Newsletter - First Presbyterian Church, Ely, Iowa

The Salt Shaker
March 2015
11100 Spanish Road, Ely, Iowa 52227
From the Pastor’s Keyboard
The season of Lent is one of reflection, rededication, and renewal of our repentance in Christ. Here is the upcoming worship schedule for Lent, Holy
Week, and Easter:
March 1: The Hidden Tr easur e and the Pr iceless Pear l: Two men give all
that they have to buy objects of great wealth. W e are priceless to Christ, who
gave all that He had to call us his own.
March 8: The Good Samar itan: A man beaten on the r oad gets help fr om
an unlikely traveler. W e, who are often beaten down along the road of life,
encounter the healing of Christ through the cross.
March 15: The Wor ker s in the Vineyar d: All wor ker s in a vineyar d ar e given the same pay fr om
the master, no matter how long they have labored. A ll who have been called by the Master are
blessed by the same reward in Christ.
March 22: The Pr odigal Son: A waywar d son retur ns to the for giving embr ace of his father , who
welcomes him home. W e, who have strayed, return again and again to the embrace of our Father,
through the sacrifice of his Son.
March 29: The Lost sheep: A shepher d leaves his 99 sheep to find the one who is lost. W e, who are
lost in sin, are found by our loving Shepherd, who enters Jerusalem amid praise and palm
April 2: Maundy Thur sday at 6:00 p.m. for supper ; wor ship at 7:00 p.m. The Gr eat Banquet:
Guests who are in low places are invited by the host to places of honor. W e, who are humbled by
our sins and outcast by the world, are welcomed by Christ to dine at his Holy Supper.
April 3: Good Fr iday Ecumenical ser vice at Shueyville United Methodist Chur ch. Refr eshments at
6:00 p.m. and worship at 7:00 p.m. A memorial service for Jesus of Nazareth.
April 5, Easter: Sonr ise Ser vice at 7:30 a.m. with br eakfast following.
9:30 a.m. Service with Holy Communion: Parable of the Wise
and Foolish Builders: In this parable, when a storm hits, the
house built on the rock remains, while one built on sand is
washed away. On Easter we are reminded that we build our
lives on Christ the cornerstone.
April 12: Holy Humor Sunday. We laugh at the face of evil in this
world as we know who ultimately has the last laugh through
Christ our risen Lord.
In Christ,
Pastor Julie
Per Capita
Per capita is a fundamental way in which all
of the nearly 11,000 congregations and mid
councils of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
are connected and participate in the work of
the wider church. (From the Presbyterian
Church USA website:
Per capita is the per member share for Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly administrative expenses. For 2015, the amount is
$34.27 per member.
Communion Help Request
Please contact Theresa Harder or Pastor Julie
Schuett if you are interested in donating
bread for communion in 2015. We typically
use two loaves of non-sliced bread for each
communion and will need several bakers for
unleavened bread during the Maundy Thursday service. The bread can be home baked or
purchased. The communion dates are tentatively set as follows: April 2 (Maundy Thursday), April 5 (Easter), May 24 (Pentecost),
August 2, September 13, October 4 (World
Communion), November 29 (1st Advent),
December 24, and January 3, 2016. Contact
Theresa at 319-310-0359 (cell) and (email). Thank
you for the continued support.
Spring Cleaning
2015 Church Clean-up Day is planned for
Saturday, March 28 at 9:00 a.m. Rain date is
Saturday, April 4. Please mark your calendars
and join in the fun of working together to
beautify the church inside and out! Any questions may be directed to Phil Huedepohl.
Property Committee Meeting
The Property Committee will meet after
church service on Sunday, March 8.
Mens Night
Join us for Mens Night on Tuesday, March
31 at 6:30 p.m. at Whitey’s Bar & Grill at
125 E. Hwy 30, Lisbon.
This ‘n’ That
Congratulations to Stephanie and Thomas
Buonadonna who had a Valentine’s Day wedding
on February 14, 2015.
Best wishes to Jonathan Williams Serbousek
and Jennifer Brown who married on Jan. 17,
2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Parents are Jennifer
Serbousek and Shane Serbousek. Grandparents
are Bill and Penny Serbousek.
A prayer of celebration and blessing on the
birth of Brooks Marshall Bielefeld to church
members Jen and Travis on January 22, 7 pounds,
9 ounces, and 21 inches long. His big brothers
Trae and Drew are thrilled!
To Family & Friends of Carolyn Beard, All of us
at the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin want to extend our condolences to you over the loss of Carolyn. As time passes, we hope that you and those
close to her will be comforted by your decision to
help others through eye donation. To see beyond
one’s own grief, in the hopes of helping another,
it is a tremendous act of compassion and generosity. Because of your compassion, a second chance
for sight has been given to a man from Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin and a man from Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The restoration of sight can
change a life forever, as Carolyn’s precious gift
has done. Sincerely, R. F. Hauser, Exec. Dir.
Let’s Make Some Noise!
Noisy Can Offering is Sunday, March 29 (Palm
Sunday). Loose pocket change will be collected
in large coffee cans during worship. The change
collected helps to fund the Congregational Care
Fund used to help members of our church family
in times of need. The fund is budgeted $250 of
the General Budget. Any funds needed beyond
that are raised through a special offering taken
during months with five Sundays. We have been
blessed with four, fifth Sundays this year: March
29th, May 31st, August 30th, and November
29th. Last year, we raised $141.15 for the Congregational Care Fund. Let’s make it a goal to
raise at least $100 each fifth Sunday.
Camp Wyoming
Each year our congregation sponsors children and
youth to attend camp at a reduced rate. To apply,
contact Tom Vavra and copy your Camp Wyoming registration form.
From the Camp Wyoming website:
A week at summer camp is an experience like no other. Thousands of
adults look back on the formative years of their childhood and identify
summer camp as one of the most integral experiences that helped make
them who they are today. Countless successful CEO’s, actors and actresses, musicians, politicians, religious leaders, and the like attended
camp as a child. Summer camp always has and continues to be a place
where kids and youth can grow and learn in a cooperative environment
set apart from the pace of the “real world”. At Camp Wyoming, our
programs afford all participants a chance to learn more about who they
are and who they want to become as they grow in their faith in Jesus
We invite you to send your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, friend, or
neighbor to camp at Camp Wyoming this year, and let them have their
own adventure that will become a formative faith experience for their
entire life.
Camp experiences are:
A safe, nurturing place to overcome challenges and to experience new
Gain a sense of independence and self-worth
Explore faith forming topics and Bible studies that strengthen and
deepen participants’ understanding of and relationship with God
Participate in a small group that provides meaningful, individual attention for each participant
Learn team values and recapture a sense of imagination and adventure
in a wide variety of dynamic, age-appropriate activities
Experience a variety of worship settings and practices that allow participants to encounter Christ on a daily basis
Reconnect with the natural world of God’s creation in an environment
free from cell phones, laptops, televisions, video games, or iPods
Ladies Night Out
The next Ladies Night Out is Monday, March 23 at
6:30 p.m. at Red Lobster in Cedar Rapids. It’s a good
place to go, but we always have a good time wherever we go! All ladies and their friends are invited.
PASTOR Rev. Dr. Julie A. Schuett
Choir Director, Stephanie Buonadonna
Custodian, Betty Buresh
Youth Director, Angie Ehle
Organist, Sharon Furler
Secretary, Misti Huedepohl
Christal Bressler, Mission
Dan Chadima, Treasurer
Alyson Eadie, Clerk of Session
Theresa Harder, Worship
Barb Horak, Welcome/Outreach
Luke Huedepohl, Youth Elder
Phil Huedepohl, Property
Bill Serbousek, Stewardship
Rene Tedrow, Christian Education
Everett Williams, Personnel
Matt Zacek, Fellowship
Angie Ehle
Andrle – Coble-Frakes
Terry Zahradnik
Cook – Hamilton
Penny Serbousek
Harder – Mineck
Karen Zacek
Miner – Schuett
Bonnie Fencl
Serbousek – Whittom
Elaine/Bryan Bailey
Wieneke - Zvacek
Children’s Choir Director, Dawn Zacek
Cemetery Sexton, Gary Kilberger
Recording Treasurer, Judy Serbousek
Funds Treasurer, Tom Vavra
President: Tom Vavra
Vice President: Diane Reist
Secretary/Treas.: David Faltis
Alyson Eadie
Pat Kilberger
Penny Serbousek
Tom Vavra
Our Table to Yours Ely Senior Dining
Volunteers are needed at the Our Table to Yours senior dining program in Ely.
You can: * Deliver meals on Tues and Fr iday weekly. Be at City Hall by
11:00 am * Help serve and clean up on meal days, each Tuesday and Friday.
Be at City Hall meal site by 11:15 am, serve, and yes, enjoy dinner too! *Be a
grocery runner: Arrange time with Teri Billick (probably on a Thursday and
brought to City Hall anytime before 4:30 p.m.)
New or good used items needed: Stock pots (we have none at all for larger
batches of soups); Large skillets; Sheet cake pans; Double cake pans; Cutting
boards; Vegetable peelers; New hand towels; New cotton wash cloths; New hot
Food pantry: Ther e is a good supply of items available to anyone in need.
Just contact us. If you wish to donate items, drop them off at Ely City Hall or at
the Ely Library. To volunteer or if you have questions, please call St. John Lutheran Church at 848-4510.
Helping Hands Ministry
The Session approved the donation of $471.33 (half of the 2014 Country
Store proceeds) to Helping Hands Ministry. Helping Hands Ministry provides assistance and support to persons in Linn County through collaboration
with the faith community and local agencies. The ministry’s office is located at
601 Second Avenue SE #2 (same building as The Ecumenical Community Center) in Cedar Rapids. Helping Hands Ministry is funded and supported through
donations from the community. The ministry has an active Steering Committee
working to increase funding through an adopted Strategic Long Range Plan. A
few examples of what kind of support and assistance Helping Hands Ministry
provides are financial assistance for utility bills, transportation to and from work
and medical appointments, hair cut and shower for job interviews, and purchase
of photo identification required for employment and housing. For more information on how you can help, please contact Helping Hands Ministry Director,
Lois Ann Rude, at (319) 366-2651.
One Great Hour of Sharing
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering is Sunday, April 5th (Easter). You’re helping build something incredible. Projects supported by OGHS are underway in
over 100 countries. We are actively responding to the most devastating epidemic of Ebola in African history through education, prevention training, and
construction of an isolation center for patients. We are participating in an educational and explorative trip to Peru in December during the U.N. Convention
on Climate Change to learn more about the conflicts surrounding this social and
environmental issue. We continue to provide resources and support to impoverished and underdeveloped communities that are, nearly a decade later, still reeling from Hurricane Katrina. More Minute for Mission stories like these will be
shared during worship throughout Lent.
Fish banks ar e located in the back of the sanctuar y for
you to collect pocket change in during the 40 days of
Lent. On Sunday, April 5th (or earlier) return your fish
bank for the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering.
Adult Sunday School Forum
For the month of March, Adult Sunday
School will explore the parables of Lent
shared during the morning’s worship
service. Each week will include Bible
readings, prayers, questions, and discussion related to
the biblical parables woven with the Lenten themes of
receiving justification, The Word, the treasure, mercy,
grace, and forgiveness. Each class begins at 11:00 a.m.
on Sunday mornings.
March 1: The Hidden Tr easur e and the Pr iceless
March 8: The Good Samar itan
March 15: The Wor ker s in the Vineyar d
March 22: The Pr odigal Son
March 29: The Lost Sheep
April 5: No Sunday School on Easter
Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible study continues each Wednesday
morning at 9:30–10:30 a.m. at The Retreat
coffee shop in Ely. Please join us over a cup
of coffee to explore the Bible together.
Session Notes from January 2015
Membership as of 12/31/2014: 219. Average
worship attendance in December 2014: 91.
Fund balances were reported to be stable and overall we ended 2014 financially as expected. Dan
Chadima was thanked for his continuing work as
Christal Bressler presented information about
Helping Hands Ministry in Cedar Rapids. Motion
approved that 2014 Country Store proceeds from
the Soup Supper in the amount of $942.65 be split
50% to Helping Hands Ministry and 50% to Youth
Group ministries.
Motion approved of 2015 Communion dates:
February 22 (1st Lent), April 2 (Maundy Thursday), April 5 (Easter), May 24 (Pentecost), August
2, September 13, October 4 (World Communion),
November 29 (1st Advent), December 24, January
3, 2016.
Motion approved to continue appointment of
Funds Treasurer, Tom Vavra (annual appointment.) Next presbytery meeting is at Newcomb
Presbyterian Church on Saturday, March 7.
Children’s Sunday School
All children begin Sunday School at 10:45 in the sanctuary for Opening. Class finishes at 11:45.
Age 2 – Preschool Class
K – Grade 6 Classes
March 1
The Lord’s Prayer: Our daily bread
Jesus and the Disciples
March 8
March 29
The Lord’s Prayer: Forgive us our
The Lord’s Prayer: Do not bring us
to the time of trial
The Lord’s Prayer: The road to
Jesus Cooks Breakfast
April 5
No Sunday School
No Sunday School on Easter
March 15
March 22
Jesus is Risen!
Jesus Christ is with us always
Jesus and Thomas
Synod School 2015: A Future with Hope It’s a place wher e you lear n something new!
Experience hospitality and grace * Stretch your mind and your faith * Leave spiritually and personally renewed * July 26-31, 2015 at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake Iowa.
1-800-328-1880, ext. 207 or visit
Youth Ministry
Hello from the Youth Group! Souper Bowl of Caring collection totaled $288.11 for the Mission of Hope.
Thank you to the congregation for supporting the youth in their desire to help Mission of Hope.
We hosted a Pancake Breakfast for Jazz Sunday on February 15 with sausage, pancakes, and eggs. It was a
wonderful time of fellowship. Thank you to all for supporting this event.
Youth prepared a meal for the “Our Table to Yours” Ely Congregate meals program on February 16. We met
Teri, the program director, at the Ely Community Center and prepared a meal of sausage with sauce and veggies, salad, garlic bread, and chocolate cake. We enjoyed the experience and we plan to help out Our Table
to Yours on March 16 as an on-going mission project. (See page 8 for Youth Group calendar.)
We will offer Easter Lilies for $15 each for Easter Sonrise service. Please complete the order form below if
you would like to order. Please order by Sunday, March 29. Lilies can be taken home April 5 after Easter Services, or donated to a
homebound member. Do you know someone who might enjoy a special lily? Are interested in helping deliver plants? Please let Angie know.
If you have any questions or comments about the Youth programs, please feel free to contact me at church,
by phone. Blessings, Angie
EASTER LILY ORDER In preparation for the Easter celebration, the Youth Group is offering an Easter Lily sale. Please complete the form below if you would like to purchase a plant(s) to decorate the sanctuary this Easter. Order form & payment may be mailed to: First Presbyterian Church Near Ely, Youth
Group,11100 Spanish Rd, Ely, IA 52227
Or place in the offering plate by Sunday, March 29.
Number of lilies ________ x $15.00 = $__________
I am enclosing my payment of (Circle one) CASH or CHECK
(Make checks payable to: Youth Group First Presbyterian Church)
You may purchase lilies in honor or in memory of someone special to you. Please indicate
In Honor Of (list name) _______________________________________
In Memory Of (list name)__________________________________________
You may take your lily following Easter service or donate
I would like to donate my plant(s) to a homebound church member.
NO (Circle one)
Your Name:__________________________________________
Email address:_________________________________________
Sundays at First Presbyterian
Sunday Services 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School 10:45 a.m.
Adult Bible Study 11:00 a.m.
Youth Sunday School 10:45 a.m.
Youth Group, 6:30 p.m. Sundays
(See page 8 for complete youth schedule)
March 2015
Office Hours
9 to 1:00
Bell Choir 6:15
Chancel Choir
7:30 pm
March 7: Set clocks one hour
ahead before going to bed!
Food Pantry
Office Hours
9 to 1:00
Daylight Savings
begins 2:00 a.m.
Office Hours
9 to 1:00
Bell Choir 6:15
Chancel Choir
7:30 pm
Newsletter Deadline
Office Hours
9 to 1:00
Bell Choir 6:15
Chancel Choir
7:30 pm
Ladies Night Out
6:30 pm
Office Hours
9 to 1:00
Bell Choir 6:15
Chancel Choir
7:30 pm
Session Meeting
6:30 pm
Office Hours
9 to 1:00
Church Spring
Cleaning Day
Office Hours
9 to 1:00
Children’s Choir
Office Hours
9 to 1:00
Maundy Thursday is April 2 with supper at 6:00 p.m. and service
at 7:00 p.m.
Noisy Can
Palm Sunday
Office Hours
9 to 1:00
Good Friday Ecumenical Worship at Shueyville United Methodist,
refreshments at 6:00 and service at 7:00 p.m.
Men's Night
6:30 pm
Easter Sonrise Service at 7:30 a.m.; Breakfast
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Ely, Iowa 52227
Permit #1
11100 Spanish Road
Ely, Iowa 52227
Church Office Hours:
9:00 to 1:00 Tuesday & Friday
Phone: 319.848.4624... Leave a message!
The Rev. Dr. Julie A. Schuett
Easter Lily Sale
Help decorate the sanctuary
this Easter with beautiful
lilies. This sale is sponsored
by the Youth Group.
Order form on page 6.
The yearly schedule is at the back of your Annual
Report or on-line, If you cannot
fulfill your assignment, arrange a substitute, and
notify the church office. Thank you for helping!
Mar. 1 U: Carl & Barb Zahradnik
G: Casey Holst family
L: Norm Zahradnik
Mar. 8 U: Bob & Car ol Andr le
G: Bressler family
Monday, March 16: 3:00 pm Our Table
to Yours, Ely Community Center
Sunday, March 29: Palm Sunday10:45 am
Sunday School; 6:30 Youth Group
L: Moriah Tedrow
Page 7: Calendar
Sunday, March 15:10:45 am Sunday
School; 6:30 Youth Group Jr/Sr High
Mar. 15 U: Rachelle Mineck family
G: Bob & Jean Kolek
Page 6: Youth Group News;
Easter Lily Order
Sunday, March 8:10:45 am Sunday
School; 6:00 pm Second Sunday Supper
6:30 Youth Group
Sunday, March 22: 10:45 Sunday School;
6:30 Youth Group
Page 2 –3: Church Life; Camp
Page 5: Christian Education;
Session News
Sunday, March 1:10:45 am Sunday
School;6:30 Youth Group Jr/Sr High
Begins L: Jim Serbousek
Page 1: Lent Schedule
Page 4: Bdays & Anniversaries;
Mission News & Opportunities
Youth Group Calendar
Mar. 22 U: Todd & Alyson Eadie
G: Travis Bielefeld family
L: Brian Thompson
Mar. 29 U: Har der family
G: Brad & Cheri Buresh
L: Calvin Chadima
Sunday April 5: EASTER—NO SS/YG