SummerWrite 2015 Catalog PDF

Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register call 473-2590 X107
Spring & summer youth creative daycamps & workshops
things to know
Group Size and Instructor Ratio: Workshops are limited to a total
enrollment of 12 with the exception of a few specific classes. Most workshops are led
by one adult writer and one high school or college apprentice.
What to Bring: Unless otherwise noted in the description, all you need is a
pen and paper, and lunch if you’re staying all day. Please leave cell phones and other
electronic devices at home or turned off completely and tucked in a backpack or bag.
Food: Snacks and water are provided for breaks, though we recommend bringing
a water bottle. Full day participants bring their own lunches. Please make note of any
allergies on the registration form and we will do our best to accommodate.
Choose Full days or Half days: Workshops offered are either half
days or full days. A morning workshop may be combined with an afternoon workshop
for a full day of programming. Students staying all day will be supervised during the
lunch hour, from 12 pm-1 pm.
Supervision and Hours: Participants must be checked in and signed
out by an adult. Supervision by staff and instructors is provided continuously 8:45
am–4:15 pm. Any student arriving earlier than 8:45 am or departing later than 4:15
pm is expected to register for, and pay for, extended care.
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
Extended Care: Extended care is available if a child must arrive more than 15
minutes before class begins or stay more than 15 minutes after class is over. We need
to know your extra care needs at least two weeks in advance to be sure we can fill
your request. Payment is based by the week:
Mornings: JY15-EA (plus week number [1-9].) Use the letter B for April Break
7:30 arrival = $45/week
8:00 arrival = $30/week
Afternoons: JY15-EP (plus week number [1-9].) Use the letter B for April Break
5:00 departure = $30/week
5:30 departure = $45/week
Registration: Mail or fax the form on page 21. To register by phone, call
(585) 473-2590 x107. If you have questions about class content, please call
Sally Bittner Bonn at (585) 473-2590 x109.
Field Trips and Final Presentations: Several of our workshops
take advantage of arts institutions close by, such as the George Eastman House and
the Memorial Art Gallery. Many use dramatic arts as well—and therefore may end
with a presentation on Friday, and/or a group publication.
Facilities: Our beautiful 1903 Claude Bragdon building on ArtWalk in the
Neighborhood of the Arts is fully wheelchair accessible, with three sun-lit, airconditioned workshop rooms, a computer lab, and a performance space. We use
our landscaped grounds and the playground next door for outdoor time over lunch.
In addition, daily playground
break-time or other outdoor
activities are scheduled for each
group. Some classes also take
place at our Gell Center of the
Finger Lakes, a 24-acre nature
Map & Directions:
Writers & Books is located at
740 University Avenue between
Merriman Street and Atlantic
Avenue in the Neighborhood of
the Arts.
Where to Park: There is parking
in our lot, which is entered from
University Avenue or Atlantic Avenue.
Parking is also available on the streets
surrounding W&B. Please be aware of
signs for parking restrictions. If you wish
to park close to the entrance, we suggest
arriving early to ensure that a space is
available in our lot. Please do not park
directly in front of our door as this blocks
our handicap accessible ramp.
Referral Program: The highest form of flattery is referring your friends
to us! You could earn a $10 credit toward SummerWrite for each new child you refer
to us. Just be sure your friend mentions your name when registering. Questions?
Call or email us: (585) 473-2590 x107,
Membership: It pays to be a member! Sign up for a student or household
membership and receive discounts on SummerWrite classes, along with other
benefits. Our special Turning Pages Readers’ Circle membership allows a unique
way of discovering books while also supporting Writers & Books programs.
Four times each year a surprise book will arrive in your mailbox, and there will
be exclusive events that will illuminate the selections. For more information on
membership, call (585) 473-2590 x107, or visit Become a member
today using our registration form on page 21!
Payment: Full payment for each workshop, for each participant, plus membership Scholarships: Writers & Books is committed to making our programs
fee if due, is required at time of initial registration.
Withdrawal Policy: A full refund is given in the event that W&B must
cancel a class. If you withdraw up to three business days before the first day of a
class, W&B will give a full refund. Within three business days of a class, W&B will
refund 50% or give a full credit toward another class. After the first class and up to
the day of the second class, W&B will refund 50% or give a pro-rated credit. After the
second class there will be no refunds or credits.
Cancellation Procedure: In the rare event that a class has to be
canceled due to low enrollment or other unforeseeable circumstances, you will be
notified a minimum of one week before the scheduled start of the class.
available to all members of the community. We offer partial and full scholarships
based on need. Visit for an application or contact Sally Bittner Bonn
with questions:
Summerwrite Blog: During the week(s) your child is in camp, please
visit to see a list of activities your child participated
in during his or her class, which are sometimes accompanied by photos and other
interesting tidbits about the SummerWrite program!
Questions?: Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us! Contact our
Director of Youth Education, Sally Bittner Bonn, at Or, for dayto-day questions, to report absences, or to figure out logistics of your child’s
day, please contact Abby Johnson, our 2015 SummerWrite Coordinator at
Cover photo by Leandra Caprini-Rosica
Spring & summer youth creative daycamps & workshops
Joseph F. Flaherty
Sally Bittner Bonn
Alexa Scott-Flaherty
Albert Abonado
COORDINATOR OF “If All of Rochester...“
Karen vanMeenen
Kathy Pottetti i
Rylie Day
Daniel Herd
Kathy Pottetti, Manager
Chris Fanning
Tate DeCaro
Daniel Herd
Abby Johnson
Carl Davis
Tricia Hobart
Wanda Schubmehl
Norm Davis
Colby Brown
Scott Evans
Lucia LoTempio
Micah Lucas
Adrian Ababovic
Leandra Caprini-Rosica
A Note from the Director of Youth Education
Dear Families,
Recently I was talking with the teens who make up the Canvas Teen Literary Journal board about creative
writing assignments in their English classes. Their response, essentially, was, “We don’t do creative
writing in English class.”
Writers & Books Promotes Reading
and Writing as Life-Long Activities for
People of All Ages and Backgrounds
Sponsored by
I know the curriculum has changed a lot in recent years, but this stopped me in my tracks. I thought back
through my own education and tried to imagine if I hadn’t had any creative writing instruction in school.
No fabric-covered journal-making project in third grade, no fiction writing assignment in fifth grade for
which I wrote a story that had a pen and pencil as the main characters taking adventures in the woods,
no ars poetica assignment in eleventh grade that led me to define what creative writing means to me and
how it has shaped who I am, and no daily journal entries in high school—I can still feel the spark of those
prompts from Mrs. McNally. They opened a different part of my brain—they challenged me and expanded
me as a person.
| to register call 473-2590 X107
Would I have still written? Sure. But without the support of school, without the guidance of those
teachers, without that spark of imagination built into my routine, would I have turned my attention toward
my writing in the same way? I don’t know. I shudder to think of my life without creative writing.
Jennifer R. Kellogg, President
Trevor Harrison, Vice-President
Christine A. Eichelberger, Treasurer
Kimberly J. Mura, Secretary
Elizabeth Berry
Mark Boylan
Kathy Cleary
Susan Desino
Peggy S. Fox
Bruce Gianniny
Beverly Gold
Grace Gonzalez
Grant Holcomb
Will Irwin
Danielle Massare
Gilbert K. (Ken) McCurdy
Jim Napier
Adrian Neil
Kerri A. Pierce
Lois Bennett Taubman
Brad Van Auken
Mary Widger
Henry W. Williams, Jr.
Joseph F. Flaherty, Executive Director
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
I know there are still some school teachers who insist on squeezing creative writing into their lesson
plans. But I also know they are taking a risk in providing this vital life skill in place of what the curriculum
requires of them.
I am so grateful that at Writers & Books each summer we can offer over 70 different workshops that
have a basis in creative writing and the appreciation of literature. Most cities don’t have these kinds of
programs for children and teens. I feel so lucky to come to work every day to help create and run these
We have some exciting new offerings this summer, and some old
favorites, too. Take some time with your child or teen to select the
program(s) they are drawn to, and in which they might feel that
special spark blooming inside.
In the spirit of creativity,
Cortney Myers
Sarah Meacham
Sally Bittner Bonn
Director of Youth Education
Writers & Books’ programs
are made possible by the New
York State Council on the Arts
with the support of Governor
Andrew Cuomo and the New
York State Legislature.
SummerWrite by Week Spring
7-9 A Taste of Writers & Books!
10-13 A Taste of Writers & Books!
Week 1 6/29-7/2 (4-Day Week)
7-9 Find a Mystery AM
7-9 Hero TheatrePM
8-11 Wordplay Workshop
8-11 Flash FictionPM
10-13 Picture This ALL DAY
Publish Your Book in One Week!
Week 2 7/6-10
6-7 Author/Illustrator Fan Club AM
6-7 Fairytales from Around the Globe PM
8-11 Young Storytellers
8-11 Percy Jackson Greek Myth Readers’ Theatre PM
9-12 Produce a 90-Second Newbery Movie! ALL DAY
12-14 My Life, My Words
12-14 Graphic Novel PM
14+ Dystopian Literature AM
14+ Coming-of-Age NovelPM
HS Seniors College Admissions Essay (Session One) AM
7-9 Storywriters’ Circle AM
7-9 Magic Tree House Merlin Mission PM
9-12 Percy Jackson’s Magic Pen
9-13 Writers & Cooks! Menus for Every Meal AM
9-13 Writers & Cooks! Around the World PM
12-14 Shakespeare’s Stage ALL DAY
HS Students Teen Writers’ Master Workshop
Week 4 7/20-24
7-9 Telling Tales
8-11 My Name in Print AM
8-11 World Building PM
11-13 Comedy Improvisation AM
12-15 Novel ToolsPM
14+ Teen Comedy Improvisation PM
14+ Hunger Games
HS Students Teen Writers’ Master Workshop
Week 5 7/27-31
8-11 Harry Potter Mania
9-12 Where’s Walden?
12-14 O.W.L. Studies
13-16Outdoor Writer
14+N.E.W.T. Studies
14+ The Order of the PheonixPM
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
Week 3 7/13-17
Combine Mornings & Afternoons
pg 6
pg 6
pg 7
pg 7
pg 7
pg 7
pg 7
pg 7
pg 8
pg 8
pg 8
pg 8
pg 8
pg 8
pg 8
pg 9
pg 9
pg 9
pg 9
pg 9
pg 10
pg 10
pg 10
pg 10
pg 10
pg 11
pg 11
pg 11
pg 11
pg 11
pg 12
pg 12
pg 10
pg 13
pg 12
pg 13
pg 12
pg 13
pg 13
Week 6 8/3-7
6-7 Little House Pioneers AM
6-7 Animal AdventuresPM
8-11 Poetry in Motion AM
8-11 My Idea Book PM
12-14 Our Own Medieval World
12-14 I Wonder...Exploring Eternal Questions PM
Teens Songwriter’s Workshop
HS Seniors College Admissions Essay (Session Two) PM
pg 14
pg 14
pg 14
pg 14
pg 14
pg 14
pg 15
pg 15
Week 7 8/10-14
6-8 Magic Tree House Adventure Club AM
pg 15
8-11 Meet the Magic Dragon AM
pg 15
8-11 The Secret Lives of Animals PM
pg 15
8-11 Poetry, Pottery, & Paper ALL DAY pg 15
10-13 Build a Book: One Chapter at a Time
ALL DAY pg 15
12-14 Imagination Collaboration
ALL DAY pg 16
Teens Screenwriting Workshop: Mystery Genre AM
pg 16
Teens Writers on the Environment OVERNIGHTpg 16
14+ Teen Intensive Fiction PM
pg 16
Week 8 8/17-21
5-7 ¡Bienvenidos! Fun With Spanish AM
5-7 Magic Tree House Adventure Club PM
8-11 Field Guide to Sprites, Goblins, & Magical Folk AM
8-11 Texts Without Words: ASLPM
8-12 Word Art & Art Words
12-14 A Poet’s Workshop
12-14 Fan FictionPM
14+Experimental Fiction
14+ Teen SlamPM
Week 9 8/24-28
pg 16
pg 16
pg 16
pg 17
pg 17
pg 17
pg 17
pg 17
pg 17
8-11Rethinking Once Upon a Time AM
8-12 Write On!
12-14 TV Writers’ Table: Script Writing
12-14 Fiction in a FlashPM
13-16 90-Second Newbury Movie
14+ Conversation We Need to Have: Theatre
HS Seniors College Admissions Essay (Session Three) AM
HS Seniors College Admissions Essay Online ONLINE
pg 17
pg 17
pg 18
pg 18
pg 18
pg 18
pg 18
pg 18
Things to Know
Instructor Bios
Registration Form
Donors and Funders
pg 2
pg 19
pg 21
pg 23
Ages: 6 to 7
Ages: 6 to 8
Ages: 7 to 9
WK 4 ALL DAY Ages: 8 to 11
Ages: 8 to 12
¡Bienvenidos! Fun With Spanish
Magic Tree House Adventure Club
pg 16
pg 16
Author/Illustrator Fan Club Fairytales from Around the Globe Little House Pioneers
Animal Adventures
pg 8
pg 8
pg 14
pg 14
Magic Tree House Adventure Club
pg 15
Find a Mystery
Hero Theatre
Storywriters’ Circle Magic Tree House Merlin Mission Telling Tales
pg 7
pg 7
pg 9
pg 9
pg 11
Wordplay Workshop
Flash Fiction
Young Storytellers
Percy Jackson Readers’ Theatre
My Name in Print World Building
Harry Potter Mania
Poetry in Motion My Idea Book
Meet the Magic Dragon The Secret Lives of Animals Poetry, Pottery, & Paper
Field Guide to Sprites, Goblins...
Texts Wuithout Words: ASL
Rethinking Once Upon a Time
pg 7
pg 7
pg 8
pg 8
pg 11
pg 11
pg 13
pg 14
pg 14
pg 15
pg 15
pg 15
pg 16
pg 17
pg 17
Word Art & Art Words
Write On!
pg 17
pg 17
Ages: 9 to 12
WK 2 ALL DAY Produce a 90-Second Newbery Movie! pg 8
WK 3 ALL DAYPercy Jackson’s Magic Pen
pg 10
Where’s Walden? pg 12
WK 3 PM Ages: 10 to 13
WK 1 ALL DAY WK 7 ALL DAY Writers & Cooks! Menus for Every Meal pg 10
Writers & Cooks! Around the World
pg 10
Ages: 12 to 14
WK 3 ALL DAY WK 5 ALL DAY WK 6 AM WK 6 PM WK 7 ALL DAY WK 8 AM WK 8 PM WK 9 AM WK 9 PM Comedy Improvisation
pg 11
My Life, My Words
Graphic Novel
Shakespeare’s Stage O.W.L. Studies Our Own Medieval World
I Wonder...Exploring Eternal Questions Imagination Collaboration
A Poet’s Workshop
Fan Fiction
TV Writers’ Table: Script Writing
Fiction in a Flash
pg 8
pg 8
pg 10
pg 13
pg 14
pg 14
pg 16
pg 17
pg 17
pg 18
pg 18
Ages: 12 to 15
WK 4 PM Novel Tools
pg 11
pg 18
Ages: 13 to 16
WK 7 AM WK 7 OVERNIGHT Outdoor Writer
90-Second Newbery Movie
Songwriter’s Workshop
pg 15
Screenwriting Workshop: Mystery Genre pg 16
Writers on the Environment pg 16
Ages: 14 & Up
WK 1 PM Publish Your Book in One Week!
WK 2 AM Dystopian Literature WK 2 PM Coming-of-Age Novel
WK 4 PM Teen Comedy Improvisation
WK 4 ALL DAY Hunger Games
N.E.W.T. Studies
WK 5 PM The Order of the Pheonix
WK 7 PM Teen Intensive Fiction WK 8 AM Experimental Fiction
Teen Slam
WK 9 ALL DAY Conversation We Need to Have: Theatre
High School Students
WK 3-4 ALL DAY Teen Writers’ Master Workshop
pg 7
pg 9
pg 9
pg 12
pg 12
pg 13
pg 13
pg 16
pg 17
pg 17
pg 18
pg 10
High School Seniors
WK 2 AM WK 6 PM WK 9 AM WK 9 ONLINE College Admissions Essay (Session One) pg 9
College Admissions Essay (Session Two) pg 15
College Admissions Essay (Session Three)pg 18
College Admissions Essay Online
pg 18
Ages: 9 to 13
Ages: 11 to 13
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
Picture This Build a Book: One Chapter at a Time
pg 7
pg 15
double your fun!
sign up with a friend!
Ages: 5 to 7
| to register call 473-2590 X107
SummerWrite by AGE
SPRING BREAK March 30-April 3
Ages: 7-9
A Taste of Writers & Books!
March 30-April 3, 9 am-3 pm
Full Week: $182 W&B Members/ $202 General
Public (use code W15-Y4)
Single Day: $40 W&B Members/$45 General Public
(see below for codes for individual classes)
MONDAY: Your Own Story
Instructor: Rylie Day
Do exciting adventures occur in your daydreams? Are stories
constantly running through your imagination? Get your ideas
out of your head and onto paper! This class will give you
fresh ideas and creative tools for starting your own story or
continuing work on one you’ve already begun.
TUESDAY: ¡Bienvenidos! Fun
with Spanish!
Instructor: Henry I. Padrón Morales
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
Welcome to a fun and creative day of Spanish! We will learn
the language through songs, games, African Caribbean
drumming, and multi-media. This is one of our most popular
SummerWrite courses, and students now have the chance to
come play for a day in March!
WEDNESDAY: Fairy Stones &
Goblin Homes
Instructor: Angela Cannon-Crothers
photo by Cortney Myers
Ages: 10-13
TUESDAY: Heroes of Olympus
March 30-April 3, 9 am-3 pm
Full Week: $182 W&B Members/ $202 General
Public (use code W15-Y4)
Single Day: $40 W&B Members/$45 General Public
(see below for codes for individual classes)
Come celebrate the final book in the Heroes of Olympus
series! We will act out skits based on Percy Jackson’s Greek
Gods, and also work on projects and games inspired by
Greek Mythology. You are invited to come dressed as a
favorite character (optional).
A Taste of Writers & Books!
MONDAY: Idea Starters
Instructor: Donna Marbach
Artists carry sketchbooks to capture ideas with drawings.
Writers carry journals to capture thoughts and experiences
with words. In this mini-class, we will explore different ways
we can use art and words in combinations to communicate
our ideas and feelings.
The literary world is brimming with magic! Come spend the
day creating your own fairy or gnome scene or home from
natural materials. Then write a story to go along with it!
Students will take their creations home at the end of the day.
WEDNESDAY: A Day in the Life of
Harry Potter
Instructor: Lindsey Buck
Spells! Magical creatures! Wands! Whether you are a diehard Potterhead or a newcomer to the Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry, come get sorted and spend a day
exploring the magical world of Harry Potter. There will be
crafts, activities, and writing prompts to lure muggles and
wizards alike!
THURSDAY: Short Fiction
Instructor: Rylie Day
Instructor: Donna Marbach
Think you can’t write a story in a day? Think again! Juicy
writing exercises will help us expand our writer’s toolbox,
focusing on fleshing out fantastic characters, developing
plot, and bringing our readers right into our setting. By the
end of the day you will either have a short piece finished or a
generous start on a longer piece!
All work and no play makes for a dull writer. Come
stretch your language brain! We’ll uncover the magic in
words through fun games and exercises. We’ll play with
palindromes and anagrams. We’ll expand our vocabularies
by writing special kinds of poems, riddles, and tongue
twisters. Come play with words!
FRIDAY: Comedy Improvisation
Instructor: Julie Donofrio
FRIDAY: Magic Tree House on a
Merlin Mission
Improvisation is acting without a script, and often includes
audience participation. Students will learn the basic rules
of improv, and then a variety of theater games and comedy
improv games, such as those featured on the television show
Whose Line is it Anyway? The class will present some of their
favorite games for family members at the end of the day.
Instructor: Marna Rossi
Enter the magical realm of the Merlin Mission books of the
Magic Tree House series! Designed for older readers, these
books mix magic and history for a true adventure. Games,
crafts, and skits will lead us through the world of Jack and
Annie. Come spend a day in your own Magic Tree House
Instructor: Marna Rossi
photo by Cortney Myers
29-July 2
There’s something mysterious about Writers & Books. Was
the building designed by a man who talked to ghosts?
Where does the staircase go and what’s with the little
door at the top? It’s a mystery! Whether your favorite
sleuth is Nancy Drew or Herculeah Jones, Dink Duncan or
Encyclopedia Brown, you’ll discover clues in the books you
love to make your own mysteries. We’ll make up our own
curious crime-solvers, complete with lovable sidekicks like
Dr. Watson, Betty, and Hamisher the Hamster. We are going
to find mystery all over the neighborhood—and get to the
bottom of each one. Get out your thinking caps, drawing
hats, walking shoes, and clever disguises and we’ll write up
some mysteries of our own. Final projects can be stories,
graphic novels, or staged performances!
All work and no play makes for a dull writer. Come stretch
your language brain in the Wordplay Workshop. We will
uncover magic in words, learn to write anagrams and
palindromes, and find many words within one word. In
small groups, we’ll play games such as Boggle, Scrabble,
and Hangman. We might pencil our way through a word
search, a crossword puzzle, or an acrostic. We’ll stretch our
vocabulary, improve our spelling, and play with words by
writing special kinds of poems, riddles, tongue twisters,
or short-short stories. We will walk away with puzzles and
facts we can use to amaze our friends and families. Most
of all, we will learn that words are the key building blocks
in all good writing. And we’ll have some “word-while” fun
along the way.
Ages: 7-9
Ages: 8-11
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, June 29-July 2
$88 W&B Members/$96 General Public
Instructor: Marna Rossi
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, June 29-July 2
$88 W&B Members/$96 General Public
Instructor: Judy DeCroce
Hero Theatre
Every hero has a story. Heroes can have a mission, helpers
and villains, and a world to save. We will share ideas about
our favorite fictional and real-life heroes. What makes a
fun, intriguing, unique hero? Do you prefer a hero who
surprises you and makes you laugh, one who is always
brave, or a hero who is accidentally courageous? We will
act out skits from our favorite hero stories. You will have
a chance to create a hero, a world, and an action-packed
adventure skit. We will use found objects to create props
for a hero drama. We will share our skits with families on
the final day.
Flash Fiction
Flash fiction is a short form of writing in which every word
is essential. These stories have a rhythm and foundation of
character, setting, and plot. We’ll learn to hook the reader
quickly and then, through an unexpected twist, leave
the reader wanting more. In writing our own pieces, we’ll
analyze the power of words and learn to be concise. Editing
will be a key component, as will feedback from peers and
the teacher.
photo by Leandra Caprini-Rosica
—SummerWrite participant
Ages: 10-13
Picture This
ALL DAY: 9 am-4 pm, June 29-July 2
$184 W&B Members/$200 General Public
Instructors: Lisa Johnson & Roxana Aparicio Wolfe
They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” and
Rochester is the home of a picture giant: George Eastman.
If you love to write poetry or short stories and take
photographs, then join us! We’ll spend time exploring
the George Eastman House gardens, photo galleries,
and permanent museum collection as inspiration for our
creative writing. Participants will create photographic
narratives with their cameras. Our pens will capture the
words that help to tell the photographic story. A final
presentation featuring the participants’ photographic and
written expressions will be displayed at a last day “art
opening” exhibition. If you have your own digital camera,
please bring it.
Ages: 14 & up
Publish Your Book in One
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, June 29-July 2
$97 W&B Members/$103 General Public
Instructors: The Canvas Teen Literary Journal
Editorial Board
Do you have a novel, novella, collection of poems, essay
series, or just any book you’ve been longing to put into
print? Or do you just want to learn how to publish for the
future moment when you’re ready? Taught by the editors
of Canvas Teen Literary Journal, this class is run by teens
just like you who understand your questions, worries, and
can go at your pace. This class will teach you how to edit,
lay out in paperback and ebook, design your cover, and
publish your book for yourself, friends, and family, or for
the whole world to read. At the end of the week, you will
have assembled an anthology of the class’ shared work, or
a book of your own work, which you can choose to publish
via Amazon or just keep private. You will receive one free
print copy of the print book you created. If you choose to
publish, you can buy more copies and share the link with
friends and family at your discretion. If you have a laptop,
please bring it to class each day (some computers available
on site). NOTE: If you don’t have a book-length manuscript
but want to learn how to publish, you can still take this
class. But if you DO plan to publish your own book, it must
be a completed manuscript (finished novel, completed
short story collection, poetry collection, etc.) We will start
editing the first day so stories and collections must be
| to register call 473-2590 X107
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, June 29-July 2
$88 W&B Members/$96 General Public
Instructor: Donna Marbach
Wordplay Workshop
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, June 29-July 2
$88 W&B Members/$96 General Public
Instructor: Caren Pita
Find a Mystery
I learned that I could learn
throughout the summer.
Ages: 8-11
Ages: 7-9
WEEK 2 July 6-10
Ages: 6-7
Ages: 12-14
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, July 6-10
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Jason Yungbluth
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, July 6-10
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Sally Bittner Bonn
Author/Illustrator Fan Club
My Life, My Words
Youngsters who love storybooks will love them even more
after they enter the world of their favorite creators! Each
day, instructor Jason Yungbluth will treat students to a new
story from a popular children’s book author, then lead them
through creative artistic projects based on the art and story
from the day’s author. There will be lots of different crafts,
with plenty of room for the children to explore their writing
and artistic talents. At the end of the week, students will go
home with their own new illustrations and writings.
Ages: 6-7
Fairytales from Around the
Wish you could travel around the world? At Writers & Books
you can! Come listen to stories and poems from cultures
near and far—we’ll read French, German, Canadian, and
African fairytales, among others, learning about their
culture and a little bit of their language! We will celebrate
our diversity while exploring literature. Participants are
encouraged to bring a story from their own background to
share. We’ll even create our own fairytales complete with
unique fairytale heroes and monsters!
Ages: 8-11
Young Storytellers
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, July 6-10
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Judy DeCroce
The art of storytelling is important for confidence in any
presentation. This class will introduce skills needed to
perform and engage an audience. We will practice a variety
of techniques to deliver a story: voice, body language,
and facial expressions. We will learn to really make a story
come alive in the telling. With help from the instructor,
students will choose the stories they will learn to tell. At
the end of the week we’ll show off our new skills in a final
presentation for our family and friends.
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, July 6-10
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Rylie Day
I learned that I need to
stay creative and not let it
slip away again.
—SummerWrite participant
photo by Cortney Myers
Ages: 8-11
Percy Jackson Greek Myth
Readers’ Theatre
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, July 6-10
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Marna Rossi
When New York middle school student Percy Jackson
finds out he is a Demi-god, the Greek myths come alive
in a way he would never have imagined! We’ll explore his
adventures, and learn about Greek gods and heroes and
modern-day Demi-god heroes along the way. You’ll get to
create your own hero and act out brief role plays based on
the adventures of Demi-god heroes. With your team you’ll
practice a readers’ theatre skit based on a chapter of a
book from the series, then act out an adapted version for
family and friends on the last day.
Ages: 9-12
Produce a 90-Second
Newbery Movie!
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm, July 6-10
$228 W&B Members/$250 General Public
Instructors: Josh Bloodworth & Rashida
NOTE: Meets at RCTV, 21 Gorham Street
Over the course of this week-long class, students transform
into cast and crew to make their own short movie based on
a Newbery Medal-winning book. You will learn how to run
cameras, set up lights, operate audio equipment, direct,
and edit. Oh, did we mention you’ll be the writers and
stars of the movie too? We’ll have a red carpet premiere
for family and friends on Friday and the finished movie
will be submitted to the 90-Second Newbery Film Festival
held in New York City. Find out more about the film fest at
You have something to say! And a bunch of memories,
ideas, and opinions to draw from. Whether it’s your worst
road trip, the best meal you‘ve ever eaten, an adventure
with a friend, an unfair event, your real-life hero, your
proudest moment, or your earliest memory, your voice
matters. By learning tricks of the trade you will be able to
tell your stories, whether ordinary or extraordinary, in a way
that will matter to other people. Creative writing prompts
and exercises will spark your imagination, and help hone
your skills. The class will decide together whether to
present work in an anthology or as part of a reading. Come
write the stories of your life!
Ages: 12-14
Graphic Novel
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, July 6-10
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Jason Yungbluth
Graphic storytelling, the creation of a singular narrative
using text and images, is a popular pursuit for young
adults. Professional cartoonist Jason Yungbluth will
introduce his students to the fundamentals of graphic
storytelling using the works of many popular and cuttingedge creators in the graphic novel field. Students will learn
the basics of creating good graphic novel art, as well as
how to write the story that goes with the images.
Calling All
Teen Writers!
Submissions are now open for Canvas,
Writers & Books’ quarterly teen
literary magazine!
We are seeking writers ages 13-18 to submit
up to two pieces in the following categories:
fiction, poetry, flash fiction, and
creative nonfiction.
Each submission must be accompanied by a
short author bio including age, grade,
and contact information, as well as
an optional photo.
For more information, visit our website at
WEEK 2 July 6-10
WEEK 3 July 13-17
Ages: 14 & up
Dystopian Literature
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, July 6-10
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Amie McLaughlin
Back by popular demand! Dystopian Literature is literature
of an imperfect world. Do we live in a dystopia right now?
What do you think? We will talk about Dystopian Literature
as a popular and growing genre due to The Hunger Games,
the Divergent series, and The Maze Runner, but also look at
classics of the genre, most notably 1984 by George Orwell.
There will be plenty of time to write our own dystopian
short stories or novel chapters, and the class will culminate
in an anthology to take home and showcase the worlds you
have created.
Ages: 14 & up
Coming-of-Age Novel
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, July 6-10
$126 W&B Members/$140 General Public
Instructor: Wendy Low
Learn to write impressive essays for admission
applications, the kind that wow admissions officers by
what you say and how you say it, the kind that advertise
you: creative, curious, intelligent, hard-working, involved.
We will analyze the options for the Common Application
personal essay and examine some common traps each
essay question can set for you. You should also bring any
specific essay questions from schools to which you want
to apply. We will practice with the real questions and give
each other feedback. By Thursday, you will turn in or email
a complete draft of an essay. Follow-up feedback with
the instructor will be scheduled individually for Friday. Keep
to the schedule and you will leave with one finished essay
and better techniques to approach other essays as needed.
I loved creating and I
loved the environment
and calm feeling the
building and class had.
—SummerWrite participant
photo by Cortney Myers
Storywriters’ Circle
MORNINGS: 9 am- 12 pm, July 13-17
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Rylie Day
Do exciting adventures occur in your daydreams? Are stories
constantly running through your imagination? Get your ideas
out of your head and onto paper! We’ll create interesting
characters, imaginative settings, and plots full of adventure!
This class will give you fresh ideas and creative tools for
starting your own story or continuing work on one you’ve
already begun.
Ages: 7-9
Magic Tree House Merlin
Mission Adventure
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, July 13-17
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Marna Rossi
Take part in wonderful magical adventures from the Magic
Tree House Merlin Mission series, designed for the slightly
older, more advanced Magic Tree House fan! Join Annie and
Jack as they solve problems, help people, and travel around
the world and through time. Through these books, we might
visit China, the Swiss Alps, or Egypt. We could meet heroes
such as Florence Nightingale or Alexander the Great. Like
Annie and Jack, we will learn about the animals and people
we visit. We’ll read some of the stories and act out scenes;
we’ll try some art activities, and even learn some magic tricks!
On the last day we will present a story or a skit for family and
| to register call 473-2590 X107
Writing Your College
Admissions Essays
(Session One)
Ages: 7-9
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
High School Seniors
Do you have a novel- or novella-length fiction in progress
(even if you are only just beginning to draft) in which
adolescent or young adult characters take center stage?
This workshop class will focus on your work! Looking
briefly at classic examples, we’ll work on scenes and
exercises that introduce and grow characters, create
conflict essential to psychological and moral growth,
integrate setting as more than just a stage to the
protagonist, and outline the plot that gets your character
across the bridge from child to adult.
photo by Cortney Myers
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, July 6-10
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Caren Pita
WEEK 3 July 13-17
Ages: 9-12
Percy Jackson’s Magic Pen
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm, July 13-17
$221 W&B Members/$242 General Public
Instructor: Wendy Low
High School Students
Ages: 9-13
Writers & Cooks! Around
the World
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, July 13-17
Percy Jackson is mighty with his sword, and his creator, Rick $175 W&B Members/$192 General Public
Riordan, is mighty with his pen. Uncover and try the methods Instructor: Paul Jonasse
used to weave a siren spell on your readers! You must prepare NOTE: Meets at Century Club, 566 East Ave.
by reading the first two books of the series. We will mine
them for models: of how to develop vivid characters, of how
to hold readers across chapter breaks, and of the benefits
of borrowing story elements from past literature. We’ll craft
beautiful sentences and humorous wisecracks like those in
Percy’s narration. Meanwhile, we’ll enjoy examining ancient
Greek culture: we’ll attempt some Greek literary forms,
explore the Berkeley Gallery of Ancient Art, try on tunics
and helmets, design our own hoplite shields, and concoct
ambrosia! We will also look at how we borrow from ancient
Greece in our language, government, culture, architecture,
and art—to see that ancient Greece still lives in us.
Ages: 9-13
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, July 13-17
$175 W&B Members/$192 General Public
Instructor: Paul Jonasse
Cook up a storm and put together your own cookbook in
this busy, creative, and tasty workshop for budding young
cooks and writers. Taught by a chef who is also an English
teacher, this workshop will take place in a teaching kitchen.
Participants will work from a full day’s menu—breakfast
through evening snack—cooking, eating, and discussing
dishes for one meal for each day. They will annotate and
illustrate the recipes (including their own creative variations),
and do a bit of taste-bud-tickling creative writing. Note: New
and different recipes from last summer!
The environment was
friendly and the cooking
was amazing. Also, the
chef was a great teacher.
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
Writers & Cooks! Menus for
Every Meal
—SummerWrite participant
Travel the world and put together your own cookbook in
this busy, creative, and tasty workshop for budding young
cooks and writers. Taught by a chef who is also an English
teacher, this workshop will take place in a teaching kitchen.
Participants will journey through five cuisines—cooking,
eating, and discussing. They will annotate and illustrate the
recipes (including their own creative variations), and do some
taste-bud-tickling creative writing. Note: New and different
recipes from last summer!
Ages: 12-14
Shakespeare’s Stage
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm, July 13-17
$221 W&B Members/$242 General Public
Instructor: Sara Bickweat Penner
Calling young thespians! We’ll spend the week walking
into the world of William Shakespeare. We’ll gather some
background information about his life and times and learn
the secrets to his use of language. We’ll play theatre games,
take an in-depth look at one of his plays, and even learn how
to ward off the curse of The Scottish Play! Come, let’s cook
up some chaos, incite some sibling rivalry, get serious about
comedy, look lightly at tragedy, and create some conflict as
we construct a performance of our own!
Teen Writers’ Master
TWO WEEKS, ALL DAY: 9 am-4 pm, July 13-24
Plus 2-3 evenings: Teacher readings TBA, Student
reading Friday July 24, 7 pm
$600 W&B Members or General Public
Primary Instructors: Sarah Freligh & Sarah Cedeño
Additional Instructors: Albert Abonado, Nina
Alvarez, Kitty Jospé, Sonja Livingston, more TBA
NOTE: Admission by application only.
Application deadline: 4/1/2015. Must be
rising sophomore, junior, senior, or just
graduated, as of start date of program.
Are you a dedicated creative writer looking
for specialized instruction and a peer group?
Writers & Books’ brand-new Teen Writers’
Master Workshop is designed for serious and
advanced writers. Each student will be assigned
a workshop group and primary instructor with
whom you will meet every morning. These
morning sessions will provide intensive lessons
on craft, a wide variety of generative creative
writing prompts, professional workshop
experience, and instruction on revision and
editing. A strong emphasis will be placed on
the importance of reading as a writer. Reading
and writing assignments will be expected to be
completed at home.
Afternoons will be dedicated to specific subjects
within the world of writing including intensives
in poetry, fiction, slam poetry, playwriting,
ekphrasis (writing from visual art), plus one-onone conferencing with your primary instructor,
and some field trips in the Neighborhood
of the Arts, including a trip to BOA Editions,
the nationally acclaimed poetry publisher. In
addition, instructors will give readings of their
own work. The whole program will culminate
with a student reading on Friday night and a
published anthology of student work from the
Students are admitted to this program by
application only which includes a personal
statement, a sample of writing, and a letter of
reference. Deadline is April 1, 2015. Selected
students will be notified no later than the
end of April. Applications are at
under “Youth Programs.” Several partial and
full scholarships are available for this program.
Please submit scholarship application with your
workshop application.
photo by Leandra Caprini-Rosica
WEEK 4 July 20-24
Ages: 7-9
Telling Tales
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm, July 20-24
$240 W&B and MAG Members/$265 General Public
Instructors: Donna Marbach & Eddie Davis III
NOTE: Registration will be handled by the
Creative Workshop: (585) 276-8959
In this exciting collaboration between Writers & Books and
the Creative Workshop, you’ll create your own characters and
explore your own story ideas while learning at the hand of
a master writer and a master artist. You’ll learn the tools of
the trade—how to illustrate an idea, choose a fitting style,
and draw things you don’t know how to draw—and learn
the basics of plot, character, and setting— all using juicy
language. At the end of the week, you’ll take home your own
comic or story book. Students will spend half a day each at
Writers & Books and at the Creative Workshop and be walked
by teachers between these sites during the lunch hour. New
this year, we plan to run two rounds of this program, so when
you register please indicate if your child has a preference
for drawing or writing in the morning. Registration will be
handled by the Creative Workshop: (585) 276-8959.
Ages: 8-11
World Building
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, July 20-24
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Rylie Day
Who is the world’s second tallest man and how does he
ride a bike or go shopping? What household objects do the
miniature people in the classic book The Borrowers repurpose
to create lives similar to our own? How does one get from the
world of everyday life into a fantastical world—is it through
a magic wardrobe, like in The Chronicles of Narnia? How
might distant planets see the earth and tell a story about its
inhabitants? Join us for an exploration of surprising worlds,
big and small! Learn new perspectives from which to build
in-depth worlds in your creative writing. Together we will
Ages: 11-13
Whether you aspire to write fantasy, science fiction,
historical, or contemporary realist novels, you’ll want to
develop the skills and discover the tools that successful
novelists use to bring their stories to life from intriguing
beginnings to satisfying conclusions. We will focus on
choosing point of view, developing complex characters,
compelling setting and atmosphere, and creating and
sustaining interest through conflicts with important stakes,
suspense, and surprise. We will also look at the use of
dialogue and the creation of different voices for different
characters. You will leave the week with a novel well
started, a plan for finishing it, and a bundle of tools and
insights for becoming a novelist!
Comedy Improvisation
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, July 20-24
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Julie Donofrio
Have you ever seen the television show Whose Line Is It
Anyway? and thought, “I’d like to do that?” Here’s your
chance! Comedy improvisation is the art of acting without
a script. You will try many theatre games, sometimes
plugging in audience suggestions, with the result being
at best hilarious and at the least entertaining. In this
experiential workshop students will learn the craft of
comedy improvisation through playing warm-up and groupbuilding games, skill-building theatre games, and finally the
improv sketches themselves. Students will enhance their
communication skills, creative problem-solving abilities,
and boost confidence in public speaking, all while having
fun in a supportive atmosphere designed for experienced
and inexperienced improvisers. Students will learn to
trust and support their fellow players and learn to ask the
audience for suggestions of how to create scenes, along
with brief characterization, projection, and timing. There
will be a presentation for friends and families on Friday.
Novel Tools
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, July 20-24
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Wendy Low
She learned to use
figurative language, to
become more “daring”
with her poetry.
—Parent of a SummerWrite participant
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
Ages: 8-11
Ages: 12-15
Write, write, write! We will spend the first part of the course
producing poems, stories, journal entries, and creative essays
through imaginative writing prompts. Participants will be
encouraged to try all genres, but will focus on the one(s)
they feel most passionately about. Participants will learn to
make the most of their writing by sharpening their editing
and revising skills. Then they will select their favorite work,
which will become part of a class anthology. By the end, we
will celebrate our writing with a reading and publication. Each
participant will receive a copy of the book they helped create.
photo by Cortney Myers
investigate classic tales of unconventional peoples and
how stories are told. Every student will create the building
blocks for a fictional world, which could include a map,
“rules” for the world, characters, illustrations, and the
beginnings of stories. We’ll share our creations with family
and friends on Friday!
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, July 20-24
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: MJ Iuppa
| to register call 473-2590 X107
My Name in Print
WEEK 4 July 20-24
Ages: 14 & up
Hunger Games
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm; Thursday overnight, July 20-24
Ending 12 pm on Friday (van returns to W&B 1 pm)
If meeting the class at the Gell Center:
$285 W&B Members/$315 General Public
If attending from 740 University Avenue:
$385 W&B members/$415 General public
Gell Center Nature
I met new friends and new Programs
NOTE: Held at the Gell Center of the Finger
Lakes. A van will run from 740 University
—SummerWrite participant
Ages: 14 & up
Teen Comedy Improvisation
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, July 20-24
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Julie Donofrio
Have you ever seen the television show Whose Line Is It
Anyway? and thought, “I’d like to do that?” Here’s your
chance! Comedy improvisation is the art of acting without
This course is based on the popular series by Suzanne Collins. a script. You will try many theatre games, sometimes
plugging in audience suggestions, with the result being
Participants will learn hands-on skills in tracking, shelter
at best hilarious and at the least entertaining. In this
building, fire building, wild edibles, and finding food each
experiential workshop students will learn the craft of
morning at the Gell Capitol District. Afternoons will be spent
comedy improvisation through playing warm-up and groupengaging in readings, discussion, and activities on social,
building games, skill-building theatre games, and finally the
ethical, and environmental issues facing our present and
improv sketches themselves. Students will enhance their
futuristic world. On Thursday contestants will begin their
communication skills, creative problem-solving abilities, and
game, earning points based on learned skills and trying to
boost confidence in public speaking, all while having fun
snag valuable survival items while they work to protect their
in a supportive atmosphere designed for experienced and
personal flag from capture! Under the careful watch of the
inexperienced improvisers. Students will learn to trust and
Gamekeepers, the final event will last well into the evening
support their fellow players and learn to ask the audience
out in the woods surrounding the Gell Center. A culminating
for suggestions of how to create scenes, along with brief
brunch feast and awards will close the program on Friday
morning. Participants should be willing to spend a night in the characterization, projection, and timing. There will be a
presentation for friends and families on Friday.
woods and play the game!
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
Instructors: Angie Cannon-Crothers, Edgar Brown,
& Dan Herd
NOTE: Held at the Gell Center of the Finger
Lakes. A van will run from Writers & Books
leaving promptly at 8 am, returning at 5 pm
(1 pm Friday)
WEEK 5 July 27-JULY 31
Ave (Writers & Books) in Rochester leaving
promptly at 8 am and returning at 5 pm
Where’s Walden? Ages: 9-12
Outdoor Writer Ages: 13-16
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm, July 27-31
If meeting the class at the Gell Center:
$221 W&B Members/$242 General Public
If attending from 740 University Avenue:
$321 W&B members/$342 General public
Instructors: Angela Cannon-Crothers & Edgar Brown
Summertime, sunshine, green rolling hills, wildlife, and you!
Spend a week communing with the writer within you at our
retreat in the Bristol Hills. Explore with professional writers
and naturalists along the Finger Lakes Trail, and observe
the natural environment around you. We will try a variety of
natural arts activities, both ancient and modern. We will each
create field journals in which to sketch and write stories,
dramatic monologues, and poems probing the past, present,
and future of the landscape, plants, and animals before
us. Our favorite pieces will be used to create an all-camp
anthology. Please dress to hike, and pack a bag lunch each
day. If you have your own camera, please bring that as well!
An optional evening campfire circle and sleepover will be held
on Thursday. The younger Where’s Walden group and the
older Outdoor Writer group will function as separate classes,
but some activities will overlap.
Youth and Young Adult
Tutoring is Available!
$50 per hour as a Writers & Books Member
$55 per hour as General Public
One-on-one tutoring for youth and young adults
who would benefit from further instruction in a
comfortable, constructive setting. Services include
individual coaching on any element of English
and/or writing, as well as comprehension and
interpretation for reading. Sessions will be catered
to each student’s specific needs.
Interested in studying with an individual? Register
in person or by phone (585) 473-2590 ext 107
photo by Sarah Meacham
WEEK 5 July 27-July 31
Immerse yourself in the world of Harry Potter as we turn all of Writers & Books into Hogwarts! Throughout the week
students will have the chance to attend classes in herbology, care of magical creatures, charms, transfiguration,
divination, history of magic, and much more! Hands-on activities will be accompanied by creative writing exercises to
spur the imagination. You will be sorted, earn house points, play Quidditch, participate in Harry Potter trivia, write for
the Daily Prophet, explore the Neighborhood of the Arts with an eye for the magical, and of course on Friday, July 31,
we will celebrate Harry Potter’s birthday! Every morning all students from every year and every house will gather in the
Great Hall for a special activity to start the day.
And watch out! You just might run into Moaning Myrtle in the bathroom!
Ages: 14 & up
ALL DAY: 9 am-4 pm, July 27-31
$240 W&B members/$260 General Public
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, July 27-31
$120 W&B members/$130 General Public
Instructor: Nina Alvarez
The Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter Mania
For one week only, Hogwarts will be opening its doors to
students ages 8-11! You’ll get a taste of what it’s like to be
a student at Hogwarts, and also do many creative crafts,
writing activities, and games based on the popular book
Ages: 12-14
photo by Cortney Myers
O.W.L. Studies
ALL DAY: 9 am-4 pm, July 27-31
$240 W&B members/$260 General Public
Aimed for the more advanced Hogwarts student, working
toward their O. W. L.’s. Classes for these students will
be a little more intensive, including some philosophical
discussions, with more in-depth writing activities.
Join The Order of the Phoenix and find out what your
gifts and talents might be in the wizarding world, what
you would contribute as a member of the Order, and how
that might translate to your real life. Class discussion will
include jobs in the wizarding world, social causes (both
within the wizarding world and the muggle world) defense
against the dark arts (including careful examination of your
own patronus), and the essential self—the part of each
of us that emerges when we are free to be ourselves. A
wide range of writing activities will provide the means to
further explore these topics. Most of all, we will submerge
ourselves in the world of Harry Potter, gathered together
with equally enthusiastic fans.
Ages: 14 & up
N.E.W.T. Studies
This morning-only workshop is for the oldest Hogwarts
students, working toward their N.E.W.T.’s. This age group
has the option to take their courses in the morning and
leave the rest of the day for free time or studying on their
own—or they can choose to join the Order of the Phoenix
in the afternoons.
MORNINGS: 9 am-12pm, July 27-31
$120 W&B members/$130 General Public
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
Ages: 8-11
| to register call 473-2590 X107
Instructors: Lindsey Buck, Angela Cannon-Crothers, Tracy Cretelle, Rylie Day, Chris Fanning, Wendy Low, Amie McLaughlin, Sara Bickweat Penner, Marna Rossi, and more!
photo by Cortney Myers
photo by Cortney Myers
WEEK 6 August 3-7
Ages: 6-7
Ages: 8-11
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 3-7
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Caren Pita
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 3-7
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Lisa Johnson
Little House Pioneers
Have you ever imagined what it was like to live long ago?
Maybe you’re a fan of the Little House on the Prairie books
or TV show. Maybe you’ve even wondered what kids in the
future will think was interesting about your life as a kid
today. We’ll engage in some of the activities Laura Ingalls
Wilder describes: churning butter, making a button lamp,
sewing, and enjoying old-fashioned sweets. If the weather
allows, we’ll even pull taffy. We’ll also create a visual time
capsule full of our own descriptions and pictures of the way
children live today, as a historical record for the day when
this is “long ago.”
Ages: 6-7
Animal Adventures
From Frog and Toad to Geronimo Stilton, from Mo Willems’
Elephant and Piggy to the Spirit Animals Series, our
furry (or scaly or slimy!) friends take the leading role in
literature time and again. We’ll look at the clever writing
techniques of many authors: witty dialog, adventurous
plots, juicy metaphors, and of course lovable characters!
Our imaginations will be sparked through resources like
National Geographic, as well as a visit from the Zoomobile!
You’ll have the chance to create your own animal heroes and
work on your very own story. On the last day we’ll bring our
stories to life in a presentation for our families.
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 3-7
$114 W&B Members/$126 General Public
Instructor: Marna Rossi
Poetry and Motion
Come explore the power and physicality of words and the
dramatization of the senses as poetry and dance meet.
With an emphasis on sights and sounds, young minds will
develop new ways of thinking about writing and dancing as
a new art form. This unique blend influences creativity—
that will provoke our hands to paint feelings, our muscles
to sculpt movement, and our senses to translate music.
This workshop will function like a laboratory—open to
individuals who desire to experiment with writing and
movement. We will explore artistic intersections and aspire
to reach heights, depths, and the strange in-betweens.
Designed for dancers, non-dancers, boys, girls, poets, and
non-poets alike. Improves discipline and critical thinking.
skills. On Friday we’ll have a final performance for family
and friends.
Ages: 8-11
My Idea Book
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 3-7
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Donna Marbach
Artists carry sketchbooks to capture ideas with drawings.
Writers carry journals to capture thoughts and experiences
with words. In this class, we are going to gather both
pictures and words in our own special “idea books” in
order to explore ways in which art and words can work
together. We will take walks to capture images in both
sketches and words. We will experiment with illustration by
trying different drawing and painting techniques, and with
words by responding to prompts and exercises. We will
explore some special projects (e.g., collage and concrete
poetry) to find different ways we can use art and words in
combinations to communicate our ideas or feelings.
Like What You
We also offer programs for adults.
Sign up for a household membership
and the whole family can benefit!
photo by Leandra Caprini-Rosica
Ages: 12-14
photo by Cortney Myers
Our Own Medieval World
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 3-7
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Wendy Low
Why is so much fantasy set in some magical version of
the Middle Ages, with castles and cottages, princes and
peasants, knights and quests? Because the Middle Ages are
fascinating! We will study strong kingdoms of the actual 13th
and 14th centuries in three cultures: England under Edward
III; Mali (Central West Africa) under Mansa Musa; and China
under the first Ming Emperor, Hong. Then we will develop our
own fantastical kingdoms based on medieval elements and
our imaginations. We’ll draw maps, architecture, fashions,
beasts, and plants. We’ll know what classes of men and
women exist and how each contributes to the common
welfare. We’ll decide what the climate is like, what our
relations are like with neighbors, and what rules, laws, and
beliefs govern society. Finally, we’ll write stories from our
own well-imagined “Far Away and Long Ago.”
Ages: 12-14
I Wonder…Exploring Eternal
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 3-7
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Almeta Whitis
Do you enjoy arguing…in defense of your ideas? Are you
endlessly curious about the world? Are you often searching
for what lies beneath the surface? You can become a
modern-day philosopher as we learn the finer points of
critical thinking, reflective writing, debating, and creative
writing. We’ll draw on texts as varied as Tolstoy’s The
Three Questions, Robert Aitken’s Zen Master Raven, and
even Dr. Seuss’ The Sneetches to help us explore and
construct possible answers to questions that we wonder
about. Personal journals will help students discover their
own truths, and define what their philosophies are. Class
activities will include invigorating discussions, evocative
writing prompts, and guidance in how to skillfully craft
a debate. Parents will be invited in on the last day for a
culminating event.
Do you constantly have a tune playing in your head? Are
you always listening to music? Do you wish you could
write your own songs, like your favorite artists? Well, now
you can! Under the guidance of professional songwriters,
musicians, and poets, you will be led through the creative
process of writing your own song. Students will spend
the first three days at Writers & Books, in poetry and
songwriting workshops, learning to tune their poetry
into lyrics. Special guest musicians and songwriters
will enhance the experience and broaden students’
perspectives. By the end of three days, each student will
have at least one set of polished lyrics. The final two days
will be spent at the Rochester Contemporary School of
Music in Pittsford, putting the words to music, rehearsing
and recording. No previous experience with music is
necessary. Accommodations will be made for writers who
are not singers!
High School Seniors
Writing Your College
Admissions Essay (Session
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 3-7
$126 W&B Members/$140 General Public
Instructor: Wendy Low
Learn to write impressive essays for admission
applications, the kind that wow admissions officers by
what you say and how you say it, the kind that advertise
you: creative, curious, intelligent, hard-working, involved.
We will analyze the options for the Common Application
personal essay and examine some common traps each
essay question can set for you. You should also bring any
specific essay questions from schools to which you want
to apply. We will practice with the real questions and give
each other feedback. By Thursday, you will turn in or email
a complete draft of an essay. Follow-up feedback with
the instructor will be scheduled individually for Friday. Keep
to the schedule and you will leave with one finished essay
and better techniques to approach other essays as needed.
Did you know?
We also offer school break and
Saturday workshops year-round!
Magic Tree House Adventure
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 10-14
$119 W&B Members & Lyric Students/$131 General
Instructor: Marna Rossi
Note: This class takes place at Lyric Arts
Academy, 90 East Main Street, in Victor
Take part in wonderful magical adventures from the Magic
Tree House series. Join Annie and Jack as they solve problems,
help people, and travel around the world and through time.
Through our exploration of the Magic Tree House books, we
might visit China, the Swiss Alps, or the Australian outback!
Like Annie and Jack, we will learn about the animals and
people in each environment we visit. We will read some of the
stories and act out scenes. We will even be inspired by a visit
from the zoo mobile. You will have a chance to try your hand
at art activities and present a story skit for family and friends
on the last day.
Ages: 8-11
Poetry, Pottery, & Paper
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm, August 10-14
$245 W&B and GCA&E Members/$267 General Public
Instructors: MJ Iuppa & Kate Worton
In this collaboration between Writers & Books and the
Genesee Center for the Arts and Education, you’ll have a
unique opportunity to merge visual arts with creative writing.
You will use a press mold to create a ceramic book, write
pottery-inspired poems, interview real artists, make paper,
and use a letterpress to print the words you have written.
This workshop will be a real hands-on experience taught by
professional artists and writers at both the Genesee Center
for the Arts (on Monroe Ave in the old fire station) and at
Writers & Books (on University Ave in the old police station)!
On Friday there will be an art show and poetry reading for
your friends and families.
Ages: 8-11
Meet the Magic Dragon
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 10-14
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Donna Marbach
Are you a serious writer or artist? Would you like to see your
work in print? This workshop allows advanced students to
have work considered for publication in The Magic Dragon—
an award-winning, local art and literary magazine for young
people. Each student will receive a complimentary copy of
The Magic Dragon to see first-hand examples of previously
selected works, and read its “how-to” articles on writing and
artwork. The goal for each participant is to complete and
submit one or more publishable pieces of writing and/or art
by the end of the workshop. While actual publication cannot
photo by Sarah Meacham
be guaranteed, special attention will be given to reviewing
guidelines for and then sending submissions. Students
should come to this workshop with a strong interest and
good skills in writing and/or illustration.
Ages: 8-11
The Secret Lives of Animals
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 10-14
$114 W&B Members/$126 General Public
Instructor: Caren Pita
From the talking beasts of Narnia, to Warrior cats, to the
falcon Frightful, animal characters fill youth fiction with
adventure, both realistic and fantastic. We’ll share our
favorite animal stories and write some of our own. We’ll
make the kinds of choices authors face when writing animal
characters: to anthropomorphize (make like humans) or
not? Can they talk with each other, with other animals, with
humans? How will they interact with human characters, if at
all? How will human readers relate to them? How do we get
the facts we need, and then decide whether to use them or
not? Students will produce an anthology as a final project.
Ages: 10-13
Build a Book: One Chapter
at a Time
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm, August 10-14
$231 W&B Members/$252 General Public
Instructor: Tracy Cretelle
So you want to write a book, huh? Now you need a plan or
blueprint. We will begin by taking your idea and creating a
plan for writing. First, you need to figure out what exactly
has happened. Was there a murder, a kidnapping, an
adventure, a romance or some other event? Once you know
that, you can plan what will happen before and after. We will
visit some neighborhood museums and sites so that we can
learn to incorporate events, settings, and build characters
from the real world into our own stories. You will receive a
copy of Ralph Fletcher’s book, Live Writing, and learn how
Ralph uses language to bring characters and setting to life.
Afternoons will be spent writing, sharing, and editing. We
will create an anthology using excerpts from your books and
read a sample of our work with each other and our families.
| to register call 473-2590 X107
ALL DAY 9 am-3 pm, August 3-7
$295 W&B Members & RCSM students/
$319 General Public
Instructors: Charlie Coté, Seth Horan, & Sean
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
Songwriter’s Workshop
Ages: 6-8
WEEK 7 August 10-14
WEEK 6 August 3-7
WEEK 8 August 17-21
WEEK 7 August 10-14
Ages: 12-14
Imagination Collaboration:
Music, Writing, & Theatre
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm, August 10-14
$221 W&B Members/$242 General Public
Instructors: Esther Rogers & Sara Bickweat
In this unique collaboration between Writers & Books and
the Rochester Contemporary School of Music, students
will have the opportunity to be the writers, musicians,
performers, and co-creators of their own dramatic work.
The week will begin with an exploration of visual arts
outdoors in the Neighborhood of the Arts. Using inspiration
from what they discover, students will begin to build their
own piece of performance-oriented work. With the direction
of cellist Esther Rogers and actor/director Sara Bickweat
Penner, young musicians, actors, and writers will come
together to build a unique project while also developing
skills in performance, group communication, musicianship,
acting, writing, sensitivity, creativity, and improvisation.
Each day will be spent in creative exercises and games.
Come and be part of a complete creative transformation
from the very first idea to a final performance at the end
of camp! Students may come with a discipline in mind that
they want to focus on (music, acting, or writing) but should
be willing to try all three. Musicians must have at least one
year of music lessons or two years of ensemble experience.
Screenwriters Workshop:
The Mystery Genre in
Stories & Film
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 10-14
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Nate Pritts
This writing class familiarizes students with the mystery
genre with an eye toward developing screenwriting
techniques through various stages from treatment to scene
to full script. Students will read classic mystery stories and
study clips from a variety of films, including film noir from
the 1940’s and 50’s such as The Big Sleep, Strangers on a
Train, The Third Man, and Shadow of a Doubt. By examining
literary techniques such as characterization and plot, as
well as film techniques such as camera angles and lighting,
students analyze the ways writers and directors manipulate
these key elements to build suspense and heighten tension
on the page and the screen – and learn how to apply these
skills in their own writing.
She looked forward to going
to camp each day!
—Parent of a SummerWrite participant
Ages 14 & up
Teen Intensive: Fiction
AFTERNOONS: 12:30 pm-4 pm, August 10-14
$152 W&B Members/$165 General Public
Instructor: Nina Alvarez
Serious teen writers, are you ready to take your short
stories to the next level? From a place of inspiration and
openness, learn how to find and develop the ideas that
hook you as the writer. Then, through discussion of the
elements of great storytelling and peer workshopping, learn
techniques for hooking your reader as well. There will be more
in-class hours than our typical half-day classes in order to
provide the in-depth focus and feedback you are looking for.
Writers on the
Environment—& the Trail
Ages: 5-7
¡Bienvenidos! Fun with
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 17-21
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Henry I. Padrón Morales
If you want to explore the Spanish language in a fun and
creative way, this is the course for you! We will learn
the language through songs, games, African Caribbean
drumming, and multi-media. A walking field trip to the
public market will help us learn our food words with stops
at many vendor booths in the market, including Juan and
Maria’s Empanada Stop. This week-long experience with
Spanish promises great excitement. Families will be invited
to a final fiesta on the last day!
Ages: 5-7
Magic Tree House
Adventure Club
OVERNIGHT: Sunday 4 pm-Tuesday 4 pm, August 9-11
$177 W&B Members/$193 General Public
Instructors: Angela Cannon-Crothers & Dan Herd
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 17-21
Lace up your hiking boots and grab a pack, this class is
$119 W&B Members/$131 General Public
taking writing and sketching to the trail. From the roots of
nature writing, the branches of environmental writing spread Instructor: Marna Rossi
like a leaf unfurled. You will explore the Finger Lakes Trail
from Ontario County Park to the Gell Center on a two-day
hike with plenty of time for learning about how writers have
made a difference in the environmental movements as well
as how writers use the natural world in genres like the essay,
fiction, and poetry. Find your own sense of place, make new
discoveries, and create your own works along the way. You
will also learn about minimum impact camping and hiking.
Everything provided—including a certified NYS Guide—just
bring your own pack, sleeping bag, and personal gear, and of
course a pen and something to write in.
NOTE: Drop off and pick up will be in the Naples area. Details
will be shared after registration.
Writers & Books is committed to
making our programs available to all
members of the community.
We offer partial and full scholarships
based on need.
Contact Sally Bittner Bonn
473-2590 x109
Take part in wonderful magical adventures from the
Magic Tree House series. Join Annie and Jack as they solve
problems, help people, and travel around the world and
through time. Through our exploration of the Magic Tree
House books, we might visit China, the Swiss Alps, or the
Australian outback! Like Annie and Jack, we will learn about
the animals and people in each environment we visit. We
will read some of the stories and act out scenes. We will
even be inspired by a visit from the zoo mobile. You will
have a chance to try your hand at art activities and present
a story skit for family and friends on the last day.
Ages: 8-11
A Field Guide to Sprites,
Goblins, & Other Magical
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 17-21
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Angela Cannon-Crothers
Fairytales and The Spiderwick Chronicles are not the only
recorders of Fantastical Notes and Observations. Through
guided imagery and visits to extraordinary local gardens,
we will create our own notebooks of magical beings.
Our books can include character sketches, interesting
happenings in magical realms, and meanings associated
with fantastic “appearances.” Learn and write all you can
about goblins, familiars, fairies, phookas, and other magic
folk and animals. One day during the week we will even
build our own fairy houses around the grounds of W&B!
WEEK 8 August 17-21
Ages: 8-12
Word Art & Art Words
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 17-21
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Donna Marbach
NOTE: This class takes place at Lyric Arts
Academy 90 East Main Street, in Victor
Both artwork and literature tell stories, express feelings
and share dreams. Both are part of the world of books.
In this class we will explore ways in which words and
artwork can work together. We might illustrate a story or
use pictures as prompts to help us write. We will design
collages that combine both words and art, use letters and
words to make pictures and try our hand at concrete poetry
(poetry that makes a picture). If you like to doodle or draw
and you like writing and playing with words, this is the
class for you.
Ages: 12-14
A Poet’s Workshop
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 17-21
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Kitty Jospé
This course will share techniques that have hooked readers
and listeners throughout time. Each day we will focus on
different elements of craft and examples of good poems to
use as prompts. You will practice the technique of show,
don’t tell and learn how to choose best word, best order,
in your own writing. We’ll discover what secrets lie locked
in language, with the goal of creating our own poems that
make readers want to read and hear again and again.
Have your friends ever referred to you as a fanatic? Do you
have a favorite anime/manga, book, movie, cartoon, play/
musical, comic, TV show, or game that you like so much that
you want to write about it and tell the world? Fan fiction is
fantasy where you can be the main character and meet your
favorite singer, band, actor, actress, writer, professional
athlete, or anyone that you’ve always wanted to meet. In
this class, we will talk about fan fiction factions, genres,
tropes, and crossovers, read fan fiction, and learn how to
self-publish right away on sites such as,, and And, of course, we will
unleash our inner fanatic and write and share plenty of our
own fan fiction.
Ages: 14 & up
Experimental Fiction
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 17-21
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Patrick Gear
What if the laws of writing suddenly didn’t apply anymore?
What if nobody ever taught you the right way to do things?
What if you were given the opportunity to change how
communication works? What if you were bored of learning
the rules and wanted to break a few? What if you wanted
to invent instead of copy? Experimentalism is more than
just being random and weird—it’s a way to explore the
boundaries of creativity, and to expand them. And it’s
fun. Topics will include elements of fiction, metafiction,
perspective, automatic writing, structural changes, extreme
minimalism, surrealism, and plenty more! For intermediate
and advanced writers.
Rethinking Once Upon a
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 24-28
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Lindsey Buck
Students will work together to determine what makes a
fairytale a fairytale. We will then explore a variety of traditional
and newer tales, looking at familiar and unfamiliar characters.
We’ll see how some authors have changed classic fairytales
into new and exciting stories. We will discuss viewpoints and
motivations of characters. Then, we’ll write our own modern
fairy tales, including different sets of characters, new settings,
or a changed conflict or resolution. At the end of our week
students will publish and illustrate their new “fractured fairy
tales” for others to enjoy.
Ages: 8-12
Write On!
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 24-28
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Wendy Low
You know you love to write. It’s the end of the summer and
school is starting. Here’s a class that will reinvigorate your
writing brain and help you keep writing throughout the year!
Learn to finish the stories and poems you start and to keep a
journal of observations and ideas. Look at famous people’s
creative journals and learn new uses for your own journal.
End the summer with a writing extravaganza! Take home the
inspiration and techniques to keep you going!
| to register call 473-2590 X107
American Sign Language (ASL), used in the United States
and English-speaking Canada, is a visual language without
standardized means of writing. What, then, does it mean
to create ASL “texts?” This week-long camp, designed for
kids 8-11 years old, will explore deaf people’s contributions
to and characterizations in the following kinds of texts:
screen (e.g., TV’s Switched at Birth), music (e.g., Frozen’s
“Let It Go” and Pharrell William’s “Happy”), visual art (e.g.,
Deaf View/Image Art, or De’VIA), poetry (e.g., ABC Stories
and “Flying Words Project”), and, of course, books (both
fiction and nonfiction). Campers will examine the place of
these various ASL texts within the more familiar “oral”
folklore canon. They will also be exposed daily to a healthy
dose of conversational ASL through games, crafts, and
other fun activities.
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 17-21
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Amie McLaughlin
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 17-21
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Susan Rizzo
Fan Fiction
Ages: 8-11
Ages: 14 & up
Teen Slam
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 17-21
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Karen Ladson
Slam poetry is poetry spoken and performed in a variety of
crowd-pleasing formats. Participants will study the art of the
spoken word and “slam” through a series of pieces shared
by the instructor and video excerpts from professional
slam poets from the famous Nuyorican Café and Def Poetry
Slam. During the course of the workshop, each poet will
develop his or her own original piece or personal adaptation
of an existing text using the group’s feedback and
encouragement, and perform together as a “team.” Whether
you were born to slam or just want to put more life into your
presentation skills, we will be on your team!
Texts Without Words:
American Sign Language
Ages: 12-14
Ages: 8-11
WEEK 9 August 24-28
photo by Sarah Meacham
WEEK 9 August 24-28
Ages: 12-14
TV Writers’ Table:
Collaborative Script
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 24-28
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Patrick Gear
Urban Fantasy, sometimes called “Modern Fantasy,”
combines fantasy conventions with a modern setting.
Do you love shows like The Vampire Diaries, Charmed,
Teen Wolf, Beauty and the Beast, or Buffy the Vampire
Slayer? These are all Urban Fantasy. Join other teens at
the “writers table” to map out one season of a great show
in which characters face supernatural conflicts (the guy
I like is a werewolf!) as well as normal ones (I am super
awkward and can’t talk to him anyway). This class is a lot
of fun and will help you learn how to use storytelling logic
while testing your ideas against a room of your peers.
Ages: 12-14
AFTERNOONS: 1 pm-4 pm, August 24-28
$109 W&B Members/$121 General Public
Instructor: Rylie Day
Think it’s impossible to fit a whole story on only one
page? It isn’t! This workshop will explore how complete
and exciting a story can be—all in less than 1000 words.
More importantly, it will give you the tools to do so! With
suspenseful story starters, interactive writing prompts,
and individual instruction, you will fill your toolbox (and
your notebook!) with all you need to become the master
of flash fiction.
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
Fiction in a Flash
Join using our registration form
on page 21!
Ages: 13-16
Produce a 90-Second
Newbery Movie
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm, August 24-28
$228 W&B Members/$250 General Public
Instructors: Josh Bloodworth & Rashida
NOTE: Meets at RCTV, 21 Gorham Street
Over the course of this week-long class, students transform
into cast and crew to make their own short movie based on
a Newbery Medal-winning book. You will learn how to run
cameras, set up lights, operate audio equipment, direct, and
edit. Oh, did we mention you’ll be the writers and stars of
the movie too? We’ll have a red carpet premiere for family
and friends on the last day of camp and the finished movie
will be submitted to the 90-Second Newbery National Film
Festival held in New York City. Find out more about the film
fest at
Writing Your College
Admissions Essay (Session
MORNINGS: 9 am-12 pm, August 24-28
$126 W&B Members/$140 General Public
Instructor: Wendy Low
Learn to write impressive essays for admission
applications, the kind that wow admissions officers by
what you say and how you say it, the kind that advertise
you: creative, curious, intelligent, hard-working, involved.
We will analyze the options for the Common Application
personal essay and examine some common traps each
essay question can set for you. You should also bring any
specific essay questions from schools to which you want
to apply. We will practice with the real questions and give
each other feedback. By Thursday, you will turn in or email
a complete draft of an essay. Follow-up feedback with
the instructor will be scheduled individually for Friday. Keep
to the schedule and you will leave with one finished essay
and better techniques to approach other essays as needed.
Ages: 14 & up
The Conversation We Need
to Have: Teen Theatre
What are you most concerned about in our world today?
Discrimination? Global warming? Poverty? The pros and cons
of technology? Theatre is an ideal medium to explore these
issues and begin the dialog that can help set change in
motion, one person at a time. Using discussion, playwriting
and monologue-writing techniques, and theatre exercises,
we will explore these burning issues affecting our world
today. Come! Explore in a supportive environment the ways
you think the world is broken, and begin the conversation
that could help affect change. The future lies in your hands.
We will hit the stage at the end of the week with an “in your
face” presentation designed to shock, amaze, and change
hearts and minds.
—SummerWrite participant
Ages: High School Seniors
ALL DAY 9 am-4 pm, August 24-28
$221 W&B Members/$242 General Public
Instructor: Robert Ricks
photo by Leandra Caprini-Rosica
I always thoroughly enjoy
the end performance and it is
grand to see my friends each
Ages: High School Seniors
Writing Your College
Admissions Essay Online
ONLINE, August 24-October 2
$136 W&B Members/$150 General Public
Instructor: Wendy Low
This online version of our popular College Admissions
Essay class utilizes online learning tools to give a group
tutorial, with the benefits of student interaction and
mutual encouragement. Learn to write impressive essays
for admission applications, the kind that wow admissions
officers by what you say and how you say it, the kind that
advertise you: creative, curious, intelligent, hard-working,
involved. We will analyze the options for the Common
Application personal essay and examine some common
traps each essay question can set for you. You will need to
complete a questionnaire upon registering, and also send
the instructor any specific essay questions from schools
to which you want to apply.
Roxana Aparicio Wolfe has been an arts educator in the
Rochester area for over 18 years. She has taught young people of
all ages, engaging them with photography and visual imagery to
discover and develop their own artistic “eye.” Roxana earned her
MA in Visual Arts Admin with an Arts Education focus from Columbia
University Teachers College, and a BA in painting and printmaking
from Hartwick College. She has worked as a museum educator at
George Eastman House and currently teaches art history at St. John
Fisher College. Roxana has designed and implemented many youth
photo camp programs, though her favorite part is teaching youth,
especially as part of a team!
Joshua Bloodworth is an award-winning documentarian and
filmmaker in Rochester, NY. He is a Producer/Director at Rochester
Community Television and has been working with youth and media
production for more than ten years.
Sally Bittner Bonn is a poet and writer, as well as a performer
and teaching artist, with a BFA in Theatre from Syracuse University.
She is a featured poet in Rochester’s Poet’s Walk and her poems and
essays have been published in Don’t Blame the Ugly Mug, ReVerb,
Lake Affect, and Monday Coffee & Other Stories of Mothering Children
with Special Needs, among others. Sally has taught and/or performed
poetry in over fifty venues throughout Southern California and
Western New York. She works as the Director of Youth Education at
Writers & Books. She lives in Brighton with her husband and son.
Edgar Brown received his BFA in Furniture Design and MA in Art
Education from Rochester Institute of Technology. He has taught art
at the middle and high school level for the last ten years, while also
teaching nature observation and wilderness skills to youth and adult
Lindsey Buck is a recent graduate of Fredonia State with a
BA in English Adolescent Education and a minor in Writing. She is
currently attending The Warner School of Education at the University
of Rochester to earn her MA in Literacy. Lindsey has been a lifetime
reader and lover of literature. During her undergraduate work,
Lindsey worked as an editorial intern for the independent publishing
company Leapfrog Press. Lindsey also held the position of production
editor for Fredonia’s creative writing journal, The Trident. She enjoys
attending and leading classes where she gets to see other’s creativity
Angela Cannon-Crothers is an environmental educator,
author, and writer with degrees in science and education. She
publishes articles on nature and parenting as well as short stories.
Her fiction has appeared in Stone Canoe and LadyBug, and her true
stories have appeared in the anthologies A Mile In Her Boots: Women
Who Work in the Wild (Solas House, 2006) and The Ultimate Bird
Lover (2010). She is the author of The Wildcrafter (a novel), and Grape
Pie Season (a children’s story), and is the recipient of several poetry
awards. Cannon-Crothers is the recipient of the 2010 Writers & Books
Big Pencil Award for Teacher of Young People.
Sarah Cedeño’s work has appeared in The Rumpus,
Hippocampus Magazine, Bellevue Literary Review, Redactions
Journal of Prose and Poetics, Literary Mama, and elsewhere.
She lives in Brockport, NY with her husband and two sons, and
teaches creative writing at SUNY Brockport. She is the Fiction
Editor at Animal Literary Magazine and reads for The Clockhouse
Review. She holds an MFA from Goddard College in Vermont. She
is at work on a collection of short fiction and blogs about writing,
teaching, and life in general at
Charlie Coté has studied with some of the best poets and
poetry teachers in the country (Stephen Dobyns, Thomas Lux,
Gregory Orr, Thom Ward, and Kim Addonizio), and brings a wealth
of experience to the Writers & Books classroom on poetic craft.
Publication credits include: The Cortland Review, Upstreet, Boston
Literary Magazine, ByLine, Connecticut River Review, Free Lunch,
HazMat Review, and Lake Affect Magazine, and a recent chapbook,
Flying for the Window (Finishing Line Press, 2008), elegies about
his son’s illness and death. He is a clinical social worker in private
practice and lives with his wife and two sons in Brighton, NY.
Tracy Cretelle is a teacher, a coach for English Language
Learners, a poet, a grant writer, a ghostwriter, and an editor. She
has a BS in English from Brockport and an ME from Nazareth
in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).
She has traveled to Russia to teach English. Her writing has been
published in The Sodus Sun and Nazareth College Consortium
TESOL Journal, and she was the ghostwriter for the eBook Unsung
Heroes by Dominic. Tracy is also currently seeking publishers for
her children’s books and YA novel. In addition, Tracy has spent many
years teaching puppetry and dialog to young people around Rochester.
Eddie Davis III has taught at the Creative Workshop at the
Memorial Art Gallery since 1996, most recently drawing and design
classes for kids and teens. Eddie earned a BFA in industrial design
at Rhode Island School of Design and an MFA in sculpture at
Rochester Institute of Technology. He served as assistant professor
of industrial design in Rochester Institute of Technology’s College
of Imaging Arts & Sciences from 2004-08. As a clothing designer,
Eddie is CEO and founder of Armored Personnel Carrier Clothing
Company. He is also the illustrator of a 54-page graphic novel
published in May 2014 by the Democrat and Chronicle.
Rylie Day graduated from Nazareth College with her English
degree in December of 2013 with aspirations of earning her MFA in
Creative Writing with a focus in Fiction. An avid reader and writer,
Rylie believes strongly in the importance of encouraging reading
Judy DeCroce is an educator and professional storyteller
who has taught and entertained for over 25 years. Her technique
is “first person” storytelling, or being the characters in each story.
As a writer, she has been honing her craft for eight years and is
preparing a manuscript for publication. As an instructor she has
helped students “flash” their writing, creating shorter pieces and
adding a “hook” and a “twist,” making it flash fiction. She has
taught classes in storytelling and flash fiction to adults, as well as
children from kindergarten to high school.
Julie Donofrio has been making people laugh for years,
sometimes on purpose. She began performing at an early age,
appearing in her first commercial when she was three. More
recently, she’s been working as a comedian and improv actor, doing
stand-up everywhere from New York City comedy clubs to area
colleges to the beverage tent at the Monroe County Fair. She was
part of the comedy improv troupes Some Assembly Required and At
Least We’re Not Mimes, and was an original member of the sketch
comedy troupe Urban Legends League. She has performed at the
Toronto Fringe Festival and her television credits include a gueststarring role in the pilot Finding Fabulous. Julie has worked with Cub
Scouts, Young Audiences of Rochester, and at Monroe Community
College, as well as many other children’s organizations.
Chris Fanning, who majored in Communications at St. John
Fisher College, graduated in May 2008 after a year abroad in The
Netherlands. Chris received a Service Scholarship, which led him to
do over 300 hours of community service at Writers & Books during
his time at college. He is also a part-time Promotions Coordinator at
Entercom Radio. He currently lives in the Neighborhood of the Arts
and enjoys walking to work with his headphones cranked up as high
as they can go. Chris runs the Writers & Books social media sites,
including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Sarah Freligh is the author of Sort of Gone and A Brief Natural
History of an American Girl, winner of the Editor’s Choice Award
from Accents Publishing. Recent work has appeared in Brevity,
Rattle, The Sun, burntdistrict, and Barn Owl Review. She has
received poetry fellowships from the National Endowment for the
Arts, the Constance Saltonstall Foundation and the New York State
Council for the Arts.
Patrick Gear earned his degree in English from Nazareth
College, where he also studied film and television. He has spent
three summers as an apprentice for SummerWrite. In addition,
he assisted Writers & Books with the 2013 Fringe Festival. In high
school, Patrick won first place in the Interscholastic Competition
in English in the creative writing category, and also served on the
staff of his school literary magazine. He is currently at work on a
screenplay and a novel.
Dan Herd has taught outdoor skills and ecology in the Catskills
and has worked as a grant writer and podcaster for the Center for
Sustainability at Penn State. He holds a degree in English from
Penn State. Since 2009, he has been working at Writer & Books in
a number of capacities, including front desk and bookkeeper. As
Program Associate, he works with the Fringe Festival and creates
audio programming.
Seth Horan is a singer/songwriter and former RCA Artist.
He toured the USA as an indie singer/songwriter non-stop from
2002 through 2005, then toured around the world from 2006
through 2008 as the international masterclass clinician for Warwick
Bass Guitars. Seth received the Nevada Arts Council Fellowship
Endowment Grant in 2007 for excellence in performance and
composition, and has been featured in Bassics Magazine, Bass
Frontiers Magazine, and interviewed for Bass Musician Magazine.
He has taught at Rochester Contemporary School of Music (RCSM)
since 2011, and has been heavily involved with RCSM’s successful
“I’m in The Band” Summer Institute.
| to register call 473-2590 X107
coach. Her short play Type Writer was accepted into the 2015 Geva
2 PAGES/2 VOICES Festival, her play The Life of Leo Wool was
produced by the Greater Rochester Repertory Company in 2013, and
she participated as a playwright for the Writers & Books 24-Hour
Play Series in 2013 and 2014. Her nonfiction and fiction have been
published in many journals including Prick of the Spindle and The
Sonder Review, and she received a writing fellowship to Vermont
Studio Center. Nina was advisor and publisher of Canvas Teen Literary
Journal for its first two years and received the Writers & Books 2014
Big Pencil Award for her work with teen writers. She received a
fellowship for talented teachers from Monroe Community College.
She has a MA in English from the University at Albany.
Teen Literary Journal, and this summer they will be teaching other
teens how it is done! For more information about Canvas or the
Teen Board visit: Ana Anaya has
been published in The Noisy Island (June, 2014), attended the
Ithaca Writers Institute, and was a third-place winner in the 2011
Ventura County Writers Club Poetry Contest. In summer 2014,
Ana taught “Everything Poetic,” a workshop at Writers & Books.
Sophie Moon is a sophomore at Penfield High School, and got
involved with Writers & Books and Canvas in the summer of 2014.
In addition to writing, she also plays violin. Delaney Palma is
a senior at Penfield High School, and works as an apprentice and
intern at Writers & Books during the summer. She also practices
karate and works backstage in her school’s theater. Julia
Taylor is a sophomore at Penfield High School. She enjoys
writing nature poetry and is especially inspired by Robert Frost,
but she also likes to get wrapped up in a good action-filled novel.
Peter Wood is a senior at Webster Schroeder High School. He
ran the Canvas 2013 “Book Inside the Story” fiction contest and
the “Worldbuilding” workshop at Writers & Books. His writing has
received honorable mention in several contests. Ali Wrona is
a writer and artist who is a junior at Pittsford Mendon. She has
won an honorable mention for her artwork in the Scholastic Art &
Writing Awards. She created Canvas’ current logo. Cheyenne
Zaremba is an eleventh grade home-schooler from Hamlin, who
also takes classes at Genesee Community College. She is an artist,
a writer, a volunteer, and a Girl Scout.
and creativity of all kinds in children (which is probably why she
still acts like such a child herself ). If you can’t find Rylie haunting
the halls of Writers & Books or hiding under her favorite fuzzy
blanket with a notebook, she is most likely with her loveable Golden
Retriever, Delainee, walking the trails of the dog park, book in hand.
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
Nina Alvarez is a writer, teaching artist, editor, and writing
Canvas Teen Literary Journal Editorial
Board These high school students run Canvas, Writers & Books’
Books. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart prize and he is
a 2014 NYFA Fellow in poetry. His poems have appeared in Gargoyle,
Rattle, Pleaides, Tupelo Quarterly, The Southampton Review, and
others. He is the author of the e-chapbook This is Superbook
(H_NGM_N Books 2014).
Albert Abonado is the Director of Adult Programs at Writers &
MJ Iuppa has been teaching poetry and creative writing
workshops to students ages 8-89 since 1986. She is the Writer-inResidence and Director of the Arts Minor Program at St. John Fisher
College where she received the Part-Time Faculty Award for Teaching
Excellence, 2000, and The Father Dorsey Award, 2000-2001 and
2002-2003. Over 300 of her poems have appeared in small press,
university, and national publications, including Poetry, Yankee, Press,
and New Letters. She has published three chapbooks and one fulllength poetry collection, Night Traveler. Her poetry was nominated for
the Pushcart Prize in 1998, 2001, and 2002. She has an MA in Creative
Writing from SUNY Brockport and an MFA in Creative Writing from
Pacific Lutheran University.
Sean Jefferson is a drummer/composer/producer. He
currently leads the modern jazz trio Sean Jefferson 3io, and is
preparing to debut an indie-electro-rock project in the summer of
2015. In addition to these projects, Sean is a full-time member of
the grammy-nominated soul-jazz outfit Paradigm Shift. Over the
past ten years, Sean has performed and recorded with some of
the most distinguished musicians in the world such as Dr. Lonnie
Smith, Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra conductor Jeff Tyzik,
Marcus Printup, Wycliffe Gordon, Huston Person, Daniel Bennett,
Walt Weiskopf, Jeremy Pelt, and Bobby Militello. Sean has been the
director of Rochester Contemporary School of Music for the past four
years, where he also serves as the drum instructor.
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
Lisa Johnson, MEd, is a poet, educator, former editor, selfpublished author, motivational speaker, writing rehabilitation
therapist, human rights activist, dancer and vocalist. Lisa taught
middle and high school English courses at an all-boys Jesuit school.
She believes firmly in learning through the portal of interactive
experiences, particularly through the use of multimedia: photography,
video, audio, and performance. Johnson has been teaching creative
writing workshops at Writers & Books for over 20 years.
Paul Jonasse cooked professionally at several local restaurants
before deciding to change careers to return to college. He currently
teaches English at his alma mater, East High School. Paul is
passionate about traveling the world and learning about other
cultures through their people, literature, and food. He has led classes
at Writers & Books for nine years, and holds an MS in Education from
SUNY Brockport, as well as a BA in English from the University of
Kitty Jospé is a teacher, docent, poet, and collaborator who
travels worlds between languages with an MA in French Literature
from New York University and an MFA in Poetry from Pacific University.
Since 2008, Kitty has been moderator of weekly poetry appreciation
classes and presented multiple illustrated talks at the MAG and as
far away as China about the conversation between art and word.
She has been published in multiple journals, and collaborated with
artists, dancers, and musicians. She has four poetry books: Cadences
(2009), Mosaicq (2012), Gathering Lines (2013), and Golden Smoke
Karen Ladson is a writer, poet, youth mentor, slam coach, and
National Poetry Slam semifinalist. She is the co-founder of Birth of
Verse, a monthly poetry salon dedicated to fostering new poets.
She has taught for Youth Speaks, Bay Area Scores, and Washington
Heights Corner Project, emphasizing on self-realization through art.
Her work has been featured in Wicked Banshee and Five Quarterly.
Wendy Low is a poet with many performances to her credit as
well as poems and stories published in HazMat Review, Desperate
Acts, Napalm Health Spa, and Breaking the Silence. She has more
than 20 years of experience in making creative writing enjoyable and
important to beginning writers. Low edited hundreds of anthologies
as the former Director of Community Outreach and Youth Education at
Writers & Books, and is active in two writers’ feedback circles. She is
currently a freelance editor and teacher.
Donna Marbach’s poetry, fiction, and nonfiction have been
published in Blueline, Hazmat Review, Homestead Review, Quercus
Review, The MacGuffin, The Red Wheelbarrow, The Pearl, The
Centrifugal Eye, and more. She is also a featured poet in Rochester’s
Poet Walk. She has served as editor for ByLine magazine, and for
FootHills Publishing. She co-founded Pensimientos, a bilingual
literary magazine by and for middle school students in Guadalajara,
Mexico. She is also a co-founder and past president of Just Poets,
Inc. ( In 2010 Donna co-authored Twisted
Pair with Dave Tilley and is currently on the advisory board of the
children’s magazine The Magic Dragon. She is also a visual artist.
Amie McLaughlin is a fiction and creative nonfiction writer
with over 15 years of experience teaching English and writing in
public and private schools, including SUNY Brockport and Bryant
& Stratton College. She has a BA in English Writing Arts and an
MA in English, Creative Writing. She is also a certified 7-12 grade
English Language Arts teacher and has worked as an editor and
freelance journalist. Her work has been published in Lowestoft
Chronicle,, The Great Lake Review, Jigsaw, The Times
of Wayne County, and The Palladium-Times.
Henry I. Padrón Morales is a poet, musician,
collaborative artist, and a Bilingual Kindergarten Dual-Language
teacher at RCSD School 12. He has been a visiting artist within the
RCSD and area libraries. He is a founding member of Salmorejo
Poetry and Percussion Ensemble and The Rochester Latino Theatre
Company. In 2012 he was a recipient of The Big Pencil Award given
by Writers & Books for his work with young children and literature.
His writing has been published in journals and anthologies,
including Multicultural Teaching in The Early Childhood Classroom,
released by Teachers College Press of Columbia University. He
writes an education column for the Spanish Language Magazine
IMAGEN NY, and collaborates with the Migrant Education Center of
SUNY College at Geneseo, writing poetry with agricultural workers
in the region.
Sara Bickweat Penner is happy to be calling Rochester
home these days with her husband and two children after 12 years
of working in theatre in New York City, Chicago, and regionally
throughout the U.S. She has her MFA from The Actors Studio in
New York and has had the privilege of working with notables
such as Ellen Barkin, Lee Grant, Arthur Penn, Robert Lupone, and
Ron Leibman. She has done numerous independent films and
television, and worked as the student/talent liaison on Bravo’s
Inside the Actors Studio. In Chicago, Sara co-founded Candentia
Theatre Company. Sara has taught on the Acting faculty at the New
York Film Academy, the Music Theatre Company in Chicago, and at
public and private schools throughout New York City. Sara teaches
voice, diction, and acting at Finger Lakes Community College, and
spends many hours playing make-believe with her precocious
three year old.
Caren Pita holds a MFA in creative writing from George
Mason University. Over the last ten years she has taught literature
and writing to college students, babywearing to parents, hula
hooping to kids and adults, and a bit of everything to her two
homeschooled children. She has been writing since she was nine
years old.
Nate Pritts, PhD, has taught film and writing classes for over
ten years, focusing on bringing tools and skills to students in high
schools, colleges, and graduate programs—as well as intensive
summer programs like this one—all across the U.S.! He is also
the author of seven books of poetry including the forthcoming
book Post Human, a handful of short stories and essays on topics
ranging from the use of sentimentality in poetry to the healing
power of watching Mega Man videos on YouTube. Pritts is an
Assistant Professor at Ashford University where he serves as
Curriculum Lead and head of the Film program.
Robert Ricks has worked with the Rochester City School
District, the Department of Parks and Recreation, Kuumba
Consultants, and Writers & Books for over 15 years teaching
theatre and creative writing. In 2003, he was awarded the Writers
& Books Teacher of Young People award, and over the years he
has received numerous other awards from Rochester youth-based
organizations. He has two novels about inner-city youth. He has
collaborated with young people on several stage plays and books
of short stories and poems. Ricks doesn’t only help young people
develop artistically, he challenges them to stretch their minds, to
think outside the box, and, when necessary, change the box.
Susan Rizzo, with graduate degrees in deaf education
(National Technical Institute for the Deaf/Rochester Institute of
Technology, 2003) and linguistics (University of Chicago, 2010), as
well as a master-level Signing Time Academy certification, founded
RocCity Signers in 2013 with the intention of bringing communities
together through ASL study and appreciation. The RocCity
Signers studio, around the corner from Writers & Books in the hip
Neighborhood of the Arts, offers ASL instruction to learners of all
ages and abilities in an intimate, comfortable setting.
Esther Rogers, a Rochester native, has been playing cello
since the age of six. Esther earned a BM from the Hartt School
at the University of Hartford and a MM from San Francisco
Conservatory of Music. She also spent one year studying
Collaborative Leadership at the Guildhall School of Music and
Drama in London, England. She is passionate about journaling,
hiking, and integrated collaboration. Website:
Marna Rossi, PhD, is a storyteller and workshop leader who
helps young people become more expressive through storytelling,
poetry, and drama. In addition to her work at Writers & Books,
she has designed and taught programs for the University of
Rochester’s Girls’ Science, Math, and Computer Camp; the Urban
League Teen Program; the YMCA; and church youth programs. She
has performed with the Storytelling Guild of Rochester. Rossi has
also taught child and adolescent development at Nazareth College
and Rochester Institute of Technology. She is the recipient of the
Writers & Books 2011 Big Pencil Award for inspiring the creation
and appreciation of literature in young people.
Rashida Washington is an award-winning actor and
musician from the United States Virgin Islands. Rashida attended
high school in Rochester at School of the Arts and higher
education at the acclaimed Berklee College of Music in Boston.
Rashida has taught and directed youth groups for over 10 years,
and has performed with nationally recognized artists for 16 years.
She loves being a part of the staff at Rochester Community TV and
is excited to work with Writers & Books again creating 90-Second
Newbery movies.
Almeta Whitis is a storyteller, writer, and teaching artist
who focuses on honoring cultural connections. She has taught
elementary, middle school, and high school, and was a faculty
member of SUNY Brockport’s Department of Theatre. As Chair
of ALLOFUS Art Workshop’s Dance Department, she expanded
a single dance class to a program serving over 450 children and
adults. In 2000, National Endowment for the Arts and Mid-Atlantic
Arts Foundation awarded her “Most Skilled and Experienced
Community Artist” for Artists and Communities: America Creates
for the Millennium. In 1993, she received the Decade of the Child
Award for “her valuable sensitive work with the children and
families of New York State.” Her first novel, Xeperu: The Dream
Carriers, was released in 2013.
Kate Whorton is the Director of the Genesee Pottery at
the Genesee Center for the Arts and Education in Rochester.
She received her MA in Education and her BFA in Sculpture from
the University of Southern Mississippi. She moved to Rochester
several years ago. Her husband teaches creative writing at SUNY
Brockport, and they live with their two daughters in Brighton.
Jason Yungbluth is the creator and publisher of two comic
book series, Deep Fried and Weapon Brown. He is a regular
contributor to MAD Magazine, and is best known for his gruesome
Scooby Don’t strips. His work has been published in newspapers
across the country, and he is an adjunct professor at Rochester
Institute of Technology, where he teaches cartooning.
Telephone (DAYTIME)
Yes, I (also) want to contribute to the Annual Fund and support
W&B’s good work in this community!
email (parent)
Poet: up to $99 Essayist: $100–$249
Novelist: $250–$499
EMAIL (student, if applicable)
Registration for both Morning and Afternoon Youth
Classes in a single week = full day supervision. Extended
care available by arrangement.
Each participant needs a separate form. For additional
forms, visit us on the web (
or call (585) 473-2590 x 107.
_____adult medium
_____adult large
$__________ ($120 supports one child for a week)
I got this catalog (check one) through the mail
by picking it up at _____________________
A. Subtotal TUITION
$ __________________
B. MEMBERSHIP FEES (if applicable) $ __________________
D. T Shirt Order $__________________
Referral Credit F.
$ ________________
$ _________________
H. Referred by _________________________________________
_____child large (12-14)
_____adult small
Scholarship Fund
Payment Method:
Check Enclosed
Credit Card
Credit Card #
_____adult x-large
total # of shirts ordered____________
amount due____________
Child’s Name_____________________
We need to know your EXTENDED care needs at least two weeks in
advance to be sure we can fill your request.
Extended Care Mornings (Jy15-EA)
Week(s) attending camp____________
Orders due June 9. Shirts will be available for
pick-up at Writers & Books after June 29.
A limited quantity will be available for purchase
at Writers & Books after the start of
7:30 ($45/week) or
8:00 ($30/week) CVC code
Week #________
*You now have the option to “round up” your
total cost. Your mini donation will directly support Writers & Books programs and services.
Extended Care Afternoons (Jy15-Ep)
5:00 ($30/week) or
5:30 ($45/Week)
Week #________
* design subject to minor changes
Exp. date
Office Use Only
Scholarship awarded
amount awarded $_________
amount owed $__________
Registration form continues...
| to register call 473-2590 X107
_____child medium (10-12)
Publisher: $500–$999
Ampersand Giving Circle $1,000+
C. ANNUAL Fund Contribution (if applicable) $ ___________
_____child small (6-8)
Annual Fund
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
All proceeds go to the
scholarship fund.
$12 each
design printed on a
yellow short sleeve t-shirt*
YES I want to become a Member!
I want to join a community of readers & writers. Create,
upgrade, or renew my membership today! (Your Membership
entitles you to a discount today!)
$25 Student
$100 Patron
$40 Individual
$250 Turning Pages Readers Circle
$65 Household
$500 Champion
More information on membership benefits:
Parent/Guardian Contact Info:
name and relationship
phone numbers, email
name and relationship
phone numbers, email
(emergency) name and relationship
phone numbers
(Authorized pickup) name and relationship
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
| to register see PAGe 21
Child’s Gender: _____________________________
Allergies (check those that apply and specify
nature of reaction)
Animals ________________________________
Insect Bites _____________________________
Food __________________________________ Medicine________________________________
Hay Fever _________________________________ Other____________________________________
Medications your child currently takes and for what
condition/purpose (including any allergy medication
your child carries and any medication your child takes
at home): ______________________________
Other medical issues we should be aware of (including but not limited to ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, etc.):__
All medical information will be kept confidential
between program administrators and instructors.
If my child requires emergency medical care and I cannot
be reached, I give my consent to the Writers & Books
SummerWrite Staff to contact the individuals I have listed
on the registration form. Those individuals have
permission to make decisions regarding the daily care
and medical care of my child, including permission to
pick up my child(ren) from the program at any time.
In the event of the program’s inability to locate me, or the
emergency contact designee(s), I give permission to the
SummerWrite staff to take such emergency measures as
they deem appropriate until such time as emergency
contact designee or myself can be contacted.
Are you…
• a high school junior/senior or
an undergraduate student?
• a writer who is interested in
youth education?
• looking for a summer learning
• hoping to positively impact
the community?
I will not hold Writers & Books or their employees
responsible for any injury or other harm that results from
program participation.
I agree to pay all of the costs associated with the
emergency care that my child receives. I understand that
the program assumes responsibility for my child(ren)’s
well-being during the hours of the program and will make
every effort to immediately contact me should any type of
emergency arise.
Writers & Books SummerWrite staff will provide only
basic first aid. If my child(ren) require(s) additional
treatment I will be notified.
• I understand and agree to the terms and conditions
detailed in the Emergency/Medical consent statement
• I give permission for my child to participate in all
workshop or day camp activities on and off Writers &
Books’ property.
• I give permission for Writers & Books to use any
photographs or videos in which my child appears or any
writings or art my child generates in workshops in
promotional print materials such as the SummerWrite
catalog or on the SummerWrite blog or Writers & Books
website. Students will never be identified by full name in
any of these formats. Student images and work will not
be used for any other purpose than that which is stated
photo by Adrian Ababovic
Writers & Books might have an opportunity just
for you! You could work as a role model to help
teach, inspire, and supervise SummerWrite
students alongside our professional teaching
artists. As an apprentice you will receive a firsthand experience in the youth education career
field. For more information please visit our
website at or contact Sally Bittner
Bonn at
Applications are due March 15, 2015
Canvas Camp
May 30th - July 18th, $200
Are you a teen interested in working in the fields
editing and publishing? Would you like to
experience first-hand the work that goes into
producing a literary journal? If so, you’ll be glad
to hear that Canvas Teen Literary Journal is
offering an opportunity for you. Over the course
of our Summer 2015 production, Canvas is
offering an opportunity to teens who are
interested in experiencing what it takes to edit,
layout, produce, finance, promote, and publish a
successful literary journal.
My signature acknowledges my understanding of and
agreement to the above and also that all the information
I provided is accurate and complete.
Registration: Mail, fax (585-442-9333), or drop off this form to
740 University Ave, Rochester, New York 14607.
You can register for adult workshops online at:
If you have questions, please call (585) 473-2590 x 107
or email
For more information or to apply, please visit or email
$25,000 & UP
Janet Buchanan Smith & Robert
Mark & Kathy Cleary
Christine & Jim Eichelberger
Bruce & Dana Gianniny
Joanne Gianniny
Jan & Jim Gleason
Dr. William & Patricia Grande
Trevor Harrison
Elizabeth Berry
Mark & Anne Boylan
Teri & Chris Clement
Joe Flaherty & Liz Scott
Peggy & Jed Fox
Grace Gonzalez
Dane & Judy Gordon
Suzanne Gouvernet
Shahrul Laude
Chris and Dia Lawrence
In memory of Eleanor Hall
Peg Heminway
In honor of Grant Holcomb
John & Barbara Lovenheim
Audrey Markle
Melissa McGrain &
Andrew Stern
James C. Moore
Sharon Napier
Chip & Joyce Nimick
Katharine S. Parsons
Frederick J. Rion, Jr.
Elizabeth A. Schenk
William J. & Mary Anna Towler
Ralph & Pamela Uttaro
Brad Van Auken
Ann Vandevender
Mari Wells
Craig Zicari & Anne Coon
Lori Anschuetz & Celia Easton
Don & Denise Bartalo
Andrea Barrett & Barry
Tim & Susan Boland
Ralph Black & Susan Murphy
Nancy L. Blanda
James Spiller & Anne
Lorena Stabins
John Sullivan Jr.
Bernard Shore & Arlene Levitt
Jim and Sue Taylor
William J. & Mary Anna Towler
David M. Ullman
Alan & Karen Uthman
Patricia Uttaro
Justin & Louise Vigdor
Diane Wardlow
Elizabeth Webb
Wayne Willis & Susan Medoff
Karen Wood
Lisa & Tim Wrona
BJ & Julian Yudelson
Bethany Zaremba
Bruce Zaretsky
William Amann
Carolyn Anderson
Christine Arnone
Richard Bird
Nancy Blanda
Mary Lynn Broe
Claire Brown
Mary Brzustowicz
Sandra Caccamise
Rosita Caridi-Miller
Paula Cary
Barbara Case
Nancy Chalker-Tennant
Sylvia Charlesworth
Darryl Cigelnik
Barbara Clarq
Tamsan Cleveland
Janine Coan
Norinee Cole
Zena Collier
Cheri Crist
Marjorie Cunningham
Katherine Dacosta
Kenyatta DaCosta
Judy Dell
Michael Doolin & Ann Tippett
Meredith Drake
George Ehresman
Louis Eltscher
Catherine Feinen
Frederick Foote
United Way Foothills
Larry & Robin Frye
David Gloss
Mary Gordon
Mary Jean Gutberlet
Shirley Haefele
Mary Hartshorn
Judith Hausner
In honor of Alexander J.
Mary Lou Heilman
Joe & Joan Hendrick
David Henehan
Cynthia Heppard
Martha Heyneman
Joanna & Christopher
Roberta Ierardi
David & Elsie Marie Jolkovski
Barbara Jones
Tom & Germaine Knapp
Amy Kotlarz
Ruth Kramer
Frank Kruppenbacher
Archie & Pat Kutz
Jacquelyn La Croix
John & Nancy Laurence
Jennifer Leonard & David Cay
Teresa Levy
Sandra Lomker
Julie C Losee
Francine Martella
Nancy Mason
Art Maurer
Sally McGucken
Valerie McPherson
Thomas Mechler
Stella Megargle
Colleen Meger
Mary Miskell & Terry Clar
Sandra Mitzner
Miriam Grace Monfredo
Molly Moore
Lynda Morris
Elaine Mullaly
Sandy Nelson
Michael O’Connell
Joyce O’Connor
Martha Osowski
PEO Sisterhood Chapter Al
Patricia Reed
Don & Linda Reinfeld
David & Leah Ruekberg
Laura Sadowski
Risa Saltzman
Alvani & Carol Santos
Mary Ann Satter
Harry Saxton
In honor of Alexander J.
Elizabeth A. Schenk
Helen Schneck
H. Elizabeth Schroeder
Mary Schroeder
Wanda & Bill Schubmehl
Eleanor Scott
In honor of Alexander J.
Caedra Scott-Flaherty
Ed Scutt
Linda Seyba
Clifford & Bernie Todd Smith
Tim Smith
Sally Valentine Steinmiller
Howard Keith Stott
Mary Jo & Richard TenEyck
Mary Grace Thomas
In honor of Alexander
Gwen Thompson
David C. Tinling
Douglas Topping
Karen & Alan Uthman
Diane Wardlow
Elissa & Chris Werner
Sue Whan
Roxanne Willard
Claudia Williams
Kristina Williams
Wayne Willis & Susan Medoff
Sarah Wilson
Timothy Wilson
Kitty Wise
Marsha Wittink
Linda & Frank Wood
Susan & Lawrence Yovanoff
Julia Zappella
| to register call 473-2590 X107
Ames-Amzalak Memorial Trust
Arts & Cultural Council for
Greater Rochester
Boylan Code, LLP
Canandaigua National Bank &
City Blue Imaging
Constellation Brands, Inc.
Davenport-Hatch Foundation
ESL Charitable Foundation
Farash Foundation
Flower City Printing
The Fred & Floy Willmott
The Gell Fund of the Rochester
Area Community
The Gleason Family Foundation
Harris Beach
HBT Architects
Language Intelligence
The Mary S. Mulligan
Charitable Trust
Monroe County
National Endowment for the
New York State Council on
the Arts with the support of
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the
NY State Legislature
National Endowment for the
Nocon & Associates, a private
wealth advisory practice of
Ameriprise Financial
Services, Inc.
The Guido & Ellen Palma
The Pike Company
The Summit Federal Credit
Reuben Auspitz & Dawn Good
Jacquie & Andy Germanow
James Long “Kip” Hale
Dr. William Hall
Beverly Gold & Bruce Horowitz
Will & Lois Irwin
Nora A. Jones
Jennifer & Glenn Kellogg
Patricia & James Morris
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Nicosia
Roger & Kimberly Palma
Katherine Parsons
Kerri & Michael Pierce
Anne Ruflin
Gary & Marcia Stern
Mark & Lois B. Taubman
Stephen Webb
Patricia Brasley
Barbara Grosh & Howard Brill
Barbara Case
Nancy Chalker-Tennant
Nancy Cline
Robert & Mary Dan Cooper
Ned & Linda Corman
Lauren Croop
Mark Cuddy & Christina Selian
Pat & Jim DeCaro
Janice Daitz
Jacques & Monique Delettrez
Melissa DeSa
Dana Drake
Raymond W. Duncan
William Eggers & Deborah
George Ehresman
Charles & Naomi Erdmann
Joan Feinbloom
Rich & Robin Flaherty
Ronny & Alan Frishman
Larry & Robin Frye
Lindsay Garrett
Barbara Grosh
Ann Harrington
Bob & Marianne Hesselberth
Stephen & Mary HeveronSmith
Christopher & Joanna
Carl Hoffman & Betsy
Grant Holcomb
Peter & Lynda Hotra
Jon Itkin & Alexa Scott-Flaherty
Surendar Jeyadev & Mala Gupta
Richard & Marcia Kaplan
Rae-Ellen Kavey
Deb Koen
Carolyn Kourofsky
Fran & Peter Lennie
Teresa Levy
Lit Chicks
Jennifer Mary Lloyd
Danielle Massare
Bruce & Eleanor McLear
Ann MacPherson
Daniel M. Meyers
Marian Moskow
Jann Packard
Kim Mura & Jason Park
Edward & Diane Premo
Curt & Nani Nehring-Bliss
Alexandra Northrop & Jules L.
David & Marjorie Perlman
Loretta Petralis
Alice Robin Pulver
James & Marguerite Quinn
Maddy Segal & Abby Reichlin
Tom & Betty Richards
June Rogoff
David W. Ryon
Gary D. Schaad
In honor of Alexander J.
Ann Schaefer
Inara Scott
Caedra Scott-Flaherty &
William Begeny
Suzanne Schnittman
Jane Schuster
Vicki & Steve Schultz
Edgar Seymour
Bob Shea & Kate Weisskopf
Summerwrite 2015 classes & workshops
(January 2014 –January 2015)
The programs and services of
Writers & Books would not be
possible without the generosity
of our donors, members and
institutional funders. We are
extremely grateful for your
tremendous support.
Language Intelligence
Stuart & Illa Loeb
Katherine B. McCurdy
Ken McCurdy
Nannette Nocon & Karl
Linda Rice & George Scharr
United Way Roc the Day
Westport Fund
Mary & Stan Widger
Henry W. Williams, Jr. &
Barbara Dimmick
I can no other answer make, but,
thanks, and thanks.
–William Shakespeare
Non-profit Org.
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Open House
at Writers & Books
Saturday, April 18,1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Free & Open to the Public
Come join in the fun on this creative and
informative day!
• Take a mini-creative writing workshop
• Play word games
• Listen to local poets and storytellers
• Meet our teachers
• Tour our facilities
• Have questions answered about our youth programs
•Learn about our referral program
• Register for summer workshops
Special Discounts on workshops and membership
will be available on this day only:
$10 off household membership
& $10 off SummerWrite classes!
photo by Leandra Caprini-Rosica