THE TRUE VINE The Monthly Newsletter of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Dayton, Ohio MARCH 2015 VOLUME 10 ISSUE 19 Only by Prayer and Fasting Fourth Sunday of Lent – St. John Climacus By St. Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid and Bulgaria IN THIS ISSUE: Mark 9:14-31 Only by Prayer and Fasting 1 Parish Registry 3 Liturgical Schedule 3 Ministries and Organizations 4 Faith In Action 5 News and Notes 6 Stewardship 8 Calendar 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The True Vine is a monthly publication with special editions of The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 500 Belmonte Park North Dayton, OH 45405-4797 Office Hours Mon. – Fri. 9am – 5pm - Tel.: 937-224-0601 14-18. And when He came to His disciples, He saw a great multitude about them, and the scribes questioning with them. And straightway all the people, when they beheld Him, were greatly amazed, and running to Him, saluted Him. And He asked the scribes, "What question ye with them?" And one of the multitude answered and said, "Master, I have brought unto Thee my son, who hath a dumb spirit; and wheresoever it taketh hold of him, it teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and wasteth away: and I spake to Thy disciples that they should cast it out; and they could not.” When He came to His disciples, that is, to the nine that had not gone up onto the mountain with Him, He saw that they were being questioned by the Pharisees. For the Pharisees had seized the opportunity of Jesus' absence to attempt to turn the disciples away from the Lord. The multitude, however, suddenly caught sight of Him, and greeted Him. They had been longing to see Him, and now they caught sight of Him and greeted Him as if He had just returned from a long journey. Some say that even His appearance had become more beautiful from the light of the Transfiguration which drew the multitude towards Him to greet Him. A man in the crowd spoke in answer to the Lords question. This man was weak in faith, as even the Lord attests when He says, "O faithless generation," and again, "all things are possible to him that believeth." The man himself attests to his unbelief when he says, "Help Thou mine unbelief." His complaints against the disciples clearly shows his unbelief. For he ought not to have accused them in front of everyone, but privately. 19-27. He answereth him, and saith, "O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him unto Me." And they brought him unto Him: and when He saw him, straightway the spirit tore him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming. And He asked his father, "How long is it ago since this came unto him?" And he said, "Since a child. And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but if Thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us." Jesus said unto him, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, "Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief." When Jesus saw that the people came running together, He rebuked the unclean spirit, saying unto him, "Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him." And the spirit cried, and tore him much, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, "He is dead." But Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose. The man who approached the Lord accused the disciples of not having the power to heal. But the Lord turns the blame onto him, all but saying, "It is your unbelief which is the cause of your son not being healed." The Lord does not address only this man, but He directs this saying to all, reproaching all the Jews for their unbelief. For it is likely that many of the bystanders were also scandalized by the disciples inability to heal. The Lord shows that He welcomes death, when He says, "How long shall I be with you?" meaning, it is a torment to Me to live with you and your unbelief. But though He reproaches them, He grants the healing as well. He does not desire to heal the son as a show of His power, but rather He proceeds with great humility. See how He does not attribute the healing to His own power, but to the mans faith, when He says, "All things are possible to him that believeth." (Continued on next page) THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2015 | Page 2 ….(Continued from page 1) As soon as He saw a crowd beginning to gather around, He rebuked the spirit, not wanting to heal in front of the multitude as though for show. When He rebuked the spirit and said, "Come out of him, and enter no more into him," this suggests that because of the mans unbelief, the demon would have again entered into him if it had not been prevented by the Lords command. The Lord permits the spirit to rend the son, so that all might recognize the attack of the demon, and understand that it would have killed the man if it had not been held in check by the hand of God. A man is thrown by a demon "into the fire" of anger and desire, and "into water", meaning, into the pounding surf of worldly cares. This demon is both "mute and deaf". It is deaf, not wanting to hear the words of God; and it is mute, not able to teach others what ought to be taught. But if Jesus, Who is the Word of the Gospel, should take him by the hand, that is, strengthen his power to act, then that man will be freed from the demon. See how God first helps us, and then we ourselves are required to work. For the Evangelist says that Jesus "lifted him up"—this is the divine help, and "he arose"—this is the effort of the man himself to do good. 28-29. And when He was come into the house, His disciples asked Him privately, "Why could not we cast it out?" And He said unto them, "This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." The disciples were afraid they had lost the grace which the Lord had given them, and this was why they had not been able to cast out the demon. See that out of respect they approached the Lord privately. "This kind"—what kind? The kind which may make their abode in lunatics, or, in general, the whole race of demons, does not come out except through prayer and fasting. Both the one suffering, and the one about to heal, must fast. Both are necessary. Good sense dictates that the one suffering must fast. He must not only fast, but also pray; and he must not only pray, but also fast, for true prayer is rendered when it is yoked to fasting. When the one who prays is not weighed down by the effects of food, his prayer is not burdened and ascends easily. 30-31. And they departed thence, and passed through Galilee; and He would not that any man should know it. For He taught His disciples, and said unto them, "The Son of Man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill Him; and after He is killed, He shall rise the third day." Whenever the Lord spoke of His passion on the cross, He would precede and follow His words with miracles, so that no one could think that He would suffer because He was powerless. And when He spoke sad words, such as, "they shall kill Him," He would add words of joy, "He shall rise the third day," teaching us that gladness always follows after grief, and that we should not anguish needlessly in our sorrows, but should hope for better things. PASTORAL POST ITS The Season of Lent is at hand. What are some of the things you can do to experience this God-given time more fully? Here are a few ideas to incorporate into your Lenten journey: * Attend Lenten Services- Come and participate in the beautiful services that our Holy Orthodox Church prescribes for these days. The services of Great Compline, Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, and Salutations are conducted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during Lent. These are sacred opportunities to intensify our relationship with God, thanking Him for the grace and mercy He so richly pours out upon us. We are encouraged to devote time in prayer and song to our loving Father. * Participate in the Sacrament of Confession- The Sacrament of Confession offers the opportunity for us to repent of our sins and to reconcile ourselves to God and each other. During the Lenten Season, the Church encourages her faithful to be reconciled, restored and spiritually renewed. * Practice the disciplines of Fasting, Prayer and Giving Charity- These spiritual disciplines provide the energy to sustain our walk through Lent. Make a sincere effort to pray daily and fast as directed by your priest or spiritual father. Donate your time, talent and treasure to the Church and those in need. * Read the Scriptures and Spiritual Writings- Follow the Lenten Scriptural guide. The Season of Lent highlights the Books of Genesis, Proverbs and Isaiah. Ask your priest or spiritual father about spiritually edifying books. May God bless our Annunciation Parish Family with a blessed, spiritually uplifting Season of Lent! SPRING PARISH ASSEMBLY SUNDAY, MARCH 8TH The regular Spring Parish Assembly will convene on Sunday, March 8th following the Divine Liturgy. Information regarding the Assembly will be sent this coming week. A quorum of 60 Parishioners in Good Standing is required for the Assembly. Please make every effort to attend and participate in the governance of the parish. THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2015 | Page 3 From the Pastor’s Library – Recommended Reading for March Thirty Steps to Heaven: The Ladder of Divine Ascent for all Walks of Life by Archmandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou Many laypeople have attempted to read the great spiritual classic, The Ladder of Divine Ascent, but have been frustrated in attempting to apply the lessons of this monastic text to their everyday lives in the world. In Thirty Steps, Archimandrite Vassilios interprets the Ladder for the ordinary Christian without sacrificing any of its beauty and power. Now you too can accept the challenge offered by St. John Climacus to ascend closer to God with each passing day. Fr. Papavassiliou is a priest of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in Thyateira and Great Britain. He has authored several books, including Meditations for Advent, and numerous articles on Orthodox Christian faith and theology. This book is available from the Church Store in the Parish Center Lobby. Liturgical Schedule for the Month of March Matins 8:15 am Sun. st 1 nd Mon. Wed. Fri. Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri. Sun. 2 th 4 th 6 th 8 th 9 th 11 th 13 th 15 Mon. Wed. Fri. Sun. Mon. 16 th 18 th 20 nd 22 rd 23 th Divine Liturgy 9:30 am st 1 Sunday of Lent- Sunday of Orthodoxy (Procession of Holy Icons at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy) Great Compline 7:00 pm Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 6:00 pm nd 2 Salutations to the Mother of God 7:00 pm nd 2 Sunday of Lent Great Compline 7:00 pm Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 6:00 pm rd 3 Salutations to the Mother of God 7:00 pm rd 3 Sunday of Lent- Veneration of the Holy Cross (Procession with the Holy Cross at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy) Great Compline 7:00 pm Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 6:00 pm th 4 Salutations to the Mother of God 7:00 pm th 4 Sunday of Lent Great Compline 7:00 pm PARISH REGISTRY 40 Day Blessing Feb. 8 th 24 th 25 th 27 th 29 th 30 Neophyte- Konstandinos Father- Todd Powers Mother- Maria (Karras) Powers Godparent- Constantine Tolias Date-February 22, 2015 FUNERAL th Feb. 19 8 15 22 29 Sunday of Orthodoxy, students go directly to class at 9:30 am. Procession of Icons will take place at the conclusion of The Divine Liturgy Classes meet Veneration of the Holy Cross students go directly to class at 9:30 am. Procession of the Holy Cross will take place following The Divine Liturgy. Oratorical Festival Classes meet / Greek Independence Day Program Classes meet +Vasiliki Vlahos MEMORIALS IN MARCH Great Vespers with Artoclasia 7:00 pm Feast of the Annunciation Akathist Hymn 7:00 pm th 5 Sunday of Lent Great Compline 7:00 pm th March. 8 th March 15 March 29 1 Laurice (Saloom) Hodgson and daughter BAPTISM Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God (Parish Feast Day) Tues Wed. Fri. Sun Mon. th 4 5 10 12 19 26 th +Anastasia N. DeBernardi +Toula Xarhoulacos +Bill Xarhoulacos +Paul Stanley Castleman Saturday of Lazarus / Palm Crosses Palm Sunday / Students go directly to Class at 9:30 am. Divine Liturgy / Holy Communion / Blessing of Palm Crosses Good Friday / Decorate The Tomb of Christ Orthodox Easter Pascha Classes meet / Staff meeting Classes meet / Daughters Tea THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2015 | Page 4 Ministries and Organizations AHEPA ANNUAL MAKARONADA TRIVIA LUNCHEON "Our community's 4th Annual Makaronada was another success! AHEPA thanks everyone for their support and attendance. Despite the weather scare, attendance was slightly higher than last year's event. A great time, and wonderful lunch, was had by all. AHEPA is already looking forward to next year's Makaronada, which we plan to hold again on Godparent Sunday." th AHEPA will meet Tuesday March 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Athenagoras Room. GREEK FESTIVAL We are in need of volunteers to chair the Lamb Shanks Booth and Gyro Express Booth. Please contact Harry or Linda at 435-0399 or Missy at 219-4211 for additional information or to volunteer. PHILOPTOCHOS th Philoptochos Membership Meeting will be Thursday evening at 6:00pm on March 19 , 2015 at the home of Kathy McAlpine. "The Challenge of Living a Purposeful Life". Join the Philoptochos in welcoming Dr. Albert Rossi, Professor of Pastoral Theology at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, Author and Clinical Psychologist. Dr. Rossi is a phenomenal speaker and author, who has generously agreed to visit our parish offering some inspiring words and stimulating discussion. The entire community is welcome. There will be a Complimentary presentation with light refreshments. No RSVP required. Sunday, March 1, 2015 immediately following church. A HELPING HAND Dear Parishioner, PLEASE SUPPORT the Community Care Ministry (CCM)-2015 The charities for 2015 are: St. Basil’s Academy, Day of Caring, Hospice, Hannah’s Treasure Chest, Domestic Violence Shelter, Warrior Canine Connection, Oasis House-Human Trafficking, DeafEnd for Kids, Charity at Home, Edison School, Big Brother & Big Sister Program. You may donate each month or Once a Year to be divided among ALL the charities. It's easy and any amount you choose is much appreciated. For example, if you want to contribute $5 dollars a month, your yearly contribution will be $60. $10 per month, your yearly contribution will be $120. Make checks payable to: Philoptochos, put “CCM” on the note. You can mail it or put it in the Red Box in the Community Center. CCM Coordinators: Mary Searles: or 429-1857 and Mary McDonald: YOUNG AT HEART th The new date for Young At Heart Senior Citizens’ Luncheon is THURSDAY, MARCH 12 at 11:30 a.m. in the Memorial Center. GAPA th GAPA will have a lunch meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 17 at the Chop House, 7727 Washington Village Dr., Dayton, Ohio; following lunch GAPA will meet at 1:30 p.m. at the Centerville Library, 111 West Spring Valley Pike, Dayton, Ohio for a presentation of “Erma Bombeck.” DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE th Daughters will meet Tuesday March 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Athenagoras Room. WIN DESIGNER PURSES! Support Lerner Breast Cancer Vaccine Research And Sjogren's Syndrom When? Where? What? DOP District 11 is Hosting A Bingo Luncheon on March 14, 2015 at 12 noon at The Presidential Banquet Center on Presidential Way in Kettering. Food and Fun Supporting These Worthy Causes Cost: $30.00 See The True Vine and/or Contact: Charrie Regopoulos at 748-2794 or for more details. DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE SCHOLARSHIP TEA SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2015 Please join us for our annual scholarship tea immediately after church services in the Community Center Library. You’ll enjoy the buffet table of refreshments and your participation will make it possible for Daughters to continue their annual scholarship commitment for the benefit of our young scholars! If you have any questions, please contct Dessine Fricioni at 2015 ANNUAL PALM SUNDAY LUNCHEON April 5, 2015 Sponsored By Philoptochos and Parish Council Benefiting Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology Make checks payable to “Philoptochos Society”. $10 per Adults $6.00 PER CHILD 12 and under Menu by Spot Catering Adults: Baked Fish with Lemon Butter Sauce, Greek Green Beans, Red Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Dessert, Coffee, Ice Tea/Lemonade Children: Baked Fish Sticks, Mac & Cheese Applesauce, Dessert, Milk “Vegetarian Option will be available” THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2015 | Page 5 FAITH IN ACTION PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS – MARCH 2015 A NEW AND EXCITING CHALLENGE FOR MEMBERS Fisher House is a home away from home for wounded service men and women who need medical care at a major military hospital or V.A. Medical Center. Airline tickets are provided to those military members and their families through the Hero Miles program which is supported by frequent-flyer mile donations from individual airline passengers. There are 64 Fisher House locations across the country, and there happens to be one right here in Dayton! Through the generosity of a Philoptochos member, 93,000 miles have already been donated to the Hero Miles program! Is it possible you have frequentflyer miles you will never use? This would be a rewarding way to put them to good use by helping a military family. For more information, check out: We would like to keep count, so if you donate miles, please e-mail Sandy Alex CELL PHONES FOR SOLDIERS “Cell Phones for Soldiers” is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing cost-free communication services to active-duty military members and veterans. Since 2010, Philoptochos has collected 110 phones. If you have an old phone, what a good idea to drop it off at the Community Center! These phones are taken to the local V.A. where they’re recycled for cash and the money goes towards the purchase of phone cards for deployed soldiers in our area. Just remember to terminate your service and clean the phone’s stored information. If you have any questions, contact Cindy Keilholz at or call 439-4861. Thanks to all who have already donated cell phones! LAST MONTH--February We joined many churches in the Miami Valley for the annual “Day of Caring” event to help meet the needs of the poor in our area. Loukoumades sales were lively! Thanks to all who participated, and appreciation to Harriet Ellis for chairing this successful afternoon. Fleece Blanket Project: 50 blanket “kits” have been given out to our members to complete. 25 of these warm fleece blankets have already been delivered to “Ohio Mentor” which gives them to victims of human trafficking in foster care programs. The other 25 will be given to our local VA Hospice program. For those of you who are still working on the blankets, please be sure to mark the outside of the bags with “Philoptochos- upstairs storage” so that our staff at church will put them away. Thank you to all who participated in this great ‘no sew’ project! THIS MONTH—March So much is going on! SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST, SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER, DR. ALBERT ROSSI, ON “THE CHALLENGE OF LIVING A PURPOSEFUL LIFE.” Join us after church service for this presentation (no charge), refreshments will be provided. Dr. Rossi’s message is for young and old alike. Please see the flyer included in this bulletin. CCM for MARCH: “Think Spring” Flower Sale benefiting Hospice. Order forms are in the lobby of the Community Center. Mary McDonald can answer any questions: or 2725962. Deadline for ordering is Monday, March 9. First Salutations are Friday, February 27th. Refreshments are provided by Philoptochos. Please bring a treat to share. Contact Evanthia, 434-5600, for more info. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 6:00 P.M. EVENING MEMBERSHIP MEETING at the home of Kathy McAlpine. 1975 Woodson Court, Centerville 45459. This is an opportunity for members who work during the day to attend. It’s a carry-in, so bring your favorite dish to share. Make this your year to join Philoptochos! We welcome new members. TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 7:00 P.M. GREAT VESPERS OF THE ANNUNCIATION, ARTOCLASIA, and Reception Following. Mark your calendars for this joyful event. If you would like to assist by bringing a food item for the reception, please contact Dessine Fricioni at or 937/426-9932. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, MEMBERSHIP MEETING, 10 A.M. IN THE ATHENAGORAS ROOM SUNDAY, APRIL 5 PALM SUNDAY LUNCHEON: Bring the whole family to our annual Palm Sunday luncheon which benefits Hellenic College/ Holy Cross Theological Seminary. Tickets are sold after church on Sundays beginning March 8st. No tickets will be sold at the door. Menu: baked cod with lemon sauce, Greek green beans, parsley red skin potatoes, cole slaw, assorted pies, beverages, $10 per person. Kids’ menu: fish sticks, mac and cheese and applesauce, $6. Contact Theona Russell (937) 372-7738 or email her at: grandma.rssll@gmail for more info or to make a reservation. FRIDAY, APRIL 10, DECORATE THE KOUVOULION SATURDAY, APRIL 11, SATURDAY OF LAZARUS AND PALM CROSSES SATURDAY, MAY 9, ANNUAL SPRING CHARITY LUNCHEON. It may seem a long time away, but we are gathering donations and auction items now! Our deadline to receive these items is April 2. You can bring them to our Membership Meeting that day. We hope all members will participate in this annual fundraiser. If you would like a donation letter to take to area businesses, please contact Michelle Zois: Let her know what businesses you plan to solicit since she is keeping a ‘master list’ and we don’t want to duplicate. Gift certificates are always welcome and corporate donations are especially helpful for our luncheon. FOR COMMUNITY REWARDS WHEN YOU’RE SHOPPING: --Kroger’s Community Rewards Program, Code# 10287. This is an easy and very successful fund-raising endeavor, HOWEVER, YOU MUST REAPPLY YEARLY TO STAY IN THE PROGRAM. Go to and follow their instructions to renew your rewards membership. Instructions have been e-mailed to you earlier, but if you have any questions, contact Sandy Alex --Meijer Stores or You must use either a Meijer credit card, cash or a debit card. Application cards can be filled out on line or at a Meijers Customer Service Desk. Our code is #432555. --GFS gives us store credits towards future purchases. When shopping, the information to give to the clerk is: “Philoptochos #2024816.” THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2015| Page 6 Parish News and Notes… -- AIF SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE Information concerning the AIF Scholarship Program for the 2015-16 school year is now available. Application packets may be picked st up in the Parish Center lobby. The deadline for submission is May 1 . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS GOYA st GOYA would like to thank Father Mark, the parents, coaches and the community for the great support we had during our 41 Annual Dayton GOYA Basketball Tournament. Everyone had a fantastic weekend with both the boys and girls teams winning the championship while meeting and reuniting with friends! YOUTH NEWS GOYA st GOYA will meet Sunday, March 1 after Divine Liturgy. th th GOYA will serve refreshments for the 4 Salutations on March 20 7:00pm service. JOY ACTIVITY nd th JOY will serve refreshments for the 2 Salutations on March 6 7:00pm service th JOY will meet on Friday, March 13 . SUMMER CAMP DATES It’s time to start thinking about warmer weather and summer camp! Here are the dates for the 2015 Summer Camp season: MDSC (Dayton Week) Week 1 June 28 to July 4 St. Nicholas Camp TBD Ionian Village Session 1 June 22 – July 11 Campers who have completed Grades 8 – 12 Session 2 July 19 – August 7 Campers who have completed Grades 8 – 12 Spiritual Odyssey: June 1 – 11 Open to Young Adults ages 19 – 24 41st ANNUAL DAYTON GOYA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2015| Page 7 YOUTH NEWS (continued) Parish Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival will be held Sunday, March 15th after the Divine Liturgy in the Church Hall. The SJCOF is an amazing program and an important component of the religious education of each Orthodox Christian student.Introduced in 1983, the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival provides Greek Orthodox teenagers the opportunity to write and talk about their faith. The Oratorical Festival Program begins at the parish levelOur parish invests and supports our youth unlike any other throughout the archdiocese by providing generous scholarships for all those who participate. Don't let our students miss out on this opportunity! Students (grades 4-12) in Sunday School are invited to write essays or poetry or give speeches on a variety of relevant topics dealing with their faith. The purpose of the Elementary Oratorical program ( grades 4-6) is to offer children the opportunity to express their feelings about their faith and Church, as well as to gain confidence and self-esteem. The Elementary division is strictly a local program and there is no judging. The topics are modest but invite creativity: Jesus, Prayer, Icons, etc. A student can write about anything they would like and there is no time limit. The Junior Division is for students in grades 7-9. In addition to writing and giving a speech, students can write and submit a 300-400 word essay on one of the Junior Division topics. Students can write and submit a poem in any form (sonnet, open verse, etc.) of between eight and thirty lines on one of the Junior Division topics. The Senior Division for students in grades 10-12. In addition to writing and giving a speech, students can write and submit a 500-600 word essay on one of the Senior Division topics. Students can write and submit a poem in any form (sonnet, open verse, etc.) of between eight and thirty lines on one of the Senior Division topics. A student may only participate in one category of the Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival: Speech, Essay or Poetry. To learn more and review this year's topics please visit To register, please visit to fill out the online form, or print and fill out the attached document and turn it in to the Sunday School mail slot across from the church office. Please turn in all registration forms by Sunday, March 8th. Parish Festival Chairpersons have been around to Sunday School classrooms during the past month and will continue to do so in the coming weeks to speak with Sunday School students about this opportunity. Sunday school teachers and Parish Oratorical Festival chairpersons are available to help students in any way with their Questions? Contact Festival Chairperson Jon Gromek at (440) 7245087 or THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2015| Page 8 2015 Stewardship Program One of the greatest treasures we have received is our Orthodox Christian Faith and Tradition that guides our worship and our entire life.” HAVE YOU SEEN THIS? 2015 Stewardship Commitment Card is an important part of our Stewardship Campaign. It is the manner in which you identify to yourself and the church the commitment of Time, Talent and Treasure for the ministries, operations and programs of the parish. It is an offering that indicates returning to God our gifts for the blessings He so richly bestows upon us. In submitting your Commitment Card, we are able to allocate our resources more efficiently. It also identifies those who want to help the parish with their specific talents. We need our entire parish family to participate and commit ourselves and one another to Christ and His Church. We thank those who have submitted their 2015 Stewardship Commitment Cards. If you have not submitted yours, please contact the church office. 2015 The list of Stewards reflects those who have made their 2015 Stewardship Commitment or contributed to their 2015 Stewardship Commitment as of February 15, 2015. We thank them for their generosity and loving support. We invite you to join with them and support, joyously, the ministries of the Church. You may obtain information and Stewardship Commitment Cards from the Church Office, or you can speak to a Parish Council Member or Fr. Mark. Dr. & Mrs. Fayez Abboud Mr. John Demos Ms. Berdi Kakas Mrs. Georgia Afendoules Dr. & Mrs. James Derksen Miss Christine Kambas Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Andrews Ms. Ariana Derksen Mrs. Jim Kandris Mr. & Mrs. Paul Angelopoulos Mrs. Marika Dimitriou Miss Pia Kanistros Mrs. Elayne Anton Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Douglass Mrs. P. J. Kanistros Mr. & Mrs. George Argue Mr. & Mrs. James Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Alexandros Karabinis Dr. & Mrs. Gust Bambakidis Fr. Mark & Ginny Emroll Mrs. Tina Karambelas Mr. & Mrs. Evan Bambakidis Mrs. Lucy Fasules Mr. & Mrs. Eleftherios Karkadoulias Mr. & Mrs. John Barron Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Federle Mrs. Pete Karras Ms. Juanita Bartlett & Mr. Gary Manos Mr. & Mrs. Alex Fote Mr. & Mrs. Mark Keilholz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bessler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fote Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kididis Ms. Evelyn Boosalis Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fricioni Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lake Mrs. Wendy Boucuvalas Dr. & Mrs. Harry Fronista Mrs. Vigi Liakakos Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bouris Mrs. Owen Gabbard Mr. & Mrs. Gus Liapis Mr. & Mrs. James Bourne Dr. Arthur Gardikes Ms. Elizabeth Limber Mrs. Angella Houpis Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gearon Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Logus Mr. & Mrs. Michael Breed Mr. James Gersos Dr. & Mrs. Bryan Ludwig Ms. Nancy Breen Mr. Lambi Gersos Mr. & Mrs. David Luke Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James Brooks Ms. Alexandra Ghazal Mr. George Lusa Mrs. Tulla Brooks Mr. & Mrs. George Gianopulos Mr. & Mrs. Panayiotis Makaritis Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Burke Mrs. Harriet K. Gounaris Mrs. George Makris Annika Burns & Bob Feldmann Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Gounaris Mr. & Mrs. George Malacos Mr. Bob Cade Ms. Eileen Gustin Ms. Juanita Bartlett & Mr. Gary Manos Mr. Stephan Calondis Mr. & Mrs. Nasser Habash Mr. George Marinakes Mr. & Mrs. David Casey Dr. Mary Haritos Mrs. Michael Mavrouleas Mr. & Mrs. Dimitri Chagares Mrs. Glenn Haubrock Mr. & Mrs. Jay McAlpine Mr. & Mrs. Terry Christ Mr. & Mrs. James Haubrock Mr. & Mrs. Keith McFarland Mrs. Stella Christofis Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Heisey Mrs. Sam Mellas Mr. Demo Christon Mr. & Mrs. Jason Hodgson Mrs. Katheren Michaelson Mr. & Mrs. William Cochran Dr. C. H. Houpis Mr. Christopher Milanese Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Houpis Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Milstead, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Couchot Ms. Evonna Hurst Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mokas Mr. & Mrs. Angelo County Mr. William J. Hutchison Mr. & Mrs. John Moraites Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cunagin Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hypes Mrs. Ted Moraites Mr. & Mrs. Tom G Daskalakis Mr. & Mrs. Mike Jackson Mrs. James Morris Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Davell Mr. Michael Jannides Mrs Beatrice Davis Mr. & Mrs. Max Jenks Mr. Nick Demetre Ms. Betty Jonson THE TRUE VINE Mrs. Ray Mullins Mr. Demetrius Nicholas Mrs. Renee Nicholas Mr. John Nickolas Mrs. Maria Panagouleas Mrs. Nicolette Panagouleas Mr. & Mrs. William Pangos Mr. & Mrs. George Panson Mrs. Irene Papadopoulos Mr. Konstantine Papadopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Papakirk Mr. & Mrs. Jim Parker Mr. & Mrs. Taki Parker Mr. & Mrs. George Pavlakos Mr. & Mrs. David Pepiot Judge John Pickrel Mr. & Mrs. Jared Poeppelman Mr. & Mrs. Todd Powers Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Preonas Mr. & Mrs. Alan Price Mrs. Dora Protos Mr. & Mrs. Hippocrates Psihountas Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pulos Mrs. George Pulos Dr. & Mrs. John Raab Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Retzios MARCH 2015 | Page 9 Dr. Lori Vavul-Roediger Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Russell Mr. & Mrs. George Saloom Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saloom Ms Nadia Saloom Mr. Michael Samonas Col. & Mrs. Nicholas Scambilis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Scott Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Scoumis Mr. & Mrs. John Searles Mr. & Mrs. Nick Shissias Ms. Martha Simopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Speros Ms. Maria Stamas Mr. and Mrs. Nick C. Stamas Ms. Paula Stamas-Snyder Mrs. Toula Stamm Mrs. Evangeline Stelyn Mrs. Manuel Stiakakis Ms. Anastasia Stratis Mrs. Mary Stratis Dr. & Mrs. Victor Thaler Angeline Thompson Maj. Gilbert Thurman Ms. Anastasia Tipler Mr. & Mrs. Nick Tolias Mr. & Mrs. John Torges Dr. & Mrs. James Tsatalis Mr. & Mrs. Pete Tsolometes Dr. and Mrs. John Urse III Dr. & Mrs. John Valassiades Mrs. Pete Vasilakos Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Vradelis Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Vradelis Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Wallerius Ms. Stephanie Waszczak Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Weikert Mrs. Evangelia Williams Mr. Adam Winters Dr. Antonia Winters Mr. & Mrs. Philip James Winters Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Xidas Mrs. Stella Zaharako Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zalants Mr. & Mrs. James Zavakos Mr. & Mrs. Louis Zavakos Mr. Robert Zavakos Mr. Tasi Zavakos Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ziehler Mr. & Mrs. Nick Zois Mr. Demetrius C. Zonars Mrs. Suzanne Zonars Hambrick PARISH COUNCIL FILLS VACANCY At its regular February meeting, the Parish Council filled the open seat by appointing Christina Stiakakis. According to the Parish Regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, a vacancy on the Council is filled by the Parish Council appointing a Parishioner in Good Standing to serve for the remaining time of the term. Christina will serve on the Parish Council for the 2015 – 2017 term. We welcome Christina and thank her for offering her time and talent to this important ministry in the Church. CELL PHONES FOR SOLDIERS Did you get a new cell phone for Christmas and are not sure what to do with your old phone? We have the solution. Donate that phone for the “Cell Phones for Soldiers” program. You can drop them off at church in the community center in the basket marked “cell phones”. These phones are taken to the VA where they are recycled for cash and the money goes to purchase phone cards for deployed soldiers from our area. Please remember to terminate your service and clear the phone’s memory of contacts and other stored information. This is a great way to help the environment while supplying phone cards to our military. Since 2010 Philoptochos has collected 110 cell phones. Batteries, chargers and accessories are not required. Cell Phones for Soldiers is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing cost-free communication services to active-duty military members and veterans. Thank you to all who have donated cell phones. If you have any questions, please call Cindy Keilholz at 439-4861 or email at THE TRUE VINE MARCH 2015| Page 10 2015 Youth Dance Group Practice Schedule Practices and performances for 2015 are scheduled : March 18 6:00 to 7:00 for all groups March 22 Sunday Greek Independence program at church May 6 6:00 to 7:00 for all groups May 13 6:00 to 7:00 for all groups May 15-16-17 DIFI July 22-5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes July 29- 5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes August 5-5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes August 12-5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes August 26-5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes September 2-5:30 to 6:30- Evzonakia and Levendopeda 6:30 to 7:30- Nisiotes September 10 (with band) time to be announced Greek Festival- September 11, 12, 13 DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE TSOUREKIA FOR EASTER 2015 $6.00 EACH (1 lb. loaf...we promise!) Deadline for orders: Monday, March 30 Orders may be picked up at the: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Community Center, Saturday & Sunday April 4th & 5th 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. A BEAUTIFUL TRADITION FOR YOUR PASCHA TABLE. To order, please contact: Dessine Fricioni or e-mail: 937/426-9932 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH SUNDAY MONDAY 1 st 1 Sunday of Lent Sunday of Orthodoxy (Procession of Holy Icons at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy MARCH 2015 TUESDAY 2 5:30p Greek School WEDNESDAY 3 . THURSDAY 4 5 6:00p Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 7:00p Great Compline FRIDAY SATURDAY 6 nd 7 7:00p 2 Salutations to the Mother of God 7:00p Choir Refreshments: JOY 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy GOYA Mtg. Speaker: Dr. Albert Rossi 8 nd 2 Sunday of Lent 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy 9 5:30p Greek School 10 6:30p DOP/ 6:30p AHEPA 11 12 6:00p Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 7:00p Great Compline 13 11:30a Young at Heart 14 6:00p JOY Event rd 7:00p 3 Salutations to the Mother of God 7:00p Choir SPRING GENERAL ASSEMBLY Refreshments: GAPA AHEPA Day Offsite Daylight Saving Time 15 rd 3 Sunday of Lent – Veneration of the Holy Cross (Procession with the Holy Cross at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy) 16 5:30p Greek School 7:00p Great Compline 17 11:30a GAPA Lunch Mtg. at Chop House followed by 1:30 presentation at Centerville Library 18 6:00p Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 6:00p Dance All Groups 7:00p Choir 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy 19 6:00p Philo. Evening Membership Meeting at the home of Kathy McAlpine th 20 7:00p 4 Salutations to the Mother of God 21 10:30a Greek School practice for program Refreshments: GOYA 7:00p Parish Council Mtg. ORATORICAL FESTIVAL th 4 22 Sunday of Lent 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy 23 5:30p Greek School 7:00p Great Compline th 29 Sunday of Lent 30 25 Feast of the Annunciation Philo. host reception following Vespers Greek Independence Day Program 5 24 7:00p Great Vespers with Artoclasia 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy 26 27 28 7:00p Akathist Hymn Refreshments: DAUGHTERS 7:00p Choir 31 5:30p Greek School IT DOESN'T SEEM POSSIBLE......BUT: 8:15a Matins 9:30a Div. Liturgy 7:00p Great Compline We're asking you to put aside thoughts of this cold winter weather, and start planning for your flower and vegetable gardens instead! The Annual March Community Care Ministry to benefit Hospice is right around the corner. Order forms will be available after church orders are due Sunday, March 8, 2015 and pick-up is Thursday, May 7, 2015; 12:00-4:00 pm any questions, please call Mary McDonald 272-5962 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 MATINS AND DIVINE LITURGY 8:15 AM (RECEPTION HOSTED BY THE ANNUNCIATION PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY FOLLOWS VESPERS) TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015 GREAT VESPERS WITH ARTOCLASIA 7:00 PM FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE THEOTOKOS Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 500 Belmonte Park North Dayton Ohio 45405-4797 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Dayton, Ohio Permit No. 934 Change Service Requested
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