February 2015 - Calgary Catholic School District

St. Luke School
1232 Northmount Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta
(403) 500-2039
February 2015
Message From the Administration:
As our beautiful and soft winter weather continues, it is hard to believe that we have already completed half of the school year. Students are busy at work and participating in
numerous activities such as Alien in Line Skating, Mad Science show, Speed skating and
preparing for Lent. The month of February will also bring many interesting and exciting
activities for our Families. Hope to see you at our Mardi Gras Family Dance on Friday
February 6th.
There are times in February and March where the weather does not cooperate. When
the temperature drops below –18 °C including the wind chill students are not be allowed
outside. If this is the case before school
we will place a large traffic cone with a
Important Dates:
sign on the tarmac where the busses
Feb 2—6
Inline Skating (K-grade 2)
park. This will direct students to come
Feb 6
Mardi Gras Family Dance
directly inside. If you are waiting in your
Feb 11
Talent Show final performance
vehicle this will be your cue that we are
Feb 12-13 Teacher’s Convention—no classes
expecting your child in the gymnasium.
Feb 16
Family Day—no classes
Feb 17
Shrove Tuesday
Feb 18
Ash Wednesday
We are of course hoping this will
Feb 19
Speed skating dryland training
not frequently be needed.
(Grades 5 & 6)
Feb 23-24 Speed Skating Olympic Oval
Feb 27
Mad Science Presentation
Mar 2
PD day—no classes
Mar 10
Madeleine d’Houet Open House 6:30 PM
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
The month of February has an extra long weekend so I am asking that students place their library books
somewhere safe to avoid losing them.
At the beginning of the month my consultant dropped off a Chromebook that will be used by students to
check their own books in in and out. I will begin with grades 4 to 6. Once I feel they are adept at taking on
that responsibility I will continue to teacher the grade 3 classes and so on. It is a duty of great importance
and it will guide them to being accountable for their book choices and returns.
The Library Club did not end up having a pizza party in January due to a little hiccup in organizational responsibilities. Maybe we can have one in February time permitting. To that end, we have moved the Club
from Day 2 to Day 5.
Joyeuses St-Valentin!
Parents wanting an APP for e-books can check out http://www.getpic.com/
Give the Gift of Reading on Epic!
3, 6 & 12 month gift subscriptions are available.
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
Ash Wednesday
You are invited to join us Wednesday,
February 18 At 10:00 AM our Liturgy and
distribution of ashes to mark the
beginning of the Lenten season.
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
An interesting article about the increase in enrollment in French Immersion in Al-
A Good
berta. It's amazing that for the last 14 years, there has been a steady increase in student registration. Please click on link for more details http://metronews.ca/news/
St. Luke School Council is using Fundscrip as our main fundraiser for this
school year. It is a gift card
company for organizations to use for
fundraising. It takes just a few minutes to sign up – try it! https://
The council has decided that we will no longer do group orders but parents
can have their orders mailed directly to their house. If you have any questions, please contact Pamela Giesbrecht (pamelag@thecybercity.net) or
Teresa Cowan (teresamariacowan@yahoo.ca)
L un ch Op t io ns
Our sincere thanks...
...to all families who have been promoting our school
and helped make our Open House a success. A special
thank you to our grade 6 students who were excellent
ambassadors for St. Luke during our recent Open
House. Thank you to all our parent volunteers who
make our lives a little easier. As primary educators
your time spend volunteering in any capacity is valuable to your children.
The Healthy Hunger lunch options
program continues. We have set up
Healthy Hunger orders until Easter
Holidays. Parents can access via:
Upcoming dates:
Edo Japan Feb 20
Opa Feb 27
Extreme Pita March 6
Subway March 13
Jugo Juice March 27
A friendly request to parents to turn off your vehicles when dropping
off or waiting to pick up your children. There are many others enjoying
the playground. On colder days exhaust from idling vehicles does not
dissipate very quickly; it hangs in the air and can present breathing
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
Volunteers needed
If you have an hour or more
to volunteer, we have a variety of opportunities for you.
Besides classroom volunteers, we are currently looking for volunteers for office
help, PE equipment and art
room inventory and orders.
Used Book Sale Coming Soon
During the March 19th and 20th ParentTeacher Conferences school council will be
holding a used book sale. Please feel free to
send your used French books to school when
School Fees
This is a gentle reminder that if you have not
had a chance to pay your school fees, that you
can do so by accessing the following link:
To our grade 4-6 parents, please note that all
students received a gym strip. Although this is
listed under optional fees, if you did not return the gym strip, please pay $27.
Mardi Gras
The Mardi Gras Dance is Friday February 6th! Mardi Gras marks the last day
prior to the beginning of the Lenten season and is commonly known as
"Shrove Tuesday" or "Fat Tuesday" - the day before Ash Wednesday. It is a
colorful celebration that includes dressing up in costumes and masks in the
traditional colours of purple, green, and gold. We encourage everyone to
dress up and join in the festivities.
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education and school authorities to ensure that we are equipping students
for success.
The Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators consisting of surveys of students, parents
and teachers on various aspects of quality; student outcomes such as dropout and high
school completion rates; and provincial assessments of student learning.
From January to the end of February, Alberta Education will be conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey. Parents of students in grades 4 to 6 will receive a survey from Alberta Education. Students in grades 4 and all teachers will be completing their surveys online
at school.
All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with the school. In addition
to English and French, the parent survey is available in Chinese, Punjabi, Arabic, Blackfoot,
Cree, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Urdu.
Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of education your child is receiving, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly.
Survey results will be available to school authorities in May 2015, and will be reported publicly as part of their 3-Year Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports.
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
February 2015
1000 Fifth Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 4T9
All students, staff and their families are invited to join in the fun at Calgary Catholic’s District Day with the Calgary Hitmen.
The Hitmen face the Saskatoon Blades on Friday, February 13th at 7 p.m. Take advantage
of this opportunity and receive your tickets at a special discounted rate of only $11 (plus applicable fees). Not only is this a great deal for you, but also for the Calgary Catholic Education
Foundation who will receive $2 from every ticket sold.
This exciting Lunar Celebration game will feature festive activities happening throughout
the night. There will be prizes, fireworks, dragon dancing and more! Catholic students from
the Hockey Canada Skills Academies will show their skill and talent at the intermission.
Tickets are available on a first-come first-served basis, so the sooner you buy your tickets,
the better your seats will be. Don’t forget to show your school spirit by wearing school or
district attire.
Be sure you enter the promo code Lunar to get your special CCSD discount!
Start your Family Day weekend off right! Tickets at the promotional rate are only available
online at www.hitmenhockey.com. See you there!
CCSD high schools will be hosting open house nights to provide parents and students with
the opportunity to learn more about the programs offered at each school.
Bishop McNally (5700 Falconridge Blvd. NE)
•February 19 from 6 – 8 p.m.
Notre Dame (11900 Country Village Link NE)
•February 10 from 6:30 – 8 p.m.
St. Francis (877 Northmount Drive NW)
•February 5 at 7 p.m.
Bishop O’Byrne (#500, 333 Shawville Blvd. SE)
•February 3 at 7 p.m.
Bishop Carroll (4624 Richmond Road SW)
•February 3 at 7 p.m.
Bishop Grandin (111 Haddon Road NW)
•February 5 at 7 p.m.
St. Mary’s (111 – 18 Avenue SW)
•February 4 from 7 – 9 p.m.
St. Martin de Porres (410 Yankee Valley Blvd. SW)
•February 4 at 7 p.m.
St. Gabriel the Archangel (197 Invermere Drive)
•February 19 at 6:30 p.m.
St. Timothy School (501 Sunset Drive)
•February 3 from 6 – 8 p.m.
CCSD offers a variety of Evening Credit Courses in Semester II (February – June 2015). These
courses are available to all high school students as well as adult learners. Students can register up to February 25, 2015 for evening courses.
Five and three credit courses are offered on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5 – 8
p.m. For more information and to register, please call 403-500-2012, ext. 412 or visit us online.
We are proud to provide a complete range of programs, services and exciting learning opportunities to enhance the knowledge, talents and abilities of your child. Discover and explore
the programs available at www.cssd.ab.ca.
Kindergarten / Grade 1
All CCSD elementary schools offer a kindergarten program. Depending on total kindergarten enrolment, schools may offer a choice of morning or afternoon classes on a first-come,
first-served basis. To register, children must turn four years old on or before March 1, 2015.
Your child’s birth certificate should be presented at the time of registration.
To register in Grade 1, children must turn five years old on or before March 1, 2015. The
child’s birth certificate should be presented at the time of registration. Children who are already attending kindergarten do not need to re-register for Grade 1.
Registration is ongoing throughout the school year. Students born outside of Canada will
need to schedule an appointment at the St. John Reception Centre at 403-500-2007 and present appropriate documentation.
Please visit the nearest Calgary Catholic school and register today! Visit www.cssd.ab.ca
or contact 403-500-2000.
District schools and administration buildings will be closed on Monday, February 16. Family
Day is a time to celebrate and recognize the importance of spending time with family.
Keep up with CCSD events and news. Follow us on Twitter @CCSD_edu or search Calgary
Catholic School District on Facebook.
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
For more information visit us on the web at http://schools.cssd.ab.ca/stluke/
Saint Luke School, B i r t h d a y s
Feb 2015 (Mountain Time - Edmonton)
9 a m - Alien Inline Skating @
St. Luke Bilingual
Elementary School,
Calgary, AB, Canada
9 a m - Alien Inline Skating @
St. Luke Bilingual
Elementary School,
Calgary, AB, Canada
9 a m - Alien Inline Skating @
St. Luke Bilingual
Elementary School,
Calgary, AB, Canada
9 a m - Alien Inline Skating @
St. Luke Bilingual
Elementary School,
Calgary, AB, Canada
9 a m - Alien Inline Skating @
St. Luke Bilingual
p m - Mardi School,
Gras Family
St Luke
School (K-6), Calgary,
AB, Canada
1 p m - Talent Show Finals @
Calgary Catholic School
District, 1232
Northmount Drive Nw,
Calgary, AB T2L 0E1,
Family Day
1 2 : 3 0 p m - Speed Skating @
The Olympic Oval,
University Drive
Calgary, AB,
Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
9 : 3 0 a m - Shrove Tuesday pancakes provided
by Knights of
Columbus @ St.
Luke Bilingual
Elementary School
1232 Northmount Dr
NW, Calgary AB T2L
0E1, Canada
1 0 a m - Ash Wednesday
Liturgy @ Calgary
Catholic School
District, 1232
Northmount Drive Nw,
Calgary, AB T2L 0E1,
1 2 : 3 0 p m - Speed Skating @
The Olympic Oval,
University Drive
Calgary, AB,
Teachers' Convention
Teachers' Convention
1 p m - Speed Skating Dryland
Training @ St. Luke
Bilingual Elementary
School, Calgary, AB,
2 : 1 5 p m - Mad Science
Presentation @
Calgary Catholic
School District,
1232 Northmount
Drive Nw, Calgary,
AB T2L 0E1, Canada