Visit us at Mar 2nd, 2015 , 2003 Next Meeting Monday Mar 2nd 7:00PM Great Bridge Baptist Church 640 S. Battlefield Blvd. Chesapeake, VA 23322 GBFA OFFICERS PRESIDENT JOE STEPHENSON 685-6823 VICE PRES. CHAIRMAN BUTCH PIERCE 277-9067 EVENTS CHAIR GEORGE PERRY 207-4724 MEMBER-AT– LARGE JERRY HUGHES 548-2290 UP-COMING EVENTS CALENDAR Edward Lewis came and talked freshwater fishing with the club at February’s meeting SECRETARY CLIFF GRAF 436-7840 TREASURER GEORGE REICH 421-7333 TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR LORI BOWEN 482-5096 PRIZE FISH DIRECTOR JOHN ERMALINSKI 482-5553 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN VIKKI MARR 572-7113 Upcoming Events Include: 3/14/15 GBFA Fishing Flea Market 3/15/15 thru 3/22/15 Week long freshwater tournament 3/28/15 Oyster Roast 5/9/15 Hunt for Hard Heads "The true fisherman approaches the first day of fishing season with all the sense of wonder and awe of a child approaching Christmas." - Robert Traver REFRESHMENT RALPH PENNINGTON CHAIRMAN 482-1338 WAYS-MEANS CHAIRMAN NANCY PERRY 207-4724 CLUB LIBRARIAN JOE SIMONS 546-9625 NEWSLETTER DANIEL KRIPAROS GBFA Annual Dues Please remember to pay your dues at the March meeting. Fish of the Month January February catfish - no winner Yellow Perch March Crappie April May June July August September October November December Tautog Large Mouth Bass Spadefish Flounder Cobia Spot Red Drum Speckled Trout Striped Bass Scholarship Application Inside this month’s newsletter is the application for the GBFA annual scholarship. Each year, the GBFA awards $1,000 to a graduating senior who has shown excellence in scholastic and community service. This scholarship is open to the GBFA membership, which includes the entire family, and to anyone recommended by a GBFA member. Tournament Director March 15th to March 22nd is the week long fresh water tournament. Details are in this month’s newsletter Just a reminder that we won the Hunt for Hard Heads last year and will be hosting the event in May. The date is May 9th mark your calendars we will need members to help us cook, please sign up. Thank you. Remember to just keep on fishing…’s the best therapy… Oyster Roast Oyster Roast March 28th cost $10.00 per person please bring a side dish, we will have a special raffle $5.00 Daiwa Lexa spinning rod & reel, and a Vera Bradley bag $2.00 raffle for the ladies. Fishing Flea Market It’s that time of year again when the GBFA will host its annual Fishing Flea Market. This is the club’s 6th season of hosting this community wide event. It’s a great place to get some great deals, meet people, beat the winter doldrums and get ready for spring. Come to the meeting to see how you can get involved. This event relies on the membership for its success. Tell your friends and neighbors. GBFA GBFA Annual Banquet The GBFA held our 2014 awards banquet February 21, 2014. We had counted between 145 to 150 people who attended. The banquet is an all-day event for some in the kitchen and a big thank-you and job well done to Paul and his entire kitchen crew. Without each of your contributions our banquet would not be the success it is. The meal was great. There was something for everyone, I know because I had a little of everything. In addition to the food the GBFA has a very extensive raffle that helps fund this event. Thanks to everyone that donated items, prepared the raffle table, sold tickets and organized the raffle. This was a great team effort that resulted in successfully raising funds, members and guests winning rods, reels, lures, coolers, gift cards and many other items. Please support our sponsors who donated items to the raffle and let them know GBFA members return their support. We had several awards presented to members for the following categories: Jr. Anglers Devin Erickson Jared Vogt (Joe Simon’s grandson) (Lori & Steve Bowen’s grandson) Angler Achievement Awards Each club member that reported a fish to the Prize Fish Director that was at least 75% of citation was awarded a certificate. Approximately 40 certificates were awarded. Congratulations to all on their 2014 catch. Tight lines in 2015!! Matrix Winners Lori Bowen Maurice Lindsey John Ermalinski Cindy Kriparos Dan Kriparos Lee Bagley Female Angler of The Year Vikki Marr Fish of The Month Ray Sherman John Ermalinski Steve Bowen Vikki Marr Kevin Lew Member of The Year Lori Bown Angler of The Year Lee Bagley Lori Bowen (Tie) Congratulations to all the award and raffle winners. Thank-you George Perry for stepping up as event coordinator. Also, thanks again for the time and talent donated by the many volunteers that worked to put this event together. GBFA GBFA Fish of the Month, Featured Fish & Matrix Tournament At each meeting it is appreciated if your entries into any of the ongoing fishing tournaments be given as early as possible to John Ermalinski so he can tally the results during the meeting. For clarity we will have the Fish of the Month and Featured Fish run from meeting to meeting rather than calendar months. This will eliminate holdover fish for a following meeting a month after the fish were caught. Please note that any size fish can win the Featured Fish of the Month contest or be included on the Matrix. However, for the Fish of The Month contest a fish must meet 75% of the citation weight or length for release fish to qualify. The following spreadsheet provides the minimum requirements. Additionally, fish are required to be caught in Virginia or a neighboring state to qualify. Please fill out all (or as many as possible) of blanks on the entry form. Entry forms can be downloaded from Saltwater Fish of Month Requirements Species Amberjack Red Drum Jack Crevalle False Albacore Blue Fin Tuna Yellow Fin Tuna Big Eye Tuna Black Drum Cobia Long Fin Tuna Striped Bass Wahoo Dolphin King Mackerel Bluefish Sheepshead Blueline Tilefish Gray Trout Spadefish Tautog Flounder Black Sea Bass Speckled Trout Spanish Mackerel Gray Triggerfish Croaker Pompano Roundhead Spot Citation Weight N/A N/A N/A N/A 100lbs 70 lbs 70 lbs 80 lbs 55 lbs 40 lbs 40 lbs 35 lbs 25 lbs 20 lbs 16 lbs 10 lbs 10 lbs 9 lbs 9 lbs 9 lbs 7 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs 4 lbs 4 lbs 3 lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs 1 lb Species Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass Crappie Sunfish White Bass Striped Bass Hybrid Striped Bass White Perch Channel Catfish Blue Catfish Flathead Catfish Chain Pickerel Muskellunge Northern Pike Walleye Yellow Perch Gar Bowfin Carp Freshwater Drum Citation Weight 8lbs 5 lbs 2 lbs 1 lb 2.5 lbs 20 lbs 8 lbs 1.25 lbs 12 lbs 30 lbs 25 lbs 4 lbs 15 lbs 6 lbs 5 lbs 1.25 lbs 10 lbs 10 lbs 20 lbs 6 lbs 75% Weight N/A N/A N/A N/A 75 lbs 52.5 lbs 52.5 lbs 60 lbs 41.25 lbs 30 lbs 30 lbs 26.25 lbs 18.75 lbs 15 lbs 12 lbs 7.5 lbs 7.5 lbs 6.75 lbs 6.75 lbs 6.75 lbs 5.25 lbs 3.75 lbs 3.75 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs 2.25 lbs 1.125 lbs 1.125 lbs .75 lb Citation Release 50” 46” 40” 32” 60” N/A N/A 46” 50” N/A 44” N/A N/A N/A 36” 24” N/A 30” 22” 23” 26” N/A 24” 26” 20” 20” 16” 16” 13” 75% Release 37.5” 37.5” 30” 24” 45” N/A N/A 34.5” 37.5” N/A 31” N/A N/A N/A 27” 18” N/A 22.5” 16.5” 17.25” 19.5” N/A 18” 19.5” 15” 15” 12” 12” 9.75” Freshwater Fish of Month Requirements 75% Weight 6 lbs 3.75 lbs 1.5 lbs .75 lb 1.875 lbs 15 lbs 6 lbs .9375 lbs 9 lbs 22.5 lbs 18.75 lbs 3 lbs 11.25 lbs 4.5 lbs 3.75 lbs .9375 lbs 7.5 lbs 7.5 lbs 15 lbs 4.5 lbs Citation Length 22” 20” 15” 11” 18” 37” 24” 13” 30” 38” 40” 24” 40” 30” 25” 12” 40” 30” 34” 24” 75% Length 16.5” 15” 11.25” 8.25” 13.5” 27.75” 18” 9.75” 22.5” 28.5” 30” 18” 30” 22.5” 18.75” 9” 30” 22.5’ 25.5” 18” GBFA Some Early Season Northwest River Fish I’ve never seen a pumpkinseed perch before? A nice 21.5” bowfin The water temperature was 39 degrees F and windy. All the fish fought much less that what they could in the summer time. When handled for release, they felt like you just pulled them out of the freezer. A very cold Crappie My first Yellow Perch GBFA Tip of the Month This month’s tip was submitted by Cliff Graf. It involves safety and everyone that owns a boat should be doing it. That is; filling out a float plan prior to ANY trip involving a boat. If you are going for just a few hours on your boat, let someone know where you expect to be and when you expect to return. If you plan a longer cruise, leave a copy of a written float plan with your marina, yacht club, or friend. A float plan includes a description of your boat, who is on board, a description of the safety equipment you are carrying, where you expect to be, and when you expect to be there. Instruct the person holding the float plan to notify the Coast Guard or other appropriate agency if you do not return within a reasonable time after your scheduled arrival (taking into account weather, etc.). When you arrive at your destination, or if your plans change, notify the person holding your float plan to avoid unnecessary worry and possible waste of search and rescue resources. There is no special or official form that you must use for a float plan, though you may find convenient pre-printed ones available in boating supply stores and catalogs, or you can generate a customized form using our Float Plan template. Do not attempt to file the form with the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard will not accept float plans. Below is a simple float plan that contains all the pertinent data. I posted a USCG float plan on our website. Trip Information Departure Date/Time Return Date/Time : Departure Port/Marina Destination (Lat/Lon) Trip Purpose : : : : Fishing General Route Description: Passenger Information Name Address Vessel Information Vessel Name: Description: Length: Color: Registration: Trailer: Contact Information VHF Call Sign: DSC MMSID: EPIRB NOAA ID: Cellular Phone: Other Information Phone GBFA Surf Fishing Tournaments The GBFA participates in two (2) surf fishing tournaments each year. The Cape Hatteras Invitational (located at Hatteras Inlet Frisco area) and the Nags Head SURF Fishing Tournament (located in Nags Head). The club covers the entry fees for both of these tournaments. Dinners are provided but the food gets repetitive so you may want to get a meal or two out during the tournament. Qualifying Requirements: 1. Your dues must be paid. 2. You must have attended four club meetings and have volunteered for two club work events... example: (Banquet, flea market, Hope House etc.) The Hatteras Invitational / Sept. 9-11 2015. QTY (2) Six person teams. The Nags Head Surf Fishing Tournament / Oct. 10 – 11th 2015. QTY (1) Six person team. The two highest scoring GBFA team members from each team the previous year are allowed to fish the next year’s tournament events. Thus a total of four (4) spots and one (1) alternate needs to be filled for each team. Five (5) names will be drawn for each of the teams. All the people who have signed up to fish these tournaments will have their names put into a hat and be drawn at the monthly meeting in March until all spots are filled. Fisherman selected will be contacted by the tournament director as to their status after that meeting, followed by your team captain. If your name is drawn to fish you will be responsible for the rest of the costs associated with the tournament. (Approximate Costs Listed Below) **Captains it is your reasonability for making arrangements for the rental cottage along with coordinating your team & travel arrangements.** 1. Cottage rental split between the team members. Approximate $170 - $225 per person; this will need to be collected ASAP to allow booking of cottages. 2. Bait costs are split between teams save receipts. Costs vary. 3. Breakfast and lunch, also snacks $80 each; this includes dinner for both teams last year. 4. NC. Salt water fishing license $30 5. Beach driving permit if you are going to take your vehicle on the beach $50/ annual $120. 6. Arrangements to and from the tournament. 7. Tackle rods reels terminal tackle etc. 8. Liquid refreshments. You get very thirsty. This is not an all inclusive list; some dollar amounts will vary but were all I could come up with at this time. Thanks Lori Bowen G.B.F.A. Tournament Director GBFA GBFA Nautical Ned's Belly Bender Corner Special Baits? David, the fisherman, had driven by the lake many times and had seen some other anglers about, so he decided to give his luck a try. On his first day of fishing he had no luck at all but noticed that another fisherman near him that was scooping in one after another. He had to know The Secret. "Excuse me sir, but would you mind telling me what sort of bait you are using?" he asked. The other man looked around a bit embarrassed. "Well, I am a surgeon, and quite by accident I found that human tonsil works very well." David thanked the man, thought about what sort of bait to try next time, and left. The next day, David returned to the lake, tried a different bait and still had no luck. Just as the day before, there was yet a different man reeling in fish after fish. "Excuse me," asked David, "but could you suggest a bait that I could try?" "Well, I can, but I am not sure it will do you any good. I am using a bit of human appendix." "Hmm," thought David. It seemed that the fish in this lake would require a little more effort than normal. He left, willing to give the lake one more try. On the third day, David still had no luck. As was usual, there was yet another man near him bringing in fish left and right. David wanted to confirm what he already knew. "Excuse me sir, but are you a doctor?" "No, I am a Mohel (aka circumciser)." replied the man. For sale: 2005 5800lb Venture boat trailer galvanized trailer w/ bunks radial tires w/ less than 500 miles led lights stainless steel bolts on the bunks, springs, crossmembers, etc tie down G5 brake rotors $975 call with any questions John Sawyer 408-1792 "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are made for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration." - Izaac Waltonv GBFA Great Bridge Fisherman’s Association 2015 Scholarship Application (For Graduating High School Seniors Only) Applicant must be a GBFA member, or a person recommended by a GBFA member, and a graduating senior enrolled at a high school located in Southeastern Virginia or Northeast North Carolina. The successful applicant must demonstrate academic accomplishments with a minimum 2.0 grade point average, leadership and character attributes. Demonstrated financial need will be considered in the evaluation of the application. Applications must be received by the Great Bridge Fisherman’s Association, Scholarship Committee, PO Box 15742, Chesapeake, VA 23328 by April 5, 2015 with a copy of your most recent transcript and copy of your ACT / SAT test results. Any questions regarding the application process may be directed to Paul Anderson at 757-572-8255. The winner will be selected by June 1st at the latest. The 2015 scholarship amount is $1,000. In the event of a tie, the judges may award two $500 awards. Once a selection is made applicants will be notified via email. Personal Information Name: ______________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________ Educational Information High School & Location: _______________________________________________________ Month / Year Graduation: ________________ G P A: ______________________________ Your Class Rank: ________________________ # Students in Class: __________________ Number of AP Courses: _______ Number of Honors Courses: _____ ACT Score: ________ SAT Score: Reading: ________ Math: _______ Writing: _______ Total: ____________ Are You Enrolling In A College, University or Trade School Within 6 Months of Graduating? Yes: ________ No: __________ Where: _____________________________ Employment Experience List employers, dates of employment, positions held & any leadership position. 1. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ GBFA Community & Volunteer Activities List community or volunteer activities you have participated in through school, church or other groups. 1. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ Other Activities List activities that you have been engaged in such as athletics, music, plays academic honors or other interests. 1. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ Financial Need How many children (including you) will be in college this year from your household? ________ Total gross annual income range of your parent(s) / step parent(s) / guardians providing support? ___< $30,000 ___ $30,000- $50,000 ____ $50,000 to $75,000 ____ $75,000 - $100,000 ____ > $100,000 Mother’s name, occupation and phone number___________________________________ Father’s name, occupation and phone number____________________________________ Miscellaneous Are you a GBFA member? Yes ___ No ___ If you are not a GBFA member, which GBFA member has recommended you apply for this scholarship? Name _____________________________ Phone Number ______________________ You may include up to two reference letters from people other than family members. Letters of reference are optional. Signatures I hereby state that the above information submitted in application for the Great Bridge Fisherman’s scholarship is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Applicant: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________ I have read the foregoing application in full and hereby state that the information contained is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Parent / Guardian: ________________________________ Date: _______________________ GBFA Some Pictures from the Banquet. Go to the www.GBFA.COM website to see more pictures GBFA CAPT. EDWARD H. SCHRADER Sea Tow Hampton Roads 4701-103 Shore Drive #709 Virginia Beach, va 23455 “Your Road Service at Sea” Tel:(757) 496-1999 Fax: (866) 745-6453 GBFA GBFA 1436 Lotus Dr Virginia Beach VA 23456 (757) 426-3222 1464 Mt. Pleasant Rd Chesapeake, Va 757-842-6565 GBFA GBFA Freshwater Species Place 1st Large Mouth Bass Pickerel Catfish E. Stumphauzer 21.25” Yellow Perch GAR D. Kriparos 9.75” Crappie C. Kriparos 8” 2nd Bowfin C. Kriparos 21.5” D. Kriparos 7.5” 3rd 4th 5th Saltwater Species Place Sheepshead 1st Speckled Trout Puppy Drum <=26in Croaker Sea Bass F. Peterson 27” River Striper Spadefish L. Bagley 20” 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Place 1st Cobia Redrum >26in Blackdrum Bluefish Summer Flounder J. Ermalinski 28.5” Tautog Rockfish J. Stephenson 23” 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Year Long Fishing Contest Standings (largest fish by length, nose to furthest point, honor system) Member can only appear once under each category. 5 points for 1st place, 4 points for 2nd and so forth. Ties are determined by date of receipt of entry, then fish weight. Drawing will be held at the annual banquet for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. Last Updated 2-24-2015
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