March 1, 2015 6652 Heil Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92647 714.842.4461 LITURGIST TRAINING EVENT TODAY at 11:15am in Sanctuary This is a mandatory refresher class for our seasoned liturgists, with new directions and information for all those interested in becoming liturgists. Call the church office with questions. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Community of Shepherds Community UMC LENTEN PRELUDES Today we welcome harpist, Ellie Choate. Join us weekly, Sundays during Lent, for an extended prelude time offering special meditative music before each service. 8:15 and 10:45am Coming up: March: 8 – Sandy Hilger, flute 15 – The CUMC Adult Handbells 22 – Julie Metz, violin 29 – Alicia Gagliano, piano, Kevin Feltmann, organ YOUTH CoS Grades 6-12 5:00pm - Dinner then . . . Sr. High - working on our video project Jr. High - working on Confirmation Youth Babysitting Night FUNDRAISER March 28, 4:00 - 9:00pm Donations go towards the youth summer work teams Mark your calendars! If you need assistance, please ask an usher or a pew neighbor. We invite you to stay for coffee and to visit the fellowship tables on the patio after the service. SHIP S.H.I.P. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help with SHIP - March 7 - 21. Please sign up at the SHIP table on the patio - TODAY Check out the latest edition of The Chimes at Click on Events, then Newsletter. DEADLINES: Message Pages is Tuesday @ 5pm & The Chimes is the 15th of the month. MESSY CHURCH March 14 5:00 to 7:00pm SUNDAY NURSERY CARE - Infants to age 3 10:00am only CHILDREN All children in worship until after Children’s Message. Then they are led out to Sunday School. 8:30am All Elementary - Room 7 Jr. High and Sr. High - Room 18 (The Cove) 10:00am Preschool thru Kindergarten - Room 6 Moore Hall “BodyWorks” Join us for an evening of creating, playing, celebrating, and munching. Dinner included. ALL are welcome! GRADES 3 - 5 March 8 at 11:00am Meet on the playground at 11:15am. We’ll be going to the Ronald McDonald House to bake cookies. Questions? Contact: (Purple Room) 1st & 2nd grades - Room 8 3rd thru 5th grades - Room 9 Jr. High and Sr. High - Room 18 (The Cove) ADULT - “KINDLERS” - Room 9 8:30am only Study on “Jesus In the Gospels” BEGINS TODAY 30-week study - “Who is the Jesus that you see?” Study the names, places and people who encountered the Jesus who is both hard to ignore and hard to control. YOUNG ADULT - Room 17 (Library) 10:00am only SISTERS IN SPIRIT Women’s Group Tuesday mornings, Room 8/9 Do No Harm Do Good Stay in Love With God Lean about these simple, but challenging commands. Books are $6.00. 9:30 - 11:30am You may join us anytime! Community United Methodist Church We are collecting wrapped candy donations to fill our eggs for the Palm Sunday BBQ and Easter Egg Hunt. Please bring the candy to the church office. Thank you! MEMORIAL TEA Ruth Circle is hosting a memorial tea for Katie Bernhoff at 11:00am on Wednesday, March 11, in Room 8/9. Sign up today between services at the UMW table on the patio. Helpers are needed and welcome. MEMORIAL TEA A Deborah Circle is hosting a memorial tea for Velda McBride at 3:00pm on Saturday, March 21, in Room 8/9. Sign up today between services at the UMW table on the patio. Helpers are needed and welcome. 6652 Heil Avenue Jazz (Helping) Hands A FUNDRAISER FOR Beach Cities Interfaith Services Saturday, March 14, 2015 • 5–7 p.m. Rodgers Seniors Center 1706 Orange Ave., Huntington Beach Join us for an evening of jazz and a wonderful meal of beef short ribs and sides prepared by Chef Alex Hamlin $30 PER PERSON Contact Cheri Atkinson (714-803-8310) for tickets and to arrange a CUMC table. All proceeds go to BCIS. ALL-CHURCH CAMP PLANNING AHEAD at Cedar Glenn - May 22 - 24 All ages welcome. Limited number of cabins and RV spaces available. Sign up today! EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE MARCH 29. Adults (13 and up) - $60 Children (ages 3-12) - $30 Children under 3 - FREE JULY 20 - 24 VBS - G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action - mornings CHOIR CAMP - afternoons We are collecting the following items on the patio and in the church office: Travel sizes Shampoo / Conditioner Toothbrushes / Toothpaste Soap / Deodorant / Lotion / Combs New Socks / New Underwear Church office only: Bath-sized towels (gently used) Eye Glasses Blankets/Sleeping Bags/Back Packs Men's Clothing/Shoes Fast Food Gift Cards - $5 Bus Day Passes - donations for church office to purchase. $4.50ea. Donations may also be made directly on our website. LABYRINTH PRAYER AND MEDITAION WALK Thursday, March 19 10:00am to 2:00pm in Moore Hall. Instructions and socks are provided FOOD CLOSET February’s special request is for SPAGHETTI SAUCE AND PASTA. Donations may be deposited in the big blue bin on the patio or brought to the church office. LAZY W YOUTH CAMPS JULY 12 - 17 - Elementary Camp JULY 19 - 25 - JH Camp JULY 26 - AUG 1 - HS Camp Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Please remember not to leave valuables in your parked vehicle. 714.842.4461 Community United Methodist Church March 1 - 7, 2015 Sunday, March 1 WOMEN’S SUNDAY 8:30am & 10:00am - Worship Service - Sanctuary 8:30am & 10:00am - Sunday School - Sanctuary/Sunday School Rooms 9:30am - Cherub Choir Rehearsal - Room 5 9:30am - Joyful Noise Rehearsal - Choir Room 11:15am - Christian Education Committee - Room 7 11:15am - Outreach Committee - Room 8/9 11:15am - Liturgist Training/Refresher - Sanctuary 3:00pm - Girl Scout Troop # 332 - Room 19 4:00pm - Youth Handbells Rehearsal - Sanctuary 5:00pm to 7:00pm - COS Youth Fellowship - Room 18,Moore Hall A,Kitchen Monday, March 2 9:00am - Monday Morning Fixers - All Facilities 12:45pm to 3:45pm - After School Center - Room 18,19 6:30pm - Girl Scout Troop # 862 - Room 19 7:00pm - Children & Family Life Committee - Christian Education Office 7:00pm - Miriam Circle - Off Campus 7:00pm - BS Troop # 568 - Moore Hall A Tuesday, March 3 9:30am - Sisters in Spirit - Room 8/9 12:45pm to 3:45pm - After School Center - Room 18,19 6:00pm - AA District # 6 Leaders - Moore Hall A 6:30pm - Stephen Ministers - Room 8/9 7:00pm - Church & Society - Room 7 Wednesday, March 4 10:00am - OA Support - Room 19 1:30pm - Staff Meeting - Room 8 12:45pm to 3:45pm - After School Center - Room 18,19 6:30pm - Brown Baggers - Room 8/9 7:00pm - Lenten Study - Room 8/9 7:30pm - Adult Handbells Rehearsal - Sanctuary Thursday, March 5 12:45pm to 3:45pm - After School Center - Room 18,19 6:00pm - Cub Scout Pack # 404 - Room 19 7:30pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room NURSERY SCHOOL CLOSED Friday, March 6 9:30am - UMW Christmas Boutique Workshop - Room 19 12:00pm - Emergency Food Distribution - Food Closet 12:45pm to 3:45pm - After School Center - Room 18 5:00pm - Joyful Noise Choir Fellowship - Choir Room 6:00pm - Boy Scout Troop # 568 - Parking Lot 6:30pm - NA Book Study - Room 19 NURSERY SCHOOL CLOSED Saturday, March 7 SHIP ARRIVES OFFICE CLOSED NO SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES OFFICE CLOSED Email: Website: Community United Methodist Church Huntington Beach SPECIAL MISSION RECOGNITION Special Mission Recognition is a way to recognize an individual who demonstrates exemplary dedication and service to mission. A gift is given to United Methodist Women, Inc. (formerly known as Women’s Division) in the honoree’s name. 1973 Nona Ewing 1994 Robin Yorty 1974 Betty Hoffman 1995 Shirley Mayer 1975 Brenda Schisler 1996 Trudy Roe 1976 Roni Kuester 1997 1977 Ann Waymeyer Jane O’Brien Sue Johnson A 40-Day Spiritual Fitness Program Mondays at 4:30pm 1978 Lee LaMance 1998 Jean Fugard 1979 Kathy Peach Louise Almy 1999 Anneke Dodge 2000 Diane Garner Beginning on March 9, join us for a new study! The book Christ Walk has daily meditations, which we will discuss, then some, or all of us, will walk around Huntington Central Park. 1980 Zyl Gritz 2001 Cheryl Stephens 1981 Estella Colgren 2002 JoAnn Beatty 1982 Donna Farnum 2003 Lynne Nuber 1983 Lucy Gratteau 2004 Pat West 1984 Karen Deffner 2005 1985 June O’Connell Cindy Watterson Ann VanWinkle 1986 Marsha Grove 2006 Joan Armstrong 1987 Katie Bernhoff 2007 Carla Roosen 1988 Gail Parady 2008 Estella Colgren 1989 Carol Lee Maddy 2009 Vicky Shuttleworth 1990 Jean Peters 2010 Pat West 1991 Joanne Scott 1992 Denise Evans 1993 Virginia Chapman Christ Walk "What is better than feeding your soul while developing healthy practices for your body and mind?” This program is for all fitness levels. Meet us in Huntington Central Park, near Kathie May’s Lakeview Cafe. If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne in the church office. 714-842-4461. The book is $15 and is available in the church office. 2011 Theresa Shult 2012 Marty Drake 2013 Leyla Wagner ALL WOMEN OF THE CHURCH ARE INVITED AND WELCOME TO ALL UMW SPONSORED EVENTS HOSTESSES: Ruth Circle MONTHLY PROGRAM Monday, March 16, 7:00pm Christina Salcido of the Girl Scout Council will present a program about the Girl Scout Leadership Program and what makes Girl Scouts the preeminent leadership development organization for girls. Dig into your closet and your memory bank for memorabilia and memories of your scouting experiences. Join us for an evening of sharing and of fellowship. 251 DAYS UNTIL BOUTIQUE WORKSHOPS March 6 and 20, 9:30am Bring your own project or help with ours. Not crafty? No problem, we will have something for you to do! We are always looking for new and different ideas. Please share yours! MARK YOUR CALENDAR SANTA ANA DISTRICT SPRING RETREAT May 30 “Laughter Yoga” Help provide lunch for clients of SOUTHWEST COMMUNITY CENTER Friday, March 27, 9:30am How can you help? Let us know at the UMW table Come to the UMW table for more details and to register for all events TRANSPORTATION AND CHILDCARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST THE UMW PURPOSE The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. MIRIAM CIRCLE Monday, March 2, 7:00pm Hostess: Cheri Atkinson Program: The Ten Challenges by Leonard Felder, Chapter 8 Leader: Jean Fugard RUTH CIRCLE Wednesday, March 11, 9:30am Hostesses: Ginger Lanzel, A.D. Foultz, Marilyn Sjuneson Program: One Simple Act by Debbie McComber Leader: Marilyn Sjuneson NITE CIRCLE Monday, March 23, 7:00pm Hostess: Cheryl Stephens Program: The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd Leaders: Sue Johnson / Dee Jones DEBORAH CIRCLE Monday, March 23, 7:00pm Hostess: Karen Kodrich Program: Strong Was Her Faith by J. Ellsworth Kalas Leaders: Sonja Xerikos / Ann VanWinkle BOOK CLUB (NOTE LOCATION CHANGE) Tuesday, March 24, 7:00pm Americanah by Chimanda Ngozi Adichie Hostess: Louise Simpson LATE BLOOMERS Wednesday, March 11, 7:00pm Leader: Ardis Paek MORNING GLORIES Friday, March 13 and 27, 9:30am Leader: Maxine Wilson BOUTIQUE WORKSHOP Friday, March 6 and 20, 9:30am February 22, 2015 6652 Heil Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92647 714.842.4461 SUNDAY NURSERY CARE - Infants to age 3 10:00am only CHILDREN Thank you for worshiping with us. If you need assistance, please ask an usher or a pew neighbor. We invite you to stay for coffee and to visit the fellowship tables on the patio after the service. All children in worship until after Children’s Message. Then they are led out to Sunday School. 8:30am All Elementary - Room 7 Jr. High and Sr. High - Room 18 (The Cove) 10:00am Preschool thru Kindergarten - Room 6 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Community of Shepherds YOUTH CoS Grades 6-12 5:00pm - Dinner then . . . Sr. High - working on our video project Jr. High - working on Confirmation (Purple Room) 1st & 2nd grades - Room 8 3rd thru 5th grades - Room 9 Jr. High and Sr. High - Room 18 (The Cove) GRADES 3 - 5 ADULT - “KINDLERS” - Room 9 8:30am only Study on “Jesus In the Gospels” BEGINS TODAY 30-week study - “Who is the Jesus that you see?” Study the names, places and people who encountered the Jesus who is both hard to ignore and hard to control. YOUNG ADULT - Room 17 (Library) 10:00am only TODAY at 11:00am. Meet on the playground for Dad’s Day We’re inviting the dad’s to go to “Get Air” in Huntington Beach. New kids and dads are welcome to join in today! PARENTING MATTERS Monday, February 23 6:30 - 7:30pm, Room 8/9 A casual setting for parents to come together to share concerns or parenting issues with each other. Child care provided. We thank you for turning off your cell phone and other electronic devices during worship. Check out the latest edition of The Chimes at Click on Events, then Newsletter. DEADLINES: Message Pages is Tuesday @ 5pm & The Chimes is the 15th of the month. ADULT MISSION TRIP PLANNING MEETING TODAY at 11:15am in Room 8 Come, give your input, and be a part of planning an incredible experience of an adult mission trip. Questions? SISTERS IN SPIRIT Women’s Group Tuesday mornings, Room 8/9 Do No Harm Do Good Stay in Love With God Lean about these simple, but challenging commands. Books are $6.00. 9:30 - 10:00am Fellowship 10:00 - 11:00am Study 11:00 - 11:30am Sharing joys and concerns/prayer You may join us anytime! WEDNESDAY EVENING LENTEN STUDY The God We Can Know Exploring the “I AM” Sayings of Jesus February 25 - April 8, 7:00pm BROWN BAGGERS Bring your own dinner and share a meal before the study, 6:30pm, Room 8/9. CHRIST WALK Come to Central Park near Kathy Mae’s. on Monday, March 9, at 4:30pm and take a walk with us. We are starting a 40 day spiritual fitness program for anyone at any fitness level. Come join the fun and see what we are doing. Call the church office if you have questions. Community United Methodist Church SHIP S.H.I.P. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help with SHIP - March 7 - 21. Please sign up at the SHIP table on the patio - TODAY SHIP (Self Help Interfaith Program) helps the homeless get back on their feet by providing rotational housing and an address for those with jobs and seeking jobs. We need night supervisors and meals to help with this vital community mission. LITURGIST TRAINING EVENT March 1 at 11:15am in Sanctuary This is a mandatory refresher class for our seasoned liturgists, with new directions and information for all those interested in becoming liturgists. Call the church office with questions. MEMORIAL TEA Ruth Circle is hosting a memorial tea for Katie Bernhoff at 11:00am on Wednesday, March 11, in Room 8/9. Sign up today between services at the UMW table on the patio. Helpers are needed and welcome. MEMORIAL TEA A Deborah Circle is hosting a memorial tea for Velda McBride at 3:00pm on Saturday, March 21, in Room 8/9. Sign up today between services at the UMW table on the patio. Helpers are needed and welcome. 6652 Heil Avenue ALL WOMEN INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL THESE EVENTS SPONSORED BY UMW MONTHLY PROGRAM Tuesday, February 24, at 7:00pm BOOK CLUB to discuss CHASING CHAOS by Jessica Alexander, in the home of Anneke Dodge. Sunday, March 1 WOMEN’S SUNDAY “HER-Story” - Rev. Ginny Wheeler Please come to the UMW table on the patio for information on these and all other UMW programs and activities. ALL-CHURCH CAMP at Cedar Glenn - May 22 - 24 All ages welcome. Limited number of cabins and RV spaces available. PLANNING AHEAD Sign up today! EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE MARCH 29. Adults (13 and up) - $60 Children (ages 3-12) - $30 Children under 3 - FREE JULY 20 - 24 VBS - G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action - mornings CHOIR CAMP - afternoons We are collecting the following items on the patio and in the church office: Travel sizes Shampoo / Conditioner Toothbrushes / Toothpaste Soap / Deodorant / Lotion / Combs New Socks / New Underwear Church office only: Bath-sized towels (gently used) Eye Glasses Blankets/Sleeping Bags/Back Packs Men's Clothing/Shoes Fast Food Gift Cards - $5 Bus Day Passes - donations for church office to purchase. $4.50ea. Donations may also be made directly on our website. LABYRINTH PRAYER AND MEDITAION WALK Thursday, March 19 10:00am to 2:00pm in Moore Hall. Instructions and socks are provided FOOD CLOSET February’s special request is for SPAGHETTI SAUCE AND PASTA. Donations may be deposited in the big blue bin on the patio or brought to the church office. LAZY W YOUTH CAMPS JULY 12 - 17 - Elementary Camp JULY 19 - 25 - JH Camp JULY 26 - AUG 1 - HS Camp Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Please remember not to leave valuables in your parked vehicle. 714.842.4461 Community United Methodist Church February 22 - 28, 2015 Sunday, February 22 FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT 8:30am & 10:00am - Worship Service - Sanctuary 8:30am & 10:00am - Sunday School - Sanctuary/Sunday School Rooms 9:30am - Cherub Choir - Room 5 9:30am - Joyful Noise Choir - Choir Room 11:15am - Celebration Singers - Choir Room 11:15am - Faith Friends - Room 7 11:15am - SOLOS - Off Campus 11:15am - Missions Committee - Library 11:15am - Adult Work Team Informative Meeting Room 8 11:15am - SPRC - Rev. Ginny’s Office 3:00pm - Girl Scout Troop # 332 - Room 19 4:00pm - Youth Handbells Rehearsal - Sanctuary 5:00pm to 7:00pm - COS Youth Fellowship - Good Shepherd UMC Monday, February 23 9:00am - Monday Morning Fixers - All Facilities 2:45pm to 5:45pm - After School Center - Room 18,19 6:30pm - Parenting Class - Room 8/9 7:00pm - Nite Circle - Off Campus 7:00pm - Deborah Circle - Off Campus 7:00pm - Boy Scout Troop # 568 - Moore Hall A Tuesday, February 24 9:30am - Sisters in Spirit - Room 8/9 2:00pm - Set-up for Fellowship Luncheon - Moore Hall A 2:45pm to 5:45pm - After School Center - Room 18,19 7:30pm - Book Club - Off Campus q Wednesday, February 25 9:00am to 10:00am - Coffee & Conversation - Nursery 10:00am - OA Support - Room 19 11:30pm - Fellowship Luncheon - Moore Hall A 2:45pm to 5:45pm - After School Center - Room 18,19 6:00pm - Point-to-Point - Moore Hall A 6:30pm - Brown Baggers - Room 8/9 7:00pm - Lenten Study - Room 8/9 7:30pm - Adult Handbell Rehearsal - Sanctuary Thursday, February 26 2:45pm to 5:45pm - After School Center - Room 18,19 6:00pm - Cub Scout Pack # 404 - Room 19 7:30pm - After School Committee - Room 18 7:30pm - Chancel Choir - Choir Room Friday, February 27 9:30am - Morning Glories - Room 19 12:00pm - Emergency Food Distribution - Food Closet 2:45pm to 5:45pm - After School Center - Room 18 5:00pm - Joyful Noise Choir Fellowship - Choir Room 6:30pm - NA Book Study - Room 19 OFFICE CLOSED Saturday, February 28 NO SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES OFFICE CLOSED Email: Website: Community United Methodist Church Huntington Beach
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