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Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College
Weekly Bulletin
Issue Number: 1505
Friday, 27th February 2015
Principal’s Report ..............................................................................................................................2
Director of Academics ....................................................................................................................4
Director of Secondary Report .........................................................................................................5
Director of Primary Report ...............................................................................................................6
Primary News .....................................................................................................................................6
Secondary News ...............................................................................................................................7
Canteen.......................................................................................................................................... 11
Uniform Shop & Clothing Pool...................................................................................................... 12
PDHPE and Sport Report ............................................................................................................... 12
BTAC Parents & Friends Report .................................................................................................... 16
General News ................................................................................................................................ 17
Term 1
3 March
13 March
18 March
2 April
20 April
Important Dates - College
Open Day
K-12 Out of Uniform Day
Bishop Tyrrell Day
Term 1 Concludes
Term 2 Commences
Term 1
1 April
Important Dates - Primary
College Primary Athletics Carnival
Term 1
6 March
11 March
18 March
20 March
1 April
2 April
Important Dates - Secondary
Year 7 Immunisation
Year 10 &12 Parent Teacher Evening
Year 8 / 9 Parent Teacher Evening
Year 12 Half-Yearly Examinations Commence
Year 7 & 11 Parent Teacher Evening
College Secondary Athletics Carnival
BTAC Weekly Bulletin – Issue 1505
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Principal’s Report
This week I would like to touch on ‘Respect’. It is an interesting concept. No one
gains respect simply because they have power or position or age. There are
clearly different concepts of respect in different cultures. The Nobel Peace Prize
winner and former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjöld,
is quoted as saying: ‘Your position never gives you the right to command. It only
imposes on you the duty of so living your life that others may receive your orders
without being humiliated.’
Why then, are some people more respected than others? What do they do that
sets them apart? Two of the qualities they possess are a greater awareness of
where they fit into the big picture, and awareness about themselves as
individuals. They have no pretences. In Australian culture, respect is generally
given to those who enhance the dignity and worth of others.
In the Old Testament, 1 Samuel 16:7 says, ‘Man looks at the outward
appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart’. George Van Valkenburg captures
this thought in relation to leadership integrity when he says: ‘Leadership is doing
what is right when no one is watching’. With these thoughts in mind, we act, and
lead, as an expression of who we are. Our integrity as a person – as a leader, a
teacher, a friend, a father or mother and a husband or wife – depends on
seeing ourselves honestly and seeking to live faithfully and truthfully.
Nicolas Malebranche (Traité de morale, 1684) says: ‘We can always make
ourselves liked provided we are likeable, but we cannot always make ourselves
esteemed, no matter what our merits are’.
Respect needs to be taught explicitly in a world where it is sometimes
undervalued. We demonstrate respect as leaders. Respect is a powerful value
that serves to erode negative behaviours such as bullying, rudeness, poor
sportsmanship, criticism, negativity and fear. Some practical tips for respectful
behaviour may include: actively listen to others; demonstrate fairness and
consistency; demonstrate honesty – always; demonstrate loyalty to others and
the team; model the behaviours that you value; do what you say you are going
to do; support others in need; treat all people equally, regardless of status; admit
when you are wrong; give credit where it is due; celebrate excellence and
integrity wherever you find it; and honour the things that others value.
Respect comes from the regard other people have for the way we carry
ourselves, the way we live our lives, how we fulfil our roles and responsibilities,
and the way we treat others. Never underestimate the power of respect.
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Congratulations to Jenny Cook, the OOSH Team and Mrs Tamara Powell –
Director of College Improvement on successfully passing the recent
accreditation under the National Quality Framework. Jenny and the team have
been working towards this for 12 months. It is a great result for the OOSH and the
Carpe Diem – Seize the Day
Mr Peter Moulds
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Director of Academics
Curriculum delivery is well and truly underway for the year and students should be on
task in each of their subjects. Homework is an important part of the learning experience
at the College. The development of good study habits is essential for academic
success. Regular homework will be given across all subjects. This homework will include
a variety of tasks such as assessment preparation, revision activities, question and
answer activities, note-taking, study note compilation, research and reading activities.
In Year 7 and 8 students should be dedicating approximately 1- 1 ½ hours each
evening, Year 9 and 10 should be dedicating approximately 2 – 2 ½ hours and Year 11
and 12 students should be spending a minimum of 3 hours each night on either
homework or study.
Students across all years should be receiving assessment information from their
teachers. Formal notification of assessment tasks is provided at least two weeks in
advance for all tasks. Assessment booklets for each of the Year groups (7-11) have
been finalised and an electronic copy of these has been placed on the Parent Lounge.
An Assessment Booklet Notification Form has also been provided to students. This form
will need to be signed by both parents and students as acknowledgement of familiarity
with the relevant assessment procedures for each Year group. These signed forms are
to be returned to Pastoral Teachers by the end of Week 6. Students have also received
a photocopied version of the assessment booklet. It is essential that students use this
assessment information to plan their approach to tasks throughout the year. Strict
guidelines apply in relation to the completion and submission of assessment tasks and it
is important that students do their very best in these tasks throughout the year.
Mrs Leanne Lynch
Director of Academics
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Director of Secondary Report
Midway - Term 1
We are at the halfway point of Term 1 and our students should be settling into a solid
routine by now. It's crucial that we maintain high expectations of all students and the
discipline required to meet these expectations will serve them well in life after BTAC.
I have already been so impressed by the large number of students who are amassing
merits for exceptional behaviour. I truly appreciate those students who regularly go
above and beyond in their service to the College and it's already apparent that we
have a large number of these. I congratulate them on a terrific start to 2015 and urge
them to sustain this approach.
The firm expectations around uniform, behaviour and academic rigour are certainly
testing some students. These students and their parents will be well aware of the
demerits issued and the consequences that follow. Whilst the adjustment to
expectations can be frustrating it's important that parents and students understand that
staff at BTAC are committed to the development of every child and will work hard to
assist each and every individual.
Whether it be celebrating merits with your child or discussing the consequences of
multiple demerits it's crucial that the College and our College families work closely
together. I welcome your feedback and encourage you to raise concerns. An open,
honest dialogue between all parties will always see the best outcome for our students.
Mr Paul Lynch
Director of Secondary
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Director of Primary Report
Thank you to our Primary parents who attended the Getting To Know You Interviews this
week. Getting to Know You Interviews are scheduled for all parents and teachers and
are an important event on the Primary School calendar. They provide an opportunity for
parents/carers to engage with the School so that together we can collaborate in order
to set individual learning goals for your child. This communication is most important in
empowering students to keep improving in all areas of their learning. Solid
communication between home and school plays an important role in children's
education and a strong partnership between parents and schools enriches the learning
Mrs Alicha Dyer
Director of Primary
Primary News
Healthy Hints
Water should be our first choice as a drink. It helps our bodies to stay hydrated and
function properly. It contains no sugar and can be enjoyed cold or straight out of the
tap. When exercising, our bodies lose water through sweat and this is how our body tries
to keep itself at a healthy temperature. This is why it is important to drink even more
water than usual when we exercise.
Did you know that our bodies are made up of approximately 60% water?
Miss Jasmine Trimble – PE Teacher
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Year 2 + 12 Morning Tea
On Monday the Year 12 + Year 2 students met for a picnic lunch. With lots of snacks and
picnic rugs set up in the shade, the older students were able to further get to know their
buddies and what they get up to in Year 2 and vice versa. After photos and an
enormous game of tips, we sat down for a break and a treat – ice-cream! Lunch time
went quickly as we soon heard the bell and packed up. The Year 12 students walked
The Year 12 students were buzzing about how much fun it was and how awesome their
buddies were and I’m sure it was the same for the Year 2s! We genuinely cannot wait to
see our buddies again with many of us heading to the primary area during lunchtimes
and already asking the date for our next catch up.
Claudia Smith - Year 12 Student
Secondary News
Science Faculty Homework Policy – 2015
Students always have something to do in Science.
1. Each week students must complete a homework task. They will have all week to
compete this. This task will vary from week to week, but will generally involve
students engaging with scientific “reading” and/or research. Students may be
expected to, for example:
a. Read a particular article, or watch a particular video/TV episode, then
answer questions, make some kind of comment, or respond to a stimulus
b. Research a current issue that relates to the unit being studied i.e. the
impact of radiation on ecosystems surrounding Fukushima.
c. Identify an article/video of interest and give a brief synopsis of the
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2. Students should commence revision summaries very early. It is recommended
that, amongst other approaches, they utilise the website Brainscape which
enables them to easily create electronic flashcards in a very user-friendly
manner. Some time should be allocated to this task each week.
3. In addition, students may receive daily homework from their teacher which may
be, for example:
a. Finishing off a small section of theory work commenced during class in
preparation for the following lesson.
b. Completing an experiment report.
4. Lastly, students should develop the habit of briefly revisiting the lessons from the
day/week. Revisiting a concept within 24 hours of learning it for the first time
increases retention by 90%!
Mr David Smith – Head of Science
Hello again from the Mathematics Department. This week I would like to run through a
few IT items. Firstly, students from Years 7 - 10 have been given their “Mathletics” login
details for the year. Students are encouraged to use this resource to complement their
learning in class. Their class teacher will sometimes set tasks for them to do but students
are able to access this site at any time from their iPads or PC’s at home. There is an app
for Mathletics on the iPad. It is a great form of study and skill practise. If there are any
issues with Mathletics, please feel free to ask your class teacher or Mr O’Brien.
Students in Year 7 – 10, as well as 11-12 General, will have received their Oxford Insight
Textbooks. These can be accessed on their devices by logging onto the website and
typing in the code from the inside cover of their book. This allows them to have the text
on their device and to also access extra tasks that are online only. Once again, please
ask your teacher if you need help with this.
Mathematics Tutoring is available straight after school for all students on Thursday
afternoons. Tutoring is free and students must come along with their work and any
problems they have encountered. It runs till 4:00pm and is held in Room 26. Senior
student tutoring is also available during sport time on a Thursday in Room 27 with Mr
Joke of the week: Why was the Mathematics book sad? Because he had so many
Mr Craig O’Brien - Head of Mathematics
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Visual Arts
Congratulations to Lauren Steel, whose impressive sculpture has
been included in the 2015 ARTEXPRESS Exhibition at both the
Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre and Maitland Regional
Art Gallery. Lauren’s ‘Laced with Corruption’ was made using a
combination of porcelain slip casting (lace), and 3D printing based
on her own original SketchUp designs.
Congratulations also goes to Melissa Bell for her HSC body of work
‘Where’s my 15 minutes?’ and Jasmine Thompson for her work titled ‘29 000 Burdens’.
Both girls’ artworks have been selected for the Lake Macquarie Art Gallery’s First Class
14 Exhibition. This showcase of exemplary HSC works highlights Hunter and Central Coast
students’ innovative subject matter and quality of technical accomplishment.
These are outstanding achievements for Lauren, Melissa and Jasmine, and we are
extremely proud of their successes.
Another success for BTAC Visual Arts students was Laura McDonald winning first prize at
the prestigious Young Archies competition at Maitland Regional Art Gallery. This
competition and accompanying exhibition is a spin-off of the Archibald Prize. The
judges based their decision on merit and originality, and understandably Laura’s
beautifully rendered dry-point etching of her grandmother impressed the judges
Congratulations go to all four BTAC girls for having their artworks on exhibition in such
well-regarded NSW public galleries.
Mrs Michelle Yates – Visual Arts Teacher
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Thomas House News
Well done to all Thomas House students on their fantastic win at the 2015 BTAC Senior
Swimming Carnival. It was a spectacular day starting with 16 students fronting up early
to the pool (thankyou parents) and competing in the Medley events, followed by a
fantastic march and display of house spirit into the pool, led by Thomas leaders Claudia
Smith and Jackson Manahan. The participation from Thomas students was wonderful on
the day with many students swimming in events way outside their comfort zone. Special
mention has to go to the year 8 boys who filled every lane for four events, well done
boys. Also Lachlan T and Liam O for their efforts in the 100m it was a great
demonstration of House pride.
The positive response of students to the ranking system was another highlight and the
reward was both an amazing amount of individual as well as house pride created and
of course the valuable house points for getting involved on the day.
Congratulations also to our senior girls relay team who took their race in the final meters,
well done girls.
Mr Brett Owers - Thomas House Patron
HICES Debating – Round 1 Wrap-up
On Tuesday afternoon, the College hosted around 120 students from Central Coast
Grammar, Newcastle Grammar, Lakes Grammar and Hunter Valley Grammar schools
for round 1 of the HICES Debating competition.
The College recorded its most successful round in the last 18 months with three of our six
teams victorious!
I would like to congratulate all of our debaters who represented themselves and the
College with distinction. I am also very grateful for the assistance provided by a number
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of students who were willing to give up their afternoon to help chair, time- keep and
provide direction for our visitors.
Topics included: ‘That factory farming is financially justified’, ‘That farmers deserve more
financial subsidies’ and ‘Financial incentives should be offered to encourage people to
move to rural areas’.
Whilst our two Middle division teams and one of our Open division teams were
unsuccessful, both Senior division teams and our Open (A) team recorded victories.
Congratulations to the following students:
Middles 1 – Jessica A, Lucas M, Freddie Hr, Flynn C
Middles 2 – Aiden R, Aleria D, Teagan P , Zoe C
Seniors 1 – Megan W, Miranda S, Lachlan T, Jackson N
Seniors 2 – Austin H, Emma C-N, Geran D, Sean K
Open – Joseph P, Maddie G-J, Ayswaria P, Jed S
Open 1 – Isaac M, Michael S, Portia G, Jackson K
Round 2 will be hosted by Newcastle Grammar School on Thursday, 19th March.
Permission notes and further information will be issued in the coming week.
Mrs Terri-Anne Smith – Head of Humanities
Roster for the week commencing 2 March 2015
Melissa Kirby
Nelly Burt
Melissa Atkins
Di Williams
Please note: New canteen price list for 2015 is up on the BTAC website. Please check for
new prices, thank you.
Due to a manufacturing issue fried rice will be not supplied until further notice (current
stock is low – so please have a second choice thank you), sorry for the inconvenience.
Mrs Dhana Davidson – Canteen Coordinator
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Uniform Shop & Clothing Pool
Opening times for week commencing 2 March 2015
8:15 – 10:00am
8:15 – 10:00am
8:15 – 10:00am
8:15 – 10:00am
8:15 – 10:00am
Please note: Students who have a blazer on order – due to circumstances beyond our
control blazers will be delayed. ETA on blazers will be advised at a later date. Thank
Mrs Lorelle Chandler – Uniform Shop
PDHPE and Sport Report
College Swimming Carnivals
On Wednesday, 18th and Thursday, 19th February the BTAC Primary and Secondary
Swimming Carnivals were held at Wallsend Pool.
The results for the Carnivals were:
Primary Overall Results
Secondary Overall Results
Our Age Champions are recognised at the end of year Sports Presentation Evening with
their medallion. The Age Champions on the day were:
12 (Primary)
12 (Secondary)
BTAC Weekly Bulletin – Issue 1505
Kendra P
Keira K
Hayley S
Pepita B
Erica W
Olivia J
Chiara V
Haylee H
Annabelle N-W
Portia G
Maddison E
Amy M
Tyler T
Sullivan O
Kobe M
Campbell W
Kyle C
Mitchell C
Hunter W
Karl F
Joshua A
Declan I
James W
Keenan A
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The following students broke records on the day:
Sullivan O (9 Years Boys)
Pepita B (11 Years Girls)
Chiara V (13 Years Girls)
Karl F (14 Years Boys)
Event and Time
100 Free 1:25.65
50 Free 39.72
50 Back 48.02
50 Fly 52.71
50 Fly 40.68
50 Back 35.90
200 IM 2:43.00
HRIS Secondary Swimming
Fifty three of the College’s finest swimmers along with Mr Cruickshank and parent Mrs
McCauley attended the HRIS Swimming Carnival on Tuesday, 24th February. Despite the
beautiful weather and high spirits, and emphatic win in Division 2 last year; we were not
able to book a Division 1 berth for next year, taking out 8th place overall. There were
some strong individual performances such as Karl F’s win in the 200m Freestyle and
Chiara V’s 2nd in the 50m Backstroke, which were celebrated at the time in fine style.
As we have come to expect, the students were fine ambassadors for the College and
showed great spirit and commitment to fill all the events and swim their hardest at each
opportunity. Division 2 awaits us in 2016 and BTAC will relish the opportunity to show how
competitive we can be in that event.
Mr Joel Cruickshank – PE Teacher
HRIS Primary Swimming
On Wednesday 25th of February the BTAC Primary Swimming Team competed at the
HRIS Division 2 Swimming Championships at Maitland Pool. Our swimmers can be proud
of themselves as they did their very best to gain points for BTAC on the day, achieving
5th place overall.
Along with our team placing of 5th, BTAC also had some outstanding individual
performances. Tyler T and Sullivan O both received 8 Years and 9 Years Age Champion
respectively after having success in the pool throughout the day. The BTAC 9 Years Boys
also received an Age Pennant award after gaining the most points across a single age
group amongst the competing schools.
Congratulations to all team members for their sportsmanship and BTAC spirit at the
carnival. If there was 1st place for spirit and cheer volume, we would certainly get it!
Miss Jasmine Trimble – PE Teacher
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Primary PDHPE News
With the Athletics carnival coming up at the end of Term 1, students should begin to
practice some of the skills they have been learning in PE lessons associated with the
fundamental movement skill of Sprint Run. Some key hints for the Sprint Run include
Head and torso (top half of body) still, with eyes focused forward
Arms bent at elbow and swinging beside body, back and forth in a swift motion
High knees and long strides/steps
Soft landing feet
Miss Jasmine Trimble – PE Teacher
CIS Red Award
Congratulations to Montana M who at the NSW CIS Sports Award Evening held in
Sydney on Friday 20th February received a Red Award. Red Awards are extremely
prestigious and only two of these awards are handed out each year per gender, per
sport. They are for those students who have performed exceptionally at the National
Level. This award was bestowed upon Montana following an outstanding Athletics and
Cross Country season in 2014. Montana competed at the Australian Schools Cross
Country titles in Perth where she came 2nd and also competed at the Australian
Schools Athletics Championships in Penguin, Tasmania where she was crowned the
National 800m Champion, National Multi Event Champion and was 2nd (by 2cm) in the
Long Jump. Montana is a gifted athlete who has a bright future. We are very proud of
her achievements and look forward to what 2015 may bring. Well done Montana!
NSWIS Awards
Congratulations to Maddison E who was recently awarded the NSWIS Junior Athlete with
a disability for 2014. Maddison had a stellar 2014 which was highlighted by her Gold
Medal and World Record at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games. Maddison has a
number of significant meets coming up as she looks to build to the 2016 Rio Paralympics.
Well done Maddison!
CIS Tennis
Congratulations to Erica W who was our College's first HRIS Primary Tennis representative.
On Monday 23rd February she participated at the CIS Tournament and won two games
but missed out on progressing to the second stage of the tournament. Well done Erica!
Mr Andrew Roxby – Head of PDHPE and Sport
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BTAC Netball Club
Welcome to the 2015 Netball season. Registrations are now complete. Your coach
should be in contact with you shortly (if they haven’t already) to organise training days
Some important dates for your diaries:
Competition starts: Saturday, 28th March 2015.
Under 10 grading night (only if required): Thursday, 5th March 2015 - 6pm at
Newcastle Netball Courts.
Compulsory Umpiring Session (Under 15s and Cadets): Saturday, 21st March at
Newcastle Netball Clubhouse. All teams need to supply their own umpire.
NB: For teams to be awarded two competition points, two unbadged
players must attend per team.
Under 15s - sign in at 11:30am, Umpiring Session starts at 12:00 pm
Cadets – sign in at 12:45pm, Umpiring Session starts are 1:15 pm
Canteen rosters will be available in the coming weeks and it is an expectation
that each team is designated a time to assist in the canteen. Look out in the
coming weeks for more information.
There will be a compulsory umpiring session for our Under 10, 12, 13 and 14 year
old players to attend in the coming weeks at BTAC. More information will be
provided shortly.
Mrs Lee Welch - Netball Coordinator
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BTAC Parents & Friends Report
Update from the first general meeting held on Monday 23rd February
It was great to see so many new faces turn out for our first meeting on Monday night. A
range of issues were discussed and a number of important items including traffic safety
and governance were identified for follow up and we will keep you updated.
Our sincere thanks goes to Mr Peter Moulds for his presentation, which gave valuable
insights as to the year(s) ahead for our College. Draft minutes will be issued prior to our
next meeting. If you would like a copy, click here to email us.
Communication was an area Mr Moulds identified during his presentation on Monday
night as being critically important to a well-run school. This year, through collaboration
with the College Executive, we've included guest speakers at each P&F general
meeting. Our aim is to support the College's efforts in improving communication by
providing a forum where parents and caregivers can interact directly with our speakers
to ask questions and take part in the consultative process. This is why we advocate so
strongly for you to attend our meetings.
We understand people may still have questions following our meetings, or were perhaps
unable to attend. In these instances, we encourage you to feel comfortable to raise
your questions directly either with your class teacher, Mrs Dyer, Mr Lynch or Mr Moulds.
We are fortunate that we have a College Executive who are willing to make themselves
available, so please don't hesitate to contact them.
Mid-Year Ball
Expressions of Interest for the mid-year ball will be closing soon. If you are keen to attend
our newest event in July, please email us at An Expression of
Interest does not bind you; it is just to help give us an indication of rough numbers to
enable us to find a suitable venue. Many thanks to those of you who have already
emailed us, numbers are growing and we are very excited to get this event up and
running this year.
Contact Us
Just a reminder the P&F maintains its own contact data base. Due to privacy
requirements, we do not use the College’s email contacts so if you would like to reach
us, be included on information emails or receive meeting agendas and minutes, click
here to email us.
Kind regards
Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College - Parents and Friends Association
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General News
Mother Jane’s Message
Each week during Lent Mother Jane will share messages with the College Community to
encourage us to think about how we could support refugees.
This week’s message:
I was a stranger and you welcomed me
Matthew 25:35
The Waratahs JRUFC
The Waratahs are a leading Rugby Club in the Newcastle
area with a proud history and tradition within the Club. In
2015 we are celebrating our 75th year of Rugby. We still
need players for our U/7 to U/10 teams.
Registration Day: Friday, 27th February at Waratah Oval
5.30pm - 6.30pm. Cost - $75
Training: will start Wednesday, 4th March from 4.30 - 5.30pm.
For more information contact Bev McDonald
0407402411 or via email
Ice Hockey Tournament
We are looking for families who would be able to take two
children from the ages of 12 to 14 during the International
Friendship Games. Players are coming from NZ, Canada,
USA, and Japan. Bedding and meals as well as transport
to and from games and events are required.
Coles grocery vouchers
tournament organizers.
Please contact Dawn Watt on 0431 242 576.
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We Need You to Play For
Formally Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College Football Club
Home Ground - Federal Park, Wallsend
Please ask your friends and family if they would like to play.
Openings in all junior age groups from U6 to U16
as well as our senior teams-All Age and Over 35
Free shorts and socks for all players. Free shin pads and ball for U6/7 players
To Register To Play - Go to
- Click on the Register Now button
- Click on the Player Registration button
- Follow the instructions on this page to register
** If you need any assistance contact the registrar via the details below **
Age Group
8-11 yrs
12-18 yrs
All Age (L,P,S Grades)
Over 35's
Price (inclusive)
Payments can be made during registration online or via direct debit
(Or speak to registrar to arrange a direct debit payment plan)
We are one of the cheapest clubs in town
Junior Registrar – Gaye McCauley – 0409915209
All Age Registrar – Daniel Eschebach - 0415411628
Over 35’s Registrar – Michael Ingham - 0409299633
Or email Gaye- for more information
Information will be emailed out over the weekend about training
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