ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 548 OLD SWEDE ROAD DOUGLASSVILLE PA 19518 Telephone (610) 385-6616 Fax (610) 385-6690 The Rev. Gregory W. Frey, Pastor MARCH, 2015 “In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther’s preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.” Journal of John Wesley (founder of Methodism) Perhaps somehow you have never heard me say that I do not like the cold. That makes it kind of tough for me at this time of year. (As I write this it is 1 degree but it feels like -16.) I have to admit I have a tough time staying warm in this kind of weather. As a consequence my hands are usually cold. This makes me self-conscious because if I have to shake hands with someone, I know my hands will be jarringly cold. Touching my icy fingers, people will often say something meant to convey that they do not consider my hands as a sign of an equally cool temperament; “Cold hands, warm heart.” I appreciate the sentiment. Unfortunately, we now know that this is not actually the case. In fact, a team of Yale researchers has verified that how physically warm you are has a direct correlation to how nice you are to people. For instance, people holding a warm cup of coffee were found to be more generous and charitable - particularly about others - than individuals holding an iced coffee, the study found. The researchers have developed a theory as to why they believe this is the case. They believe the effect relates to childhood when emotional warmth given by a parent was often accompanied by the physical warmth of being held or hugged. To test the theory scientists at Yale University carried out two studies involving a total of 94 undergraduates. In the first study they presented half the unwitting participants with a hot or ice cold coffee and then asked what they thought of a stranger after a brief meeting. Researchers found that holding a hot cup of coffee led people to judge the stranger to be a "warmer" person, in terms of traits such as generosity and kindness, compared to a group of people who held a cup of iced coffee. In the second study the researchers had people, who thought they were evaluating a product, hold either a warm or cold object - hot pads or cold pads as used in muscle therapy- and then given a choice of reward for participating in the study: either a gift for a friend, or a reward for themselves. The study found that people who held the hot pad were more likely to choose the gift for a friend, and people who held the cold pack were more likely to choose the reward for themselves. Let me first say how glad I am that this kind of important research is being done, though I might have expected it could have been handled on an episode of Mythbusters! Additionally, I have to admit I am not surprised by these findings, the simple truth is everybody is happier when they’re warm! So if you’re a cold-handed, ungenerous winter curmudgeon like me where is a sense of graciousness to come from? Sometimes it comes about by way of command. We Lutherans talk so much about grace, and the inspiration for good works springing from our gratitude for what God has done for us that we may neglect to mention those instances when good works are done purely for the sake of the other, not because we desire to do them but because it is right and the will of God. Of course, the best acts on behalf of others are those inspired by the goodness and graciousness God has lavished upon us. This should seem obvious. But just because “grace-inspired” good works are best doesn’t mean they are the only works Christians should ever do. Sometimes our hearts are just as cold as our hands, and yet the needs of those around us continue and cannot wait for a sunnier clime or disposition. It is at these times that we fall back on God’s commands to impel us to do what is right. FROM THE PARISH RECORDS……………………………………………. Funeral: Feb. 2 – Barry Meng Of course, such obedience is not “meritorious” (earn us God’s grace) but neither are grace inspired acts for that matter! And who is to say that carrying out good on behalf of others may not have a reverse warming effect? Perhaps caring for, being generous to, and acting on behalf of those in greatest need around us, even when our hearts/hands are cold, might actually increase blood flow to one’s extremities and increase “digital” temperature? I’m not sure such research has been undertaken but we should not wait for an answer from the academy. So if you are tired of the cold, here is my prescription: discover a kind and generous act you don’t feel much like doing and do it anyway. Try this several times a day for four to six weeks and see if you do not begin to feel warmer. What better time to do this than in Lent. Who knows, maybe this is why Lent, with its prescriptions for increased worship, giving and service, begins in the cold and moves toward the spring! What do you have to lose except your cold hands? And maybe, just maybe your heart will be strangely warmed in the process. --Pastor Frey March 1 March 4 March 7 March 8 March 11 March 14 March 15 March 18 March 21 March 22 March 25 March 28 March 29 WORSHIP IN MARCH 8:00 & 10:30 A.M. – Holy Communion 9:15 A.M. – Sunday School 7:00 P.M. – Mid-week Lent 6:00 P.M. – Holy Communion 8:00 & 10:30 AM – Worship 9:15 A.M. – Sunday School 7:00 P.M. – Mid-week Lent 6:00 P.M. – Holy Communion 8:00 & 10:30 A.M. – Holy Communion 9:15 A.M. – Sunday School 7:00 P.M. – Midweek Lent 6:00 P.M. – Holy Communion 8:00 & 10:30 AM. – Worship 7:00 P.M. – Midweek Lent 6:00 P.M. – Holy Communion 8:00 & 10:30 AM. – Holy Communion/Palm Sun. 9:15 A.M. – Sunday School Wedding: Feb. 7 –Timothy McDaniel & Allison Steever Contributions to the Memorial Fund in memory of Joe Kinder given by Bob Fisher and Carol Pearson. A NOTE FROM CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COORDINATOR………………. The education calendars all show a shamrock for the month of March. For one day in March everyone seems to become Irish. Traditions include the wearing of green that day, donning a shamrock pin, wearing an Irish T-shirt, drinking a pint of Guinness or Harp, and attending a wake. We may also hear stories of St. Patrick, missionary and bishop in Ireland. The end of May I will have the opportunity to visit some of the sites attributed to St. Patrick in Ireland. We will probably hear some stories of his teachings. Most popular is using the shamrock to teach about the Trinity–three leaves, three parts of God. Patrick took a pagan symbol and used it for Christian teachings. Last year I wrote this poem about the shamrock and St. Patrick. There is one God of three Who shows love for you and me St Patrick tells of God As on a shamrock he did trod He called God the Trinity God created the tree Along with the honeybee God created the little lambs Along with us humans The Father is the first of the Trinity God made a decree From sin all could be free God came down from above To show us His love Jesus, the second of the Trinity God sent us a trustee To continue love’s key For all who continue to search May they find love in the Church A presence for you and me To love and peace may we cling From God comes everything The Shamrock, a sign of the Trinity This trip will be continuing education for me as I explore Celtic Christianity. In Dublin we will view the Book of Kells, an illustrated text of the Gospels. In the evening we will have dinner in the oldest pub in Dublin and hear Irish folklore. Upon return I will write more and have plenty of pictures to show! “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us,...” Hebrews 12:1 WOMAN’S GROUP -- Tuesday, March 24 @ 7 pm…………………… Following February’s visit to Spirit on Tap the group will discuss if they wish to attend any future programs. Topic to be announced, watch Eblast and the bulletin for details. HELP TO DECORATE THE SANCTUARY FOR EASTER…… If you would like to place an order for flowers to decorate the sanctuary on Easter, please complete the form below and return it in your regular offering envelope and mark the payment “Easter flowers”. In order to insure availability, we would like to have as many orders as possible by March 15. Final day to order is Sunday, March 22. Note: Flowers are to remain for the 10:30 service. If it is absolutely not possible for you to leave your flowers, please let us know when placing your order so we can consider this when decorating. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------EASTER FLOWER ORDER FORM Yes, I/We would like to order the following: _____Lilies (4 blooms+) @ $8.25 ______ _____Daffodils (6” pot) @ 7.50 ______ _____Tulips (5 & 6 bloom) @ 8.00 ______ _____Azaleas @ 14.00 ______ _____Mums (6”pot) @ 8.00 ______ Total $_____ Information for bulletin: Given to the Glory of God— ______In honor of ___________________________________by ____________________________________________________ _____In Memory of __________________________________by ____________________________________________________ _____As a gift by _____________________________________ Name_______________________________________ LABYRINTH GROUP -- Monday, March 9…………………………….. Meet at 10 am depending on weather. We will go to Penn State-Berks campus or have indoor activity in Fellowship Hall. WOMEN’S RETREAT -- APRIL 24-25, 2015………………………….. “Garden Getaway” Cost: TBD Sign-up sheet will be on the table in the narthex the end of March. More details next month _____I must take my flowers after the 8:00 A.M. service. A MESSAGE FROM THE T3 COMMITTEE…………………………………… Galatians 2:7, 9-10 “On the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel for the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been entrusted with the gospel for the circumcised and when James and Cephas and John, who were acknowledged pillars, recognized the grace that had been given to me, they gave to Barnabas and me the right hand of fellowship, agreeing that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised. They asked only one thing, that we remember the poor, which was actually what I was eager to do.” “Turf Issues” often plague human interactions especially in work places and volunteer organizations like churches. This section of Galatians is a classic “Turf Issue” conflict in the early church. Several of the disciples thought they had been given a special authority and mandate which was also claimed by others. Eventually, the disciples and Paul realized that God had given a special authority and mandate to all, to proclaim the Gospel. Paul and the disciples, at first, acted as though such mandates and authority were scarce but eventually they discovered that God has an abundance of power which is given to us to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples. PRE-SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS FOR 2015-16…………………………… St. Paul’s Christian Pre-School has begun receiving registrations for the 2015-16 school year. Morning or afternoon classes are available for three and four year olds. Three year old children must be three by August 31, 2015. Forms are available on the table in the narthex or by calling 610-385-3333. HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO THE EBLAST! We sent out our very first Eblast at the end of February of 2014. Our weekly update is now emailed to over 300 members of the congregation and community. If you aren't receiving it, but would like to, simply email us at Thank you! ADULT FORUM MEETS SUNDAYS AT 9:15 AM IN THE CHURCH LIBRARY Topic under discussion: Do we still need the Ten Commandments? We have been taking a deeper look at what each commandment means. In March we will be looking at the second tablet – our relationship with others. LOOK WHAT HAPPENING AT CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER……… February certainly brought much colder temperatures just as the Groundhog predicted! Thankfully, we have persevered, braved the frigid temperatures and are counting down the days until Spring. In the meantime, the Child Development Center staff is busy planning for an exciting month of activities. The children will learn about dental health, make their own kites, and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. We will also be preparing for our annual Scholastic Book Fair. As you know, the Book Fair is our biggest fundraiser. This year the Book Fair will be held March 23rd through March27th. We welcome you to please stop by before or after Sunday services, or during the week to browse our Book Fair selections. Books make great gifts and are wonderful additions to Easter baskets. The selections include a wide variety of subject matter for children of all ages and adults. There is sure to be something for everyone! We would also like to remind everyone about another fundraising opportunity that will be taking place at the local Five Below Stores on Saturday and Sunday, March 27th and 28th. Proceeds from purchases during this time will be donated to the St. Paul’s Child Development Center. This is a great way to stock up on the items you need and help our Center raise money. Speaking of fundraising, the GIANT Bonus Card rewards have earned $519.33 to date! As always, we thank you for your support. Stay warm and think Spring! Sherry Gardner,CDC Director Scholastic Book Fair will be here March 22-29. Books make great gifts to put in Easter baskets. DID YOU KNOW . . . . . . Always Made New is a campaign of the ELCA supporting 10 ministries? Year to date $330 was received for this campaign. Synod Council has designated May 3 as Always Made New Sunday; we are ahead of the game. . . . Blanket Sunday was a cold day with limited attendance? $270 was received with more coming in the following week. . . . $134.88 was received for World Hunger through the Piggy Bank project? AMITY FRIENDSHIP BUS TRIP, Thursday, June 11, 2015……………….. SPYY (St. Paul’s Younger Youth) -- March 22nd -- 4 pm The group will meet at church for a treasure hunt and pizza. Everyone is invited. Bring a friend! Sign-up sheet on the table in the rear of the church. Contact Pat Roland for additional information 484.557.4885. Remember, you do not have to be a member of the Friendship Circle to attend. Hope to see you on the bus! SPRING HOAGIE SALE We will be preparing our delicious Hoagies on Saturday, March 28 Italian ~ Ham ~ Turkey $6 each. Hoagies may be picked-up between 9:00 am – 12 Noon Order forms are available: on the Narthex table the Child Development Center table the church website (www.stpaulsdouglassville) and in the Friday Eblast. For more information, please email Nancy Centrella at or call Carole Renninger at 484-794-2652. Oley Cluster Lenten Devotional Books are available on the table in the narthex. The Amity Friendship Circle is sponsoring a bus trip to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse to see The Fox on the Fairway and we would love to have you join us. We leave directly from the church parking lot, have a great meal and see a comedy play. Back to church around 5:00 to 5:30 PM. Show: The Fox on the Fairway Date: Thursday, June 11, 2015 Price: $76.00 per person – check payable to Amity Friendship Circle Depart: Church parking lot at 9:30 AM sharp Deadline for Reservation: May 1, 2015 WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP FEED THE HOMELESS?.................... We’ll be doing that on Wednesday, March 11. Beginning at 9:30 am you are invited to come and help make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Sandwiches along with other items will be delivered to Hope Rescue Mission in Reading. Supplemental funds have been received from Thrivent Financial. For more information contact Betty Clark at 610-385-4636. GOOD FRIDAY CHILDREN’S WORKSHOP--April 3, 2015 10:30 am - 12 noon “Faith Practices for Children” Centers will explore each of the seven faith practices. In the “giving” area we will assemble the Baskets of Promise items into Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief. We will end our morning with pizza. Sign-up sheet is on the table in the narthex or email SCHEDULE FOR LENT………………………………………………… 6:00 pm Soup and bread (soup makers and bread providers are needed). See the sign-up sheet on the kitchen door. 7:00 pm Service 8:00 pm Study group looking at various faith practices When we work to learn something be it music, math, dance, etc. the key is practice. So it is with our faith. We will discuss ways we do/can practice faith. Weekly Prayer Service -- Wednesdays--9:00 AM We pray for every member of the congregation on Wednesday mornings at 9 am. If you see your name here it is not because we think you have a specific need for prayer, but to let you know you are in our prayers whatever your need may be. On Wednesday mornings we also pray for churches around the world, leaders in the ELCA, our staff and council members, our political leaders, those in the military, special requests, and many more. If you are free a Wednesday morning, stop in and join us. We are always finished before 9:30 AM. Included this month in our prayers will be Michael Hoag, Lori Hoag, Jessica Hoag, Sarah Hoag, Caitlin JOIN US FOR OLEY CLUSTER BREAD, BOWL, AND BIBLE……………………… March 1, 8, 15 from 4 - 7 pm @ Frieden’s Lutheran Church, Oley Theme: The Word of Mark as told by Biblical Storytellers Hoag, Fred Hoffert, Mary Hoffert, David Holeman, Shirley Holeman, Ashleigh Hoover, Jason Hunter, McKenzie Hunter, Cameron Hunter, Howard Hunter, Connie Hunter, Jacqueline Hurchalla, Elizabeth Jablonski, Jacob Beil, Frank Jablonski, Kathy Jablonski, Robin James, Janice Jancovicz, Chris Jenkins, Aaron Jenkins, and Andrew Jenkins. If you have anyone to add to the prayer list, ® THRIVENT MEMBERS…….Don’t forget to direct Thrivent Choice Dollars Grant funding from Thrivent Financial through its Thrivent Choice® program can help support organizations you care about. Don’t let designated Choice Dollars expire. Eligible Thrivent Financial members who have been designated Choice Dollars have until March 31, 2015, to direct any remaining 2014 Choice Dollars. Help support St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Go to to learn more and find program terms and conditions. Or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt. --YTD Giving thru January, 2015 – Offerings Renov. Contr. Total Giving Jan. 2014 $ 25,837 $ 6,082 $ 31,919 Mortgage Balance Jan. 2015 $ 26,529 5,512 $ 32,041 $1,001,203 Variance % chg. $ 692 2.70 -570 -9.40 -122 .38 please fill out a Prayer Request Card found in the pew racks or call the church office. Please pray for those with special concerns: : Charlotte Beil, John Gallagher, Kristin Saylor and baby Chase, Judy Carraghan, Pastor Rich Zuber, Lyn Hansford, Nicole Keefe, Lee Hart, Charlie Brown, Barbara DePrefontaine, Tracey Hoffert, Dr. Kara Goeres, Tom Hafer, Keith Hunter, and all others listed below and those we name in our hearts: Beverly Albright, Delphine Altland, Geraldine Barbone, Matthew Barron, Deb Beaverson,, Sandra Berger, Olivia Blair, Brianna Bocella, Jeff Brown, Scott Brown, Bryan Buss, Ned Butz, Bryan B., Geri C., Felix Carr, John Chambers, Sterling Crone, Shelli Davidheiser, Tony DiCarlis, Jack Dilks, Matt Edgar, Barbara Esterly, Cindy Fake, Joanne Ferreri, Joan Fleming, Wes Freeland, Lauren Freeman, Aaron Gabriel, Christine Geibel, Ron Glaser, Robert Graeff, Debbie Graff, Stella Greenwald, Vera Guido, Ed Guss, Jan Haas, Bobby Ham, Jamie Harp, June Henninger, Marie Hofmockel, Richard Iskowitz, Joe Kasprzewski, Sue Keay, Todd Kelly, Elizabeth Kiddy, Jim Kline, Kurt Kramer, Sophia Krause, Liane Lefever, Sandy Leinbach, Kevin Lindauer, Eileen Loose, Gloria Lutz, Ronald McCarraher, Jill March, Charles Marquette, Jr., Pat Matosky, Linda Merkle, Gordon Miller, June Miller, Laurel Miller, Holly Mount, Dennis Myers, Lewis M., Dot Peter, Richard Pool, Heather Powers, Joseph Rennock, Carole Rhoades, Linda Rinehart, Ted Robinson, Lisa Rock, Steven Saylor, Faye Schadt, Melissa Schubert, Tiffany Schulze, Alma Shirey, Paula Smith, Julea Szilli, Hank Thode, Katie Vassil, Joanie Vernon, Grace Vickers, Cindy Weiler, Charlotte Wendel, Lucas Wheeler, Amanda Williams, shut-ins—Alton Brown, Frank Brown, Mary Levengood, Marie Linsenbigler, Walt Marchewski, Jake Messner, Helen Oxenford, Gerry Reinert, Laura Schmale, Grace Weiler. Note there are Prayer Request Cards in the pew racks. 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/10 3/11 3/12 3/13 3/15 3/16 3/18 Ryan Davidheiser Ted Graefe Maggie Moyer Nancy Moyer John Bonslaver Joseph Dowd Art Yerger Alexandra Childs Mackenzie Gougler Diane Guest Matthew Saylor Sarah Hoag Al Monroe Al Forster Dylan Marquette Renee Waring Anna Buckwalter Emma Rose Hackett Charles Drey Jessie Kucharik Rhonda Maloney Ryan Berger Angela Fonte Pam Wolfe Morgan Feick Aliyah Lubrano Arianna Lubrano Calvin Sheeler Kim Musselman Zoe Walt Madison Albright Wayne Grace George Rhoades Eric Royer Tracy Smale Joe Koury 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/28 3/29 3/30 3/31 Jake Messner Rose Stalnecker Dorothy Brown Millie Faber Bradley Mengel Bonnie Moser Wendy Yambor Grace Oister Gary Weidner Evan Dominick Craig Guest Hailey Krichten Deanna McCleary Alice Sprague Jackson Ware Ryan Levengood Kay Reber Barbara Smale Matthew Cloutier Pam Cope Parker Davis Ryleigh Hennessey Joshua Geiger Jessica Hoag Alex Kriner Gretchen Parduski Joan Weil JoAnne Oxenford Jacob Trombley John English Faye Schadt Charlotte Beil Jacob Oister Karla Rosenbusch Jen Davidheiser Cesar & Amy Bartra Gary & Robin James Todd & Kristine DePrefontaine David & Tina Hackett Ed & Joanne Guss Henry & Gloria Rhoads Greg & Norma Godon John & Gloria Aulenbach Barry & JoAnne Oxenford Tom & Erna Vroman 3/1 3/10 3/13 3/13 3/14 3/16 3/24 3/25 3/27 3/28 24 yrs. 25 yrs. 22 yrs. 14 yrs. 51 yrs. 47 yrs. 25 yrs. 50 yrs. 39 yrs. 51 yrs. SUMMARY OF COUNCIL MEETING—FEB. 11, 2015………………… Permission was given to Justin Frey to construct a 40’ x 40’labyrinth on the church property as his Eagle Scout project. Joe Koury reported that $11,500 has been set aside and designated for future improvements. Learned that our Windstream Stock had a negative split, but we have still been getting dividends. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH March 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 & 10:30—Holy Comm. 9:15—Sunday School 4 PM—Girl Scouts 7 PM—Nar-Anon 8 AM—Pastors breakfast 6 PM—Girl Scouts 7 PM—Christian Ed. Quilting 2 PM—TOPS 6:15—Child Dev. 9 AM—Prayer Gr. 9:30—Bible Study 6 PM—Girl Scouts 6 PM—Soup & Bread 7 PM—Lenten Ser. 8 PM—Faith practice Noon—Fr. Circle 6 PM--T3 Committee 7 PM—Girl Scouts 7 PM— Fellowship/Bldg. Fund Committee 6 PM—Holy Comm. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 & 10:30—Worship 9:15—Sunday School 9:30—Finance SPLAT after 10:30 7 PM—Nar-Anon 10 AM—Labyrinth Gr. 6 PM—Girl Scouts 7 PM—Pastoral Care Quilting 2 PM--TOPS 9 AM—Prayer Gr. 6 PM—Girl Scouts 6 PM—Soup & Bread 7 PM—Lenten Ser. 8 PM—Faith Practice discussion 6:15—Executive Com. 7 PM—Council 7 PM—Prayer Shawl Ministry 7 PM—Girl Scouts 15 16 17 18 19 8 & 10:30—Holy Comm. 9:15—Sunday School Social Ministry after 10:30 4 PM—Girl Scouts 7 PM—Nar-Anon 6 PM—Bible Study Quilting 2 PM--TOPS 9 AM—Prayer Gr. 9:30—Bible Study 6 PM—Girl Scouts 6 PM—Soup & Bread 7 PM—Lenten Ser. 8 PM—Faith Practice 7 PM—Girl Scouts 7:30 PM—Crime Watch 22 23 24 25 26 8 & 10:30—Worship 9:15—Sunday School 4 PM--SPYY 7 PM—Nar-Anon 6 PM—Girl Scouts Quilting 2 PM—TOPS 7 PM—Women’s Gr. 9 AM—Prayer Gr. 9:30—Bible Study 6 PM—Girl Scouts 6 PM—Soup & Bread 7 PM—Lenten Ser. 8 PM—Faith Practice 7 PM—Girl Scouts -----------------------------------S C H O L A S T I C 29 Palm Sun. 8 & 10:30—Holy Comm. 9:15—Sunday School 4 PM—Girl Scouts 7 PM—Nar-Anon 30 31 7 PM—Word & Prayer Quilting 2 PM--TOPS 7 PM—Word & Prayer B O O K F A I R-------------------------------------------------------- Council persons in charge of services— Rhonda Maloney, Donna Saylor Rhonda Maloney, Donna Saylor 8 AM—Men’s Group 11:30—1:30— Blacksmith Pointe condo. Mtg. 6 PM—Holy Comm. 20 21 7:30 AM--Property 6 PM—Holy Comm. 27 28 Hoagie Sale 6 PM—Holy Comm.
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