Dr. Ayman Daif allah Ismail Alsheikh Eid CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Data Date of Birth Place of Birth Nationality Sex Marital status Religion Languages Contact Address Address: Mobile Number E-mail: 27/10/1974 Libya Jordanian Male Married Muslim Arabic and English Jordan / Amman / aljbeha 00962 799071497 00962 788658054 Aymen_20002003@yahoo.com Ayman.alsheikh74@gmail.com Ayman.alsheikh@hotmail.com asheikh@zu.edu.jo Academic Qualifications 2011 - 2013 2001 - 2003 1992 - 1998 Ph.D. Degree of Vet. Medicine: Sudan University of Science and Technology College of Veterinary Medicine / specialty Microbiology. M.V.Sc. Master of Animal Production: Al-Fateh University - Faculty of Agriculture, Libya. B.V.Sc. Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine: Al-Fateh University - College of Veterinary Medicine, Libya. Work Experience 2014 - Now 2011 - 2013 2007 - 2014 2005 -2007 Assistant professor, Zarqa university, Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences and teaching the practical course of human histology anatomy, quality control and practical of microbiology. Lecturer, Sudan University of Science and Technology, department of pathology, Parasitology and Microbiology, college of veterinary Medicine and animal production, specialty Microbiology. Jordan Food and Drug Administration ( JFDA ) from 01/04/2007 till now and work in the following: - Bacteriological analysis of food products, Lab experience in aseptic techniques, bacteriological media preparation, Isolation of nutritional bacterial mutants and Micro scale fermentation. - Food physical analyst. - Quality assurance. Doctor of Veterinary medicine at Hidab institution for Veterinary drugs/ Zarqa - Jordan. From 23/03/2005 to 33/03/2007 and working in the following: -Supervision of the poultry farms and cattle projects. -The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of different birds. -The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of large animal, small animals and small pets. 1 Last Updated: September / 2014 Dr. Ayman Daif allah Ismail Alsheikh Eid 2004 -2005 1998 – 2004 - Marketing of veterinary medicines Doctor of Veterinary medicine at Ahmad Al-Nature Veterinary Corporation Zarqa- Jordan from 20/02/2004 to 20/03/2005. and working in the following: -Supervision of the poultry farms and cattle projects. -The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of different birds. -The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of large animal, small animals and small pets. - Marketing of veterinary medicines - Preparation all diagnostic tests in the lab , detection of the diseases causes and treatment. Doctor of Veterinary medicine at Animal Production Department of the Ministry of Agriculture - Libya in the following subject: (supervisor on poultry farm projects, diagnosis and treatment of different bird diseases, small animal and large animal) from 15/10/1998 to 15/02/2004. Teaching Activities 2011- 2013 1. I’m teaching the theory courses of Bacteriology to the 3rd year students, of Veterinary and animal production, from 2011 to 2013. 2. I'm teaching the practical courses of Bacteriology to the 3rd year students, of Veterinary and animal production, from 2011 to 2013. I’m interested in: - Area of Interest Training Courses General microbiology Diagnostic microbiology Medical microbiology Virology Human physiology Quantity control Hematology Pathphysiology 1-ICDL Course from 17/05/2008 to 30/06/2008 at National Information Technology Center – Rseifeh. 2-Training course for Jordanian veterinarians association at Food and Drug Administration Amman (food analysis and chemical and bacterial and fungal toxins test) from 05/03/2006 till 05/03/2007. 3- Computer and software application, irth academy culture center. Amman .Jordan, from 20/10/2007 to 17/11/2007. 4- Oracle 10g computer course, center, irth academy culture center. Amman .Jordan, from 26/3/2008 to 25/6/2008. 5- Comprehensive English course and Toefl from 11/9/2007 to 2/9/2008 irth academy culture center. Amman .Jordan. 6- Technical competence in testing laboratories according to ( ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 ), from 28/4/2009 to 30/4/2009, Jordan Institution For Standards and Metrology. 7- a workshop entitled "Microbiological tests and various accessories" times from ten in the morning until three o'clock pm, corresponding to 2 Last Updated: September / 2014 Dr. Ayman Daif allah Ismail Alsheikh Eid 20/04/2009 at the Grand Hyatt Amman. 8- ICDL Course from 25/03/2009 to 25/05/2009, Amman - Amman Academy House. 9- "Quality Management System ISO 9001" Course from 11/08/2009 to 13/08/2009, at Jordan institution for standards and metrology (JISM) 10- "Calculating measurement uncertainty and calibration" Course from 09/11/2009 to 11/11/2009, at Jordan institution for standards and metrology (JISM) 11- Course in leadership ISO 22000: 2005 from 06/06/2010 to 10/06/2010 knot by SGS in the Holiday Inn Hotel Amman. 12- Internal Audit course from 03/04/2011 to 05/04/2011 at Food and Drug Administration. 13- Communication skills and dealing with public from 17/07/2011 to 21/07/2011 at Food and Drug Administration. 14- training course for new faculty members from 28/09/2014 to 01/10/2014 at Zarqa university Personal skills Memberships 1. Highly confident, motivated, and organized person. 2. Good English language. 3. Computer skills. 4. Hard worker, ability to work under pressure, as a member and a team and for long periods. 5. Ability to work without supervisor. 6. Leadership and affective personality. 7. Ability to use what available to achieve what possible. 8. Distinguished Employee in the Food and Drug Jordan for the second quarter of 2011. 1. Member of Jordanian veterinarians association. 2. Member of Scientific Committee of the Jordanian veterinarians association. 3. Member of common Health Association of Medical Jordanians. 4. Member of the Veterinary Poultry Association at Jordanian veterinarians association. 5. Member of World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA). 6. Sharing on committees of supervisor and meat inspection on development of Islamic bank, for project of hadi and adahy in KSA from 1425 hajary to 1428 hajary. 7. Member of the standard knowledge to King Abdullah II award for excellence in government performance and transparency of the fifth session 2010/2011 for Food and Drug Administration . 3 Last Updated: September / 2014 Dr. Ayman Daif allah Ismail Alsheikh Eid A.D.I. alsheikh; G.E.Mohammed and M.A.Abdalla (2012) First Isolation and Identification of Listeria monocytogenes from Fresh Raw Dressed Broiler Chicken in Sudan. Research Journal of Microbiology 7 (6) 319-326. Publication A.D.I. alsheikh; G.E.Mohammed and M.A.Abdalla (2013) Isolation and Identification of Listeria monocytogenes from Retail Broiler Chicken Ready to Eat Meat Products in Sudan. International Journal of Animal and Veterinary advances 5(1):9-14. A.D.I. alsheikh; G.E.Mohammed ;M.A.Abdalla and A.O.Bakhiet. (2013) First Isolation and Identification of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated from Frozen and Shock Frozen Dressed Broiler Chicken in Sudan. British Microbiology research Journal 4(1):28-38. Prof. Dr. Amel Omer Bakhiet Elawad, Dean of Scientific Research, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan, Email: amel33@gmail.com. Prof. Dr. Galal Eldin Elazhari Mohammed ELHASSN, College of Veterinary References Medicine, P O Box 204, Khartoum-North, Sudan University of Science Technology, Sudan , Email: galaleldinelazhari@sustech.edu Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Salam Abdullah, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, P O Box 204, Khartoum-North, Sudan University of ScienceTechnology, Sudan , Email: salamaa2000@yahoo.com. 4 Last Updated: September / 2014
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