UNDER THE HIGH PATRONAGE OF HE. DR. ADEL ADAWY MINISTER OF HEALTH AND POPULATION - EGYPT MEDHEALTH CAIRO 2015 24 - 25 FEBRUARY 2015 CAIRO MARRIOTT HOTEL RESHAPING THE ARAB HEALTHCARE SECTOR ORGANIZED BY MCE GROUP FOR CONGRESSES & EXHIBITIONS president address Dear Colleagues, The Healthcare system in the world is undergoing massive change and the Arab Healthcare sector is part of it. From transformational policies to disruptive technologies to innovative medical advances, powerful forces are coming together to re-create the healthcare environment. To lead their organizations through a new market landscape, industry leaders need to understand and prepare for new megatrends that will shape the next 10 years in healthcare. An informed and effective strategy demands considering the effects of these game-changing developments—and ensuring organizations are ready to seize the opportunities and overcome the problems of a radically different healthcare model. The Theme of Medhealth 2015 as well the subjects summarize the top forces that are re-shaping the healthcare landscape—and re-defining how all the players, from payers to providers, and others must adapt to drive growth. Medhealth 2015 will show how the industry leaders need to manage their organizations in the decade ahead to have a real reshaping principal basis of the Healthcare Sector for a better Future. We invite you to take part in Medhealth 2015. This conference seeks to assemble key stakeholders in healthcare who will share perspectives, ideas and solutions in order to reshape the Arab Healthcare Sector. Welcome to Medhealth Cairo 2015 Sincerely yours, Dr. Faouzi Adaimi AHF President secretary general address Thanks to Allah the Lord of the Universe, and peace and blessings on our prophet Mohammad peace be upon him and on all his companions. Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of Allah. We convene, in the context of sustaining achievements and giving, in a new phase of Arab Joint Health Work in the light of very huge information revolution that invaded the whole world… Thanks and praise to Allah who paved the way to such Arabic Alignment and supported us to overcome difficulties and guided us with the light of science and faith to the right path in such an expanded and universal may despite the surrounding global changes and challenges which impose itself on the real situation and on the ground. The 16th forum of the Arab Hospitals Federation comes in concordance with the Arab Ministers of Health Meeting under the theme (Reshaping the Arab Healthcare Sector) in Cairo in the period from 24 – 25 Feb., 2015 to promote the spirit of cooperation, communication and giving among the Arab countries. The main theme of this forum which simply means restructuring the Arab health sector comes to cope with the international challenges facing the health system for provision of high quality health services. These challenges include ageing of the population, emerging disease pattern, fragmented health services, high costs, affordability of health care at equal opportunities, with safety of health services which led to nonsustainability of the current health model. The moral and ethical responsibility of the medical profession requires that the health leaders and health policy makers should get well acquainted with and understand the new health systems aiming at improving health services. Much more efforts should be exerted in universal integrated health care and with much emphasis and focus on the deep comprehension of the new concepts such as: patient-centered care, putting patient first, empowerment of patient rights and lastly personalized care or person-centered care. These new concepts represent a real change in restructuring of healthcare systems with emphasis on health service users experiences. In this situation, the patients, practitioners, service providers and policy makers are all equal as positive partners in production of the comprehensive health path where every partner bears his expected role and responsibility in sustaining the healthcare services. These concepts have been affirmed in the previous federation conferences where the importance and the necessity of empowering, developing and institutionalization of health services within the framework of quality and patient safety. The Arab Hospitals Federation achieved a lot along a very long history of work and achievements where the Arab health work cooperation become one of the most prominent targets realized. The Health care achieved a great remarkable development in the last few years in our Arab World through putting health strategies with defined responsibilities. Also, a full vision for provision of preventive and curative services, provision of essential drugs, adoption of modern health systems, medical research and encouragement of Primary Health Care. Despite the growth in the magnitude and the capacities of such health services, still these services are suffering the increasing load on its facilities. Therefore, giving the preventive aspect its worthy attention on the part of the ministries of health in the Arab World in terms of planning and execution is of paramount importance . Here, I have to refer to the role played by the Arab Hospitals Federation in the prevention aspect through its various activities promoting all health aspects and encouraging private sector to contribute to provision of health services, increasing institutes and programs for training and qualification of workers in the health sector, depicting realistic and appropriate plans to adopt the recent trends in this aspect. In conclusion, I would like to express my deep thanks and appreciation to HE Dr. Faouzi Adaimi – President of the Arab Hospitals Federation, Mrs. Alice Yammine Boueiz – Chair of the Organizing & PR Committee and all working staff in this Federation. Thanks are also extended to the members of the Consultative Committee for their very constructive and discernible efforts. Praying to Allah the Almighty to bless this meeting and crown our work with success and rightness. Prof. Tawfik A. M. Khoja MBBS, DPHC, FRCGP, FFPH, FRCP (UK) Family Physician Consultant Director General of Executive Board, Health Ministers’ Council for Cooperation Council States AHF General Secretary MEET THE AWARDED PERSONALITIES PIONEER LEARDERSHIP AWARD IN HEALTHCARE Úzñ€a@%b«@ø@ÖaÎä€a@¥jÌÖbÓ‘€a@Òåˆbu HRH.PRINCE FAISAL BIN ABDULLAH BIN ABDULAZIZ - PRESIDENT OF SAUDI RED CRESCENT AUTHORITY - KSA ARAB HEALTH PERSONALITY AWARD IN PREVENTING DISEASES ûaäfl˛a@Âfl@ÚÌb”Ï€a@ø@ÚÓzñ€a@ÚÓi什a@ÚÓñÇí€a@Òåˆbu HE. DR. ADEL ADAWY - MINISTER OF HEALTH & POPULATION - EGYPT LEADERSHIP AWARD IN SUPPORTING THE ARAB HEALTHCARE SECTOR 2015 2015@‚b»€@Ôzñ€a@ b�‘€a@·«Ö@ø@ÒÖbÓ‘€a@Òåˆbu HE. DR. ALI SAAD AL-OBEIDI - MINISTER OF HEALTH - KUWAIT DISTINGUISHED ARAB WOMAN AWARD IN MANAGEMENT 2015 ÒâaÖ�a@%b«@ø@ÒåÓ‡nΩa@ÚÓi什a@ÒcäΩa@Òåˆbu HE. DR. FAIQA SAEED AL-SALEH - ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL FOR SOCIAL AFFAIRS- LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES LEARDERSHIP AWARD IN HEALTHCARE AND HEALTH EDUCATION 2015 2015@‚b»€@·Ó‹»n€aÎ@Úzñ€a@ø@ÒÖbÓ‘€a@Òåˆbu DR. HANAN AL-KUWARI - MANAGING DIRECTOR - HAMAD MEDICAL CORPORATION - QATAR LEARDERSHIP AWARD TO TRANSFORM THE ARAB PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET FROM LOCAL TO GLOBAL ÚÓΩb»€a@µa@ÚÓ‹0a@Âfl@Ôi什a@ıaÎÜ€a@÷aÏçc@äÌÏ�m@ø@ÒÖbÓ‘€a@Òåˆbu HE. ENG. SAID DARWAZEH - CHAIRMAN AND CEO - HIKMA PHARMACEUTICALS PLC - JORDAN AHF GOLDEN KEY ÚÓi什a@pbÓ–ínéΩa@Öb§�@=Áà€a@Äbn–Ωa PROF. TAWFIK A. M. KHOJA - DIRECTOR GENERAL OF EXECUTIVE BOARD, HEALTH MINISTERS’ COUNCIL FOR COOPERATION COUNCIL STATES PROGRAM AT A GLANCE TIME DAY ONE: TUESDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2015 09:30 – 10:30 REGISTRATION 10:30 – 11:00 OPENING CEREMONY 11:00 – 12:00 SESSION 1: RESHAPING THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR 12:00 – 12:30 COFFEE BREAK 12:30 – 14:00 SESSION 2: NEW TRENDS IN TECHNOLOGY RESHAPING THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR 14:00 – 15:30 LUNCH BREAK 15:30 – 17:00 SESSION 3: PANEL DISCUSSION : ACCREDITATION IN ARAB WORLD - QUALITY THROUGH DIVERSITY The Conference will take place on TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 24 - 25 FEBRUARY, 2015 TIME DAY TWO: WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY 2015 09:30 – 11:00 SESSION 5: CEO’S PANEL DISCUSSION: THE GLOBALIZATION SHAPE IN ARAB HEALTHCARE 11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK 11:30 – 13:00 SESSION 6: RESHAPING THE QUALITY OF CARE 13:00 – 14:30 LUNCH BREAK 14:30 – 16:00 SESSION 7: PANEL DISCUSSION : RESHAPING ARAB HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS : THE ROLE OF PROVIDERS, CARE GIVERS AND PATIENTS 16:30 – 18:00 SESSION 8: OPENING OF THE MINISTERIAL ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION : - OPENING SPEECH BY HE. DR. ADEL ADAWY - MINISTER OF HEALTH & POPULATION - EGYPT - ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION WITH THE ARAB MINISTERS MANAGED BY PROF. TAWFIK KHOJA HAVING THE TITLE OF : MAP OF DISEASES IN ARAB COUNTRIES: RESHAPING IS ESSENTIAL 18:00 – 18:30 18:30 ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE AWARDS OF THE YEAR EXHIBITION OPENING & COCKTAIL PROGRAM 09.30 - 10.30 10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 12.00 DAY ONE: TUESDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2015 REGISTRATION OPENING CEREMONY . Address of DR. FAOUZI ADAIMI - PRESIDENT OF ARAB HOSPITALS FEDERATION 5min . Address of ARADO 5min . Address of PROF. TAWFIK A. M. KHOJA - DIRECTOR GENERAL OF EXECUTIVE BOARD, HEALTH MINISTERS’ COUNCIL FOR COOPERATION COUNCIL STATES 5min . Address of THE LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES 5min SESSION 1: RESHAPING THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR CHAIRMAN : DR. ALAA ABDEL MAGEED - CHAIRMAN OF THE CHAMBER OF PRIVATE HEALTH SERVICE 5min In this era, Reshaping the Arab Healthcare sector is needed to cope with the challenges facing the health system mainly ageing of the population, emerging disease patterns, high costs of care, quality and safety of health services. In this session, many aspects will be highlighted Creating Tomorrow’s Healthcare System: the Pathway to High-Quality, Affordable Care DR. ROULA ZAHAR- DEPUTY GENERAL DIRECTOR - MOUNT LEBANON HOSPITAL 20 min To build tomorrow’s healthcare system, we must take comprehensive action to reward quality and safety and tackle rising healthcare costs. Tomorrow’s healthcare system should deliver safe, high-quality care; eliminate inefficient spending; and encourage and reward actions individuals can take to improve their health. We must address key components of care delivery rather than continue to simply shift costs across the system. As well we a commitment to collaborating with all stakeholders — consumers, hospitals, physicians, payers and policymakers — is requested to build tomorrow’s healthcare system today. Improving Primary Healthcare through Family Practice in Arab Countries: Challenges and Opportunities DR. HASSAN SALAH- TECHNICAL OFFICER - PRIMARY AND COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE - WHO/EMRO 20 min The level of political commitment towards improving service provision through the family practice approach is rising in the countries of the region. There are, however, many gaps in program implementation that need to overcome through sustained political, technical, financial and legal support. The presentation will shed light on countries’ experiences and challenges facing family practice in Arab countries. DISCUSSION 10 min 12:00 – 12:30 COFFEE BREAK DAY ONE: TUESDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2015 12.30 - 14.00 SESSION 2 : NEW TRENDS IN TECHNOLOGY RESHAPING THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR CHAIRMAN : MR. MOHAMAD ALNOIMI - CHIEF OF COMMUNICATIONS, CHIEF OF STAFF, MANAGING DIRECTOR OFFICE - HMC 5 min Healthcare organizations are leveraging big data technology to get more complete patient insights, support care coordination and patient engagement and outreach. Successfully harnessing big data helps achieve three critical objectives for healthcare transformation - build sustainable healthcare systems, collaborate to improve care and outcomes, and increase access to healthcare. The Dynamic Use of Information to Improve Decision Making DR. COLIN FINCHAM - DIRECTOR AND CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER- CERNER MIDDLE EAST 25 min Creating and analyzing huge data sets will support quality improvement and planning processes. It will guide the decision makers in assessing each situation and taking the right choice. Health Technology Assessment as a tool to increase the quality of Investment in Health Information Technology DR. ADHAM ISMAIL - REGIONAL ADVISOR HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND BIOMEDICAL DEVICES - EMRO/WHO 25 min Health technology assessment (HTA) refers to the systematic evaluation of properties, effects, and/or impacts of health technology. Today's the Technologies are sophisticated and can synchronize mobile data with medical equipment, tailor medical advice to patient histories, and connect patients and providers in a truly integrated manner. In the midst of such technology, can these complex partnerships be built in time to harness the best of contemporary medical technology? How do we screen for quality? How can we test efficacy, and how do we measure outcomes? Big Data in Healthcare: Where to Next? MR. PAUL WARREN HALLIDAY- DIRECTOR HICT - INFORMATION MANAGEMENT- HMC 25 min Improved operational performance, increased coordination of care, and reduced medical error only begin to scratch the surface of what big data has to offer in an age of advancing digitization. However, effective mechanisms to gather, consolidate, and distribute large amounts of health information to the appropriate individuals and tools to analyze and interpret the recent explosion of health information in a meaningful way do not currently exist. How can different parties partner together to work towards a future with effective utilization of health information in an industry on the brink of a technological transformation? DISCUSSION 10 min DAY ONE: TUESDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2015 14:00 – 15:30 LUNCH BREAK 15.30 - 17.00 SESSION 3 : PANEL DISCUSSION : ACCREDITATION IN ARAB WORLD - QUALITY THROUGH DIVERSITY MANAGED BY : DR. SAFA EL QSOOS - MANAGING DIRECTOR ASSISTANT FOR PLANNING - MOH - JORDAN DR. SALEM AL WAHABI DR. MONDHER LETAIEF DR. ASHRAF ISMAIL DR. NAGWA EL HOSSEINY MRS. SALMA JAOUNI TOPICS TO BE DISCUSSED: Sustainable Quality for the new century DR. SALEM AL WAHABI- GENERAL MANAGER- CBAHI - KSA Establishing an Arab Health Accreditation Body: A Challenge in Plan DR. NAGWA EL HOSSEINY- HEALTH MINISTER ADVISOR FOR QUALITY - EGYPT A framework for quality in primary care DR. MONDHER LETAIEF - TECHNICAL OFFICER HEALTH CARE QUALITY AND PATIENT SAFETY Challenges in Implementing International Standards in Arab Hospitals - case study DR. BADRIYA AL ALI - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DEP - HMC - QATAR Quality is back - Back to Quality. No Quality. No Business MRS. SALMA JAOUNI- CEO- HCAC- JORDAN The Future of Quality Function DR. ASHRAF ISMAIL - MANAGING DIRECTOR - JCI MIDDLE EAST DR. BADRIYA AL ALI 09.30 - 11.00 PROGRAM DAY TWO: WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY 2015 SESSION 5 : CEOs PANEL DISCUSSION : THE GLOBALIZATION SHAPE IN ARAB HEALTHCARE MANAGED BY : DR. ALI ABOUGRAIN - GENERAL SECRETARY OF ALQHS ENG. SLEIMAN DR. FAWZI HAROUN AL-HAMMOURI DR. WALEED AL-FALAH MR. NAJI ELHANI DR. NOUREDDINE CHERNI With globalization, many patients in the world and Arab Countries may seek treatment and second opinion through medical tourism. Billions of dollars from Arab Countries are being spent for medical treatment abroad, all the while a good percentage of Arab Hospitals and Medical Cities are internationally Accredited, well equipped and have reputable staff talking the same language and having similar traditions. In this session, we will expose the importance to expand this market and apply the rules, standards, marketing and ethics in Healthcare to reach the Globalization. TOPICS TO BE DISCUSSED: Requirements to be a successful Medical Tourism destination ENG. SLEIMAN HAROUN - PRESIDENT OF THE SYNDICATE OF HOSPITALS - LEBANON The Globalization of Health Care: Policies and Ethical Issues MR. NAJI ELHANI - LEGAL ADVISOR- ARAB HOSPITALS FEDERATION Globalization Makes Quality, Safety More Important than Ever DR. FAWZI AL-HAMMOURI - CHAIRMAN OF THE PRIVATE HOSPITALS ASSOCIATION - JORDAN Developing Cross Border Referral Offices to Increase your Patient Flow DR. WALEED AL-FALAH - ASSISTANT UNDERSECRETARY FOR QUALITY AND DEVELOPMENT - MOH- KUWAIT Choice of patients depends on Medical staff reputation or Advanced technology available in the institution DR. NOUREDDINE CHERNI - MEDICAL DIRECTOR OF POLYCLINIQUE TAOUFIK OF TUNIS - TUNISIA 11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30 - 13.00 SESSION 6: RESHAPING THE QUALITY OF CARE DAY TWO: WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY 2015 CHAIRMAN : MR. SLEIMAN HAROUN - PRESIDENT OF THE SYNDICATE OF HOSPITALS IN LEBANON 5 min Healthcare Leaders will need to support higher quality, better outcomes and greater patient satisfaction —all while reducing costs. “Value” will be a central focus, as we seek to improve the results we achieve for every dollar we spend. This session will present how to deliver the best performance with the best utilization of resources, as well how to build the responsibilities of your team to provide better care. Building Structure, Process and People: Steps in Moving Towards an Accountable Care Organization DR. JULIA SPERLING- PRINCIPAL- MCKINSEY MS. MANUELA MARTIN- ASSOCIATE PARTNER- MCKINSEY 15 min 15 min Accountable Care Organizations represent a critical component of healthcare reform and have been targeted for major expansion. The main goal of ACOs is to offer a healthcare delivery system that achieves the “triple aim” of lowering cost, enhancing quality of care and improving outcomes. Under this new model we are moving from paying a fee-for-service to paying a fee-for-performance where performance involves multiple resources, partners and more. This session will examine specific strategies, actions & steps each organization can take to design and manage an ACO program. Paying for Performance is it a Call for Quality Health Care? DR. ALI ELHAJ- MANAGING DIRECTOR- HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT 20 min Does Pay-for-Performance Improve the Quality of Health Care? A big question that will need an answer and vision. In this lecture, the speaker will explain deeply this matter and answer this big question Staff Qualifications and Education: Reshaping the Responsibility of your team DR. ASHRAF ISMAIL- MANAGING DIRECTOR - JCI MIDDLE EAST 20 min Still the need to education, training and sharing information will continue to increase. This lecture will focus on the importance of the Staff Qualifications and Education with particular emphasis on the issues related to Medical Staff. This critical area is so important. It will cover the full breadth of quality and safety but from the Angle of SQE. DISCUSSION 15 min DAY TWO: WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY 2015 13.00 - 14.30 LUNCH BREAK 14.30 - 16.00 PANEL DISCUSSION 7: RESHAPING ARAB HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS : THE ROLE OF PROVIDERS, CARE GIVERS AND PATIENTS MANAGED BY : MR. FADI ALAME - CEO - SAHEL GENERAL HOSPITAL & VICE PRESIDENT OF SYNDICATE OF HOSPITALS - LEBANON MR. JAD BITAR DR. AHMAD AL MANZARI MR. MOHAMAD ALI HAMANDI DR. NAGWA EL HOSSEINY The future will bring serious challenges to the health of the nation and will redefine the role that players from hospitals to healthcare workers to patients will have to play. Each one of them will have an important role in reshaping the healthcare sector and in contributing to deliver improved health to the population, a better quality and experience of care and lower costs. In the turbulent era ahead where technology will further disrupt the industry, it will be the players in the system that will be the main drivers and will bear the most impact of the changes ahead. The session will highlight key topics that will be and in some cases are already on the healthcare executives mind: compliance, patient safety and experience, extending the role of caregivers. All aimed at further adding value to the health of their population. TOPICS TO BE DISCUSSED: Value based Healthcare MR. JAD BITAR - PARTNER & MANAGING DIRECTOR- BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP Why Hospitals need to focus on Patient Relationship Management DR. AHMAD AL MANZARI- PATIENT SAFETY ADVISOR- MINISTRY OF HEALTH - SULTANATE OF OMAN Healthcare Reform: Reshaping Medical Practice for Good DR. NAGWA EL HOSSEINY- HEALTH MINISTER ADVISOR FOR QUALITY - EGYPT Shared Governance and Empowerment: a Practical Approach to Transform Professional Nursing Practice MR. MOHAMAD ALI HAMANDI - AHF SECRETARY & STRATEGIC MANAGER - MAKASSED GENERAL HOSPITAL - LEBANON ministerial round table DAY TWO: WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY 2015 16:30 – 18:00 SESSION 8: OPENING OF THE MINISTERIAL ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION : - OPENING SPEECH BY HE. DR. ADEL ADAWY - MINISTER OF HEALTH & POPULATION - EGYPT - ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION WITH THE ARAB MINISTERS MANAGED BY PROF. TAWFIK KHOJA HAVING THE TITLE OF : MAP OF DISEASES IN ARAB COUNTRIES: RESHAPING IS ESSENTIAL PANELISTS: ARAB MINISTERS OF HEALTH HE. DR. FAIQA SAEED AL-SALEH - ARAB LEAGUE ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL FOR SOCIAL AFFAIRS- LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES HE. DR ALA ALWAN - REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF WHO FOR THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN PRESENTATION OR MOVIE ABOUT THE PREVALENT DISEASES IN THE NEW DECADE (PRESENTED BY WHO / EMRO ) In this panel, the panelists will expose their strategies and vision to combat the communicable diseases in the Arab Countries, as well to present successful case studies for a better future. 18:00 – 18:30 ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE AWARDS OF THE YEAR 18:30 MINISTERIAL TOUR IN THE EXHIBITION & CLOSING COCKTAIL VOTING AWARDS TOP HOSPITAL AWARD IN QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND PATIENT SAFETY TOP ORGANIZATION AWARD IN SUPPORTING HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS EXCELLENCE AWARD IN HEALTHCARE IT PATIENT CENTERED CARE AWARD TOP AWARD IN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) TO VOTE, KINDLY ENTER TO WWW.AHFONLINE.NET MEDHEALTH CAIRO 2015 DON’T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXHIBIT AND SPONSOR AS WELL TO REGISTER Kindly Ask for the Sponsorship Package or call the Organizer on: ahfonline@ahfonline.net Tel: 00961 9 900111 00961 9 900110
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