MARCH 2015 BULLETIN PASTOR Father Terence Kilcoyne 978-456-3563 DEACON Rev. Mr. Court Shields 978-660-7989 PARISH SECRETARY Kathy Brule 978-456-3563 BOOKKEEPER Janet Hammonds 781-639-4990 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DIRECTORS Lorraine Childs - Harvard site 978-456-8807 Alice Gaffney - Bolton site 978-779-0551 Office Hours: 10 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Monday & Tuesday and by appointment - Call or email any time. For Safe Environment CORI information call the rectory. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS - RCIA Coordinator Deacon Court Shields 978-660-7989 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES Stephen Sonia 978-365-2921 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES Maryann Zayka 978-779-6536 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 P.M. St. Theresa Church Sunday Masses 8:45 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 5:00 P.M. St. Theresa Church St. Francis Xavier Church St. Theresa Church IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE: WHEN THERE ARE NO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES ON SUNDAY EVENINGS THERE IS NO 5:00 P.M. MASS ON SUNDAY. This will be announced at Mass the week prior. Weekday Liturgical Schedule 9:00 A.M. Mass Monday & Tuesday in Harvard, Wednesday in Bolton 9:00 A.M. Communion Service Thursday in Harvard followed by the Rosary Friday in Bolton followed by STATIONS OF THE CROSS During Lent Holy Day Masses As Announced CONFESSIONS AT ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH Mondays 4:30 - 6:30 P.M. CONFESSIONS AT ST. THERESA CHURCH Saturdays 4:00 - 4:30 P.M. and by appointment BAPTISMS Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. MARRIAGES Arrangements one year prior to the wedding RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday 9:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. PASTORAL PLANNING COMMITTEE (PPC) Father Terence Kilcoyne 978-456-3563 John Diefenbach 978-779-5101 Tom LaMattina 978-456-8236 Meg O’Leary 978-779-9883 Bob Smetana 978-456-3607 Tom Starr 978-779-5159 Terry Symula 978-456-3109 St. Francis Xavier Church 808 Main Street Bolton, MA 01740 PASTORAL CENTER 15 Still River Road, P.O. Box 746 Harvard, Massachusetts 01451 Phone 978-456-3563 Fax 978-456-8352 PARISH WEB SITE: St. Theresa, The Little Flower Church 17 Still River Road Harvard, MA 01451 PARISH EMAIL: BULLETIN FOR MARCH 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29, 2015 New Parishioners Mission Statement New residents of Bolton and Harvard are always welcome to join our Parish. Please stop by the Pastoral Center at 15 Still River Road in Harvard or call 978-456-3563. Once a Parish Registration is completed you may register your son or daughter for Religious Education at the Religious Education Office. You may also download the Parish Registration form by visiting our website at Nourished by the Word of God and the Eucharist, we create a fully-engaged Catholic community of faith, hope and love. Inspired by the Holy Trinity, we use our time, talent and treasure to carry out Christ’s mission by doing small things with great love and big things with great courage. Saint Francis Xavier Church, Bolton DATE Sun., March 1 Sun., March 8 Sun., March 15 Sun., March 22 Palm Sunday Sun., March 29 TIME 10:45 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 10:45 A.M. CELEBRANT Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne INTENTIONS Edith Ryder The People of Holy Trinity Parish 10:45 A. M. Father Kilcoyne Edith Ryder The People of Holy Trinity Parish Saint Theresa, The Little Flower Church, Harvard DATE Sat., Feb. 28 Sun., March 1 TIME 5:00 P.M. 8:45 A.M. 5:00 P.M. CELEBRANT Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Sat., March 7 Sun., March 8 5:00 P.M. 8:45 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Sat., March 14 Sun., March15 5:00 P.M. 8:45 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Sat., March 21 Sun., March 22 5:00 P.M. 8:45 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne 5:00 P.M. 8:45 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Father Kilcoyne Palm Sunday Sat., March 28 Sun., March 29 INTENTIONS The People of Holy Trinity Parish Repent, and Reverend Normand R. Gaumond (10th Anniv.) believe Edith Ryder in the The People of Holy Trinity Parish Gospel. Edith Ryder The People of Holy Trinity Parish WEEKDAY LITUGICAL SCHEDULE 9:00 A.M. MASS Monday & Tuesday in Harvard & Wednesday in Bolton COMMUNION SERVICE Thursday in Harvard followed by the Rosary Friday in Bolton with STATIONS OF THE CROSS DATE Mon., Mar. 2 Tues., Mar. 3 Wed., Mar. 4 Mon., Mar. 9 Tues., Mar. 10 Wed. , Mar. 11 Harvard Harvard Bolton Harvard Harvard Bolton MASS INTENTIONS Toni Hunt William Sydlowski Doris Johnston Anthony Saccardo DATE Mon., Mar. 16 Tues., Mar. 17 Wed., Mar.18 MASS INTENTIONS Harvard Irene O’Rourke Harvard Bolton Naomi Murtha Mon., Mar. 23 Tues., Mar.24 Wed., Mar.25 Harvard Harvard Bolton Robert Brochu Mon., Mar. 30 Tues., Mar. 31 Wed., Apr. 1 Harvard Barbara May Harvard Virginia Lee Bolton Deadline for April bulletin is Thurs., Mar. 26. SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT AND PALM SUNDAY 15th Annual Worcester Men’s Conference All men are invited to this important annual Conference, scheduled for Worcester’s DCU Center, on Saturday, March 21, 2015. Hear dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic leaders, including EWTN's 'Catholic Answers Live' host Patrick Coffin, athlete and sports interviewer Ron Meyer, and ex-Methodist mega-church pastor Allen Hunt, among others. Priests will hear confessions if you'd like at lunch time, and there will be booths with books, CD's and religious articles available. Bishop McManus will then offer Mass, and we'll be home around 5:30. For further information, tickets and registration, visit the website - Once again we'll be carpooling, so let Tom Starr know you'll be going at Give one day for God. How many has He given you? SUNDAY COLLECTION REPORT Sunday Envelope Offerings February $6,034.00 Second Collections Catholic Home Missions Parish Improvements Annual Fuel Collection $674.00 $748.00 $500.00 Parish Pay Transactions for February Regular & 2nd Collections $5,755.00 ELECTRONIC GIVING 1-866-PARISH1 (727-4741). March Second Collections Parish Improvements March 8 Catholic Relief Services March 22 Easter Flowers March 29 Thank you for your faithful and generous support to our parish’s operational budget. This winter’s weather has taken a toll on all of us. And, our parish is no exception. With low Mass attendance on the weekends our collections have been down. We’ve had to deal with excessive snow removal at both of our sites. If it is possible to make up for lost Sundays it would help a great deal in maintaining our budget. Those who contribute electronically either with Parish Pay or with their personal banking, your donations arrive on a regular basis, whether you attend Mass, or not. This means of parish support is reliable and dependable not matter that the weather or circumstances. Thank you! If you would like a copy of your parish year-end contribution summary for 2014, please call the parish office. Those who give electronically may obtain it directly from Parish Pay. BIBLE STUDY MONDAYS AT 7:00 P.M. DEACON HALL LIBRARY We are studying the Gospel of Mark. All are welcome to join at any time. If you have any questions, please contact Connie Grabowy at 978-456-6822. WOMEN'S PRAYER & STUDY GROUP Thursdays at 7:30 P.M. Deacon Hall Library For more information please contact Angela Gaffney at or 508.878.2322 with any questions. Join us for COFFEE SHOP Sunday mornings after the 8:45 Mass in Harvard when there are rel. ed. classes. Come down to Deacon Hall where you can enjoy a cup of java, some goodies and fellowship with other parishioners. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PASTA SUPPER Sat., Mar. 7, 2015 after the 5 P.M. Mass In Deacon Hall, Harvard Come join the Knights for a delicious supper with fellow parishioners and friends. Pasta, meatballs, sausages, salad, bread, drinks and dessert! A free-will offering is always appreciated. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which adults who are looking to explore the Catholic faith do so with the prayers of our whole parish community, prayer for our own journey and the journey of others. We have pamphlets in the back of both churches which give a brief overview of the R.C.I.A. process, for you or a family member of friend who might be interested in finding out more about our faith. The process always begins with simple inquiry. Inquiry can begin with just a phone call or email. Please contact Deacon Court Shields for more information at 978-660-7989 or During the Lenten season you will receive correspondence from Bishop McManus and the Diocese of Worcester about the 2015 Annual Partners in Charity Campaign. A letter from Father Kilcoyne regarding our parish goal in this campaign is also forthcoming. Holy Trinity Parish 2015 Take 5 Lenten Program TUESDAY EVENINGS All programs begin at 7:00 P.M. The Many Ways We Pray St. Theresa, the Little Flower Church, Harvard March 3 + March 10 + March 17 + March 24 You’ll find brochures with the Lenten Program details at the church entrance. SOUP & BREAD SUPPER Before each Take 5 Lenten Program there will be a simple supper with soup and bread at 6 P.M. in Deacon Hall. All are welcome! We need more soup makers and bread and beverage donations. Please contact Carol Lee Tonge at or 978-456-8512. FROM THE BENCH - This Lent, our Music Director, Steve Sonia, is continuing the CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE HYMN program to raise money for our food pantries. Envelopes are in the pews and more information and a hymn index is on the parish website. Please consider this worthwhile Lenten program. LENTEN RICE BOWLS Daylight Savings Time Begins March 8. Be sure to set your clocks ahead 1 hour. A Glimpse Into Holy Week PALM SUNDAY - March 29 Regular Weekend Mass Schedule The 5 o’clock Mass on Palm Sunday will be the last Sunday 5 P.M. Mass for this season. Your sacrifice helps to support CRS Catholic Relief Service programs throughout the world. The Rice Bowls at the church entrance. HOLY THURSDAY - April 2 Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 P.M. in Harvard Adoration Will Follow In Deacon Hall Library Until Dawn. There will be sign up sheets are in the back of the Church if you wish to participate. An Attitude of Gratitude GOOD FRIDAY - April 3 3:00 P.M. Biblical Stations of the Cross Harvard 3:30 P.M. Procession of the Cross From Harvard To Bolton 7:00 P.M. Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion Bolton Many thanks to Father Kilcoyne, Deacon Court and our entire parish staff for their support, and to all who have remembered me while I’ve been recuperating with my new knee. Your well-wishes, cards, meals, and mostly your prayers have helped tremendously with my recovery. I would be remiss in not thanking one person in particular who willingly and efficiently came to the plate to help out in the parish office in my absence - Sally Dancause. To her, I am ever so grateful. And, because I respect her privacy and her wishes to remain behind the scenes I won’t go any further. Thank you, again, one and all. Holy Lent. Happy Spring! Gratefully, Kathy Brule, Your Parish Secretary EASTER VIGIL - Saturday, April 4 7:30 P.M. Harvard EASTER SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE - April 5 The Resurrection of the Lord 8:30 A.M. Bolton 8:45 A.M. Harvard 10:30 A.M. Bolton 11:00 A.M. Harvard Congratulations to Our Confirmation Class 2015 Holy Trinity Parish The Sacrament of Confirmation - March 7, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. St. John, the Guardian of Our Lady Church, Clinton MA Matthew Joseph Adiletta Spencer Raphael Akers Anna Catherine Armstrong Kaeli Hope Armstrong Jonathan Walter Aube Nicolas Michael Bibbo* Trevor James Brown David Honoratus Combs Christopher Michael Culkins Meredith Elizabeth Curran Killian Blaise Cyrs Joseph Wright Richard D’Amore Toni Maria Day Kirsten Theresa Diefenbach Olivia Adele Ek* Sadie Catherine Flanagan John William Gaffney Colin Albert Grant Joseph Vincent Hershberger Joshua Constantine Lieb Benjamin John Ludwick *Will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Isidore Parish in Stow on Sat., May 31, 2015 **Finished program but moved away before the ceremony. First Communion Retreats Harvard - Sat., Mar. 14 - 9:30 -11:30 A.M. Bolton - Sat., Mar. 21 - 9:30 - 11:30 A.M. Last Classes for Harvard Last Classes for Bolton Grade K - Sun., Mar. 22 Grade 4 - Mon., Mar. 23 Grade 8 - Sun., Mar. 22 Grade 1 - 7 Sun., Mar. 29 Grade K, 7 & 8 See Separate Calendar on Web Site Grades 1-3 Sun., Mar. 29 Grades 4-8 Mon., Mar. 30 Grade 9 Harvard/Bolton Sun., Mar. 29 The Fifth Graders will be having a BAKE SALE immediately following the 8:45 A.M. & 5:00 P.M. Masses in Deacon Hall on Sunday, March 1st. The proceeds will benefit the River Terrace Rehabilitation Center in Lancaster. We are looking to buy art supplies for their Arts and Crafts activities. ATTENTION: Mariel Catherine MacAskill Trevor John Manyak Benjamin Nicholas Marinellli Megan Elizabeth Rose McGrory Ethan Philip Neri Missaggia Joseph Edward Mitchell Kenneth John Morin Alexis Isabelle Norcross Meaghan Mercedes Parlee Nathaniel Peter Porteus Isabelle Adelaide Quinn Nicholas Nicholas Riddle Andrew Francis Romasco Hannah Martha Roth Michael John Roy Madison Sandler** Riley Francis Sennot Matias Matthew Smalanskas William Harrison Sprague Madeleine Bridget Steele Michael Gabriel Steranka Emma Anne Stoffel Grace Bernedette Turnbull Mike Martin Wiederkehr Middle School Rally for 8th Graders -All eighth graders in the Holy Trinity Parish Religious Education Program will be attending a diocesan middle school rally held at St. John’s H.S. in Shrewsbury on Sat., Mar. 21st from 12:30 - 5:30 P.M. Lorraine Childs and Alice Gaffney will be coordinating rides for this event. Please contact one of them for more information. Contact info. is on the front of this bulletin. St. Ambrose Religious Education Summer Week Program July 27 -31 in Deacon Hall at St. Theresa Church in Harvard. Letters have been mailed to all families of all 8th & 9th graders concerning this program. For the 2015-2016 school year, 10th graders (Confirmation Year) will meet from 8-12 and the 9th graders will meet from 1 -5 every day. Limit 25 per grade. Those not attending the summer program may attend the Sunday evening classes Sept. 2015 - March 2016. Please contact Alice Gaffney for more information. PARISH HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS - AWARDS - Applications for the annual parish awards will be in the backs of both churches and on the parish website by the first weekend in March. Completed applications are due April 30th. CELEBRATIONS - SAVE THE DATES Sunday, March 15th - Brunch at 12:15 P.M. Saturday, May 30th - Baccalaureate Mass & Reception Personal invitations will be sent for each accordingly. If you do not receive an invitation, contact Jean Walsh at or 978-456-8056 so we can add your name to the guest list. HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC PARISH Pastoral Center P. O. Box 746 Harvard, Massachusetts 01451 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Harvard, MA 01451 Permit #26 Mailing Label MARCH 2015 BULLETIN Please remember in your Prayers... Carmen Del Rosario, Peter Johnston, Virginia “Ginny” Pizzarella, Teresa Furmanick, Dick Lahue, Bryce Goudreau, Sophie Fitek-Baj, Nabil Jarudi, Catherine Johnson, Kate Andrews, April Dreschmeyer, Rev. Richard Jones, Craig Stine, Bill and Connor Mead, Kate King, Theresa Bastine, Lorraine and Richard Tonry, Patty Babbit, Christian Williams, Caroline Reinsch, Bill, Mary Jo and Kevin White, Jenny Sroka, Liz Dale, Rita and Fred Lorenz, Michelle Blackmore, Dennis Huaman, Aileen and Cameron Routh, Jody Newman, Ryan Nelson, Joseph DeRosa, Mary Andrews, Ed and Ginger White, The Duffeys, Robert Wudlick, Carol McCoy, LeeAnn Brennan, Theresa Poitras, Luke Sweeney, Alex DiBuono, Kristen Barrett, Daryl Pelland, Ian MacLellan. We pray for all men and women in our armed forces. Please remember Sean Elliott, Marine pilot, recently deployed. With grateful hearts, we thank them for their service to our country and for protecting our freedom. Condolences …to Jody Newman and family on the death of her half sister, Georganne Cole; Thomas Moran and family on the death of his mother, Margaret Moran. May the souls of all our faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Congratulations Frank and Kerri Nash on the baptism of their daughter, Sienna Marie. Welcome to our parish family. Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Saturdays at 9 A.M. Deacon Hall Library St. Theresa Church, Harvard MA Happy - Joyous - Free Harvard PHP - Parents Helping Parents Support Group Meets Sundays 3:00 - 4:30 P.M. Deacon Hall Library St. Theresa Church 17 Still River Rd., Harvard MA Facilitator contact: Joe at 978-798-2190 MUSTARD SEED Thurs., March 26 Please bring your fully cooked food in an oven-proof, disposable container to Deacon Hall kitchen by 4 P.M. that day. For more information about this ministry, please contact Jim and Pat DeZutter at 978-456-8310 or
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