11th Pan Arab Continence Society Meeting in collaboration with International Continence Society Intercontinental Hotel - Istanbul Istanbul – Turkey February 27th – March 1st, 2015 Application has been made to the EACCME(r) for CME accreditation of this event www.pacsoffice.com Dear Friends and Colleagues; On behalf of the scientific and organizing committee of Pan Arab Continence Society and the educational committee of the ICS, it is our pleasure to invite you for the 11th PACS conference which will be held in Istanbul from February 27th, to March 1st, 2015 in collaboration with ICS. This year is very special because of the strong collaboration with the Turkish Continence and Urogynecology Societies with a great mixture of urological and gynaecological experiences. We also welcome our guest speakers form the EAU, AUA, SIU and the CAU to enrich the programme with high quality lectures in the field of voiding dysfunction. We encourage receiving abstracts related to the following topics: Voiding Dysfunction, Female Incontinence, Male Incontinence, BPH, Prostate Cancer, LUTS, Erectile Dysfunction, Voiding Dysfunction in Children. The PACS also decided to award the best winner abstract a scholarship fund. Very special packages were designed for you to make it a real good chance to attend such a valuable meeting. So we encourage our young colleagues to take the early catch of the limited spaces. We hope that you will enjoy your stay both scientifically and socially. President of PACS Sherif Mourad Chairman of ICS Educational Committee Ervin Kocjancic PACS President Sherif Mourad PACS Secretary General Ismail Abbara PACS Scientific Chair Hassan Shaker PACS Treasurer Mohamed Gamal Meeting Coordinators: Ates Karateke – Akin Sivaslioglu – Tufan Tarcan Scientific Committee: Cansun Demir Bulent Cetinel Emre Huri Eray Çaliskan Tarek Zaher Oktay Demirkesen Hüsnü Çelik Nuray Bozkurt Organizing Committee: Khaled Mokhtar Zafer Aybek Amr El Shorbagy Hany Mostafa Hesham El Shawaf Khaled Fawaz Sefa Kelekçi Ahmed Farouk PACS Board & Committees PACS Honorary Board PACS Educational Committee Bary Berghmans M Shalaby Mostafa El Hilali Paul Abrams P V Kerrebroeck H Madersbacher Diaa Rizk Ervin Kocjancic Ismail Abbara Hisham Mosli Mohamed Bulbul Salah El Selmy (Netherlands) (Egypt) (Canada) (UK) (Netherlands) (Austria) (Canada) (USA) (UAE) (KSA) (Lebanon) (Egypt) PACS Arab Board PACS Training Committee Ahmad Al-Badr (KSA) Ayman Al Qatawneh (Jordan) Adel Al Hunayan (Kuwait) Ismail Abbara (UAE) Marwan El Khani (Syria) Michel Jabbour (Lebanon) Nimat Saigh (Iraq) Riyad Al Moussa (KSA) Zaki Mahdi (Yemen) Abdullah Alansari Ardalan Ghafouri Ahlam El Saeed Amr Noweir Hashim Hashim Ismail Hassan Mohamed Salah Ramy Mahafza Abdel Lateef Turki (Qatar) (KSA) (Egypt) (Egypt) (UK) (UAE) (Egypt) (Jordan) (Kuwait) Meeting Programme 08:00 Open 09:00 11:00 Friday – February 27th, 2015 Registration Neurogenic Bladder Day Course ICS - NeuroUrology Promotion Committee 11:00 11:30 11:30 13:30 Coffee Break Neurogenic Bladder Day Course ICS - NeuroUrology Promotion Committee 09:00 11:00 Workshop I Good Urodynamic Practice 11:00 11:30 11:30 13:30 Coffee Break Workshop II Physiotherapy 09:00 13:30 13:30 15:00 15:00 17:00 15:00 15:20 15:20 15:40 Workshop III Pelvic Floor Cadaveric Dissection 16:00 Update in Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence 16:20 16:40 Bary Berghman (Netherlands) Maura Seleme (Brazil) Emre Huri (Turkey) Akin Sivaslioglu (Turkey) Ali Ersin Zumrutbas (Turkey) David Castro Diaz (Spain) John Heesakkers (Netherlands) AUA Lecture SIU Lecture Refractory OAB: how to manage? 16:20 Sherif Mourad (Egypt) Rizwan Hamid (UK) EAU Lecture Sacral Neuromodulation: Evolution Over The Last 20 Years 16:00 Helmut Madersbacher (Austria) Emmanuel C Kastler (France) Lunch Break Session I – Societies Lectures ICS Lecture How the training of a Pelvic Floor Specialist Could Look Like 15:40 Helmut Madersbacher (Austria) Emmanuel C Kastler (France) Anurag Das (USA) Emmanuel C Kastler (France) TCS Lecture Apical Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Surgical Alternatives Oktay Demirkesen (Turkey) 16:40 17:00 UGS Lecture Anterior Vaginal Wall Repair 17:00 17:30 17:30 18:30 Coffee Break Satellite Symposium 19:00 22:00 Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception 09:00 11:00 Saturday – February 28th, 2015 Session II – OAB/Neurourology 09:00 09:20 Neuromodulation in Voiding Dysfunction 09:20 09:40 09:40 10:00 Neurogenic Bladder: Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections – Antibiotics Only? Pathophysiology of OAB Updates 10:00 10:20 Interstitial Cystitis - What We Ignore, What We Should Know? 10:20 11:00 Debate: Botox Vs. Neuromodulation 11:00 11:30 11:30 13.30 David Castro Diaz (Spain) Helmut Madersbacher (Austria) Dirk De Ridder (Belgium) Mauro Cervini (Italy) Emmanuel C Kastler (France) John Heesakkers (Netherlands) Rizwan Hamid (UK) Coffee Break Session III – Male Incontinence/LUTS 11:30 13.50 Updates on Medical Treatment of Male LUTS 11:50 12.10 12:10 12.30 New Trends in BPH Minimally Invasive Techniques Management of Male Urinary Incontinence 12:30 12.50 Urinary Complications after Multimodal Treatment of Prostate Cancer 12:50 13.30 Panel discussion: Complications of Male Incontinence Surgery 13:30 15:00 Ateş Karateke (Turkey) Lunch Break David Castro Diaz (Spain) Riyad Al Moussa (KSA) Ervin Kocjancic (USA) Mauricio Plata (Colombia) Tufan Tarcan (Turkey) Anurag Das (USA) Ervin Kocjancic (USA) 15:00 17:00 Session III– Female Urology/POP 15:00 15:20 Basic Anatomy for POP and UI Surgery 15:20 15:40 15:40 16:00 16:00 16:20 Management of voiding dysfunction after POP Surgery Best treatment for recurrent SUI after MUS Single Incision TOT? What are the Challenges? 16:20 17:00 Debate: Laparoscopic Versus Vaginal Repair of Pelvic Organ Prolapse 17:00 17:30 17:30 18:30 19:00 22:00 Coffee Break Satellite Symposium Gala Dinner 09:00 11:00 Sunday – March 1st, 2015 Session X – Voiding Dysfunction 09:00 09:15 09:15 09:30 09:30 09:45 09:45 10:00 Efficacy & Safety of Desmopressin for Nocturia in Adults Bulking Agent Application as an Outpatient Procedure Modern Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Women OAB, The Role of the Pelvic Physiotherapist 10:00 10:15 The Rationale of Vaginal Mesh Application 10:15 10:30 10:30 10:45 10:45 11:00 Uterine Preservation or Hysterectomy at the Time of Sacrospinous Colpopexy Male Urinary Incontinence; Is There a Real Room for Slings? Management of Recurrent UTI 11.00 11.30 11:30 13:00 Coffee Break Session XII – Poster Presentations Maximum of 18 posters will be accepted Closing Comments Akin Sivaslioglu (Turkey) Bruno Deval (France) Mauro Cervigni Dirk De Ridder (Belgium) Ervin Kocjancic (USA) Bruno Deval (France) Mauro Cervigni (Italy) Mohamed Gomha (KSA) Salma Kayani (Kuwait) Sakineh Hajebrahimi (Iran) Bary Berghman (Netherlands) Yakup Kumtepe (Turkey) Aymen Qatawneh (Jordan) Mauricio Plata (Colombia) Ismail Abbara (UAE) *An educational grant was provided by Allergan to the Pan Arab Continence Society to support this independent meeting. Allergan has had no involvement in the logistics, design or content of the meeting. Registration & Accommodation Packages (3 nights) Hotel Intercontinental Istanbul Early Package Till November 1st, 2014 € 800 Late Package Till February 1st, 2015 € 850 Onsite Registration € 900 Hotel Point Early Package Till November 1st, 2014 Istanbul € 650 Late Package Till February 1st, 2015 € 700 Onsite Registration € 750 Hotel Crystal Early Package Till November 1st, 2014 Istanbul € 550 Late Package Till February 1st, 2015 € 600 Onsite Registration € 650 These Packages includes the following: - Accommodation (single occupancy) 3 nights (Bed & Buffet Breakfast) - Full registration to the congress including the accreditation. - Coffee breaks , lunch and welcome reception (please see programme for details) - Congress materials and bag - Gala dinner ticket is included - Extra Gala dinner ticket : € 60 Registration only (Without Accommodation): - Registration only before November 1st, 2014 - Registration only before February 1st, 2015 - Registration only on site - Registration for Accompanying Person : € 300 : € 350 : € 400 : € 120 Registration only for Turkish (Without Accommodation): - Registration only before November 1st, 2014 - Registration only after November 1st, 2014 : € 250 : € 300 All members of the PACS will enjoy a special discount of € 50 for all the packages and the registration only. For more information & Reservation, Please contact Adel Zakaria Ahmed Angad General Manager General Coordinator Mob: +201001111785 Mob: +201002685517 Email : PACS@charisma.com.eg Or : ahmed.angad@charisma.com.eg Ahmed Fayed Event Coordinator Mob: +201008888663
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