StructCode LIFE Kite Group Expertise SC.Life is part of the StructCode platform. It is a computer program for FEM assisted Fatigue analyses of metallic structures. Fatigue analysis is performed considering uniaxial or multiaxial approaches, based on strains or stresses. STRAIN BASED approach The user can select the analysis method among a list of options. Elastic-Plastic stress status is calculated with - Neuber or Equivalent Strain Energy Density (Glinka) rule (in case of uniaxial fatigue approach) - Hoffmann-Seeger (in case of proportional loadings) - Dowling (in case of proportional loadings) Multiaxial fatigue is calculated with - Critical Plane analysis with uniaxial approach considering normal strains (in case of non proportional loadings) - A novel simplified technique based on Hoffmann-Seeger or Dowling, extended to cases of non proportional loadings Damage parameters: - Coffin-Manson - Morrow’s - Halford-Manson - Smith-Watson-Topper - Brown-Miller - Fatemi-Socie Damages are linearly cumulated with the Palmgren-Miner rule. STRESS BASED approach In case of S-N fatigue analysis, curves from MMPDS or conventional (user defined) S-N curves (with two or three slopes) are used. Also in this case Palmgren-Miner rule is applied for cumulative damage. In case of conventional S-N curves and variable amplitude spectra, equivalent stress amplitudes can be calculated with one of the following methods: - Goodman - Gerber - Soderberg - Morrow - SWT - Haigh - Walker Multiaxial fatigue is calculated with: - Critical Plane analysis with uniaxial approach considering normal stresses - Time history of maximum principal stresses - Dang Van method Key features - User friendly GUI with integrated postprocessor tailored to fatigue analysis, aimed to simplify reporting activities - FEM interrogation mode allowing the analyst to retrieve: elemental stress tensors and stress tensors time histories (such as having virtual strain gauges througout the entire structure) - Multiaxiality assessment integrated processor - All analysis process dumped in ASCII files - Generated database (FEM, stresses, fatigue results) in a readable SQLite database Kite Group Srl c/o Environment Park Via Livorno, 60 10144 Torino - Italy Tel : +39 011 225.7436 Fax: +39 011 225.7436 More details on
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