PRECISION STRIKE ASSOCIATION PRECISION STRIKE ASSOCIATION REGISTER TODAY: WWW.PRECISIONSTRIKE.ORG REGISTER TODAY: WWW.PRECISIONSTRIKE.ORG PRECISION STRIKE ANNUAL REVIEW Achieving Dominance through Technological Innovation MARCH 17-18, 2015 HIGHLIGHT OF PSAR-15: Presentation of th 19 Annual William J. Perry Award WATERFORD AT SPRINGFIELD 6715 COMMERCE STREET u SPRINGFIELD, VA Event #5PPR #4PPR Please join us as we engage with the reality of current and future threats and focus on achieving dominance! PSAR-15 Leadership Speakers WHY ATTEND PRECISION STRIKE ANNUAL REVIEW 2015 GENERAL JOHN PAXTON, USMC (Invited) HONORABLE KATRINA MCFARLAND CONGRESSMAN ROB WITTMAN (Invited) As our nation moves forward in the new strategic environment, the United States faces significant challenges to maintain our global leadership role both now and into the future. Increasingly complex cyberattacks from state and non-state actors, domestic and international terrorism, Russian aggression, Iranian nuclear ambitions, and Chinese military modernization are all cause for grave concern. In an era of constrained resources, and with the looming threat of sequestration, it is even more imperative today that we ensure that the Department of Defense has the systems it needs to effectively deter and decisively win future conflicts. This will undoubtedly require precision strike engagement across all spectrums of conflict. The Defense Industry team must continue our focus on developing new technologies for emerging capabilities, promoting innovative concepts and investing in critical technological modernization while refining our federal acquisition processes. The Precision Strike Association has put together a compelling agenda for government, industry, and academia participants engaged in precision strike. Critical topics for this “must attend” review and discussion by distinguished leaders will characterize the new strategic environment, define the national security agenda, and address requirements for future conflicts centered on the theme of Achieving Dominance through Technological Innovation. PSAR-15 WILL SHOWCASE: • Moving Forward in the New Strategic Environment • Precision Strike Opportunities & Key Military Strategy Challenges • Innovation & S&T for Emerging Capabilities • Broken Window Theory of National Security Policy • Military Departments & International Precision Weapons Sessions • Congressional Perspectives on Acquisition Improvements • Better Buying Power 3.0 • SOF Persistent Operations & Support of Precision Engagement • Program Protection & Cyber Security Challenges • Precision Strike Aspects of the Joint Strike Fighter • Precision Weapons Testing Challenges—Ranges, Training, M&S, Costs • Capabilities Gap Assessment Process • M-Code GPS for Precision Guided Munitions • Area Effects Munitions • Vertical Program Management HIGHLIGHT OF PSAR-15 Presentation of 19th Annual William J. Perry Award Please bring your associates to share in this very important and timely Review AL SHAFFER Keith Webster Paul Manz Rear Admiral Randy Mahr, USN Rear Admiral Mark Darrah, USN Dr. Peter Huessy AGENDA Tuesday, March 17 Achieving Dominance through Technological Innovation ~ In lieu of speaker gifts, a donation has been made to the Fisher House Foundation. ~ 0700 REGISTRATION / CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 0745 PSA ANNUAL REVIEW WELCOME: Ken Masson—PSA Chairman 0750 OPENING REMARKS—PRECISION STRIKE OPPORTUNITIES: Rear Admiral Mark Darrah, USN—Program Executive Officer for Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons 0830 KEYNOTE ADDRESS—MOVING FORWARD IN THE NEW STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT: General John M. Paxton Jr., USMC—Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps 0915 NETWORKING REFRESHMENT BREAK 0945 NATIONAL MILITARY STRATEGY AND PRECISION STRIKE: New DD—Deputy Director for Joint Strategic Planning (J-5), The Joint Staff 1030 INNOVATION & SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR EMERGING CAPABILITIES: Alan Shaffer—Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research & Engineering, OSD 1100 BROKEN WINDOW THEORY OF NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY: Dr. Peter Huessy—President, Geostrategic Analysis 1145 1300 LUNCHEON & WILLIAM J. PERRY AWARD CEREMONY • Luncheon – von Sternberg Ballroom • PSA Chairman’s Remarks: Ken Masson Special Remarks: Dr. Bill Perry (Invited) • Presentation of 19th William J. Perry Award • Award Recipient’s Remarks 1400 PROGRAM PROTECTION AND CYBER SECURITY CHALLENGES: Melinda Reed—Deputy Director for Program Protection, ASD(Research & Engineering) Mark Godino—Senior Acquisition Program Analyst, OUSD(AT&L) 1430 REFRESHMENT BREAK 1445 NAVY & MARINE CORPS PRECISION WEAPONS SESSION: Co-Chairs: Commander Scott “Jojo” Wilson, USN—Head Aviation Weapons Requirements, OPNAV N98 Co-Chairs: Major Ryan “Thriller” Schiller, USMC—HQMC Aviation, Air-to-Ground Weapons (APW-72) • Network Enabled Weapons—Pacing the Threat: Captain Jaime Engdahl, USN—PM, Precision Strike Weapons, PMA-201, NAVAIR • Future Conflicts & Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF)—Dominating Through Modular Weapons & Digital Interoperability: Major Ryan “Thriller” Schiller, USMC—HQMC Aviation, Air-to-Ground Weapons 1600 PRECISION STRIKE ASPECTS OF THE JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER: Rear Admiral Randy Mahr, USN—Deputy PEO for the F-35 1630 PRECISION WEAPONS TESTING CHALLENGES—How do we find efficiencies to test weapons including Ranges, Costs, M&S & Training?: Colonel Chris Anthony, USAF—Senior Military Evaluator for Air Warfare Systems, Director for Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) 1700 EVENING RECEPTION WITH HEAVY HORS D’OEUVRES & INFORMAL ANNUAL MEETING AIR FORCE PRECISION WEAPONS SESSION: Chair: Colonel Chris “Jekyll” Brunner, USAF—Deputy Director, Force Application Requirements, A5R-C, Headquarters Air Force • Air Force Options and Contributions to Maritime Strike Operations: Lieutenant Colonel Will Byers, USAF—Force Application Requirements Officer, A5R-C, Headquarters Air Force Melinda Reed The Honorable William J. Perry Former Secretary of Defense (Perry Award will be presented during Luncheon Ceremony to a deserving recipient) J-5 Officer The Joint Staff Colonel Chris Anthony, USAF Colonel Jekyll Brunner, USAF Captain Jaime Engdahl, USN Major Thriller Schiller, USMC AGENDA Wednesday, March 18 0700 REGISTRATION / CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 0730 CONGRESSIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON ACQUISITION IMPROVEMENTS: Representative Rob Wittman (R-VA)—Member, House Armed Services Committee 0800 CONGRESSIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUES: Speaker TBD—Member, Select Committee on Intelligence 0830 KEYNOTE ADDRESS—BETTER BUYING POWER 3.0: Honorable Katrina McFarland—Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition), OUSD(AT&L) 0915 NETWORKING REFRESHMENT BREAK 0945 SOF PERSISTENT OPERATIONS IN SUPPORT OF PRECISION ENGAGEMENT: Colonel Timothy Baxter, USA—Military Deputy to the Acquisition Executive, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) 1030 1200 ARMY PRECISION WEAPONS SESSION: Chair: Lieutenant Colonel Ken Britt, USA (Ret)—HQDA G-8 Force Development, Fires • Long-Range Precision Fires: Colonel Gary Stephens, USA—Precision Fires Rockets & Missiles, PEO Missiles & Space • Precision Munitions Update—Army Aviation Weapons: Captain (P) Kyle Luoma, USA—HQDA G-8 Force Development Army Aviation • Precision Munitions Update—Ground Tactical (Close Combat) Systems: Bill Ruta (Invited)—Program Manager, Close Combat Weapons Systems • ARDEC Developmental Efforts in Fire Support: Joe Pelino (Invited)—Director of Technology, Armament Research, Development & Engineering Center (ARDEC) 1230 1315 LUNCHEON ADDRESS—THE CAPABILITIES GAP ASSESSMENT PROCESS: John “Hoss” DeRosa—Joint Capabilities Division (J-8), The Joint Staff M-CODE GPS FOR PRECISION GUIDED MUNITIONS: Paul Manz—Chief Scientist, U.S. Army, PEO Ammunition, Picatinny Arsenal 1400 INTERNATIONAL PRECISION WEAPONS SESSION: Chair: Earle Rudolph—Vice President Market Development, MBDA Incorporated • OSD Direction for International Cooperation: Keith Webster—Director, International Cooperation, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics) Foreign Comparative Test Missile Shot from Littoral Combat Ship: Commander Eric Cash, USN (Invited)—Principal Acquisition PM – PEO Integrated Warfare Systems, NAVSEA 1500 REFRESHMENT BREAK 1515 AREA EFFECTS MUNITIONS: John Schirrippa—Force Application Division, J-8, Joint Staff 1545 VERTICAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT: Rob Roy—Vice President, Decision Sciences Inc. 1630 CLOSING REMARKS LUNCHEON—von Sternberg Ballroom Colonel Timothy Baxter, USA John Schirrippa John “Hoss” DeRosa Earle Rudolph Ken Britt Rob Roy Achieving Dominance through Technological Innovation General Information REGISTRATION Online: Register for this conference online You will be directed to the NDIA registration web page. You will receive an emailed confirmation after you use the CONFIRM button on the web page. When registering online, please review your information then “submit” and “confirm” your entry. PLEASE make sure you check your account information for accuracy (i.e.: spelling of name, address, company name, email address, phone number, etc). IMPORTANT: If you do not get a registration confirmation after registering online, the process may not have worked. Please e-mail: NDIA Association Service Center:; or Angie De Kleine, CAE, CMM, CMP, CEM to verify registration Fax: Complete registration form with payment information and fax to 703-522-4656 or 1885. Mail: Complete registration form with payment to: PSA Event #5PPR, 2111 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201-3061 Other acceptable forms of payment include: Checks (with mailed registrations); Government Purchase Orders; Credit cards: Visa, Master Card, American Express & Diners Club. We do not accept Discover Card. Payment must be made at time of registration. Please register onsite after the deadline date. Non-member fee includes individual membership in PSA for a oneyear period. CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS All cancellations and refund requests must be received in writing no later than COB Monday, March 9, 2015. A cancellation fee of $75.00 will be charged to any cancellation refund request received on/before COB Monday, March 9, 2015. After this date, NO refunds will be given for any cancellations. Substitutions are welcome prior to the day of the event. To request a refund you may send an email to: | fax: 703-522-4656 | mail: Precision Strike Association: 2111 Wilson Blvd, Suite 400, Arlington, VA 222013061. Non-member fee includes individual membership in PSA for a one-year period. This NDIA refund policy applies to all attendees regardless of their method of registration or reason for cancellation. FINAL AGENDA AND ATTENDANCE ROSTER A final (revised) agenda and attendance roster will be distributed at the meeting. In order to appear on the roster, your completed registration and payment must be received by COB Monday, March 9, 2015. An updated roster will not be printed after the conference. This roster and the contents are proprietary products of the Precision Strike Association. The contents of the roster may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered into a computer database; used as part of or in connection with the preparation, revision or confirmation of a mailing, telephone, fax, email, or other marketing list; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for the user’s individual, personal and confidential reference. ATTIRE Appropriate dress for this event is business suit & tie for civilians and Class A uniform (military equivalent uniform) for the respective services. DISABILITIES PSA/NDIA supports the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Attendees with special needs should call (703) 247-2599, before COB Monday, March 9, 2015. ACCOMMODATIONS PSA has reserved a block of rooms at the Homewood Suites by Hilton Springfield,VA. When making reservations please reference “Precision Strike Association” to obtain the special rate. Homewood Suites by Hilton Springfield, VA 7010 Old Keene Mill Road Springfield, VA 22150 Phone: (703) 866-6045 Fax: (703) 866-6046 Discounted rate: $219.00/studio king. Cut-off date for discounted rate February 23, 2015. Please call to make your reservations early. All rooms are on a first come first serve basis. Annual Review Committee PSA Programs Chair: Ginny Sniegon PSA Programs Vice-Chair: CAPT Steven “Sonic” Hejmanowski, USN Annual Review Tri-Chairs: Dave Rice, Dick Rumpf & Ginny Sniegon Congressional & William J. Perry Award Chair: Dick Rumpf International Chair: Earle Rudolph Annual Meeting Chair: Ken Masson U.S. Military & Civilian Advisors Air Force: Colonel Mark “Gator” Moore, USAF & Colonel Chris “Jekyll” Brunner, USAF Army: LTC Nathan “Nate” Fischer, USA & LTC Ken Britt, USA (Ret) Navy: CDR Scott “Jojo” Wilson, USN Marine Corps: Major Ryan “Thriller” Schiller, USMC Joint Staff: Lt Col Jesse “Ammo” Friedel, USAF & John Schirrippa OSD: CAPT Steven “Sonic” Hejmanowski, USN & Chuck “Tooba” Kelly EVENT #5PPR u PSA REGISTRATION FORM PRECISION STRIKE ASSOCIATION u 2111 WILSON BOULEVARD, SUITE 400 u ARLINGTON, VA 22201-3061 (703) 522-1820 u FAX (703) 522-1885 OR 4656 u WWW.PRECISIONSTRIKE.ORG PRECISION STRIKE ANNUAL REVIEW (PSAR-15) SPRINGFIELD, VA u MARCH 17-18, 2015 3 WAYS TO SIGN UP: u HOMEWOOD SUITES BY HILTON 1. Online with a credit card at 2. By fax with a credit card - Fax: (703) 522-1885 or 4656 3. By mail with a check or credit card u Address Change Needed NDIA Master ID/Membership #____________________________________________________________________ (If known - hint: on mailing label above your name) Prefix (e.g. RADM, COL, Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.)________________________________________________________________________ Name: First__________________________________ MI ____ Last ________________________________ Military Affiliation _______________________________________ Nickname ____________________________ (e.g. USMC, USA (Ret.) etc.) (For meeting badges) Title______________________________________________________________________________________ Organization________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address _______________________________________________________________________________ Address (Suite, PO Box, Mail Stop, Building, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State ___________ Zip_____________ Country____________ Phone ____________________________ Ext. ____________ Fax ________________________________ E-Mail_____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature* ______________________________________________________________ PREFERRED WAY TO RECEIVE INFORMATION Conference Information u Address above Subscriptions u Address above u Alternate (Print address below) u Alternate (Print address below) Date ______________ u E-mail Alternate Street Address ________________________________________________________________________ Alternate Address (Suite, PO Box, Mail Stop, Building, etc.) ___________________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State ___________ Zip_____________ Country____________ * By your signature above, you consent to receive communications sent by or on behalf of NDIA, its Chapters, Divisions and affiliates (NTSA, AFEI, PSA, WID) through regular mail, e-mail, telephone or fax. NDIA, its Chapters, Divisions and affiliates do not sell data to vendors or other companies. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES Government1 1 Regular $300 Academia$625 Industry NDIA Member and affiliates (AFEI, NTSA, PSA, WID) $895 Industry non-NDIA member $970 No refunds for cancellations received after 03/09/15. Substitutions welcome in lieu of cancellations! Includes a free three-year NDIA membership and subscription to National Defense magazine for military and government employees. u No, do not sign me up for the free government membership. All cancellations and refund requests must be received in writing no later than COB Monday, March 9, 2015. A cancellation fee of $75.00 will be charged to any cancellation refund request received on/before COB Monday, March 9, 2015. After this date, NO refunds will be given for any cancellations u VISA u MasterCard PRIMARY OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION. Check ONE. u Defense Business/Industry uR&D/Laboratories uArmy uNavy u Air Force u Marine Corps u Coast Guard u DOD/MOD Civilian u Government Civilian (Non-DOD/MOD) u Trade/Professional Assn. uEducator/Academia u Professional Services u Non-Defense Business u Other______________________ CURRENT JOB/TITLE/POSITION. Check ONE. u Senior Executive uExecutive uManager uEngineer/Scientist uProfessor/Instructor/Librarian uAmbassador/Attaché u Legislator/Legislative Aide uGeneral/Admiral u Colonel/Navy Captain u Lieutenant Colonel/Commander/ Major/Lieutenant Commander uCaptain/Lieutenant/Ensign u Enlisted Military u Other______________________ Year of birth____________________ (optional) QUESTIONS, CONTACT: ANGIE DE KLEINE, CAE, CMM, CMP, CEM ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR PHONE: (703) 247-2599 PAYMENT OPTIONS u Check (Payable to PSA - Event #5PPR) BY COMPLETING THE FOLLOWING, YOU HELP US UNDERSTAND WHO IS ATTENDING OUR EVENTS. u Government PO/Training Form # _________________________ u American Express u Diners Club u Cash If paying by credit card, you may return by fax to (703) 522-1885 or 4656. Credit Card Number Exp. Date Signature__________________________________________________ Date __________________________ E-MAIL:ADEKLEINE@NDIA.ORG MAIL REGISTRATION TO: PSA - EVENT #5PPR 2111 WILSON BOULEVARD SUITE 400 ARLINGTON, VA 22201 FAX TO:(703) 522-1885 OR 4656 Sponsorship Opportunities Continental Breakfast (2 opportunities: Tues. or Wed.) $2,000 Benefits: • (1) Complimentary Annual Review conference registration* • Placement of your company’s logo in the agenda handouts • Company description (200 words) in onsite agenda • Signage outside the particular event sponsored • Sponsor ribbon on badges Luncheon (2 opportunities: Tues. Perry Award luncheon; or Wed. with speaker) Benefits: • (1) Complimentary Annual Review conference registration* • Company logo and link to your company on event web site • Placement of your company’s logo in the agenda handouts • Company description (300 words) in onsite agenda • Signage outside the particular event sponsored • Sponsor ribbon on badges $2,750 AM & PM Break (2 opportunities: Tues. a.m. & p.m., or Wed. a.m. & p.m.) Benefits: • (1) Complimentary Annual Review conference registration • Placement of your company’s logo in the agenda handouts • Company description (200 words) in onsite agenda • Signage outside the particular event sponsored • Sponsor ribbon on badges $2,250 Reception* (1 opportunity/Tuesday Evening Reception: small business investment) Benefits: • Company logo and link to your company on event website • Placement of your company’s logo in the agenda handouts • Full page ad in onsite agenda/meeting packet • Hosted bar and hors d’oeuvres for attendees • Sponsor ribbons on badges $500 QUESTIONS, please contact: Angie De Kleine, CAE, CMM, CMP, CEM at PSA SPONSORSHIPS SPECIFIC GUIDELINES 1.) The undersigned ("Sponsor"), by duly authorized representative, enters into this agreement with PSA/NDIA, to purchase a sponsorship at the above-listed conference in exchange for the sponsorship listed above. PSA/NDIA will promote the Sponsor at the conference in accordance with the sponsorship benefits outlined in Addendum A. PSA/ NDIA, at the signing of this agreement, will project the quantity and quality of items necessary for the sponsored event, and said items will be provided by PSA/NDIA based upon said projections. 2.) In order to produce signage and promote your company in printed materials, Company must provide: a.) Logo in .EPS format to with this signed form b.) Name of two individuals for the complimentary symposium registration* to by Friday, February 27, 2015. c.) Respective company word description to by Friday, February 27, 2015. 3.) PSA/NDIA reserves the right to cancel the sponsored item or event. In the event of such cancellation, Sponsor will be notified in writing and shall receive a full refund. Parties agree that in the event of such cancellation, the Sponsor’s sole remedy against PSA/NDIA shall be the refund of monies paid by Sponsor to PSA/NDIA pursuant to this agreement. 4.) All returning Sponsors (A returning Sponsor is defined as a company that sponsored the same event last year, but not necessarily the same item) will receive an opportunity of no more than 30 days after the event stages to renew this sponsorship agreement for the following year. This period gives all returning Sponsors the first refusal right for their sponsorship for the 30 days. After this period ends, the first right of refusal is terminated and the sponsorship becomes available on a first-come, first-served basis. Renewals may be subject to change in price and sponsorship benefits at the discretion of PSA/NDIA. 5.) Force Majeure Clause: PSA/NDIA shall not be responsible for a failure of performance of this agreement due to Act of God, war, disaster, strikes, civil disorder, government acts and or decisions, or other emergencies making it inadvisable, illegal or impossible to hold the event or deliver sponsorship benefits. 6.) Sponsor agrees to abide by official exposition rules and regulations (copies provided by PSA/NDIA upon written request). 7.) A copy of this contract and any signatures herein shall be valid as an original. *does not include any additional spouse, guests or other additional symposium registrations. Please use the form below to reserve space and mail or fax payment to: PSA, 2111 Wilson Blvd. Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201-3061/ fax with credit card information to 703-522-4656. Questions? Please contact Angie De Kleine , CAE, CMM, CMP, CEM at the information below. Event# 5PPR *Sponsorship Opportunity: ____________________________________________________________________ *Subject to change-if opportunity not available Contact Name: _____________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________ State: _________ Zip:__________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment: u Check (payable to PSA) TYPE of CARD: u AMEX u Visa Card # ______________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________ u Master Card u Diners Club Expiration Date: _____/_____ Total Amount Due: $_____________ Precision Strike Association 2111 Wilson Blvd. - Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201-3061 * 703-247-2599 * Fax: 703-522-4656 * Email: Precision Strike Association 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22201-3061 (703) 522-1820 (703) 522-1885 fax PRECISION STRIKE ANNUAL REVIEW TO REGISTER, VISIT: REGISTER TODAY: WWW.PRECISIONSTRIKE.ORG UPCOMING EVENT October 27-29, 2015 PRECISION STRIKE TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM (PSTS-15) Precision Strike Priorities to Meet Global Challenges Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory— Laurel, MD This symposium will be conducted at the SECRET//NOFORN level on all three days.
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