The Lions Roar The official newsletter of New Hampshire Lions District 44-N Volume 20, Issue #8, February 2015 Melody Whitcher District Governor Dear Fellow Lion, “Ask One” and “Action Through Membership” are phrases that remind us that members are key in the service of others. I will suggest that we all try a little harder to find those who have caring hearts like ours and welcome them into our Lions’ family, so they can share the incredible, wonderful feeling of making a difference in the lives of others. “Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion.” "Those who wish to sing, always find a song." Where is Your District Governor? New London - February 5th If any club would like a visit please contact CST Don Riley for scheduling. One way for membership growth is to invite your neighbor to a “Membership Welcoming Event.” Clubs are truly finding this is a successful recruiting plan. If you like, ask one of your leadership team to attend. It works!!!! Just Ask!!! Reminder: I want to assist your club in any service project especially hearing/eye screenings. Reminders from CST Don A message from FVDG Henry McKee Greetings Fellow Lions, Greeting Lions · 2nd · March Cabinet Meeting: Hard to believe, but the March Cabinet Meeting, hosted by the Enfield Mascoma Lions Club, is on the horizon. Date is March 15 with registration starting at 11:00 AM. Registration form appears in this newsletter. · District 44-N Spring Convention: Date is May 8 -10 and will be held Gorham. · DG Melody’s Homecoming is scheduled for Saturday, June 6 – location is TBD. · Half District 44-N Dues: Notices have been emailed to all club Presidents and Secretaries. They are due upon receipt, mailed to me. Thanks for your attention. DG Melody Visitations: Governor Melody has done a fantastic job of visiting clubs and only 3 or 4 remain to be scheduled. If you have not already scheduled a date, please arrange a date, either by contacting me or DG Melody. As you may of read I have been elected as FVDG after the resignation of Lion Bruce. I am saddened as Lion Bruce had many great programs he had started and all the hard work he had put in with the SPOT Vision Screener and Fidelco. I am very humbled to have been asked to step in and by the vote of confidence from the District Governor, her cabinet and the past District Governors. For those newer Lions I will give you a little personal and Lion background. · Employed by USPS and serve as Postmaster of Franconia NH · I have 5 children ( 2 are step children) and 4 grandchildren · I live in Orford NH · I am a Charter member of the Orford Lions Club ( 1986 ) · In 2005-06 I served as District Governor · I have been president of LTSSA and the HSB · I currently serve on the S&H Board, LTSSA, and LEOs district coordinator ( LYS ) · I have received 2 International Presidents certificate of appreciation, Lion of the year, Zone and Secretary of the year · I am both a Melvin Jones Fellow and Granite State Fellow I have a very short time to establish a cabinet and make the plans for the upcoming year. I hope to see you at Mid-Winter Convention and at the DG cabinet meeting in March at the Enfield Community Building. If you are interested in serving your district along with me I will greatly appreciate your help. Yours in Lionism Lion Henry A messge from SVDG Christine Greenwood MCC Jim Robinson Multiple Council Chair Report Happy New Year Fellow Lions Every new year brings self-reflection for me, family, career, personally and in Lionism. With my self-reflection, I questioned myself….what makes a good leader ? There are certainly many traits that leaders all have instilled within them. Some of the key components I immediately think are: · A leader has passion for the commitment. · A leader stands out without recognition – this person can be put in any position, they will step up to fill it and will lead without being asked. · A leader is a role model to many people · A leader constantly is looking to the future – looking for the future leaders ! We all know these people within our lives, our professions and certainly within our very own Lions Clubs. I ask this of each and every Lion – what makes you think of a good leader ? Who is a leader within your club ? Look within your club, who are the future leaders and look to foster the future of YOUR Lions club ! In Lionism SVDG Christine Greetings: We have now completed seven months of this Lionistic year and I realized I have not mentioned membership once in my monthly comments, until now. As of January 20, 2015 we have lost 216 members of our Multiple District family. Did your club make every effort to retain these members? More importantly did you? Time to do some soul searching! We are all familiar with International President Joe Preston's ASK 1 campaign which is working, however we need to work on his other goal of KEEP 1. When we bring in new members I know it is the member's sponsor, who should take the lead in making the new member feel welcome, however that does not always happen. Have you ever done any of the following? *Asked the new member if they would like a ride to the meeting. *Invited a new member to sit at your table. *Introduced yourself prior to the meeting. *Asked the new member to join you when participating in a project. * Asked the new member for his or her opinion regarding club issues. * Thanked or congratulated them for doing something special. I'm sure you can think of many more ways and that is the point. WE need to start looking at why good members are leaving our organization. Both Districts have had positive growth for the last two years and I'm very optimistic that with your help we will make it three in a row. "Focusing on the Future" Respectfully, MCC Jim Robinson DG Visitations Bristol Whitefield Weare Milford Littleton Chesterfield Franklin Andover Newport Picture Perfect The Lions Club of Pinardville enjoy a card game during their 2014 Christmas Party. Lions Club of Pinardville President Paulette Davis (left) presents past president Georgia Sousa with a token of appreciation for hosting the group’s meetings and holiday party. HSB Spot Screener Training The NH Lions Health Services Board presented Spot Screener Training on Saturday January 10th 2015 at the Northeast Delta Dental facility in Concord. The training event was a great success with 125 Lions in attendance. This was the first of multiple training sessions that will be scheduled throughout 2015 to introduce the NH Lions to the new Spot Screeners and provide procedural instructions and hands-on training. Through the generosity of Lions Clubs in NH and a generous matching grant from Lions Clubs International Foundation we purchased fifteen new screeners for each of the fifteen zones in Multiple District 44. Previously the Lions of NH owned two Spot Screeners that were administered by the two Health Services Board Operation KidSight Coordinators in 44N and 44H. The fifteen new Spot Screeners will be administered by one volunteer Spot Screener Zone Coordinator in each Zone around the state. More information will be presented to every club as we schedule future training events and will be advertised in the District Newsletters. In the meantime, if you have questions please feel free to contact PDG Terri McGrew – HSB Chairman at or 603-673-2322 or contact SVDG Scott Wilson – Operation KidSight Program Coordinator at or 603-880-1838. Milford Lions Senior Holiday Dinner (Jan 2015) We provided a free holiday dinner for 120 local seniors. It included a home-cooked turkey dinner with all the trimmings. There was a singer for entertainment, dancing, and lots of gift basket door prizes. Everyone had a great time - seniors and Lions. Club Service Projects and Fundraisers Zone 1 Chair Jean Lemire Goffstown Zone 2 Chair Cheryl Ortega Amherst - The Amherst Club held a successful craft fair with 108 spaces filled and over 1000 shoppers attending; Hosted a spaghetti supper in conjunction with the Town Tree-lighting event; Once again club members distributed Christmas baskets to needy families in town, baskets prepared by the Amherst Junior Women's club; about 35 members attended the annual ChrisYear Party and enjoyed dinner and a Yankee swap; Members bought gifts for the Manchester Caregivers to be distributed to elderly clients; At the end of January we prepare a ham and bean dinner for the residents of Parkhurst Place and at that time a new 44" TV will be presented for their use; Articles continue to be collected for the Warmth from the Mill Yard; A visitation was made to the Franklin Club which resulted in their gavel making a trip to Amherst. Bedford - Club has collected 600 pair of eyeglasses.. Four members worked at the Bedford Farmer’s market providing information about the Bedford Lions and handing out candy to the children. Two members worked at Camp Allen, raking leaves. Collected over 50 food items during Holiday dinner in December with DG Melody present. Raised $731.18 by wraping gifts at the Pro Bass Shop. Merrimack - Merrimack Lions delivered groceries for CareGivers on Jan. 8. We are getting ready for our fun winter event: Ice Fishing at the Winter Carnival. Come by and visit us at Wasserman Park on February 21! Br - ookline -The Brookline Lions collected toys for the Christmas toy drive and donated presents to SHARE in Milford. Brookline recently raised around $200 at our Texas Roadhouse fundraiser. Brookline donated funds to the Tiger Theater program in Brookline public schools and donated funds for supplies in the schools. Brookline is collecting clothes for the winter clothing drive. Milford - Held Annual Senior Holiday Dinner for 120 local seniors. Provided home-cooked turkey dinners, entertainment, dancing, and gift baskets. Awarded a Granite State Fellowship to Nashua Eye Associates to commemorate over 20 years of our eye service partnership with them. Zone 3 Chair Brenda Salmonson Gap Mountain - Collected 56 pr of eyeglasses and 2 hearing aides. Peterborough - Our Annual Spaghetti Supper is scheduled for February 21. All are invited to attend. Zone 4 Chair Brent Crowder Westmoreland -We provided Lions Luncheons for 8 Westmoreland School students at the January gathering for students performing an outstanding act of courtesy, kindness, citizenship, or scholastic improvement. One Lion, three hours, $65 cost. We set up tables and chairs at the Westmoreland Town Hall for the January “Friendly Meals” dinner, as well as assembling a food basket door prize. One Lion, two hours, $25 cost. Donated $500 to the Westmoreland School for a holiday bowling outing. Purchased a $90 quarter-page ad in the NH Dance Institute program book, supporting that activity at the Westmoreland School. Purchased inexpensive hygienic, cosmetic, and convenience items on a wish list from the Maplewood Nursing Home. One Lion, two hours, $109 cost. Keene - The Keene Lions collected 158 coats for the Warmth in the Millyard Project. Junior Lions and mentors served meals at the Keene Community Kitchen. Rehearsals are underway for our 63rd annual show. Cinderella takes to the stage in February. Please see or for tickets! Zone 5 Chair Rosalie Smith Antrim -Bennington -The Club was happy to have a profitable Christmas Sale year all of which helps our support of our local Operation Santa. We are actively involved with The SPOT camera campaign to help citizens of our state, both young and old. Henniker - The Henniker Human Service Caseworker was a dinner speaker presenting on activities of her office as a resource, a referral source, and a service network builder. Planning for multiple spring activities is underway including the bus trip to the Boston Flower Show scheduled for March 14, 2014. Hillsborough - Christmas tree sales netted $1292 and 147 man hours by 14 Lions and 2 non-Lions. . Food baskets drive netted $1600 Harlem Wizards Basketball Game netted $ 1200 with 7 Lions and 1 non-Lion working 30 man-hours.$200 donated to Hillsboro Area Food Pantry. . Collected 19 pairs of eyeglasses. 155 children & adults vision screened in 36 man hours. Five Lions removed holiday decorations from downtown poles and moved club gear from one storage unit to another and took 5 man hours total to do both tasks. Hopkinton - Lions had another successful Holiday Season. Thanks to all who either purchased Christmas Trees or spent many hours in the cold as volunteers ... Thank You So Much .... With your help, we were able to raise over $3000 for the Hopkinton Lions Scholarship Fund. Now its time to concentrate on on many upcoming events. Congratulations to Lion Dik Horner our newly elected Treasurer. Many thanks to our outgoing Treasurer Elizabeth Clarke for her many years of service. Zone 6 Chair Cheryl Power Claremont - Claremont Lions Club did a Vision Screening at Maple Avenue School using the Spot Screener. 110 children were screened with 11 needing to be referred. Zone 7 Chair Bob Rowsell Canaan - Donations for Kids Ice Fishing Derby: Feb. 2014 Shaker Valley Auto & Tire $50.00 Vanessa Stone Realty $25.00 Enfield House of Pizza 2 Large Pizza’s Littleton - Our club raised $6,138.43 from Santa on the Street Project, ringing the bell at Shaws, TJ Maxx and Aubuchons in Littleton. We took in $14.97 from our Wishing Well at the Littleton Coop. Five Lions did 7 shifts answering Santa on the Phone project along with Rotarians. Club funded up to $150 for woman needing trifocals. Boys and Girls Club $150. We donated 6 food baskets to the Food Pantry on Reddington St. and 3 baskets to the Food Pantry at the Episcopal Church. We donated $500 to the All Saints Episcopal Church Food Pantry NH Association for the Blind $200, $100 Second Chance Animal Rescue. Orford - Bell ringing with the Rotary club for the Salvation Army $2,400 raised, 6 Lions for a total of 10 man hours December donation – 45 food baskets to the needy, cost $1143.66, 8 Lions, 24 man hours Blood drive held January 21, 2015 with approximately 40 pints collected. Bobby Kangas, Angie Stephens, and Jack Howard worked a total of 12 hours Zone 8 Chair Bob Roby & Ann Bailey Lancaster - The Lancaster Lions Club has been keeping active dispute the subzero temperatures. We've collected over 1500 items of winter clothing which have been distributed to local schools and organizations. We donated $500 to Habitat for Humanity and presented a $250 scholarship to a recent local graduate currently attending Vermont Tech. We paid for a local resident to get much needed eyeglasses. After reading to residents of a local nursing home about the settlement of Lancaster, we served them "thump", a popular dish in the 1700's. District 44N Membership Club As of July 1 Total 44N 55 24 31 27 Bristol 24 19 Brookline 19 31 Canaan 31 45 Chesterfield 45 36 Claremont 39 7 Cohase 71 29 20 30 (2) (6) 2 (3) 0 0 3 0 4 2 2 3 (1) 1 1 1 (2) (1) 26 (3) 40 (5) 28 1 Incl. Goffstown 14 15 1 Newport 18 17 Orford 36 37 1 Peterborough 40 38 (2) Pinardville 23 23 0 Plymouth (1) 36 34 (2) 21 24 Weare 11 (1) 10 Souhegan Sunapee Swanzey District 44N Membership 0 1 4 (1) (1) (2) (6) 30 18 29 29 45 27 (2) 10 82 26 29 (14) 26 19 25 Change 14 18 27 83 18 Incl. Goffstown 62 42 23 Littleton Manchester Merrimack Milford Monadnock 33 26 25 Lisbon (14) 8 23 52 43 20 39 24 Lancaster 7 44 9 25 10 Goffstown Keene Lafayette 57 30 40 Fall Mountain Franklin Area Gap Mountain Hopkinton New London 1,263 57 30 29 Bedford Enfield-Mascoma Hooksett New Boston As of January 20th 1,277 Amherst Andover Antrim-Bennington Concord Hanover Henniker Hillsboro Hinsdale 9 12 9 3 0 11 (1) Westmoreland 12 11 (1) Whitefield 18 21 3 Wilton 30 30 0 Club As of July 1 Total 44N As of January 20th Change 1,277 1,263 (14) Amherst 57 55 (2) Andover 30 24 (6) Antrim-Bennington 29 31 2 Bedford 27 24 (3) Bristol 19 19 0 Brookline 31 31 0 Canaan 45 45 0 Chesterfield 36 39 3 7 7 0 Cohase 71 57 (14) Concord 29 30 1 Enfield-Mascoma 40 44 4 Claremont Fall Mountain 9 8 (1) Franklin Area 25 23 (2) Gap Mountain 10 14 4 Goffstown 52 62 10 Hanover 43 42 (1) Henniker 20 18 (2) Hillsboro 39 33 (6) Hinsdale 24 26 2 Hooksett 25 27 2 Hopkinton 23 26 3 Keene 83 82 (1) Lafayette 18 19 1 Lancaster 25 26 1 Lisbon 29 30 1 Littleton 20 18 (2) Manchester 30 29 (1) Merrimack 29 26 (3) Milford 45 40 (5) Monadnock 27 28 1 New Boston Incl. Goffstown Incl. Goffstown New London 14 15 1 Newport 18 17 (1) Orford 36 37 1 Peterborough 40 38 (2) Pinardville 23 23 0 Plymouth 11 10 (1) Souhegan 36 34 (2) Sunapee 21 24 3 Swanzey 9 9 0 Weare 12 11 (1) Westmoreland 12 11 (1) Whitefield 18 21 3 Wilton 30 30 0 We lcome New Lions! Club Amherst Chesterfield Enfield-Mascoma Enfield-Mascoma Henniker Hillsboro Keene Merrimack Monadnock Total New Members Name Robert Gibson Nonnie Chamberlin John Nugent Thomas Williams Margaret Keeler Robert Hansen III Joshua Houle Ana Ortega Earle Spafford Sponsor John Swanson Linda Cook Kenneth Hill Kenneth Hill George Belanger Ronald Farina Sandra Hurd John Fletcher Help Support Lions Sight and Hearing of NH when you shop Amazon. Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Lions Sigh and Hearing NHat no cost to you. Make your Amazon purchase count more next time by shopping on Amzon Smile. Same selection, same service, same discounts you would receive on,but by linking your account to Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation of NH, Your purchase designates .5% of the total cost of your order as a donation to Lions Sight and Hearing NH. It’s so easy, just follow these simple steps: Sign onto Amazon Smiles by typing, then go to the drop down list to pick your charity. Type in Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation of N.H. You must type our name in exactly as Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation of N H as the selection process is very unforgiving, but as you key in part of the name, it should help you along. On your first visit to Amazon Smile, just select Lions Sight and Hearing N H before you be gin shopping. Amazon Smile will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make on Amazon Smile will result in a donation to Lions Sight and Hearing NH. Note that donations made on Amazon Smile are not tax deductible. Thank you for your support, Lions Sight and Hearing N H Foundation 9 What’s Happening Family and Women Symposium MD44 Family and Women Symposium – March 28, 2015 The Committee had another great meeting on January 16. We are preparing an amazing program of presenters for the day. It will showcase all sorts of volunteer efforts in New Hampshire. These are efforts of both Lions clubs and other organizations. There is so much to share with citizens of New Hampshire, Lions and non-Lions alike. We want to thank 1st VDG Henry McKee, 44N Leos Chairperson, for joining us. We hope that the Leos of the state will join us in our goal to promote volunteerism at all ages. We also want to thank Lion Keith Thompson of the Brookline Lions for bringing his invaluable knowledge of publicity to our committee. Last year we struggled to get the word out. This year we expect to have much better publicity throughout the state. This symposium is for all of us. Therefore, we’d like the help of all clubs. The committee is comprised of Lions from both 44H and 44N. This symposium helps to bring awareness of the efforts of Lions all over. Clubs can help by making a small donation to the event. Lots of little donations add up! We’re asking for $25 donations for a business card add in the program. Clubs can also help by putting up posters in prominent places around their towns. Posters will be made available to clubs at the March Cabinet Meetings. Please put the date in your datebooks and plan to bring a prospective new member. This will be another great day of learning about Lions efforts and finding new ways to Serve! We’d love to hear from you with suggestions, comments, and questions….. F&W Chairpersons: 44H Celeste Ricupero and 44N Cheryl Ortega Su n d a y , J u l y 1 2 , 2 0 1 5 J oi n t h e Li on s Si gh t & Hea r i n g Fou n d a t i on as we en j oy beau t i fu l Lak e Wi n n i pesau k ee aboar d t h e M/ S Mou n t Wash i n gt on . En joy a deliciou s Bu ffet Br u n ch wit h com plim ent ar y ch am pagn e, jazz pian ist , won der fu l scen er y, pr izes an d Lion s fellowsh ip all du r in g a cr u ise fr om 1 2 :3 0 pm t o 3 :0 0 pm . F amily and F riends will make this a special day Early Bird Savings—Book your Cruise by April 30th and save $4 person Please be at the dock by 12:00 noon for boarding Cruise departs from Weirs Beach at 12:30pm 211 Lakeside Ave, Weirs Beach, NH 03246 Make check payable to: L SHF Mail to: Sandr a Hill, 45 Whitten Road, M ilfor d, NH 03055 Any questions, please contact: Capt. Scott at or (603) 770-3700 I want the Ear ly Bir d at $42 pp because space is limited & I don’ t want to miss the fun! M ay 1st and there after : $46 pp NAM E:_____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________City_______________________State_____Zip_________ PHONE:________________________ TOTAL # OF TI CK ETS:________ EM AI L :__________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: $_____________ District 44-H Cabinet Meeting Sunday, , 2015 Pheasant Ridge Country Club Time to start preparing for the International Convention, so show us your best Hawaiian outfit. Enjoy a breakfast buffet with sound from the islands. $17.50 per person 10:00—10:45 Registration 10:45—11:30 Breakfast Buffet 11:30 Call to Order _____________________cut here___________________________ District 44-H Cabinet Meeting March 8, 2015 Make checks payable to: District 44-H Mail payments to: CST Stanley Brothers PO Box 148, West Ossipee, NH 03890 Attendees Amount 98th Lions Clubs International Convention June 26 - June 30 NCL PRIDE OF AMERICA AND WAIKIKI BEACH 11 NIGHTS/13 DAYS June 19 - July 1, 2015 Itinerary Package Includes 7 night cruise and 4 night Outrigger Waikiki Beach (City View) Price $4049.00 per person (including port taxes) based on double occupancy in a BE Balcony stateroom Other categories available on request. Fri. June 19 Arrive HNL airport transfer to hotel Sat. June 20 Transfer from hotel to pier Day Sat. June 20 Gov’t tax $103.34 and GET Hawaii tax $143.23 are additional, per person and are subject to change Group Amenity $50 Onboard Credit per cabin Additional Per Person Air from Boston $1095.00 Bus Transfers from Portland, ME or Portsmouth, NH $47.00 For More Information Please Contact: Ruth York ~ AAA Travel 472 Alfred Road Ste. 102 Biddeford, ME 04005 207-282-5212 or 866-485-8812 Port Honolulu Sun. June 21 Kahului (Maui) Mon. June 22 Kahului (Maui) Tue. June 23 Hilo Wed. June 24 Kona Thur. June 25 Nawiliwili (Kauai) Fri. June 26 Nawiliwili (Kauai) Sat. June 27 Arrive/Depart Honolulu 7pm 8am 6pm 8am 6pm 7am 5:30pm 8am 2pm 7am Sat. June 27 Transfer from ship to hotel for 3 nights Tue. June 30 Transfer from hotel to HNL airport Wed. July 1 Arrive back into Boston Global Leadership Team Coordinator Thank you Monadnock for this cartoon we stole from your newsletter Wine & Chocolate Tasting Saturday, February 7th 4-6 p.m. Bouteille Wine & Gift Merchants 18 Opera House Square, Claremont Wine Tasting Chocolate Tasting Shop for your Valentine $5 Donation at the door FVDG Henry McKee (Orford) Cell Phone 1-603-960-1732 Work Phone 1-603-823-5611 PDG Bob Lahey (Keene) 603-762-2683 (Home) P.O. Box 65 Keene NH 03431 Lions Twin State Soccer Association, Inc. LTSSA Directors are as follows: Year 2015 44N PDG Henry McKee Ray Dodge Cheryl Powers 44H Paul Pearsall (44N) Open Open Robert Brault Pat Ankuda Open 45 Open Open Open 2016 Brent Crowder Richard Gray PDG Alan Ricard Jerry Vaccaro Marilyn Vaccaro Ann Mason PDG Ken Millay David LaRose Bruce Savery PDG Bill Moulton PDG Betsy Magee Donald Lane 2017 Tom Royce, IPP PDG Don Potter PCC Tom Geno, VP Jeri Maynard Open Open John Sprague PDG Stanley, Patch, Jr. Odillon LaRoche Judy Moulton Rick Bingham Debbie Ankuda We would like to fill all the open spaces with dedicated Lions who are interested in serving on the board. All Lions are welcomed, and if you would like to attend a meeting you should make reservations by contacting Director Cheryl Powers at or by phone at 603 768-3617 by the Tuesday prior to the meeting. Below is the meeting schedule of 2014-3015 Lion year. Wednesday, September 24, 2014: LTSSA Annual Meeting Wednesday, October 29,2014: Director Meeting, Elks Lodge, Lebanon @ 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, November: Executive Board, 68 Jack Wells Road, Danbury @ 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, December: No meeting Wednesday, January 28,2015:Directors meeting, Elks Lodge, Lebanon @ 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 25,2015: Directors meeting, Elks Lodge, Lebanon @ 7:00 p.m. Sunday, March 22, 2015: Players Banquet, Elks Lodge in Lebanon @ 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 29, 2015: Executive Board, 68 Jack Wells Road, Danbury @ 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 27, 2015: Directors meeting, Elks Lodge in Lebanon @ 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 24, 2015: Directors meeting, Elks Lodge in Lebanon @ 7:00 p.m. Thursday, July 16-18, 2015: LTSSA Soccer Camp, Castleton State College, Vermont Saturday, July 18, 2015: Directors meeting, Castleton State College, Vermont Saturday, July 18, 2015: LTSSA Soccer Game, Castleton State College, Vermont Warm/Cold I have warm memories of that very cold day in January last year when I first met my new guide dog Rose. Like our recent weather, it was -10 many days during our first week of training. We did a lot of indoor work! We did need to be outside however, so my new dog learned about Mushers’ Secret and the benefits of being quick about “things.” We’ve been together for a year now, and have become quite a solid working team. Rose is now three years old; still a bit of a puppy, but much more settled. And always serious about her work. Thank you for supporting the organization that made my dog possible. Donations to the DogSight Project may be sent to DSP Chair Linda Piekarski, 15 Edgewood Ave, Keene, NH 03431. Please make checks payable to LSHF with DSP in the memo line. The independence a guide dog brings to a blind person is priceless. Your contribution gives that gift many times over. Thank you! Respectfully submitted, Linda Piekarski Chair, the DogSight Project District 44-N Cabinet Meeting March 15, 2015 Enfield Community Center 308 US Rte 4, Enfield, NH 03748 TIME: 11:00-11:45 12:00 AM 12:15 PM: Sign-in. Social Hour. Committees Call to Order Lunch 1:00 -3:00 PM Meeting $19 per person PLUS PRICE: One (1) Household item for David’s House (dish soap, paper towels, toilet paper, etc.) Roast Pork Dinner with all the trimmings (salad, mashed FOOD: potatoes, vegetable and strawberry shortcake), coffee, tea and water. PAYMENT: Please send check, payable to Lions District 44-N to: CST Don Riley; 25 Harvest Drive; Hooksett, NH 03106 PAYMENT DEADLINE: March 2, 2015 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Registration for District 44-N Cabinet Meeting March 15, 2015 ~~~ Enfield Community Center ~~~ Enfield, NH ~~~ 11 AM NAME(S): ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ CLUB: _________________________ Amount Enclosed: # attending _____ at $19 per person = $_______ On The Web From the editor: On page 28 of the January Lions Magazine there was an article on the Hillsboro Lions Club which explains how we in NH increase our fondness for each other by stealing club items during visitations. An article worth reading it’s entirety I know it's a long article for the newsletters, but perhaps we can find a way to share it with the NH Lions so we can all be motivated and inspired by his story. I was simply overwhelmed reading it and wanted to share it with you. Randy and I both serve on the Board of Directors for the NH Association for the Blind and the NHAB board president shared the article with us this morning. See below...... Have a wonderful day! Terri McGrew GOT YARN ? A sincere thank-you goes out to everyone who has donated yarn for a blind Vision Weekend participant over the past few years; your thoughtfulness is truly appreciated. I have delivered many bags of yarn to Heidi and she’s been knitting blankets for hospice patients with your generous donations. But she has run out of yarn and would appreciate any left over yarn you may have. If you have any skeins of yarn that you would like to donate, I will gladly make arrangements to pick it up and deliver it to her. Thank You ! PDG Terri McGrew 603-673-2322 Gap Mountain Spaghetti Supper $8 each or 2 for $10 February 21st, 2015 Pond Committee Building 35 Central Sq. Troy, N.H. Contact Nancy Nye 603-242-6293 for reservations The Citizenship and Patriotism Contest information is being mailed in December to all 5th-8th grade schools in New Hampshire. Please help promote the Lions Youth Services Project with your local schools. Citizenship & Patriotism Contest NH Lions Multiple District 44 ………………………………........................................................................... New Hampshire Middle School Students in Grades 5 through 8 For: Theme: “The American Flag” The Essay: 300 words or less (minimum of 100 words). Essay may be typed or hand written (if hand written the essay must be legible and written inink). List sources and references used in the essay. Criteria: Essays will be judged on originality, creativity and facts. Time of Contest: December 1, 2014 to February 6, 2015 EACH SCHOOL TO DETERMINE THE WINNING ESSAY IN EACH GRADE PLEASE SUBMIT ONE ESSAY PER CLASS POSTMARKED BY February 6, 2015 TO: Harry Armstrong P O Box 338 Canaan, NH 03741 Telephone: 523-7093 Awards as follows: 1st Place in each grade level (5th through 8th grade) within each district will receive a certificate and medal and also qualify for the Multiple District contest and the following awards: NH Lions Multiple District 44 1st Place 5th grade $100.00 1st Place 6th grade $100.00 1st Place 7th grade $100.00 1st Place 8th grade $100.00 The Monadnock Pride Home club of Ruby, the Fidelco guide dog Newsletter Vol. 2 No. 2 - February 2015 Planning ahead: Events for February Roast Beef Supper Breakfast meeting March 7th , 2015 Marlborough Community February 4th House Audrey’s Café – 7:30am David Fairfield Dinner meeting The Ruby Report February 20th Audrey’s Café – 6:30pm Sand for Seniors John Fletcher & Larry Robinson We Serve Food Pantry All Lions As Lions, we pledge to serve our communities. Did you ever think that serving as an officer of your club is also a way of serving the community? By keeping your club functioning, Planning ahead: Roast Beef Supper Facts: Club was chartered in 1960 March 7th , 2015 With 24 charter members Marlborough Community House Charter Night was May 14th 1960 2 charter members are still living. David Fairfield The Club serve the towns of Dublin, Harrisville, Marlborough, and Roxbury and is a part of New Hampshire Multi district #44 [NH MD 44] Manchester Lion John E. Schmidt Jr. John was a health care administrator at the Aroostook Medical Center in Presque Isle, for many years. In retirement, he was a dedicated volunteer at the grade school level. ejoyed corresponding with family and friends by way of a written letter. Maine, He also He was an active communicant of St. Catherine Church where he was a member of the Men of St. Joseph. He was also a Granite State Ambassador and a member of the Friends of Stark Park, the American College of Hospital Administrators and the Lions Club. The family includes his wife of 40 years, Winifred (Van Pell) Schmidt of Manchester; two c hidren, Adam J. Schmidt and his wife, Kristin, of Manchester, and Kate Schmidt of New York, N.Y.; three grandchildren, Meghan, Caroline and John Schmidt; three sisters, Mary Corr of North Carolina, Theresa Schmidt of New York and Margaret Bush of Connecticut; and nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a granddaughter, Grace E. Schmidt, in 2005. Through his love of entertaining, hosting and cooking, the extended Schmidt family included many close and lifelong friends. services: Calling hours are Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. at Lambert Funeral Home & Crematory, 1799 Elm St., corner of North Street, Manchester, NH. A Mass of Christian Burial will be cel brated Saturday at noon at St. Catherine Church, corner of Webster and Hemlock streets, Man chester, NH. Memorial donations may be made to New Horizons for New Hampshire, 199 Manchester St., Manchester, NH 03101, or to the NH Food Bank, 700 East Industrial Park Dr., Manchester, NH 03109. To leave a message of condolence, visit District 44N July 2014 PDG Chester Hall Milford July 2014 Donald Haskell Goffstown September 2014 John Gone Hopkinton September 2014 John David Amherst September 2014 Keith Hunt Amherst September 2014 John Schlichting Chesterfield November 2014 PDG Terry Goodman Milford November 2014 Roger Aldrich Lafayette December 2014 John E. Schmidt Jr. Manchester
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