Vodacom Tudobom pra ti Vodacom Tudobom pra ti Info M-Info MozambiqueM.Info o.com www.mozambiqueinf Email: minfo@intra.co.mz www.mozambiqueinformation.com ISSUE 318 February 2015 Reg No: 011/GABINFO-DEC/2008 ISSUE 208 March 2014 M-Info Mozambique Info www.mozambiqueinfo.com ISSUE 208 March 2014 Vodacom presents FESTA + QUENTE with the best Mozambican Artists. The concert will be held this Saturday the 28th @ 21h30. Venue: Campo de Ferroviario, Entry: 200Mt The 5th Friday Night Special, with the band Gran`Mah! Special guests Muzila & Tushimitsu. Live at Gil Vicente Bar Entry-300mt (offer of 1 Super Bock) We count on you!!! gilvicente.cafebar@gmail.com COMPANHIA OLGA RORIZ 2 Contemporary Dance Shows 1st Show- PRESENT IN PROGRESS Ticket: 250 MT/ 150 MT (members) Ticket sales are between 17h00 and 19h00 Seats Limited! 2nd Show - A SAGRAÇÃO Ticket: 150 MT/ 50 MT (members) Ticket sales are between 19h00 and 20h00 www.vm.co.mz Pg. 1 www.vm.co.mz Pg 11 Pg. All tickets sold at the CCFM office. More information: www.ccfmoz.com www.mozambiqueinformation.com Linha do cliente 84 111 Vodacom Tudobom pra ti M-Info Mozambique Info www.mozambiqueinfo.com ISSUE 208 March 2014 3rd March 2015 @ 19h00 CCFM, Entry free ICMA presents ON FIRE - the invention of tradition, the new show of Constanza Macras, Argentine choreographer rooted in Berlin, explores the idea of re-evaluation of the concept of heritage and tradition and its relationship with the new forms of cultural segregation in urban life. More information please visit our facebook page. BABA Production presents Carnaval 2015 Saturday the 28th of February from 22h00 at Fortaleza Maputo. More details follow our facebook STAND UP COMEDY live with Menezes at Africa Bar . Every Wednesday at 18h30 Entry 150Mt. Come & laugh! www.mozambiqueinformation.com Linha do cliente 84 111 www.vm.co.mz Pg 21 Pg. Vodacom Tudobom pra ti M-Info Mozambique Info www.mozambiqueinfo.com ISSUE 208 March 2014 www.mozambiqueinformation.com Linha do cliente 84 111 www.vm.co.mz Pg 31 Pg. Vodacom Tudobom pra ti M-Info Mozambique Info www.mozambiqueinfo.com ISSUE 208 March 2014 PHOTOGRAPHY COURSE, space limited, starting on the 3rd of March There will be 3 classes per week, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 08h00 - 09h30, & from 17h30 - 19h00 To register contact: ccbm.eventos@itamaraty.gov.br, Tel: 21 306 840 www.mozambiqueinformation.com Linha do cliente 84 111 www.vm.co.mz Pg 41 Pg. Vodacom Tudobom pra ti M-Info Mozambique Info www.mozambiqueinfo.com ISSUE 208 March 2014 AFRICA DANCAR KIZOMBA INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 2nd Elimination round. 28th February - Coconuts For more information contact: 84 4407246 email: ahikineni@gmail.com HOUSEHOLD ITEMS FOR SALE with updates Contact Sandy: 843981653/santinachapman@yahoo.com Computer Desk Carved Elephant Walking stick Price: $60 Price: $80 Curtains Price: $50 Beige lined curtains with designs 2 drops for Price: $100 Congo/Zambian Artwork Price: From $50 Wooden Statues Big Statue:$20 Medium: $15 Small: $10 Zambian face masks Curtain lace Price: $60* Zambian hand painted art on cloth Price: $30 Price: $900 Price:$40 www.mozambiqueinformation.com Linha do cliente 84 111 Unique Zambian art chair www.vm.co.mz Pg 51 Pg. FOR SALE ITO P E P Vodacom Tudobom pra ti Sommerschield 1 Price: $6500+ tax = neg x 4 Bedroom (2 en-suites) Large Lounge & Dinning Room Office, American Kitchen Back-rooms Car parking space for 4 Garden Sommerschield 1 Price: $5000 x 3 Bedroom (2 en-suites) Visitors room Large Lounge & Dinning Room American Kitchen Back-rooms Car parking space for 3 Electric Fence Garden M-Info Mozambique Info GWM Hover 5 year old GWM Hover for sale in Maputo. Fully serviced. Petrol. Manual. Great, solid car. No issues in 5 years of ownership. Reason for selling - downsizing as Marginal now fixed and no need for 2 4x4s. Price: 450 000mts. Please call 84 328 9560. Sommerschield 2 Triunfo o.com www.mozambiqueinf Price: $5.500 + tax Price: $8000 x 4 Bedroom / en-suites x 4 Bedroom / en-suites Large Lounge & March&2014 208 Lounge ISSUE Large Dinning Room Dinning Room Large Kitchen, Office Large Kitchen, Office Back-rooms, Play Room Back-rooms, Play Room Car parking space for 3 Car parking space for 5 Electric Fence, Garden, Pool Electric Fence, Garden, Pool For more information please contact: 84 8899180 Dynamite comes in small packages! This is certainly true of little Pepito. While he’s always happy to see you and has tons of energy, he can get little bossy so needs an experienced owner that can give him sufficient exercise and in return - he’ll be your best friend for life! Os cães não se medem aos palmos! Isto é certamente verdade para o pequeno Pepito. Ele adora receber visitas e tem bastante energia, mas às vezes também faz umas birrinhas, por isso precisa de um dono experiente e paciente, que lhe permita fazer bastante exercício - e em retorno ele será o seu melhor amigo para sempre! MALE DEWORMED 4 YEARS OLD VACCINATED To foster or adopt pepito contact us info@patamozambique.org http://www.wunderground.com Maputo Weather Forecast 31°C 32°C 23°C 30°C 22°C 31°C 21°C 30°C 22°C 27°C 19°C 17°C The M.INFO is a free of charge English electronic Publication emailed weekly to our subscribers. Editor: Elena Son Linha do cliente 84 111 Graphics & Layout: Bruno Alberto www.mozambiqueinformation.com M.Info www.vm.co.mz Pg 61 Pg. Vodacom Tudobom pra ti M-Info Mozambique Info www.mozambiqueinfo.com ISSUE 208 March 2014 www.mozambiqueinformation.com Linha do cliente 84 111 www.vm.co.mz Pg 71 Pg.
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