Welcome to St. James’ Anglican Church We are delighted to have you with us in worship this morning. Whether you come each Sunday or come today for the first time, you are a valuable member of God’s family and we’re glad you’re here! ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Give thanks for the Church of Uganda and the Right Reverend Patrick Gidudu. DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Give thanks for the David Busby Street Centre, Barrie. IN THE HURONIA DEANERY: Give thanks for St. George’s, Fairvalley. If you wish to have private confession, please see Rev. Terry or Rev. Carol. Reminder that during Lent there will be no flowers placed on the altars. If you wish to have Easter flowers placed in memory of a loved one, please contact Kathy Parks at 705323-9140 or the church office at 705-325-2742. The Reverend Terry Bennett The Reverend Carol Hardie The Reverend Cam Russell avb3@bellnet.ca stjassociate@bellnet.ca The Reverend Robert Miles The Reverend David Lennerton The Reverend Elizabeth Rowlinson Wendy Passmore Director of Music Mr. Albert Greer Churchwardens Joyce Hird Wilf Trivett Joe Fiander Don Bark 58 Peter Street North, Box 272, Orillia, ON L3V 6J6 705-325-2742 FAX: 705-325-9708 Email: orilliajames@bellnet.ca Website: stjamesorillia.com MEMBERS OF MINISTRY COUNCIL Contact numbers available through church office 705-325-2742 The Reverend Terry Bennett The Reverend Carol Hardie Joyce Hird Chair Joan Gardy Alternate: John Lennerton Worship Ministry Christine Blair Alternate: Julia Nicholls Fellowship Ministry Property & Resource Management Joe Fiander Alternate: Wilf Trivett Mae Cox Alternate: Peter Schuepp Pastoral Care Ministry Children, Youth and Family Ministry Bill Manley Alternate: Luke Webster Chip Wiest Alternate: Dianne Webster Communication Ministry Outreach Ministry Christine Hager Alternate: Rosemarie Freeman Wendy Passmore Alternate: Peter Schuepp Christian Growth & Development Finance Committee & Treasurer TBD Lunchtime Lenten Series 30 min worship followed by soup & buns Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Mar 4 Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done as it is in heaven Rev. Carol Hardie (Anglican) FUNDRAISING CONCERT – GLORIA DEO On Sunday March 8 at 3:00 p.m., the St. James’ Choir and Chamber Music Orillia will be presenting a feast of wonderful choral, solo and instrumental music featuring St. James’ Choir and Friends, the Chamber Music Orillia Childrens’ Choir, Jef‐ frey Moellman, organ and piano, Amy Dodington, soprano, John Dodington, bass, Anna Trubashnik, mezzo soprano, and Albert Greer, director. Admission is $20 for adults and $5 for students. Tickets are available from choir members or at the church office. Food Bank Sunday Remember when our St. James’ Family used to promote food do‐ nations on the FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH? We have a dona‐ tion box in the Narthex (church entrance) just for that purpose. At this moment, both James Place and the Sharing Place are in need of items for children’s lunches ‐ real fruit juice boxes, fruit cups, sandwich fill‐ ings, raisins, cracker and cheese treats, granola bars, etc. Other non‐ perishable items are welcomed as well. Let’s give a helping hand to our com‐ Encountering God - A LENTEN SERIES Tuesdays from 7 – 9 p.m. at St James' Church parlour This series will provide an introduction of ways to deepen our understanding of the Christian path. Whether you have been a church goer all your life, or whether you are just beginning to explore what Christianity is all about, this series will have something to offer you. It is facilitated by the Christian Growth and Development Ministry; Rev. Carol, Leslie Bennett, Peter Schuepp, George Sanders, and Wendy Passmore. All Welcome. Starting February 10th. Refreshments provided. Come and bring a friend. Come to one evening or all! Tuesday March 3 – Inspiring People in the Christian Story Tuesday March 10 – Inspiring People in the Christian Story (part 2) Tuesday March 17 – Prayer Practices Tuesday March 24 – Prayer Practices (part 2) Tuesday March 31 – The Christian path The World Day of Prayer service will be held, here, at St. James’ on March 6, 2015 at 2 p.m. The speaker will be the Reverend Diane Fryer. A reception will be held in the auditorium following the ser‐ vice. All are welcome! Instead of having an Anglican Fellowship Meeting this month, we encourage everyone to come to the World Day of Prayer service here at St. James’. Since we are the Host church please help us to welcome those visiting from other churches in our area, and enjoy refreshments afterwards with them all. Thanks! ~ACW Executive St. Patrick’s Family Evening Saturday, March 14th at 5:30 p.m. you are invited to join us for a Corned Beef dinner, crafts, entertainment, wine and beer (some stout) and wonderful fellowship. Tickets are $20 from the office or from Sandra, Christine or Joan after services. Wear your dancing shoes...Bring your friends... SIDESPEOPLE READERS ALTAR GUILD GREETER SOUND SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 a.m. MUSIC 9 a.m. SERVICE COFFEE HOSTS Marilyn Manwaring, Stefanie Montgomery (8 a.m.) Martin Ward’s team (10:30 a.m.) Next week Al Wright’s team. Marilyn Manwaring, Mae Cox (8 a.m.) Volunteers (9 a.m.) Louise Vincent, Wayne Cox (10:30 am) Louise Vincent, Jodi Cox Wendy Caston Mark Webster, Bernice Todoroff Dedicated Volunteers Beth May, Vicky May Followed by Bible Study Ellie Fuller, Tracey Busher Sunday, March 1, 2015 This Week In The Life Of Our Church Monday 9 a.m. Crafts Tuesday 10 a.m. Bible Study Cancelled 12-2 p.m. Centering Prayer 1:15 p.m. Pennywise Shop Open 2 p.m. ACW Executive Meeting 7 p.m. Lenten Series “Encountering God” Wednesday 7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist followed by breakfast 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist 11 a.m. The Sharing Group 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Loonie Lunch 12:45 - 3 p.m. James Place 1:15 p.m. Pennywise Shop Open Thursday 1:15 p.m. Pennywise Shop Open 2 p.m. Prayer Circle 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice Friday 2 p.m. World Day of Prayer Sunday 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist 9 a.m. Contemporary Service 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Worship, Beliefs & Ethics Round Table Discussion 3 p.m. Gloria Deo Choir Concert Welcome to worship today. If you are visiting with us, please fill out a card from the pew rack and put it on the collection plate, and please sign the guest book just outside the sanctuary. If you are interested in membership, a visit, prayer needs, baptism, marriage, please let us know. Office phone is 705-325-2742.
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