Page 1 MARCH 2015 NEWSLETTER e n i or s Nanaimo H Seniors Programs for 60+ o ur C i S ty arb NHCS CITY OF NANAIMO T H E H A R B O U R C I T Y PARKS, RECREATION & ENVIRONMENT Nanaimo Harbour City Seniors ~ Stretch Your Life In this Issue... Special Events...............................................1 Seniors Information....................................2 President’s Message/In Memoriam.......3 Fitness..........................................................4-6 Yoga/Tai Chi...................................................7 Dance...............................................................8 Music................................................................9 Arts & Crafts.......................................... 10-11 Cards & Games...........................................12 Sports.............................................................13 Language/Special Interest.....................14 Income Tax Assistance.............................15 On the Road/Dining with Janie..... 16-18 Program Schedule.............................. 19-20 THURSDAY SPECIAL EVENTS 1:30 - 3 pm (doors open at 12:45 pm) Members $2, Non-Members $4 March 5 Rick Haug Rock & Roll, Country Hits March 12 March 19 Thursday, March 12 12 noon Bowen Auditorium In Advance - $8 Members, $9 Non-Members $8.05 - Vegetarian Lasagna Tickets on March 12* - $10.50 *Call March 9 to confirm tickets will be available Enjoy traditional lasagna(vegetarian upon request), garlic bread, caesar salad and a dessert. Price includes admission into the Thursday Special Event at 1:30pm. #131868 Get your tickets early! Last month’s lunch sold out. Lunch Day Glen Foster & Pickin’ Pals Country Classics Anthony (Otto) Seufert March 26 Lasagna LUNCH Accordion Band Silver & Gold Band, Accordion, Fiddle, Flute Nanaimo Harbour City Seniors OPEN HOUSE Bowen Complex, 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo Tuesday, March 3, 2015 1 - 3:30 pm in the Auditorium Come out for demonstrations, music, games, dancing, a site tour, refreshments & door prizes! Parking is limited so please carpool. For more information, contact Warren at 250-754-4656. Everyone welcome! The NHCS Open House is sponsored by 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Seniors Information Page 2 Seniors Coordinator Michele Duerksen 250-755-7524 NHCS Board Meetings Friday, March 6 from 9:30 to 11:30 am in the Bowen Complex Conference Room. Blood Pressure Clinics This drop-in clinic runs the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in the library at Bowen Complex. CNIB Low Vision Screening The Canadian Institute for the Blind will have Evaleen Baker, the low vision specialist, at Bowen on Wednesday, March 18 from 9:30 am to 4 pm. You must book an appointment. Call the CNIB National Helpline at 1-800-563-2642 and ask to leave a message for Evaleen at extension 6102. Leave a message and she will return your call. Greeting Card Lady If you know a member who would be cheered up by a card please call Anita Jones at 250-756-0601 and provide her with a full mailing address. Hearing Clinic Our next hearing clinic will be on Thursday, March 12 from 10 am to 12 pm in the library at Bowen Complex. Please call the office to make an appointment. Membership & Non-Member Pricing Membership is for one year from the date of purchase and costs $41.45 including taxes. You must be 60 years or older to join. For Non-Member pricing, please contact the office at 250-755-7501. Library The library is located next to the upstairs administration office in Bowen Complex. You can borrow books at no charge, please remember to bring them back once you have read them. Library donations are always welcome! Front Desk Volunteers Liz & Beth Program Withdrawal & Refund Policy 1. Customers can withdraw or change their program registration without penalty up to three weekdays (Monday to Friday) prior to the program start date. 2. If a customer withdraws or changes a program registration less than three week days prior to the start date, they will be charged for the first class. This will be a prorated amount based on the number of classes in the program. 3. If a customer withdraws or changes a program registration after the program has started, they will be refunded a prorated balance of the program fee, based on the number of classes remaining. 4. Full refunds are issued only if the class is cancelled by Parks, Recreation & Environment. 5. Certain programs have separate refund policies and will be duly noted in the class description or on the customer receipt. AUDITORIUM KITCHEN RENOVATION The Bowen Auditorium Kitchen will be under renovation from March 16 - 27, 2015. There will be no access to the kitchen or kitchenette during this time. Please contact the Seniors’ Coordinator to make alternate arrangements for the storage of your program equipment. Advertising Disclaimer The City of Nanaimo reserves the right to accept or reject any advertisement submitted for publication in its publications and on its websites. The City of Nanaimo does not investigate claims made in advertisements appearing in publications or on its websites. Advertisements in City of Nanaimo publications and websites in no way implies an endorsement or approval by the City of Nanaimo of any advertising claims or of the advertiser, its products or services. The City of Nanaimo disclaims any liability in connection with advertising appearing in publications or on its website. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • President’s Message Dear Members, Another Spring is in the offing....of course, having had blossoming trees and daffodils since February, it’s a little wondrous to know what to expect now! I am thankful that we’re able to enjoy what Mother Nature dishes up for us. (I’m writing this early in it yet could snow!) Your Board is putting in long hours these days preparing for the OPEN HOUSE event (March 3). Be sure to come, and bring a friend. The convenor is trying to arrange shuttle transportation from Bowen Park’s Wall Street parking lot to free up top-lot parking overload. A few new changes are in order, with added music, tea tables in the lobby, and a different entertainment schedule. We have also formed a new Finance Committee to oversee the main bank balance, with a Policy and Procedure for distribution of those funds, and a diligent observation of how the bank balance is best placed for maximum interest. A minimal annual budget will be shared by those programs whose applications follow proper application process, and receive approval by the aforementioned Committee. At the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (May 21), I shall invite your input regarding said bank funds. It will be a standard requirement that groups should raise 50% of any requested purchase, as did the Swing Band when they raised money to purchase a necessary replacement keyboard recently. Of course, it may be impossible for your Board to meet extreme expenses, and alternate means will be sought. There may be a new Sponsorship program, if the present plan comes to fruition, whereby programs could be sponsored by companies in exchange for advertising. A presentation pamphlet is being prepared. At the same time, each group will be asked (by me) for an approximate annual cost of operation, or an amount that would be required for equipment. Once the facts are in hand, businesses will be formally approached through proper channels. I shall keep you apprised of this new venture. Most of you have seen the STRETCH YOUR LIFE tee shirts, the nice blue ones! These are available through Director Warren Jaques 250-754-4656 at $20 each, give or take a couple dollars, depending on style and size. They are strictly NHCS, and not city-sponsored. If you have one, please wear it at the Open House. Quotable quote: “Most of us get experience when we are really looking for something else.” Keep busy, stay healthy, look after each other! Regards, Bettie Godfrey In Memoriam Alma Legg passed away in Feburary 2015. Alma became a member in 1998 and was part of the Heart Fitness group. Page 3 2015 Nanaimo Harbour City Seniors Board President Bettie Godfrey 250-756-1935 Vice-President John Westhead 250-755-6009 Past President Gary Brownhill 250-758-8670 Secretary Jan Leine 250-591-7455 Treasurer Joy Vikstrom 250-753-1808 Directors Maureen Evans 250-741-8133 Lorraine Fisher 250-585-2458 Joanne Husband 250-758-3418 Warren Jaques 250-754-4656 Gordon Pascoe 250-390-2625 Bill Roos 250-390-5390 Dara Rupa 250-753-7650 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Fitness Page 4 Bowen Complex (500 Bowen Road) Bowen Auditorium LEVEL 1 - MONDAYS 10:15 - 11:15 AM Instructor: Russell McNeil LEVEL 1 - THURSDAYS 10:15 - 11:15 AM Instructor: Russell McNeil MONTH MONTH CODE COST CODE COST March 131996 $14.44/5 March 132304 $11.55/4 April 137574 $9.45/3 April 137589 $15.75/5 May 137575 $9.45/3 May 137590 $12.60/4 June 137576 $15.75/5 June 137591 $12.60/4 Fitness Level 1 This class increases flexibility through gentle stretches. Maintain a healthy heart and strengthen your body. Proper breathing and relaxation techniques will leave you energized. Drop-in fees are listed on page 5. See page 6 for more Fitness programs! IMPORTANT NOTES: NO CLASSES April 6 & May 18 Fitness Level 2 This class has more cardio and less strength and conditioning. This is a higher intensity class compared to level 1. Exercise at your own pace. LEVEL 2 - MONDAYS 9 - 10 AM Instructor: Russell McNeil LEVEL 2 - THURSDAYS 9 - 10 AM Instructor: Russell McNeil MONTH MONTH CODE COST CODE COST March 132002 $14.44/5 March 132311 $11.55/4 April 137633 $9.45/3 April 137643 $15.75/5 May 137639 $9.45/3 May 137644 $12.60/4 June 137640 $15.75/5 June 137645 $12.60/4 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Fitness Page 5 Oliver Woods Ask about the LEAP program for low income program discounts. (6000 Oliver Road) Salal Rooms 2 & 3 LEVEL 1 - WEDNESDAYS 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Instructor: Russell McNeil MONTH CODE COST LEVEL 1 - FRIDAYS 1:30 - 2:30 PM Instructor: Nadia Soufan MONTH CODE COST March 132008 $11.55/4 March 132328 $11.55/4 April 137581 $15.75/5 April 137583 $9.45/3 May 137592 $12.60/4 May 137584 $15.75/5 June 137593 $12.60/4 June 137595 $12.60/4 IMPORTANT NOTES: NO CLASSES April 3 Drop-in price increase effective March 1, 2015: $8 for Members $11 for Non-Members LEVEL 2 - WEDNESDAYS 10:15 - 11:15 AM Instructor: Russell McNeil LEVEL 2 - FRIDAYS 9:30 - 10:30 AM Instructor: Russell McNeil MONTH MONTH CODE COST CODE COST March 132014 $11.55/4 March 132335 $11.55/4 April 137648 $15.75/5 April 137653 $9.45/3 May 137649 $12.60/4 May 137654 $15.75/5 June 137650 $12.60/4 June 137655 $12.60/4 See page 6 for more Fitness programs! 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Page 6 Fitness Heart Fitness 131823 Sculpt & Tone Instructor: Bob Uden Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 8 - 9 am Bowen Auditorium, Members no charge This class is for those with heart problems or those who have had a recent heart procedure. The goal is to enhance cardiovascular response by performing endurance exercises. Monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate is ongoing. Doctors permission for this class is required. Instructor: Brian Sugiyama Bowen Wanderers Walking Group Wednesdays, Feb 25 - Apr 1 Bowen Room 1 $42/6 classes Thursdays South Destinations: Meet at Bowen Complex lobby North Destinations: Meet at Woodgrove Mall (in front of Island Savings) 131826 9:30 am - 1 pm March 5 Rathtrevor Provincial Park March 12 March 19 Buttertubs Marsh March 26 Morrell Sanctuary Plantas/Neck Point PUB LUNCH Wear suitable hiking boots or shoes. Bring your lunch unless otherwise noted. For more information contact 250-755-7844 or 250-754-7402. Members no charge 137561 10:45 - 11:45 am Wednesdays, Apr 8 - May 13137570 Bowen Room 1 10:45 - 11:45 am $42/6 classes Fridays, Apr 10 - May 15 Beban Park Social Centre $42/6 classes 140298 10:45 - 11:45 am NEW day at Beban! This class includes warm up, cardio and resistance training using dumbbells, bands and bodyweight exercises. At the end of the hour you will cool down with some stretching. Improve your joint and bone health by developing lean muscle and increasing your metabolism. *You can still join this class even if it has already started. We will prorate the fee so you only pay for the classes remaining. Osteofit is a fitness program designed for people with osteoporosis who are at risk for falls & fractures. Registration starts March 4 with the new Spring & Summer Activity Guide. See page 15 for more information. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Page 7 Yoga/Tai Chi Chair Yoga Yoga Qi Gong Instructor: Russell McNeil Wednesdays, Feb 18 - Mar 25132240 Bowen Room 3 1:30 - 2:30 pm $40.95/6 classes Mondays, Mar 23 - May 4132244 Bowen Room 2 11:50 am - 12:50 pm $40.95/6 classes Mondays, Mar 23 - May 4 Bowen Room 2 $40.95/6 classes 132249 1:30 - 2:30 pm 132252 Instructor: Thommas Michaud Wednesdays, Mar 11 - Apr 15 9:30 - 10:45 am Rotary Fieldhouse $37.80/6 Yoga Qi Gong is an ancient art incorporating movements, static poses, breath concentration and visualization. This activates the flow of intrinsic life energy (Chi) in the body thus restoring and promoting vitality and balance of mind and body. Tai Chi Beginner This yoga class is designed for people who experience difficulty doing floor exercises. During the class you will be seated in a chair. Yoga positions will stretch, relax and open your joints to release tension. Energize and revitalize! Tuesdays 9 - 10 am Bowen Room 1, Members no charge This is for those who have no experience with Tai Chi. Instruction is provided. Every six weeks, the instructor will start from the beginning. You must start at the beginning of one of the following sessions: Stretch & Relax Yoga Tuesdays, Feb 17 - Mar 24132204 Instructor: Shanti (Dorlean Peck) Oliver Woods Salal 2 & 3 132195 Mondays, Mar 9 - Apr 20 11:30 am - 12:30 pm $37.80/6 classes, No session Apr 6 Rotary Fieldhouse Fridays, Mar 13 - Apr 24 $37.80/6 classes, No session Apr 3 132196 Oliver Woods Salal 2 & 3 Mondays, May 4 - Jun 15 $37.80/6 classes 136885 Rotary Fieldhouse Fridays, May 8 - Jun 12 $31.50/5 classes 10 - 11 am 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 136886 10 - 11 am Tuesdays, Mar 31 - May 5132205 Tai Chi Tuesdays Level 1-2 3 Time 10 - 11 am 11 am - 12 pm Barcode 132199 132200 Bowen Room 1, Members no charge Tai Chi Advanced 132197 Mondays 1 - 2 pm Bowen Auditorium, Members no charge This is for those who have experience with Tai Chi. No instruction is provided. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Dance Page 8 Ballroom Dance 131815 Tuesdays 10 am - 12 pm Bowen Auditorium, Members no charge This is a chance to practice your skills. No instruction is provided. Country Line Dance 131816 Wednesdays Departure Bay Activity Centre Members no charge 10 am - 12 pm Latin & Ballroom Line Dance Thursdays Bowen Auditorium, Members no charge Workshop 3:40 - 4 pm 133339 131822 Line Dance 4 - 5 pm Come join us for Latin & Ballroom Line Dancing. Learn the Waltz, Samba, Rumba, Quick Step, Bossa Nova, Foxtrot and more! No partner required. Great exercise and fun at the same time! If you are new to line dancing, come at 3:40 pm to learn some steps. Intermediate Latin & Ballroom Line Dance 135766 Tuesdays Departure Bay Activity Centre Members no charge Tap Dance Level 1 3 - 4 pm Tap Dance Mondays Level 2 3 Mondays 1:30 - 2:30 pm Bowen Clubhouse, Members no charge Barcode 135324 131817 Bowen Auditorium, Members no charge Tea Dance Next dates: Sunday, March 29 2 - 4:30 pm Bowen Auditorium, $2.50 at the door Thursday Night Dance Thursdays Bowen Auditorium Members $7 at the door Non-Members $10 at the door Cost includes refreshments 131820 7:30 - 10 pm Thursday Night Dance Band Schedule March 5 Tony Pollon March 12 The Olympics March 19 Dan Hughes & Band March 26 The Olympics 131818 Time 3:30 - 4:30 pm 2:10 - 3:30 pm (Soloist - Country Music) (5 piece band) (4 piece band) (5 piece band) 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Music Accordion Band Page 9 131837 Tuesdays 1 - 3:45 pm Harewood Activity Centre, Members no charge Songsters Choir 131843 Fridays 2 - 4 pm Bowen Room 1, Members no charge The Songsters practice every Friday for the first five weeks in January and then they start performing throughout the community (usually Friday afternoons). On the first Friday of each month, they have a board meeting (2 - 3 pm), followed by a practice (3 - 4:30 pm). Harbour City Singers 131840 Wednesdays Rotary Fieldhouse, Members no charge Swing Band 2 - 4 pm 131838 Mondays 1 - 3 pm Bowen Room 1, Members no charge The Swing Band is looking for a trumpet player. There are no spaces for other instruments at this time. If you play trumpet or would like to add your name to the waitlist, please call 250-755-7501. Ukulele Beginner 135699 Instructor: Anna Lyman Thursdays, Apr 9 - May 21 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Rotary Fieldhouse $36.75/7 classes The ukulele is more than just a tiny guitar. Students will discover its unique flavour as they learn chords, melodies and unique ukulele techniques. Learn to play some tunes with accompanying vocals. Bring your own ukulele, music stand and tuner. Ukulele Harbour Lights 131841 Instructor: June Merilees Tuesdays 1 - 2 pm Oliver Woods Salal 1, Members no charge This class will develop your skills learned in the extra sessions taught by Anna Lyman. For more information or to sign up for the extra sessions, call June at 250-758-1801. Nordli NHCS Ukulele Group 131842 Instructor: June Merilees Tuesdays 2:15 - 3:30 pm Oliver Woods Salal 1, Members no charge This is a combined intermediate and advanced class. Emphasis is on chord dexterity and strumming patterns. Prepare melodies to perform at special events. This is not a drop in class, participants should be prepared to attend all sessions. INTEREST LIST: Want to play music in a WESTERN STYLE BAND? Add your name to our interest list by registering in # 135772. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Page 10 Crafty Workers Wednesdays Bowen Room 2, Members no charge Crochet Arts & Crafts 131794 1 - 3 pm 131792 Fridays 1 - 3:30 pm Bowen Room 4, Members no charge Embroidery Thursdays Bowen Room 4, Members no charge Folk Art Advanced 131796 12 - 4 pm Mixed Painting Advanced 131798 Thursdays 9 am - 12:30 pm Bowen Room 6, Members no charge If you would like to work with a group on the same project or work on your own, this is the class for you. Whether you paint with acrylics, oil, water or chalk you will immerse yourself in the wonderful company. Minimal instruction is available. Participants must have completed a beginners level painting course or have instructor approval based on equivalent training. Bring your own supplies. 131799 Instructor: Karen Morgan Fridays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Bowen Room 4, Members no charge Experience the basics of painting on wooden objects (also known as tole painting) in a group setting. Participants must have completed Beginners 1 or have approval from the instructor based on equivalent training. No instruction is provided. Mixed Multi Media Art 131801 Wednesdays 9 am - 12 pm Bowen Room 2, Members no charge Try a variety of painting media in a social setting. Watercolour, acrylic, oil, pastel, ink and pencil. No instruction is provided but helpful critique is available. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Page 11 Arts & Crafts Pottery & Ceramics 131795 Thursdays 10 am - 1 pm Bowen Pottery Room, Members no charge This is a drop in class. No instruction is provided. If you are interested in learning more about Pottery and Ceramics, the Activity Guide has many opportunities. Quilting Woodcarving Thursdays Bowen Room 5, Members no charge 131793 9 - 11 am 131791 Tuesdays Bowen Room 6, Members no charge Simply Sewing 12 - 3 pm 135761 Tuesdays 9 - 11 am Bowen Room 6, Members no charge Calling all sewers! Are you seeking inspiration? Are you new to sewing? Have a project? Do you just want to spend time with others doing what you love? Then this sewing group is the perfect place for you. There are a limited number of plugs available for machines. INTEREST LIST: Want to join a WEAVING GROUP? Add your name to our interest list by registering in # 137685. We will call you with details when we have enough people. Woodworking 131802 Tuesdays 10 am - 12 pm, 1 - 3 pm Bowen Woodworking Room, Members no charge PLEASE NOTE: Shop supervisors may not be in on the days listed above every week. Please call the front desk at 250-755-7501 to confirm the shop will be open. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Cards & Games Page 12 Beginners Bridge 131811 Thursdays 9:30 am - 12 pm Bowen Room 4, Members no charge Bridge for Fun 131809 Tuesdays 1 - 4:30 pm Bowen Room 2, Members no charge Thursday Bridge 131810 Thursdays 12:30 - 4 pm Bowen Room 1, Members no charge Friday Bridge 131814 Fridays 6:30 - 10 pm Doors open at 6:30 pm, game starts at 6:45 pm. Partner required Oliver Woods Monarch 1 & 2, Members no charge Canasta Thursdays Bowen Room 2, Members no charge Cribbage Tuesdays Bowen Room 1, Members no charge Euchre Tuesdays Oliver Woods Hemlock Room Members no charge 139027 1 - 4 pm Beginner Scrabble for Fun 131813 Tuesdays Bowen Room 4, Members no charge Friday Scrabble 1 - 5 pm 131812 Fridays 1:30 - 4 pm Competitive but fun! Bowen Room 3, Members no charge Whist 131805 Wednesdays 1 - 3:45 pm Bowen Room 1, Members no charge 131808 1 - 4 pm 131804 1 - 4 pm 131806 Mondays 1 - 3:30 pm Bowen Room 4, Members no charge Euchre for Fun Mah Jongg 131807 Tuesdays 10 am - 12 pm Oliver Woods Monarch 2, Members no charge INTEREST LIST: Want to play CHESS? Add your name to our interest list by registering in # 135773. We will call you with details when we have enough people. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Sports Badminton Page 13 131852 Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays 12:30 - 3:30 pm Oliver Woods Gym 2, Members no charge No instruction, open to all abilities Carpet Bowling Morning Wednesdays & Fridays 131851 Snooker/Billiards 131856 Mondays/Thursdays/Fridays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Tuesdays/Wednesdays 8:30 am - 5 pm Saturdays/Sundays 8:30 am - 3 pm Bowen Games Room 4 $50.40 for the calendar year (pro-rated from the day you join), Membership required 10 am - 12 pm Afternoon131853 Tuesdays 12:30 - 3 pm* *On the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month, end time will be 2:40pm to accommodate the Computer Club. Wednesdays & Fridays 1 - 3:30 pm Bowen Auditorium, Members no charge Volleyball Darts 131854 Tuesdays Departure Bay Activity Centre Members no charge 135325 10 am - 12 pm Fridays 12 - 1:45 pm Bowen Room 6, Members no charge Table Tennis Mondays & Fridays Wednesdays Departure Bay Activity Centre Members no charge 131850 11 am - 2 pm 12 - 3 pm 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Page 14 City Seniors newsletter DO YOU NEED PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE ADVICE? Contact the real estate team of Rob Boyle & Dave Hitchcock. They can meet you one-on-one to answer questions you have concerning buying, selling, moving or downsizing. Language/Special Interest Tuesday Book Club 131848 1st Tuesday of each month 1:30 - 3 pm Next dates: March 3 Bowen Room 3, Members no charge Call Carolyne at 250-753-9691 for book titles. Stroke Club Fridays 131844 10:45 am - 1:45 pm Rob Boyle & Dave Hitchcock (SRES) Bowen Room 1, Members no charge 250-755-9629 Computer Club Discussion Group Coast Realty Group, Nanaimo 250-802-3650 Call Rob or Dave for a FREE in house evaluation of your home and property. Advertisement French Basic & Conversation 131836 Mondays 9 - 11:30 am Bowen Room 4, Members no charge Spanish for Travellers 137684 Instructor: Mair Saraga Fridays, Feb 6 - Apr 10 10 - 11:30 am Oliver Woods Hemlock Room Members no charge Are you interested in an interactive and practical course? Become familiar with basic vocabulary, grammar and gain perspective of Latin American and Spanish cultures. Drop ins are asked to stop and register at the office. 131803 2nd & 4th Tuesday 2:40 - 4 pm Next dates: March 10 & 24 Bowen Auditorium, Members no charge This club meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from September to June. Some knowledge of computers is required. This is a discussion group only, you will not bring your computer with you. Computer classes can be found at the Vancouver Island Regional Libraries or through the Parks, Recreation & Environment Activity Guide. INTEREST LIST: Want to join a group for BIRD WATCHING? Add your name to our interest list by registering in # 132857. We will call you with details when we have enough people. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Activity Guide/Income Tax Assistance Page 15 Osteofit is an example of one of the many fitness programs available in the new Activity Guide. Osteofit Level 1 140259 Instructor: Pascale Jallabert Mon & Wed, Apr 13 - May 25 Oliver Woods Salal 2 & 3 $59.85/12 1:30 - 2:30 pm Registration begins Wednesday, March 4, 2015! The Spring & Summer Activity Guide will be available for viewing on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 through the website ( Copies will be available for pick up on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at grocery stores, libraries, malls and at our recreation centres. Registration begins Wednesday, March 4, 2015! This unique exercise prevention program is designed for people with osteoporosis who are at high risk of falls and fractures. It offers education and activities to strengthen muscles and improve balance and posture through the introduction of safe exercise. It will improve participant’s functional ability, quality of life, and reduce the risk of falls. A doctor’s letter and forms need to be filled out once per calendar year. Income Tax Assistance for Low Income Seniors (60 years+) Wednesdays & Fridays at Bowen Complex, March 4 to April 29, 2015 Single Gross Income $30,000 or less Couple Gross Income $40,000 or less Basic returns only. Call 250-755-7501 to make an appointment (space is limited). Volunteers DO NOT prepare tax returns for complex situations such as: · returns for deceased persons · individuals who file for bankruptcy · self-employed individuals · individuals who report capital gains or losses · individuals who report employment expenses, or business or rental income and expenses Volunteer Nanaimo is also preparing income tax for low income: 250-758-7121 2350 Labieux Road (below the Credit Union) Call 250-755-7501 to book an appointment. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Page 16 On the Road with Janie Creative Stitches & Crafting 137851 Victoria Victoria Friday, March 13 8 am - 6:30 pm Meet at Bowen Lobby or add pick-up The Creative Stitches & Crafting Alive Show is a consumer trade show with sewing, scrapbooking, quilting, knitting, needlework, fibre arts, beading and paper crafting. There will be hands-on classes, educational seminars and free stage shows. $52.50 - Includes ticket into the show, meal costs extra Registration & Cancellation deadline Mar 10 Leaves Bowen approximately 8 am Returns approximately 5:30 pm Meet at Bowen Lobby or add pick-up All meal costs extra Blithe Spirit 136146 Ladysmith Little Theatre Saturday, March 14 3 - 10 pm Meet at Bowen Lobby or add pick-up This Noel Coward classic comedy is about novelist, Charles Condomine, a re-married but haunted man (literally) by the ghost of his late first wife, the clever and insistent Elvira who is called up by a visiting “happy medium”, one Madame Arcati. One problem is: only Charles can see and hear Elvira which leads to misunderstandings with his current wife, Ruth. $63 - Includes theatre & dinner Registration & Cancellation deadline Feb 27 131863 Sunday, March 15 $36.75 $73.50 (dropped off Sunday, picked up Monday) Book your own hotel room 137891 Monday, March 16 $36.75 Registration & Cancellation deadline Mar 11 Spend the day in Victoria. This is a self-guided trip. Spend the day poking through shops and eating at one of the many restaurants. Visit the museum, friends or family. Try your luck at the casino or tag along with Janie and visit the Government House Garden and Finnerty Gardens at UVic (both free and open to the public). On the way home we will stop at one of the farmers’ markets. Return times for Janie’s trips are approximate 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Page 17 On the Road with Janie Tofino & Ucluelet 137853 Friday, March 20 8 am - 8 pm Meet at Bowen Lobby or add pick-up This is whale festival week. There is a price option below if you would like to go on a whale watching trip. On the drive to Tofino there will be stops along the way at waterfalls and viewpoints. In Tofino spend time at the beach or go into town for lunch and shopping. In Ucluelet we will go to the Amphitrite Point Lighthouse to see the beautiful, rugged coastal view of the Wild Pacific Trail. We will be away for two meals. You can bring a lunch to eat on the beach. On the way home, we will stop in Port Alberni for dinner. Be prepared for breathtaking views of Canada’s spectacular west coast. Don’t forget your camera! $63 - Trip only, no whale watching $168 - Includes trip & whale watching Meal costs extra Registration & Cancellation deadline Mar 17 Discover Victoria Tour 140389 Victoria Sunday, March 29 8 am - 5:30 pm Meet at Bowen Lobby or add pick-up We will start at Hatley Castle, drive by Esquimalt Lagoon to see the swans and then have lunch at Six Mile Pub. After lunch we will go to Mattick’s Farm, Mt. Douglas for the view and then the Root Cellar Market. Don’t forget your camera. $52.50 - Includes castle tour, meal costs extra Registration & Cancellation deadline Mar 25 All of Janie’s trips depart from BOWEN COMPLEX LOBBY (500 BOWEN ROAD). Pick up times at Bowen are approximate. Add $7 and Janie will pick you up and drop you off at your home. Add $1 and meet Janie at: Starbucks/Chapters near Woodgrove (trips going north) or Smitty’s at Southgate (trips going south). All prices listed include taxes. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • On the Road/Dining Out with Janie Page 18 Granville Island 140390 Vancouver Tuesday, March 31 7 am - 7 pm Meet at Bowen Lobby or add pick-up Visit the public market and eat at one of the 47 small eateries in the food court on Granville Island. Visit the Brewery for a taste of their beer, shop or go to the glass studio and watch them blow glass ornaments. Watch the girls make handmade brooms at the Granville Island Broom Company. Take the little pickle boat ride around False Creek. Take your lunch and sit outside to people watch and listen to the buskers. We will leave Granville Island at 3:30 pm to catch the 5 pm ferry home. This is a self-guided trip. $89.25* - Meal costs extra * If you don’t have a Gold Card there will be extra fees at the ferry Registration & Cancellation deadline Mar 26 Dining Out What do these mean? See page 17. Dinner - Arbutus Ridge Prime Rib Night Cowichan Bay Thursday, March 5 Meet at Bowen Lobby or add pick-up $26.25 - Meal cost extra Dinner - Mahle House Cedar 140391 3:30 - 8 pm 140392 Wednesday, March 11 4 - 8 pm $15.75 - Includes pick up, meal cost extra Adventures Dinner (5 courses) available for $44 per person (not included) or order off the menu Dinner - Fibber Magees Nanaimo 140393 Tuesday, March 17 4 - 8 pm $10.50 - Includes pick up, meal cost extra Out to Lunches & Dinners: Home pick-up & drop-off is included for restaurants in Nanaimo. Pick up times at Bowen are approximate. For out of town trips, add $7 for home pick-up & drop-off or $1 to meet Janie at the north or south meeting points (see details on page 17). Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Dinner - Rewsters Restaurant Nanaimo140404 Friday, April 3 4:30 - 8 pm $10.50 - Includes pick up, meal cost extra 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Program Schedule by Day MONDAYS 8 am Heart Fitness 8:30 am Snooker 9 am Fitness Level 2 French 10:15 am Fitness Level 1 11 am Table Tennis (DB) 11:30 am Stretch & Relax Yoga (OWCC) 12 pm Chair Yoga 12:30 pm Badminton (OWCC) 1 pm Euchre Swing Band Tai Chi Advanced 1:30 pm Chair Yoga Tap Level 1 2:10 pm Tap Level 3 3:30 pm Tap Level 2 THURSDAYS 8:30 am Snooker 9 am Fitness Level 2 Mixed Painting Advanced Woodcarving 9:30 am Beginner Bridge Wanderers Walking Group 10 am Pottery & Ceramics 10:15 am Fitness Level 1 11:30 am Ukulele (RF) 12 pm Embroidery 12:30 pm Bridge 1 pm Canasta 1:30 pm Thursday Special Event 3:40 pm Line Dance Workshop 4 pm Latin & Ballroom Line Dance 7:30 pm Thursday Night Dance Page 19 TUESDAYS 8:30 am Snooker 9 am Sewing Tai Chi Beginner 10 am Ballroom Dance Euchre for Fun (OWCC) Tai Chi Level 1-2 Volleyball (DB) Woodworking 11 am Tai Chi Level 3 12 pm Quilting 12:30 pm Carpet Bowling 1 pm Accordion Band (HAC) Bridge for Fun Crib Mah Jongg (OWCC) Scrabble Beginner Ukulele Harbour Lights (OWCC) Woodworking 1:30 pm Book Club (1st Tue) 2:15 pm Ukulele Nordli (OWCC) 2:40 pm Computer Club (2nd & 4th) 3 pm Line Dance Intermediate (DB) FRIDAYS 8 am Heart Fitness 8:30 am Snooker 9:30 am Fitness Level 2 (OWCC) Folk Art Advanced 10 am Carpet Bowling Spanish for Travellers (OWCC) Stretch & Relax Yoga (RF) 10:45 am Sculpt & Tone (BSC) Stroke Club 11 am Table Tennis (DB) 12 pm Darts 12:30 pm Badminton (OWCC) 1 pm Carpet Bowling Crochet 1:30 pm Fitness Level 1 (OWCC) Scrabble 2 pm Songsters 6:30 pm Friday Bridge (OWCC) WEDNESDAYS 8 am Heart Fitness 8:30 am Snooker 9 am Mixed Multi Media Art 9:30 am Stained Glass Yoga Qi Gong (RF) 10 am Carpet Bowling Country Line Dance (DB) 10:15 am Fitness Level 2 (OWCC) 10:45 am Sculpt & Tone 11:30 am Fitness Level 1 (OWCC) 12 pm Table Tennis (DB) 12:30 pm Badminton (OWCC) 1 pm Carpet Bowling Crafty Workers Whist 1:30 pm Chair Yoga 2 pm Harbour City Singers (RF) SATURDAYS 8:30 am Snooker SUNDAYS 8:30 am Snooker 2 pm Tea Dance (4th Sun) Schedule is subject to change. Some programs have start and end dates. Programs take place at Bowen Complex unless otherwise noted in brackets (BSC=Beban Social Centre, DB=Departure Bay Activity Centre, RF=Rotary Fieldhouse, HAC=Harewood Activity Centre, OWCC=Oliver Woods Community Centre). This is a weekly summary of regularly scheduled activities - trips, seminars and special events are not listed. See the program listings inside the newsletter for more details or call 250-755-7501. 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 • Program Schedule by Category Page 20 ARTS & CRAFTS Crafty Workers Crochet FITNESS, YOGA & TAI CHI Bowen Wanderers Walking Group Embroidery Chair Yoga Folk Art Fitness Levels 1 & 2 Mixed Multi Media Art Heart Fitness Mixed Painting Sculpt & Tone Pottery & Ceramics Stretch & Relax Yoga Quilting Tai Chi Sewing Yoga Qi Gong Stained Glass LANGUAGE Woodcarving French Woodworking Spanish CARDS & GAMES Bridge MUSIC Accordion Band Canasta Harbour City Singers Crib Songsters Euchre Swing Band Mah Jongg Ukulele Scrabble Whist DANCE SPECIAL INTEREST Ballroom Book Club Country Line Dance Computer Club Latin & Ballroom Line Dance Stroke Club Tap SPORTS Thursday Night Dance Badminton H our C arb i Carpet Bowling ty Seniors Nanaimo Tea Dance Darts Snooker/Billiards Table Tennis Volleyball NHCS 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC • 250.755.7501 •
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