February 24, 2015 TO: Chief School Administrators Charter School Lead Persons FROM: Jeffrey B. Hauger, Director Office of Assessments Division of Data, Research, Evaluation and Reporting SUBJECT: Soliciting Nomination for New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJ ASK) Science Advisory for Elementary and Middle School We are asking chief school administrators and charter school lead persons to nominate members of their district staff to serve on the NJ ASK Grades 4 and 8 Science Advisory Committees. Nominees should have at least three years of classroom experience and hold a standard certificate in elementary or middle school science. The NJ ASK is going to remain in place to measure fourth- and eighth-grade students’ ability to recall information and solve problems by applying science concepts. The science test assesses knowledge and application skills in three clusters; each cluster contains multiple-choice items and constructed response items. Please note that newly selected committee members will receive appropriate training. This training is mandatory. A separate mailing to newly selected committee members will be forthcoming highlighting the date, time and location of this committee. The time commitment for committee members will be approximately 10-12 days annually and will involve some activities during the school year. All participants under contract with a district will be reimbursed for mileage and tolls, and the participant’s district will receive a stipend for substitute teacher costs. Those participants not under contract with their district will receive an honorarium per day as well as reimbursement for mileage and tolls. Professional development hours may also be applicable. The science committee meetings will be scheduled at a central location that can be easily accessed by major highways and will include morning and afternoon snacks as well as lunch. Your signature on the attached nomination form indicates your endorsement of the nominee and a commitment to the nominee’s participation. All nominations must be received by Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Please have your nominee complete and return the nomination form along with a current résumé to: John Boczany Office of STEM Division of Academics PO Box 500 Trenton, NJ 08625-0500 Fax: 609-292-7276 If you have any questions about the science committee participation, please feel free to contact John Boczany, science coordinator, at 609-292-5622 or john.boczany@doe.state.nj.us. Thank you for your consideration. We hope that your district will express willingness to commit time and human resources for this important work. JBH/jb:sciencenomination Attachment Members, State Board of Education Commissioner David C. Hespe Bari Erlichson Kimberley Harrington Meghan Snow Amy Ruck Peggy McDonald Lori Ramella John Boczany Executive County Superintendents Executive Directors for Regional Achievement Centers Executive County Business Officials County Test Coordinators District Test Coordinators Bilingual/ESL Coordinators Science Coordinators Directors of Approved Public Schools for the Disabled Directors of College-Operated Programs Directors of a State Facility NJ LEE Group Garden State Coalition of Schools
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