Mul-modal Communica on and Learning Strategies for Students

 Mul -modal Communica on and Learning Strategies
for Students who Face Significant Challenges
Linda J. Burkhart Assis ve Technology Specialist
WHEN: April 16-17, 2015
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM each day
(12 contact hours/1.2 CEU)
Children who face significant physical/mul ple chal-­‐ WHERE: Hillsong Church lenges, as well as those on the more severe end of 201 Culbreth Rd. the au sm spectrum, o en struggle to access com-­‐
Chapel Hill, NC 27516 munica on, interac on and learning opportuni es. This 2-day presenta on will focus on how children learn, strategies for mo va on, the teaching of motor-cogni ve skills, and increasing cogni ve en-­‐
gagement and ac ve par cipa on in the learning en-­‐
vironment. The concept of providing a recep ve mul-­‐
-modal aided language communica on and learn-­‐
ing environment will be introduced. The presenter will demonstrate the parallels between how children COST: $150.00 with complex challenges learn alterna ve and aug-­‐
If paying by check, please remit payment menta ve forms of communica on (AAC) and the by April 6th to: developmental process that typical children go through in learning speech.
CB# 7255 Linda Burkhart is a well-known teacher and leader in the field Chapel Hill, NC 27599
of assis ve technology, adap ve play, and augmenta ve (attn: Becky Pretzel) communica on for children who face significant disabili-­‐
es. She has conducted workshops and presenta ons na on-­‐
ally and interna onally for many years. She is the author of a number of books and so ware tles on topics of assis ve technology and augmenta ve communica on. If you have ques ons, contact:
2015 Annual AAC/AT Special Topics Ins tute Co-Sponsored by DPI Excep onal Children Division