VOLUME 45 No. 8 FEBRUARY 25, 2015 JOURNEY TO WHOLENESS DAWN OF A NEW DAY Traditional Worship 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Based on the last 7 sayings of Jesus on the cross The Invitation Worship—8:45 a.m.—Wesley Hall Sunday, March 1 Sunday, March 1 John 9:1-41 “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise” Sunday, March 8 John 4 Sunday, March 8 “Woman, this is your son” Sunday, March 15 John 3:14-21 Sunday, March 15 “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me” Sunday, March 22 John 11 Sunday, March 22 “I Thirst” Palm/Passion Sunday, March 29 Luke 22 Palm/Passion Sunday, March 29 “It is finished” Wednesday, February 25 5:15 p.m. Dinner 6 p.m. Healing Service, Sanctuary Wednesday, March 4 5:15 p.m. Dinner Menu: Black Bean & Pumpkin Soup, Potato Soup, Pasta Primavera, Rolls, Salad Bar, Cheese Cake 6 p.m. Taizé Service, Sanctuary Wednesday, March 11 No Programming due to Spring Break Wednesday, March 25 TBA Wednesday, April 1 No Programming due to Holy Week Maundy Thursday, April 2 7 p.m. Communion Service, Sanctuary Good Friday, April 3 7 p.m. Tenebrae Service, Sanctuary Wednesday, March 18 5:15 p.m. Dinner 6 p.m. Service of Mission, Wesley Hall WEDNESDAY COMMUNION & PRAYER SERVICES: 12:05-12:20 P.M. February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1 LENTEN LUNCHEON SERIES Thursday, February 26: St. James Catholic Church – 845 Lakeshire Drive Thursday, March 5: All Saints Episcopal Church – 608 West Jefferson Street Thursday, March 12: First Presbyterian Church – 400 West Jefferson Street Thursday, March 19: Lawndale Presbyterian Church – 1500 Lawndale Drive Thursday, March 26: St. Luke United Methodist Church – 1400 Clayton Avenue The community will gather at noon and a light lunch will be served. Donations accepted to offset the cost of lunch. Primetimers MOVIE NIGHT! 6 p.m. in Wesley Hall $2 includes movie, popcorn and drink The Littlest Angel Choir will present a special program On Sunday, March 1 at 4 p.m. in the Chapel. Tuesday, March 3: And So It Goes Thursday, March 19; The Queen Thursday, April 23: Enchanted April Call Kathryn (213-1337) to reserve a seat! FUMC TV Ministry: More Channels! More Systems! Our TV Ministry is expanding to include more channels and cable systems! Beginning this Sunday, you can view First United Methodist Church’s 11 a.m. service on the following channels and systems: Comcast - Channel 4; Metrocast – Channel 20; Cable One – Channel 11; DISH Network – Channel 49; and with an over-the-air antenna on Channel 49. For further information, please contact Shannon Turner at 690-8100 or Shannon @fumctupelo.com What is the Divorce Recovery Workshop? • A 25+ year successful FUMC Outreach Ministry, helping hundreds from all over north Mississippi • Eleven weeks of support for anyone experiencing divorce or separation • Led by former participants of this workshop, who, because of their belief in this ministry, volunteer as small group leaders and facilitators • Speakers from a variety of support professions including pastors, counselors, former leaders, and financial experts offer help & support • Broken Rainbows is offered for children of participants, as well as child care for the youngest Once again we will offer this workshop beginning March 2. Encourage someone you know who might benefit from this opportunity, to contact the church office for information at 662.690.8100. FIRST FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP March 6 at 11:30 a.m. Wesley Hall Lunch $5 Program: Patricia Neely-Dorsey is a graduate of Tupelo High School and Boston University. She is the author of Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia - A Life in Poems and My Magnolia Memories and Musins - In Poems. She calls her books “a celebration of the south and things southern.” Music of the Soul Day Retreat March 7 10 a.m.—3 p.m. FUMC will sponsor and build a Habitat for Humanity house September 12 -19, 2015. Please put this date on your calendar. We will need as many volunteers as we can to help us build this house and give hope to a family. More information will be provided in the months to come. If you need information before that time please contact Sapada Thomas: sapada@fumctupelo.com or Wesley Partin (662) 679-0380. The “Spiritual Practices for Everyday Life” will attend the “Music of the Soul” Day Retreat at the Duncan Gray Conference Center in Canton, MS on Saturday March 7 from 10 a.m.—3 p.m. Mark and Jennifer Shepherd will help lead this retreat. There will be various opportunities to practices spiritual disciplines on this retreat. The church bus will leave from the church at 6:45 a.m. and return around 7 p.m. Cost for the retreat is $30. For more information contact Sapada sapada@fumctupelo.com or Mark Shepherd: m.shepherd@bellsouth.net 1 J.D. Bailey Hayden Buckley Susannah Eidt Mattie Hughes 2 Emma Atkinson Christopher Lippincott Natasha Morrison Will Murphree Grace Pitcock John Pryor Alexis Rather Rachel Spencer 3 Kylee Foster Kay Giles Susan Hester Julie Hinds Michelle Johnson Robyn Kelly Blake Love Bo Morrison Lilly Pace Green Smith Carol Threadgill Meg Wise 4 Pam Brekke Conner Collins Dennis Wright 5 Lacy Bailey Charlie Davis Carolyn Green Julian Prince Rob Rice 6 David Baker Paula Bingham Harrison Eidt Todd Hunt Harold Kay Bill Prater Lilla Ann Reed David A. White, Sr. 1 M/M Roger Bland M/M Don Leathers 4 M/M Chris Bray 5 M/M Andy Anderson 9 M/M Jay Collins M/M Charles Grace 10 M/M Brandon Turney Angela Wildmon 7 Fuller Alvarez Matt Asters Todd Beadles Melinda Bell Kathy Hamilton 8 Polly Bailey Tommye Carver Ken Lippincott Janice Lomenick Maddie Russell 9 Patrick Beasley June Harrison Sylvia McCurdy Chad West 10 Wyatt Barrow Jack Foster Emma Gousset Steve McAlilly Wesley McCullough Caitlyn Wilson 11 Carter Brown Boatner Calhoun Murphy Cook 12 Mitch Lowe Jane Alice Moore 13 Lauren Barber Chris Cole Tom Murry Elizabeth Russell 14 Blake Harris Jay Jourdan Georgia Marlin Jennifer Shepherd 15 Will Beasley Kyle Coffin Kelly Gregory Cindy Harris Carrie Vail Whitney Williams 16 Will Darsey Drew Garrett Adam Paxton 17 Betsy Davis Andrew Emig Dane Hagemann Allie West 18 Allan Ezell Regan Hawkins Mike Hester Susan Lann Riley Macklin James Pilgrim 19 Mary Dawson Buskirk Patrick Green Mary Frances Osbirn Eddie Parker Charles Talley Calvin White 20 Jeff Green Austin Turner 21 Melba Dill 22 Lori Greer Sarah Karrant Haydn Truett 23 Sidney Darsey Sally Gillentine Clay Short Ann Douglas Stone 24 Keith Adams Patrick Bland John M. Crabtree Lacy Morse Betty Robbins 11 M/M Todd Buskirk 12 M/M Stacy Simmons 15 M/M Felix Rutledge, Jr. 16 M/M Troy Beck M/M Jim Gilmore D/M Dick White 17 M/M Chuck Foote Jocelyn Smith Adrian Thompson 25 David Atkins Jay Collins Andy Mulkey George Rutledge 26 Ashton Collins Lilli McGraw Caroline Turney 27 Peiffer Adams Callahan Beall Sanders Beall Morgan Brekke Abby Condit Louise Harris Maddie Hewitt Elizabeth West Jan Yarbrough 28 Baxter Bray Jim Curtis Charlie English Ben Gatlin Butch Harris Jan McGreger Susan Presley Andy Short Bev Stroup 29 Reneé Baldwin Peggy Carter Urcle Lomenick Merilee McCurdy 30 Mike Asters 31 Clay Hewitt Martha Whitehead 18 M/M Richie Swinney 22 M/M Gary Hawkins 25 M/M Randy Ivy M/M Mike Oliver 27 M/M Jamie Osbirn M/M Donnie Bridges 29 M/M Jim McGraw ...Rick Showalter By: Charlotte Westbrook M/M David Brevard Donna Timmons Lynn Collier Mona Broadaway Carla Brooks Kayla Fisackenly Sheila Kelly Angela Coggins M/M Todd Wheeler M/M Jim Diffee Super Sagless Co. Roberta Brown Joyce Showalter M/M Steven Mills Leggett & Platt HFCU Grp M/M Paul Johnston …Dr. Lee Rogers By: Gayle Kinsey M/M Gerald Wages F.L. Lummus family M/M Mitchell Taub Dr. James Holbrook D/M Eldridge Fleming M/M Jameson Rogers Jo Wright Carolyn Boggan Jo Anne Harris Helen Collins M/M Steven Strode D/M Roy Ryan M/M Tim Polk …Peter Whitehead By: The Westbrook family …Buck Buchanan …Robert Smith By: M/M Rick Caldwell …Herbert Denton, Jr. By: Carolyn Perry M/M David Brevard Carolyn Boggan …Kelly Clark Putt By: D/M Fayette Williams …Suzanne Raper By: Carolyn Boggan …Mary Hall Stinson By: M/M Henry Dodge …Alan Nunnelee By: M/M Allan Ezell SYMPATHY SERVING SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 • ...Bobbye McCormick, who passed away February 17 in Oxford, MS. She was the step-mother of Sandra Wright (Dennis). • ...Kitty Reed, who passed away February 22 in Tupelo, MS. She was the mother of Susan Nelson (Edward), Anne Strickland (Peter), and Helen Collins. She was the grandmother of Bill Richards, Leigh Richards, Amy Nelson, Laura Collins, and Will Collins. ACOLYTE & CRUCIFER: 8:45 Traditional: Brock Kelly (c), Abrielle Carnathan (a) 8:45 The Invitation: Lilee Rose (a) 11 Traditional: Trip Wilson (c), Jake Weir (a) SANCTUARY SOUND: 8:45: David Dillard 11: Jim Karrant TV OPERATORS: Steve Lesley, Lee McKenzie, Jason Pannell GREETERS: 8:45 Traditional: Jean Harper The Invitation: David Bell, Eddie Warren 11:00: Polly/Richard Crenshaw USHERS: 8:45 Traditional: Raymond Jourdan, Fred Mothershed, Jim Rish, Stacy Simmons The Invitation: Carl Bragenberg, Mitch Hester, Mike Marlin, Eddie Warren, Ken Wilson 11:00: Bill Beasley, Scooter Carr, Mac Curlee, John Holliday STEWARDSHIP 2015 Budget Goal ..................................$2,411,501.20 2015 Needed Weekly .................................$46,375.03 2015 Two Month Budgeted Amount .............$401,916.30 Last Week’s Offering through 2/12 ............$32,867.08 2015 Offering through 2/12 ......................$363,657.48 Spent to Date 2015 through 2/12 ..............$353,155.69 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH—TUPELO, MISSISSIPPI CALENDAR FOR MARCH 1-7, 2015 SUNDAY, MARCH 1 8:45 Worship, Sanctuary 8:45 The Invitation, WH 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Worship, Sanctuary 4:00 Cub Scouts, FH 4:00 Littlest Angel Program, Chapel 5:00 Earthkeepers, CH 5:00 Youth Choir 6:00 6th Grade Small Group MONDAY, MARCH 2 9:00 Preschool/Kindergarten 9:00 Invitation Planning, 313 2:30 CASA, Gym 5:00 Book Group, CR 5:30 Divorce Recovery, WH TUESDAY, MARCH 3 8:00-11:30 Clothes Closet Open for Donations 9:00 Preschool/Kindergarten 10:00 Faithbuilders 11:00 Program Staff, CR 2:00 Littlest Angel Choir 2:30 CASA, CLC 3:00 Carol Choir 6:00 Senior Movie Night, CLC WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 7:00 Youth Prayer Breakfast, Connie’s 9:00 Preschool/Kindergarten 12:05 Communion, Chapel 2:30 CASA, CLC 3:00 Children’s Choir 4:30 Homework Helps 5:30 Refresh Meal 6:00 Taize' Service, Sanctuary 6:00 Youth Worship 6:00 Sanctuary Handbells 7:00 Chancel Choir THURSDAY, MARCH 5 8:00-11:30 Clothes Closet Open for Donations 9:00 Preschool/Kindergarten 9:00 Invitation Worship Planning 1:15 Traceway Van 2:30 CASA, CLC FRIDAY, MARCH 6 9:00 Preschool/Kindergarten 11:30 First Friday Fellowship, WH 2:30 CASA, CLC SATURDAY, MARCH 7 9:00-12:00 Helping Hands Open
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