27 February 2015, Volume 18, Issue 2 St Leonard’s News Why BYOD? Contents Technology is providing wonderful enhancements to learning and this is encouraging more and more schools to expand their eLearning programs. St Leonard’s College is seen as a leader in this regard and I receive a steady stream of local, country and international schools visiting to ask my advice. This is what I tell them … Click to jump to section Around 10 years ago decisions about the use of technology in schools were made by the IT department, not teachers like myself. This resulted in approaches such as the one-toone laptop program St Leonard’s College had with year 9 students. Why BYOD?.............................. .....1-2 Junior School News.....................2-4 Middle School News....................4-5 Senior School News.....................5-8 Whole College News....................8-9 Community Sport......................9-10 The IT departments of many schools decided that all students, irrespective of age, must have a computer that was the same or very similar to the computers staff used. These computers were also standardised with the same set of software based on what the highest end user would need. This meant that all students would get professional level software designed for adults in the workforce. The setup was possibly relevant for a selection of older students, but was wildly inappropriate for younger students. In other words young students’ learning was expected to begin at the very highest level. It was like giving War and Peace to a six year old to start teaching them to read! Unsurprisingly many teachers were also unfamiliar with the locked down, limited range of high-end and multimedia software. This combination resulted in most teachers and students not using the technology to anywhere near its full educational potential. Unfortunately some schools still persist with models like this. Worse still, many schools continue to make technology decisions based not on educational drivers but on how simple it will be for the IT department to manage. Teaching and learning are very creative pursuits and this approach only serves to hinder the innovative use of technology to assist learning. Moreover it removes a vital learning opportunity for students that is mandated by our Australian Curriculum: ‘Managing and operating ICT’. At St Leonard’s College, in the middle adolescent years we have a Bring Your Own iPad program. This is working extremely well as the software available on the iPad is very user friendly for both staff and students to support our learning programs. Coupling an iPad with our app list means that teachers can be assured that all students are walking into their classrooms with the capacity to partake in a wondrous array of learning activities. As students learn to manage their own technology via modern intuitive software, they are also able to gain skills in age appropriate technology maintenance. (This site provides more information on why iPads are such a great fit for education). The idea of our students regularly and painlessly creating movies, comic books, eBooks and web sites, engaging with staff via email, marking up PDFs, creating music and stop motion clips, collaborating with technology, creating screencasts, completing online Parents......................................10-11 St Leonard’s News quizzes, experiencing interactive learning material and more would have been fanciful not too long ago. But a technology program driven by sound educational practice to support age appropriate curriculum makes it all so simple. Students in years 11 and 12 are able to bring any device of their choosing. This is also driven by learning outcomes and mirrors the educational structures at the senior years. In their technology, their course (VCE or IB) and their subjects, these students are able to choose what suits them best. Having students choose their learning path is common educational best practice worldwide for young adults as they complete their secondary education. Many schools continue to make mistakes in this area, which often results in the need to change their strategy over and over again as they search for a robust program. St Leonard’s got it right the first time as we approached it with our core business as the driving force of the decision: great learning and an education for life. Tim Barlow Director of Technology Innovation Junior School From the Head of Junior School “Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work.” - William Arthur Ward We have certainly had a busy few weeks in the Junior School. With excursions, swimming championships, information evenings, daily routines of literacy and numeracy activities and the fun of assemblies and incursions, it certainly makes the weeks fly by. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff for their dedication to making the start of the year run so smoothly. Home–School Partnership Over the next week we will hold our first parent teacher interviews for the year. This is an important time to establish goals for the year and discuss any pastoral care concerns. I firmly believe that children benefit immensely when the home and school work together. I would also like to highlight the importance of teachers and parents having regular contact throughout the year rather than waiting for formal interviews. Another way of building the home-school partnership is to provide forums for parent seminars and information sessions. Throughout the year I will be hosting ‘Chat with Pat’ sessions to discuss different topics of interest. The first of these will be on the theme of health/nutrition and wellbeing. Please look out for the flyers coming home via weekly emails and I hope to see as many parents as possible at these seminars. Awards for the Week A new initiative this year is to share the special academic awards presented at each assembly. This is a way of celebrating student achievement. Congratulations to: Mathematics: Olivia Griffiths and Jamie Kahane Writing: Eva DeBoer and Nicholas Soderstrom Chinese: Ruby Watts and Jakson Jabs Art: Emma Rook, Ben Palamara and Lachlan Korsa Music: Ben Palamara, Tessa Frid, Maia Currie and Lachlan Brady Physical Education: Kurtis Bartholomeusz and Chloe Nisbet Library: Maddy Cornish, Claudia Woodmore, Christian Kokai and Willoby Sheezel Pat Kenny Head of Junior School Preps visit Halley Park On Friday 6 February the preps celebrated a hard week at school by coming together at Halley Park for a play. It was lovely to see so many preps, parents and siblings from both prep classes and to meet many new faces and friends. | 2 St Leonard’s News Junior School Year 3 Science Night Last Thursday evening the students from 3M and 3H joined a real scientist from Monash University, along with their parents, to participate in a super fun Science Night. As part of our current unit of inquiry relating to solids, liquids and gases the students used their scientific brains to predict, observe and explain what was taking place in some really fun experiments. Experiments included making fog, bubbles and music using dry ice. Year 1 visits Royal Botanic Gardens Last Thursday year 1 students visited the Royal Botanic Gardens in the city as part of an inquiry into ‘Senses’. We were blessed with wonderful weather and the students had an enjoyable learning experience. The students participated in a sensory trail which enabled them to explore their senses and utilise the rich, natural and cultural resources of the Botanic Gardens. Kane Maia Angus Eve Hana "I really enjoyed the big explosion at the end of the night." "All the experiments were really fun and the dry ice was really cool when it went all steamy." "My favourite was when we put the dry ice in a balloon and then it kept blowing up when we put it in hot water." "I really liked it when we made the bubbles out of dry ice because it looked really cool. It was grey on the inside!" "I enjoyed the whole experience because it was fun being with Dad and the activities were really cool because we got to use dry ice to make fog!" The students have already used their prior knowledge to make connections with the new information they discovered on science night and now they have even more questions and wonderings! Year 4 Unity Day Unity: harmony, unison, agreement, connected, combined, integrated, joined, unified, amalgamated, cohesion…the list goes on! As part of our unit of inquiry with the central idea ‘The choices and actions we make can influence the wellbeing of a community’, year 4 participated in Unity Day. This was an entire day dedicated to building unity within our learning community through a variety of activities. Students participated in a range of initiative games and billy cart making. They also made their own tacos for dinner and brownies for dessert. A big congratulations to the year 4 students for their positive involvement during the day. Check out some more photos and videos from the day on the blog. | 3 St Leonard’s News Junior School Middle School The Wonderful World of Roald Dahl From the Head of Middle School The Wonderful World of Roald Dahl came to visit the Junior School on Monday 23 February. This performance was a tribute to the author Roald Dahl and showcased a collection of his famous stories and rhymes such as The Enormous Crocodile, The Twits, James and the Giant Peach, Revolting Rhymes, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Students from each year level were involved in each story, playing a part in the scene. This performance was a wonderful way for the students to be introduced or reintroduced to the amazing stories of Roald Dahl. There is a display in the library of his books for the students to borrow as well as some photos of the performance. The students were very engaged and thought the acting was “great and funny!” ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world.’ - Mahatma Ghandi Amanda White MRC Teacher Librarian Over the course of the past few weeks we have appointed a number of leaders across Middle School. The process for selection required applications to be completed, ideas about leadership brainstormed and interviews conducted. A common thread amongst all appointees was a desire to create positive change for all Middle School students. A great example of being the ‘change you wish to see’ at St Leonard’s College was kicked off a few weeks ago. On 13 February the Middle School Council decided to have a ‘Fun Raiser’. There was no money to be exchanged; they simply wanted to make a nice gesture. Their goal was to introduce themselves to the Middle School in an open and relaxed manner. With the weather predicted to reach nearly 30 degrees that week ‘Operation Icy Pole’ was the first fun initiative. During lunch time the Middle School Council handed out icy poles to the student body. Commentary around the grounds was positive and thankful for the unexpected treat. The Middle School Council wishes to create a sense of community and approachability this year. I believe they will be very successful. Other leaders in Middle School to be recognised for demonstrating great leadership are the Middle School House Leaders. This group of students was instrumental in creating a positive and competitive buzz around GESAC for House Swimming on Monday. I look forward to seeing this group in action again at the House Athletics. Once again it’s an exciting time to be in Middle School and with leaders like these I expect some incredibly positive things to happen this year! Annie McGuire Head of Middle School Year 5 Family Maths Night CIPSSA What is the collective noun for a group of mathematicians? Perhaps that is a question for the next Family Maths Night. On Wednesday 18 February a set of eager year 5 mathematicians and their families gathered to solve wooden puzzles, toss around the question balls, create nets and pentominos, try their hand at Bloxorz, swing a pendulum, count the legs of frogs and bugs and carefully calculate the number of rubber bands needed for Barbie to bungee jump from the ceiling. Click here to see results and Trademark Awards from Round 1 v Wesley and Round 2 v St Michael’s. These activities were devised to highlight the impact maths has on everyday activities and how thinking mathematically is embedded in everything we do. The highlight of the evening was testing the paper plane designs created throughout the evening. There were gliders and darts, discussions of wing spans, surface areas and angles of trajectory. We may have some new recruits for Boeing in our midst. Results will be updated each week and leadership groups will be announced soon. Teagan Collins Head of Sport Di McCaughey Head of Mathematics | 4 St Leonard’s News Middle School Cornish Resource Centre News Blind dating with a book St Valentine’s Day on 14 February was also Library Lovers’ Day. This was the perfect opportunity to encourage our students to risk a blind date with a book. They had to borrow a book wrapped in brown paper with just a few tantalising clues on the wrapper. Who was willing to take a chance? Our reading area becomes a book shop To encourage our students to read more we have grouped many of the fiction books by their genres. Action, adventure and dystopia books are sitting together because they share common story elements. Humour, fantasy, historical stories, war, love and relationships, horror, supernatural, animal, science fiction and sport stories have their own areas. The book shelves have been configured to a more open format which encourages students to move more easily around them. This change has already proved to be very successful. Students are enjoying being able to browse among their favourite categories and discovering new authors to explore. Jan Wilson Head of Library CUE Environment Last Tuesday year 9 students completed the environment domain of the CUE program. Our 9X tudents headed to Ricketts Point to help clean up the foreshore, a task year 9 students at St Leonard’s have been assisting with for over 10 years. The amount of work the class got through surprised the instructors – many hands do indeed make light work! Students in9Y kayaked down Mordialloc Creek to observe first-hand the effect of urban build on water quality. They were also able to see the litter traps and review the amount and type of rubbish that finds its way into the water, often mistaken for fish food by marine organisms. Every piece of rubbish thrown into a bin or recycled is one less piece that ends up in our waterways. Jane Harrison CUE Coordinator Senior School From the Head of Senior School House Swimming We watched the Bureau of Meteorology radar closely on Monday afternoon to ensure we made the right decision about the Senior School House Swimming. In the end we went ahead and despite a rain and thunder storm delay the afternoon was a great success. The shortened program means we must still complete some of the relays at the St Leonard’s College pool and will announce the winner at the next Senior School Assembly on Monday 16 March. | 5 St Leonard’s News Senior School Year 10 Home Learning The year 10 students have started the year very well, however we continue to monitor their progress and the volume of homework they are doing. Mentors are having conversations regularly with your son or daughter, but please feel free to also make contact should you have any concerns. Year 10 students should be doing approximately 10 hours of home learning each week: between 90 and 120 minutes for each subject, slightly more if they are doing a Unit 1/2 VCE subject. Parent Information Evening – Study Skills Thanks to all the parents who were able to attend the recent study skills workshop. As Mr Tim Barlow indicated, nothing that was presented was particularly ground breaking; to do lists have been around for a long time. However having all the information there for you and understanding the various strategies that can be employed is reassuring. Click here to access the information from the evening on STL Link. A schedule of all parent seminars to be held in 2015 is included on the following page. TOPShots Congratulations to Catherine Fitzmaurice and Ruby Bannerman (class of 2014) on being selected for TOPShots 2014. TOPshots is an annual award and exhibition of the best photomedia work produced by students of VCE Art, Media, Studio Arts and IB Visual Arts in the previous year. The exhibition will be held at the Monash Gallery of Art from 4 - 29 March 2015. Meeting with the Head of Senior School Each Monday morning I have set aside time for parent meetings. If you have any concerns, things we can help with, initiatives you would like to discuss or feedback you wish to provide, please do make a time for us to meet. The College values its relationship with parents, for without open and honest conversations between families and the College our students will not get the best possible support and encouragement we are seeking to provide. Please contact Jayne Sheehan to arrange a meeting. If a Monday morning time slot does not suit, please contact Jayne by email (jayne.sheehan@stleonards.vic.edu.au) or phone (9909 9380) with an alternative time. David Roberts Head of Senior School Falls Creek Mountain Raid “It is going to be the hardest thing you have done in your whole life.” Mr Slykhuis’ words before departure proved to be not far off the mark. On 14-15 February, Sam Slykhuis, Luke Buckthorpe, Austin Stanley, Chris Martin and I, accompanied by Mr Slykhuis, competed in the Falls Creek Mountain Raid Adventure Race. This race consists of two days of kayaking, mountain biking, trail running and trekking. The first day’s racing involved a short mountain bike ride, a paddle and another mountain bike leg. As we started the final ride the weather turned for the worse and as the hours passed we got colder and more fatigued and our spirits were tested. We crossed the finish line muddy and cold but happy to complete day 1. Day 2 involved paddling, mountain biking and an orienteering course. Unfortunately, we lost a lot of time during the mountain bike leg and knew that we were not going to make the next cut off times. We were a little sad that we couldn’t finish the race but still happy with what we had achieved over the weekend. Competing in the Falls Creek Mountain Raid was a great experience, a true test of character, fitness, teamwork and navigation and certainly a great preparation for the Hillary Challenge in New Zealand in May. Thanks to Mr Slykhuis for organising us and looking after us, to Chris for assisting us, and to Rapid Ascent for organising the event and letting our junior team race. Hamish McGowan | 6 Senior academic staff Tena Davies - Psychologist and cyber safety specialist Senior academic staff Pat Kenny - Head of Junior School Christine Daicos - Behaviour Management specialist Panel discussion Fiona Gauntlett - Mindfulness trainer and schools consultant Dr Michael Gordon - Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Helen McGrath - Expert in social skills and resilience Sonya Karras - Presenter on drugs, alcohol and safe celebrations Study Skills for Senior Students Who’s in Charge? Managing Technology at Home Study Skills for Middle School Students Managing Technology at Home Positive Strategies for Daily Dramas Motivating Students to Achieve Their Personal Best Mindful Learning and Wellbeing Preventing Depression in Children and Adolescents Building Confident Kids Teenage Parties Tuesday 1 September Tuesday 28 July Monday 20 July Monday 1 June Tuesday 5 May Wednesday 29 April Tuesday 17 March Tuesday 3 March Tuesday 24 February Tuesday 17 February Date Secondary Primary All year levels All year levels Secondary Primary Year 4 Years 8 - 9 Years 7 - 9 Years 10 - 11 Year levels 163 South Road, Brighton East, 3187 | 9909 9300 | stleonards.vic.edu.au Presenter Seminar TCW Marjorie Menzies Hall TCW TCW Merton Gallery Marjorie Menzies Hall McMillan House Middle School classrooms Merton Gallery Senior School classrooms Venue Parent Seminars 2015 When to say no, how to have a safe celebration, guidelines for different ages Helping children handle social situations and become more confident in their friendships How parents can prevent depression in their young people The benefits of developing mindful habits and attention training at home and at school, including activities parents can apply at home Learn about the theory and practice of motivation for young people Support for parents in handling everyday challenges Developing good habits and healthy use of technology Understand the core skills for academic success for Middle School students Practical strategies to help children develop a balanced use of technology Understand the core skills for academic success for senior students Description St Leonard’s News Senior School Edna G Forster Music Prize Congratulations to Angus Gray and Christopher Burgess who are the winners of the Edna G Forster Music Prize for 2015. Students are eligible to apply for this prize towards the end of year 11 and complete an audition as a part of the selection process. The student community enjoyed performances by both Angus and Chris at the first school assembly for 2015. They formally received their prizes from Mr Davis at the recent Scholars Assembly. Angus is currently studying Music Performance as a part of his VCE and while in year 11 he completed Unit 3/4 Music Investigation. Angus is a member of many College ensembles including SLSO (cello), Auditioned Choir and Big Band (piano). He is Music Captain for Newman and will play the role of King Charles in the Senior School production of Pippin this year. Chris is currently studying Music Investigation as a part of his VCE and completed Unit 3/4 Music Performance in year 11. Chris is a College Choir Leader and Music Captain for Munro. He enjoys singing in Auditioned Choir, Tenor/Bass Choir and Senior Choir. He will be playing the title role of Pippin in the Senior School production this year. Liz Furman and Peter Foley Directors of Music Whole College News Annual Church Service GirlSail 2015 Congratulations to all of the students and members of the Community Choir who contributed to the Annual Church Service with their music skills. Many of our groups commenced work on these items at the January Music Camp at Daylesford and it was exciting to see their hard work pay off. Well done to all those involved. Friday 20 February marked an amazing start to the 2015 St Leonard's College sailing season. A team of 12 girls from years 7-12 headed down to Davey’s Bay Yacht Club for the annual GirlSail competition. After a day full of light, tricky conditions we managed to finish as the first overall school with some great individual results as well! All the girls performed exceptionally well and learnt a lot from the event. Liz Furman and Peter Foley Directors of Music Division 1 Gold Fleet: Alice Silvester and Jessica Butters - 1st place overall Kate Weppner and Carien Boshoff - 3rd place overall Caroline Brown and Zara Challis - 5th place overall Division 1 Silver Fleet: Clare Burns and Mia Forbes - 2nd place Overall School Winner: St Leonard's College A big thank you to Mark Slykhuis for taking us down and continuing to support us during the day, our coach James Sly for his ongoing guidance and encouragement, and to Ms Grande for organising our entries and other details. Alice Silvester Sailing Co-Captain Division 2 Gold Fleet: Sofia Burns and Brooke Robinson - 3rd place Eloise Morris and Faye Newsome - 5th place | 8 St Leonard’s News Whole College News Surf Camp A gaggle of girls and three brave boys set off for our surf camp this summer. With the support of Mr Woolhouse, Mr Norman, Ms Jolly and Ms Gourley, we were able to enjoy three days on the waves with notable improvement. We surfed both Urquhart’s Bluff and Torquay main beach and had a wonderful time catching waves and spurring each other on. With two surfs a day we all felt the strain of sore arms and tired bodies, however our enthusiasm was not dampened. So much so that we even managed a night surf at Anglesea main beach, a beautiful way to see out the day. To break up the surfing we took an afternoon off to visit the famous Tourquay Surf Museum which featured all kinds of surfing memorabilia and the chance to watch a surfboard being carved right before our eyes. The museum made for an entertaining and inspiring insight into surfing which naturally made us even more eager to get back amongst the waves. For many of us the surf presented a struggle which we were not necessarily used to. The reward for our persistence was evident as by the end of the camp every member of our group had made it to their feet on the board. While this was reason enough to celebrate, the greatest part of the camp was the sense of encouragement from each other as we worked towards our collective goal, which led to a wonderfully inclusive and positive vibe both in and out of the water. Sarah Hellyer NetSetGo is back! Uniform Shop NetSetGo will be returning to St Leonard’s College in term 2. Winter Uniform will be available to purchase from Tuesday 10 March. There is no need to make an appointment. NetSetGo is Netball Australia’s only junior entry netball program. It has been developed to provide children aged 5 -10 years with the best possible learning and playing experience as a positive introduction to netball, ensuring enjoyment and continued participation. Watch this space for registration details before the end of term 1. A reminder that we will be open during the school holidays. Holiday opening dates and times will be in the next newsletter. Teagan Collins Head of Sport Community Sport Triathlon Melbourne Ironman Registration Makayla Houniett and Pip Kennett competed in race 4 of the Team Up Active Triathlon on Sunday 22 February and both performed very well. Makayla came in fifth and Pip 15th. Both students are racing this afternoon (Friday 27 February) in the St Leonard’s Aquathon event which includes a 1.5km run, 300m swim and 1.5km run. The event starts at 4.00pm at Half Moon Bay. The Asia Pacific Ironman Championships will be held on Sunday 22 March. Students and staff are running the Aid Station at Black Rock and a number of staff and parents are competing in the event. Olivia Schenk competed in the Junior National Triathlon Series event in Devonport. She was the second Victorian to finish, coming in at 11th place, which has her well positioned around the top ten in Australia. If you are interested in the sport of triathlon, please email Mark.Slykhuis@stleonards. vic.edu.au If you are interested in helping out on the day please register by clicking here and selecting the group 'St Leonard’s' for Run Aid Station 14 - Black Rock. | 9 St Leonard’s News Community Sport Half Moon Bay Cerberus Swim Community Sport Activities A number of students and staff competed in the annual Half Moon Bay swim with the results below. Costas Papadopoulos, competing in his second open water swim, placed sixth in a very competitive time of 14.11. Pip Huse was the first St Leonard’s College girl home in 16.21. Karate Student classes operate every Monday afternoon from 4.00 - 5.00pm in the Majorie Menzies Hall in the Junior School. The minimum age is six years old. For more information please contact Shubi Chikara Karate: 0413 836 989, rob@rove.net.au Costas Papdopoulos: 14.11 Pip Huse: 16.21 Isabelle Sterns: 18.02 Pip Kennett: 18.14 Catilin Williams: 18.20 Darci Welsh: 19.04 Samara Keifer: 19.05 Claire Murphy: 19.06 Cleo Daniels: 21.58 Thomas Lewis: 20.20 BTA Tennis Primary school students: We use the three ball program as used in Tennis Australia's official children's starter program, MLC Tennis Hot Shots. Advanced students: BTA Junior Turbo sessions are high intensity points based training. The player is always working at their limit mentally and physically. Places are limited and bookings are essential. For bookings email ben@btatennis. com.au or call on 0417347 008 Mark Slykhuis Head of Community Sport Parents ELC and Junior School Family Picnics The ELC3 group had a lovely night for their picnic with the children having fun in the playground and the adults enjoying the music provided by year 11 student Joel Bowditch. As one parent said: “It was great to see the parents and staff making the effort to mingle and find out who belongs to who, as it could have been quite easy for us all to stay with the family ‘on the rug’ and enjoy the twilight. This shows the commitment from parents which is the essence of the St Leonard’s College community.” It was not such a nice night for the ELC4 – Year 4 Family Picnic on the following evening. The storms and rain didn’t seem to worry the children who were happy to spend the time bopping away in the disco while the parents huddled under the shelter of the undercroft. ANZAC If any parents are planning a trip to Gallipoli, Turkey, for the ANZAC commemorations and are interested in meeting to chat about ideas and plans, please email poppies@stleonards.vic.edu.au Year Level Events ELC3B Dinner - Thursday 12 March, 7.00pm at Half Moon Hotel, Church Street, Brighton. ELC4K Dinner – Wednesday 11 March, 7.30pm at True South (upstairs), 298 Beach Road, Black Rock. Cost is $40 per head (canapes provided, drinks at bar prices). Year 4 Mum and Kids’ Dinner – Thursday 26 March, 6.00pm at Milanos, 4 The Esplanade, Brighton. Click here to RSVP. Year 6 Coffee Morning - Thursday 5 March, Cornerstone & Co, 75 Ludstone Street, Hampton, straight after drop off. Year 6 Parents Drinks - Wednesday 18 March, 7.30pm at The Deck, 212 Bay Street, Brighton. Year 9 Coffee Morning - Friday 13 March at Gateaux, 565 Hampton Street, straight after drop off. Year 9 Parents Drinks - Wednesday 25 March, 7.30pm at The Deck, 212 Bay Street, Brighton. Bronwyn Betro Community Coordinator | 10 St Leonard’s News Community Day Fair Donations Required Black Rock Travel Eli’s Alterations Nails for Today Stage Left Performing Arts School Blanc Canvas Studios Ella Bache Hampton Donations are required for a range Naked Wines Steakhouse Meatworks and Cellars of stalls. Please click here for more Blue Illusion Endota Spa Hampton information: National Pharmacies Studio Craft Lucky Dip - from all Junior School Brighton Bay Pharmacy Essens Wellness families Nic Baker Super Star Nails Choc-A-Block - from all Middle School Brown Cow Fazio’s Pizzeria families Nicolette for Women Sweatmaster Health and Fitness Books and Clothing - from all families BTA Turbo Tennis Feet First Podiatry Centre Silent Auction - from all families Oli & Ari Cafe Swimart Brighton Cake Stall – Cake kits available from BustaMove Fegari Seafood Main Reception One Fitness, Brighton Table of Plenty Preserves Stall – Preserve kits available Casadolce Specialty Bakery Fegari’s from Main and Junior School Reception Oskars Alterations Tafts the Pen People Cellarbrations Flight Centre Brighton How to volunteer Paradai Thai TEAM Hampton We still have many vacancies for Cocoon Couture Francis Nolan volunteers, please sign up by clicking Party Affair The Beanery here. Coles Middle Brighton Gateaux by MF Peak MSK Physiotherapy The Finishing Touch Wristbands are on sale now Contagious Enthusiasm Wellness Centre Gazman Click here to purchase your wristbands Pharmacy 360 Black Rock The Fish Tank or tickets. Contrast Picture Framing Grace Interior Designs Phil Lonie Butcher Theatre De La Danse Silent Auction Coriander Cafe Hair On Hampton Poppets Pet Supplies Thesaurus We would like to thank the following Crate Expectations Hairhouse Warehouse businesses and individuals who have Presently Tolarno Hotel donated items for our Silent Auction. Crown Towers Hampton Cycles 2XU Brighton Prince Removals Top Titles Humble House Da Giacomo Caffe Hampton Dental Centre Active BodiesPromenade Bags Urchin Bar Joesphine's Shoes Davey Macs Gelato Hampton Organics AFL Coaches Association Red Bluff Cellars Uspa Keith Cakes Davies & Sons Hampton Osteopathy Australian Geographic Red Door on Church Vintage Cellars Kidstuff Brighton Deco Hairdressing Harmony Relaxation Massage B Revived Regards Cards Gifts and Stationery Waterlily Skin and Beauty Therapy Klim Swim Dendee Drycleaners High Sierra Baileys Hair Salon Ron Leigh Music Factory White Rabbit Restaurant Kuche Inspirational Food Dendy Village Pharmacy House of Golf Baker’s Delight Hampton Runway Room Woodlands Golf Club La Cucina Italian Eatery Destination HQ World of Music Bay Skin and Beauty Sandsculpting Lifestyle Portraits Dirty Dogs Pet Supplies Bay Street Beauty Shakes Juice and Ice Cream Bar Luna Park Dr Darren Donellan, Dentistry Bayside BoxesSixth Element Massage Luxe Accessories Dr Salt Bayside Natural Medicine Smile Solutions Magic Moments East Brighton Newsagency Bella Spaces Specsavers Brighton Middle Brighton Newsagency Eco d - Black Rock Berries on the Rocks Sports Conscience Miller & Co Studio Eco Mixpo Bike Box St Leonard’s Swimming Moving Mindsets Psychology | 11
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