CITY OF LOS ANGELES BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS SUZANNE M. STEINKE President NANCY P. MCCLELLAND Vice President GABRIEL J. ESPARZA JEANNE A. FUGATE JONATHAN M. WEISS AGENDA REGULAR MEETING – THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26, 2015, 10:00 A.M. ROOM 350, PERSONNEL BUILDING 700 EAST TEMPLE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 Commissioners As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, with notice of 72 hours, will provide reasonable accommodation (assistive listening devices, sign language interpretation, and translation services) to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Digital recordings of Commission Board meetings are kept for 30 days. Information on acquiring an audio copy of a meeting may be obtained by contacting the Commission Office at (213) 473-9107. Website Address: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular and Special meetings of Thursday, February 12, 2015, submitted for approval. 3. COMMISSION ACTION ON ROUTINE AND OTHER MATTERS Approve routine and nonappearance matters under Unfinished Business, Page 5, items 6 and 7 and New Business, Pages 5 through 10, items 8 and 9, subject to any requests for reconsideration by the end of the meeting. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTER WITHIN BOARD’S JURISDICTION A maximum of 10 minutes will be provided for members of the public to address the Board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, but not on the printed Agenda. No single speaker shall exceed 5 minutes. BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 5. APPEARANCE ITEM - UNFINISHED BUSINESS February 26, 2015 APPEALS UNDER CHARTER SECTION 1016 a. Christiann ADTKINS, Police Service Representative II, Los Angeles Police Department. Discharge effective April 29, 2014. Report and recommendations, of the Board’s Hearing Examiner Stephen Biersmith, following the conduct of hearings on September 15, 2014 and October 7, 2014 into the subject appeal of Ms. Adtkins. The Hearing Examiner recommends that the Board: A. FIND that the Skelly due process requirements were met. 1) SUSTAIN the cause of action of on or about February 2, 2013, while on duty, the appellant failed to log into the Premier Computer Aided Dispatch Application in a timely manner; 2) SUSTAIN the cause of action of on or about February 2, 2013, while on duty, the appellant failed to provide an accurate radio broadcast communications during a vehicle pursuit; 3) SUSTAIN the cause of action of on or about September 12, 2013, the appellant was insubordinate when she refused to appear for a personnel complaint interview after being ordered to do so by a Lieutenant. B. FIND that the Discharge effective April 29, 2014 was appropriate and is SUSTAINED. File No. 53704 COMMISSION ACTION: February 26, 2015agenda 2 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 5. APPEARANCE ITEM - UNFINISHED BUSINESS February 26, 2015 APPEALS UNDER CHARTER SECTION 1016, (Continued) b. Lafayette R. GRIFFIN, Wastewater Collection Worker II, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation. Discharge effective April 1, 2014. Report and recommendations of the Board’s Hearing Examiner Michael Diliberto, following the conduct of a hearing on September 29, 2014 into the subject appeal of Mr. Griffin. The Hearing Examiner recommends that the Board: A. FIND that the Skelly due process requirements were met. 1) SUSTAIN the cause of action of failure to meet a condition of employment by not possessing a valid California Class B Commercial Driver’s License; 2) SUSTAIN the cause of action of absence without valid leave from September 9, 2013 to date of discharge, due to the loss of required Commercial Driver’s License. B. FIND that the Discharge effective April 1, 2014 was appropriate and is SUSTAINED. File No. 53712 COMMISSION ACTION: February 26, 2015agenda 3 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 5. APPEARANCE ITEM - UNFINISHED BUSINESS February 26, 2015 APPEALS UNDER CHARTER SECTION 1016, (Continued) c. Edward MENDIVIL, Traffic Officer II, Department of Transportation. Discharge effective April 29, 2014. Report and recommendations of the Board’s Hearing Examiner Angela Shaw following the conduct of a hearing on October 3, 2014 into the subject appeal of Mr. Mendivil The Hearing Examiner recommends that the Board: A. FIND that the Skelly due process requirements were met. 1) SUSTAIN the cause of action of unexcused, excessive or patterned absenteeism; 2) SUSTAIN the cause of action of failure to make a reasonable effort to notify supervisor of inability to report to work; 3) SUSTAIN the cause of action of frequent and unexcused tardies. B. FIND that the Discharge effective April 29, 2014 is appropriate and is SUSTAINED. File No. 53709 COMMISSION ACTION: Continued from January 22, 2015. On January 22, 2015, in the absence of the Appellant, the Board took up the matter of the Appeal from Discharge of Edward Mendivil. Following a period of discussion, Commissioner Weiss asked the Department if, considering the long tenure of the Appellant, had there been any discussion of permitting the Appellant to resign in lieu of discharge. The Department said that it would be happy to take that suggestion back to the Department General Manager for consideration. The case was continued pending discussion regarding a resignation with the Appellant. The Department of Transportation General Manager said that she would accept the Appellant’s resignation in lieu of discharge, effective April 29, 2014. Several efforts were made to reach the Appellant via telephone and e-mail to inform him of the opportunity. Mr. Mendivil responded by email to the Commission office indicating he would accept the offer to resign. A resignation form was sent to him with instructions that he would need to sign the form and tell us by email that the form was being sent to the Board by US Mail. Mr. Mendivil was also advised he should contact the Department of Transportation directly to discuss other terms he indicated were important to him. He was further advised that he needed to make contact with the Department or Commission Office by 4:00 p.m., Friday, February 13, 2015 stating that he had mailed the resignation form to the Commission or made an appointment to speak with staff at the Department of Transportation. As of Tuesday, February 17, 2015, no response had been received in the Commission Office or the Department from the Appellant. The matter has been returned to the Board for final adjudication. February 26, 2015agenda 4 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 5. APPEARANCE ITEM - UNFINISHED BUSINESS February 26, 2015 APPEALS UNDER CHARTER SECTION 1016, (Continued) - CORRECTION d. Arthur MITCHAM, Senior Custodian, Department of Airports. Discharge effective February 27, 2014. Report and recommendations of the Board’s Hearing Examiner Jan Stiglitz following the conduct of hearings on August 22, 2014 and October 26, 2014 into the subject appeal of Mr. Mitcham. The Hearing Examiner recommends that the Board: A. FIND that the Skelly due process requirements were met. 1) SUSTAIN the cause of action of job performance below standard as defined in LAWA Administrative Manual §5.020 (B.3); 2) NOT SUSTAIN the cause of action of improper behavior in relations with supervisors, fellow employees, or the public as defined in LAWA Administrative Manual §5.020 (D.2): Use of abusive language. 3) SUSTAIN the cause of action of improper behavior in relations with supervisors, fellow employees, or the public as defined in LAWA Administrative Manual §5.020 (D.3): Disrupting the work of others. 4) SUSTAIN the cause of action of Sexual Harassment as defined in LAWA Administrative Manual §5.020 (J.3; J.5; J.7). B. FIND that the Discharge effective February 27, 2014 was appropriate and is SUSTAINED. File No. 53656 COMMISSION ACTION: Liaison February 26, 2015agenda 5 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS NON-APPEARANCE ITEM - UNFINISHED BUSINESS February 26, 2015 6. COMPLAINT CLOSURE OF A REPORT FROM THE OFFICE OF DISCRIMINATION COMMPLAINT RESOLUTION – RECEIVE AND FILE. Ronnie JOHNSON, Electric Distribution Mechanic, Department of Water & Power. On November 13, 2014, the Board made a matter of record the closure through settlement of an Appeal from Discharge and a Complaint filed by the employee with the Office of Discrimination Complaint Resolution against the Department of Water & Power. Through an oversight, the ODCR complaint file number was not included on the agenda. File No. 53716 COMMISSION ACTION: 7. WRIT OF MANDAMUS Make a matter of record the filing in Superior Court of the State of California in the County of Los Angeles a Writ of Mandamus in the matters of: Lawrence SCOTTINI v. Board of Civil Service Commissioners (Case No. BS153374). File No. 53598 COMMISSION ACTION: BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS NON-APPEARANCE ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS 8. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS The General Manage recommends that the Board: a. Make a matter of record the following examination bulletins promulgated on: February 6, 2015 Interdepartmental Promotional and Open Competitive SENIOR CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR Open Competitive POLICE PERFORMANCE AUDITOR February 13, 2015 Interdepartmental Promotional SENIOR DATA PROCESSING TECHNICIAN SENIOR SAFETY ENGINEER PRESSURE VESSELS February 26, 2015agenda 6 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS NON-APPEARANCE ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS February 26, 2015 8. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS b. Approve the use of the following Special Examining Assistants 1) AIRPORT GUIDE Precious Gemma DEL MUNDO and Waynetta Rhea WILLIAMS, Airport Guides II, Los Angeles World Airports. 2) AUTO ELECTRICIAN Dannie PARKER, Equipment Repair Supervisor, Department of Water & Power, and Ron AKER, Automotive Supervisor, Los Angeles Police Department. 3) CHIEF OF OPERATIONS Selena BIRK, Airport Manager III, Los Angeles World Airports. 4) DIVISON LIBRARIAN Michael BOLOKOWICZ, Personnel Director III, and John SZABO, City Librarian, Library Department. 5) DUPLICATING MACHINE OPERATOR Luis ALDERETE, Senior Duplicating Machine Operator, Department of Water & Power, Tom ESTRADA, Senior Duplicating Machine Operator, Harbor Department, and Ron GALLEGOS, Printing Press Operator II, General Services Department. 6) FINANCE DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Manuel BERNAL, Director of Housing, Housing and Community Investment Department. 7) HOUSING PLANNING AND ECONOMIC ANALYST Claudia MONTERROSA, Senior Housing, Planning and Economic Analyst, Housing and Community Investment Department. 8) LIBRARIAN Eva MITNIK and Selena TERRAZAS, Principal Librarians, Library Department. 9) MECHANICAL ENGINEER Hamid NEJAD and John DENNIS, Power Engineering Managers, Department of Water & Power. 10) MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR Eric TAGUCHI and Tobias CRISTALES, Street Services Supervisors II, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services. 11) PLUMBING INSPECTOR Russ ITO, Senior Plumbing Inspector, and Bradley NEIGHBORS, Chief Inspector, Department of Building and Safety. 12) POLYGRAPH EXAMINER Jesse DELGADO, Polygraph Examiner III, and Michael HURLEY, Polygraph Examiner II, Los Angeles Police Department. 13) PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT Frieda HUANG, Financial Management Specialist III, Office of the City Controller, and Wanee JEERAPAET, Department Chief Accountant III, Housing and Community Investment Department. 14) REHABILITATION PROJECT COORDINATOR Tim ELLIOT and Sergio TEJADILLA, Community Housing Programs Managers, Housing and Community Investment Department. 15) SENIOR ACCOUNTANT Shu HUA CHEN, Principal Accountant II, Department of Transportation, and Cynthia KHO, Principal Accountant II, Office of the City Controller. February 26, 2015agenda 7 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS NON-APPEARANCE ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS February 26, 2015 8. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS b. Approve the use of the following Special Examining Assistants, (Continued): 16) SENIOR AUDITOR Sunday ADEOYE, Internal Auditor IV, Los Angeles World Airports, Jose De JESUS, Fiscal System Specialist I, Housing and Community Investment Department, Putthachart (Noi) YIP, Principle Accountant II, Department of Recreation and Parks. 17) SENIOR FIRE STATISTICAL ANALYST Steve HISSONG and Alfred POIRIER, Fire Battalion Chiefs, Fire Department. 18) SENIOR PORT ELECTRICAL MECHANIC Mike SCURLOCK and Scott BULPITT, Port Electrical Mechanic Supervisors, Harbor Department. 19) SIGN PAINTER Anthony DE LA TORRE, Sign Painter, Los Angeles World Airports. File No. c. Approve the use of the following raters for the evaluation of Training and Experience Questionnaires. BACKGROUND INVESTIGATOR Sam CATALFAMO, Rafael CASILLAS, and Thomas WARD, Background Investigation Managers, Personnel Department. File No. d. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside City service in the open examination for CEMENT FINISHER. File No. e. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside City service in the open examination for COMMUNICATIONS INFORMATION REPRESENTATIVE. File No. f. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside the City service in the open competitive and interdepartmental promotional examination for OPERATIONS AND STATISTICAL RESEARCH ANALYST. File No. g. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of City employees and Interview Specialists in the interdepartmental promotional examination for SENIOR AUDITOR. File No. h. Approve the use of interview boards consisting of representatives from inside the City service in the open competitive and interdepartmental promotional examination for SENIOR FIRE STATISTICAL ANALYST. File No. i. Approve the use of performance boards consisting of representatives from inside City service in the open examination for STEAM PLANT ASSISTANT. File No. February 26, 2015agenda 8 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS NON-APPEARANCE ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS February 26, 2015 8. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS j. Approve the change of the test of fitness method in the interdepartmental promotional examination for SENIOR LIBRARIAN. The examination will be comprised of a weighted interview (100%). File No. k. Make the following Appeals a matter of record: Discharge Stephen GOFF, Clerk Typist, Department of Airports. Form 77 filed with Records on February __, 2015. Cause of Action: 1) Violation of Department Rule by driving a privately owned vehicle into a maintenance yard to gain access to the fuel pump system; 2) Tested positive for a controlled substance in a reasonable suspicion drug or alcohol test; 3) Violation of and administrative order to not enter Department property without prior approval when accessed the LAWA Police Building while on administrative leave; 4) Giving false or misleading statements during an Internal Affairs interview. Discipline: Discharge effective February 7, 2015. In accordance with Charter Section 1016, the Appellant filed an appeal in the Office of the Commission on February 10, 2015. File No. l. Make the following Notices a matter of record: Suspensions AUTO BODY PAINTER, Los Angeles Police Department. Form 77 filed with Records on February 9, 2015. Cause of Action: 1) On or about December 25, 2013, while off duty, employee operated a private vehicle while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage; 2) On or about December 25, 2013, the employee did not have a valid driver’s license as required by his job classification of Auto Body Painter, causing his work assignment to be restricted. Discipline: Suspension effective February 23, 2015 to March 20, 2015, inclusive (20Working Days). ELECTRICAL CRAFT HELPER, Department of Water & Power. Form 77 filed with Records on February 9, 2015. Cause of Action: Reporting for duty unfit for work due to the use of drugs or alcohol. Discipline: February 26, 2015agenda Suspension effective February 9, 2015 to February 20, 2015, inclusive (10Working Days). 9 BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS NON-APPEARANCE ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS February 26, 2015 9. CLASSIFICATION ACTIONS The General Manager recommends the Board approve the following Classification actions: 1. Allocate the following new positions in the Information Technology Agency, as indicated: CSC No. No. of Positions Class Title and Code 2110 1 Systems Programmer, 1455 2111 1 Data Base Architect, 1470 2112 1 Programmer Analyst, 1431 2. Allocate the following new positions in the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation, as indicated: CSC No. No. of Positions Class Title and Code 2113 1 Solid Resources Manager, 4126 2114 1 Solid Resources Manager, 4126 2115 1 Chief Environmental Compliance Inspector, 4289 2116 1 Industrial Hygienist, 2330 2117 1 Geographic Information Systems Specialist, 7213 2118 1 Senior Clerk Typist, 1368 2119 1 Senior Management Analyst, 9171 2120 1 Programmer Analyst, 1431 2121 1 Programmer Analyst, 1431 2122 1 Data Base Architect, 1470 2123 1 Environmental Specialist, 7310 3. Allocate the following new positions in the Joint System of the Department of Water and Power, as indicated: DWP No. No. of Positions DDR No. Class Title and Code 4564 1 95-91032 Fleet Services Manager, 9103 4565 1 95-91051 Utility Administrator, 9105 4566 1 94-11030 Systems Programmer, 1455 4. Allocate the following new position in the Power System of the Department of Water and Power, as indicated: DWP No. No. of Positions DDR No. Class Title and Code 4562 1 95-34401 Asbestos Supervisor, 3440 5. Allocate the following new position in the Water System of the Department of Water and Power, as indicated: DWP No. No. of Positions DDR No. Class Title and Code 4563 1 93-91251 Management Analyst, 9184 File No. COMMISSION ACTION: 10. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at: February 26, 2015agenda 10
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