CALLING ALL ALL CALLING EXHIBITORS TO TO EXHIBITORS INVITATION GLOBAL EXPO GLOBAL EXPO TO TENDER BOTSWANA 2014 2014 BOTSWANA Botswana Trade CentrePRINTING wishes to invite be distributed. TENDER Investment No. BITC and 017/2014-15 AND nor will any telephonic, telex, facsimile or elecBotswana Investment andfor Trade CentreOPPOR(BITC),will willthis this year fromwill thebe 17th tothe theby 19th November Botswana Investment Trade (BITC), year from the 17th to 19th November reputable companies to tender the Centre following; No liability accepted BITC for loss or late Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC), will this year from the 17th to the 19th November PUBLISHING OF THREE (3)and BITC REGIONAL tronic mail submissions. 2014 host the ninth edition of the premier business to business (b2b) multi-sectorial, Global Expo 2014 host the ninth edition of the premier business to business (b2b) multi-sectorial, Global 2014 host the ninth edition of the premier business to business (b2b) multi-sectorial, Global Expo delivery of tender documents. TUNITIES MAPPING STUDY REPORTS No electronic copies of the Tender Expo Document Botswana in Gaborone, Botswana. This major trade and investment platform offers an exciting opBotswana in Gaborone, Botswana. This major trade and investment platform offers an exciting opBotswana in Gaborone, Botswana. This major trade and investment platform offers an exciting opTENDER 025/2014-15 OF Ashall pre-bidding meeting will be held on Thursday, Reputable NO. Companies are invitedPROVISION for printing and be distributed. portunity to do business in one of Africa’s most stable and fastest growing economies. portunity to do business in one of Africa’s most stable and fastest growing economies. portunity to do business in one of Africa’s most stable and fastest growing economies. INSURANCE SERVICES FOR Opportunities BOTSWANA March 12, 2015 at accepted 10h00 at the above publishing of three (3) BITC Regional No liability will be by BITC formentioned loss or late INVESTMENT AND TRADE CENTRE address. Mapping Study Reports delivery of tender documents. Overviewof ofGlobal GlobalExpo ExpoBotswana Botswana2014 2014 Overview Overview of Global Expo Botswana 2014 The two envelope submission method shall be Venue:Botswana BotswanaConference Conference&&&Exhibition ExhibitionCentre, Centre,Fairgrounds, Fairgrounds,Gaborone, Gaborone,Botswana Botswana ••• Venue: Venue: Botswana Conference Exhibition Centre, Fairgrounds, Gaborone, Botswana Full details, requirements requirementsand andspecifications specifications will Full details, will be used. Theme:‘Enhancing ‘Enhancingthe thebusiness businesslandscape landscapethrough through FDIand andExports’ Exports’ ••• Theme: FDI Theme: ‘Enhancing the business landscape through FDI and Exports’ be provided in the Tender Documents that be BITC the right to request for a visits provided in the Tender Documents thatmeetings can can be obAreserves pre-bidding meeting will be held onsite Tuesday, Business matchmaking, pre-set meetings andsite site visits ••• Business matchmaking, pre-set and visits Business matchmaking, pre-set meetings and site visits th obtained from the address below: before the award of any tender. February 2015 at 10:00am at the above tained from the address below: 10 Exhibition ••• Exhibition Exhibition mentioned address. Investment&&&Trade TradeConference Conferenceon onthe the17th 17thand and18th 18th November 2014:Topics Topics“Establishment “Establishment ••• Investment November 2014: Investment Trade Conference on the 17th and 18th November 2014: Topics “Establishment THE All interested bidders be PPADB BITC reserves themust right to registered request forwith aOutsite visit THESECRETARY SECRETARY ofdata datacenters centersin inBotswana; Botswana;Botswana’s Botswana’scompetitiveness competitiveness ranking; Business Process Outof ranking; Business Process Outof data centers in Botswana; Botswana’s competitiveness ranking; Business Process BITC COMMITTEE under the following code(s) before the award of any tender. (PPPs); BITCTENDER TENDER COMMITTEE Public Private Partnerships (PPPs);EmEmsourcing (BPO)/CallCentre CentreIndustry Industryin inBotswana; Botswana; Public Private Partnerships sourcing (BPO)/Call Public Private Partnerships (PPPs); Emsourcing (BPO)/Call Centre Industry in Botswana; clusters/hubs& &Africa AfricaGrowth Growth ployment creation; Special EconomicZones Zones(SEZ); (SEZ);Economic Economicclusters/hubs ployment creation; Special Economic PLOT CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, ployment creation; Special Economic Zones (SEZ); Economic clusters/hubs & Africa Growth PLOT54351, 54351, CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, and Opportunity Act (AGOA)” . and Opportunity Act (AGOA)” . and Opportunity Act (AGOA)” . GABORONE PPADB Registration: Code 127Insurance & Pension All interested bidders must be registered with PPADB GABORONE • Centre for the Development of Enterprise (CDE) to run a public-private dialogue titled “Botswa• Centre for the Development of Enterprise (CDE) to run a public-private dialogue titled “Botswa• Centre for the Development of Enterprise (CDE) to run a public-private dialogue titled “BotswaPRIVATE Sub-code: Brokerage Services under the 06 following code(s) PRIVATEBAG BAG00445 00445 November2014, 2014,parallel parallelto tothe the nabeef beefvalue valuechain: chain:from fromassets assetsto toinvestment” investment” onthe the19 19thththNovember na on November 2014, parallel to the na beef value chain: from assets to investment” on the 19 GABORONE PPADB Registration: GABORONE main conference. main conference. main conference. TELEPHONE: The documents may be collected on or after Codetender 213: General Manufacturers/ Producers TELEPHONE:3633354/ 3633354/3633369 FAX: 3633369 FAX:3170452 3170452 th Email: the 27 February 2015 between the hours of 08:00 Sub Code: - 4 Printing Services Email: WhyGlobal GlobalExpo ExpoBotswana? Botswana? Why Why Global Expo Botswana? hours to 12:30 hours and 14:30 to 16:30 hours Contact Person: Botho Nkawana or Tshomarelo Contact Person: Botho Nkawana or Tshomarelo between Monday and Fridays (working days) Tender documents are obtainable at afrom feethe of Tshegang Attractforeign foreigndirect directinvestment. investment. ••• Attract Attract foreign direct investment. Tshegang above address. BWP500.00. Promotejoint-venture joint-ventureopportunities opportunitiesbetween betweencitizens citizensand andforeign foreigninvestors. investors. ••• Promote Promote joint-venture opportunities between citizens and foreign investors. The tender documents mayof beentrepreneurship collected on or locally. after Stimulate culture of entrepreneurship locally. ••• Stimulate aaaculture Stimulate culture of entrepreneurship locally. CONDITIONS FORexports ALL TENDERS documents are obtainable at a fee of January 2015 between the hours ofgoods. 08:00 Tender Tender Submission the 28 Promote exports oflocally-produced locally-produced goods. •••th Promote of Promote exports of locally-produced goods. BWP500.00. hours•••to Promote 12:30 hours and to 16:30market hoursfor beTenders shall be submitted in plain and sealed enPromote access to14:30 theBotswana Botswana market forinternational international exhibitors. access to the exhibitors. Promote access to the Botswana market for international exhibitors. BITCMonday reservesand theFriday right (working to acceptdays) or reject tween from any the velopes or packages marked TENDER NO. BITC Global Expo Botswana Services Global Expo Services Global Expo Botswana Services bid; and is not Botswana bound to accept the lowest or any Tender Submission above address. 017/2014-15 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OF tender or assign reasons for the acceptance or Tender documents and all OPPORTUNITIES supporting documents THREE (3) BITC REGIONAL MAPModular booth systems ••• Modular systems Modular booth systems rejection ofFOR anybooth tender. shall submitted in plain and sealed envelopes CONDITIONS ALL THE TENDERS PINGbe STUDY REPORTS Internet andEmail Email facilities and wireless internet ••• Centre Internet and facilities wireless internet Internet and Email facilities and wireless internet The reserves theto right notand to proceed or packages marked TENDER NO. BITC 024/2014BITC reserves the right accept or reject anywith bid; • Exhibitors’ lounges • Exhibitors’ lounges • Exhibitors’ lounges and may cancel the envisaged tender without INSURANCE SERVICES FOR and is not bound to accept the lowest or any ten- 15 ThePROVISION deadline for OF submission of tenders shall be on Conferenceand andseminar seminarfacilities. facilities. ••• Conference Conference and seminar facilities. th providing any reasons reason. for the acceptance or rejec- BOTSWANA INVESTMENT AND TRADE CENTRE February 2015 at 10:00 am. der or assign the 25 Governmentdepartment departmentfacilitators. facilitators. ••• Government Government department facilitators. th The submitted proposal tion any tender. Business dayinvitations invitations shall under no Tenders delivered after the deadline of the 30 March ••• of Business day Business day invitations circumstances be returned to the bidders. 2015 at 10:00 hoursafter will not accepted. Tenders delivered thebe deadline will not be acThe reserves the right not to proceed with Complimentary exhibitors’ handbook and catalogue ••• Centre Complimentary exhibitors’ handbook and catalogue Complimentary exhibitors’ handbook and catalogue Proposals received or delivered after the above cepted. Tenders shall be opened immediately afand cancelwith the tender. Assistance withenvisaged VISAapplications. applications. ••• may Assistance VISA Assistance with VISA applications. mentioned date proposal and time shall will not be considered shall be openedatimmediately after 10:00 ter submission deadline the BITC Head office, in The submitted under no circum- Tenders th nor will telephonic, telex, facsimile or hours on the 30 Marchon 2015 at the BITC office, the ofTsheko bidders or any representatives who stances beany returned to and the Formore more information andbidders. bookings, pleasecontact contact Mrpresence Dipopego Tsheko on Tel: (+267) 363Head 3345, please Mr Dipopego Tel: For information bookings, (+267) 363 3345, For more information and bookings, please contact Mr Dipopego Tsheko on Tel: (+267) 363 3345, Cell:(+267) (+267) 72263725 orEmail Cell: 72263725 or electronic mail submissions. the presence of bidders or any representatives who Cell: (+267) 72263725 or Email choose to attend. Proposals received or delivered after the above in No electronic copies of the Tender Document shall choose to attend. mentioned date and time will not be considered
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