Minority Commerce Weekly (C) 2015 Independent Media Sales & Services Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1988 - 2015, Celebrating 27-plus years of Service to Disadvantaged, Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (DMWBEs) Volume No. 29 Issue 1402 Phone: 212.349.4100 1988 - 2015 27 Years of Service to Disadvantaged, Minority & Women-owned Business Enterprises Contracting and Procurement Opportunities for Certified Disadvantaged, Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises February 26 March 4, 2015 Current Contracting/Procurement Opportunities HUGH L. CAREY BATTERY PARK CITY AUTHORITY 2015 PILE REMEDIATION - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & DIVING INSPECTION SERVICES.........................................................................11 SOUTH END AVENUE & WEST THAMES STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN SERVICES...........................................................................................11 DORMITORY AUTHORITY - STATE OF NEW YORK (“DASNY”) BROKER-DEALER SERVICES #448.............................................................................................................................................................................9 NYC FIRE DEPARTMENT SEALED BID FOR WINDOW AND STORM DOOR REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE........................................................................................................12 NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY....................................................................................................................................................................................2-3 115KV SWITCHYARD FOUNDATION REPAIR ASSET MANAGEMENT AND RECYCLING OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT ARCHITECT/ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES DAM FACE CONCRETE REPAIRS - PHASE 5 HEAD GATE MAINTENANCE PLATFORM INFECTIOUS DISEASE RESPONSE AND CLEANUP NIAGARA S & R (LEWISTON) TOWER MODIFICATION OFFSITE RECORDS STORAGE SUBMARINE CABLE ECP TRANSPORTATION OF DOT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, HAZARDOUS WASTE, UNIVERSAL WASTE & INDUSTRIAL WASTE UNDERGROUND PIPE & CONDUIT REPAIRS WASTE DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING SERVICES EQUIPMENT NYS DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION REG. 08, D262847, RECONSTRUCTION OF 3 PARK AND RIDE LOTS ON NYS ROUTES 17, 17M AND 17K.....................................................................9 REG. 08,D262848,RECONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION OF PARK & RIDE FACILITIES .....................................................................................9 REG. 10, D262817, 2.87 MILES OF ASPHALT CONCRETE MILLING & RESURFACING ...................................................................................................9 REG. 10, D262842, NY 108 AND NY 106/107 MILL AND FILL (DRAINAGE,TRAFFIC SIGNALS, SIGNS AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS)................................9 REG. 11, D262796, UPGRADE STATEN ISLAND TRAVEL TIME TTIS SYSTEM ON I-278 AND ROUTE 440.........................................................................9 NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND 2015-08-LEG LEGAL-OUTSIDE COUNSEL-LARGE-DEDUCTIBLE WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE PRODUCT.......................................10 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES (OGS) PROJECT NO.44553-E, ELECTRICAL WORK, REPLACE EXISTING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, SING SING CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, OSSINING,NY...9 PROJECT NOS. 43436-C,H,E, FOR CONSTRUCTION, HVAC AND ELECTRICAL WORK, UPGRADE HEATING SYSTEM AND WINDOWS..................9 THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR AND ON BEHALF OF SUNY OSWEGO CONSULTANT(S) REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS..................................................................................................................................................12 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (SUNY)(MWBE) .................................................................................................................................................18-25 MWDBE SUBCONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES BYPASS TUNNEL CONSTRUCTORS, JV (SCHIAVONE & SOUTHLAND JOINT VENTURE).......................................................................................................17 JETT INDUSTRIES, INC..............................................................................................................................................................................................................17 KUBRICKY CONSTRUCTION CORP..........................................................................................................................................................................................17 TAPPAN ZEE CONSTRUCTORS, LLC..........................................................................................................................................................................................17 TRANSCORE, LP........................................................................................................................................................................................................................17 TUTOR PERINI CORPORATION.................................................................................................................................................................................................10 YONKERS CONSTRACTING COMPANY, INC...........................................................................................................................................................................13 ANNOUNCEMENTS MTA - LEARN HOW TO BECOME A CERTIFIED DBE....................................................................................................................................................................16 NYCHA MWBE TRADE SHOW.....................................................................................................................................................................................................28 SAVE THE DATE ANNOUNCEMENT - THE REGIONAL ALLIANCE FOR SMALL CONTRACTORS................................................................................................14 THE REGIONAL ALLIANCE FOR SMALL CONTRACTORS - EXHIBITOR’S REGISTRATION FORM..............................................................................................15 SUNY COLLEGE AT OLD WESTBURY - 4TH ANNUAL COLLEGE REGIONAL MWBE CONFERENCE..............................................................................................26 Minority Commerce Weekly 2 Generating More Than Electricity NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS: Bidders are hereby CAUTIONED to make use of the New York Power Authority’s web site at www.nypa.gov in order to obtain current and complete bid documents, bid addenda, post-bid addenda and related notices. Bidders obtaining bid documents from sources other than www.nypa.gov web site do so at their own risk. Incomplete bid responses may be rejected by the Authority. CATEGORY: ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING Bid Name: ARCHITECT/ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES RFQ Number: Q15-5816FS Due Date: 03/27/2015 NYPA Contact: Fiona Spencer 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914-681-6401 Abstract:The New York Power Authority invites you to submit a proposal to provide Architect /Engineering services for the Design of a New Parks Facilities Building at Robert Moses State Park Massena, NY. CATEGORY: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Bid Name: 115kV Switchyard Foundation Repair RFQ Number: Q15-5821FS Due Date: 03/06/2015 NYPA Contact: Fiona Spencer 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914-681-6401 Abstract: THE NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY (HEREINAFTER "AUTHORITY" AND/OR "NYPA") INVITES YOU TO SUBMIT A GROSS LUMP SUM PRICE PROPOSAL TO FURNISH ALL LABOR, SUPERVISION, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT (EXCEPT FOR SERVICES, MATERIALS, AND/OR EQUIPMENT TO BE FURNISHED BY OTHERS AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS) AND PERFORM ALL OPERATIONS REQUIRED TO REPAIR FOUNDATION OF THE 115KV SWITCHYARD AT THE AUTHORITY'S NIAGARA POWER PLANT IN LEWISTON, NEW YORK, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BID/CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Incomplete bid responses may be rejected by the Authority CATEGORY: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Bid Name: Head Gate Maintenance Platform RFQ Number: N15-20095031GJ Due Date: 03/17/2015 NYPA Contact: Grant Johnston 5777 Lewiston Rd., Lewiston, NY 14092-2199 Phone: 716-286-6803 Fax: 716-286-6054 Abstract: The New York Power Authority (The "Authority" or "NYPA") is seeking proposals from qualified bidders to fabricate, deliver, and provide demolition/installation services for one (1) Head Gate Maintenance Platform, as described in the bid documents. To find the bid documents at the website Select Site: NIAGARA Category: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE CATEGORY: Bid Name: RFQ Number: Due Date: NYPA Contact: February 26 - March 4, 2015 CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Dam Face Concrete Repairs - Phase 5 Q15-5820FS 03/05/2015 Fiona Spencer 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914-681-6401 Abstract: THE NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY (HEREINAFTER "AUTHORITY" AND/OR "NYPA") INVITES YOU TO SUBMIT A FIRM LUMP SUM PRICE PROPOSAL TO FURNISH ALL LABOR, SUPERVISION, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT (EXCEPT FOR SERVICES, MATERIALS, AND/OR EQUIPMENT TO BE FURNISHED BY OTHERS AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS) TO PERFORM ALL OPERATIONS REQUIRED FOR CONCRETE REPAIRS ON HE SOUTH CORE WALL AND SERVICE BLOCKS 1 AND 2 AND INSTALLATION OF A STAFF WATER GUAGE ON THE UPSTREAM FACE OF THE LEWISTON PUMP GENERATING PLANT (LPGP) AT THE ROBERT MOSES NIAGARA POWER PLANT (RMNPP) IN LEWISTON, NEW YORK, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WIH THE BID/CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Incomplete bid responses may be rejected by the Authority. CATEGORY: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Bid Name: Niagara S & R (Lewiston) Tower Modification RFQ Number: Q15-5812MR Due Date: 03/12/2015 NYPA Contact: Michele Romagnuolo 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914-681-6639 Fax: 914-681-6783 Abstract:THE NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY (HEREAFTER, THE "AUTHORITY" OR "NYPA")INVITES YOUR GROSS LUMP SUM PRICE PROPOSAL TO FURNISH, ALL PLANT SUPERVISION, LABOR, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT, (EXCEPT FOR SERVICES,MATERIALS AND/OR EQUIPMENT TO BE FURNISHED BY OTHERS AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO IN THE BID/CONTRACT DOCUMENTS) AND TO PERFORM ALL OPERATIONS REQUIRED FOR THE NIAGARA S & R (LEWISTON) TOWER MODIFICATION PROJECT LOCATED AT THE S & R BUILDING, 5777 LEWISTON ROAD, LEWISTON, NY, 14092 ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BID/CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE BID DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ELECTRONIC DOWNLOAD AS DETAILED BELOW. SITE VISIT (Pre-Bid Tour): A Site Visit (Pre-Bid Tour) is scheduled. If you are interested in attending you must send an email to the address below along with the names of all representatives planning to attend. Prior security clearance is required. Refer to Bid Documents for additional information. Bidders are to request CD containing the Bid Specifications and Drawings for this Project. Only Bidders whose proposals demonstrate prior capabilities and experience in performing similar Work including but not limited to the following will be considered: 1) Compliance with NYS Dept. of Labor Prevailing Wage Rates and other NY State requirements included in the Bid Document/Technical Specification is required. 2) Provide demonstrable evidence of your company’s ability and resources to perform the Work. Bid proposals will be evaluated on but not limited to: 1) Bidder’s responsiveness to all the Bid Document requirements, 2) Demonstrable experience, 3) Price, 4) Ability to meet schedule requirements and 5) Warranty. The Authority reserves the right to require Construction Payment and Performance Bonds for this Work. A Bid Bond is required. February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly 3 phones, base stations, bar code readers, projectors, Smart Boards, AutoCATEGORY: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE mated External Defibrillators (AED)s, receivers, network switches, routers Bid Name: Underground Pipe & Conduit Repairs and relays. RFQ Number: N15-20094999GJ The Authority currently changes out its computers on a three (3) year cycle. Due Date: 04/13/2015 The hard drives are physically removed from the CPUs and destroyed onNYPA Contact: Grant Johnston site by NYPA personnel prior to shipping the unit for resale or recycling. 5777 Lewiston Rd., CATEGORY: MEDICAL/HEALTHCARE Lewiston, NY 14092-2199 Bid Name: Infectious Disease Response and Cleanup Phone: 716-286-6803 RFQ Number: Q15-5822RH Fax: 716-286-6054 03/10/2015 Abstract: The New York Power Authority (The "Authority" or "NYPA") is Due Date: Bob Haggerty seeking proposals from qualified bidders to provide services on an "as needed" NYPA Contact: 123 Main St. basis for Underground Pipe & Conduit Repairs at the Niagara Power Project, White Plains, NY 10601 as described in the bid documents. Phone: 914 681 6283 To find the bid documents at the website Fax: (914) 681-6783 Select Site: NIAGARA Abstract: The Authority is seeking proposals from qualified companies cerCategory: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE tified and skilled in the cleanup, disinfection and disposal of remediation CATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTAL wastes from infectious diseases including but not limited to MSRA, H1N1, Bid Name: Waste Disposal and Recycling Services Equipment Anthrax, Legionellosis, Ebola at our operating projects and offices locations RFQ Number: Q15-5823JR positioned across New York State. In addition, the Contractor should have Due Date: 03/12/2015 the ability to perform crime scene cleanup services, including removing and NYPA Contact: John Rogers sanitizing biohazards. 123 Main St. CATEGORY: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY White Plains, NY 10601 Bid Name: Offsite Records Storage Phone: 914 287 3130 RFQ Number: Q15-5805SR Fax: (914) 681-6783 03/12/2015 Abstract:The Authority is seeking bids from qualified vendors for waste Due Date: NYPA Contact: Sean Rooney disposal and recycling services to support the Authority’s power generation 31-03 20th Ave., and transmission operations. The Authority’s Project locations and facilities Astoria, NY 11105-2014 are located throughout the five Boroughs of New York City, Long Island, 718 626-8867 Lewiston, Massena, Gilboa, Utica, White Plains and other locations through- Phone: Fax: 718 726-1226 out the State of New York. Abstract: The Power Authority of the State of New York (hereinafter "AuQualified firms must own and operate a facility or facilities capable of providing waste treatment, disposal and/or recycling services located within the thority") invites you to submit a proposal to provide Offsite Records Storage at the New York Power Authority. United States. BIDDERS MUST COMPLETE THE COMPENSATION SCHEDULE CATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTAL within the bid document. Bid Name: Transportation of DOT Hazardous Materials, HazardCATEGORY: UTILITIES - CONSTRUCTION ous Waste, Universal Waste & Industrial Waste Bid Name: Submarine Cable ECP RFQ Number: Q15-5825JR RFQ Number: Q15-5813RH Due Date: 03/17/2015 Due Date: 04/01/2015 NYPA Contact: John Rogers NYPA Contact: Bob Haggerty 123 Main St. 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914 287 3130 Phone: 914 681 6283 Fax: (914) 681-6783 Fax: (914) 681-6783 Abstract: The Authority is seeking bids from qualified vendors for waste Drawings: Request associated drawings/CD Rom transportation services to support the Authority’s power generation and Abstract: The New York Power Authority is soliciting proposals to design, transmission operations. The Authority’s Project locations and facilities are furnish and install four (4) new underground and submarine 230-kV extruded located in the five Boroughs of New York City, and upstate New York in dielectric transmission cables from NYPA's Cumberland Head Terminal in Lewiston, Massena, Gilboa, Utica, White Plains and other locations throughPlattsburgh, New York, across Lake Champlain to VELCO's Grand Isle Terout the State of New York. minal station in Grand Isle, Vermont. CATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTAL The new cable system will replace seven (7) existing 115kV self-contained Bid Name: Asset Management and Recycling of Electronic fluid-filled (SCFF) cables that were installed circa 1958 and 1970, including Equipment their underwater appurtenances and land based vaults, oil filled reservoirs and associated oils. The removal is the subject of another RFP and is not in RFQ Number: Q15-5826JR the scope of this RFP. Due Date: 03/18/2015 The installation will consist of installing a total of four (4) 230kV cables (one NYPA Contact: John Rogers cable per phase plus one spare cable), and four (4) four fiber optic cables for 123 Main St. distributed temperature sensing and protection and communications. One White Plains, NY 10601 fiber optic cable will be attached to each of the electric cables. Phone 914 287 3130 The scope will also include the installation of updated/new Terminal stations Fax (914) 681-6783 Abstract: The Authority invites qualified bidders to submit a proposal to on Owners facilities (NYPA and VELCO's), in addition to termination of provide services to pick-up, load, transport, resell and/or recycle electronic newly installed cables at each station and removal of the existing terminal equipment, including but not limited to computers, CRTs, monitors, CPUs, stations. The existing oil filled cables and reservoir tanks are to be removed typewriters, keyboards, uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), keyboards, under a separate contract. Details are in the Bidding Document, which is available for downloading at computer mouse, media, TVs, VCRs, DVD players, scanners, satellite radios, the website below. 4 Minority Commerce Weekly February 26 - March 4, 2015 The City University of New York (CUNY) is the nation’s leading public university providing high-quality, accessible education for more than 269,000 degree-credit students and 247,000 adult, continuing and professional education students at 24 campuses across New York City. The University is an integrated system of senior and community colleges, graduate and professional schools, research centers, institutes and consortia. From certificate courses to Ph.D. programs, CUNY offers postsecondary learning to students of all backgrounds. It provides New York City with graduates trained for high-demand positions in the sciences, technology, mathematics, teaching, nursing and other fields. As CUNY has grown, the University also has strengthened its mission as a premier research institution, building an array of modern facilities and expanding the ranks of its world-class faculty. CUNY uses a University-wide collaborative purchasing process for core goods and services managed by the Office of the University Controller - Procurement with decentralized purchasing at the colleges to meet specific needs. While most campuses have a Purchasing Department, the Office of the University Controller purchases for the CUNY Central Office in addition to the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, CUNY School of Professional Studies, and the Stella & Charles Guttman Community College. The CUNY Graduate Center Purchasing Department purchases for its campus and for the CUNY School of Public Health and Macaulay Honors College. The City University Construction Fund, a NYS public benefits corporation, provides facilities for CUNY to support our educational programs on behalf of CUNY’s Office of Facilities Planning, Construction and Management. The University is committed to the active participation of Minority-/Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) in CUNY procurements. CUNY recognizes MWBE certifications issued by NYS Empire State Development. To obtain information on current solicitations or on any potential bidders/proposers’ lists, vendors are encouraged to contact the Office of University Controller and the Purchasing Director at each CUNY college. February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly Directory of CUNY Purchasing Departments: Office of the University Controller (212) 397-5600 mwbe@cuny.edu www.cuny.edu Fiorello H. LaGuardia Community College (718) 482-5525 purchasing@lagcc.cuny.edu www.lagcc.cuny.edu Baruch College (646) 660-6150 BaruchCollegeBids@baruch.cuny.edu www.baruch.cuny.edu Hunter College (212) 772-4333 purchcorrespond@hunter.cuny.edu www.hunter.cuny.edu Borough of Manhattan Community College (212) 220-8041 rcox@bmcc.cuny.edu www.bmcc.cuny.edu Herbet H. Lehman College (718) 960-8261 Andrea.Pinnock@lehman.cuny.edu www.lehman.cuny.edu Bronx Community College (718) 289-5801 purchasing@bcc.cuny.edu www.bcc.cuny.edu John Jay College of Criminal Justice (212) 237-8900 hstewart@jjay.cuny.edu www.jjay.cuny.edu Brooklyn College (718) 951-5133 purchasing@brooklyn.cuny.edu www.brooklyn.cuny.edu Kingsborough Community College (718) 368-5034 Lynn.Relay@kbcc.cuny.edu www.kbcc.cuny.edu City College (212) 650-5250 purchasing@ccny.cuny.edu www.ccny.cuny.edu Medgar Evers College (718) 270-6995 kgreene@mec.cuny.edu www.mec.cuny.edu College of Staten Island (718) 982-2450 purchasing@csi.cuny.edu www.csi.cuny.edu NYC College of Technology (718) 473-8960 purchasing@citytech.cuny.edu www.citytech.cuny.edu CUNY Graduate Center (212) 817-7650 purchasing@gc.cuny.edu www.gc.cuny.edu Queens College (718) 997-5760 qc.purchasing@qc.cuny.edu www.qc.cuny.edu CUNY School of Law (718) 340-4282 Pirzada@mail.law.cuny.edu www.law.cuny.edu Queenborough Community College (718) 631-6202 jconnors@qcc.cuny.edu www.qcc.cuny.edu Eugenio Maria de Hostos Community College (718) 319-7966 strafton@hostos.cuny.edu www.hostos.cuny.edu York College (718) 262-2107 purchasing@york.cuny.edu www.york.cuny.edu City University Construction Fund (646) 664-2700 CUNY.Builds@cuny.edu www.cuny.edu/cunybuilds 5 Minority Commerce Weekly 6 February 26 - March 4, 2015 CUNY Contracting and Procurement Opportunities In This Issue (CUNY) GRADUATE SCHOOL MAINTENANCE OF TELEVISION EQUIPMENT.................................................................................................................................................................................7 (CUNY) UNIVERSITY CONTRACTING OFFICE NATURE JOURNALS, MAGAZINES AND INTERNATIONAL WEEKLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE...........................................................................................................7 IEEE/IET EXPLORE DIGITAL LIBRARY................................................................................................................................................................................................8 SPRINGER JOURNALS...................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 1)Electronic versions of the selected Nature Journals listed below with access to issues dating back four years or from commencement date (whichever (CUNY) Graduate School is later) through the Nature.com platform. Maintenance of Television Equipment Nature Biotechnology, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Chemical Biology, NaCUNY TV is entering into a Purchase Order Contract with Evertz for the ture Chemistry, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Nature maintenance of video display equipment for television broadcast. This no- Genetics, Nature Geoscience, Nature Immunology, Nature Materials, Natice is not intended to invite competition, nor is competition desired. Rather, ture Medicine, Nature Methods, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Neurothis notice is intended solely to fulfill the requirement for giving Public science, Nature Photonics, Nature Physics, Nature Protocols, Nature ReNotice of a Discretionary Purchase between $50,000 and $200,000 under views Cancer, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Nature Reviews Endocrisection 163 of the NYS Finance Law. If a company feels they can provide the nology, Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature Reviews Immunology, Nature required maintenance on this television equipment, you may contact us at Reviews Microbiology, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, Nature the address below for future procurements. Reviews Neurology, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Nature Structural & Due date: 03/13/2015 11:00 AM Molecular Biology and Scientific American, and Nature Magazine, the InterContract term: Notification of Award to 6/30/2016 national Weekly Journal of Science. County(ies): All NYS counties 2) Electronic version of Nature Magazine from 1997 to the present through Location: 365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1400, New York, NY 10016 the Nature.com platform. * These goods or services have been purchased from an out-of-state/foreign 3) Electronic version of International Weekly Journal of Science from 1997 to vendor within the past three years. the present through the Nature.com platform. Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Vendor Requirement: Prospective vendors that are authorized by Nature Graduate School America, Inc. to sell/resell these products and services must meet, at a miniPurchasing mum, the product requirements described above. Vendors are invited to subKathy Karls mit no later than the date set forth below: 1) documentation verifying that Business Affairs Officer your company can meet the minimum product requirements. 2) A letter from 365 Fifth Avenue Nature America, Inc., verifying your company’s authority to provide these New York, NY 10016 services. United States Any purchase that results from this advertisement shall be governed by the Ph: 212-817-7580 terms and conditions of this advertisement (including without limitation, any Fax: 212-251-0826 attached specifications and any other terms and conditions attached hereto kkarls@cuny.tv or incorporated herein by reference) and by the University’s standard PurSubmit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) chase Order Terms and Conditions and Appendix A, Standard Clauses for Graduate School New York State Contracts which are incorporated herein by reference with Purchasing the same effect as it is written. Kathy Karls Communication with respect to this procurement initiated by or on behalf of Business Affairs Officer an interested vendor through others may constitute an “impermissible con365 Fifth Avenue tact” under state law, and could result in disqualification of that vendor. No New York, NY 10016 subcontracting allowed. United States The Procurement Lobbying Act (PLA) Applies to this Solicitation. Ph: 212-817-7580 The restricted period began with the publication of this ad. Fax: 212-251-0826 Compliance Procurement Lobbying Act kkarls@cuny.tv Required Forms: Vendor shall complete, sign and submit the following forms if they are selected. (CUNY) University Contracting Office a) “Offerer’s Affirmation of Understanding of and Agreement pursuant to Nature Journals, Magazines and International Weekly State Finance Law § 139-j (3) and § 139-j (6) (b)” b) “Offerer’s Disclosure of Prior Non-Responsibility Determinations and Journal of Science Certification of Compliance with State Finance Law §139-j and §139-k” The Office of the University Controller of the City University of New York Contact with CUNY: intends to procure select Nature Journals, Nature Magazine, and the Interna- Under the requirements of the PLA, all communications regarding advertised tional Weekly Journal of Science in electronic format for a period of five (5) projects are to be channeled through the Designated Contact. Communicayears, on behalf of the City University of New York Office of Library tion with respect to this procurement initiated by or on behalf of an interServices to be used by the CUNY campuses libraries in the five boroughs of ested vendor through others than the Designated Contact may constitute an New York City. “impermissible contact” under NYS law and could result in disqualification Product Requirements: of that vendor. February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly 7 Communication with respect to this procurement initiated by or on behalf of Rules and regulations and more information on this law, please visit: http://www.ogs.ny.gov/aboutogs/regulations/advisoryCouncil/Faq.htm (Ad- an interested vendor through others may constitute an “impermissible contact” under state law, and could result in disqualification of that vendor. No visory Council FAQs) http://www.jcope.ny.gov/law/lob/lobbying2.html (New York State Lobby- subcontracting allowed. The Procurement Lobbying Act (PLA) Applies to this Solicitation. ing Act) The restricted period began with the publication of this ad. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Compliance Procurement Lobbying Act Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Required Forms: Vendor shall complete, sign and submit the following forms Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% if they are selected. Due date: 03/17/2015 12:30 PM a) “Offerer’s Affirmation of Understanding of and Agreement pursuant to Contract term: Five (5) Years State Finance Law § 139-j (3) and § 139-j (6) (b)” County(ies): All NYS counties b) “Offerer’s Disclosure of Prior Non-Responsibility Determinations and Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Certification of Compliance with State Finance Law §139-j and §139-k” University Contracting Office Contact with CUNY: Caron Christian Under the requirements of the PLA, all communications regarding advertised Deputy Director of Procurement projects are to be channeled through the Designated Contact. Communica230 West 41st St. tion with respect to this procurement initiated by or on behalf of an inter5th Floor ested vendor through others than the Designated Contact may constitute an New York, NY 10036 “impermissible contact” under NYS law and could result in disqualification United States of that vendor. Ph: 646-746-4262 Rules and regulations and more information on this law, please visit: caron.christian@cuny.edu http://www.ogs.ny.gov/aboutogs/regulations/advisoryCouncil/Faq.htm (AdSubmit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) visory Council FAQs) University Contracting Office http://www.jcope.ny.gov/law/lob/lobbying2.html (New York State LobbyCaron Christian ing Act) Deputy Director of Procurement Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% 230 West 41st St. Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% 5th Floor Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% New York, NY 10036 Due date: 03/17/2015 1:00 PM United States Contract term: Five (5) Years Ph: 646-746-4262 County(ies): All NYS counties caron.christian@cuny.edu Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) University Contracting Office (CUNY) University Contracting Office Caron Christian IEEE/IET Explore Digital Library Deputy Director of Procurement 230 West 41st St. The Office of the University Controller of the City University of New York 5th Floor intends to procure subscription access to IEEE/IET Explore Digital Library New York, NY 10036 for five (5) years on behalf of the City University of New York Office of United States Library Services to be used by the CUNY campuses libraries in the five Ph: 646-746-4262 boroughs of New York City. caron.christian@cuny.edu Product Requirements: 1) The Explor Digital library Subscription option of the IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) of the Institute of Electrical and Elec- Submit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) University Contracting Office tronics Engineers, Incorporated (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering Caron Christian and Techology (IET). The subscription must include twenty-five full years Deputy Director of Procurement of journals, conference proceedings and standards from IEEE and IET (back 230 West 41st St. to 1988), plus select content dating as far back as 1872, full-text for more 5th Floor than 3 million documents, 166 IEEE journals, magazines and transactions, 26 New York, NY 10036 IET journal and magazines, plus more than 20 IET conference titles, proUnited States ceedings from over1,200 IEEE and IET conference titles, and over 2,500 646-746-4262 approved and published IEEE standards. 2) The content must be available on Ph: caron.christian@cuny.edu the Explor platform, which allows users an enhanced author search, to view articles cited by patents, more mobile-friendly design, to display administrator contact information, download results in CSV, save documents to My (CUNY) University Contracting Office Projects, and personalize their IEEE Xplore experience. Springer Journals Vendor Requirement: Prospective vendors that are authorized by IEEE/IET to sell/resell the subscription services must meet at a minimum, the product The Office of the University Controller of the City University of New York requirements described above. Vendors are invited to submit no later than the intends to procure electronic access to Springer Journals for five (5) years on date set forth below: 1) documentation verifying that you company can meet behalf of the City University of New York Office of Library Services to be the minimum product requirements; 2) A letter from IEEE/IET verifying used by the CUNY campuses libraries in the five boroughs of New York your company’s authority to provide these services. City. Any purchase that results from this advertisement shall be governed by the Product Requirements: Electronic access to over 1560 Springer journals terms and conditions of this advertisement (including without limitation, any with perpetual access rights to current content back to 1997, including the attached specifications and any other terms and conditions attached hereto Adis collection, and all new starts and take-overs titles over the license or incorporated herein by reference) and by the University’s standard Pur- period through the Springer platform. chase Order Terms and Conditions and Appendix A, Standard Clauses for Vendor Requirement: Prospective vendors that are authorized by Springer New York State Contracts which are incorporated herein by reference with to sell/resell these services must meet, at a minimum, product requirements Minority Commerce Weekly 8 below: 1) documentation verifying that your company can meet the minimum product requirements. 2) A letter from Springer, verifying your company’s authority to provide these services. Any purchase that results from this advertisement shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this advertisement (including without limitation, any attached specifications and any other terms and conditions attached hereto or incorporated herein by reference) and by the University’s standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions and Appendix A, Standard Clauses for New York State Contracts which are incorporated herein by reference with the same effect as it is written. Communication with respect to this procurement initiated by or on behalf of an interested vendor through others may constitute an “impermissible contact” under state law, and could result in disqualification of that vendor. No subcontracting allowed. The Procurement Lobbying Act (PLA) Applies to this Solicitation. The restricted period began with the publication of this ad. Compliance Procurement Lobbying Act Required Forms: Vendor shall complete, sign and submit the following forms if they are selected. a) “Offerer’s Affirmation of Understanding of and Agreement pursuant to State Finance Law § 139-j (3) and § 139-j (6) (b)” b) “Offerer’s Disclosure of Prior Non-Responsibility Determinations and Certification of Compliance with State Finance Law §139-j and §139-k” Contact with CUNY: Under the requirements of the PLA, all communications regarding advertised projects are to be channeled through the Designated Contact. Communication with respect to this procurement initiated by or on behalf of an interested vendor through others than the Designated Contact may constitute an “impermissible contact” under NYS law and could result in disqualification of that vendor. Rules and regulations and more information on this law, please visit: http://www.ogs.ny.gov/aboutogs/regulations/advisoryCouncil/Faq.htm (Advisory Council FAQs) http://www.jcope.ny.gov/law/lob/lobbying2.html (New York State Lobbying Act) Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Due date: 03/17/2015 12:00 PM Contract term: Five (5) Years County(ies): All NYS counties Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) University Contracting Office Caron Christian Deputy Director of Procurement 230 West 41st St. 5th Floor New York, NY 10036 United States Ph: 646-746-4262 caron.christian@cuny.edu Submit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) University Contracting Office Caron Christian Deputy Director of Procurement 230 West 41st St. 5th Floor New York, NY 10036 United States Ph: 646-746-4262 caron.christian@cuny.edu February 26 - March 4, 2015 February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly Firms interested in responding to this solicitation may access the RFP and related documents from DASNY’s website at http://www.dasny.org/RFPBidOpportunities-Solicitations/ProfessionalServices/New.aspx or www.dasny.org / RFP & BID Opportunities / Professional Services / New Opportunities / 448 Broker-Dealer Services. It is the current intention to keep this solicitation open, but DASNY reserves the right to close or modify it at any time deemed necessary. 9 Reg. 08, William Gorton, Regional Director, 4 Burnett Blvd.,Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 D262847, PIN 8823.38, F.A. Proj. 77J0-8823-383, Orange Co., Reconstruction of 3 Park and Ride Lots on NYS Routes 17, 17M and 17K. Work Includes Asphalt Conc. Reconstruction & Overlay, Drainage, Lighting, & Landscaping., Bid Deposit $400,000.00. Goals: DBE 7% D262848, PIN 8823.42, F.A. Proj. 77J0-8823-423, Ulster Co., Reconstruction and Construction of Park & Ride Facilities in Kingston and Saugerties, Respectively. Bid Deposit $250,000.00. Goals: DBE 6% Reg. 10, Joseph Brown, Regional Director, NYS Office Building, Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, NY 11788 D262817, PIN 0059.20, F.A. Proj. MS30-0059-203, Nassau Co., 2.87 Miles of Asphalt Concrete Milling & Resurfacing on NY Route 27, Work Includes PCC Pav't Repairs, Traffic Signal Upgrades & Drainage in the Town of Hempstead, Bid Deposit $750,000.00. Goals: DBE 5% D262842, PIN 0809.49, F.A. Proj. M240-0809-493, Nassau & Suffolk Cos., NY 108 and NY 106/107 Mill and Fill (drainage, traffic signals, signs and pavement markings), in Huntington and Oyster Bay., Bid Deposit $150,000.00., NO PLANS. Goals: DBE 5% Reg. 11, Sonia Pichardo, Regional Director, 47 - 40, 21st Street, One Hunters Point Plaza, Long Island City, NY 11101 D262796, PIN X806.50, F.A. Proj. M230-X806-503, Richmond Co., Upgrade Staten Island Travel Time TTIS System on I-278 and Route 440, Bid Deposit $250,000.00. Goals: DBE 13% NYS Dept. of Transportation Office of General Services (OGS) DORMITORY AUTHORITY STATE OF NEW YORK (DASNY) Broker-Dealer Services #448 The Dormitory Authority State of New York (DASNY) is seeking proposals from qualified Broker-Dealers who are interested in being placed in a pool from which DASNY investment personnel will periodically select to serve on its panel. Broker-Dealers who are selected to the panel will be solicited for DASNY investment transactions. DASNY manages an investment portfolio which typically ranges between $3 billion and $5 billion and is primarily comprised of U.S. Treasury and Agency obligations. Firms of all sizes are encouraged to participate. Interested firms must: (1) be in compliance with SEC net capital rules and any other regulatory requirements; (2) have demonstrated experience with US and government agency securities; and (3) possess the capability to effectively and efficiently execute trades in a timely manner. It is the goal of DASNY to encourage participation by qualified certified Minority and Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) firms. Request for Sealed Bids ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received as set forth in instructions to bidders until 10:30 a.m. on March 19, 2015 at the NYSDOT, Contract Management Bureau, 50 WOLF RD, 1ST FLOOR, SUITE 1CM, ALBANY, NY 12232 and will be publicly opened and read. Bids may also be submitted via the internet using Bid Express (www.bidx.com). A certified or cashier's check payable to the NYS Dept. of Transportation for the sum specified in the proposal or a bid bond, FORM CONR 391, representing 25% of the bid total, must accompany each bid. NYSDOT reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Electronic documents and Amendments are posted to www.dot.ny.gov/doing-business/opportunities/const-notices Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all Amendments are incorporated into its bid. To receive notification of Amendments via e-mail you must submit a request to be placed on the Planholders List at www.dot.ny.gov/ doing-business/opportunities/const-planholder. Amendment may have been issued prior to your placement on the Planholders list. NYS Finance Law restricts communication with NYSDOT on procurements and contact can onlybe made with designated persons. Contact with nondesignated persons or other involved Agencies will be considered a serious matter and may result in disqualification. Contact Maria Tamarkin (518) 457-8403. Contracts with 0% Goals are generally single operation contracts, where sub-contracting is not expected, and may present direct bidding opportunities for Small Business Firms, including, but not limited to, D/W/MBEs. The Contractor must comply with the Regulation relative to non-discrimination in federally-assisted programs of the USDOT 49 CFR 21. Please call (518) 457-3583 if a reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the letting. BIDDERS SHOULD BE ADVISED THAT AWARD OF THESE CONTRACTS MAY BE CONTINGENT UPON THE PASSAGE OF A BUDGET APPROPRIATION BILL BY THE LEGISLATURE AND GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Sealed bids for Project No. 44553-E, for Electrical Work, Replace Existing Fire Alarm System, Facility Wide, Sing Sing Correctional Facility, 354 Hunter Street, Ossining (Westchester County), NY, will be received by the Office of General Services (OGS), Design & Construction Group (D&C), Contract Administration, 35th Fl., Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12242, on behalf of the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18, 2015, when they will be publicly opened and read. Each bid must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and must be accompanied by a certified check, bank check, or bid bond in the amount of $176,100 for E. All successful bidders on a multiple trade project or the successful bidder with a bid over $200,000 on a single trade project, will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Bond in the statutory form of public bonds required by Sections 136 and 137 of the State Finance Law, each for 100% of the amount of the Contract estimated to be between $8,000,000 and $9,000,000 for E. The requirement for Labor and Material and Performance Bonds may be waived on a bid under $200,000 on a single trade project. Designated staff are Frank Peris and Carl Ruppert in the Bureau of Contract Awards, telephone (518) 474-0203, fax (518) 473-7862 and John Lewyckyj, Director of Contract Administration, telephone (518) 474-0201, fax (518) 486-1650. The only time prospective bidders will be allowed to visit the job site will be at 9:00 a.m. on March 6, 2015 at Sing Sing Correctional Facility, Field Office Trailer, Gate 15, State Street, Ossining, NY. Phone the office of Tricia Picciano, (914) 941-1122 a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the date to provide the names of those who will attend the prebid site visit. It is the policy of the State and the Office of General Services to encourage meaningful minority business enterprise participation in this project by contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform commercially useful functions under the Contract, and all bidders are expected to cooperate in implementing this policy. The Bidding and Contract Documents for this Project are available on com- Minority Commerce Weekly February 26 - March 4, 2015 10 pact disc (CD) only, and may be obtained for an $8.00 deposit per set, plus h t t p s : / / o n l i n e . o g s . n y. g o v / d n c / c o n t r a c t o r C o n s u l t a n t / e s b / a $2.00 per set shipping and handling fee. Contractors and other interested ESBPlansAvailableIndex.asp John D. Lewyckyj, Contracting Officer parties can order CD’s on-line through a secure web interface available 24 Director, Contract Administration hours a day, 7 days a week. Please use the following link at the OGS website OGS - Design & Construction Group for ordering and payment instructions: http://www.ogs.ny.gov/bu/dc/esb/acquirebid.asp. For questions about purchase of bid documents, please send an e-mail to The New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) D&C.Plans@ogs.ny.gov, or call toll free at 1-877-647-7526. 2015-08-LEG Legal-Outside Counsel-LargeFor additional information on this project, please use the link below and then Deductible Workers’ Compensation Insurance Product click on the project number: The New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) is considering offering a Largeh t t p s : / / o n l i n e . o g s . n y. g o v / d n c / c o n t r a c t o r C o n s u l t a n t / e s b / Deductible Workers’ Compensation Insurance policy product. NYSIF is seekESBPlansAvailableIndex.asp ing a qualified law firm to provide outside legal counsel and advice on the John D. Lewyckyj, Contracting Officer protection against creditor risks for a Large-Deductible Workers’ CompensaDirector, Contract Administration tion Insurance policy product. OGS - Design & Construction Group New York State Executive Law Article 15-A requires that NYSIF provide opportunities for the maximum feasible participation of New York State Office of General Services (OGS) certified minority- and women-owned business enterprises in the performance of NYSIF contracts. NYSIF has determined that it will not place ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for Project Nos. 43436-C, 43436-H, 43436-E, comprising sepa- MWBE participation goals on contracts resulting from this procurement rate contracts for Construction Work, HVAC Work and Electrical Work, because there are not sufficient subcontracting opportunities available in the Upgrade Heating System and Windows, Building 3, Attica Correctional Fa- legal services marketplace. However, contractors should use good faith cility, Exchange Street, Attica (Wyoming County), NY, will be received by efforts to engage MWBEs as subcontractors to the extent that such opportuthe Office of General Services (OGS), Design & Construction Group (D&C), nities exist. Additionally, NYSIF strongly encourages all certified minority Contract Administration, 35th Fl., Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Al- and women-owned businesses to submit a proposal in response to this sobany, NY 12242, on behalf of the Department of Corrections and Commu- licitation. Finally, NYSIF encourages those minority- and women-owned nity Supervision, until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, 2015, when they companies that are not certified by the Empire State Development Division will be publicly opened and read. Each bid must be prepared and submitted of Minority- and Women-Owned Businesses, to become certified at the in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and must be accompanied by earliest opportunity. Information regarding the certification process can be a certified check, bank check, or bid bond in the amount of $119,100 for C, viewed at: http://esd.ny.gov/MWBE/Certification.html The NYSIF Request for Proposals (RFP) may be downloaded from NYSIF’s $59,300 for H and $3,500 for E. All successful bidders on a multiple trade project or the successful bidder website at: www.nysif.com/procurement. If you are unable to obtain a copy with a bid over $200,000 on a single trade project, will be required to furnish of the RFP from the website, please e-mail contracts@nysif.com to request a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Bond in the statutory form of a copy, with “2015-08-LEG” in the subject line. public bonds required by Sections 136 and 137 of the State Finance Law, All amendments, clarifications and any announcements related to this proeach for 100% of the amount of the Contract estimated to be between curement will be posted on NYSIF’s website at: www.nysif.com/procure$4,000,000 and $5,000,000 for C, between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 for H ment. It is the sole responsibility of the bidders to check the website for any and between $25,000 and $50,000 for E. The requirement for Labor and amendments, clarifications or updates. All applicable amendment informaMaterial and Performance Bonds may be waived on a bid under $200,000 on tion must be incorporated into the Firm’s proposal. Failure to include this information in your proposal may result in the proposal being deemed nona single trade project. Designated staff are Frank Peris and Carl Ruppert in the Bureau of Contract responsive. Awards, telephone (518) 474-0203, fax (518) 473-7862 and John Lewyckyj, Director of Contract Administration, telephone (518) 474-0201, fax (518) 486-1650. Invitation to Bid for DBE Firms The only time prospective bidders will be allowed to visit the job site will be Tutor Perini Corporation, an EEO Employer, is currently soliciting cost at 10:00 a.m. on March 12, 2015 at Attica Correctional Facility, 30 Hunt proposals from Qualified and Certified DBE subcontractors / vendors / serBlvd., Attica, NY. vice providers, for Concrete Casing at Hudson Yards – 11th Avenue Phone the office of Wendy Dennis, (585) 591-0356 a minimum of 72 hours Extension Project, New York, NY. Client: National Railroad Passenger in advance of the date to provide the names of those who will attend the pre- Corporation (Amtrak). ALL QUOTATIONS ARE DUE BY COB FRIDAY, bid site visit. FEBRUARY 27, 2015. The following Scopes of Work are available: StrucIt is the policy of the State and the Office of General Services to encourage tural Steel Supply and Fabrication Concrete Reinforcement Supply, Milling meaningful minority business enterprise participation in this project by con- and Paving Subcontractor, Photographer, Waterproofing Subcontractor, Contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform commercially useful crete Reinforcement Subcontractor, Chain Link Fence Subcontractor, Sign, functions under the Contract, and all bidders are expected to cooperate in Fence, and Rail Subcontractor, Rodent Control, Trucking Services, Electrical implementing this policy. Subcontractor, Mechanical Subcontractor and Carting Services. For further The Bidding and Contract Documents for this Project are available on com- information concerning Subcontracting and/or Purchasing opportunities and pact disc (CD) only, and may be obtained for an $8.00 deposit per set, plus to register as a subcontractor / vendor please respond to a $2.00 per set shipping and handling fee. Contractors and other interested snastro@tutorperini.com or contact Steve Nastro (914) 739-1908. parties can order CD’s on-line through a secure web interface available 24 Come and join our Team! hours a day, 7 days a week. Please use the following link at the OGS website Minority Commerce Weekly for ordering and payment instructions: is published by: Independent Media Sales & Services, Inc., http://www.ogs.ny.gov/bu/dc/esb/acquirebid.asp. a NYC/NYS Certified MBE For questions about purchase of bid documents, please send an e-mail to James W. Wood, Publisher D&C.Plans@ogs.ny.gov, or call toll free at 1-877-647-7526. Phone: 212.349.4100 For additional information on this project, please use the link below and then email: imssjim@aol.com website: www.mcwbids.com click on the project number: February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority 2015 Pile Remediation - Construction Management & Diving Inspection Services Description of Goods or Services to Be Bid Battery Park City Authority d/b/a Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority requests proposals from contractors to provide construction management and diving inspection services for the fourth phase of a multi-year pile remediation project addressing approximately 176 piles in and around the North Cove Marina and in Battery Park City. NOTE- It is highly recommended that the proposers attend the Pre Proposal Meeting on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 2:00 PM at 200 Liberty Street, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10281. Interested parties may obtain a complete copy of the request for proposals (“RFP”) via the link provided below, by visiting BPCA’s website at www.batteryparkcity.org and clicking on the “Opportunities” tab or by contacting the Designated Contact person below. All Proposals must meet the requirements listed in the RFP. As stated in the RFP, all Proposers must complete the Mandatory Forms Packet located on BPCA’s website at www.bpca.ny.gov//pdf_n/ Mandatory_Forms_Packet.pdf. The completed forms must accompany submitted proposal Restricted Period Proposers are restricted from making contact with anyone other than the Designated Contacts (identified below) during the period from the time of publication of this advertisement through approval of the procurement contract by BPCA (the “Restricted Period”). Employees of BPCA are required to record certain contacts during the Restricted Period, including, but not limited to, any oral, written or electronic communication with a governmental entity under circumstances where a reasonable person would infer that the communication was intended to influence the governmental entity’s conduct or decision regarding the governmental procurement, and to make a determination of responsibility based, in part, upon any such contact. Failure to abide by this process may result in a finding of non-responsibility. Eligibility / Qualifications Requirements / Preferences Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (“MBE”) and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (“WBE”) are encouraged to submit Proposals. All Proposers must submit with their proposal a copy of its Equal Employment Opportunity or Diversity policy along with a breakdown of all company staff by job classification, race and gender. For questions on M/WBE participation, joint ventures and sub-contracting goals ONLY, please contact “Diversity Designated Contact”: Mr. Anthony Peterson at 212.417.2337. M/WBE UTILIZATION GOAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BPCA CONTRACTS: In accordance with Article 15-A of the New York State Executive Law and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, BPCA has established separate goals for participation of New York State Certified minority and womenowned business enterprises for all state contracts. BPCA is required to implement the provisions of Article 15-A and 5 NYCRR Part 143 for all state contracts (1) in excess of $25,000 for labor, services, equipment, materials or any combination for the foregoing and (2) in excess of $100,000 for real property renovations and construction. For purposes of this procurement, the Organization hereby establishes a goal of 15% for Minority-owned Business Enterprises (MBE) participation and15% for Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBE) participation. (We are happy to work with you to help you identify opportunities for M/WBE participation, joint ventures and sub-contracting). As a condition of this procurement, the Proposer and BPCA agree to be bound by the provisions of §316 of Article 15-A of the Executive Law regarding enforcement. Proposers must document “good faith efforts” to provide meaningful participation by certified M/WBE subcontractors or suppliers in the performance of the awarded contract. For guidance on how BPCA will determine a Proposer’s “good faith efforts,” refer to 5 NYCRR § 143.8. Additionally, Proposers must refer to Mandatory Forms of this document for a list of forms that must be provided in order to fully comply with Article 15-A of the New York State Executive Law and 5 NYCRR Part 143. BPCA reserves the right to cancel or withdraw in whole or in part this 11 RFP at its sole discretion. Proposers will be notified in the event the RFP is cancelled via the BPCA website. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Due date: 03/19/2015 5:00 PM Contract term: One (1) Year County(ies): All NYS counties Location: Battery Park City Authority d/b/a Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority, One World Financial Center 24th Floor, New York, NY Primary contact: Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority Real Property Michael LaMancusa Contracts Administrator 200 Liberty Street 24th Floor New York, NY 10281 United States Ph: 212-417-4335 Fax: 212-417-2001 michael.lamancusa@bpca.ny.gov Submit to contact: Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority Real Property Michael LaMancusa Contracts Administrator 200 Liberty Street 24th Floor New York, NY 10281 United States Ph: 212-417-4335 Fax: 212-417-2001 michael.lamancusa@bpca.ny.gov Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority SOUTH END AVENUE & WEST THAMES STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN SERVICES Description of Goods or Services to Be Bid Battery Park City Authority d/b/a Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority requests proposals from urban planning, architectural, economic planning and/or engineering firms to provide evaluation, planning and design services related to the streetscape environment associated with South End Avenue from Liberty Street to the South Cove and on West Thames Street west of West Street/Route 9A to the intersection of South End Avenue in Battery Park City in accordance with the General Work Description attached to this RFP NOTE- It is highly recommended that the proposers attend the Pre Proposal Meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 10:30 PM at 200 Liberty Street, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10281. Interested parties may obtain a complete copy of the request for proposals (“RFP”) via the link provided below, by visiting BPCA’s website at www.batteryparkcity.org and clicking on the “Opportunities” tab or by contacting the Designated Contact person below. All Proposals must meet the requirements listed in the RFP. As stated in the RFP, all Proposers must complete the Mandatory Forms Packet located on BPCA’s website at www.bpca.ny.gov//pdf_n/ Mandatory_Forms_Packet.pdf. The completed forms must accompany submitted. Restricted Period Proposers are restricted from making contact with anyone other than the Designated Contacts (identified below) during the period from the time of publication of this advertisement through approval of the procurement contract by BPCA (the “Restricted Period”). Employees of BPCA are required to record certain contacts during the Restricted Period, including, but not limited to, any oral, written or electronic communication with a governmental entity under circumstances where a reasonable person would infer that the communication was intended to influence the governmental entity’s con- Minority Commerce Weekly February 26 - March 4, 2015 12 duct or decision regarding the governmental procurement, and to make a determination of responsibility based, in part, upon any such contact. FailThe RESEARCH FOUNDATION ure to abide by this process may result in a finding of non-responsibility. for and on behalf of SUNY OSWEGO Eligibility / Qualifications Requirements / Preferences Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (“MBE”) and Women-Owned BusiCONSULTANT(S) REQUEST FOR ness Enterprises (“WBE”) are encouraged to submit Proposals. All Proposers QUALIFICATIONS must submit with their proposal a copy of its Equal Employment OpportuMinority Owned Business Goals: 10% nity or Diversity policy along with a breakdown of all company staff by job classification, race and gender. For questions on M/WBE participation, joint Women Owned Business Goals: 10% ventures and sub-contracting goals ONLY, please contact “Diversity DesigContinuous Recruitment nated Contact”: Mr. Anthony Peterson at 212.417.2337 PURPOSE OF THE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS M/WBE UTILIZATION GOAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BPCA CONTRACTS: In accordance with Article 15-A of the New York State Executive Through this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), The Research Foundation Law and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, BPCA has established sepa- for and on behalf of SUNY Oswego (RF/SUNY Oswego) intends to secure rate goals for participation of New York State Certified minority and women- consultants who can provide various services and training programs for the owned business enterprises for all state contracts. BPCA is required to imple- New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA). ment the provisions of Article 15-A and 5 NYCRR Part 143 for all state The target audience is OTDA State staff, local Department of Social Services contracts (1) in excess of $25,000 for labor, services, equipment, materials or staff, not-for-profit providers and community based organizations. Topics any combination for the foregoing and (2) in excess of $100,000 for real include specific programmatic needs as well as general training categories. property renovations and construction. For purposes of this procurement, Qualifications applications are accepted on a continuous basis and submitted the Organization hereby establishes a goal of 15% for Minority-owned Busi- electronically via our online qualification system and are reviewed the month ness Enterprises (MBE) participation and15% for Women-owned Business following in which they were submitted. Consultants who were previously Enterprises (WBE) participation. (We are happy to work with you to help qualified as a consultant for a specific program do not need to reapply for you identify opportunities for M/WBE participation, joint ventures and that program. sub-contracting). As a condition of this procurement, the Proposer and BPCA Consultant service contracts are anticipated to continue to be awarded throughagree to be bound by the provisions of §316 of Article 15-A of the Executive out 2015 and beyond. Because the services are provided statewide on an asLaw regarding enforcement. Proposers must document “good faith efforts” needed basis, exact locations and timeframes of deployment of services canto provide meaningful participation by certified M/WBE subcontractors or not be predicted. RF/SUNY Oswego does not guarantee work as a result of suppliers in the performance of the awarded contract. For guidance on how being qualified as a consultant via this process. A Scope of Work description BPCA will determine a Proposer’s “good faith efforts,” refer to 5 NYCRR § will be issued to all qualified vendors for each service sought. The resulting 143.8. Additionally, Proposers must refer to Mandatory Forms of this docu- successful bidder will be issued a subcontract. ment for a list of forms that must be provided in order to fully comply with DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES SOUGHT Article 15-A of the New York State Executive Law and 5 NYCRR Part 143. The following general areas of training or consulting at the local, regional or BPCA reserves the right to cancel or withdraw in whole or in part this state levels depending upon the intended audience and outcome desired are: RFP at its sole discretion. Proposers will be notified in the event the 1. Organizational Development, 2. Strategic Planning, 3. Facilitation/Focus Groups, 4. Culture Change and Change Management, 5. Leadership, 6. ManRFP is cancelled via the BPCA website. agement Skills and Consulting, 7. Supervision Training and Technical AssisMinority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% tance, 8. Succession Planning 9. Competency-Based Skill Development, 10. Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Project Management, 11. Distance Learning, 12. Evaluation Services, 13. Due date: 03/31/2015 3:00 PM Welfare Reform Expertise, 14. Welfare Fraud -WFIT Institute., 15. Graphic Contract term: 1 (ONE) YEAR Design, Material Production and Public Information Services, 16. Media County(ies): All NYS counties Location: Battery Park City Authority d/b/a Hugh L. Carey Battery Park Copying Services, 17. Fatherhood Media Campaign, 18. Fatherhood Informational Campaign, 19. Conference Support, 20. Fundamentals of Internal City Authority, One World Financial Center 24th Floor, New York, NY Auditing, 21. Accounting, Budgeting, Finance Training and Technical AssisPrimary contact: Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority tance, 22. Online Training Courses, 23. Conference and Motivational SpeakReal Property ers, 24. Disaster Preparedness, Safety Training and Security Assessment, Michael LaMancusa 25. Effective Writing, Editing and Analysis of Written Material, 26. Time Contracts Administrator Management, 27. Drafting Effective Fair Hearing Decisions, 28. Drug and 200 Liberty Street Alcohol Screening Expertise, 29. IV-D Attorney Training, 30. Electronic 24th Floor Document Management System (EDMS) Development New York, NY 10281 Visit our website at www.oswego.edu/rfq for more information and to access United States our RFQ Online Application. Ph: 212-417-4335 Fax: 212-417-2001 michael.lamancusa@bpca.ny.gov NYC FIRE DEPARTMENT Submit to contact: Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority Competitive Sealed Bid for Window and Storm Door Repair and MainteReal Property nance. PIN 057150001064. e-PIN 05715B0007. SUBJECT TO PLA. SUBMichael LaMancusa JECT TO LL 1-M/WBE. Pre-bid Meeting on 3/17/15 at 10:00 AM, FDNY, Contracts Administrator 9 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201, 4th floor, 4S-15/16. Bid due on 4/ 200 Liberty Street 7/15 at 4:00 PM, 9 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn NY 11201, Room 5S-01. 24th Floor Documents are available for pick up at the same location or on line at: New York, NY 10281 www.nyc.gov/fdny Tel. (718)-999-1231. United States Ph: 212-417-4335 Fax: 212-417-2001 michael.lamancusa@bpca.ny.gov February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly 13 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Advertisement and Notice to Bidders New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Project Name: Bianchi Weiss Greenhouses NYS Site Number: 152209 Contract Number: D009327 Sealed bids for the Bianchi Weiss Greenhouses Site (“project”) will be received by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Management and Budget Services, 10th Floor, 625 Broadway, Albany, New York, 12233-5027, Attn: Bureau of Expenditures until the time of 1:00 P.M. (EST) and on the date of Tuesday, March 24, 2015. The project involves the implementation of remedial activities at the Bianchi Weiss Greenhouses Site located within the Town of East Patchogue, Suffolk County.. These include, but are not necessarily limited to excavation and offsite disposal of contaminated soil and site restoration. The estimated range for this work is: $5 Million to $10 Million. Contract Documents are only available in electronic format at no charge. Access to electronic copies of non-biddable Contract Document drawings, specifications, proposal forms, addenda, and a separate Limited Site Data Document may be downloaded from the Department web site link http:// www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/59233.html. Hard copies of the Contract Documents are available upon request from the Division of Environmental Remediation, 12th Floor, 625 Broadway, Albany, New York, 12233-7017, Attn: Remedial Bureau E – Section A, Project Manager-Michael Mason at (518) 402-9814. Proposals will be accepted only from bidders who attend the Pre-Bid Conference. All proposals must be made on the official proposal form and enclosed in the envelope which will be provided at the Pre-Bid Conference. Each proposal must be accompanied by a deposit or a bid bond in the amount of 5% of bid amount. All Bidders must attend a Pre-Bid Conference to discuss special requirements for the contract, to be held at the site on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 starting at 11:00 A.M. prevailing local time. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY AS A CONDITION OF BIDDING. Minority and Women owned businesses are encouraged to submit bids in response to this solicitation. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. The Contractor shall adhere to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Guidelines Regarding Permissible Contacts During a Procurement and the Prohibition of Inappropriate Lobbying Influence. For the purpose of this Notice to Bidders, the Director of the Division of Environmental Remediation, 12th Floor, 625 Broadway, Albany, New York, 12233-7011, shall be the Department’s designated Representative. Any questions, however, shall be directed to Michael A. Mason, the Department’s Project Manager and Designated Contact, at (518) 402-9814. Bidders may receive announcements of future procurement opportunities by signing up for the NYSDEC –DER’s electronic mailing list (“GovDelivery”) at https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/NYSDEC/subscriber/new. NYC FIRE DEPARTMENT Competitive Sealed Bid for Installation and Repair of Overhead Doors at Various Fire Department Facilities. PIN 057150000897; ePIN 05715B0003. Pre-Bid Conference on 3/10/15 at 10:00 AM, FDNY, 9 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201, Room 4S-15/16. Bids due 3/31/15 at 9 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn NY 11201, Room 5S-01-K. Subject to PLA. Subject to Local Law 1 & MWBE Goals. Documents are available for pick up at the same location or on line at: www.nyc.gov/fdny on 2/26/15. Tel. (718)-9992590/2333. NYC Comptroller’s Office RFP for a General Investment Consultant for the NYC Retirement Systems and Related Funds and Emerging Markets Country Screen Services for the New York City Employees Retirement System PIN: 015-15816400ZC The Comptroller of the City of New York (the “Comptroller”), acting on behalf of the NYC Retirement Systems and Related Funds, specifically the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, the New York City Police Pension Fund, Subchapter Two, and the New York City Fire Department Pension Fund, Subchapter Two, invites proposals from firms to provide General Investment Consultant Services to the Systems. A firm is also sought to provide Emerging Markets Country Screen Services to the New York City Employees’ Retirement System through the RFP. Proposals from certified minority-owned and/or women-owned businesses or proposals that include partnering arrangements with certified minority-owned and/or women-owned firms are encouraged. Additionally, proposals from small and New York City based businesses are also encouraged. The RFP will be available for download from the Comptroller’s website, http://comptroller.nyc.gov/forms-n-rfps/rfps-n-solicitations/ under “Asset Management RFPs” on or about February 5, 2015. Proposals are due by March10, 2015 by 3:00 p.m. (ET). Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc. Yonkers Contracting Company is soliciting cost proposals from qualified and certified NYS MBE / WBE Subcontractors and Suppliers for: NYCDEP – BB-64 MAIN SEWAGE PUMP UPGRADES, CONTROLS AND PIPING REPLACEMENTS AT THE BOWERY BAY WWTP BID DATE: MARCH 5, 2015, 11:30 A.M. Work to be performed under this Contract consists of Main Sewage Pump Upgrades, Controls and Piping Replacements, Grit Removal and Disposal, Disposal of Non-Hazardous Excavation Spoils, Backfill, Dynamic Pile Testing, Minipiles, Piles, Reinforcing Steel, Masonry, Asbestos Removal, Brick Replacement, Plumbing, Metallic Conduit, and more. Complete set of bid documents may be viewed, downloaded, or copied at our online website. Interested firms please contact Yonkers Procurement Department 914 965-1500 X 784 or jdiaz@yonkerscontractingco.com EEO/M/F/V/D Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc. Yonkers Contracting Company is soliciting cost proposals from qualified and certified NYS MBE / WBE Subcontractors and Suppliers for: NYSTA – D214377 - PAVEMENT MILLING & RESURFACING I-87/287 MP 24.1 to 31.45 INCLUDING INTERCHANGE 14B RAMPS IN ROCKLAND COUNTY BID DATE: MARCH 11, 2015. Work to be performed under this Contract consists of Excavation and Disposal, Conduit Excavation and Backfill, Top Course HMA, Sealing Joints in Bituminous Concrete, Diluted Tack Coat, Protective Sealing of Structural Concrete, Closed-Cell Foam Joint Seal Installation, Pavement Marking Stripes, Cleaning, Sealing and Fitting Joints, Diamond Grinding, and more. Complete set of bid documents may be viewed, downloaded, or copied at our online website. Interested firms please contact Yonkers Procurement Department 914 965-1500 X 784 or jdiaz@yonkerscontractingco.com EEO/M/F/V/D Minority Commerce Weekly 14 February 26 - March 4, 2015 SAVE THE DATE!! 2015 Contractors Clearinghouse The Contractors Clearinghouse offers the chance to mee t and speak one-onone with representatives from numerous public agencies and private firms in the NY/NJ region in one location.. Attendees will: x Learn about upcoming construction projects for 2015. x Learn how to do business with participating agencies and major construction firms. x Network with old friends and establish new contacts. A Clearinghouse Resource Book containing contact information supplied by all sponsors and exhibitors will be provided to all attendees. Relevant information on all sponsors and exhibitors will also be included in a CD attached to the back of the Resource Book. Friday, March 20, 2015 From 8:30 am to 12:00 pm Hosted by Con Edison 4 Irving Place, New York City REGISTRATION FREE admission for pre-registered M/W/S/DBE Certified Firms LIMITED TO 1 PERSON PER FIRM. Registration MUST be received by 3/14/2015. (MUST mail or fax M/W/S/DBE proof of certification along with registration). __$65 per person for all NON - M/W/S/DBE certified firms __$65 per person for M/W/S/DBE certified firms if registration is received after 3/15/15. __$75 per person door registration. Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Print name or attach business card Firm_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________Fax:_______________________E-Mail:___________________________________________ Send registration and make check payable to the Fund for the City of NY C/O The Regional Alliance for Small Contractors P.O. Box 20094, PABT, New York, NY 10129-0013 Phone: 212-268-2991 * Fax: 212-268-7509 * Email: regionalalliance.ny@verizon.net February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly 15 2015 CONTRACTORS CLEARINGHOUSE Friday, March 20, 2014 EXHIBITOR S REGISTRATION FORM ___Yes, I wish to participate as an exhibitor at the 2015 Contractors Clearinghouse. Enclosed is my check for $__________. Name:______________________________________________________________________________ Company:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________ State: ______________________ Phone:________________ Zip: ____________________ Fax: ____________________ E-Mail: ____________________________ Signature _________________________ Title ________________________ Date ____________ Please fax the completed registration form to: 212-268-7509 or email it to: pcamargo.rascny@verizon.net Make checks payable to: "The Fund for the City of New York" Mail to: Regional Alliance for Small Contractors P.O. Box 20094, P.A.B.T. New York, NY 10129-0013 Phone: (212) 268-2991 * Fax: (212) 268-7509 Website: www.regional-alliance.org Thank you for your support!! 16 Minority Commerce Weekly February 26 - March 4, 2015 February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly 17 Bypass Tunnel Constructors, JV INVITATION TO BID Bypass Tunnel Constructors, JV (Schiavone and Southland Joint Venture) is soliciting cost proposals from qualified MBE and WBE firms certified by the New York City Department of Small Business Services (DSBS) for NCYDEP Contract BT2 – Rondout West Branch Bypass Tunnel Construction & Wawarsing Repairs – Delaware Aqueduct. Bid Date: 3/16/15. Participation Goal: 10% The principal items of Work listed shall not be construed as a complete description of the Work to be performed: Site Work, Job Progress Photos & Videos, Site Security, Trucking and Disposal, Water & Soil Testing, Dewatering, Surveying, CPM Scheduling, Electrical Systems, Asbestos & Lead Removal and Disposal, Concrete Work, Precast Concrete, Misc. Metal Fabrications, Metal Stairs and Ladders, Louvers, Painting, Landscaping, Asphalt Paving, Fence and Gate Systems, Mechanical and Plumbing Work, Pump Systems, Waterproofing, Steel pipes and fittings, Sand & Stone Materials. The bid documents are available at www.bidset.com, code:M22361-22. Please contact Nicole Maiello at nmaiello@schiavone.net or Colleen ConnorsCasenta at cconnors@schiavone.net with inquiries. Schiavone Construction Co. LLC is an EEO Contractor Jett Industries, Inc. Request MWBE Proposals Jett Industries, Inc. invites all MWBE Firms who are certified by NYS Empire State Development to submit proposals for the following project: Bowery Bay Main Sewage Pump Queens County, Astoria, NY Contract No: BB-64 Bid Date: March 5, 2015 Please contact: Selena LW Blake E-Mail: sblake@jettindustries.com Jett Industries Inc. POB 219 Colliersville, New York 13747 Kubricky Construction Corp Phone: (607) 433-2100 Invite quotes From Qualified D/M/WBE’s Fax: (607) 433-2430 An Equal Opportunity Employer Kubricky Construction Corp. is an equal opportunity employer; M/W/DBE’s are encouraged to bid. We invite quotes from qualified D/M/WBE’s on the following NYSDOT/Thruway or other projects. Plans are available from TRANSCORE, LP NYSDOT/Thruway Regional Offices, the Architect, or may be examined at REQUESTING BIDS/QUOTATIONS FROM QUALIFIED MBE/WBE our office at 269 Ballard Road, Wilton, NY 12831. Quotations should be SUBCONTRACTORS FOR: ENGINEERING, SITE WORK, INFRAmade by 5:00pm the day before the bid. Fax is 518-792-2458. STRUCTOR ADMINISTRATION, SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION, NETFor questions, contact our project estimators at 518-792-5864. WORKING ADMINSTION, AND DOCUMENTION SPECIALIST NUMBER/COUNTY DESCRIPTION BID DATE COMPLETION PROJECT NAME: MULTI-FACILITY REPLACEMENT TOLL COLD034189 Hudson Avenue Rehabilitation 3/5/15 12/1/15 LECTION FIELD DEMONSTRATION, MULTI-FACILITY DESIGN WARREN City of Glens Falls AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REPLACEMENT TOLL COLLECTION Bridgewater BF Replace Street Membrane 3/6/15 10/9/15 SYSTEM, AND MULTI-FACILITY REPLACEMENT TOLL COLLECWINDSOR, VT Waterproofing on BR 35, 39, TION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 40, 42 over the Ottauquechee River LOCATION: FOUR BRIDGES AND TWO TUNNELS IN SOUTHERN TANY-15Pavement Milling and 3/11/15 11/30/15 NY AND NORTHERN NJ 8/D214377 Resurfacing and Full Depth CONTRACTOR: TRANSCORE, LP ROCKLAND Repairs I-87/I-287 MP 24.1 to 31.45 OWNER: THE PORT AUTHORITY OF NY & NJ (PANYNJ) D262907 Replacement of Seven 3/12/15 All interested MBE/WBE companies are encouraged to contact Barry Mickle ESSEX Bridges on Route 73, Keene with TransCore at Barry.Mickle@transcore.com or 615-988-9964 by close D262847 Reconstruction on 3 Park and 3/19/15 11/30/15 of business Friday, March 6, 2015 for information regarding the availability ORANGE Ride Lots on NYS Rtes 17, 17M, 17K of plans and specifications for the proposed work, and our policy in providD262874 Roadway Reconstruction 3/19/15 6/2/17 ing assistance to all MBE/WBE companies in obtaining bonds, lines of credit WARREN along Rte 9, Town of Lake George and/or insurance. 18 Minority Commerce Weekly February 26 - March 4, 2015 The State University of New York is the largest comprehensive system of universities, colleges, and community colleges in the world. Its 64 campuses are divided into four categories, based on educational mission, types of academic opportunities available and degrees offered. The largest institutions are the four University Centers: Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, and Stony Brook. SUNY’s administrative offices are in Albany. This section contains solicitations made by the 30 Stateoperated campuses within the SUNY system. The State University of New York procurement process is generally decentralized with each of the 30 state-operated campuses doing the majority of their own purchasing. The SUNY Means Business Web site has procurement information for the state-operated campuses and outlines of NYS laws and SUNY procedures that govern how the University does purchasing. Vendors are encouraged to contact individual campuses with information about their businesses and how their company might meet the campuses’ specific needs. February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly 19 Directory of SUNY Purchasing Offices ALBANY (518) 437-4579 www.albany.edu/purchasing/index.html DOWNSTATE MEDICAL (718) 270-3176 www.downstate.edu/finance/ purchasing.html EMPIRE STATE (518) 587-2100 x2340 OPTOMETRY (212) 938-4000 www.sunyopt.edu/faculty/ businessoffice.shtml ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & FORESTRY (315) 470-6626 www.esf.edu/business/purchasing.htm OSWEGO (315) 312-2224 www.oswego.edu/administration.html FARMINGDALE (631) 420-2245 www.farmingdale.edu PLATTSBURGH (518) 564-4601 www.plattsburgh.edu/offices/admin/ businessaffairs/purchasing ALFRED (607) 587-3916 www.alfredstate.edu/purchasing BINGHAMTON (607) 777-2184 www.binghamton.edu/purchasing BROCKPORT (585) 395-2351 www.brockport.edu/pps BUFFALO (716) 645-5000 www.ubbusiness.buffalo.edu/ubb/cfm/ BUFFALO STATE (716) 878-4113 www.buffalostate.edu/purchasing CANTON (315) 386-7555 FREDONIA (716) 673-3438 www.fredonia.edu/admin/purchasing GENESEO (585) 245-5100 www.geneseo.edu/purchasing MARITIME (718) 409-7200 www.sunymaritime.edu www.Canton.edu/procurement/ COBELSKILL (518) 255-5520 www.Cobleskill.edu CORTLAND (607) 753-2305 www2.cortland.edu DELHI (607) 746-4502 www.delhi.edu/administration/ purchasing/index.php ONEONTA (607) 436-3388 www.oneonta.edu/admin/purchasing MORRISVILLE (315) 684-6461 www.morrisville.edu/business_office/ purchasing.aspx NEW PALTZ (845) 257-3190 www.newpaltz.edu/purchasing OLD WESTBURY (516) 876-3193 www.oldwestbury.edu/administrative/ compliance.cfm POTSDAM (315)267-2139 www.potsdam.edu/offices/purchasing PURCHASE 914) 251-6070 www.purchase.edu STONY BROOK UNIVERSTY (631) 632-6010 www.stonybrook.edu/procurement SUNYIT (315) 792-7342 www.sunyit.edu/business_affairs/ purchasing.inc SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION (518) 320-1349 UPSTATE MEDICAL (315) 464-5720 www.upstate.edu/finance/ purchasing.php Minority Commerce Weekly 20 February 26 - March 4, 2015 SUNY Contracting and Procurement Opportunities In This Issue (SUNY) UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY FURNISH AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT ONLY (NO SERVICES).......................................................................................................................................................21 ROOFING MATERIALS.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 (SUNY) BUFFALO STATE COLLEGE OFFICE SPACE LEASING................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 SUNY DOWNSTATE MEDICAL CENTER AMBULANCE AND AMBULETTE SERVICES...................................................................................................................................................................................22 BLOOD AND BLOOD PRODUCTS....................................................................................................................................................................................................22 SUNY PLATTSBURGH 412775 MASONRY RESTORATION....................................................................................................................................................................................................23 SUNY STONY BROOK WEST CAMPUS MEMBERSHIP IN ACCELERATE LONG ISLAND...............................................................................................................................................................................23 SUNY UPSTATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY BUS BOARD ADVERTISING ON SYRACUSE, OSWEGO, AUBURN AND UTICA BUSES.................................................................................................................23 INTENSIVISTS.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................24 NAVICARE NURSE CALL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE.......................................................................................................................................................................24 PROJ 562.3 IHP PENTHOUSE SERVER SIEMENS............................................................................................................................................................................24 PROJ 562.3 IHP PENTHOUSE SERVER ROOM - HONEYWELL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM.....................................................................................................................25 TRANSPLANT PHYSICIAN SERVICES............................................................................................................................................................................................25 Minority Commerce Weekly is published by: Independent Media Sales & Services, Inc., a NYC/NYS Certified MBE James W. Wood, Publisher Phone: 212.349.4100 email: imssjim@aol.com website: www.mcwbids.com February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly (SUNY) University at Albany Furnish Audio Visual Equipment only (no services) The University at Albany, SUNY, is seeking proposals from NYS-certified Minority and/or Woman owned businesses (MWBE) to provide various pieces of audio visual equipment such as Crestron, Extron, Crown, Community and Wolfvision products. If you are a NYS-certified MWBE and are interested in providing pricing on this equipment list and are authorized to resell this equipment, please send your written request to this procurement's designated contact, Dave VanVranken, at dvanvranken@albany.edu (or fax 518-437-4571) and include your company's name, address, contact person's name and email address and current MWBE status. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Due date: 03/19/2015 2:30 PM Contract term: A/R/O County(ies): Albany Location: UAlbany Uptown Campus Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) University at Albany Institutional Services David Van Vranken Purchasing Agent 1400 Washington Ave. MSC Room 302 Albany, NY 12222 United States Ph: 518-437-4579 Fax: 518-437-4571 dvanvranken@albany.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) University at Albany Institutional Services David Van Vranken Purchasing Agent 1400 Washington Ave. MSC Room 302 Albany, NY 12222 United States Ph: 518-437-4579 Fax: 518-437-4571 dvanvranken@albany.edu (SUNY) University at Albany Roofing Materials The University at Albany, SUNY, is seeking proposals from NYS certified (MWBE) minority or woman owned businesses (only) to furnish various roofing materials to the campus spread out across two deliveries. One delivery is to occur as soon as possible and the second delivery is to occur by the end of the summer break (2015). To obtain a copy of this opportunity, please email your request to this procurement's designated contact, Dave VanVranken at dvanvranken@albany.edu (or fax 518-437-4571) and include your comapny's name, address, phone/fax #'s, contact person's name and email address and please also indicate your firm's minority or woman owned business designation. (i.e. "MBE", "WBE" or "Dual certification"). Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Due date: 03/16/2015 2:30 PM Contract term: 2 deliveries -completed by end of summer '15 County(ies): Albany Location: University at Albany Uptown Campus Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) University at Albany 21 Institutional Services David Van Vranken Purchasing Agent 1400 Washington Ave. MSC Room 302 Albany, NY 12222 United States Ph: 518-437-4579 Fax: 5 18-437-4571 dvanvranken@albany.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) University at Albany Institutional Services David Van Vranken Purchasing Agent 1400 Washington Ave. MSC Room 302 Albany, NY 12222 United States Ph: 518-437-4579 Fax: 518-437-4571 dvanvranken@albany.edu (SUNY) Buffalo State College Office space leasing SUNY Buffalo State College is seeking offers from qualified landlords interested in entering into a five (5) year lease agreement with two (2) five (5) year renewal options at the lessee’s discretion pursuant to the New York State Public Buildings Law, to provide approximately 12,000 – 18,000 square feet of usable general office space in the Buffalo, New York or the surrounding suburbs of: Amherst, Cheektowaga, Lackawanna, Tonawanda, West Seneca, Williamsville in accordance with all applicable laws and New York State contracting procedures. Typical hours of operations for the office would be 7:00 am to 11:00 pm MF with occasional use of office space anytime. Requirements include: 1. Open structural framing plan preferred to minimize build out costs. 2. Independent control of the HVAC systems is needed and 24/7 HVAC capability shall be available. 3. Space should have adequate common areas to accommodate team meetings up to 80 employees in a single space. 4. Secure electronic entrance and elevator access. 5. One hour response to emergency building maintenance calls 24hrs/day/ seven days /week. 6. Parking, entrances, common areas and restrooms should be ADA accessible 7. Entire space compliant with current fire and building codes. 8. A minimum of 40% of the exterior perimeter of the space can provide direct and indirect daylight. 9. Landlord financing of tenant improvements amortized over the term of the lease. 10. Proposed base rental rates shall reflect the cost of a “turnkey” lease and shall include: all taxes, operating costs, utilities, repair and maintenance (including grounds maintenance, facility, plumbing, HVAC, etc…) for the premises (including normal wear and tear) throughout the term; midterm painting 11. Safe parking for a minimum of 80 professionals. Specific electrical, telecommunication, and space specific needs for build out costs will be provided at a later date Proposals needed no later than March 12, 2015 by 2:00 PM Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Due date: 03/12/2015 2:00 PM Contract term: 5 years with renewal options County(ies): Erie Location: Erie County, areas near Buffalo NY Minority Commerce Weekly 22 Technical contact: ITEC SUNY Buffalo State Michael Notarius Chief Information Officer TWIN 200 1300 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14222 United States Ph: 716-878-4832 mike@itec.suny.edu Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo State College Procurement Services Steven Olsen Director of Procurement Services 1300 Elmwood Avenue 406 Cleveland Hall Buffalo, NY 14222 United States Ph: 716-878-4113 olsensw@buffalostate.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo State College Procurement Services Steven Olsen Director of Procurement Services 1300 Elmwood Avenue 406 Cleveland Hall Buffalo, NY 14222 United States Ph: 716-878-4113 olsensw@buffalostate.edu SUNY Downstate Medical Center Ambulance and Ambulette Services SUNY DMC seeks a qualified company to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) and Basic Life Support (BLS) services. If any vendor believes that they can provide this service, please contact the agent(s) listed below. We intend to make an award under our discretionary authority, pursuant to NYS Education Law §355(5)(b), for the above noted service. A sealed bid will not be held. If you are interested in providing a proposal for the above service, you must contact the appropriately designated campus contact in this advertisement within 15 business days of this Advertisement Notice. Vendor must have all permits, licenses and authorizations as may be required by the City of New York, the State of New York, the Federal Government and/or any other applicable authority with jurisdiction. (Note: Contacting any other individual at SUNY-DMC in connection with this advertisement may constitute a violation of New York State Finance Law.) Please include in tour submission the name, title and telephone number of a contact. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Due date: 03/12/2015 Contract term: One year County(ies): All NYS counties Location: SUNY Downstate Medical Center Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Contracts and Procurement Donovan Lorde Contract Specialist 450 Clarkson Avenue Box 113 Brooklyn, NY 11203 United States February 26 - March 4, 2015 Ph: 718-270-1134 donovan.lorde@downstate.edu Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Lisandra Reid Contracts Officier 450 Clarkson Avenue Box 63 Brooklyn, NY 11203 United States Ph: 718-270-1453 LISANDRA.REID@DOWNSTATE.EDU Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Contracts and Procurement Donovan Lorde Contract Specialist 450 Clarkson Avenue Box 113 Brooklyn, NY 11203 United States Ph: 718-270-1134 donovan.lorde@downstate.edu SUNY Downstate Medical Center Blood and Blood Products SUNY-Downstate Medical Center is seeking bids for Blood and Blood Component, Enhancements to Blood and Blood Components, and Testing of Blood and Blood Components from a qualified Provider. This will be a Purchase Authorization contract. This Purchase Authorization will be available to SUNY-Stony Brook. A vendor who believes that they can provide the product/services at a competitive price is invited to contact the agency purchasing officer listed below. This procurement is subject to NYS Finance Law §139 j&k, AKA the Lobbying Law. Therefore, vendors are cautioned that the only permissible contact for this procurement is the individual listed below. Contacting any other individuals in connection with this advertisement may constitute a violation of New York State Finance Law. Failure to comply with this requirement can range from no contract award to debarment from sales to any NYS Agency. Successful contractor will be required to submit current and valid NYS Workman's Compensation and Disability Forms Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 16.11% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 10.93% Due date: 03/17/2015 5:00 PM Contract term: 5 Years County(ies): All NYS counties Location: 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Purchasing and Contracts Department Beatrice York Purchase Associate 450 Clarkson Avenue, Box 63 Brooklyn, NY 11203, United States Ph: 718-270-1121 Beatrice.york@downstate.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Purchasing and Contracts Department Beatrice York Purchase Associate 450 Clarkson Avenue, Box 63 Brooklyn, NY 11203 United States Ph: 718-270-1121 Beatrice.york@downstate.edu February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly SUNY Plattsburgh 412775 Masonry Restoration The State University of New York at Plattsburgh is soliciting proposals for Masonry Restoration for Kent and Macomb Halls Project Number. 412775. The project includes removal of hazardous materials, concrete masonry entry replacements, repointing, repairs, and cleaning indicated brick and stone masonry at Kent and Macomb Halls. The estimated construction cost is $600,000.00. A mandatory pre bid meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2015 at 10:00 am in the Service Building Conference Room, SUNY Plattsburgh, 40 Sanborn Avenue, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. Contractors interested in receiving paper bid documents must send a non refundable deposit check payable to SUNY Plattsburgh in the amount of $40.00 to the Purchasing Office, 101 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. Electronic copies of the bid documents are available at no cost from the New York State Contract Reporter advertisement or by e-mailing tesorijp@plattsburgh.edu. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Due date: 03/20/2015 3:00 PM Contract term: 90 Days County(ies): Clinton Location: 61 Rugar Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Plattsburgh Purchasing Office Joseph Tesoriere Director of Purchasing 101 Broad Street Plattsburgh, NY 12901-2681 United States Ph: 518-564-4604 joseph.tesoriere@plattsburgh.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Plattsburgh Purchasing Office Joseph Tesoriere Director of Purchasing 101 Broad Street Plattsburgh, NY 12901-2681 United States Ph: 518-564-4604 joseph.tesoriere@plattsburgh.edu SUNY Stony Brook West Campus Membership in ACCELERATE LONG ISLAND. SUNY @ STONY BROOK intends to make an award under our discretionary authority, pursuant to NYS Education Law #355(5)b), for the above noted services. A sealed bid will not be held. Interested parties should contact the agency contact person listed in this ad to discuss this opportunity. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Due date: 03/16/2015 9:00 AM Contract term: One (1) year County(ies): All NYS counties Location: STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Stony Brook West Campus Procurement Department Jonathan Rios Bid Coordinator Research & Development Park Flowerfield 17 23 St. James, NY 11780 United States Ph: 631-632-6010 Fax: 631-632-6462 jonathan.rios@stonybrook.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Stony Brook West Campus Procurement Department Jonathan Rios Bid Coordinator Research & Development Park Flowerfield 17 St. James, NY 11780 United States Ph: 631-632-6010 Fax: 631-632-6462 jonathan.rios@stonybrook.edu SUNY Upstate Medical University Bus Board Advertising on Syracuse, Oswego, Auburn and Utica buses SUNY Upstate Medical University intends to make an award under our discretionary authority, pursuant to NYS Education Law §355(5)(b), for the above noted commodity, which authorizes purchases without a formal competitive process in certain circumstances, including purchases from NYS small businesses, from business certified pursuant to Article 15-A of the NYS Executive Law, and, if applicable, from businesses selling commodities or technology that are recycled or re-manufactured. A sealed bid will not be held. If you are interested in providing a proposal for the above commodity, you must contact the appropriately designated Campus contact in this advertisement within 15 business days of this Advertisement Notice." Effective 11/1/2006, in accordance with State Finance Law Section §139j&k, AKA the Lobbying Law, all questions pertaining to this procurement shall be made formally to the designated staff: the contact person for questions or bid clarifications and the contact person to whom you must submit the bid. Contact made to other staff regarding this procurement may disqualify the firm and affect future procurements with government entities in the State of New York. Due date: 03/13/2015 2:00 PM Contract term: One Year County(ies): Onondaga Location: SUNY Upstate Medical University, 750 E Adams St., Syracuse, NY 13210 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Campus Purchasing Terry Boyle Assistant Director 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-5720 Fax: 315-464-4599 boylet@upstate.edu Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Contracts & Campus Purchasing Daniel Arnold Purchase Associate 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-5720 Fax: 315-464-4599 arnoldd@upstate.edu Minority Commerce Weekly February 26 - March 4, 2015 24 County(ies): All NYS counties Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University SUNY Upstate Medical University Campus Purchasing Hospital Purchasing Department Terry Boyle Amy Clifford Assistant Director Purchase Associate 750 East Adams Street 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 Syracuse, NY 13210 United States United States Ph: 315-464-5720 Ph: 315-464-6039 Fax: 315-464-4599 cliffora@upstate.edu boylet@upstate.edu Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital Purchasing Department Intensivists Kristy Davis Purchase Associate SUNY Upstate Medical University intends to contract with University Sur750 East Adams Street gical Associates, LLP for surgical intensivists services in accordance with Syracuse, NY 13210 SUNY Policy 4300. A sealed bid will not be held. United States Due date: 03/12/2015 Ph: 315-464-2412 Contract term: One year daviskr@upstate.edu County(ies): Onondaga Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Location: Syracuse, NY SUNY Upstate Medical University Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Hospital Purchasing Department SUNY Upstate Medical University Amy Clifford Contracts Office Purchase Associate Barbara Jasinski 750 East Adams Street Senior Contracts Administrator Syracuse, NY 13210 750 East Adams Street United States Syracuse, NY 13210 Ph: 315-464-6039 United States cliffora@upstate.edu Ph: 315-464-4680 jasinskb@upstate.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University SUNY Upstate Medical University Proj 562.3 IHP Penthouse Server Siemens Contracts Office SUNY Upstate Medical University has been granted an exemption from Barbara Jasinski advertising, from the Office of the State Comptroller, in procuring Siemens Senior Contracts Administrator HVAC Building Managemernt Systems for the construction of the IHP Pent750 East Adams Street house Server Room. An allowance will be allocated in the construction Syracuse, NY 13210 contract for this service. United States Consistent with Chapter 862 of the Laws of 1990, SUNY Upstate Medical Ph: 315-464-4680 Universityrequested an exemption from initially publishing this contract jasinskb@upstate.edu opportunity in the procurement opportunities newsletter, i.e. the NYS Contract Reporter. In accordance with Section 144(2)(e) of the Economic DevelSUNY Upstate Medical University opment Law, the Office of the State Comptroller has granted the exemption. Navicare Nurse Call System maintenance Reason for advertising exemption: Single Source SUNY Upstate Medical University intends to contract for software mainte- Award recipient: Siemens Building Systems nance and support of its NaviCare Nurse Call System. The NaviCare soft- Any questions or comments regarding this notice of sole-source, singleware is proprietary, exclusively developed by Hill Rom. Anyone who be- source, or procurement otherwise exempt from advertising in the NYS Conlieves they can provide this service is invited to contact SUNY Upstate tract Reporter should be directed to the contact person listed for the conMedical University’s Hospital Purchasing Department as listed below, prior tracting agency or public authority. Ad end date: 03/05/2015 to expiration of this advertisement. 03/05/2015 Requirements: Contract term: 6 months Must be manufacturer or manufacturer’s authorized representative. This procurement is subject to NYS Finance Law §139 j&k, AKA the Lob- County(ies): Onondaga bying Law. Therefore, vendors are cautioned that the only permissible con- Location: IHP, 505 Irving Avenue, Syracuse, New York 13210 tact for this procurement is the individual listed below. Failure to comply Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) with this requirement can range from no contract award to debarment from SUNY Upstate Medical University sales to any NYS Agency. Facility Design Services Successful contractor shall be required to complete and submit documents Catherine Adamitis related to Vendor Responsibility, NYS Finance Law §139 j&k, and New York Business Manager State’s Tax Law Section 5-a. 750 East Adams Street Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Syracuse, NY 13210 Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% United States Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Ph: 315-464-4788 Due date: 03/17/2015 9:00 AM adamitic@upstate.edu Contract term: one year February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly SUNY Upstate Medical University Proj 562.3 IHP Penthouse Server Room - Honeywell Fire Alarm System SUNY Upstate Medical University has been granted an exemption from advertising, from the Office of the State Comptroller, in procuring Honeywell Fire Alarm Systems for the construction of the IHP Penthouse Server Room. An allowance will be allocated in the construction contract for this service. Consistent with Chapter 862 of the Laws of 1990, SUNY Upstate Medical Universityrequested an exemption from initially publishing this contract opportunity in the procurement opportunities newsletter, i.e. the NYS Contract Reporter. In accordance with Section 144(2)(e) of the Economic Development Law, the Office of the State Comptroller has granted the exemption. Reason for advertising exemption: Single Source Award recipient: Honeywell Fire Alarm Systems Any questions or comments regarding this notice of sole-source, singlesource, or procurement otherwise exempt from advertising in the NYS Contract Reporter should be directed to the contact person listed for the contracting agency or public authority. Ad end date: 03/05/2015 03/05/2015 Contract term: 6 months County(ies): Onondaga Location: IHP, 505 Irving Avneue, Syracuse, New York 13210 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Facility Design Services Catherine Adamitis Business Manager 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-4788 adamitic@upstate.edu SUNY Upstate Medical University Transplant Physician Services SUNY Upstate Meidcal University intends to contract with University Surgical Associates, LLP for transplant physician services in accordance with SUNY Policy 4300. A sealed bid will not be held. Due date: 03/12/2015 Contract term: Two years County(ies): Onondaga Location: Syracuse, NY Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Contracts Office Barbara Jasinski Senior Contracts Administrator 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-4680 jasinskb@upstate.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Contracts Office Barbara Jasinski Senior Contracts Administrator 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-4680 jasinskb@upstate.edu NYS.30 Minority Commerce Weekly is published by: Independent Media Sales & Services, Inc., a NYC/NYS Certified MBE James W. Wood, Publisher Phone: 212.349.4100 email: imssjim@aol.com website: www.mcwbids.com 25 Minority Commerce Weekly 26 February 26 - March 4, 2015 4th Annual College Regional MWBE Conference Hosted by SUNY College at Old Westbury In conjunction with NYS Empire State Development When: Thursday, April 9, 2015, 8:00 am 2:30 pm Where: SUNY College at Old Westbury Duane L. Jones Recital Hall, Campus Center Building 223 Store Hill Road, Old Westbury, NY 11568 (use Route 107 entrance) $35 $ This Conference will provide: Old Westbury, NY 11568 A venue for New York State officials, SUNY procurement personnel, and regional-based agency staff to network with MWBE firms MWBE vendors greater awareness of procurement opportunities at the regional and SUNY campuses Introduction of Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business opportunities Insights into the Empire State Development MWBE Certification process Information sessions of interest to all MWBE attendees Procurement staff an opportunity to network with MWBE firms in the region Lunch and refreshments For more information, please contact: Patrick Adams at (516) 876-3194 AdamsP@oldwestbury.edu or Sheila Washington at (516) 876-3193 WashingtonS@oldwestbury.edu February 26 - March 4, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly 27 4th Annual College Regional MWBE Conference Sponsored by SUNY College at Old Westbury in conjunction with NYS Empire State Development Vendor Registration Form & Information You are cordially invited to participate in our upcoming College Regional Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Conference. At this conference you will be able to receive instructions and share information on MWBE procurements, network with others in the field, develop business relationships and partnerships among NYS and regional procurement offices and MWBE vendors. x x x When: Time: Where: x x x Registration Fee: Directions: Please RSVP: Thursday, April 9, 2015 8:00 am 2:30 pm SUNY College at Old Westbury Duane L. Jones Recital Hall, Campus Center Building 223 Store Hill Road (main entrance off Route 107) Old Westbury, NY 11568 $40.00 per person (includes networking lunch & refreshments) See the College s website,www.oldwestbury.edu, under the Visitors link By March 31, 2015 Please complete this form and mail it along with your check or money order noting MWBE Conference in the amount of $40.00 payable to SUNY College at Old Westbury to: SUNY College at Old Westbury 223 Store Hill Road, P.O. Box 210 Campus Center Building, Room H-310E Old Westbury, NY 11568 Attention: Director of Purchasing Any questions, please feel free to contact: Patrick Adams, Director of Purchasing: adamsp@oldwestbury.edu or (516) 876-3194 Sheila Washington, Purchasing Assistant: washingtons@oldwestbury.edu or (516) 876-3193 Firm/Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Person(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________ Title(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone (w/area code): ______________________ Fax (w/area code): ______________________________ E-mail Address:______________________________ Commodity/Service: ____________________________ Survey Questions: What question would you like to pose to our expert MWBE experts? ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ If you have attended a previous Conference at Old Westbury College, did you obtain new or added business as a result? Please describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 28 Minority Commerce Weekly February 26 - March 4, 2015
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