SEE YOU @ THE NEXT MEETING 2015 MARCH Member John George completed his commercial training and received his commercial airplane single engine land certificate on Monday Feb 2, 2015. John took his checkride in a Cessna 182RG. Congrats!!! Date: Sunday - March 1st Where: Centerline Aviation Great Bend Hosts: Brad & Emily Brensing Time: 1:00 P.M. Bring: A side dish to share 2015 OFFICERS President: Gary Doty 620.234.5023 Vice Pres.: Brad Brensing 620.546.3847 Secretary: Rick Schenk 620.792.4461 Treasurer: Bob Mead 620.792.1484 Board Members: Weldon Campbell 620.793.1702 Rick Schenk 620.792.4461 Gary Trimpe 620.388.5759 Chapter CFI: Bud Pinkston 620.255.1772 Newsletter: Tami Brensing 620.546.3340 February 1, 2015 EAA Chapter 1134 Meeting Minutes Call to Order and Welcome: This meeting was hosted by the club and was held in the Great Bend Terminal. Attendance: There were 19 people in attendance. Treasurer’s Report: Current balance is $7081.53 Old Business: Corrine still has Chapter 1134 DVD’s available if anyone would like a copy. All proceeds will be donated to the Great Bend Airfest. New Business: -A letter from the EAA has been emailed to our chapter since our renewal paperwork is due. This task was accepted by Bob Mead to complete and return. -Bob is collecting this year’s dues. You can mail your dues to Bob directly or drop off with Chrissy at the Great Bend Airport. - There was discussion regarding recruiting new members to our chapter. Possibly a table/booth at the Hays Fly In or the Great Bend Airfest this year. -Martin mentioned having a Young Eagles event at this year’s Airfest. After discussion it was decided that there is too much traffic and people to conduct a safe YE event during the Airfest. - Craig Robl volunteered to host September’s meeting with another possible community event at the Ellinwood Airport. -There will be another 5K/1 mile run/walk at the Great Bend Airport on Friday March 27th, in the evening. - The airport manager at the Coldwater Airport passed away this last year. The city is looking to be involved in our May meeting there in Coldwater. - Service awards for 2014 were given to: Gary Doty – President, Brad Brensing – Vice President, Bud – CFI, Rick Schenk – Young Eagles Coordinator, Chrissy Genova – Newsletter Editor. - Al Jorgenson has been moved to Cherry Village Nursing Home, we are all thinking of you. Next Meeting: March 1st Hosts: Brad and Emily Brensing Location: Centerline Aviation at Great Bend Submitted by Chrissy Genova TERMINAL TALES . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Many thanks for a warm terminal building!!! All in attendance appreciated the hospitality of Centerline Aviation and the chapter for yummy fried chicken and all who brought the trimmings! Thank you to Chrissy Genova for February meeting pictures Chapter appreciation certificates and pins were presented to the officers for their year of service to the chapter! THANK YOU!!!!!! Upcoming Events Garden City EAA Meeting - TBD Run the Runway - 5k - KGBD - Great Bend - Friday, March 27th - Dusk - 5k / 1 mile Run / Walk - Proceeds support the 2015 Airfest National Biplane Fly In - 3JC - Junction City, KS - June 4-7, 2015 - Pancake Feed, Ice Cream Social - Camping - Fly-Outs - Great Planes on the Plains - KHYS - Hays, KS - Saturday June 13th Airfest 2015 - KGBD - Great Bend, KS - Sept 2015 - Weekend Fly-In - Breakfast Membership Dues - 2015 Membership dues for 2015 are ready to be collected. Annual dues are $20 per member. Your $20 helps support your monthly newsletter, monthly meeting supplies, help fund a Young Eagle attend the EAA Air Academy and for chapter equipment. The chapter can also use the funds to help support local fly-ins and aviation events. Make sure your dues are current to receive next month’s newsletter. Send your dues to and completed Annual Membership Form below to: Great Plains EAA Chapter 1134 1506 Cherokee Rd, Great Bend, KS 67530 Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Email: _______________________________________ EAA Membership #: __________________________ How would you like to receive your newsletter: Mail E-mail Monthly Meeting Sign-up Monthly Fly-In Breakfasts: 1st Saturday: Ponca City, OK 2nd Saturday: Beaumont, KS 3rd Saturday: Alva, OK Every Sunday: Lucas, KS Great Planes EAA Chapter 1134 If you would like to host a monthly meeting please contact or 620-796-2130 to get added to the list before it fills up! When hosting a meeting you will provide a main dish and beverages for the chapter members. If you are looking to co-host with another chapter member let Chrissy know and she can help find you a co-host. Currently all months are available. March 2015 Newsletter EAA CHAPTER 1134 - 2015 OFFICERS President: Vice President: Is it time for your world to turn upside down?? Secretary: Treasurer: Gary Doty (620) 234-5023 Brad Brensing (620) 546-3847 Rick Schenk (620) 792-4461 Bob Mead (620) 792-1484 Tailwheel Aerobatics Spin Recovery Board Member: Board Member: Board Member: Chapter CFI: News Editor: Weldon Campbell (620) 793-1702 Rick Schenk (620) 792-4461 Gary Trimpe (620) 388-5759 Bud Pinkston (620) 255-1772 Tami Brensing (620) 546 -3340 Contact Bud - 620-255-1772 March 2015 NEWSLETTER Great Planes EAA Chapter 1134 9047 6th Street Great Bend, KS 67530
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