Presbyterian Press March 2015 A Publication of First Presbyterian Church, Clarksburg WV Palm Sunday, this year, falls on March 29, 2015. Why do we call it Palm Sunday? “Palm branches are mentioned in only one of the four Gospels (see John 12:12-15). So why do we call the first day of Holy Week Palm Sunday? Schedule of Soup & Speakers March 4, 2015 Soup: Bean Speaker: Rev. Marybeth Chien, Duff St. Church Special Music: Emily Aman March 11, 2015 Soup: Chili Speaker: Rev. Rick Sales, First United Methodist Church Special Music: Elsa Davis and Dawn Woodburn March 18, 2015 Soup: Chicken Rice Speaker: Rev. David Hulme, Clarksburg Baptist Church Special Music: Jeff and Megan Strange March 25, 2015 Soup: White Chili Speaker: Rev. John F. Koerner, First Presbyterian Church Special Music: First Presby Bells Tradition plays an important part in church history. During the time of Jesus , Rome was the world’s leading power. Whenever the Romans were victorious in battle, citizens traditionally threw palm branches in the path of the returning heroes. This was the accepted custom of reception. So when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, it was appropriate that he receive a hero’s welcome. One week later, he would be victorious over death.” Published in: Newsletter Newsletter in March 2008 On Palm Sunday will be the Music Department’s breakfast and Canata, as well as the Lenten Happening. The Lenten Happening will be following the worship service and will include lunch, an Easter egg hunt and crafts! April 1, 2015 Soup: Italian Tomato Speaker: Rev. Rahsann Armand, Mt. Zion Baptist Special Music: Jim Harris Join us for a lovely lunch and brief service each Wednesday during Lent. See you There! In This Issue… John’s Jottings pg. 3 Session Notes pg. 4 Gainer Anniversary pg. 5 Schedule of Volunteers pg. 6 Sunday Worship Church School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Fun Fridays Join us Friday, March 13, 2015 to celebrate faith, family and fellowship together. Pizza Dinner - 5:30 to 6:00 Craft Project - 6:00 to 6:20 Lesson & Activity - 6:20 to 6:40 Games - 6:40 to 7:00 (featuring Minute to Win It and Gooey & Gross!) Fellowship - 7 to 7:30 Office Hours Worship in March Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm MAR 1: 2ND SUNDAY IN LENT - SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION SCRIPTURES: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 *Luke 6:12-19 SERMON TITLE: “The Way of the Cross” THEME: Each year during Lent we are confronted with the question, “Why did Jesus have to die?” One answer is that he was not willing to ask anything of his followers that he was not willing to do first himself. MAR 8: 3RD SUNDAY IN LENT SCRIPTURES: *Exodus 20:1-17 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 SERMON TITLE: “Because I Said So” THEME: Little children don’t want to be told what to do. They are always asking, “why?” For adults the feeling of not wanting to be commanded is even stronger. We ask, “Why did it have to be Ten Commandments? Why couldn’t it have been the Ten Suggestions or the Ten Voluntary Initiatives?” Our Heavenly Father is not trying to take the fun out of our lives, God is protecting and guiding us. MAR15:4TH SUNDAY IN LENT SCRIPTURES: Numbers 21:4-9 *John 3:14-21 SERMON TITLE: “Not to Condemn the World, but to Save It” THEME: This passage contains the heart of the gospel. Jesus came not to condemn us, but to save us. If Jesus does not condemn us, then we can stop condemning ourselves. If Jesus does not condemn us, how can we condemn someone else? MAR22:5TH SUNDAY IN LENT SCRIPTURE: *Jeremiah 31:31-34 John 12:20-36 SERMON TITLE: “God Declared a Mulligan” THEME: In informal golf, a “mulligan” is what you do when you mess up so badly on a hole, that you just go back to the tee and start again. In professional golf there are no mulligans. Fortunately, God has declared a new covenant in our lives, a mulligan, or do-over if you will. In Christ we are forgiven and get to start over fresh. MAR29:PASSION/PALM SUNDAY Church Staff P ASTOR Rev. John F. Koerner 209 Ohio Avenue Nutter Fort, WV 26301 Phone: 304-534-2324 SESSION Beckie Alvaro, Clerk Mary Beth Paletta, Asst. Clerk PARISH ASSOCIATE Rev. Charla Waters Koerner CHURCH SECRETARY Sara Hatcher Jones OFFICE VOLUNTEER Kathleen Berry E DUCATION C OORDINATOR Terra M. Burnett MINISTER OF MUSIC Marjorie Faris ORGANIST Mary Kay Devono CHURCH TREASURERS Wayne J. Northey / Bill Pulling Richard Riddle / Dave Allman MUSIC DEPT. CHORAL CANTATA Activities & Meetings Phone: 304-622-6831 Fax: 304-623-1611 Web: (* Indicates main scripture referenced in sermon.) SEXTON Gary Scheuvront DEACONS – Tuesday, March 10 at 5:30 pm TRUSTEES – Tuesday, March 17 at Noon SESSION – Tuesday, March 17 at 5:30 pm C.E. COMMITTEE – Monday, March 9 at 7:00 pm WORSHIP & MUSIC – Tuesday, March 10 at 4:00 pm PRAYER GROUP – Monday at 10:30 am P.W. BOARD – Monday, March 2 at Noon BIBLE STUDY – Wednesday evening at 6:30 (Social 6:00) Book Group – Monday, March 16 at 3:30 pm COMFORT MAKERS – Wednesday, March 25 at 3 pm NURSERY ATTENDANT Isabella Keller NET CASH FLOW - JAN 2014 2015 INCOME 37,836 11,500.29 EXPENSES 33,247 15,792.61 NET INCOME -4,589 -4,292.32 Pastor John’s Jottings . . . (Jesus said,) “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40) Those who are young and in good health probably don’t even notice the number of steps into and out of various parts of our church building. As we get older that changes, steps become more and more of a challenge. This is especially true for those who are confined to a wheelchair - young or old. For some years we have been looking into getting an elevator, but the cost ($250,000) is prohibitive. Plus an elevator would require major changes to the building’s structure. In the meantime, we have installed chairlifts on the stairs. These have been a great help to a number of our members, friends, and guests. Still, these chairlifts do not help someone who is confined to a wheelchair. That is especially true for those who use a motorized chair. Lately it has been brought to our attention that for a much more modest cost than an elevator we could get a platform lift for our front stairs. As you can see from the pictures below, this would accommodate someone in a wheelchair and it has a fold down seat for someone who has trouble with stairs, but is not in a wheelchair. The platform is 31 ½ x 49 1/4 inches and has a rated load of up to 495 pounds. That is big enough for most motorized scooters or wheel chairs. (It might not accommodate someone who weighed over 300 pounds on a heavy scooter). This platform would be on the steps by the office and would access from street level to Westminister Hall and the Sanctuary level. It will be possible for us to install an additional lift to the parlor level at some future date. The first estimate we received for the installed XPRESS II system from Garaventa Lift is $23, 216.00. We will continue to investigate possibilities and obtain other estimates. In the meantime, the session has opened a special fund for this project. Anyone wishing to make a contribution to this fund is encouraged to do so. Simply mark your donation, “Platform wheelchair lift” and send it to the office or put it in the collection plate. We will keep careful track of the donations and evaluate our progress toward the $23,216 at the end of one year. If significant process has not be made, the contributions will not be stuck in a dead end fund. They could be returned to the donors or designated by the donors for other uses. Hope and Confidence, Pastor John First Presbyterian Church Session Highlights Tuesday, February 17, 2015 5:30 p.m. -Update on providing office space for intake coordinator for Homes for Harrison. The office is ready and as soon as we get an agreement with them drawn up and signed, Stephanie Sumpter will be able to start working out of this office. -We have received and accepted an offer to build a book shelve /display case for Scottish Heritage books and memorabilia. It is going to be beautiful and a lasting asset to our church. -Request from LongValley Presbyterian Church, N.J. to do a sleepover on Saturday night, July 11th. There will be about 40 in the group. They are heading to Seth, WV. They will be arriving about 6 p.m on the 11th and leaving about 8:30 a.m. on the 12th. -Approved starting a special fund to install a platform lift on our stairs. This lift would be able to carry someone in a wheel chair up the stairs. Total cost of the project is $23, 216.00. -Scheduled work camps include: -Hopewell, N.J. July 12-17 -June 21 -27 -We will honor graduating seniors this year on April 26 -VBS this year will be July 5-9 Goals for 2015 1. Increase our efforts to let the community know about our service programs by creating a publicity team to notify the media of each program. 2. Coordinate with the Clarksburg Mission to provide activities for youth four times in the next year. 3. Offer a tutoring service once per week, to be evaluated for participation and effectiveness in 12 weeks. 4. Host a health fair, perhaps in conjunction with the Fall Festival. 5. Increase average attendance for Sunday morning worship by at least 5%. Pastor’s Report: Hospital Visits: 0 Other significant Pastoral visits:19 Baptisms: none Wedding: none Funerals: None Sacrament of Communion: Was celebrated on February 1. Deacons report 65 served. Home Communion was served in February to 2 individuals at Maplewood with the help of Elders Wayne and Harriett Northy and in the home to 6 more with the help of Elder Connie Leuiette. Pastor’s Discretionary Fund 2015 MONTH # OF REQUESTS January 14 TOTALS #COMPLETED 12 AMT PLEDGED 773.95 $773.95 AMT DISBURSED 663.95 $663.95 On Behalf of Hugh and Michael Ann Gainer CHILDREN’S MOMENTS Mar 1 Mar 8 Mar15 Mar22 - Dawn Woodburn Mary Beth Paletta Mary Beth Paletta Mary Beth Paletta WORSHIP LEADER Mar 1 Mar 8 Mar15 Mar22 - Suzi Heger Jeff Mitchell Virginia Delawder Anthony Paletta On March 14, 1965 the Rev. Samuel Glass united Hugh and Michael Ann Gainer in marriage. Please come and celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary with us Saturday, March 14, 2015 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Best Western Plus on Lodgeville Road in Bridgeport, WV. Please RSVP by March 10 to 304-842-2044 The only presents we want, is your presence. ELDER GREETERS Mar 1 Mar 8 Mar15 Mar22 Mar29 - Dick Ogden Jenna Bennett Diane Keller David Allman Susan Tustin DEACON GREETERS Mar 1 Mar 8 Mar15 Mar22 Mar29 - Judy McQuaid/Dottie Rinehart Harriett Northey Beth Allen Sandi and Courtney Nuzum Ashley and Chad Montgomery Newsletter Deadline is Thursday, March 19 ACOLYTES Mar 1 - Madison Stout; Isabella and Rebekah Rinehart Mar 8 - Edna Merriott Danielle Rinehart Mar15 - Zach Keller; Matthew Strange Anthony Corsini Mar22 - Cassie Delawder Megan Strange Mar29 - Ashleigh Burnett Abby Schorr Start your week with prayer We invite you to join us on Monday mornings at 10:30 a.m. in the parlor for prayer. Our group is informal, relaxed and friendly. We voice our praises, requests for healing and comfort, concerns for church, community and the world. Please join us for prayer any Monday morning. There is no better way to start your week! Wednesday Night Bible Study Dates still available for this month and next: Mar 1st & 8th Join us for Wednesday Night Bible Study with Pastor John. We gather at 6 pm for social time, then the lesson begins at 6:30. We are currently studying the Book of Acts. IN OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS... IN SPECIAL CARE FACILITIES: Amy Garrett; Rex Kuhens; Roberta Davis SPECIAL CONCERNS: 2 - Nanette Lafferty 2 - Kay Devono 2 - Radetta McQuaid 5 - Jeff Northey 7 - Connie Leuliette 8 - Hank Lawrence 14 - Ralph Graves 14 - Sancie Smallwood 17 - Rev. Susan McGhee BERRY, Kathleen *** CANTARELLI, Helen *** DUDLEY, Brian ** GOODWIN, Fred *** HOOD, Robbie *** KAUFMAN, Lisa * KING, Joyce * LAWRENCE, Audrey * MOORE, Family ** MORRIS, Barbie* OGDEN, Sally *** PACK, Glenna & Christian * PARKER, Bea ** RORICK, Kate ** ROSENSTEELE, Dan * RUDD, Dianne *** SHIFFRA, Everett *** SHIFFRA, Donna *** WARNE, Jerry *** WETZEL, Jennifer ** ** Barbie Morris is not Barbara Morris** ***REMINDER: Names with 3 asterisks will be taken off the list the following month unless someone calls to put them back on. To place someone on the list please call the church office or email Sara at Thank you for your help! 19 - Dakota Sabo 21 - Guy Davis 21 - Missie Kaull 21 - Kim Sabo 22 - Mark Alvaro 22 - Casey Nuzum 23 - Casey King 23 - Jim McQuaid 26 - Barbara Morris 26 - Joel Sabo 30 - Jane Simmerman (Call the Church Office and let us know when your birthday is so we can add it to the list!) GOOD ST. PATRICK On March 17, many churches, especially those with a large Irish population, will celebrate the life of St. Patrick. He grew up in a Christian home in Britain, but wasn’t very religous until a major event changed his life. As a teen, he was captured and sold into slavery in Ireland, but escaped to Gaul(France) after six years. The years of enslavement strengthened his faith. He later wrote, “In that strange land(Ireland), the Lord opened my unbelieving eyes.” He was led by God’s voice to return to Ireland where he converted people to Christianity tribe by tribe. Because Ireland is called the Emerald Isle, those who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day will wear something green. Some Christians will even color food or drink green. Many Christians will also eat corned beef and cabbage and decorate tables with shamrocks. Shamrocks are actually three-leaf (not four-leaf) clover plants. Legend has it that St. Patrick used the three leaves to teach about the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Published in Newsletter Newsletter in March 2007
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