THURSDAY. APRIL K I « E THE CHRONICLE FACE TWO GIRL SCOUT NEWS Wingdale At the last meeting of the younger group of Scouts, Kay Teeter and Mrs. Crane Trowbridge and in- Harriet Brunow were invested as fant son, George Crane Trowbridge, tenderfoot Scouts. On Saturday. March 28, the II, are reported to be doing very older group went on a hike to nicely. Some of the girls Paul Farrington Jr. and Thomas Quaker Hill. built fires to fulfill a requirement and Edward Connelly attended the snovies in Amenia Monday evening. of their second class test. Others Mr. and Mrs. George Field of experimented with planking steaks, New York were in town during the a requirement for the cook badge. Many of the girls are working on past week. Mr Hunter Howard, Miss Ann their needle-woman badges. Some deGroot. and Mr. and M'9. Edward have finished their aprons and have Taylor of Poughkeepsie visited in begun to make smocks. All the Scouts have been filling Webatuck on Sunday. The members of the Senior class penny strips in order to raise of Dover Plains High Shcool are I money for Girl Scout work in Dutmaking feverish preparations for chess County. —Troop Scribe their trip to Washington next week, j Mrs James Aiken and daughter,' Ft»nce>, were in New York shop-) Miss PrisciUa Hunt spent the ping on Saturday. weekend in Pawling with her sisMis> Irene Murname recently I ter. visited her parents in Webatuck. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Humeston of Mi>s Esther Hodge is spending; New Haven visited relatives in town ber Easter vacation at her home in on Sunday. Wingdale Miss Jean Douglas and her sisMr. and Mrs. Hubert St. Cyr ter from Kent were in town on have purchased a new Plymouth business last Saturday. sedan Mrs John Colman of Pawling called on relatives and friends dur- FOR A HAIRCUT — ing the week Becoming to Yon Rev. X. R. i-VaJes entertained Yon Should Be Coming to relatives at the parsonage this The week PERSHING BARBER SHOP Mr and Mrs Herman Patchin 3 West St. Danbury, Conn. were among those at Poughkeepsie on Saturday. K o f C Breakfast Sunday Well Attended By Locals Approximately 40 attended the annual Communion breakfast of Pawling Council, No. 545, Knights of Columbus, held at the Pawling Inn on Palm Sunday morning. The members received Holy Communion in a body at the 8 o'clock Mass at St. John's prior to the breakfast. Henry P. Murphy acted as the toastmaster. The speakers included Past District Deputy Henry L. A. Forrestal of Beacon, who spoke on the early history of the Knights of Columbus; George T. Whalen, present District Deputy of the New York District; Stanlius Dean, Grand Knight of MiUbrook Council; John Tobin, Grand Knight of Amenia Council; Daniel P. Flanagan, charter member and former Grand Knight of Pawling Council; and Thomas J. Cullen, Grand Knight of the Pawling Council. The members stood a minute In silence as a tribute to the late John J. Mylod of Poughkeepsie,. who helped to organize and install the first officers of Pawling Council. Sixty cents worth of red copper oxide will treat six bushels of peas, or from forty to sixty pounds of other vegetable seeds. Seed cost increases about a cent a pound, it is estimated. Phone 138 Pawling Hardware Co. "Everything in Hardware' 1 CALL PAWLING PAINTS 263 for Yonr LAUNDRY Pawling Laundry Joseph Oroas, Prop. NORGE REFRIGERATORS HARRY LOPER, Manager Railroad Avenue Pawling, N . Y. "Electric Service is So Economic* . . . we use it for both cooking and refrigeration" House Fittings For Sale T H E entire inside fittings of AMERICA'S LITTLE * HOUSE, which formerly stood on 39th Street and Park Avenue in New York City are offered for sale. Two porch columns, lattice work, two bathrooms, house hardware, closets, cupboards, and a Frigidaire. Address all inquiries to Mrs. WILLIAM BROWN MELOXEY, Quaker Hill, New York. %- Buy Your Agriculture Lime where Quality is Paramount PATTERSON OFFERS LOWEST PRICE I N N E W YORK STATE ON AGRICULTURAL LIME. Sold in lOG-lb. bags or in bulk Compton Mines Corp. Patterson, N. Y. Sold under State of New York Permit No. 523 Dept. Agriculture and Markets For Price Phone Patterson 17 Dance Every Saturday Night Musk by DOMINO ORCHESTRA DINE ANYTIME "The more electricity we use the less it costs per tusk. That's war we added a range to the refrigerator we bought two years ago. It's the second big step toward the 'worklcss* kitchen die wife wants. And we find that electric cooking coses no more than old-fashioned methods; that it's so dean, fast and convenient you couldn't get us to go back so the old range for anything. "Ask your electric company for proof that electric cooking is economical for ymmr home, too. Their nearest store will gtre you an estimate without any coat or obligation Real Home Cooking GENUINE ITALIAN SPAGHETTI SCAPERRATTA'S TAVERN I MAIN ST. PATTERSON, NEW TORE EASTER GREETING As usual Our Spring Assortment of Potted Plants, Easter Lilies, Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissus, Cinerias, Plagonium. Cut Flowers t Cmrnmtiou* Csllm Lilies Tulip — Dmfodils S^IOWTT Electric Ranges 2 DOWN *vw in o n t h s to p a y Ask Us or See Your Dealer York State Electric & Gas Corpor n . «Mocum Phone 120 Tel. 96 and 3W -. • Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Pawling, New York
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