speak Sunday at 8; 30 and 11 be the sermon subject of Rev. pastor, will preach on "Stewards Rabbi Gilbert S. Rosenthal will There will be a celebration of Communion Sunday at 8 son Graham, Jr., Sunday st 9:30 one Sunday morning service. Rev. Charles S. Webster, pastor, a. m. on "Catholicism, Candi' Howard E. Newton Sunday at of the Manifold Grace of God" begin the. first of a series of,Holy ~~*~!3.m. three sermons on: "Movements That will be at H a. m. Rev. Sunday at the 9:15 and 11 a. m. dates and Elections." 11 a. m. Mrs. Herbert Sherrane, Sunday at 10:45 a.m. and 11 a. m. Herbert Burtis, organist and John Crouthamel, pastor, will services. Rev. Sargent Bush, as- The musical program will in- director of music, will play "An- Sunday school, teen-age Bible jxhat Shaped Judaism" He will Family service and address by the assistant minister, Rev. John clude "Death and Resurrection" dante Expressivo" by Camp, class, adult Bible class and the | S p e a k o n "The Pharisees." choirmaster, will direct the mu- speak and will be assisted by sociate pastor, will assist. adult information class will meet! C a n t o r Sidney Scharff will Barton Andrew, will be at 9:30 sic for the services, to include: Rev. Daniel Holland, associate Dr. Carl F. Mueller's organ by Sanglais, junior choir singing "The Chora! Trio" by Roff and chant the liturgy. Eva Rose Ga- a.m Girls' choir will sing "O Prelude, "When We Are in pastor. Stanley Scheer, organ- meditation will be "In Memor- "I Will Walk With Thee," and "Classic Recessional in G" by at 9:30 a.m. the senior choir singing "Let Us Wilson. Elder Emeritus James Cottage meeting Bible class roff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. God Of Might" by Black. The Deepest Need"; chancel choir st, will play prelude on "Broth- iam"—Will C. Macfarlane. anthem at II a. m., "Jesu, Joy er Jame's Air" by Wright andj Tower Hill choir will sing "Lin- Now Praise Famous Men" by Stout will be the head usher. will meet at the home of Mr. and Kenton Garoff will chant the Kid- o r g a n prelude will be "Saraof Man's Desirinp," Bach; offer- 'Ballette de Granduca" byjcoln's Gettysburg Address"- Vaughn Williams. Mrs. Lois Mac- Flowers in the chance! will be Mrs. Lambert Gieseke for sup- dush in honor of her Bar Mits- bande" by Bingham, and postCarl F. Mueller, with Vaughan Mahon Joice will sing the solo given by Mr. and Mrs. Philip per Sunday at 5 p.m. followed vah. Mr. Garoff will occupy a lude will be "Voluntary" by .tnrv anthem by the choir, "Let Sweelinek. by an informal Bible discussion. seat on the pulpit. Mrs. Garoff Bingham. Nothing Ever Grieve Thee," Chancel choir, under direction C. Chambers as narrator and "Be "How Beautiful Upon the Moun- Rayner. tains" by Harker. The postlude Church school sessions are at The group is currently studying will recite the candle blessing. Members of the junior vestry Brahms. Robert Spencer, tenor, of William Ingle, will sing " 0 Not Afraid"—Mendelssohn. Candle lighting time will be 7:45 who will .assist at this service will be. soloist at 9:30 a. m. Come, Let Us Worship and Bow At 9:15 and 11 a. m. duplicate will be "Fanfare Fugue" by 9:30 a. m. There will be a child the first letter of St. Peter. 1 On May 30, Rev. Mr. Rein- p.m. The floral donation will be are Terry Sieg, Stuart Weier. sessions of the church school will Bach. Down" and "Gird on Thy Sword, care program in the parish house Activities for Sunday include: made by Mr. and Mrs. Garoff. Charles Albert, Frank Widarheimer will speak at the dedicaChurch school at 9:30 and 11 0 Man" by Darst. Mrs. John be held for three-year olds A nursery will be conducted during worship. tion of the war memorial in New An Oneg Shabbat will follow strom, William Price, Richard through the eighth grade. during both services under the di Crouthamel will sing "God Lives There will be no more youth a. m.; informational course on the services. Shrewsbury at 10:30 a.m. During both services, nursery rectlon of Mrs. Carl Mann. McDonald, Jeffrey Bolton, Henfellowship meetings until fall. "The Work of the Church In My Heart" by O'Hara. Church school, kindergarten There will be a special meeting .The Adult Information group Sabbath morning services are ry Christiansen, Keith RobertSchool," taupht by Miss Kay Ushers for Sunday will be Tru- care will be provided. will meet at the parsonage Tues- at 10. Eva Rose will chant the shaw, Manton Metcalf, 3d, HarVatter, at 9:30 a. m.; 1YF meet man Reeves, Francis Swartz, Senior high church school will through junior-hi, will meet at of the Classis of New Brunswick day at 8 p.m. Prophetic Portion and will be lns» at fi p. m. with program led Kenneth Brower and Howard meet at 7 p. m. in the chapel, 9:30 a. m. Senior-hi department at the Second Reformed Church, Wednesday at 8 p.m., the Sun- accepted into the fold of Israel ry Clayton, Ray Effertz, Richfollowed by weekly meeting of will meet at 11 a. m. New Brunswick, Tuesday at 9:30 ard Sieg, and Christopher Probv Robert Williams on "Getting Young. day school teachers will meet by Rabbi Rosenthal. basco. Along With Parents," and an Deaconesses serving on the Westminster Senior High Fellow- Junior-Hi Westminster Fellow- a. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. There will be no junior con-| Robert D. McKee will play a ship will meet at 6 p. m. in the ship. Election of officers will be The Women's Guild will hold onen MYF meeting at Wesley greeting committee will be Mrs. gregation this week. A service recital on the Mary Owen Bor[church house with Mr. and Mrs. a bazar work meeting at the Harry Carlson, Lincroft. Fellowship will meet at fi p. m. Melvin King and Mrs. Harry held. Single young adult group will Dexter Robinson as advisers. Sen- parish house Tuesday from 10 Saturday confirmation classj w jn b e at 7:45 p.m., followed den memorial carillon at 10:30 with a panel discussion by two Chamberlain. ior-Hi Westminster Fellowship a. m. until 2:30 p. m. All the will be held at 9:15 a.m. at t h e | b y a c ] a s s j n Bible. Sunday serv- a.m. Roman Catholics and two Prot- Altar flowers last Sunday were meet at 8 p, m. • ••« - ' «•' •"> »a.m. ~ will <-be at 9:30 Suoper meeting of Senior Coup- will meet the same time, with women of the church have been parsonage, 57 Parmly Rd., New ices Morning Prayer and sermon by from the Smith family. estants. There will be no Sunday school the rector, Rev. Canon George Shrewsbury. les Club will be tonight at 7 p. m. Rev. Mr. Collins conducting. invited to bring their work and Church school will meet at Week day activities include: or Hebrew School this week. A. Robertshaw will be at 11 a.m. in Westminster Hall. Mr. and Mrs The Mission Belles will meet . "The Telephone" by Menotti, 9:45 a. m. Nursery care will be Lyman C. Van Inwegan will pre- Wednesday at 9:30 a. m. in the a sandwich for lunch. ST. JAMES CATHOLIC Shavuot services will begin at Men and boys' choir, under the provided at 9:45 and 11 a. m. Wednesday at 8 p. m., the eld and "Trial by Jury" by Gilbert Red Bank 8 p.m. Wednesday, service will direction of Marshall C. Bush, sent pictures of their recent Af- arts and craft room. The Hour of Renewal will be ers will meet to receive new and Sullivan, to be presented toSunday masses are at 6, 7, 8, be at 10 a.m. Rabbi Rosenthal organist and choirmaster, will Morning Circle will hold a members into the church. rican trip. "tiicht and tomorrow night at Fel- Wednesday from 8 to 9 p. m. A 9, 10, 11 and 12 (high mass) in will preach on "That Moment sing "Hail The Day" by EdThe children in the nursery de- luncheon at the Old Mill, Spring meeting of the church executive ' lowship Hall for the benefit of the church and 9, 10 and 11 o'clock At Sinai!" Cantor Scharff will mundson. Prelude will be "Benepartment of the church school Lake Heights, Wednesday at 12:board will follow. BAPTIST : the building fund. in the high school auditorium. chant the service. Thursday Serv- dictus" by Rawley and the postwill visit Hominy Hill Farm, 30 p. m. New Monmouth Altar flowers Sunday will be Confessions are heard Satur- ices will be at 10 p.m. Yizkor lude will be "Concerto No. IV The Evening Circle will meet Colt's Neck, tomorrow. The time Bible school will meet Sunday CHRIST EPISCOPAL the gift or Mrs. Grace King in of departure from the church will at the home of Mrs. Glenn Ap- at 9:30 a. m. with classes for all days from 4 to 6 p. m., and from memorial services will be at 11:- (Finale)" by Handel. Shrewsbury • memory of her parents, Mr. and 7:33 to 9 p. m., and week-days 15 a.m. Rabbi Rosenthal will The Bishop of the Diocese of be: 9:15 a. m. for those in the pleyard, 219 Riveredge Rd., New Mrs. William Chadwick. Mrs. Rev. Canon Harry L. Hadley 9:15 a. m. session and 10:45 a. m. Shrewsbury, Thursday at 8 p. m. ages. Rev. William E. Bisgrove, during the 7:45 o'clock mass. preach on "Rejoice in Thy Fes- New Jersey, Right Rev. Alfred pastor, will speak at 10:45 a. m. '.F.dward H. Conway will present will officiate at Sunday services, for those in the later session, L. Banyard, will visit St. George's on "Christ in You the Hope of Baptisms every Sunday at 1:30 tival." flowers in memory of her father beginning with the administration p. m. in the church. A baptism EMBURY METHODIST Sunday at 4 p.m. to confirm a Tuesday events are: Glory." of the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. •'F-dward Harvey. blank must be obtained from the CALVARY BAPTIST Little Silver class of young people and adults •' MYF will hold a retreat at Ledyard Marsh will serve as his Meeting of the executive com- Rev. Howard Stratton will be A nursery and children's rectory and filled out before the Red Bank as communicants of the Episcomittee of the Women's Associaaide. church will be provided for those conference center, Ml. Misery baptism takes place. Rev. John B. Gilchrist will pal Church. The choir will parguest preacher Sunday at 11 a. m. up to eight years of age. The epistle to be read at both tion at 1 p. m.; annual "apprecitonight through Sunday. They Novena devotions in honor ot preach Sunday at 11 a. m. Sun- ticipate in the service. Mrs. L. C. Tatem will conduct '. will leave the church today at 5 the 9 a.m. Family Eucharist and'ation" dinner for the church the senior choir in "A Voice Evening service will be at 7:45. Our Lady of the Miraculous Med day school will meet at 9:30 a. m. school staff at Joseph's restaurThe pastor will speak on "We 11 a. m. morning prayer con' p. m. returning to Red Bank CHURCH OF CHRIST ant at 7:30 p. m., and adult With Singing" by Shaw. Organ Live Unto the Lord," based on al every Monday at 8 p. m. in with Zannie teeks, deacon, in • Sunday night. There will be no cerns "Charily." the church. charge. Red Bank Assisting Father Hadley at 9: Bible class at 8 p. m. in the selections will include "Corrente" Romans 14:5-8. The young peo MYF meeting Sunday. by Frescobaldi, "O How Blessed, pie have charge of the music. Baptist Training Union will Bible classes will be conducted ." The minister's preparatory a.m. will be Melvin Ford as church parlor, ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL Faithful Spirits, Are Ye" by meet at 6 p. m. The second un- for all ages Sunday at 10 a. m. . classes will meet Tuesday from crucifer, Leslie Gwyn-Williams Wednesday, the prayer and Brahms and Bach's "Prelude and The mid-week service will be Red Bank ion service will be held at St. Hardeman Nichols, visiting evanand Richard Jameson as torch- study group will meet at 10:30 Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. ; 7:15 to 7:45 p. m. and Wednes bearers, and Gregory Gwyn-Wil-'a. m.; the Women's Association Fugue in C". The young people, will meet Holy Communion will be ad Paul Baptist Church at 7:30 p. m. gelist from Midland, Tex., will • day from 4:15 to 4:45 p. m Flowers will , . be. placed - . , in the Thursday at 7 p. m. and the ministered every Sunday at 8 The deacons and trustees will speak at 11 a. m. on "Problems • Young people will join the liams and Hugh Gwyn-Williamsjwill hold a luncheon-meeting at meet Monday evening. The in Christian Attitude." The Lord's as servers Wayne Edmunds will! 12:30 p. m., with Miss Dorothy sanctuary by Mr. and Mrs. Karl seventh and eighth graders will a. m. •• church June 12. JacoDI A Sung mass and sermon by monthly church meeting will be Supper will be served. Ken NoC. Wagner as guest speaker. Sesmeet today at 7 p. m. assist at 11 a.m. ; The Woman's Society of Chris The Women's Society of Chris- The Ladies Aid Society will the vicar, Rev. E. V. Kitson- held Tuesday evening. land will direct congregational " tian Service will meet Wednes- After the Family Eucharist sion will meet at 8 p. m. tian Service will have a luncheon meet in Fellowship Hall to make Walters, will be held every Sun- A rummage sale and a cake singing. service, the canon will meet in• day. meeting Wednesday at 1 p. m. day at 9:30 a. m., except the and pie sale will be held at the cancer dressings Wednesday at formally with parishioners at Evening worship starts at 6:30 BAPTIST The Commission on Education Intermediate Youth Fellowship 10 a. m. Mrs. Anton Krumel will fourth Sunday when there will church today and tomorrow. coffee hour In the parish house. p. m. A lesson will be presented Middletown will meet Thursday at 8 p. m will hold a swimming and gym be morning prayer. lead devotions. The hostesses will by Mr. Nichols on "Our Savwith Philip n. Petersen presiding. The last session of church Rev. John E. Bates, pastor, will party at the Asbury Park YM- be Mrs. Harlod Stout, Miss Anne Sunday-school meets in the FEDERATED iour's Invitation." The strawberry festival will school children and men and wo- speak on "The Prophetic Indict- CA Saturday, June 4, at 8 p. m. Walling, Miss Evie Walling, Miss church hall at 9:30 a. m. Lincroft Evangelistic meetings with Mr. be Saturday, June 4, from 3 to and the official closing for the ment" Sunday at 11 a. m. Senior Registration for the community Eda Pulsch, and Mrs. Charles "Lest We Forget," will be to- Nichols will be tonight and toseason will be on Pentecost Sun- choir will sing "Recessional" by 8 p. m. Vacation Bible School will be Differderfer. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC pic of the sermon by Rev. An- morrow at 8. day, June 5. DeKoven under the direction of drew A. Burkhardt Sunday at 11 The Midweek Bible study will Red Bank The Holy Eucharist will be cel- Mrs. George Hartmann, organist. June 6-7 from 3 to 5 p. m. in TEMPLE BETH MIRIAM Masses are celebrated Sunday a.m. Sunday School service will be conducted Thursday at 7:30 ebrated Friday at 7 a.m. for Mrs. Erwing Kchrer will be solo- St. John's Church hall. EMMANUEL BAPTIST Elberon Children of pre-primary through at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 o'clock. be at 9:45 a.m. school childrcnand men and woAtlantic Highlands p. m. The confirmation service will men en route to classes and ist. Ushers will be Edward Stines eighth grade may register. Rev. Howard M. Ervin, pas- Confessions are heard Saturdays Miss Betty Ellis, guest organand Erwin Moore. Flowers will be Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Fifteen work. At 9 a.m., the rector will The school, conducted jointly tor, will preach at 11 a.m. and from 4:30 to 6 p. m., and from ist, will lead senior choir in the AME ZION pupils of the class will present administer the Holy Sacrament be placed by Mrs. George Dean- by St. John's Episcopal and Em- 7:30 p.m. A prayer meeting will 7:30 to 9 p. m. anthem, "They That Trust in the Red Bank "Th again. bury Methodist churches, will be held at 7 p.m. Lord." Music will include: "Nun Baptisms are at 11:45 a. m nursery for small children in the open June 20 and conclude July 1. Rev. Charles E. Bourne, pasSabbath Day," written by Rabbi Bitten Wir" by D. Buxtehude, Church school will convene at Sundays. kindergarten room. tor, will preach Sunday at 11 Aaron II. I.efkowiU and prepar 9:45 a.m., with classes for all; The Miraculous Medal Novena "Grant Thy Peace" by C, F. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Church school will meet at 9:30 rd under the musical direction PRESBYTERIAN Gounod, and 'Toccata in E. MN »• »• * • « » * sch °°> w i " " « * "' L. held Mondays at 7:30 p. m Red Bank ages. A nursery for pre-school a. m. Senior school will meet in 19:30 a. tn. of ....Cantor ,Morris Rumson children will be provided at wor- and the Perpetual Novena to St. nor", by J.- Pachelbel. , . Chotin. .... "Achieving Happiness in the ! t h e church under the direction of A an Anthony is held Tuesday at 7:30 Nursery class for pre-schpol',. P' ° reci a| by Miss Phyl. I h p . c a n U ! a . . 1 i . a ^ l l ™ family Circle," will be topic of; clement Barlow and junior school Rev. Harvey C. Douie, Jr., pas- ship. children will be held in Fellow- >* Rudrow will be- sponsored by tor, will preach Sunday at 9:30 Midweek prayer service will t h Z o will meet in Fellowship Hall !. u ' n T r a v elers at 4 p. m prayers and hymns associated p.m. Edward Thompson will and 11 a. m, on "A Sovereign REFORMATION LUTHERAN ship Hall during' worship. under the leadership of Mrs. Whose Glory Cannot Be Confin- be Wednesday at 8 p.m. The Young People's Christian . T h ? , second union semce w th with the Sabbath. West Long Branch speak. There will he a congrega- Robert Benson. The Pioneer Girls will meet at Paul a d Calvary Bap st ed to Temples."1 Sidney Leichter, Temple presi- tional discussion of the subject Society " ' 3 will meet in Fellowship! «• the church Thursday, the Pil-I Rev. W. Robert Oswald, pas of the Lord's John H. Watson, 3d, minister churches-will take place cSuriday dent, will present confirmation "Universal Disarmament by the S u o r Fellowship |, Brims . t 3 30 pTm7.nd the Coitor, will preach Sunday at 9:30 Hall at 7:45 p. m. t 7 30 p ' m Rev Henri L Morwi be observed Sunday of music, will play "Paraphrase onists at 7 p.m. certificates, and Mrs. David KinRdom of Heaven. (and 11 a.m. on "How to Singj Children's day services will be • ' ™ P-speak, ™ ' ? e ^ "f"^,,, b " 1 Dickson, sisterhood president, Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. Bible 'June 5. New members will be| on an Old Hymn" by Miller, The will God's of«r Life." Sunday,held Sunday, June 12, which will; f""an will speaK. MUSIC win De Dy *, . Christian ^........ Boys «_ *^ Club „.... ._.,.,* n~A<- Song c^-™ n f o " cmiiiu I,.M c w w T,,n» 19 mhifi, uriii:8 -ml ^ \ . / l r t _ I 1 _.* • 1_ ~ ~_ --_ — _ £ Lilt? school will meet< » at 9:30 a.m.> lalso 1begin "the summer recess— of/"* " ' S " " 1 cholrmake a presentation of study will be held at Kingdom' meet tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. ra e r s c r v l c e W1 b e W e d n e s Tuesday events are: "Happy the Sunday school. ! f f . " 54 Broad St., at Miss Doris Frame will be at Marys PI., and 220 Pearl St., Hours" at 1 p.m. and a special The Sunday school hoard will a a " a t a P' m CENTRAi, rAPTIST At 9:30 a. m., Mrs. Francis congregational meeting at 8 p.m.(hold a Strawberry Festival Sat-) Tomorrow at 10:30 a m a the organ. Red Bank, and 69 Lincoln St., p. m. in the pastor's study. Atlantic Highlands Killmer, guest soloist, will sing Rev. Harry W. Kraft will The Altar Guild will meet at |U rday, June 18, at Fellowship^ pecla '.,, a m d f i L £ " " r i ! Z * ' The class is made up of the Fairview. I The prayer group will meet "God of Love My Shepherd Is" following students: Patricia A. At the same time there will jj j ^ ™ ^ b e a t Stl J a m 6 S ChUrch' Wednesday at 9:30 a. m. in the by Thiman. At 11 a. m., chancel preach Sunday at 11 a.m. Sun- the home of Mrs. W. R. Oswald I Hall. Denby, Heal; Morln T. Edison, be a parlor talk at 82 Pear St., j day school will meet at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday at 8 p.m. REFORMED choir will sing "God of Grace Christian Pilgrims, Ambassadors Senior catechetical class will) West lind; Elizabeth Guttmann, New Shrewsbury, entitled, "The TRINITY EPISCOPAL New Shrewsbury and God of Glory" by Langston. for Christ and the Senior Youth meet today at 6:30 p.m. and Klbcron; Virginia J. Lager, Co- Author of Life" to be delivered MONMOUTH REFORM Red Bank Church school, through the jun- Fellowship will meet 6:30 p.m. junior catechetical class tomor- "Babel, the City That is Still j lonial Terrace; William V. Lip- by Dennis Bennett. TEMPLE Being Built" will be Rev. Isaac) The Holy Eucharist will b« ton, West Lonu Branch; fto>>,i>r Bible speaking class will be| ior high department, will meet atjMusic by the "Praise Him" band row at 10:30 a.m. Shrewsbury C. Rottenburg's sermon topic Sun- \ celebrated Sunday at 8 a. m. T. I/)el>, West Long Branch; K. conducted by Richard Pnnkenier 9:30-a. m. Senior high Weekday • -tl t I . i . - - O - - class willj w Wjn i l l De UC provided U1WV1UUU at <U the IIIIT 7:30 I . t)U p.m.) U.III. i » ^ \ - l \ u w y school J U I I U U I will . . , . , meet . o f f * to**. day at 11 a. m. I Family service and church school Kllen Lowrnlhal, Mlberon; Pa-,Tucsdny at 7:30 p.m. Services will be conducted to- meet at 10:30 a. m. Senior High' s e r vice. Rev. Mr. Kraft will morrow, the first three grades, Music will include "When in will be at 9:15 a. m. Morning mnln .J. Rubin, Infrlakfii; Dona y S 1 nt Fel 0 h i p w i m e e t i n t n e loun e U! .iL of the m.J fifth and ....?'"V...J? sixth grades -. ! !. of! i at !7:15 . ^ p. m. " B !preach. iat 9:30 a.m. and the other grades (the Hour of Utmost Need" by prayer and sermon by the recST. PAUL BAPTIST na K. Srhnin, Deal; Miirr A. the Temple Sunday school. Bach and "My Heart Is Filled" tor, Rev. Charles H. Best, wil! Prayerat meeting will be Wed-at 10:30 a.m. Prayer fellowship will meet in nesday Red Bank Schneider. Long Branch; Judith 7:45 p.m. _ In place of Rabbi Henry Bam- the sanctuary Tuesday at 10 a. m. The Women's Missionary Sou by Brahms. Mrs. Richard Banja- be at 11 a. m. T. Hawkes, pasBAPTIST FELLOWSHIP A. Shocnholz, Deal; Nancy K. Rev. Waller bcr cr !l sermon, "sermonettes" The first meeting of the Adult ciety will meet Thursday at 2 min, guest organist, will play The Holy Eucharist will be celePort Monmouth Snitalny. Oman Township; Pnul tor]'will' preach" Sunday"'afTlI R ' brated Wednesday at 7 and 10 M. Stein, West Long Branch; a.m. Rev. Henry L. Morgan will will be given by Robin Deutsch Inquirers class will be held Tues- p.m. in the home of Mrs. Wil- There will be a guest speaker "Berceuse" by Dierne. Nancy L. Stone, Elberon, and officiate at union services Sun- and Mnggie Schwartz. The serv- day at 8 p. m. in the lounge. A liam F. Maxon, Chapel Hill. at morning worship Sunday at Ushers will be Richard Theis- a. m. and service of healing will ice will be read by Florence four-week course, through June day nt 7:45 p.m. ing, Robert Hull, Fred Horsfall be held at 7:30 and 10:30 a. m. Hnrvy L. York, Deal. 11. Bernhard, Patty Heyman, Ui 21, will be given to this group Alcoholics Anonymous will Bible school will convene at and Fred Colmorgen. Tonight Rabbi Lefkowitz will PRESBYTERIAN Koplik, Larry Lenox, and Ken by Rev. Mr. Douie. ST. JOHN'S METHODIST 9:45 a. m. with classes for all Sunday school will meet at 9:30 meet Monday at 9 p. m. The conduct a Tornh service, with Lincroft Heymnn. vestry will meet Wednesday at a. m. Hazlct Cantor Chotin doing the musical "When the World is Upset, ages. GOODWILL METHODIST portions. Maurice Blum, Elboron, Rev. Normnn R. Rllcy, pastor. The children have been preLook Up." will be the sermon Youth Fellowship, senior group, There will be a special con- 8:15 p. m. pared for the occasion by Rabbi sistory meeting following mornRumson topic S u n d a y at II a. m. will meet at 6:30 p. m. will recite the To rah blessings Fred Bopp, Jr., Minister of Bamberger. UNITARIAN Rev. Milton G. Killebrew will Rev. Sidney Krane of the Prince- Worship will be at 7:30 p. n\. ing worship. nnd Hie kiddush. The randlMight- Music. Sunday Services: 8, 9:30 and The students are also contrib- preach Sunday at 11 a.' m. on j ton Theological Seminary will with a guest speaker in charge. Senior Youth Fellowship will Red Bank or will be Mrs. Blum. uting the flowers for the altar, The closing service of the seaBible study and prayer hour not meet Sunday. Following tin- semre, there 11 a. m.; Church School; 9:30 nnd will be the hosts nt a social "Death." The organ prelude willlpreach. Confirmation class will be held son will be conducted by Rev, be "Largo from Zerxes" by Han-j Sunday school services will be will be Thursday at 8 p. m. will be an Onej; Shabbat in hon- and 11 n. m. evening service: hour to follow. del. Monday at 7 p. m. in the pas-jW. Hollis Tegarden, minister, at 9:45 a. m. with Frank Bluhm or of wedding annivi'rsary cde- 7:30. Tcnl )l( Sllm a c h o 1 wjl1 e n d tor's study. I Sunday at 10:30 a. m, in the Church school will meet nt 9:45 as superintendent. Youth meetings: y f ° LUTHERAN g Intermediates;!,I,n r t ! ' c ' c a r 'SSunday. llntia The Golden Fellowship will Community YMCA. a. m. under the direction of Mrs. Nursery facilities will be avail y Red Bank Mr nnd Mrs. Mini rice Ilium nth. 7th and 8th grades nt 6:45; I n r t ! '' c y Kenneth Horton. nml Mr and Mrs. Ira Kalchen, and Senior Youth Fellowship and Ascension Day service and meet Thursday at noon in White A social hour will follow the able during worship. CALVARY BAPTIST service. The board of trustees will meet; Miss Evelyn Lnyton, organist, Holy Communion will be hold Hall. nil AI heron: Mr. nnd Mr.s. Mor- Post Hifih School Fellowship nt Occanport Tuesday. Sunday school classes meet at ton Spitalny. Deal Park and Mr. 7:30 p. m. Iwill lead the choir in the anthem, tonight at 8 p. m. "The Light of the World" will Methodist Youth Fellowships of "Open My Eyes That I May See." Dorcas Circle will meet after FIRST. CHURCH OF CHRIST 10:30 a. m. Jiml Mr1- William I.. Greenbaumj EMMANUEL ASSEMBLY OF i Ho the sermon topic of Rev. Rumson and Nnvesink will meet The Ladies Aid Society will the service. SCIENTIST Services and classes will reWest Heal. GOD Paul Smith Sunday at 11 a. m. here Sunday at 7 p. m. Red Bank sume Sept. 11. hold a cake sale at the church Boy Scouts will meet at 7:30 North CcntcrviHc A solo, "Sd Semi I You," will be "Ancient and Modern Necrom- A Sunday school bus trip to Saturday, June 4, at 10 a. m. p. m. FAITH RKIOHMF.D Rev. Timothy M. Adnms, pas- rendered by Mrs. Smith. PRESBYTERIAN The church and Sunday school Sunday services are at 9:30 and ancy, alias Mesmerism and Hyp- the Bronx zoo is June 6. Ilil/let l,jri. (• Mu||,,r , ) a s . tor. will conduct the Sundnyj Mrs. Charles Harding and ShorAtlantic Highlands picnic will be held Sunday, June 11 a. m. Nursery will be at both notism, Denounced" will be the subject of the sermon-lesson SunNEW APOSTOLIC tor. will preach Sunday at II s ( ' r v i c ( ! a ' " a. m. nnd cvnn-'ry Lendbeater will be In charge A guest minister from Prince- 5, :n the church nt 1 p. m. services. (Vimine f'listlc service at 7 p. m. Sun- of the nursery Inr infants. ! ton Theological Seminary will ft ni nn "'I he day at 11 a. m . Red Bank A strawberry festival will be ,j ( .,; day-school wi' meet nt 9:45 a. rn. Bible school, with classes forjprench Sunday at 9:30 nnd II nf lesus Christ." The Sunday school will meet at 11 Rev. Kurt Loeffler, North BerALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL held June 3. Week-day services for young all ages, will be hold at 9:45 a. m. Nursery facilities will be will he in North (Yiiterville fire a. m. Navesink gen, will preach Sunday at 10 ,people will be Thursday nt 6:45 n. m. Jet Cadets will meet atlprovided during both services in Holy Communion will be celehouse. Wednesday evening testimony a. m, on the te:;t from CorinthBAYSHORE COMMUNITY Killers will meet after the serv-'P- '" n n d pray" and Bible study 5:45 p. m., for the last time un-lthc Christian Education buildinc brated Sunday at 8:30 a. m; meeting will be at 8:15. East Keansburg ians 16:13. Sunday school will f o r a d u l t s , T h u r s d n y n t 7 : 4 5 p . m . i t i l fnll. Church school will convene at church school meets at 9:30; the "Have You Been to Calvary" The reading room will be open meet at 8:45 a.m. t'.ery ( i i r e will h e p r o v i d e d S p e c i a l p r a y e r s e r v i c e s will b e ' T h e e v e n i n g s e r v i c e w i l l b e n t ; 9 ; 3 0 a . n i . service for parents and children will be Rev. John P. Eulcr's ser- daily from noon to 4:30 p. m., Services will be conducted by nl 1! a.m. ill the Immc nf Mr. W e d n e s d a y nt 1 p . m . Brownie Troop will hold a mo- is at 10:15, and the morning mon topic Sunday at 11 a. m.j Friday from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Rev. Werner A. Schneider, rcc10 Dart- Communion will bo adminis-j The religions census will be (her nnd daughter banquet at prayer and sermon is nt 11:15 Rev. Mr. Euler is returning to and Sunday from 2 to 4 p. m. jtor, Wednesday at 8 p.m. riml M i s (iilveit l-'nl tered the first Sunday mnrninfj;cnnliniiml nt 2:30 p. ni. from the the church Wednesday rr'iulh Dr. except the first Sunday of each the church after a month's holiThe Women's!church. . " S u n d a y school will hiw ln.'ld nt "' ''"•' month. month, when Holy Communion day in Florida. fl 'ID n.in. in M i d d l e Hoad Si luioi. M i s s i o n a r y Council will m e e t thoj Special c o t t a g e p r a y e r m e e t i n g s KING OF KINGS LUTHERAN is also celebrated nt the 11:15 Rep. James C. Auchinc'oss, f'orifnmolion H.-iv, I will meet " l i r ( ' W e d n e s d a y of e n c h m o n t h will be held next w e e k to prny service. Rev. Charles P. John- Mayor John T. Lawley and Rev. Middletown Innil'lit at 7-.10 at the h o m e of " ' 1'^° P- ' " • (for Henry Van Dyke will be guests , ,„ t h, e e.,.,v a n g,e l i s t i c cru.snde, J u n e Rev. C. Roger Burklns, pastor, son Is rector. at the cornerstone laying cereJohn Allen. ~ (..illinium Ave |-..\H-Ulh Ihe first prayer meetingj will b e l n c n a r ( , e 0 , t h e s e r v l c c s SPIRITUAL mony Sunday at 2:30 p. m. mimintion of rnnfinmilion rl.v;s ST, BENEDICT'S CATHOLIC will be hu-Mhiy nt 8 p. m. n t ; S u n ( l a y a t 10: 45 a. m. in the BayBelford I! Ijelore the eleders will be held Hiulot Midweek service will be Wedthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy v l e w S c h o o ) i.onnnrdville Rd., Rev. Phoebo Dalley will con- nesday nt 10 a. m. in Ihe |jar.'.oiiM(:e Monday nt K Sunday musses are nt 7, 8, 9, Webb, New Shrewsbury. Tin- scc- Middletown. (". ct services Sunday at 8 p.. m 110. II a n d 12 in t h o H o l m d c l °"«l w i ' l i i n : will b e W e d n e s d a y Sunday-school meets nt 9:30 vid Tuesday at 2:30 and 8 p. m ST. ANN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Nightly at 8:00 (Sunday at 6:30) at tho • J I - . K J U I S for Viu.atiim HibliUCIumcntary School, Kcyjiort- " l H P- •"• " ' " " ' h n m r of M r . a. m. fv rs .V'I'IKI v.ill nn-i-t ;ii Hi.- hniMi-'Molmdi'l Kd. "'"I ' '-'"'t'li M i i i u c , V a n ' s Keansburg FIRST i'ENTECOSTAL nl M r mid M r s Willi;ini l-:viin\j C o n f c s s i n n s a r c h e a r d S a l u r - i ' l ' r i l i l l ' r C o u r l , l-iitimtinvn. The RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF Week-days scrvlcci Include Sunday masses arc at 7, 8, 9, III ' ' n i l Ui , T l m r s r l i i y id 8 p . m . ' d u y , b n t w e r n 4:30 mill 5:30 p. in. l ; l ' ; l '"••ftiiiK will l»' T h u r s d a y nt FRIENDS (Quakers) Holy Communion at 9 a. m. 10, 11 nnd 12 noon. Masses on nnd 7:30 a n d H:30 p . in. In t h e K I1- ' " • holy days are nt 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Shrewsbury Wednesdays nnd Fridays. 10 RIVERSIDE AVENUE S I . JAMICS K I ' I S C O I ' A I . p a r i s h n . ' c t o i y , I l i i l c r c s t ltd. Tho society meets every Sun- For Holy days, Holy Com- and 11 n. m. First Fridays, at Ijitrintinvn IU.I OUMI-.D 6:30 nnd 8 n. m. day nt 11 n. m. fo. worship h Tlie munion i.t at 9 a m. I'.iv A k i n I I . 'l'i)iii;uc w i l l ltdKevport NAVKSINK Confessions are held on SnturFirst-dny school meets nt 10 a. m HARDEMAN NICHOLS, Speaker IMIIII'.I'r H o l y (.'oiiiimiiiion S u n .Siiml.'iy si'hool will meet nl MI'TIIODIST CIIUHCII FIRSJ CHURCH OF CHRIST dnys, eve of First Friday, nnd ! ( l u y ; i t h n . m . C h u r c h :i':hoi>l w i l l M u n i i n i : w o r s h i p i s lidtl n t !):30 n i n . W o r s l i i p will l i e n t holy dnys from 3:30 to 5 p. m. SHAKKH-QUAKLR SC1KNTIST Questions Solicited — Congregational Singing < •!.!• .il Id '.'.'> » . i n 'I In- l a t n - ' 0 : : i l ) n . m . S u n d a y s . S n n < l ; i y - j 1U:-l.'> n . i n . ; m d i i u i . M ' i y c n i i ' w i l l ! and from 7:30 to .1:30 p. m. Keyporl Red flank r i k ' M - i v i i c , i i i f i r n i i i i ' | i i ; i y c r i n n ! .'.cliiiol i n < c i s n t ] l l : l , » i n l i e p i m i d i - d n t 111:30 ;i i n | Kldcr Fninklln C. Moynn, Tim morning services will be Baptisms every Sunday nt 1 NO COLLECTIONS • • ' i i " " " •'•ill l » ' .ii K c : i 0 ;i i n -|'|M' Y n i i l l i I ' l - l l . i w . h i p ,i !•. T h e N n v I l m i i s w i c k ( ' l i i s s i s t c c h o r , w i l l c o n d u c t n service held Sunday nt II o'clock. Sun- . in. ! 1 ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' d l b ' ii ' ' d i l n , i l i i i , i cif ; i | Ii p . , n o n S i i n d i i v . . m i l I h r v. ill I I H T I I . ( l a v a t !) a . m . l o f I n s t r u c t i o n n n d t 10 ilt.y -school will meet nt 11 a. m. Itev. Edward A. Corrlgan is "Come, lot us reason together." Isa. 1:1B I 1 .' II'.ly ( IIIIIIIIUIIIOII Wriliii-uliiy Inleiiiieiliiiie fello'A '.Iii|i ill V |> m I OMM'.IOI V meeiiii|: will In hi'UI n rn. Sunday nt the church, 15 A testimony meeting will bet pnslor nnd Rev. Stanley J. Levl[ held next Wednesday nt 8 p. m. nnctoskl and Rev. Anthony J. • ''''i/i. Key. Milton K i l l u b i c w 1.1 ji;islor.,Weiliie/.iliiy ill K |i.m. North Urldco Ave. V V c # „ _ _ . I . , I I _ ' i - t _ . . _ _ . ! _ . . _ . i . j r u _ . 4il f—H I . . " ' Bible Lectures MAY 23rd thru MAY 29th Red Bank Church of Christ acting was just sort of like helping mom to Brigid, who never took acting or dancing lessons, and never played in a movie or By DOROTHY ROE stage production. HOLY COMMUNION By GEORGE W. CORNELL , and i t we must have certain InMETOOWST EPISCOPAL Story-book plots still come true trayedfy non-teen-ager Rita Hay- New the producer and director AfKdatcd Press ReiigiM Writer formation to protect oar natios AUtntic Highlands of "King of Kings" are predictFair Hiven worth. against threats and subversion, lere in America. "Things Even Science Car Holy Caamion will be ccte Jot Measure" will be the sermor The heroine of our latest true- 'Two weeks ago we got a wire ing that Brigid will be America's Spying is shady business, but our government ha* an obligaHIGHLANDS — The Veterans next Marilyn Monroe-Jean Harit's needed for survival in a brated Sunday at S and fcl ipic. of Rev. George E, Taylo tion to get it. life fairytale is 15-year-old Brig- saying 1 was to take the first «. m. Morning Prayer and ser t the 11 i. m. service Sunday if Foreign War* Post and Twin- id Bazlen of Chicago, who two plane for New York," says Brig- !ow-Clara Bow Star of Hollywood. shady world. "If there is no other way, then fght Post, American Legion, are That, in short, is the conclu- we are justified in using espionmon by the rector, Rev Donsk "hurch school meets at 9:3' weeks ago was a typical high id. "I was sitting in this office conducting the Memorial Day sion voiced by a number of re- age." MacLeod, will be at 11 a. m. •. m. •.ervices and parade jointly and school sophomore, boning up forfor about an hour, and I was ligious authorities today, as na The Eucharist will be cele telling about how I had done some The vacation Bible school wil lave extended an invitation to final exams. tions seethed over the conduct Emergency Vehicle brated Wednesday at 9:30 a. m 'e held from June 27 to July 8 veryone to participate. Today Brigid is en route children's parts in television of espionage. shows, and then a man came out to Madrid, to play the exotic role The parade will begin after short BAYVIEW PRESBYTERIAN and said, 'Have you got a pass"It belongs to that class ofiLaws A r e D i s c u s s e d of Salome, complete with the ervices at the World War I monMarlboro rt? T h c n et o n o r h t Cliffwood Beach things that are morally ambigu-j ALLENTOWN — Walter Mcdance of the seven veils, in tlie|P° 8° B '8 Rev. Francis Osterstock will Mr. and Mrs. Hal Miller wil ment at the bridge at 2 p. m.new movie, production of "King a w a y . with _a visa for Spain." HIGHLANDS — Miss Theresa o u s but sometimes necessary," i Neill a state motor vehicle inpreach on "Remembering the move into their new home in Lin rhe line of march will be down 'A Kings," now being filmed in Mooney crowned a statute of the s a y S Rev. Dr. Daniel D. Wil-l spe ctor, discussed state laws conA Big Worry croft by the end of May. Mr? Blessed Virgin Mary in Our La-Hams, of Union Theological Sem-jcerning the operation of emergenPromise" at the 11 a.m. service Miller teaches second and thir' highland Ave., under the bridge, Spain. Brigid was worried principally mrth on Bay Ave. with final cereSunday. Church school begins at »rade at Marlboro Townshij nonies in Huddy Park at the Dressed in proper schoolgirl about final exams back in Chica- dy of Perpetual Help Catholic inary. I cy vehicles at a meeting of the 9:30 a.m. A special session whi School. Both Christian and JewishiMonmouth County Association of blue serge, accompanied by her;o, but her mother quickly check- Church. Vorld War II monument. be held at 3 p.m. to receive new Refreshments will be served at ongtime chaperone, Miss Mar- ed on the state of the matter, Miss Mooney, a student at Red scholars offer a similar view—! First Aid Squads Wednesday members. Bank Catholic High School, is per- that espionage involves question- nipht. Miss Emilyann Youssouf, Rt he American Legion Hall im- got Uichter, a friend of her moth- engaged an agent and a tutor and : er, Brigid paused briefly in Newasked her friend, Miss Richter, fect of the Sodality of the Bless- able behavior, but that it may Five members were appointed 9, had as dinner guest Tuesda; nediately after the parade. ed Virgin Mary in the local parST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL be warranted by overriding facts to the hospital grievance comMiss Nancy Ceaderborg of Gor Wreaths will be placed at both York between planes, faced pho- to see Brigid safely through her Little Silver imittee. of international life. don's Corner. Miss Nancy Per nonuments by the veteran groups tographers, press agents and re-trip to never-never land. Now the ish. 1 Holy Communion will be ad- kins was her dinner guest Wed ind their auxiliaries. porters, blinked her wide blue teenage Salome will take her Lorraine Senz served as crown- "It's an immoral act for what They are, Lawrence Flanagan, minisered Sunday at 8 a.m. nesday. finals in Spain, and hopes to getbearer, and James Olsen and Jo- we think is a moral purpose—Fairview, and Richard Pomprey, In the line of march will be Irish eyes and said: Family service and morning her high school grades in absen- ann Boessard were train-bearers. the defense of our country and Leonardo, for Riverview Hospiwlice escort; grand marshal, EdDoing Her Best prayer will be at 9:30 a.m. Morn- Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Canterp vard A, Duva, VFW department Sodalists, altar boys, and stu-ideals," says Rabbi Dr. Robert tal; Peder Gisleson, Little Silver, tia. "I really don't know how it ing Prayer and sermon by theand family recently visitet unior vice commander; national all happened, but I'm going to do Slightly dazed by it all, Brigid dents of Our Lady of Perpetual Gordis, of Jewish Theological: for Monmouth Medical Center, rector Rev. A. Allen Attenbor- friends in Arden, Dela. Seminary, New York. "It's a tra-'and Walter Stewart, Neptune, and colors; post standards; Gold Star my best." says she thinks her own private Help School participated in a Thomas Jackson, Wall Township, ough, S.T.M., will be at 11 a.m Mothers; mayor and Borough Brigid is the daughter of Mag- Irish leprechaun has always seen procession prior to the crowning. gic necessity, at best." Sunday school will meet at Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jenkin- Council; Army Units; Coast gie Daly, Chicago TV commenta- that she was in the right place Girls from the eighth grade pro- In other words, it demands d e - ; f o L F l t k l n H ° s P lt a»9:30 a.m. son, along with the South Amboy iuard Unit; Veterans of Foreign tor and lecturer. The family mov. at the right time. When she wasvided an arch of pink and blue ception, stealth and other activ- The group continued plans to The Woman's Guild will meet Boat Club, attended the produc- Wars and Auxiliary; American ed to Chicago from Fond du Lac, about II, she was spotted playing flowers, beneath which the crown- ity that impinges on ethical ten- ' ° b s e r v e F l r s ' A l d M o n t h d u n n 8 A ust Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. tion of "Redhead" at the Papei Legion and Auxiliary; Sons and Wis., with her late father, when hopscotch on the sidewalk by er walked to the statute. A group ets, but which in the face of cir- "f. Daughters Liberty, Twinlight Brigid was kindergarten age. SheFrank Pacelli, a TV producer of 12 Sodalists placed pink car- cumstances, may serve a great- The next meeting will be June Mill Playhouse in Millburn. Council; Middletown Township attended parochial schools and who lived in the same apartment nations in vases before the statue. er, overbalancing good. WESTMINSTER i 27 in the Atlantic Highlands First Students sang hymns, under the "You can't divorce moral prac-j Aid Squad headquarters. Drum and Bugle Corps; Lions was a sophomore at Our Lady house. He told her mother: PRESBYTERIAN Miss .Linda LaSalle, daughte direction of Sister M. Veronica. Club; Boy Scout, Cub Scout, Girl of Mt. Carmel on Chicago's near "That little girl of yours looks Middletown tice from reality," says Very of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LaUkP.nEST SELECTION OP "When Peace, Like a River Salle, celebrated her fifth birth- Scout and Brownie Units; High north side, when her fairy god- just right for a part in my new Rev. John G. Domin, parish Rev. Dean Edmond Benard, dean Attendeth My Way" is the Serday with a party at her home lands Little League; First Aid mother appeared with her magic television serial." assistant, spoke, reminding thei o f the School of Sacred Theology mon topic of Rev. Harlan C Saturday. Attending were Mrs. Auxiliary; First Aid Squad; Re- wand. Samuel Bronston, produc- Brigid got the job, and later group of the symbolism of i.ieo f the Catholic University of Durfee at the 10:45 a.m. service Mary LaSalle, her grandmother publican Club; Democratic Club er of the new version of "King of played in another similar tele- ceremony. America, Washington, D. C. and fire department. Sunday. Kings," decided he wanted an vision series, "The Blue Fairy," Benediction of the Blessed, Sac- "In an ideal world, espionage Miss Jean LaSalle, her aunt, am MONMOUTH CARPET American teen-ager to play the for which she received the George rament was offered by Rev. would not be morally justified. "My Jesus, I Love Thee," is her sisters, Agnes and Mary, and HIGHWAY 35, OAKIHJRST role of "Salome," previously por- Foster Peabody award. But TVDomin prior to the recessional. But this isn't that kind of world, the choir anthem. Mrs. Louis brother, Raymond. A. Raskasky is the organist Frederick Bopp, 3d, and John Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Voor R. Marshall are the ushers hees, Jr., and children, Susan am Church school meets at 9:45 a.m Gary, spent Sunday afternoon al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gar- HIRAM, Ohio—Robert S. GalBAYSHORE COMMUNITY rett Voorhees, Sr., in Scota lagher, son of Mr. and Mrs. East Keansburg Plains. Charles B. Gallagher, 47 ReckSunday-School meets at 9:30 less PI., Red Bank, N. J., will a. m. Church service ii at 11 The last meeting of the season be among 100 seniors receiving a. m. for the PTA was held Wednes- degrees from Hiram College at W Prayers for peace and healing day evening. The new officers commencement exercises here service will be held Wednesday will be installed in the fall. The Sunday, June 5. .Rich Ua leatherette, plasiie lined, tUf M at 10 a. m. slate for next year will be Mrs. He will receive his bachelor's I clean! For lorn, beach and travel! Smut beuxir Soldiers of Christ meet at 7: Garrett Voorhees, president; Mrs, degree in English. I WIT *a cany over night wear, oosraetia, odds ON ^WAY'35 AND EATONTOWN CIRCLE!) |«Dd end*. Yoon with emrr psroltuo of Seat 30 p. m. the second, fourth and Anne Youssouf and Mrs. Douglas A 1951 graduate of Red Bank fifth Sundays of the month. The Jenkinson, vice presidents; Mrs High School, Mr. Gallagher has Women's Guild meets the third Nicholas Cantcra, treasurer; Mrs, been active in campus affairs Friday, and the Men's Club thi Eugene Crosby, recording secre while at Hiram College, includtary, and Mrs. J. 0. Washburne, ing membership in Alpha Socilast Tuesday of each month. corresponding secretary. ety, president of Black Key, and TRINITY EPISCOPAL i> > member of the Patterns magaMatawan Guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wi zine staff. RAYGO QP.QSPU" Carroll B. Hall, seminarian liam LeMoine Sunday afternoon will lead services Sunda> at were Mr. and Mrs. Carlton BorSEAT COVERS NOTICE and 10 o'clock. Communion will den and daughters; Mr. and Mrs Take notice that Safeway Stores. Inc.. Seeing Is believing! hai applied to the Mayor and Council be celebrated the third Sunday George Neiberlien, and Mr. ark of Red Bank for a Pelnary Retail Haycomakes your of the month by Rev. Canon Ed-Mrs. James Dore and sons. Distribution D-3 license for premises worn tired car seats situated at 362 Broad Street, Red Bank, win W. Tucker. N. J. look dazzling new In Objections, It any, should, be made jnat 30 minutes with CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY The Ladies' Auxiliary of th« Immediately In writing to John Bryan, Orospun teat coven. fire company will serve its an Borough Clerk of Red Bank. Atlantic Highlands (Signed) And Kara* eastern-fits Church service and Sunday- nual ham supper June 8. The SAFEWAY STORES, INC. than free. auxiliary recevicd two trophies Officers school are held at 11 a. m. Wed Robert A. Magowan, 20L Fourth street, for bowling at their recent bannesday testimony meeting is at Oakland, California—2100 Washington Street, San Francisco, California: 8:15 p. m. Reading room hours quet. Chairman of the Board oC Directors are 2 to 4 p. tn. Tuesdays and and President. A farewell coffee party wai Ralph D. Brown. 201 Fourth Street. Saturdays, except holidays. Oakland, California—lt)67 Lombard held in the home of Mrs. Garre 8treet, San Francisco, California; •^ i, President. TRUE VINE SPIRITUAL Voorhees in honor of Mrs. Bar!O.Vice T. Burroughs, 501 Fourth Street, Hoeg. Mr. and Mrs. Hoeg anc Oakland, California—36 Miner Road, Long Branch Orinda, California; Vlc« President. Rev. E. H. Lawrence, pastor, daughters are moving to Leonar Henry B. Clay. 201 Fourth street. California—1071 Vlela Court, Is in charge of services held do. Attending were Mrs. Doug- Oakland. Lafayette, California, Vice President. Sundays at 11:30 a.m. at 8 Third las Jenkinson, Mrs. Carlton Bor- Hugh Frost, 201 Fourth Street, OakCalifornia—75 Bishop Lane, den. Mrs. Nicholas Cantera, Mr: land, Ave. Walnut Creek, California; Vlca PresSunday-school meets at 10:30R. W. Mitchell, and Mrs. Eugem W.ident. s. Mitchell. 201 Fourth Street, Crosby. a.m. Oakland, California—33 Line Court, RELIGIOUS NEWS Memorial Day Program Told \n Highlands Religion Today's Women Crowning Rites Field in Church ACRILAN CARPET at Gallagher To Get Degree fashion carry-all *3 mosf itiodern store! ;.. ;-s$i save upto 20% Oakland, California; Vice Prealdent. A. Russell Griffith. 201 Fourth Street. value GRAND OPENING Mrs. Douglas Jenkinson an Oakland. California—8B6 Blair AveHIGH POINT SPIRITUALIST nue. Oakland. California; Vice Preschildren, George and Cathy, an CHAPEL ident and Controller. Mrs. Garrett Voorhees and chi Drummond Wilde, 201 Fourth Street. Chapel Hill Oakland, California—58 Beechwood dren, Gary and Susan, attendei Rev. Frances Stevenson conDrlv«, Oakland, California; Vice Presand Secretary. ducts services Sunday at 8 p. m.the air show at McGuire Air } . ident W. Rupley, 114 Sansome Street, Base and made a tour of Fort San Francisco, California—106 Cam* and Wednesdays at 2:30 and 8 ino Son Miguel, Orinda, California; Dix Saturday. p. m. Treasurer. DIVINE LOVE NEW BIRTH SPIRITUALISM CENTRE Highlands Josephine Cantrell Seals, pas tor, is in charge of healing services all day Sundays at. 9 Shrews bury Ave. 7. Bhern, 201 Fourth Street, Oakland, California—6425 Brann Street. Oak- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoch and land. California ^Assistant Vice Presdaughter, Beth, and Mr. and Mrs ident. T. Nelson Stewart, 201 Fourth Street. William Porter and daughter Oakland, California.—2832 Woolsey Street, Berkeley. California; AssistAmy, of Phalanx, spent Saturda; ant Vice President. visiting the Philadelphia Zoo. J. A. Anderson. lB45-4th Street, N. E., Washington 13, D. C—1O304 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland; Assistant Secretary. TOLL EVADER FINED Wiley Benle, lR45-4th .Street. N. E.. MIDDLETOWN Henry Washington 13. D. C—2703 Crest Cheverly, Maryland, AssistLawrence, 40, of Gillespie Ave., Avenue. METHODIST ant Secretary. Fair Haven, paid a $5 fine re- Bernsl E. Dobell. 201 Fourth Street. Highlands Oakland, California—25 Linda Vista Church school meets at 9:30 a. cently after pleading guilty tc Way, Orinda, California; Assistant Secretary. m Morning service at 11 o'clock. failure to pay a 10-cent toll Apri Sheldon Douglass, 300 Mercer Street, 4 at 12:25 p. m., at the Red Bani Evening service at 7:30. Jersey City, N. J.—513 Carrol] Fox Metedeconk, New Jersey; AsPrayer meeting Wednesday at toll area of the Garden Stati Road, sistant Secretary. Parkway. 1:30 p. m. WIND-LOC 3 CHANNEL TILT STORM WINDOWS 9 • Triple Insert! • Triple Tilt Action! Naw'8;lho time Ureave on'«theso > longer-lotting Rayco topsi You get full ten layers of rugged oritcx fnbric and self scating rubber for extra strength, extra wcarl. John A. Davles, Safeway Store No. 599. 72 West Street. Annnpolls. Maryland—H. F. P. No. 4, Rox 384, Annapolis. Maryland, Assistant Sec- SALE! : FAMED RAYCO ORITEX CONVERTIBlEjTOPS .95 Manufacturer'! Hit prle« 17.9S. Minimum order three window*. Made of quality heat-hardened extruded aluminum to give nigged wear with minimum of maintenance. Screen and two glass panels move up and down . . . tilt inward for simple cleaning. Delivery and Installation optional. Special values on aluminum nwnlngs, Jalousie windows and doors, toot NO DOWN PAYMENT - 1ST PAYMENT, OCT. (WE SELL AT ADVERTISED PRICES) BUY DIRECT — SHOWROOM ONLY! "NO SALESMEN! NO COMMISSIONS'" These Aro Quality Windows At Lowest Prices Anywhere — Shopl Compare! Save! • BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY DAILY and SAT. 8 A. M. to • P. M. WED. and FRI. 8 A. M. tn t P. V 47 Broad St. SHadyside 1-7500 Red Bank . A. Edwards, 201 Fourth Street, Oakland, Callfonria. .V) Rorkaway Avenue. San Francisco, California: Assistant Secretary. William II. Jackson, Safeway Store No. M9. Potomac Heights. Indian Head, Maryland-Box 120, Potomac HelRhts. Indian Hesd, Maryland; Assistant Secretary. James M. McGlnty. 501 Fourth Street, Oakland, California. 15 Montalvo Avnnue. San Francisco. Cnllfornla: Asalstant Secretary. Paul W. Mnu.icr, 201 Fourth Street. Oakland. California—l.")7O Pleasant Hill Road, Lafayette, California, Assistant Secretary. E. J. Penprase, 201 Fourth Street, Oakland, California—31>50 Rnncho Road. Lafayette, California; Assistant Secretary. Thomas M. Pyne, 201 Fourth Street, Oakland. California—6 Benvlrw Avenue. Piedmont. California: Assistant Secretary. Directors Robert A. Magoivnn, Prpslrirnl and Chairman of the Board of Directors, 501 Fourth Street. Oakland, California—2100 Washington Street, San Francisco, California. O. T. Burroughs 201 Fourth Slrret, Oakland, Cnllfornla—39 Miner rtoad, Orinda, California. Hugh Frost. 201 Fourth Sired .Oakland, Calirornla—75 Bishop Lane, Walnut Creek. California. A. R. Griffith, 201 Fourth Street. Oakland, Calilornla—R5G Blair Avenue, Oakland, California. W. S. Mitchell. 201 Fourth Street, Oakland, California—33 Lane Court, Oakland, California. Milton L. Selby. 201 Fourth Street, Oakland, California—107 Camlno Don Miguel, Orinda, Calilornla. J. o Boawell. II. J. o. no»well company, BIO South Spring Street, Los Angeles 13, Calilornla—271 Olen Summer Road, Pasadena, California. Norman Chandler. President, The Tlmea-Mlrror Company, 202 We»l First Street, T,os Angeles 53, Callfornla—455 South I*orralne. Boulevard Los Angeles 5. California, Clinrlea de Brettevllle, President, Spreckels Sugar Compnnv, 2 Pine Street. Ban Francisco, California — Canada rtoad. Woodslrl*, California.1 Artemus L. Oatea. 5:il-Kl(lh Avtmn , New York 17, New York—P»ar«-li Lane Locust Valley, Long Island, New York. Joseph M. Long. President, T,o Rtorea, M01 Broadway, Oakland, Cnl.j Ifornla—10 Lomliardy I.nne, Orlntla, California. Mlrhael W. McCarthy, Merrill Lynnh, Pierce, Ffnnrr * flinltli, 70 Pin*? Street. New York B. N. Y.--I1R Quaker R l d f Roar!, Minhassrtt, Lone Island. N. Y. Jack I fltrnin, Clislnnnn nf thr Tlninl of Directors, I! II Mary A r.n , Inc. Herald Bi|iiarr, ,\>w York, New York—IB f'.nnl 7'.'n.| Strerl, New York Cllv. N. V. Hi ccmiintu•' .T.'fl rilir-uriin ftlrfrt Pnn K r i n r h m . rjillfmnlrt - 'o'l Invln Prlv* HurllNC-niir, Cnllftirnl-v May j(|.!7 J.',7.(« RAYCO CLEAR WHVL AUTO S£A*C0¥E8S Protect your imPMtment teyour new Vari '"^ «^ycockar>rlnT»cov«rs.'lhejrfcecpupbob«., sbowrooin-new».let Uw beauty «bow clean through. FEES castom-Ot in tettSO miimtoj —- — Approved by V, 8. Tettt^CaBjqwutriiaiuwfc ,mm&tn M P RAYCO SHOCK rnm ABSORBERS tin cuilorfi-rittjnc (or all t i n up to 1K4 modtli. InttalttUon chain 'or later moMi. fmj Now, Rayco guarantcef ff i'\ you a »a(cr ride with ¥ p.; RAYCO MUFFLERS^ " """• ' Limited time only! Genuine lactory-duplicate mufflers are a low, low J7.47 for many cars — comparable low for till cars . right now nt Rayco! Installed FREE in 15 minutes. For ' « to '53 Fords and Chevrolet* (Except Chevrolet Convertibles) „ "f ONLY S 47 CHAROI IT...CHOO8I TMB RAVOO OlMOiT PLAN THAT SUITS YOU K M I N AND Rayco shock absorbers ; , or your money back! WMmf-g-fi '",.'•*'/ in for a FREE w-m--wtm ; Come check-up. Have 'imfmwm "•'• > Royco un-safc shocks r e - I AIR CONDITIONED ^ © ^ AMPLE PARKING '• placed with Rayco shock absorbers... Installed FREE In IS minute.1!. . " --/only ONLYj'^Each STORE HOURS: OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. OPEN SAT. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. OPEN SUN. 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Hwy. 35 and EATONTOWN CIRCLE Tel. LI 2-1333 RAVCO PRODUCTS FOR YOUR CAR AUTO TOPB • BEAT COVERS • MUFFLER3 • GHOCK ABSORBERS 16-Frufcy. U*j 27,4960 Are you d lsetforSranmer? We r a i ONE OF THE FINEST NAMES IN AMERICAN RETAILING BRINGS ITS 7th GREAT DEPARTMENT STORB TO NEW JERSEY AT THE EATONTOWfl CIRCLE NEW JERSEY'S GREATEST {TOK&ONt OF AMEWClCS fINf* We tried to pick two and ended up with half a dozen ot these terrific coordinate outfitsa whole Summer wardrobe in a few. quick changes. So cool and easy to launder; just right for wearing now, and on into summer. All in sizes 10 to 18. You've seen those Rosecrest Coordinates on the cover of Glamour Rayon and Dacron* polyester skirt and cotton blouse by Summit G. Print cotion blouse, 4.98 75% Arncl* triacetate and 25% cotton in blue or green. A. Pleated skirt, 8.98 H. 10-gore walker, 5.98 Boih in black, brown, green or navy. B. -11 sleeve blouse-jacket, 11.98 C. Crop lop, 6.98 D. Jamaica Bhorls, 6.98 Dacron* polyester and rayon multi-stripes by Majestic E. 50% Arncl* triacclato and 50% cotton blouse, 4.98 J. Roll-sleeve convertible collar House, 3.98 F. Slim skirt, 8.98 •Ol.nruT.M. K. Pleated skirt, 10.98 Tolosorvlcc anu man. Botlcr Sportswear/ Mall lovol IN MONMOUTH, BAMBERGER'S BRINGS YOU IVEN WORE A«EUMa Herns I'liutoSluilio Aul'j Ctnlf r, dtivt in K I vke Uimlicrfcr's Hook Clttli Ilriilal .Shop uml gifl rrgittry aunlrejr lltauljr Saloi Credit plant Cuitora diprnveri, ur»pcric« DiliviriM frrr, rxrrpl (J.O.lVn Kln-irir. »lm\f r rrjuir lilm (lcv(l<i|iing I i>liii]R lin-mri l-'uml I'rerjrr |il«n 1'nrui I irrr, rirg rlrnninj; 1'ur repair, rcrnudcling WE'RE EASY TO 1HE SERVICES THAT HAVE BEEN A PART OF NEW JERSEY FOR 67 YEARS l u r storn;;!' urnl ricuiting (iiinli'ii Slulr Itrslnuranl— fitu' f<iot! mill curkliuU (lift cirlilii.ili i (Jitl ivrii|i|iiiiK Jlufiif Iiuprovi'mrnt ('enter Iiilcrtnr DirrnntiiiR service Kilrnrn [ilinminR consultant l'innn rcntnl-piirrlin»D plan 1'tocripiinn pharmacy irrvicc .Silvrr Club I'liiti Watch and Jewelry repair JSamlici"HIT** Ti'lraervice is o wonderful way t» »lio]> by phono. T o onlcr alinpsl nnylhii)|r in the. world just dial OSImrno 1-2500 or KEIlong 1-2400wfi'll send your order riplit out. Ciill Mon., Tucfl., Wed. «::«) AM. to 9 l'.l\I.; Thurfl., Tri., Sat. 0:30 A.M. lo 5:30 T.M. lambargir'i Monmouth It at t h * lalontown Trail l« Clrttt and Rout* 35, Talc* Oord*n Slot* Parkway Ixlt 103, or Monmouth Park Highway, or Rout.l I S , 3 6 , 337, 947 (Wyclcoff Road). Free parking for thousands SHOP 1/lQNDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FROM 10 A. M. TO 9:30 P. 5HOP TUESDAY AND SATURDAY, .fROM 10 A . M . T@ 6 P.M. of cars. Friday, May 27, 1960-17 Section Two RED BANkl N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1960 See New Catholic Grammar School UN Effort ening Set for November Groups By Soviet 73 To Parade RED BANK - Construction of the $1,000,000 St. James elementary school is "well over 50 per cent complete," Msgr. Emmett A. Monahan, St. James pastor, said yesterday, and is expected to open in November. The 24-cIassroom school on Peters PI. will house 1,200 pupils and will contain a combination auditorium-gymnasium. Started Last July Construction started in July, 959, with the original target date for completion September, 1960. The steel strike, however, delayed the opening date until the BY CARRIER 35c PER WEEK 7c PER COPY Festival of Arts © NextWeek-End UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) The United States braced today RED BANK — Staging areas against another attempt by the Soviet Union to get' the UN Sefor next week's Festival of Arts FREEHOLD — The Memorial curity Council to censure Amerwere announced today by Mrs. Day parade here Monday will ican spy-flights. John Parmly, chairman of the include 12 divisions with 73 parA new showdown shaped up ticipating organizations, giant outdoor show. on a resolution sponsored by It will conclude with the awardThe two-day festival, opening four smaller members of the ing of trophies and a speech by By the Associated Press next Friday on Broad St., will council appealing to the Big Five Assemblyman Clifton T. BarkaOCEAN CITY-The Evangeli- cover the entire area from Linto resume negotiations and to all low at the Freehold Raceway. MAKING PROGRESS — The St. Jamei elementary school on Peteri PI., Red Bank, it cal Lutheran Council of New den PI. south to Harding Rd. UN nations "to refrain from any The ceremonies will start at com lefed and h Novembsr. Jersey has adopted a $712,875 This is the second outdoor fesP action which might increase ten 10 a.m. with a wreath-laying at ahan P an rl ^ t e d P P Y budget for 1961, topping last tival held on Red Bank's main sions." the memorial monument at the He said, however, that some The three-ttory, 24-classroom school will accommodate 1,200 pupils. Estimated cost year's budget by $85,543. The street under the auspices of the, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Elks Point by commanders of classes may be opened in the of the project is $1,000,000. budget was approved by the Sy- Monmouth Arts Foundation, and Gromyko, defeated yesterday in local veterans' organizations and three-story school before Novemt h t hl b f N nod last night at the closing ses- sponsored by the Red Bank Coman attempt to have the council presidents of local veterans' aux- er. sion of its four-day 11th annual munity Chamber of Commerce, condemn U.S. spy flights over iliaries. Four houses on Peters PI. were conference. The increase was and co-sponsored by various comthe Soviet Union, tried to An invocation will be offered torn down to make way for the necessitated by the advancing munity groups. achieve his end by implication. here by Rev. Andrew L. Ander- school. Original plans called for needs of the church at large and Hundreds of exhibits of art, He proposed an amendment to son of the Freehold First Bap- demolition of the 800-pupil woodBy the Associated Press new services being provided for artifacts, crafts and displays in have the small-power resolution tist Church, and a salute to the en grammar school when the new Lutheran churches in the state, numerous classified categories, read "refrain from any action war dead will be fired by the building is completed. SENATE MIDDLETOWN — Work on a the group said. The services in- will line the street. Paintings will which might increase tensions, Monmouth firing squad. A full size basketball court will Considers routine business. Including the dispatch of their The line of march will start be provided in the combination Foreign Relations Committee .00,000 square foot addition to cluded the establishment of a hang on a half-mile of storm Committee on Worship and a sepaircraft into the airspace of oth at the high school on Broadway auditorium-gymnasium, with fold- begins U2 inquiry with Secretary he Minnesota Mining and Man- arate Department of Audio-Vis fencing. From all indications, using last year's attendance as a er states." and proceed through town to the ing side-wall spectator bleachers of State Christian A. Herter as ifacturing Company's Freehold als. guide, thousands of spectators In a 50-minute speech, the raceway and continue past the for 924 persons and an additional first witness. ilant will begin within the next will become sidewalk-critics for Soviet foreign minister said grandstand. Mayor Barton Calla- 100 persons in the balcony. ELIZABETH-Mayor Stephen the two days. (The show will be HOUSE two weeks, Harold Fink, plant han, parade marshal Carl Elf Daley and Co., Trenton, is the President Eisenhower in his Berclk says he doesn't think called off in case of rain.) Holds Routine session. manager, said yesterday. radio-TV report Wednesday had strom, and assistant marshal general contractor. much of the U.S. Census' count Housing subcommittee hears Types of Entries broadcast to the whole world "a Augustus Lewis will lead the The Glenwal Company, Ro- and he'll have Elizabeth conSEASIDE PARK (AP) various witnesses on general broad program of espionage and march. Professional entries in the chelle Park, has been selected duct its own census. This town Fashionable bikini bathing housing legislation. sabotage activity against the At the raceway there will be grand award contest will be hung suits will not be welcome at as general contractor, and en- of 107,000 (or Is It 127,000?) in the center of Broad St., near Soviet Union" and had, in effect, a welcome by the mayor, flagineering work for the new structhis Ocean County resort this will ask tor a recount if Its raising, the National Anthem announced a continued "policy Harding Rd. flanked on the west summer. But other North Jer- ture has been completed, Mr. census figures ditfer greatly side by entries of Sunday Serious of dangerous provocations which sung by Mrs. Edythe DeedmeyFink reported. sey beaches are viewing with from the U.S. count, Berclk indeed, place mankind on the er and the flag salute. A firing The new plant will moke mag- said yesterday. He said the Painters and on the east side by calm the coming of the abbresquad will salute the grave of brink of war." netic tape. Production is expected government count reported to photography. Mrs. Parmly will viated swimming outfits. U.S. Delegate Henry Cabot Capt. Conover in Maplewood to begin by the middle of next him was 20,000 less than lt take charge of the professionals; While Seaside Park officials Roberta Carter, SSP's, and MonLodge in a statement last night Cemetery. Taps will be played UNION BEACH — Albert E. ear. The number of people to be should have been. have said flatly that ladies roe Edelstein, photography. called Gromyko's charge "fan- by Alfred Mancini, and the echo Burgess, Jr., chairman of the ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Rus- dressed in bikinis will be employed will eventually be The Red Bank Jaycees will tastic" and declared: "One could of taps by Raymond Rasmussen. newly - formed industrial a n d sian seaman Ivan Baluik com- barred from the beaches, oth- about 100. Initial employment will only wonder what might cause The benediction will be offered Economic Development Commit- plained of new pains today a few er resorts have taken no action. be about 25, the plant manager MADISON—Robert W. Carson man a hot-dog stand at the south0! Little Falls was elected today ern tip of the show at Harding by Rabbi Louis M. Tuchman. tee, in a preliminary report to the Soviet government to say The subject was discussed said. as lay leader of the Newark Rd. Judges for the awarding of tro- council last night, said that 17 hours before his scheduled desuch atrocious things." by the Sea Girt Borough Council The addition will nearly double Methodist Conference. Carson, parture. phies are Mrs. Donald Reynolds The Soviet resolution accusing Mrs. Edwin Bachman, Robert industrial sites have already ten- Soviet Embassy official Viktor a year ago but no regulations Minnesota Mining and Manufac- former associate lay leader, was In a vacant store in an area relatively adjacent to the Mill the United States of aggressive Bennett, Ralph Caiazzo, Chief tatively been designated in the A. Osipov said Baluik was strick- were enacted. turing's plant area in Freehold. named at the group's annual con- End Shops, a show of color-transacts was thrown out by a 7-2 Warrant Officers G. F. Rowan borough. At present, flexible insulation vention at Drew UViiversity. He A Point Pleasant Beach oren during the night with back parencies will be presented at He said the committee's first vote with only Communist Po- and C. L. Mashak, USN; Lt pains. The seaman got sleeping dinance is strict enough to materials, extruded plastic and was a delegate to the 1960 Gen land lining up with Russia. Cey Commander D. C. Snyder, USN progress report will be issued pills from Atlantic City Hospital cover even some more con- coated tubings, and special films eral Conference of the Methodist frequent intervals. Proceeding north — the entries Ion and Tunisia abstained. The and Ensign G. E. Pease, USN shortly. and apparently spent the night servative bathing suits but has for high temperature applications Church. Douglas Gillespie of Pat- in the novice category will hang other members of the 11-nation Trophies will be awarded for Mr. Burgess noted that before under sedation. not been enforced too strictly. are, produced in 116,000 square erson was elected associate lay on the east side of Broad St., and feet of factory space in Freehold leader. Among others who will council voting against the reso best appearing and greatest num specific s i t e s are formally Similar Law The hospital, which dischargee The present plant went into pro head district boards of lay ac- 25 architectural displays will be lution were Britain, France, Na ber in line for fire departments recommended as i n d u s t r i a Baluik yesterday, said a doctor Bradley Beach has a similar areas, the committee must corduction in 1958. It employs 221 tivities is Wesley Simpson, Plain- featured on the west side. tionalist China, Argentina, Italy, first aid squads, auxiliaries, vetwould examine him in the mornDisplayed the width of Broad Ecuador and the United States eran organizations, floats, and relate its findings with the mas ing. Baluik was treated for an law on the books. Borough people. field, southern. Clerk Geirge Crosson said he St. in this area will be sculpter plan, now being prapared by decorated bicycles. Freehold was cnosen for new ture, ceramics, mosaics, crafts, Community Planning Associates, upper respiratory infection and might bring it to the attenThe principal award is the Ma- Inc., West Trenton. adverse reaction, to sulfa drugs tion of the borough commis magnetic tape production faciliTRENTON—Attorney Gener- jewlry and the Mineral Gem Soyor's Trophy for the best ap- The first master plan report is administered a t sea. ' sioners in connection with ties, according to Mr. Fink, be- al David D. Furman says "one ciety display. Adjacent to this pearing unit in line. This must due within a few days, he noted. Baluik and the Embassy of- bikinis. cause of the company's satisfac- of the meanest rackets Imagin- demonstration area will be the be won three years for perma Extremes in beachwear have tory experiences after its first able" Is going on In New Jer- focal point of musical groups. OK Slate Aid ficial were quartered in a plush nent possession. The state Bureau of Assistance seaside hotel—this resort's new- never been a problem accord- facilities were built in Freehold, sey—phony efforts in behalf of There will be a small bandstand notified the borough, by letter, est—while waiting for the fish- ing to most municipal officials. and also because of the site's blind and handicapped persons. set up near the post office. "It would be an unusual girl proximity to Eastern markets. Furman, in a statement yesterWork by Children that it has qualified for wel ing trawler, Masalsk, to return who would wear a bikini in The company's present magnetic day, said the racket has two fare state aid for 1960. The and pick up Baluik. North of the bandstand, examount of aid will be deter- The trawler, fishing offshore Belmar," according to Belmar tape plants are in St. Paul and main variations. .Under one, RARITAN TOWNSHIP-Conarticles supposedly made by hibits of the elementary school mined by formula, it was noted since it dropped oil Baluik last Clerk Donald M. Matthews. Hutchinson, Minn. tracts for an access road and a Police Capt. Walter A. Hutton week-end, was due back yester- "Ours is essentially a family "On the basis of experience to the blind or handicapped are children will be displayed. The RED BANK - William D. Lay sewer line for the proposed town beach." date, it can be predicted that used as a come-on to promote children's work tables manned ship high school were awarded ton, West Farm Rd., Farming- resigned as a member of the day, but radioed the Coast Guard Most officials agree with As- Freehold will become one of 3M's sale of more expensive goods. by the American Association of by the Board of Education last dale, injured in accident at Rt. Planning Board. No reason was it would be a day late. bury Park City Manager Ken- most important sites," Mr. Fink Under another, donations of University Women, under the given. The resignation was ac 35 and Applcbrook Farm Rd., night. The 26-year-old redheaded sea- dall Lee who says beachwear stated. clothing are collected for the chairmanship of Mrs. David Van cepted with regret. Middletown, yesterday, remains Robert G. Wcigand, township blind but seldom wind up In Iderstine, also will be in this The First Aid Squad notified farer from Kaliningrad was to has caused no complaints in He was addressing the Monincriticalcondition in Riverview road superintendent, was awardcouncil of its interest in acquir- reboard the ship to continue its the past "and we're not look- mouth County Industrial Site the hands of those they are area. The high school entries will Hospital. ed the contract for 948 feet of be on the west side. ng a borough-owned lot at the research and fishing expedition ing for trouble." Tour, at. The Oaks, McGuire's supposed to help. access roadway on his low bid He was the driver of a bread corner of Union Ave, and Co in North Atlantic Waters. Exhibits anchoring the show on Officials agree that setting Grove. truck. of $6,296.92. Baluik said he is a researcher standards and enforcing them umbia Ave., adjacent to the li ELIZABETH—A Union County the North end at Linden PI. will The contract for a sewer line Middletown Patrolman Arthur brary. attached to the Institute of Tech- is difficult. Grand Jury has indicted former be by Girl Scouts, Red Bank Liwas awarded to Shoreland Con- Stover, injured in another car Meanwhile, the shore's largA 330-signature petition, seek- nology in Kaliningrad on a misWestfleld Police Chief Albert brary, Monmouth County Cerestruction Co., Union Ave., Haz- crash while proceeding to the accident involving Mr. Layton, is ing to render inoperative the re- sion to locate different species of est department stores report Pfirrmann on a charge of mis-bral Palsy Association, The State let, on its bid of $7,122. a brisk business in bikinis. cently - adopted ordinance pro- fish. conduct in office after a ticket- Home for Boys at Jamesburg, On a bid of $14,939, Peck and reported in good condition by Hos- viding a salary of $375 for the fixing probe. The jury charged Monmouth Medical Center and Little Co. was awarded a con- pital authorities. mayor and $250 each for coun 'ormer Westfield Police Viola- Marlboro State Hospital. tract for school supplies for the cilmen, was turned over to the ENGLISHTOWN — P o l i c e tions Clerk Albert M. Fromm, Registration for entrants must 1960-61 school year. A contract Shrewsbury Gets borough attorney for signature Chief Ernest Cottrell will act as Jr., with altering records. Both be made with Mrs. Willard W. was also given to J. L. Hamverification. Federal School Aid parade marshal for the Memorial 'firrmann and Fromm resigned Boesewctter at her home, 248 mctt Co. for school supplies at Borough Clerk Alfred T. Henfrom the police force in the last Hance Rd., Fair Haven, before Day parade here Monday. $232.55. WASHINGTON (AP) — Grants nessy, Jr., said there must be The line of march will form two weeks. In a presentment the day the show opens. In other business, the board totaling $61,386 have been ap312 correct signatures to upse at 8:30 a.m. at Lake Weamo- handed to Superior Court Judge The due date for entries is hired Pauline R. Watson, Kear- proved by the Department of SHREWSBURY — Edwin R. rious committees, and on the the ordinance and force a refer p.m. next Friconk and proceed to the Main Walter L. Hctrield, the panel fr°m 10 a.m. to 9 p ey, as a teacher for the 1960- Welfare to help New Jersey endum on the issue in November. Conover last night was honored board of governors. crlticized Westfleld Magistrate day. d Th removall date d .is i h 61 school' year at a salary of school district* meet current opTho the for 51 years of service with the He said 312 would represent 15 William Beard for "a lack of adc- following day, not before 5 p.m. $4,800, and renewed the plan of erating expenses. Red Bank Savings and Loan Asper cent of the number of perat the memorial to the commun- quate supervision C. W. Bollinger, Newark, for stu- The money will go to those over the The borough of Red Bank is was made chairman of the comsons who voted in the last gen sociation. dent insurance. violations clerk." The jury snid presenting a first prize of $300 districts whose enrollments are eral election. mittee on the revision of the state! Mr. Conover, chairman of the Jack Schauer, vice commander more than 800 tickets were al- and a second prize of $200 in R. Thomas Jannarone, super- effected by children of employes Building and Loan Act, and 303 Verified | of the Molly Pitcher Post, Amer- tered between Jan, 1. 1958, andthe professional category. Third Intendent, reported there are 15j a t n e a r b v federal installations, Mr. Hennessy said that of the board, was feted in Shadowbrook spent four and one-half years , is parade chairman, July 18, I!)59, to lessen penalties prize of $100 will be presented kindergarten classes currently in j S e n , Clifford P. Case (R-NJ) 330 signatures he had already by the directors and employees. William A. Fluhr was toasmas- tending sessions ,n Newark and I a n d R a y L c m i n 'b P t c o m m a n ; on violators. in this same class by the Merthe school system, in reference s a i d ves terday. verified 303. It will be up to the to an application being made by -Trie districts Include: Shrewster. Talks were delivered by covering the entire state s build- d e r f \he p o s t > ' a s s i s t a n t c h a i r . chants Trust Company. attorney to check the legality of the board for.increased state aid. bury, $13,870; Neptune, $8,417, the 27 names which the clerk Theodore D. Parsons and Mar- ing and loan leagues from Mor- m a n TRENTON - Civil War batPresentation of awards will ris County to Cape May County, participating in the parade will Middle Road School has six; and Brielle, $1,912. could not verify from borough tin V. B. Smock. Mr. Conover The local Association, in 1937, be the American Legion Post, tles will be rcfought on New take place Saturday, June 4, -at West Keansburg School, , three; Jersey soil during the next five 4 p.m. On the jury of awards are was presented a gift by the records, it was noted. became one of the first associ- the Legion Auxiliary, Mayor years. Donnld Flamm of Clos- Edward John Stevens, director Middle Road School, three; Beers directors and employees. However, the mayor and all Seek OK for Radio ations in the state to qualify for Theodore Narozanick and memStreet School, two, and Hazlet icr, elected chairman of the of the Newark School of Fine Started In 1909 members of council declared that insurance of its savings accounts bers of tho Borough Council, state Civil War Centcnnlnl and Industrial Arts; William H. School, one. Station in Malayan they are in favor of putting the Mr. Conover started with the by the Federal Savings and Loan Manalapan T o w n s h i p Mayor Mr. Jannarone announced FriCommission yesterday, said the Gerdts, curator of paint and question to referendum since, as Savings and Loan Association in Insurance Corp., without any Thomas Kerwin and the Townday there will be 21 kindergar- MATAWAN - The Federal Mayor Eriksen said, "this peti- 1909 as auditor; was elected sec- form of re-organization. Accounts ship Committee, Rev. Thomas bottles will be rc-cnactcd as sculpture, Newark Museum, and Communications Commission has ten classes in next year. part of Ihc 1961-65 celebration Dr. Lillian Calcia, chairman fine reserved an application from tion obviously represents a cross- retary in 1910; treasurer in 1926, are Insured un to $10,000 bv this Wright, Rev. Thomas Kepler, o[ the war's IOOth anniversary. arts department, Montclair State section of opinion." governmental instrumentality. and president in 1930, He served Jupiter Broadcasting, Inc., 138 Rev. Frank Janos, Rabbi Bern- Another commission member Is College. Main St., to operate a daytime Mr. Eriksen noted, however, as president from 1930 to 1958, The association has gown since ard Schwartz, members of the Joseph N. Dempsey, Asbury Exhibitors should report to that unless at least 312 signawhen he was elected to the newits inception In 1887 to an instiBoard of Education, Gold Star 500 watt radio station at 1530 their classified entry desks on tures can be verified, it cannot ly created office of chairman of tution with assets of more than Mothers, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Park. kilocycles. the opening day of the show. The station plans to operate be put to referendum under state the board. His tenure as presi- $9,700,000. It has paid uninter- Cubs and Brownies, the Fire De- WASHINGTON - Tht Senate law. dent was longer than his prede rupted dividends for 73 years, and partment and Auxiliary, the First on a daytime schedule. Commerce Committee has deCouncilman William J. Langan The FCC has tentatively grant- requested that the governing cessors — William T. Corlies, has reserves of more than $860,- Aid Squad and Auxiliary, the po cided to undcrtnke a specinl ed permission to the Tri-County body lay a drainage pipe along who served 27-years; Samuel Sa- 000, which hnvc been built up lice reserve, the Mannlapan Fire study of commuter problems in bath, 12-years, and Harry Camp- from earnings since 19M. Since i Department and the Englishtown Broadcasting Corp. to operate a Spruce St., from Fifth St. to the metropolitan areas. Chairman bell, four years. that time more than $2,400,000 ! t l — • Club. TINTON FALLS — After the 500-watt daytime station in PlainWarren D. Magnuson (D-Wnsh) meadow, to eliminate rodents In As a director, he has served has been paid in dividends. 11 a.m. service Sunday in the field. The station would broad- the area. He said it would cost said the committee voted to ask The other officers of the as41 years, and he is the only Methodist Church, this communi- cast on 1590 kilocycles. the Sennte for $73,000 to finance UNION BEACH - Mayor rlnrabout $2,000. sociation are: Harold B. Millsurviving director who served on ty will be without its oldest conthe study ns one phaso of an vey C. Eriksen snid last niRht Mr. Eriksen instructed the the hoard when he was elected ward, president; Louis S. Conogregation. over-all transportation inquiry it that council expects to propose TRUCK OVERTURNS street committee to investigate president in 1930. Those deceased ver, vice president and treasurer; After that date, members of FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - the matter and report at the now has under way. The- study a new policy regarding issuance are Henry Campbell, Marcus M. Martin Van Buren Smock, vice was proposed by Sen. Clifford of special liquor permits at its the church will merge with the Theodore Carter, 31, of Brooklyn next meeting. Dnvldson, Peter Forbes, Howard president; Noel J. Lartnud, secP. Case (R-NJ). Tho study would Eatontown Methodist Church. escaped injury yesterday when retary; Anna W. Van Note, as- OCEANPORT-A five-year-old include a lone-range review ol next mpeting. S. Higginson, Eugene Mngce, En Rev. R. L. Mowbray, retired a furniture van he was driving boy was hit by a car on OceanMeantime, the body approved sistant treasurer, and William sley E.Morris, Mayor William H. commuter problems in the New another permit, this one for the minister .from the Baltimore Con- overturned at the Rt. 9 enC Rt Issues Kcniiiiilcr port Ave. last night. White, Roberl F. Wilbur, Albert' EHnllom.nn, nssistant secretary. York-New Jersey metropolitan ......,•1.0 "no nas been serving ns 33 traffic circle here. The crash On Food Permits Americnn LeRion post for an afW, Worden, William H. Hintel-| Other members nf the staff Michael Klely, son of Sfit pastor here, will deliver the final resulted in furniture being KEANSBURG - Francis J. mann, Sr., and C h a r l e s K. I include Miss Wllda Van Wngen First Class Bernnrd Kiely, ol area. Case said the study proba- fair June 18. bly will Include another metrodropped on the highway. The Boden, president of the Board of sermon. en nnd Richard P. Springsteen. tho Parks Apartments, apparent politnn nren to be selected later, At present, council has no limStraus. itations as to the number of perOne of the praishioners who driver received a summons for Health, announced last night that In addition to his service with The directors arc Mr. Smock, ly ran into the street and was mits which can be issued. has been attending services here careless driving. . nil restaurants, food establish- the local Savings and Loan As- Mr, Conover, Edward H. Con struck by an auto floing south SUBDIVISION OK'D Tnvern owners have complainfor 48 years, Mrs, Sarnh Scott, ments nnd their employees must sociation, he was a director and way, Mr. Millward, Mr. Parsons, driven by Private First NO ERASER NEEDED LITI'LE SILVER — The Plan-ied about it for scvernl years, abide by the code s>f the board subsequently president of Inn will be on hard as usual. A A. Alvin Whiting, Dnvld W. Rus- Meyer R. Lcvine, 330 Park.' n Board lust night granted a contending thnt it constitutes trustee of the church, she nlso LINCOLN, III. (AP) - Pencils which stipulates that health cer- Monmouth nnd Ocean County sell, I'rnnk F. Dlnlsdcll, Lmiis Apartments, nnd Co. C, Fort minor subdivision to Veieko Yrjn unfair competition." servos as Communion steward. being passed out to advertise the tificates must be obtained before Savings and Loan League. S. Conover, .lames If. Anderson, Monmouth, police reported. Willinin II, Hintclmnnn, Jr., and The youngster was treated I nnincn nnd J. Clnrk Morgan, who! Mr. Eriksen said that council Efforts were made to build a candidacy of a man seeking the Monday, May 30. Those who do Headed Stole League Patterson Army Hospital, For own (uljninlni: property facing recently has met with the tavern Mr. Fluhr. new church here, but the con- office of Logan County coroner nnl comply are subject to fine according to ordinance, he noted. In 19-10, Mr. Connver was elocl- The firm nf Parsons, Lnlirec- Monmouth, ftfr a head cut and Pino Oaks Inlet, to the rear cf owners nnd representatives of Ingregation's small si/e did not are insribed: ed president of the Now Jersey quo, Cnnzonii nnd Hliilr Is conn- released. Police Capt, John T. Oaks Rd. The subdivision will cul civic s e r v i c e and social warrant it- The lialontown Meth- "This pencil has no eraser be- The regular meeting of the Rive Mr. Morgan access to the!groups in an attempt to arrive odist Church is building its edi- cause you make no mistake when board was cancelled last night Savings nnd Loan League nfterlsol. Frederick li. Lombard Is Welch Investigated. you vote for Arrain 12, Frickc." because of lack of a quorum. serving for several years on va- closing attorney. water. at a compromise policy. No summons was issued. fice on Wyckoff Rd. In Freehold New Jersey Mews Briefs 5 ° Today In Washington 3 Ws to Build Addition To Its Plant in Freehold Resort Bars Brief Bikini Beachwear Eye 17 Sites For Industry Russian Sailor In Borough Stricken Again Board Lets Contracts At Raritan Truck Driver Still Critical Red Bank Savings & Loan Honors Conover at Dinner Englishtown Parade Set • iMijvtvvi Methodist Church To Close Sunday w wiif/iTiM'! V*l'UI f. vVJULIU ***** % a * * ^ * uw*^ a v* v t i n i v o U Mull Liquor License Policy Car Hits Child In Oceanport UMttfcy. M«T 27, 19*0 RED BANK REGISTER .VAKriV .WOt'TV MOVIE IKTllBLE TELEVISION RADIO VffiaVIf •CD M « CMHIB' t b t Out Of Man- F U M Y AFTERNOON d m 3:3$: VM: M:U. Plati!£•*— (I) Love of Life WMT num Hi(h School 2:11; 1:31. mtcA (4) Truth or SAT. — Door* Open i t 1:00 — wire WQJW Consequences ISM Platinum High School 1:30; 5:141* WNEW (7) Restless Gun ArTIftNOON P. nt.) 10; 6:25. The Gitnt of Mar»11M WO* Nawa, (») Movie Mmsator Taira-ufh rrtttf thon 3:30; 6:50; 10:00. Gabriel Haater <lio»_WAsTC Naws; Dick Shapud (II) Insight WRCA Nawa, SUN. - Tall Story 3:30; 6:35; WCM Nawi Morgan Baattr (13) Day Watch WHTQ Local Nawa 8:40. Third Voice 2:00; 5:10; 7UI—WOR Carlton Fradaricka Summary 12:St>— (2) Search For 8:15. WRCA Wayn Howell Show WOR Naws, John Scott 7l»B~WABCNaws; Tomorrow WRCA Nawa. Ed Uarlihy MON. - Tall Story 3:20; 7:00; Fred Robblna Shew llilS—WOR Tha Fiujaraldl (4) It Could Be You 9:55. Third Voice 2:00; 8:35. •i«0—WCBt World Tonight WCBt Lanny Hois (5) Cartoons WOR Nawa, World Today lllJO—WHTO County Agant EATONTOWN WRCA News: WHO—WC»S HalanTrant (7) Love That Bob! Wayne Howall WHTQ Nawa: Ralaxing Drive-In — Kartoon Karnival (11) Of Poets and Poetry Ills—WCBt Three Gueaita Music 8:40. Platinum High School 9.- 12:45- (2) Guiding Light tilO—WOR Sports: 12,4t— WCM Couple Next Door McCullsngh t Eliot l a m — W A i C New.: Dick Shepard <0. Giant of the Marathon 11:lilt—WAKC N.w,; 1:09— (2) News 1100—WC1S Whispering Straat 25. Late Horror Feature 1:10. Frul Robblna Show WHTQ Headlines, Egg (4) Dr. Joyce Brothers • •••—• WOR Nawa. Cedrie Foitar Trices, MUBic SAT. — Kartoon Karnival 8:40. (5) Cartoons WRCA News; Hob Haymn WOR Nawa, I'. Itobinaon Giant of the Marathon 9:40. WCBt News: Kd Joyce WRCA Nawa, Ed Htrlihy (7) About Faces • MI—WOR McCulloufh « Eliot Platinum High School 11:25. HI,—WCM Ma Perkins (II) Fun At One (ill—WABC Nawa: WOR Csrlton rredricka Late Horror Feature 1:10. Tedd Lawrence • n o WHTQ Karmintdala News 1:05— (2) Burns and Allen lOlOO—WCBt Naws; SUN. and MON. - Giant of the 1:15- (4) News jHO WCM Young Dr. Malona Panca Orchestra WHTQ Newv, ReU.:ins Marathon 8:40; 12:15. Platinum WOR Nans. Las Smith (5) News Music WRCA News: Boh Haymaa High School 10:40. l i i l _ W C M Second Mrs. Burton 1:30— (2)'As The World Turns , . . , wAIC News: Dick Bhapard lOlJJ—Won McCulIoufb & Eliot lOllI—WABC Nawa (4) Dial 4 1,00—WRCA News. Jim Lowa HlOl—WABC News. Qulncy R o * . HAZLEr WCM Ki«bt To Happinasa (5) Movie WCBI Newa Loew'i Drive-In — FRI., SAT. WHTO Headlines, Musio WOR Nawa, LjU Van WOR Nawa, Lai Smith (7) RayMilland and SUN. — Cartoons 8:30. WRCA Nawa 1,11—WO! Galen Drake (9) Film Drama Hill—WABC Top BiquMis Giant of Marathon 9:00; 12:30. WCBI Just Entertainment WCBS Sti.rllithtSalua.1. 1:40—(il> Sports • iia—WCBt Allan Gray Platinum High School 10:45. WOR McCullouich t Eliot WHTO Nawa; Relaxing WRCA Rob Haymes MON. — Cartoon 8:30. Giant of 1:55—(11) Baseball Music llll—WABC Newa: Diek Shepard llitO—WABC Tha World of Marathon 8:35; 12:00. Platinum 2:00— (2) For Better or Worse Tomorrow aiOO—WCBI Nawa: i'reaman (4) Queen For A Day WCBI Muilc 'Til Sawn High School 10:25. and Hayes 11100—WABC B l i J o . (7) Day In Court WHTQ Htadllnia, Musis WOR LoiurJorin WOR Nawa. Lyla Van ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS (9) Film Drama WRCA Nawa: Art Ford , WRCA Newa, Jim Lowa Atlantic-Heller In Pink Tights 2:30— (2) House Party • ill—WOR Music from a Chorus MORNIN0 PROORAMt ,,10 WHTO News; Ralaxing (4) Loretta Young 7:20; 9:20. Manday Thraujh Friday Music TlOO—WABC Nawa, A) Lohman (7) Gale Storm SAT. Heller in Pink Tights 1,10—WABC Dennis Day WCBI Jack Starling , , 1 1 WABC Newa; Martin Block (9) Film Drama 2:20; 7:20; 9:20. WHTO Local Nawa 4,00 WCBI Newa; Dick Noel Summary; E*s; Prlcas SUN. - Killers of Kilimanjaro 2:55— (5) News WRCA Newa: Art Ford WOR Newa: WHTQ Closing Stock 3:30; 6:30; 9:20. Battle of Coral S:00— (2) Millionaire >Iohn Gambling Heport: Musie WRCA Nawi: Bill Cullan (4) Young Dr. Malone Sea 2:15; 5:00; 8:00. WOR News, John Wingata TUO—WHTO NawB; 4 i l j _ W O R Radio Naw York (5) TV Reader's Digest MON. — Killers of Kilimanjaro Waka up to Muiie 4H0—WHTO News: Relaxing Ti4l—WHTO Civil Service Nawa (7) Beat The Clock 3:20; 6:50; 9:44. Battle of Coral Music llOO—WABC Nawa: Al Lohman 4 , j | _ W * B C News. Martin Block ' (9) Strange Stories Sea 2:00; 8:20. WHTO Haadllnaa; WHTQ Ft. Monmouth Wake up to Music (U) Day Watch & Civil Service Nawa WCBI News: Jack St»rlln» HIGHLANDS HO0 WCBI Nawa: Dick Noel J:JO— (2) Verdict Is Yours Show WRCA Newa; Art Ford Marine—Visit to a Small Planet WOR Nawa ' (4) From These Roots WHTO Local Naws WRCA Nawa: Johnny An7:00; 9:49. The Big Night 8:35. Summary; (5) Doorway To Destiny drews Dow-Jonas SAT. - Visit to a Small Planet (7) Who Do You Trust? •ill—WOR Dorothy and Dick WOR Nawa, John Reolt • ill—WABC Nawa; Al Lohman 3:24; 7:00; 9:49. The Big Night (9) Movie • 111—WOR Radio Naw York •IIS—WHTO Nawa. • HO—WHTQ News: Relaxing 2:00; 8:35. Ralaltntf Muiie 4:00—(2) Brighter Day Music •ill—WABC Nawa SUN. — The Unforgiven 2:15; UK—WABC Nawa (4) Thin Man • ••0—WABC Breakfast Club 7:00; 9:20, IVININO (5) Douglas Fairbanks WCII Mtwa; Menday Through Friday Arthur Godfrey MON. — The Unforgiven 7:00; (7) American Bandstand «l00—WCBI Newa WHTO Headlines: 9:20. WHTQ lleartllnaa: Strictly for Woman 4:15— (2) Secret Storm Dinner Music WOR Nawa: Galen Drake 4:30— (2) Edge of Night WOR Nawa, I.yla Van WRCA Naws: Johnny An- KEANSBURG WRCA Up to tha Mlnut* drewa Caslno-FRI. and SAT. — The «,1I_WABC Howard Cosall • IIS—WHTO News. WCBt Soorta, Bob CooVa Relaxing Masio Unforgiven 6:45; 9:00. WOH Newa; John WingaU IOIOO—WABC News: SUN. and MON. — The Giant Martin Block a),JO—WCBI Naws; Bnalnesa WRCA Naws: Art Ford WABC John Daly 'of Marathon 3:15; 6:25; 9:30 WCBI Naws: WHTO News: Platinum High School 1:50; 5:Martha Wrllrht Dinner Muslo WHTO; Headlines, Music WOR Newa, 00; 8:00. m w WOR Newo Reports Henry Gladstona toill—WOR Martha D«ana • 140—WRCA Financial Nawa COLLINGWOOD CIRCLE till*—WHTO Nawa. • ,41—WABC Ruslnesa Final; Relaxing Muaie Naws Raporta Short Drivo-In—Cartoon CarniWCBt Lowell Thomaa WOR Interviews, val 8:30. Guns of the TimberWOR Sports, Stan Lomax Martha Daana WRCA Thren Star Kitra Kill—WABC Nawa: Martin Block land 8:50. Visit to a Small • i l l — W C I I Phil niriulo tllSf—WflCA Nawa; Art Ford Planet 10:35. Horror of DraTI00—WABC Kdwarrl P. Morran WCBI K.wi: House Tarty WCBt Nnws,: Amos 'n Andy WHTO Haaolinaa: Muiic cula 12:05. WHTO Headlinaa: Mualo WOR . Naws, P. Rohlnson SAT. - Cartoon Carnival 8:30. WOR Vulton Lewis ttill—WOR McCanns at Home WRCA News: 11110—WABC Martin niock, Make Visit to a Small Planet 9:15, Wayna Howell Relieve Ballroom 12:25. Guns of the Timbcrland Till—WABC Joe Franklin WCII ftarry Moore WOR Gladstone: Newa WHTO Rail Bank Reflate' 11:00. TlIO—WABC Fred Ilohhln. Show Naws, a>,ta, Hoffman SUN. and MON. - Because WCBI AnHy Griffith: WOR MoCinna at Rome Rtirns &. Allan; 11,40—WCII Croahy-Cloonny They're Young 8:40, 12:20. Rob A Rar Show Seven Thieves 10:40. WHTO News; Relaxing Hill—WABC News Muilo (Sign off X 11 in—WHTO Midday Stock Ttiport Fly-In Drive-In—Cartoon Car- nival 8:40. Lil Abncr 9:15; 12;45. The Tingler 11:30. SAT. — Cartoon Carnival 8:40. The Tingler 9:00. Lll Abner 10;35. Late Horror Show 12:40. SUN. and MON. — Bramble Bush 8:40; 12:15. House of Seven Hawks 10:40. LONG BRANCH Centrally located (0 Eitontown • New Shrewsbury MONMOUTH COUNTY AND NATIONAL NEWS ON THE HOUR AND HALF H0UH DAYTIME ANNOUNCING... {4) YtneyDerringer (S) Mr. District Attorney S:M-(2) LifeofRiley (4) Movie (5) Dateline Europe (9) y/ildBillHickok (11) Bozo the Clown S:25—(II) Clutch Cargo 5: JO— (2) Movie (5) Big Beat (7) Rin Tin Tin (9) Movie (11) Three Stooges FRIDAY EVENING 6:00— (5) Felix and Friends (7) Little Rascals (11) Popeye (13) Record Wagon 6:30— (4) Local News (5) Our Gang (7) Yesterday's Newsree. (11) Sky King (13) Curtain Time 6:40— (4) Weather 6 6:45— (4) News (7) News 7:00— (2) World News (4) Four Just Men (5) 1 Led Three Lives (7) U.S. Marshal (9) Terrytoons (11) News (13) Wrap-Up 7:05— (2) Local News 7:10— (2) Weather (11) News 7:15— (2) News 7:25— (11) Weather 7:30— (2) Rawhide (4) Play Your Hunch (5) Cannonball (7) Walt Disney (9) Movie (II) Movie (13) Highway Patrol 8:00— (4) Troubleshooters (5) Night Court (13) Mike Wallace 8:30— (2) Hotel De Paree (4) March of Medicine (5) Tombstone Territory (7) Man From Blackhawk (11) Movie (13) Play of the Week 9:00— (2) Circus (S) Divorce Hearing (7) 77 Sunset Strip (I) t o p Pro Golf »:J0— (4) Masquerade Party . (5) Mackenzie's Raiders (II) Movie 10:00— (2) CBS Reports (4) Boxing (5) Not For Hire (7) Detectives (9) Favorite Story 10:30— (5) Official Detective (7) Black Saddle (9) Movie (13) Playback 10:35—(13) Wrap-Up 10:45— (4) Jackpot Bowling 11:00— (2) News (4) News (5) News (7) News (II) News 11:05— (5) Movie (13) Dance Party 11:10- (2) Weather (4) Weather . (7) Weather 11:15— (2) Movie (4) Jack Paar (7) Movie (11) Sports and Weather 11:20—(11) Movie 12:00— (9) Zacherley (13) Party Time 12:30— (5) News (13) News '(IS) Movie • 1:00— (2) Movie (4) Consult Dr. Brothers (7) Evening Prayer 1:15— (4) 13th Hour 1:45— (4) News; Sermonette 2:50- (2) News 2:55- (2) Give Us This Day HOWDY DOODY RECOMMENDS— Howdy Doody, star of the NBC-TV Network's "Howdy Doody Show," h shown with some of the children's books he* will be recommending on the Saturday morning colorcast series. Each week, Howdy recommends five books, covering various age groups, to introduce youngsters to "the fun of reading." The list of books, which changes each month, is especially selected by the National Television Children's Book Committee, a group of four outstanding persons from the children's book field. SUMMER VACATION SERIES OF KIDDIE SHOWS At the CARLTON, Red Bank Every Wed. Matinee Starting June 22nd •»*% SELECTED KIDDIE SHOWS $ | . 0 0 I A (FEATURE PLUS CARTOONS) • Tickets Now on Sale at Box Office. Get Them Early While Supply Lasts! SATURDAY MORNING 6:55— (4) Sermonette 7:00— (4) Modern Farmer 7:15- (2) Previews 7:20- (2) Give Us This Day 7:25— (2) News 7:30— (2) Our Miss Brooks 7:55— (5) Call to Prayer 7:56— (7) Morning Prayer 8:00— (2) Captain Kangaroo (4)' Andy's Gang DAILY 2-7-9:12 P. M. — SAT. & SUN. Cont. from 2 P. M, (5) Ding Dong School (7) Cartoon Festival TODAY AND TOMORROW 8:30— (4) Children's Theater (5) Cartoons (13) Insight TERROR IN A BOYS'SCHOOL! GIANT 9:00- (2) Captain Jet MtlrO'ColdtvynMiycr presenls SPECTACLE! (5) Just For Fun MICKEY TERRY DAN GIANT (13) Day Watch ROONEY'MOORE-DURYEA THRILLS I in An ALBERT ZUUMITH Pft 9:30- (4) Roy Rogers GIANT 10:00— (2) Heckle and Jeckle (4) Howdy Doody 10:30- (2) Mighty Mouse (4) Ruff and Reddy 10:40— (9) News and Weather 10:45— (9) Documentary Film 11:00- (2) Lone Ranger (4) Fury (5) Waterfront (7) Rocky and His Friends (9) Cooking 11:30- (2) I Love Lucy STARTS SUNDAY * 2 BIG HITS (4) Circus Boy ANTHONY PERKINS playi elongated basketball itar and (5) Movie Anthony Edmond O'Brien JANE FONDA it his girl friend in "TALL STORY," V) Animaland Julie London Warner Bros, offering. Starts Sunday at Carlton, Red 11:45—(II) Through the Porthole MYLENE DEMONGEOT Fonda Bank. Co.featuro "THE THIRD VOICE." KENNETH PORTER IS 6 SUN. — Because They're Young 3:40; 7:10; 10:40. Seven UNION BEACH — Kenneth Thieves 2:00; 5:30; 9:00. Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. MON. — Because They're Charles Porter, Washington Ave., Baronet—Home From The Hill Young 3:40; 7:00; 10:30. Seven was given a party last week to SPRINfe LAKE.N.J.' Thieves 2:00; 8:45. 2:10; 7:00; 9:40. celebrate his sixth birthday. AtSAT. — Home from the Hill 4:- FREEHOLD tending were Kevin Parcells, Mi00; 6:40; 9:30. Kiddle Show- Strand—Visit to a Small Planet Alias Jesse James and Car- 7:00; 10:02. Killers of Kiliman chael Brendell, James and Thomas English, Richard CoolAL KENNY loons 2:00. jaro 8:31. ick, Dennis Terwilliger, Charles Sensational Pianist SAT. — Visit to a Small Plan- Porter, Jr., Fred Ludwig, Jr., Appearing Nltely et 3:58; 7:03; 10:08. Killers of Karen and Barbara Ludwig, Mr. Kilimanjaro 2:21; 5:26; 8:31. Luncheon - Dinner SUN. and MON. — Seven and Mrs. Fred Ludwig, Sr., and Thieves 2:00; 5:30; 9:00. Be-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Von Stade, Accommodations for cause They're Young 3:48; 7:-all of Union Beach. Weddings • Parties 18; 10:48. Anniversaries, American League umpire-inASBURY PARK PRIVATE ROOM chief Cal Hubbard and rookie Mayfalr—Michael Strogoff 2:- umpire Al Smith are from Gibson.9-9000 45: 7:15; 9:30. Centenary College of Louisiana. SAT., SUN. and MON. — Michael Strogoff 2:00; 4:00; 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. St. James—Ben Hur 8:00. SAT. — Ben Hur 9:00 a. m. Special Student Show. 2:00; 8:SEA BRIGHT 00. SUN. and MON. — Ben Hur 2:EXCLUSIVE 00; 8:00. ENGAGEMENT Lyric—Rosemary 7:00; 9:00. SAT., SUN. and MON. Rosemary 2:00; 4:00; 6:00; 8:METROGOIDWm MAYER. 00; 10:00. Sullivan's SHOWS NITELY FROM DUSK THE OPENING OF PENINSULA HOUSE OCEAN AVENUE A r k college CHILDREN FREE! NOW THRU TUESDAY! MICKEY TERRY DAN MONEY-MOORE DURYEA ST. JAMES DANCING Saturday and Sunday TO THK FINK MUSIC OF JULES JAFFEE Our Cocktail Lounge If ill Rr Open Friday, May 27, thru Monday, May 30 r PENINSULA HOUSE SK 2-2100 OCEAN AVENUE . SK A BKIGHT WILLIAM WYLERS Kitchen Shower For Fire House UNION BEACH — A kitchen shower was given last week by the Ladies' Auxiliary of Union Hose Fire Company to help furnish the new kitchen In the fire house. The gifts were opened by Mrs. Clarence McQueen, Sr., a past president, and Miss M a r i o n Booth. Mrs. Frank Schndcn was chairman, A buffet was served. Guests were Mrs. Frank Castanza, Mrs. Charles Chesick, Mri. Fred Zingcrly. Mrs. Joseph Morea, Mrs. Frank Schaden, Mrs. Irving Walling, Mrs. John Lnmbrcchl, Mrs. Harriett Austin, Mrs. John Riker, Mrs. Erwin Brown. Mrs. Thomas Pcrno, Mrs. Clarence McQueen, Jr., Mrs. Emma nooth, Miss Kathy Konlsh, Mrs. Domlnick Panzera, Mrs. Patrick Kilroy, Mrs. Rocco Morea and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan. HIGH SCHOOL FRI. & SAT. KAKTOOiV JKAKNIVAL LATE IIORKOR SHOW CURT JERGENS "Sgt. Rutledge" "Michael Strogoff11 "Wink of an Eye" A STORY OF THE TIME OF THE CHRIST^ ^ TICHNICOLOR® CAMERA 6 3 M S M V I D SCATS N O * HAr.CONT OnCHKSTfM Mallnr.a IVrd.-Frl. 1.40 ROOM Alallnca Hat. J.7.1 L'.OO "BO :.no 1 3.SO Mndnee I Errs. Acclaimed by Critics 1 BffS. fist.* Sun,-Hal. I Man.-Fil. I Sun.-llol. l.ifl I I.5S 2.(1(1 .1.(111 Z.HO 8.00 3..-0 I .1.30 I J..10 "ROSEMARY" MATINEE K.-n ;,'. 2 P.M. + EVENINGS 8 P.M. fcl'Js (iii'.Mi or MIINMOITH •'I In Hi. OHir. nl l>hl tnsliir.r „ Hi' Hail or l i i u i d i , »r»Hi,il.l, ;;. .1 , MTATK Of .NKW JKItMKV illr. la litleliy (Ivln that atalxl sti'l limy Ut inaji.n.,1 liy proap.t ll\> v.111 li- rrrrli'M) liy I I I . |J o , r ,j liWO.ia iiiiiim liiialiirai hmiia. IIMn.ri will h. f.iinlahfil wllli a a.I or ftprrlfl. •loi.ii.oulii h , u , t ' ) - ! i i m a h l n j l " ' ( i 1 | rallona hy lh« r.n|lrifrr u[,un piopar I l i » a m •;);,» r.n.r.l /'all i n ' i h , : a i i ' l firi>Iar» I"-|>arlrurr,la ol I I I . •!> " ' <•'••>< '•"< «>••! « | 4 arm l'i l " l l . l l ' I r II,. ll.ll „ ! n . , „ , , , , \jtt:,',\'\ : ; , w .I.ia.v „„ • !•'• I I I , « ' I t i .• i n i, . i , , , , . Ka III l / a . H l i i , ( | i a - ,IIIF T i m . ' <ll,<a '•"• l.y " i <.',it,\'j -•'• I ' . ' I I : . | , | , . | . . . | r . , II I..r<,y M a i m /.r.t.nier, l i « n | , t <,,„; /[,,„: e n 111- cartlllaii rinck, ilrawn In lh» onltr of His Cnijnly ']'r»Bsur»r (nt nut I.a, than T»n I'.r O n l ilO';.) r,f t h . /iiiunnn HM and ha <1«llv«r«i] al Hie pl»r« anil on Hi. liniir aliovf named, ' i d . fiian,lanl |>ropoa»l |,,rma will h . furnlali.il III«III aMillrallini In 111. founly K n i | . nwa inml I,a mi.i, „ „ .I,H,I,,,I ,,,„ n».r poaal (,,riiia in I I , t inanii.r ,l.alKi,at.'l 'I'll, rlslit li r.a.rv*') lo raj.rl anv li'-r.ln ainl ttiitAin} I, v thp /ii,r<in,a "r all hi,|a I! i W i n f i l lo Ilia l i i l . n l <tt I I I . Counl/ «'i I', iin fly m,i.r nf ilia Iti^aiM of r i i n i . i I'l'l'l.r ai,'l naiii* ,,r I n . v r,i k Fr..lu t |.|.ra of i n . I 'ounly nf Mint ou(»l-l*, ,.!.1?.M..1 1,, i n . lir,.,,) 'i (1'jnin'nilli ianl«n liy a « M mi,., Immllui i,, t'fl.ficalr ,,,,i,n an1 a May «'.', inWIN. lllr.rlrn IIH'l.MJ K. IIENNE'XT, CITk. K>27 OAH1 OfIN 6 30 P.M.-MOVIIS At DUSK | \i_;| Oritr Blonk rieaii send nOrrh._ n Dale n L o x M — ftl I,— for DMallnra nK^nlnr rerform«n« «n . _(ilalf> "*"" ««..«'.'"- SHOWS NITELY FROM DUSK SPECIAL GROUP RATES AVAILABLE STUDENTS MATINEE SAT. AT 9 A . M . SPECIAL RATE ONLY $1.00 FRI. * SAT. * * CHILDREN FREE! Jory Lowis - VISIT TO A SMALL PLANET GUNS OF THE TIMBERLAND STARTS * Dick CUrk - "OECAUSE THEY'RE YOUNG" SUN. * Edw. G. Robinson "SEVEN THIEVES" RED BANK REGISTER Friday, Miy 27, 1960—19 Hal Humphrey: Shows to Watch TONIGHT 8:30 — (Ch. 4) — March of Medicine — (Choice Viewing) — "MD USA" is the latest in this award-winning series. It focuses on the lives of five physicians in widely scattered regions of the nation. Regarding this film, Dr. Louis M. Orr, president of the American Medical Association says: "The basic concern for humanity that underlies a physi Michael Callan, Tuesday Weld, Dick Clark, Victoria cian's treatment of his fellowman has seldom been more Shaw and James Darren in "BECAUSE THEY'RE graphically presented." Sequen YOUNG," starting Sunday at the Shore Drive-in Theces were filmed in Alaska, Ariater, Rts. 33 and 34, Collingwood Circle. zona, Louisiana, Pennsylvania FACE TO FACE — An American comes face to face and Wisconsin. with a North Korean Communist in "The American Fighting Man —Korea Plus Ten" on the "World Wide 60" 9:00 — (Ch. 2) — Thrills of the series Saturday, May 28, on the NBC Television NetI960 Circus — An hour-long s p e c i a l featuring 13 famed work. The producer, John Goetz, says the program will specialty acts of the Ringling deal with this question: "Are Americans so soft—physiBros., Barnum and Baily circus. cally, mentally and morally—that we are unable to opways have the evil-doer the By CYNTHIA LOWRY Head "barker" and host is Bcr same old Black Bart. AP TV-Radio Writer Parks. Among the acts is one pose those who are threatening us?" The American offiBut at the risk of getting in being performed for the first tim cer shown reading oft charges of border violations is Col. NEW YORK The American bad with the association, I'd like on TV in the U.S. It's an illusion Jeffrey Smith, U.S. Army, head of a United Nations Joint Indian is on the warpath, and to comment on its assertion that act by the Forst Family. Prohis goal is television's scalp. 'The Lone Ranger" and "Lawgram was taped before an audi- Observer Team. Across the table, divided by a strand For that matter, he'll be after man" are "outstanding examples of barbed wire, is Lr. Col. Kim Choi Sun of tha North ence in Greensboro, N. C. mine, too, if I write more sen- of authentic portrayals of frontences like that. tier life." Come on, fellows, you Korean Army. It • illustrates the misleading, know that nobody ever roamed 10:00 — (Ch. Z) — CBS Reports trite approach that Indians dis- the old West in a black mask — Edward R. Murrow is back the New Jersey Federated Wolike. Now the public education with a faithful Indian. As for on the documentary beat am men's Club, held recently in the "Lawman," the hero is officially committee of the Association of narrates "Who Speaks for th Essex House, Newark. She said American Indian Affairs has described as "Marshal Dan South?" This is a multi-faceted several members had attended Started a drive to "force a Troop, a taciturn man with a study of a deep-South community the convention with her. .change in false portrayals of surface dislike for sentimentalfacing the prospect of integration It was announced by Mrs. WalIndians" on TV and in the mov- ity." Troop, by the way, sufof its public schools. Focal point ter Edwards, president, that a ies. They protest the portrayal fers from an almost psychotic of the report is Atlanta, capita 50-star flag had been presented of American. Indians as "blood- hatred of bandits because his of Georgia. TV at its best. sweetheart was killed by one. UNION BEACH — Mrs. Donald to the Union Beach Library May thirsty, savage killers." BY GEORGE! — "The George Burns Show" — with the gentleman (center) with the Page Dr. Tex Freud. Weaver was hostess to the FedThe Indians really are up In 10:00 — (Ch. 7) — The Detec erated Women's Republican Club 19 on behalf of the membership, perpetual wry smile and cigar as host and star — will be a special full-hour musical by Mrs. Henry Dehler. Mrs. Joarms about what they consider tlves — Capt. • Holbrock (Roberl when it met here last week. seph M. Coffey, acting librarian, a libeling of their ancestors. Del I hope that President Eiseiv variety colorcast, with laughs and songs for all, on the NBC-TV Network Tuesday, Taylor) and his men scrutinizi egates of 11 tribes met recently hower takes a few minutes off Mrs. James Brandigan report accepted the flag in the absence the membership roster of June 7. Jack Benny lupper left), who "breaks u p " at the mere sight of George, in Oklahoma to organie a pro soon to have the bows of his lonely hearts club for a possibl cd on the state convention- of of Mrs. Julius Liekfet, librarian. - test—and plan a petition to sub- glasses tightened. They kept will be the special guest star for the evening, and guest stars will include Polly BerMrs. Branigan will be in charge culprit after the operator of th( mit to President Eisenhower. sliding down on his nose during gen, Bobby Darin and Betty Grable. club is murdered. Taylor's firs in the past to indicate that he was of a cake sale. Final plans for In addition, members of the his address to the nation WednesTV series is a winner and wi cut out to be anything but a the sale will be made when the Association on American Indian day night, and about half the club meets again. be around next season. lawman. . . until this episode Affairs are planning to monitor time we couldn't see his eyes. An old flame (Marilyn Maxwell) TV Western—noting offensive as TOMORROW comes to Dodge to seek his help. There are about 12 billion dolwell as accurate portrayals of "Henncssy," now on repeats, lars in 900,000 gold bricks stored the Red Man. 9:30 — (Ch. 4) — World Wide If that don't beat all," as will go off in August and Septoday in Ft. Knox. Chester might say. In announcing its drive, the as- tember, while a series of eight 60 — (Choice Viewing) — "The With HAL HUMPHREY sociation carefully exempted two new comedy shows will take American Fighting Man" is toTV shows—and only two out of over. Although the sponsor in night's special project telecast. the mass of shoot-'em-ups—from sists the substitute comedies are How good is today's American LITTLE SILVER — Joseph their blanket condemnation of pilot films "designed as possible soldier? Some military and manO'Brien, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. the western. They were "The future series," they are really power experts have some startlJoseph J. O'Brien, 408 Branch Lone Ranger" and "Lawman." unsold pilots from bygone years ing facts to prove that he is the Ave.,has been awarded a fourGoodness knows what the man- —one of them being "They Went flabby product of a soft society. year college scholarship by the HOLLYWOOD — Tilings are was making about Annapolis, ufactures of westerns would do Thalaway" starring Wayne MorThree experts air their views on never going to be quite the same Bond and John Wayne, another Young & Rubicam Foundation. the subject, which, in view without the painted, befeatherec ris, now deceased. again on Seth Adams' "Wagon Ford discovery, have been close Indian for villains and for ex present world tensions, is cuses for action. You can't al Circle Theater's semi-documen- Train." Ward Bond (Wagonmas- friends through the years. vital interest. tary on the work of the Legal ter Adams) finally prevailed upon "He looked to me like he was Aid Society Wednesday night his old friend and discoverer afraid of Ford," reports one wit 7:30 — (Ch. 2) — Perry Mason was routine stuff—just like the John Ford to direct one of the ness working on "Wagon Train." — An anti-collision device that plot of all those "Public De- hour-long segments. A genuine "Every time Ford said someeventually might prevent mid fender" series with Reed Had- attack of Sioux war chiefs could- thing to Bond, it was 'Yes, Sir' air accidents turns into a motiv Iey that are still around after n't have left the passengers, or or 'No, Sir.' for murder in "The Case of the all these years on r*re-reruns. the neatly-groomed Revue Pro- A veteran campaigner like Irate Inventor." The inventor' ASBURY PARK'S The problem, of course, is that ductions management, in a great- Ford demands everyone's rewife appeals to Mason for help t( for dramatic purposes, the legal er state of shock. • SEA FOOD spect. His "Oscar" trophies did find her missing husband on the aid man and the public defender Four-time "Oscar"-w i n n e r not spring from sentiment or pre• STEAKS eve of an important contract almost always must have an in- Ford tolerates no invasion of'his sonal publicity stunts. They were • CHOPS nocent defendant to protect, and signing. CBS doesn't list William domain as director and sees no earned with such pictures as Talman in its press release cast this doesn't always add up to a reason to make TV an exception. "Grapes of Wrath," "The Informrealistic documentary approach. An agency representative for one er" and "The Quiet Man." sheet, but the D.A. is back in this one, fighting his usual losing of the "Wagon Train" sponsors John Wayne dropped around to battle to Mason. Talman has a Recommended tonight: "March was repelled one afternoon to see Ford and Bond during the real-life battle coming up with of Medicine," NBC, 8:30-9:30- see Ford's lead character chew- "Wagon Train" episode (it will the gendarmes over a recent documentary on the lives of five ing on a cigar. (As the story Restaurant and American physicians; "Thrills of unfolds, this "Capt. Sam Grant" be seen early next season), and "wild" party. Enjoy All These EXTRA Features as a gag, Ford put Wayne in Cocktail Lounge the 1960 Circus," CBS, 9-10—13 turns out to be Gen. U. S. Grant.) one scene as General Sherman. acts from the center rings; Cav8:00 — (Ch. 7)—John Gunlher'i '* Family Bath Homes Highway 35 * Private Locktn '-. alcade of Sports, NBC, 10-con- "What's wrong with the ci-iHe's so far in the background High Road — Been wondering * Promonado _ * Kiddie Pool & Ploy Area N o w 0PEN gar?" asked Ford of the Madithat no one will recognize him Middletown clusion—Don Jordan vs. Benny what happened to Herb Shrine * Separata Diving Pool • Gay Sundicki on a 21-inch screen. "Kid" Paret, for the welter- son Ave. emissary. Joseph O'Brien Phone OSborne 1-2100 • Picnic Area • Music lately? Well, the Hoosier comii * Sun Chain weight crown, from Las Vegas. "The sponsor makes cigarettes Ford doesn't watch much TV. * Dancing an tha Terrace • Entertainment and prefers no cigars or pipes He saves his bad eyesight (one Mr. O'Brien, a senior at Red has been on the road entertain * Large Parking Area Adjacent to Entrance be used," replied the agency eye is shaded by a black patch Bank Catholic High School, was ing. And, as you'll see here, enjoying life with his family, BAR © GRILL _*_ man. he wears constantly) for the base- one of six candidates to win full announcing . . . The Shriners love to skin-divi RESTAURANT ™ "Give the sponsor my compli- ball games. scholarships given by the foundaand travel. Jamaica is the setting. ments, and tell him !" "I don't know why they don't tion this year. ft Jf Ocoon and 'PARKING AND. Ford bellowed the rest of his in- worry about quality more in TV," Since its first year of operation WUtf 8th Avci., A L l i FEATURES 1305 OCEAN AVE. SEA BRIGHT structions, and the agency man he says. "How does it happen in 1955, the foundation has 10:00 — (Ch. 2) — Gunsmoke — Asbury Park, N J retreated swiftly into the wings that a good comedy like that awarded «29 four-year college Marshall Dillon is a dedicated • Excellent Beach Facilities • Snack Bar with a blue cloud of cigar smoke 'Sgt. Bilko' show goes off the scholarships to students whose man. There's been little evidence and profanity hovering over his air?" • Parking Area • Day Camp for Children qualifications are determined by head. I Ford hasn't caught up with a' scholarship selection commit-j Ages 4 to 14 4 In another scene Ford was things like ratings, cost-per- tee. Everyone Loves to Dine and Dance al the • Reasonable Family Rate asked by one of the many pro thousand viewers and the other Student Council Member ducers who buzz around "Wagon machinations of commercial TV. For Membership Phone SE 2-9723 Train" if he couldn't soft-pedal He'll learn though if he decides Mr. O'Brien, whose father is a! A. V. IPPOLITO, Mgr. member of the media department the business of the character's to keep a hand in it. at Young & Rubicam, is a memmopping his brow and neck with "There was a TV producer ber of the Student Council and an old bandana. The called on me the other day. I has won honorable mention from "I'm still not sure what that guess he was in TV," says Ford, the state Catholic Round Table of was all about," says Ford. "The on second thought. "He had four Science. He also has been active guy mumbled something about a martins for lunch, his wife was in class fund drives and has been deodorant, but the show doesn't leaving him, he had ulcers and in the chorus of the senior varhave a deodorant sponsor. Any- got eight phone calls." iety show. way, I told him the same thing Ford has been a movie direc- He was a delegate at the New I told the other guy." tor 44 years, been married to Jersey Association of High School The lower echelon regulars on the same woman 40 years and Student Councils at Rutgers Unithe "Wagon Train" set also were has had the ability to laugh at versity this year and was chairput into a state of semi-shock himself since he was a wisp of a man of one of the conference SUNDAY thru THURSDAY over the transformation which hit lad named Sean O'Fearna. committees. 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P. M. Ward Bond as soon as Ford FRIDAY and SATURDAY walked in. Venus, goddess of love, was Tho original jazz style of muat tlic NEWLY Decorated HOTEL MONTEREY »:00 A. M. to 1:00 A. M. Usually Bond is king-of-thc- originally the Latin goddess of sic was created in the late 19th walk, advising everybody from spring and of vines. Century in New Orleans. You'll spend an uiiforRCtlaliln cvrninp nl llm MONTEREY LOUNGE with, its the producer to the electricians. With Ford, however, he became beautiful decor, spacious dance floor and refined, relaxed surroundings . • > as docile as a kid on his first day at school. DON'T MISS OUR Ford discovered Bond in 1928 when ho called at the University of Southern California to recruit football players for a movie he XV & Radio Indian Hits Back Federated GOP Women Hold Session VIEWING TV Scholarship Is Won By Local Student Never the Same FREE PARKINS Enjoy Excellent Meals Temptingly Served in a Refreshing Atmosphere! SWIM - BATHE - R E L A X - HAVE FUN! FREE OF CHARGE! I • Ocean Manor Beach Club BRIGHTEST NEW SPOT IN ASBURY PARK RT. 35 MIDDLETOWN COCKTAIL LOUNGE JUMBO SOFT SHELL SANDWICH Kiddies Just Love OUR FOOD A TASTE • RESTAURANT • LOUNGE • HOTEL • MOTEL DELIGHT • SWIMMING POOL jaiiwus jar STEAKS • CHOPS • SKA FOOD DELICIOUS CHINESE MEALS WITH EVERY BITE Dancing Saturday Night YOU WILL TOO! MERMAID DINER Hwy. 36, Leonardo 141 SHREWSBURY AVE., RED BANK ALPINE MANOR HIGHWAY 36 HIGHLANDS "Under the Famous Twin Lights" HI 3-2473 AT 1-2628 STEAKS o CHOPS o SEA FOOD Accommodations For WEDDINGS » BANQUETS • PARTYS GRAND OPENING SATURDAY, MAY 2»ili CONTINUOUS DANCING with NAT PARIS am', his orchestra floor allow with BROADWAY STARS For those moments intimc, visit our exquisite PINK ROOM. Wriro or phono For reservations — in Asbury Park, PRospoct 4-1600. Bridge Column 20-Frid«y, M«y 27. 1960 DENNIS THE MENACE RED BANK REGISTER By SAVNDERS and br HANK BEICHAM Honor Roll With Plaque OVERGARD 'iHATS OKAY/ WE WOK) U A W THREW l«/--.lMC*LEKM»-BETTKr-— ' I SMJ WU DUCK M HEBfc WHEN WE CAST OFF, SAIlOt/ DADDY SAVS REPORTTOTHE B8IDG6 ASO HELL ASS15N YOU A BERTH/ »n*mm*icmmHn vaav COME OH AND MEET THE SHIPS MASTER/ FIRST HOUR CM BOARD/ MATAWAN — Tlie veterans honor roll in Memorial Park will be replaced with a bronze The time for elegance and fi». plaque, Councilwoman Genevieve esse Is when everything is calm! Donnell announced Wednesday. and hunkydory. But when an op- j She said council has decided ponent has a dangerous weapon! not to have the existing honor in his hands you must throw finroll repainted, as several resiesse out of the window; This i dents have requested, because ihould certainly tell you how to i it will be replaced. play today's hand. ! The opponents begin with three' Mayor Ralph E. Dennis aprounds of hearts. That third heart pealed to all residents to fly the gives you a ruff and discard, but American flag on Memorial Day, doesn't help you particularly. particularly those persons who At any rale, you lead a trump live along the route of the line from the dummy. East plays the of March for the parade. three . . . Council received a letter from • What do you play from your the state Department of Health hand? asking what progress has been made toward plans for the new Normal Finesse sewer plant. If you insist on hcing normal, you will finesse (he queen of Mr. Dennis said the engineers, ipades. Don't say I didn't warn Remington and Boyd, Pennyou. isauken, are now drawing speciWest wins with the king of fications for presentation to the spades and leads a fourth heart. department in the near future. East ruffs with the nine of spades, He directed that the engineers reply to the state's inquiry. . I THOUGHT it)6AP3lB must over-ruff with the jack of The local American Legion i post requested that council pay spades, and now West gets a sec-and the next player passes. You!part of the cost QJ removing THE HANDS ond trump trick. hold: Spades—7 4 2 Hearts— • various fixtures from the Legion That uppercut play of the ninelO 6 Diamonds—A Q 10 Clubs—:buildins. which council now North dealer of spades is the dangerous weap-A Q J 6 4. What do you say? j rents for its meetings and for Bolh sides vulnerable on referred to at the very be-) Answer: Bid two clubs. If part-P° l i c e hea'dquarters, after the! cr/^D CT A f C k I T NORTH Sinning of this story. If you look n c r r e h i c i s t h e hearts, you will borough vacates the building. | o t v ^ K C I / \ V C » C I N I A 7 4 2 hack, you'll see that you throw s h l m , , h e d i a m o n d s in l h e i l o p e M r . D c n n j s sa id council would, V 10 6 finesse out of the window. U n a t h e c a n t h e n g 0 t 0 n o t r u m p , ta ke the request under advise-! • A 0 10 All right. Let's play the hand, iment. I * A ( J J 64 WEST FAST without a trump finesse. Lead a I I The o U F a r m e r s and Mpr. QUT F0R m £ VQTE A K 10 6 * 9 3 (rump to the ace and then return! J chants Bank building, Main St., VKQJ942 VA85 • K 6 4 9 8 5 4 2 the jack of spades. West takesj DES MOINES (AP) - Severalj is b c i n g c o n v e r t e d m t 0 a mimic, 4b 10 3 * 9 5 2 his king of spades but cannot,young women couldn't have been ipal building. It is to be ready get anywhere by leading a fourth more startled when workers for by Aug. 1. SOUTH heart since East has no trump A A QJ 8 5 a candidate for governor pinned June 13-18 was set aside as for an uppercut play. V7 3 • J 7 3 When there are uppercuts ly- political badges on them in a. tag days for the 8 to 12 League. + K 87 ing around loose, draw tumps hotel lobby. The young women are ! C o u n c l 1 v o ' c . d t 0 m c e t , o n ' v nnce a North East Soulh \Vc»t with all nnwhlr qnprtl pvrn if , . . , . . • „ month—on the fourth wnn an poss D e spceu even u m e r n | , e r s of t n e Georgian State,TupqHnv—in lnnP lnlv nnrf Ann 1 * Pass 1A 2 V that means giving up a finesse.! , „ luesaay—in June, July ana Aug •. A r».« 4 A All Pa* Dancers — from Russia. lust. Opening lead — VK DAILY QUESTION 111 Partner opens with one heart, By ALFRED SHEDWOLD MICKEY MOUSE "ASTRO-GUIDE 9-l'nrt ol body 12-M«'a« U-Tulk Idly J4-K»K« In-Variety 17-lntrarUhIa pernon 19-Onniienaed moisture jo-<jem weight 11-Mnii'j n»m« 23-Armed , onntct 14-IMng 11 -Organ of hearing il-Tnrrl<l SJ-Brlff JO-Hebrew month ll-i'nntnlner 12-f'rnny (rolloq -) 13- I'rfpoxitlon H-Ufwir.e branchf* JS-Tatler«i1 rlolli t?-Tnlnl JS-\V»lk jtt-PromlM <0-Hlmlam 41-Knrr «3-IIIlth mountain 44-DeranRfld ]S-Hi-p.i!»« 20-II"iinphold aaa BOH Qtaiaiia HE1I3E1E1 HJlBlini 00(3133 E3Q3 OSQ QQCia 0 3 D QBQQ vlrtnrioui I IAlNrVW.RrerrHIAHDl.lP li-I'ertalnlnK to the vole* 41-Heveraife IMiW Jewish term of r«|iri'Kch 41- iJnnlKh men fiu re 44-Kxtltict bird !2-AIIII.II)'« foot I6-Mor. ronti>mptlbl« JS-Quarrel \" • I)l«m«y 45-S'iilllnrn hlui'khlnl 41-AiiX'ln nn o."ianyl«t 47-i'Olf inMind il-I'OKI-ll U,T portrait BI-Symliol fur. nkl<»l I 2J 2B 55" 32 I 39 ii *i $-}Jnvn on nintr. br United Feature Symlirnte. Inr. nnn'n hndv Past . . . If you think some of trm \fin's censm questions were persmul, • consider what you 1 ... , • i • iotn would have been asked in 1850 —-Are you a pauper? Do you have any uliots in your house or any convicts in vour family?" ^IR-SEA RESCUE OUTHe DOUBLE IF THERE ARE By JIM BURNETT Future • • • Outlay, hy iron and companies for new equipment and construction is exPected to be $1.6 billion for , 9fi() T h ( J o u | , w | ) | b( , $ 6 3 9 _ 000,000 larger than 1959, and only SI2.1 million below the record year of 1957. and GEORGE ARIES (Born March 21 to April 19) D i . M i i i t a i l i n i i u i i l i v n i i r . r K II u i l w a i dmtiK i i n r l " LIBRA ( S . p l . 2 J ( o O c t . 2 2 ) V n n u t i ' l y\rf,, r t r i v b u ' l y . ~> ili'il't u o n y i»lini!t a l l occaMulill\ C l l l u i y l l l . TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You'll li'vi lint > on can rM>ir»» yoi srll nrll on.In ruirrm mlialioni. SCORPIO NOTHIN'AUITIB PATIENCB ANP PRECISION WORKMA SHIP CAN'T FIX... MARK TRAIL By ED DODD G E M I N I ( M a y 21 to J u n i 21) SAGITIARiUS ( O c t . 23 to N o / . 21) A 'liui'i'uiu lour » ill lift your M'iriti. T i l . a ii iin'l Jinn ( N o v . 22. t o D . c . II) CAPRICORN (Dae. 22 lo Jan, JO) C A N C E R ( J u n . 22 to July 21) V.,ii I.-I r . t i h i i . i i t I K . V lliat noivcr .,, ; . „ ' . ' , ' !•> •• ••] .v"<m'-at luur till): CiiiMiilrr » l l r l r i n r n l s l..!..r< I I I H I M I K ll|i i n u r l u i m l »lKiwt a t h ^ ' i i c ^lianR*-. LEO (July 22 to Aug. 211 a...I ,,-"' >•.!>! Ik Dill, A Q U A R I U S (Jan. 21 to Ftb. I?) lii-l an r j r l y » l . i u > s t l . n l i m i l m o v e 1.1-1 locljy. Yliu'll krr|i Hit | > 1 K ! PISCES (Fab. 20 to March 20) Vour imagination r u n * riot now in'l laW .ulianiasr ol j.trvailu^ oppor. you ran come up with I.JIIK c \ c t ' U i u nnitifi to bflttrr yoiinrlf. I n & FLASH THE YOUNG MARE TUCKS TO DEFEND HER COLT mmmi 10l,0, I-KI.I Knttr|>riin, Int. 27 THE TOODLES By WE BAERS POGO flv WALT KELLY , rug UWUCMQ QUESTION AND WHAT LAURAS WANTS WHV PO X hAV 6 70 HEAR T W I N S TnK! YOU VSAN.T A. 8.3 ' 5 MAH IN THfe WNSPOM OP TH6 Of WSMf IN RICH IN OMAN NOTES A«g TMg ) OWIT», THJ UN68«NS ACCURACY SP6 0? fH6 WNSeP WNP A OP TH6 0UUNT1VIUMB HAS l,£P VOU fO TH6 C&UX Ar 0 _..', &ITIN6T POMTICAk MAKESHIFTS CEMANP / P08 TOfigTHKHElP, I \iQZ0-$\*M1S •- PONY! IUUST ADORE 0!S CONSONANTAtANPVOWeteP V . . . AT P8655 TiM6, NO ON6 KNOWS E3UT. fON£ lliUUMINAfg WOUUON'T «ATWft« PUT T « $ AUU ON ? KETOK-PS THAT HE PASK U0OWMAN i MARY BONNIE IT'S STILL BUT YOU'RE I A GOOP NOT CATCHING i'« ' •, «.v AS A MATTER OF TACT— V —THIS IS NW FAVORITE SPOT,' WORTH JLLftV SAUNDERS « CAMPBELL l "M9!.IN™!1 \ GtE —IM SURPRISED PMT ERNST T A K E THE.5C WITH YOU, LOTHARI •••FOR L A U G H S ! - Y O U ' L L N E E D T H t M ! - - LIVING WITH H E R ! 1 n u n , LUIH^N: H and KEN / IHt WAY BUnON TOOK IT, CORINNE!" 5O---5O UNCONCERNtD! c iF-0JJ THE RYATTS ft*f ( \ CRANDALL 5tccl VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept. 22) 3J 31 By MEL GRAFF 7mm Yours . . . Aspect* are somewhat neutral during normal working hours, but clear up around dinner time Don't become unduly enthusiastic about matters of transitory importance. Others may not sec your point, hut don't be discouraged. It is difficult to convince people under picscnt transits. .o if,..:un c.,\m 30 4» VO A7 l'.|!i»I>s (Mil of tr.AU. 42 1-f'ut of m » t J-Angpr I-Mor« mourn fill 4-<"n»t forth ft-Attemiit 6-Run god 7-K«R#nc«t '"$ The Day Under Your Sign 22 DOWN e-27 V \ NUBBIN Preseni—For You and E1QE1 Jl-bnadi 2J-CIfriral '•ollnr J7 (B-Nurnbi-r 10-Knglneleii hoot 12-Mm'low »3-Vtntlliiti U-Forelcn 16-Allniv sna anas! srara a fr 26-Crantn u»« ol 2S-M.WH nl'-kiinm« 29-Chllrlren'l icnmn 11-lnlaiHl In Mediterranean / SIPEWALX& AEE ' SUKE CLUTTEKEP IN THIS PART •^-r OF TOWN 1 p^fc By Ceean For Friday, May 27 9-Murn torrid 10-Vtllow hugli Il-K(|ilnll1 v 16-Condiict«d i-Pronovin 4-Stnlk of ffrftln X DISNEY Aniwar to Yeiterd«y'i Punlt CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS By WALT , DAPDY GOT AWFULLY /AAP AT ME > REVEREND B/t/. (VMALLEY TEACHER SAYS WE HAFTA DO ABSTRACTS TODAY Adeock's At It Again—Braves Come A live And Win 4-1 Game By The Associated Press Joe Adcock's at it again and Milwaukee's so-so Braves have come alive, winning four of their last five. The big first baseman, both ered by platooning and a bad back, has driven in seven of Mil waukee's 17 runs in that spurl while upping his batting average LOOKINGFor (j (I ii i •r REAL ECONOMY? .plus performance and styling? Sec, drive and buy the ENGLISH FORD ANGLIA now during our special SPRING SALE! to .352. He was 2-for-4 and the first to put away three comrapped across ,a run as the plete games on the Braves' staff, Braves scored a clinching three gave up seven hits, walked three in the second inning last night and struck out nine. for a 4-1 victory at St. Louis. Orlando Cepeda, who drove in San Francisco padded its first four runs, Ed Bressoud and Wilplace lead to V/2 games over idle lie. Mays homered as the Giants Pittsburgh, flattened the Phillies banged a dozen hits for a sweep again with a 9-0 victory on Jack of the three-game set at PhilaSanford's four-hit pitching and delphia and a 6-0 record against a trio of homers. No other games the Phils. It was Sanford's fifth were scheduled in the NL. victory in six decisions and his Singles a Run second shutout over his ex-mates. Adcock and winning pitcher Gene Conley (2-2) dropped his Bob Buhl (3-2) each singled second to the Giants, giving up home a run in the second for their three runs on Cepeda's the third place Braves, who trail eighth home run and Bressoud's by four games. The Braves fourth. Reliever Ruben Gomez, counted 11 of their 12 hits off one of the guys the Phils got in loser Wilmer Mizell (1-3). return for Sanford two years ago, The Cards scored in the fifth was tagged for five runs in the on Bob Nieman's first NL home ninth. Mays' No. 4 homer, with run, one of his three hits. Buhl, two on, capped it. Major League F & H MOTORS AUTHORIZED ENGLISH FORD AGENCY SALES & SERVICE IIWY. 35 S CLINTON AVE., KATONTOWN <Opi>. Bendlx Aviation) LOCAL ENTRY IN MCKC SHOW — Holmdachs Kennels, owned by Mrs. L. E. Holmberg, Holmdel-Keyporr Rd., Holmdel, will enter top winning long hair dachshunds in the MCKC Dog Show at Wolf Hill Farm, Ocean, port, tomorrow. Mrs. Holmberg here poses one of the consistent winners for tomorrow'j show. Phone LI 2-1111 TODAY'S BASEBALL By The Associated Press NATIONAL LEAGUE Thursday's Results San Francisco 9, Philadelphia 0 (night) Milwaukee 4, St. Louis 1 (night) SO NEW CARS Only Games Scheduled TO CHOOSE FROM W LPct.G.B. San Francisco ....24 12 .687 Pittsburgh 2J 14 .622 V/t Milwaukee 16 .571 4 .514 Cincinnati 19 .472 7 Los Angeles 17 .429 St. Louis 15 RAMBLER INC. .379 9'/a Chicago II .333 12 Philadelphia 12 The Shore's Largest and Today's Games and Newest Rambler Dealer Probable Pitchers Dedicated to give you the San Francisco (Antonelli 3-0) at best deal anywhere and fine St. Louis (Kline 1-3), 8 p. m. service too. Philadelphia (Buzhardt 0-3) at 50 S. Broadway, Long Branch Pittsburgh (Friend 5-2) CA 2-1461 7:15 p. m. Milwaukee (Willey 2-2 or BurOpen 'til 9 Every Nile dette 3-1) at Cincinnati (Purkey 3-1) 8 p. m. Los Angeles (Williams 1-0) at Chicago (Hobble 3-5), 1:30 p. m. Saturday's Games Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, STOCK 12:30 p. m. Milwaukee at Cincinnati, CAR 1:30 p. m. Los Angeles at Chicago, 1:30 p. m. -j San Francisco at St. Louis, 1:30 p. m. 1960 RAMBLER Immediate Delivery OYLE AMERICAN LEAGUE Thursday's Results New York 2, Baltimore 0 (night) Washington 5, Boston 2 (night) Chicago 3, Kansas City 1 (night) Only Games Scheduled W L Pet. G.B Cleveland 18 12 .600 Baltimore — 20 14 .588 Chicago _19 14 .576 J4 New York 16 14 .533 2 Detroit ..15 J4 .517 2'/2 Washington ..13 18 .419 5'/2 Kansas City 13 21 .382 Boston 11 18 .379 6'/2 Today's Games and Probable Pitchers Baltimore (Wilhelm 1-2) at New York (Ditmar 2-0), 1 p. m. Chicago (Pierce 3-2) at Kansas City (Herbert 2-2), 9 p. m. Cleveland (Bell 5-2) at Detroit (Bunning 1-2), 8:15 p. m. Boston (Brewer 2-4) at Washing ton (Pascual 5-3), 7:05 p. m. Saturday's Games Chicago at Kansas City, 2 p. m Cleveland at Detroit, 1:30 p. m Boston at Baltimore, 7:05 p. m. Washington at New York, 7 p. m. 'Squan Defeats Buccos AUTO RACING Every SAT. NITE 8:30 p. m. THRILLING *100-Lap Feature * 20-Lap Novice Main 5 Sensational Events SPECIAL NOTICE: Rained out feature from May 21 will be added to the June 11 stock car program at no increase in admission price. MAKES BIRDIES SING — Pitching of Steve Barber, 2 1 Listen to WJLK every Friday year-old rookie southpaw night at 7:50 pitcher of the Orioles, has > p.m. for put the Birds into an earlySpeedway season contender's spot in Slants. the-American League. Barber's mark is 4 - 1 . RENT A CAR or TRUCK froWHERTX rUtS-TO^CA 2-3299, SH 74121 RENT A LUGGAGE TRAILER Sec our . . . Grand Opening Ad - Page 11 Free Prizes and Refreshments F & H MOTORS SALES & SERVICE Rr. 35 & Clinton Ave. LI Eatontown 2-1111 RED BANK — The Shore Con ference A Division is knotted up. Manasquan High School deadlocked it yesterday by defeating Red Bank, 2-0, to go into a tie for first place with Asbury Park with 8-4 records. Red Bank had opportunities to score, but each time muffed the opportunity and wound up on the short end of the whitewash brush. Henry Schwier went the dis tance for Manasquan and gave the Bucs two hits, one by Don Sweeney and the other by Jerry Frost. Eddie Winrow was on the hil for the Bucs and despite pitch ing a neat four-hitter, he \vai the loser of the ninth Shore Con ference game for Coach Bob Olshan's Red Bank team. Manasquan scored its initia run in the fourth frame. George Metz got on by a walk and was safe on an attempted steal when George Long dropped the ball Westphal worked Winrow for a walk, and after Anderson flied to right, Winrow got Schweir on strikes, but walked Gadsby to load the sacks. Another walk to Carr forced in the run. He got out of the inning by fanning Brian Clancy. The second run came with one out in the fifth. Vic Kubu walked and lost dust stealing second After Metz flied out to Browni at first, Westphal hit a singli to Dozier in left, but he mis played it all the way and West phal scooted around to third. Kubu scored on the miscue. It was the third inning when Len DiNaples walked and went to third on Sweeney's single to center. DiNaples attempted to steal home, but was out by a country mile and out of the game by another mile when Coach Olshan blew his hat to the sky. In the sixth, Browne reached first via a walk, but a quick double p l a y on Sweepey's grounde. to short snuffed ou any scoring hopes of the Bucs Red Bank finished with a 1-9 record In Conference competi lion. Red nnnk (01 GUARANTEED NEW TREADS applied on sound tiro bodies or on your own tires We Ruaronlec our New Trpmls. Ixyirlnff Fireston* Quality Trcrtrl Medallion nml lihop cod« mnrk, In bo free from dofectfl in Workmnivihip nntl mnterifll.q. I! otjiminntion by nny Firestone clenlrr or cloro discloses n acted in ther tread or cord body, repair* or mliu 'Unent will bo nwdc, prnrnlrrl on trend weir end Irfiwd on list prico nt lime of Ailjuntment. Fit Most Models Ford Chovrolot Plymouth Ramblor 6.70-15 7.50-14 BUCK Plus tax and rocnppable tiro 101 OAKLAND STREET SH 1-4747 (Opposite Kailroad Station) RED BANK An n II Rwc'cy 21) 3 0 1 Pfltlt 2b Kllhll Jin Mr.lz c ,„ - « 1 Wfi'hul II Wlnrow p 3 O 0 An'rfion rf Ilozl'r If 2 n n Rchwlcr n Flavin nil 2 O O OniUby 3h r i l N i e s cf n n o | c « r r cf I Ol«llo cf 0 Browns l b l 0 0 1 Clancy 001 0 51 A. II. (Siimmrr lb All 4 3 .1 2 3 .1 2 It I O 1 1 D o O O 20 3 0 H I W i/wjjfi'n HcMuurtiMt 7 llnnfl'M Mnvrrn 7 Hnnnt Pnul's Tf ^rn 7 \ Sparlilr'n F.krtrlc 4 ,\ H;irr»M'« flunwfi 4 ,1 Atl. Hl'l*. Am. l>Klnn I fi Cirri*1 Chevrolet . O ft i'OO 0111b-Tom LnPar* 2.11. Vine ICMly 2<Vt, M nnriy Kmrirh 201 f>n WnMh V\\, V,*OTR(- H«rm«y 215, E Hynn 312. . friday. May 27, 1960-2! RED BANK REGISTER 30th Annual MCKC Show Set For Tomorrow at Wolf Hill OCEANPORT — Approximate- adelphia, won best-of-show hon- Mrs. Porter Hoagland, Jr., is in ly 1,000 entries will battle for ors. The schnauzer, Ch. Yankee charge of trophies. ' ibbons at the 30th Monmouth Pride Col. Stump, won over an More than $1,000 in trophies, bounty Kennel Club Show tomor- impressive array of group win- which added special local inners in the final judging, and terest, will be awarded. ow at Wolf Hill Farm here. According to a count yester- was handled by Mrs. Thomas Mrs. John C. Ellis and Mrs. Robert L. Nicholas are in charge Jay, the Bulldogs are leading in M. Gately, Wilton, Conn. he entry field with 44, German Officials of the show are hop- of subscribers; Mrs. J o s e p h ihepherds are next in line with ing last year's entries of 1,161 Hoagland, Jr., advertising, and 10 and the collies are competing dogs will be surpassed tomorrow. Robert L. Nicholas, chief stewvith 32. German short hair point- This figure made the show one ard. :rs will have almost 40, and the j of the largest on the national Joseph C. Hoagland, Jr., is )oxer family will be represented1 circuit. president of the Monmouth Keniy 20. Two years ago the club intro- nel Cluh. The bloodhounds, famous for duced an innovation in its show Of the 19 members on the racking criminals and lost pcr- which added special local in- board of governors, three-quar;ons, will be represented with 29. terest. Stewards responsible for ters entered dogs for the show Obedience classes will also be controlling the flow of dogs to which gives the visitors plenty ield with several entries in sev- the ring, and generally assisting of competition from the local ral age categories. These dem- judges, were recruited from the exhibitors. )nstrations are always interest- ranks of Monmouth County resi- The show has always been an ng, especially when the young- dents interested in dogs. all outdoor day for the dog folsters take to the ring to bellow Special training classes were:lowers. One of the features of iut commands to their dogs. held in advance of the show, giv- Wolf Hill Farm is the picnic Starting at 10 a.m., the judging ing instructions in proper pro- area which numerous visitors will proceed through the day, cedure for stewards. ake advantage of when coming climaxing in the selection of best- This was well received by to the MCKC show. in-show in late afternoon. Twen- judges and exhibitors and it proty leading A.K.C. authorised vides local dog fanciers an op- —CLOSED MONDAY— judges will appraise dogs in 84 portunity to actively participate different breeds from the tiny in the show. chihuahua to the huge Great The club will continue this Dane. practice this year. Last year's show was one off Mrs. John Miller is show chairthe best. Mrs. Joseph Sailer's j man, assisted by Mrs. Alfred F. miniature schnauzer, out of Phil-I King, Jr., who is secretary. Matawan Knocks Rumson Out of NJSIAA Tournament ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Matawan High School gave RumBy WALTER L. JOHNS son-Falr Haven Regional a TODAY short ride in the NSIAA baseball Baseball "NEVER MADE THE HALL OF FAME, BUT tournament by knocking the Manasquan at Lakewood Bulldogs out of the box," 5-0, SURE HELPED a lot of guys to get in it," said Vernon here yesterday on Firemen's Matawan at Mlddlctown Townhip. "Lefty" Gomez last night when speaking at the Red Memorial Field. Hightstown at Hoffman It was the second win in two Bank Catholic Boosters Association testimonial dinner- days for the Huskies after they Thomas Jefferson at Asbury dance given in honor of Casey athletes. had won the Shore Conference ark TOMORROW B Division, Northern Section, by It was another A-plus night for the Boosters defeating Track Keyport, 3-2. in coining up with an excellent speaker for their Bill Bowie, a freshman, hurled Central Jersey Track & Field the win for Matawan. In so do- fleet, Asbury Park High School affair. Gomez not only was interesting to the ing, he gave up only five hits. 1 p. m.) Baseball male population, but he had mothers and daugh- He fanned only two batters and put three on the basa paths by [JSIAA State Tournament Game ters howling with laughter with his humor. walks. Keyport vs. South River a DeGeorge was on the hill lighland Park (2 p. m.) The banquet was dragging along at a snail pace TorLouRumson. and went the disand when "Lefty" finally got to his feet he said, "I tance. DeGeorge gave up eight fflumament and also has to pla> was afraid my coat would go out of style," and fol- hits, fanned five and walked )ff for the over-all Shore Conerence Class B Championship lowed with, "Seniors will never make college at this two. After three innings of scoreless icxt week against Lakewood. rate of speed." ball, Matawan finally hit the Bob Jackson, the .480 Mataspree in the next two van batter, suffered a bone sop He had the house in stitches with his baseball scoring innings by getting two runs in ration in his left wrist in th< stories, and he seemed to be as happy kidding each frame. The Huskies con keyport game, but may be read; their scoring in the sev for the Shore Conference play about his hitting power as the audience was happy eluded cnth with a lone tally. off sometime next week. Matawan's two runs in the R. F. llsvpn (0) Mnl&irnn (SI hearing about it. AH it H An R fourth came when Larry Garito riynn rf I 1 Gomez told of the day he was at the plate anc started it with a single. Bowie Robarrii aftt> 33 00 II Wli'tton »« t O c .1 I II 2 0 0 Jlinlfl Bobby Feller, the Cleveland lad who threw aspirins in- bunted him down to second, and Brush Oarllo 21) 4 2 3b 3 0 1 .1 n he went to third on Ray Collins Fallon Nlcholn lb 2 0 0 Rmvl(« p to the plate with his fast ball, and Lefty was tossed single. .1h Collins stole second, then L,uml rf2h a3 00 01 Collins Ynti>.< Hi out of the game. It was a dark dismal day and Bobby DeGeorge received orders to M cf .tvlno 1 e 12 0O 0 | Hanson If 3 0 load the bases by walking Yates. was burning that horsehide into home. Gomez lit 'ye cf 2 0 11 hit a long fly to center Jona.hu* 1 0 n [ match and held it over his head. When the umpire Moser field which allowed Garito to said, "Hey, what are you doing? Feller is ready to cross the rubber. With Mike pitch the ball." Gomez replied, "Yeah, I know it, bu Hanson at the plate, Collins scored on a passed ball, and afI want to make sure he sees me." ter the run came In, Hanson His happy listeners last night probably would struck out. In the fifth, Eddie Flynn open be there yet if time permitted and McGuire let ed with a single. Charlie Wath Installed Ington flied to left and Bob Residential them stay. Rankl singled. After a double pus Once again the Boosters are to be congratulated steal and Garito's strike out, Industrial Bowie hit to Don Robards at Terms RED BANK HIGH SCHOOL also had its ban- short, who got off a bad throw Arranged to first, allowing both Flynn and quet last night and the Bucs heard an interesting CALL Rankl to score. HO 2-1248 speaker in John Bateman, Rutgers head football After two were out in the For FREE Estimate coach. We had the opportunity of hearing him seventh, Garito and Bowie singled, and Garito got home on LOWEST PRICES in New Brunswick, and he was good. Why do George Fallen's error. had men on base on both local banquets have to be scheduled on the twoRumson occasions, but both times FENCE CO. same night ? This was the second year in a row they couldn't score. Nichols got around to third base in the HWY. 33 — FREEHOLD that it happened, and we don't think it is neces- first, and then on a fouled up R.D. 2 - BOX 165 squeeze, he was caught in a run 314 Mlle» Ea«t ol Freehold Clrclo sary. down. Certainly, it isn't our business to tell the local Matawan remains in the state Sports Slate CHAIN LINK FENCES MADISON board of education when to have its banquet for Buc LADIES DAY athletes, but as a matter of courtesy to both schools the affairs could be dated so they would not conflict. As a gesture of friendship Red Bank Catholic Boosters always invites coaches of opposing teams, and for the second straight year, Red Bank coaches were unable to attend. If coaches from Brick Township, down the Park way, travel a good hike north to attend, certainly coaches nearby should have the opportunity of attend ing. A little matter of getting together and making dates shouldn't be a problem for the board of education or Red Bank Catholic administrators. It's too small a matter for the growing of ill feelings. "Just teach me golf — I And we heard about it last night. already know how to SHORT SNORTS — Rumor department. And i wrestle!" says . . . six Red Bank High coaches are not return ing in the fall and next spring for coaching duties Entire coaching staff may resign unless more $$$$ are written on pay checks. No teaching post open and none of coaches are planning to quit jobs, so tha may mean no coaching staff. 2 7 5 ' U DOWN Rumor from a member of the Red Bank Board of Education: Frank J. Pingitore is leaving the post 3 4 ' 5 2 PER. MO. as golf coach, one he has held for many years. Including Insurance Alex T. Getty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rodman P, AT Getty, 7 William St., Rumson, receivqd his "M" fo varsity tennis as Mercersburg Academy Saturday. John Pandolfc, standout football player at Manasquan High, lias accepted an alumni scholarship to Rutgers University, In addition to playing football, he was a member of the track team. 57-65 HWY. 35 Bently Burnham of Little Silver, is a member ol LI 2-1020 the freshman crew at Yale University. EATONTOWN fay Less get more General KRAFTREADS 95 7.50x14 plus lax and two retreadable tires 1. New Tire Mileage 2. New Tire Dependability 3. New Tire Performance (Applied to select casings or your own tires) THI NO EXTRA CHARGI FO8M0UNTINO "N GENERAL! Available Only At McManus & Fisk Incorporated 1724 Asbury Ave. ASBURY PARK KEIIogg 1-2646 CLOSED ALL DAY MEMORIAL DAY YOU'RE INVITED . . . Have your coffee break with us Saturday Morning. FREE Coffee and Doughnuts. PRICES CUT FAMOUS U. S. Royal Air Ride TUBE-TYPE TYREX * Size 670x15/4 Ply 710x15/4 Ply 760x15/4 Ply Black Wliltcwall 11.95 13.95 15.95 14.95 17.95 19.95 TUBE-TYPE NYLON* 670x15/4 Ply 710x15/4 Ply 760x15/4 Ply 12.95 14.95 U.95 16.50 18.95 20.95 TUBELESS NYLON * 750x14/4 Ply 14.95 18.50 • Plus tnx and rccappublc cnsinR FRANK PORTER'S CO. TWO LOCATIONS Shrewsbury Ave, 'Shrewsbury, 'til 6 P. M. Bridge & Oakland, Red Bank, 'til 9 P. M. SHadyside 7-3404 22-Fridir. BUy 27, 1960 v RED BANK REGISTER <~°v>-EVERYBODY ^BOATIN Fnnk Kucliirchulc, Central IVc» Writer— Much of today's boating is dependent upon the nation's highways. Boat-trailer rigs are economical, and there is no need for seasonal dock space. The best feature of all is that boating with this type of an outfit can be enjoyed anywhere. One week the boater can go fishing with the boys at a nearby river, the following week his son and friends can go water skiing at a lake a few miles away, and another week the whole family can take the outfit to the next state for a vacation. It is no wonder that two out of three new boat buyers get a trailer to add more fun to their boating. And they cost only from $100 to $500. These points to consider when buying a trailer are recommended by the Outboard Boating Club of America: 1. Use a hitch safety chain—most states require them by law, but they're a good Idea in any case. 2. Check your hitch and boat tie-downs every time you stop for gas. 3. Loosen tie-downs to reduce strain when trailer and boat are parked for some time. 4. Check your insurance to make sure the boat and motor are covered on the highway as well as on the water, and that the trailer is included. 5. Make sure your trailer fits the boat. If your motor is to be carried on the stern while traveling (as most are), make sure the extra weight is properly supported. 6. When lowing a trailer, take it easy. Remember it takes more room to pass and a greater distance to stop, so drive at moderate speeds. 7. For added safety, a frame hitch Is preferable to a bumper hitch. The bumper type Is suitable with a light boat and trailer rig. 8. Check your state motor vehicle laws to see if you need lights, a license or a safety chain. Be familiar with all laws governing trailer operation. One added word of caution: when buying the trailer be sure to take into consideration that you will be loading up the boat with coolers, skis, food, etc., •o it is best to have a trailer with a greater weight capacity than the boat has RECEIVES TOP AWARD — Jim Nugent, Red Bank Catholic High School athlete, second from right, smiles after receiving the Red Bank Catholic Boosters award last night at a testimonial dinner-dance given by the Boosters at McGuire's Grove. The award is for the athlete with the highest scholastic standing and outstanding athletic record. Assisting in the presentation, left to right, are Athletic Director Don Czok, Vernon "Lefty" Gomez, former New York Yankee great, who was guest speaker, and Michael J. Rafferty, tpastmaster. , SAFE, BUT NOT FOR LONG—Lou DeGeorge, RumsonFair Haven Regional High School pitcher, slides into third base while Matawan's Bill Collins waits for arrival of baseball. DeGeorge attempted to steal home seconds later but got caught off third base and was tagged out. Matawan won the NJSIAA tournament game, 5-0, at Atlantic Highlands Firemen's Memorial Field. vas with the Rumson Country ;iub in 1947. He moved to the 7 orrest Gate Country Club at Tamesburg in 194.9, and then t6 )eal. Jack Welsh. Tournament Starts This Week-End FORT MONMOUTH — Quali- after the medal play 18-hole qual- C&*9 BOATS SINCE 1841— fication rounds for the ninth an- ifying round, the playoffs will be match play, with an 85 per ual "Jack Welsh Tournament" cent difference in handicaps. SEA-SKIFF WORKS will be open this week-end at the Last year's winner was Bill Gibbs Hall Golf course. The Fort Graham, Jr., a youngster rela Monmouth event will honor the tively new in the sport. The run golf pro who has been with the ner-up was Dr. H. P. Cohen of Outboard Motors Englishtown. club the past eight years. Jack Welsh, came to the Gibbs • Service Tournamlnt competition wdl be m { Ccourse Q U r s e j in n MMarch, a r c h 1952 1952,f from spread over five week-ends, « < l ; D M l C o i i n t i y p u b where he s e r * Parts By the Associated Press ed as assistant pro from 1950 LAS VEGAS, Ney. — Welter« Outboard through 1951. He earned his class weight Champion Don Jordan Boats A membership in the Professionrisks his title tonight and the al Golfers Association after a smart betting moneymen say he • Trailers five-year apprenticeship at Old will lose it to 20-year-old Benny New & Used Orchard Country Club, from 1941 (Kid) Paret of Cuba. through 194C. Jack spent a maBoats The nationally televised match, jor portion of this time in the which has a weird background CA 2-3495 NEPTUNE — Teddy Graygor, even for boxing in these days, is U.S. Navy, but was credited by Asbury Park Country Club, took scheduled for 15 rounds in Las the PGA on a full time basis. 491 Atlantic Ave., Long Branch individual pro honors yesterday Vegas' showy Convention Cen- RED BANK — John Bateman, His first assignment as a pro <Near Brancbport Are.) n the Jersey Shore Pro-Ama- ter. NBC will do the telecast head football coach at Rutgers!. University, was guest speaker teur tournament at Jumping and radio. Brook Country Club. Jordan, a highly unpredictable last night at the All Sports BanGraygor led the field by young man of 25 from Los An- quet for Red Bank High School three strokes with his 38-34-72 geles, figures to be about a 5-7 athletes in the cafeteria. The dinner honored athletes in card. Archie Pezzella,! Jumping By the Associated Press by elbow trouble and home run double by Brooks Robinson and Brook, was second with. 39-36-75. Underdog in,this, the third de- football, basketball, baseball, fense of the championship he They can bo the league-loadin balls, looked- as good as ever a third-inninj; single by losing Prn-Am honors were captured won from Virgil Akins in Los golf, bowling, track, cross country, tennis and the cheerleaders. Baltimore Orioles or a bunch o last night, pitching a three-hitter pitcher Skinny Brown, then did- by Graygor and Nick Marciano Angeles Dec. .5, 1958. lecond division Birds — cithc as the New York Yankees beat n't allow another hit until rookif with 34-32-66. Pezzeila was also The champion has been any- One of the features of the gathway, they're dead ducks again; Baltimore 2-0 and cased tho Ori- Ron Ilansen tripled with two ou second in this department when thing but impressive in his last ering was the presentation to senoles out of the American League in the ninth. ior key winners by board memhe and Sam Salz shared the hon- two fights, both non-title. Whitey Ford. ber Stuart Edington, chairman of The Yankees beat Brown ii or with Graygor and Mike Dello The stubby southpaw, bothcrec lena. Knocked Out the athletic committee. : The loss ended the Birds' win- tho first inning on Tony Kubek' with 67s. In December he was knocked ning streak,at four and dropped lead-off single, a walk and Bob Tony Aldarelli had amateur out for the first time in some Bobby Scott, star tackle, was them to second place, .012 per- Ccrv's two-out single. Singles by gross honors with 38-33-71. Dr. 60 fights by Eederico .Thompsoi presented the Dr. M. Gregg centage' points behirid Idle Cleve- Bill Skowron and Bobby Richard- L. J. pwulet, 39-36-75. tied with in Buenos Aires. And just a doz- Hibbs best blocker award for the land. It's the first, time the In- son got the other run home in Carl LovvJs for second. en/days ago, he was outpointed second straight year. The outboard motor, world Aldarolli took amateur net in, 10 by unranked Ken McFar- Athletic Director .Frank J. dians, with an 18-12 record' to the seventh. Pingitore was toastmaster. famous (or simplicity, rugBaltimore's 20-14, havo been Dick Brown's two-run home with a 71-2-69. land'in Baltimore. Next Pro-Am tourney is set The Paret supporters feel conalone In first place this season. and an RBI triple by Minnie Mi gedness, reliability, econofor Thursday, June 2, at Mana- fident Ihe swarthy son of a Cumy and portability the moChicago's third place White Sox noso gave the White Sox thei squan River Country Club. ban sugar cane cutter is in per tor owners swenr by . . . moved within a half-game of the runs in the first three inning Individual Professional: lead, ending their slump at four against Dick Hall (4-1). Gerr> Teddy Cranor, Anbury I'nrk 38-34-72 feet shape, 'and the fact that he l'/j to 5 Horsepower Revolutionary N e w Ultra V S p a r Varnish flames with a 3-1 victory at Kan- Staley who came in with th Arrhie Przzclla, Jumping Brook, 30-36- has never been knocked off his bases loaded and one out in th Jnhn Rnardon, Spring Lake, 41-37-78 feet in 47 fights attests that he sas City, Washington defeated • Stays beautiful 2 to 3 times longer John Altiorll, Jumping Ilrook. 42-30-78 $130.00 to $210.00 can take a punch. Boston 5-2 in tho only other AL seventh and got pinch-hitler Hank Ix>n Acerra, Hollywood, 41-39-80 than regular spar varnishes Bauer on a doubleplay ball, savJohn Cafone, Mamnriunn River, 41-3H-B0 game scheduled. Fred Ailirrtl. Jumping Brook. 40-40-80 ed the victory for Bob Shaw • Protects against harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun Smltty Hlclllano, Jumping Brook, 41-38Sea Bright Second-Inning Double (4-3), who gave up four of the 82 The Jersey Shore Baseball o Resists salt spray Joe Rarharo, Barbaro's D. R., No Ford gave up a second-innlnR A's five hits. League will inaugurate its 1960 Card • Gives you lower upkeep costs per year rro-Amnteur: season with nine teams instead rayfor-Nick MarCUno. 31-32-M DuPont Ultra V Spar Varnish —a wonderful new exterior clear finish of the originally planned 10, SunSE 2-0261 Orayjror- Mike. Hello. 35-32-IJ7 that lasts 2 to 3 times longer than conventional varnishes... contains day afternoon. Acerra-Tony AMnrMU. JO-32-M a special ultraviolet, absorber for extra resistance to damaging ray* Fred Albert!—Carney Gnlta, 34-31-68 Th,e league had hoped to start 1062 Ocean Ave., Sen Bright P. Albertl— Dr. Joi. Rilsso, 3A-.1l-li!) of, hot s u n . . . keeps your boat beautiful all season long. See for your-the season with 10 teams, but it Pozzella-Mrs. Doris Itudnick. 3G-33-69 BOAT SUPPLIES self. Come in and buy a can1 of Du Pont Ultra V Spar Varnish today. Pewella -Leo Salz, 35-31.0!) __ was reduced to nine when the FORT MONMOUTH - Fort Fishing Tackle - Local Worms ftlclilnno Ilay Knillli, .17-31-71 F o r t K. Albert!—Carney Klclllano, 30-35-71 Lee trounced Fort Monmouth 16 • Monmouth team decided not Amnt'-ur r,ro?=.i: to 1, last night at Dean Field as to be a member this season. MIDDLETOWN V e r n o n scholastic standing with an out Tnny Aldarelli. 3S-33-71 Mr. L. J. DwtilM. 3n-30-75 the "Travellers" shelled four Sig- Despite not being a member. "Lefty" Gomez, for years ace standing athletic record. ('nrl Lewis, .I'*-!.-".') nalecr pitchers to sweep the two- Fort Monmouth will host a night Amateur Net: hurler for the New York Yan Dennis Lynch, star basketbal Aldarelli. 71-'.'-611 game with each of the league game series. kpes, was speaker at the Ked and tennis player, had won th Next Tro-Am tournament at Manasquan rtlver Thurxlay, June 2. The Army Quartermaster squad member teams to be played un Hank Catholic Booster Associa- award the past two years. Cor. Broad St. & Harding Rd., Red Bank from Virginia had six extra base der the lights at the post. tion testimonial dinner-dance last Another presentation was the hits and bcnefitled from 13 bases! The opening day schedule has TEL. SH 7-3900 night at McGuire's Grove hero. Columbian League award, preon balls to win easily their eighth iBelmar at Manasquan; Rumson Gomez, one of the most color- sented to Frank Manzi. A big, • 1•"2 starts, A's at Freehold; Long Branch game in ful players on the field in his rugged tackle, Manzi won it for Righthander Bob Page mean- IAMA at Keyport, and Oakhurst day, and now one of the most being the outstanding lineman while, limitc-.-l the Signalmen to at Red Bank Towners. Madison colorful speakers off the field, The winner is selected for his five singles and the lone run nfflTownship drew a bye for the kept the athletes, parents and playing as well as scholastic him in the fourth frame was un-!first day's action. guests In stitches as he related standing. John Arnone, who repPlaying on Memorial Day are earned. his experiences in baseball. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — resented the league, made the Bill Paradise and Bob Elkin hit Red Bank at Long Branch, KeyA record crowd of more than 300 Explains Airplane Slory presentation. port at Rumson, Freehold at BelBoating fun for people saw a powerful Atlantic home runs for Lee. Both come mar, Manasquan at Madison ard Noted (or the oddities IIR pullThanks From Mnnalian with tho bases empty. Highlands team sweep to a win the Entire Family" 'd on and off the field, Gomez Msgr. Kmmett A. Monahan, South Belmar at Oakhurst. Shortstop Carl Vcrsteeg doubled had the hall ringing with laugh' pastor of St. James parish, in a in all events of Ihe fifth annual home two runs in the first Red Bank Towners, the team Sandy Hook Grammar School lor when explaining why he look- short talk, congratulated the inning and John Kellner cleaned that bossed this league like the ed up at an airplane (luring a Boosters for tho work and ef- League track meet Tuesday at the bases with another two-bag- Yankees bossed the American Croydon Hall field. r World Scries f ,umi', why he lit forts devoted to Ked Hank CathLeague, lost ground in' the past The team, coached by Allen starter Ray Slotwinski for five ! couple of years, as did tho Yanthe match at home plate when olic athletics. runs. J. Tracy, competed with four Slotwinski, in losing his first kees in the big league, Hob Feller was pitching his 'aspir'n' ball, and why he didn't "It is deeply appreciated by other schools: St. Agnes, Our game after three victories, was! Veteran Herman Aschettino is SEA BRIGHT, N. J. chased in the second for Ken'again at the helm for tho Townlike to pilch ID "guys that could us at Red Bank Catholic. We give our sincere thanks," de- tail Academy and 11 Singleton. The latter gave up five ers. But already he has lost two hit like Jimmy Fox." SUMMARIES clared Msgr. Mnnalian. hits and four runs until lifted of his regulars from last year, The liooMcrs, as usual, pre- Rev. Richard A. Leaden pro sented trophies and pictures to st-nted the NJS1AA trophy to Kunnlur. bmnt! lump — Mr.nTnmtt, for Charley Keshock in the fourth. Lou DeGeorge, an infielder, and linker, All: Motley, AH. thi'ir athletes. Last night's pre- Msgr. Monahan on behalf of the 01.HI: 7oyd. dnati*-fl<Milor dlvlnlon— Fowler, Keshock gave up four more runs John Bland, a catcher. AccordKnrrliran, HA : Monahan. H. and Bob Lambermont yielded tho ing to reports, he picked up Bob. sentation w.-is one of tho fastest school. The award was for the All; Comp'?te line of. Softball throw -Cimeron, H; Lake, other two Lee tallied in the ninth 'LoPresto, former Keyport High presentation jobs accomplished South Jersey Pnrochial Class A I: Fowler. AH. Marine Equipment RInniUnK broad Jum^—l.nnp, Alt; stanza. j School athlete, a pitcher. at any ono banquet. Athletes championship and was won by Hhaffer, AH; Camrron. H. HlKli Jump— Lnn<\ A H ; Rmlth. A H ; The loss was Monmouth's third The Rumson A's, under Manawere called and lined up. When Ihe football team last fall. Lnvlon. All they wen- ready, Frank McKcnurnlntr lirond Juml>— Fowler, A H ; straight and evened its record at ger George Spillane and busiMembers of tho band, cheer Rmlth, 11; Ts'nftn.in, All. 4-4. pess manager Tony Scalzo, is na, trophy chairman, had the 1 MMnnre—Ciunrron.H; Noonnn, AH. lenders, twirlers and flag bearers TiMiin ri'biy Hlnl'l^nd.i. Atlantic rebuilding and hopes to field an boys march past a table and also were honored. iKhUrnls, Ht. A(,-ne*. The Yankees will televise 47 improved ball club over handed each senior athlete a Awards were presented to Final team score was Allan- road sames back to New York year's team. Two new members tiophy—on the move. iNTrmux ii members of all teams, including ic Highlands, 2!)'/$; Highlands, during the 10G0 baseball season. nre DeGeorge and Bland. •Vlilablf in twr'i* Top Award To Nugent football, basketball, baseball, R: St. Agnes, 4; OI.PII. IViI,.two hfjutiful Colon If U • Medals were presented by One of Ihe most impoi taut pre- golf and tennis. quality r,n,rit !>,,. sentations of Ihe affair was the Coaches of each sport were icorgc If, Wuestholf and Joseph mulited to WIUIitond Ilir Ked Dank Catholic Boosters presented gifts by their respec- '. Tiscornia, league officials. uwge. A I K l o r . award. This honor went to Jim tive teams. d Nujjent, star baseball and foot- Charles Donath was chairman. Kennn, fpnatius Cnnale and Ath| ball athlelc. The award goes to Assisting on the committee were letic Director lion Czok. the athlete with the highest Michael J. Rnfforty. Frank Mc- Mr. Rnfforty also served as nastmnster. Jordan Underdog In Tonight's Tiff Graygor Tops In Pro-Am Golf Tourney MERCURY Buc Athletes Senior Keys They 're Dead Birds Against 01' Whitey Ford's 3-Hit Chucking BRITISH SEAGULL Jersey Shore Baseball Loop Opens Sunday FROM DU PONT Lee Trounces Monmouth Nine, 16-1 MARINE CENTER Vernon 'Lefty' Gomez Highlights Casey Banquet J. H. KiLlY COMPANY At. Highlands Team Sweeps Track Meet MARINE FINISHES For Plenty —Mercury Sales and Service— LARGE SELECTION OF CHOICE OF MASTER PAINTER? Budget- Terms © Plenty Free Parking USED BOATS & MOTORS Rapid Hauling -fr Repairs Slips avallablo up to 30' with water and electric ItepulIrs on All Makes—Oullionnls und Inhoards 3 to 60 H.P. LANCER Molded Flbreglas POOLS Ol'T ()I- T O W N K U S . Call Collect Rt. 36, Atlantic AT 1-0050 MARINE SUPPLIES & ENGBMSS 1300 Ocean Avo. CA 2-6425 Sea Drlghf Call CA 3-0218 Glnsspar I'lherglns & I'enn Yan Lnpstrake Boats Evlnrude Motors—Sales & Service Ciator Trailers © Boat Slips Concrete Launching Knmp • Ice Service 1428 OCEAN AVE. "look for llif hluc SH 60 WHITE STREET frnnC 7-5300 RED DANK SE 2-1101 BUSY MAN ft—**T ^ ^ t f rf Use It Wllilltfim it'll itll W*4Mtattant ant r ** . - MtVOu* « ..tatt Roeuatr aad B i t t e n Wyefceff. M m Todd, Joyet C a m e . Mary; By Alan MavurjCourf FbP JOHANMtOM, RED BANK REGISTER Friday, May 17, Margaret Becker. Cisela Ber- Elfea MilUr. CsAy Smttb. -Arhere iriO told • Jftrie l*ir« . wdo, Jeraldfae Biscns, Nancy teae Amuads«n, Mary E l l e n Night Fridiy, J u e I; to to Janetko, EBiabeJhMartta, MB- M e t . Vkkie Patto. J a ^ t Hiishorn. Deal. a*l Charts* Stoc. Thrift Shop. • Breed St. f m * dred ftoestas and Dtrleae WaU- • * and Und« Wyekott. 7 to 9 p.m. ; : •; \ Asbury Park, first; to*. Oscar A social hour followed.Scout* _ received first class ranks, Mathlessoiv Sdntb 9*ba$t. laadl KEANSBURG —: IntennefiMe and Nancy Aatbue. Reaee Janes- served refresBBtcntg to parents Mrs. WllBatB Martin, West Long Girl Scout Troop 2M held its sen, Linda Schaeffer, C h e r y l and gueft*. Monmouth Duplicate- Branch, second; Mrs. David SUdc Court of Awards program Sat-Morrison, Barbara Koll, Anne AsBury Park, and Mrs. I. K. urday in the Veterans of For-Boyle and Margarite FernanBridge Ciub Meets , Han, Deal, third; and Mr>. A, J . THRIFT NIGHT eign Wars post home. dez received proficiency badges, MANASQUAN - " The - Health ASBURY PARK - The Mon- Dunlap, Brielle, and Mrs, KenReceiving curved bars, highest award a Girl Scout may earn, New tenderfoot scouts invested Center of the Monmouth County mouth Duplicate Bridge Club met neth Chandler, Asbury Park, were Mary Jane Auer, Elizabeth into the troop were Joyce Paris, Organization for Social Service Monday in the King Arthur'Room fourth. Jroof> 234 WHW l l D » TmHitt C H U I M H M«kt TDWMW» K I W M o n * • bt d KSS«5! ^Sr"iSr^£? St"«:oo f. m.,-at winds time » public hcarinc •nil be beM and sUl'pera«u Interested •rill be given *» opportunity to be Aetrd. HOWARD W. ROBERTS, Township Clerk. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONBTlttJCTION OF AN EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING ON THE TOWNSHIP HALL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OP KINGS HIGHWAY, HIDDLETOWN. NEW JERSEY, WESTERLY OP THE PRESENT TOWNSHIP HALL A T A COST NOT EXCEEDING THE SUM OF »U8,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO FINANCE THE COBT THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED bv the Township Committee o[ the Township of Middletown In the County of Monmouth: SECTION 1. Thnt the Township of Mlddletown In the County of MonFORMER mouth proceed lo construct an executive office building on the Township CHAMP. Hall property located on the northerly •idt: of Kings Highway, Mlddletown, Fy New Jersey, -westerly ot the present PATTtRSWl Township Hall, the same to be of nonfireproof construction, according to plans and specifications made by Bernard Kellenyl. Registered Architect of YORK, the State of New Jersey, together with furnishings for the same, the said plans having been filed with tha Township Clerk, »u »t a cost nol to exceed the sum of (148,000.00. SECTION 2. That the sum of JUS,MEW OF « 000.00 or so much thereof a s may be •uftlclent to carry out the provision! ALL T//E or this ordinance Is hereby approprl. •ted for -sain purpose and a. down pay Wtf/cti' Blent has been provided for In the TO Capital Improvement Fund of the Budget for the year 1960 and budgets for prior years In the sum of *7.BOMS 500.00 and bonds for the balance thereof ot JH0.500.OO are hereby authorized PAYS. A PEEK to be Issued /or the purpose of financing the cost of said work. The total ATMGO'& REAL •mount of bonds Issued shall not exTRA/NMG ceed the sum of 9140,600.00, which li the estimated amount ot bonds or 5CHEPULE notei to be Issued. The maximum amount of money to be raised from (II sources for the slid purpose Is )}U8,000.00. SECTION 3. It is hereby determined and declared as follows: (a) That all bonds or bond anticipation notes Issued pursuant to this ordinance shall bear Interest at a rate not tzceedlng alx per centum per annum, and the maturities, form and all other mutters not determined herein shall be determined by resolution or resolutions of the governing body ot said Township adopted pursuant to law. it)) That the average period of useEAT0NT0WN — Construction LITTLE SILVER - Marshall fulness ot lh« purpose* described In Section 1 hereof, within the limitations it a second lane on the south- Thompson was elected chairman and provisions ot the- Local Bond Law bound Eatontown exit of the Gar" if the Commission on Missions ts 35 years, (e) That the supplemental debt [en State Parkway has been •f Embury Methodist Church •tatement required by Section 40:1-23 it the Fourth Quarterly Conferet the Revtied Btaluttt was, prior .to :ompleted ahead of schedule. the passage of thla resolution, on first snee last week. leading, duly made and filed In the The lane, built at a contract Others elected were: offlce of the Township Clerk, and said :ost of $134,264, was opened to supplemental debt.statement shows that Philip Thomas, treasurer; Karl the gross debt of said Township as raffic this week. Completion date acobi, chairman of the stewardcetlnen In Section 40:1-16 ot the Reviled Statutes Is Increased by this or- was June 1. hip and finance commission; dinance by JHO.5CO.00 and that the Involved in the widening was obligations authorized by thin Ordlnnce 3,000-foot stretch of the exit Irs. Jacobi, chairman of the vlll be within all debt limitations pre Scribed by the Local Bond Law. amp, extension of the decelera- ommission on education; Noel SECTION 4. That of the proceeds tion lane on the southbound side lilson, church lay leader' and of the I140.&QO-00 bonds authorized ,y delegate to the annual conherein to finance the cost of the Im* if the roadway, and elimination provements described in Section 1 here'erence; Lynn Nilson, junior lay of, to be borne by the Township o! if a sharp turn on the ramp, "elegate and Sandra Huberilc, reMlddletown. there may be used ar amount not exceeding; $10,000.00 to pay iorthbound section had to be wid- erve junior lay delegate. the Interest, costs on the obligations med 10 feet. Issued to finance the cost of the aforeRev. Ralph L. Barrett, pastor, said Improvements, engineering and In Big gains in March and April e p o r t e d church membership spectlon costs, legal expenses and oth r er expenses pursuant to Section 40: ar offset a dip in February col- tar-ds at 304. 1-S5 of the Revised Statutes. lections at the Eatontown toll Dr. and Mrs. William R. GufSECTION 5. Pending the Issuance of said bonds, the cost of said work Jlaza, and the first four months ck were honored at a recepmay be temporarily financed by the if 1960 showed an $11,551 toll revissuance of bond anticipation notes, lon following the conference. Dr. and each ot said notes Miall contain alue rise compared to 1959. This luffick is the presiding officer a recital that it In Issued In anticipa- gear's figure is $77,009. tion of the Issuance of bond, and shall Total revenues last year were f the Conference and superindescribe In general terms the purpose or purposes for the financing of which 1320,355. Cars pay a 25-cent toll :endent of the New Brunswick the note Is Issued. All such notes mny be Issued for a period of -not ex-at the Eatontown plaza. The district. ceeding one (1) year and may be renewed from time to time for period! Dpening of the Monmouth Shopof not exceeding one Cl) year, but ping Center was cited as one Chandler's Features auch notes, Including renewals, shall mature and be paid not more than :ause for the big toll increase : rench Originals two (2>- years from the date, ol the original notes, except as specially pro- n March. Tided In Section 40:1-42. EATONTOWN — Chandler's SECTION 6. That this Ordinance shall ihoes of the Monmouth Shopping take effect twentv (20) days arKr thi renter this week features its new first publication thereof after final pus. sare. :ollection of summer footwear, Miy JT «7.M Win t h e most fun-tlerful summer l o r your Dad he's ever known. Win Dad a ""Wide-Track" Pontiac Safari station wagon and a wardrobe of exciting new Van Heusen Safari ehirts. Just write and tell Bamberger'a in less than 50 words why "My Dad's the Greatest." Win enough prizes to outfit Dad for t h e lafaris h e l l be taking in his new 1960 Pontiac Safari wagon. A fortune of prizes for the greatest Father's Day present of all. Jerry Coleman, t h e former great Yankee Mar himetlf, ii Bamberger's contest judge. Bambarger'i u y t : Tone in on Bert Parks, Van Heruen's hott en "Bourbon Street Beat," Monday night on Channel 7, ABC-TV. MW jiiim oiunii noil, em er Aumut Parkway Exit Embury Church ane Opened Has Elections Mariners Hold Sale including some unusual whites NOTICE >y French Room Originals. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai the following ordinance, -was IntroBELFORD — Senior Girl Scout The stock features cool bareduced and passed first reading at the backs of crushed lustre leather, meeting of the Township Committee Mariner Troop 44 held a rum •f the Township of Wddletown, held mage sale in Keyport recently for summer cocktail and supper Wednesday evening. May 29, 1980, jiaxties. Others are embroidered and was laid over for second and flna! :o purchase equipment for the passage at a meeting ot tha Town with splashes of color, and, for ship Committee I of the Township o ship. Mrs. Hugh Winters was a new note, many have the lightMlddletown to be held Wednesday eve chairman. nlng, June 8. 1960, at the Townshlr Hall at 8:00 p. m. al which time L The girls are planning to at-weight cork demi-heels. Included public hearing will be held upon the In the summer showing are some same and all persons will be given *-"* tend a bridge of honor for MonItalian imports. opportunity to be heard, mouth County Sea Scouts at Earle HOWARD W. ROBERTS. Naval Depot. Township Cleric. The troop will spend this week- o Receive College of AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FRAME end at Lake Gillman, GloucesBUILDING TO BK USED AS A OA RAGE AND WORKSHOP AT BODter County, and also will parti- Notre Dame Degree WAN PARK IN THE TOWNSHIP Op HIDDLETOWN AT A COST NOT cipate in a parade Memorial Day LONG BRANCH - Miss ShirEXCEEDING THE SUM OF $7,000 ley A. Little, daughter of Mr. AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSU- in Middletown. ANCE OF BONDS TO FINANCE Mrs. William Sefcik, leader, 45and Mrs. James K. Little, 351 THE COST THEREOF. arnsey PI, Belford, stated thai Lowden Ct., will receive a bachBE IT ORDAINED by the Township Committee of the Township of Middle* any girl, 14 years of age or in elor of science degree June 5 at town In the County of Monmouth: SECTION 1. Thai the Township o high school, will be welcomed the College of Notre Dame of Ulddletown, In the County of Mon Maryland, Baltimore, Md. mouth proceed to construct a frami into the Sea Scouts. building to be used as a garage am She is assisted by Mrs. Hugh Miss Little has accepted a posworkshop on Township property a Bodman Park according to plans am Winter and Mrs. Frank Miller, ition as a research chemist at •pecltlcaltona made by Bernard Kel lenyl, Registered Architect ot the Stall Sea Scouts include Karen Kruger, the Bound Brook division of the ot New Jersey, -which are on me will the Township Clerk, all at a cost nol Ruth Ann Leary, Judy Wenner, American Cyanamid Company. to exceed the sum of $7,000.00. Beverly "Meyer, Arline Thomp- She attended St. James GramSECTION 2. That tho sum of J7, mar School and is a graduate 000.00 or so much thereof as may b son, Julie Donoghue, Peggy Wia sufficient to carry out the provision! ters and Betty Ericson. of Red Bank C a t h o l i c High of this ordinance Is hereby approprl School. ated for said purpose and a dowi payment has been provided for in th Capital Improvement Fund ot the Budget for the year 1960 and budgets for Mrs. Weston Heads prior years In the sum of HOO.IV and bonds for the balance thereof o Smith College Club M,00O.OO are hereby authorized to I) lslued for the purpose of financing thi coat of aald work. The total amouri DEAL — Mrs. Frederick W. SEA BRIGHT—Four motorists ot bonds Issued shall not exceed thi aum of 16,800.00, which is the estlm were fined a total of $75 lasWeston Jr., of Long Branch, was ated amount of bonds or notes to b Issued, The maximum amount of mon night by Magistrate John P. elected president of the Smith ey to be raised from all sources fr Weir. College Club of Monmouth Counthe said purpose Is (7,000.00, Fined $15 each for going 21 ty at a meeting Wednesday In the SECTION 3, It Is hereby determined and declared a s follows: miles an hour over the limit wen home of Mrs. A. Walter Weiner (a) That all bonds or bond nnticlpa tlon notes Issued pursuant to thla Or Carol Engelhorn, Buena Vista on Roseld Ave. dlnance shall bear Interest at a rati Ave., and Peter T. Catanrariti, Others elected were Mrs. Richnot exceeding six per centum per an num, and the maturities, form' am 6 West St., both of Rumson; an> ard Griffith, Red Bank vice presall other matters not determined hert Aniello Maddaloni, Newark. ident; Mrs. Hans A. Huber, LoIn shall be determined by rcsolutlo or resolutions of the governing bod: William R, James, stationed cust, secretary, and Miss Sandra of said Township adopted pursuant ' with the Coast Guard at Sandj Otto, AUenhurst, treasurer. law. (b) That the average period of u Hook, was fined $30 for doin( fulness of. the purposes described Section 1 hereof, within the llmlli 40 miles an hour over the sped To Open Season tlons and provisions of the Local Bom limit. All were stopped in ; Law Is 15 years. OCEANPORT - Members of 35-mile an hour zone. (c) That tho -supplemental debt stat the Shrewsbury Sailing and ment required by Section 40:1-23 i the Revised Statutes was, prior to th Yacht Club will start their social pasiage of this resolution on first reef- Councilmen Review season tomorrow with a cocking, duly made and filed In tho offlc or the Township Clerk, and said sir tail party for members and guests plemental debt statement shows th. History of Borough the gross debt of said Township in the clubhouse lounge and lowdefined In Section 40:1-78 ot the Ri NEW SHREWSBURY — Coun vised Statutes is Increased by thi cilmen John Lemon, Jr. and Rob er deck between 5:30 and 8 p. m. ordinance by 33,(500.00 ami that lh Professional entertainment is obligations authorized by this Ordtnaric crt McCall discussed the historj will be within all debt limitations pn of the borough and outlined its planned. •crlhed by the Local Bond Law. form of government at a meet- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson, SECTION 4, That of the proceei of the S6.60O.O0 bonds authorized here! ing of the Republican Glub Mon Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Melzoff and to finance the cost of the Improvi day night. ,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barron, al! Tnenls rtenerltiert In Section 1 hflfoto bs home by the Township of Miildl The Borough of New Shrews- of Fair Haven, are in charge of town, None of the aamn shall be usi1 to pay the Interest, costs on the o bury separated from Shrewsbury the activity. lleatlons l.isueri to flnnnce the cost < the aforesaid Improvements, englneiTownship in 1950 by a vote o Ing nnd Inspection costs,, legal LUNCHEON MEETING 397 to 261, Mr. Lemon pointed, pensea and other expenses -nursus t» "ecllon 40:1-53 of the Revised Sta Assemblyman Alfred N. Bead LITTLE SILVER - The Worn Van Heusen Summer Dress Shirts THI rasnics, THI STYUS, THE FASHION TOUCH FORSIMAMIR A . CINVURY VANTACB AIR WE AVE, Four Speeders Fined by Weir utes. PS. Actlonl T h l t ' s w h i t The l U r.ls.inlfled a d i hsvi-i been Krttln; their edvtrtlflei-B for over three-qua ters ot a century,—Advertisement, when the Sisterhood of the Conchairman. It hns been announced that th gregation Bnai Israel meets Tuesday night in the synagogue. Mm. cake sale planned for June has been rescheduled for JimEllas Long is tho installing offiU in St. Joseph's Catholic Schoc cer. • Wash and wear Vantage finish stays fresh • Long or short sleeve model; short poiiu collar • Short sleeve model also with button-down collar B. CWirURY SHIM, WHITI 14-17 425 • As comfortably lightweight as a sport shirt 9 Smart tailoring maintains a trim appearance • Exclusive Century collnr won't wrinklf;—ever • Short or long sleeve; modified spread collar C. POLAIRI VANTAOI AtRWEAVB, WHITI, BLUB, TAN, * R A Y , 14-17 4.25 "~ ~ ~ • Ideal wash and wear fabric for summer • Collar converts to open neck sports style • Short sleeve model also with button-down collar • Airwcave fabric works like air cooling system Mm'f Shlrtt, Mall Ltvel. Bamberger'* Monmourh HIRE COMES THE HEAT. BE READY. MAIL OR PHONE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR I Qum. | lambwgar's, Eatontown, N. J. KOd B * !b* Mlo-whs* YES He-Bj-sn shlrtst en's Society of Christian Servia leston (R-Mon) will be the speak SECTION 6. Pending the Issuance said bonds, the cost or salrl work mi er at the June 27 meeting a of Embury Methodist Church wll' hf> temporarily financed by the las 8:30 p. m. in the Tlnton Fall! hold a luncheon meeting Wednes ance of bond anticipation notes, r~ each of sal'I notes shsll contain day at 1 p. m. in fellowshli fire house. recital thnt It In Issued In antlclpntli of the Issuance of bonds and shn hall. Mrs. Charles E. Folsom describe In general terms the purpm Columbian Auxiliary who is retiring after four yean or purposes for the financing; of whli the nnte \n Issued. All surh not< as society president, will be the iruy be Issued for a period of t tins Rummage Sale exceeding one (1) yrsr -inn* mny honored guest and will receive renewed from time to time for Pi RARITAN TOWNSHIP her past president's pin. tons' <it not excedlng one (1) yen •ummaRe sale will be conducts hut surh notes, InrrltidinK renpwiT fthAll rnnture and h* patit not mo TUESDAY INSTALLATION than two (2) years from the -IMP 'yy the Columbian Auxiliary Ma the origins! rotes, except as special 24, 25 and 26 at Second and A RUMSON — A ilate of officers prnvldiMl In Section 4O:l'<5. lantic Sts., Keyport, from 9 a.m headed by Mrs, Lester Swart? RECnON 6. That this Ordinance «li take effect twenty (201 dflya lifter t of Little Silver will be installed to 4:30 p.m. Mrs. John Dane first publication thereof after final pa. May' 37 5 • Exclusive fabric works like air cooling system • Lets fresh air in, while body heat escapes • Collar is guaranteed not to wrinkle—ever WHITI, 14-17 Item | 1 Address. 1 Chr OC«in _ Zone___ Suit O Money Order QC.O.D. | Siie II II II 11 I I II II | Color | Price | 1 1 II II II II I II 1 BAMBERGER'S MONMOUTH OPflN TONIGHT TILL 9:30 AT THE EATONTOWN TRAFFIC CIRCLE AND ROUTE 35 Uio our TelMsrvIe* at no additional charge — Cell OSborno 1-2500 or KEIiogg 1-2400. On C.O.D.'a add 30c for handling 2*-F.i4ay. May 27, 1960 f)ENNIS THE MENACE Q T Hetft»-A S S 4 MIlCluH AKQJ; WIMt * RED BANK KECI3TCJ. »y MUM m a u n By SAVNDERS nd OVEKGAMD . • • • I I I %9mv* ATVW •a «ptata« Md* IHTwkmytm Column 1/ when you have a watthifM •aothcr twit. USO to Honor Its Chairman Wl ALFRED MBNWOLD "Of aU « d wordi in any l u l the laddeit are: I w u in the wrong hand!" An old friend ofj mine used to recite this with: heart-rending moans whenever, his partner blocked himself out: of the right hand. East took two ipade trickl and then led the king of heart* to] dummy's ace. Declarer led the deuce of dia , monds to the see, discovering the j bad trump break. He turned a iobsterish red and began to prepare his defenses by complaining about the horrible breaki he' always got. The opponents told him to get on with it, so he led a club to dummy and returned the ten of diamonds. East covered with the Jack, and'South won with the queen. South led another club to dummy and led the eight of diamonds. East played low this time, TM LONG BRANCH - Monmouth County Judge John C. Giordano will speak i t a dinner June 1 honoring Mrs. Mary 'Sestito. Mr». Sestito was chairman of the Long Branch USO Committee from 1954 to 1959, The dinner will be in the Paddock Lounge. Thomas D. Hinton, executive director of the National Catholic Community Service, Washington, will present a charter to the USO Committee to Mrs. Sestito. Ralph J. Damiano is chairman of the dinner, assisted by John Schulz. Joseph Schwark is in charge of arrangements. East dealer Both tides vulnerable NORTH • Q7 V A 8 54 • 10 8 2 + AKQJ WEST EAST • * • * 9*52 J 10 9 6 2 VfCQ • J 9 63 None 985 4 10 6 SOUTH A 10 4 V 73 • AKQ74J *7 5i East Sooth Vfnt ' North <U 2 • Fata 2 * ttas 3 • Put 5 • AB Pas. Opening lead — A2 Mrs. John T. Wilson spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Howard McGinty of Matawan. and South had to let dummy win the eight of diamond! through Sunday visitors of Mrs. John T. Wilson were her son and Eait. the trick. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Now there was no way for E a s t w o u l d c o v e r the Richard Wilson and their son him to get out of dummy to draw nine and South would win with R i c h a r d J r d d h M K the last trump. If dummy led the king. Back to dummy with | t Keyport another club. East would ruff; a lecond club, and the deuce of ' ^ ' and if dummy lead a heart, East diamonds comes through East, Miss JoAnn Mason is spending would get a heart trick. ! South can finesse and can reach a week as the guest of her fianhis own , hand. at . the . .same time c e ' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd FORESIGHT South could have avoided this in order to draw the la.t trump. L i t t l e o f L a n c a s t e r | P a There is a double moral in this sad fate by using foresight. On | i ( t i e tale. The first, about the Morton Andrew Barnes, threefirst round of trumps h e . c o r r e c t p ] , V ) y o u h m already year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. should lead the ten of diamonds | , e e n . yh* second ii to avoid re- M. A. Barnes of Sea Girt Ave. from dummy. I riting that little rhyme too often, is a surgical patient i/i Monmouth East would play low, and South especially if there's a poet around Medical Center. would play the ace of diamonds, It's no fun to get conked on the not knowing at that stage tha of Shakespeare. The soprano saxaphon* occu< East has all of the trumps. DAILY QUESTION pies the same role in an orches West's discard would show up As dealer you hold: Spades— tra or band as a clarinet. the trump situation, and South would get back to dummy to lead "ASTRO-GUIDE" CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1-Country at Europ* I-Want! 11-Kit. 13-Kiirnpttn herb n-.\ mat* labhr.) In-Reatrlcti 17-Rlv«r in lttly ll-Afrlcan •nUlopa M-Laughlng Il-Promli« n-Sklllan volcano H-Illumln»t«a H-rrohlblli ll-Hirblnitr il-Morklnn lJ-V»ntl!at«a ID-VArn it-smfr I2-Auatrallan mBMUPlkl M-Antdemie •ubl*cta 15-Small lump Il-Ctlumny I«-Cb«tr ltBdlfl flVM aauaa rana mtuur* laaa wuaaa . ana nan notaHM aa .Bun: QUH aa ananB aaa-OBB aa3 Huiaf3a SO-CowboT rompttltlmt Jt-niby'i bta Jl-Ston« (tar* SI-i;niJ«rxround pints* H-filin of aodiac U-Llngtr IT-Hindu tajantf Inglng tnlea «O-DalTnatua S tl-flpread (or drying 44-Nthoor ahetp 47-Praflx: dowa «J-8ymbM for nickel ITW16NTA DwecrHirANt>rr i o « 4 itKS HOST wrww uvcwsva NUBBIN By J/M BURNETT and GEORGE CRANDALL Youri.'. • Allow pleaty of time if traveling this weekend. Delays >re likely, although this ii due to crowds and not to planetary influences, which are excellent. Be responsive to suggestions, but b* wary about nwhing into anything. Put zert and mapnaHon inio everything you do. PIPJ6V0RTBUYOU TH* J0K6 ASOUTTHBTWO <5UY5 THOT... P a i t . . . Archduke Maximilian, Future • • • Within the next few brother o( Emptror Frani Jo- yean, we may be able to drill seph of Auttria-Hungary, landed six. miles down—through several at Veracruz on May 23, 1864, thousand feet of ocean water, a U> assume the tiwone M Em-mile or so of aedimeat -and ptror of Mexico. 12,000 (eUot deep crust. THTgAIGHTMM! mkTHTXAISHT. / MARK TRAIL By ED DODD TKe Day Under Your Sign ARIES (( U r . March I I U April p If) AlChnttfh ca*M in l i m i i c l , l H t H 10 i Thi» UwwM W a Itappy I w r . <Hht-rs lo khlre 7<owr jrwid tarlM Wlir. iEMINI ' M mxj' lm»V k> . , _ rrTilffV«, Wt for a focal runt, SAfiinAIIUS (Nar. 22 r. D « . 21) CAHICO«N*r(oIc*.>21 I . Jan. 20)' M4r Irirint. You* r*,oy H K rrlaialii 4] rfofl't in*f. Ymir mm »ill fimr Utrr! AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 lo Fab. I I ) EO (Julr II U Ai/f. : , . tttrky. . • * "• 47 T r y lo in.-hulf n l . « . ( j - . h n r t wm r l d i r i rlnrinff Ihi* wreVriiri. group yon torn. \ mi're VIRGO (Ai*j. 22 t* S*f>t. 22) A V0U KNOW, DON, THAT MARE IS A NATURAL BORN JUMPER/ call PISCES (Fab. 30 t . March 20) \tm knriw vhat'i \x-\i, MI Mami vmu mind. THE TOODLES By THE N-NOT-BKACTLV. IT SBBMS. SHE'S ALWAYS WAKfTEDA DRIVEN OFF THE COLT'S ANSRV MOTHER, « J U S HUNGRILY O« A ROCK LEPGC *lriy !rto f»r iron hftmt aftrr i*arl. SCORPIO (Oct. 11 * • M.». J l ) <.K M »arlr >tart if voiiiK wnrtWrr nr ronpaay mijtht 4rofi M brfofc' rum TAURUS (Apfil N t« M. r 70) ^'atr PMMK traas|*orlalioii 41 THE BIG CAT, LIMA (Sa.t. 13 H Oct. I l l ynn'H i CANCEK ( J I M 22 U Jatf 21) DOWN l-KInd of fabric I-Block aarrInc • • (>••• for •l«tu« I-Coolcl liv* 4-Holtllrr t A k By MEL GRAFF Preient—For You and 14 curved nlanklnr H-f'yprlnold flHh 41-Cloihmmakerti il-NtgatlTa 4»-On« molt advanced In y«ara 4I-St«u« alinal call on trnmptt M-Sowa Il-Lam*nta SECRET AGENT By Ceean For Saturday, May 21 ' T-Abitncl hilni I-Prlnnr'i I-Ttitlfr ID-Hlni)er» U-Quavtri ll-Biptlimil buln l«-For«T 19-KlCavltl ll-8«rv»nti ll-Soloi Exp]o •ktlK By WALT DISNEY Occanport WIN"AUNG A Rmi£ OFGflSUP!ttUNEVg* <3ET/W SAKP»flCH6SflgPgNOt>6«'- THE HANDS MICKEY MOUSE POGO By WALT KELLY AWOWHATUUHAWANTa: -LAURA « B T « ISICLUOIKJS - YOU! m Tap YOU TMftN " • lr« Wfc HAP 10 PfJ, tfAlP WO SfAST AT If A H . OVtR AduMM J 1U& 1OP ANP W0«K iVMAf-nIIr lit rrr ,idL POWH. MARY WORTH BONNIE By ALLEN SAUNDERS By JOE CAMPBELL WHAT A> RMNV CV. I WELL LET D»\D SLEEP,' y WILL ^ 0E SURPRISED TAU6E VOU ALWA.VS VELL W HlrA TO GET U P ' 1 DAD. I'VE GOT GOOD NEWS FOR YOU" YOUR flAMCt DIDN'T / 10THAR 14 NOT MY 5 W I O N 6 , BUTTON! / H A N a ' , UNCLE WAllY!-. HOT ' A N Y MOIU!'-FORTUNATELY, 1 LEARNED JU5T IN TIME, THAT HE HA5 AN UNSTABLE WILL YOU EXCLBE M E ? - I'D U K t TO MEDITATE! and KEN ERNST THAT 1 ) YOUTH FOR V D U , M M . WOUTH! ^ Kid ROMANCt 6OE5 BOOM, BUT, APPARENTLY, THERE Ii NO [MOTIONAL AGE.! REVEREND THE RYATTS TADRYKTT.M k ^ I'M PRACTICIN'.A^ WH»T/> KITTY.' 10 SfAUT AT THaV fOP ANP WORK UP. SCHOOL wia BH A O(JT,VJ0WT IT ->J 15 •"'I 1 ' HOW TO DO,, M0THIN'/ TRYIMLTFOR ft ; WORLDS RECORD! HOW MfcNV TIME5 50 FAR DON'T KNOW —WE CANT, COUNT' — - I - - • •. • • . : : • . • - . • • • - • FluoridationResults •int-Sizers Get Sports Fashions Hailed by Dentists RED BANK REGISTER Fridty, Mty 27, 1960-25 YOUR MONEY'S WORTH By SYLVIA PORTER time to be pitying poWfcs with our foreign policy. ' A third reason for the opposi' In fte days (ince the summit authorizing (lie spending of $4tion is the feeiing of disenchantcollapse, surely millions of llton for foreign economic and ment with the results of the proRED BANK - Use of fluori- children entirely free of decay Americans the nation over have nilltary aid In the year starting gram, the belief that foreign aid dated water in Monmouth Court' in permanent teeth. not being adjusted to today's wondered in anger and frustra- uly 1, is on our law books. But, I emphasized yesterday, the world. ty has been a big dental success, Municipalities now receiving tion, "What can I do to help uthorization is meaningless un- Here again, it seems to me now?" according to survey results just fluoridated water are Allenhurst, Deal, Fair Haven, Eatontown, In One crucially less Congress also appropriates that the way to find a new promade pubilc. terlaken, Little Silver, Long Important thing the money to back up the augram Is not to sabotage the only This was the report of the com- Branch, Middletown, Fort Monyou can do Ishorization. Before the summit me we have. In the past tha mumittee on fluoridation, headed by mouth, Monmouth Beach, Nepto make clear ifluential members of Congress tual security program saved Dr. Sylvester J. Hecht, Red tune City, Ocean Township, Nepto Congress ••ere saying plainly that'they Greece from Communism, TurBank, and Dr. Milton R, Ross, tune T o w n s h i p , Oceanport, that you want ilanned to slash the appropria- key from chaos, preserved a Roosevelt, R u m s o n, Ocean Long Branch. no backtrack- ion 25 per cent or more under free Western Europe. Our ecoGrove, Sea Bright, Shrewsbury, nomic aid to such lands as Laos, ing whatsoever he $4 billion authorized. In the county's 24 communities New Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury ordan, Pakistan, South Vietnow on our that receive fluoridated water, Township a n d W e s t Long And while President Elsenhow- nam, is averting Communist mutual securisaid the report, there has been Branch. r in a private letter sent to domination in those areas. We ty program — "a reduction In the average PORTER xound 100 top citizens of th<haven't gained as much as we and that you number of decayed, missing and Twenty-four members of the :ountry has just urged "a cru-hoped, but neither have the SoMonmouth Dental Society, volinsist it vote all the cash neces filled permanent teeth and an ;ade" to prevent this, and whil viets. sary to back up the foreign aid increase in the percentage of unteering their efforts in March ;his past Monday Vica Presiden 1954, and 22 who carried ou program that was written into Imperfect as the foreign aid made the unusual mov studies in March last year, conlaw and signed by President Eisprogram is, it is at the heart of publicly asking each GOP ducted examinations. In 1954, enhower on the eve of his demember of the House Appropria of our foreign policy. The first teeth of 1,112 children aged 6 to parture for Paris. ions Committee to prevent it, i major act to come out of Con14 were examined and In 1959, s far from sure the pleas wi gress following the Paris debacle If Congress does vote this cash here were 1,206 examinations must not be a retreat on this be heeded. quickly and decisively, it will made, the report said. program. You can help your tell our allies in unmistakabl Why is the opposition s country by making your support This was the result: terms that in this key area ol itrong? known now. "The reduction in the averagi our foreign policy, we have number of affected teeth rangei firm course and we're follow One reason is the admitte from 50 per cent in the six-yearmaladministration of the pro ing it. olds to 19 per cent in the tenIt will assure the underdevel ram in many instances. Som year-olds." oped and uncommitted nations oi of the bungling has been abom The results, said the survey, the globe that we recognize how inable. compare favorably with those obdesperate is their struggle for But the way to correct malad tained in test cities of the nation advancement and that we inministration of a law is not t "where full-scale scientific intend to continue to help them cripple tha law to be administe vestigations of the value ol achieve higher living standards ed. The common sense move fluoridation were conducted." without sacrificing their inde. :o get the machinery into ope Fluoridation was started in 21 pendence. ation, then to act with determ communities served by the Mon JUNIOR SPORTINti SET—Johnny's all set for the fishing season in suspender cord slacks and It will smash home to Russii nation to make the machinery mouth Consolidated Water Co. i checked gingham shirt, designed by George Rosenberg of Minneapolis. Gingham trouser cuffs can more efficient and put more e March, 1953. The program alsc be turned down as he grows. The miniature gainor girl at right Is ready to charm all comers on the message that we know she ficient men in control. is fighting an intensifying ecobegan that year in Asbury Par] the beach in her strictly feminine sunsuit of embroidered cotton satin, designed by Simon Monomic war with us all over th< A second argument against th for severe and Allenhurst. gilner, of Birmingham, Ala globe and that we are ready am law is that, if we can't "afford1 Prior to the program, thf hearing impairments prepared to fight back. egal heir of Czar Nicholas II, to spend millions to aid such d natural water supply contalnet :he last monarch of Russia. Ac- It will support our critical a' pressed areas of our own as We: less than .2 parts of fluoride pei ording to historical accounts, iiances In the North Atlantic and Virginia, we can't "afford' million parts of water. Witl his entire family — including Asia, help maintain the unitj spend billions to aid foreign! WM0MHUI10H fluoridation the content wai daughter Anastasia — was wiped which is imperative for survival areas. brought up to 1.0 per millioi out by Bolshevik riflemen In It will be the best "next step1 This argument is cockeyed and MILFORD S. PINSKY Medallion Watcliea parts, 918. we could take after Paris—on A spokesman for the dental But in 1920a woman was big step forward after the di loaded with obvious politics. We GUILD OPTICIAN society said that today one ulled from a canal in Berlin maying series of steps backward do not further aid to our deFROM 55.00 TO 10,000 ll-3rd*Ave. • Long Branch pressed areas by cutting foreign g p ckward every three persons using after a suicide attempt. She Th t l Price Inc. Fed. Tax public water supply in the was iaken to a mental hospital, The mutual security program aid—and this is definitely no United States is supplied with where she announced she was w a t e r "containing adequate Anastasia. My first claim to distincamounts of fluoride." Lawyers for the House of tion . . . My ability as a watch repairer . . . My Hesse are arguing in court that pledge . . . Honesty. he woman now known as Mrs. COSTLY RUMOR Anderson is actually a former ST. LOUIS (AP) — Fran] Polish farm worker named FranFrisella was dismayed when he ziska Schanzkowski. heard a rumor that a nursery In 1957, a West Berlin court planting area was to be developed ruled that Mrs. Anderson Is not into a subdivision and that plants Anastasia. The ruling was issued there could be had for the taking after the court heard testimony Frisella owns the area, which that Mrs. Anderson's ears are he uses in his nursery business 56 Monmouth St. different than those in pictures and he knew the rumor to bi of Anastasia. across from % false. He rushed right out, bu police headquarters But Mrs. Anderson—who is 58 was too late. years old if she is Anastasia— Missing were some 300 tree has refused to give up the fight RED BANK shrubs and other plants valuei and the case is now before a at $1,600. Hamburg court. ^Anastasia' LeavingHer Black Forest Shack FREE We Want Announcing a New ON-LOCATION CARPETUPHOLSTERY CLEANING SERVICE for residents In the Red Bank area Special Introductory Offer ? • WALL TO WALL CARPETS • SOFA & CHAIR CLEANED 8 £ sq.ft. $15.00 If your order \% placed by Saturday evening:, we will remove all stains on carpeting FREE of charge, CALL T U X 8 F. M. STERLING CARPET CLEANERS 157 BROAD ST. SH 1-4344 RED BANK MUSCLES WATERMELON HWY. 34 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Ife AT 1-0613 Compare Our prices Before You Buy .00 ROSES AZALEAS ALL COLORS LARGE SELECTION JACKSON & PERKINS ROSES ARRAY OF ANNUALS & PERENNIALS Birthday, Parties For Brewer Family MORGANVILLE Daniel Brewer of Orchard Parkway celebrated his seventh birthday Saturday at a party in his home. Children present were Mary Croddick, Patty Peters, Nancy Schwarz, Gail Freeman, " Dale and Steven Leander, Donna Delbert, Peter Pascallis, Daniel Mc-ormick, Dean Davenport, Dean Von Wagnon, Janet Stafflinger, Diane and Donna Freeman, Connie Demery and Carol Engleretson. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brewer ntertained Saturday at a supper iarty for Mr. William Brewer. .ttendihg were Mr. and Mrs. William Darby, Mrs. William ROYALTY CLAIM —Mrs, Anna Anderson, who claims she is Emmons, Ralph Smith and Arthe only surviving offspring of Russia's Czar Nicholas II, as thur Paton of Freehold and Mr. photographed in 1955. and Mrs. Daniel P. Brewer and By REINHOLD ENSZ no plywood or matting to shut Mr. Fred Stafflinger of Morganrille. Mr. and Mrs. William DarUNTERLENGENHARDT, Ger- out the gaze of the curious. iy of Freehold entertained SatMrs. Anderson has consistently urday for Mr. and Mrs. Daniel many (AP)—The woman who | refused to receive visitors. HerF. Brewer and1 son, Danny, Wilclaims to be Anastasia—allegedly food is brought to her t y Mrs. am Brewer and Mr. and Mrs. the only surviving offspring of Miltitz's housekeeper. Daniel P. Brewer. Russia's Czar Nicholas II—is "She hasn't seen any one since moving out to her Black Forest last summer," reports Mrs. /isitors to the Kremlin in Mosshack after 10 years of isolation. Miltitz. :ow must wear canvas slippers The woman, Mrs, Anna Ander- The Anastasia case Is still be- tver their shoes to protect the son, has remained secluded in fore the German courts, a situa- loors from scratches. the shack while a controversy tion that has prevailed off and rages in the outside world about on since 1933, when a German her identity. court ruled that Germany's But now, enriched by the roy- princely House of Hesse is the SHRUBS ON SALE • AH Sties 1 BOYS... You can earn extra money with a Red Bank Register newspaper route. Find out how easy it is to have your own route and start makin extra cash. PETE'S Barber Shop ROTOTILLERS & MOWERS FOR RENT Little Silver Shopping Plaza (Rear Davison's Market) NOW! 3 BARBERS ALL TIMES Coming Soon... Children's Hair Cutting OUR SPECIALTY REPLACES SHACK —Movie and book royalties paid for this $8,300 house Into which Mrs. Anna Anderson will move from a one-room shack. LINCROFT OFFICE NATIONAL BANK Kings Hwy. Middlelown OS 1-2800 allies from an autobiography and two movies, one starring Lilli Palmer and the other InRrid Bergman. Mrs. Anderson has a new $8,300 house. The house has been built next to her one-room shack in this Black Forest villane. "She mitiht be more willing to receive visitors when she moves into her new house," soys her friend and advisor, Mrs. Moniclta von Miltilz, who liver; nearby. "She has refused to see people because she is ashamed of the shack. It Is quitu n mess." The shack is surrounded by two high fences—lined with plywood and straw mattinc Steel gate:; arc padlocked day and nii'Jit. Fnur unfriendly dog!! patrol tho inside fence. The new IIOUM; is nl;;o sur- rounded by a fence, hut tlicro is Phone SH 7-9862 , MAIL THIS COUPON TO THE RED BANK REGISTER ClltCtUATION DEPARTMENT 4 0 - 4 2 BUOAD STKEET, RED BANK Dr. Eugene Trachtmen, Optometrist Your Name ANNOUNCES tho romovol of hit offico Street Town from 3 Monmouth Stroot, Rod Bank, to 74 BROAD ST., RED BANK (Northwest Cor. of Broad St. and Monmouth St.) PHONE SH 1-0170 Your Ape Phone , HOMBXEX ITALL* •ruUDl*. Paddoefc area* asc CaeUiiic* (or UcM trUnlrm UK U i f t o t as H n>U« t n l a l i f (nek. location SUM from MOHBOBUI Park on on CoupCU tr lid..' RJ. SSI FreefccU R«D. Hiamrtre* U M« LOST AND FOUND TKAVEL - TRANSPORTATION m — rwinmlm ftm«Ie. uuwtrt la RIDERS to join iur nod from Red Bisk to K e n r k . Cull H i 7-0379 BUM of B«sl«, rfdnlty R t 3S. Sfld l/tcr 7 p. m. JWward WH «44B fe-Frity. Mtjr 27, 1960 ITS AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS A LARGE SELECTION OF GUARANTEED USED CARS AT YOUR AUTHORIZED DODGE AND DART DEALER FRANK VAN SICKLE,Inc. Over 50 Years Selling Automobiles 149 W . Front St. 10 Center St. Red Bank Freehold SH I-I29& HO ?-0570 m TRIUMPH TIt-J Mack, whitt lop. IMI FOBD two-door. r K l o . neater. OUTBOARD MOTOR BOAT AMI) rtdlo. heater. «rhlte well t i n s . S000 O e a o car, food rubber. D t p c M i t l r YACHT GWWEM ATTZJtnOH: Mar»r rail««. ,C>1| SH 7-217I. 1 «-rj. to t p.m. trmtparmHon. t u n , C a l l « H 7-44IC t i a m r u c * i> ear •ptclaltr- , I t DIAMOND T dump truck, three b t j n t cmtinMO* m t e h a c a , tat - CABW C R U I B R . L V e u « t W eoodWon. Call KE 1M3 RAMBLJT.it WAGON radio, h e a u r , 1K0 PONTrAC-KrdrjmaUc. Reliable neir gUp eercrs, good Ureg, econcml- tnntrrrt«tio=. (UK. • . • - . oiUmtt 10 rnnd orer. <M m« 11 am. oompuuij "i y Call OS IJ725 : u u rr u UmttLOW rnnnded yoo )Mur« 11 1 MERCURT-. convertible epupe 1863. eal cranaporution IKS. BH 7-M7S. •ut or date »"«««« with RATB OP Vain <r*rmtrljr >PuIl«n's) ithh.p..o» LO W RATB OP it%. t%. Vi Art, T*it Ha EH \ N n r roof, pawn atcetiaf. i l l vowtr m O L M l f O B I L E , {o-jr-door HolUUT. H» CHEVROLET—N«4l repair. . » dnJocubl* m Jt t » . m CBRTILCR MAJGDSZ-VOLVO P I N T A J tot b l utmutitn Jt windows,' radio, b e a u r . Excellent CODlag (90. IoqulK M Woden PI., 4«4acUl>le.dcm OM-T TWO KBFT-nt «**»>* *"*" Eicelleot condition. All power acceflofty. Outboard m o t o n u 4 txmtt la era If tkU! with Ueteary » n- PdJU H65. C«I1 CA 24508. u ) Bank. soriei. Call O f 1-2W9. PART8 and SERVICE T I M , ISS8 Roadster, radio, heater, TWO JS53 MERCURY*, one twoMoor 1*9* F O R D C o u n t r r S q u i r e , full7 and UirotUe control;. Btminar-fr--— - wlifle with r«4 leather upholstery. equipped, orltSngl cmntr. Monurejr hudtop, one four-door «eUSED BOATS H.37S. T h e Bo»t Center 75 Whit* St., Kictllent condition. «,750. Call EH dan. Both w)Ui automatic trencm!tilo.i, SB 2-O6SS. S31 Sloop S11.000 ft»d Bank, H. 3. II W. Front St. Re 4 B u k • J-T461 t l t t r «:30 p.m. radio, heater a n d whltcvsJIt, J37S and 27' Chrft Cnlt Twin g c « W S 5,900 W I U , TRADE over f2,000 worth ol UK FORD % SH 7-3600 27' Columbia „ J 6,800 ISM J B E P STATION- wagon, four »hefl *278. BH 7*273. Oil 26 yetn ol boitint tod ... * , photographic eaulpment for Jereey 23" Auxiliary drive, N*w motor. Warner-Hubf. KB M005. FORD Country 8<jufre. F o r d o .... X 4,000 Speed Skiff. SH 7-4516. yacht Inturancc. 22' Shepherd, like new I Radio, hfater and hitch. J1.600. Call 1857 Matlc, Power BWerlnR, power brakes. 1950 CHEVROLET DUI.UXB JI00. Good J 3,750 1959 ALCOTT SUPER SAILFIBH, white. UO 6-6235. MERCURY outboard t a l e s and service. 28' Twin Screw Cruiser Price 11350. SH 1-2790. running condition. Call .... S 3.T5O nylon sail, aluminum rlrelnE- Nev, Big discounts on 1959 motors. The 14' Consolidated lttr/) »j Ton Panel ChRvrolf-1. One own- 1953 RAMBLER Country Club. Hard ICE 6-33S). .... S 3,700 condition, Bargain. BH 1-2516. Boat Center. 75 Whlt« St.. Red Bank. 30' Wheeler er, r»a**M Inspection, gnort tlre.i, run.... S 3.1O0 top, rarllo, heater, continental wheel :9M BUICIC SUPER hardtop. Radio. Open Sundays and Holidays 9 t o L 25' Richardson nlnp contillIon. Priced for quick ?nle. J. new RUNABOUT— FlherRlae covered, con.... $ 2.650 33' Cruiser tlrea, A-l condition. J395, Call heater, dynaflow. gray top white Hoffman, SH 1-1607 or 62 Hardlns P.O., evenings, J S O O troll, 25 h. p, Buccaneer motor antl EASTERN SEA SKIFFS — , T h e best 30' Skiff. ioo h. n. motor SH 7-<(M9, and MU 6-0S3! bottom, private. $525. OS 1-36H. l>it Flank. .... J 550 dinghy. Will sell together or leparbuys In 16' and 20' outboard skiffs. 2S' Cruiser days. ately. EH 7-2962. The Boat Center. 15 Whlt» St., Red First St. 1359 RAMBLER AMERICAN — Stand(Oil River Kd.) Bank. ard shift, radio, heater, wliltewalh, RECONDITIONED — 1052 Plymouth OWENS CABIN CRUISER, 21'. New $225. 1953 Chevrolet 5350 and 105 nUmaon 1-2300 MOBILE HOMES AlmoM new condition. My cost 52120. paint a n d stain In and out. Fullv THOMPSON. BARBOUR, Wood-Puny My sale price 51350. SH 1-5373 between Rturtebaker S2!>5. AppleRate's Garage, Flying Dutchman sail boats, Skim- 12' PLYWOOD SKIMMER — V.h h.p. equipped, beautiful condition. Must sell. 8x«, MOBILE HOME. Leonardo. Call AT 10J03-M. !) ami 5. KE 60216. mers*. Evlnrude motors. Dockage and Evlnrude motor. Excellent condition, storage. II. J . Wilson Boat Works, <7S 1125. PRICED lor quick «ale, Packard Carlb- 1957 FOP.D COUNTRY sqUIP.E uaei 16' RUNABOUT, newly painted, ready SH 1-1018. as third car. Immaculate, $1,395. Atlantic Ave.. Long Branch. CA 2-2032. Vitan '55. Ilratitltul convi-rtlhle. Call to ro In water. 195!) NASHUA trailer. 47x10, two bedCall RU 1-H04. 30' WHEELER cabin cruiser, J25OO RH l-nSOi, Little Sliver Shrll. CO 4-3153. rooms, kitchen In front. ^5500 down, BARGAIN — Any boat you want to Artie's Boat Yard, Weil St., Union own. Low bank rates. Financing a r - Beach. SIX GALLON Evlnrude tank. J15: MS OLPSMORILE. fnrv\ for tirond 191ft CIIKVP.OLET two-d£or sedan. ake over payments. Call AT I-O429-J. rangements, completed In one call a t four-blade Evlnrude proppller. Si: Good clean transportation. Good ca car, Ooorf cnndltlon. X.V1 nr hent offer. 65» SKYLINE TRAILEI5—35'j8'. like any of our offices. T H E HONMOUTH SEA BRIGHT S K I F F — Commercial '77 HurllnKton Ave.. Leonardo. Call AT for uomeone Just dtartlns to drive. J new. Reasonable. See a t 21 Ave. B .COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. SH 1- documented, six tons. 32'xll'6". com cushions 75c apiece: fork buoy S5; winter cover. SH 7-1458. real buy at S3,-,. SH 1-1536. 1-3S3IS. Mlplevlile Trnllrr P a r t , West Keans 1000. plete, nets, etc.. $1200. SE 2-0004. burg or CKII KE 6-1655. 19.W JOHNSON 10 h. p. and 10 r«r ; HERCURY MARK 20-H outboarrl with 21 NEW BOATS! $99 to 15000 AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS 1957 ZIMMER — Two bedrooms, step' Also Used Boats-New and Used Motors racing kit, also Class A 7V4 h . p Inc P r a m . Excellent condition, will up kltclifn. wall-to-wall carpeting, racing motor with Quick Silver. CA sell separately. SH 1-5654. IRWIN'S' YACHT WORKS 'Ireplace. 10x21) nwnlng. K E 6-2735. 10 H. p . EVINRUDE ^ L l k « new. Marine ParK, Red Bank SH 1-0003 2-1433. 10 hours use. BOATS reflnlshed and made t o look GOOD BUY — 16'9" Thompson, s i x Phone SH 1-2855. passenger with windshield. Like new like new. Special rates, only the bes TRACTORS materials used. Guaranteed quality. A Canvas cover stem to stern, 35 h . pRUOOED ]6' lapstrake skiff. 22 h. p. 1958 Mercury outboard motor. el»rLark with remote control and "LANET JUNIOR GARDEN tractor Job worth doing. Is worth doing well Evinrude electric starter. Sacrifice. Call SH 1 trlcally wired "trailer, canvas too, curCall R U 1-1212. 2',T h. p . with plow blade a n d cultlva.lalni. boat cover, two £as tanks,. oar«. 3312 or SH 1-6O40. or. Reasonable. Call 1.0 6-4552. 14' FIBERGLAS RUNABOUT — In Fast enough for water skiing. Excellent MEMORIAL DAY BOAT SALE good condition. Has 20 h, p . motor condition. Newly painted. Including bntWHEELHORSE GARDEN TRACTOR AH boats, motors and trailers must torn paint. Now In water. S500 for imwith reel mower and ganss, plus and trailer. Call KE 1-1426. BIO DISCOUNT SALE. Come see mediate sale. B. B. Scott. 82 Conmow rlow. Cost $610 sell for $195.COAST SKIFF 23' late 1958, 150 h. p CO. and save. A & B Boat Sales, Hwy over Lane, R e d Bank. SH 7-1364. Call RU 1-2149. Inhoard, head, sleeps two, all equip- 38, Bellorrl. K B 6-5000. ment, excellent condition. Call after 22' JOHNRON SKIFF — Talmer mar16' FIBERGLAS boat. Molded llberglas 6 p. m . EH 1-2142. ine engine. Must sell, $1,500 or hard top shelter cabin. Seats tilx. best offer. Call KE 6-2793. BOATS & ACCESSORIES WHEELER cabin cruiser, 32x11x21; 25 h.p. Evlnrude. All like new. S925. Head, galley, large deckhouse. Sleeps SH 7-5729. 1955 ZOBEL SEA FOX 22' 115 h. V WOODPUSSY — Used S45O. txcallent six. New motor In 1957. *3500. InChrysler Crown, A-l. condition. Will quire SH 1-1994 daytime. SH 7-4273 16' COMET SAILBOAT — N o . 786, Inaccept reasonable offer. CA 2-0400. condition. Terry skllf 16*. 35 h.p. th« water, J250. motor J950. H. J. Wilson Boat Works, evenings. J E T 14 OLSEN BUILT BOSTON SAILS R U MOM 47.4 Atluitlo Ave., Long Branch. CA TRAILER. MARINE SUPPLIES "•2032. MOTOR, 7% h.p. »75. Open Everything F o r The Boatman. New OUTBOARD CAM/ SH 1-5880. skiff, flherglas bottom, home-made Jersey's largest marine supply bouse. IN STOCK Taller. *30. Call SH 1-8784. Evlnrude Sales and Service. 8* Rowfooats, '55 RAMBLER <t-Dr. Custom Wagon, Radio. Heater 795. BUSINESS NOTICES 7 Kayaks CAVALIER, 1958 15" all mahogany. 60 THE BOATMAN'S SHOP h.p. air-cooled Clinton outboards h.p. Chris Craft inboard motor. Per'56 FORD Ranch Wagon, Radio, Heater 795. 24 Wharf Ave. Red Bank. tfT Pen Van — like new. fret for skiing, Mlhn Boat Works, West MASONRY. CARPENTRY, sidewalk! Open Sundays and Holidays retaining wells, dry wells, patios, al'55 MERCURY Monterey Sta. Wagon, MOM, P. Steer. 895. St.. Monmouth Beach, K J. MARINE ASSOCIATES I A. M. to 1 P . M. terations. SH 7-3144. P a r k Rd. Monmouth Bea.cn SH 1-5760 OWENS 22' 11)56 96 h.p. Fully equipped. '5fi FORD Country Sedan, Radio, Heater 995. FOR T R E E WORK, CSO tre» service. CA 1-6450 Excellent condition. Ready for water. 14' V-hottom plywood boat complete Topping, trimming, removal. Call LI 1095. '56 FORD Country Squire, FOM, P. Steer. BOAT SLIPS now available. Reason- with 7 ! 4 h . p . outboard Mercury motor J2650. OS 1-2781. 2-4220 for i r e s estimate. Full Insurancs able rates. 1200 Ocean Ave., Sea and all accessories. In excellent condl FIBERGLAS YOUR BOAT with Glass coverage. 1295. '57 FORD Ranch Wagon, Fordomatic Bright. S E 2-0549. Hon. Call CA 2-3427., cote -Super Marine Resin 33.95 gal.. 1295. »1.95 <lt., 38" 10 oz. cloth »1.40 K yd. PORCHES, PATIOS, sidewalks, no lob '57 MERCURY Commuter 2-Dr. Station Wagon, MOM too «mnll. Charles Hower Hason ConSold by Jacobs H a r d w a r e Co., Shrews AUTOS AM) TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS 1395. '57 FORD Country Sedan, FOM, P. Steer. bury Ave., Red Bank. Anglers Boat tractor. SH 7-4479. Landing Inc., 1300 Ocean A v t . , 8 e aROTOTILUNG. LANDSCAPING, spill 1495. '57 MERCURY 9 Pass. Mercomatic, P. Steer. Bright. rail fences, lawn mowing, odd ]ob9. 1595. '57 FORD Country Squire, FOM, P. Steer. NEW BOAT — 16' rowbaat equipped Oanson Bros. SH 7*4261. for outboard motor. $100. HOLLYBROOK LAWN SERVICE—Ro1650. '58 FORD 6-Pass. Country S»dan, Fordomatic AT 1-2727 or K E 8-26SS tolllllng. tall grass cutting, bruih spraying. Expert workman1895. •58 FORD Country Squire, FOM, P. Steer. !5' CABIN BOAT 1956. Salvage c»«e. clearing, Hull Intact. Chrynler. Offeri. 475 ihlp. Call mornings, SH 1-2262. NEW FORD Ranch Wagon $66. per month* ' a i m e r Ave., Keanshurg. VIKING DOCKBU1LDINO INC. Bulkheads, Docks, a n d Repaint. NEW FALCON Wagon $55. per month' TWO 25 h. p. outboard motors. One SE 2-2838 or R U 1-2157 Evlnrude. one Johnson, both manual itartlnc, good condition, priced to sell. FLOOR WAXING •after small down payment I Slhlrr, Freehold. Days HO 2-1250. REASONABLE RATES Evenings HO 2-4436. THAT'S WHAT WE SELL! LI 2-1291 6'9" CROSBY Fish and Skirt. Plastic LAWN WORK — Done hy week • The useFULL cars w e sell are no longer warranted by or m o n t h . ' T o p soil for sale. fiberglas. Completely equipped hull. OS 1-0740. 159 model. Call SH 1-4549. the original makers. They bear OUR name, trademark and warranty. !0' OPEN J E R S E Y skiff—45 h. P. MASONRY, d r y wells, ceflspools and laterals: also sidewalks, curbs, patloa. Gray, electric bilge pump, all legal • Thousands of buyers have been satisfied during our 48 tqulpment. good condition. SH 7-4672. SH 1-1078. years because their useFULL McFADDIN was: CUSTOM I.AWN SERVICE. C. W. Curry • Call AUTOS A N D TRUCKS 1) Honestly described 2) Properly priced 3) Guar; 100% GI 6-0264 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! MOWING O F LAWNS. Inrite or small, OLDSMOBILES CADILLACS also, mowing of lawns grown too tall, by heavy duty rotary mower. Roto'fiO Sedan Executive Car '60 «« .VPW C a r Quran tilling of garden*. Call Q&V Landscap'.W Convertible Coupe 'X! SR« 1-Dr. Hardtop ing. SH 1-7952. If no answer, SH 1-8519 '38 Coupe '57 PR Hardtop Coupe after 7 p.m. '.V3 Coupe '.S7 KR Convertible '55 Fleetwood '56 S8 4-Dr. Hardtop POWER MOWER SERVICE — Sen-Ice calls made. Rotary mowers FORDS MERCURYS sharpened. Motor repairs. SH 1-3024. '59 Custom .100 4-Dr. '.VI Monterey i-V>r. '59 Galaxln S-Dr. •S7, Commuter Station Wajcon •57 Monterey 2-Dr. Hardtop '57 Fairlane 2-Dr. Hardtop '56 Monterey 4-Dr. '57 Custom 4-Dr. AUTOS AND TftUOU : r RUMSON YACHT BASIN m *£?» Rolston Waterbury EVER DRIVE A TIC YOU SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER FOR THE ' MEMORIAL DAY WEEK-END BEST DEALS ON NEW I960 FALCONS, FORDS, MERCURYS, LINCOLNS i AND THE NEW COMETS CHECK THESE A-1 USED CAR VALUES! Competitive - Reliable ENGLISH "58 THUNDERBIRD AGENCIES SELLING FORD PRODUCTS FOR 55 YEARS Automatic, PS, PB, R&H W« $2995 OPEN WEEKDAYS 'TIL 9 $2595 MONMOUTH 100 GALLONS OF GAS $3195 '56 JAGUAR Conv. Gorgeous Grey Finish, All Leather Upholstery, Never Raced, One Owner. WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY NEW OR USED CAR FROM OUR LOT! HURRY! HURRYI $1695 We'd like io got acquainotd! Why not stop in to soo use today and check the tremendous selection we have to offer. We're sure you'll find somothing to suit your needs . . . whether it be new or used! '57 PLYMOUTH FURY 2-dr. Hardtop, Beige, Automatic, R&II $1245 "59 FORD Ranch Wagon z Blue/White, R Cyls , Fully Equipped, Like New Wai $2095 $1695 '56 FORD '/2-Ton Pickup Dark Green, Excellent Condition, One Owner Wai $995 $695 '53 '55 '53 '58 USED C A R SPECIALS! DeSoto Automatic> RftH $325 Mercury ,.Dr., Scd.,R&I[ $325 Chev. Sta. W a g o n «»'„ $325 Rambler *II95 A m e r i c a n , Auto, R & H '55 Plymouth Wagon Automatic, R & H MANY MORE EXCEPTIONAL $925 '54 Lincoln Hdtp. 2-dr.,Like New, Loaded SPECIAL! VALUES TO CHOOSE FROM '55 Cadaillac . . . BUT DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER TO SEE THE FABULOUS '60 FORD! LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST TRADES 62 Coupe, F I \ R & II '55 Chevrolet 2-dr S e d . , R l l , Std. I r a n . $1545 WOMEN — P a r t time, experience unnecessary. Work two o r three evenIngs per week, 8 p.m. t o 11. p.m., pleasant, dignified beauty service. No canvassing, no delivering, no collectIng. Call LI 2-2141. SECRETARY, part time, four h o u n dally. SH 7-0020. LOWER PRICES '57 PLYMOUTH '55 Merc. Conv. linpala, FP, Perfect Auto, RH, w/w, Sharp SPECIAL! $795 '55 Morcury '57 Ford Fairlane 4-tlr. .Sod.. RII.Autd.Clcan $795 500, A u t o m a t i c , R & H $1195 Always 100 Cars to Choose From I960 AT I960 Spt. Cpe., Ciidilloc-O!d!moto9i Lonfl Branch McFADDIN MOTORS IS) Braodwoy epp. 4th Avt, 671 BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH HELP! HELP! HELP! IN OUR QUEST TO STAY CENTRAL A N D SOUTH JERSEY'S LARGEST Volume Ford Dealer WE MUST SELL • 25 Fairlane 500's • 12 Galaxies • 6 Thunderbirds '56 DESOTO $1095 2-dr. HT, All. pow., R&H '56 CHEVROLET $995 SPORTS CAR WONDER Bel Air 4-dr., All power, . OF THE WORLD Radio and Heater For Less Than $2,000 '56 PLYMOUTH $995 Performance, Economy, 4-dr. HT, Power, R&H and SAFETY! Many Other Pine Used Immediate Delivery No Down Payment Cars to Choose From! Trades Accepted BUHLER & BITTER, INC. iwejgnMoxSales. CA 2-3600 89 Broad St. Rf. 48 ADDITIONAL A-1 USED CARS ALSO AT s 1940 WHOLESALE PRICESI 9 (<>|i|i .',,iyif",v<inii shop'n Or.) TIME FOR A CHANGE? I Now is the time to jump into the Finest Imported USED CARS at rock BOTTOM prices 1959 1956 1958 1958 1958 1958 1955 1955 1954 953 1953 Austin Healey Porsche, 1600 mi. Porsche, 1600 mi. Austin Healey MGA Triumph TR-3 MG TF Rdstr. Jaguar XK140MC Jaguar Convertible g J Jaguar C Cpe. 60 MAIN ST. MATAWAN, N. J. LO 6-3100 $2800 $2395 $2650 $2395 $1800 $1795 $1650 $1500 $M!)5 $1650 XK120M . $1400 1959 Austin Healey Sprite S130O 1958 Austin Healey Sprite 1958 Hillman D l x . Sed.$1125 $1050 1956 Volkswagen Sun Root 1956 Volkswagen Sedan $1050 1952 MG TO $1050 1957 Hillman Dlx. Sedan $ 7S0 1957 Ilillmnn Husky $ 625 1957 DKW $700 1949 Willys Jcepster $400 SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1960 Ford Falcon $1700 }f SUCCESSOR TO S. S. BARRETT Sayrcville PArkway 1-3600 © Open 9 a.m.-9p.m. Keyport CO 4-0198 1958 Ford Fairlane Tudor Sed., A / T 1175. 1958 Pontiac Chieffain Safari Wag. 1645. 1958 Ford Fordor Ranch Wagon, 8 cyl. 1395. 1958 Ford Custom 300 Tudor, 8 cyl. 1045. 1957 Ford Custom 300 4-dr., 8 cyl. 945. 1957 Ford Tudor Del Rio, 8 cyl., A / T 1095. 1957 Ford Custom Tudor Sed. 675. 1957 Plymouth Sta. Wagon, 8 cyl. 1095. 1957 Ford Ctry. Sed., Fordor, P.S. 1345. 1957 Ford Squire, 9 pass., 8 cyl., A / T 1345. 1956 Plymouth Cuit. Sub., V8, 6 pass. 695. 1956 Plymouth Belv., Fordor, 8 cyl. 645. 1956 Chov. BolAir Tudor, H.T. 1020. (TWO BLOCKS WEST OF R.R. STATION) OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 l \ M. HEALY —SPRITE —MORRIS MINOR—ENGLISH FORD — RILEY 124 Hwy. 35 Neptune Eves, 'til 9 PR 4 - 8 9 0 0 DeSoto-Plymouth-Valiant Check These Prices Before You Buy! PLYMOUTH AUTHORIZED PLYMOUTH-VALIANT DEALER (Authorized Sales-Service) M G - A U S T I N —AUSTIN Established 1925 Authorized Dealer WHOLESALE PRICES UC349 UC3I6 UC228 UC304 UC248 UCI33 UC323 UCI09 UC305 UC339 UC3I4 UC23I UC299 $1395 2-dr. HT. All. pow., R&H 38 Fairlanes 49 Falcons Two-Door Sndan MOTORS Inc. $995 '57 DESOTO MOTORS, Inc. SAYREVILLE MAT AWA N AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE R&H, Auto. 4-dr. Wagon, R&H VALIANT 1865 $795 '56 RAMBLER Four-Door Sedan $ AUTOS AND TRUCKS 4-dr., Auto., R&H UC354 1958 Chevrolet Del Ray TurJor, A / T 1175. '58 Chov. Conv. (More Classified Ads On T h e Next Page) $1095 '56 PLYMOUTH $799 ON ALL MODELS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HELP WANTED-FEMALE SH 7-4545 PRESENT THIS AD AND RECEIVE Flashy Red Finish, R&H, Full Power Wai $1695 RED BANK INTRODUCTORY OFFER! '58 CADILLAC Conv. Wai $2095 PLYMOUTH '88 Belvedere 4-Dr. Hardtop WHW rr CAHIB $1795 W« $3695 DODGE '6i Station Wagon 9 P a s s . JMM TRAMMAMC 2-dr. Sedan. Baby Blue Finish. Fully Equipped, Liko Nrw. $2295 CHEVROLETS '59 Station Wacon '53 Impalfc 2-Dh Hardtop STREET OPPOSITE T H E CARLTON THEATER SH 1-6000 '60 CHEVROLET EMPLOYMENT BUICKS '57 Roadmsster 2-Dr. Hardtop "53 Century 4 Dr. Hardtop ISIVl ONLY QUALITY IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES 19 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. SH 7-4500 RED BANK Opon Evening! 'til 9 I I I I I I HELP WANIED-FEMALE S E C R C T A B T tot biwjr real o i i t t tomnaet M , *ll t—r UMiDd poariOoo. S>4' <Uj™ P " m t , mint be iteeunto trpitt and Mka rapid aborth u 4 . DiverHBed. c n e c a l cUrtcal work EECtllent opportunity tor some one willing to a u u m e rMponfiMUtr. experience preferred but not necewary. Good starling J>«y p)tu vacation, e t c Call U 2-3W0 between S «nd « p. m. only, for personal interview. MONTGOMERY WARD Rapiirrriin for «ir cooled lawn mower engines end out. board motor*. Must be ex- LAWNS ft I H R U B B E R T trimmed. Will wprlc crcnlnca and v e e k «nda. Will to raaaen work alao. Call before • a.m. «na after } p . m . 1H 1-43*0. SALESMAN — l o u r a n c c agent, parttime work S a. m . t o 1 p. m. CO t-7429. VB HAVE AVaJltbl*, couples—combination butler i n d cook. Excellent background. HitTlJMt reference!. Ace Employment 12 Broad St., Bed Bank. SH 7-343J. JUST RELEASED I Y CREDIT MANAGER To b* cold for unpaid bafinc* — or I t i t ! 76 ROOMS OF FURNITURE Thre» Room Outfit #76742 Thraa Room Outfit # 6 4 7 2 2 • S piece sectional outfit • 9 piece bedroom group • 5 piece dinette plus 9x12 rug-washer-china cabinet Pay balance due only of $267 — $3 weekly • 7 piece living room group AHRIinn>OM MK. r«BU3a AKC r«(l«ur*e, all ibota. worm*. Us rratSnaUa oft.r i«tti«M. CaU BH M3M fler i p.m. «eek divi. all 4ay Salur aj» and ftuxUjra M U R F I N D good Homt ( o r faithful friend. Will | l r < Ornnan i*«ph«rd female do«. food dilpoalUoB, t o kind pcrfofl only. LI 2-1200. WANTED — Oerrrun •hepheM fer outdoorr Call W>{ «-<!0S evenings. COLUK P U P P I E S — Biblei and trla AKC P.ejiitered. HOUSES FO* SALE HOWES fOt M U HOMPSON AND BARTELL, INC. REALTORS ighwiy 35 Middletown, N. J. RENT WHILE YOU LOOK! Two-bedroom ranch. Best residential tret. Living room, fireplace, dining room, tile bath. Completely furnished. Available on month to month basis. $160 per month. COOK — In private air-conditioned • 6 piece bedroom group home. Other help kept References perienced. • 5 piece dinette plus FINANCIAL A T 1-2185 and experience eBaenllal. Call PP. 5Utility cabinet - 9x12 rug 4X.J4 between 9 and 5. Ask for Miss A. COCKEP. S P A N I E L female, blsck. Apply employment office BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Refrigerator three months old. AKC p f d l j r e e . J35. CLAIMS CLERK—Ability to type, KenDELIGHTFUL! Call after 5. SH 1-22*7. eral office routine, liberal employee lower level, 10 a. m. to 6 POPULAR DINING SPOT with par take over balance benefits, pleasant working conditions. In shore area. Present owner serves WANTED QOOD COUNTRY home for Perfect home in perfect setting. Immaculate ranch on '4 Jllngler Modes Inc., Locust' St., p. m. weekdays and Satur- only dinner. Perfect for ambitious cou$174 - $2 weekly pedigree collie. Lassie type, very acre. Three bedrooms, two baths, living room with fireKeyport, N. J. friendly year old male. Barker when A J. Pacicco Agency place. Dining room, screen enclosed patio shaded by large lied. Must have frefoorn anrl comE X P E R I E N C E D Legal Secretary, Im days. Four Room Outfit # 7 4 3 2 8 G(0 Ocean Avenue panionship. For partlcul&rf call SH mediately, Excellent salary. Call trees. Maximum privacy, best residential area. $25,750. ALL ROOMS SOLD Lung Branch. N. J. 1am HH 7-1221 or SH 1-8440. e 9 piece bedroom group ,,, MONMOUTH A B A R R E L O F FL'.N & P R O F I T — O 9 piece living room outfit GERMAN SIIEPHEIlIl WORKING MOTHER'S helper for three IMAGINE! INDIVIDUALLY Open a n outdoor Trampoline " J u m p AKC champion line. 150 a n d f60. school children. Light housf work. SHOPING CENTER Center" immediately, a s seen In "Life" O 5 piece dinette P R 5058H. afternoons only. Five days. Call afler Four-bedroom home on one level. Living room, dining o t h e r national m a g a z i n e s . Safe $49 AKC COLLIE P U P S «nbl». hom O Sectionals from 5 p . m. LI '2-24Sr>. a 7 piece recreation outfit EATONTOWN, NEW JERSEY and room, I'/j baths, laundry, 20x15 family room, oversize gaground level Installation. Be the first h . cur hrokeri. Call O R 1-U62 SALES GIHL, experience preferred hnt in your nrpa in this big profit husinefis from 4 9- I]f l f tir m o Living Rooms Plus 2 rugs base cabinet rage, science kitchen, wall oven and built-in range. Finest r 6 n. ni. weekday*. not tipcefisary, Fivp d a y week. A[M>1>" ReiiulreB nlioul 55,(1(10. \\V a r e exclusive JAMTO1! FULL or part-time. State Take over balance landscaping. Only $17,900. from • Bedrooms In person. K;7 B-Broad Strpet. Red llMributnr in northern N e w J e r s e y o: BASSET HOUND P U P P I E S , AKC. age and experience and salary ex- fainnus "Sampson Huutie-'r," a gruiirvi Rank. $368 $4 weekly trl color. JT5. pected. Write "JANITOR." Box 511,levpl traniiHillne. F o i appointment, call OURS ALONE! EXPERIENCED WAITRESS - - Applj Reel Bank. SFI 7-IOW. iStMWI to !i:IK)i RWarthmore fi-4408 or In pprann. Peterson's, 1S3 Riverside COLLIE P l ' P S AKC Cape Cod. Two bedrooms, two full ceramic baths. Living EXPERIENCED apray palmer for pro- write Trampolinp Company of New J e r Sable Tricolor duction work. Steady work with over- sey, Inc., 11-H Rlvpr P.d., F a i r Lawn, room, dining room, modern kitchen, screen-enclosed side SH 1-7710 RRSPONSinLE. mnture woman for time. Apply in person. Esley Metal N. J. porch overlooking beautifully landscaped *A acre. Finest part-lime Jab in gift shop. Call RH 7-Products Co., Inc., 1 Catherine St., WANTElJ"'??)' PURCHASE — EstabRTTil fur Interview. References required. Red Bank. 22 E. FRONT STREET C O 4-3022 KEYPORT, N. J . Little Silver area. Perfect home for small family. By apllshpd Real Estate, and Insurance WAITRESS — Experience preferred hut business In o r n e a r Red Bank. Replies pointment only. $19,800. Free Storage - Free Delivery not necessary lor evening work. Call MECHANIC — Wonderful oppor- held confidential. Write " R . S . " Box I.I 2-f>512. tunity for top man.. Pleasant 511. Red Bank, or-call RU 1-1641 alter APARTMENTS Call SHadyside 7-5600 Store Hours: Monday thru Saturday 9:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. HnUSEWORKETl — OIIP day a week. working conditions. All benefits. 6 p.m. Thursday or Friday. Own transportaThursday and Friday Evenings 'til 9:00 P, M. Hecht Bros. Inc. DI 9-1900. tion rpquirpd. LI_JM44O. I MORTGAGES WAITRESS — Ejiierieiiced. A"ppiy Ir BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT — HOUSES FOR REN APARTMENTS person, no phone, Kow Knnl, 65 Bro.-iti Maintenance, s t m U hiiildint 1 . Must he SI.. Red Bank. __ IUMMER RENTAL — PrivaU home, familiar with holler m a i n t e n a n c e and CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE FOR SALE FOR SALE TTI.E SILVER — OKKl localion. separate entrance. U v l n g room, nertP e r m a n e n t position, salary 37J West End Ave. iWest of Wjstwood COOK~!KH 'SEKEE PERT~sipp'|V~ir~oi electrlclly. MONEY AVAILABLE TWO BEAUTIFUL PERSIAN rugs 91 Reply giving details and ituall•oom, kitchenette, bath. Ten minutes hret bPdrooms. Uvint room, dining LONG BRANCH. N. J. own transportation. Hnlmdpl. near open. block from river. fiCiltions. to P.O. Box 551, Kprl Hani;. 12. two small rugs, one Persian, one BOTH RESIDENTIAL AND CApllal 8-1500 CAplnl S-S140 rom ocean and Marlboro Hospilnl. Call evenings, \VU Chlnne. Carpet Corner, We»t Front St. cm, kitchen nnd pantry, hot «ir heal, 1-055O M. COMMERCIAL fi 4105 EXCELLENT O P I O R T U y 7 r T Y f 7 a m New two and three bedroom Duplex HREEROOM FURNISHED apartment RUG. 9x12. Firth hitlous young m a n between -0-'J7. who Itlred. Two-car g a r a f i and workQuick and Confidential 8ervlca apartment! all with I ' I tiled bsths and EXECUTIVE TYPE cirl Krlday-recep wants with hath, private entranct, alt utiUto learn portrait photography excellent buy. full basements! Sound proof treated ttonlHt. mature, hours 2 p.m. to 10 op. Loll ot trcei and nice yard, teneral Btudlo management. Apply SH 1-707O les. Highway 35. SH 1-3014. p.m. High salary. Applv In person ana in person Lorslan Studios, 24 Whit SKIL BELT SANDER TWO BEDROOMS <»125 P E R MONTH THREE-ROOM RIVERFRONT apart- andy to iverythlni. J135 per month, Mr. Dnly, Kantor-Daly Ford, Colling St.. MOVINO — Fireplace set Imported P.cil Bank. 661 Broad St, Shrewsbury, N. J. THREE BEDROOMS 1150 P E R MONTH vriod Circle, Farmltigdnle, Model 148, Regular $130.(0 ment. Excellent location, $7S per from England, Choice bric-a-brac. Allonth. W'm, H. Garrison Agency, 77 has. II. Tlndall A i e n c y . SH 1-9030. CLERIC — F o r cigar counter. Apply SHadyside 1-5212 so Pennsylvania Dutch bedspread 150 Unexcelled Children's Playground MATURE WOMAN secrptfiry-bnokkern SPECIAL $99.50 road St.. Red Rank. 811 10.104. in person Llggetts, 76 Broad St., I'ears old. All reasonable. Call CA 2Faclllliei. MORTGAGE CORRESPONDENTS r-r. Write "MATURE WOMAN.' H<ix Red Bank. E U E C O R A T B D - L a r j a ranch housi 6959. van m i . Ttcil Bank. Irwln Auger Bits ..60<"r off Aik about our cooperative In Llttl* Sllvtr. Two-car s a r a g t . INTERESTING OUTSIDE WORK tor Tho Provident Institution For Savings NEW FURNITURE — Used Mrnlture. snc», 131 JUpIe Av«.. Red Bank. ownership plan. EXPERIENCED OR INEXPERT Vermont Flagstone ..._ 2"Jc aq. ft. COMMERCIAL RENTALS leading New J e r s e y newspaper. unpalnted furniture. Antiques, bedIn Jersey City. ENCED WAITRESS. Apply st c,|r, Age N o Harrier. 4*x8'x!i" Harriboard $1.95 eacli I1REK BEDROOM KANCH. unfurnlnR. riiRs. dinette sets, bedroom suite". YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO BROKER'S COOPERATION INVITED cheat nf drawers, art objects, bric-aSTORE FOR RENT on Rt. 35, half Ttdtaurant, 318 Oceanport Ave,, Oceitn No Seasonal Layoffs. ished, available July 1st, near achool. VISIT T H E MOST LUXURIOUS mile, from Red Bank. Itlddletown, pn'l. nunrantPe During Training, brae. Rl'SCU.'S. 25 E . Front St. GARDES APARTMENTS ON THE front and rear parking space. BH 7-0758. ear's lease, $130.. W m . S. Garrison CASH AT ONCE t o 157 Broad St., Room S. Red igency, 77 Broad St. Red Bank, N. J. SHORE. WOMAN TO CANVASS exclusive arVni f'ome HOLIDAY W E E K E N D SPECIALS — 1st and 2nd Mortgages SH 1-OS04 BEAUTY PARLOIl LOCATION next to for on location carpet cleaners. Hlph Bank, lor interview. Wnlnul drcsaer J16.50. chiffonier Home Repair and Business I.oam Mayfalr Market In Red Bank. Call OCUST—Brtnd npw unfurnished ranch enrnlncs. Sterling Carpel cleaners ROUTE MAN, for ^Try cleaning and | NEW TWIN GARDEN apart S12.5W, beds J3.75, m a t t r e s s e s $8.50, twoD e b u Consolidated SH 7-3280. SII 1-4:144. with living room, dining area, tiled laundry. .Must b e familiar with Mid lilece. r a t t a n set $25, n e w porch rockers ments, now renting for June T U R • - nood location. Campbell' MIDLAND COMPANY Itclttn, thrt« bedrooms, t w o tiled $12.96. washing machine 515. maple CLEANING WOMAN-Haif~day"Thurs dlptown area. Estahllshpd routp, im 1st occupancy. Two bedrooms, Junction. Call alter 4:30, KE »- aths, two-csr garage. Available ImsofB lierl $49. floor l a m p $4.75, three2015 Morris Ave. day nr Fridays, In Fair Haven m p d l a t e employment. Apply: Lltlln Sll nedlately on lease, $200 monthly, ver Cleaners, fiO] Branch Ave., Little UNION burner oil stove J15.5H, e t c . P.USCIL'U. SII 7-I0IS2 nftiT 3 p. m. P.i'lirencM. bath, living room, dining room 1245. MUrdock 3-0535 SS llnugli Agency. Realtors, Kumaon Rd., E . Front St. I.AKEWOOD FO 3-5601 TYPIST — permanent position, knnw- 5 ! i " i _ SH M'20S. and kitchen, with gas range am t'OK KENT—Two lultea ot olllcta nvail- hone RU 1-0716. abla in The Toiler building. Both on NORGE 1H5S 12 c u ' si>U-defrost reIedi;e of Insurance preferred. Win P O R T L i ^ W A N T E D — Hours 8:30 to Westinghouse refrigerator. Fuli Iver stria o t building. On* ot threo TDDLETOWN VIU^AOE — Three JACOBSON' ROTARV 12:3n. five (lays. 8:30 to 0:00 one frigerator. Llh« ne-.v. Best offer, call fl. Garrison Agency. 77 Broad St. bedroom ranch type. Rent $150. Imon first floor. T h t other tiro day. Apply In person, munt have ex U01I Bank, W.J. SH 1-0804. POWER MOWERS basement with gas dryer. Spe 'oomi Li 'j-jenB. ledlRte occupancy. Call OS 1-0249. looms on second floor. SH 7-2440. perlence and drivers license. J. Yanko DENTAL ASSISTANT~Yoilng lndy~U 30 Broad St.. Red Bank, 10" Cutting Width S79.8 cial features, sliding glass door: OTTABE — Furnished, summer, WINDOW SHADES ONE-STORV N E W colonial t y p t build work in busy dehtnl oflice, nn ex First. Second, Third J l o r t j a j n !2" Culling Width »S5.B to private patio. Choice West Em $1,500. P.sclnr s e a i o n S1.20O. UninR on Kt. 71. Suitable t o r prorcs OPERATOR—Experienced perienL'e required. Typing nnd refer. LINOTYPE EilJtlng ODIlKatloni Uqulilated ionsl. urnlshed monthly $150. LI 2-0574. in j o b work. Apply in person to Mr, HO.ME IMPROVEMENT LOANS C'ICPS necessary. Type replies tn "D. A.' location, one block from ocean SCOTTS LAWN PRODUCTS Hippenslpel, J o r d a n Printing Servicp rtnx Till. Red Bank. NO APPLICATION F E E ENN1S-VOGEL BKALTOR* HREEROOM BUNGALOW, furnished Si7.ps u p i o 3 8 " . wliitB o r eggshell, flril 'ATENTED POTTED I-.OSE BUSHES One year's lease required. Ope Inc. not Broadway. West LOME Branch First Payment Due in 00 Dayi 5»9 Norwood Ave. Dill or unfurnished, with utilities. Very quality, plastic supported. On your 1 Day flervtc for inspection, 18 Wertheim PI. KE^ 1-1234 'easonable. Call WH 6-4733. roller. Bring them In. PROWN'B. *7 three' children. Sleep In. Cull'KE 6 P A I N T E R S — Long experience, floni Broail St, SH 1-7500. Call Today. wages In rlthl mpn. Must he. stpadv 2.1:1ft. West End. Call CA 2-6812. KIVG-KOOM oltic'f. "Vxcfllfnt Hroad IMUNG LAKE - Furnished house, workers. ('. E. Dttmars. CO 4-5Ofil Street location, equipped ror Ucmist three bedrooms, porch. Call CO 4w AtTiTEsfrCiTAM RKITM A i r> KX- Call after 4 p. ill. APARTMENT — Beautiful, very l L S95.O0. CUSHIONS W m . R. Garrison Agency. "7 >5*i after 7 p. rn. perlenced, European, until Septemrooms. Living ruom. brdroom, kltcti FOAMAP.T I'rr 15. Good recent reference. KE PART-TIME, two to four davs a week i and bath. All utilities furnished Brnad St.. Red Bank, N. J . 8 H 1-OROt. ,lNt'ROFT — Three bedroom ranch. EATONTOWN or more. Retired gentleman nr nlKht 1 -0.307. Little Silver Adults only. Occupancy July t. P.enta Available June 15. $135 monthly. RUGS—lOO^o virgin wool, never used. Sycamore Ave. worker preferred. Light work In homes. space, off til* street parking, riv $105. 400 Morrii Ave.. CA 2-1552. iIIPDLETOWN. luxurious furnished EXPERIENCED H O O K K E E P E l f " " HI 3-3102 nr HI 3-lSGIi. (At the Railroad) Also m a t c h i n g pair 9x12 to 12x2B. lew. T h » Dowstra Agency. 811 1-R70O. tlKht room modern split level. Aval!Knowledge of tynlntr helpful. Sandy outslfl' SH 1-4702 'i ROOMS. Lloyd Roa SE 2.01549. tila for track season, $t,200. Crowell Rnnlt R a y Mnrlnn. 1 Willow St . HlnhMitawan. I'hone iliency, Mlddletown. Qg 1-otoo. Our Personal Represent at lv» PJANO SAL,E un brand new full 88lnnds. H I 3-1450. KE 1-1172 Will Cull at Your Home nolo spinet plnnos. Ill-year guarantee HELP WANTED-Male - Female HOUSES FOR RENT (TMi-'ORTXBiTY FURNISHED house, Open daily 'til 9 p. m. only f450 dellverud. Tender's Music ODDS A N D E N D S of liouift furnlih- TWO P.OOMS FURNISHED - CooKIn suitable for targe ramlly or two privileges, garage. Available Juns 21 WIDE SEIJ:OTION O F KKNTAL8 — 'amities. Saturday 'til 3 p. m. INTERIOR DECORATOR .store, 30fi Main St.. Lakewood. FO 3- Ings. Dresners, c h a i n , Underwood Best residential section, adOne, mile Freehold._HO_2-3001._ HELP WANTED-MALE Male, nr female. Experienced In out'.'inn. Furnished »ml unlurnlshed. I m n n d l lolnlnt prlvati beach. Summer rental. ypcwrllpr. Clothes nnri other lt"»mi. side drapery, slip cover and upholstery H e occupancy. Samuel T e l c h u Agtney. 11 BE 2-o.SUJ. CONDITIONED moflerif thre Ave. or call S ELECTROKIC ENGINEERS with i t valei. BABY C A R R I A G E , crib, Dei.. cinnlnB - h e a p . 34 Prospect room fumislied apartment, tile bath Oceinport Ave.. Uceanport. Call or dla AT 1-VM33-J. least alx years experlenco in circuitry, jars, s t o r m windows, g a r a g e door. Apply employment office flood growth opportunity and pleasant INSTRUCTION Also lumber, tool.i. single tubs, ncreena. IGDWOOD KUItNITURE — Rocker, electric range. All utilities, lmmedl 1,1 2-3500 or M 2-3501. Lower level ate occupancy. A T 1-3557. working condltiona In ELECTRONIC electric blender, books, iron and m a n y ilOLMDEL AREA — Beautiful Colonla McntKompry Ward two chairs with green cuvhlom; 3' WANTED TO RENT MEASUREMENTS CO's new engineerPRIVATE TUTORING — Teacher of- other*. Call AT 1-29G1. eight-room (four bedrooms) homi Monrnouth Shopping Center low round table; 2x3" low otiiong: table. TWO-BEDROOM MODERN aparlnltn ing laboratory, devoted primarily to ferfl private, lesions in Enclish with trees and landscaped ground. Mod- THKEE OR FOUR bedroom lumlshed Excellent condition. Prlca W5 (or tlve In beautiful river location plua stnat UNLIMITED EARNINGS development o( Industrial electronic speech a t h e i home, Call 8H pieces. Plion« RU 1-1121. CHARCOAL GRILLS •alary in return for some help in op ern kitchen, utility room, two tiled house In Red Band area. Vtarly NEW PROGRAM products. Apply In person or write. week ends. baths, powder room, two fireplaces, !«ase. Occupancy needed by June 32. From S3.9S. s p e c i a l : Ailjustable 2H" crating our home. BH 7-5658. ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS CO.. INSIDK SALES AND OUTSIDK SALES FURNITURE — Heywoffll Wake encloied porch. Hot water baseboard with mutor, hooil and table. $29.03 NEW INC.. Lewis St. and Maple Ave.. We pxnantlrd nnri m;i>f| lielji. oppnlt^f, UNFURNISHED, lhT«e-room apart oil hral. Attach'il two-car garage. $250 Call KE 1.4283. field harvest table and benchei, sec. • I'tly $19.95. Uecondltloned T V ' s your tlonal with foam rubber cushions, five fn dales outside and fnnlilp. TransportaEatontown. N. J, LI 2-0:100. ment. Gtt Monmoulh 81., Red Bank nontli. WH 6-411!). IE3PONHIRLB N E W YORK c o m m u t luck, from 529.1)5. 3) 30 dda y s guarantee. t tion furnished or cnll from your own MERCHANDISE er, wife and t w o school aged daughpiece Cherry bedroom suite, mahogany Call SH 1-1003 or RU 1-2110. "Ualntiow" (opposite Acme parking twin four poster bedroom suite with COTTAOE - - Four rooms oi" r i v e r . ers wish to lease three-hedroom unENGINEERING AIDES AND TECHNI- losk. ARP no barripr. Will train you.! EXCLUSIVE RIVERFRONT — Lease, Inn Rroad St., Red Bank.^N^JN c l a m , wllh at !ea»t five years exper- rail or come In for interview hpiwptMi! Automatic hest. $9-5 monthly, FOR SALE ftirnlshtd house. L e a s e . Sll 7-0256. triple bureau, nine-piece mahogany rooms, two baths. Adults. N o pet ience In electronic circuitry. Pleasant 10 ami fi p.m., Ret! Bank. 157 Broad! SH 10076. . .... b l A L A M A T I C WASHER »20. Duncnn Phyfe dining room suite. Al J150jnontlily ; _l.eaie ; _8IM-0076. R E D BANK AREA — Three~bedroorni. working conditions In new engineering St.. Knnm 1G. SH 7-3.W(» o- Perth Am-1 COMBINATION SINK* and liert Burdge A Son (next tn Stein g TWO STORY HOUSE l'.ED BANIC ROUND D I N E T T E S E T *20. CALL two haths, unfurnished. Yearly l e a i * laboratory worknr; with top grade en- hnv. XW l.nvrlp SI . HI ?«7772. xing 30*i»ich hach'a parking loti 24 Clay St.. RedTHREK KOOilS A S n ~ B A T i I FUP Three bedrooms. Near school. $13 SH 10915. ip tu $225 monthly. Excellent refergineers. Apply In person or write NISHED. Private pool. $150 rnonthl Bank. Liberal illowanca on your old per month. ScuancU Agency, KH 7-fViBl ences. T w o adtllls »nd baby. Call colAI i [r a i u e ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS CO.. G E N U I N E »oliJ m a h o g a n y , »»vtn p SH 1-8SI1. furniture. l e d OR 7-8582. New York City. unit superlnlpiidcnl nf m .-.i,,. INC.. Lewis St. and Maple Ave., THlti-'.EllEDROOM, ranch style home, liedroom s e t . p l m t w o inlrrori. tcnancp. lteslrieiice provided, prrmanK-itontnwn. N. J LI U-fttOO. PINE KUKNITIJUK - Smnll piPCPB. Attached garage. Call JtKD BAN'K cellnnt condition. SH 7-2935. T H R E E OP. F O U R room unfurnished pill position. Apply in porsun, Irvine practical and inexpensive. E K Illllcrest J-32M) apsrlment. Red Itank-Mlddlrtown X St E Flv. rooms, lovrly kllchvn. In fin R O I T K MAN W A N T K D - N m v < m i v nnti Knyp. U(t Rrondwny. I/ITIR Brnncli. E N D SHOP, 59 South new garden ApRrtmcnt. KnauUful I U I TWrTRl*olTY COLONIAL - • area. Young couple. Call OS 1-2S>35 CONN ORGANS P l l ' U l i iv route franclilsp for sale. Frcp. TA 2-5R0II Freehold. _ 'siirroiimllnKS. N>ar parkway. F r bmh, ilR i month. f*p H i JinM-K..ilnntou-n ama. r.uarnntc WANTED TO L E A S E ~ - - ~ F i m l l y with LESTER PIANOS 2 1 " A D M I R A L TAHI-E M O D E ] , TV~ j parking. J H 0 . I i n m c d l i l i arci July SII 1-2507 ml homiiv P.ei'ly to p . 0 . Box fifteen y e a r s ' e x p e r l e n c t a i good tenSMILE AND DIAL $fl.V Inquire Servlre D f p s r t m e n t . occupancy. Sales B u<J Service—Instruction i in:;, isipi In. ants, wishes t o lease house In gm I Flvn-hedrooi of ASBURY PARK If you have a pleasant vnlre and Katontown TV. Hwy S5. Eatontown. LI j Madison Qardens w a t e r . Full neighborhood. Will p a y u p to $2M ranch. Near track want either iiart tinir o r full time SALKS ANDERSON'S 2 ; 010n : 132 South St. a l l 1-70 monthly, and utilities. Excellent reffurnished. CA 0-3599. All Models on Display ill lime only. Must bi» experlencfd work, we have a n Interest Ing position Open Wednesday ami F r i d a y evenlngi UEWAI.T H. erences. Require t h r e e bedrooms. l » n . one h.p. contractor's THREE-ROOM FURNISHED or untursali's. proforattly but nul necessarily fnr you, calling from o u r offlcp. Intill 9. IIACINQ 3EAEON AND S U M M E R ren 1 baths, family room and g a r a g e . If n SPINET onr;AN S750 28 BROAD STREET mortal. V 2 M > <cost 53% new>; Craltsnlshed apartment, couple. Vicky's teal r s w t e . ShouM he p r e p a r e d t o terviews from 9 R. m. t o 5 p. m, R E D BANK man 6" jointer. J/iO (cost $1151: con- Flower Shop, Hwy 36. West Keansburg. aM In all nl7.es a n d price rsmce: you a r e particular, about your tenants, ii support (or six monlh.v ExpamllnR 157 Hroad St.. R o o m 5, Red Bank. HAMMOND SPINET, L'Jtd SW.1 SH 7-0S25 Sll 7-221)9 Ella Wiltshire Agency. R e a l t o r ! . 14! and prefer t o h a v e your horn* and $97.1 crete mixer, 4 bun and motor on L-niilr.;itioii. Call nr write for Intrr- BEAUTICIANS — "Male and feniaipT CONN S P I N E T COUNTY ORGAN & PIANO CO. grounds receive t h e ss'me c a r e s s votj wheels. S(!0. Birn at 28 Bayslde Dr., FURNISHED npnrlnient. Very nice. Ocesn Ave., Sea B r i g h t . B E 2 - O 0 O 4 . ...$U •w. Cal Ohlsfn Ilealty. N e w Mon- for a now b e a u t y salon, Monmnutli LAUTER GRAND PIANO. 5' wntild t l v e them, w r i t e T e n a n t . " Box clean, all new. Modern kllchfn, (irlAtlantic Highlands. ilsTsMEi()ISEflm >ntli. OS 1-3322, SALES AND SERVICE Shopping Center, E a t o n t o w n . T o p nalnry PINK FLOWE1UNG MIMO3IA trees Sll, Red Rank. vnte iKitli. US Herliprt Rt.. P.pil Hank. bedrooms, two baths. Center dnw RENTAL AND INSTRUCTION 50 c u p . Venetian lillmta alx .flx5O SI ALMOST 200 O I F T SHOP Hems retailOFP.IUKUATION MAN — , Muat be and com mission. -All he UP fit*. Apply $1 t o $12.50. Must take all $100. TWIN GABLES A"I'XHTMTSNTB. iou'r town Red Bunk. Available .tune 1. Nea •xpiTiencrd. Apply In person. Baton- fn person, Stephen Hairdrensrrs. Open D.illy Till 9 — Saturday Till S:30 such, one 110x50 $.5, one IMxiiO 51. Mod 50 Inn ttleces old irlnss V>0 for all. Large roomi on riverfront. $175 month, all Iransportatlnn. Post Office, shnp c m red velvet cliatr $20. Modern Mock • t o.vn TV 50 Hwy. a5.. Eatontown. Including utilities $150 p e r montt COOKMAN AVE. AND XIAIN ST. FURNISHED ROOMS $5. New m a h o g a n y hltle-a-way dlnlns antique chaise lounge needs r e p a i r and elevator, patio, boat dock. HH 1-2399. Phone evenings, week ends, SH Jf-435' ELECTROLVX CORPORATION cover $21. Seven painted Windsor type UNI'URNlSHEn table. SIM. SH 7-4362. twcTiipclrmiTn aiiaiTPR 5-9300 6U« Prospect Ave., tittle Silver Shop- SITUATIONS WANTED, Female kitchen e h n l r s $10. Old two door reFURNISHED P.OOMS ment. first floor. Prlvme estate. Mn- FOUifROOM " HUNOALOW - - ~ CHEST OF DHAWERS «nd matching frigerator good working orUer $25. ping Center. M a n xvBnted. Mechanical MEN ONLY. rint view, swimming pool on premises. blocks front ocean. 63 Pavilion Ave rlresser—oalt. T w o headboards am Four y e a r old A m a n a combination h:ickRrmmd hclplu\. Sales and »ervlce. M A R R I E D COLLiEOB SENIOR seeks SH 7-2609 Adults only, nn pets. 15 minutes from rear, Long Branch. Call AT 1-.1S1 SALT HAS-FINEST QUALITY summer employment as tutor or c piece mahogany dining room auite refrigerator plus 2^7 Ih. frerzer $.100. tted Rank slatlon. 1110 monthly. HI SH 1-2070. Fred D. WlkoK. Co. LAROE BED-SITTING rnnm. Suitable Roverness. Will -spend summer In the Call SH 7-517J. COTTAGE -T w o rooms. bath. Re< S a.m. to 4 p.m. only 8f urday. Sun- 3-I9H. SH 1.0394. R E A L E S T A T E SALESMAN, lor active locality. Contact Mrs. Howard A. Robfor couple. Pleasant honn. Board «. Evenlngi Bank, block from b u s 1 In office witli excellent Hwy. location. erts. 103 Cornell Quarters, Cornell Uni- CASH REGISTERS - Now end used UPIUGHT F l i R E Z E R 450 Ib. capacity, Iny. Mnndav. AT '-2097. Ilnwd. Sesrs SEVEN-ROOM If desired. Csll Sll 1.0812. furnished apnrtmont. 6 » . SH T-OSSO. Ave.. Naveslnk. 5O0" north Hwy. 36. hike new. F.pnsonalile. No experience necessary, If you have versity, Ithnca, New York. Three bedrooms, large kitchen. Monmany models, reasonable. We sell T H S T T F L O O R tlirnlslieil~riinm7" li'Tilthe ability t o get along witli people OM1 1.0 6-455'J. mouth Beach. Ocean, dock, rlvrr nrhi- FOl'R-ItEDROOM 1'j bath h o m e , con OTsngfe rent, repair. Talco C»sh I'.ejlster Co. ness womsn preferred. (Vntrally loTYPlNa~DONE"~AT~HOMB • ml like to work w« will train you to " tidevlslon with phonoprnph at$850 month for leason. SII l-t venlenl CA 2-W14. HKAVY P L A T E GLASS antique hBl Incallon. Kxrellent nel«hhoi l l t i E l l t ihb c a t e d _ A f t e r 7 p . m . , SH I 01)41. nrll. Full t i m e only. Harry A. Kenron IBM electric. Call SH 1-51D5. miP'it. dinette tahte 4'x.i'. T or SII I-8(2S. mirror, $50. Junlpcrii up tD eiRhl lrno.1, yearly lease. $175 monthly. Joh ney * Co., Realtors, OS 1-M00. Ash Mr»._Wyrihfris. l ..12.11 PLEASANT" ROOM" wTlh "nnvate'lamilv TYPEWRITERS. ADDING machines. fetM. P l j : yournp.f or will jilant. Screer (nr Mr. Rovn, '_-'_' JTHIIEB very large rooms nnd Imth '*. f'nnov»r Agency, r j Kasl Newms In iiulet nelghbrtrhond. Gentleman preWILL HELP with parties, dinner* or , A " makes new or used. Guaranteed your ponl o r uiiaightly iilaces. Hauss- Si"-hiis lid.. SH 7-3UI. e v e n l n i s AT ferred. Call Rl! 14473 SUITS nil wool, brand new. Furnished. All modern, garage al-' 1-2715. other occasions. Babysitting. IIBI,I Low as $25. Serpicos. 101 Monmoutb mann, 151 "' T - e x a i lid.. *" " "• LO ' " LADIK8 Morganvlllr, AUTO SALESMAN Sl7.es «-l«. Selling st manufacturers ached. HO 2-3433, 1st. N u t to theater, Sll 1-om. U-2961. AUTO SALESMAN Fast movlnj: housework. Sll 1-SSM. ROOMS wllhln v •osl. HI 3-3162. m e s n s . OverlookEATONTOWN~—"" 24 Broad St. Four MODERN SIX-ROOM cottage. Beautiriynioutli-ViilliiNl <fonler wiih btc U.HEHI EXPKP.IENCEI) Hlsh School clrl will * CONTENTS of r e s t a u r a n t — Neon VVK BUY AND SELU mything ant Ing ocean. Rt. Highland Brldne. THREE COMPLETE rooms of furniand two rooms, fumislied or unfurr.ir oneratton. Wants live wire only! take c a r e of t w o In threp children "IR""- clgarplto counter, booths and ful grounds, convenient to race track Phone HI 3-1:04. everything. Give tlie highest prices. ture, flns rnnee. 10 cu. fl. f l . E . tslied. All utilities included. S e e Mr.and T o p s a l a r y plus commission. Sayrevllle tables, tountaln counter. lied BBnk beach. Yearly nr slimmer rental. home duriiiR summer. Call after Call William Leff Furniture. Inc., Hwy. refrlRerator. Can be seen after 10 s.m.Guy on property, or call LI 2-2082. Motors, Rt. 9, South Amlioy. OpnonUe liquor license also available. OS 1-1401 3ft, Mitltlletown. SH 1-3213. Open «ve< Rent reasonable. Call CA 2-3481. SINflLK ROOMS. C l e a n and comfortaRnturdnv. Sundny, Monday. MR Pinep a y re Wooiln Shopping Center. Phone 0 p.m.. P.tt 1-1IM4-.M. nings till R p. m. ble. «5 Wallace St.. Ked Bank. SH WO-ROOM FURNIflllED apartment brook Rd.. Eatontown. 1,1 "23171. PA l-36no, M r . McCarthy. CAPAIH.E Intelllcent woman, house- TOP SOIL, nest grade, bin load $20. all utilities. Call '.NFl'RNISHEn Modernistic House, 7-28H.1. Road gravel, big toad. $20. J£ckel'£ H1ADUATION S P E C I A L ! Cold wave keeper witli rouple or nnn person. EASY RPINDRIEIt ^~Go"od condillon HH 7-3842 three vearff old. Kstate a r e a . Across Trucking, Morganvlllc. LO 6-5707. RAHIO E N H I N E E H o r technician a s Excellent references. 8H 7-2164. 510 reRiilarly JIS. Betty's C h a r m 515 river. Large living room, fireplace, SINGLE ROOMS. Clean snd comfortATLANTIC HlaHLA~NDS-Thre«-room to c u s t o m e r correspondent in tiur sales SH 1-7710 POST AND HAIL FENCING — Four- Rhoppp. S7 Pruipect Ave.. Rprt Hank. modern kitchen, three bedrooms, bsth. able. Reasonable rate. Garage. Oen' d e p a r t m e n t , in connection with our unfurnished apartment. Near t o shup- Separate rail, perfect condition, t h o u s a n d ! of faJll__SII__7_.J H07. toot or recreation room, car- tlemen preferred. »J Wallace St. S l l 1Ironing Rt home. WADING POOL, coffee table, smoklne, communication antenna systems. Good 'Ing, transportation. S o pets. AT 1-1539. f«t?t. c a n lie seen Haniling, will Bel ATTENTION port. $200 p e r montli on yearly lesse. 1392. BUILDERS or"~HOMB stand, td llamp ahades. hd ttoyi l mlscell l l l SH \-KO3. iflucnlion and general radio background hy section or entirety. Baled hay, goor Might ahaile rental for right lenanl. OWNERS! BAY WINDOW—special - nneous Hems. 83 82 •" Maple l Av .. Little IED BANK — New garden apart- Joseph n . MeCue, Realtor. III! 10144. r e e d e d . Phone HO 2-ISflO. a s k for Col. for hedding. Open front cattle barns NKVK1/ ments. Immediate ami future nccuNew. unimed. 12 Silver, after 5 p.m. orsiiiKi-r. t'ommUnlcntlort Products Co.. FURNISHED ROOM — Hnjlet R t e . 3.1. U 2 x 3 ( i . like new. SH 7-3513. Call from >y .v:f. WINDOW. ancy. Large four and five rooms, IS iighte. Muni he acpn to ht Inc. Marlboro. Discriminating gentleman. New home. SITUATIONS WANTED, Male 1 p. in. on. tpprcclateiL $'200 taked it. Cost MV). 671 ROMK A N i r s T E E L . red und wliiie pacfous closets, tile baths. Stirlngvlew FAIR HAVEN — Unfurnished little old Call CO 4.10511 after 7 p. m. kitchen flel. Also porcelain top kitchardens, 285 Spring at.. Apartment house. Excellent condition, t w o bedSH 1-42H. f 1IORT ORPE11 — NbThts. fully cx- YARDS CELLAP.S, E L , ATTICS cleaned. ned. S T I N N I N G HATEEN prints 98c yd 'nil en set, irreen. China rlo>e| t>n,i side- A. SH 15C72. rooms. I'-, bsllis. Near river, b u s . $125 r p e r i r n c e d witli last moving operation. Regulnr St. 5». SIMON'S FABRIC A Any nnd d all ll trash removed. d L Large U IIIRl7p7>ot, automatic w»shlng~nra" TIIFtF.E RMAM. ROOMS. Oentlemtn Excellent workine conditions and sala- dump truck. SH 7-2144 C E N T E R . Sunset Ave. at Hwy 35. As chine. Excellent condition. $25. 1.1 2-board. Reasonable. Call LI 2-3<S2. E W L V DECORATE IX Attractively per month. Call SH 7-4321. preferred. Call SH 1-7057 after ry, applications taken only after 2 p.m. !>urv P a r k . KNfiLISH RACER BICYCLE In good furnished three room. Utilities, auto7S fl:30 p. m. 55 minutes from K n i Flunk. Stanley's 13-YEAR OLD BOYS — Desire work Working order. Original cost $54.00 atlc TCssher, c a r apace, good Incntlon. MODERN COTTAOE Chapel Hill Rd.. weekends, - cleaning yards light BEDROOM KURN1TURE — Walnut a n TRADB IN vour olil rurnlture with no Asking $20.00. Call OS 1-0052. private estnte. 10 minutes from staP i n r r , Rt. 1 & I), Wood bridge, N. J. 1 mi m p lso lovely two rwtm apartment. Large room, four chores, e t c . Call e v e n l n c s SH 7-lfGfl. tlque white. Dresser, washstam! h t h s two tw porches down payment and g e t a new parlor tion. 4'i 4 i rooms, ttw w o haths, porches, R E D BANK BH 1-8394. C O M M E R C I A L SiGN~PMNTE"li~expfr~ lies);, t w o ehnlrs, pud table. Green or dining room «ct at s a l s prices. Wlr windows, shower. Reasonable. Call two garages. Yearly lease. Responsible lenced. Neat, conscientious, m a r r i e d . 3 E V E N T E R N - Y E A R - O L P BOY ileslre.1 leatlipr desk set. George Washington [lam Lett Furnlturs Inc., Ilwy.- 35 NFURNIRHED — Three large rooms, adults. SH 7-2643 or SH 7-1310. All year round company benefits. Call any kind of s u m m e r work. Good liedsprend. twin or throw for dou Idletown. SH 1-3213. open a v e n l n n all Improvements. Utilities supplied. MACHINERY FOR SALE K E 6-4&16. typist. P.U 1-2372. 3 Oakland St. SH 7-5484. RUM8ON — four-room furnished or (More Classified Adi 1955 OC-3 CRAWLER LOADER, excel- NFURNISHED garden apartment. unfurnished bunjal'tw, srreened porch RKCONDITIONED nnrt Ruumnteert com lent condition, epeclal sale urlce attached g a r a g e 178 monthly. Csll rooms, available Julv 1st. AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS m e r c i a l n n d domestic refriRerotors. $2,500, Can be financed. See It at our AUTOS AND TRUCKS On The Neit Ptge) SH 1-4S50. CA 2-ir,R«. freezers a n d tplevlslone for eale, L'aert rd. George C. cochran !nr.. Routp refrlEerotora anil televisions bought. '2i 33. Cnlllngwnod Circle. Farmlngdale. Imur KU&rnntpeil r e p a i r service. Relrl- N. J. PR 4-7930 and PR 4-7D3I. neratom rcflnlnlied and movpd, Buy. ahora S e r v i c e Co., Hwy 38. a n d flth St., Powered flelfl BfUord. K E 6-2227. K E 6-3540. OS 1- PAPEC E N C I N E chopper with row pick up for hay. 093S. Used little, t w o seasons, will demonHKDltnOM, large »even-plcc« Grand strate. Very reasonable. May be seen Knjiirt furntture. Largn formica lop at v u r plant on Highway 79. Marlohro. : It chen table, crPf" «nd moiher-of- Phone HO 21880. ask fur Col. Orslnger. THE COMPACT ECONOMY A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! Communication Products C o . Inc. ptnrl. «ix chalrn. K E 6-2109. FIELD FURNITURE THRIFT WAREHOUSE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT LLOYD MANOR APARTMENTS DO-IT-YOURSELF SPECIALS WALKER & WALKER LUMBER SPECIALS LAWN & GARDEN SPECIALS CASH NOW 98c LITTLE SILVER LUMBER COMPANY AMERICAN FUNDING " SH 1-7800 HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIO RENAULT DAUPHINE CAR THAT GIVES YOU THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY! • • • • • I.A1K1E ('l)MMEHCIAI. deep f«l fryer 1S53 CONCRETE MIXKR. Itansnm ion ,Tx5' with hood, suitable for donut model, o n e half yard, four cylinder t>pi'rallon. N o w cost $1,200. Beit offer. Write " I ' O O K E R " Box 511. Red Bank Lee-Hoy engine. Call KE «-H831>. GIFTS FOR BRIDES, GRADUATES Over 40 M. P. G. Full 6-Mo. Guarantee Four-door Model Driving, Parking Ease Price Heater includes Directionals . . . Defroster . . . _ Windshield Washers. _ _ I # _ I ^J DELIVERED Make the Switch to the Most Economical Car Today! USED CAR SPECIALS. He.l I-Spred, FOREIGN $1895 1959 RENAULT DAUPHINE l.'OO MUPI 1959 RENAULT DAUPHINE Sun $1225 Hunt, W / W , RAIIIO, 1959 AUSTIN-HEALEY HrMcr, JWroster, Directional. Low MilpHgp, One Owner !XH>0 $1325 Miles Sprite $1450 T o n n r a n Cover. White. Michel In X Tire*, , 1959 SIMCA 41lr. Bednn. nne owner. $1195 HAH. Super 1959 FORD GALAXIE 1957 BORGWAllD UPIIIJP 2-1> r, Sedan, $1225 liiw in11eac*. n n i* n \ v n f r DOMESTIC $2100 1958 FOR CUSTOM ». $1275 HfMi V« 2-Dr. HAH Automatir. one owner 1956 OLDSMOBILE HOLIDAY $1150 . M i r . M A'ltwna'lc. .Nlre C a r RENAULT MERCHANDISE WANTED U H COINS - STAMPS - T o p prices paid for gold, old currency, collec linns, odd lota: old correspntnlence Estate n p p r a l s a l l Monmouth Rtamps Coin* fiO Mnnnuiutli Kt SH t-n(i:6 A i r F o r Mi™ nr part funlent* of homes ami lioiiPB. newly upholsiereri, both only estates. Furniture, antiques, oriental JM. Cnll rugs, palntlngl. etc. FRIEDMAN (1AL,SH I M S * LF.RIES. PR 4-3143. Kveniltgi CA 2-74(2 I'vRCON'DITUlNlCD M'EED QUKKN PIANOS — Highest prlrea p»ld. II. Ten7»r. :i(Vi Msln 81.. Likewood or FOxWanhlng machine, f 10. Take It or oroft 3-21DO. leavp it, f'ftii _ _ S H 1Mi>r» ^ ANTl'JIIEH - Weatliervunrs. marine palntlnga. books nf New Jeraey, fMt()»LKY rlirBl I y"ne TrpVTrr". 6 ft., pcrffrt working nntiditlon, Inaidf laruj's. wond coverings, furniture. F.s il»;lit. $M). Kitchen or riIncite Jift. fmir tntea purchnsed anil sppralsed. Phone HII 7-20113. Tlie Hudson Hlinn. Inr 511 [.'lialiii. tiilile, chrftnu*, yellow Kornnrnl uiituilstrry, lent «pnl5 n\\. Ml!. Knmi ttronil HI Shretvshurv fain nils I-'iftli Ave. store. Fiatirn Mnrtrn C - Antiques, c h i n s . Rcnrf. likt* new, ciiifclnnl prlrt* Vlf'.'t. Klasswnre, a r t objerls snit h r i p s snrrHirc JUKI; rvenlnfc dri-M, ulrn M brae, ImriieilUtte r a s h for stiythlnn ami brniitlfiil bhip lacp, while rnffctn u n ' l T eiervt'llnR. filisrirs. 25 F.BU t'ront HI.. k i n . vnrn once, [uirrhnsed Isst May S S7n.!i5. "Hcrifice sir,, s l l 7••;«?. "_|J™: t A N 7 ~ P I A N O good • A n 'm ' "a lk'e~ ' « r itildkT DIVAN AND MATCIIINC. CHAIR, per- l i lstelnway preferred fect rnndltlnn, $»5 lor Immrdlnle sale. ('ash at once, I'A 2-((l25. P.U 1-1111. Big d h r n u n t * . OE roffee mnker, $19.95 nly 515.H5. Ktero, H I K I portable VI9.M cinly J79.W. Ma»y, many Hems to clmuse fnini, "Kaliilmw" TV and .irrhvare (opiioslte Acme parking Int l J j ^ I i l I l k . . . 1959 VOLVO CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY » VOLVO PEUGEOT DICK nnd BOB MATTHEWS 19 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. SH 1-5886 RED BANK T O M I l T p E l f E T gins o r antliiue antln Jfl.ftfi pair, fllMOM'S FAIII'.IC i;ENTER, flunset Ave. PETS AND LIVESTOCK at Hwy 35, A l l . u r y P a r k . HEAUTTFilL KITTENS lookltn for KILL _ haul. IHHT 'mii btuiifYoii $10 pe "loal. Sll 1 '.'1117 SII 1-K2M r »Itf)i'OHIlMKll ItillniR^lsn. female I <)LA ifo'lt i " L A NI > ~<" A ME It A~-~C'fHTh ippy, len mfi'itlis nl'l Owner desires plele with flush urill :< ml enrrvltiic ilnre In l n U i i | fsinily No fee. Ca] c i s c . Almu.M hrnnil new, |!)5 Sll 1-1 III. fill l-SOKI, HI-FI HI'KAKMi;. ' Kxce'iitlci'naT l u r k iA-rl'i!ri"l'ltKNl''ll riKJULKH""-' |fit\'ted Ivirn with Alter-Lmslnn 15" MI ;In'K, AliC reKlnlereil. l e v m weeli woofer niul hM in 1,1 nti'l hlRh ranKe. III I (ii ei-ngniM- Ml , Nepline I'hnnp fill l-l.'iM evPMlnRS. I'll MDVLSfl - ~ End tallies. "nilil~labfeV Clil.LIF. I'iri'H -- AKC rhnlnplr in slrM nrnichnlr, tllnlnf; riiom table slut 'I'-.v* llttnrs, Mniili'S, trls lilllt-S rhitlrs. C.lmlse IrHinge, r,nk liedrnnm Wiirrnrd "tul Imiiulnlrd. 1,1 suite, rnrin-tlni;, 'UKS, kltrhen fnliles ?-3fA1. mid I'linim r:iiilnltlR, pnrcli [linillme. JCIICK HI! H I ^ N I K L Huff rrilnr, three TV sel ay, re f r 1 pern I n r elr. RH 7 ! venr'il,t mule, etcpllenl f ornpsnl'iri, .•MM nfler « |i in ; A K i ' n-kislHieil, n.V I'll ( O W KISKKCII I'lKlVINTIAI, i n n e l i i | i l a - I ' l . A V I T l , lilfpi I I'. ymjti| I'rlre III) Kll 7 'IIM Sll H« REEL TVI'K, ••I, D A I . M A ' I I A M IM'I'I'IKH Hll' 'nil " I , I innle e.ml retnsle, '.'I ' *• t f f l l r u ! on i if,',': will sell Inr in. flit 1 M3(l OM IIKT *1.V). CUP! ll'l.'ill WATKI! Hi' flO(id| w e e k s . Al.'l' r e j l Ufred, full',- it,'.,-. Isiefl, r h ain |i Inner) sired. LI J O t H . Adding M*chinc»—Typewriter! Fuel Oil-Heating Plumbing & Healing ADDINO MACHINES - Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Rerplco's, 101 Monmnutli St.. Red Rank. 811 7fl4»5 KUBL OIL * HEATINO—Oall SH 10610, Oil Delivery, Inc., Service * Sales, 3 Herbert St.. P.eil Rank. REPAIHS. SERVICE «nd Maintenance 24-bour service, ttvtn days Harlln J. McC.ulre. Inc. SH 7-37«.7 Furniture—Ncw_And_U«ed _ Appliance Repairs APPLIANCE REPAIR and Installation, Residential and commercial wiring. Allen Electric. 811 7-04)2. Auctioneer B. a, COATS—An enentlal Auction Appraisal Service "anywhere." 4to Hath Ave., Long Branch. Phone Bui. CApltal 2-3J»n. Ites. HHsflyslde 7-2821. f l l « f v V K B T E N D F I J R S I T U P . E Ol,T- LET. New anil used furniture bought and sold. Antiques, oriental rugs. m l r . rors, brlc-a-hrac. Rargaln prices. I2Q llrlghton Ave,. Well End. CA 2-1047. Home Improvements ALL T Y P E ALTERATIONH, additions. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. D. L. Wslllng, K E 8-5023 or KE «-3147. WOIlKINfT"Si^CNTf4~contractor—A^lte rAuto and Truck Rental atlnns additions, painting, masonry. ! AVIS—Rent a new citr or truck. Low all those tittle |ob<. f.O B-I7M. r a t e i Maple M - I \ . Red Hsnk. SH 7Insurance D308 PI*. 4 .VJI4. Dally 7 a.m.—10 p rn ' i ALLHTATE"INBniANCR~CO~Ati(cr Awnings — Canoplct accident, lioine, fire I n i u r a n r e , I^JW I 3 t r i . You're in nr^nl liamls with AWN'INflfl-CANOPIKfl m a d e to order. AlhtHte r-i 11 John P. M r l l u l h , Free esllmntes. Standard Awninc Co , Agent. Rl!<'1-infll. 615 River ltd.. F a i r Haven, HH I-Ofitl" Radlo-TclevUlon Repair A.C. RADIO * TELEVISION C O . IVM Shrewsbury Ave. Sll 1-47<1 SERVICE WHILE YOU WAIT. Rooting, Siding and Insulation Insulation A Siding Corp. Certified J o h n s M a n v l l l e c o n t r a c t o r P R 5-8407 or Ailam L l m m a y e r AT 1-0302. OLSON CO. l N C ~ R o o l 1 n l , Siding t Insulation. InstallBtl a n d guaranteed lor 10 years. P R 5-0705—AT 10540. Tile—Ceramic RE.M0DEI.INO o u r specially. CnramIc or m o s s l c i . l.lfetimo heauty and construction Floors walll. rollings. Paul's Tiling Bervlre. CO 4 5B34 Tree Service l.anJscaplng-(iardcnlng Boating Supplici NEVKR SINK wliii NAVEBANlJT Naveiand Marina Kalei Co.. Octan Ave,, (tea llrlghl. BB 2-1101. Building Contrsctor C A C HtllliDMItH Specializing In alurnlniiin s l d l n l p h i ! complete Imlliling afrvlce anil rttnodellng. CO 410711 or CO 4.1137. JOHN CADWAI.LAllKR-HullrUr. New work, alterations. Wood and asphalt roofs. Since IMS. HU 104.1B. DeBTEl'ANO CONSTRUCTION—New home*, a l l r r n l l o m . ropalis, t i m e payments. I'limie H E I - I I K - K E (M)02*. N E W ~ T o M k H ! aTterallfiiu. "Tepalrs. Illgbeit i|iinllty wnik, F u r e s t i m a t e s t a l l llethert Elgenratlch. fill l-f£(VT LAWN SKHVICK - I'.oto tilling. Uependiihle, rensonable, service. Cal] tleorge tlorden. Bll 1-1717. LAWN B E R V I C E - C A 5JJS7. RotcT tilling, trees removed, hiullng, mechanlal crahgrasi control and lawn renovstton, latest method Lawn and Gtrdcn Supplies u^7TTiTMvoN MI-Y TREK DtRVICEInsured. Oetleral care of trees. 124 Belshaw Ave.. Eatontown. I.I 2-2427. Vacuum Cleaner Repair KLKCTRULUX rtstes Kervlca nnpp!!«s 72D Msltlion Ave.. Asbury Park. Kor prompt hnme service or free checkup on your Klartrolui. csll PR 5-0861. For all U f f n and Q a r d s n Hupplies 17« W Front fit. m l 1-2300 Washing Machine Repair Painting and Decorating iVAHIl'fN7l~M7i('IIISES repaired ami reciiliilllloned. Any m s k e . All e.<vl< guaranteed. Lowest prices. GUY'S W4.HHKR AND O U T E R B I R V I C E HH |.47f»l I.OUIR"~CAHHAN—I'atnt'r. ilacoratot. pnperhanger. 25 y e a n eiperlencs, 44!* Shrewsbury Ave. HH I-170B. o r i Ing, decorating, and p i p e r h a n g i n g Watch Repair K i t l m a t e s rliiierlully given. W Vv Cesspool Cleaning miles. J l l _ 3 :.W0. _ HEFT'H: TANKH~7fry wells sTrilreii. .1 iV*'; KBT"* M r-V 11 Flit -- Painting snd I1 t ' l t ' M o n l r M l v clesneit cletlrnmcall' l.eerliliig field a d d r d , llickh'ie work. I d e m o t i n g . Urueral r u n ' i a r t l n g . *•''• tested MKLISV J HWM.KUS, Ml C II U'llinti HH 1-1H411 I MiinniMiltll lit., lied [1:LII», HH I.inOI I e . l l n n t e . i Csll III 1 I llh? China and Glnsi Itopair iiw.^rellt/iWni'M'IVl'ilir,",* 1 Vto'"'- I'd Supplin Welding — l-'abrlcatlnR " . ' r J i ^ " I j 1 " . "<l "irM.n "inol|'.'"a'»;* I THrCK lllonirjS an.l f,,1,,.lr!.. e,,.,.p ir 11 1 us luicketl. O i l n s * (lliPi llhnp. I l l I i i l p p l l t . lo order hv m i l l or tppolntIllOlO 111.. Red llanV. fill 7I«"O. ! manl. Csll AT I-ID7J tt.l.llng nient ' ' .' .", . „ " ) ' ' " ? ' , „ , " , ' - ' ( * l a b r . f s t t n g t. •.. Sll 7 J . . . I 28-Fricby, M»y 27, 1960 BED BANK REGISTER HOUSES FOft SALE HOUSE! FOB BALE NOW OPEN! TOWER HILL AT LITTLE SILVER The Outstanding Location in Monmouth County TWO HOMES NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! PRICED FROM $32,900 Prospect Ave., Corner Harding Rd., Little Silver REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE THE LOW AGENCY REALTORS J. Lester Rigby Associates, Inc. HOME! FOB S M Z FIVE-BEDROOM COLONIAL Almost new. Uving room irift brick lir^ljw:fo large eountiy kitchen, five bedmomi. t w b»th»,.tmp rage, Urge maple trees. Conveniently located (24,900. THE DOWSTRA AGENCY AGENCY HOUSES FOR SALE E. R. SNYDER & C O . STANLEY K. DOWNS Established 1873 MIDDLETOWN SPECIAL. Four hod room Colonial, cozy living room, kitchen, d<'n, full hasftment. utll Ity room urtfi workshop, wrll Uuulxrnp Call \m nnw for this \n a wondftrlul buy ill only SlOfiOo. HOUSES FOK M L B HOUSES FOt SALE OUTSTANDING'HOME VALUES 6 5 i TINTON AVENUE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY—Little Silver. Four King-sire majestic NEW SHREWSBURY. N . J . bedrooms. Superb colonial. New ladies' dream kitchen, breakfast RIVERFRONT—133,000 Liberty 2-0946 area and laundry room. Fireplace in den, formal dining room, SHadyside 1-7741 Extremely attractive. Spacious living ram with fireplace; beaucellar, large living room, 2'/2 baths. Truly unparalleled at $34,900. Lincroft—Impressive quality in this luxury built three bedroom tiful modern kitchen; three spacious W r M m t r a * l » MMEDIATE OCCUPANCY—Little Silver. , Finest family living ranch, two tiled baths, spacious living room, stone fireplace, full sied porch.' High above the river. Good landscaping.- Private possible. Superb, four-bedroom split level; recreation room, two dining room, kitchen has good appliance, cabinets, and eating dock, float. Convenient location, Marvelous view. Low taxes, car garage, cellar. Estate area. Outstandjngly decorated. Glori- area, laundry, full cellar, two car garage, porch, shade trees, ous value. New, prime residential area. Value $32,900. dead end street. $25,000. LARGE FAMILY HOME RUMSON'S FINEST—Lovely four-bedroom colonial. Maid's room Rumson—Four bedrooms, bath and powder room, full dining room, Acre lot. Spacious living room, formal dining room, ultra-modern and bath, dining room, cellar, two-car garage. Brand new! Se- large kitchen, cellar, patio, attached garage. Priced at $19,100 kitchen with breakfast area; four spacious bedrooms, two complete baths plus a large family room with powder room, den, lect personal colors. Three-week occupancy. $49,500! laundry room, garage and basement. Just $24,000. EXECUTIVE'S SACRIFICE—Transferred. Immediate occupancy, Lincroft—Most attractive three bedroom ranch, wooded plot, living randiose split level. Cellar, oil heat, drapes, carpeting, storm room, fireplace, large bright kitchen, nicely equipped, tiled bath, CENTER OF RED BANK windows and screens, four bedrooms, 2'/£ baths, screened porch, attached garage, low taxes and heating costs. Asking $18,500. lovely grounds. Assume VA loan. Only $5000 cash for total down Best buy in New Shrewsbury—Three large bedrooms, two full baths, Convenient to schools, shopping and transportation. Living room, payment and closing costs. Approximately $175 monthly pays all. 30 foot dining-liying room, immense kitchen with eating area and sur. room, big dining room, good modernized kitchen, laundry, powder room, three bedrooms, modern tiled bath, basement. Asking Over a $3000 savings. Won't last—tremendous bargain! laundry, recreation room, attached two car garage, nicely land just $15,000. scaped. Price to sell at $19,900. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY—Lovely three-bedroom Cape Cod in Shrewsbury. Cellar; approximately one acre. Dining room, fireNew Shrewsbury—The finest Split Level, three master bedrooms place, plaster walls. Real value at $18,000! two ceramic baths, large living room with fireplace, colonia Red Bank, N. J. HOUSE HUNTING? Be sure to see the models at Sycamore Ave., mantle, dining room, screened porch or summer dining room 91 East Front Street New Shrewsbury. Del Brier Estates are terrific values! Models family room with built in bar, playroom, two car attached garage. SH 1-8700 open daily and week-ends! Prices from $21,900 and up! Beautifully landscaped lot with tall shade trees. Asking $37,500. 16 East Bergen Place SH 1-5098 I "Open Seven Days and Nights" HOUSES FOR SALE MWSEf fOK MUE ADAMS AGENCY ADAMS SH 7-5444 HOUSES FOB SALE HOWESTORS H E REALTOR "Homes of Charm and Value" SHadyside 1-1017 Sycamore Avenue Shrewsbury Red Bank HOUSES FOR SALE HOySES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE REDDEN AGENCY HALL BROS. Realtors RUSSELL M. BORUS Realtors — Insurers CAPE COD — Three bedrooms. Living room, knotty pine kitchen, tile bath, full cellar, nice yard. 550O0 cash needed to take over 4% mortgage. Price $14,200. WHY WASTE YOUR TIME! Before inspecting any other homes, Inquire about one of the ttaUnga below .tinted to your requirements nnd your pocket hook. Each one has been meticulously cared for. We recommend; SIft,WK)—Three bedrooms, two baths, modern kitchen, expensive landscaping, CHOICE RED BANK LOCATION covered patio. CO-ME SEE. .—Charming colonial home with $24,.V)O—Four bedrooms, v.i baths, three bedrooms, two baths, den, recreation room in full basement, back> living room and recreation room yard. UNBELIEVABLE. with fireplaces. Two-car garage, S2ft,<*00 — Four bedrooms. two bnlhs, lovely grounds. 30 days occuneat recreation room with bar AND pancy. $29,900. MOKE. REALTORS 600 River Road Fair Haven, N. J . DON'T LIFT A FINGER. Spot less Rumson home offering threi large bedrooms, dining room, 1960 kitchen with dishwasher, huge paneled den, fireplace, attached garage, velvet lawn, lovely shrubs and trees. Asking $18,900. SHadyside 7-4532 HOUSES FOR SALE THE MEISTRICH AGENCY Newman Springs Rd., corner Steven Ave., New Shrewsbury SHadyside 1-5888 ALL Neat, well maintained Rum636 River Road Fair Haven RED BANK son home offering three bedrooms, space for a fourth, and SHadyside 1-4477 $11,300. ATTKACTIVK SPLIT LKVKL l'/2 baths. Paneled dinette. Dry jgOO DOWN—Then low monthly Four lifdrfjomH, rficrefillrm room, 1' j CAPTIVATING WATERFRONT- balhfl, basement and garage. Secluded payments buys six-room house wall oven Itltr.lirn, ''jch'iusl fan QUAINT AND CHARMING. AuNO NEED TO LOOK FURTHER patio, beautiful 'lawns, trees and J. This M rar live split level rar thentic Colonial in a setting of Delightful colonial cottage, on theput ifb-mKlit (or 'nily £17,000. fJlt>aaon beautiful maple shade trees, l'/i —This immaculate home ha shrubs. Honest value, $18,500. in nicest section of town. Close bank of the beautiful Navesink able offer cnnuliiiTHth, to schooU and shopping. Owner acres, 28 ft. living room, firefour bedrooms, (all double size River, with your own dock and MOVK UP TO KPMSON' transferred, must sell immediplace. Full dining room. Modern CHARMING — DIFFERENT — S.'JS. 000—Terrific three-bedroom, two two tiled baths, laundry, lavafloat. Lovely paneled living We have a fine Colonial tyi"' l ! i slfiry hath ranch. Paneled re c rent ion room CENTER HALL COLONIAL in atory, family room, guest bed- A GEM of a home, just com- ately. Three double DiLtirt, Junior *-.it;Lte In the II«:.H electric kitchen. room, fireplace, three bedrooms tlirtM'-bfdr'idin WHY SKI.L IT. beautiful country setting. Over room, basement, attached two- pleted within a walk of the river ii«.rt ot KmiifWi. Owm-r muni k-avt tiled bath. Two-car two baths, delightful spacious New .Icrscy no later than July J5 bedrooms, RED BANK SI l.IKXI—Four-bod nmrn. 2 ' i baths, den two acres of property, three bedwonderful liom« borders on i garage. Choice location. Conven Colonial. Jilver richts. nOBS DK rooms, large formal dining room,, car garage. Beautiful yard, nea and all the fun of boating and modern kitchen, forage, porch, 'J'lils $14,900. fi rival ft pond, tin -i air cwirimonlnif, 3Jf' ient for commuter. Rare value LIGHT. fishing. Built in finest taste, living room and den each with everything. Asking $24,900. full expansion basement opening living rwnn, forma! dlnlnx room, spa $22,500. superb craftsmanship. Paneled SIX-ROOM Cape Cod with fire•Slfl.KOO — Five-bod room Colonial. H'i fireplace; modern Kitchen, twf>-car Karage, two baths, modern on fenced yard. Exceptional at clous bnths, flrep]rice In family room. Lo ripnrlan right a on Shrewsbury, Ileautl TERRACED HALF ACRE—Tall wall around fireplace in living place, full basement. Refrigerkitchen with breakfast area. Two trees abound, impressive center- room, dining room, tomorrow's ator and carpeting included for cation SWANK. fully nlt^'l on H i ncres fif woodM lot $33,000.00. Anklr>K ttOtO, »>nt for inJlr.lt »;il« wll SMALL FARM. Three acres porches. Barn with hall plan, huge living room, 17' kitchen, huge family room, three immediate sale. Owner moving three-bath screened except »ny nMJi'»nMj|e ofi>r. Act nowUnusual home for the individual- $05.(too - - Four-hud room, RUMSON COLONIAL—Comfort- [or this In the buy of the year, ranch. Three acres. Paneled den with horse stalls; also dog kennel on ist. Secluded in oak and pine har. Ultra-modern kitchen. Extras? property. Must be seen to b paneled den with fireplace. Pow bedrooms, two deluxe tiled bath- and WANTS ACTION. able family home, nestled among YKB MAM. der room, breakfast room, first rooms. Two-car garage and many trees. Substantial older type beautiful trees and landscaping, appreciated. $49,500. LITTLE SILVER floor laundry room, four double luxury features. $24,500. in top estate location. Conveni- SNYDER REALTORS ranch. 26 ft. living room, brick GLAZEBROOK bedrooms, dressing room, at$13,500. Middlctown fireplace. Hay window dining ent to ALL schools. Large living Five Corners IMMACULATE RANCH HOME READ THIS CAREFULLY! Sitroom. Spacious kitchen. TV den. house coiivenientnear tho river. Center hall, liv-tached four car garage. Imme- uated in convenient Neptune lo- lEIGHT-ROOM room, fireplace, built-in bookAGENCY • OS 1-2590 or OS 1-1598 , y o c a t c d t o h , a n ds h Three bedrooms, \i/ baths 2 room with fireplace; dining diate occupancy. $34,900. cases, full dining room, sun cation. Practically new eight- ping. Needs some decoration but Screened porch. A-l condition. Avenue of Two Rivers, Rumson ing room, large kitchen, den o FIRST TIME OFFERED-Lux- room Colonial (four bedrooms). porch den, modern kitchen, four Elderly owner must sell. Bar- RU 1-1700 After 6 p.m. RU 1-107-1fourth bedroom, three twin-sized ury split level overlooking rive Den. Bath, plus lavatory. Car- will make lovely home for larger bedrooms, two baths, two-car gaB E R G gain! $20,900. family. CALL NOW — THIS bedrooms, two baths, finishei rage. Asking $40,000.00, NORTH HIIRKVVSBURY RIVERFRONT 0 with docking facilities. Cente port. All in excellent condition WON'T LAST LONG. ALL BUYERS —Attractive Unlonlal. Dock. Spacious recreation room and bar. Porch Most attractive neighborhood LITTLE SILVER. Spacious home living room, fireplace, two fiirrMy bed- and patio overlook beautiful foyer, stone planter and fireDREAMS COME TRUE—Trans$595 DOWN for large family. Eight rooms. rooms, den-Ktiest bedroom. Family swimming pool. Excellent loca- place, lush carpeting throughout, $16,500. Only $800 cash required BUY OF THE WEEK ferred owner must sacrifice this room with entrance to patio and well Four bedrooms, 1(4 tiled baths.lntl.icaped Sliding window walls, Reostal No closing costs! SHREWSBURY (.'rounds. Jalousie porch, tion. Asking $55,000. $14,900 Full Price lovely four-bedroom home in new Big dining room, den, pine play nlnKS. Asking $.13,000. lighting, three bedroom with twi LOVELY ATTRACTIVE MOD $12,000. If I were human. I'd tie considered room. Two-car garage-. Plot 300 condition and excellent neighbor- foncefh-d. tiled baths, paneled den, tiled ERN RANCH home on a beauti HERE IS a real buy In old 'c-iuHf! I'vi* ROL e v i ; r y t h i u t : : hood. Living room, fireplace, ;: l;ir«f! tn'auttful hedrooiiiH. tilt; h a t h , ft. deep. Trees, shrubbery. Early Lawrence J. Schilling REDDEN AGENCY powder room, oak paneled gam ful landscaped plot. Abundance with full basement, r'liilppi-d flck-nrt* ltltctn;n, full possession. nBAlTOIt large Youngstown kitchen with fully Reduced to $21,500. 16 Spring Street complete with raised of gorgeous shrubs, top residen- Shrewsbury sized fllfilni; r o o m , C P Kariige, full Red Bank301 Mape Ave. Cor. Bergen PI room, large lot and many other extras. spacious eating area, -mahogany haH«>mf>nt, r r r r ' - i i l l o n r o o m , utility SIIadysMc 71121 hearth fireplace, built-in TV and tial area close to excellem CALL NOW FOR APPOINTa m i V I M a l l rtenkrvl o u t In a l u m - RUMSON — NEAR FORRESTpaneled den, tiled bath, screened irrmni, SHadyside 1-5660 elaborate bar. Basement with school. Spacious living room MENT. um fitinliinntloii nlorin wash n n d ItKD BANK — Gracious nine-room porch, aluminum screens imd oni, r.'wiL'i , a n d no m a n y rnoro DALE SCHOOL. Most attrac- homo constructed to laat. Includes laundry. Two-car garage. Trubrick fireplace, dining ^ room ' firne d o w n n n d s o o m e itornc ive Cape Cod in immaculate formal living room, charming foyer, stnrm sash, garage, fenced yard. ntrn.i. ly one of a kind. $42,900. modern kitchen, three fine bede noon. dining room and kitchen, l1.^ baths, FAIR HAVEN condition. Living room, fire- full Only ?17,f)00.00. five iKdroomH. vvnrm dry cellar. Lorooms, tiled bath. Full baseplace; dining room. Crown kitch$17,500. cated In a quiet excellent neighborhood Vets—No Down Payment •n, electric range, dishwasher. within walking distance nf all shop- nt. 35 between Keyport-Mlddlctown ment. Attached garage. Home HALL BROS. pine facilities. The 90x185 plot In- Dally 91) Saturday, Sunday 10-8 immaculate throughout. Assume OWNER REDUCES price for imMonmouth County Office 'hree bedrooms, tiled bath. Pine cludes a two-car garage, beautiful WILLIS CONOVER 813 River Road Fair Haven high G. I . 4% mortgage. Asking mediate sale. Comfortable threepaneled playroom. Hobbv shop. shade trees and shrubs with gardenbedroom older home on kingCO 4-1922 WII G-Wfll HoimrlM VIlInRn $l!l,5U0. Ing iiciU'iitlM. Firm price on direct Laundry. Many extras. July 1st SH 1-7686 THE BERG AGENCY size lot in one of Fair Haven's purchase Is $18,500. Pleaso phono afcourrruv HOMES AT;D ACUEAGE possession. Asking $18,500. ter 7 p. m. or anytime weekends. 811 UNION BEACH — Cute three "I'or.tonnllzcil Service" nicest residential areas. Holrndrl. Atlantic find Marlboro Twpa. 7.IS87. bedroom bungalow, sunporch OS 1-1000 WIDE SELECTION •IODEUN TimEE-hedroom ranch. GaRAY VAN HORN large kitchen. Fenced, shaded A. FRED MAFFEO ]',|:O(JK - Miiat Ben M ujiK'' 111. :<<>, 35 Mlililli'lown, N . J . rage, .screens, storirt windows, alumlOiln irniiiiiculhti* hrirk frmit l»,illy 'J !) OF EXCLUSIVE HOMES itini awnings, extra large aluminum yard. G.I. needs nothing down K M i m l n y - H u m l a y 10.7 WILLIAM H. REALTORS patio awning. Fully landscaped. Three AGENCY Full price $8,500. trees, ari'l Rlwubs, Two b'-d"TO BUY OR SELL" Inutes lo shonptnc center. Convenient flrfplii'-i-, I'-Atuy.*-. IHHI nmny MAVKK1NK - - N'r-W milll l''Vi-l. Sl-vdl OVER A QUARTER CENTURY HINTELMANN p Jill schools nnd transportation. Lo HWY. 35 SHREWSBURY .f.mn. KiiniKC '•• l.nths. Lot Unix !P i-xlras. Firm prti-f. $}H,WKt. xes, no .cents. Inquire, 45 Mclro BELFORD — Neat three-bedl-'ullv hiriiHiMjiril. W M k t o ncti.i',1, PHONE Sll 1-1017 t'er., Mlddlelowu. (Firm) EXCEPTIONAL VALUE FOR room ranch,- attached garage cH mill r l m r c l i r a . WTi.lHUl. AT 1-IHKCI. SHadyside 1-9333 THE LARGE FAMILY. TransNear new school, churches, trans^ Realtors of Rumson HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE TOWER HILL AT HOUSES FOR SALE ferred owner has reduced this HOUSES FOR SALE portation. Assume G.I. mortSince 1905 LITTLE SILVER four-bedroom, two-bath, Colonial gage. $2,700 required, payments Olfer the Following $87 per month. Full price $13,- Where living takes on a new for quick sale. Living room with meaning. Gracious three and fireplace. Dining room. Electric 700. Rumson Area. Boating with kitchen. Basement. Closets ga four-bedrqom ranchers, coloniRARITAN TOWNSHIP — Four als and splits. Set on picturesqm lore. Garage. Immediate posses dock in back yard, Attractive Colonial on river. Contains 5 bedroom older home. Large one-half acre wooded lots. These sion. $19,900. master bedrooms, ' 3 baths, 2 rooms, valuable highway front- distinctive homes offer the ultiFAIR HAVEN NEAR RED maids' rooms and bath, Outage. Business zoned. Owner mate in modern luxury living. Bank. Charming six-room home standing vajue at $55,000. ordered to dryer climate. Sacri From $32,900. Liberal financing in good family neighborhood fice price $14,400. arranged. Fireplace. Three bedrooms, Tiled River Oaks, Fair Haven. Modern MIDDLETOWN — Four-bedroom YOU MUST SEE THIs'sPLEN bath. Basement. Open porch Colonial semi-ranch contains on Cape Cod, two baths. Ideally lo- DID AIR CONDITIONED RUM Two garages. $18,500. Make offer the ground floor living room, cated. Walking distance to SON RANCH — Three bedrooms TRANSFERRED OWNER offers dining room, kitchen, den, bedschool, and shopping center. F two baths, knotty pine recreation his immaculate dwelling of seven room, bath and enclosed breezeH.A, guaranteed mortgage, $15,- room, living room with fireplace; rooms, four bedrooms, two tiled way. Second floor—2 bedrooms 500. Only $1,000 needed down, dining room and modern kitchen baths, enclosed breezeway, full and bath. Dry basement. Oil Full price $16,500. screened porch, patio, two-car basement, double garage at new burning hot water heat. Well garage. Only $35,000. low price of $33,000. The tall landscaped grounds comprise 2/3 For these and other good trees and shrubbery give this acre. Offered for sale at $33,000. buys be sure to see us. COMFORTABLE THREE-BED property a picture book setting. Rumson. 3 beautiful acres and ROOM RANCH — Living room, fireplace, dining area, modern TREE SHADED LANE, Colonial a lovely 10 room ranch house in In excellent residential in a pretty setting. Gracious a picturesque setting. Offering ROLAND PIERSON kitchen. neighborhood. Easily accessibli living room with fireplace. Full sale price $59,500. to schools, churches and shop- dining room. Three bedrooms. AGENCY ping. Asking $19,900 but anxious Porch. Hot water oil heat. Ga- Rumson Building Sites. We specialize in acreage building sites to sell. rage. Asking $20,900. Mortgages — Insurance in Rumson and have complete HELP DEFRAY YOUR EX- listings in the price range from LINCROFT PENSES. Live, in the four-fam$7,500 to $20,000. If you are Almost new seven-room split. JOHN B. RYAN ily dwelling and collect rent considering building your own T w o baths, large recreation from the other tenants. Out ofhome in Rumson, we can furnish room, two-car garage, full baseRUMSON ment. Nice corner lot. Asking Just listed. Three-bedroom bun town owner has notified us toyou with complete details on reduce his asking price of $15,900. zoning requirements, deed re$22,000. galow in excellent condition Call for an appointment. strictions and financing. Living room, modern kitchen, INCOME PROPERTY Two houses for the price of one. paneled dining area, garage. No 804 River Rd., Fair Haven, N. J. WILLIAM H.Nicely shaded. Near transporta- $ down for veteran: Monthl SHadyside 7-4100 tion and shopping. Must be seen payments $71, Hurry! Hurry! HINTELMANN to be appreciated. Price $19,900. Price $10,990. 1 SCHENKEL Special Preview-Memorial Day Weekend CHECK THE FEATURES 0E THIS LOVELY PRICED FROM WEART-NEMETH FARMS, ACREAGE COMMERCIAL AND AGENCY INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE 102 WEST FRONT STREET 300 Half Mile Rd. Red Bank SHadyside 1-2240 SHadyside 1-7575-6 . 24 Hour Answering Service 3-BEDROOM RANCH • • • • • • I </2 CERAMIC TILED BATHS '/2 ACRE PLOTS CITY WATER AND SEWERS FULL CELLAR SCIENCE KITCHEN ATTACHED GARAGE Theso luxurious homes offer t i n convenioncos of modern living. A spacious livimj room for relaxing or onk-rfflinin'j, •.'.p.ir.ito diniiiy loom; a scionco kitchen with built-in w.ill ovr.n ,ind rnngo. Lovely, durable hardwood floors mJd beauty and distinction to thn interior. Tliri-o rr,omy bedrooms with tlosot spneo (or ftveryono! fcxcitinrj in dusign mid built to livo in . . . thejo liomi.j rt,0 unurcollod in value! Tiirc FORK von Foim ! FHA - CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGES Nestled in <i picturesquo woodod sotting thoso homes are convenient- to overything! Schools are nearby, shopping fncilitios just minutos away, bus Jorvico and the Garden Stato Parkway for oaso in travoling noitli or south. Playground facilities availablo for tho childron. A golf courso within walking distance. Surnmor living wouldn't bo comploto without swimminrj and boating facilities . . . and thoso homos aro within 15 minutes' drivo from both! MODEL HOME OPEN 10A.M. to 6 P.M. 1 llj U DIRECTIONS' ™," "°' /' 35 FOUR BEDROOMS HOLIDAY SPECIAL Brand new ranch house. Seven Young Cape Cod in very desirlarge rooms, entrance hall, twoable section of Fair Haven, baths, two fireplaces, two-car Large living room with fireplace garafie. Full basement. One acre, Modern kitchen. Two full baths, A-l location. Priced at $30,000. Best FHA terms. $800 down Price $15',500. RETIRED OR JUST MARRIED SH 1-2091 Two-bedroom Cape Cod. Expan RED BANK sion attic. Large, modern kitch 24-HOUR SERVICE en. Living room. Nice quie area. Basement. $11,500. •» , / f y f W . IR». 5-171 C M o n l o w n , loft a t traffic light, '/. mile t o rnod-.-l „:, ,,,,1,1. rnod-.-l „ : , ,,,,1,1. | , r m ,s o u ) | , rtluj t . i t o n t o w n exit of G . u d m i Stato Porkway t r a v e l north 5 0 0 ft, l i o n , U l i M i l b v / n (Jlicli,, right n\ tralfic light t o inodi'l. I. R E D H A N K H A P K m i l — Knllr >nrir'wnnH, t w o ruith.1, full rllnliiR rf>nin, •xi-nl Ir-nt kllrhfii, rcrrrrttlon room, o p e n s c r ^ n M M porch. Nf'Mlrd o n K M Hunk'* r h o l c p x ! c r o u r h i . KxrHlently HlirMint. A »lin(l« u n d e r Sin.lHMI. !. U T n , K S H J V K I I ( ' A P R r o l l — Al 1-'I.!KW1. T h r e e o r f l m o r n s . twr> bnill*. ' x e e l l r n t l y lorn!er| u l t l i .iiiprrh kltr-h. ti. I'IKTIO.I »{:r,'encl p o r c l i . Wnrktop drive, HltnchP'l K^rige. Oorspnln voumh, dogwood*. hlrclien nti,| /.iitfii.i a r e only a fi-w nf t h e ahnllM urrnilrKlIng thin lino h o m e . I'AItt I I A V K N I ' V I I J I M J A I , IIOMK — t?7,r,fKl l.ivlnfc r<»<mi, illnlnK rrmm. iltfhen, t!lf<l p o w d e r r o o m , i r r i ' n n e i l l u r c h , i n i l l o , pliM'lrle rtiilnvajhr-r, R.ir•use il1ipm.il, wMll-ln-wall c a r p e t InfiT. i,1in,rM w a t t , O.K. ntovp. RUMSON — Near school. Threebedroom Cape Cod with room fo another bedroom, V/2 baths, buil 1953. Excellent condition throughout. Fully landscaped— Many extras. Price $18,500. RED BANK RUMSON AND COMPLETE COVERAGE SHORE AREA / 3,nno LISTINGS Turtur Agency, Inc. 2 llniiid St. Hod llnnk Sllatlysiili! 1-r.m RAY STILLMAN RIVKRFRONT PROPERTY Iwy, js Shrewsbury On Navesink River near Red Rllnilynliln I-Hliiw llnnk. Five bedroom house, three t t f . M f l C J N ~ . " M l . x . r i i < i m r n i i o l l . A t l n d i i ' i baths, living room, dining mom, F.iymtVM"tltTn l<ui'li'*ti. M A i i y , - x kitchen, ik'n, two fireplaces, oil rim. N r n r n i l si-lirmli. r u n o w n e r I t I hot water heat. Iinalhousa with • 1 M . V J , l - ' l r r t i l i r l t ' t ' Jiri.UDll. fireplace. Biilkheadi.'d bnnt basin ' i n ' A I . I ' A Y . M K N ' l ' S l>N I n v e l y Iliri"' l,pilrnorri ruiuli JWJtif, per month ;ind dock. I-].; landscaped ncres. (KM. Id Ynirfli l l o n i l l " p l l t I n v e l . K x c e l l e l l t VH'W III .'<II,,IN D) r i ' j i r I r o n i r l l n l r : ^ r o o m l m |.ir,.jitlt)ii riMtn pli'llifi' wlrt'l'iwH. S err | . ' r . | i c t . . | \ n ,-,l S'.'.nun r . i ^ l i t 1 - . 1 H T I ) : . ( ( : ' ' . .Mlt.;«»t C u l l " W i i T A T I ( I t ' l l .S.'il'Mli I V . ' M i i l l T i l A U K . Vniir lil.'i will l o v e I M x Hl.m'l'HH i,u>vh. t ; n , l r . i i ' , ' 1 '.. a , ! | . . ' t l t u r n t l j ' l i . ' . l .VI, h n l l l N , ( I I I ) t i . l i r l l K ' M ! . L i l t ; , - | i ] i v .11 I ' l . i : l i l l . V K I ! '•• I l i - M ' t i l o i i t n ' r u l i u p • HI 11. flcli'inn Itltrhi'll. li'l'iili't" IUIMK I'll, d m , r i r n i l . i c p . I d e a l l o c a t i o n , c i fnM [ i. Inini.lrv riiuin, :;n' llvlni, .1.1. • -Jill M i l 7 ( 1 1 1 1 . i i i i i m , e x l i n l . J.'d.Mll). M i - I I K I . Rumson, N. J . RUmson 1-0600 Country—yet close to everything WALKER & WALKER —outstanding ranch on two acres Realtors next to new golf course. Beautifully landscaped grounds. Extra Highway 35 Hazlet, N. J , large living room, fireplace. CO 4-5212 Birch kitchen 12x24, three big bedrooms, two baths, l a r g e Open 7 Days screened porch. Full cellar, baseboard heat, double garage. Ask- VET NO DOWN PAYMENT 1956 Cape Cod. Three bedrooms, ing $35,000. storm windows and doors, large Applebrook — Brick front ranch shade trees, fully landscaped, in perfect condition on over half cyclone fence, concrete driveway acre of well cared for grounds. to oversized one-car detached House is all gas. Pine cabinets, garage. Near local and city Inspection inoak floors, tiled bath, fireplace, transportation. screened porch, aluminum com- vited. Approx. 37D.0O monthly binations, awnings, washer, Ve- payment. Selling at $12,000. netinns, oversized garage are 4'/2% MORTGAGE some of the extras. Large mortgage may be assumed. $19,200. With $75.00 monthly payment can be assumed for $2,700, on this Country four-bedroom colonial on 1056 Ranch. Fenced yard, trees, about 1/3 wooded acres, Large air conditioner. One block to livinn room, fnmily room with New York and Newark bus line. fireplace; full dining room, extra Selling for $12,400. large kitchen, 2'/z baths. Double WIII-II MuyliiK, HOIIIIK! nr Insurlnn, Sco garape, $20,000, Oceanporl'« First Henltor Klrnt. 1.V1TI.K Hll.VKIt C O L O N I A L — TW» l|»erli Iwii-yrsir [>H h a i nice «[/(> w,)K r o o m , dining; r o o m I'oinlilnntlon, eh, Pli'Mlenlly ;ir>polntnl electric, llclii-n, p o w d e r r o o m , Tour fine he.li i m n « m l t w o 11 If l u t l u F u l l I'fllni, HI h^nllnp, nyMciii, n l t i t c l i e d R . i r a c e , ritlcj, l'r<>|>erly t m r l n i,j> t o WO'MIMI f ><ni h n v p $.1 (Hln. n n r c i i i l t y . K k _ >iir|«, nf rrirdlnt; nl.ixlnnim prlvncy. •IM73-M. iw,,rr l i n n , ; traiinterreil. AikliiK J27.- . H l t p l J i l ' I ' O W N — K o v i ' i i - r o o m c : m i v i - n (Ml, (Firm) VAN VLIET AGENCY Line Road Holmdel W H 6-4484 THE BROOK AGENCY HANK nUII.DINO ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS AT 1-171V m i . M I ir.i. vii,I. Mil-: hi,111, , I I . I , r l,|..|rr.'llllV ' I ' W I I i-.-u I ; I M K ' \ .'•"-. ••!! •----•• i Atf,U!I ll.'.ll. W l l O-d'iK. JIAI1IK C'OX AGENCY 0B Cnmnnchn i)rlvo O:»nnrort CA 2-1002 fltrvins Monmouth County Ovor 30 y.r«. nrrp, 4' :•' o prli:o S2I.IKK). MTpiitT^riiiiiiuirli <;l iniHiimjittori, 1111 1-4KSD. I-'lnn H K V: KN"~11 c>OM~ 11 iri IJH K—I S~Ttirorkmijrtnn A v p , , K n l H u n k , FUI l-(ll,',l, oviv \T *'"'"" <lnv H iuu<llvy a m l 8 l m t l ' »y. UNION" lllSM'il -• B!7r~H<rvrinfli~Nr l''lvci moms, luilli, lhrri> linlrnninft ho: witur-iill lirnl. Cnmlilnnllnn nliimlinim wlnilr/wfl. I'ricft J7.VIH, Cull CO <• • ' - - . - , , . Ill i ii M, I.IVIIIB n i. w l l h ciirnrr flrriilurr, in',l,,',triiniM.i. ilrn n r fnlirth linl• » ' " ' . '."•. III.-.I L u i l m , I uliv IU.IIII ™ i - . i r K i i n i K i ' . l u l l r i l l . - n . W l l II H i l l . (Morn Classified Ads On The Next Page) [ AilAlDC 1 c n u i , May 27, J960 RED BANK REGISTER Author-Teacher to Address St. Mary's Holy Name NEW MONMOUTH He — Rev. Robert J, O'Connell will address has, during the course of his teaching career, conducted in St. Mary's Holy Name Society struction in Latin, Greek, Eng. lish and history. at its annual Communion breakFather O'Connell is a member fast Sunday. of the Catholic Poetry Society, Weather permitthiR, the break- the Knights of Columbus, Refast will be served on the school treats for Lay and Religious and the Jesuit Drama Association, a grounds. Father O'Connell was born in new organization among the thrcej New York City and received his Eastern provinces of New York, early education at Repis High Maryland and New England. He is the New York province repSchool. resentative for the Jesuit Drama Festival. Father O'Connell is the author of a number of book reviews and of "Thought," the Fordham University quarterly, and has published articles and verse in "America," "The Sipn," "The Month," and the "Messenger of the Sacred Heart." He has also written part of 51 YEARS' SERVICE by Edwin R. Conover, right, to the Red Bank Savings and Loan the introduction to "The Catholic Association was recognized last night at dinner in Shadowbrook. Mr. Conover, Literary Revival" for an antholochairman of the association's board of directors, receives gift from Harold B. Mill:y of English prose and poetry, and has contributed articles to ward, president, left, as Martin V. B. Smock looks on. lollier's Encyclopedia. Father O'Connell is the author of the "Citadel of WisdomMeditative Studies of Our Lady," published by the Montfort Publications. In addition to his many aclivi ties, Father O'Conncl! is moderator fnr athletics at St. Peter's College. Rev. Robert T. Bulman is pas- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Mrs. P h i l i p G a u g h r a n, He completed his undergrad- tor of St. Mary's. Thomas T. Monmouth-Ocean County Parentuate work at Georgetown Umvcr- Warshaw is president. James R Teacher Association regent, inMinopue will be toastmasler. Other Rucsts will be Jerry Ma! stalled Mrs. Stanley Kozak as subsequently received his licen loy, baseball coach at St. Peter's president of the St. Agnes PTA tiate in philosophy and sacred and William J. Flusk, Sr., soloist at a meeting in the church hal last week. theology from Woodstock College and is, in addition, the holder Add strips of onion, green pep- Others installed were Mrs. of a degree as master of arts per and ham to a plain omele Whesley Andrews, vice president; and you have the filling for a Mrs. James Monahan, treasurer; from Fordham University. Father O'Conncll is assisnt'J western sanwich. Brown the Mrs. Warren Kurtz, recording as assistant professor of Knj;lish vegetables and moat slightly be- secretary, and Mrs. Richard at' St. Peter's College in Jersey fore adding to the eggs. Serve Stryker, corresponding secretary. thfi sandwich with chili sauce or The meeting was opened with City. Prior to this assignment, catchup. the annual May crowning conhe taught at Gon/'iga llii'.h School ducted by the eighth grade girls. In Washington, D. C., St. Peter's R or flclllriK. Alw.iyg irvoK to Prep in Jersey City and in Le-ilhf! .( Kf-KlBlor (:l:i.inlfle<I for oulck ro- Mother Gerald addressed the Manna College in .Syracuse, N. Y. ISUH«.—A.!vcnis<.mcnt. group, citing the following forthcoming activities: The annual girls' playday, Friday, at the public school playground; kindergarten operetta, "The Frog Prince," Sunday at 2 p.m. in the church hall; the seventh grade picnic, next Thursday; FOR eighth grade class night, Sunday, EVERY June 5; Athletic Club picnic, Tuesday, June 7; graduates' DESIGN FASHIONS — Members of t'uAg-,.s mass and Communion breakfast, AND Paront-Teacher Association and their daughters Tuesday awards and report cards, Friday, NEED Juno 10; graduation. Sunday, night modeled summer fashions at a card party for the June 12; awards, assemhly for benefit of the PTA at the school in Atlantic Highlands. the kindergarten through the sevLeft to right are Miss Agnes Cassidy, Mrs. Vincent "Wv Hart: I In: I'vnce for Yon" enth grades, Thursday, June Hi, and the last clay of school, Fri- Malonoy and Mrs. James Monahan. e Gofhic Close Cedar Stockade day, June 17. NOTICE OF CONSOLIDATION The principal thanked Mrs gifts to Mrs. Fina from members o Moulded Picket- Stockade Notice Is hereby given that pursuant John Fina, nutgoiftg president of the PTA. n the lawa of the United states, apillcatlon h a s been made to tlie Compand presented her a gift from Rev. Michael Lease, pastor, troller • Lawn Picket1 « Jersey Picker of tlie Currrncy of tho United , expressed his gratitude to the reStates for permission to consolidate the school children. plus ninny morn The MonmoutU County National Bank. tiring officers and congratulated Ited Bank, located In Red Hunk, New Mrs. James Fleming, retiring Jersey, itnrl The Atlantic Highlands .\'a-] vice president, announced the the incoming ones. :lonat Rani; i w a t M In Atlantic Uich- ] The afternoon kindergarten Inmls, Ne.vv Jorsny, under the title i winners of the annual flower "The Monmoutli County National Bank.' show. Judges of the affair were mothers and members of the ex-tlc<l Bunk." The. con.-solidnted hank will operate Mrs. Waldron Smith, Mrs. ecutive board were hostesses. Mrs. Kozak Heads St. Agnes PTA MIDDLETOWN Charles Smith and Mrs. Jack Weiler, all of the Atlantic Highlands Garden Club. Mrs. Fleming also presneted GARDEN CENTER HWY. 35 OS 1-1050 MIDDLETOWN De Molay & Keep a cool, cle^anI oullook all summer lonjj; in MONDE Honl will n e v e r wilt t h e IIIMII'IUIIS look of o u r 'Itiiliiny Mill' M o n d e . Daroff h a s tiiiluri'il il with S|n'rial e u r o . . . ( r u m a blend nf i ; u i ' m o h i u r and p n / n l A u s t n i i l i a n wool . . . A lustimi.s f a b r i c lli.il s l a y s c r i s p a n d cool ilirough ilic m o s t h u m i d wc;itlii:r :iml k e e p s y o u looking siniirl a n d fashionable. C o m e in ;iml a l s o s e e h a b e r d a s h e r y s t y l e s of i|ualily a m i d i s t i n c t i o n . Its main office, a t 53 Mroad .Street, lied Hank, Nfnv Jersey. It will oprrut(\ as ;i branch, the former main off iff of The Atlantic HlRhl.imls National Bank. Incited a t f>l Kirst Avenue, Atlantic! Highlands. N r w Jersey, and it will :rmtiniie to ojirratf. a? branclios. all if tho b r a n d i e s of DIG consolidating Kinks, . Tin? proposed consolidation Is subject I n Hit! »i>prr»val of the Comptroller of j .he Currency. Tlie Monmoui.li Counly National K;mk, Hvd Hunk by Kkhanl II. Hamill. EATONTOWN — Washington Ciisliinr Chapter, Order of DcMolay, will $119.S=> hold its third annual installation •lay :t) through Juno 20 tonight at 8 o'clock in WashingNOTICE ton Lodge, Broad St. Take notice tint application lias in it do t o tins Mayor and council Monmouth County Judge Elvin hren. f the Horrtuch of Shrewsbury by I'od R. Simmill will be honored guest. Hunk Rrcrratlon I n c . T / A JXec T a p louse for a Plenary Rftnil Consuinp* Master installing officer will be Ion license fnr premises located at Knsl Newman Spring!) Knful, Hhrew.sPaul W. Morich, district deputy fc!l bury, N. J. of the International Supreme Tho luuiios and resl<lpii(:es n{ the otflcrrn and director urn as follows: Councilor of the Order of De-Jumes Acrrrn, 1'rpnidrnt. 10^ Maple Molay. Avenuo. fled Bunk, N. J. John Accrra. Vice Presldpnt, j Others participating in the in-Dornlnle, ifiH Mnplp Avrnuc. Red Hnnlt. N. J. stallation will be: Senior install- ^iMreji Arrrrn, S c r r r l a r y JITHI Tre:isurcr; 163 Mitple Avenue, Hod Hank. ing officer, Kenneth Hagamasy, Thr namfa and n'shlonccs ot thoi New Brunswick, past master itockholderrt nrt; ;is fnllnws: councilor ef Raritan Chapter; J {lines Acrrrn, 163 Maple A v c , Tlcl i Hunk. N". senior installing deacon, Arnold Andrr.i Arcrra,.1.1W Miinlc Avr.. Rei R. Wcntwnrth, past master coun- Mnnk. N' J. Jolm Acrrra. lfi:( Mapli! A v c . I cilor of Harmony Chapter, Key Dumliilr I'.n.l JiiUlU. N*. J, port; installing marshal, Walter JiimiM ,1. Accrra, J r . . IBS Mil pin Avp.. lied Hank. X. J. M u n n e l l , Jr., past councilor, Dbjpctlons. If any, slmuM be mnrlc inimccil;ilf_']y in writITIK l " : Washington Chapter; and Mrs. np.TlUUK r. VAN VMKT, Kdward Dailey, Lincrofl, organ 1st. vi\ Hank IlMcrrjilfnn. I n c . . Elective officers to be install- fift E a s t N V w i n a n SpriiiMS K o a d , Shrowflbury, N r w Jersey. ed are Donald Lecger, Little 51H.S3 Silver, master councilor; K. May lfl.27 Craige Whitnmre, Long Branch, senior councilor; Harold Senna- T A K K N ' O T i r K tlmt I*. H a l l a n l l n e A II;IK a p n l i r d t u t h f l)lr<Th>[- <if hoik, Sea Hrighl, juninr councilor. Hiem.'iDivlsinti <«f A l m l i n l i c |liA-craj;i' O M I Appointive officeus tn be in-tnil fur a I j m l l i ' d Whoi.'.siiH' M c c n s . ' for p r i ' h i w s .slluiili> iMI tlit* tuirlll siilr stalled are Richard Swnnsnn, <{ Wcrtt Hi'Tpori I'liiro. Wi'flt of N o w I.tmg Branch, senior deacon; York HMII (.dim H n u u : h n u l l n m d Ki'd Hanlv, Ni'\v J e r s e y , iind to Christian Thurer, Lincrofl, ju m a Ini-lti, tn In IL wnrclioil.41 find s a l e s r o o m the itforrsald preiiilfli'.t ninr, deacon; Richard Zflldak >n ( t f l l c r r s . D i r e c t o r s , anil Slot'Miultlerx IJtlle Silver, senior steward; Johi HnhlliiK l'«"i> »tr Mnrt l'i»r ( ' r n t u m Stork \rv; l''nrhes, Red Hank, junior stew P r r s i . l n i l n nofd I)|n>i'tnr < a i l W. Itii.I.•ml; Ronald North, West Long ^uluuisi'ii, O l d K h i n t liitls l i d . S l u n t Hills, N. J . Branch, duiplrtin; Alan Armitngr si'i-iittviViL-i* I ' l v H i d n i i . l u r c c t n r a n d Katontown, mnihhnl; .). WnrW liriHiksi'lt- '.Morn roinity N J Ue.'im, Kiilnulnwn, orntor; Mi V l r e p r e s i d e n t - J o t l l i K ' J-'.UTi'll, il'-'H ' I'.niid. U n u l l i Onii'i:' . :-'• J . (•Intel Ma/zi, Katnntovi'n, stand V i c iei m tI'rc.MdiMil --|Ciiyiii"H'l N ISo-iMu'lt. iird bearer, and Chipper Carey i:il r i : i r t > \ v i l l Av »• , I ' | > | H T M n n t c h l r . Kalnnlmvn, almnner. TriM mi As M . u Hi' taiy III •hi N 'I'l.il'li. Preceptors lo be installed art \ln .1 l-'rineh \V nrnin.iii. l'i Walter Kim, (Jury Trnnthcin, Al •Sei-n-t.irv H u n Uric I ' d . WI-HI i ' l l i h v r l l , N". .1 frcd llennett, Gus Nordeen, Ar A'ltlMiint T r e a s u r e r • l-'nmh V. Knitiel. IIIK Wnnlh'v Av.- , I'm-Hi, N .1. iiold Fox, Walter linker nn< Asi|nt;tni t i e i ' r e t a r y — J . N i c h o l a s Hhrlv.lr., KtM-lr^.in. Mil Robert KrnnU, Jr., Robert Wil h l i*r. riTtor Carl I, f i r h w H n l c r . Itldftrlimns will lie installed a sentinel w a y A v r , WYM Hr.ini;i>. N* .1. i ' T. 1 t f l . i n n h \ .1 r . 7.V) The chapter (Dad) adviser if U lTr .hTi rt dn r AUvrrn. r cS'-w Y'-rk )i| ,'•' Y. hiircinr H i c h . i n l ('. II MfViT, O.iK Kdwai'il L. llailey (if I.innofl. 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I.I M ! -c.irl If y o u h.'ivcn't n p,iii lie CIUSIKM 1 , Mi» Alhi-it I' p h i r c p i ' o l n l ijjirlii: r l n v c s on n w Y.IJI, ciiKini; I x i a n l w i t h a liitU: s a l t ; D ? 1 i ' / l u i n j : tin 1 h e a v y hlnclc of a r h o p - K KI.!,l l i.MA pi»r. knif (or a s m a l l c l r a v c r ) ni-i wi-.rt d o w n mi tin,1 ji.'irlic, ( h e n m i n e r . 1 vrr I I . A l t n iiaiiii;: ilii. ; nii'ishinj; a n d : Y inimiMj: will do tin.1 ( r i c k . i• I Il-II;T, llilrliialilin.il f ll.'t 1;-r" 1,inn,in ll.nns coiirlie'. al iliiid Ii.i•.<• .mil .liiiiiny .AtI.iir iii.ielii", ;i! In-.I li.i'.r for I lie ll.tlliiiiiirc Onnle;,. T ; . i•I• • 12.50 Matching Panty Girdle 1 l l i i s i s lli<> r l c j j a i N T o f l i v e • Janrzen \ 4.98 Hand loomed in India of rich, handjomo Madras, these superb shirts como in muted, dusty tones that blond t o gether beautifully. Contour cut for a trimmer fit they have a confer back ploat and smart button-down collar. 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