F R I D A Y 2 7 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 • I S S U E 2 W E E K 1 . 4 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, Guardians, Students and Staff of St Norbert College Our College Community Mass held last Sunday 15 February was a wonderful opportunity to welcome new students and families to the St Norbert College community and to celebrate our 50th anniversary. Thanks are extended to Father Peter, Father Joshy, Father Stephen and Deacon CJ Millen and to the many staff who worked in the weeks prior and on the day to make the Mass a success. Particular thanks to Mrs Megan Silva and Ms Margaret Kyd, who coordinated the Mass and the College staff, Ms Alicia Walter, the choir, musicians, readers and members of the Student Ministry who supported them. It was wonderful to welcome back to the College past families of the College, some of whom worked very hard in the foundation years to build the grounds and facilities we enjoy today. The Parent Information Evening for students new to the College held on Tuesday 17 February was an invaluable opportunity for parents to have an insight into the child’s life at St Norbert College. The important message of the evening; parents and teachers working in partnership for the success of the students, is one focus for the whole school community not only new families. Thank you to Mrs Chrystelle Borrello Year 7 Coordinator, Mrs Natasha Quinn Deputy Principal and Mr Mark Pavy, Dean of Studies, Head of House, and all Homeroom Teachers for the smooth organisation of the Parent Seminar. It is important at the start of the school year to foster positive working relationships between home and school. I take this opportunity to remind parents if there is an area of concern it is not only best practice, but Catholic REMINDERS • • • Tuesday 3 March, Monday Timetable Tuesday 3 March Parent Seminar Presentation Coneqt.P , 7.00pm-8.30pm Monday 9 March, College Open Day, Tours 9.00am and 1.30pm. Contact the College to reserve a place A PRAYER God our Father, the qualities I see lived out so well in some people are a reflection of your own goodness, and I know that I have much to learn from other people who reflect your image and likeness in different ways. Inspire me to respect others fully as my equals, seeing and loving in them what you see and love in them. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN • • • • Tuesday 10 March, Year 8 Vaccination Program Friday 13 March, Year 7 Activity Day Thursday 19 March, College Harmony Day Celebrations Friday 20 March, ACC Swimming Carnival T R A D I T I O N • I N N O V A T I O N • C O M M U N I T Y Education Commission of WA Policy to speak to the teacher or staff member concerned. I have attached the CECWA Complaint and Dispute Resolution Policy at the end of the newsletter for your records. As mentioned in the first newsletter for the year, the student’s results in 2014 were a credit to their commitment to their studies and hard work. Last week the students who received Ad Omnia Paratus Awards, Academic Distinction Awards or ten or more merits based on the Semester Two, 2014 reports were invited to a luncheon. Thank you to Ms Erica Bursey for organising the luncheon and congratulations to the growing number of students achieving such accolades. The College House Swim Carnival was also held last Friday at Challenge Stadium. It was a wonderful day filled with House spirit and determination. Congratulations to Magdeburg who were champions on the day but were not alone in striving to do their best. Thanks are extended to Miss Mel Gore, Head of Sport, Mr Sheldon McIntyre, Head of Physical Education and the PE staff, Heads of House, staff, parents and student helpers. Last week marked the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday on 18 February. This is a significant date in the Christian calendar; a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday. The Church calls on us to seek mercy during the entire Lenten season. The College celebrated the Ash Wednesday Liturgy and distribution of the Ashes in House groups again this year. Thank you to Ms Margaret Kyd Liturgy Coordinator for her organisation and the Heads of House and Student House Captains for a lovely service. Many students were moved by the audio visual presentation of our own Year 11 Pilgrims from 2014 serving the young orphans and underprivileged children in India last year. They were truly “Prepared for All Good Works”. A date for your calendar is the first Parent Seminar on Tuesday 3 March at 7.00pm held in the Br Patrick Doolan Learning Centre. The seminar will be facilitated by staff at our College, Mrs Tracey Burgoyne and Mr Greg Hulshoff on the topic of connecting to the Parent Portal (coneqt P). I strongly encourage all new families and those who have not used the parent portal to attend. Please bring a laptop or personal device with you as you will have an opportunity to log onto the parent portal during the seminar. The College Open Day on Monday 9 March is fast approaching. Please invite interested family or friends to come along to meet our students and to enjoy a tour of the College. More information is attached to this newsletter. Towards the end of last week, families should have received school fee statements for the year ahead. Whilst every effort is made to keep the fees as low as possible, the resourcing of the College is dependent on school fees being paid. Please make every effort to honour your commitment to pay your child’s school fees. Families who have difficulty with the payment of school fees are asked to make contact with Finance Officer Mrs Lindy Munnings in the near future. A reminder Friday 27 February (this week) is a student free day for St Norbert students. The College staff will be involved in a Professional Development Program for the day. All students, particularly Year 11 and 12 students are expected to use this day as a study day away from formal classes in the lead up to reviews and Interim Reports. God Bless Mrs Annette Morey FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPALS YEAR 8 IMMUNISATIONS A reminder to students and parents that the first round of immunisations will occur on Tuesday 10 March from 9:00am. The WA Health Department recommends that all Year 8 students receive vaccinations to prevent Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Chickenpox and Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Only students with a signed, completed form will be vaccinated. INTERIM REPORTS Interim Reports will be issued at the end of Term One. Reports will not be printed but will be uploaded onto coneqtP. For this to occur successfully, a current email address need to be supplied to the College. Please ensure that your details are current by returning the Parent-Student Information Forms sent home in Week 1. Ms S Rainford (Deputy Principal) 2 Ad Omnia Paratus FROM THE DEAN OF STUDIES PEER SUPPORT PROGRAM 2015 In 2014, all Year 10 students were trained as Peer Support Leaders through the Health Education Program. On Wednesday 25 February, our now Year 11s facilitated an “Establishing Relationships” session with the Year 7s in their Homerooms. This session allowed the students to better get to know each other, and strengthen their relationships as the Year 11s assist the Year 7s with their transition into high school. STUDY WALL PLANNERS All students should have completed their Student Wall Planner. Parents/Guardians are asked to check their completion, sign the diary (page 21) and ensure that the Wall Planner is hung in a prominent, visible place in the home. Replacement Wall Planners are available from Student Services for $10. ONLINE LITERACY AND NUMERACY ASSESSMENT (OLNA) In Week 1.6, OLNA Testing will be held for students who have not yet met the the minimum standard of Level 3 of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). There are two ways to demonstrate the standard: • Prequalification through demonstrating Band 8 in Year 9 NAPLAN; or • Demonstrating the minimum standard through the OLNA. Students who achieve Band 8 or higher in Year 9 NAPLAN Reading, Writing or Numeracy assessments will be prequalified for that component and will not be required to sit the corresponding OLNA component. In preparation for these tests, students will be completing practice tests in English and Maths classes. Reading and Writing sessions with Ms Francesconi are being held on Tuesday in the BP Forum from 3.30pm- 4.30pm. Numeracy assistance is available on Tuesdays in Maths Study Club in P2. 2015 OLNA DATES ROUND 1 ROUND 2 Writing: Tuesday 10 March 9:00-10:00am Writing: Tuesday 1 September 9:00-10:00am Reading: Wednesday 11 March 10:00-11:00am Reading: Wednesday 2 September 9:00-10:00am Numeracy: Thursday 12 March 9:00-10:00am Numeracy: Thursday 3 September 9:00-10:00am IMPORTANT ASSESSMENT DATES 2015 NAPLAN-Years 7 and 9 12- 14 May Semester 1 Exams Year 11 and 12: 25 May – 5 June. Year 10: 8-12 June Semester 2 Exams Year 12: 5-13 October. Year 11: 13-24 November Year 9 and 10: 23-27 November WACE REVISION SEMINARS T.E.E. Consultants conduct WACE Revision Seminars at UWA and Murdoch University in the first week on the July School Holidays. These 10 hour courses cost $175, details and enrolments can be found at www.teeconsultants. com.au. Subsidies of $20 are available from the St Norbert College Parent Committee, by presenting your receipt to Mr Pavy. Mr M Pavy (Dean of Studies) “Prepared For All Good Works” 3 HUMANITIES HELLO FROM HUMANITIES Humanities has started the year with some new faces. Welcome to Mr Matt Price and Miss Caitlin Collins. We also extend a warm welcome to Mr Patrick Ah Fong who joins us from the Maths Department. The Year 7s are currently exploring the world of Ancient Greece. The Year 8s are discovering the exciting world of Medieval Europe. Year 9 students are delving into the shocking world of slaves and convicts. The Year 10s are researching ways for Western Australian towns to be more sustainable. Our senior classes are hard at work. Mr Ah Fong has transformed the old music classroom to create a Business Centre for the Accounting and Finance and Certificate 2 and 3 Business students. The Stage 3 Geography students are completing fieldwork this week studying the changes of the Central Business District and Inner Mixed Zone of Perth and Northbridge. We wish all students in ATAR and VOC Humanities classes a successful 2015. Miss D Pisconeri (Head of Learning Area - Humanities) ITALIAN CARNEVALE On Tuesday 17 February, Italian students had the opportunity to discover the meaning of this festivity, celebrated predominantly in the city of Venice, Italy, but also in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, as well as New Orleans, in the United States. “Carnevale” means the taking away of meat and marks the end of winter (in the northern hemisphere), but also the beginning of Lent. For this reason, on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday people celebrate by wearing masks and costumes, eating rich, fried foods, throwing confetti and paper streamers and generally “misbehaving”….knowing that from the following day a period of fasting and ‘sacrifice’ begins. Students were given an opportunity to have some creative ‘fun’ and misbehave, throwing coloured confetti and streamers in the classroom, as well as making a face mask in the true ‘Carnevale’ tradition….. (much to the cleaners’ shock that afternoon!) The throwing of confetti symbolises the farmer’s sowing of the seeds in the hope of a bountiful crop the following summer. Grazie! Ms D Tersigni - (Italian Teacher) 4 Ad Omnia Paratus CULTURAL CORNER HARMONY DAY Harmony Day is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home. At St Norbert College, we have over 40 different nationalities that make up our diverse community. We celebrate our diversity, from the traditional owners of this land to those who have travelled from countries all around the world to be here. In recognition of Harmony Day 2015, St Norbert College will be holding their second annual Harmony Day Celebration. On this day we will be acknowledging and embracing our multicultural identity in a whole school celebration as well as upholding the sense of belonging and respect for everyone. On Thursday, March 19, the College will host a number of activities that identify the various cultures of the world. The events include a Liturgical Service, an International Food Market, a Staff vs. Student International Rules match and a World Cultures Performance. Didgeridoo music, Indigenous dance performances and African drumming workshops will be held. A senior student and a staff member will share stories about their heritage, giving an insight to their cultural identity and their journey to Australia. Students are allowed to wear their traditional dress to school on Harmony Day. I would like to thank families who have contributed food for our International Food stalls. If you are interested in assisting us in any way, especially through food contributions for our International Food stalls, please contact Colette Miranda via email to cmiranda@norbert.wa.edu.au. Mrs C Miranda (Harmony Day Coordinator) MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS STUDY CLUB Each Tuesday: 3.30pm to 4.30pm (Two Types) 1. Mathematics Workshops (All Levels) in P3 Run by Mrs B Murphy This workshop is available to all students and goes through the fundamental concepts necessary to move forward in their normal Mathematics classes. Active teaching and learning takes place. It is recommended for any student with gaps in their understanding. Mathematics is a very sequential subject, and any areas not understood should be addressed in order for students to reach their full potential. Students are welcome to come along with specific areas of concern in Mathematics and have them addressed. 2. Mathematics Quiet Study in P2 Run by various Mathematics Teachers The session is available to all students. It is a quiet study session with a Mathematics Teacher on hand to help when needed. This is recommended for students who sometimes have issues with homework and need some extra assistance. Mrs B Murphy (Head of Learning, Mathematics) PERFORMING ARTS Rehearsals continue in preparation for this year’s College production Little Shop of Horrors. This cult classic musical will be performed in Week 8 and features many talented students from Years 8 to 12. Watch this space for ticketing information. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Ms Walter, Head of Performing Arts. Ms A Walter (Head of Performing Arts) “Prepared For All Good Works” 5 VISUAL ARTS MURAL At the beginning of the new year a stunning new mural was installed in Ludolph Court (the Year 12 Quad in front of Café 135). This beautiful work was designed by Jorja Belli (Year 8) and hand cut by the Art Club regularly throughout 2014. It is the first time the Art Club has worked with steel and they’ve done a fine job. The mural has been painted and sealed with “Norbertine” Blue. A special thanks to all members of Art Club in 2014, to Mr Collins for his advice and expertise and to the Maintenance Team for installing the work. EXCURSION Last week senior students in Visual Art, Design and Photography explored a range of locations and arts events run by Fringeworld and the Perth International Arts Festival. They sketched and photographed a huge variety of sights seeking inspiration for their own works. The highlight was Subiaco Park where students experienced a virtual exhibition of works that appear only when you download the App of the same name and point your phone at a particular GPS point. This very new technology is still on show and well worth a visit if you can get there. Ms A Marsh (Visual Arts Teacher) SPORT SASJ The SASJ summer season got off to a successful start last week against John Wollaston College. The results were as follows: Girls Boys Year 7 Basketballl Year 8/9 Basketball Year 8/9 Touch Rugby 13 SNC / 78 JWC 117 SNC / 2 JWC 3 SNC / 3 JWC Year 7 Cricket 21 SNC / 18 JWC Year 8/9 Cricket 62 SNC / 36 JWC Year 8/9 Touch Rugby 9 SNC / 5 JWC A huge congratulations to the students involved in the first round. Also thank you to all our senior school helpers for ensuring that the home games ran smoothly and efficiently. We look forward to another successful round this week against Carey College. Miss M Gore (Head of Sport) SASJ 8/9 TOUCH The boys kicked off their campaign last Wednesday against John Wollaston at St Norbert College. After originally having 30 boys express an interest to play this season, we narrowed it down to 15 boys after a couple of training sessions. John Wollaston were competitive early, but with the speed and experience of our Year 9 boys teamed with the eagerness of our Year 8s, SNC ran out comfortable 9-4 winners on what was a very warm afternoon. Special mentions to Ben Johnson who scored five touch downs and the Jansen van Rensburg brothers (MJ and Jaco) who ran rings around the opposition. Mr M Price (Coach) 6 Ad Omnia Paratus INTERHOUSE SWIM CARNIVAL SWIMMING CARNIVAL Friday 20 February saw a very successful day at the St Norbert College Interhouse Swimming Carnival at Challenge Stadium. Thank you to all the PE staff for their assistance in lead up to the day and also all staff and Parent helpers for their assistance. Congratulations to all students who participated in the carnival. Without your participation the day would not go ahead and it was great to see nearly all events totally filled. Congratulations to all the Runners Up and Champions for each age group: Year 7 Girls Year 7 Boys Runner Up: Kayla Hartree Champion: Mia Paradiso Runner Up: Mitchell Colquhoun Champion: Mark Cogger Year 8 Girls Year 8 Boys Runner Up: Jessica Ramos Champion: Charlie Stone Runner Up: Nicholas Lee Champion: Sebastian Hermsen Year 9 Girls Year 9 Boys Runner Up: Chloe Denver Champion: Amber Matthews Runner Up: Leo Leotta Champion: Jan Cyrus Tadena Year 10 Girls Year 10 Boys Runner Up: Rebecca James Champion: Emily Watt Runner Up: Josh Dobbs Champion: Caleb White Year 11 Girls Year 11 Boys Runner Up: Emily Palermo Champion: Emily Raffaele Runner Up: Taylor Laine Champion: Sean Maggs Year 12 Girls Year 12 Boys Runner Up: Abbey Hanley Champion: Juliet Ratima Runner Up: Thomas Watson Champion: Jordan Laing There were also a number of records set on the Carnival day. Leo Leotta set the Year 9 Boys 50m Freestyle record, beating Sam Caughey’s 30.21 in 2012 to get a 29.52. Jan Cyrus Tadena set two records. He swam a 34.00 in the Year 9, 50m butterfly to beat Michael Yorks 2005 time of 36.26. Cyrus also swam a 35.25 in the Year 9, 50m backstroke beating the Kelvin Janissen’s 2007 time of 37.12. Reece Hewitt in Year 10 swam a 35.97 in the Year 10, 50m Backstroke, beating Kelvin Janissen’s time of 36.12 from 2008. Congratulations to these students for an exceptional swim on the day. “Prepared For All Good Works” 7 The ACC Swimming team will be selected very soon and I wish all students the best of luck in the lead up to the ACC Swimming Carnival on Friday 20 March at Challenge Stadium. Students selected are encouraged to attend as many training sessions as possible in preparation for the day. Miss M Gore and Mr S McIntyre (Physical Education) 8 Ad Omnia Paratus CANONS BASKETBALL GAME ON The SSWA Senior Girls Basketball got underway on Monday 23 February against a traditionally difficult opponent in Clontarf Girls Academy. With some senior girls unavailable due to injury and other commitments a team was formed with heavy reliance on Year 10 students. With a large core group of girls fresh from the USA Basketball tour we were quietly confident in our abilities. The game started off with Clontarf scoring the first few baskets and our girls taking time to adjust. With some strong team play and smart decision making the girls were able to break apart the zone and find open, uncontested shots. The second half was very positive as the Canons were able to capitalise on strong defence and good offence and were able to runaway with a 41-16 victory. Mr L Ford (Coach) The Senior Boys Basketball team played Belmont City College in the first round of competition on Tuesday afternoon the 24 February. The Canons had a very strong start to the game by applying defensive pressure in the back court and forcing the opposition into early turnovers. The team from Belmont City College held their own throughout the middle period of the game by playing an up tempo brand of basketball, however the Canons were able to withstand this pressure and stretch their lead to 14 at the half-time break. The second half saw the Canons continue to work hard and begin to limit the amount of passing turnovers, leading to better execution of offence. Through a fantastic overall team effort the St Norbert College team ran out winners 45-22. Their next game will be Tuesday 3 March, at Como Secondary College. Mr S McIntyre (Coach) WEEK 2 AND 3 RESULTS SNC8 Although first games are often unsystematic and untidy, I was surprised by the high-quality basketball produced by the young girls of SNC 8. They displayed a skill level beyond their age, their remarkable ball movement and impenetrable defence being a testament to this. With their height and skill level, Year 8 Nes’eya Williams and Year 9 Savahna Nevill dominated the rebounds, while Year 9 Nicol Dubert with her quick hands, led the team in steals. In the end, SNC 8 came out with a big win, beating the Dazzlers 77-16. After the impressive start to the season for the girls of SNC 8, who showed great tenacity and skill level in their next game against the Wildcats. Their opponent was a team composed of proficient players, many of who play district basketball. A suffocating defence and dominating rebounds, put the Canons 15 points in the lead by the end of the “Prepared For All Good Works” 9 half. The team continued to work hard for the remainder of the game, eventually winning by 25 points. Everyone in the team contributed to the win. Special mentions go to Kayla Hartree, Felicity Plewright and Tayla Howley for their great work in defence. Clarice Antero and Sarah Duku (Coaches) SNC4 This game brought a few challenges for the team as Juno Paragas was unavailable due to injury, leaving the squad with only six players. Early in the first half, Mark Santos, one of the team’s top scorers landed awkwardly after shooting over an opponent and sprained his ankle, leaving only 5 players fit to play. Julian Ramos, the team captain stepped up, hitting three consecutive 3 point shots early in the half to give the team a big. Lennon Butler and Ivan Nge provided a great defensive presence near the rim, preventing multiple attempts by the Cougars to score and grabbing rebounds to release the guards attack on the other end. Jamie De Silva and Randy Fuentes played a solid game as wing players keeping active on the defence to nab a few steals. The leadership of Julian also helped as he made his presence known on the perimeter defence, getting multiple steals and converting them to points. I was very impressed with how this team responded with the challenge they were given. I am very excited to see how far this team will get this season. Final Score was SNC4, 57 to MM Cougars 32. Best Player: Julian Ramos The next game was our first game against another Canons team. Unfortunately for everyone this was the day after the Interhouse Swimming Carnival and all the boys were still fatigued. Mark Santos was not able to play as he injured his ankle the previous week and Juno Paragas is most likely to be out for the rest of the year due to a torn ACL. So with only a 5 man squad it would be tough coming out of this game with a win. The boys tried their best to make the most out of the game, with Lennon Butler continuing to prove why he deserves to play with the older students as he grabbed multiple rebounds throughout the game. Julian Ramos continued to lead the team by example, pushing himself hard even though he was very tired. I appreciated the effort they put up against a very strong team. Final Score SNC 4 v SNC 6, 21-82. Best Player: Lennon Butler. Jan Ramos (Coach) SNC3 On the weekend SNC 3 played against Kent Street. This game proved to be a physical encounter as Kent Street sported it’s more experienced and bigger players. Despite our strong efforts in defence, the team struggled in offense, which in the end was the deciding factor of the final result, SNC 3, 20 to Kent Street 43. Best Players: Connor Young Free and Cyrus Tadena Julian Ramos (Coach) SNC9 Against a well coached opponent and with a limited amount of players available, the SNC9 girls had a difficult second game of the season. The teams defensive efforts were effected due to the limited bench, but the offence flowed very well and passing was of a hight standard. The team had their chances to win the game, but with four minutes left in the game, the team was staring down a nine point deficit, but just when all seemed lost Morgan Doecke caught fire and hit three 3’s in a row. After free throws we were up by One. The girls pressured the ball and after playing great defence and not allowing a score and getting the rebound, a silly mistake was made which ended up costing us the game. However Brandon and myself where very happy with the effort, passion, intensity and heart that the girls played with. They did an outstanding job given the circumstances. Jordan Laing (Coach) SNC5 v SNC7 Coming into the game SNC5 v SNC7 showed no nerves and both teams played with intensity as they both wanted to win the game. It didn’t take long for SNC5 to show their dominance as they stormed away, with Point Guard, Aiden Murphy an unstoppable game. In the end SNC5 was too strong and finished 57-22 winners over SNC7. Aiden Murphy finished as the games top scorer with 31 points and Alex Stevenson scored 12. Charles Kativu (Coach) 10 Ad Omnia Paratus COMMUNITY MASS “Prepared For All Good Works” 11 50th ANNIVERSARY FANTASTIC TO SEE YOU ALL! On the evening of Friday 20 February, about 80 SNC ex-students from the years 1977-1981 gathered in the College Cappenberg Centre for the first of three reunions to be held this year. It was a great night, filled with laughter, reminiscing and good will. Huge thanks to the members of the Task Force and Year Captains who put in many hours of work and preparation to make this event so successful. “Tonight is representative of the importance of school spirit. St Norbert College gave us a sound start.” Alec O’Connell - Class of 1978. “Absolutely fantastic night. Great to catch up with friends I haven’t seen for over 30 years. Loved my St Norbert’s life”. Peter O’Sullivan - Class of 1980 “What a great night. Can’t wait until the next one. What a blast from the past. Well done”! Clare Doyle Bednarek Class of 1980. (First intake of girls, 1976) The second reunion to be held will be at the Broken Hill Hotel on Friday, 13 March for Years 1982-1986. On 28 March, 2015 our third reunion for ALL EX-STUDENTS, PAST AND PRESENT STAFF MEMBERS will be held in the Fr Peter O’Reilly Centre at the College from 7.00 pm-11.00pm. This reunion will be fully catered and drinks will be sold. RSVP by 27 February. Come and enjoy! Mrs M Tavani (Alumni and Archives) The Uniform Shop Open Day Metroback.indd 1 Special Opening Times For Winter Uniforms 2015 All New Students in Years 7-12 ONLY, by appointment. Please phone the College Uniform Shop. Tuesday 17 March, 3.30pm-6.10pm Tuesday 24 March, 3.30pm-6.10pm Tuesday 31 March, 3.30pm-6.10pm 28/01/2015 12:34 pm ST NORBERT COLLEGE Invites all parents to attend a Parent Information Seminar on connecting to the Coneqt.P parent portal. The seminar will be conducted by Mrs Tracey Burgoyne and Mr Greg Hulshoff, this is a must for all parents new to St Norbert College. Starts at 7.00pm TUESDAY 3 March, 2015 BR PATRICK DOOLAN LEARNING CENTRE 135 TREASURE ROAD QUEENS PARK Please RSVP the College on 9350 5433 or email tburgoyne@norbert.wa.edu.au LIVING THE VISION Our Journey to live the Catholic faith in the spirit of Jesus Christ continues through... Learning Truth Justice Mystery Diversity Reconciliation and so Our Journey continues... We in Catholic Education seek to create environments that enhance learning, nurture young people and empower them to live the Catholic faith in the spirit of Jesus Christ by: Challenging each other to seek truth and justice for all, especially the most vulnerable. 50 Ruislip Street, Leederville WA 6007 Phone 08 6380 5200 Fax 08 9381 3201 Email ceowa@ceo.wa.edu.au Web www.ceo.wa.edu.au HOW TO DEAL WITH A DISPUTE OR COMPLAINT IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL HOW TO DEAL WITH A DISPUTE OR COMPLAINT OVERVIEW OF PROCEDURES The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of the process to be utilised in Catholic schools in the resolution of a dispute or complaint that may arise from time to time. n All issues of dispute or complaint must be The Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA), Dispute and Complaint Resolution policy was implemented in first term 2002 and provides a process that must be followed by all Catholic schools when addressing issues of dispute or complaint. The Dispute and Complaint Resolution policy is consistent with the accountability requirements under the School Education Act (1999). The Dispute and Complaint Resolution policy has been developed on the following basis: n the principles of the policy are based on the Church’s social teachings and the principles of natural justice eg the right to be heard and the right of response etc. n the need to resolve the dispute or complaint initially at the school level before involving the Director of Catholic Education. In the case of a dispute or complaint arising that directly relates to an existing CECWA policy, the procedural aspects of this policy shall be followed, eg student enrolment. In the case of a dispute or complaint resulting from an employment related issue, the prescribed provision of the relevant Enterprise Bargaining Agreement or Award shall be adhered to. A copy of the policy and guidelines is available upon request. addressed in the first instance at the school level. nWhere the parties are having difficulty achieving a resolution at the school level they may request the assistance of the Director of Catholic Education or Congregational Leader. nAny party may appeal the Principal’s decision to the Director of Catholic Education who will then in turn review the decision. nAny party may appeal the Director of Catholic Education’s decision to the Minister for Education. The Minister for Education will review the process utilised to resolve the dispute or complaint but will not review the merits of the matter. Join In The Celebrations There have been some amendments to the Reunion Celebrations, please see the updates below. Friday 20 February 2015: (1977-1981) Please note the new venue: St Norbert College, Cappenburg Centre 7.00pm - 11.00pm Confirmation and payment no later than Friday 13 February. Friday 13 March 2015: (1982-1986) Please note the new venue: Broken Hill Hotel, Victoria Park 7.00pm - 11.00pm Confirmation and payment no later than Friday 27 February. Saturday 28 March 2015 (1965-1976 and All Other Reunions) Please note the new venue: St Norbert College, Fr Peter O’Reilly Centre (ORC) 7.00pm - 11.00pm Confirmation and payment no later than Friday 27 February. • • • • Cost $40, which covers finger food, venue, entertainment and security. Drinks can be purchased. Dress code - Neat Casual Confirmation of attendance by payment to Reunion Account. BSB: 016263 Account # 3821 75518 Payment reference required - Date of Reunion, plus first three letters of surname and first two letters of first name, example: 20feb monbe CASH payments by the Closing Date welcome at College Reception We hope that ex-students who have confirmed and paid for all other reunions will be able to attend the combined reunion on Saturday 28 March, 2015. If you cannot attend this combined reunion, a refund can be arranged by emailing the Mrs Maureen Tavani, College Alumni and Archive Officer at mtavani@norbert.wa.edu.au Please email your Payment Reference code and payment date to assist follow-up – and please provide your BSB and Account # to enable an EFT payment. The College and the Reunions Taskforce look forward to celebrating with you as part of the St Norbert College, 50th Anniversary Celebrations Reunions for ex-students ONLY. Please visit the College Website www.norbert.wa.edu.au (Alumni) regularly for any updates. 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Signature Please return this slip before Friday 27 February if attending. Rainbows is a peer support program for children and teenagers living in a single parent or step family, or who have experienced a significant change and loss in their life (such as but not limited to: death of family or friend, moving country or state, illness or disability). When a change takes place in a family – whether it is death, divorce or separation – it has a profound effect on the whole family. Children, as well as adults, grieve over the loss of a loved one or place that was once part of their everyday lives. Grief is a normal human reaction to a significant loss. Frequently children are not able to express their grief verbally, so it surfaces in their behaviour, schoolwork, as a physical ailment or it affects their emotional development. Even those children who appear to have adjusted well are often struggling inside with different emotions of grief. The Rainbows program offered at our school provides the guidance children and teenagers need to work through their grief and move on to the healing process. It helps them to sort through their confusion, deal with their feelings, regain self-‐ esteem and get on with life. The Rainbows Program consists of twelve sessions where small groups, in similar age categories, meet weekly with a trained facilitator. The group is bound by confidentiality, which fosters trust and provides a safe atmosphere. If you would like your daughter or son to participate in the program please contact: Deise Carvalho Psychology Services DCarvalho@norbert.wa.edu.au 9350 5433 Join the World’s Largest Astronomy Lesson! Saturday 28 February 2015 Maida Vale Reserve 6:30pm Register Today Enquiries: 9257 9999 Register online: www.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/astronomyrecord
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