Mary, Mother of God Church Parish Office 157SouthTriangleRoad,HillsboroughNJ08844 Rev. Sean Broderick, Administrator Phone: 908‐874‐8220 Rev. Jack O’Kane, Parochial Vicar Fax: 908‐874‐4183 Deacon Christopher Conroy Web Site: Deacon James “Jake” McCormick E‐Mail: Office Hours: Mon‐Fri 9:15AM‐12:30PM & 1:00PM‐4:15PM; Mon. Eve. 7PM‐9PM Religious Education Office Deacon Chris Conroy, 908‐874‐8604, Pre‐School/Kindergarten Enrichment 908‐874‐8489 Director of Music Mr. Steve Kirbos, 908‐874‐8220, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Ms. Betty Buettner, 908‐359‐0144, Prayer Line Ms. Helen Izzo, 908‐874‐0597 Mrs. Maria Stadtmueller, 908‐281‐5203 Parish Registration Please come in to the Parish Office during regular office hours. Communion Calls & Anointing for the Sick Please contact the office when someone is sick or shut‐in, even for a few weeks; Holy Communion will be brought to them in their home. Mass Schedule Weekends Saturday: 5:00PM, 6:30PM (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00 Noon Children’s Liturgy at the 10:30AM Mass, Sept‐June High School Youth Mass: As announced, Sept‐June Weekdays Monday: 7:30PM (with Miraculous Medal Novena) Tuesday through Saturday: 8:30AM Holy Days Eve 7:00PM, 7:00AM, 12:10PM, 7:00PM Adoration Friday 9:00AM through Sunday 10:00AM Penance Saturday 4:00PM or call the Rectory. Baptisms Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 1:30PM, or during the Noon Mass by special arrangement. Please call the Parish Office at least three weeks in advance to schedule Baptisms. Marriages Diocesan Policy requires that arrangements be made at least one year in advance. MARCH 1, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY, MARCH 2, 2015 7:30 PM DEC MEM – MC DERMOTT FAMILY r/o Terry Mc Sweeney TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2015 8:30 AM JOAN P. CRUMMY r/o The 8:30 am Mass Family WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2015 8:30 AM ANDY LIGNORI r/o Family THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2015 8:30 AM SOPHIE LACKO r/o Westover & Gorka Family FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 8:30 AM MSGR. LIAM MINOGUE r/o Loretta Lesser 7:00 PM STATIONS OF THE CROSS SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 2015 8:30 AM LIV INT – HARRY RADELL r/o The Woltornist Family 5:00 PM KHIEM THI NGO r/o The Phan Family 6:30 PM POR EL ANIVERSARIO DE LOS ANOS DE FALLICIDO DE ANTONIO CHAN r/o Familia Chan SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 2015 Ex 20: 1-17 1 Cor 1: 22-25 Jn 2: 13-25 (29) 7:30 AM FOR THE PEOPLE 9:00 AM JOAN P. CRUMMY r/o Barry & Karen Pelletteri 10:30 AM NELLIE LYNCH r/o Helen A. Turner 12:00 NOON CLAIRE YUREK r/o Rina Ehrhardt . …IN YOUR PRAYERS… Please keep all those listed above in your prayers, as well as all the deceased of our parish, especially Jack Dolan, J. Richard Greene, Virginia Pirog, Luise Poulin, and Barbara Ryan. SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT CANDLES THE CANDLE IN THE MAIN CHURCH WILL BE LIT THIS WEEK IN MEMORY OF BERTHA UJOBAGY AT THE REQUEST OF FAMILY. THE CANDLE IN THE CHAPEL WILL BE LIT FOR WILLIAM MAYER AT THE REQUEST OF DAUGHTER. PLEASE REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS: CONNIE GACEK SANDY PIROZZI JEAN SIOCK DONALD HUTSON RALPH LOMBARDI GERTRUDE O'REILLY EMILY KOLODZIEJ DICK INGRAHAM JOHN BAGNASCO PATRICIA LORENZETTI CLARE MASTRONARDI LUCILLE MAZZUCCO OSEI AMOAKA MICHAEL PAYNE MARY MORGAN LEE RAGHUNATH KEVIN BIZZONE JOSEPHINE MARTENS PETER DONATO RICHARD HANN LUCILLE KRAUSE JENNIFER LAWTON NICHOLAS KALESCKY PAT BANCROFT MAUREEN GRABOWSKI PAULINE WINZINGER BETTY KIERNAN DOROTHY MORRIS BARBARA GURAL FERNANDO FONSECA MARIELLE C. MOORE ALEX ESOLDA TARA POWERS JAMES FITZPATRICK AMANDA WENDT BARBARA SCHEERER PAIGE ROMANO LINDA MAIORANA ELIZABETH MARINO CHRISTINE ESPOSITO MARTIN HENDERSON MARION LEE LORETTA PREUSTER GARY PIECH DAVID ECCLES ERNIE KAZAR RUSSELL WARDLOW IRENE WALSH MARTI & GUY SPENCER MARILYN SOLIMINE JANET MAIORANA ALYSSA RIBIERO OLDEMILIA GEORGE BRODY KASNOWSKI BILL GEORGE CATHERINE ZAPF THERESA PIZZANO DANNY GAUDREAU JUDY YOCHUM EILEEN COHEN DANIEL GUGUSKI JANICE BUTLER SAMANTHA POWERS RALPH JOSEPH NOVI EDWARD DAVIS BEVERLEY SINGH ALEXANDRA & MARYJO STRICKET ANTHONY AND FRANCES PALOMBO PATTY AND TYLER BAVOSI MARGARET AND MICHAEL ADAMS THANK YOU! The total of last week's collections were $8,249.00 for the Ordinary Collection and $2,729.00 for the Building Fund. Thank you very much for your continued support of our Parish family! PreSchool Camp & Vacation Bible School July 13th - 17th Pre-school Camp Week 1 July 27th - 31st Vacation Bible School August 3rd - 7th Pre-school Camp Week 2 Please see our MMG Website for details and Registration Forms. LENT Stations of the Cross ...will take place each Friday evening during Lent at 7 pm in the Church. Parish Penance Service Tuesday, March 10th 7:00 pm HEALTH SCREENING April 12, 2015 at Immaculate Conception, Somerville Sponsored by The Parish Nurses The Parish Nurses of Immaculate Conception Church will sponsor a FREE HEALTH SCREENING on Sunday April 12th in conjunction with St Peter's Mobile Unit. The hours of operation are 8:30am to 12 noon. There is no pre-registration, however, screening is on a first come first served basis. Saint Peter's will therefore determine the time they will see the last patient. Please plan on taking advantage of this free service! The Health Fair is being held in the Immaculate Conception grade school Cafeteria. Some of the great services it will include are screenings for: blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, DermaScan(for skin cancer), height, weight, body mass index(BMI), and nutrition counseling. We are hoping to have a doctor present to answer questions and a representative to answer insurance questions as well. Please take advantage of this stellar opportunity to care for your body, as we believe, through scripture that we are a temple of the Holy Spirit! CATHOLIC SCHOOL TUITION ASSISTANCE APPLICATIONS FOR 2015-2016 NOW AVAILABLE Applications for financial aid through the Diocese of Metuchen Tuition Assistance Program for the 2015-2016 school year are now available at all diocesan elementary and secondary schools. Completed applications must be mailed to Private School Aid Service, postmarked no later than Tuesday, March 31, 2015. To obtain an application form, please contact the Principal or main office of the school where the student is registering. A printable version of the form, both English and Spanish, is also available on the diocesan website at MMOG REGISTRATION PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN ENRICHMENT ENROLL NOW FOR 2015 – 2016 MORNING AND AFTERNOON SESSIONS 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM or 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM 2 DAY CLASSES FOR 3 YEAR OLDS 3 DAY CLASSES FOR 4 YEAR OLDS ALSO AVAILABLE: 2, 3, AND 5 DAY ENRICHMENT CLASSES 5 DAY EXTENDED ENRICHMENT CLASS SPACES FILL UP FAST - PLEASE ENROLL NOW. FOR A BROCHURE, AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT, OR TO REGISTER, PLEASE CALL THE PRESCHOOL OFFICE AT 908-874-8489. Soup du Jour Weekend Soup Makers Needed The Rosary Altar Society will host a Soup Du Jour event after all masses on March 21+ 22 in Schelberg Hall. All soups are homemade and sell at $10 a quart. For any students that need community service hours or any parishioners that want to make soup to donate for this event, containers will be passed out on Tuesday, March 3 at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center Hallway. All proceeds from this event goes towards the renovation of Schellberg Hall kitchen. Knitters and Yarn Donations Needed Yarn of any color is needed for a group of knitters that make items for various organizations that help people in our community. Also Knitters are needed too to help make prayers shawls, twin size blankets for children in foster care, hats and scarves for adults and teens, and baby hats, blankets and booties for pregnancy aid and Catholic Charities Society's. Gift cards to AC Moore, Hobby Lobby and Michael's are generously accepted. Please mail or drop them off at the rectory. If you are interested in knitting or can donate yarn or knitted items, please contact Nancy Fusco at 908-8744904. Thank you in advance for your generosity. SPECIAL COLLECTION – NEXT WEEKEND DIOCESAN ANNUAL SPRING COLLECTION Next weekend our parish will take up the Diocesan Spring Collection to benefit two important causes: Native and Black American, and Catholic Relief Services. This collection makes possible the mission of the Catholic Church to combat poverty, provide relief and development, assist refugees and immigrants, and advocate for justice and peace in situations of conflict and neglect of basic human rights throughout the world. AVISOS PARROQUIALES A los nuevos feligreses por favor registrarse visitando la Secretaria durante horas de oficina y/o asistir a la proxima reunion de Registracion Parroquial ofrecida en Español los ultimos sabados del mes, despues de misa FECHA DEL PROXIMO REGISTRO PARROQUIAL 28 DE MARZO despues de Misa INTENCIONES PARA LA MISA HISPANA Todo aquel que desea ofrecer una Misa por un familiar fallecido o vivo. registrarse con MARYANN, en la secretaria Parroquial, O AL FINAL DE MES CON MIRIAM EN LAS REGISTRACIONES PARROQUIALES BAUTISMO Tercer DOMINGO de cada mes a las 1:30 pm Requisitos: Registrarse en la Parroquia Inscribirse para el Bautismo antes del primer domingo del mes. Participar de una charla pre-bautismal (SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL MES DESPUES DE MISA) MAS INFORMES CON el SACERDOTE O EN LA SECRETARIA PARROQUIAL CONFESIONES Todos los sabados al final de la Misa Hispana o llamar a la Rectoria para una cita EDUCACION RELIGIOSA (CATECISMO) PARA NIÑOS – PRIMERA COMUNION/CONFESION Para mas informes Deacon Chris a or (908) 874-8604 dejar mensaje si no contesta CATECISMO PARA ADULTOS / RCIA EN ESPAÑOL TODA PERSONA ADULTA QUE ESTE INTERESADA EN RECIBIR LOS SACRAMENTOS DE BAUTISMO, PRIMERA COMUNION Y/O. CONFIRMACION SE OFRECEN CLASES TODOS LOS JUEVES A LAS 7 PM EN EL SALON ABAJO DE LA CAPILLA MAS INFORMES CON LUIS GIL 908-642-4481 MAGDALENA ESPINOZA 732-356-5153 ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL Es un fin de semana designado para darle las parejas casadas la oportunidad de examinar sus vidas y ayudarles a comunicarse mejor. INFO ZAIRA Y OSCAR 908-642.6644 GRUPO CARISMATICO “MARIA TE INVITA A CONOCER A JESUS” TODOS LOS MARTES A LAS 7:00 PM EN LA CAPILLA DE LA IGLESIA GRUPO DE ORACION” LAS MIL AVE MARIA” PRIMER SABADO DE CADA MES DESDE LAS 8:30 AM EN EL SALON ABAJO DE LA CAPILLA DE LA IGLESIA LES ESPERAMOS!!! VISITAS DOMICILIARIAS A ENFERMOS Y ANCIANOS PARA RECIBIR EUCARISTIA Toda persona anciana o enferma que desee recibir la Eucaristia en sus hogares Sabados apartir de las 6:45 pm o los Domingos apartir de las 10:45 am Por favor contactar con la Sra Altagracia 908-939.1547 A FAMILIAS NECESITADAS PARA RECIBIR ASISTENCIA ESPIRITUAL Ofrecido por el Grupo Carismatico Por favor contactar con la Sra. Rocio Velazco 908-392.2756 GRACIAS!!! EL TOTAL DE LA COLECTA ORDINARIA DEL SABADO PASADO FUE DE $ 85.00 Y DEL FONDO P/ CONSTRUCCION PARROQUIAL FUE DE $85.00. MUCHAS GRACIAS POR SU CONTINUA AYUDA A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD PARROQUIAL LA VIRGEN MARIA VISITA LOS HOGARES Durante todas las misas hispanas tendremos la imagen de la Virgen dispuesta a visitar los hogares latinos por una semana, acompañando su presencia con el rezo diario del Santo Rosario. Si esta interesado en llevar a la Virgen a su Casa por favor registrar el nombre de su familia al final de cada misa con Walter Jimemez..908-421-4853 Para mas informes por favor contactar el Grupo de las Mil Avemarias MMOG LITURGIA PARA NIÑOS (DURANTE MISA) Sabados durante la misa Niños de 4 a 9 años REGISTRARASE AL INICIO DE MISA Mas informes Miriam Balbiani El Viñedo de Raquel Es una oportunidad extraordinaria para aquellas personas que buscan aliviar el dolor espiritual y emocional causado por el aborto. Este retiro de fin de semana es una terapia para el alma que ayuda a encontrar sanación espiritual y psicológica. Próximo Retiro: Abril 10 - Abril 13, 2015 Tel: 908-303-8150 “El Poder Sobre la Diabetes Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset le ofrece el programa “El Poder Sobre la Diabetes.” Este programa es dedicado a la salud de la comunidad Latina, es completamente gratis y fue creado para ayudar a los Latinos combatir la diabetes tipo 2. Durante las 12 semanas de clases, el programa le ayudara a aprender y a utilizar practicas para prevenir y manejar a la diabetes tipo 2. Todas de las charlas serán dirigida por un Dietista y cubren varios tópicos sobre la nutrición y alimentación. PROXIMO CURSO LUNES 6 DE ABRIL .INFORMES 908-203-6239 AYUDA A LA COMUNIDAD CHEQUEO DE SALUD GRATIS DOMINGO 12 DE ABRIL CAFETERIA DEL COLEGIO DE LA INMACULADA CONCEPCION El Grupo de Enferrmeras de la Parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepcion con ayuda de la Unidad Movil de St Peter, ofrecera una CHEQUEO DE SALUD GRATIS desde las 8:30 a las 12 del mediodia. No necesita registracion ,Habra chequeos de DE PRESION ARTERIAL, DIABETES, CANCER DE PIEL, ALTURA, PESO,MASA MUSCULAR y CONSEJERO NUTRICIONISTA Doctores y Represenates de Seguros estaran disponibles para responder cualquier inquietud Asistencia Medica Asistida (M.A.P) El programa de Asistencia De Medicina del Somerset Mediccal Center RWJ se creo para ayudar a pacientes con necesidades y conecta a los pacientes sin seguro o insuficiencia de seguro con recursos adecuados y acceso a medicamentos accesibles MAS INFORMES Peggy Morore 908-595.2609 Caridades Católicas Programa de Servicios deInmigración Este programa de la Diócesis de Metuchen busca ofrecer servicios legales de inmigración a bajo costo a las comunidades de Nueva Jersey. 732-826.9160 COSTO POR CONSULTA $20 -$40 Las oficinas están localizadas en: CENTRO DE SERVICIO PARA LA FAMILIA Perth Amboy: 271 Smith St. 732-214.8743 (Lunes a Viernes de 9am a 5pm) IGLESIA SAGRADO CORAZON New Brunswick : 56 Throop Ave. 732-214-8743 (Lunes a Jueves de 12pm a 8pm) IGLESIA ST PHILIP-ST JAMES Phillipsburg: 430 South Main St. 908-977-3731 (Lunes de 1:30 pm a 7pm) MENSAJE DE LA DIOCESIS La Diócesis de Metuchen a través de la Oficina de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas ofrece información sobre los cambios recientes en la ley de inmigración que afecta a muchos de nuestros parroquianos. La página de internet que sigue tienen mucha información . Tambien Habra Sesiones a realizarse en Somerville y Perth Amboy en estos próximos días y semanas. Además de lo que está en el internet, hay otra sesión: Domingo, 1 de Marzo, 2015, Iglesia San José (St. Joseph's), 1:30pm (después de la Misa en Español a las 12:30pm) 41 Manning Avenue, North Plainfield, NJ. La página de internet es:
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